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1 Wearable Sensors Project Proposal Josh Handley Rosy Logioia Gouri Shintri Clay Smith February 9, 2004 CPSC 483


Wearable SensorsProject Proposal

Josh HandleyRosy LogioiaGouri ShintriClay Smith

February 9, 2004CPSC 483


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3a. Problem Background 3b. Needs Statement 3c. Goals and Objectives 4

2. Method of Solution 4a. Literature and Technical Survey 4b. Design Constraints and Feasibility 5c. Evaluation of Alternative Solutions 5d. Statement of Work 6

i. Proposed Design 6 ii. Approach for Design Validation 8 iii. Economic Analysis and Budget 8 iv. Schedule of Tasks: Pert and Gantt Charts 8

e. Project Management and Team Work 8f. Societal, Safety, and Environmental Analysis 10g. Appendices 12

i. Bibliography 12 ii. CV/Qualifications of Team Members 14 iii. Pert and Gantt Charts 18 iv. Product Datasheets 21



Problem BackgroundWearable computers and affective computing is becoming one of the mostinteresting and complicated topics of computer human interaction. It involvesvarious fields of study, such as computer science, psychology and physiology.Even though the literature on the subject is still at its primal stages, manyprojects are underway to discover the link between psychological states andphysiological responses of the human body. The main concept is to decipher ifour brain processes an emotion before the physiological response or vice versa.In other words, the question is if the emotion is experienced before thephysiological change or if the physiological response is translated into anemotion by the brain. Psychologists first looked into the subject and manytheories were formulated, many of which clash with each other. Now, thanks tothe advances in technology, computer scientists have decided to throwthemselves into the mix to try to solve the mystery. At the beginning, the mainconcern for computing was to create instruments that would correctly measurethe physiological changes in a body. For that reason computer scientistscollaborated and borrowed from the medical field. They used variousinstruments, such as electromyogram, or respiratory sensor. Eventually, withtime, those instruments became small enough so that more than one sensorcould be attached on a person to measure their physiological changes. Theseare the most recent studies that, NASA and the MIT Labs for instance, havebeen embarking on. However, the subjects of the experiments are usuallycovered with multiple wires to register every little change that occurs on theirbodies while they are performing a series of psychological and physiologicaltasks. The need to make those sensors less intrusive as possible has givenaffective computing a new goal: wireless wearable sensors. The ultimate goal ofthis technology is to monitor the physiological and emotional state of the humanbody and keep track of the data via a personal area network accessible tomedical personnel. There should be continuous and fast flow of information sothe proper care can be given in case of accidents, diseases, or psychologicalevaluation.

Needs StatementIn some of the international conferences on wearable computers, manyadvantages and disadvantages of affective computing have been emerging in thepast few years. In particular, there seems to be an issue about the level ofcomfort of the wearable computers. Some studies have concentrated on creatingsensors that could be inserted in pieces of clothing and finding presentablefabrics that can hide the wires and sensors. Others have stressed theincorporation of the sensors into everyday gadgets, such as backpacks orwatches. All the projects related to this topic seem to have in common theproblem of adding stress and the feeling of uneasiness during experiments. Inother words, the subjects undergoing the experiments are attached with multiplesensors, which are connected through multiple wires to bulky encoders and


microcontrollers, which then attach to a computer through huge connection units.If the goal is to analyze the emotional and physical levels of the human body andtheir response under certain situation, just the idea of being hooked up to allthose wires is enough to create distress and discourage the participation in suchexperiments, much less the need to ever want to incorporate that kind oftechnology in every day life. It is for this reason that we want to concentrate ourefforts in creating a wireless device that is not invasive, easy to use and integrateinto various objects such as watches or jewelry.

Goals and ObjectivesThe goal of our project is to design a device that will measure the blood volumepulse and the skin conductance of an individual who is undergoing a series oftasks. These measurements have to be transmitted wirelessly to a computerwhich will graph the information in real time. The tasks for the experiment will bedivided into physical and physiological: from continuous light physical activities tomore “brain involved” activities. The data collected by the device will be sentwirelessly to a computer which will display them in real time through a computergraphical interface. Our main concern is how we can transmit the data in themost efficient way. Some of the solutions we have considered use trans-receivers, microcontrollers, and already assembled wireless tools, such asBluetooth.

