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Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ Mariners I join in I protest I iSJton Motor* ond M odern .,.; 5 lorCcntor in force the plnn3 of the Committee of E c o n o m i^^ ®5M**^|»wiers! bolh mcmberB I -T „ i ‘.Simbers of Ihe Na.. ^ ," p » r m c r . orgttnJzatlon. H ^ l e d the local dcnlcra of H S?M?tor company to proteat nJiMt the CED. One' farmer ll J i the CED U controlled by R ffr*iinesi onU indusury. ol p “hlcb ?ord Motor compnny «* a ! S ” A CED report proposed • W 6 some two million fftrm- M « otf the M part of tho S«r lor tlie form Problem. 3 One »#mier «al<l when the R of the two bunlnesscs M ■^rnntacted Wcdnepdny _ ■ ^ * n D enies C h arg e jg DBTBOIT, API. a tCPO— Tb«4ore 0. Ynlem*. « Ford U*(»r company floe prcai- iai tad thalrjjw) ol tbe fU Jfi g e t tomtnmee. » ld today , {tr tMOOiBie development {CEO) ai a prlT«t« clUien. n n»l u a Ford ezeeatlve. nfi YnUtna iMned » tenrtby ftitofflcnt In a rebuttal to a blut at Ford laaned tail . Blibt br the National F»na> Ij OT OnanlMtlon (NFO). , # # ^ cBrnlng. they didn’t know any- lUnf about It. T he managers ^ uld If there are not any farm- CT then they would not be able to Mil equipment. p; l%e foTTnera are protesting £sp oOr the conunlttee and tta tr- cum port, n contacUng local dealera trap tad telUns. them ot their pro- jroi JOU, TTie deaJera are urged to t «tU* loUera to their headquiir- bios lera teUinB of the protesu. mer Uuijr ol the farmen aald tliey Aut f«l that they should nm tJielr wer on buslneo and that big bual- btm Md IndustJT.ahouW ,i^ _ o q t m jj in! nm thetr own buslneaa to- itMd of others. Ore * * * . • ^ I'ifFOSlates Protests on El CED Repori s DES MOINES. Ia,, Aug. 23 (tW JTJie Natlonal-Farmers-Organ- , Istlon (NFO) said demonstra- tkoj asalwt Ford deajen Ju J3 lUtet vould start today to pro* ^ lot » report by the Committee 2'*’ tareonomlc.DsrelopmBnt ^ ICtDl, Tl Orm Lee Slaley. president of b «$,OOO.memt>er N P O . aald htttUhl rhe nolesls aeek to ___ bn the Pord Motor compftny Otui ‘an official itnnd (or or X •Olaif certain CED recom- ___ ■O6 U0W. 17. ■nil CED, a non-profit group M. . gt eceocmljta financed by more • ^ O m w buAlneas firms, last P g(A lumatfd that two mil- \j o wr>:en .be removed trom _ ^ '-lUU-.lUUUllieU tc B<|d wit per capita farm income, .■na KPA has c h a r g e d the SaS* SS H id "NFO metttbea ^ WM tot demonstrate at Ford ^ “ tei.te eounty seats and later ‘"ar i^wto distributors In larger Tl 30^ ; ------------ vnn “•*T *U1 drive Fords In pro- cam wpcrtea bearing signs which sell ™. *we own this Ford and and "W the Pord company to re- appi J^thBCED." stat- »“^ u ld th# protest did aot Pi 5* *9 hurt Ptord^ buslneaa or Woy ««1U dealers and dlstrlbu- Dem -^eoly-take-tJils-actlon-to man Ihe company to tnke W « ^ 1 aland for or ogalm t thei; W Jtot," Staley said. emo •TO members recently htive Boin “W wicred protesu ajialnst cept *J5 Roebuck and company by that w firm’s mnll order cat- the “«,Jb front of Ils stores. soon ttld Ford nnd 8cnra the "* targets because the o^lve Irom cnch company unni on the CEtt research Tl commniep, which la- trnj irport, Bept hft* contended Umt Uki ' w cro recommendation was worn ‘WKt Uiey "would jitArve It w JW on farmer* nut ot agrl- cnmi .‘h''..*'""' “P 'hy rte- nuhl liSl.*^ the small townn In ------ Uie Ford protcsla "T^ 2 i “ -**“nched In the NFO ^ SV'*”"" n 2«(1 Nrbrwkn, nnd from IP *0 Keiiiuckv and Okla- (| j- - • ■- Ar Ip llp o x S c a re J Passengers S Aug. 33 un — A abou today kept near- brou m i j l^iiaeni.on tho llnei" hole f*’'' * n 30 Riiar the. score wna vine, -■ f f 5 ®«mll«w. . derei -«er*-p«rm<t* and- doctors deter- tlio- illness of-»-pas- Ute i - a3,'.0LDur- Mi ' chicken pox, guidl out in'a rash a pli "WM fronj.BUrgpfl. roal i^r Thi ^ eiiib the nbers Na.. atlon. rs of rotest V urmer |R R 9 jp ^ by V is a ' 'V.'. 'posed-Qttk farm- I the nesses lepdny acn. RESCUERS 6CURBY (rom tansel ( reflhifry as the fourth blast In m aerii Cthy tfi ^ tf. If ------- Explosions F Trap Men in f'S; Sewer Tunnel c. PHIIADBLPHIA, Aug. 22 W - esting Espiosloita touched off by an ac- COUr ts re- cumulation of fumes today firsI lealera trapped tour men 40 feet under- f JqIj ] pro- ground In a storm sewer tunnel, ted to Two to three- hoUrs after the IQUM- blasts tlie bodies of two ofT le men were brought to the surface. I 1 they Authorities said the other two their were-presumed lo be deod. ............... ... LSw William Conley, a (Ire marshal, n IdentUled-the known, dead as ..§•*. *“ “ ■ James Hennlgan. 35. and WUllam X Gregory. 35: and tbe others as . _, Robert Wilson. 37, and John Jl Bsddl^. 35. frrej P&eJnen'- wearing air packs ^vhii tried tor more than two bouts nffn to rescue them but tho concen- traUon of tumes wa.i too great. “*°r Samuel ■ Baxter, city dboiler A lt( coordinator, said a t the scene favc r.-„ that th#.vapors came from gaso- 3raa^ since the scene of the tragedy. insSi. In south PhUndelphla. adjoins p art ; Jn ]« the plants ot several oil com- vote 0 nro- special care was taken to jQ.y mittee ward against more explosions. n en t Chief Hlnk said. The tunnel was 300 fect long. Fto #nt of leading out from a shall 35 to 40 Demc -------------------------- , J..J yj?"?T.F. Demos' S', ecom- p«upFill Spots on 5 “" im c ** ‘»Uot were filled Tuc.itiivy d the *’y county mentt .(y m I>omocratlc centnil conunlttee morni wlch alao reotflrmcd aupport tor anpf<j mbors «ndldftt«a Vemon K, SmJUi, Sen, mji. , pgrj Prank Churoh. Rep. Ralph Hard- „nn, 1 later and Rop. Oracle Ftost. could larger T1> b commlttce endorsed Ed- Riper ----------wara~BntKockr"Tnnn—FniisTTis did-n > pro- candidate for slate rcnntor. Rus- tho n which sell C, ■•Dud" Larsen, Kimberly, wh I and and ll, N, Terry. Twin Falls, were non ■ to re- approved as candidates for the portci state house of representatives, congr Id aot Present at the meellng wero been sas or Uoyd Walker, Twin Fall*, state mcmt trlbu- Democratic chairman, and Unn colled □roadhead, Blackfoot, campaign ^ poll I take When it cnme to reaffirming galmt their support of Smllh tor gov- emor, a tew members dissented, rnde have Some also were unwilling to ac- tell *1 gainst cept tho Democrntlc platform .(.e I ny by that hod been agreed upon al .... r cat- the convention. Their protests soon were answered and botli BM Sears the gubpnmtorlnl candidate Knd Uie N !cause the platform were endorsed by ,, u, npany unnnlmows'.vote.i. , learch The next-mcetlnB of the cen- ch la- irnJ caiiHiJtteo ll see for S;30 pjn. a J»l . Bept, 4, according to Mrs. L.ynn Umt Uke, Danocmtic county clialr- Mvcri n was womnn. At Uie meellng Tuesday Tilt "tarve It was aUo decided to open a Wedn agrl- campaign hendquorlers soon at havp -■ rte- nuhl. he bc na In -------------------------------------------------------- :— ^ Xlreed’s'Crossiirg Dedicated as Sto: Okla- (Ree photo on page *evenl her h Amld.thQ boss dnim rumblings occasi ol Miujjiler, Creed's crossing wns was' c p dedlcnled at 0 p.m, Tuesday. . Am ^ To symbnlUe the fuel ihnt the bins a at«Q lO-ycitr project wns done with Henr} C I S community volunteer labor. Twin — A nboul 70 Mnglc Valley residents era; near- brought nlong ahoveta nnd nost comm linef hole diggers and dug 94 holes tor Idaho ra. 30 guard rail posts across‘Uie ra- Tli* wns vine, Tlie gwird mILi were or- ot Bl dered but didn't arrive in time, rutis mi(>- ond-pous.wlU have to be «r4 by i»i tc leter« the - highway - deportnionl-when haulei -_paa- Ute rails do oomo. _______ a aln .Dur- Mrs^ l, T. Creed, wife of tho wlll b I pox. guiding' spirit of Uie project, cut depen rash a pink ribbon strung across the -Mer I. road, Bhe used apeclal scissors <u> . '• ) M nsi Th« Magic Valley Newspaper Di ^ ^ " -TWIN ' A .'v/AM Jr b ''U’ v< (rom tansel enuanee near PhlUdelphU I wers last Ib a aerini ertiplcd as the tlreneg | top 1 i FairSchedu , With Jeroini nC l County fttir time in Masic Va! 22 tfl-. of the Jerome fair ThutRciay ai an ac- county 4-H fair opened Wednes today firftt time, 4-H club members in • under- field on Friday and Saturday. C tunnel. x x x k [ter the Candidates ] d . .................... ...............- ... . S Parade Ovei 1 'joto ‘ JEROME, Aub. 22—Two ot I gressional delegation will, purt ptck* 'jvhich wttl open tho Jerome cou: ° aftertioon, after a .spirited opt morning caljed by Mac Ambros' dbajier After several citizens expressed e sccne favor ami against the appeara m gaso- candidates, fair board membei tragedy, vote of 2 to 1 against their adjoins participation—an d-iinally ll can- voted unanimously to al- )i»iQm candidates in the t j nld. parade. Jl ct long. Prank Htus, Jerome county 35 to 40 Democrntlc ciialnnan, explained T _ hs had Invited Rep. Rajpli JLU Hnrding, Rep. Oracle Pfost and Sen. Frank Church to ride in _W> i Uto western parade. Tuesday. - Uoyd Walker. Twtn FalU, sUte wrot* DemocraUc ccntral committee H I chnlrman, confirmed tbe candl- '** dates* accepunce. However, ohua 1 . Wednesday noon Tltua received IvG t a telegram trom'Senator Church ruc.itiivy L. H. Van Riper, fair boord county member, stated at Wedneaday's nmlttee mornmg meeUng.he had been port tor npproaclied earlier by Jock Rus- Ul, Sen. aeji. RepublJcaa county chair- ‘“ J* 1 Hard- „nn, to see. It OOP candidates could ride In Uie parade. .Van ed Ed- Riper said he advised him he BlIsTTis dld-notr-think-lt-waa-proper-and —™ ir. Rus- the matter was dropped. con« imberly, whcn_Uu» DcfnocraUc InvlU- Is. were tion was announced It was re- for Uie ported the decision to allow the lUves. conRnuisionnl candidates had ig wero been made by only three board *. state members Informatly so Ambrose d U nn called Uie meeting to decide on . policy. . , —STeimtliner~5onio~fnlr-^iir(r or gov- members had Instructed Uie.pa- gUng uented. rnde chairman,. Bo^ Wnllon. lo alloU to ac- icil Titus he would have to tell .V'.*. nnn^Tt Democratic candidate's !tlicy 1j1: protests h o t»» ft«owed. ' d boUi Patterson, publljiier of *11 Ue Knd Uie North Side News,' poi'ntod out BO :sed by u,o meeUng he felt, the lalr iie cen- pa«“le.«hould nol-be turiicd Into it ou :30pjn. ft political rally. Van' Riper ex- «,*ns I. L-ynn prcw d tho .aame Idea, as did wnvn clialr- aeveral others. . . mllll< ruesfiay Tltua told Ute Tlme.i-New# truck open a Wednesday noon he never would 8tr lOon at havp Invlled the canrtldntes imd Cullli ________he been aware of iv policy. noUc o^iifg of Canyon_ K as Storm Breaks reni her husband had gotten for tho »nr nbllngs occaslon._ller name. "FloMle," . , 2,, njf wns was' engraved oh"them .'.' lay. Among tho Magic Valley noUi- f r ' lint the bins attending the fesUvlUes were e with Henry Crow, chairman ot the labor. Twin Falls countj- commission- isldents era; Joliu K. Atigcr^cr. £lty Id Dost commlaaloner.and'Wt^ChMe, Dies for Idaho state highway department, .1)0 r a - Tlie asphalt road, an cxlensloo i, crc or- of Blue Uikes boulisvard south, n Ume, rutis across Rock creek canyon «r4 by on t«p of tons ofJfll} iMt«rla) _ «, -when hauled, trocn-a wlde-area.:8ooh ______ a similar, though smaller, till 1' ot tho wlll be under wny nc»ir Uie in- Ml, cut dependent-Meot company piBoit. ,, OSS the -■Members of the Orangei In the ' J-. scissors tUaUniM rw tJ, C*lwa I) H ------ ^ -----T7“ ewspaper Dedicated lo Serving and Pl -TWIN FALLS, IDAHO/WEOm ‘'•■ft ~ SelphU I wers worklog at (he entrance. BlasI Ireaen | top center, flying hlth In air. (AP n liedule Reaches jrome, Lincoln in Magic Valley .will reach Us peak this ThurRday and the Lincoln''^ounty evei ned Wednesday and will conclude Thui members in Carpas county will hold a Saturday. Other fairs’remaining on th i, * * Jf -M ir ites Ride in - F ii' Over Protest li sons 2—Two'of Idaho’s Democratic con- in will, participate in the parade Jerome county fair here Thursday spirited opcii meeting Wednesday ever ilac Ambrose, fair board chairman. ® 13 expressed their opinions both in the appearance of the Democratic },etd ard members reversed their first tairi Jt their --------------------------------------------- “r “ 1‘"“a 'r . Orr Says'He Helped Estes & “S In Subterfuge ' i’ ^?lde“ iS WASHlNaTON. Aug. 33 IB— ty ? Tuesdav Harold E. Orr teslKled today he cent Ils state wrote checks tor (25,000 and tSIO exhl mmlttee February to help Blllle Sol nest B candl- Estes engineer a subter/uga to no® flowever obtain cotton aereoge allotments ects received (>'°ni the government. Jude ' ^Offy^prMjynt of the Superior day. the story nl a henrlng before Uie ,a»j , - scnaie mvcsuBJllUUS tuULUtiiliilf ^ r r is awaiting sentence In ^ Texaa now on charges of Inler- 1953 »t“l« tnuisportaUon of traudu- „ue4 «dM?t« aecurltles. Estes, Indicted 2^ Vnn O" 'n ““‘t «»«' will hhA hS “ IU pleaded Innocent. . pj.t, , ^ - „ d _mio-Lacnaic_<ubco-imlltce_l8 Al concerned prlmarlly"wlUrae(«c- ever mining whetlier anyone In gov- 4-H J.. emment aided Estes' operallona cent Mn» under tederal farm progranu. Jud* Chairman John L. McClellan. 4-H S >J1^5 D.. Ark., and Donald P. OTJon- ot ( A m ^ neU, the subcommittee's eJllot r - i J K n counsel, pictured the deals de- _ scribed by Orr as desperaU ef- r-So.™ J Uie.pa-, gllng of^colton ocrcsge plaoUog ^ \l'ton. lo alloUiienU. . .■ t<!s ;thcy likeness Seen ’■ I « In Bank Robbers I tiled out BOSTON: AiiR.'3Mft-A-nm- Ihe iBir chlnegun gang, which held up a p .‘"® Lynn bank la.-.l spring and shot ned Into it out-wiUi pollcc whUe esominB ..jjg Iper ex- «,*ns Unked loAiy wlUi the high- as did wnvQien Who'Kmbbeda recoM 1.S mUllon dollars Iron a'U. 6 . mail fi ie.vNew# truck la s t \vj.>ck. . H ;r would 8 UHe police Capl. Mlchnel J. (S Ites Imd Culllnane siild Tuwday nlRlti he cy. noticed a strong faolal nsem- . blance bctw-ccn ooiuposite plc- lures’^ two mall robbery.sua- 'A ll P«>‘* >ind dP.'crlplloitf of tw o f v*» Uiree_incn_who fled Uic Ensex • ■ , -lYust ooinpnuy bnxhcirin W «t ' ■ [^g U u n Inat March 30 wlUi taiAOO. . NO rilAYKItS NEW v o m c . Aug. .22 lft-Th« atUirocy.lor tlie.Ptiiic_edurtUon . department has kIvcii an opln- lon that, no' prayers should be JS ,hS Pemilllcd in ihc slate's publlo Jl;.i !! aehooto because of a reccni U A il,; supremo court decUlon. it wai re- i^we I ;'“4 Traffic Deaths, I i south. nS.“S MogJc V o l l e y 1 'Mwlnl ___ ,Q -, . , - — —77 ---------fe Her. fill 1962 ....... .-...c...;...... • 40 * ,K ,J5 ' 91 ?;= ;— :;i54; 7/ Dg and Pfomotlng tbe Growth of Ni ), WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2^ 1962 t' ^ jT .M s Wll -' ‘ W ol rSiaiiiBl^& iifajM k^v."-. jL'.j ca Gc ei( ho thi .( Jl! Si Irance. Blast scndi one fireman’s hat, ' n air. (AP wirephoto) Ihi ' ■■ An jhesP eak s ms oln E vents ^ peak this week with the opening to* ounty event Friday. The Blaine sei elude Thursday at Carey. For the w< vlll hold a *two*day fair at Fair- hq nins on the 1962 schedule arc the •; -Minidoka county-fair.-Aug. hir 30-Sept. 1 and the Twin ' L Falls county fair, Sept. 5-8. - Fairs in Cassia and Good- — . ipg counties have been -1 CJT held already. - -Between fl.O0O and"lOW) i>cr- J aons are expected to atUnd the . C con- annual tree barbecue at L ,nrnfl<» Jerome talrgrounda nt 5:30 » p.m. Thursday. A western paraae ^ irsaay omdaHy open the Jenone lesday event at 4:30 pm. Thursday... •, rman. The Uneoln county event will r\f)i in begin nt 10:30 oJn. Frldsy with th " . P«r.a.. Simt .poru wlU bt st 'CratlC hetd at I pjn, Friday at the [,« first talrgrounda - recreation fie ld area. BoUi events, are sponsored r by the Shoshone Chamber ot th P Commerce. th Tbe animal tltUng and'ahow- l Ing contest at Shoshone wUl be ri pc staged at 2:30 p « . Friday with 40 the Riding Redskins presenting Ni a Jamboree al 8 pjn. ff 100 At Jerome, W. q . Priest, coun- Rj O ty agent; said 4-H and communi- tt a W— ty exhlblu were up about 30 per day he cent nbove last year, community nd 1510 exhiblU wcro being entered Wed- '® Itle sol nesday and tbe 4-H home cco- age to noniJcs and mlseellaneoua proj- itmenta ects were entered Tuesday with Judglrig weU under way Wednes- uperlor day. ^lolcl PrnntV. niamonrt A P-^ ranch at Jerome and Elko, Nev.. ^ la produdkig U14 llkll'li llllilUiay “ through Saturday nights at Je- ' nee in f^nie wlUi 10 contesWats Ior the Jeromo fair and rodeo ■raudu- queen.. Saturday aflcmoon Uie laiccea annual horse racing event It esse, 5 a iUged at Uic newly com- hit pleted race ttaek ot Jerome... -• cot llee _ls At Shoshone. sclicOule of ler “flelcc- evcnta’for saiurttay~lH'dUde'the n gov- 4-H and FPA llvcjtock Judging tui rallona contest and 4-H home economics mu. Judging contest at 9 am., the Slellan, 4-H and FFA Judging quality ODon- ot dal^ animats at 10 ajn. < , jhlot ---------------------------------------------- IS i " bers A-.mn- ■aBBfc-njfeiSw d up a id shot scnping ' e high- ■■■PSBlBflHHfiEvQM 1.S iPIH fiSSSSSSiiV S 6 . mail iwti J . Ib T.lua- <i-\VeA »3SAOO. n^The UliMlon 1 ' be publlo nt wai -37*" 40 •• " ......................... _ii DLANKBT-CO\XRED -XTAUANS , .A lUly .atter.iReaeing tbe nlgbt out< 60 mtoos aeuUism Italy. At Icotl IS p 154 phota via radio from Rome) owth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantl« IT 22, 1962 ^ Bussia Coitimi 1 Tensiffi BERL1N\ Auk.’ 22 (/P)—Thi u - ant’s office in I3erlin today a -' • K Soviet military comn ‘ ^ of ri.sin;,' tension in the divic . • campaifrtl to oust We.stern r the Soviet claim of East German communiHt sovcr- 1 I^JB eignty in mutters concern- J ing Berlin cxccpt in strict- ly four-power military af- 1 There wa.t no Immediate com'- ^ ment from .Moj. Oen. Albert Wation II. the -American com- mandunt. lV'iSS3 announcement came two 1( military pollcc r,| at Checkpoint Charlie held up ^ V M h Uiree Soviet armored cars for 45 f. ■■M i minutes at Ihe border croulng tl l5<-y{£ A hai-sle de«Joped a.i Ihe tr Russians insisted they did. not j,, on escorc 'despite rcccnt '• jL'A aionlnRA ot red army buses ear- j ,/4r.n-V1 rylng scntrlw lo Uie Soviet war tC ji's hat, The Soviet cars finally went w through, accompanied by an m American mlUtaiy escort. ac The soviet announcement said the Western powers have used es the existence of the Soviet-com- ar mandant's office os an excuse to so Interfere In internal affairs of he rj East Germany. W 5 Tho announcement declared ^ ^ , the Western powers are resorting ^ opening to such measures In order to prc- ” I B lain e servo the occupation regime Jn For the west Berlin as a cover tor the it Pnlr North Atlantic Treaty organlsa- M It 1?air- Uon mlllUry base. «> are the Tho soviet announcement o'' ,ir,-Aug. hinted at further-moves.-------- « le Twin Russians sold matters tak- onf 1; fi en up by the Soviet command- .. Ci>u u-o. (C«BUnBri an Tjw I, Calaan S> d Good- -------------------------------------------- rrUEarthqii g | Southern II . NAPLES, Aug. 22 (UPI) - event WUl e a r t h q u a k e »' today sprea Iday wiuj through southern Italy and ts wiu ^ storms swept the area whet ifn nc^d had fled their homes. The k sponsored 14 with more than 200 perso iimber ot that started yesterday aftem ... the night until'7:25-annriud: n" w m ^ ter^ near Avellino, about “ ■Iday w ith 40 'miles s o u t h e a s t of II presenting Naples and only 30 miles i from the coast resort of iest. coun- Ravello where Mrs, John j Kennedy is vacationing. ®ommSiSfJ The ttemors were tell in Ra- 1 ered Wed- damage. J S word was sent immediately to !iS,« the White House In Washington rw e d S S “ “tinuing ber stay. W The worst Quake came at 7:09 ^ nmnnri A P-^'- Vestcrday. Walls split and ^ iiimmav m m itfti mUnnM, .fiBil — »u nt !«.- Into' the open counto'^de. Po- ■* >t< fnr tho hce estimated that half a mil- S ^.dco >l?“ ^ S 3ioon the open. ing event '^■0 rlolent windstorm which cc ewly com- hit the-«rM-late today was ac- ti rromc... . companled by a driving rain and n: ciTule of temperatures dropped by 30 de- IdUde'the gree3.-Tliousanda'were ableito r«- k Judging turn to their homes but others i,; economics ^“^cd sleeping on the side ot am., the roads, in the Helds or on chairs ig Quality mattresses they had dragged tt ...... :d -XTAUANS greeted daybreak todayJtf be nlgbt outdoora away ’ from their homes lr At leotl IS persons were r.eparUd kUled and Rome) Coonties. . , i a A b o lii m a n d e r ’s io n I s R (/P)—The Soviet Union's'ummarily today and told the Western Allien 1 try command in East’Germany. The the divided city, was apparently a ’e.stern garrisons. The decision appe S P ow er K no itrict- :::inA reabyl i^eom^ A rain squall and lightnin/ Magic Valley into darkness.] ne two 10 minutes to an hour about P®’*^* principle damage was to the 45 Twin Falls substation. Light iroMing tion through the 46,000-voll a . 1 the transmission and severely 1 Ud. n o t power, according to A. W. ( vision substation supcrin- lev war tendent whose station wa.s i i-i;toi._. atrucli. “It is on» J y went worst shakeups I can re- -i by an member wllhout the power lines J actually being downed in the nt said storm," Lulloft commented. He r e Used estimated power was oft In Buhl ' •t-com- and Filer and areas Immediately cuse to south of Uiere tor about half an ] airs of hour. He...sald the Richfield, Wendell. Jerome, Shoshone. 0 >riar*^ Hailey and Sun Valley orens ex- gi perlcnced an hour without pow- c Tt. Fewer was oft tor about IS « minutes In Ooodlng. Ji for the D«plfe the power failure, the ^ ganlza- Mountain States Telephone V company was able to give reas e> .cement onably continuous service to tbe o' . Cltv of TVln Falls, according to cJ !rs tak- N, J. Cronin, traffic chief. ^ imand- .. Crooln sold individual phones lli »i» S) <C«aUiia«J »B Pm» i. C«lB»a <1 ^ hqilakes H it„s n Italy A rea ; : (U PI)— Fourteen dieath-deallng ay spread panic and destruction £ aly and tonight violent thunder- a rea where half a .million peraons s. The known deatH toll stood at •; !00 persons injured in the quakes ^ ty aftemoon and went on through amtriudayrThe-qaakes-were-een- * about m ites McNamara Is ° %hn Against Cut \ ing. w ' iamage. ForU. S. Aid ‘ hSaton WASH1NOT6 n. Aug. a ISS- « .nd waa Secretary of Defense Robert a 1 . McKomara said today any leUip , . - nn In ^.S. military assistance to u IU red-threatened areas around the h globe .^ri * fled- _ .T.?* Decreased support to armed al- 1 1 .I U«. ho lold Uie senate appropri- a light in gtions committee, would raise "a a w K™'’® possibility of SoTlat or > : Which communist Chinese raiscaicula- vas ac- tlon of our readiness and deter- g mlnaUon tojlntervene." '• 20 de- McNamnra appeared before n leJo ro* the-eommittee-in-sapport-of-U ,c ; others bjujon dollars in military assist- I side ot anco funds. This Is part of Presl- t I chairs d«ii Kennedy’s request tor a to- 0 dragged tai of «,7S4.e00,OOO In forelgn.ald *’ approprittUons. | r ■ " ' BB-w: < ReB* .- 1 t < BB^^BK ' dayjtf IqantraLsquare ot Atiano Irplne, homes In the wake of an earlhqqake UUed and m a ^ were Injored. (AP win-,^ Final Edition . - TEN CENT3 .: ilishes r’s Post; Rising Ummarily abolished its command- jrn Allien henceforth they must deal many. The move, coming at a time jarenlly a new step in the Soviet , cision appeared intended to support Knocked Out Iby Storm d lightning .storm plunged areas in darkness.for.periods, ranging from, lour about 6:10 p.m. Tuesday. Tbe vas to the Idaho Power company’s ' ;ion. Lightning entered the substa- 46,000-volt' power lines; disrupting severely hampering generation bf 0 A. W, (Al) Lulloff. southern di-. supcrin- Candidates S ijj Froth, State S s T ie ir Cbarge It half an By United Press IntemaUonal Richfield. OOP State Chairman John Shoshone. 0 . Mc&futray asks again ior a areas ex- gambling sund trom Sen. Pmn'£ 30ut pow- Church. Auditor Joe R. Wll- about IS llams asks his OOP opponent James A.' Defenbaeh to check illure the facts before he ''spouta oft," and Telephone Vemon K. SmlUi says Oov. Rob- Rlve reas ert E. Smylle Is -bustUig the ice to tbe buttons off hU vest." Mc Murray *ordine to charged yesterday that Church !e!— *— was-campalgnlng-in-Idoho “Just .1 hours before" the Democratlo Sl platform convention began last *’ monUi at Idaho Falls. _ _ , He said he knew Uiat Church 1^4. “conrerUently left- the sUte L M - ffi-'sr.ss."5 . s s ”. s ^ _ . : were in attendance at the coa« *0 r|, ” “tam«ilately after the adop- ' tlon ot the pro-gambling plat- i-deallng **0 “^“T. non K. smith announced U » f le c tio n jjij punbUng plank bad been Chunaer- approved by Church.": peraons Me Murray said church jab- Stood at wqaeatly announced be w *0- . n.ToV« hig to -disassociate himselt from 5 quakes gambling Issue." through Auditor WlUlams called oa >efe-cen- thi.JaefaihB- --------------fore be "spouts oK" about the T operaUons ot the auditor's office, a Iq ^miuanu said yesterday De-^ ** fenbach. Moscow, claimed the Office's modem a c e o u n t i n s Jit ^ulpm ent was InstaUed before WllUams took office. 1 1 ~rd Uke to invite Mr. Defen- A iH bach to visit tbls office anytime." Williams said, “and point out the 1 22 (»-> equlprafnt Uiat was In bere when BObert a 1 anyleUip Smith'said Bmylle was “bus- ' Istance to Ins Uie buttons on his vest" when iround the he compared Nevada taxes hlgh>. he Soviet er than Idaho's at a RepubUcan -ehte»--te . awrorwi* Nevada taxes aver- Id raise "a aced about >159 a year per per- SoTlet or son. nlscoicuia- *'l hasten to cal} to the. good and deter- governor's attention.” said Smith. ** '‘that a *05 differential Is ot fd before minor consequence when you port-ot-LS compflte_the,awaBe per capita ary assist- Income of the average Nevadan t of Presl- to the average per capita income t tor a to- of the average Idahoan." foreign.aid ^ Goldberg Urges Unemployment ^ 'SM- -Money-Extension- WASHINOTON. Aug. 22 (C^^— Labor SecreUir>' Arthur J. Oold- berg urged congrcss todny to provide another extension ot - state - f e d e r a l unemployment ‘ compensation for some COO .OOO American workers who exhaust jM Ihelr benefits each yeur. Ooldberg was the admlnlstrn- Uon's openlng.-wltnvss at ti houso wa}'s and mjans committee ' heartiig on the que.nion. ----- Congrcss last year extended expiring beneflls tor up to 13 weeks, but that progrnm -mn out lour nionths ago. President Keii- nedy urged anoUier e:^tenslon ot S h M . (he Jobless pay period in 'h is' economic .speech to the naltoo ^■jH last week. .. _ . Injured^ ^^^B Kelb’ Hardin. 4-year-old , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ca^l Hardin. Kimberly, was In- y ‘.1 Jured in a two-car Occident - - • about-1 -pjn.-W«inesday-at- - IcLpI Uie Intersection of Second BBr^ ' avenue east and Fifth street ^B W l * The 1901-Comet driven by . ■B ai Carl Hardin was struck from the side by a lU l Chevrolet driven by Delores Hogue.' 17, Twin Falls. Mlsa Hogue was > cited by Twin Falls police tor . ^Q B t>^ure to yield the right ot - ” Ttie Hardin boy U.belng:.- Maglo VaUey Me< \S
Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

WeatherI;,.': C learing

yTMf>5EZZI^ Mariners I join in I protest IiSJton Motor* ond M odern .,.;5 lo rC c n to r in force

the plnn3 o f th eCommittee of E c o n o m i ^ ^

®5M**^|»wiers! bolh mcmberB I- T „ i ‘.S im bers of Ihe Na.. ■^ , " p » r m c r . orgttnJzatlon. H^ l e d the local dcnlcra o f HS ? M ? to r company to p ro te a t ■nJiMt the CED. O ne ' f a rm e r l lJ i the CED U contro lled by Rffr* iinesi onU indusury. ol p “hlcb ?ord Motor com pnny «* a! S ” A CED report p roposed • W6 some two million fftrm - M « otf the M p a r t o f th o ■ S « r lor tlie form P roblem . 3

One »#mier «al<l w hen th e R of the two bunlnesscs M

■ ^ r n n t a c t e d W cdnepdny _ ■^ * n

D e n i e s C h a r g e j gDBTBOIT, API. a tCPO— ■

Tb«4ore 0. Ynlem*. « Ford ■U*(»r company floe prcai- ■ia i tad thalrjjw) ol tbe fU J fig e t tomtnmee. » ld today ,

{tr tMOOiBie development {CEO) ai a prlT«t« clUien. n n»l u a Ford ezeeatlve. n fi

YnUtna iMned » te n r tb y ftitofflcnt In a rebuttal to a blut at Ford laaned ta il

. Blibt br the National F » n a > I j OT O nanlM tlon (N F O )., ♦ # # ^

cBrnlng. they didn’t know a n y - lUnf about It. T h e m a n a g e rs ^ uld If there are n o t a n y fa rm - CT then they would n o t b e ab le to Mil equipment. p;

l%e foTTnera a re p ro te s tin g £ sp oOr the conunlttee a n d tta t r - cum port, n contacUng local de ale ra trap tad telUns. them o t th e i r p ro - jro i JOU, TTie deaJera a re u rg e d to t «tU* loUera to th e ir h e ad q u iir - bios lera teUinB of the p ro te s u . mer

Uuijr o l the fa rm e n aa ld tliey A ut f«l tha t they should n m tJ ie lr wer o n buslneo and th a t b ig bual- btm M d IndustJT.ahouW , i ^ _ o q t m jj in ! nm the tr own buslneaa to - itMd of others. Ore

* * * . • ^

I'ifFO Slates “ Protests on El CED Repori sDES MOINES. Ia,, A ug. 23 (tW

JTJie N atlonal-F arm ers-O rgan - , Istlon (NFO) sa id de m o n stra- tkoj a sa lw t Ford d e a je n Ju J3 lUtet vould s ta r t today to pro* ^ lot » report by th e C om m ittee 2 '* ’ t a r e o n o m lc .D s r e lo p m B n t ^ICtDl, Tl

Orm Lee Slaley. p res id en t of b «$,OOO.memt>er N PO . aaldh tttU hl rhe n o le s ls aeek to ___b n the Pord M otor com pftny O tu i ‘an official i tn n d (o r o r X•Olaif certain CED rec o m - ___■O6 U0W. 1 7 .■nil CED, a non-profit group M. .

gt eceocmljta financed by more • Om w buAlneas firms, last P g(A lum atfd tha t two mil- \ j o wr>:en .be removed trom _

^ '-lUU-.lUUUllieU tc B<|d wit per capita farm income,.■na KPA h as c h a r g e d th e

SaS* SSH i d "N F O m e t t tb e a ^

WM t o t dem onstrate a t F o rd ^ “ te i.te eounty se a ts a n d la te r ‘"ar i^wto distributors In la r ger Tl30^ ;------------vnn“•*T *U1 drive F o rd s In p ro - cam

w p c r te a bearing s ig n s w h ich sell ™ . *we own th is F o rd a n d and " W the Pord com pany to r e - appi J ^ th B C E D ." stat-»“^ u l d th# p ro te s t d id a o t Pi

5* *9 hurt Ptord^ buslneaa o r Woy « « 1 U dealers a n d d ls t r lb u - Dem

- ^ e o ly - ta k e - t J i l s - a c t lo n - to man Ihe com pany to tnke W

« ^ 1 aland for o r o g a lm t thei; W Jto t," Staley sa id . emo•TO members rec en tly h tive Boin “W w ic re d p ro te s u a jia ln st cept *J5 Roebuck and c o m pany by th a t

w firm’s m nll o rd e r c a t - the “«,Jb front o f Ils s to re s . soon

ttld Ford n n d 8 cn ra the "* ta rg e ts because the

o ^ lv e Irom cnch co m p an y unni on the C E tt re se a rc h T l commniep, w h ic h la - trnj

irport, Bepthft* c on tended U m t U k i

' w c ro recom m endation w as worn‘WKt Uiey "w ould jitArve It w

J W o n farmer* n u t o t a g r l- cnmi .‘h '' . .* '" " ' “ P 'h y rte- nuhl

l iS l .* ^ the sm all tow nn In ------

Uie Fo rd p ro tcs la " T ^ 2 i “ -**“nched In th e N FO ^

SV'*”"" n2 « ( 1 N rbrw kn, n n d from I P *0 Keiiiuckv a n d O k la - (|

j- - • ■- Ar

I p l l p o x S c a r e “ J

Passengers SAug. 33 un — A abou

today k e p t n e a r - brou m i j l ^ i i a e n i . o n th o llnei" hole

f*’'' * n 30 Riiarth e . sc o re wna vine,

- ■ ■ f f 5 ®«mll«w. . derei-« e r* -p « rm < t* and -

— d o c to rs d e te r - tlio - illness o f -» - p a s - Ute i

- a3,'.0 L D u r- Mi ' ch ick e n pox, guidl

o u t i n 'a ra sh a pli "WM fronj.BU rgpfl. r o a l

i r

T h i


e i i i b

th e

nbers Na..

atlon. rs ofrotest Vurmer | R R 9 j p ^ by

V is a ' 'V.'.'p o s e d - Q t t k farm -

I the nesses lepdny

acn. RESCUERS 6CURBY (rom tansel ( reflhifry as the fourth blast In m aerii

Cthy tfi ^ tf. If -------

Explosions F Trap Men in

f'S; Sewer Tunnel c.PHIIADBLPHIA, Aug. 22 W -

esting Espiosloita touched off by an ac- COUr ts re- cumulation of fumes to d a y f irs I lealera trapped tour men 40 feet under- f JqIj] ■ pro- ground In a storm sewer tunnel, ted to Two to three- hoUrs after the IQUM- blasts tlie bodies of two o fT le

men were brought to the surface. I 1 they Authorities said the other two

their were-presumed lo be d e o d ................ ...L S w William Conley, a (Ire marshal, n

IdentUled-the known, dead as ..§•*. *“ “ ■ James Hennlgan. 35. and WUllam X

Gregory. 35: and tbe others as . _, Robert Wilson. 37, and John J l Bsddl^. 35. frrej

P&eJnen'- wearing air packs ^vhii tried tor more th an two bouts nffn to rescue them but tho concen- traUon of tumes wa.i too great. “ *°r

Samuel ■ Baxter, city dboiler A lt( coordinator, said a t the scene fa v c

r.-„ that th#.vapors came from gaso-

3r a a ^ since the scene of the tragedy. in sS i. In south PhUndelphla. adjoins p a r t ; Jn ]« the plants ot several oil com- vote0 nro- special care was taken to jQ.y mittee w ard against more explosions.n e n t Chief Hlnk said.

The tunnel was 300 fect long. Fto #nt of leading out from a sh a ll 35 to 40 Demc

-------------------------- , J . . J

yj?"? T.F. Demos' S',ecom-

p«up Fill Spots on 5“"

imc ** ‘»Uot were filled Tuc.itiivy d the *’y county mentt. ( y m I>omocratlc centnil conunlttee morni

wlch alao reotflrmcd aupport tor anpf<j mbors «ndldftt«a Vemon K , SmJUi, Sen, mji., p g r j Prank Churoh. Rep. Ralph Hard- „nn ,1 later and Rop. Oracle Ftost. could larger T1>b commlttce endorsed Ed- Riper----------wara~BntKockr"Tnnn—FniisTTis did-n> pro- candidate for s la te rcnntor. Rus- tho n which sell C, ■•Dud" Larsen, Kimberly, w h I and and ll, N, Terry. Twin Falls, were non ■ to re- approved as candidates for the portci

state house of representatives, congr Id ao t Present a t the meellng wero been sas or Uoyd Walker, Twin Fall*, state mcmttrlbu- Democratic chairman, and U n n colled

□roadhead, Blackfoot, campaign ^ poll

I take When it cnme to reaffirming galm t their support of Smllh tor gov-

emor, a tew members dissented, rnde have Some also were unwilling to ac- tell *1

gainst cept tho Democrntlc platform .(.e Iny by that hod been agreed upon a l ....r ca t- the convention. T heir protests

soon were answ ered a n d botli BM S e a rs th e gubpnm torln l can d id a te Knd Uie N

!cause th e pla tform w ere endorsed by , , u , npany unnnlmows'.vote.i. • , learch T he n ex t-m ce tlnB o f th e cen- ch la - irnJ caiiH iJtteo l l see fo r S;30 p jn . a J»l

. Bept, 4, accord ing to M rs. L.ynn U m t U k e , D an o c m tic county c lialr- Mvcri

n w as womnn. A t Uie m eellng Tuesday Tilt "tarve It was aUo decided to open a W edn a g r l- cam paign hen d q u o rle rs soon a t havp

-■ rte- nuh l. h e bc n a In -------------------------------------------------------- :—

^ Xlreed’s'Crossiirg Dedicated as Sto:

O kla- (Ree photo on page *evenl h e r h Amld.thQ boss d n im rum blings occasi

o l Miujjiler, C reed 's crossing wns was' c p dedlcnled a t 0 p .m , T uesday. . Am ^ To symbnlUe th e fuel ih n t th e bins a a t« Q lO-ycitr pro jec t w ns done w ith Henr} C I S community v o l u n t e e r labor. Twin— A nboul 70 Mnglc Valley residents era;

near- brought nlong ahoveta nnd nost commlinef hole diggers and dug 94 holes tor Idaho

ra. 30 guard rail posts across‘Uie ra- Tli* wns vine, Tlie gwird mILi were or- ot Bl

dered but didn't arrive in time, rutis mi(>- ond-pous.wlU have to be «r4 by i»i tc leter« the - highway - deportnionl-when haulei-_paa- Ute rails do oomo. _______ a aln.Dur- Mrs^ l, T. Creed, wife of tho wlll b I pox. guiding' spirit of Uie project, cut depen

rash a pink ribbon strung across the -Mer I. road, Bhe used apeclal scissors <u>

. '• )

M n s iT h« M agic Valley Newspaper Di

" -TW IN

' A . 'v /A M J r

b ''U ’v<

(rom tansel enuanee near PhlUdelphU I wers last Ib a aerini ertiplcd as the tlreneg | top 1

i FairSchedu , With Jeroini

n C l County fttir time in M asic Va! 22 tfl-. of the Jerom e fa ir ThutRciay ai

’ an a c - county 4-H fa ir opened Wednes to d a y firftt time, 4-H club members in • under- field on F riday and Saturday. C tunnel. x x x k

[ter the ’

Candidates ]d . .................... ...............- ... .

S Parade Ovei1 ' j o to ‘ JEROM E, A ub. 22—Two o t I

gressional delegation will, purt p tck* 'jvhich wttl open tho Jerome cou:

° aftertioon, a f te r a .spirited opt m orning caljed by Mac Ambros'

d b a jie r A fte r several citizens expressed e sccne favor ami against the appeara m gaso- candidates, fa ir board membei tragedy, vote of 2 to 1 aga in st their adjoins partic ipation—a n d -iin a lly

ll c a n - voted unanim ously to al- ” )i» iQ m candidates in th e t jnld. ■ parade. J lc t long. P ra n k H tu s , Je rom e county 35 to 40 D em ocrntlc c iia ln n an , explained T _

h s h a d Invited R ep. Rajpli JLU Hnrding, Rep. O racle P fost and Sen. F ra n k C hurch to ride in _W >

i Uto w estern p a rad e . Tuesday.’ - U oyd W alker. T w tn FalU , sU te wrot*

DemocraUc c c n tra l com mittee H I chnlrm an, confirm ed tb e candl- ' * * d a t e s * acc ep u n c e . However, oh u a 1 . W ednesday noon T ltu a received I v G t a te legram tro m 'S e n a to r Church

ruc.itiivy L. H . Van R iper, f a ir boord county member, s ta ted a t W edneaday's

nm lttee m ornm g m e eU n g .h e h a d been port to r npproaclied earlie r by Jock Rus- Ul, Sen. aeji. RepublJcaa coun ty chair- ‘ “ J* 1 H ard- „ n n , to se e . It O O P candidates

could rid e In Uie parade. .V an ed E d- R iper sa id h e advised him h e ‘ BlIsTTis d ld -no tr-th ink-lt-w aa-p roper-and —™ ir. Rus- th e m a tte r w as dropped. co n «imberly, whcn_U u» DcfnocraUc InvlU - Is. were tion w as announced I t was re- for Uie ported th e decision to allow th e lUves. conRnuisionnl cand ida tes had ig wero been m a d e by only th ree board *. s ta te m em bers Inform atly so Ambrose d U n n called Uie m eeting to decide on

. policy. . ,— S T e im tlin e r~ 5 o n io ~ fn lr-^ iir (r

or gov- m em bers had Instructed U ie.pa- gUng uen ted . rnde ch a irm a n ,. Bo^ W nllon. lo alloU

to ac- ic il T itu s h e would have to tell .V '.*. nnn^T t D em ocratic candidate's !tlicy 1j1:protests h o t »» ft«owed. ' d boUi Pa tte rso n , publljiier o f * 1 1 Ue Knd Uie N orth Side News,' poi'ntod out BO :sed by u ,o meeUng h e fe lt , the lalr iie cen- p a « “le.«hould no l-be turiicd Into i t ou :3 0 p jn . ft political ra lly . V an' R iper ex- «,*ns I. L-ynn p r c w d tho .a am e Idea, as did wnvn

c lialr- aeveral o thers . . . mllll< ruesfiay T ltua told Ute Tlme.i-New# truck open a W ednesday noon h e never would 8 tr lOon a t havp Invlled th e canrtldntes imd Cullli ________he been aw are of iv policy. noUc

o^iifg of Canyon_ Kas Storm Breaksreni h e r h u sband h a d go tten for tho »nr nb llngs o c ca s lo n ._ lle r nam e. "FloMle," . , 2 ,, njf wns was' engraved o h " t h e m . '. ' lay. A mong tho M agic V alley noUi- f r ' lint th e bins a tten d in g th e fesUvlUes were e w ith H enry Crow, ch a irm a n o t the

labor. Tw in F a lls countj- commission- isldents era; Jo liu K. A t ig c r ^ c r . £ lty Id Dost c o m m la a lo n e r .a n d 'W t^ C h M e ,Dies for Id ah o s ta te highw ay departm ent,.1)0 r a - T lie a sp h a lt road, a n cxlensloo i , crc o r- of B lue U ikes boulisvard south, n Ume, ru tis across Rock creek canyon «r4 by on t« p of to n s ofJfll} iM t«rla) _ «, -w hen h au led , tro cn -a w ld e -a re a .:8ooh

______ a s im ila r, though sm aller, till 1 'o t tho wlll be u n der wny nc»ir Uie in -

Ml, c u t de pendent-M eot com pany piBoit. , , OSS th e -■ M em bers o f th e O rangei In the ' J-. scissors tU aUniM r w t J , C*lwa I) H

------ ^ -----T7“

ewspaper Dedicated lo Serving and Pl

-T W IN F A L L S , I D A H O /W E O m

‘'•■ft ~

SelphU I wers worklog a t (he entrance. BlasI Ireaen | top center, flying h lth In air. (AP n

liedule Reaches jrome, Lincolnin M agic V alley .w ill r e a c h U s peak th i s T hurR day and t h e L in co ln ''^ o u n ty evei ned W ed n esd ay a n d w ill conclude T h u i m em bers in C a rp a s c o u n ty w ill h o ld a S a tu rd a y . O th e r f a i r s ’re m a in in g o n th i , * * Jf - M i r

ites Ride in - Fii' Over Protest li

sons2— T w o 'o f Id a h o ’s D e m o c ra tic con- in w ill, p a r t ic ip a te in th e p a ra d e Je ro m e c o u n ty f a i r h e r e T h u rsd a y sp ir ite d opcii m e e t in g W ed n esd ay ever ilac A m b ro se , f a i r b o a rd c h a irm a n . ® 13 ex p re ssed t h e i r o p in ions b o th in th e a p p e a ra n c e o f th e D em o cra tic },etd ard m e m b e rs re v e r s e d th e ir f i r s t tairi Jt t h e i r --------------------------------------------- “r “

1‘"“a'r. Orr Says'He Helped Estes &

“S In Subterfuge ' i’^?lde“ iS WASHlNaTON. Aug. 33 IB— ty ?Tuesdav Harold E. Orr teslKled today he centIls state wrote checks tor (25,000 and tSIO exhlmmlttee February to help Blllle Sol nestB candl- Estes engineer a subter/uga to no®flowever obtain cotton aereoge allotments ectsreceived (>'°ni the government. Jude' ^O ffy^prM jynt of the Superior day.

the story nl a henrlng before Uie ,a» j , - scnaie mvcsuBJllUUS tuULUtiiliilf

^ r r is awaiting sentence In ^ Texaa now on charges of Inler- 1953 »t“ l« tnuisportaUon of traudu- „ue4

«dM ?t« aecurltles. Estes, Indicted2^ Vnn O " 'n ““ ‘t «»« ' willhhA hS “ IU pleaded Innocent. . pj.t,

, ^ - „ d _mio-Lacnaic_<ubco-imlltce_l8 Al concerned prlmarlly"wlUrae(«c- ever mining whetlier anyone In gov- 4-H

J . . emment aided Estes' operallona cent Mn» under tederal farm progranu. Jud*

Chairman John L. McClellan. 4-H S >J1^5 D.. Ark., and Donald P. OTJon- o t ( A m ^ neU, th e subcommittee's eJllot r - i J K n counsel, pictured the deals de- _

scribed by Orr as desperaU e f - ■

r-S o .™ JUie.pa-, gllng of^colton ocrcsge plaoUog ^

\l'ton. lo alloUiienU. . . ■

t<!s ;thcy likeness Seen ’■ I « In Bank Robbers I

tiled out BOSTON: A iiR .'3M ft-A-nm- ■ Ihe iBir chlnegun gang, which held up a p .‘"® Lynn bank la.-.l spring and shot ned Into it out-wiUi pollcc whUe esominB ..jjg Iper ex- «,*ns Unked loAiy wlUi the high- ■

as did wnvQien Who'Kmbbeda recoM 1.S ■mUllon dollars Iron a'U . 6 . mail f i

ie.vNew# truck last \vj.>ck. . H;r would 8 UHe police Capl. Mlchnel J . (SItes Imd Culllnane siild Tuwday nlRlti h e ■cy. noticed a strong faolal nsem - ■■ —. blance bctw-ccn ooiuposite plc- ■

lures’ two mall robbery.sua- ■' A l l P«>‘* >ind dP.'crlplloitf of tw o f ■v * » Uiree_incn_who fled Uic Ensex • ■

, -lYust ooinpnuy bnxhcirin W « t ' ■[ ^ g U u n Inat March 30 wlUi taiAOO. ■

. NO rilAYKItS ■NEW v o m c . Aug. .22 lft-T h« ■

atUirocy.lor tlie.Ptiiic_edurtUon ■. department has kIvcii an opln- ■

lon that, no' prayers should be ■JS ,hS Pemilllcd in ihc slate's publlo ■

J l ; . i !! aehooto because of a reccni U A ■i l , ; supremo court decUlon. it wai re - ■

i we I;'“4 Traffic Deaths, Ii south. ■nS.“S M ogJc V o l l e y 1'M w ln l___ , Q - , . , - — —7 7 ---------f e

Her. fill 1962....... .-...c...;...... • 40 *

, K ‘ ,J5' 9 1 ? ; = ; — :;i5 4 ;

7 /

Dg and Pfom otlng tb e Growth o f N i

), W ED N ESDAY, AUGUST 2 ^ 1962

t ' • jT ’

.M s Wll- ' ‘ W ol

r S i a i i i B l ^ & i i f a j M k ^ v . " - . jL '. j ca




. ( Jl!

SiIrance. Blast scndi one fireman’s ha t, ' n air. (AP wirephoto) Ihi

' ■■ An

j h e s P e a k sms

o l n E v e n t s ^peak th is week w ith th e opening to*

ounty event F riday . • The B laine sei elude T hursday a t Carey. F o r th e w< vlll hold a *two*day fa ir a t F a ir - hq nins o n th e 1962 schedule arc th e •;

— -Minidoka county-fair.-A ug. hir 3 0 -S ep t. 1 and th e T w in '

L Falls county fa ir, Sept. 5-8.

- F a irs in Cassia and Good- — . ipg c o u n t i e s have been -1

C JT held already.- -B etw een fl.O0O and"lOW) i>cr- J

aons are expected to atUnd the . C con- annual tree barbecue a t L,nrnfl<» Jerome talrgrounda nt 5:30 »

p.m. Thursday. A western p araae ^ ir s a a y om daHy open th e Jenone le sd ay event a t 4:30 pm . Thursday... • , rm a n . The Uneoln county event will r\f)i in begin n t 10:30 oJn. Frldsy with th

" . P « r.a .. S im t .p o ru wlU b t s t 'CratlC hetd a t I pjn, Friday a t the [,«

f i r s t talrgrounda - recreation f i e l d area. BoUi events, are sponsored

r by th e Shoshone Chamber o t th P Commerce. th

Tbe animal tltUng and'ahow- l Ing contest at Shoshone wUl be r i

p c staged a t 2:30 p « . Friday with 40 the Riding Redskins presenting Ni a Jamboree a l 8 pjn. f f

1 0 0 At Jerome, W. q . Priest, coun- Rj O ty agent; said 4-H and communi- t t

a W— ty exhlblu were up about 30 per day he cent nbove last year, community nd 1510 exhiblU wcro being entered Wed- '® Itle so l nesday and tbe 4-H home cco- age to noniJcs and mlseellaneoua proj- itmenta ects were entered Tuesday with

Judglrig weU under way Wednes- uperlor day.^ lo l c l PrnntV. niamonrt A P-^

ranch a t Jerome and Elko, Nev.. ^ la produdkig U14 llkll'li llllilUiay “ through Saturday nights a t Je- '

nee in f^nie wlUi 10 contesWats Io r the Jeromo fair and rodeo

■raudu- queen.. Saturday aflcmoon Uie laiccea annual horse racing event ‘ I t esse, 5 a iUged a t Uic newly com- hit

pleted race ttaek ot Jerom e... -• cot llee _ ls At Shoshone. sclicOule of ler “flelcc- evcnta’for saiurttay~lH'dUde'the n gov- 4-H and FPA llvcjtock Judging tui rallona contest and 4-H home economics mu. Judging contest a t 9 am ., the Slellan, 4-H and FFA Judging quality ODon- o t d a l^ animats at 10 a jn . <, jhlot ----------------------------------------------

ISi "

bersA-.mn- ■aBBfc-njfeiSwd up a id shot scnping 'e high- ■ ■ ■ P S B l B f l H H f i E v Q M

1.S i P I H f i S S S S S S i i V S6 . mail

iwti J . IbT .lu a -


n^T he UliMlon 1 '

be publlo

nt wai

-3 7 * "40 •• " ......................... _ii

DLANKBT-CO\XRED -XTAUANS , .A lU ly .atter.iReaeing tbe nlgbt out<

60 m toos aeuUism Italy. At Icotl IS p 154 phota v ia radio from Rome)

ow th o f N ine Irrigated Idaho C o an tl«

IT 22, 1962 ^


1 ■ TensiffiBERL1N\ Auk.’ 22 (/P)— Thi

u - a n t’s office in I3erlin today a-' • K Soviet m ilitary comn

‘ ^ of ri.sin;,' tension in th e divic . • campaifrtl to oust W e.stern r

th e Soviet claim of E a s t German communiHt sovcr- 1

I ^ J B eignty in m utters concern- J ing Berlin cxccpt in s tr ic t- ly four-power m ilitary a f - 1

T here wa.t no Im m ediate com'- ^ m e n t from .Moj. O en . A lbe rt W ation II. the -Am erican com - m andunt. ‘

lV 'iS S 3 announcem ent cam e tw o 1(m ilitary pollcc r,|

a t Checkpoint C harlie he ld u p ^V M h Uiree Soviet arm ored c ars fo r 45 f.■ ■ M i m inutes a t Ihe border c ro u ln g t ll5 < -y { £ A hai-sle de « Jo p ed a.i Ih e t r

R ussians insisted they did. n o t j,,on escorc 'despite rc c c n t ' •

jL'A aionlnRA ot red army buses e a r - j ’,/4r.n-V1 rylng scn trlw lo Uie Soviet w ar tC

ji 's h a t , T h e Soviet c a rs finally w e n t wth rough , accom panied by a n mA m erican m lU taiy escort. ac

T h e soviet announcem en t sa idth e W estern pow ers have used esth e existence o f th e Soviet-com - a rm a n d an t's office os an excuse to so Interfere In in te rn a l a ffa irs o f he

r j E as t G erm any. W5 T h o announcem ent declared ^

^ , th e W estern pow ers a re reso rting ^o p e n in g to such m easures In o rder to p rc - ”I B la in e servo the occupation regime Jn F o r th e west Berlin as a cover tor thei t P n l r North Atlantic Treaty organlsa- MI t 1? a ir - Uon mlllUry base. «>a re t h e Tho s o v i e t announcement o''

,ir,-A ug. h in te d a t further-m oves.-------- «le T w in R ussians so ld m a tte rs ta k -o n f 1; fi en up by th e Soviet com m and- ..Ci>u u - o . (C«BUnBri an Tj w I , Calaan S>d G o o d ---------------------------------------------

rrU E arthqii g | Southern II

. NAPLES, Aug. 22 (U PI) - event WUl e a r t h q u a k e » ' today sprea Id ay wiuj through sou thern Ita ly and ts w iu ^ sto rm s sw ept th e a re a w het ifn n c ^ d had fled th e ir homes. The k sponsored 1 4 w ith m ore than 2 0 0 perso iimber ot th a t s tarted y este rday a f te m

. . . th e nigh t u n til'7 :2 5 -a n n riu d : n" w m ^ t e r ^ nea r Avellino, ab o u t “ ■Iday w ith 40 'm iles s o u t h e a s t of II presen ting N aples and only 30 m iles i

from the coast re so rt of iest. coun- Ravello w here M rs, Jo h n j

Kennedy is vacationing. ®ommSiSfJ T h e ttem o rs were te l l in R a - 1 ered W ed- dam ag e . JS w o rd was se n t im m ediately to !iS,« th e W hite H ouse In W ash ing ton

r w e d S S “ “ tinu ing b e r s tay . WT h e w orst Quake cam e a t 7:09 ^

nmnnri A P-^'- Vestcrday. W alls sp li t a n d ^

ii im m a v m m itf t i m U nnM , .fiBil —»u n t !«.- In to ' th e open co u n to '^ d e . Po- ■* >t< fn r th o hce estim ated th a t h a lf a m il-S ^.dco >l?“ ^ S3ioon th e open.ing ev en t '^■0 r lo le n t w indstorm w hich cc ewly com - h i t th e -« rM -la te today w as a c - ti r ro m c... . com panled by a d riv ing r a in a n d n: ciTule o f tem pera tu res dropped by 30 de- Id U d e 'th e gree3.-T liousanda'w ere ab le ito r« - k Judg ing tu rn to th e ir hom es b u t o th e rs i,; economics ^“^cd sleeping on th e side ot a m ., th e roads, in th e H elds o r on chairs

ig Quality m attresses th ey h a d dragged tt


:d -XTAUANS g ree ted d a y b re ak to d a y J t f b e n lg b t outdoora aw ay ’ fro m th e ir hom es lr A t le o t l IS pe rsons w ere r.epa rU d kU led a n d Rom e)

C o o n tie s . . ,

i a A b o l i i

m a n d e r ’ s

i o n I s R(/P)— T he Soviet U nion 's 'um m arily today and told th e W estern Allien 1

try command in E a s t’Germ any. The th e divided city, was apparently a ’e.stern garrisons. T he decision appe

S P o w e r K n oitrict-

: : : i n A r e a b y li^eom^ A rain squall and lightnin/

Magic Valley in to darkness.] ne two 10 minutes to an h o u r about

P®’* * principle dam age w as to the 45 Twin Falls substa tion . Light

iroMing tion through th e 46,000-voll a.1 the transm ission an d severely 1

Ud. not power, according to A. W. ( vision substation supcrin-

lev war tendent whose s ta tio n wa.s i i-i;toi._. a tru cli. “I t is on» Jy went w orst shakeups I can re- -i by an member wllhout the power lines J

actually being downed in the n t said storm," Lulloft commented. He r e Used estimated power was oft In Buhl ' •t-com- and Filer and areas Immediately cuse to south of Uiere to r about half an ] airs of hour. He...sald the Richfield,

Wendell. J e r o m e , Shoshone. 0 >riar*^ Hailey and Sun Valley orens ex- gi

perlcnced an hour without pow- c T t. Fewer was o ft tor about IS « minutes In Ooodlng. Ji

for the D«plfe the power failure, the ^ ganlza- Mountain S t a t e s Telephone V

company was able to give reas e> .cement onably continuous service to tbe o'

. Cltv of TVln Falls, according to cJ !rs tak - N, J . Cronin, traffic chief. ^ im and- .. Crooln sold individual phones lli»i» S) <C«aUiia«J »B Pm» i. C«lB»a <1 ^

h q i l a k e s H i t „ s

n I t a l y A r e a ;: ( U P I )— Fourteen dieath-deallng ay sp read panic an d destruction £ a ly and ton ight v iolent thunder- a rea w here half a .m illion peraons s. The known deatH to ll stood a t •; !00 persons in jured in th e quakes ^ ty aftem oon and w en t on through am triu d ay rT h e-q aak es-w ere-een - * ab o u t ■

mites McNamara Is ° %hn Against Cut \ing. w 'iamage. ForU. S. Aid ‘h S aton WASH1NOT6 n . Aug. a ISS- « .nd waa Secretary of Defense Robert a 1

. McKomara said today any leUip , . - nn In ^.S. military assistance to u

IU red-threatened areas around the h globe . ^ r i *

fled- _.T.?* Decreased support to armed al- 1

1.I U«. ho lold Uie senate appropri- a light in gtions committee, would raise "a a

w K™'’® possibility of SoTlat or > : Which communist Chinese raiscaicula- vas ac- tlon of our readiness and deter- g

mlnaUon tojlntervene." '•20 de- McNamnra appeared before n

leJo ro* the-eom m ittee-in-sapport-of-U ,c ; others bjujon dollars in m ilitary assist- I side ot anco funds. This Is pa rt of Presl- t I chairs d« ii Kennedy’s request tor a to- 0 dragged tai of «,7S4.e00,OOO In forelgn.ald

*’ approprittUons. |

r ■" '

B B - w : <R eB * .-1 t


B B ^ ^ B K '

d a y j t f IqantraLsquare o t Atiano Irplne,’ homes In the wake of an earlhqqake UUed and m a ^ were Injored. (AP win-,^

Final ☆ Edition

. - TEN C E N T 3 .:

ilishes r ’s Post; Rising

Ummarily abolished its command- jrn Allien henceforth they m u st deal m any. The move, coming a t a tim e jarenlly a new step in the Soviet , cision appeared intended to support

Knocked Out I by Stormd lightning .storm plunged a re a s in darkness.fo r.periods, ranging from, lo u r about 6:10 p.m. Tuesday. Tbe vas to the Idaho Power com pany’s ' ;ion. L ightning entered the su b sta- 46,000-volt' power lines; d isrup ting severely ham pering generation bf0 A. W, (Al) Lulloff. southern d i-. supcrin- —

Candidates S ijj Froth, State S s T ie ir CbargeIt half an By United Press IntemaUonal Richfield. OOP State Chairman John Shoshone. 0 . Mc&futray asks again ior a areas ex- gambling su n d trom Sen. Pmn'£

30ut pow- Church. Auditor Joe R. Wll- about IS llams asks his OOP opponent

James A.' Defenbaeh to check illure the facts before he ''spouta oft," and Telephone Vemon K. SmlUi says Oov. Rob- Rlve reas ert E. Smylle Is -bustUig the ice to tbe buttons off hU vest." Mc Murray *ordine to charged yesterday tha t Church !e!— *— was-campalgnlng-in-Idoho “Just .1 hours before" the Democratlo

Sl platform convention began last *’ monUi a t Idaho Falls.

_ _ , He said he knew Uiat Church • 1 ^ 4 . “conrerUently left- th e sU te

L M - f f i - ' s r . s s . " 5 . s s ”. s ^ _ . :were in attendance a t the coa«

*0 r | , ” “tam «ila te ly after th e adop- ' tlon o t the pro-gambling p lat-i-dea llng **0 “^ “ T .non K . sm ith announced U » f l e c t i o n jjij punbUng plank bad been Chunaer- approved by Church.": p e rao n s Me Murray said church ja b -

Stood a t w qaeatly announced be w *0- . n.ToV« hig to -disassociate himselt from 5 q u a k e s gambling Issue." th ro u g h Auditor WlUlams called o a >efe-cen- thi.JaefaihB---------------fore be "spouts oK" about the

T operaUons o t the auditor's office, a I q ^m iuanu said yesterday De-^** fenbach. Moscow, claimed the

Office's modem a c e o u n t i n s J i t ^u lp m en t was InstaUed before

WllUams took office.1 • 1 ~ rd Uke to invite M r. Defen-

A i H bach to visit tbls office anytime."Williams said, “and point out the

1 22 (»-> equlprafnt Uiat was In bere when BObert a 1anyleUip Sm ith 'sa id Bmylle was “bus- '

Istance to Ins Uie buttons on his vest" when iround the he compared Nevada taxes hlgh>. he Soviet e r than Idaho's at a RepubUcan -ehte»--te

. awrorwi* Nevada taxes aver-Id raise "a aced about >159 a year per per- SoTlet or son.nlscoicuia- *'l hasten to cal} to the. good and deter- governor's attention.” said Smith.** ' ‘tha t a *05 differential Is otfd before minor consequence when you port-ot-LS compflte_the,aw aBe per capita ary assist- Income of the average Nevadan t of Presl- to the average per capita income t tor a to- of the average Idahoan." foreign.aid

— ^ Goldberg Urges Unemployment

'S M - -Money-Extension-• WASHINOTON. Aug. 22 (C^—

Labor SecreUir>' Arthur J. Oold- berg urged congrcss todny to provide another extension ot - state - f e d e r a l unemployment

‘ compensation for some COO.OOO American workers who exhaust

■ j M Ihelr benefits each yeur.Ooldberg was the admlnlstrn-

Uon's openlng.-wltnvss at ti houso wa}'s and mjans committee 'heartiig on the que.nion. -----

Congrcss last year extended expiring beneflls to r up to 13 weeks, but that progrnm -mn out lour nionths ago. President Keii- nedy urged anoUier e:^tenslon ot

S h M . (he Jobless pay period in 'h i s ' economic .speech to the naltoo

^ ■ j H last week. .. _ .

Injured^^ ^ ^ B Kelb’ Hardin. 4-year-old ,

son of Mr. and Mrs. Ca^l Hardin. Kimberly, was In-

y ‘.1 Jured in a two-car O ccident - - • about-1 -p jn .-W « in esd ay -a t- -

I c L p I Uie Intersection of Second B B r ^ ' avenue east and F ifth street^ B l »■ W l * The 1901-Comet driven by . ■ B a i Carl Hardin was struck from

the side by a lU l Chevrolet driven by Delores Hogue.' 17,Twin Falls. Mlsa Hogue was > cited by Twin Falls police to r .

^ Q B t>^ure to yield th e right o t

- ” Ttie Hardin boy U .belng:.- Maglo VaUey Me<


Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

. First Camas I , 4-H Fair to

Open Frida7AJRFTEVD, Aug. 2 3 ^

county 4-H . elubJ a n m prtwroUons. for ft tw o ^ y

-------^jtJday.and au u n lay -T h ejdUplay Uiclr hondiwori: projects In Uie Anicrican h Hall.

- - - The concIudinB feature w. the 4-H fat beef catUe,«aIe held a t 1:30 p. m. Sncuniii the lot ftcroM’ from the i aerviee office In PalrflcW. £dlnlx)rouB:h nnd .Oene U flie donaUng. their nucUonc «ervjccs for the sale.

The fair »-iU opcn at 10 i TWday. • ' ,

I ' ^ — —

Ml'S. Maxwe Passes at 81

GOODINO. Auff. 32-Mra. Uan Mary Maxwell. 81. die

' her home Tuesday noon of'# ■ lUncss.

She woa bom In Vencdy, Oct. 15. 1980, ond attci eehoola In Lockwood, Mo. I ahe worked In the poatofflce t for seven years and fta county collector for four years.

She was marrltd to Wllllai Maxwell’Dec. 7; 10Mr-*n J' wood. Her hujbart), « ClvU veteran, died In 1924. lo

: Mra. Maxwell came to Ooo . and had Uved,here since;

.< ve/u a a m b e r of the Luthi ^u rc h . . T

She la survived by four 'i sons, Ralph Maxwell. Oood

Maxwell. Thorpe. Wash.; tl daughtera, Mrs. Ray Hori and Mra. Dewey MorgM. I

I, Ooodlflg. and Mrs. HaroW M . Lockwood, Mo'.; •seven ai

UrothcM, IncJudlnff Ted Bels Ooodlng: four atep-abtefs,

I • grandchUdren and 12 gpgrandchildren;

•runcral aervlcerf wlU be hel( 10 a jn . Saturday n t the Cali Lutheran church wlUi the I H. H. Spaude officiating. 1 rites will be held in Uie Hmw ccmetery. rWenda mW call th« TTiompsoa chapel ,Thur« Friday and Saturday untU t of aervlces.________• ■ •

J.ffiU to Close Concert Series

— HereonSundasTbe laat organ concert by

Hill In hla month-long aerlea outdoor concerts will be heW S p in . Bunday In the city p bas4 ahelL

X variety ot songa will be i tured. Including aelecUons Victor Herbert, a novelty . nufiffement ol ‘T ha Merry-< So'uad Broke Down,” for; cl «lren. a medley of aonw ^ Blrla’ names as UUes. aelectl trom ■RuCtolf Prlml’s “The Va

TwntJ-JCtegi'Hajd-Slgmund .Be b e rg i "Tbo Student Prince'.” a th e academy - award wlnn #onff, "Moon Wver," by He 'jurnni-tnt-

I HUl also, will ptay theme s ale t n m tbe Jormer radio p grain, “Flreatcne Hour/: a gn

\ o f aonga from W alt Disney m (fl ies; a World war I song, “Pi

tip Your Troubles*’: a spei I'l., amiiffemcBt of "Tl«er R<

♦IJoop-Dee-Do.’* aad “Happ_ e tte .- ..........................

The program' wlll close* w i> ‘’You’ll Never w alk Alone,” frII Hnmmeratej

'I" Magic Vailej Funerals

• TS71N PA LLS-runeral ae . ' fees for Mrs. I,ydlft Ann W ^—-*~w lU -be-held-a^a-pm .. Tbura*

n t Twin palla mortuary cha 1)1 by the Rcv. Henry J. Oemhaj

P lnsl rltea wUl be conducted Jl'I Twin Folto cemetery. Friw

may call a t the mortuary Wi I m nesday and until noon TburidIK* BUHI.EY—Puneral services . Mra. Emma Blanche Jacl

. 2 p jn . Priday. In the jos< Payne memoriol chapeL 1 rltea wlll be held In the Fie

^ o n t View ccmetCTy. Prienda t IW a t Uie payno mortu

jr.", . Thuraday aftemiion and even ; and until time of scrvjccs 3

day. ______,1 ID • OOODDfO — Pttncrai aerr;- '!1 ror-M ra. LUUan May Max^ I ]■ wlU be held a t 10 a. m Sat

- r • d a y -a t Uie Calvary Luihe• church with the Rcv. h

Spaude OfflclaUng. LAJt ritesI f be h<4d In Uio -Elmwood c«I '. tery. Priendu may call atI Thompson c h i^ l Thur»lay ]

. day and Saturday unUl Umtr i , eenrlcea.

■ OAIOEV'— Puneral serv ; ; tor jtih n Edward FVanka wliJ

- ----- .-beld-ftt-a-p..m. aaturday InOakley LD8 stakehoujw • , Blahop Donald Clark officlat L u t ritea WIU be held in

il 0#kl*7 cemetwy. Prienda ,II caU a t the Payne mortuary. i il - ley. ‘Priday aftemoon and

nlnff and a t the place of ser- / • OM.bay.prlortomeruneni

i ..Wheel Comes 0^ BtmLEY. AUB. 22- a W

■ V - ®“ ^ b> 'jmUed.by.it car driven by D5 . 1 ^ , ^ ' i i U e . causal lirtlmatftd tSOO damage to a 0bi7*J«? drirea by Prederii

; . . , _ p i e t * i ^ oallup, N. M.. accBf; .B i , -• »ald Uie »

I*'3 v > ';, d iiy > f^ m '» n . 'N o ona was

Wednesday, Aug. 22,12 Twin Foils rimes-f 'Weather, .'

- ■ Maglo Valle^-'TaMy eloi. ' Tbantfar* Cooler ioalfbi. 0

a i i l d S ■ Tcm peninre « t 8 a m . 51 a( c a a a s M o• _ lory wlUi hnmldlty 69, per eei I T t o Babl.' t» a t Wendell. S8>at.

cent faDB>Jd)<r a t experlmea

. X J u a j tbtmpbba:Aug. 2»-Cam as Twin Pftlla and vicinity, N Iba ore maklnff today ')6 to 83, low tonight 4 ft two-day fair, Low tonight and high tome

irday-Thcy wlU 40 and 84: Buhl. 62 and 81; H^dlw ork-atK f W and-80l BurJey.-« and.fli American Legion oamaa Pralrie-HIgh today

37, to SO. ra lrfle ld-38 low to ( feature will be .catUe.sale to be FIVE-Dm. Sncuniay fn TenpetsCons tbrouch ne> From the forest QMr seuonat normal* over Falrfleld. John j,lxba of B5 ahd lowa of 48

d .Oene Lonon * t the.beicinnlnr of Uie pei ^r nuoUoneering and then cooler again by M< sale. (oday and arafn atroa( Saadiipcn at 10 a. m. of itronger U>an nonnal (odi

, and tomorrow before, inoreasJ

1 1 SYNOPSIS AKD ACa X W C l l Tbo ^«h6 that movei

■ ■ juid laat evening brought sp(* 0 1 valleys. Due to the particular 1

c l t O X ^ B lo Valley last evening, heavy. At the entomology lab

g. 22—Mra. LU- waa recorded In less than t ell. 81. died a t experiment atatlon, .25 of an y noon or a long p jn . o th e r Mogic Valley ata

amounts.In Vencdy, HI.. -ond attended At preafnt. ahowers are o

ood. Mo. Later In northcentral Wyoming fro: poatofflce there Cool, fairly unstable air osi Id fta county tax 6ause 'a few widely scatterec years. upper Snake region and high

K to William T reduceIBM ln % £ VWley and aouUiweatera val

a C lvilwar cool aide today, tonight and I 1924 In 1980 over by Friday and Sc

me to Ooodlns normal, ranging In the Se since She <«PplD» In to ,Uie upper-30'a In 1 f the LuUieran 'Wmda- wUl bo diminishing toi

■ BulidiDf pressures aloafr the K, fnttP •]»>»». weather to prevail into Saturd

Ing fa r out ta Uie Padfic U e>

Average 24-hour

TEMPERATURE Higheat temperature ’Tueada:

<, PrcclpltaUon for 34 houra end

id 12 great- Aibu«u«rau* ^ _____ »o - s:. A>h«*III« ~ ss 6SWlU be held a t A iunu---------------- as es

a t the Calvary g n iw . »» «wlUi the Rev. nu^«I?k uZ Z Z H S» «llclatlng. liaat ituuB — as stn the Elmwood ”s may caU a t J? JJjpel .Thursday, ch.ri».ion. a. a ___a# 7s

— ' ji J l- ■ Dtn»*tr __________ M sr

Close , ieries i i 5; ,

l u n d a y i S r i - u k - r = ! ! i i ■concert ey j . k,b»»j c iw ______ 100 is•long aeries of Lu V n u ________ ids nrll] be heid a t ------------101 ssthe cllT park temperature extremeatne a iy Tui

- m ZoiperJAl and IJ l a t BJythe. Ca t Redmond, Ore., and 38 a t R

" i “ “ ™ £ W .te lo o . ’n , t t p o r u - a n I I novelty ^ ' ilawaU~ Highest temperature yeater

J S ' SS 5 S Lir;.Ues. aelectlona c i ,* r r _________ _ « “ " .

!! .

IDAHO TCward winnmg sutiw » u . uin. r* a," by Henry j^rdw a -------------- m - ss

luhl ...1 "7 T „ SI SBay theme mu* nurttr - tt. ss 1ier radio pro- “ »Jlour/: a group rTirft;ld '~rr" ~ ss so . 1•t Disney mov- coodinc __________ #2 —I sang "Pack — 77 4S

m Magic VaUe Alone," from . . __Hammcrsteia-a M a f f ic " a ^ y M e m o n a

/ a I I a V ^ Joseph Oarcla, L a r rr a u c Y W right,.Juanita BoUnger, LiUla

., Sanders, Mra. Gien Smith anp g l a Mra. Duard Larkins, all ’Twl

Puneral aerv- ^Ua Ann ^ t C:nnle Petterly and’ Mra. Wl w n . '^ u i w S M artin. aU Filer: Mrs. Raj

m wtf c a r tw . Mr».-Owen.Bonne J. OenOiardt^ “n'lconducted a t Harding. Burley: Mra. Hai

J r y McMlUen. Hanaen; MrS 'a i T W r t ^ Hazelton: Mr^ iS u ra S v Henry. Eden; Rodney R» » inuraoay. p„jy,-al services for boUi Kimberly; U rs. Jesa I^cei .nche JacUln tua, Shoshone: Mra. Arthur Vet iriU-ba.hKld a t Ruth. Jerome, and Mrs. Laurene 1 the Joseph Haahman, WenaellT chapel Last DIazalsscd '.l i ^ e Plcaa- saby boy Wllllama. Mra. RJ• , mlon Sanchez, LeaUe Joan Hai

kina, Oeorse Lewi*. Mrs. Robe n a ^ cven^g Howard, Mrs. L. A. BeU. LillU r aervjcca F ri- senders, Diane NfeJ«ii. - Hr

Owen Kinney ahd Lewla R, Et uncrai gervi -M 8elbrecht. aU Twin Palls: Mi M a 7 S f M i DctcW lAtcht and Mra. Harlfl

m s ! l S ‘ MtM‘»en, both Hanson; Rhone fary Luihemn Kcmpton, Johnr^ l i u u i c r ^ Johnson-and Mrs. T ; i• lo a t rites’ wni SmlUi. all Buhl: Mrs. Jerry B< 3 m w o o d ^ e N « n h * n i m e r . Eden; Hom. y call m th« ^ e H -M rs . Edward Ml Thursday p h . Carty, BywbwJy; Mra. Robe- unui tlm« flf McClain. Moielton; Mrs. Verll

Sutton and son and Mra. Jii _ . Hines and aon. aU Burley; fcevineral acrvlcea Hanaen^ Rupert;. Albert C. M« i ^ k a WlU be Hollywood, Calif,, and Doilaturday In Uie^eh o u « • wiUi Births tork officiating. A aon waa bom Tuesday I

Wra. Joseph- Oarcl . m rnda may Twin Jtilla; a daughter waa bor iMrluBry. Bur. to Mr. and Mra. Qwcn Bennet

Wednesday-births Inclu* “ w n to Mr.^and Mra. Rex Ree

the funeral. pjicr, and daughtera to Mr. at ------■_ ^ Mra. Carl Webb, Twin Paiji, ar

mes Off o'Jffi.™""’ ’> 22 ~ A Wheel —

fri,*S'S f f l M inidoka Memoriala Admitted’

*. Margaret Ann Madden Mj w ? ^ a y a a h l . Frances Wl;

S h M l l I ^ C O ^ c a . Olenslflger. ,Mioneriii lUy Esther Johnao naod LorrU Hei

f d Uie W h e e l ’ ^ S . l ”u n e t e

ona waa In. ^ a i i ^ . bom to Mr. u M r^ Joha KobayashU Rupert

t h e r ; T i e A p e r a t i i r e i]>..>raMy doDdy. bSt cleartnr tonight- aofl' ter ioaifhi. OoUook fof Friday,, fair and- war t 8 a m , 61 a t JerwDe, «• a t T. P . experiment » r oent bomldlty, 56 a t T. F . eatomolpgy Ub Idlty 69,per een(,.M a t FairrieJd. 51 a t BaUeyj B 'endell, M-at.CaaUeford; a t nooo, 88 wiUi 48 a t experiment staUon and 6S, per oeat hnmi laboratory, ^ ro in e le r : 30.13.

T E M P ^T D ^^ F O R E C A S T S . ■ nd vicinity. North side, Burley-Rupert a r e a - l low tonight 46 “to 60 and high Thuraday 80 to

nd high tomorrow. Oooding, 60 and M; Jero hi. 62 and 81; CaaUeford, 4Q nnd 82; Twin F ley,-49 and-84.e-H Igh todoy anfl'TliUrsday-ie-to-IB.-low-tonl eld-38 low tonight and 88 high tomorrow.

FIVE-DAY FORECAST tbrouch next Monday ir e expeeted to avei

lormals over Maglo Valley, which mnina avei d lowa of 48 a t Twin Falls. I t will be qulto nr of the period bot warming by -the weefc- e again by Monday.-Thuitdenbowen are expei tl atroat Saaday over aonthcentral secUona, Wl n nonnal (oday are expected to diminish toni iMfore. inoreaslnr again abont Sanday or Mom

?SI6 AND AORICOLTDRAL StJMMARY It that RiOfed through aoutheni Idaho'yeater lg brought apotty ahower,amounta to agriculti he particular timing of the fu n ta l passage thro ast evening, thundershower amounta wero qi ntomology laboratory In Twin Falla A8 of an I; 1 less than two lioura time. A t tho Twin' F lon, .25 of an Inch waa recorded from 6:30 t gic Valley ataUona reported much lighter aho

homera are occurring In southern Montana 1 Wyoming from this alowly moving storm ayst

itable air associated, with thla diaturbance - ideiy scattered ahowers this afternoon aver­sion and higher mountain rongea but the eff< r. will reduce any chance for ahowew In Mt Ihwestem valleys. Temperatures wlll be o n ' tonight and tomorrow before the .warming tn

'riday and fiaCurday. Minimuma. tonight wll! inglng In Uie low- to mld-40’a wlUj aomo readl: upper-90's In higher vaiieya auch aa Comoa prai Imlnlahlng tonight and be leas' sttong tomom ■e* aloag the Weat Coaat will allow warmer 1 Jl into Saturday but a new storm ayatfcai devel< « Pacific la expected to move eastward and rei Sunday.ir aoll temperatures. 72 a t T. F. experiment ai -ni At nK nn<t1i.fnrd? ftt i>lght Ineht station. ;5

IPERATURE ^ PRECIPITA'nON — ' raturo ’Tuesday, loweat temperature last 12 hoi 34 houra ending a t 6 nJn. (CST).

Vac. Ultt. I'ep. Lo* Anrtin - 94 m= t l l i Vi_ _ M ■ U ■: .it Ml.ml Dcch ---------- SS 77= !! S !i— It 70 .71 New"orkiIui®t.J^!hl;*i ^7S

99 81 JD No* York _ _ _ _ _ *3 8«— _SB S7 North Pl.ll* - - - ss Si __ >3 77 OkUJioas CJV — -■ »» 7S~ s 7 8* r S u a i h i r ^ ______” ”89 II .18 rho«nl**’ - - — ' ' ' ' *8i :« S -M MrH I? S?=S! n^ 70 W Klehmond _________ 98 <S__9S- 74 St. Lwilt'_________ 90 69_ 91 Sl Tr. San Antonio - |T- 78— *8 E4 JS S»n rnncltco -- 62 SiU._St <1 .SO St. Sl». UaMf______ «7 49^~^ H 11 SMtU* ___________ (8 4S

^!oS 78 WiSh*.'..n.r ■ I (4 70 * _101 es Wlehlim __________ 100 76ure extremes from within the United States e 1 Hawaii: Tuesday highs, 112 at.T herm al ai

a t Blythe. CaJlf.;'Wednesday morning lowa,H and 38 a t Reno.reporta -3,64 Inchca of ra in In paat 24_ bou)

UawaU and Canada - -raturo yeaterday. lowest temperature* last SB for 34 hours eadlog 4 pjn.- {PSTJ.

Mm * "Jj * ___________ M

“ 7» 4S ?? 7j

IDAHO -m e ra A T U R E S 'Mlj. r»p. J . ro m .---------------- 91 SI

_ 99 8S LcwltluB - ---- . . S4 M_ S9 S7 • MaUct _____ 93 SJ_ S9 18 -.07 Moonula Uon« ____ 90 -

=:; ii ■— IS so . Tr. R««l>un[ : ss .— 92 — B«ln'Mi’ - M_ 77 43 TWI.V FALLS _ _ _ _ 92SS 4S .OS W.lt., — ....^ : S9 f

91 87 Tr. W»«dfll — __ ____ 8

e V a l l e y H o s p i t a l s

7 M e m o r i a l G o o d i n i r M e m o r i a lI t ^ ---------------- Admitted ____

Mela T ■* Thompaon and Joha Nov

“ “ “* e P ' W OooiUnu. U p-M ui»K _El • _______

^ ( J a s s i a iv ie m o r m iand- Mra. WU- Admllted

Hernandez. Mra. Agn

^ o n a rd Hanks, Steve l i m and Cindy Hani

^'^“'''^cm ayne.H e

Chrlatensen and .Carol JejJ rt! JM8 K c S Otah.« • Brian M ohrSdTwilUam PoI Mra. Laurence ter. Jeon Porter and DeUa DII. , mtega, all BuHey: M ra.'-B«saed . ,Udy. Malta;- can n a Darfilama, Mra.' Ra> Almo; Kent Whlteley. OaklejaUe Joan Han* *"»• Je«ry Broadhead and .Jol ■la. Mra. Robert Wageman. both Heybum, : ,A. BeU. Lillian . . BlrUaNfeJaon. - Mra. ^ daughter waa bom to' i

d Lewla R. Etl- “ i'l Mrs. Robert JoUey, Burlivln Palls: Mra. ^ ---------- •Jl M n. H w to S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J c r o mlonson; Rhonda -• Admitted •

Dlngman a ^ M J « Belnaj, botti Twln Falls.

Mrs. Jerry Bo- . ©ijnilaaedDebra Harwood, Mrs. Kenne

” ’ i5 1 “ a OToole and aon ahd Roy MUI. , n - ^ ^ M «. Bay Peters.

tloughua-, WendeU, and M I “ J , ° ‘'M '.A ib.rt 0. Mo- ~ ^ ;

S e a s o n E n d s a t

C a m p P e r k i n s ‘~

ir^wSwrn s “rSo." '.rte.** S i r°6rr'th.°SS5ac

YouUia have attended frc Bubi, Clover. Fl

imp Murray, El jerome and Eden In Mai _ Valley, •'

There have been camp aiM e m o r i a l and *l*Ui grado:,i^ - seventh and eighth gradera;

gradera, Ualnlto dden , i/eialona for young people; fam

, FrMcea Wly- camp aeaslons: retreats for wot }lensjacer. Mra, en’a groups and men’a grou] »nd Lorrle Hen- alao a mwi!^ camp and one t

prlncl^aU. Still to be h«

.... ... s™ '-S ''"" '.

a t t i r e s H e r o i s i n m j

P l a n e C r a l l i

I s P r a i s e d ; ; , .

Brazilian air force men plun Uirough bloilng fuel oil to

^pert“ a re ^ H lg h i^rt?ng*a majw diaaater^to 2 f r craah of a BrazUlan

Though iwme wero badiy 1 82; Twin Falla, e j ot the 104 p e r aL — , . . V aboard the huge Jet eme ^7B.~!ow-tonlght jinvrrfom'Uie-wreckBgfr-Moi tomorrow. j,lght. ’Thirteen poasengera aj

atowardess perished and flro aona aUU were missing. ‘ '

•ected to average No Americona were abowi h mnioa average The Panalr de Broall DC8, NrlU be qulto cool rylng 63 passengers and 11 < by-tho week-end members, headed down a : ven are expected way of Oaleao airport for a fl J aecUona. Winds tp Lisbon, Portugal diminish tonight 'Hundreds of frlwds and i

nday or Monday, tlves watched horror-strickei a starbooKf engine burst

UMARY * fUime and the Jet, UaUlng Jdabo-yesterday aped aUalght for Uie tone

ta to agricultural aeawall.I passage through WlUi lU undercairlago rll junta wero quite off. tho plane w ^ e d Um Ua A8 of an inch Uio bulwark ond dived toto C : tho Twin Palls nabarti bay. Fuel oU blaaed I from e:3o to 7 the water. h lighter shower "We ran pell-me for

shorft“ said Joso Araujo, a co ot a Brazilian passenger,

m Montana and expected the worst." ^ ng atorm aystem. But they f<?und the d « th diaturbance will relatively light. Meat of Uio t

emoon over: tho were BrozlUajia, Qne w u a bu t ,Uie effecta EnglUhmaa. howera In Maglo The plane

wlll be on Uie vital. 15 minutes. e .warmlng trend aome paasengera to Im p o«

tonight will t» iwiro to safety. N ^ w lm t Ul aome readings crawled out on Uie wlnga to a' na Camaa pmirie. rw u e . • - , •n«,,ni.n ittong tomorrow. The heroism of ilow warmer fair force men who plunged taro

tward and reoch — _ _ ~

experiment atft- K 1 j ^ S X l O f t O f

r “*• . . „ Mondoy for Joseph NleffeneiZ i : 97 87 ot Uio Hogerman Reorgan— SS ! i U53 church, wllh Poator 1 — 5? Olauner offlcloting.i U s s 81 invocoUon • and aermon V“K J i n SI Riven by Elder Dana Ollro— 'gf JJ J J Emerson Pugmlre read the 0

~ . . Howard Carlson pla— 51 l l ■?» prelude a n d poaUude mualc. ___107 ' 7S Al accom panied M ra. D an a O lln— J i 5i -I! and M ra. Chorlea C ary, J r , '— ?! 84 aong two ducta.__ 94___ «7 .09 Active poUbearera were Will

— 98 «l ^ LeMoyne, Ted 1 “ 90 69 ond Ted Rohblns. Honerarr p— l l «2 beorera w ere O eorge Lenker, 6 = "■ « L w in e g ar . W .R .Boyer a n d En ___87 49^— - Thom aa.— «8 48 Asalatlng wlUi tho flowera v ~ s f — 7? 17* Mr8.-Tom-rau5Ctt.aDd.AIra_^£ _ _ 94 70 .Ot ’Thomton. , ■ -_100 76 concludlnK ritea werd held nited States ex- Hagerman cemetery. En it.T h e m ^ l and son Pugmlro dedicated tho gn aoralng lowa, 36 Z __________,----------

paat 24- bours. D e a t h T a k e s

r : M r s . H a m ^ 7__ ** S2 Mre. Emma Blanche JacV— ** Ham. TI. died a t the Magic V

ley-jacm oElal—hospltal, T>1 Tuesday momlng,

r r J l Is She -«pu-bom a t Lemlngt— SJ “ July JJ4. 1885, and attei “ *8 ~l West Jordon and Salt Li __ 90 0 Tr. City schoola. Sho waa m an

M .«< to William J. Jaeklln in the £“ JS • .£. Loke City LDS temple Feb. _ 9J M 1004,~ “ Si I IV She lived In TJUh until 1-------------------21: when she moved to sianr

« . - where she nnd her huaband t< l o up a homestead. They moved

[ i l U l l b Buriey Jn 1W7 and In 1935 i ~ moved to Twin Falla whero iM e m o r ia l hoa resided since. Mr. Jaci ihZ. tiled. In 1045. In I« 8 ..ah e ?

m a rr ie d _ to J 5 r^ !7 y tfL H ^ . • M J o h n Novo- to

,bsed M ra. H am waa a mem bertr . Ooodlnff tb e I 'M ch u rch , being especlt__ active in ReUef aoclety w(

— j _ | ------- fih e .w o fk ed m uch o f h e r Ufel e m o r i a l a p ra c ti» l nur»e. lilted • She Is survived by two aciez. Mra. Agnea wuUam O. Jaeklln. Hailey, i Parley-Tolman, -A ibe rt^ llto n -Jack lln _ flp a ) . Steve Ilanka, Nev.: four doughtent. Mr*. Tl nd Cindy Hanks, mo Blanch- Pinch, Buriey: }. Trcmoyne. Hey- virglnlo Fem Dean, Mesa, Ai

Mrs. LaVerle Mrs. WUllam MatUda Ivle, E Id . Carol Jean ta; U tah, and Mra. Mary Ri

Proro, Utah. O’NIeJI. McOlfl. Ner„ 16 jrrai LMed children tn d 14 great-grandclId, WllUam Por- dren.

DeUa Do- Puneral Mhrlcea will k ci ey: Mra.'- BfSBt 'a u e t^ i t 3 p jn .- Priday-in- Canna Durfee, Joseph Payno Memorial choj hlteley, Oakley: Burley. Laat ritea wlU be held dhead and .John the Pleaaant View -cemeu Heybum, : / Prlenda may call a t Oie Paj tha mortuary Thuraday aftemcas bom to' Mr, and evening and until time t JoUey. Burley. Uio aervlcea Friday.

t ^ Jerome , Q o g S OH M i s s i o ringman a ^ Mrs. OLENNS fZRRY^Aug. 3^ •Twin Falla. John -Lewla Jonea, brother jMcd . - Mra. LewU Middleton. Hamm-d, Mrs. KenneUi Tuesday for tfainlng ach ahd Roy MUler, in Balt Lake City prior tb be

». Bay Peterson to 1130 Kethertonda a^endeU, and Mrs. «t the LOS‘church. 3owan, Dietrich. He expects- to -be away 1 ■- ' yeara. Jones waa a membern t J Uie Olenna P errr sraduat i^ n d S a t olaaa of 10B3.. .

: r k i n s -2 3 -A -iu c c O s fu l 6 U ^ % E C

'&p“a s d l i v / t dutheran church- •lOmUesaorth-of - ........ £ f o r $ 5 ' '

.i SSA SoVe MereMen In M agic W U T C - i - I V r W fo r

^ e n camp aea- t v n m e m b e r

gradera, ualnlng _______________ '

E c o n o m yi men’a groups, - ' - - ffmp and one.for - ”. su n to be held . v U f l C Cnlar.cltl«na..thla _____ J f l - U E i —:heck. Concordia ' T is ji waa camp man- ; . K im berly,. Roa4


Valley TU r f l S l l • ■ 'C la rk -a Brown. Burky

i “ --- fined |1 3 « to- B u riV : cAurt for nmOig a atop a lt

s e d . Jerry D. Peck. Burloy.■ fined *35 la Burley poUco

URO.BraaU.Aug. to r running a red Ught. r of dvUiana and seftlriey K. Jones, -ll, ■ce men plunging Blue Lakea boulevard nortti

fuel oil to the cited for failure U> yield ted Tueaday wlUi right of way after a two-ci r d ia a a ^ ln the cldent a t 7:50 ain . Wedn Uian JeUlner. a t Uie IntersecUon'of SlxUi

wero badiy In- nue ond Second street nor e 104 p o r a q a a paaaenger in Mlaa Jonea* ire Jet emerged yjeUe Bale, IB, 181U Blue srectaigfr-Monday boulevard north, waa take poasengen and a ambulance to Magic Vallej tied and flro per- „oriaI hospital, where «h< ilwlns-*; ■ treatod and releaaed. Mlaa .

Mercury coUlded broi Braall DC8. car- * wsa Chevrolet ont

{cra and 11 w w one-half, ton truck drive ■d down a riJn- j,jUg » Baughman, 47, irpprt for a flight ft,enuo north.8?V ^ , Ooddon -K. Roper, 47. rlwds and reia- juj^d $30 for epeedlni orror-stricken.aa lyalgaed 30 demerits by glne burst Into p»fgana. BUa* JusU Jet, UaUlng fire, q. . ^ or Uie concrete j^o a . Strauaa. 46. Burlej

rlpw d c l t . '» .< o r '° U o » « .y ;a y ^ , cruheil throUBh ■ . -

a " ’o ? S 2 . S T n Power off “; S = ' . " . S . . 'S “; r o ? A " b M™ i«nB ir tinuotia: aervlee w m malst-

especlaliy. U) Uio hospitals d the death toll po^ce. -He aald Uiat a j S c ^ of S T d e ld Pbonlng- wben Uie Ughta

one ^ an out would b^ve experienced i were R o la n s . SO ««onda of low power ved afloat for a Uio telephone company's

e n S e d d ‘ ««eU-.»enefaUng m ^to leop out and .camo ,o^ . ^. Nonawlmmera Zndlvrdual phbnea could le wUigs-to await bad trouble If water had *

lato'iiid-iirotecUve covera a 9f BraaUian air placb w bue the phone lino i plunged through the building':...,^ oU aaved many. "W atir o fany 'na tu re tec------------ ahort out phones,” he erpli

“U auaU r-that'w ould eet ' L O n O r nolle Ota the line. We aen

■ crewa oa aoon oa it waa rep

i f f i V l 3 i C r " p h o n u were not working, ■ * « « « . 1 camo o tf ra ther eaay, tbougl

a a to n a ’this Intense.- - IS, NiffflnenMr Twin FaUa atreet crewa

lh P u lo t HUl. I" "

a 'm m io n « o « Olty police, tlr , m i D«im allm or.. itp iirtm ra ta MPOTltd

B read the obit- had a "quief* night and tha atorm did not keep Uiem ui

Carlson played busy. Two. elwulcal flrea lude mualc. and anawcred by city trucka and 1. Dana Ollmoro hapa were caused by overli

era were William 1:30 p. m. a t Uie Knotty W ira n a ^ b e r^ l m i ^ M ^

jMll* ^ a fire Tvhleh apread tc « e Lenker, 6 . A. front portion of an i ^ . toyer and Emery men reported Uuvt there

UtUs domflcre fram ttte bU the nowera were Overloaded U n« alM -oj t and Mra. flam ently. c a u ^ a aboH In a

■ • -------- vIslon-aefBt 2 iai-BUisaboth ba werd' held 'a t vard, - • •emetery. Emer- Sevenii pereon* -In the Ot cated the grave, ford nrea rtported being ot

“ edgo of lightning atrikea. D« n 1 ' Alexander, who woa -balingfakesl u a ^ • • nearby dog wero.knocked tx iianche Jaeklln ground. 'Uie Magic Vol- He aiM<t W ed o ea^ . be Ja hospital. Twin stiff and aore. O ther. CaaU< Homing, area-fttiTiiera, BUl'-Murpblta t Lemlngton, Madarleta. also said

&nd Salt Lake eleclrtasty jrom ugntn inc,

U » p l. R b . 17, • S “ X .P P « .n U , «

; h S o . T . r . ; s s i h S J»nd Mra. MerriU and Uielr

i!!! SS «n' l ««« ''’alia whero she lightning alabout 0:30 p. m. nelghbora c

jM R .a h e was volunteer Caatleford fire

before- Uie auucture «-oa bui a member dt -High wlnda' up to os mile.*

being especlaliy hour were recorded a t Bi aoclety work, about 0:20 p. m. Tueaday

i of her Ufe aa cooaidOTble d e b r la .rcp<

1 by two sons, and twiga. in, Hailey, and A Umb which felt acroM jickUju—flpatkf. jjowcr Unea .at IBth. street tera. Mr*. Thel- Burton nvenuc caused the 1, Buriey: Mrs. trie service in the aouUiwest an, Mesa, Ariz.. Uon of Burley from Main ov tUda Ivle, Del- to 31at street, to be off for a in . Mary RuUj one hour, oooording to Ch Nevn 16 jrrand- Dovls, city power aupertnten< rreat-grandchll- Three aeoUons In the r

aide of Burley also were wil !s will M con- power for approximately t rP riday -ln -tho hourtrClty-atrectxiwii-aJMre. emorial chopel. Wedneaday cleoning dohrla : , WlU be held In the atceeta./lew -cemetery. HoU wna roported 10 i 1 a t Uie Payne aouUi of Buriey, but tt did day aftemoon laa t'lon* enough to cause I until time ol damage. Duat atorma in' ay. Malta area cauaed a e v e ^ tr ------------ • accidenta.

MissionflY. Aug. f . T y ‘t D. t t . ^ b r o t h e r > o l | ' ^ @ ' > / / ^ . t P eton. Hammett, H f ^ j r i V l W J / \ V tfainlng echool g !| • ^ I H 5 r / r - / r prior tb belnit i I iM httto d a mla- B | ‘ ^•be away two [ 111 t ( a member of I

rrr graduating ,

=—#==! - y j c K 'M S d r a■;$5- - r —Herelember i

le^ Traffic C o i^a^own. Burky, waa clo loo cloaely. after tbe

la-. B u riv poUee Chevrolet be waa driving «i f i ig a a to n a lg a : . ' with th a rea r end of *196( peck. Burloy, waa driven .'by Daniel f . Morei Burlay poUco court Rupert..; Officers said '

i . i «

; s r . 5 ° S ™ % v i . i .» J .

■cUon'ot Sixth’ ave- reault of tk car-truck coUlal md atreat north. A F > U »et In Rupert Tueada

Mlaa Jonea’ Car. ernoon. —• -19. l a m Blue Lakes Bwamer 'waa m tkrth : was Uken ^ m tu rn from I l t i a t iw t : I Magic valley Me- atreet w hea Uie, 1964 Buk lal .where ahd waa was driving colUded .witb i eleaaed. Mlaa Jones' Chevrolet pickup W ck

coUlded broadside O itenaw ^ta and driven by C & l e t oae and W. Weeka, U . ^ r t ,

truck driven by Weeka waa cited for^ovl luirhman 47. 1S3 cbauffeur’a Ueenae. Damag J f t esUmated a t W8 to Uie ca, Roper, 47. Boise. $100 to Uie truck. .0 for speeding and .■ Jew Hurley, 33, « « fl«f demeriu by . M n. and ooat^ aentenced to 1(

a. Blla* JusUce of In tho city JaU /Ucense w aa ' suspended . fo

uaa, 46, Burley, waa yeaf by Twin PaUa twUce i ^ g liiouier yehl- Dale J ., Adatoion tor dr— ------ driving.

- y . He waa arreated about / I T 'T am . Wedneaday-la the 300

r C l U X JL . . of Second avenuo weat.

”3 'n UiB Ughta went ,v . „f cited lore comwS^a & ^ auto. Slatte

-SL S .phbnea could have x *■' m i

L s ; ; ' J o ! ; ^ r i h 1 Jolm Frani, ^ p h . n . i h i . „ u „ Y i a t i p v

ines,” he explained, - r v * . • v r . i‘C ^ V U n i P o u V D i e s m Utalu it waa reported OABXEY. Aug. 33-Joht

_ these individual w_ard Franka. 88. died Tueac not woriang. we uie~ veteran^ • oipit&l Ifl

er eaay, Uiougb, for u k o City,Intense.- • He woa bom. May I. IBatreet crewa were Almo. and moved to Canadi

ing dralna. H u g e hla family when he was 4 a t some Intersee- old. At the age of 18 he ret

to Idaho attd had resided fire and Tural fire alnce. On June lQ,JfiS8;be reported they aU ried Therm a Walker In thi night ond tha t Uie l* k e Clly. LDS temple.

; keep tbem unduly Mr. Franks waa a memi eculcal flrea were the LDS church-and a t th< ;ity trucks and per- o t h is deaUi belonged to tbi uscd by overloaded prleat quorum a t Oakley

also aerved aa a member i tires atarted about bishopric in Oakley for a1 Uie Knotty Pine yeara.mberly rood, where wBurvlvora Include his on t ubing leoulted four sona, Joy R. Franka, leh apread to Uie M nalng .’ Mich.; D a l l aof an attic. Fire- Franka. Sait Lake City; Lyi

1 Uuvt Uiere w-oa Franks. Provo, UUh. andfram I4» blaze. AT. Franks, Oakley; four dllnea also- oppar- tera, Mra. Barbara Nelaor

a aboH In a tele- Mra, Mory Ann Crafton,ai-EUBobeth boule- Oakiey:_Mrs. Oati Shade.'

land. Woah.: Mra. ’Maiigon* -In the OaaUe- Seedalj, , Rupert; moUiftr,jrted being on Uie Mory Ann Franka, Alberta.Ing atrikea. Delbert ada: Uiree broUiers. C10 waa baling hay Ftanka, Oakley; Arnold Fitoreon place aouth- Cody, Wyo.. and James Ffford. aald he waa Alberto. Canada; twp tlsteisoeduinlsm which Ken W aller and Mrs. M arr:e'wben he and hla e tland, both Alberta, Canadi« knocked to Uie 18 grandchildren.