Method of Solution

Literature and Technical SurveyFor our project we researched what is already being done in the field.One of the first applications of wearable computers was done by Nasa to createa lightweight ambulatory physiological monitor system to be used during theSpacelab-J mission (STS-47) in space. The apparatus straps on your waist witha belt containing amplifiers, A/D converter, battery and microcontroller. Wirescome off of it to connect to the chest, arms and headband, and other parts of thebody. All the information are then available on a wrist watch unit which arevisible on liquid crystal display. The device measures blood volume, respiration,conductance and electrocardiography. More information can be found at:www.nasatech.com

Another source of research was provided by the project Rosalind Picard isworking on at the MIT Media Laboratory, along with other colleagues. Weconcentrated our attention on Affective Jewelry. They created an earring tomeasure blood volume pressure and a ring and bracelet and a shoe to measureskin conductance. We took inspiration from those projects and decide to utilizethe same idea but make it a wireless system. More information can be found at:http://affect.media.mit.edu/AC_research/projects/affective_jewelry.htmlhttp://www-white.media.mit.edu/tech-reports/TR-483/


We also checked out projects abroad and found a consortium of companiesfounded by the European Commission. Various companies belong to theconsortium each with a different area of expertise. For instance, WEALTHY’smain concern is with creating wearable computers embedded in clothing, orMOBIlearn, which has an interest in business oriented devices. For moreinformation you can check their websites at:http://www.mobilearn.org/index.phphttp://www.wealthy-ist.com/index.php?action=show_main_page

Another interesting site was the Wearable Group at Carnegie Mellon, a researchteam for the Carnegie institute of Technology. They currently have projects bothin hardware and software, such as the Itsy/Cue computer, a palm size computerto Arm Linux. They have a specific wearable group collaborating with Intel andDarpa to design wearable devices for almost every part of the body and to studythe flow movement of the human body in space and reproduce it on a computer.Their site is:http://www.wearablegroup.org/

Design Constraints and FeasibilityMany companies have produced sensors such as the blood volume pulse sensorand the galvanic skin conductance sensor. The real challenge is getting rid ofthe wires that almost always accompany them. To make a sensor wireless eachsensor’s signal must be distinguishable from any other signal. This means thatthe data must be transmitted on a unique frequency or be transmitted with anidentifier. The other problem in designing a wireless sensor is making it lowpower and low current, so that a small battery, for instance the size of a watchbattery, will be sufficient to supply the power needed. Another constraint is tomake the entire transmitting system as small as possible. We know that thisproject is very feasible because Bluetooth has already produced such a product.

Evaluation of Alternative SolutionsFor cost effective reasons, we researched to find out if it is better to buy thesensors or to make the sensors. It would be significantly cheaper to make thesensors. However, the cons outweigh the pros in this case. First, a significantamount of time would be spent researching and building the sensors. Whentesting the sensors, we would have to apply an electric shock which can beextremely dangerous if not done properly. Finally, the instruments need to becalibrated so measurements are based on some standard. Thought TechnologyLimited has offered to provide the sensors to the team at half price since this isan educational project. These sensors have been tested and calibrated and willbe ready for use when shipped.

The most secure and consequently probably the most expensive way to transmitthe data is using a Bluetooth Development kit, produced by Mistral. The chip thatis developed and produced by Mistral is about an inch and a half in size, whichmeets our size requirements. However, the chip is most likely expensive.


Unfortunately, the sales person is on vacation and could not be reached forfurther information on prices and chip specifications. Most likely, by using thissolution a microcontroller will be needed to transmit the data. Only onetransmitter chip and one receiver chip would be needed. A second alternativesolution to this problem is to transmit the data without using a microcontroller.This is feasible by using a transmitter and receiver produce by the companyLaipac. The TLP & RLP 434A are simple transmitters and receivers that transmitusing radio frequencies at 315 MHz, 418 MHz, and 433.92 MHz. To transmit thedata, an encoder and a decoder would be needed, such as the HT12E andHT12D. The problem with this solution is that there would need to be threetransmitters and three receivers. This causes strain on our transmitting sizeconstraints. However, it is a very simple solution.