Funeral aervicea wiU bo bdstfday he la 0tlU 3 p jn . Saturday In the C. Other . CaaUeford LDS atake house with I -eU t-A lum by-and J2ooald Clark officiating,la. also said Uiey ritea.^wlll bo held ta 'lhe Cp". when a current ccmetery. Friends may -cirom lightniny pass- the Payne mortuary, Burleyelr pickup truck as day afternoon and eveninctg to feed sheep'in a t tb e place of scrvlce ono

prior to the funeral.apparently au?wk ^ -----------------------------

, r . “ r S . M ! D r . N e w m a n , 4

Taken by DealrtU and Uielr two , D r. Harold Newman, 49. ( t oTOy from home calif., former ’Twin Folia > Ughtnlng struck shoshone re.-ildent, died of

SiSSSM S S “ "■"a s t m bomrf: i S S a liiJIcliii. nVtl.c U. up to OS miles per „uy of Callfomlo. Betkeley •corded ot Burley NorUiwe»tern univeraity. I

m. Tueaday wiUi aton. III. Ho served as a t d e b r i s .reported po rt aurgean’during World ^ •fronrt»roken-Jimb» in-tho^Sotith-Paciflc and-

Uced medicine In Chico. ch felt acroM Uic surviving, besidea hU w t IBUi. street w d nro three sons and two dt • caused the elec- ters, aU Chico; his mother, Uie aouUiwest sm - JuUa Newman, ’Twin Palls; from Main ovenue brothera, Sterllne Newmon, to be off for about Franciaco; J u l i a n Nen ording to Charles Berkeley, doUf., and Ml rer auperintendent. Newman, New PlymouUi. ms in the north two slatera. Mra. e . E. OsCra also were withoiit Twin FaUa, and Mi». Citi;

proxltiuitcly th rw M crorland. Berkeley. sctxiwi-aJicreJami __Eunera1 aervlces were ttnlng dobrts from Wednesday m C iifi^ '

«ported 10 miles MOVE TO COAST ey, but tt did not BLBA, Aug, S3—Mr. and igh to cause any OdeU Hutcblaon-and sona ; atorma in' tho moved from Elba to mako iaed e e v e ^ minor homo In Bonori, coUf., i ___________ Hutchlaon wUl train hotaea.

Be Siire.

25) AH-end T h e .

^ K Y B O N U S


^ 2 5 0 ® ®Thursday,

* 5 ^ A u9 U « '2 3 .

H I 2:30 p.m.DiipUri.ifl ' Uii>r

j ^ ^ t ^ t ^ o n c e»fter Uio 1W3 F o r b e a s o i i

a driving ooUlded : - - ♦Id of * I960 Fend T _>1 P. Moreno, S3. I S X l l U r S Q c l

: ' BeiecUbi.' f r o m - 'B f irt “ e- by Loe*e, win highlight irt .TMesday ^

S; Swamer, 31, Falla municipal band a t 8;

:?^"/ra’S .; ; r r s ;« s A i= ‘w 'ruck collialon on dircctor.e rt i S k T aft- OUier selecUona ore "O.

. . . New York,” a march, by 'waa making a "The seafarer," by Haydn

I t i atreet onto F *X» C um pa^t," a UmI 1964 Bulck ahe Rbdrlgues; '"rbe Crlmaon W til..lth I moa VUta » P tli» . by I>iea ) truck owned by and T h e oolden ‘Bear,-. I driven by Floyd by J. J . Richarda.Rttpert. Alao on tbe program aried fo r‘having no Ins ’Thunder,’* -march, by lae. Datnage waa FUlmore; "Flrat Bwedlah 1 lo th« c u ona ■oai'.- i r j a l t u l i a n : k. ' , ale," by Ohesnbkov; "El 3, waa fined «180 lero,*' a Spanish, march; meed to 10‘day* vadoU; *T3ie S ta n and- and hts driver's Porever,’' by SoUaa;

ipended for one Days,- jalop.. snd ’'Wh 'aUa ^U ce Judge Sainta'Qo Marching In." en to t drunken — ■ -

‘A SfcS Dance Stu(luo wesl. Police ^ • --------*m -Organized

2 Area To^Uire* blocks and ^ro. ^ ^ . SHOSHONE, Aug. 33— . In . Use vehicle, studio will' be opened U

« cited for ^ In g veek In.SepWmber for Bl uto. Blatter was and Richfield areaa. aa] coata by Judge Hay Clacton, Shoshone,'

Claasea In botb comn-------------- wUl ba held a t Ute At

K 8 ‘on halls wlUi apeclfl ' r £ l l l K S « to be announced (Ut<r•^

" Ucm Uila week.K lv v w . Mra. Clayton wUl condueK i e v . ea .for ebUdren of-»aU e

■ J ' tap. acrbbaUo, baUet a n d : Tti. 1. ■ St-a md tvfrUttg. Btie A. [ U t d H conduct special olaaaea It

clae’ fo r-m others and i g. 32-John E d- girls. - , Mra. Clayton, who

ia now afflUated witb the May 1. 1898. a t Mouldin Dancing school t 1 to Canada w ith palls In a Uacher-tralnli I he was 4 yeara gram, of 18 he returned Registration will bo hel lad resided here i to o p m . Saturday o t U lQ,JfiS8,'be m ar- abone American Legion h ilker In Uio Balt a t Uie Richfield Plper'a St temple. Center on Monday. Regb

as a member of also will be acepted by tel •and a t the Ume tor thoae who canot otteni mged to tbe hltth ploce.ftt Oakley. He ---------------------------1 member of the *17 - m.1 1kiey for aeveral J C i a r l h t n i a J

toiio h ll « iao « . icM ,iia„.a r . „ R. Franks, Eaat ________ 'L w Most of Uie dead died o

D M A 16-yl?y^ f'ou? dauBl^^ ^.rwJ «“ no comlee h it her. Air c r S ' S ^ b ^ h ^ " ' ’’111 Sh0de" j u ^ . when, Uiey daahed out o M n.-M antuerlte b < m .< ^ , th e p a to .o l.a . ; moUiftr, M rs. So fa r as could be detcj ca, Alberta. Con- all Uio dead and InJurei rothers. Oeorge naUve Italians. Tho ore

Arnold Fhinka, poverty-stricken aecUon I Jsmes Franka, visited by UJurUta. The j two tlstera, M ra Amalfi coaat, including l

M rs;M afrP \ith . Amaifl, Positano and e t « a , Conoda, and on Uie fringe o t the ; orea.!a wiU be held a t The atrongeat quake rei ' In the Oakley 0 on the Mercalll scale, ae wlUi BUhop ranges from a- low of I to ifflclatlng. Laat of 10, d In-tha Oakley - •

Mrs. Moote IfcnicVono® h w r Takeii by Dea

SPRXNODALE, Aug. 33 A (k Clara WlUetta Moore, 71

I l f l n , 4 5 f , here a t 8:4S a.m. Tuesday TV i.1. home of her son-ln-lo^

/ JJeStll ’ ‘IftughUir, Mr, and Mrs.

" " LD8 W mplt a i u uico

» Betkeley. and »<»«-pr«o‘led her In dei liveraity, Evan- Surviving are two aom ved as a tm n s- Moore. Rupert, and mg World w ar I I Moore, Alice, ’Tex.; three ' tclflc nnd-praCK K tl.lWrs, Pearl Crofts, l 1 Chico. Mrs. Leona Craythom, IIdes hU widow, dale, and Mra. June / md two dough- Burley; 14 grondchUdrei nia mother. M rs. 10 ' grcat-granchlldren. win Palla; th ree Funeral services ■4t«'"p e Newmon. San ot Payne mortuary; 'fiurlil a n Newman, ___________ -

, and Michael . .v t • r t i- N e w Line Sia'

flve-tnllo expcrlmenl4U i ces were held POwer Une U ut wiU c u

*-------------mmion-volHM>f-«lcotxiolty-___!- built In a seoUon a l the 1) COAST power administration■-Mr. and Mr*, tem In Oregon._________and aona have

i to mako their

^ N A M E


:: .CARPI— I - • - M o s t - C a i

-- I ' ■ in w eek .o

• L argeS el

. A Carpet U

M l,S48 A d d iu n A v tn u

Concert— e'ason '

Mra. Ivy CotUs . --

from ’'BrlgadooD." ahe sprang into ^ll highlight Uip.laat " I’m notcert 01 Uie. Twin shouted. Jumpinron*’

S!i-„r3u'h”tiona o re ’'Oood Old • “They musi h . ; . .t march, by Ufson: acarcd of me." m,!r,’’ by Hoydnwood; aald oa site r c l t u t ? '* ^alt,” a Uingo, by cuiiof tea. ” "l«i i[Ue Crlmaon Petaf,” ' t, by Fred Jewell,ilden ‘Bear,", march, w-w "

program aro "Roll-•• -march, by Henry (Continued (r«n. v . ..rat Bwedlah Rhop- vicinity were out in forp.^‘

inbkov, Q Cabal- ed homemade cookiM lirti, m a rr t. by OU- up • to. -refresh

" " y f*" m i n u t e . I BoUsa. Circus men td put uo tlieir ■ .. ^ "When Uic the side of Uic rond irchlng in ." one milled over —--------------- on some, folding cJial» **1

8 S tu d io

a Towns:, Aug. 33— A danco the lemonade stand. Altr/e opened the flrat de1uge> let up. Uie ribbon ismber for Shoshone' cut, ond the goiherlng brok* 1 areaa. aaya* Mrs. Refreshmenta K-ere fumii!Shoshone.' by the women of the'Twin ?botb communities Oronge, under Uie supeniia t the Amerlcon of Clara Bocensub. home»

with apeclflo dotea nomlca director. Albertaont,iced ofter-rcglatra- Okay food atorea ani Otm 6tt. ' Paper c o m p a n y conlrtbaa wUl conduct claas- Uieir products. ’ en of-^U agea, in .Creed now ts planning iq*,, baUet and m odem on the now craving on« irUag. BtJe Also will up Bock creek frem ih» na l olaaaea In exet- dedicated Tuesday.;hera and wnkUig _

ton, .who .lu a n a Russiaiigted w itb the Donna (Conlinne& from Psie Om' Bing school a t ’Twin ant, auch as movemtnt ol ti acher-tralning pro- PUea for the Western gwli:

ttnd movement of troops la i I will bo held from out of West Berlin, ore -itsfi tturday o t Uie Sho- arlly within Uie JurUdlctloa on Legion haU tind Uie heodqu&rtera of the Rrom lid Plper'a Shopping Soviet troop* in aermony.’ ondoy. ReglatraUon T hat meant thal even tlul:cepted by telephone fftnscment wna su b jee t canot attend either change.

Sir ChrLitopncr Steel, hnd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the British military' RovcmaI 1 in Berlin, said Uic aboliUcnh / T | f a l r f k tbe Soviet commntid apptin U I J ^ U O IV V ^ hove no great pollllcnj mpli

!>■» AfiAt Uons. But hc said he wanlri ®” ' know mor. bt/or. e« ™ «

dead died of ahock • .............

Bert Atwood Is = Honored at Rit(^ f tU j of » cor «-Iccs-for-Bert-Atwood *et» b

'u tT '^ ’r a ” of% 0H0ll” ‘t w 'e ^ S i y f tbyterlan church, olllclalltis.

- i r f WlUlom watt, soloui. 1ano and Sorrento, occomponlcd by Mrs. S M ring# o t Pio.,auake ^ c m . organist. UshmiereBh

- " by Constant nnd Uo^d B;r a t quake reglatered Honorary pnllbeoreri Isclud Tcalll scale, which claudo Briggs, C. .D. Brj >’ low of 1 to a high OeorRO Laync. Melvin Eiia,

D. Brown and Jess Mppa, i. — Active paJlbforers ImIui

■ ¥ _ Laurence ■ Paua tt. Arjiold hl O O r e I S child. Clyde MIILi. D. U hI__ -rv^- i . L Sy**® BIH-OwIn, -D V U e & t n concluding ritea were beld

8 Moore, 79, died FATIIKR 13 ILL .m. Tuesday a t the _ d e c L 0 . Aug. 22-Mn. l?it r son-in-law w d Richardson, Mrs. Un# Hota , and Mrs. I r r ln Wanda BurgcM and tl 10 waa bom Nov. brother, Phll Warner. «nt Mloy o t t t h , a s - B o u t Mondny lo « . ibtu l.( i-mafried to John «ho has been 111 n Jong timei ly J, 1903. In Uie js being cared for at the (

Salt U k e . city . Boldlers home.. Ills condlUoa ember of th e LDS serious. eld aoveral church ----- :-------------------------------

re two aona, WD- • J L lV 11"'*

S"ihraS: Charlie" Suffer! ^Uneasy Blaildi

, SfarA’'-rartuary;'Burley.' wl«r«fh*««iirtp»lM.iu»t"o.»f^

^ t e d:,_Aug..3a_Ln ~ a mi « tk « -> YSriment4U oloctric » t win carry . 1:1 f..«lectTinttw WlU boJon a l the Bonne- f* S r^ % ’ J« r7 o r Imlnlstrotion’a a}«-, tb* Iwt* *>*«. u*«1;________ . I ______


i w O i m H TT O 36 M onths, to Pay


i m from Kenverl -

3st C a rp e t Installed withi (Veek p f o rder. rge Selection of Linoleum

l o r p e f f d M e e f t v e r y j i « l 0 e '

E M V E B E P liW -vjM Av.nPi'waf ...

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

S lf School


^ fe r .S 'r -“ & ® . - ? . . 'K r s - F l^ -~«iT« ineludl^lt I**® .. M

AUeSuoii for the A**" *“ A colbred People, dny

.h e Kliool-s racial in t •“ i lw u U l oonsW of m ore ■ Di

- f f i

ierome Teachers 52 foMeet Monday

^ « S £ ' 5 . " S c :

!r»«rrSEA “an; t,

J l j k : 11. ■»» M «"» “ ■ ”« "t IJJ w tH ln i " » • “ ' n™S« W . _______________ S ! i

WO€■ ■™00LB»S 5 ” ^

Y o u n g

C O T T (

t u i P i n ~ ~ ~ l j l l l r t g . ■■- I

'• t k l r t e d A


' S S S K m S ^K t ^^ '

- « \

£ 1^ Ciiip 4'iijgham plaid or «>li(J i

-----yalil-jtyle-wilh-pocVcl and c0 ‘herjiylc* wilh pullilccvcs.

- 8‘Solid color dress *cl o(t wilh : 0'»*kirt.*icevcs. bodice. PufT ‘« » i Full hiic*. Many, mnr Come 10 Woolwonh'i #niJ ice,

PawriedKilt ?*I - . B D IN B U R O H , ScoUantfi 111' Aug. aa «IPI>-Miutory a u th o r- v ^

Itles said Pvt. J o h n N oonan. ;k l . ao, paw ned h is k ilt to {Innncc seo ri,

«n sbacnce w ithou t leftvo area,2 ijw - (AW OL). cMnili

h ish 'vaa ordered dlB honor- ', iw * »hly dlachafited from th e A r- • j ,vM V sy ll and S u th e rla n d H ig h ' only <

Iftnder# jestcrdB y. ih c ,; In * c = = ^ = = = ^ = s runnik» o f ; « t

Doctor States ?«•white f , blon,

!1 S Cancer Gure 'ig irw- Future Bright St{ th e M EM PHIS, T enn .,.A dR . 33 (UFD th a n e A d- —A cancer nc len tlst a a ld yeatc r- He ’ebple. dny there U ;'on a ir of optlm lM n" rriunl rac ia l in th e Held of c an cer re se a rch , u M m ore ■ Dr. Jamea P . Cooney. N ew u ry

Yorfc. vice p residen t fo r m edical to o sI ftltnlrs of th e A m erican C ance r u rer

« t » o ««>ely, sa id new techn iques fo r qc j C l a dlaghoslnR certa in types of c a n - inR i

cer are expccicd to com e fro m prom c t y labora tories soon. . a tfalim e e t- Cooney so ld th e re Is a. poM»WJ- ol h i 11 will lty th a t some ' persons ~may b e guide )i will imm une to cancer. I n r a re in - _

jitancea, h c sold, n a tu ro l body | ) | . IK th e forccs have held off -cancer a n d * ' * ‘Pt. 3: forced It to recede w ith o u t t r e a t - C (\ 11 and m ent.I ' a n d ---------------------------- AA(c. 24- CHINA T O A ID «V -Fril 11- TO KY O . AUR. 33 tUM i-Com mu. born V 33. n lal ChJnn wUJ d o n a te w h ea t a fte rII end and sC eel'to A lgeria desp ite lU sedat I* -72. own shortttses, accord ing to a T h I a re new C h ina newa .agency b ro ad - clol I

cast m onito red h e re . . victim

KMMTim m c Km .SPECng Set -TONS 1w ® - - - - - - - f

iV i

r \ - W H m I L / Del

^ ^ I S R k cmt9 9 ^ ^ Ion

w ^ W l B r w ^

7 F»>:-and

' I foan

IS _] • * ' ,


B S f l f V ' I LUlle care coh l l \ M fons are so pretty

fl \I fortlaughtcr-------—...Uj \ V JO e a s y f o r

I \ \ mother. Both in

i j or soliii color woven cotton. Shirt* ocVct and contrast belt,.pert collor*.>ufT sleeves, tic rac and Ince. Colon.

ct o(T wiih rich ric rac and lace trim odice. PufT sleeves, tiny collor. In the Many,, mnny more slylei availabTe. ih'i a n i see, them.

Y O U R M O / i fdT ^ d 'O t

“ ■ P r i c e S e a r s S e e k i

j u d g e P o s i t i o n i l>nan. • r o t e r t , aur. 33 - Prtce r —inncc aeors, lifelong resident of the ^leftvo area, announced r e c e n t l y hla g f-

. candidacy for the office of pro- Wsnor- bate Judge, o position now held F?vVB Ar- . „y jftKe Wall, R„ Who woa thc :Ilgh- only candidate for the office a t T - ‘

thc primary election. Scnia Is f’; '- running on thtf Democrnllc tick-

' « t ' ' k. . Scars U well known In the ^-,1[ G S county, hovlnn been born in Al- •.

blon, and movlni; to MlnldokA -vllh his family when he was a ■ ’rc ye" '>!'*•He worked na clerk of the dls- *.<

1 - trict fourl lor 13 yenrji nnd na { 'A L E U I.' Rupert city clerk .for 30 years,0 . resiitnInK tlmt position more . 33 (tTFD than ft year aiio.yester- He is ociive In civic and com-

tlmlam" munlty nffnlm. wirvlnn presently ■ esearch. »a aecreiary of ihe Ruperl Ro- I'. tary dul;, I r c f la u i - e r of themedical Toastmasters club, nnd Is treas- Cancer urer for Doy Scout troop 185.

lUes for Qcars slnied lhal he wos mak- 'of can -in if no e l a b o r a t e , cam polnn------ic from promises, but would handle the 'v m

affairs of tlie office to thc best Y* \ NUalhil' ot hla oblDli'. being » t all time* * nay be guided by the law as pr'cscrlbcd: | f r •are In- _ ------ ^ ^

Drug Deforms «£• 5,000 Babies S

AACHEN, aa-many, Aun.. 22 YdI ^ P lv e ihowuind bnUIcs were nigh

:ommu- born deformed In West Oermany Monwheat after their, mothers took thc foun

plte Its sedative drug thalidomide. HeB to a This was announced'by a spe- seen

broad- clol insUlule set up to deal with bllUvictlma ol thg dn«f.____________theworn

vm rsa»ECIAL~BI

The‘PerfeGf o i ^ - 4

TEEN-AGE f^ p ig u r e s — ^

~ Jeaivres ^ccialtypropoHvmed A A cup. H

^ 7 9 " ID elijh ifu liy d a io ty . T his young lady bra in colorfully erobrciiJered eajy care cot-'*^'Ion broadcloth. Soowy while. i

. Sizes 28 to 36.

^ CiVfls S titched S ra .b C l l Frc-shrunk cotion w itb net lioing ^ .and Tclajtlc gore in front band,

FlKure E nhancine B ra.

foam rubber padding, elastic sores.

— jujt-i

F i

or ---------------- ----------------------- :1 in n

® t a

' ' Bo]

/ T n ' ''“ 5^ .................. i \ . . . . . . . . whi t e

trim TW flN tiiH • *h»flsithe bricfiibTe. wacm

W ■ • Both!

M O lit S W O R T H M b O O L W la jR T H *

r S e e k i n g P r p b a t e S i

i t i o n i n M i n i d o k a G i

as mak- ' p r ic e 8EAI18 tam jm palR n---------— ■— --------------------------- comi

; r 3 Phony Fortune S | »cr.tea . Found m H o n d a 'IQ CLEARWATER, Fla,, Aug. 23 opp(l o £iR—TllC secret eervice haa con- x!

flscaUd the fortune . Anthony Yancey found.

Au(j. 22 Yancey apotted a small over- cs were night ca. e floating In Tampa Day Jermany Monday. He pulled It out and Mk the found t00,400 In $20 bills, le. He noUfled authorities. V. 8. y a spe- secret service agents sold all the eal with bills were counterfeit,’ even had _________the same serial number.

T i i ^ is c H O o r

BUYSL”erf eet’ Bra . \

E ■ \

This / V

I net lining - 7 0 ^tband. •. I w

igg?- 1.00.^ make a wardrobe y of pretty blouse; i _

. 1 . 0 0 . . “

AinforiMiJ* collon lopj ore '— jmt-risht-for school-da^---- • —

for weekend wear with sho«j and p.mW, Joo. SlyJcd with short sleeves, your i choice of Pcicr P.in, spread or gcnlry coIJnrs. AVhitc, red, ftrcciK blue, gold. Sires 3- 6X. 7>4.

[ ® '0 F T I 1 E X ( M ’ j

Boys’ underwear

_ _ 3 j . J A 5 _ -^ ;

long W’carinp. washabJe ), . ..white. coHon knit. __ ' _ i.

forced a t polnis o f strain !with nylon, ^^^gh-c«t feo I ■shirts ond cb s tic wnisted ■bricfi give your t^oy the ■wacmth he needs for winter. ■Boih!asTzes4to 16. ■

T H M O t t e A T I

tT H ’S I

ate Subpoenas to ere

ka Go A g ^ to _ 3S ^ Steel Firims ■ S^ 5 ^ 0 WASHINOTON, A ug. 23 W —

Senate a n llth u it Investigators ^ . have voted to issue ”aecond ‘ chsnce" Hubpoerios to fou r atecJ

h ^ .V q companlfv Ih a t re fu sed to h a n d | t r / l m reports on th e ir p r l c i n g r ^ e ^

Tlie action cam e T ueaday n t ft u^; 4 I c ioud 'doo r aesalon of th e se n a te . J - •• a m ltru st subcom m ittee . C h a ir- ‘I 1 man Estea Kefauvfer,. D „ T en n ., y® r i said the vote w as 6 to 3. ] “

.« Before the scaslon, K efauver 5 “ /. aald h e would a ak th e aubcom - "

^ 5 mittee to approve c o n tem p t of i l l congrcsa c ita tio n s ORalnat the N ational. Republic . D eth lchem ^ and Armco steel corpo ra tions.

Instead, the se n a to r s d e d d e d to Uue new subpoenas, g iving the sue! p roducera a second chance .to comply, K efau v e r sa id . He u ld th c subpoena^, will go ,out Im m e d to tc lJ^ 'n o t on ly to the

----------- companies bu t lo th e i r ch ief offl-.ccrs a s well, a n d w ill b e re tu rn -

I A - able in 10 lo 12 days.. , Tbe subcom m ittee 's five O cm -

' i H s l ' «oralJt.voted to Issue them , wlthl the th ree R epubU can m em bers

Aug. 33 opposed. K efauver aald.M COB' T h e orig inal subpoensa were b Withony iu u e ^ l a a t A pril a f te r th e steel ^

II over- npa Dayaut and , ■**

I1 a ll the ,ven had I


t j Protect Y o n r Child's Hea


i . ta b n ti ( ClilMrm I n . ■ Hi FlMtanl ftnor. j

• l ln r llqvMi c r htd. p . S M I i - l a j for quick L

U i irp l iq i im a ly ilc i". ■

^ i a c 0 B O O Y ^ P ^^


: STICKI t 's n e w ; it '* de pcodsble , it** nnu su a l.

i I t e lim in a te s th e usual bum*--------; -------- i n m 0 i d m \.

I t s f ta g c a D c e is p l e a s i a g ly — ! f r e s h a n d c le a n .. I t s q u a o f i t y g e o c fo u j, 2 o r . , |® .IIXX) p lu s ta x . .

y'. j ’ —

a — -|I—

^ c £ t a a . ^ £ i » u r -

SCRUB-MATE _ 1 by Dorothy G9 . FitM msle! M eillra lrd S cn sb S o i

f U te. drrp.-<Ir«p clcao . . . removeI i mibbortx m ikf-up. S«ood m m

I lo t i o n IA k rrp troublrMme biclelJ u .J #1J0 . And iry fl»U«inf VeUi

' « tb « d c s lfiK iB (U tio a tl.O O .rx ^

■ m: W hin

; I H H i l l - T J n fiieltti1 Y«», •

b u t It

. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i s HI

9 to wease^'* -* gThe- tS'k.ton boost was an-

fo nounced and then rescinded un- L

— der White House pressure. ]Kefauver said a t tha t time de- mt

i a . tolled Information on production en 1 3 costs woa CA«ntlal ror "an Intel- wb

„ Ugenl evaluation ot thc need for frc :esUgato« »n«ea.ses." up

’•aecond “ *<1 1“ week th a f eight "■ tour steel companies. Including U. S. wi I to hand eorporaUon, hod-indicated •iBBrimies -theywould comply with the sub-

. poenaa, .alihou«h ihey strongly ®®' « la y a t ft aubm lftlng cost fig - pLha se n a te ** ea. • ■ • Ie C h a ir- K efauver said he advised th c j l , D T e n n producc ..|h c ;l3 * "I d a ta until the question of c o d - | l k e fa u v e r P“ ancc by ih e noncom pljlng I

B aubcom - com panies .haa been finally d e - i |ntempt of _______________. Ialnat the . IDethlchem Irations. . J '

S I B O W L ■said. He . ^ I

chief offl-, / 1 1 1 # ■ ' Ibe return- f f V Only ■ § J .

f o r d e m i i s ■ llmembers SEE AD ON I

]. SPORT PACEI llenoa were 1.^——------------- Jl• the steel

I » > T ± \

P TROLINGER'SC W W ’j H e a lth



----------, ------------5QYfl-6Qc. neYCr f l o k o' V m m i t t REVLON SA TIN SET

. . Reg. 4 .9 8 voluB, 3 hco U J . " H EATING PADS ...........7 H olf p r ic e tpec ifll, N u t f l '

7 . 7 CREME SH A M PO O , f« ll j

S ig n e t 5 0 wit-h clccl

3N B . J ’ iS ? ...............................DRANT I

B ottle o f 1 0 0 , S u p e r A ypcndd,le, i f , V IT A M IN S W ITH M INEF

W olgceen ,. 1 2 0 -6 2 0 -1 2 7 ! usual bum . BLACK o n d W H ITE FILM

\ p le a iio R lr ^ y - O - V o c ip e c la l , Reg. , / FLASHLIGHT, w ith 2 boH

icfouj, 2 o r.,, W o m e n 'i , ven til SHOE T R E E S _____ ______

H a ir

■ M A T E S ' b

) t h y G r a y

Bird Sc rub Soap wllh O a lm ra l lo •timu- ;ao . . . remove e rr rr (rtce of grime and >. Sftoad m ile: M edicated IteranlnK lublrMiDc baclerla lo ehrck...refine pore*. t ilitlrrin f VeUelern Medicatcd Make-Up. aio a tl.00. r x ^ d P o tx l c x Cuiups<l 11.23.

? j W hin ysu think today 's "mlrocl* drugs” or* axpantiv*, m aasur* ih* r* iu(ii th*y 9 lv*. M roiur* y e u r ta v in g t.ln .h o tp lle l bill* .aveld*d, cottly op*rollon« pr*> v*nl*d. In tim a off your job. M *oiur* th* fiaelth f*tior*d, th a Kvai la v ad . . -— 'I** nilracia drug pi^icrlptlon y e u r doctor o rdart lo d a y . co tti yau m er* —

■ ■ ■ b u l It ftn 'l a n * ip * n t* . It’s on •condm y.


Sawtooth Riding j « 5S: Qub Holds Ride ;

HAILBY, Aug. A —Thlfty-two mc de- members of the Sawtooth Rang- duellon era Riding club rode a trail ” 1 Intel- whleh had. been blazed for thorn v eed for from tho bead of Federal gulch -— up the eaat fork of Big Wooo^rlv- " f eleht er, over the divide Into Uie Little I U S wood river country Sunday. cl dlcated At noon they ate thclr lunch ai rte aub- tl 'c trail, which took them M tronslv ' 2 miles. The^ saw dcer oiMt fig- ~

i : a nnoui— SPECIAL

TA X C(I Starting Thurs. Eve

WEEKLY SESSIONS EACH P ro-R egistro tion u rg e d by * to obJo in sufficient text bo{

; V isito r! W c ic o m e e t

I For fu r th e r in form t

^ j | T W I N F A L L S B U S I

IM- Fl_ V alue " ' wil



|[l3!3, . ^ z i z : : : : 6 9 c -

____ :3.79i l , N u tr i T o n ic * | C O

fill! p o u n d ___ I 7

iEw raosroD Tr--^--------ig n e t 50 K pd o k - „------------r i th c lc c tr ic eye134.44iu p e r A y tin o l C A Q H M IN E R A L S ........ , . . . 0 * 7 0

a O -1 2 7 O O - TITE F IL M ..........J r o l l i f<

lai; k e g . I .JB Q f l . - H Ei t h 2 t> o tte rie» ............... O OC fn% v en tila tc if 3 9 C

1 /^ A w a d a g Creamy P o m n d T

r T o n e s D ow n G r a y n e s s

a H a ir L o o k s Y o ung A g a inM U w ta te B ^H J_ hair d raia la* .

jjjjjJ J MJJSU onlr briihten* It.’

PomadeCreo.ni er Liquid

Om CraMv tm—i* M wWi— *» ktt. A IW. »<«» Mm m »«!

----------------------------------- - S it" * ‘ und'

^____ T u5sy ,_M idn igh t ' __*anc

A r - -H A N D A N D BODY

h LO TIO N . w i7 - . , pro.' . : Soo Soefhlng and

■ - " Ing. WICIAl 3.00 VMUL ai»

icl* drugs” r N o w 1 . 0 0 Iw•ludi thay •in.hotpiioilions pr*>taaiur*th*

- " W m f lW S W m Mplion yeurl» — I ■ ^ U i r M ■ WI •conomy.j

l o r " "

s a r g a in ■ H n Q Q M H

Z . . on severol'occaalons. • . •

s ^ i « S r , r s 'S s S i ‘.‘S‘ •

im o S i-KUie Little Mrs. Sylvia TcraUuaon wai nday. chairman of the ride ant) Mr.•elr lunch nnd Mrs. Morgan DeSoord *ad ■ 50lc them Mr. and Mrs. Rupert House wero saw dcer on the committee. ■__________ •

dUNCINlG!IAL INCOME C C O U R SEu r s . Evening, Sept. 20th)N S EACH THURS. 8 to 10 P .M . u rg e d by Sept. 12 th . to e n a b le u s n f t e x t books )n th e lo fe s t ed itio n .

e lco m e o t O pening Session_______

ie r in fo rm a tio n c o n to c t—


o r

n i FREE NOTEBOOK R 3-RING SPECIAL- g j - . A ^ “I " '™ S«"'E ™»T

5 1 ^ 'a t E A F F f f i ^


g I^ P 3-RING \^ 9 F ' BINDER

>9 Pi

^ \ $ m - ~— :5 _ _ .^ ^ ^ u m n o o fm

S Worlfs anst pcpulsr fot»■ . tiln peni Qglck, clesn, tm1 , V filllat «Illi Urep-ia m-W t t j f trWfes cf •SWp' wrftfai

llttid. Hew diMood shM F«clsi0Q pouad poM k efccic«ofpriotsl7J*iWfll

-FREEbioder, 2esrtridnt|

9c f o r t h o s e w h o I


'^plw tu

t ' A n«« aB«.p«TOlr*nt Ui*» mlly•nk i! BoSvm uDdtrsrm problasu ter

— • m»ny »bo had dwpalrwl ot aftaeUra______ h«]p. Ultehum'a Anti-Fanplnat kMpa •

uniUranni abaoluuly dry for Uwi' g h t ' *and*otraUha,nMM.Po»lUv*acUoa

ODY t>orMl~tliUt and clothlnc la m 4* 'pmlbU by »•* typa fomola «iwl»d- — by a youoc s«>l^ ta plumaey aad producad by a trMlwwthy 40-yaar«ld

•a/Mit. Uboralory-JUeoinnjaodadbyovalJOO taadlns dmitoanS aton* oad tkoo-

VMUt aaodr x r t r u i aWtraa. SaU itat^ ----------- lcat«nt»ad.-Don‘t ___

Mura w«»Tiaa; try »Utchwa-< toU T lanplraot today.

0. ' ' ■ ••

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

■-W edntK loy,A ua.22, 1962 , , ,4 Tw in F o lll T frne^N eO T’ / '

A •ou«ll4Ut]M 9t r*k I. tIiS. ot Um «<ho CtmI

“ A S d « t" ■ ''*®* “-b i i r t i " ' ' '"' AU ff UTKKUKKM LOWEU. dick WILbV DUUOB

' r H S s r ““H ." S sr

*■ 'oHltUl City ind Couatar Jl«»rin»«»

Time for ThoughtThe suggestion fo r a N ovem berclec

tJon on an effective w untyw ide Plann « and zoning commlaslon is good, and it a proposal on -wtilch there should not b toS m uch delay. Jo tho past tew year, num bers of residences have been bull in th e country. Few If any provisions a r made fo r permits or any so rt o f inspec tlon of conBtructlon located outside i m unicipality. And owners o f such prop

■ e rty have no guarantee th a t a ajaughte plant, fo r instance, won’t be eatablishec rig h t on the edge of th e ir property.

Older residents of Twin Falls hav( been puzzled by continued grow th o3 the community, yet. by now It should b( apparent th a t grow th will continue i: the foreseeable fu ture , Add-^thrf factoi o f expansion outside city lim its and th( need fo r some so rt o f planning becomet apparent. Plans fo r grow th o u t s i d e municipalities are no t w ithout interes( to th e cities and towns, because ultim ate.

> Jy m any of th e grow ing a r to s will be annexed to a city.

So 'Jfc becomes apparent th a t some th o u g h t m ust be given to th e wholo pic­tu re of construction and expansion, with coordination of both urban and rural prograins..'W hat is bu ilt in th e country today m ay well be annexed in to a city in a few short years. Undesirable fea­tu re s can be avoided prio r to construc*

■ tion , b u t once established, such-eyesores o r mislocated enterprises m ay remain

■ fo r years.. W hile on th e general subject of-plan-

n ln g an d zonOig, aonie though t is indi- c%ted coTiceroiHiTldahn'B-TOmng—laws;

•^'Because of zoning experiences in Twin F alls In recent yea rs ; doubt h a s been expressed concerning p r e s e n t , laws.

. K a n y belfeve .they m u st be inadequate__ and, citizens have expressed th e thought

t h a t local experiences prove 'zon lng iaw s fa v o r th e ' forces of commercialization.

I f the"content{on“' i i ~ l w 7 ”tKMi~the s ta te leg islature should be petitioned to provide an adequate, fa ir law t h a t cian eerve a s a guide In planning an d zoning.

T here la no particu lar point in obiajgj Ing w h a t could be called prj effective p lann ing and zoning commission If state law s w ill cancel th e effectiveness. So th e f l r a t step would be a legal check of. th e law to make ce rtain i t is adequate.

P ro p er planning now can a v e rt fu ture problem s th a t m ay be much m ore com­p licated th an onesj.that a lready exist.

S L O W TO P R A IS E 'Two years ago when M agic reservoir

w as trea ted to kill all fish in order to - re s to re tHe lake to trou t, th e re was a

. g re a t d ^ l of criticism. A vocal minority . p ro tes te d loudly, claiming th e re was still

an excellent population of large trout ___ in Magic. Thorough tes ting by fish blol-

su p p o rt those contentions.So in th e face of a b listering attack

- fro m a few fishermen, th e reservoir was vtreated. Reports from w ltnessea varied ab o u t th e num ber of tro u t killed, but

' everyone agreed there was a heavy popu­lation of tra sh fish. As It tu rned out, th c trea tm e n t would have been oheapor had i t been delayed ano ther year. Last yea r, Magic rcseh?oIr w as nothing but a m ud puddle before th e irriga tion sea-

I son ended. Y et th ere was no w ay to pre-I d ie t th e w a te r level a y ea r In advance.

I t w as generally believed th a t nearlyj------ thf! .pntirp nlnntinfr th<» firftt_ygnr wpn! lo st because of low w ater. So early this

apring, more than two million finger- lings w ere planted in th c reservoir,

tl E arly season fisherm en w ere amazed• • _ b y tro u t weighing up to fo u r pounds,

T hese w ere the survivors o f the first : y,ear planting. The amazing grow th oi

ill t ro u t has continued w ith th e fingerlfngi• of la s t April and.May now going up to 1C

• inches in size. I f thc "trend continues those fingerlinga of last sp ring wiii vary

, from two to four pounda n ex t seasor• and Magic reservoir again ‘ will be thi

. h o tte s t fishing spot in Idaho.B u t where a rc the critics of two yean

. .ago ! A ren 't any of the pbjectors reads J , ___ * 1 L ' i s eradication projeel

T ,- - - r lg h t_ b u t thsji were in th is particulai ■ ‘ "" 'S ' B l'''fi| th em th e credjt they deserve.II S t a c e y Gebhsrd,

h a s t o t o t e d a few diehards have conII ■ tinned-their-oppo»ltlon“ to-aT foT cct de

t , W w ? s o ‘n ^( - ; I f te so, then th a perch Dlantcri

W les4 4!!^+ }2 outnum. l i ._ L b e w I f there are such fiahermei H ’ 1. J helleve—then the £x

T i r 'T ^ c d le n t- 'b o u t fishing- m ay - make «om I ...ImpreBalon.upon them. i r e s e r v o i4 — r 1 ^ renew.itfl,old repi

V- .


_ ..WASHINaTON, Auff. 23—TTjo e u m a t v*ca l y g . uonlng habits otieveritltfip m em ben ot tho fed

Judicial.eetablUtunent b » e - a tim a tome ■ a«ldJo', eommest

CtmIbi Among leadlne lAw^en a t W uh*r»«ub- InstOD. In 'tb e l r oplnloni nich

chief Jtuilces *a CbarJei Eviins ** Hushei and H o r lu Stone would

. have Issued w rits . o( certlorol,•fcr meoAlncr to review , and revise,....n. agtUut theU' .Ausust BOlngs Qn.

justice WUUam O. DoubIos. oen. Robert F..Kennedy,

u tr Tor Instance, their families aremrt u reloxins toeetbef In the dellght-»iu b* «*r Jul rcBOTt o f Olympic national

“ t»r1t In the great Northwest. While nobody ques- Itll 41 ^ n s ah oKlclnl Tight to je lec t hU own compan- t t i tn i lom '/o r recreaUon, this Ju*toposlUon-ls regarded

In cerUin legal ^circlcs as a companlonoble con-

^P^MkJy.^u'ls contended tha t the nation's chlcf X ■ law officer should not hobnob wltb a-member

i t of tbe supreme court, which must pass Judgment - - - vpon JlUgatlon which he argues before tha t trl- clec- bunol. Nor does it-m atter tha t the two ultra-

nn ing llbemls Bcnerally agree upon questions in dlspulo fl i f ’a between the attorney general and private in-

.rears, c r it ic iz e d r o n e iG N p o l ic y — i t is also b u ilt pointed out that there would be cause for scan-

18 a r e dai. it Attorney General Kennedy or Justice anr.,. DoufflBJ became eflually familiar with counsel for

the United States Steel corporation. General Mo- tom or the du Pont firm,

prop- Jn fact, the Democrats held It against former r h te r President EUenhowep tha t he spent so many

hours a t golf and bridge with the heads of great corporations over which hls adminUtratlon ex- erclsed supervlwry and regulatory authority. ,

JusUce Douglas has been severely criticised for bla recent comment on Trumon-Elsenhower for-

^ elgn' policy, and presumably on President Ken- Id be nedy’s. In showing slides of his trip to Outer IS in Mongolia to a Rroup of high school youngsters. , - t n r he declared th a t our policy toward R«d China > WAS wrong, and insisted tha t b o ^ Truman and * *he Elsenhower had '-meMed up thUigs” while In the am es w hite House, t i d e * • •»rest WAHBEN HOBNOBS W lXn "OOOD CORT- m fa ' H VNISP’—Commenting on this Incident, the I, L normally restrained Woshington.Star sald ln an 11 be KjltorJoJ;

“ The Justices generally mtmage to refrain from volunteering their views on any and every pollt- jcai subject, and wo think that the supreme court

pic- m i ^ t be held in somewhat higher esteem. If w ith JuaUce Douglas could do Ukewlse."-urni Chief. Justice Earl W am n has also Incurred

criUclsm becouse of bis apparently agreeable visit with Morshal Tito, the Vugoelavlan dlc-

c ity U tor. I t was only a few weeks ago that the f e a - senata barred aid to Tito because, although he P

hnd severed intimate relaUons with tbe Soviet, g he sUll boasted tha t ho was a ‘ good communist." I

In fact, during the chief Justice's sojoiu^ In ii n a in Yugoslavia, Tito talked the Khrushchev line. <

Tito Insisted th a t the Russian ruler sincerely . wanted peace, not wor. He olso urged frequent

)lan* Kennedy'Khrushcher conferences, although all " indi- presidential and dlplomaUc contacts with Khru- •w -_ shchev or hts stubborn representaUves have

proved futile o r"w ««nm iie -pnst;-------- a

been DUSQDALIFICD? — The possibly unfortunate jaw s. aspect of Chief JusUce w arren's hobnobbing WlUl ^u a te ^ quesUon of extending old to the °,_V4. la tt« r may become a quesUon for the iwpreme **i g n i court lo consider. • n la w r —xrtlnmiy-pa«sed.-the-foreign-aid-bm-1*ft-it-to-tion. president to decide whether I t was wise policy »

to provide American doUars for Marxlst-Lenlnlst (J th e ' realm esm tb m 'am talns'tharhcts-parsulng-thclr

d to philosophy more faithfully than Khrushchev orciin Mao T«e-tung are. “

I t is possible tho t some citiiea may bring atoxpoyer's suit to forbid further extension of.eco- U

[afn» nomic or mlUtary assistance tO'Yugo8lovla.*And T.L T ^ tha t would land this ticklish controversy right a

ih the lap o f,th e_ m j^ a l-s honored giiest. ■ . __ ' y

So WANTS BLIND AGREEMENT — Oov. Potk o i Brown of California' abo- helped to keep the su- n, - i - prem e court in a controversial disdussloa. W a d - *"

dressing the American* Bar assoclaUon a t Ban tu fg m ncisco , he said:•om. “The true measure of our loyalty to the su- v'f. preme court and otber free InsUtutlons U to „

. support them when we disagree with them." ^Mony legal authorlUes disagree. They believe °

th a t It U necessary lo abide by the tribunal’s "decision, but th a t it Is not necessary to agree y

-voir with them or to accept them bUndly. The nine br to Jurists.ore not—and should not b^ im m u n e to .n

criUclsm. as Chief JusUce Hughes demoibtiated ^when. In order lo defeat FDR's court-packing t,

T lty scheme, he persuaded hU associates to uphold i, s till new deal "reforms" which the people seemed (oro u t approve. ___________' . 5


tack Vou looked up and there be slood7<E^ous ex- prcsslon on his face, folded newsjkpcr In his

pfarf hand, an editorial circled wllh ptiicll. Uh*oh,L ° you sold to yourself. Another crunk. You asked U n b u t you could help him.

Opu- -"Yeah," be answered. "I read this piece about „ o u t Juries who don’t convict drunk driven. Wiell, I ® nnnr arrested for dnmk driving o to .” • ^

Yep. AnoUier crank, okay. RaUr^ded. no doubt. L ast But you’ll Ustcn. \ 'pb u t "And I got off. Whon Uie police\nested mc. d

8ca- ^ so dnmk I did not even know where I was ~ b u t the Jury let me off.

^ ‘T hen ther« was tbe second time. This time “ mce. «.hen the officer opened the door I fell out on iarly the highway antf" passed out.-wnw "A Jury Uimed-me.loose.gggln.___thfa “I W luT U l« l~ a '~ tmHI Utne. 'iflu time “

found me guUty, but 1 appealed, i lined, up three I i»cr- witnesses who were wUllng to perjure them -

« « lv ta -« tell Uie Jury a lie so I could get off. • c azed ’'And I knew Uie Jury would believe them. B u t S m ds. * thinking Uiat 11 was Ume to stop th is ;f!ra* I Wiled myself and God knows how-

oUier. people. ^ on 01 "So when I got to court. i told tho Judge to ' lings turn, h u Jury loose: T h a t,I was guUty and for r :o 10 h im 'to Uirow Uie book a t me. iiiieB drlnltlng. Quit cold. I becfime. wllh c

hclp, a ChrlsUan. ,Vary, - i had to quit drinking myself because thc Jury f a son wouldn't help me. “I think th a t Juries shouldn’t ,

th e *>« Ihat woy. And I think we need-thone chemical t«st#»to catch and convict drunk drivers.^^"v e a small kid. One Ume I saw a drunk

'e a r s orfvcr run down anolher smaU kid. on a bicycle. , Cady "It couJd have been me hlUIng Uwl kid, or U * Olect hove .been somebody hltUng mine.

.-''nrunk driven.wc-dangerous, Thc^ s ^ l d be t « 0W » ^ .'n ie laws «houl(».be enforced. Aivd' I b

CUlar WcMd/llpproclat* tt' greaUy If you’d write on* \ g iv e othfcr editorial about this." I

You Uiaaked him politely and he left. You ; , d ldn t bother to teU him there wns no -need,

l& ras really, to writ* another edltorlolMhat he'd al* con- ready written It hteiself.—Charlotte (N. C.) Ob-

t d e - __________ . ■ ■ I

HEALTHY LAUGHTERMUllstCT MacmUlan of O n a t !

Jngiy Britain retumed to the house df «omiDons afler :ir u n - his sweeping reorganization of iiie government, he ^

WBJ met :by'Jeers and ridicule from the opport- |

n tc ra But Uicre was time for laughto-. too. - —I t h e In answering previously submitted quesUons onn u m - *■ of subjects, MacmUlan touched on

e e x . ^ earthquakw." The. house, H* mind_5»«nim cnua shake-up, broke into .

Rome a Txxr of laughter. .....- t ] ........................... ’^ « i tn a time bf hlJ* emoUon w d some tiard ’

V o i r »We to laugb. TWs U '

Ue, eommeste n a t Waah* ;;iplnlonr such . ■ ,hailcs EvonsStone would — . X .. > or certlorai, ^ T , \ /and revise. . J - 4

t goings Pn. f JO. Douglas, . .V.P,.Kennedy. ^families ore fthe delight- / I .

iple national j .V / /□obody ques- ■ V - /)wn compan* \ • ^ • (^-Is regarded X . Vilonoble con- ^

lotion’s chlcf . a a member IISS Judgment \ I ' ’ore tba t trl* V \ ' n 5 two u ltra . N V ) A kas in dispute \N iA/ / / Lx' M

private in* \ \ f ^ J

—I t is olso r f jS W I ]ise for scan- ' or Justice\ counsel for • V j / I General Mo- - > J

alnst former I t so many lods of great

, youngsusrs.R«d China

rrumon and ' r**--—while In the '

) 0 » COM- D / ^ ' T > icldent. the . ± 1 / X

said'In on

- S h o t s J s ■preme court .

esteem. If I

f° t>ONT KNOWloTlan die- 'Vhenever more than one fisher*0 that the happens (0 bc a f thc same .ithough he place ot (he some time, there’s a tbe Soviet, general comparison of Uckle and

ammunlst." technique. In addition to the usual sojourn in 1155. And « somo of you good con-

tichev line, siituents havc the feeling you've 'Si ihla sliuaUcin before, yQU ithouS Ml moy be right, but not this porUcu. with Khru* situaUon which Just happens Uves hove W be true. Now Isn’t that tho way — all fish stories start? - ...............

Anyway, "a fisherman suddenly decided hc needed a limit of trout

lUd to the tlie particularie supreme stream hadn’t been too good. A

• neighbor volunteered to help him. U-left-lt'tO- JCnop-ln.mtnrf Tii»||;ht> r jff jV Wise policy samo one who concluded out foud

Ist-Lenlnlst that the first fisherman couldn’t 5 anyflsh 'anyw ^becausc his ushchev or

oy bring a So the , guy with tho corrcct Ilon ot.eeo- tackle shows up with (hree (rout. 8lavlo.*And Thc olher fisherman, the ono with yersy,right all the wrong tack le ,'c au ch t'a

— iiinjt_nll by him «lf.Oov. Pot Moral: Fancy taclcir~calches

Mp the su- more' fishcnRea that) fish.Ion. w ad * - ---------------- «— ■— -------------- -oa a t Bon KITTENS FOR KIDS DEPT.•« . u . . . 0 P“ *y

^ v e you done to me. 1 thought 42“ “ “ you were * gcnUcnun; I find you hey believe ® “she.'’ The truth came out;9 tribunal’s without a doubt, when you had y to agree your quadruplets; wc Jove you all . The nine but still and all, you're four too Immune to .mnny cat pels. If some kind folks inoflsuated would like to havc a WtUsn "nU

^«e‘’ Ihey are not of the showS i S but-niother proved herself lo be

a truly first class mouser. We’U wiH from

S x m - Pben. - n M U rcfilous cx- (Twin Falls)ipcr in his . . .cll. Uh-oh, . SPOMTANEOUS. THOUGHT•ou asked U Dear Sir:

, V . A couple was involved in talking over plons that agparentJy Includ-

wcii, i J, jong vacation,d. no doubt. Came a pause,- and the rrian ex­

ploded, with, "And what will werrestcd me. do with tho klds-drown ’em?!"vhere I w u Tjiought you might be able to

-nu» I ta l.fell oul on ^ Riadarlell OUI on ^ ^

r n r n i - t t i ^ “— PUP«-FO R-K iO S-cfij»3;_^sd, up three Dear PoU Shots: -Jure them - A half-grown black and white.“.S l,® * ^o«'days ORO. She has a long pointed k iw w ^ denoting some colilc blood,

and a kind. intelHgcnt dlsposKIofi. iQ Judge to Would make a child a nice play. Il7 and -fo r mate. And seems Interested In

stock, also. If any reader Is intc^ ecfime. wllh ested, pleuse phone 8374471. We

, are located one and one-half miles »*ahcrtiw?t Hagerman on highwoy

AW a dnmk <H|igermnn>S Dear Pet S h ^ : 'line. ’ Wc have a beauUful black party s ^ l d be cocker p^p to giye_away,,S months0 . And' i bid, Toves kZdi and cvcn kittens.1 write an* We hule'U) give It Up but we'have

, .. . . i®- Sure hope-you can find this

l l A lhiri.-Drlv.(N. C.) Ob- IPhone 7334901)

Dear 'S ir :,We have a 3.Jnonlb-old, pnrl

. AusU-alian shepherd female pup™ ^ “ s '™ Sh" 1« b r™ . inS

^ «y«- We Jive threethe oppoKl- one-halt miles east of the

bughouse.00- - — JarfV Meor*,’iniesUonson . . . (Phone m -S X i)touched on . . . . •

iirJnS!1 some hard d«y*-WhOT everyen* taek augb. TWs U M»n,nearly e /try Safurday night

wheffier BrtB of humor? OBHTLeMAN IN THI


Going ta

_ - i'i'iiiiniiinrnw .aini'ii:» 'nf ww

^ Interpretin

1 BY JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON,, Aug. 23 Wl - I t’s no t normal.

An American elecUon eampalgi begUis soon, for seats lo coO'

NOW there's not an explo-. fl.hcr. S a i i itr Uic samec. there 9 a In ilsh t.

Uckle and History s a y s to the usual this can't lost.IU good con. There has been 'ling you've surging o r . before vou disquieting situ-

each election go*u t luppensha( t/io way b o c k to i S 4 s B M n i H................ when President -jta«H *ri«w

in suddenly TrumoQ defeated Thomas E mit ot trout Dewey.i particular in the midst of the preslden'00 cood. A “ “* campaign that year thi n Vnltca States was u^lng to breat th ifr «« thli blocade-not knowlnj

w hera-lt-*ould-cm l=athich th. cd out loud Russians had b e g u n in thi an couldn t spring.because his By the time o f the 1050 con-

gresslonal elecUons the Unitec Iho correct States wos a t wor in Korea whlli S e e t ^ t here o t home the country wai

being spilt apart .on the commu- n lst “issue roU ed*^ K n . Josegl

. caught a McCarthy. . . T. , r And. on top of that. Just a fe«

tle~calchc8 doys before thp clecUon-a coupli ri«h. of assassins tried to UU T rum an_______ ., _.The.i£oreon wor was still golnje on sickening way, like a grtaljS DEPT. . ghost in the background, by thi y cat, whal ume of -the 1BS3 . presidentla . 1 thought race. RepubUcans made It a ceo- : I find you tral issue and Dwight D. Eisen1 camo out Ebwer promised, if he-beat Adla :n you had 8 l«venson. to go to Korea. Hi

JgV^ou ^ w u*'no foreign crUtu i-T , during the WM congressiona

e kind folJ« tanipaign-.!thc Korean war wa kitUsn all o ,cr then—but there waa an cx

of the show traordlnary dlstracUon, with 1 10 ; ^ g r e c , deep . emotional undercurrenl fscif to be here a t home.>user. We’ll ■e will from ■ •

• T M ^ e ^ W l l b l t l l t eta Falls) ' ®

’ - H w ri)jnm T~-rti :s = ^OUOHT b Y-RAYMOND LAHR -.............. WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 WW -

tl in talking The aenate fUially found Itself 1: inUy includ- a mess so embarrassing tha t 1

invoked iU ahUfillbuster (do Jie rrian ex- the firrftr,time- U

Two weeks earlier, when thi wn em .l dimensions of the mess wen be able to already apparent. Sen. Joseph S "last lines.” Clark. D.. Pa., quoUd an edlto- . Rsadtr qu« 7 published in his homi

" " “ w W l . . , . l in con ,.™ ;nep>7- some kind of nuts?’’