With the microcontrollers, there is the option of using one microcontroller at thereceiving end or a microcontroller at the sending and receiving ends. In the caseof using one microcontroller, data is constantly read from all sensors andtransmitted wirelessly using separate TLP/RLP 434A transmitter/receiver pairsfor each sensor. The data received from each receiver is read into themicrocontroller’s flash memory. The data is then read into the computer. In thecase of using two microcontrollers, the sensors are polled at regular intervals,and the converted digital signal is stored in the sending microcontroller’s flashRAM. After the data is sent wirelessly, it is read into the flash of the receivingmicrocontroller, and then into the computer. The advantage of the first design isthat it only uses a microcontroller on the receiving end of the wireless connection.This makes the footprint of the worn device slightly smaller and thus lessobtrusive. It is also marginally less expensive, since only one microcontroller isneeded rather than two. There are several disadvantages to this design as well.First of all, it is not necessary to constantly transfer data. Receiving a constantstream of data only serves to multiply the timing issues that we will have to dealwith. To get useful information on the GUI side, we only need to poll the sensorsevery few milliseconds. If we do not use a microcontroller, we will only be able touse the TLP/RLP 434A transmitter/receiver. This pair can only operate on threefrequencies. Since we cannot combine signals from various sensors onto onetransmitter without a microcontroller, we would only be able to have a maximumof three sensors.

We will interface with the computer using the parallel port via Inpout32.dll.Inpout32.dll is a dynamic link library that may be used to easily control theoperation of the parallel port of a windows computer. The extra speed providedby USB is not necessary for a project with a data transfer rate of at most severalkB/s.

Statement of WorkProposed Design – Our proposed design is to use one Laipac transmission chip,the TLP 434A, and three Laipac receivers, the RLP 434A, as well as a singleencoder, HT12E, and three HT12D decoders. The transmitter and receivers are


approximately $10 each and the encoder and decoders are approximately $2.50.In order to accomplish this, we will use a microcontroller on both the transmittingand receiving ends. A microcontroller will be needed to set the address bits ofthe encoder and set the transmission bit. By choosing a small microcontroller,the size constraints can be met while keeping the cost low. The slightly extracost of using two microcontrollers is justified by the added flexibility provided bythe microcontroller on the receiving end. There are 8 address bits which allowsthere to be 256 unique addresses which allows for greater production of theproduct without interference from two devices that have the same addresses. AnA/D converter, already embedded into the microcontroller, will be needed totranslate the signal from analog to digital. The schematics are pictured below.Figures 1 and 2 show the physiological sensors that will be bought from ThoughtTechnology Limited.

Figure 1. Figure 2. Blood Volume Pulse Sensor Skin Conductance Sensor

Laipac has published an application circuit which uses the TLP & RLP 434A andHT12E & HT12D. This validates that these parts are compatible with each other.The data sheet of the HT12E encoder states that it will transmit when the triggerpin, TE, is set. The microcontroller can set the address bits and tell the A/Dconverter to set the data bits, and then trigger the encoder to transmit the data.Figure 3 shows how the transceivers work in conjunction with microcontrollers.

Figure 3.


Approach for Design Validation – Many factors went into decision of finalizing ourdesign. After gathering information about feasibility, costs, and communicationbetween devices, we opted to start from a simple design, prototype it, and, afterevaluation, if we feel confident about it we could expend it and improve it.First of all, we agreed on buying the sensors to measure the galvanic skinconductance and the blood volume pulse. This decision came about for timing,economical, and liability reasons. Even though the two sensors will be expensivewe felt most of our time should be dedicated to the wireless communication partof the project; moreover, as previously mentioned the skin conductance involvesa low voltage, which if not calibrated correctly, could provide uneasiness for thesubject undergoing the experiment.

Next, we had the most complicated part to decide on: how to implement thewireless connection. Suggestions came from the TA to utilize the Bluetooth kit, awireless device, to connect to the USB port. Even though it is harder to interface,in the long run, it would be really useful to expand the technology, for instance byadding extra sensors. Ultimately, we found out the cost of the kit was way overthe budget at our disposal.