-------------------- 'i'bat, UJd C'iark, h«t''to->b<,uhu the normal reacUon of any cll-

and white watching the senote In It bouse a few ,traggle with the eommunlca' long pointed Uons satelUte bill. He though nlllc blood, there waa no need for passagi dfsposidoft, of the bill this year, but hi

a nice play, voted to cut otf debate, itcrestcd In The satelUte bUI and othei

t , congressional snarls hare prfr m u i5 i w - voked a new round, of queslloni S ” ? - * • u lo whelher the l.wrnnker. ,111 le-naji mues to travel by eovertd wagoi on highwoy in the space age. These qiles-

tlons are more Ukoly lo be askec MeCsrttr outside than Inside congress,

rman) Clark, who Is asking them (ronInside, Is the author of a pro> gram to rebuild the senate wlU:

1 black port reforms too sweeping to com- ly, S months mand much support.Vcii kittens has been 18 years slnce'pas- but WBZwi sage-of-the-eoagraslonal-reo t;

.1,1. ganlzatlon law, which was sup- >n find this modernixe tho slruc-

. lure of congreu. I t provldeC rras Orh/a more liberal sUff help and cllm- 7334W1) Jnaled san e useless committees

but subcommtllees with separaU staffs aha-offlcM began Ui mul-

Ih-oid. port Up)y. Some of lls provisions, no> female pup tably-one dealing wllh hondllnn

e live three -M 1 J < m JK M L J Bast of the 7 ^ ^ ^ ^

I, ‘

I Mylng-ha } / ' /> llv«J bade -------- h7 «>* taok a 1^rday nlghl \ '<J ) » n

..A WWnJ.U a-balh ln« luitJ ! i .7 * ** "•*»* huntingROVlf Ihas .fo r ■wlnuniog.

g to tTork Out?!’’ .


u-iiii'w ur iiiiiM'jHtiiaaKBwaBMB!MPWtaaaaBi9Mi

)reting the Ne;ws1ARLOW The censure p r o c e e d i n gAug. 23 Wl — against McCorUiy were beln

held and. after the elections, rt :Uon campaign suited In his coodemnatJon .t) seats lo con- the senate, not an explo- But there H u .a shocking e>

plosion in th rfn ld st o f Che I9i presidential contest between El senhower and Stevenson. In fac most o f It happened Just a te' daya before the elecllon.

The Britlsh-French-Iaraeli al tack on Egypt began, th e Hun gorlons r e v o l te d . , and RussI movfd in and smashed th e revol

Calm of a kind enveloped th 1058 congressional campaign, bi it was far from complele. Tli Red Chinese were twmbardln the offshore Islands of-the Amei

•momas B. Chlang Kal-ahek. anno one could be sure of the oul

the preslden- come. There was Just a litUs na lat year the tional unea^ess.

i® In 19«0, except for th e develop>ng chiws In the Congo, all Ui

Hj® expjoslons. and there never hs g u n in the anything like them , bun »K- lotn before- the pTisldenUal race, the 1050 (»n tjjg reverberaUona hun‘ Korea wh lB

c ^ S n i WM I t to that year. In lh n the c o M U - « P rio j,- th a t the Soviets she V S n J ^ D h dowa'th'e American U2 apy plan ‘ ^ -RusaJa/>eaptUilo» the plloia tl'ju st a few O a ^ P o « i» .cUon-a couple -A n d right.on_top_o! tha t, an oklU T rum an, because of that. Premier Khru was still goUig shehev I n s u l t e d Blsenhowei y, like a grtaly broke up hU summlt-eonferenc [round, by the wllh him, and called off lh 1 , presidential Amferlcan Presidenti schedufe nade i t a ceo- trip to Russia.Igbt D. Eisen. Up till now In 1M2 nothing ba he-beat Adlal hsppened to Jitter the Anerlcai to Korea. He nervoua lyitem -no crlsU^ no cx

plosion, no emoUonal Iscue—i foreign crisis home or abroad, congressional The recent Soviet achlevemer

irean war waa —putting two men Uito orbit « ire waa on cx- the aame time—had no crtsls. n cUon. with a UireaU. no tension for Ameri

undercurrenl, cans. I t was .simply a perform ance.

-1 • X ___ TWT

ID LAHR - the federal budget, were aban Aug. 22 WW — doned In two or three years s found Itself in unworkable.-asslng tha t I t By command o( both the houi lllbusier (clo* and senate, the committee whlc

firrff 'tlmo- In drafted the law could nol lamp< wllh the rules of the house c

ler, when the senate. Hence It could not Uiv. tie mess wer^ two wellsprlng* of controversy- Sen. Joseph S. the power or Iha house rule >ted an edlto* committee-and tne power of d in his home senate mUiorlly to block or (ore

changes In legislation by fillbui in congress? ler.

I?" ..The communicaUona MtelUtJcr-had^’to -b * ^»1 was caught In w hal lls og in Of any cll- Ponents called an “eduuiioni

senote tn lU lUlbuster." Por the most par I communica. "educaUonal flllbustern" are aim

He thought < t alleged "giveaways" an d for Doasaee led by ardent liberals, wh y e u Kit he Profess to be against fillbustei debole. - but insist tha t "whal'a sauce f- 11) and other the goose Is sauce for the gan •Is hare pro- Th«y • « oot members c d or questions the. club which runs the senot awmakers still ^ best it can. ' eovered wagon In short, wben the liberal . These qiles- make use of the senate rules o ly lo be asked almosi unlimited debate, the e congress. ' call I t an "educational filibuster, lng them (rom bul when Southern Democrat lor of a pro- tlllbusier against civil right w senate with bills, they caii l l obstruction, ping to com- In the post (ew years, ther ■L have been "educational rillbusjars slnce'pas- ter*" agolnBt two natural ga akslonaLreoti h l l l s ^ l h jyentuallyj>asMd, bu ilch was sup- vetoed), the Udelanda bill and : te^ the struc- measure .dealing with atoiiJ

I t provided power. The obJecUve has been^i lelp and d im - call public attention to 4 n al IS commlUecs, leged bit of favoritism to prlval with separate business.

Began to mui- Because of their periodlp bo t M-ovlslons, no- lies against civil ' rights bllli wllh handling most Southerners ore commlttei

— to unlimited debate In the sen ate and to vote against cloture However, some of them toleratec Mid even'connlvcd In getting thi -successful cloture vote.

L 7 There olso are RepubllcaniI / I who. by convJeUon or because o: I / alliances with'Southerners, nor-\ . / molly ,TOte against.ahutU ng’ofi

^ / debate. Most of them voted fOi» " clotnra U st w«X.— --------

^ j ' 1 could be th a t they saw iM 'b )g ] i chance to avenge themselvej w . . . * a g a ln s t.s e a Wayne L. Uothbathing lu it D„ Ore., lhe ex-Republlcan wh( for hunting wa» leading the figh t g a in s t thi


WASHINOTCiN, Aug. 3 3 -T ' difficult ta r t PTMldent Kenne

facee in tbe eleeUon* th is fita quite dear lo the afterm ath

S hla report to tb a aatlon on t e e o n o m y . m ust can? to the - county. In ^ ^ % c a m p a ig n

Y promising, to bo \ - aa airenuous aa- ' ^ ^ B B B

, a p r e t l d e a t l a l '£ ^ H B E ^. / contait, tha con*

\ - y vlcUon'that .his V ^ J p a r t y ts the

' -t y - chosen instru*J \ m ent to bring

/ ' ) ) the good Ufa./ - - O ' peace aad pros- ckt«.

✓/. parity, and more ot It.Ha must do th is even thoug

u he was bound to po in t out hla Ulevlsed address, the eco

' omy la sluggish and 4,000,000 sstill unemployed. Never a t a

I time was a qulck tax cu t pollcally possible. T h a t was thc roo

L block which th a President h’ somehow to get around la II leason In economics,^ Democratic meaibers of t

house about to go out and mi the voters are not too hop

\ over the speech. They feel that1 . ^ • held-out little ot the polltli ^ bread and butter they are golV ^ to aeed in November. And a ds^ • cloud of doubt hangs over t ) \ . » ■ bread-and-butter meosurcs. su

aa the W« publlo worka blH, f ' A the President called oa,congr< ' ' J to enact befory aOJoumment.

Many membera hare Just ea J 6ack from their home balliwlc

>—4 y and primary '' campaigns. Tb * are concerned over tho act!

- Ues of the ultra-right. Lai azucunta of money a re bei poured into the propaganda

____ the. extreme righ t aimed a t t“sodslisUe’' program of I

K ” ^ President. T lin , combined wJ high poweted and weli-heel

' lobbies such os th a t of t c e e d l n g s American Medlca] ossociatfi were being produces a nagging worry abc lections, re- November. nnatJon .by I t so happens, however, tl

thU Is the point in th e congn hocking ex- slonal cycle when th e perfon of- Che I9S0 ance ot the party In power ia i Detween El- alongside the promlsea of t son. In fact, past. The comparison is usuo ju s t a few emborrasiing. Under th e Ame

on. can system of divided powers ai-Israell a t- with the deep divisions In t I, th e Hun- two parties, promises are alwt and Russia aho«-n lo have outstripped p< d th e revolt, fomiance.,veloped the But as a moment of tru th . U m palro. but contronUUcn hos only a limit nnlcte The taUdliy. Por the performance b o m b ^ ln g the party In power is measured ,f th e Amer- elecUon ^am pjilgn ogoli il-ahek, and w hoflhe opposlUon offera.-Bi of the out- Republican negativism, oppo

' a little n a- tlon to virlually everything ;forward by the admlnUtrotl

lhe develop- j r srrz rjsra s 'rsa ngo. all the .......... , „ .

, The Doal race, itlona hung

DY HAROLD THOMAS car, in the HYMAN. M J).oviets shot Many people ,ore understac 12 apy plane ,j,ly coofuaed ^ u t the coi lg the plloU mon medlc»l terma ’’funcUon

and -ortfanlc." P o r example, if tha t, and young molher of five chUdri mler' Khru-^ -n a v in g -b e e tr to lQ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Eisenhower, she h u ''func->-conference ttonal heart dl- ed o(( the 'Mase." writea to I acheduled mquire how tna t

ta possible when nothing haa has a nor. le American eleoirocar*

? Sll It!: "H* num ta in- , •» . n r . . .. ilUn*n> m * ai»e«l> p w e tm - i i „ , - M e n Wb.1

"functional'* atU r extensive 1 -3 . .wra vetUgallona. including X*ra

' i^om bolh lemurs, i t la appi__ ent thot each w riter Inlerpri•S ^ - * ■ ■ ■= tnft-WutU-iJfunirtlonaVl^aa "m

vouj" or "neuroUc.’*T'Ti—M— They may think the pity

clan h u Implied th a t his, ( were aban- imagUilng or exaggenee years as i„g condlUon.^ . Actually, nothing could;h the house irom the tru th . Ton ltl« which luitrote. toke the case of

noi tamper ovcrheoting becouse olI® fan belt, o r one tha t

knocking or losing power . t the Umer is out of who.

in each ease the m otor may » i . / organlcolly sound b u t funcllc

ally sick; attested to by the fi J by fillbus. ^ simple ad justm ent et .n . . .• • l i l t . r« ts lls ' ’lIlncM" and permS hL ilu op!'euu^lionaTmost part, C&c t r ~'-rmB?iBB7m s c .g a a

ra" are aim- ^ _

s :r„ Oswald Jat filibusters ^ __________.'a sauce f'Tyr the gon- BRIDGE REMAINSmembers o( FART -OUEBSINa

the senole Hand 11 showed- a gain of more Iniernallonal m atch polr

Lhe liberals for America when the Italliale rules of West went down a t three nebate, they trump while the American Ei1 filibuster/' wrapped up four hearta.

Democrau Strangely enough it declar:lvll rights were looking a t a il lhe cards :‘tructlon. '^ould have no trouble makliireors. there a slam a t either h e a tu or nnol (ilibus- trump, 'but neither declnrer hilatuTftl gas this remoxkoble vision.j>asMd, but

W . * ' NORTH i l

.V .107#to ^ n a l . - ♦ Q J«a to private . a »«

“I SM o S :m Wer*tea ^ <“ >lelllngU le V .a i

«epu11lle .in l o ' i J mbeoiUM ot

iraers, n o r. ' one vulnerablehutting *o(( Weit North Eail1 voted for .S*u 1 « P a u I.V— -------- - Pass 3N.T. P a uhey saw a r a « — P a u --------------------- .themselves Opening lead— 4 \I-. Morse, — •

ibllcan who u n liallon Weiii won the se< against the ond spade with lhe kifig. led tl

^ aca and ano ther’ h e a r t a r


m i N G T o l

m m

H p J S o V a K r s ? ^o ther m 'e a s u ru % L ^M ag

i ev en though .0 p o in t o u t In .. ohnilorjy , on the f o « j- u s . th e econ - {J® PV -v l», united,d 4,000.000 are Nelwn ■ Rockefeller a l ^ ° ? -Never a t any to sen. Barry oS?-? 'tax cu t poim* p” " • “PPo tlonwas thc road- Pr^^ldents recent eiron u 2President bad ?, “ '".P” ?’.*®® “Brwroenj * ^uound in hla with theI. conccMlons Uienbers of the coula be~ot(cred.out and m eet “ " “'nS" »howlci8.ho,”

01 to o h a p p y be a ia in j^ S jey fe e l th a t i t nuclear explosiom X I

th e po litica l o n - 'ltc la i» S ,‘Ihey a re going « n d e m n ed by all I &er. A n d a d a rk J n r « ^m g s over tho » • ( « £neosu rcs . su c h ^ " ^ , , . , “ " ‘‘ , , " ‘'''"1 w u ch l ,r o r ^ blH, ( h a t S

i j o S i i M n ? ^ have been todlciu*,Mve J u s t com e RcpubllMn S Some bailiw icks ‘he • » u t

w p S L d a Of £aimed a t tbo Colorodo. »,-hen gQ_

ram of the hn Carroll will be in i S omblned with e lec tio n . , ^d well-heeled B ut the. outcome o( nH-h th a t of the contests in several eouS

I aaw la tion , » to t« raUes a (jue«lon u l g worry about whether support o( the * . • traUon U 0 liability a n d ^ however, that P ja .’soft on communUm’ i^ 1 th e congres- work again as u hu to th e perform- ca^lonolly in the pwl.

n power is put In Tennessee. t«o-tonr-ft. imlsea of the Ucnched members ot the hni son is usually who look a strong «and anfc. er th e Amerl- medical cflrc.came- lo grief te led powers and Jomes B. Proxler. Jr.. hu he visions In the declared defeated br ollk jes are always count, snd- while J. Carlf<la i* ts t r lp p e d p e r- c r has opporenlly »on b r ,

hnnd(u l o( votes, the reaili'! o f t r u th , th la being contested. 7?ie retei n o n ly a lim ited chollenged by canijiditts it le rfo rm ance of declared (or support o( Uw Pn is m e asu re d .in Iden t's program. pjUgn ogo ln st T ho clock' o( pollllc.rdod t n o ffe ra .-B er« aland=sUUr-and=lhU=tmmtei :visnt. opposi* m om ent of tru th . meajurlc((e ive ry lh lng pu t form ance a n d promlw. t n t j «« a d m in U tra tlo n b e lo.il s ig h t o( In October.

e Doctor SaysT H O M A S AlUiough th is exanplt m in M J). criticized o s on OTcrtlnipliib

e u n d e rs tan d * tlon. i t m ay dispel Ue coa/utt JUt th e com* o t Uie- young motber sod leu « "funcU onal" th e Ind ignation ot Uu mlMlh ir exam ple , a aged m an w llh (he -beUyuhe' f iv e ChUdren, j ^ r . I t U quite po»Ui!i l;

a n -b rg au lca lly -so u n d .to A i I P B I j B ^ B b e a t too fa s t o r too ster, « ]

m a y -b « a t—liteg u la c ly .jia i i o ften w ithou t detectablt nr ^ *igns a t a time ol.eao t; tion.

And It Is equally pocslbk I tbe stomach and InlcsUsa he sluggish and ovcrscUve.H may develop spasms evttj

i n Oden without slio*lnij Me < »ble evidences o( organic I

*■ n^' *t the lime o( examlniu-hla’ dlgcatlve And while the “luncUM -been labeled dlsturbonce may be Inatu ^ t f n a l v e l ^ by emoUonal strew. Its ^ idinfl X*rays. «*ocs *not neccssarily mda

it^la appar* tiiat the complainnnt U a •«:

V th#. O hvsl. th e re Is no evidence of OUKt h S hlS pa-S e x a S ’c r a f "t'B hten th a fan b t i r or o r exag g c ra i «.exaailMU

Uff cou ld be ^ required. Underlying wt“Iru t lT T o a - «««““ ***.“ ,11!e Of a looked a t previous examla»U« becouse o( a And. Just as the dUgoott «

r one th a t is a funcUono) disorder u u n IB pow er . be- flection on th e patient's naw o u t of w hack , o r m enuil moke-up. so I b ^

m o to r m a y be detection of underlying o f^ b u t fu n c tio n - disease does not ntcoM to by th e f a c t m ean th e re was c a r e l * ^ ' JU fllm ent co r- Incom petence on the partolU

a n d pe rm ita exam ining physician who tfw Ivity a t peak w ith th e disturbance In lU « ---------------------- i e s l . p h a s c a . -------

M ■ ■U.-LUT -H

d Jacoby, BrijdgeUHAINB (messed dum m y’s Jack. ;fl«-ISSIN Q made h ts queen o h e « “ “• a ga in of 10 three m ore spade trk k s by

m a tc h po in ts and S ou lh se j the hand.1 th e lU lla n E ast took th e ism e p u p a t th re e no- four h e a r ts and <rlfd jo W

im e r ic a n E as t th e clubs Instead o( « n o » i^ eartfl. wound up wlUi only 10h It de cla re r bu l 10 very nice Cricks.1 th e ca rd s h e In case you want too u b le m akb ig guew th e declarers, d o n t« h e a r u o r no* Bach took the best Jne

d ecln rer hod bu l 11 is Ion.------------------ best line o( play doesntJUJ» ---------------------wort. II It JMi " ' ' ' • / S

. . . B W ef » “ « ' t n y h«lra. ...............

■ , i E . S w ’i!


rr SS ^i s ? " v 2u. S o ^ f ,1

------------ . - TODArS'QUMTIOJ^■ Your partner e p n U n u f ijJ ^

■' bid of Uu»#.**»rt*'.Wh*‘ w on th e sec-1 hu bowT

' ' f'

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

■ p p , ■ ' v - — ■ ■ ■

: I

Stake ConfabB - Mtmw™ -

m m i

g S B s s,:i

iVkcDt. brings bless-

s ill M id th a t .the sole .

i i 4 ^ r S 4 s - ; ;*®* S r t wllllnB to '‘eep the

& r S ^ " ? K ; r c . s s I•S S T tow h lcve .tha t goal., I

.MiiJter po in ted ou t th a t '5J r i« 2 o willing to pay a lm ost Jr t « . including th e ir pence I

J % e th ln K does m nn ^ c o m e I£ S n t . the spcBker said, and ■

* r » n d w i« s to keep th e Il ^ d m e n l i a n d do theuw ort | ? ^ ^ r d . th e n h e h w to ^J n S w make th e e ffo rt toS S ib o u t th ings of the Lord, j j

PrtfJdtnt Rodney H ausen, th e *y f l5 % « k e r o f th e c on /«ence .!5d^m bers;^to P«<S o n of church leoders In «nJ ^ W tte r of ge tting Into debt. (<iTt» oolnted ou t th e Im portance — r f^ U n g oai ot deb t os soon u w Jlb le . N othing brings more awScUon th a n to be clenr of(bUjiUo''*- he sa id . H-H« reported th a t a buMnesa dayiMuilnunce 'said th n t never „ r '

“ S'Sr z,Uot comes About when too hntanny people' buy Items they verisn't neei. be sold. oat

pmldent Hansen aUo urged ued Btmbers lo keep the Sabbath In 1 III wty's. snd reminded them cor (lut purehjues jnnde on Sun> ^ itj. however unaU. constituted _ bntking the Sabbath.

Othtr speakers a l th e morn*a ir3as}ew -lncluded_E ldeE _A U __fred D. Smllh. S a lt LakeTClty. o r * tbt m e ra l church w elfare com . Bltlee. who followed th e them e ' t» by the olher two speakers m . lining the m em bers to beware o( le lllng into deb t for luxuries, and lo keep th e conunanamenMi oi the church, pointing ou t th a t no one has th e r ig h t to choose the laws to obse rve ..

•There are m any churches of men." hff snld. “h u t only one thurch of Ood."

lie atM spoke-of th e church vteUare ptogrnm. pointing out lh»l !l »'M a very im portant pan o t the church plan, and an obllMlJon to a ll members who couM sjttUt w ith the proiram ~of - earing lor th o w who could no lonner l a r e - f o r themselves,

Arthur Pease, recen tly 're tum - (d (rom a m ission In among the Sw ihvut Jndfons. spoke of h is ojtrlcnces there.

I t pointed o u l th a t the f irs t Bttbm organized In the church fUlo the IndJaiw.-ona ih a t the n.-ious groupi were accepting Itl tospel In g rea t num bers as tb(7 became more enlightened is4 could com pare the teach- b p of Uie Book of Mormon lo theli legends and ancien t leach- b p snd could see th e unques- Uoaed tim llarlly.

iliale for bo th the m om lng sad sHtrnoon sessions wna fur*

mder the d irection of Kesl Be- •tn »lih U u A nn McCombs a t Ine organ,

n r the cnngrcflntlonnl s ln i t- 'Int led by Severe, L arry S m ith n i organlit.,The Invocation wiw onerM by Bishop O ar th E am es ud Harold Peterson offered th e teiMlctlon.

During Ih e .ftf iem oon Msslon,M Orlllln a n d Jay M errill. WMtlors In th e stake p resl.“«». ■»»». Ill, aid J w Aimit.•» ind Bruco . Allon, re lu m ed WWonarlM, a s . well as E lder ™ th snd Elder Sill who was “ final speaker of tho confer- Oe*.-^ W e ti l-M e r rin -o u tlln e d th e “ «{i and d o c t r i n e s of th e “ Wth. wUh specia l m ention of ™ belief In continuous revela-

snd In Iho belief In th e dU - leparntlon of Uto G odhead

« ttree personages.Anderson spoke of ex-

on Jtls mlMlon In th e ii«te« m i s s i o n . H e

W tM oul e s p e c i a l l y tho notlctabie In' a peraon

^ ^ :n«i th e church , nnd of “J5W In n a i wny of life. i “ iw U tlen . recently re tu rned ^ tlie a 0 u I h e r n B ra tllla n i J ^ . - .* 4 M » k ; ^ o r conditions ■

- ^ ^ f n t O rlffln recountod I

I J , *Mfy of Job In pointing o u t I“ n ^ H y for a con tinual I

?««n>nR ftiith In th e L ord In I' l '•« Of nil ndverslly. IJ® nil Mrmon, E lder S m llh I

of the bicjwinga enjoyed IJ “ f th e church w ho I

“ trtv,;i In fa r flung parW I*T3rld who could fln d | I

^ 6 « s or w arda._Qr^aL_leM l., . 1Sil'Mirw lo w orship w ith In I^ »ny imri o f Die world. I

ni,„rcM Of th e cou-1 IElder am nrifid m cm - I

®ING TO MOVE? "' ’'•’I l d o i tb c tW r .f o i te r

ford Transferi S torage Co.

. , WONE 7 3 3 .4 2 7 4 -------- -----^ ‘

i s .

a b^nibers t woie r uvci

were ‘ to

: tof the ,.

I Ihelr jnnec- 1, a n d . sp irit-

it thebless-

I g h t s f y .

,e sole .. X #

i r » « S l l Kthose *: 1 7.>P the rm the

th a talm ost

the ut can



I to be .. ., 8ITT1NO HIGH ARE TWO Je ron 231 N orth D at« street, a n d M erlin ]

en. th e *venuc. T h e boys m ade th e bikes i erence. one to l,b one. T bey a b o used odd h e ad - pU kup tru ck a f te r Ju il m ounU ng thcl lers In « n d they m u st lean a g a ln i t som elhJ0 debt. (Tlmtn-Newrs photo)

s soon ■•fractional d e - pams more votlons.” a n d n o t to h av e re s - ycai lenr of c rvaU ons In th e ir religious lives. "T h

Ho p o ln ted“ 6u t how .spccla l give usinesa doys a r e 's e t aside for th e ob - disc

never Bcrvonee of spccla l tim es, su c h W nl aid RC- (IS M o th e r 's dny and F a th e r ’s mun s s itu - day . a u d h e ndded th a t th e L ord McC ;n too h n d aside a spcclal d a y . a BW s they ve ry ’flpeclnl F a th e r’s dny. Id alor

Darning th e S abba th fo r c o n tln - S | urged uBd.ohscrvance. by ;

}ath In T lie cvcnlnK sewlon of tu c accc them conference wna. under th e d lrec - and

1 S u n - tlo n of th e MIA. and fe a tu red a sani

S „_ _ C O L L E G*theme ' O u r n o tu ro l sh o u ld e r s u its a t ,kers In . vests! A u th en tic Ivy s ty lin g

ca m p u s o r office! idmenla 'lUt that ’choose '

ches of Ily one



^ m ~ o f -------n o '

re tu rn- ong the


h a t the

bers as{htened -

teach - j M W ^ w W Imon to

leach - iinques-

lo m in g ' rna fu r- | H | H f

S T bcT F ' f i f Im bs a t ^


i : TopcoafsM errill. ■

, S : s a v e 1 0 . 0 0

% u!S S»lo Pilcod

* 2 5 ™ * 5 5lea the of the

tlon of -X .reve la- xh e d U -odhend I -

o f e x - ^ 7In th e ' Vl * - •■ . 1/n . H e I \ rly th e A k " s yperaon - nnd of



S m llhtnjoycd


1 flndi V .


lecoii-i *


, ' ■ ••■ • ‘ -T* - • - . . V

i p A w

; t w o ' J erom e youtlii. n a n n y D irk. le ft , son < a n d M erlin Blake, mm o f .Mr. and M rs. V ert

:e th e bikes tbem iic lm . They UMd fram e* f so used odd ao to part* (a com plete (h e bikes m ounting th e ir bleyclen. T h e unusual b e te h t 0)s ftlnst som eth ing to m o u n t a n d s ta r t. A fte r sis

m ol d e - panel dUcusslon of th e comlntj Mut nve re s - year 's them e of th e orgnhlzatiu ,i. S )us lives. "T hou fihult Love th e L ord.” Cly

specia l given by Mrs. C nrl O nroner. a n d s«r» th e ob - discussed by D c v c r 1 y Fucer, opc es. su c h W nln a rc i'tihn lgh . Suellen R aa- aell F a th e r ’s m usscn. Leslie John.ion, Je rry th e L ord McComb.i, D nnny Sleffler. w ith i d a y , a B ishop OarUi Enmes as m odcr- dny. Id a lo r.

• c o n tln - Speclnl music was fu rn ished by Arlene S ho rt who sang a solo,

o f iMc accompanlcd by Sw iann Ha.nlnin, le d lrec - a n d Jnnlce W llllnm s who also a iu r ed a snng. nccomptinled by Doroth y

LLEGE MEN . . .Id er s u its a re .o n th e boll w ith Ivy s ty lin g is co rrec t for ony

.1 •


I '

r .g - .

• -fl

i l E

Its' ^10

I55 79 .5 0

4 p ItC M

T ' ^ (Suit p tu « c o (e r< e c r d ( n o t« d vt*» Olid ilacks)

O TH ER N A T U R A L SH(Z - J • C A M PU S TOGS ..............V • HANO V ER SQUARE ....

J L . - • M A N C H E S T E R ..................M o n y with

Famout N a tu ra l S hou lder

Sport Coots Bloze'r>

■ p j 2 5 > 3 9 J 5 _ :

' / / IVa From ROPE

I w

f ; , Twin f i l l

' I


. . W B B '.

^ ' ; sp<

’ m 0 ^ K ' ■

ilB y V' ,;7w V B ' \ \ '

^ S B ^ ^ I A l. Ul’

1 y w p"V ^ { j W n ■


a f j f i ■ • _ r J i lui

. i

irk . le tt , son of Mr. and M rs..W . E. Dirk, ind M rs. V em on Dlake. 404 W est gccond iMd fram e* from tw o bike* to c o n ilru c l lete (h e bikes. H ie bort a r t ihown by » lual b e te h t oiaken them d lf/Jeu lt to mount , U rt . A fte r s ta r tin g they ride them easily.

c comlntt M urdock.nhizatiu,!. Speclnl speaker wtui Bishop le L ord.” Clyde Coates on the them e, “Ia'ner. a n d nerve." Eddie-Burgcu gave the y Fucer, opening prayer and O iorln Rus-lien R aa- aell gave.,the benediction. m , J e rry ^ = g = = j = ^ = ^ g j = = j j j ^rier. w ith I. m«i=r- F i |„ Processingfu rn ished Best and F aste st Service . ng a solo, Color,' Block & W h iteI Ha.nlnm, _ _who olso C am ero C enter

D orothy ^

. . . YOUNG EX

' ■■

‘T w i iE m s

r i m f o u i



W demoi1 youf wofi

l < ' w you <


erd lno tod y ' / monthly pa

rURAL SHOULDER IVY SUITS>GS ...................... . S 55 to S 6 9 .5 0 'iQ U A R E .......... S55 »o S 6 S .0 0E R ........................3 9 ,9 5 »<> S 50M o n y w ith Vosls,

snd A C o m p u t N e c e itl ty

i ld e r FAMOUS BRAND .

) o t s R A I N C O A T S

0 5 DACUON-COTTON COATS-------------w U h-iip -ou t---------— 0 A 9 S —

Orion linings

im ROPER'S . . . . It's Right

t f p m

r w i n F a l l s - B u h l — B u r l e y ~ R

■ Review Board ] H Completes _ m Blast Study ;

iOAtlO- FALLS, Aug. 23 iJfl-A ^ board oC Investigation has com- ,,

H H pleted a review of the dlsman- „ lllng of Ihc reactor tha t eicploded " here Jnn, 3, I9S1; klHlng . three ^

* ' An atomic, energy .commission . spokesman said the board will ^ make a written re p o ri'a l some ^ future date. J

. . The board waa headed by Cur- y> tls A, Nelson, director of the dl- y

vision of inspection for the AEC a In Waahington. d ; C. ' n

The. AEC haa announced that o suddi-n withdrawal ot the central k control rod touched off the blosi. n

The rod absorbs neutrons and 0 I thus holds the atomic fission •P prdc&^i down to a manageable ^\ . ‘J| l ■ Bul there haa been no report *■ ----------on how the control rod was with- *■

j drawn. The. reactor haa been ---------gradually tom apart ’ and the "

S j i , pleees analyzed to find the cauae. ®

Phillip Snaps KV At Photographer iH I - , INVERNESS. Scotland, Aug. 22 p l * » 7 i BTO—Prince Philip, w-ho once n y j f lumca a garden hose on a group y

. of photoirraphcra, s p o t t e d a ^ ■ camermnan zeroing In on him g ' ■‘ with a telephoto lens yesUrday _

os hi' steered tho royal yacht through the CtUedonlan canal. ,

, . “Well." sn ap p ed - th e prince “did you g e t & p lc tu r« of my le ft

■ ^ 1 earhote?" { Philip. bontlnR w ith h is chl1-l

r n i b d ren ,-P rin c e C horJcs and P r in -( ce.« Anne, a d d ed . "You have been (ollowlnR ua ever since we

in i t ru c i j j f j y ,g C r ln n a n c an a l w ith th a t I rn by » (_hjng y<,u « ouJd th in k v e werel

a t t h e f o o . - _______.I easily.

Bishop B ( I U f f I , I

"r,hJ o U W L I

^ 4 0 - - T iing .


SPORT PAGEIifrer■■.. ^


A s h a n d s o m e ' i

a n d v e r s a t i l e >

a n a d d i t i o n

t o y o u r ■ I

w a r d r o b e

a s y o u c a n f i n d . . .



-------- Todoy-y«>-I«ad-ti-mor«-<Ktiv#____ .” thon your counierport '

of years ogo , yoor Ideas itort C young ond stoy young.

You demond moro versaiilliy from youf wordroba - C(ot of thli wot

bom The Foordrober. . q young-trt-bvUd suit with color-

coordinated vest ond exlro jlocki ifferlng you q w orld c f good-looking

oulflts. For buslneu or dreu,

fo r leisure Hmes ond cosuol weor - . . . coll on The ’Fourdfober.

'n o n tb ly p a y m e n t p h m in v ite d

9 . 5 05 . 0 0

• A T S


i r l e y ~ R u p e r t .

•oard Elba ^veiit Held a By Trailbuilders ”’» . ^ ELBA, AUff, 23 _ The Trall-

builder boys of Ihe Elba LD8 x r t v Primary entertained their rru y parents nt a Trallbullder round- eir M on-A “P the cnnyon west of Elba. , 1 i S com- ^helr leaders went -h» rtijimnB onnyon inle In the after- <lal exploded prepared

x.j's.r'ii:?”"enmmlulon w«e neiiled around a

will campfire on balirf of har while.r?“ l s o S p r M & . t h e i r ' pro-■ gram. as';l.sted/l)y their lenders,

Darrlngton, Mra.: » . ^ 7 ^ ^ Malboum Qariser nnd Mrs. Arl

° L .ffi; W ftrd.,The program wns con- or Ihe AEC ducted by Mrs, John Nye. Pri-

mary prMldent^Tlie boya dem- junced that onstrated sucittnkllls ns rope ; the cenUal knots, flrsi aid. siorj- lelllng ami ft the blasi. many principles and leachlngs cutrons and of the church were explained, mic fission • Scout pins were awarded to manageable K»nt Lloyd und Ardell Wjckol by

their guide pnlrol leader. Mrs. n no renort Barker, and pinned on by Mrs,

■ ^ been were given by Mai- 1 • M d ^ e Barker and Bishop Beech- d the cauae. **’•

PEA CROP 18 UP n o BOISE.' Aug. 22 HTC-Tho 1M2r " crop of Austrinn winter peaa Is'O n n P t * estimated al G7.S00,OOO pounds, a i i l l C L according to U»e USDA crop re-

ind, Aug. 22 porting service for Idaho. ’This Is w-ho once nearty 10 per cent abova last on a group year’s crop.

p o t t e d a _________________In ori him 371Y TIMES-neWs WANT AJ3Sis yesterday . - - _________________royal yacht l - 1 — 1 ■an canal. . the prince - e of my left

h his chll-1 r a ( A # | B: and Prin-j »•'You have I ger since B d a)I with tha t I

we w m i

l l ! I 1 | | K '4°° I U l i u l l

ILS ll Y o u ’l l lo o k t r i m•N '

^ ^T © r

‘ I! t e , I ^

J I - • >

ER- H r

^ w i - n•rport - ■ ------ - 5 W '. .lo r t

E i | p - ; f i

oking ,Jreu,weor — — _______________ober. , ■■ ■■ ■ »

. J A N r tE N o n d DONW

BOYS' SWEAT 6 . 9 8 t o 1 0 . 9 1

Boyi* S h o r t S leev t

SWEAT SHIRk I ll ^^V*'Mlk zipper front. 4 colors.

aises 8 , M, L. XL _____ __—

B o y s 'fu ll c u t J 3 ? 4 -e r .

C ' WESTERN JEANSFirst Q uolify— S o n fo r iie d

! i \ \ Sites 4 I\ to 18 - .i_______ 1 . 0 0 M.

f W

I f / t ’8 I

I f a

r ^ l J W e d n e sd o y , A ug . 2 2 , 1 9 6 2 1 I C I u T w in F a lls Tlrr^es-News 5 .

1 6 F S fAAIED VETERAN DIES f Trail- SCOTCH PLAINS, N, J„ Aug.}a LDS 22 (^ A u s t in B. Crehore. 60. a :d thcir member of the famed Lnfayelle

round- Escadrillc Plying Corps of World of Elba, w ar I, died Wonday,Irs went — ■ ----------------le after- • ,. • _

1 supper ■ —| - J • — ___


“ i - M i m^rs. Arl 7as con- J ■

E'-S f ^ l T L E A V I

—er. Mr^by Mrs, r a » g j ^ C j 5 > -JF

)^Beech- •

^0 1M2 II! f c ' M f f J^i T i in I

^ WORLD’S LARGESl- ■u)iNmer,Daiiuiiaii(aui,cnLnuao NT ADS

f l p g y ^ w t A W ^

N *

I B m w ^ U l ltrim in t'N faraTHINS-«'■) - b y

< ^ > si < 5 i W

Hl3"CufflessI bottoms 1. - t .•• gl'

_ 0 \ Hl-POCKETS th^ ^ STYLES, TOO ^

f e l * * S 7 ia r p ly ia i lo r e do f F a r a G a b

f e I S ■ ■ • • •K H • Hip-Hiiggin’ j t K \ ' L m Slmig f f i ^ Tight-Filtirif -V D a rk o//ve, be;g«, b lo ck . . B o y s 's iz e s 6-12 3 . 9 8

S tu d en ts sizes 2 5 -3 0 waist 4 . 9 8

- M e n 's s izes’ w oists 2 7 -3 4 5 . 9 8

M ony O th e r Foroh ___ _ Slocks

3 : ^ B o^s' 6 - 1 2 ......... '. .3 .M -£ r ,. - j r S tu d e n ts ..................4 .9 8^ ^ ^ 7 M e n 's ....... ;. ..4 .9 8 -5 .9 8 _

^ y j . „ ,B o y s

I JA N T 2Round neciu and ncw eoJors. mU,

J a n tz e n ,Paahloh collar t»

_______________________ dow pane p la l^ .a a ^ Enhrdrder^'oion

sleevea. Sizes 0 to d D O N M O O R . ■•* ■k / C A T C D C ' ' SH O R T SI “ ■ t I O - - peitc jje ld . McOi

' t A A O Oan River and C> 1U*70 . I>7 bullon-down

. I t S leev e L O N G S l

SHIRTS McOrecor. 8«dgeI ■ ■ a% I «# Oxfords, Dan Bl

a. 1 9 8

» /i-e r. BOYf

ANS WESTERIifo rized . D ouble K n e e ........................J , , Reg. H eovy D uty B lue Dt

•O O M . W h ite to n ' cordecT’-Califc


f W s P r o m R O P E R ' S . . . / i ' j

w i n F o i l s - B u h l r - B u r l e y -

\2 . 1 9 6 2 1 ' ' '

~ 5 A U T o ' ^ U R A M C E ? - -{ DIES ' Wo W B In«m» TOBII. -«, J„ Aug. • >_lore, 69. ft T o b e r In iu ra n e * -A g e iie y .

Lnfayel^; u s sboshoB* No. ^W -IXM- •• a of World _______ ) ' ...........

y n t i r n o f f


L n O WONDER IT S THE ARGEST SELLING VODKAaui,cnL n in BOMn u iir. tl BKOO WTFen, tan. ist

i t A M S . • • •


For Boys w ho N e e d L onger w ea rin g


5 5 i f K l iTreat 'em rough—and watch ’em

« wear I COLD eTBJKSS — withI VUL-CA-NEES.— have proven' themselves year a fle r .year, to

give mow wear—more of every- S thing for the money. And whyA not? They're built belter, of bet-

te r denim—for. better wear. Nytaam d " “ “' " i o b PEWECI F in iN O

, • • ■ Regulars.and Sllma________S iz e » 4 to 1 2

n* 2 .9 8block3 98 HUSKIES- 2 6 " to 3 6 " W a is t

and REGUURS «nd SUMS g size 13 to 16

3 .75^ y g _________J____________________________

'. .3 .» 4 ~ JAtKETS TO MATCH ..4 .98 ■ ■ silo s4 to 16....3.98 !-5.98 L — — — _

B o y s ' T e e S h i r t s

JA N T Z E N — D O M M O O R:d necks and In bright 1 AA eoJors. n iU 7 u-whaWe _______ I • # 0

J a n tz e n , P u rrten a n d D e n m o o r—loh collar tee shirts. Hotixontal atripe, wln- pane plaids, neat figures, aolld colors with drdertdm ono«iuns.-siiBrt-ana-iong-A -A o— ea. .sues 0 to M. Fully washable___ * « 7 o

S H O R T SLEEVE S PO R T S H IRTSef leld. McOregor, Model B rand and Arrow. River and Oaley t: Lord easy-care fabrics. lUllon-down and regular collars—

1 . 9 S - 2 .9 8 - 3 .9 8LO N G SLEEVE S PO R T S H IR T S

recor. 8 «dgefle]d..Arrow and Model Brand, rds, Dan River waah and wear ginghams, y & Lord j-ardstlck ginghams—

i . 9 8 - 2 .9 8 - 3 .9 8

BO Y S' LEVI ■ -

■STERN JE A N S..................... . ........... ............... .... 2 . 9 8Ily B lue D enim ....... 3 . S 9 & 3 . ^d e d ^ ro l i fo rn lo n s 3 . 9 8 8, 4 , 9 8


! . . . te a R ig h t ^ __________

lurley - Rupert

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

I News .ArcB018R Au*. M lfl-AliK eetui

durtni July commercial hnU . aicnl of t l

1 . per cent below /M r cent greoUr than the 105(

• em ulated hatch frbm Jnnua chicks, compared wltl> 4.674.0M

' BOISE. Aug.'22 t ^ A n e*e., .reiumed *l 3 a.m. today and

not bfl pro*ecBled

j Mid ArVhurhytUnf. 22. arrive tJter. H/Jtlnx h*d Ills parent’s home In Well*. N«

• .irelf up. The warden pivc thi hlmnelf In. - _

BOISE, AiiB. 22 (Ju-The Wa bids Sept. 18 on a road con«l Bingham counties of eastern It

, lna and Installing pipe culvert 1 walls mi U. S. hlRhwny 20. a

Pnlk ,and on U. S. 151 south

I BOISE. Auf. 22 I^N-The Idahsociety rtporftd today lhal 12 i goal In this year’# fund-raUli the 1001-6J eruiadc totaled $i: far eollect«d $II7aiT.M. C'oonti Benewah, Kootenai, Shoshone. 0 «7 hce, Cama*. Lincoln. Fra collecled S125;J45.15 U*t year.

Parade EntriesJEROME. Aug. 23 — The

• three Democratic members ofIdaho's conitresslonftl dclejja- tlon, Sen, Prank Church, and Reps. Oracle Pfost aud Ralph HardlnB. «ill-iake part l n the parade to open the 1062 jermno county fair, and ro- d^l^hursday aftemoon.

j M e y also wUl aUend Uia ^'barbecue aften>.-ard, Franit

TJtus, Jerome couoly craUc chairman, announoeC Tutoday «lght. •

Tbe parade will sta rt a t 4:30 pjn. The frte barhe^o will start at 6:30-pjn. a t th» fairgrounds.

" Rules on Fair Al t Display Are Reportec

BUHU Aug. 2 3 - ^ .S ann . president of Buhl A Bulld. nanounccs rules for hani S ir Dlctures In the west wlr S V e art building In tho Twl ra ils county fair.

Persons residing east ot Fll will exhibit pictures In the ma room of the a r t buUdlng M Bhogid see .the fair premia booklets lor rules.

Sxhlbltion is open to all menbers cf the Buhl Art guUd or resdent« of Twin Falla county y c a n of nge or over. Au entrim ust be brought to the a r t bullling oa Sunday. Sept. 3. betw» 3 and 6 p jn . or Monday, Sej 3 . between 8 and 0 a jn . onl XaU entries will not b e accept*

Only original work complet v lth ln ths last two years wui Mcepled. Work-must be .o f..t Blgned artist without asslstan from another arUst or Instruct tiwiiNtii piftiniy marked claaswoi >11 TiifftuTM must be framed ai wired, ittd y to bang.' Mrs. Hann points out nelth

tho fair 'management nor t „l A rt guild vlll b« responsible I r ' damage or loss of exhibits. -‘ reasonabW precaution will-— — taken to guard exhibits.

Each painting entered for t ,B - hlbltlon should conuin attac f; ed information including the i

tists some and address, title ii,> -painting, price If any. and i

,1 ^Islon in wblcb the palnti ahould be entered.

First, Bceond'and third pli ll) ribbons will be given in oil lai C Bcape. oU itm life. wat«r col

ill riml!!!!, clarity by tota of the publlc ^11) also be given. ThU wlll Inclt

all pictures hung in the T< . 1!' Falls county a r t building.

I All entries must be remo<- ,, from the art building on 8i : day. Bept. 9 between B and 10

s jn . Persons wishing lurtber ' • formation arc to contact h

Hann. phone S43>Sli», Bum.

!P Cassia Cattlehu llh- Group Proposet

OAKICT. Aug. 3 5 -T he mJJIJ______leature—of__a. .Caflalo_cou. grassmcn and range tour i

•' ',1 today was to be a «tlsca-wIon forming a' eounty c a ttlra organisation.

Leon weeks; Boise, execu 1,11 aesetary of tbe Idaho Cat 11| men’s usoclaUon. v.-as to :

‘ talk oo tha topic. Preaently U are eight separate stoekm groups io the county, and a

1 III nm ohas are aUerapclng to o ' i|l dlnate them Into one oman lli- _________________

Irish Like IkeIWBLW. Aug.« nm - Tl

•ands of Dubliner* In Presl Kennedy's axKCKral homt broke througb police Unes t

; to show how they Uite Ike.I ? • . • The crowd surrounded vti

* • former President D ulth t O ; . •enhow-er when he' emergwl

, bis hotel to go to a hinc given in his honor by Prea

/ ' Zamon de Valera.;ih • • ttey s l a p p e d ElMnho .A back and shouted. *'We Uk.

- 41------ r-v^.-.-good-oid-nt*-,-^-h*' I good ttme."__________

ni . Itu w r \\

' I L':V: ax-.i j r ' V T 'Vallt

r C o lleg t

I g ' Twin Falli TlmK-Ne«

Around Idaho

an the 1050-00 average July output.rbm January throuRh Julyth 4.674.000 during the same period last year.

r . -

fu-The Idaho Hlgl^ny deputm ent will -open road construction project in S onn«vH l£_^

f eastern Idaho. The project lnvolves,T,umiah- 3lpe culverts and cotwtrucUng concrete head- hwny 20. a t varlou. locations west of Idano

lai south of .Rexburg,

w.The Idaho division of the American Cancer »y ihnl 12 Cem stale counties went over their

fu'nd-raUInr drive. The lUtewlde goal for totaled I1S6W.77. The 44 eonnUes havo so

IJ ) . Coontfci whteJj went e n r Iheir r>al are Shoshone. Net I’erce. Adams. Valley. Payelte.

Incoln. Franklin and Madison. Tba crusade Ust year. . '

^ New Proposal £m r2 Could Stopaud Ralph Idaho Strike

'n * r/\oB 2 POCATELLO. Aug. 22 WB- (r i.nd TO- M m b f« Of three southeastem

Idaho unions were to be present- n u ^ d Qia cd a new proposal today that r t fU n k was expected to end a strike S ; OBolMt the Wells Cargo Ttans-m noS oed portatlon eompaay a t Soda

Springs.II sta rt a t A day-long negotiation session a barbecUe here yesterday with Federal pm. a t tho Mediator Can Edwards. Salt Lake

CJty, -preduced tbe new work______ contract. Union officials said

they would recommend It to the • employes today.

Ih a i l * Dewey Doss, business agent for • the Teamsters’ local MS, refused

I to reveal any of tba points in thel l a v agreement, but said it might

bring the week-old strike to an _ 1 end. He snid he would recom-

mend }iU union members accept

•Mrs. Hifftty ■•■Abdut 60 members of the the Buhl Art Teamsters' union, the Operating les for hang- Engineers' niilon, and the Hod e west wing carriers' tmlon. '/ormed picket in tha Twin lines a week ago Monday against

WelU Cargo's ore stripping and E»I Ol FUo- optrallona »t BodaIn the main Springs.

building and The union members walked out Ilr premium protesting tbe firm's refusal to

• meet to talk over a new contract., to all mem- ---------— -------------

rtVn'rt; Reds Expandr. An entries

Consumerlonday. Sept. •

Cooperativesrk « W le te d MOSCOW, Aug. 72 W — The

soviet goverament called today a t be o f . . ^ fg^ ^ expaafJon o t consumer

cooperatives, trade otitleta which

► a-<fec3»e ordered ex-s m t neither pension of the cooperative hous- « n t nor w e program, a program distinct

^ rtsht by tha government.^ WlU M -n,B wording could indicate the

fnr government feels, coiisumer coop- S S to S - cratlves.-whlcb operate prlmuHlj ludlng the a r- I".™ ” ) '

'STar dJitba ' painting

»thta. Pto. Farmhouse Neai Declo Is Burned

Qie public Wlll one and one-fourth miles nortl a wlll include of Declo, was destroyed by flri in the Twin Monday nlgbt.

'^ c l e y rural fire deportmen t be removed, jjcrsonnel batUed the fire fron ^ m idnight unUl 6:15 ajr

Tuesday, asalsted by Annest am J 2 , ' his neighbors. Tlio fire was dU

covered by Welton Osterhout ni». Bum. driving i p t about 11:J

t t l c n i d l Annest was not living in th V * houso a t the Ume. Ha had rent

r m n s p f i two-bedroom, one-storl ^ ^ C U dwelling as of Sept. 1. Damag a a -T b e main «-», estimated a t about «^0( -aflaio_county parilalbLjoveretJ bv insuj-ano

“m e «UM of the fire 5 unkliowi I (tlscavuon of _ _ _ty cattlemens AMVET8 MEET

-NEW YORK. Aug. 22 WB .Times a ju a re waa renamed-An

^ S<iuare- today as the cl: e*Unded a welcome to the Ifll “ nun. convention of the grot composed of American Veterai

one omaftlta-

r-fT GET READ> kelke22 nm — Thou-!r« In President _ _ ^ _Krai homeland V % n \ F f l 1

U l t l t lr t^ d e d vtutlng

ie^CTgii^from K in d e rg a rten or collci loot< t>etler, w

1. p ro fe ssio n a l.c a re .6d Elsenhower'a

A iWAYsJ IKm jW m

C lothes ^•ih« w ? ! , ' ^ ^


Ik:' '. .;

'Imes-NewsWetlnesdoy, Aug. 2 2 , 1962

hoere produced iU U. S. deport- • lucUon..ls03 year, but Q6 put. The oc- ' ’■ llcd 4.137.000 lod last year.

prabably wm n o lasl Sun- if oorrectlons, . .fbSi witb his fa-

rueiulay from . -' to five him- Ight -“ ' 1

•open rnnevlilg_aad- >lv'es Timlsh-


over their Ide for lUe* have so heir goal are

Payelte,Tba crusade


t r ik eug. 22 IWJ—

southeastern to be present- .1 today thatSiXBO^TtoS RIFLE TEAM from naUonal y a t SMn matches a t Camp Perry, 0„ ar* ^ E. Vaa Ostran. B f t SU aler O- ■

!l“iSE First Nuclear-] S JfH To Start EarniS'w/^refljMd N i t H ° ^ E K u g ” l j S ^ l U eworld’s first nuclear - powered; u r t mlffht merchant ship, making Ita mald-

e a voyage to Its homo port today. WlU begin earning part of Its

rm h c r s ^ M t >‘« P Tuesday, cmocra awepi offlclals of the Stato# Marine Lincs. operators of tbe Snvan-

bcrs of tho said she will rest In her Ihe Operating jjomo ^ P t.. Savannah, Ga., only and the Hod daya before toklng on a load ormed picket of paying twsscngcra tor Norfolk, onday againststripping and ^ crowd of 10,000 to 12.000 is IS a t Soda jgjjcduled to welcome tlio nu­

clear ahlp today at 4 p jn . (BDT) •jra walked out ceremonies attlclally making 6 a- o's refusal to vannah bcr home port. On the new contract, maiden voyage from_Yorktown.

- Van to Savaiuiab, th e -22,000-ton_ J ship carried 20 paasengere and

[ D d H C l three rolis 6 l newspHjit.J r The passengers, most of tbem

„ political nnd civic leaders from0 r Georgia, were riding free, how-

- • ___ For the trip back to.Norfolk,i t l V e S where ihe 53 million dollar ship

will pick up permanent ballast, 33 W — The 33 passengers will be c l j o ^ irom

; called today & waiting list o t morfl^tban'^400. o f ■ consumer They wHl pay n mlnlnJum.bf « « ootleta which each for the ride up the Atlantic

Dtly of state- Coast,

ee ordered ex- hBurl Hto-Hire—SSrdte Recreation Ohiefl^cta i;un out- b u r i ^ , Aug 22—The Burley ament. city council announced yc.itcrdajId Indicate the that' i t plans tq hire a $5,000 fl onsumer coop- year fulltime rccrcatlon dlrectoi srate primarily to m rd lh d te the- community'! I perhaps do a sports programs.-lying the pco- Applications for the Job wll I ouUets. be accepted In September ane----------- October, and a man will be hlrei

X T ^ J ““- 1. according to City Clerli3 6 IN e a r Dcwame Jensen.rv 1 The city presently hires Indl-n l i r n e f i rUSwls tar serenij different Job) ^ A during the year on a partUm«

b ^ “ jc n „ n said. r « “ - u Usirtilly a «U11CRB ■hl'le«fiuu,

the swimming pool In the -sum itroyed by fire and Is given »c»

eral assistants, one qf whom ha: Te department charge of the Knothole basebal

the fire from program. • ■ jntll 6:15 am . Another person ts contractet by Annest and in the winter for the city's sU a fire was dls- ing program, ton Oiterhout , •m t nbout 11:20 8URVIVOII DIES• CAMBBnXSE. Md. AuR. 22 a?, —Col. Henry Hubert Stlcknej’ i le ^ a d rent! '*®- *urTlvor of the infamous Ba

laim death march In the PhU D n m ^ Ipplnea. died ni a nursing hom

P here yenterday. He will bc burlea t the ArllnKion NaUonal ccme& S -S -----------=

MEET BLUE / « / % A IAW. H im - .b l a z e

r o . « ; ' WARBERG'S.erican Veterans 7 ‘? 2 - 7 3 7 1 andjCorea. _ ---------


wHh our P ro fe iiio n o l.

Y CLEANINGten or College bou n d . . . o il will feel 3k be tte r, w hen th e ir c lo th es hove our a l.c a re .

« I M ™ * e c o n o m y f , l | |H “ C L E A i q i N G -

t o ^ —if7 ou prefer.

ITS ff S top o u r han d y *n c i m ? ' DRIV£-IN WINDOW

CC - * 3 D D r ~ 6H .1I.Y b*ck of Old Poit O • ->V.» J L . O lfks'(novtr n^ad.lMv* your

:h a r d s o n sCLEANERS:_^

-V •

2 2 , 1962

fro * nauonal gua'rd compeUng " tlo n a l Perry. O . are, front row. from left, Mai. te e

<. BUuIer O- «irer> CapU Stanley J . i le r-

iclear-Powered-^p t Earning Own KeepN S. SAVAN- Those who do not make the T 32 (UTO—The trip will bo offered an oppor- ear - powered lunlly to book passage from Nor- klng Ita maid- folk to Seattle. W ash, a t a mln- mo port today, imum of 5750 each,4or the sec- { p ^ of its ond c o ^ e r e l a l trip.

* rh « '^ a n n a h will carry cargo Stato* Marine both on"the trip to Nw/oJk and f the Snvan- when she depart* for SeatUe, 1 rest In her Earnings of the ship wlll go lnt< lah, Ga., only government - coffers for a t leasI :lng on a load a year. B ut they will not be suf* rs tor Norfolk, n d e n t to corer opefatlng costi

because abe will sUll ba con- )0 to 12,000 is sldered a demonstraUon mode: K>me Uio nu- ond the rates will not ba com- 4 p jn . (BDT) peUllve.

ly making 6 a- ' ____ ■..._

° ^ ^ i 2,000-ton Showers WetasMngere and _ 1 1

Sfii u»m iJroad Ai-easleaders from ^ .

ng free, bow- Q f ] \ a t l o n

S'un’ysrL.'d” S'i p ^ A ^ n ^ "“ "y *«“ “"*•

Showers covered areas aurot the no rth central upper MLuis

■ f j « ____slppl Valley west, southwestwiri

• - r a • p from tbe-central-plalns wrat.am iTI I > h l P t southwest through the centra « southern Rocky Mountain

Ure fl S5 000 n Another belt of showers cx ealloS K o r through the central an,

■■ s s “ s s s sr the iQb will “*nountji nlong the Immedlat Jeotember and A thunderstorm h it Mian:in w ^ n ^ h*i?d Tuesday night.-

to City Clerk Thunderstorms .b ro k e ou Tuesday in mountain areas , c

ttiy hires Indl- the West the great plains and I ) different jobs the J io t and humid aoutheu on a partume region. Hall and strong windId. ___. were reported In areas from Vl«10 aluJciil'iuui klula ' tu ijiiiUiern~llHM^fi—4 ol In the -sum- Jnto the we.item Dakoias. A fe d Is given sev- funnel clouds were sighted 1 le qf whom has Texas, with ona touching, dow lothole baseball west of C9rpus ChrisU and Uuj

Ing m inor property damage.I ts contracted Qulf ali* again sent tempei • U3S city's sU- nturea to W-pIus tn the soutl

cost and spread northward Inl------ the plains. The 103 .reading 1■II DIE.S phuip. S . D , was one cf 't iMd.. Aug. 22 arc dayj highest marks. I t also *i ub«rt Stlckncy. hot in Uie Southwest desert r c infamous Ba- highs ol 113 In bJl;h In the Phil- Therm al and Imperial, Calif.\ nursing home ----------------- ------------ -------------e will bc burled

i |h o o l

ING t l B e d n3II will feel I -!s hove our 17 . V '! •— L . a r g e s -

i-i j .the Inter- l O M Y k m ■ —: N t N G ~ r-’ - r a ------------o y e il s c l s eL r < i r 4 V 3 AND DUE TO,o u p refe r. , j , 1 ...................... „o u r han d y iI WINDOW . ,• ! m

lowE.■II'-.-' INI


In naUonal «*n*er. lUl Bnhl. and b»ck row ;t, Mai. Lee wejlj Sgt. Tommy I. Beams. I Oey J . H er- brow, a l» BnhL Bergeanl Ayei

Good NightLONDON, Aug. 33 MV-Sir

I V 6 C O Winston Churchill awalenedr refreshed and happy in bl*

at make the ^yde pork gate homa todayS. an oppor- following his return fromge from Nor- jawdJesex hospital,h , a t a mln- «ae had a good night."4 o r the sec- ^ d a spokesman. "He seemi>• well and happy tbla m om -11 carry cargo Ing." \Nor/olk andfor SeatUe. v .

Coal Miner>sU not be suf- ^

Strike for -raUon model ____

5-Day Week'~ ~ 7 ~ MADRID. Aug. 33 aiD-AboI W ^ f <.000 coal miners in nine pl I ,TT C l remained off the Job today d

spite a warning from Spalt ; Jabor minister tha t he would nL l c d S be forced Into granUng th«

demand for a five-day wo

) I 1 ' Walkout* a t four mines’ ne. .. n _ ■ Oviedo In the heart of U>e cou

try’s coal-nlnlng region spre S in ycsUrday to five other pita,today in the Minister Jeau* Bom

rt Oorrla warned In a >idUi,»peethtft negotiations ajtough-.w

sections. govei^ment channels *areas acrot-. •'indlsi^nsable'* for the soluU

upper MLuis- q; the labor disputes. °“‘h*'“ tw»rd ^ „ove of atrikes last Ap

s r . s t i s ' s r s sthe ccntral ^ workera and causing I

ty MountalM ,„»r»t labor criils yet faced them piutcnu. Qenerallsslmo ftanclsco ^ o n

showers ex- the chief of state. . e central and hem AUanUcrlth ■ beavieat --------------- ------------------------

j hTx™ . n |g g T h e m,b ro k e out ........ !•tain areas , of .' ■■ ■ ■ plains and lo n i l A M

nld aouthcMt a I I DUstrong wlnda ■ ■ ■ • reas trom Vlr- ____

lakoIosrA few | _ B K | _ P _ re sighted In V a B H v H B a ouchlng.down risU and U us-

jS k v is io northward Into 03 .reading in

Al. n e w ..! .. p l « .h .

ffcrial, Calif..

■ L O V E L Y

gdroom Setsx . a r g e s t S e l e e f T 6 n " in 3 I n t e r m o u n t a i n A r e a -




A U D E B R O W N ' S; ' • FURNltURj

•nd back row. M /Sgt. Lortn E .^ a m o n , Cold- y 1. Beams. Buht. and M/Sgt. WllUam B. Am- Sergeant A yen mights an army Oarand M-1 rifle

^ M o to ]< -y unil awalened l , t RUNtiappy in bl9I homa today , h,| nn m iiirn yn.9r3Bmr j u m from

good night.” 'in. "He seems ’ .r tbla m om - ^ e 9 ^ Q ^ g j | l | | | R X a

i n e r ^ •

^ o r ^

X eek. 33 aw —Abouts in nine p lu U A _I job todny dc- ; from Spaln'a

)ur n in es near «,««ua koxm tlr t of U>e coun- •mim t; region spread PLUSother pits.

r Jeau* Btroeo '-•} - nI a>idUi,»peech I1 Oltough-.nor- ■ / ■ J # / / / f , / J / / / 3 /

channels was M! ! ! • f " ’ ^ ■or the soluUoaputes. a n j i g , ihe w b i . .rlkes last AprU / jJU ttU uS^tn ..,lm m fth lU — U^WIIIW ling .and Indus- tV- y ? n e Mgniiw nd causing tbeis yet faced by OFJDmIErandsco Franco, WAKH^I


r h e m


: r „ION I. J b B a m t A o

(I p lu t !h«

■I channel.

Area-FROM ■



s bA mA D U L T S .^ ...... 1.01

VN'S ' . -

’U R N i t u R ^

I Soblen Make Bi*iei Court Appe^ance

. LONDON, Aug.' a a Urv-Robc A. Soblen n u d e a brief appea anoe in court today for tha-r

• sumption - of h is legs) battle escape deportation to the OnltJ 8 U ^ to serve » U f e ^ r ^ f

* ^ a ’ 81-year-old f u ^ v e s WM pa.’e and hat] d ^ p clrd under his eyea.

soblen Ustened to the procee ' Ings for tnorft-tban.hair an hoi

After ft' whispered consuttati with one of h ia attorneys, he w

' escorted from tbe courtroom.■ The attorney s ^ d Boblen .w

Gola* O u td o o r


9 m P tld a y N ig h t, A M g u ttM th

TMMgt and C»«ttlry Mml« .fcy rtl*




S JOHHlfflE j kN O W I

D oors O p e n B I A---------1 :0 0 - - -ffW B ff


W l U s mO ’,9

w -

S I - i f f r j B U A M a D W■ / i / 9 7 _»*' * ' leetolftilUBl.i


' u d g m e n i a t M i \ c a d e m y A w a n1s t A o t o p t « .M B o m t i

fe IroW a K y


z r ' . ; n gO F F I C E O P E N U N T i l

Makesan in fan t't hcad T i.^* «

minutes in .« ^< ”*'»j l U r i and eating a • , ■ . relumed .to m e 8«2

egal battle to ? Md

i fuiiyve spy . “ “ Ion wt* t»uu .a dA p clrcl« of

ments in support of fiohil.W*'o uie proceed- hnbca* corfS “ JS:uhair.an.hour. orgumenua consultfttinn *»• ................... .-»meys, he wm ________ ■!!

jyS”":... fTF!f!!Tflq/:yw I ' i " “THE G U n I 0 ° S m n SICE ' -

! G r e a o r y M - D , v l d N h „ l

wnlryMmk . '

i N e m i W E a-T H U R ..F R l..S A 7 ANGERS „ Q g j 3 _

C o u p le . . A V A C A T I0 n5 - IN V ITED I Sl.„lng

Jm>*» 5»»i^*rt ^

i H M i l R l t : -i K - THIS YEAR’S BIO ^| l EXCITEMENT . .

J u ^ T I O N P I C T U R E t ^ ^ ^ ^

iM iiiir tiH S a s ifiB i s y i ^ p S

- cKitdMcAMti


G r q n d - V M

w f M u r e m b e r g * ’ w a r d W l n n e r f, B e a t S o i ^ e n p l a y----------------------------------------------------- - I

H I K 1 ^ ^

'^ 'S S S S

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

At Ih tlr po»t, « t Cretil’* cronMnff, rUIf G rance e ircu lli 'e eommUlee, prftitier m i glfta the Joh o t boW r i»ni ihowed up to le t 34 poibi (o r | epen the cromlne fqnn illy . Creed t aajoa which r g p lw i an ol«>. n«rro i

Gooding F a iM-OME.VS DIVISION s t r i

C anned F ru ll Ih lrApplesftuce; {Irst. Elhel K l« r ;

t«ond. W lllii Caldwell; Ihlrd. *?" Mnt C. W. Strickland, /prJcotB: }“ “ llrst, W llla Caldwell: wcorid. m n r t .1 n a th k e ; Ihlrd. A sncs Dwn. BlM kbcrrles; llr»t, F ra n - eesIHiihkc: aecm d. Wllln Cnld- well. Black riLipberrlei: flrnt, i ‘“ , Evelyn NcWIenenRtr; »t«)nd, M otHt ixiroln.

Boy;<nberrlca: flmt, M arlha Ruby. Strecl cherrlM: first. „ Evelyn NelfrenCRRcr:. sccond. _ "

C. M. Strickland: th ird . f .V a t l . a i d K h tr . ____________

Bour cherriM : «rs{, FVancw -onj [Uihke; .sccond, Evelyn Nelffcn* t . . (Otr; th ird . DoroUiy- Stroud, p i . DnberrlM; first. Pmnccs R o tli- fir.i U; Kcond. Mr*. Herman A nder- •pm W lQooscbfrrlcs: first, FrnncM t n r RUlle; Jecond. Dime WcrU M.-t PtKies: flrat. Mr*. Clyde A llen: c a li KtfM.-^Ir.'iniprmnn-'AJidenion; m iln . P red HnlnHne. “Pow; first. Mr.n. Clyde A llen: cn l.

itaoi, .Fm nces BnUilce: th ird . And 4fB« Bonn. Rufji«: flr*t. P rn tl- etsBtihke; sccond.-Ruth A llen; ihlri Wllla Caldwell. Prune.-*:

Prancw llalhke) second. fSfU ffUU Calduell: tlilrd.-Mr*. H er- ! i „ l m n Anrifnnn n7ri i- ^ nbfiTiP!'; nrJt. J> tlyn N cJffcnem r;- Jcc- »hlr « 4 Wllla Caldwell; third . Mm. ^ Htmjn Ander*on.

Canned V eielab lri n jiuOttcn iilrlnK benn»: firs t. Calc

^ e e » RalUke; second. M rs. Aim ^ i n Anderson: third. R u lh »W tr. WholB beet;*: first. W llla ™ W n ll. CarroU: first. PVnnces .J " ,

second. W llla Caldwell; g w Martha Ruby. Com : first.

Ruby; Mcond. W llla Pen«: firs t, Wllla C a ld - **[,*

« a TDmaiow; first, lo a n e e s " i ” second. W llla Caldwell;

^ UTt. Herm an Anderson.

. . ' ' • plVkjW e ; flr.U. Shirley Joy Lew is: secoS “V-l>ll!ie—Almbertr-=~thlrdr^ ^ a l d u ^ l l . Apricot: llr s t. ^ g ^ ^ t h k c .D I a c k b e r r y : first,

second, a iilrtoy c r a t third. Pauline Byrnm . Atml

^ n u ^ p b c r r y : Ilrsl. LllUe J , 'u WBtn:: Seconil. M artha R uby; b o J,

I f ‘S r t s : ; ■sa - 'i

^ ^ th lc e ; sfconrt. Mr*. £ ^ A i i ( i r m « i i . Q oaw berry: “ P ran c es nnthke.

flr-sl. W llla .C aldw rll:H J Myrtle LewU;, th ird . 2 7 „Joy I-ewls. Red ra^p-

j j M r * . ’ J .^ " c ? KendJhTk’. -first, Mrs. H erm an f

5 ^ - ^ n n d . rrancc* Rothp £ S ® ; »'rM, Wlilft CaldweU: (

Mrs ifrn n an Anderson. Conserret

j ^ bUKpr; tirsi, Mrs. 0 . M i ,

! ■ tfottr radiator I H ^ fo u b lc s t f ) , , , 7 1

j l .CLYDE'S ~ | N > i a t o r I ;

1 L * , ? h o p ;.T U -c o S f I

J f r % i

’■ croKslnr, a re from le fli 1. T . (Pete) Creed, om m ltlee. a n d G ienn D o m li , tn i s le r o f the tb ot tioW ng Ute pott siraighl wkUe th e o thei po its fo r ruM-d ra ils a n d w i l c h 's i i ’ offlelat t

!y. Creed did Ihe iroundw ork for th e cross: old, na rro w a lce l b rid ie . (T tm e i.N e irs pho to

F a ir R esults gi< S trlck lnnd ; nccond, E lh e l K U er; first,

th ird . P rances R nthke. A pricot ond. K lM f H erm an Ander* LcwlIhlrd *“" • s« o n tl . P rancas R n thke; Josc:

W llla Caldwell, B lnekberry B e ll JcanA France* R a th k e : m c - l.i. B

■ ond. M yn le Lewis; th ird . Pau line Prm: B yran i. Blnck m sp b c rry Jam : c . h

r n td . B yrnm . C herry casc<»ir«» Jnm : flrlU sh lr le y Jo y Lewis; * r

i J n n d Rccoatl.. M yrtle L e w i s : th ird , p . " , P rance* RatJjlce. D rw lw rrj- Jam ; .^ I k

^ f ln t . P rances R n thke: second. .la rth a H erm an A nderson. , iw nnrt' Oooseberry'jam: flrat. Ttnnce>i cake

R a lhke . O rape Jom : f i r s t P rnn- « c o J “ ' ‘™* ces RftUiko: sccond, WIHV-Cnld- a l a

r -------- H.I.I1.-HV1..1 -K jirtU T.«n;lt r im iw f|f.»Vances gonaerve: first. Sh lrley Joy Lew- lucU ?: ’!r M cond. M yrile Ix w ls ; th ird . Ann w°.'} F rn n c es RaUike. P each conr,prve; M nll

first; M yrtle Lew is; second, u w l vndcr- •prnnccs R a lhke: th ird . M nttlc n „ ranees L om ln . Pcnr conserve: flrsl.WcrU M yrtle U w ls; sccond. W llla p,,,'*

A llen: C aldw ell; ' Uilrd. Sh lrley Joy , .^..ie rson ; -tew u'. — -----------

P ru n e conserve: f irs t, W llln el H« A llen; c n ldw ell; sccond. M rs. H erm an ner;

A nderson: th ird . P m n ce s RnU j. cook FYntl- n e d raspberry Jam ; flr-«l. ont!. Allen, i^ n n c e s RaUike: seconil, Mrs. c . rune.s: H erm on Anderson: th ird . Evelyn breiii fcond NeiffencRRcr. s tn iw b c rry Jntn; ond.

f irs t. Evelyn NleffcneKRCr; sec- Mrs.H -rm nn A n,l..r.n». _____

' *“ • th ird . Afn*. J. C. K c n d r lc t. 'ro - ' Mm. n ,a to p reserves: f irs t, M yrtle Sn

Lewis; sccond. W llln Cnldwell. Cnlil n jii ib a rb conserve: flmt. WJlJa Andt

firs t. Cnldwell. P lum Jnm : firs t. Llllle ‘lH’Kt M rs. A lm bers : second. M yrtle Lewis. Jlrst.

R u lh HalilW holo beel p ick les : flnst,

dwell- J ^ n c e * RnUtke; second. W llla f i « t CrtW«-cH; th ird , Mnt. j : C. Ken. n„ iS ,

J i l , • d rick : brend nnd b n tte r plcklcs;f lrs l. Frnnccn R a lh k e ; sccond.

nnces WIH* CaJdHrll.- th ird . D orothy W I I - S U oud, D llJ.p lck lca i-flrs t. p rn n - t l “ J r ’ c e i R a lh k e : sccond. W llln Cald-

well; th ird , MyrUo U w ls . Sour 7 /„ , p lc k lw : first. F ra n ce s R a lhke ; h h b ’,

jcwIs; sccofl'd;'M rs. Clyde A llen, th ird r ~ sw rP t -7 ) le ) tle s W lr« l^ M r* ^ e tx

I r s i . n ,n n A nderson; second, Mrs. E. flrat, L. . M eyer: U»lrd. A p ie s Bown, ^

hlrtoy c rn b npple pickles: firs t. Llllle A tm bcrs: second. W llln Caldwell.'

LllUe M lxed-sw eel p lcklrs; f lrs l, AK»e.» iiib y ; Bow n: necond. M yrtle Lewis;Cher- u iir tj . M rs. E. L . M eyer. Mixed

* « • ,o u r plcklca: first. W llln Cnld- th ird - ^-eiL ^. / in ,! ' picklps: f ir s t . P rances iI W R n th k e ; secqnd. Mrn. P red n n ln . i };®V l ln e : / th lr d , W llla Cnldwell. W a- . *

te ln ie lo n rind pick les: first,W llla Cnldwell.

Itread and Cake*1 . . 11' of w hile b rend : f irs t. Ab- i r r V n r* Bow n: second. Pn\nces1 . . „ ■ R n th k e : th ird . M rs. I re n e Cooley,*wU* L oaf t t whole w ticnt brend.- first.

rm nn I DOUBLE YOUR iwell: GAS SAVINGS 5 m w it h . .

'o r i ' ' ^ '


' OPEN 2 4 HOURS '

^ I Don Pieper's IGAS FOR LESS ’ »

O Sf I m '.A d iU M ti 4 r a . t r e i t - H

H iand




'F ' ^’ clem

■ V K r ' t t l M l v f ' Ox


.■ wi ^ T I o m

nmai Nnm


. N am P

Nanc S tao



c a m


H I(Pete) Creed. R .'V . Gllck of the T w in . I

tn i s le r o f th e Knull O rance. Jo h n An* ■rbUe th e other* drove i l Jn. Some 10 p e r- It 'ih ~ o ffle la t rlbban<cuttini; ceremony to • I(or th e c ro siln r. a fill o f Rock ereek ■■-News photo)____________ ______________ ____I

^ .. Jw ep h ln e A.-itorqula; second. f lQ Prances Rathke; third, M yrtle I^ Lewis. € lx P a rker House ro lls: f lI K U er: firs t. Mrs. J . C. K endrick; sec- ■A pricot ond. Deity KnLscr; Uilrd, M yrtle HAnder* LewL-i. Pour sw eet r o lh ; first, H

Flnthke; Josephine Astorrjula; second, I I\ckberry B e lly KaLser; th ird . M yrtle Lew- Hke: sec- ii. Best nil nroiind exh ib it: first. BPauline Pranccs Rnihkc: sccond. M rs. J . B

y Jam : c . K endrick; th ird , Lucllle L an - f lC herry ca.5Cer, . ' ■

A nsel food cake: flrsl, L om a ■. th ird , Pau lkner: second. Agnes Bow n: f lr j ' Jan i; t j j j jg M attfe Lorain. Sponj?e ksecona. cake: first. M yrtle Lexyls; second. .

M nrRarei .\Ioxley. W hite layer /Prances cake : first. L ucllle Lancaster,- kk P rnn- « c o n d . M yrile Lewis; th ird . Car*ia“ Cnld- a l AlmberR. Devil-* food cake: ^i,.nniBP, H tsL —M U d rcd .-J jv p c r;,. second. 1oy Lew- Lucllle L ancas ter; th ird . Carol 1

th ird . A nn Jense. Chiffon cnke; firs t, Ionr,prve; M nthllda .Miller; sccond. M yrtle Isecond, Lcwl5;*ihlrd, M rs. Pred H aln llne. iMnttlc B u rn t suga r cake: Hrst. MyrUe I

■ ,:.Tm • Lewis. SIxe cup cnkes: f irs t. L u - 1"'V"* cllle U incnsier; sccond. M yrtle '

ty joy Lewis; Uilrd. Evelyn NulffcncR- J----------- R cr.-8lx-rolled-cooklcs:.flr5t_Ethi] J, W llln cl Hobdey; second, L om u Paulk*H erm an ner; th ird M yrtle Lewis. S ix d rops RatJt- conlcirs: flrsl, EUicl Hobdey; sec-; f lr il. ont!. tViinces R a lhke : th ird . M ra.) •tl. Mrs. c . M. Strick land .' Lonf o f - n u t, Evelyn bread: firs t, Caro l iy m b e rl; scc-f Jntn; ond. L es le r 0 .'"C o o lcy ; th ird , ^!r; sec- M rs. p red H alnllne.

--------------n . i ii» _ . „ , _ 1 ^M yrtle Sm all, f ine th rea d ; f irs t. W lllo

inldwell. Cnldwell; second, Mrs. H erm an!WJllft A nderson; th ird . M innie Red*

t Llllle dlnk’ton. Sm all, coarse t h r e a d : , Lewis. Jlrst. Dlllle W ert: second, Prnnccs |

Raihkc..Lari{e, fine ih ren d : firs t. Prnnccs R o thke; second. M rs. ’J .

.;!m ' O ' BrownlnR: th ird . A snes Byce.; W llla ij,rR e. conrse Uirend: firs t, D ora •■•. Rnitics: sccond. Hazel S treue: picKics. Biiiig W ert. LnrRe. c u tsccond. j i „ t , W llla C n l d w e l l .

Lnrite. ta tte d : f irs t E. M. Wllll*;• %";*!■ second, Plorenco S tevena; th ird .‘ E . M. WUIU. LftTRC. em broidered.*• tin t , Bonya O lbbs; second, L u - laU ike, cllle Gibbs.

Centerpieces ~Tniii:dT-tintrMrs.-&~Mr-miWL — .

Bown, ,Llllle

aldwell.- . f

i i BOWL, Cftld. ■ » W W *

s " i 4 0 oT ’ * 4 ” '11. w o. T T W Only flrat, ;


S ; . f c « . -SPORT PAGEI - Cooley.I: flrat.

3 g s , . ;

er's I I

' ■■■ ''-News'-of I^ ■ i S ’ C A 98L \ COUNTY ' irorsr ® Huriey I’oHre Coiirl /Jne■ f l H u sh Delloa Brow n, Burley.j •

and Dnn Dellewell. H eyburn,. ^ ^ B fined $5 each lo r no drJver'<i ^

license, ,D istr ic t C ourt- ! Jw l

T b e 'c o l i r t ordered a dnfiitiU; f<=‘' Judicmcnt of S316 p la i In terest J''- on n prom issory no te And $l!>d In a tto rn ey 's fees for N ew m an Shnw \ atcalnst Brow n Roberts, th e d c -;fo r fendnn l. ‘ cha

Bruce B auer, B urley, chnnt!cd| plal hiT plen from Innocent to su ll ty |n n n

• '> ■ on charRCS of Usulni; nn In su ffl-lsto r O v W . c icn i check for SOOO lo Slm plot,» 3 p-.ii>}m(ttfT», a n d .w as treed on tM U - ,$500 b o n d .- --------- dlecf l e y B nuer asked th e court to ffranl prg, H n M m n p rc 'ee n tcn c c i;)VC5tl8ailon. coui l E a NO' drclsion h a s been made. „.iii

- Jud tte Edwnrd H. Henp dUmUscd . ' ; l ^ th e 12-mflD ju ry w hen th e plea ' chnnged. p,l ' ? M . E L M O ir r ’cO U N T V ’ Strt

K ln e Hf(l Ju s tic e . Court t o i S & l W llliiim : . 'F c u s i« l . M ounU ln | S H Homo. O erald A. Lnrkin, Clack* >>

nrnas. Wls;. M yron B. Iluliiert. S N nm pa: H erbert Eaner. LouU* isrr vllle. Nebr.: R eslnn id Wmllow, Ber

^ ^ B Arco; WDllam J. Blaeey, Bur;ey, ivli: ench lined tlO ; D onald J . E llner, sevi S a lt Lake C ity, fined SIS.50; ^ Carlo J. Foil. OnJwa, In ., fined S14.50; G eorge D. VoUe, T errl-

. ton . fined S13 a n d Rny Y . Bowne.. N am pa, fined 111. a ll overwelRhi;

C. Pred P reston . Declo. Joyce N. Nancola.s,. Caldw ell. W illiam I. Stacey, Burley, nnd Joe B anda.

^ ^ B Blnckfoot. each f ined SS, expired f d river 's license: V em on D . Ha* '

^ ^ B . zen. T w in Fnlls, f ined S2. no m ud if laps ; S tan ley Countley, A ber- ) ^ deen nnd M arv in L . Altrlcc, M id- ) B. dlelon, each f ined S2. failu re to I»

^ ^ B c a rry resU Cratlon: P au l M. Jen*sen . £m m ett, f ined SIO. failu re to ■ regU te r;. 0 o n o ld _ R ._ W eedon, I K una, f ined <20, n o ouK ldg m lr- > ^

lllS lIK t






____ Isecond. / £ I "Carol ■ ■ K r ~ | B B | | ^ ----------

I. M yrtle . .F*n<*H alnllne. r ' ilrfpe

tlrst. L u - K e g '

^ irtci^R - M

[\ P a u lk ^ ^S ix drop dey; sec-

3 r i OPEN YOUR <th ird ,

s t ." w n n ~H erm an I I J

lie Red*Ih re n d : ,

, ^ n n c e s | COMPOSITION BOOK \V i5 :Mrs.” ].’I ■ W i» boiind: 3 *ecUon«. \ W

les Byce! 160 nilcd, 3-holo8be«t», r \ ’•St. D ora 8 ^ x 1 1 '...................6 9 c

S treue: • y y ' \ _rRC. c u t ^ ^d w e l l . / -

Wllll*; i Cs: th ird .roldered. 1m d, L u - P l

X ™

r i : ■ ^

j1 " ! ^ C tlP -N -ajN D M \ j i \

H e a v y c a n v a s w i th , ' ^ u J in n e r d ip , o u te r In*

. ' » d « p a n e l ..............*1

. . ' I . Wilhoiit panel. 7 9 c ,

I WE HAVE A c o m

I t9 ; , p p } | | g

r o f Record ^I rors: H’lirold T . Koker. Nampo, C

ri |/Jn«a; 35, no fJ«ht-hanC mirror, , .

leyburn,. Twin-Falls County Clerk •• ' f i driver'll MurrlHRc llcen»e* were Usued

ilo nover Qulnten KolbfleUch.i iTwIn Palls, and Carol D ia n e

drfmiU Schuyler, Pller: Cerll J . Harklna, » Interest J'’- Ouh*. and Paulette J. Brown, « $150 In Twin Palls.

in Shnw Mrii, Catherine Bonsall filed „ the dc-; for divorce froni Floyd C. Boannll „

•charglnR mental cruelty. Tho H channcd, plalnUff asks tha t her maiden i0 «u(lty| nnme. Catherine Brownell, be re- *' Insuffl* I stored.Slmplot, Twin. Falls Probate Court. reed on Thg ^.jif louj, Korte. who ‘•- , - - died AUB. 6. U. scheduled to bc ^

proved In Twin Pa!U pro taU g ll«allon. court nt 2:30 pJn. Sept. *. The , "J"®®: wlll, dated Februarj-. lOSB, names umusca Korle's widow os executor, oi he plea ”

Ploy Newberry, 602 Fourth „ ^ street wxst, SS and cosls, failureouri to reglAter.

,‘ c"art" nj'N-GUIlION IN SWEDEN Hulbert, STOCKHOLM, Au«. 33 Hfti—

LouU- Israeli Prime Minister Dnvid ^Vmllow, Ben-Ourlon arrived yesterday • Biir:cy, wiJh hJ.i wife tmd dnuahter for a

. Ellner, seven-dny v isit to Swedjen.

ZTii. (Frizzells) BOND 'S d i PIANO STUDIOD " h S O p « n '" I I I " ino mud Oraduate Cum Laude from |

Aber- J Vnlveralty o t Idaho with i IR Mid- ! b a . In Music. Tenchlng ex- jllure to perlence through the Unlver- !w. Jen* and prlvnuiy, {

Vcc'do!J! PHONE.733-3063 ji 1

P S f r s


-J E A N S JCount en Newbefry’j fot • Mv*lu«_like.lhli he«vy 11V«<*. linloHied blu* <J«nIm jtint.Ou»'»nteed (ully h«»vyw*Ight itJanIrn fo' longtr w eir. T*lf* e<ed fit. fer weitcrn w « r . Rt> lnfo«ted ll *11 point* of ituln.Bir ucktd «nd eopp«r tivtti,

iSii* <-n. •■ ^ ^

1 . 5 7 . ^

^ B p y s l^ H o s e 'S .Fancy p a t t e r n e r btaxer S<s ifr(p e i. N y l o n re>nforcec{ tc7 heel, to e . SIxe 6V6 to W A . to1 Reg. 4 p » lr fo r 1,00.

1 ^ 4 -


>>> «-».nl.'w.i>.d>m..rghw ta . - I J, " ' ^ 2 ^ — 5DH x B ^ rB Ir A 'aJne.' Re*.----------1 f f

9 7 * Llghtw e.

lOOK ’ \ Ski typecUoRfc ' . - . \ -------------. h « u .- 6 9 c

" P ' h,(k. Colo

»^S®*THEM E book '.F i r s t <ju*]lty paper. '

^ 3-hole wide or nor- ‘ row rule;

r Re*. 4 » o -------3 7 ^ S I

SPIOALI 9.W N0 . Just or CanvM Binder witli , ofter-sc paper, clip, index di* , b e rryvidoi..mc.m..l.a7 <cot-gro

= 4 r* N c rv ,N Y t9-uiNo tm onsR ound or aquare • G

\ ringfc Gtant »iie; folUhed

_ school op

F t i\ t 4 \ O et rcBdi

th , P \ Chlfabrics. 81

^ 3 ^ 'nrse*sel«^ .S O P I R VAIUK PACK ‘®* **^ ^ 2 - r o t r « o U b le - b » lU ---------- _ Gj

pens, 20 pondU with ‘


f l l M w

V a l l e y C h u r c h ^

ir. Nompa, S u s t a i n s L e a d e r s Ln a m lrrw , , .HAOEIi.vMN, ^ o j .2 2 - o m c c n , , J , r i r r k . u a c h e rs were su s ta in e d a t v r tre Usued ‘h e Saridny LDS sa c ram 'tn l serv-[ p CalbfleUch, ,ol D l a n e j T hey Include BUtnley P e n fo ld ,ld J . H arklna , w ard lincher eupervlaor nnd!5 J . Brow n, secre tary : .vir/i. Ja m es McchHin,;^.

ju n io r-S u n d a y school ch o rls ier;! tnsall filed '''****“ Sunday I

“ B om nll « ‘’8- W a n d a .Iw ltv T h e Duncom l* Prim ary te ac h er: M rs.' . . . m aldpn Mosher and Mrs. Duncom b. nell. Iw r e - vUlilnR teachers.]

: C. W. choules conducted th e ' e C ourt m eetlnu, with Lynn W ood. RivlnR • Kort/! w ho Invocation. . T he bU hoprlc J uled 'to be nppreclailcn lo r th e i|U n roboU ftt, th e J

IDSO, nam es Mu.slc was under th e d irec tion i, executor, o f Mrs. Venice Prince a n d M rs. •• Court • Anderson. • c 32 F o u rth Speakers 'lor th e evening wcre- u ls , failu re r -------

ilWEDEN -.>[, 33 n ifti- - . ■Iter '

yesterday .ish ter fo r a I 9

ibio " 'I FA IU Iide fromlaho with > ^ ^ ^ ■ S f r T I T r e i ?ihlns cx- » Unlver-

3 0 6 3 ji ] • ^

5 ' - S c h o o l V

.10Z...4.PIYK N IT T IN G

-------- ----------------------------- W ORSTEDS-------> w ^ ® ^ l » c l t l purchm l 5op«rb qusllty

wui>»6 yttn Uom (jtnout mikei. Choict of 20 snd mor. tolofi.

O ur Low P r ic e .. . . 87c

illpp«ri flMciUnlngi, cr»pt <o)»i

ose Girls' Anklet• b l iw r Solid co lor co tto n y a rg . T rip le : JnforcecI fop. W h tfe a n d p o ste ls . S ize i 10 l o w . t o 8 ’/ 2 . R e g .4 p o J r l .O O

________4 r i 8 7 c

lENT NEWBERRY CH>R » BOYS'y t j T U r i T l l f t I f H I T I t I 'n ________— ^ X H tK n lU -R N iT -» r J .S - :— !.!r:

L ig h tw e ig h t, b u t O h so w orm .S iz e 5 , M .L . m Q QSki t y p e ................................ I


Flannel Front Shorts ^5*oek up now f « biek-ie^thool coiion kt»It \ J b«eli. Color/ul fUnn*/ fronr. O H 7 f Sli« 4 - ^ . Our lew ptiM « pr. O ' ^

H om e S ty le C an n ed

- J _ P R E S E R V E 1 4 J E I 1J u s t a rriv ed a n d in t im e fo r those o fte r-sch o o l a 'p p e tites . C h o o se -fro n b e rry , pirieopple a n d apri*

, c o t-g ra p e or o ro n g e m a rm o - - M la d e . 2 lb . 1 2 -ox. j o r ............. 0 '

GIRLS' C O T T O N ' S U PSP o lU hed co tton slip s In 3 sty les. AH Iiu t r im m ed «nd rwffled. Come in w h ile oni Buy- several now fo r fV school opening .......................................' I v*

G irls P r in te d Olid Solid FLA N N EL LINED LONGIE

O e t rcBdy for those cool day* » n d ’ nlRh ^ Ahead. Choose from several co lors a n d 1 1 ' ^ fab ric s . 8 lre 3*6x. O o r Low F rjee . . . ! • I .

G I R L S ' B L O U S E S•W Jint a J»y selecUon for back to schoc

’ W h ite o r p rin ted . Sizes 9 -6x. 7-14. See oi In rseselecU ojii A f t l . Q i O ur low p r ic e _________ l * U W to

___ ______GIRLS' BABY DO LL P J 'iC olorful co llo«n>T lnts:“ W onderfu lly -* tjiU toe th e y o u n f miss. O ay colors. * 1 7 ' B roken slMS. R e f. I J f l -----------— ..... - l » / <

T I O N O F B A C k - T O - S C H I

h W ed n e sd a y , A u^. 22-, 1 9 6 2 -i T w in 'F o l l s : r im ^ ; ^ a y s 7

• M r a 's w n le y Pcnfold, who ta lk ed ' OfflcetTi, on c hu rch sem inary, a n d Mrs

■nl'serv-E rn est ToIIcy gave th e bene-

Penfo ld . d ic tio n .. ^ ;o r and I •______ - i

r to r lS le r '! * ^ ^ TTMF-’ -NFV/‘! t 'M N T A n .s .

FALSE TEETHS S l T hat Loosen teachers!) N eed Not EmbSrFaSv:ie d th e ' Many, weitren of >»1m te e itw u tu l. d. RivlnR luRered resl emlikrru*(T\eat tjecsuoa

tho alkniinr in«n>acldl. powder, vn yuur plaiea. Hold f>lM le«in niiir«

d irection antiljr. »o ttiey feel more enmfcrt-SU- s s? ;.P s “t'T?a¥a^i!“;:

’ drug eountcn rrcrywtiera.Inft were-___________ ____ ___A..»«rU.>m>i.t


________I ------------------------------------ a - u i .

P ress O n Y o u r ,N( In itia ls o r W i t t

EDS____________S oyinqs In S econ

IDDCDC N.W "Scr^bbl.- J«kpo l port.IPPER5 „ „ jh v.iih 2 compUt. tat*r.1.W f.brir P'*»» «"pisid f.hrle , ^

with flMc* diimond detlsnt onc/*p* <o)»i, liontl tr*ih«r look piMile.

6. 7.12. Sil* «*ny «>lo*»,llh z!pp«r. A A

.99 1.00&


^ r m ^ .

an n ed


c to school. Cottons were n e v er cuter.' fn.14. Bee o u r clinrm evco ’ eye . See bonni

I I - p Q ' tlons. color*Rny Jumper efto 1 . 7 0 jnofji All with full sWrts, tli

P J . , . ablel Sixes 3-6x. T-U.


:2-, ‘

the bene-^ th c ir '^^ ay ___ i o u t o f th c J r m o u n ttn g s^ANT An.S. • . . ,— — g_l D iam onds o re fo re v e r — '11 I H d o n 't r isk 'lo s in g yours.

_____' EXPERT JEWELRYj o r r o ^ R em odeling and teellwi*t*l. _ J • R opptr . . .^l>ec»u«« ^ "

^ASTEIOTi; HERREirSM FG. JE W E L E R S ...........-

7 .M .W .


---------------------------------------------T ' ^ l

(o u r N am e ,o r W i t f y " n S eco n d s ____

# / l;kpol pun.

Bpui. i.it ■ ■p/i» e»

er -dolsni onpi»iie. V m .

& B ■ \ .



Run>resistant, elastic lop.1*3 In royel, pow der, pinic, w hile, 4 ^ , 7 -10 , 12-14 in - red , b lack , royal/ and

------------------------------------ -

O U N T t o d a y ;S f m lOCKER

H A S _

p liu F e d e n lT e x

'L5V«'zl2^«'. Enameled' •8hect8tecl'over3-pIy I r a m e .. . in choice of

• colors.

.FAIL COTTONS-OOZENS OP STYLES.FOR BACK TO SCHOOLver cuter; fresher The trim s, details win *. See bonnie solid and plaid combln'a-

Jumper effects. 3*tone combinations. tu^I sUrts, tie siuhes. All o I a « ^ e wash-

? 8 - f 6 - 3 ; 9 8 — ^ -


m 't i l 9 F r id o y i ' |

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

. W etfne«foy ,.A ug. 2 2 , 7 g Twin FoIls-T im es-h

^Letter Fails To Qear up Differences

BONN, aermany. Aug. 33 ■ DiplocnuUc MUrces say dl . c n u a i e ^ e n Ui« aod '

.Oenaan-JtoveniiMiiU prot Jjiivo'not been rwSlwd by a

- sonftl IcUtr from President I ' nedy lo Chnncellor Ko:

AJennuec on W est BerUn other lBH“ *•.There'hM nerer been i distrust between the Ur States and the West Oer

. 80«rnm ent « Is being cneed nt this one dl

I 'm a t sAld.U3. AmbOASftdor Walter

Dowllntc delivered the lettci I Adenauer Monday nJpIit. A .\

Oermany spoIceAmnn snld It d wllh the U.8. posllldn on current International poltlcal uatlon, especially the Berlin other acrmon probJems.. Adenauer reportedly fears

r d t e d States U shlltlns Its fenso pol!^ in Europe to i

I prlmo Importance to conventi al forccs a t the expense ol clear protection for the 'co s e n t

The United elates hns dei any sueU malor shift and repeated assurances that IC USB nuclear weapons If neccsi to defend Europe,

■ Idle Workers E; -Self-Help Plan

I - DONORA. P x , Aug. 23 W Mayor A lbat P. DeJsandro. : sora. says tho town Is studi the possibility of leasing on

. U. 8. Steel corporation mill i bftTlng It operated by uoi pjoyed steeJirorkera.

**We ate doing everything help ourselves,” Mayor Delsan said, *^e don't w an t'fh a i

' We don't want sympathy. < boafc tbeorr Is hard worlc."

U. 6. Steel hofl furloughed 1, ' employes permanently in I Waahlngton county communl

I - SW AKE-RIVEr "AVa. 31. IHt

“» • . . . » s - £ . y t j r z ’ s a :

lU lit . ».It4 4.SS0 4,Eh*II*r — — 4.BS0.. MIO 2,Sitekfoot _ _ 1,110 1,500

'' A n Falb _ 780.004*UUhiud Pamp. U . MI4M l*r--------- - IS.800 (.770 t,M r ; . ! : • ! :! !! ;Hln 8 B C>n«L 1.310 l.tSSntii*, M bUoU ».8M T.OS £.Uln N 8 Fumt>. 211 23Mlln«r S 6 Cnl S.C7& l . l t X.uii»«r Lo* u n s:i uGeodloc Fn]K l l . tU l.SM? r £ . r , “i •!!! . « f s - s a s i * ® . . .

' J S ■ « i«Aen-fMi: otbtr quiaUUn In ci J*r»rfpIUUoa k tl wwkl IstaniJ P

■''M Inch. U enn .18 Inch. r>llj»d«

........ 6 5 & - 5 S S " . Mll -W .u n « .u r . 8UU «f Id

- I " " " " ■


s .

1 9 6 2

Pails ir up:uces, .ly. Aug. 33 UW ;es say differ* t 0 .3 . a o d W est nen ts probably iolved by a per-P re s id en t K en- . . J 3 ^ * E 3 | y | K ^ ^ cellor K onrad est B erlin and

iver been such t the U nited .W est Oerm an

( being .jq>erl- one dlplo-

lor W alter 1 the le tte r to r. nlirht. A . West inn snld It dealt osltldn on the n a l poltlcal s it-th e B eriln an d . . H M B p - . : :

ted*y**fears th e i ' '■shitting Its de- Surope to giveto convention- W ^ W * ^

ixpnise o f n u - \fo r th e "contl- V

tes h a s denied H | ^ • ' . sh if t a n d h ases th a t le WlU ' ■ i* . f c iW<ns If necessary -

[ers EyeP l a n ■ p iy g GENEItATIONS PMCAug. 23 un — lng. G ordon T hom as L anham

Delsandro. D o - g randm other (s M n. PIrle «A-n Is study ing bam . E m m ett. T h e greal<graleasing a n Idle '

cd by unem - Jerome to Have'■mrjain, u. Advancsd Classci

S W jlTK hool p rli.c lp « . te p o rt . n S ■"™“ " u n S wm oil.S te u S i.m ■>'»m u y In 11.11“ “ “ J ' ” ' , . ,y com m unity. New elective courses includ_______________ P rench I ; advanced speech, Spar3 lV B » l> W j IH ; economics a n d practlc :( IV .E < K teachlDg. T h e ja a t course w m b

lim ited to d se lec t m im Bw -< t«,” . f bm Um *. those in icrested In teach ing as B»r»»r, M i ■ career.

V S tuden ts scheduled to be grad ua ted in 1005 wUl be requ ired t

i» t .(80 180 take 10th grade physical cduco tion in accordance w ith receo s ta te r e q u lrm e n ts . T h e class 1

JO tso 800 scheduled t ^ m e et e v e r ; othe “ } »Jo 5 KiB stu d en ts enro lled In thiso" i m u o class ta k in g w orld geography a « • ^ \ a ltem o te doys.

70. *•” * *■” “ T O Y T a ^ - N S W S W AN T API

l l ^ l NURSESK WANTED!80 1.J83 «.J«7| t ' J *.1TJ (»< ttT7 Registered Nurses -nua- i« cubk . Nurses Aides,T h V ilj." ta ‘*o8 • A pp i/ In Person. ,

ttozcHelHVlanor<40 Filer Are. W « f

V SUM M«ho 1 ^ — — —

D ow ntow n & Lynwood

-.“ “ T

f e ^

- , L .S .M . F .T . O f f - B . • • Luscious,'brown s

dow. antiques— on( • ;.Fairs newest,boot

t ' '

A TIONS pose • ( M fam llj' r e a a lo n a t tlieJioQ )m as L anham , E m m ett, h o ld s b i s , son, Tboma Rfrt. Plrle and s ta n d in g b e h in d h e r in th e b

rh e g fea t-g ra ad m o th er ts M r^ C h u d e Brlneg

9 Have Secretaries MeeiI riloGQPG N atio n a l Scc reU ry ,a«oc 1 V / l a S S c a a tlo n m e t M onday on th e secoi 33—o u s H ein, ilo o r of th c F idelity Nation

pal, repo rts thc B ank bu ild ing fo r & sh o r t biu lOol w ill o ffer new m eeting preced ing a visit idvanced cours- th e T w in F a ils T itle and Tru

com pony. New m ethods of filic » u rscs Include p h o to g rap h in g records and yoi d speech. Span- ous new business m achines we3 a n d prac tice explained.;'couTM will be T h e n e x t reg u la r m eeting w: •c t niiniBw of beT ie id ' the-th lrd -M ondB ylnSei 1 teach ing a s a lembee. Any In terested eccretw

m ay co n ta c t Poye Stapleto l e d to b e g r a d - 7 3 3 - [2 « ? ro r _ W a n lta Bolingc be requ ired to 733*3733 du ring office hours,

ihysicol educa- » w ith recent8. T h e closs U M _ ■ I*t e v e r ; o the r H * / M f M Ienro lled In th is H k « ■ I ■ . I i geography on

; s W AN T A D S I Is OUR BUSINESSxQui I W orkm anship^you n e e d '

S f l FREEESI E u ! I l l Let us sh o w you samples I I -Q ualify Roof w lll-«)8t fb

cuiu:P erson . I | '

4 V l a n o r L sA ^ ^ve. W est I I A ddison Avenue Wei

" h u dF a W r W i

~ t o r b p o r t a

“ALPIN .Soft glove grain lea gold. Brushed leath red, dogie tan. Six <

4n Introducinrj . . .

and Sbicca ^ \ OJf-Beati

- . 1 / \y p .D .Q . Off-Beats * /S o ft .mellow'b r (

'.T. Off-Beat ; leather s h a d o w i.'brown sha-, tiqued. Black si iqueU—one o t . stitched—Also in iwest, boots. tic; Sizes -to 12.

on a t tljeJiome>®f Wrfc Id* XayJor P t r i ^ o » s . son, Tbomar. E, Lanbau . The great-grea d her in the b » y 's grandmotber, itjrs. Bex Laj Claude Brlnegar, Boise.

ies Meet | ~TTnv™ ~Sccretary,o«ocl-i L A U T

K S S BUGS WORK!s s kjcords and ra rl- o n d o th e r insects.» machines werO| p p , in form aU on eal

m i m S y K p ^ ' VERN SCHUTTE-S M S S e S ' E d e n _ V A 5 .5 2 8 ^anlta Bolinscr.l atfica hours. t— —

'SINESS — Q u a li^ m ateria ls and Q uality , p—you n e ed 'b o th ' to assu re a satisfactory

EE ESTIMATESyou samples. s n d tell you exactly w hat a

f w lll.cpst fb r .y o u r hom e. ‘

cMtfsTODiriHJRO_OFING_CO.I Avenue W est 733-205Q

udson’s’s G r e a t e s t B o o t ^

D o r t " a n d - t a r h p t i S —

“A LPIN E BOOT” e grain leather in black, tru ffle , • ished leathers in vista blue, hot e tan. Six cdlors, sizes to 10.

We discovered a new high in exquisite-shde- manship. Casualettes . .

. lavish in fashion-flare .* ever so feminine for all __

th e ir tailored smartness.

f ¥ i i S 0Off-Beats.

l e l l o w ' b r o w n •■ s h a d o w ah-

Black saddle d—^Also in side «sto 12.

H H Lai’ge Enra I B ' Foi- T.F. Bu

PrerreglstraUun for the term a t Twin FalU Bualneaa l^e~Ih(Ueates a large enroUi

' ros (ho coming year, saya LTBlock; business admlniati

' studenld are registered every Magic Valley county. : distant Idaho counties, Ne and Wyoming. Pre-enroiime running 16 per cent above 1901 registration. Black soys ' The ooUoee U offering a curriculum in fields of ste mphy. secretarial sdenco, counting-and. business .adm tratlon. he 'adds. DuraUoi courses leading- lo notion rccognUed diplomas varies

■ R S k S S nine m on t^ to three y ^ % K 9 |B I c t Popular classes are the nalloi W r f f S a C T known Nancy ’ 1\iyJor Ci ^ IW U iM f^ S course for young women and

Oeorge Crane's applied chology.

i < « ® S a y The faU term opens Sep I iT n f f i^ fT J J c ^ i for iH fS S m g y ^ education b ^ n s / ^ ^ 10. A I f l f M B W m d o i course lor i m Income M f w w r a will sta rt Bept. 17.

The opening starts the* a B f f l g l i g i year of servico of the coUes JaB M U c '/g » the Interests ot young people SfflSSfSCsm the buslneaq community of 1

Foils- and southern Idaho. S a g B j S f f l enlly- declares Black. .

> The curricula consists o f i than 80 individual couroes, plains R&ndol WJison. educat al admlnlstntor.

college is ftcgcdit<^ b;

Sum m err P t r i ^ o o d . M |

irT w K I V ; TW» Jf what you lio»

BUYNOV•ets. — » !■ ■— ■■■.■

rm atlon c a ll . f f l f f l m B

HUHE I M ® S bIm5 -5 2 8 ^ I

d Q uality . I f - .• jatisfacfory “ t

ES ' m Mtly w hat a ,


BjnnerspE l mptis— ^ =.;~

tpring matlriai

ru ffle ,- ! H ® ! U r - ^ ue, hot r \ 3LO. > \

? O m l\|9 9 . ' j

' ~ j S ' ^ i n u i

i ^ ^ j H dsmaalt cov«rlna new ___ .i-shde-t t e s . .