Also, we had to take into consideration not only the expendability, but also thesizes of the various objects we will be using to take into account the wearabilityof our project. We found that using transmitters and receivers would help thesize of our prototype even if we needed a few of them, and we had to incorporatedecoders and encoders in our design. We were able to find a microcontroller thatincludes an analog/digital converter, so that we can avoid using additional space,and it also provides better reliability in the transmittance of data to the computer.All of these components fit in the parallel port on the receiver end of our project,and allows for the design to expand adding extra sensors. Overall, we believeour design takes into consideration the size constraints imposed by the project,the reliability of capturing and transmitting data, the usability of the device andthe cost effectiveness of choosing certain products and still leaving space forextra or unexpected expenses.

Economic Analysis and Budget – The following tables show the budget for thedifferent options.

Wearable Sensors BudgetSensors BVP Sensor 1 $125.00 $125.00 Skin Conductance Sensor 1 $125.00 $125.00 TOTAL $250.00


Radio Frequency Part Quantity Price Total TLP 434A Transmitter 2 $10.00 $20.00 RLP 434A Receiver 4 $10.00 $40.00 HT12E Encoder 2 $2.30 $4.60 HT12D Decoder 4 $2.30 $9.20 C8051F015 Microchip 1 $22.44 $22.44 TOTAL $96.24

BlueTooth Part Quantity Price Total C8051F015 Microchip 1 $22.44 $22.44 Mistral Bluetooth Development Kit 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 TOTAL $15,022.44

Solution Totals Radio Frequency Radio Frequency Parts $96.24 Sensors $250.00 Miscellaneous $100.00 TOTAL $446.24 BlueTooth BlueTooth Parts $15,022.44 Sensors $250.00 Miscellaneous $100.00 TOTAL $15,372.44

If we follow the Radio Frequency solution, versus the BlueTooth solution, it willbe a savings of almost $15,000.

Schedule of tasks: Pert and Gantt Charts – These charts are provided on pages16 and 17, respectively.

Project Management and Team WorkThere were four clear cut parts to this project. Each person was assigned to apart of the project so the maximum amount of information could be researched.The following are the assignments made to each person on the team:

1. Clay: wireless components2. Josh: microcontrollers3. Gouri: sensors


4. Rosy: computer human interactionIn general, the four tasks will be the individual objectives. Each person will beexpected to become the expert of that part of the project. However, all teammembers will be educated in every aspect of the project.

After reviewing the curriculum vitae and qualifications, it was decided that Clayand Gouri have a better understanding of the hardware aspect of the project,whereas Josh and Rosy are more familiar with the software. So, while Clay andGouri supervise the construction of the prototype, Josh and Rosy will supervisethe GUI design. Clay, Gouri, and Josh will manage the testing of the finalprototype, and Rosy will design the tasks to be done by the test subjects. Allmembers of the group will take part in the actual human testing process andanalysis of the results. All will collaborate to complete any written assignmentssuch as the final and biweekly reports.

The design plan involves:• identifying the needs of the projects (wearable computers)• establishing requirements (bvp, skin conductance, wireless data

transmission)• providing alternative designs (trans-receiver or wireless chip);• building prototype• evaluating and testing prototype

These are the broad tasks that need to be completed for the project. The Pertand Gantt charts further describe the management of the project.

Societal, Safety, and Environmental AnalysisWearable computers are still in the prototype stage. Yet, computing companiesare putting financial and technological efforts into them because a market isopening up in various areas where computers are not easily used.We already mentioned the benefits it would have in the medical field: doctorscould have at their disposal not only current and detailed information about apatient, but also their medical and family history to act in a preventive way.Another area of public interest would be the use of wearable computers by lawenforcement and emergency services. It would definitely make it easier to gatherinformation and dispatch them in real time for crime or accident scenes and tocommunicate with emergency workers and hospitals in a more effective way.As we realized in the recent world events, in case of a war, wearable computerswould be extremely useful. The advantages would be to help monitor the positionof soldiers and monitor their health state in case of injuries, and also providebetter and faster communications with the command units. Another not soobvious sector that could make use of wearable computers is the industry. Somecompanies such as Bell Telephone Company in Canada tried out the integrationof wearable computers in their customer service support by providing theirtechnicians with hand free computers. The trial was a success in the sense thatthe computers were small enough not to interfere with the technicians job and cut


the time of answering customers’ calls by fifty minutes. (Sleeth C., Wilson L.,2002).