For all _

irtness. ' ' ^ i 2 S 3 S S f S ^ ] ^

/ Q j m m M

^ SM■i

Enrollment Indi< at< •F. Business CollegeSan ' for the faU AceredlUng CommlflsJea for Falls Bualness eoi- nces Sohools, deslgM ted a a large enrollment accrediting agency by the g year, aaya ICarl olifce of education. Oourt ness administrator. Instnietion are approved b; e mrlstered from veterans admlnlatration ani1 S S , « * « ^ . O M m u lc a

counties, Nevoda _ _ _ « , ' /stitch, Splattei Club Hods Me

fields of atcnog- PAUL, Aug. 33 — Three irlal sdenco, ac - onstrations were slveo at buslncea adminis- stitch and Splatter .Olrls dds. DuraUon o f eJiib M onday'afternoon al lg- lo nntionnUy- West End Orange ball, lomns varies from Sherry Thomsen ahowcd

to three year*, to moke a kick p tea t: Mi I ore the nationally Scotl. removing s ta in s, and ' • 1\iyJor C haraj ley Hondo, bew to p u t In a i lg women and D r. line sipper. U an K ing govi !'s applied phy* pledge of allegioncQ and L

Oreen led the «-H pledge, m ooens Beot 4 . Refreshmedts were serve jch w T fo r adult Sh^rrr Thomson s n d Sl

10 A ^ Thomsen. A Ulk w aa give • l ^ J n c c i m e ^ Ju?8 ln« P r««ce tor the

17 . • fair. Tuesday members otU, .fnrf* n t h » PrMtiW Judging seasioi; .’ “ t o < S .V .i SS u.« t o H I^P,,..: young people andKnmunlty of Twin I atSOY A CLOAS CAi them Idaho, gen- I . 1 < a w ■ ■

C A R .W ASH«. ' I «M m a in AVS. BOinI ftcget»t<^ by ■ — ■

issrrsw fr& T !tOSE-OICES REDUCEhat you f i o » been W A IT IN G F O R . . .


W L W M /U 'h 1962 Sert

Innerspring or AirFoam”: S E E U O ^ ^Cll'oiiu • l l t . r lO O tJ 'M im h ii iin il 'IM r Itllllliril Ini •pring matlries with fraihinlna air vents and easir'l hsndlei. Both niodsla oflir smootMop comlort.

Foam-Insulated Innerspring 0 1962 SMOOTH-TOP

p r a s p E u f i r aChooae loam-lntulatsd Innsrsprlno or ldo% Mlrlths

dsmaak covarlno and tiiltlsii imoolh-top.

■. BO

o n i

[i(^ated Leaders Condi Three Services

, aAQSRMAJi. Aug. aa - ilaaloafcrBufi- Olauner, pjator of the.Re.

i s ^ Ued LD8 ehureh, preached W toe U.“ cburch'Bunday me on; Oourtea of ' DUtrlct President L le O ppt«ved by the conducted the annual bu Tfttlon and the meeting at the** Buhl ci

ilatter the Dana Gilmore familydsMeet '>- Three dem- Outst speaker at the c Klveo at the eerWte was £lder Lai

tter OlrU 4-K Hendrickson, Sacramento. «moon at the Howard OarUon< waa in < [e ball. of the service'and Mrs. Cn showed how was pUnlsL Prayers were pteat: MurahaAina, and Shir- ■'.X .

DUR*HOA]ce and Laurle «■■»«>■

SERV ICEsnd Sharon,ra?v5, -★TIME ★mbers attended

ng seasion at n Rupert.

UMN CAK l< 1 • T i liUTE I VASH Iirg. BOUTB I 132 3 rd S treet W est

r p A r l o F U R N T

OUT! mI C E D . . . ir f t o . . . ■ - //I^ j | f L a w n S W i N G S n

g ‘ 4 7 . 8 8M H -^ a -R e d w o o d - B a r -B -C

M • C h a ise L o u n g es ------------- • C h a ise L o u n g e P<B ^ ^ Moke your eld Chaise I

• F o ld ing C h a irs 0 [W 3 j • F o ld ing Q u td o o r S y y i • Basket- C h a irs S i l l a U m b re lla s

• U m b re lla T a b le s

2 S e r t a - L u x a n d S e r t a - L u x

oam S SmoitTTop— -----------------1______ o n t ___________BESSES $O A 75Itandard Inntr*--------- ^ ■ [^ •■ n A c ira and •aiy'lucn ^ J gt J p*comlorl.

p r in g o r lu x u r io u s A ll-F o a m

OP t m ' a ^ ’7 c iTTmSES’^ w Q : ^ -ciajf MItllhan.t »stor.d .slgned

Same Values Je[ b o t h STO RES ° TWIN falls rr;;;y end JEROME


j C o m d u c t ■

e r v i c e s ■, ? ‘p? uS s s S ' « ^ -

t r u . f H r „ s ^ih, preached a t the 'Bunday morning.Ident L^Ie Gilmore ^

R n y r i ’

4 church servlcfL - M A ’ S Am nore famUy were i l l l G am ..the. church «*ool' A | | | f l

er a t the churchElder Laurence DETAILS

tecramento. Collf.i SEE AO qm

M r i ” O 'S .?; - .*rayers were given


^ E S S S S IC U M B E R C O . ^Itreet W e il Phone 733-2910

KnTtBr^ ' J ^

B or-B -Q -S e ts . ____ ■ - ■ii in g e slu n g e P a d s - a s low a s ......7.88Id Chaise Lounge now agoinlh a irsOutdoor R ocke rs ^ v O «

rT a b le s

r t a - L u x D e lu x e M i t t r e s s e s,N • • ....

b v A >

-F o a m -

B MWii i CMF Z K I W m e l M l l l M

a J e r o m e - 3 2 4 - 2 8 3 1

n-'iyi?iOTENlNOS J Twin F a l l s - 7 3 3 ; 2 ^

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

R P ? : — —


r»<eo. ReildcnU fron throughoul H«d by the Jerome m erchanu. T> UM poond* of beeft 800 pounds ol

-fiUani of punth and 10^00 t la n t b

Idaho Teclinica Open al Buhl S(BUirU Aug. 22 —. Buhl will tro

lerre lUi Uie xlle for the Idnho In.Wchnlcaj iwUtuW with cla-wcs Nnlebeduled 10 begin Sept. <. tvc- geortlnRtoO. A. SlruU, prealdent coiat the m . . to

The schoo! Is twlfifc eatabJlsned tortn the Uneom school bulldlns m tIoe»lM lit 1313 Mftln alrcet here, cern>li bulldlnn formerly nerved aa inn% fourth throURh sixth Rrade kmmentary school and was vacated irothis year upon" tho conatnictlon nieef IhB nev elementary school. ]' AppUcaWon* nre being accept- fro

cd at the scliool. Student orlcn* ontaUon which rIvcs atudcntx 'o n no: opportunity to bccome ncqunlnt* nft ed R'lth the alms and objectives stli of ttie Institution.-IU customa, tlilwrrlculum, extra curricular ac- scl Urlllej and u-mi,fiiLuH> iin.iii> —tben wlll'be ob.<ier%’ecl Saturday. ,i.'Btpt I. and rcRUtratlons will be ‘i,,cBiductcd Sept.-2 and 3. ‘ '

*n>e school hM a current cn*tdhent of oa atudenta. However. , , tbittaff and personnel membersBSieeommodote a maximum of i ItfiliuIenM. Tultlo» 1< S37S perBuster a t' the eo-educntlonnl . . .Wwtlon;------- ----- ---------------- ■1*',■BMhhltih iicliool and non>)ilRh

Hael raduftfe* may apply for m,,unlulon. Appllcnntfl who . a re j ■l56wC?_h>gl> Jichool diplom a ofBsjf be admlltcd provldluK t ’cy utyw a cotlfRe entrance exnmfna- tju Hod and will be at leiut 20 yeara rn tU u Ihm TiinnVhi afUr Unt U ^ BW'lhe elBMes.

etruu pointed out the m Is»aon*proflt laitltullon of lenm - m . b» aulhorlMU to confcr dCRreca g-v 07 lU chiirlfr sfanlcd by th e —Wte legLilature of Itlnho. I f of- w ttn dtKrees In bnchclor of urta X «|tM In elecubnlc enidnerrlnR, Wttce degree in electronic en - r, ^ ^ i r . bttehelDT drRrcf) In “ W eut enRlneerlnit. bachclor IS " «ts depee in commerclnl a r ts (ft W fldmJnlstrntJon. . •

iMtliullon atao will Rrnnl»»«Junior colleRo a.iftoelatc de- %

a two-year proRrnm In • “ ttronle lecJinflfofty. secrcUrin) ^•«we. accountlnR.nnd (Innnce.htef. «>ny ^ ob- /X“Oed on one-year cmiraes such ^ ^wdto.-teletjsion—technoJotty. - « • ‘•m r course In accretnrHU « ■w«^ind pno«yenr courw In ^

opernte on n ac- ^ “ Iff baslA, with :uie cnlcndar Iia

JiJf «» I'Huipnt lo Kct In n ^w »nd onti.lmlf work In. th is jNJ "W. kltoviiiK them lo complete^ Tms nf training 1» A tiirce* t. w wograin.

nwes tire Iden of offer-g w aanlrinlc coume for d e c - ^

takers Listed ^i DS_Service ^Jf er Uie view L D S -B u n d n y Wj g » l w rv lm were M o rris \ JW H stake IiIbU councllm nn.|Z ** r* OarrlnKO, O ak lry , r e - ta

mlMlonary from th e

I ivi T on "OrdlnnncM^^chiirch. bnptlnm. endow- «« hi. ^OTlriRO told *

«PCrlencBs In Ohio ond on ht* mUslon.

"PfnkcH wero Mnrlt ^Mr. and Mra. Mil- ^

■ Tex. • gC r ? «''«‘\imUon ccrtlflcntea • i

Blahop MlUon ^WrlRley, Don- ^

■ S w Dfflh ^- ‘-nrrno. aenrlo nnd

^ uiuny; Jumea N o w Wlo t” -—1?-*'® o

were Riven by David " X^ . w a jcMa-stoker. • • . “

IE repeaUd Thuraday In Jerome to open th iirouKhout Macle Valley Uned'up Uat year (< ehanu . The barbecue will begin a t 5:30 pjn.

pounds of beans, four (oR* ot roauUng tan . >00 Klant buna for the barbecue. (TlmefNewi

i n i c a l I n s t i t u t e t o S

h i S d i b b l S e p t . 4 S

.1 wlll tronlc .tcchnlclan.1 was cmbraed an iIdaho In lOGO by ndmlnUtratora o t Uie tlcol

cJft-wcs Nnmpik Qiulness collcBC. . TJ*. M - siiirtlnc ns a nlaht school hote:sldent cour.ie. the proRram quickly grew comi

to a full atndctnlc and labora- NW!})!3ned tory day school. spcclaUzing In fwyulldlng radio brondcastlnR and FCC-U-t here, cense trnlnlns. The year follow- —ved aa Ihr it-i orlRln the school bccamcde eJc- Jtnown n.s tlic NBC Shooi of Blec-acated tronlcs. iraJnlntt elcclronic tech-ructlon nlclans and broadcaat enRlneers.lOol. In 10S3 the school separatediccept- fron t&e NampnTBualhesA coltetfeorlen- and became reorRonlied as a

nta ‘an non-profit Institution and re- :iualnt> named the Idaho Technical In- lectlves stltute. Slncc it haa reorRanl)!cd ustwna, Uils wlll be the Ilri.1 time theIftr ac- school wlll be In operation., ~TJTe m M w jwtJlr func’ ;— i i

111 lil school official aald. slnco It offerji a four-year pro- Sram In liberal arta, serve.i as a *«ond yenr technlcaJ colleec. as

' a Junior or extension school andsmoers „ vocallonnl school. ^lum of DurlnR Ihe week-end the officeL.inS^i and some of Oie other achoolauonni equipment has been moved to

~ TJulil^wlth-the movlnir' of -alln>iilgn equipment to be completed by Jiy for 11,1, „pxt week-end.10 are j ^ y EnRelklnR. Miperinicndent

ol_BuhUpubllc_«:hboJ*.._notesK >• cy upon (ho recommendallon of theim ina- duj i economic commlttce and’ Chamber of Commerce, who

tha Jnntltutlon wns a good bu.il- ne*« and If It would be ncccptn-

lenm - jjie in ' ihe community, ihnt ]y th e drawing up al. 135

c« In jchelor

■ W h a t c cItc de- V , ^

t h e E n g

S : P ^ s i b j y _ m (etnrlol j

w laordio] a n d s p l a

In In. thism pletc '^ p h s h " is th e English wajUiree- A _ ^ y,atcr." M ixing it wJtlioffer- ^ a popular pastim e on the <

^ . Atlantic. M ost Americans pp H ^ ^ mixer. But on the

2 .clioicc of gin—com plete ac*I C m cord. G ordon's. It* -distlnc*

^ “»'d flavou r5 S r i s “ Cf" ‘o t i p 't h e balance,rllmnn, j ® ' Voull find these qualitiesto’ the w h e re v e r y o u c a ll f o r

^ G o rd o n 's -b y n a m e ; fo rS v - ^ e v e ry b o u le is 's t i l l based10 told « ' onA lexandcrC ordon’sorig*Is”slon"“ formula. Could

M ark ^ ' this bc Why G ordon 's Is the1. Mil- bigBcsMelHnB gin in Ena.*'ficntes - S s laiid,.America, th e world?MlUon ^ ', Don* tJ o, Dfflh ■’ NnU-** Ufe #umiiDiw»i8it«i«.iooxwuimjfmiit, t ? the . «i»r»nc«cfl.u».ii»ii.ai.i

^ ^ H ^ H B b l K i n n H v > ‘ ■N<

IB to open the Jerome county (air and p Uat year (or the free barbecue apon-

a t 5:30 pjn. OfflcUU have purchased roaating tarn. SW gaUona or ee//ee, 800

(Tlmet-Newa pholu)__________________

, lease for the operation of the * l O »chooI here.

.. S truU 'J^oinU d ou t a facu lty o f. A weU*qunlHIed professora h a a t a ^ ***” secured along w ith te ch n i- ■ !

cnl spcctnlLits lecturers to a.isure W embraed an accelerated, thorough, prnc* H I s a t Uie tlcol tmlnlnit prosram. H I

. The upper MOry of the Buhl ■ ] Mhool hotel wlll serve as housing, nc* ■ !

(ly grew commodatlona (or men students. H I latwra- NeRotlntions for a Rlrla'' dorml- H I

Islng in tory In aji apartment houae here H I FCC-ll- Ofa belnR completed.

■’ H w p i j s b i s s I

£ S : ■

Icled by «od.l MAJJC -H O T PO IN T

____ n i Q p n c A Ln Of the u i a r u a A i . ----—tee and q «;;e. who i p j H . T J4»0m - U ------- f,^ u i.,iT * < y •

S c S - ' PLUM BINGy ^ 'f lin t & H E A T IN 6 CO.[ng up a l 135 3.d Avt. I.________ W3-J477

liatcould P e English hbiy mean by ^ I jtordon’s L Ijdsplash?’ J f |e English way o f saying "soda 1 1xing ic w ith C o rd o n ^ Gin is H |ime on the o ther side of th e ' IAmericans prefer " ton ic an d I I

r. But on th e ' - I jcompleteac*_ Bs.Its-distlnc* - - ' j ^ J Hand f lavour y ^ . \ H

he balance . ■ ' ^ B

.u c a ll f o r In a m e ; f o r t T j I

s 's till based IE 2 6 6 ) 1 1 * ■fordon 'sorip ^ D lSfTtUM ^ V* Inuja. C ould i'lOKIIONMyli ^ Ijrd o n 's ls th e f HJ gin in Ena*' / I ^ Hth e w o rld ) H

»kktuiinsniiTiDumit(noiiuii«.Nrtoor. - . I iC0.ut..iiiMi.i.j.mNCTOfv.i.>.'. 3 . H ,

l l■ r •


S n


W B B jH B M V '

y |B p m S w I charge $2 F T More If Y o i

Tires Are B»IWii>< Recappal

I Of

acuity of ra h a a1 techni- ^

:h, prnc*

the Buhl J ^uilnn, nc* H l B i^ n i H B M B tf¥ ^atudenta.' ' 1i' ■ dorml-

Sears DOES<9

ia 2-Ply TirI Sears ONUI I l K i i full 4-Ply

H I*

AAJ3C - '

H f f i M Sears DOES'-------B 3 P | ~CHarge-Ext

'**°~Tn Mounting iNG ’ iijlKM|~~^New~Tir

W M w jP W

, f I H R j B i i]( lire (■lli.tluritiR

H lH - r l . . ) l .w i l l . U

BBSSW ^ 'Y jM . H cliarRina only for i1

H AU aitjiittmrnU mi' I’roratrii i t tlir r r

■ I ■ H l ^ F r .tr r il l \ r i ,e TaI w u ■ liin r n{ rrluni.

^ ■ 9 p 8 S I S 9 0 ' fo r y' f l Shopping Cc


^ I S lio p fit S e a r^ ^ H ^ S » t iH r i iv . t io n '( > u ( i rH i ) t ( ’f ( l

ars DOES not" arge $2 or $3_ re If -Your Old ires Are Not Recappnble.

ars DOES NOT S ll

2-Ply Tires-irs ONLY Sells p f W B | l ill 4-Ply Tires H ^ H W ja

j ’ -J /

ars DOES MOTarge E x tr a - fo r - |^ H |S B lounting Your S S S S b 9 New T ire s i^ ^ '^ g g g H j l M f l ^ B ^ f l H H f l f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

i i i i i i i i l i i i i i g ' i IK SERVICE g u a r ;C?.t o : g Ke (■lli.tluritiR thn monltily p ian iitre 9 &i | l > wi l l , a t ou r optinn. rillirr rr- B M il Hillioiii r<»i o r in r%rlisii|:r i«r ilintir . ;ii«r vnu a n rw lire or a rrriiiiil, HR;inaoiily lor llir prrlo tl o l «Hiirr>lu|>, f S S

iiljiittmrnU m tiir Iiy rrla il Mom ire I 3 SItnl It tlir rrjsular r r u i l jirirr |ilii« 5^ mW n l Kxrlfe Tax, IrM iraUc-in. i l the 9 y |n{ rrluni. •

l i 'B f f llW illt lllf i

v - <

WO SELLING AREAS ' *"' fo r y o u f . * .

Shopping Convonlenca SERVICE S T A T IO N .UTOMOTIVE DEPT.

t S e a r s a n d S a v e . ■(u(irH i)t(’f ( l « i; Y o u r M oiU 'v U in ;k ’

m T i r» R 1

m Tm jS 2 1

^ F u l l

6.70x15 m

M B M p TYpe I

Black- I Wall ' I

M \t u b e t

g f l m 7 . 1 ^ 1

7 . 6 0 x 1

r v ^ l f l V ' 6 . 7 0 x 1

S S L 7 . 6 0 x 1

W h itew o ll

D c

d r i ^


''' S R S S m 3tre f * ^ S S ^ B H K ' ■

v * ^ r — ^ ^ ^ ------------P-95 ADDITIVE..........i nEvery ALLSTA TE t i r« it t h i t new revo lu H o n o ry ,' ru b b e r ‘to p ro v id e b « tt« r t you lo n g e r m ile a g e .

g ^ S E A R S " ^

lLLSTIi r e P rltEDUCT o N e

t o w :2 1 -M ot H 4 - n r I

12B E T Y P E - B L A C K W A l

M te lS ...............^ 6 0 x 1 5

^ S S - B L A q < W A L L

i . 7 0 x l 5 ............... ................

M G x l S ..................... ........................

' . 6 0 x 1 5 ...........................................

'* P lu t tax ond y o u r e ld H

V h ite w a ll* ........................ ...............................

D on^t'd rive o n .w o rn t in

d r iv e ^ > d * S e ^ ^ t‘i r¥ 'dep^T ti

R E E A L L S T A T E T i r e

NO MONEY D(O n S e a r s E a s y P a y m (

-------- A L L S

T y re * ® .

Nylon ]H S .10x» tube .

'T.lOxlS tube 7.50XU tuU B.OOX14 t ^

^ f l B 0 * f l f l ^ f l W ......... . • p i n t

---------------------------- .

; , . . . 01 new o fto m o rro w l ,’E t i r e it now m ad e w ith ' T 1iH onory,' ex c lu tiv e blend e b e t te r t ro c tlo n ond give S o o r s

■ - H i ,,

T 4 0 3 W . M ain St. 8

s .J F ree Porklhg*^ to «:00 P-M.

rJk T l*rices ^ICEDle wWSonth ly Nylon

% 5 0Plus^Tox

and bid tire off your car


. . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 . 5 0 *

. . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 . 5 0 ’

r A L L

..................... . . . 1 4 . 5 0 ’

..................... . . . . 1 6 . 5 0 *

. . . . . 1 8 . 5 0 ’

y o u r e ld H r*

..... .................„ . . - $ 3 M o r e

vorn t i r e s - . . . '

'd e p o r tn n e n f 'h d w '— ------- —

T i r e M o u n t i n g

YDOWNP a y m e n t P i a n

A L L S T A T E T i r e s

Guaranteed 1 5 MontiisT y re x S

B lack m TcbeTypeM .plua tax

a n d y o u r o ld t i r eNylon l8*Monlh Q naraotec

S.10X1S tube-type b lackm ll $ 9 . 0 0 *7.10x15 tube-type liUekwaU 1 1 .0 0 *TJOxU tubel ' ackwaU 10.00*».Wxl« tu^Ieaa >lackVaU 1 2 .0 0 *

. • p i n tax *a^ yc)te,otd tlr*®T>I for Tyrex Inc.



S e a i> h a s a c o m p le ta - U ne o f t r u c k f ir e s


S S o a S ’o c o o P-M. »:38 iU t . V> 5lM

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

. • • • . ' ' ; z v

^ 1 0 JTwtn .^Imes-N^

SHOBT'LIVEO OAO eome# t. i tm o m D c n o c n t for SmyUe YaOcj «w bPgptr «Ueker« rt*

Gooding F— • 'Wt-H^aeMTSIa**---------

Crochelcd utlUty type Holden: Ilrat. Mrs. -Wtavcr Zel#*

-----Kjv* Mcond. Wilnm CftldweU. Cro*eSjted rwcy type: t in t , Donna

^ D d . WUla CaldweU, Crocheted utlUty type hot plate S S ? WiUa Caldwell. Cro­cheted fancy type; llrst. WlUa caldweU.

QoUtaQuilted cotton pieced: first.

Helen Blaluslce: second, Blanche MUto: third. Ethel Kleer. Em* £ S e d : first. M r.. F t t i H a l^ Jlae; second. Assembly of. Ood church. Hand nppUqued adult WUlt: flr»t. LucUlo^ Olbbs; sec* oad. Mr«. EddJe Roger. MacWne sppUqued adult quilt: llrst, Mrs. C. M. Bttlckland..

■ponrt appUqued crib quill: Hrat, Mra. John Ferry. QBbroid'

' «red crib quilt: llrst, Mts. Rich* • rd Spry; second. Ethel Klserj thin). V nUaCaldwelL. TexUla pointed: first, Mrs. Z. Pond; sec- ood. Mra. Z. Pond; third. Mrs. O M. StrlcUaad. Old quUls; ibse» Mrs. J tr cu toeh t.

■ R u n■■ Hand vroven: tlrst. Ruth'.Low- « : wool braided: llrst. Evelyn

• Hleffenewer. C rochet^ : flnt, XdnaCheltne. Hooked: first, V/IU U O a U w e l l ; second, Janie TPrtght. TuftedMlrst, B uth Bar-

: xuf.M choiu

■ Knitted: fWt, Pnuices RaUike. r ; . Crocheted: tlrat. Mrs. J . 6 . Dlvcl- ll lilss: second. Blanche MUler;

third. Alice Altlun... BABT8 DIVISION _II C ro c h e te d .o a r r la g a shawl:

tort.JBUlte^Wert; secoa^ I ^

,1 .UaybeUa MlUer. Infants sweater, ll' ’ knitted: tlrst Helen BUikeslee.

Knitted booties; tlrst, Barbara ii . Miller; second. Maybelle MUler, ' th ird . Beverly Hansten. Crochet- I «d booUes: first. Mrs. C. L. £w-

J a j; seaw d BUss Ladies aJd. - CH1U>B£N'S DIVISION

■'! -Knitted sweater or coat: first, Uoybelle to ile r; second, Helen

lit Stakeaiee; third, PauUne Jack- l Mn. DoU clothea. crocheted: ![■ first, WUla Caldwell; second, ■' Jrances Rathke; third, Tubercu-

I |U loals hoepltal.I ADULfS DIVISION

I k! Plne or buUcy knit: llrst, Paul­ine Jocksos: seeOQi), MaybelU Mllier; third. Helen Blakeslee Plne or bulky knit, or crocheud: fir9t.-Mlnnie Reddington; second Ethel Siser: third. Mrs. Percy

. ,.i Varln. KnlCtted socks: fln t, Mrs 1 || Clyde AUen; s e c o n d , Helen ' > BlakeslH. Knitted stole; first

Maybelle MUler; second, Barbaro MUler.

{ , i | . MISCELLAMEOUBM|i pancy aprons; first. Wim I CaldweU; 'second. B|lss Ladlej ‘ II old; third, Mary Young. Kltchei

aprons:-first. E thel Hobdey; tec' ond. Mrs. M artin Slane; third Janet Moxley..

CrocheUd pUlows: first, BIlUi W ert, corduroy pUlowsi lUji

, Janie Wright; second, wllli j . CaldweU; third. E thel Klaer. Balh . In pmows: n n t ; Willa Caldwell

MCO^. R u t h Lower; thw . Maude JacksOB. TextUe poUitci

piUows; first..Ethel Ki*^,I Oiorttled c ia .1 ---------

:>f> Pliat. Jesse Schuyler: seame

f h —f i t ; t u r f . M n. M h i . T«eB-Ace Qlrl*I /. , :• Crocheted amcl«:-iir»t, Donr

H , . la o m D --------------I I ^ v n — ;— ■ UM

; H ^ m a » r 4m ------------------M ;----------

- I L . l e e p M sftd .6lp9wl«i fB fl» iir.1 ■■ ■ / ' . I -VWl; TERMS

s . r o i N T s .

l g F air R esults ’

one largo picture: first, Jonle I«ed: fint. W right., Ii d ,B la i^ t drejS- flret, Mrs. W d l

Im A M O N D S * ^ ^

C red it Tevtns nU first, Wll* ' • ..............ioai, 3anlt , H ulb Bar. ----------*

ic« Rathke. ’ ' ' /J . S. Dlvei' A

lhe M ^er; ,

ig a shawl: cood, Edna <. knlt J

sweatee., BUikeslee. gt, Barbara Klle MUler, m.Crochet> w C. L. En- dies aid.

coat: first,■oni. Selea uUiio Jack-

crocheted: a

d ,‘T i S « S ^ w t t h t h e , 1 ^ 1 1

ISION purchase o f a i l A, first. Paul- ^

S S S >' W this IS.

WASTEI .stole: first, y - 3 i^ T ^tnd. Barbara .

first. WiUa , . p i K ■ ■ ■ ]B|lss Ladles < S | n B I Hmg. K it te n \ \Sobdey; sec- ■ ----- ^V -<’ ^Jlane; third, 'L

: first. BltUe

» r ‘ S : . this is the'.irS iS ANSWER 1.Jwer; thW. , i .—gxtUe pa lled

yier; Mcatid. Ri, Mrs. 0. J l . I J B i m S f f l H I H

" ' Q Q j e n | f f i E 8 e D R ™Swrits . A B | C S l ^ @ e * E y i l l lirsl. HkrrleC Wi^r~ P Mrs. Chestera Mortis. . M i ^ ^ u T t n m ouu ^:* first, Donna f E M M p i n B H

= = = = I w a 1 REfl3 ! I . . - M

-------- » .wir* tB fl» linl I . I C:CBEDIT TERMS , ^

, CO''I . « . M . . n A v

.‘—V ,

•i itate chairman o( the Denocratle party. imSer o fh ls « b . Atoo eireuUtteg la Magta for Smith." (Timea-News photo)

, . to e ; third. J a n t t Mo*ley. Skirt;l + Q . fln t. Jane t Moxley.1 -V » Leather Goodat - « — __ - _a ttad-too lcd-nU tK j;_ llr^ .T tt:.oth. coarse berculosls bospltairsecond, Mrs. ). L, platou. Joe Correia. Hand tooled beiu; Utilcies flcst. M artha Ruby.Betty RJce: third. Mrs.

B . r S S C O L O N I A L


COSTS NO MORE’e m S aTti- T han Ordinary S ConcreteL ETCd

N D S j B o b S u m m e f ieldC o m p c r . . --------. r g s f f l ;C om paro W el9 M. C om poro--------. . . P ile;

S r f S ^ iS Comparison is inn ted w ^ a v e rw WHOLESALE PRICES as quoted by reputable whole-

r sale dlamood-dealen.and cftla-.. .

- B « t B I n c . :

ertnsESiP A T I O C O V E R

(MIN. Size: 70 s<}. n j > I S ■ offCK £N05 AUO. Oh IWJ

I . '

i is the




5 ^ I Comploto W indow Decorotlng

126 Malii A vsnu* South Twin F a llt.

2 2 . W 2 ;


I W KmUe party,g ta Maglo _

foxley. Skirt: *


tooled belta;

U A L ' B l ^ S


lerfield I. Q ua lity . . . 1

. . Priceited wltb ■ .e PRICESble wiwi^

: n c . ................. . ,AZN ST. I | H 4 %

^ T O

I 'ft n r

t f

'D o d g e

Bcoroting ' ' . ' •

rwin F alls. .




ro BE Glai ihe /T u n !

■ s a

CTJInstead o f .Octob


)dge M otor Home

lACTINow Pla

M l #

GISr o ^



GIVEN A\Pun Spoi Souih ■ W m -JNDtSEOctober 21' as Pre


rusi> w P » q Y i n g : - ^ M E <



u'tl*— MMBMK

awayIfilih of ihe Bord

ER:; Previously Adv

MECESSiR F R ii>y Bob Reese




FREE~t o r d n " n




Motor Co.

r r s' f / ■ .

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

I jii^ ^ H p W s f l

3 ^ S ^ s i ‘» , f l

^ . .1 ~Turn tMck Oi« f » * . ..««•* Norvfti Wfdmftn.

^ MMUk. f l l \ '(.h flttnnlchMtn. jorome,

S & S o r l « « m |o n . ' K » f X , ^ u M report- R j j S ' i h«W • M -K " ' ' - ^* " ,IU i Crolhem u CH*>'- H k

S _ . . r t prcK iiM b / M n ., fihllllnston E v f tn i .

« " ^ iu S M n. Vlnlnl«

tS « Jerome; Crother. Puke fS n T jiek Nelwn. Jerome. BtMkii-wlni 8onn>c>“ *" '* T fr sch«r, Jerome. «r- P»"«* ^ t ? S f r i . Ardlth Petrie SSTje^ome. secretary; Cel- - 7. f*mnieD. • n une Uf# end V ^ S ? M r » , Edna Butcane

verb* Reddick pj ^ • ^ e . flor.1 »rr»nge- ,

iSn. BVWU and Mrs.M, bUWy brochure.. ^ ,,5 inaJif plcnle w#« held aun- ,geney

Jerome clly park w p ,„ k . . £ i , the reunion. Some IOO eii, YJ SS atunded the no-hoH ihat » Bt »re exi

.— ------------ --------- gii«. ■TEACnE& a b r o a d He i

MBBRLy. AUB. aa—Connie placem t^w dtn . daughter ..of Mr. youthi 1 Mb. J. B. Bowden, Klmber- In TwIi left Tuejday momlng: from /arm

l» for Prankfort, Oermany,Khool for the UJB. air

ct Lut y « r *he taught in city Jo: Itort, Boiland. ______________ ^IL :


. ..tc tiU a Io f ^ l i g 0

• We’d like for you to 3 OfBcer of a thriving b who delivers your de

. As tlie owner and op paper route, this M erchant m ust sol shoulder responsibiJ

; other Vnia nowBrnftW.He buys hia produd at wholesale and thi customers. He must ] ies, do his 0^ &cc6\ even struggle with a bere and there.

, He is discovering, thr 'r ence, the rewards f<

DendabiJity, self-Tolii

IKI kI H ’ii '..m‘qX\ t

I f l r ' ' ' ’- ’• m . / /I k ‘





IB iiV '

I ' V P f l i l« • B lsolo ■lale. I t % I ' ' # r f l:»ln ^

me,lon ,' '*was


m . .

Ihet YOUTH EMPLt>YMENT terrlea P>a(her. Paskett. 17. daugbUr of Mr. u f l Miime. Braekett street north, belps Sieva J»w<„ o Mra. Ben Jewell, S85 Alturaa dHw. wllBf. ping. Miss Paakett began working toi

itrle ★ * * *

is; Youth Employmej i: Placements Pass 3? i ? Placement* by th# Vouth Em- K»thy J?'* plcyment service, a program Mr. ar

sponsored by the Twin Palls of- 877 Bri lice of the employment security waa eir

lun- ageney. have rcached the 3M Mltc^ : w mark, according to U rry Mitch- Roper, 10® ell, YES supervisor, who notes phoned

that well over SOO pUcemenU U te on* are expected by the end of Au- In* th Bii%: e&rds.

He e x p l a i n s that m e 900 Miss P inle placements . r e p r e a e n t only Sbe wa Mr. youthi who have been employed next m oer- In Twin Palls and do not Include I t wi rom farm Joha found for youths tto»t thi ,nv throuih the YEB program. .The YES a<

anticipated WO or more place- Boise r *" menu Includes both farm and Palls 0

■ in city iob*. the lociThe 300th YE6 placement waa the b«

KG ON TOP HE WORLDlh a h u e m e ss ^ liig o w n !

r you to .meet the Executive Onebriving business... the boy, diffeiI your daily newapaper. tail jrand operator of his news-, this Junior Independent ^nust solve problems and *sponsibilities, just like all B u t!issmen. As hI product, yout rewopaper,> and then retails it. to his . , le must make daily deliver- wn acc6unting, billing, and . e with a collection problem“®- . clvilijring, through actual experi-. wards for promptness, de- I t ’s self-Toliance a&d initiative, off b

>\ H y o u h a v e a

f \ I n te r e s te d inw r i te oV -phoni

K S r p ’? '''' '• •4Tj


•errlea placement No. SOO, Katby Boper'Mr. aofl Mra. Harold Paskett, g77 operat

M Sieve Jewett. 15, and bla mother. Falls,raa dHve. with fasck-to.»oho«| shop* end olI working last week «■ salcsftrl a t office

* * W * " r-------

loymejvt Service " Pass 300 Mark "EJrEm- K»thy Paskett, 17, daughter of ^

gram Mr. and Mr*. Harold Paskett, Last s of- 877 Bracken street north. She in Tw(t lurlty waa employed by Roper's store, ell not

3M Mitchell explains that- John appllco Itch- Roper, manneer ot the store, Jobs, I notes phoned the employment oltiee garden] rjenU U te one alternoon. After search- w ns w

Au- inx throuqh thn YES lUlns tor ps esrds. MlUhell recommended Jobs ar

t 900 Miss Paskett for an intervJew. 739*<&8 only Stie waa employed b y Roper the

loyed next momlng. SYFelude I t was mentioned by Mltehell DAM juths tto»t the employment agency and —A e .The YES admlnUtratlon officials In bjamed Uce- BoUe recently visited the Twin ^

and PalU otfice and have Indicated ”the local YES program U one of fronUei

. waa the best In the interm ounm n were, rt

a p z A _ _ _ _

i . jJJ

\ i!X

ifive One of the Tewaids is his ] loy difference between the wholea

tail prices ot the paper. Hia ro money for a savings account f

I a new bicycle, a week in caiudall But he is earning even greate:

As he leams about sales and ship, he Is equipping hiiase ftiture. From.boys who leamec ciples'of business as n^wspapei

j .come presidents, governors, n ^ dustrialists.and profeswon^

those who detezmine the qua] civilization in their generatioi

jr i- ,."de- I t ’s his world to . conquer. . ve. off to a good start.

rou have a son that you think might arested in a newapaper rotite, why < ite orphone us.

' f[W^m^ ■ I l B

a tby Boper's t t o ^ Aa tbe YSS program 1g77 operaUon, LsLrry Mltcbell. superrUor

ther. Falls, notes (bat well over 50C ptaeemhop* end ot August The YES program li o{I a t afftee ot ibe employmept securi ty age

reslon. OoUe ofriefaU pointed IA out that whenever any requests

are received asking for Ideasand recommendaUons for slm- 32

r Hot youth employojent pro- two t^ Brams. copies of last year's Twin oreek ter of rtpo rt are.aent. ujcett. Last year's YES placemenl* _ .

She In Twin PalU totaled 5J2. Mitch- store, ell notes there are still many John applicants on file fur part-time

store, Jobs, Including lawn mowing, Hottlee Rardenlni; and tHtby sitting. Per- Mlarcli- sons wanting to employ youths ■llllns for part'tlm e or after-schoo'i ■ ■ended Jobs are asked to phone VES a t ■<rvlew, 739-<a8D. ■er the ■■— ' ■

SYRIA BLAMES ISR6 AL ' ■Itchcll DAMASCUS, Syria, Aug. 23 (A ■:y and - .A Syrian army spokesman M >1a In blamed IsraeUs toaay tor a .c e r le s |HIcated ^ ohwtlng Incidents on the ■me of frontier Tuesday. No casualties Hm u ln were, reported by either aide. ■

Is is his profit, the IIhe wholesale and re- ~ Iper. His.route means ' I -3 account for college, Beek in camp, many , / f l i

ven greater rewards. IBales and-salesman- f l

ling himself for the Ivho learned the prin- f ln^wspaperboys have Itvemors, mayors, in- Irofesuon^ m en . . . I26 the quality of our I’ generation. I .

:onquer. . , and he*s I

Ulnk. might be f lotite, why not f l

t b m


B H H i ^ B K s n ^ B ^ ^ f l to 81

B S a H B j g a H g g ^ M B M l o rth| k *m s s b s ^ h B B B I I HM m a f i S H E a S S H B I f l buy g f f f M W a y f f f J a M B B M afterm X S S S ^ S ^ ^ B m m



S program n e in tbe <end of IU 1962 PA superrlior of the program In Twin Slew

■ soa ptaeemenb are expeeted by (he Cam irogram U operated by ihe Twin FalU LeRi security agency. (Times-News photo» to fl------------------------------------------------------ 6 Uinted OAD JUDGMENT ' 0‘S CHARLESTON, W. Va., Aug. h^vi; Blm. 32 — The burglar who stole his pro- two typewriters trom St. John's

Twl” Oreek Orthodox church probably the - wUhes he hadn’t- - They* were ness

Oreek alphabet .t^ew rlte rs. Pairmany -time wing. ■

= r t i < Nl3 ^

- I 7 -T H O R S 1 1

I —itzj

' I

I R U L O N 'S O .■ Rulon R

I M A R S H A L L 'S 0 . H■ ' i M orahoir I

I T E D W IN N 'SI ' - T td W

■jl Tbm Planes Go f l Crash Dtirihg ^ f l ■ ^ ’ir e T ' i f f h t iu s

. 0 0 exam SALMON, Aug. 22 l/fWA navy

TBM bomber droppii^E chemlcaU Va on a range fire crashed Into a utllll hllUlde Tue.<iday and another meni

H H I bound for the same fire crashed ary E B B on takeoff from the salmon air- farm

port. t*3*Nflther pilot was seriously

hurt. Woody Perrin wa« flown P“Ca to Salmon wl^ere he entered a hospital for examination after Sept

M B h hU plane crashed nenr the s iu Ad of the'lOO'Qcre gnuff fire a t Sink plica Creek, 14 miles soulh o,f CHatlU. the ’

n f l Bill Shaughnessy crashed Just Elevi ■ H after taking off and belly-landed glon,

the plane a t the end of the m o- eeat way: He wasn't hurt.IBU About 100 men fought the fire, w most of it on burcr.u of land } , management land.

The TBMs arc ur.der contract the ( with the forest service from Kill- pjex crest Aviation company. LewU- . , ton. to flshc range and timber fires. I sl

-------------------------- Mou:

B ’ Resigns' r_U 1962 PAIRPIECD, AUR. 22-W im am I Twin Stewart has resigned from the br (he Camas County school board and 1 n FalU LeRoy Packham was appointed j photo» to fill the vocancy.

----------- Stewort said prcwlng business- • a t the Wendell Mill and Lumber

company • prevented him from I a., Aug. having enoungh time to carry out | ho stole his duties on the school board i. John'a packham. a former member o ‘ probably the board, la in the dairy busl- ey were ness and Is also bUhop o t the L . . ters. Palrfleld LPg ward._______________



'EB4 90 : \ THUCKLO(’ v i H I E E G o o d r i c l

4 1 4 . ■ ANTI-FREEZFull S tr^ n e th l

§ * S»o!>d Consi

.O N 'S O . K ., R u p e r tRulon R oinM y —

LL'S O .K . T IR E , W o n d .i lM brthaU H o u id tn

W fN N 'S a iC , P a u l •T «d W ln n

N O R M 'S 0 . K .1n T o rte r > - T ru c k U n t

' Government Jobs Open for Exams —

O ' -Examinations are open to fill IVIthree federal xlvll service posl- ",

Of tlons. says Agnes A. Stronk. local n nO examiner, for the board of civil I 1 niivy aervlee, examiners. ilcaU Vacant positions are publicito a utilities.speclaUst for tbe depart- o f sther ment of the interior, with a u l -4hed ary of «,355 to W,«M^a year: ^air- farm ' management supervisor, —Tf

M.349 to 13,355, and secreUry- LOSously stenographer, 14,345 a year. Ap- McKlown plications for ecereury-itenog- thUed a ra'pher must be dated before ilrstafter Sept. 6. P’: s iu Additional Information and ap-’ MohiSink plications may be obUJned Itom andiatlU. the Twin PalU postofflce or the oerviJust Eleventh UB. civil service rc- “go­

aded glon. Federal Office building, Prrun- Seattle 4. Wash. -nju

----- ----------------------- Thefire. MISSILE PROGRAM SET l»nd MOUNTAIN-HOME, Aug. 22

WD—A-. •‘turnover" cercmony a t ' tract the Orchard mUsUe launch oom-i i u I P'®* ^ S -li

the full completion of the TUon Mch I siU acUvatlpn program a t Mountain Home‘iifr forcc base. TR \

;"s Worn In the Ear!

tineas imber from

7 out

width ol a Dime!

ficiS O N I


£e :ik PER GALm i n f if CASEL


KLOAD SALE /;>drich Permanent /™ S M .2 9 i mid Consi l»»


yffSMrmS e e Y o u r M a g i

G . K ^ R U B B E R A

D A N 'S 0 . K . TIRE■.----- V P ran k .B a u m a i

.1 1 V A L D O 'S 6 . K . , <V oldo G ra y

E A R L 'S O . K . , J l- ■ ■■ Em l D oyU

D. K . T w in F allsP if k K in , - IU m l«

n lia W ^»«i°y/A u T *ln Folli T lm .

ms — — McKay

o V S l T o D e d i

ScottishI a u l -k yeor: SALT LAKE OI «rvlsor, —The 88-yent-old TeUry- LOS church. Pres ar. Ap- McKay, plans lo Btenog- thU week to dedIn

before fl^At stake there.- President McKt

indap - b o h i,m ScoUnnd ttom and the church

or the served a mission ice rc- “go- ■ ulldingj President McK

T}]unsday by plar The dedlcoUon ol

SEX will he Sunday . , , , „ .McKay WlU lean

, r day for home..H , WlU be .r r

B Titan McKay, Sait Lak am a t ' — ■t base. TRY TIMES-Wg

3 E s r ! Sonotona amalleat

- Ifl the we ^ 9 ^ B **Wlap-Ca R n Q n l ' w o n b i t l

aa»4im «H B H I Uflitaaiw a S M . s o A i

OF T W IDima! ’

IEI t Yi T m M


■ r _

j /

Lji b

M a g i c V o


K . T I R E , B i i r lk .B aum an

6 . K ., Goodir Ido G ra y

0. K., Jerom tirl DqvU

- - K lm ^ r ly Roc

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

■ W edn«s< low A ug .'22 ,;19 l1 2 j y i n Foils T lm ea -N t

M o d e r n H o m e s

A r e C l e a n b u t

F i l l e d W i t h N o i sNfiftr YOBK AU«. 32 (DF&- houseowner you probably i

UP a pretty ffood detenaa agili -■ dirt, sun, w in i n lo cc

polltn and burglM»-but about nol»a7 •.

nom « M a r •re probabjy I noUlest ever. We h « « » p< number or appliances th a t «

. terUIn and «»'* *“ work., e they do moke noise. Wall, ne

, nnd celling and biB, glaw ly faces reflect and IrUenstfy fiol

You can stop most noUe throttling teJevlJlon, radio, doc bell, dog and children, (hen ptu sing your ears to achieve aoun lesj jpJendor. But If you .(Joi want to eliminate the # ^ < li life, Juat control them. The t sulaUon Board institute h as uc

general Idea Is to' sotti aU sound - reflecting «urlM< concentrating lirst In roor

• whero the family congwiat most—Ilvlns and dmlng r« ; i kitchen, family and recr«U<

^*One of the most effeettn e lencers Is acouiUcal which can convert tho celUi from ft reflector to an abs«l> of a» much m 70 per c e n i^ t« excess noise that hits It. Ths ti comcs ln a great variety of fli

• Ishea and- pnMems and It l> * > eatr do-Jt>youraelf phoject t

tho handjTOon who can fwt< tbe tile with moatic, ataple < sail It tc wood ftirring strips < slide it into metikl channels:

-nio Institute advUes also: —Pay attenUcm to hard nx

tacea other than the cellln Large expanses of glass, Uke pli ture windows, or liard waH sui faces reflect noise. Put up ctu

•talna or drapes.—Uso carpeting to silence fIo<

. sounds. Eevn a couple of Ihro rugs in the faoUy room or cm dren’s rooms will dull mar sharp sounds. Bo will c&rpetlc Or rublwr Ireads on stairs.

Several times during the coun of the day. slop and listen; ti to Isolate the excess toiuuS yc bear, trace It w the source nn see what con be done^tO'Rdui the noise, nn-Instance;

—Uake aure all. appliances a i

Food forBy 6AYT3

Here’s a sp e c a fS S lT fd r” eummer supper-^fragrant chees< flecked roUs fCreght tram yo i own oven. They are pocked v i t nourlshmeat u well a s eatlnpleasure. _____

OHEESB-FLECHED ROU.S (Makes one 9-lnch round)

( cake compressed' or 1 pack . age dry yeosl % cup lukewarm water % cup milk, scalded I Ublespoon sugar

H teaspoon s a l t ' cup shortening

- a ii to 8 cups sifted all-porposi noor

' I egg, beaten 1 cup grated aharp Cheddar

cheese .'1 cup rolled.o>ts, (milrV nr. nl

fashioned, uncooked) . eoften yeast. In lukewan

water for dry yeast). Pour scale ed milk over sugar, salt ac

K i

^ . | j - _ ^

I yy

i I M

l l -


■ f y t d I'>1 t 7 1 1


# __

^ t A T , '(■ ' SnuBBSflhujj. sollasaMi

■ , , Who can fosisl Iho look. Ihoiheeire-BppeBloljuededfea

L ; • • And P-F puls new color inUy .daisic SBCTHer'idjfl ., .M «o(l. ceretree colon. P-FPop j — • • Foundation wedjo, oJ coiI) ..Vou'!! wanl a wardrobe of I

i | « n d w a if ia b le ,to o f

I t r n a

i M


g . 2 2 ; :1 9 6 2 T lp ies-N ew a

4 o r h e s

1 b u t

h N o i s eng. iu (m -A B

probably p u t efense agslnst dn heat, cold. j» ~ b u t v b e t

I probably th e have a p e a t ices tb a t en< us work,, b u t e. w all, noor llg. glass sur^ xlenstfjr noise.lost noise by ■

radio. door> ■en. (hen plus* 'chleve sound*If you .don't — •

the soundi o f MR. AND fifRS. DAlem. ’The In* . . . will obterre their 60th w tute b as u m e eouple was married in 1002 a t

who formerly reafded on a ra; Is to' sotten live at Sky View Manor. Tyiln

ing a u rls ce s , --------- --------------- -t in rooma well lubricated. Heavier appll-

congr«tat«s «nces. l i k e the refrlgeratoi Hnlng rooixis. jhouJd be .fe in te d on resiUani id recreitlon furniture glides or rubber pads

. • - in s la ll anU-rattle hardwar« on windows: re-PUtty loose glass; ro-caulli outside window and

' « . K , S door J®*"*"!A o o W S e “tripping.i i t . Ths S le -O il door hlnscs and locks S e tv of fin - weather stripping, on outside

t t 1. M Wid inside doors. Install pneu- ^hoJect to r " “tic door closers and thresh- ) i n fasten o’.<ia that automftticaHj- “anug- je o r up" to tho bottom of the door^ * r BtrlM o r when It Is closed. Install rabbcr honnels: **00^'Ues also: —Squeaks - in flooring often10 hard n tr - can H eliminated with a well the celling, placed finishing nail. Bridging

lass, Uke plc- between floor foists when ex- ird wall <ur- posed in the basement lUso may Put up cu r- be an easily-corrected noise*.

maker.silence floor —Ask your plumber and fur*

ple of Uirow nace man about. ways to quiet oom or chll- plumbing, heating and air con-

dull -many dltlontag systems, ill canx tlnz ' ¥ ¥ ¥I stalr& CLASS PICNIC HELDig the course ELBA. Aug. 22-M rs. Art Ward, d listen; try Elba ward Sunday sehool teacher, s 40und jrou spent ,the day In: Cottonwood s source o n d .eanyoa on a picnic with her ae^tO'Rdiico class. Attending were Blake nee; ‘ “ Beecher, Blllnt -Uoyd. Ardell ;pUances a re Wlckel and Deborah Beecher. I

for Americans _\y 6 A \ n O R MADDOX

SSlTfdr'TnTm ortenlnr-atlr-unUyshottealng! rrant cheese* m e lt^ o o l to lu k ^ r m . SUr in t tram your 2 cup flour, egg fn d cheese. Add, pocked v l th so ftu ie ijre fts tj^d oate. SUr In'11 a s eating enoughS»»«’'^flour to make a

soft dough. ID ROU.S Tura dough out on lightly' h round) floured board or canvas; knead

or 1 pack* until satiny, about 10 oilflUtcs.| Round dough Into ball: place In

a te r greased bowl; brush llghUy wltnI melted shortening. Cover and Iet|

rise la wann place until nearly double in size, about 1 bour. Punch'dough down; cover andl

aU*parpoees le t rest 10 minutes.. Shspe into balls, dip In melt­ed butter and place In 0-locbl

p Cheddar round paru Cover; let rise in warm pisee until nearly double,

tqiiirV n r oltl Iq «Ue, about 45.mlnutes. Bake Iked) . In a preheated'.moderate-oveir 1 lukewarm (375 degrees 7.). about 25 ntla- . Pour scald- utes. Brush with melted butter: IT. salt and remove from pan.

i m r r o —rr- ^

V f JL

‘ 7* , f f i c ’

----- --------- - -

Iho look, tho <oe1. 'D^sueded leather. ew tnto the

. Such.Posture cou rse

'ordrobe Ihem..


IND a m s . OAI’ID C. ROBERTSON e ttaelr 60th wedding anniversary Monday. The ed in 1002 a t Eaglesville. Mo. The-Robertson*, ifded on a ranch MOthireft o f Kimberly, act* Manor. l> ln f alls. (Kelker photo)

f"i'rijBjfc Social Eventsd on resillant .: rubber pods. ____.ttlo hardware • OLENNS PERRY - Moder tty loose glass; Homemakers club,' OJenns Tar. window ond will hold Its regular meeting i

!toU weathM g j , Thuraday a t c l^ hall. .anK topif* reprwcnt^tlve of Pierce* R<u

S g .on o u S eom l. Mountain • Home, install pneu-^demonstrale rioral nrrangement

)' and thresh* Those attending a re asked t

[^ M ^ ^ i’ d w r ‘Install mbbcr Invited. ^ ^ ^

Farewell H eld A t Power P la n t

lent lUso may HAOERMAN. Aug. 23—A fare rected noise- well party was held for the Del

mer Pinkston family a t Uppe ;ber and fur* Salmon power p lan t with powc vays to quiet plant employes.and famlllea a t and air con- tending. Mr. and . Mrs. Leonort

Tltmus planned th e event.«: A gift was Jircscntcd the Pink'

° r ^ stons, who are moving, to Twli Irs. Art Ward, where h e wlll b« in the sub- ChM ttach tr. jijW on o t tho p o « o iI; Cottonwood comrmny,

Mr. ond Mrs. O . M. Kolor i«vT Arrt.« Strike dom. wlll move to Uppei

h Salmon. Kolar will replace PJnk-h B ^ e r . ^ ^ operator.!! ) Special guesU were A lb e r l

Oregg and Mr. and M ri. Xrnesi n S - _ Billiard, ^ ^ ^

----------1 BB Bridge C lubS : : r a « Rep=OTts-Winner-‘‘o^ ^ 's tlji^ ln HBYOUBN. AUR. 22 - Mra. • to m S a Earl Nielsen won high prize at to make a bridge meeting o l thet on lightly Peterson,anvas* kneiid Three tables were In play. I«w

10 minutes, prize was wen by Mrs, waiter ball: place In Bolsteln.I lighUy Wltn Mrs; Winifred Cloughley won a Cover and let game prize and Mrs. Genevieve I until nearly shodde was'winner for Bucats.

Guesta were Mra. Shodde nnd 1. cover ana chorlea KUngenberg. Rup-dip In melt-

ee In 0-loch The next meeting wlU be held : let rise in Sept. 13 a t the home ol Mrs. nearly double joejsea. nlnutes. Bake _lOderate-OTCBbout 25 mln- ‘jelted butter:

— —* Voigue Pofl

■ m m . W ant A ds'M ^y B r i n g l ^ e s u l t s ,

B u r n e d T o a s tB r OAY F^OLBV

’ -VPI Women’! Editor '- - NEW VORK, Aug. aa OTP-Th

r P r i B i r M next U m e^ run an ad to se some furniture, I « lll not pla to have house guests the week end the advertisement appears.

The next time also, -2 .wl ■ bo*"^ out three parakeets, gi

to bed by X p jn . the d w befoi the ed runs, 'and d ls p ^ h htu band off to hla club. He wlll g willingly. I know, after our n cent experience. He h u declare

■ that never m ain will ho sU “round to help answer the teK phone. Ihe doorbell and ru RVlded tours through the llvln

AU of wh<eh Is to aay tha t i you’re refiirblshlmt and want t

• « 'l wmefhlnff. try Ihe classlfle M on^y . The jfjtlon of your nnwspaoer. It

« . Robertsons, ()„*- responnes. We dreV ; CImberly, now ' ^nnv ' 'three Ilttle lln*-i i 0) ■ one New York paper thnt It WI

•• — pandemonium a t our house for - . ; while.i : ^ v e n t s Th® "<> appeared on Sunda; - . v c i i i j gunjijy mornln? th“ phone rong — routln* out thLRY — Modem owners'of w fa bed. lamps, des ; Olenns T e m . for oale., utenna rcrry. routine out Bt^ni«on anJor meeting a t daushter-ln-law — FROM th a t c l^ hall. A Mfn. bed. ’Thev had come vlsll

Pierce* Rose ins from Philadelphia for th 1 Hnm» ■ ttiii w«k-cnrl rnd none to nn one I . Home, ftill, arrangementa. gSndav. are osked to Bl«ht o’clock, second telephon

:. The oubllc Is eall. And from then on, th phone never fcemed to atop rlnR

„ " in-i,. Somehow we monaged t. « t (V pot of cof/e«.iolT}g. Al*(

t—I a M ' *ome scrambled .eggs. 1 bume n c l U the biscuits becauae-a Jad y I

Brooklyn wanted to hold the wlf n l Q n T »»•''«* T wi«"t nn'’ took e«a?

HB 22—A fore- measurements on tho t sofa bet w ' f ^ h e D d- The caKew wanted. naturalJi nlly a t Upper *o know when they could com n t wJth r o ^ r by to aee the item* we were sei IH fnmiiiM n u I kept stavUw them of

T ^n^rd until around 6 p jn„ figuring tha ot leaat could le t the hous

.u - afternoon notnted tho i ^ k - Mavbe also, we’d have a chonci sv lng .to Twin {„ tj,e meat loaf going fo b« m the sub- j„ jy dinner. There's still i

t the p o w e r gpiBiter of ketchup on the kltch en telephone extension. It's han

O . M. Kolar. to mix meat loaf with one ham love to Upper ond handle a pbone with th< replace PJnk- other.

r. We were Just sitting down twere A l b e r t ‘hat dinner., when the doorbel d M ri Ernest “*to sit again for several houn

We deployed our forces. Step-soi to answer doorbell. Daughter-in

V ^ 1 . tU law to try keeping the paralceet : V ..« |U D calm. Husband and I. to divldi

the chores of answering mon

... guided tours.^•. ^ ; ■■You’re asking too much foi high p r l« a t „ second-hand desk." muttere< eetlng a t the waller, and left. “Could : Ila Peterson, bring my rooounate over tomor. e In play. Low row night to see the sofa befon > Mrs. Walter I make up. n y mind?” said i

young career glrL «rm <1 People ■ p r o d d e d cushions oughley wtm a o u t-on tho sofa be<

mattresii to give It the absolut4 , for Bueata. opened drawers. Inspects !. Shodde nnd my housekeeping and aaked ro: genberg. Rup-advice on loterior decorotlni

Jt problems, ir will be held nnaHy. a t JO p jn . we called j u »»►. halt. We told our apartmeni home of Mrs. house elevator man we wen ____________ "out” for the evening, boltec

e P o t t e r n s


Ir i f lv w i iL i ^ ^ K i K l l v Z S r ^ ' <

B / M ^ B K ^ % 8 iB j home. O ur' ens, lw eeds, co . elegant evenin]

f l | L U W ^ ^ K | | K w u est lol.lds, print


! P % i i

i ' M d y m m m m tm g r n r n


r. aa <tirp-The

plansts the week- lent appears.

•Iso. -2 .will oarakeets. get he d u before d lraauh has- ib?H e wlll so after our re-

> h u declared sUy

iwer the tele- run

the living

aay tha t If ’ and want to

Ihe classified tlNDA SA-XTONWO^’W ™ * » *

L inda Saxton 'sur house for a r> i. i/o„s,m .7. E ngagernen tto .Sw'™' iS; C la rk RevealedI. lamps, desk ^ rs . Olenn 8axU

............ Twin Palis, announce the egagement of their d a u g h te U nda. to OrvUle Clark, son

Sh” for t& ^e to an ODfn Saxton will be a seni] about dawn ^ t Tn'ln Falls hl»h school tl

fall. She is. employed at t ond telephone idoho theatre.:hen on, the Clark Is a 1060 graduate I to stop rlngi Honsen high school and Is et

manh^ed to ployed by Aslett constructl e.iolT}g. Also, company. T»ln Palis.

No date has been set for t “Sord-SfwllS wedding. ^ ^ ^ .< took evact ¥ ¥ ¥

ed. natunslly. W alther Leaqu(y could come _ . A .« ‘“thS?'ol? C onvention Setfiguring that FILER. Aug. 23-The Walth

d ie t the house league district convention of t temoon nop. Lutheran church, Missouri syn< ave a chance wUl be held a t Trinity Luther: ia f going for church of Clover. Sept. 1. a a ■here's still a 3 .

T he convention ot young pe PJ« from Idaho and Utah »

w m »“ "• S">‘- • 'sne wiin m e 5o„g,ujjo Mondoy not

ting down tothe doorbell Theme will be "world serle:

got a chance * highlight wlll be the “boscbaeveral hours, baaquet-flaturday-evenlng;^-----rees. Step-son Officers are Ron Jeffres, CalDaughter-ln* well, president;. Joha .Kaalthe parakeeU clover, vice president: Lola Wal I. to divide ner. ’Twin Falls, secretary, aiiwerlng more Joanna Relnke, Ashton, trea-mnJUhS—Hie, jir trw -_______:____________

00 much for « « « « ^ik." muttered * *i t . "Could I SURPRISE-OPEN HOUSE s OVCT tomor- surprise open house pax

was held a t the new home of a Ind? said a j g ^ ^owe, 273 Bunrl

boulevard north. There were 5 , friends present. Refreshmer

were « e " « l ^ V. Jon. i r Mrs. prank Wayman, Mrs. c u r t^ i i S S I^w e. Mrs. C. E.. EUiott, «?'* a’S i 5 5 M».Chud.jo.>. we ealled a the fJvnt door, took the tel X apartment phone receiver otf the hook, a: an we were sa t down to cold meat loaf aimlng, bolted baked poUtoes.______________

a t VANS

( a A lo i

e w e o l o r s . . . n e w t e x f u r e s i

lOOse now on q(I fh« fobrlcs you nM d fall sewing for yourw if, your fomlly home. O or w id e verieJy inclodes wool*

, lw eeds, co rduroys, rayons, b lend i end . )snt evening febrlcs. < ^oose tHe new- lol.lds, prints, p id ld i and checks soonl

lamorous Fabrics


' . -1 ■ ■ . - BLAKEB HO tD BEIWIONr .'D Z c i/i^ -A v ik l'ii^U o ^ Bfi and ^douBhters,' Ywno6. .Jar tn d Tammy, attdflded a Bli family reunion .Sunday In Po tello a t Ross pork. Othera tending were Bud Bloke, Pa Mr. and Mra. Ronald Bla

. Heybura: Mr, and Mrs. I Lusk, Pocatello; Mrs. Thora & Clark and family and Mrs. Or ory Erickson. aU. Ubby. Mc The .Blakea are former D< resldeots,-TRY TIM£S*NEWe' WANT A POB FAST.SBUJWO RESOL


Dxton's pn e n tto ® o ' f l A ' Isvealed ^. Olerm Saxton, nounce the en-elr d a u g h t e r . *ie Clark, son of ■ 9 \ \ ^ol Clark, Hansen. B k ~ .\\Kill ba a senior. K)T.V';\V A .'high school thla ; \ Iuploycd at the £ j r ' ’ “X V I

D60 graduate of ; s \ \ \ * O a | | Bhool and Is em-ctt construction i_ —- - '- . ; ^ V V Falls.Men set for the

* ¥

League f'ion Set ' ' '

12-The Walther I.'.', v,:.,onventlon of the * -..-v’i i K ' . \, Missouri synod, ij. .rrlnlty Lutheran I ••• ••r. Sept. 1. a end V i - . •

n ot young peo- [• ' . ;and Utah will , j d ^ • ,

ioon.Sept.: , and ['■ 'Monday' noon. .-.r.-

0 ^ ^ iI "world aeries:" I 'lWbe the ‘'baseball" ; . ' t .

>n Jeffres, Cald- d v a n A ' M . .Toha .Raster, [^.'J 9 1 1 | f V ? J r ident: Lola W ar- l e ' ' - ..............

l ^ . H Frill be electedT E x c l u s i v e ^ i i o ^

__* dicator tells you. . o y « | . o a n c l c a „

lew hom eofM r. [ h i »!'« ^ c l u x273 aunrlM rocJiU f o r w a ll

There were 52 MBRefreshmenls H I IR co m

kfrs. L V. Jw es. ■ fo o t o n ^ t l «>vil< nan, Mrs. Clifton ■ j r . » , E. EUiott, and O e t ^

■ •fopot

the tele- « the hook, nnd \ meat loaf and


I—«— :------------------- ^ I I M W I ■


k c Q i

l e x f u r e s i ' W K h

you nM d ou r femily odes.wool* b lend i end .> tHe new - ' icks soonl


m t 4 D A Y

HQI—■ . ..* 16 Jitiflic tilitcl

o f

| | | < ^ ■ I - Drop in ' n K cnni L m f l f ' o a t lie p e d a l ; &ud

■ fu l tlitcliing, aut

&I18 — — -si> 3-SEMS:


s s EMPLOY!Iday In Poca* |fy o U O re n « « d ln g gpo c Othera at* w lll'heve io m e ttu d a i

oM ' bS .s t e n o g r a p h i cd Mrs. Ben .

J i S T o S ; ! : C o u r s e s A u g u s tLibby. Mont.


^ Com] PAiiywB A Y S 0 5 f ) L Y -

• e r P o w e r f u l 1 •H P* T a e u n m i^FTicW~pisrfonnancc—in*— lells you wlieii bag is full,:an clean at full power alle. Deluxe quality oltaelt-or wall lo wall cleaningrear comparUncnt^ Handyoff awitcli. Cleans stand- JVO >1nd. Get yours now! on Seat

— S h o p a t S e a r s a n d

[ 3 0— JJIONEJM -Oaa ____W l

L V W / PREE P A R K ^O ~ | , . ^ ~ ~

C a b i

w m G ^ A• ^ fM * .

' if

. I

( M r s

( U T ■ ■ ■

N « M O N E I

«c Blitch dcMgnti piako • Sinipli mdfl o f jmttcms iititch i' n Kenmore “disc,'* step forward i edal; aud out popa beauU- Kobliin JH ling, automatieallyl Sews, beaullful

— S h o p a t S e a r s a n dQ i 401 W E S '^ A IN .| \ PHONrTM-OMl »tst L -V W ii/— FREE PAEKtNO--------

PIOYERS NOTlCE!i|•e d ln g o o o j q u a lified o ffice hel„ ' jl w ne afudanfi fin ish ing 'their tr«i HO GRAPHIC a n d C L E R r T ^ p :^ " '" : ' I

i A u g u s t 3 1 - a i l 7 3 3 : 6 5 2 2 H


mpare I w h ereL Y -H U R R Y ! I

ful Kenmore nm Cleaners7 0 7 8 8

No Trade.la J B Required

2 V O M l i l V E Y D b W i \on Sears Easy Paym ent Flan

yr^-^XuTC.; \ < ; r ’‘3 so 4 H i^B » J,’ l i ^ f W

r s a n d S a v e - - - ■■ *r , — 8 T 0 R R HOURS - ® _ B;3(l T O 5:30: O PEN FRIDAY ,\ST> A I- j.__ 'M O N D A Y U N T IL >;M

iMiiet I z m I

i — » ^

p L "

Yonrdxilt* Hn f s f i o W j ^ J e

4 0 . 8 8


• SimiJific.1 cllol tpr f«»l,.(lid. f c n s l l " . ,

b e a u t i fu l \ e n c e r c a b in " ^ . .

rs and Save — — T _ « » i i « n o ™ * - i j j


Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

p r r i e ^ . ■ : |

I?^sr3-S3l IP * “iS 'M m S 7 i 2 d ” E I

S k ’s k m s I

down the fronU » . £

T i S a ’B J M ™ ““ “■? 5S1

" i S i m on*'- ■n>' f ' " ; >” «• f j 5 ^ ca«a(J« bouquet oi a c

8ha carried » hontf- thn belonged-to her mU

f 5 f « i e HflwJt. 8l»tcr of J S vas matron Of honor, by a street length «heath ami

1 . ^ ihrhnp shantung de- cak S,«-vlth a c ric s 'o v u cum ' ~m S ^ ii futened-lwlth-*.bueklc by . oTback. She carried a caa- cak

* liCUQuet of m int green b : 5 L and shrimp glodloll with grtx M ribbon streamers. She wore ti S a shrtop-colored te il and ^

»Mesnildi-)»en) Artis Baker. Mrs S jT lh s briae; Mrs. David Dar Irt snd DoroUiy Khnbikll. and

eoitumci were Identical b , Unt of the maid of honor, guei J t ^ e d cascade bouquets ot am

dalsJe* »•»!* green cJ), fan stRSmera. Bo?

i Sfldlellghtera w b re ^ a rd e U low S jw and David Shebley. Miss slst

go«m matchcd those of pi t otber attendanta. Her can- cha I i u trimmed with a Uny »fu ce bouq iet. boni..»io Barker. Portland, Ore., ord iM of the bride, and Ronda bou Irt were flower glrU, Each m n a shrimp-colored «lrcM M d j^n K(d f t . snail white basket Cor

with green ribbons. Um[UT Hawk carried the rings on tbo besrt-shsped pillow trimmed Lot Kh Uee, sfed pearls and tiny . t tea bow. ofaBdr"MartJn.—nleco-of—tha

rl4({rooraf and Btwiley 8heb- p<> r were miniature bride end c liMTOom. Mias Martin wore nei Itor length dress of aaUfl slm- Mr, If to the bride's gown. Bn< Honte Hawk, brother-ln-Uw of Mr » Wile, was best man. Bride- v/a nonsnen were .James Austin, Mr oUier of the bridegroom; Da- Wa Id Hawk And. Harold Clementa. ker tten were Joseph Hawk and tenelh Sewell. Ou>lrs. Vemeal Crossley wa* or- po, snltl. ne&e Bochmonn, tang pet Whllher Thou Ooest." Sharon

■ /ohllftlb sang “always," and ./ iQcton Thompson sang *The 'wUJJW Prayer." p„Tbe bride’s mother choso a

i g ten dscron print dress with * i ^ ■ l l le accCMorlos.—*niB~Wiae: -y i

r^ p g m 'S ' niocher u-ore a blue , ^ ■ ksUi dress of polished cotton I ^ ■ ib w h ltc ncccMorle.1. Bach wore ^ ■ t t l t e carnation corstiRe. I - ^ H v a . Cliflon Shebley w u In

of the reception. The f

■ ■ M a r i a n M a r t i n j j j

l l i ; Pattern ^I I ^^252 SIZES'12>20 outI H (T ^ Jf— ^ 'yp B i f . < i o i I B 1 Ins

1 1 4 1 M U ' s sP ‘J <

r7 '' IS\ Ifl <l>r

i II ofI / of <


— \ V j list

- a


I s m B w I n iH iH H H U B \ i to < ■ / / ■ ■ ■

' W I H l too''■mill'• con

I I V rici....a

m .I.F .T TO 8EW1 S S‘ martest Jum- nnd

prlnoearthat .h t" ■wn with or without IU li

— no waist tha5 ««dnow .'‘ car^ PatUm B3S3: Mlssas* Thi

1C, 18, 30, B lu 10 whlM-lnch; blouse adn

*0 cent* for each deb ^ fyst-clasa mall. Send and J ^ M m i n , Twin fiaU* *uri & P«ttem Dept; a a D

Y o rk ll. N .Y, flell t o l

•Viu?* «v«M Glamorous Y

*? ««w in .oumew kno Nli Pattern Oitalog:, cm

B ^ U

arried thbroh 'U theI, :O rf

PC'-te*I the B cou- 'Ch of ite t*- .U rge .

!d%linaget s(>tin .a with 'bodiM .


eeves. •■ Rx^fffi S t o ^ S B M M B B W i Mtulle l i t B B u u 3 S B H B @ 6 B n i

I helds.'T he • • • ME. AND MB8. BTANU

b y ------------ :--------- --------------------------------bride bridal lobJe waa covered with r \ ;

let of a cloth trhnmed with wedding L J \ large, bells.* I t wa« centered - with a ' i i

hand- three-tlered wedding cake deco- fy]lo her rated w ith salmon plrik rose- • _

buds and touches ot pink and ' I ( ter of g m n . The cake was decorated _ ,honor, by Mra. Luch Hamlin. A cer- ,sheath omic bridal couple topped thelg de- cake, •

cam- U n . Charles Herron assistedbuckle by_M r».-Eorresl Sellars *erwd a ca*- cake. Mra. HamUo and Mrs. Dor- » “ green b MarUn, sister o t the bride-’

II wltb groom, s«rred .coffee,le wore Musical selecUon* were *ung ill and by Caroline Brodlne, Mr, and

M ix JCenncih BeweJJ, Mr. antf £ » «Baker, Mr*. Alvln Baker. U n y andDavid Danny Creaaley and Uie bride ®“"

imbpll. and bridegroom.;enUcol Barbara., Hamlin registeredhonor, guest*. Gift* were received anduets of arranged by Mrs. Kenneth Sew-

green cJ), Mr*’ Forreat Sells™, LethaBowlin, Becky Shebley. Ann Cal- “ O *

lardell low ;“ ftnc|-M rs.-J8m e8-A u8tln. “ " i i y. Mias slster-ln-law of the bridegroom. lose of Ftaf t r a v e l i n g , the bride wr can- changed ta a blue aod white tno a Uny afternoon, dresa wlUi a light ... .

bone-coiortd Jacket..Bhe wore the M , Ore., orchid coroage from her bridal • ^Honda bouquet. ' ' F r

Each Mrs. AusUd Is a graduaU of-M snd Jerome high scbool and attended i_ i basket Conqueror’s Blhle college, Pcrt^, n '

Und. Ore. Bhe Is employed by l i ­ngs on Uie Idaho Tlrst naU^nal bank.Immed Lewtstoo. puo,

tiny . The bridegroom Is a graduate j of Lewiston high echool and u

8heb- grocery, LewUton. ie end Out-of-town guests Included I wore neneBochrrianij. Oakland, Calif.; F ,^ la iim - K t. W d M n. k en n ,u , « w ,l i \ . and daughter, Ban Pablo. Calif.;•}*w 0* Mr*. Vemeal Crossley and sons, « Bride- w i^ ia WalU. ,Wash.; Mr. and Austin, Mrs. Earl Baker, Richland, " j ? n; D ^ Waah.: Mr. and Mrs, Alvln Ba- ement*. ker and family. PorUand. Ore. rk and *nd William Austin, Oregon.* _

Oueats also were from Lewiston, O ra* or- pocatelJo, American Pall*.. R u - * V >- sang pert, Idaho PalU. Parma, Han- A Sharon « n . Kimberly and Tftln Falls. ^ • y o .A pre-nuptial shower was glv- A] t "The en by members of the United dom

PentccostaJ church, Lewiston. BrtC hose a ^ -,i. >(. mee

•Women-Botiiate - L ife Insurance In U n ited S ta tes mee

I. The NEW YORK. Aug. 23 (UTO _ Mrs - Women have doubled their life a , . insurance hokllog* in the* lost in s N n decade and today own a record es t

toUil of 80 bllUon dollars, reporte = V the InsUtute of Ufe Insurance,

Today, the InsUtute added, six0 out of every 10 women have some

^ype of life policy. The 60 billion dollara is exclusive of credit h /e ' Insurance, a typ9-4i(-group policy

I resenta i s per cent of total life t 4 Inauranee held..W "The IS per cent ha* remained j

f f > about th e «ame for the last 10 tc 'I ' 16 yeara,'* Mid Betty 6 . MarUn.1 director of the women’s division

of the InaUtute. “But Uie amount of coverage h u doubled alnce the early lOWa."

V \ . W hy the gain? Miss MarUn Il*{«l aereral factore.

The youhg homemaker recog-v/ 7 nlxea her economic value to her

A huaband and family. EsUmateaIf on her worth, If someone had toVV b« . hired to replace her, run, \ \ l - from 18,800 to 110,000 a year. !In laereaalng m m ben of women jU are co-bread wlnnera or brend j

1 \i winner*. One third of all mnrried i women are bringing a paycheck

^ Into the home. A tolal of 33 mll-A llon.women hold ouUlde Jobs,l m Ownership of life Insurance byi a women often 1* for esUte pur-u m poses. When a haiband and wifeI M will, divide the family holdingsU l to cut the amount o; estate tnxeaM f la «ven( of death of one. OUen. In each carrle* enough Insurance to ;H - foo t.the tax bill.H . And, purchases frequently aro■ ' for gift*-to charity or relaUvea.^ 1 ' . Tor the guidance ot id! holders■ of 'W T .policies. Uie InaUUitA■ complied thla checklist:9 Be aure the Ust of your bene- ' I ( flclarle* is up to date. .' | . '_____ .. .Bee i f there U ’a w*y to anve,

on premtum paymsnt*. For In- ^ iUnoe, Mtss'MarUn aald. If pay-

ment* on a polley ar« due each m onth, you will save detalla of

1 bookkeeping and coat of checks i t Jum- nnd mailing by paying a y e a r ' . t r th a t ahead.sut lU I t you'rt married, check to *ee. ;

waist Uiat your life insurance policies carry a common disaster clause.

Misses' The clause spell* out how and by . llu 18 whom Ulp couplewonU Uie eatoto ‘ blouse admlnlitered In event boUi are

TleUms o t the same accident, c J h J l ^ o t i U a t r what Obligation* and ' r each debt* your family would tafe .. Send and earmark some of your in- 'Tall* *urw c« tor Immediate' cash.

t: m D on't "slraKjaeket'^ your bene- ,'M.'V, flclarlos. I t you're leaving money s WlUl to theih. let them have aome aay

in how to apend it. norous Your life ' insurance Is the;IS 110 type whleh builds e u h 'values, , u ^ew knofr 'how much it builds so you i^ U g ^ c a n your rsUrement «o - | .

■ Fo

Sc St

N lBrailfamlRockvOr


• Septlomicineone.

A the

. slste hi ; two grad colle Bter Yesi . Nj woa ter's coU<


UrfSSS D ietrich LDS i f S : S ustains .*,55

T erm Leaders editA c ^ DZErmiCU, Aug. 23-ftfr*. WH- ^ I

oed Uie ^ord Hubert w u ausulned os ^ president .of the Younf(*Ladlc8 '

M utual association and Bem Estle h i,t , aerved a* aupcrintcndcnt of the Young a t j ri Dor- U en 's Mutual association a t Bun- Rrai r hride-’ «l*y' evenlns LDS services. degi’ “ / ' Boy Hubert conducled the avei re «unK meeting. Parley . Clegg gavo the a t J Ar M d InvocaUon. and Allen Borensen grei rfr antf the bcnedlcUon. Speakers ^ 0 ;

7 bride Richfield. mes Jack Cooper gave the youth her

olstc’red Mrs. Wilford Hubert, chor- (rea,ed and te r, wos accompanied by Mrs. thelh, Bew. Ray Hubert. skyI Letha w u announced Uiere will be hernn Cal- "0 MuturtI or Primary meetings ^1-?,,«tln until Bepumber. _ h

e brido *ork meeting and quilted for; S t o i»” >»“ ^ s ,

f , , , Kill?TrtSS M iss M arlow s luM. .1 E ngagem ent to

H arris Listed .oycd by HA2LEY, Aug. 22 - Anna Lee us a bank. Marlow, daughter of Mr*. ArUiur apoi

^ Plion. Pocatello, is Uie fiancee us traduate „{ Rojph Harris, son o fM r. and • . .

and is Mrs, Charles Karris, Hailey. « « 'herson * —MurMnrh»w.-a-grodunte-of-ibe -tha

^'*•*’0 State college-of nuraing. f . P“ »«> the state board examlna-

o f i ii tlon and became a reglsUrednurse In June. Sho 1* a nurse a t ?“ •*

I:h t iL : t*® county hosplUl.Harris Is a student n t the Los

^ i i “ ? Angeles Art center.

Oregon.- _ , . *P«S -C i-Q yiJtica .D om s r i S r A t Work Meet-was glv- ALMO, Aug. 23—QuUUnic waa soc!

United done for Mrs. Ben Schmidt. Dvi viston. Bridge, a t the all-day work seu

meeting of the Almo Relief so- Nal I , _ clety. ' low

^ T C Member* also worked on pll- ^ low cases, -dresser scarves and r

.«t5 aprons. rear t4 - ia f M” - ^ Durfee conduCtea lhe U l C o - meeting. Prayer w u given liy ITm { (UPB _ Mm. Atoel Lowe. ' 2he^ life A work meeUng will be held Rei Uie' Jost In September wllh regular class- era

cs beginning in October. slvt

lurance.Ided. alx

Ideal h r Schoolip policy

it^lM M . t~4.VL0hi|

'emalned ' ■

l i . PARKAS rf,Once Uie ( .


W IT H . J n


b r . ™ " ! h o o d . W jr women I Mir bread j f lmarried i • ^ t t

s s f 7 9 8 7ranee by ■ • \nt« pur- H \ind wife ■ holdings “ *«tc tnxea •. O/ien, I ranee .to Intly are * LODEN GREEN/GOLD ' atlvea.i holder; • DK. BLU E/LT. BLUEInaUtute

irb e n e - j • C O M PL E T E L Y ’

to « iv e j W ASHABLE !por In-

ue* eJ?h •• SIZES S -M -L -X Lgtall* of ' '• checka | • D IA M O N D QUtLTED

kV !«,;policies

w e a i i^ ' IwJ*!* on layaway. •oth aredent,on* and ' V | B | I

^ ^ m W n U r

snt *0-1 .

F a m e d t i n s t e i n '

S c h o o l ^ r e e t s -

S t u d e n t S i s t e r sNEW YORK, A u g .'a .- im —

Brains run 'lD 'the';Wllamowsky family llke-money runa in 'the Rockefeller el*n.

- 'O ne h e a n of the academic accomplUhmehU of Uie A lt» WUamowsky family of th e Bronx, from Yeshfwi university., where

' one female-member of the fam­ily, Nooml. 91, Is a sophompra a t Use Albert xansteln-Medical col­lege, and where another. Ovorah,

. ID. will enroll a* a freshman Sept. 10. Both plan a career In lom e spedaliwd. field of medi­cine but have not decided which one.

A spokeaman for Yeshlva said ' the university believes, the two [ sister* have set an academlo first Ui hi U.S. higher educotion. The, - • two were valedictorians, of their grnduaUng classes a t the same college In succeailve yeors — Btem. the women's college a t , Yeshlva. J ,. Naomi's high achool average waa 06.3 (100 i*perfect): her sis- \A ter's, ooa. Nooml flnUhed Stern college with a four-year average Q Of 3.ST (4 Is perfect). Dvoreh's r

----------- average was 3 « 8 -" I t wa* Uiat j- S ia muslo *ppreel*Uon wiiieh » .

' ruined me.” laughed Dvoroli. - ^ They chalked up these grades

While belonging to fencing clubs, q,' studying dancing, ploying tennis,

_ and In Naomi's case, aervlng u r s editor of the.college newspoper^ ' ifr*. WU- 1“ Dvorah’a. as associate editor. ‘I’O lined as They said their moUicr. Ruth. J,°“ g*Ladlcs decided to go back to collego Jem Estle In,Uie middle 1050's.She enrolled P“ >e Young a t'H u n ter, New. York, and vas un 1 a t Bun- graduated with a bachelor of arts i CA degree in languages with a 3.07 be<;led the average. Sbe was top of her class govo the a t Hunter for her m aster's de- . Borensen gree In 1001 w lU i-w hat e ls e - a / \ Speakers 4.0 average, - . .O. Free- Mrs. Wilamowsky took one se- [V

mester off from Hunter to have . le youth her youngest child, Marclo, four p srt. chor- (ready for first grode in the foil, by Mrs. the slstera sold). Mra. Wllamow- I

aky now teoche* languages a t for rc will be her alma mater. . Mnmeetlnga ^he slstera aafd Uielr father. S " . . ,, rabbi for the «mgregaUon-Mlsh- “, ,* " 7 }; kenoth Israel. In the Bronx. ulltcd for doesn't talk about h is grades

almply because the theological ^. schools he attended did not use ^

t / c mathematical raUngs. " ," Twin brothers David and Zvi,I- 4'/-\ 28. v^o will be Juniors a t Brook- , ' I lyn college this taU have 3JJ-plus “ I

d ratings so far, the slaters sold. .J,•ThU h u been going on with “ ‘i

^mia Lee us since grade school," Kaoml wJ a. Arthur apoke up.-"I d o n t think any ot ! fiancee us consciously thinks o t grades ^ •Mr. and • . . we don't *et out to esubllsh lolley. recorda. We Just set out to dojte-of-ihe the-best-w e. can.r______________ C

nuraing. ^ c h alster will go through examlna- medical school on two scholar- C realsUred ships—Dvorah on one from Ye- •-• n . ^ I t «hlv*. the other from fhe New 1

)ltA! York state board of regenu: and thi t the Los Nooml on Uie Hannah and Leon- « I uie WJ9 scholarship at.Yeshlva tot for the one from the national foun- ^

All this summer also hos been tospent )n sludy on scholorshlps. e*

n p , Naomi Is doing research on child- aohood diseasea of .the. bloodninder . .

■ direction of Dr. Ju lian Schorr, so*“ r on the staff of tho hospital aa- IsIting was soclated with the .university. 1Schmidt. Dvorah Is ol the American m u- Mi

lay work seum of notural history on a Cl-ftellef so- NoUonal Science foundaUon fel- Te

lowahlp, working with Dr. Phyl-1 on Pll- •lH“Ctthnrnn"lcnt1iyolugUt." “ e*r v u and Naomi sMd that she^ had on

renlly to buckle dou-n to study In ii«i,iM.a ihP medical school,.devoting five or ex

^ *>oura each evenlng.and.sevrgiven by j^ol more each week-end. ^

Both use this Bliidy syatem. x*I. be held Read a textbook f ln t for Its gen- atlar clas*- eral content, next uorJf In lni«3- S«j_________slve study, finally review, and a t g

ool H

bOH- ^


..'iUTD—mowsky «*in,'U ie ^

cademlc »9 A lttf In> Bronx. M

wherele fam- umpra a t «cal col- ,(Ovorah, gjeshman - wu ee r In wf medl- nd which 1 ^

Iva said : ^Llie tw? i ■ *'nio first Ui‘...........n The - ■ *of Uielr JAN18 ANNS HAWKINSle same (Melner* photoi 1yeors— * * * p

I 'l l ! Jan is H aw kins, X n W arr Schedule Dvorah's Plans, to M a n y I

MALTA. Aug. 23 — Mr*. W. L J WWch Hawkins announce# the engage-]

ment of her daughter, Jan ta ; Anae, to o iene Kay Warr. aoni 0* Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Warr, I

« M • IvsDBPeri Mlsa Hnwklna wa* graduoted

editor ^^om Kaft River high school ln | T. Ruth la a Junior a t Utah3 collego unlveralty, Logan. Bothenrolled Plan-to^contlnue s tu d lu a t the

and «as urilvcrsJty thIs'foD . |r of arts No definite wedding date ha« h a 3A7 be<in selected, her class 41 «

IS lf; M ental H ea lth ' N eeds R e la te d

‘a im . A t C lub Session'llamow- DISTRrCK. Auf;, 33—The need lages a t for a mental health center In

. Moglc Valley wa* discussed dur- , f .fh ,- lng a roceUng of Prlendahip club, m MUh Neil. Thomas wo* hoste**,

Bronx “ Membera were nsked'to'volun- . ffroHKs teer to donate one hour each daye o S S S ^ « t <•«not S i Lincoln county fa ir Aug. 24 and not use J5 Jjj Shoshone. Volunteering

nnrt ®cre Mrs. Bay Pcok. Mrs. Plor- r H r ^ k . ence Gage, Mra. Mervyn Rldhigerl

Dlua Mra. John MUlard, fr* >ni,i Member* were asked to display

S S Ui.lr M61.to «l t t . a i t .• Nooml The September meeting will be £ anv o held a t Uie home of Mra. Ben f gr«lM ^ Thiel u CO-rauiwah „

-Pinpchle Played r'STe'- By C a re y ClubOje New CAREY. Aug. 22—Membera 6f inu: and the Friendly NelgJrfjor dub met nd Leon- M the h o n e of Mrs.-lrene S ttu s .,Yeshlva to ploy pinochle. . lal foun- The Blaine oottnty 4-H fair wa*

dismissed. M emben were oaked hos been to support It and bring items fo r ilorshlps. exhibition. Mr*. Annie ^ w was on child- accepted as a n«w club metnber. odninder . A get-wellxard w u rigned fcnd . Schorr, sent to Mis. K arold KlnbaU who pltal as- Is hospitalised, nlverslty. Plno<dilo prizes were won by can m u- Mrs. Osc*r Dodge, traveling; Mrs. ry on a Chris Dodge, blgh, ond Mra. L«- •Uon fel- Pell Edwfcrds, low.h-. P h y l - -------------:--------------------------------Jt." - examlnaUon*thne-revlew-a-*eo- le^ had ond and third time. Neither be- study In iieves. In cramming for a flnol

t five or exam, Iand.sevr t

syatem.■ Its gen- a In im ra - S r. and a t g . ,

:^ll6GR k | OLD

S j | i [E A twcot Pukoi V ~ M S oa. Old Mr.- Boiion Vodka

S Vi os. Old Mr. Do*ioa Apricot.P 9 Fhvored Brandy

< ' S Juice J4 Lime§ P m r in 12 a . T m CeUint g U n

i. S f i l U d x u U k tr H s k fJ ie t .A U i a ^ -S eUrt m i t r m U Up » l k tp r i ft . ^ t t auKi.

K 03 B lack RuasiAiT .8 Pouxt_. — i m o * .O U Mr. Boston Vodka 9 ^ os. Kahlua (CofTee Liqueur) S O m i a o t b a i n O U A uU nw /

I 3 laU tU su

.§ IS B i«oor M.taT CocETiUX.8 IK oa. Old Mr. Bostoa Vodka . . g m o*. Tomato Juice

^ S -1 Daih Lemon Juice[ K Skakt «v/{ hVM m o M ier m i

M jta w ii intw O U Kxitail^ fi gtoti tsW

I GD M onow M o u

|ju . e « o f l4 U m e 8 ternibiv anJ/if/aitilt giagvr

: 8 , *»w. Umt i'n »»g tt d anU. 1 Q ] S a i iw s x iv a i iK'-. . .‘ 8 /U i ia{aM» ^ gtou widk erMg*

B Q Q T w iim8 2 Ob Old Mr, Boston Vodka^

. | j o i c c o r > < l J a e ' 3 AwriW 7S«.7VniCfU<fugtais.

9 A d d * n ira ltn b a r fM ,4 rc t tiMd I M e g ( ^ m uM S tv tn .^ gad


I- C aro l Jensen 's

■Enpagernent to Fuller Is Told

OOODINO, Aug,-22—The e n - , tagem ent ot Carol Ann Jensen to Haynes Puller. Eden. Utah, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Jensen, Good­ing. Puller Is the son ot Mr. and . Mra; Robert Tuller. Eden, UUh.

U iss Jensen 1* a graduAt« of U tah State 'Unlvenlty wheri she was affiliated with Sigma Kappa aororlty, she la employed as a speech and hearing therapist for '

■ Weber c o u n ty public schoola w ith . headquarters IQ‘ O g d e n . Utah.

Puller Is a graduate of Weber college and Uuih State univer­sity and Is n rancher,

; The couple pUns a September wedding.


cins,luiea n yMr*.'w.

the engage-j ^ ^ E P V ^ V Xhter, Jan la ;

Warr. son 1 ' -a r lu Warr, I M M llm W

I ^I graduatedh school In / ;) z IUlor a t Utah OgOn. BOthlidlu a t thei ^ V ,

lg date ha*

a l t h

3 t e d

ssion T ^ |B |RI—The need . Ih M B SI center In ' / \ \ g W Scussed dur- / . Indahip club, / • /u hostess, / / Md 'to 'volun- ------- ^ / • / ............}MtUf each day / / . r vtag o t <•« / /\ug. 24 and I f -rolunteerhig ' ' I t ’- V

Mrs. Plor-1 / / JfeynRidhigerl ' A fd to display tale.sting will be ' / /f Mra. Ben . ** . -Thiel u CO-- - --

• • W ASHES EASILY,-PAiM n V p H W O N D E R FU U Y — WEy^ a y e a - — o k e -A 7 d r e a m »---------


“ *SJb”m « • 8 N EW -FA L L STYLE* Irene stun* > ELBOW LENGTH OR<-H fair was MODELS

n 'n^fS • ^le $haw wa* _____.lub metnber. s algned knd SinbaU who

ere won by tveUng;Mr8. ndM rs. U -

for a final


V • D] Vodka *«» A > tu Juic*in Vodka F \,l3 e rS tuha into a S et. loa Apricot xIm A U 3 et. OU Mr.' BcUtn r - VedU Fill balantt uith eppU

in ia an i tHr.

with iprift. t f JJJ utD Tomc• •' •’____ 2 0*. Old Mr. Boston VodU .

Cubeoflce' V u S3 OL. T m CelUns g b w a n i

„ //{ balantt utiA « h » m tmie a a i •top Vodka rtV.

^ ' L --- ---------------- ------------------------• E VOOSA CoiUKS

CooTxn. ? “ • ow Wf- Boaton Vodka,, , ,, Ju>ee of H Lesion

itoa Vodka . . 1 Teaspoon Powdered Sugir^ 5Aol« Mil with er«dUd itt and

- MM sftcr r f Umtn, eratigt en i a —......— dUrrj. S t m t t i r a t a .

ilni V i ^ fH V oB u 'C ocu*

utltdtctniU. 2 os. OtiMnated Water, and sur------------------ m g U a v U k e r a ^ ia e n d a J d :

2 OS. Old Ur. B ^ n Vodka inhCe^glem FSU t M cariemUtdAuiUr er tfi»‘

f a t i b

n Vodka' BD Voo** Sn«c««I os. Old Mr. Boston Vodka

C ^jfu rtfl If. i os. Old Mr. Boston Creme de iu, irc* t in i Meathe OVhite)S m n -l^ m d £Ui« uvU inlA a i t t i t i i a an i

t/ntia ioAt 3 ^ ^ t a i l x (|« . IttttMKitHMKtlKNNItXttKttttKXIIIUtKtttSttttKXtt

» noor. voBM MTuuD n u t wax UAw u u n a :

the en- , ,Jensen ,

Utah, isIts, Mr; '1, Good- *Mr. and . V?'^; <

UUh. ^-'.v;V

X Kappa ed as aiplst for ......

schools .

t Weber I; -y.yi 1



A Very Spi


;t h o r s l e ^ e l e s s \


^ ^ 1 Second . ^ u m floor ^

jfqsh ions

iM oimm om iJuic* BB VOOKA Daisy 1lie e S e t. Juice 4 Leaon 1fr.' B«Um H Teaspoon Powdered S u p r J iUi eppu 1 T e a ip ^ Grenadine

a o T ^M r.B o sJo n V o d k s i______ ShaU w lf «itk € n d t i ite c n i

ttrainini»$lft*er8et.'mttalaip. “' A i ia b tr f ia a n i i tc t r a U w i ik 1

fru it .. . ------------■ ;

d — — I

ttSttttKXttKKXitKXtraKtlKKKttttttMttSUlUHH lAlH UUTtAltnUTS. iu . tOSTOK OUTIIUI IRC. MIT01

W eiJnesfJay, A o b> 2 2 J T ‘9 8 2 ' T w in Foils T lfnas^NeW S v j a

' R e v N ib k ^ e n - '^SLBA, Aug. 33—‘Xha B b « puk-* '''

wo* U)e.*eCUng foTYJcto^M cw-man Barker tamOy Jtunlofi^wiUi more than 70 m dnbetv preMDt. A plcnlo lunch, program. ges^MUofr lUacuasloii* and g a o a im « ■ UvlUes of Uie day. .>


W ' ■ T f R E S ! '

j ' . - ■■


0) . l l - l " ■■ —

Very Special PurcbasB of

100% ACETATE '


DRESSES• S izes 1 2 to 2 0

■ • S ize s U V 2 to 2 2 V 2

^ \ A N A LL-TIM E

Y \ \ ' L O W PRICE .




IITQ BUY f mm \

s s VoecA G n a s r C oacran, 1 o t.O IdM r.8o«OQVodla i

iS u p r Ju K e H lim e . ' SSHrmMuUhcradeiiamUtttma i

^odks i» I» 3 K .eed l^g L m . 5 .^ i a a n i ____ _________ ______________ fwulaleup. ' 5w aU tintk nVoDCASotw - - , ' 1

■ Juice K L oaoa §

- a S S a S SaiAhaV.iliarfUwianmiUAirTy. |

, QYoocAMAxnm'—VooKAtua I

.■V I

Q l l l S trvtw iikebnertm trfU m ea. i

V H f iS C is m IA B | 'n d tiia D r y e r E M h * D iy r e a » t r B l M a r H id ^ a tw ix i ^ tm ta t e d f i r a a n d m v e d ^ A k a m sS ik rm iS ^A n i emeni, . ,

w l These are Just « i ^ «ir tb i i n n l rc«ip«s (tam Old U r . Boatea'k

D eluxe o m c la V B a r ta a d tr^^ 9 Quids. O n^ >1 bgr taaO Iran


lUIBC.iOITOi.IWfc--',:• »;-.r

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

> ! ^

ON m s WAY OUT, Jlm Ple »(or centtrtlelder. and leadofi Twins Tuesday nl*ht l« rtown after u p i \a t » «>>*<» «»

Phillies Take 15th Straight From Colts• By the MsoeUttA Tnta Tho Philadelphia PhllUcs beat

the Houston ColU for the Mth and 16lh Umes without a iosa

- In a-twinlght doubleheader 6-3 nnd 7-4 Tuesdny nlBht.

Althousn outhlt. tn'o. FnlUlea toolc the opener ita Art Mnhof- fey won hJa 17th fame ot Iba aeaaon. against 10 losses and pitched his 18th complele game, most In the NaUonal -Icasue. nooUe righthander Jack Hamll- toQ, wbo also went the route, recorded hla seventh victory In 16 decisions in Ute nlshtcsp.

Lee Maye slnsled horns pinch, h itter Eddie Mathews In Uie' lOt^

■ InnlnB In boosting the'M ilwau­kee Braves to a 3.6 victory over the S t. Louis C&rdinalft.

Pinch-Wtier Joe Torre opened — tHe-^Oth-wlth-fc-<^ouble=^o-^lBht

center and gave way to Mathen-s. Don Fcrrarcse retired the next two batters before Maye ground­ed h is . decisive h it to rlgh (.._ .

Marvelous Manr Throneberry came out of the l in t boee coach­ing box with two out in the nin th Inning and blasted a tbree^ run taomeiun to enable the Mew Vorlc MeU to deleat the Pitts- hu rsh Pirates 5-4, in the second sam e ot a doubleheader and snap tbeir latest losing streak a t 13 games.

TTie M ets hod e o n tr im l tc lose the opener B<6 alter they led by two runs going into the aln tb . Roger Craig, who pitched ]ust a third ol an Inning In re-

----- Uef, wos chargcd wllh hU 30thdefeat of tbe season—the first

~.K«w York pitcher to pile up sc . jaaay defeau In 37 years,

Morty’ eough's-two-run,—In* tlde-tbe*park homer In the eighth Inning aad the rour-hlt pitching of Jlm Maloney gave tha Cincinnati Reds a 3-0 vlc« tOT7 over the Ohlcago Cubs.

Maloney and Don Cardwell, . who hsd a string ot 17 score­less innings going Into tlu eighth, were locked in a pitch* Ing duel un til.L eo card en u opened the elghUi with a single —h is third h it of the game. Ke- pqgh~Tangdnir-Bn->ttenipt-t»:

took ft called strike before send- ' Ing A sinking Uner to right field George Altman attempted t< xooko a shoestring catch but thi ball rolled all the way to thi righ t field wall with both run' ners scoring.


Gibbon, t^ n c h (4). U m ib . <« Oliva <»} tn i Oanmt, L tt>«n (»): And«n«n, Crmic (Sl. Dov

}IoB«ni»-N«w York. Tbomu (Sf) (Steoed tun*)

I K “r 'S i = r S ! a S ! t J . ;• «nd CtnnlusTo. Cot*in»>i (II. W—I i a. Vnitr (Ml. /«-«). . .I Homtnini^I>ltt*bur»h. I;rppm . (SI .2<«w Yetk. TtiroMtMrrr (tJ).I . {Pint ««m«)

KuutUm — OID OM—S 7 1 Fhlt»d«1phU ___] » 100 IO i-( Ii nrue*. Kemmtrtr (71, Unbrlcbl (

•nd )I. Snillb; MiUiffy >Bd U.Iryr W—U*baU<9r (17.10). .I^U n i

t (&mnd gUD«) .,7t<nuun_______ MO 91| 6M—4 t

.> .BBd CanpUU lUmlllnn and Dilm• " W—H*ni(Kon (T.tt).

llotntniBA^IIoujton, C*mpb«ii fi Witroick (IS). rhIUdtlpbla, CallU

■ aMlBBbU- -------000 OM 020^1 »C b lM O ---- •M—0 (



M - • » K 7 * u r l v , , ° ' " " 'r « • AHBRlCAK I.KACMRli '

if > I \ \U . le v s l<) •>>« U>>Ufi IWWm

' • a S ^ r T m S l . T r i i . ' ’" " ' '■ . . r a S S E i . . ------<

r V H iJT. Jlm Plerfoll, the fiery W aihlnfton Sen- »nd leadoff batter «faJnft the SHonetot*,t l« shown belnr thrown cu t of the game td strike on the f ln t pUch. At le f t .P lc ^ l t

rake I Yanks Eru io th Innin[ts

d m$a T h e N ew . Y o rk Y an lcees 'i •hiiiics beat n ig h t n n d b q a t-L o s A ngeles ^1,^1 n in g w a s R o g e r M a rls ’ g r a :SeSd« W A n g e la fiv e g a m e s b eh in d

h SZ?. T. F. Boosterstme of Iho _ • ' _

isfsrsi Open Ticketnal -league. -■• ___ -

Sales Drivevictory In

ilghtcap. ' Twin PalU high school “Bruin lomu Blaeh Boosters" lounched a week-long m U i^lO to campaign Tuesday

n ig h t.a t a meeting attended by ? lc tS « « ^ “ parenu andJ ^ r y over aehool.

nrw.n«i Moro U«o 60° tlckeU were i»T«igTn tn Tnembers to se» and

I jS S ? tS T w m rSorXbTck-TTT-B-MTf fh» Mondoy. The first Bruin gamefy.'S.JS:0 right. visiting team.'hw sn.ho '^ TBri’parents heard a brief talk 5 2 c S by bead coach Paul Ostyn on the

beneflU ot Uiclr boys partlelpat- log Jn athleUcs ptus the alma

?e t h ? I ^ and rcqulremenU of remaining tha P itts. *>“ ^ team, the second Ho also introduced aU 100

leader and players.sing streak Bruin Booster president Clyde

Ruhter explained tbe purpose of jBWred to the group, noting tho sole aim alter thev w m to Bruin athleUcs

Qg Into the through financial aad moral vho pitched aupport.inlng In re- Ben Mottem and John Wolfe Ul hU 30th head up Uie tlckaL-BfJllng^saffl:0-~the first palgn.» pile up so ----------------:-----------

wo-runf“ln“ -Trail Is JWnner_ L Sm-SJ Of Hiskey Meet

W c k 'T ra il won the HUkey igo ■Oi'S championship last w «k1 Caldwell a t the Blue Lakes country club J 17 « o « - by ahooUng a slxrover-par 14J.

into the Trail opened tbe 36-hole com- in a -pitch- peUUon with a sharp one-over > Cardenas 69 and followed up wlUi & 73, lUi a single chips Barlow shot even rounds jg am e.K e- of 72-iJ to claim sccond spot ■Mtenipt~to 'wlth~a-144-and-Davld-E>rtoooll1-anri_thrn y ith Ufl. Drlgcoll shot jcforo send- himself oirt' of the UUe picture ) right field, with a 74 the first day. hitting tempted to 39 on tbe « na> nine holes.Itch bu t the POx woa fourth with awoy to the j«qI bom run- IXl__________ ___________ _

Bunnint {UJH. Peny (*-I0). lioni«nin»—CItTtlind. Ltiplow OU-

i Dotrolt. ttonM (111.■ Mow York ___ 100 0 « 100 1 - l t 10 0

Lo* Anytla __090 tlO Wt 0—4 12 1AOUB Suttord. RflutoD |S ). Dalirr (#1 *Bd

5BS=5 ! 5

Tbomu («).» 10ft—4 7 0 i'- — ' " f iM 004—« IZ 6Lfpptrt; Moor. ■ 2 1 ^ ® '^ '* '* ^ !? ^ lik 0 . Mlll.r (S) iP p r v __IX (71. w -R . •— ^ASIS*. flriS

IVOM-3 9 1;v-a,'„! ■ jrr and D.liym- . ' W W N \]j 9>L\_Sl

il ,! sI. UmbHrhltei I , nr . r ^ s c , ;CampUJI ( H ; i ----f

♦Ipbla, CalllMnt /-M k W ,\ lT { j r t ■

sjsi!! s; ■ (mv- ” •nd"lkT£!r*W~ BowKtl

Si ,rr,;;;- r;,'; -"'y a J-y s i ! N " 'V »“ •<» o i b o «.

I-- oily,, ( jjJ bow ling p a » (wallot i l j1 ’’ Sorry,, th ). I , noF « ,land.“ S S i , , J .■■I b o fo r. 10 p .m . Tlliir,i’,“ r Nl!..’, o n . Ilm po r d .y .' ' . 1 ^ 'ni.'W ii.W—WflMO (II.

>n. YutrMAukl B O V / L A D R O ) S iV i” ’; , , • r y m

K I M - L A N E

,,. ,1 - S U N - B O W IwiwB-* 4 ai SUNVALLEV


•xclushr* offaimd BrewD. y/— ______________. ..

ncton Sen- acreatas a t p u ta umpire Al 8ale Mleoecota Twin cslcber Ear] Battey Jost

f the game fierry holds baek the angry . Plele f t .P lc ^ lt ator manager Mickey Vemon. i

1 Erupt for Seve trning, Drop An

Dy The Associated Pressc Y an lcees e ru p te d f o r «jevcn r u n s in i OS A n g e le s in th e i r s e r ie s o p e n e r - I M M a rls ’ g ra n d s la m h o m e ru n . T h e defe:

es b e h in d th e Y an k ees . R e l ie v e r J a c k-----------------M a r is ’ , h o m e r . T h e ba ll

s t i i l e d - 390 f e e t i n t o - t h e • o l t J l b r i g h t c e n te r f ie ld s e a t s .' _ The most prodigious homer ofr e l r A f Uie nigbt. however, was deliv* u l V d ' ered ,b> Yankee catcher EUton

Howa'eti ]n the sixth' Inning, Ti)C ’ ball soared over the ccntcr fieldL V C fence 425 feet from home plate.

«Ti«.in New York gol only five hlU chool Bruin off-southpaw sU rtcr Bo Belln-

»)«y. who had a ohe-hltter going unOl-Howani-smashod^hU-ho-.

M-v..,. Hobln Roberta, given unuminl

S S r f f i S l o S l l L Sgo White Sox 0-1 as he notched hia 342nd major league victory.

U with Buhl Chicago's Early Wynn, seeking hU aooth p i t c h i n g triumph.