In terms of safety, we had to consider two phases: the construction of theprototype and the type of experiments. We made the decision to buy the sensorsfor blood volume pulse and skin conductance to avoid building them ourselvesand running into possible problems of running a voltage, though minimal, throughpeople’s skin and not doing it in the right way. To avoid liability we decided thatspending almost half of our budget was in our best interest. The other issuewhere safety comes into play is the physical data tracking of the experiments.Since it takes only minimal changes in our body to see a difference in the bloodpressure and conductance we will design a physical experiment of about thirtyminutes consisting of very light activities, such as jogging in place and sitting.We will pick three subjects whose age is in the twenties, thirties, forties andmore. Therefore, we will have to slightly adapt the physical exercise if anybodyfeels uncomfortable with the activities. We also took into consideration thesimple fact that we have to swap the devices between various people, and wecame to the conclusion that the best thing to do would be to swipe the device,specifically, the cuffs that will go around the fingers with sanitary cloths. After 50uses, the pads will need to be replaced if testing needs to be accurate.

As for the environment of our experiment, we decided it will be done in theclassroom and consequently, the prototype will be built to be utilized indoors andat a distance of not more than 50 to 100 feet away from a computer.In the phases of our project we will keep in mind the six attributes a wearablecomputer should have according to Steve Mann (1998), a leading researcher inwearable devices:

1. not monopolizing of the user’s attention2. not restrictive to the user3. observable by the user4. controllable by the user5. attentive to the environment6. communicative to others

If we follow these attributes, we will be going in the correct direction to makingwearable computers actually wearable.



BibliographyBeyond Logic. http://www.beyondlogic.org/.

Beyond Logic contains general information about interfacing with the USBand parallel ports.

Logix4U. http://www.logix4u.net/This site includes tutorials on interfacing with parallel ports in general,

using inpout32.dll to interface with the parallel port, and information on creatingdlls for windows.

Silicon Laboratories. http://www.silabs.com/Silicon Laboratories sells small multi-purpose microcontrollers and related

products needed to interface with them. We are using Silicon Laboratories topurchase two C8051F015 mixed-signal microcontrollers.

Affective Computing Research Areas. http://affect.media.mit.edu/AC_research/MIT Media Laboratory has several projects involving affective computing.

The most pertinent of these is the affective jewelry research project. They havedeveloped jewelry which measures human physiological signals.

Laipac. http://www.laipac.comLaipac sells GPS and wireless technology. We are using Laipac to

purchase TLP/RLP 434A wireless transmitters and receivers.

Golledge Electronics Frequency Control Products. http://www.golledge.com.Golledge sells frequency control products such as oscillators and crystals.

We are using Golledge to purchase a GXO-U102 oscillator.

Axelson, Jan. Parallel Port Complete: Programming, Interfacing & Using thePC'S Parallel Printer Port. Independent Publishers Group.

This book is a reference for using the parallel port. In addition, it includesseveral examples of projects done using the parallel port, including one thatinterfaces with analog sensors.

Picard, Rosalind. Affective computing. MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachussets.1997.

This book includes much information on the theory of affective computingand the conditions needed for it to be successfully put into practice.

Techniques in Psychophysiology. Edited by Irene Martin and Peter Venables .John Wiley & Sons, c1980. QP360T4.This book includes techniques for psychophysiological measurement of

human subjects. It is useful in determining the operation of the sensors.


Fundamentals of wearable computers and augumented reality. edited byWoodrow Barfield and Thomas Caudell. Electronic resource. LawrenceErlbaum Associates. Mahwah, NJ. 2000.This book examines the ideas and technologies necessary to more closely

bond humans and computers by using wearable computers.

7th International Symposium on Wearable Computers. IEEE online resource.October 21-23, 2003.Topics at this symposium included applications of wearable computing,

hardware involved with wearable computing, human interfaces, socialimplications, and the future of wearable computing.


Josh Handley

Permanent Address128 DarlingtonHuntsville, AL35801

Local AddressPO Box 5787College Station, TX77844(979) [email protected]

Education Texas A&M UniversityBachelor of Science, Computer Engineering(CPSC)Expected Graduation: Spring 20043.846 cumulative GPRTechnical Electives :Artificial Intelligence,Networks, Graphics

College Station, TXFall 2000 to Present

Projects For my Microcomputer Systems Design course, I created a system whichused an EB63 evaluation board – with MMLite installed – and the SOAPcommunication protocol to display text messages to an LCD. Thedemonstration of this included a Win32 Tetris clone which displayedvarious game statistics to the LCD.

Experience Nektar TherapeuticsIT Intern

Summer 2003

I designed and implemented a chemical procedure documentationdatabase - using MS SQL Server – and an application to modify it –using Visual Basic. In addition, I preformed various network andpersonal computer hardware troubleshooting activities.

Skills Software Knowledge:Proficient in Microsoft Operating Systems, MS Office, MS Visual StudioBasic knowledge of Xilinx ISE, MS SQL ServerProgramming Knowledge:Proficient in C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, MIPS32 Assembly, VerilogBasic knowledge of SQL

Honors Lechner Fellowship Scholarship, Director’s Excellence Award, Memberof Tau Beta Pi, Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon


Rosy Logioia – CPSC 483 Section 502Computer Engineering -- CECNe-mail: [email protected]: 979-691-6371

ELECTIVES:CPSC 310: DatabaseCPSC 436: Computer Human InteractionCPSC 463: Networking

INTERESTS:I would like to learn more about and become more familiar with computer humaninteraction; general web-related topics (servers, designing pages, etc.); networking;hardware.

SKILLS:C, C++, little JAVA, SQL, Verilog, Mips


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

9:35-10:50 CPSC 436 CPSC 43610:20-11:10 KINE 198 KINE 198

3:55-5:10 CPSC 463 CPSC 4634:10-7:00 CPSC 483 CPSC 483

GPA: 2.67


1) Robot learning + tactile whiskers.2) Navigate a maze.3) Hack Furby.4) Coff-e-mail.


Gouri Mallikarjun ShintriP.O. Box 4178 6619Escondido Dr.College Station, TX 77844 Houston, TX77083(832) 443-5169 (281) 933-6139

[email protected]_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Education GPA 3.3/4.0Technical Electives: Database Systems, Structured Programmingin Ada

Experience5/02 to Present Temporary Part-time Intern. Hewlett-Packard Company

Within the past year, I have led a team of 9 in testing productswhich involve exposure to networking, computer architecture, anddifferent operating systems. I have also had the opportunity to beinvolved in project management projects that deal with customerinteraction and budget forecasting. Currently, I am developingtroubleshooting and management skills as part of a mentoringactivity while continuing with the assignments listed above.

Skills Programming Languages: C, Java

Operating Systems: Worked with all Windows, most RedHatLinux,

SLES 7.0, Netware 5.0/5.1/6.0

Preference I would consider myself a hardware person because I have beenable to

understand it better than software. However, majority of mypractical experiences have been with software.

Top 4 Picks 1.Coff-e-mail, 2.Facial Tracking, 3.Circadian Circuits, 4.WearableSensor

Class Schedule CPSC 483 MW 410-500TR 320-530

CPSC 463 TR 355-510CPSC 485 To Be Announced



Richards, Texas 77873979-450-1714

[email protected]

Education Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Graduation May 2004B.S. in Computer EngineeringGPR 2.9Technical Electives:

• Computer Graphics• Independent Study on teaching students to add multimedia to

Java applications• Networking

Relevant Experience Web Page Designer

• Multi-layer three tier architecture• Users over the internet dynamically create, design, and edit a

web page• Project included Java applets, servlets, and mySQL database

GAMA Advertising Inc.• Approached advertising firm to integrate program into practice• Designed to track sales and automatically produce reports• Implemented using Java Swing GUI• Independent project that is currently in testing phase

IP Communications IT Technician Summer andWinter of 2000

• Developed the Network Operations Control Center (NOCC)department web page

• Updated hardware, software, and trouble shot user problemsOtherExperience Union Grove Baptist Church August 2002-Current

Youth Director• Developed the following skills: leadership, budget management,

fund raising, public speaking, personal preparation, and planningevents

Rumours Coffee House and Deli September 2001-Current

Student Supervisor• Promoted to student supervisor in under one year• Managed staff of ten personnel• Managed money

SoftwareBase Extensive programming experience

• C++ and Java.Experience

• Rational Rose, Verilog, Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop,Microsoft Office and many others