; a brief talk /^jjed to last the first Innlnft. Ostyn on the Issuing a bases loaded walk •s partlelpat- In ^ nin, the 42-year-iis the alms q,(J veteran served up a home- if remaining bau to rooklo John <Boog>

Powellced aU 100 Roberts, 3S, allowed aevcn hlta

. and struck out five as he won flldent Clyde hU eighth game snd lowered le purpose of hU earned run average to 243. Lho sole aim Reiiever Ray Moore came out in athleucs or the bullpen to p u t down ani

aad moral eighth inning Washington rally and preserve a 6-2 Minncsotuj

John Wolfe victory over the Senators. |

working ori a tw o-hltter when-------- the NaU c h a s e d him In the’ eighth .with a tw o-run'uprisingU i n 6 r ___on an error, walk and two sln-

gles.'M6ore ended It by striking j y i C 6 t ®“ t Pbch h itle r JJjn King, th* Hi«kev Jlm Bunnlng recorded hU

In loom major league victory withc o i2 S y " l5 b a four-hltter and Uie Detroit T l-

frers banged out 14 h its in a lO-l Wumph over the hapless Cleve-

3D-uoie com- iond Indians, a ^ cne-over jjlck McAuUffo paced Uie Tl- wlUi ft 73. ger assault with /our singles and ; even rounds three runs batted In. McAuliffe second spot started tbe l^gera off wlUt a

avld'OrUooll tw o-run-< tagle-Jii-lhe_/O U (^^

day hitting sixth.: holes. The only damaging blow offourth with a Bunnlng. who recorded hU 13Ui

. w iu ia this.season, was Al Lup- ■ low's homerun In th e '“first In­

ning.rrn (1.10). , c a rl Wostnemskl batted In • five runs for Boston with k1001- i t 10 0 homerun, double and single u I wt 0-4 12 1 the Red eox bested the K ansS

City Athleucs ll-6.1 itoditn. w— Norm Slebem h it a pair of » (Ml. two-run homers off Earl W i»oa

Boston's tall right-hander, who ^ got credit lor hts l l th victory os

Bowling It fun fa r «v«ryon« o f «l( « .••year advertising, cam paign to Intro «u r regular bowlers,

noro days w i offer 4 0 gam os o f bowling 30 of b o w l i , n g f u n fo r just $4.00. U s (wallot size) ean be u i«d b y all membi not a ^landing offer and w ill n o t b« rapi

3 p .m . Thursday, A ugust 23.1 to e n a o f the day.



N -B O W L M AGKUN VAliBY t w in


(Clushra o ffar from fam ily ap p rev v d tun c*i

mplre Al Salerno who makes the taisont sign.I Battey Just waiU. At right, umpire Charles the angry.Plersall s i Salerno talks with-Sen- key Vemon. (AP wirephato)________________

Seven Runs in p Angels 11-4m r u ^ in a wild 1 0 th .in n in g Tuesday jpener -11-4.. The h ig h lig h t o f the in- 1. T h e defeat dropped th e second-place liever Jac k Spring' th e victim of

T h e ball ■ ■— — — “

TravelerJUS homer of BOISE. Aug. 22 W — A ; was deliv- hawk tha t traveled 1,7$0 olr itchcr EUton miles from a point 126 miles } Inning, TJjc north of the AroUc circle s ccntcr field has been found a t Falrfleld. bome plate. The fish and game deparU

niy five hlU ment soya Henry - Popp of •r Bo Belln- Declo found th e bird dead. !-bltter going I t carried a leg band put on ihed-hU -ho-. ...biL'R_Canadlan game offlclol wo flag polea Inaide.the Arctic circle 6n.

-Victoria Uland, p r o b a b ly iven unusual when the hawk was young. r the BalU- The band wos-sent to Uie ■rf th n Chico: department. Dlrd bJoJ-

notched “ 'oglstTJiae'Home'sayWUtle-U- gue victory < known about the migration /vnn. seeking of howks ond owls except • n B triumph, thot large numbers of Uiem first innlnff. come to Idaho every winter.

s loaded walk ___________ _ ■ --------- -the 42-yeor-up a home- compared with five defeots, John <Boog> The two circuit bows were Ble-

bem’s 18th and 10th and brougbt, i ..v o n h toe as he won ^ to ta U o JI^ __________

■Sae t i ^ r ^ HAINIERS T O P SPOKANE J L SPOKANE, Aug. 22 W - Sc­

ore ^ e oul Ralnlera pushed over twc put down ^ In ^ ,0 top of the llth In- n nl"* Tuesday night to take a 6-3 ;,ato« win overgpokani..

S S i l H u r r y ! Huand two sin- _ _

■H“ (ARLOAvictory withle Detroit T l- > . - _ ___h i t s in a lO - l \ A / U 5 I a Tmpless Cleve- y T l l l l C I)a«td Uie T l- . c * ; tj r singles andIn. McAuliffc . v V rI off wlUj a ^. lh e _ fo u te m ____ ^

r -° f » ^ W U ^ — -— — r-

lln j w o , on , • “ <“ » S t y ' - Tded hU ISUil • BIgge

r e ' f i . t ^ ’lT- 5 4

kl batted In ^ ^ m

n s i C A R Ulit a pair of PonHoc—

.1th victory oa

i L E T ' S

? BOWI4 0 ^Family Bow

^on« o f all «g«s , , . I f t Amarka't favorh aign to Introduc* .b o w lin g to -n ew 'b b w le r

o f bow ling for o n I y $ 4 .0 0 in th t form st $4.00. UsB y our 4 0 gam ea anytime In ly all m em bers of y ou r fam ily, fo r family I n o t bo repea ted . Td receive your 40 gan o o n e o f th* .following e a ta b lith m e n ls^ lt





foved fun «enJ#r» . , , Your bowjjng ho il

«ssont sign. . STORMIKQ TllB-BAItltlCJ lire Charles out railing and iheuta a t tl 1 with Sen- the ftn>t pitch ef Tuesday's t

Weber Okays ’ ^ Hoop League "4 In Northwest

OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 22 (ifl • 5 Tuesday Weber college moved a step closi o f the Ih- Tuesday to membershlD in ne J o n r f n J " fooU>All a n d . boskelball confci

?5 1-^ ences Involving several Paclf V ictim of Northwiat schools.

The Ogden college’s board < trustees authorized It u> join wit live other schooU In the Wester

, . Empire basketball conference, o)1 U 50 air ^ lormatlvc stage,t 125 miles They aUo opproved a footba oUc clrele schedule tha t trustee .Joseph 1 I Falrfleld. Breeze said ’'more thon llkel ne deporU will be the nucleus of a footbn ■ - Popp of conference" to be formed in lOi bird deod. oc- IBM.md put on SchooU included In the ne me official fooUMOl schedule ore Idaho, Idt

circle 6n. ho Stato college, Montona_6ta i r o b o b ly university and Montana Sta ■as young. college.

The proposed baskeU>all lo(

ay w ittleu j^o State. Idabo. University . migration porUand. SeotUe university ai

Oonzaga. ,Breeze sold there U a go(

^ • posslbUlty that Montana Sta college and Montana SUite un

defeoU,ws were Ble- confcrencc.; and brougbt Under the new football pn runs fcatted gram. Weber will bt«in a year

series UiU fall wiUi Montat-------- s u t e university and Idaho StatSPOKANE wlUi Montana Btate coUege ne 22 (fl — Sc- year and « ith the University i hed over two Idaho in 1866.-'- ; the llth In- •W take a 6-3 TRY TIMES-NBWS WANT AT


! Hurry! Huriy^

iOAD SALE!lie They Last

S fylei • M o it C o f e n .• B lg g e it S o v ln g t

< ^H ood i o f '62'» M u tt Be Sold

lR L E S O N sonHoc— C odiJloe 6 .M .C .B. E. O p en 8 to B



Bowling Pass^—'Iw 's favorJle sport. This Is ou r one*, lew 'b b w le rs a n d to aay thank you to

n the form e f e Family Bowling Pati. anytime In th e next 10 m onlhi. Your for fam ily fu n , e r Individual pracllce,

'our 40 g arn e t fo r $4,00, b ring In this ih m en is^ lm lte d O ne P a it-p e r person ,.

k U P E R T B O W L .Rt/PEBT



owHng h e i f ' . . . frem e e t i t fe ce* it'

rilB-BABItlCADB, Jlm P lenall climbs the dU| sheuta a t the umplro afU r being eJecUd ©

il Tuesday's ball game a t Minneapolis.St. Pan

Okays w w.d„..d.,,_Au,. 2 :.,eague:hwest

Aug. 22 (A — led a step closcr g bership in new ** ketbali confer-

Aaron Advanceslege’s boord of n EW YORK. Aug. 23 ( ^ H o iI It u> Join wllh Aaron of the MUwaukec Bra> In the Western gained the most groiizul .amo: conference, al- the bailing leaders la s i we

atlvc stage. and'Jnovcd Into Uilrd place oved a fooUjoll the Notional leogue competitU islee Joseph P. Aoron Increased hU avera re than likely ---------------------- --- ~JS of a footboll . -I-

Montona_Sta(« " n iMontana State '

baskeU>oll loop - ' - W A K i P T i ^ S ^ i P I p i»r,ooae«e..i<Ur Lv--;», University of I •. -i— .^1 university and I • - y O X O "

r “h e new basket*

V football prO' bcffin a yearly wiUi Montana

Jld Idoho Suite, -Mat« coUege next W v V lV i.. V f lie_Univcrslty of I y X V w iX ^


ir r y l ^ B S l

LEI Ii s t

' I I Mit

£ = [ S m ='o lo n . ^

I '

I'Spen____________ _ V— — I '


G locations In all SO

' You know whal w hen'you b l


7 a . m . t o 9 p . m .

r ; ; ; : I , M o n . lh ru Fri.

rl ln g P ... , O P E N A IL D A Y

II pracllea, I S A T U R D A Y Sing In this

e r p e rso n ,, ~ ■ r " L ^ -

3 I M

lO W L '

ES I 401 Mairr fe c e* it ' f ' ■ • ' . . •

bs the d o g '. Plerssll Js ahowa belag red e}ecUd on - 01 and other teammates wh

lls.St. PauL ejected for dropping hU bat

,Au9.22, 1962 f H E T l ,

p m'ances in Batting Race23 (/f —Honk seven polnta to .^ta-by collect

lukec Braves 13 hlU in 30 times a t bat. Me oiiad .among white, Tommy Dovls of Lo* j ) la s t week geles. the poce-Aeltcr, remal ifd place In a t .345 on^ Frank Robinson competition. ClnclnnaU climbed two points hU average J43. PavU .bad nine hlU In

^ NYI.ONAIREm j E K • 4-PIy Constructionn m y .-Full S iied-Tread------------W | F • Safoty.Fortllled Cord Body0 0 _ 'fo r ^xtra StrengthB K * 1S.Month Road Hazard Guarani

! w ®m m CHA M PIO N

•4 -P ly ; Full .Sized• Safety Fortillad Nylon■ Advanced Tread Datign for

f i r e s t o n e

Sate ty Champloi^ * 4 'P ly * Advanced Tread Detl

• Salety'Fortllled Nylon •F u llS a j S B ^ • Vf/j Speedway W eld Conatruc

: -for Maximum Tire Ufe■ 21-Month f^oad Hazard Guarai

ESTONE ROAD H A W R D T "” E ls honored at over60,000 i./„1 all SO sta tes and Canada >.w W hat you 're g e ttin g Ei I'you b u y Firestone «lS

TO NO MONEY D(I'OU• p-m." lito ^ sco M mI Fri. I TRUCK TIBE— ^ lllll SIZE p u . . . ,L . ; p f

DAY ^A V C .. II !.».! ~Tn} ^

II ‘Vr' '****'* '

^ a in So.TWIN FALtS

p ™ “h ? U k " '

F 7 Z 4 < S A z i i ^

; Race During Week K43-by collecting tr ie s w hile Robinson, the

' . t f celtc r , rem ained b a u ..Ik R obinson of 6 i« n M uslo l'o l s i . LouU ia® *' d two p o ln u to bled to fou rth a i j j s ». n ine h iu lo 20 only o n c .h lt In lUiie I'ripi

ird Body (mmm J n =. w h lltn S iH u

tard Guarantee • « j iM n H /

I A ™|>atignfor ■^Q uicker Slops ■ ■ . . «) n«r*n a fri R u a ffin ta a J f i

1 7 7 5 1amplon M M ‘J ! fI Tread D etign . ' ■ S tubiiiit Vrlon •F u llS ized f l f l « h K ^ t KId Conatructlon f l f lLif* ' f l ■izard G uarantee IVu'ut**'

_ __ _ newi’ireiioiielinU—O U A flA N T IID

0 0 0 T.AnlMl ibbiXa la «ertim»M|> ^ a>b'

00 IUI prioM cumot Kt Od>» o( ed /w W t

\IEY DOWN( l o n e NrLONy^^HR

»bU lift »»lM tl»» <••««

733-5811•ALLS -

tBBBKlBiLID.illl* lllll/ ' I

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

t e p v e ' : (

p'se:Bo,whaa no flxfid te n n

g g ‘te .“ notice: ThB.»

B j u r y B u g

^ Fdotbali ’?' ■ By ThB AMOflUlei

w t M a t o l T he^S '. l . Mother bijury bingo today K h n David Crow—conild

. of I

f / f i a iiflM f A l l A H G i a

Many found lhat Mco r « ^ n ' t keep Ihflm down, wils

Satu. ^ f o o t t w U \ i j j


^ T 0((O0t - H | H ^ ^ LBAt " » ^ e t p - c o n nil to UW mostSiidt. W i c h ^ B V H thsc i l e o p e r tW w ^ ^ " ^ " ’ club. tUlJI out » ■ H:

I riooibttll neltl. n tew qulclc I cfileathentlcs IpUovred „ n

S e ^ « « S '"! gam. ■ L i n tn- t« id to moke ooo oro, I (odjf u IU &U worth 11., defe;

n it U U>e tin e Mvoral boya bock i ^ d itfwUly they regret It. Hair rBOMbt* BcneraUy arc llHle McTi Ih fcLODK in a few rcmorlu back t f .£ u ^ e t riKht when the back tij'U -goiof every -w»y--bui FUh upoiy* ' • ••UMt coftcbe* enttf^tbo f o ^ rod I wlUi tbe l«teft of git* Jack

rthtnrttie-wore^flnt-iuMLUien ^itog care of thOM th a t re- ^ K;iMll»aU i» i h « type of d « art. If a boy can t make the f^ g nt day of pracUce when ati tJ5< nt actually U r«iult«<l, no J " f how vigorous, la exercise, then oU« 111 Mme boy wU let you dowo

' tofSugb ipo t w tw« there- tt ^ i oTbtoclSn«W tackiing «“ » u ,^

More tban any sport played in ^ ^ lu lUte. xootbaU ussu the m «- ' t of a boy. RtgamleM of DOW . tuca be aciualy plays In vamiy • , snpemioa. he, ba» *.pro»ed;|us

itoimai fotUtuda umply -by .ocv iWn* Uirough Uie Mason."I thlok at much of the boys are bo stay w^th m« ■ the enurc serJ(

- »»oa and get beat-ftrounaJu, _ t i I rmunage as 1 do of a bo; who «

IJI in every guse," Is a remark roo to IRI often from rooUuif coach> fer»• ■ ■ ' be (

taiome ways It Is tougher to line) I nuunDge bait. The letter* tack

( aitways has Friday night to llnec t toward to. when he cun Tl

I via front of a crowd and belt iilt ! m Uw opposiUon. The oUier land

in as) good condition but I<em t :hB| the ablUty or strength, with „ QXUUsumfnceaUvotokeep rlRh

a tstas. a tf m m come Irom fu>lt Jb Me. Stnt<* Ihlt flnt day also Is the day _ [ Kcotd*- Twin Falls has one

Tjeu. The enigma Is to be the■ « mboy toglvo up stnd walk otf nI * tw i ' BI - eotlilaoneboy,6 feel,a inch- ■f lujil Jio pounds, act Ibo record n1 t the Bnuni a t IB seconds. He nI <ia: aate U around the goal

U atur the f ln t alUf tales* tt91 Ole. fiittkfest CAU^t him• tt ia Uw mldm« of the run f j d M 4 titer fcrtUictoff th e flcM,

«waedln.Ol Uka a .peclal boy to play Tiiei

^ otten. B a^round, lamlly-and >n K nytlilng Is gene. The only help (ron■ tcUnDlnation and |100 worth ^ M It Is a special aport.— 1 *— -— * - Jo o i

o il w u high «aiool n»(Ul«l i j i n Ir ttccrd lor football tuntouu « « i

^ when lU boys checked «nd w. It tmuorms. No records nr® « . ‘5 5 « the number but It U id

i t e the l u t three grades ufe M U|& Khool, since lo^d tor nicki- flcMoo! dout ^ to t body was conUdfifftbly buU

■■ the pos- in 1^ tf i n sophomores. Jun- cludi

^ i i £ l wearing O taJk iS ® Wue » t onoo. Thm ^ expected out tor gleH £ *•'«» school doub

W aiU og the oventli hi«h tat«r B P«up something. £s- MagijM ^ you consider Jusl fii. »n « o “ >y « ’/ u l '

W i 2^** lo b it the halU Jo«.-

I I C h a i i g e d f o r i i

gjof Fame '5 ® ^ R ^W N . n .y .. Aug. Mjh» P ^ b p n r d of directors of ,*{C

• T B l ^ baubaU. ball of u*w e ll^ ]t((y , require- v**

^ ^ H f f ^ e r s seleetMl by theasaoclatlOQ of uiu~

froni baseball Atun 30 yeara prio r'to

a nlnlm um cf (bft'tnaler UaiUM '

P H B ^ ^ e a n d l d a u i In the ., ’.^ ■ C ^ U o n i . ' ' ‘

I - ^ ■ t s ^ ' ^ > ' ^ ) ' 0 r s retired _ T 1)I v (m eU> coma

retired more than siren. Itoi J* •n'‘»n#d U) lha p o m

r j^ W e s te r i i l r c ^ o i r t r a c t : lowl C om pet

' By The Aasoebtcd Pressh e a th le t ic A ssociation .of W estern bh a continuous Rose bowl gam e-loot! iced teiro of y ea rs to run , bu t either*“i> ceV The.sifiDintr climaxed nearly tw o ;------------------------------------------------------ Jjy

Jug Striking fcball Ranks gle Assoelalcjl Prenr h e S t. L o u is C a rd in a ls m a y b e g e to d a y a f t e r t h e i ^ o . 1 h a lf - w— conaidored b y tn a n y , th e to p ford.9 National Football league—was ni** —^ definitely considered out . of action for three weeks ^ | q

mA with an ankle sprain. aUve W m The Cardinals, dark-horse lASi f j m choice to cop the E u tem con- sota c M r ference title this year, remember flrma

all too vividly how a broken S-4 ir . . • « ankle sutferefl by Crow (n a pro- aUoni UUM Moson gnme a year ago, nnd Por

then an Inordlnato rash ot other gamci . Injuries, cost them a shot a t the oppor

IBSl Ulle. ' large.. Cro». offonslTfl. guard Mike went.

1 m at McOee and rookie wckle Bill Goph d£»n- Wilson aU were Injured Inslast l a 10 high Saturday •nlBht's 41-14 whipping but n

liy ;Oreen Bay. .McQee , Is also ext«n out /o r three weeks and WlUon trlmn irm be lost lo r six. '.T h i

Tbe New York Olants were in ^ a t i the vame predicament, w i t h year: three more-casualUet to an al- a a W

- Teaiy crowded hospital brigade,Last year, the defending Eastern ^o n . c o n f e r e n c e champions were ulatei mostly injury Immune, j i factor appei that must fa»w any cooteading tih club. bowl

The Cards are a living tesU- jcy, I mony to the fact. They loat te t- * con

ae on ernn offcnsive tackle Ken PanlfJ favor quick and fullback Eclcf Uie lOOl sea- the o

llowed jon injuries In pre-season *7 ■« S '"! gamea, then, in order, came onlye e 000 Crow, halfback Prentice Oautt, i t is

defensive end 'Joe Robb. tiiU* Big 1 I boys bock Fm nk Mestnlk and Mai Thi ;ret It. Hammack; McOee, end Hugh tho I : Ilttle Mclnnb. center Don Olllls. line- pony marks backer Charley Ellzey', defensive the g n the backs Larry Wilson and P at pwt. y- but puber,.. oflensive tackle and the <

kicker Ocrry. Perry, defensive lehed foot-end Luka O w e n s , offensive •

)f bIv> tackle.. Ed Cook and defensive - n n fl thon back Blllv Stacy, all of whom W u r e - m ls«d a t least otieTjame. Crow J ’ TO of didn’t retum until the latter r t l ce the sUges of the 1901 season when M J cn «y the Cards were out of tho roce., Then came army duty for tour O •e then oU'cr players and chronic, arm J J J I down trouble by quarterback Bam t,er„. l, stchovenr. S nt to be T h e . O lants are compiling a WUdt * Ust Just as long. Rookie end Lou Tuesc

■_ KUtnjac is out tor a t least eight onoer weeks r l th a fnwtured lej:. all and

ff pro defensive back a ic h Bamea aa P !,««?!« >• o“ t *«>'■ '•"*'“ * “h tongs

a dlalocat«(l-elMw; whlVe defen- r>ej S j '% sire bflcic Dlcic Lynch, atlau lre in jie •*y -Dy back Jim Podoley. end Joe Wal- *nd 9

ton and linebacker Bob 8lm ti9 faiiTif' it boys are ntdellncd wiUi a variety ot n urk enUrc serious brutacs. a r t a

kwaJu. _ T h ^ ninnt« aiiHM more r&tea. jy who In a 42-10 low'Uf San Pranclsco. remark Rookie guard BooUe Bolin sut- coach, fered a fractured ankle and wlU ^ , f v

be out' six weeks, while rookie “r “ “ her to llnebackcr Bob W i n t e r and letter- Uckle Greg Larsen wtre aide- ght to lined with bruised shoulders. , "« It can The Pittsburgh Bteelers gol >d belt Wt hard in their lois to Cleve- ™»a I oUier land. O f f c n a l v e tackle Ray •'0™ n but Lemek will be out three weeks «««< •chgth, wiUi a fractured bone In his okeen rlRht-knee while, All America Whlt< > tn m fullback Bob Perguaon of Ohio came

State Is sidelined 10 days with a Thi >e day hamatrtng muscle. broke

^ ¥ a n f c a R a i r y , - g

B e a t E l e c t s ; § £

S B y 9 4 C o u n t £

IDAHO PALLS. Aug. 23 WV- him pightin* a«alnsl a flrst-lnnlng _ ,

l« d taken by Oreat Palls, Uie «cM. putig Yankees eame alive niiuo*

. . .. . to trounce t h e filcctrlcs 8-4 J play Tuesday night. r u a Tho Electrics stepped-out bi y help front id the first frame when -ju if ' worm Jim u v o e y ^ored on a combi-

nation . of singles by Clarence w*n> — Jooea-*na_Jw_ATnBtte._Ametlo oohed ^ n s d whea Lklne Phillips Uirew rttouu a wild pitch later In Uie Inning. u~ k» leoked and Clarence iones also scored s a r t oc a single h it by Bill Bevels.

lt_l» Idnho Pnlls began to come lo srades life m the Uilrd when Uiey B tor picked up on a eomblnatlon of Bcnool doubles bj' Dick Dillllpe nnd wably Butch Crelara. Plve runs ciwne nmin* jpos- in th e 'fourU i.on five blU In-

Jun- eluding doubles by Crelara and remu jarlng Danny Eoff. »»»■“

Tho YoWtees picked up a sin- ut tor gle In the shcUi when Crelara nuiii whool doubled for tho Uilrd time end

hl«h later scored on a crounder by ^ I. £s- Magglo to (Irat base, r lust fii. P>iu •k rh rk tlta . r«Ui Pom

n«avia a 0 0 0 r*rus s e o o OrM. ^ 5 »•'’"«» » Ont*IM. * 0 0 1 Sot*.Jan d Aronu I ' l o c n u n » t s tha lls JoBn I I 1 Eorr 4 e i i

i*»«iich 0 s e Ukcik s 1 0 iCcnxMtk 0 I 0 Kwtlotkl t l i o M t, ^

' • } ? ! 2 Lot A

■* Tirtkln n I TeUli St 111 1CrMi Talk -----ma #0» J»»-* a J S r

Aug. r«n* .........oot Ut o t . - t }c7“ iK-1U«m., ll»»»li *. P0.A-0«»t r.ita 14 tn i a. Iri.h« p.ik «.«t,a u .. « K " ; ■2,7‘c ? r A . ? :

i « * H S r ' " - J S ; i f - ! . ' M

. i!S !5a the U B S >MIP> TAQM U ,

' SALT LAKB O m r, Aug. U W ‘ BUred - T t ie S a lt Lake Beta edted T%- a . , m I eU- coma, a - l . Tuesday night oa the than strength-ot a two-run homar by )u»*u

) lha poroy Lund ■ and a four-hlt gMttu -old* pllebUi«^j»Mfflnaintii_Jor_ Don '- ^ P r lD c e . '. spohKM

111 L e a g u e

ip ^ i t io n Tr W e s te rn U n iv e rs it ie s fo rm a lly L <C g a m e -fo o tb a ll c o n tra c t T u ead ay .

u t either*“p a r ty m ay can ce l i t b y V r le a r ly tw o y e a r s o f m a n e u v e rin g------- by the Big Ten to marBhal

the required majority vote Vj I I O r from its membership to

p u t - t h e N cw Y e a r ’s d a y c o £ r . spectacle In Paaodena back on a toW .

r i contract basl,. . _a The pact, flrjit signed for the ^ 1847 game, ended wiUi the de-

mlse of the Pacific Coast con- a v b e Terence after Uie ISSO cont^it. ^>1?!

n a if - AAWU. now conslsUng of Stan- * e to p ford. UCLA, SouUiem CaUfor- —w a s nia. OaJltomift, Waahington and 5,,“ *[ o,,* waahington ^ t c . were btockcd 51“

^ ‘ tie-killing 8-6 a ig Ten t61*. w eeks qWo Bute's switch to -the neg- Th. l. aUve created Uie deadlock. three -horse t w t winter, howevvr. Mlnne- Biek n con- sola changed Its stand to the a l- Thon: nember flrmauve. providing the required DenU broken S-4 majority authorUlng negoti- aitd 1 a pre- aUona with the AAW0. Stnul

0, nnd Pot the lant two Rose bowl with t other games, the aaW U selected its Carpia t the opponent trom the nation a t .Bol

large. Both times Minnesota anoth Mike went. In the 1001 game. Uib by 81

le Bill Gophers lon lo Washington 17-1. a t 13 InsIast l a 1063, Ohio Slate was Invited - lipping but refused the bid. J t then was Is also extended lo Minnesota, which f lM WUson trimmed tlCLA ai-3.

' . The -'new contract stipulates M vere in ^ a t caaoellatlon requires a two- B J

w i t h year noUee by either party. The an al- aAWU will be represented In the

jrlgade. g ta to by lU conference cHam- 2astem plon. The Big Ten. however. sUp- s wera ulates tha t none of lu uam s caa

factor appear twice in succeaslon.'■«ndiBs 7 iie contract makes the R om »9«rr

bowl a mattcr_ot conference pol- I tesU- Jcy, I t U understood tha t under ist vet- a contract. Ohio State would look *31 % PanlfJ favorably on making the trip If

01 sea- the opportunity arises.-season *7 don't onUclpate tha t any "ini'!

came oulTersity would decUne now that Grrr*. Oautt, It Is on a contract basis,” aaid

1. tiiU* Big Ten Commissioner BUI Reed. , K»o id Mal The contract also authorltes

Hugh the National BroadcasUng com- >»»•s, line- pony to broadcast and telecastifenslve the game, as It has done In Uieid P a t paat. I t limits pracUces following MuruB and the close ot the regular season iiLg:ifenslve aehedttle ta i9 days.-:— =--------- -tfenslve • ---------------------------. S^rVj

W i l d e F a n s g J ;

. S ™ 2 1 M e n a s

B i l l i n g s W i n s rp*; S .m » I e

BTLLTN03, Aug. M W -Jerry „ lllng a 'Wilde struck out 31 Chlefttlns nd Lou Tueaday nljht, breaking a Pl- (t eight oneer league pitching record, ' ’" j ; leg. aH and Billlnflj beat Pocaiello 8-3 “ Bamea aa PelU DeLeon ot Uie Mus- ks wlUi taaga oraeked out two homers. defen- z > o L ^ atnirM th e ItKUe .lead

tleiuire in (jm ers. i n 3 a werB'hl* S3rd ^ .* ^ * k . and 34th. Thatla a record for Uie . * 8 m n» bulings club, two more than the the. *e‘r ot n a rk aet In IOM by Dick Stu- talen

a r t BOW Witt) tbft Pittsburgh Pf- year more ra te^ jL •

Por the Uustaags, George 811-

i J t i . dlnals farm system, was in the Side stands and W i ld e performed Tb

e aide? » . a tlera He fanned the f l n t nine bat- = = ■rs got he faced. I l ie PocaUllo Cleve- nm s came In the sixth when

le Ray John Hannon d o u b l e d and . . . V . scored on a alngle by Oage Nau-

In bla daln and In' the eighth when i kmerka Whltey Johnson doubled and I if Ohio came In on Jerry Punk's alngle. ^ with a The 31 lUUceouta by Wilde

broke the league record of 20 set tn 19U by Vem BUlbcnm of Og-

s ■ i 1 1 *! M i ^' VfrtbB 4 e 0 O DtLwa 4 S t 4{

>W%nl s a t 0 Ktvowlct 3 2 1 0

l i t I j r • i l f e i ! ! ! .• • t e a ! ! ! ! /

,e alive miuon . - ......,» i oil « i - »

out blr W hen -•uikn.T . ua-B u-H oM o*£m . ». com bi- ,p « « ER BB s o 'la rence w .m (U (u ) i i i » s » s i l Arnette » t » * 1 j\ tlirew • w i'-U 'ltm uT 4rWlMiTP#^R»Bfro.| ----Inning. u~K.>«n*k cBd iimo. t —siU. a — scored 2‘?t«.

evels. _“ 5 “ Standings /tlon ot riO N xn le a g u e dH nnd w t. "ivu co m ! eiwne n i i i in o ---------- a? ,t« .i»s £! u T - S S - ’' ! £ ; = ! ! S S ! ,! Ira and remuiia - i t s» a u i i v

Jdkhu >'*lb — 14 SO .444 UUa sin- .•

r d 'i r r ; . i .W r iS tV ..w *, - ^WHM.au>'! B<kWil«

A»h>«l Po«*Ulto «l Dimnrn. „1 0 0 0 OrMt riito t t i<uIki rtik . ^10 0 1 »OtM tt Utt k Vtllff.

• I t AMEBICAN UUQUK A|1 ? 0 Mt, York ___ _ n 4f .W bll

s 5 } I . 18

! r 11• M i4 & ■ !?•■.--------- i ! V ,' : 3 - S !" m

t e r . . s y — i ! !! i ! ! . a a • •NATiqNAt^tEA«l«^ ^

I Kiun. t-™ Ani<)« M 4 ..iS(*' . 8*b rnuKibea - .- IS 41 SH”5" ? S K e ii= r . a i!i !)*

i j g % f = s : i ! !i j S . r i

»d Ta.- B«a DWft ’ ■« 4i .UO"..

oer by lu S S i r r ~ — I" *» j J . \ r \

- DW ---------------------- U ST ,.JM ajffJ ___. spoktM — ..........4» St J r r w I l H i

V ' ; :

g . : T H E jr iM e S 'A

rroally C o s g t i f f se sd ay . • .•]

C o u n t r y «■

“ St“e C l u b T o u r n e y ^

‘J p ifc l Cajgrl// and son Charles 's Clay cosgrlff lutoed In a best ball -wi)ck on a total of four under par to win the cla, .. ^ gross division of the annual Blue dii;for the Lakes Country cltib fnther-son frethe de- tournament-Sunday. bui

They were seconded, by Dr. «na'h« Olenn Hoss and Mike Harper and ahif f l S t t Ed and Jim Purvca, who Ued ___c . i i ^ wlUieo. The nel best ball proved —Jin and a Ue a t 08 between Olenn anti T ^

Dick Trail , and Olen and Dr. LC en v6U. Simmons. .le neg- The scotchbUl dlvUlon was a H T dc. three-way tie among Prank andMlnne- Biek Carpenter; JJoyd and Jim C>the af- Thompson, and Bob and Jlm eran

required Denton, all’ .Wlh 89 gross. Lee wasnegoU- aitd Kip PlUmore and Bob Scott ArlU

Stradley ahared the oet prize dnyle bowl with 71 and Ed Benoit and Flint stral:ted ita Carpent had SO for third. 8 atulion a t .Bob and Bill' Snyder paced Thinnesota another division with 130 followed day.-ne. thb steve Crawford and Bill Held Shceon 17-7. a t 134. In U

Invlled • — ---------------------- Hani

dl'n the Kill LANEScham- ( c««Bimi»i Lm««« TR^

er. sUp- Ttrm''. Strric* d«f«t(«d A*(nb«r>r FORuiiB «riui e<)ulprn«nt. S-l I t>«<Mi lnau»nc«t rr i — IHfaih ladlrlduti |UB«. Bon Cn»*. \ lUld look 231. iiiib lo,||,Uutl Mrif*. Ilon Cr.»r.’ “ S . 'lir!.ia t any sj wi'Jr o7«U'w»^^ nun"iow that GroT*. 414. 1Is,” aaid Kla r*um l««c«« ,ut Reed Muom datMtwl Arnold* Cronnr

S 'l : l'*cpr lioiir <Ur««tf4 uhiis> i . t : 'thorites Town H«u.# <l*(t.t«d Ar.h«r Momnog com- Knm> 3.1; SUnry'* }ltwf*r« drrrttrd telecast ^tndlrr 7n«aniaci«2*M Mch: KlmUrJrl I. I . >K> t>mi( clrftAue Bank tnd Tniii 3-1;

B 1° Dodd-. S.fMo d«r«l«l C tnd 11 'oUowing Muruufh |.i.

» ! r . K ' " a i , K 3 ‘- ”51"^ «t»rk» » 9 : hlcb tertUK UMn fini».

KImbtrlr Drue IM: hl(b handictp

S tMm Itm.. KlmWlr Drue »2T; hUh han<lltiip t«tm Mrla. Xlmbrrlr Droii tith t n t t b tm a mtIm, Klm-

Wrlr Dm* I.17T. ' ' .

i n aTennis Players

rORBST HILLS, Atig. 23ilefttlns quai'tet of Russians and

playera from communist Czecho- d l alovkkla and Yugoatavla are In- .

eluded In Uie IJst of more than Lmi-l 80 foreigners who will compcte • , this year In the national tennU

w e .tead-chaaiplonshlps. l ^ r ^ A parUal list of the Invaders, ban the the. largest Influx of orerseas: ck Stu- tSLlent In the tournament's 81- tfgh Pl- year hlstorj-. was announced

„„ Tueaday'by. the people-to-people Sa*C«- committee an d .th e WeatI in the ^ d e Tennis club. .rformed Tbe championships begin Aug.

39 and'<»ntlnue through Sept. 0.Ine bat- •ocauUo

?.’'Jn'3l let

. U S

\'FB 1I jkIj n e w FOWEai. J •!! I ! IN YOUR CAR j


*•] R e m a n u ra c ta re d

P H ' A L L S T A T Er "*"=:| “ E N G IN E S — : -

S iiiJ . “ R e d L ine” B lockA s8em blic»—a s low a s I

i lp « n ^ $ 1 9 . 0 0 I U

a n d yo.ur o ld E n g in e ' M . 1949 .52 C h e v ro le t | K

L CB i ) t h e r block a s« cm - i -HP« , b iles w ith T ra d e - In — ; tt.S { • 1 9 4 2 :6 3 P l y m o u t h K« » H J 1 5 9 .0 0 ; 1949-53 F o rd HS . i l V W 6 S .0 0 . I« i» ' • • N o dow n P a y m e n t ^!!. »!i ------As low as 11.B0 a I "5. ‘ m o n th ■ ,t. OB • 2 4 7 A lls ta te E n -4 a u g in e s to c h o o s eJ . f r o m . • JI • U p to 285 .B ra n d • ;a u r i N «w P a r u in A ll- , |» M iil ■-“ ta t e E n g in e s . ' £

. “ • 4,000-M IIe’ o r '9 0 - | £Dl . . d a y ' N a t i o n - W ide ■S i-?" ' Gaarantoe.' ■

' Phone 733^821 ; I ■

m s M R s j ;


Twin Bill \ y■ ■ • The Magic Valley COwboys[,* Y will im n the Boise Braves In J . ;

J a night doubleheader begln-, 'n lng a l 0:30 p jn . Wednesday. T _

1 0 V The teams were Idled by rain U^ Tuesday.

:ha'ric5 The Wednesday twin bill -AIt ball will be followed by Uie spe- Tht/In th e clai “advertber* night Thurii- ca«li Blue diiy when tons can pick .up Int4er-soa free tJckcta t n m iponaorlng was

bu8lne« houses. This series TMeIV Dr. marks BoIm 's last oppear-. ^ Ter and ance In Twin PaUa this year. Uve0 Ued __________ ;_________ ponproved Ue*

.5 Dr Longden Banned SC

«»; For Five Days ,Id JJm CHICAOO, A ug.' 53 «>-Vet- a t1 Jim eran Jockey Johnny Longden tak I. Lee was suspended for five days by tai > Scoit Arlington park stewards Tues- ){cn

prize dny for failure to maUitaln a to-iI Flint straight course In the stfetch lh

Saturdays feature race. paccd T hf ■^u.ipcnsloa-atarted Mon- voi

illowed day.' LanRden'4 mount, Black cli«II Held Sheep, tlnlshed aecond Saturday p}u

In the Benjamin P . lindhelmer m Handicap ~but' was disqualified lasl and ptnccd foxirth.

® Black Sheep, winner of theAmerican derby, flnlahed. IH > lengths behind the winner. Prove aid



OVER IOC’h’ .trTm ........ ------

drrrtiri .J T ■ 1 m f l

htndictp ^21 huh -lr Dnii M. J£<m.

; 'B R A Z CS t u r d y R a w l

SiE" •■%'Dpuble fi k i i \ • * 2 C o l o r s . , F l



I f S J a ^

n ^ a i»•"«* **»B« w - '' ty i.] H y y lilt. dMbUd Dt4

t b thr*»8N.


B^a 1 : 3 5 -F oo t ^

‘nd ^i l l .

B S H ^ E H M H P

. . .

. W ednM Joy , A 119. M , 1 9 6 2 I S J

11 V , T h o m a s

S f l s W o U l i d ^ Anbegin- the

bJ'Sn In Ai’«mirient .Jl;O clo(

vln bill - ATLANTA, Aug. 22 W -Valmy rac' he spe- Thomas, former major league crai T hun- catcher now with Atlanta In the fou

pick up IntemaUonal bancbtill league, <i tnsorlng was reported In crJUcal condition J series ^ e s d a y after beltiR shot. Ijef,appear-. .1. The 32.year*old Negro, a na- um (U year. Uve of the Virgin Islands, ap- slnl______ porently wm ahot, according to j

'■ Lieut, n . F. Jordan of the conui- _ er’s.office, by Cleveland .Lyons, i n n e c i who men took his own Ufe. “ r

T^e AhooUn^ resulied from a 3:6 VG dispute over a woman In a houu . nts:

' Thomas fled the hou.^e, cronsed 3;6 1*1—Vet- a street and collapsed. He was t Longden taken to Orady Memorial hospi-

) days by tai where he was given emer- •as Tues- Kcncy treatment nnd transferred {_ aUiUln a lo-anoth'cr hospital. ^ 2sU-eUh In Thomaa spent live years In tha gm

majori), playing with the Ncw oft ted Mon- Vork Olants In IB57. Ban F ran- klc nt, Black cisco Olants In 1BS6. PJjiJadeJphla ^ Saturday phllUes In 1050. Baltimore Orioles

Indhelmer m 1900 and Cleveland Indians fl |: isquallfled toat year.

r of the FILLS POSITION recabed. IH NEW YORK. Aug.« l5 -H o w -u u ser. Prove a id W. McCullough, a Chicago

bualneaamnn and a stockholder__ of th e . New York Titans, waa “ “

named executive vice president ^ ANT ADS and a director of the American sui i^ U L T S Football league club Tuesday. _ a

100 SADDI.E:

^ ^ [ s a d d l e

I Z O S R O P Ed y R a w h i d e C o v e r e d T r e e

> p u b l e ( t i g g i n g

o l o r s . F l o r a l E m b o s M d .

NGDOWN P a y m e n f I

E a s f t■ m f l W z v 9 t* 1

I I . -SSS* V. r ? A s ? ; v i

A tuinrnom f ' i o ) &G B rid I»B it- S

q £ I low ktl «f I

' b

i i^ 9 r P 'S S S S n R u ssa t I

Idltt ' ~ i ^ ^ '

«bUd Dt4 1b.ln.4ejiW* NwottkrvvgN. ;,

•Foo* M o h a irrio t C in c h a s g

, 6 9 . 2 . 7 9 ' 1

(lot. 4««*. 'h Slt*At, ^3nd 3S-n, 'J hg. 17.«freftd. Om . ‘1 ■tlronfland ^ '!"**' ** ‘'fl

« Beatty Low (5) Mile Mark tM / H E L S IN ia ,: Finland, Au«. W B eatty reeled o ff the mile in V7 — th e fa s te s t ever by an Araer

. by Jess than tw o seconds his b —— w as the. sccond tim e in fo u r '

inch. 128-i)ound flie r from “ “ th e Los Angeles truck club

1 had . l o w e r e d ' the b e a t p Am erican perform ance fo r cht the distance. a )

. a . Last Saturday a t White City lan 1 1 stadium In London Beatty Imu kul

clocked 3:&6Ji in a phenomenal 1 1 Valmy race In w h i c h 'five runnern th i league crackeb the once Impenetrable • i In the four-minute barrier. , 2licaw e, Three men bettered four, mln- for idlUon utes In a IhriJllng n p e staRfti coi

before‘a tense crowd ot lo.ooo fee a na- under pcrfect condition® in Hei* j s. ap- slnkl’s huge Olympic sUidlum. 10 Ing to jin , orelle. P tT r 't la n d , Ore.. *Ia » n u i- jecond In the London race, again Ca

gavo Beatty the strongest run n ure. finishing as runnerup Ut i ]rom a 3;68.S. Olavl Salonen, the P in- r houu . Dish champion, placed Uilrd In jrofised 3:60,1. V

Beatty had hoped wiUi good ’ conditions and proper pacing I from his American teamlnates Rl' iterred jj,e 3.^4 , „co rd twheld by New Zealander Peter Je

In the Bnell. But he apparently held de : Ncw oft too late for his slashing final fai P ran- kick. Bl

TWO records, however, were j," nrfin.^ equaled In Uie race. Beatty’s iiuuuis jjjj, shorter 1^00 me­

ters (the mile is 1.COO meters) ^ was. 3:40.8. Uelng the sUidlum

___ record set by Hungarian Sander-How- ihorta In 1855. Salonen matclied WwgQ hla own Finnish m art for tbe Pl*? • JSssldent w u the hottest day of the cu terlcan aummcr In Helsinki—73 degrees pli l“y* —and there was virtually no


> P E R " ^ ^

r m e n f P l a n !

^ § • “ R a n c h e r '

^ I • “ S t o c k m a

■ i s - | • " W o l l s F «

: i i ^ i 'NOTHINa DOWN o n S e a r

i n a a a M M a B M M M a n » M m

ir ' I

Wathabla »laillc 3 tO/w . • :.V ^96*a brltiW M* )*> ker^ £ I*- At »o»<f E

.. .. ' 1 ^ 1 . 5

I.> 4 0 3 W . M o ln SK SI733-0S 2V

F ree F o rk ing Tutt.. w«d.; Hv

Lowers;I|i^s^| irk to 3:56l3fF^md, A u g . 2 2 (/P)— F o w e i ^ u l f ^ ^ iC m ile in 3 m in u te s '66 .8 T u e s d a y r a n A m e r ic a n 'c it iz e n — a n d r a l w d . .. onda h is b id f o r a w o rld s e c o rd i I t I in fo u r clnyg t h a t .the" S r fo o t, 6 -

’k I'lnh * '"d . The fast red track waa In : l i V Perfect-shape.' Ron Morris. Uie- A m erican- ---ice l o r chomplon fi'om Lois Angelea, won

a pole vaulUng duel wltb Pln« ite City land's record-setKr. PentU Nl- itty Imu kula. with a leap .o f 16 feet, nomenul 1 lnch4equallng bla best effort runnern thla year.

meuable • nikula. whose leap of 1# feet,2 ' j Inches-last June is pending

lur.mln* for recognlUon as a world mark,9 stagL-d could get no higher tham -19 'If 10.000 leet. s inches, in Hei. M orrb previouWy hod done

adlum. 10 feet. 1 Inch In Uie U.s:-Bus- id, Ore.. sla track meet a t PaJo Atta,:e, again Callf, . lesl run ---------------------------

Buffalo Charged With Three Loses

pacing n e w YORK. Aug. 33 (« — The amlnates Richmond- Veea .were awarded !d record two victories and the Columbus rr Peter Jeta one Tuesday whUe tbree tly held detents were tacked onto B ut- 'Ing final falo's record as a result of the

Blsona’ use of an ineligible player T were International league base-Beatty’s bi^H-g^nes.

SOO me- Thomas H. Richardson, the meters) ^ president, ujheld the Colum-' SUidlum bus protest which chargeil that

I Sander Ella, Buffalo Inflelder. was matOied Ineligible under * tbe leagoe'a for tbe player limit regulaUon. Ella waa

- removed from the Blsons' active ’' list th n e days later. .T h e elr>

y of the cult's rules state th a t an laacUve degrees player must remain off tb e acUve

tally no * minimum of 10 daya.

hoose from!

. . . . . . BETTER

J . C . H I G G I N S


t a n c h e r " S a d d l e

t o c l u n a n ' ’ S a d d i o

V e i l s F o r g o " S a d d l e

129“VN o n Sear* Caiy A y m e n t P la n i. .

U o n M .

MiicaL ^ I* **

STORC H O U R S 'M 9a,rrL«M ’A JL toM 0P JL !

i.1.. w .d.; Thon.. S t. Jim: t u r n r M r .........-

. . . 1 .

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

, jT^Food Can Be FunACBOSS 41 Dnncr courM

4HC*rcuker . le f tw n 4> Unded• -BDmen ' JgjfAVll«

■• f 1 x 1 - E S a ^ ”ll4Min«cnlnnca

• S K K m sssar’"'

■ SES'.'i",’'’’

jjn e« r» « gRomsnmd : <MUkBmiu» 7Umprey

j Drir ^ ruleSQmeIn SSccntSS e«k le tte« lOgjMbjinUjm9BU dlnct Itff - J ir r e w ..

n n n n n


' i r ■; “


j jrp rp r - - |p?5" ^ ------ “ ™"

■ I s r - ------------ ' 5 T -

'gr---- -- w~

Mo)or Hoopie______

VMO I ^ O O f i e - l S NAM&f H'l-twoOTieR *iw »/«e wo

«K 3</TM B o u s HMMTEO MOl£ < EA6TH n>«IP«(W M HlU.7>V ft#AMO A t o 0>ttflMa TO REO FW 0 « R i/H S H I« ‘-'Va>PSM£Ma mE«« Hwf'WS'Mroosrpoei 'OUCrA’D fO D T M tf OC lCftDVtt3 l » / M W tX n C K '^ A S C ^ X T ' WA 11WS6ST t ^ r f c X ttjpuNvewREt^ ,^ 3 C

Ouf Our Wpv______■ / o H ,r r » A w r u L ^ '& 8 t

I *iH«rxpip»n‘xw<E^^S l . A n v t w a s T i P M YSg , )w r /M H if r M s r f PVWeOAPMT

. caW HUrABAS•CS^ J ^ BtALTUfftHTOCm J f "10

Vi!fss^3?s^ /. V OFWWkMuy, J f \JX (■i&

I W !* m ^ K ^ ^vS ^ j l 'm S T •'ijeffl

JMortha Wayne ;

y I^^^^SU O TH /N‘ 111 I 1 HOT W

|jU __lj|fl^W W Mt

:y. . l O l J i H H.1 . Q H T

111 Bugi Bunny .. ,i 'IHi5™ ? iwcV ■ OMSh 1 JSwV A('®0‘<‘W'«i • 'J . V U/ OPFWBti l ' .'il -Wv /iV.XCOUWN'1 ’ , “ JX . W k ^

. t’» y -

:./jummer* 31 Goad- .;ion . , im » * s ilv o aSJ'atUotTVM U

pronoun 37 Chccrt

L b . a ■«a;fc.‘'“ ''f f i — r S ' ! “ '" S s i F -Tomsnmd 2 Tidy .s r ' I P . 'S * ' " ”' « & " . ' ! ■Jccnt 2 Chat7e*Umb j§ y,'’''’’" ,3j«ebjnt«jm 2 SlrM .'•/enth . 3 Kood KClm« <0 f’eJal 'I Bjt__ _ •

^ ” r ~ 10 n

le^ W e S ^ i M A M . T H C T V O L C A N ^ _ , tu - a U B /u iU A ^ iNAPKlCAIdKNOWMOHW

C' TyCA. A f.y* >S Jtiii!l(virVf—wU




^ • Y^^fCrv*ta f J / 'ioii V ' ^ w B v r l v R K c W

i" / T w a P ^/ / LOOK \ \ ^ I a ® ^ w H y A5A1M/ \ v ^ 5 ( t

/ •m*rsnaV^ J X ^ O i o K

, . - ^ m m

MgtHBfdcramy *JtJJrc.> *-« I

A ttcB w o. W (T'S HII W W RUJLT ftltfc «CK AMD • I ' U UOT U R tSCPEE/ BG^OKJ ■ l MVE m 0«m RITUtS TD “J £ 5 sS $ n --C s

n y . - . .......... ^U IW O N PERIF’ ) ! KtHIS t r u c k H O SnH '


i l ' ■ ■ ■•■:

Side Glances '

" ' * * '

itUDtlViel*incl of bread \ K vls • ll C)od KSfonlnc / iS , ^ L . \ . » \ v i 1


5T S " ».m *?i't« .»i.T Ji:»^u.i.fuon.

------------“ I’m n o t re a d y f o r m a nff ir l s h o u ld h a v e &ome b

" 1 --------s h e s e tt le s , d o trn to m an a

— — Carnival

f_______ A W lty im

WVOLCAMolNOWMOI4W \ K - T C e ^ t irt? 50 ✓ \ I J ^ & ^ T:«SWVA\ELL OP -. \-w/piAH • ^=5=■mesiojs, • A

« - t \ • pwRoor

“ H ow a b o u t ta k Jn ir ca: p ro b lem , d e a r? ” ________

Sweetie Pie ■

“ T h a t s u re I s a n nncoi

• ■ ■'■•• • ’ ' • '

id y f o r m a rr ia g e , R a lph . I t h in k e v e ry iv e &ome bu s in ess e x p e rie n c e b e fo re • w n to m a n a g e a ftuafaandl-'

m m ^

I tak in ii: c a re o f a sm a ll $20 E a r thr _ _______ . ______t ■

^ ^ ---------------------------

'im T jiy ________ e-ii

I s a n u n c o m f o ^ b l e lo o k in g s leep S n ;

a m A b n er .

' Cop ta in Eoiy '


MT UATESr im v e k t io n '

nk e v e ry . ^ | j | | j B Se b e fo re •

^ "GoioKife^Alley

I shopped 83 fa s t a s I could, lilalt. I bops ipil didn’t have


/ % E ¥ F 7 ^' X H i Tf K I WMI ntPJ— ^ ^ ' ■sy o u r v a r

0 E a r th

D^ S h o r t Riba

V 1 c - ^ S ' 1 0 © e t cwER w iH G s e

• o>JaoiiS^pNoiJR£«w*G

\ ) j Alfey Oopy Z u WHATCHA1 J ^ U30KIN0 AaWILUON^5 ^ 5 ^ F O B ,o o p ? lD o u A i t e n

- Pixie DuganIIIi| i 'i/I"W 'I1I t t t

----- L '^ E f ^ v l R ^ O w I T ^

Terry and the Pire

■. *< ■

v l l S S K ^


Eo*y •I III ( i i i n i III III I lll ^ I W I III I m i i i i i ^

WKwwBvf>in o /p r* n w ■ ' l a c T 'i ' r t O f r^^rr-aTftii, 5 i i R E l w u

rA9 H j lH ia i

iM V E K T IO h n ^ ® o 7 o

Alley-------- ---------

f7hggu>ereNrTheuVehopw~« •»cfc >« I r flu H ^ z i aood | l a » tw y c i ^

y ^ ' , '^ I 'ti. IBAVB NOW, VOUR I M :mBUS»f tORC?5HIP. -meSE PAPERS AVkNA6ER IK ■ WILL EXPLAIN ALL A eO in* I WEST l l ^ l

y o u r VARIOUS H O L O IN SS ^ ^ S T ? t 5 ?

bu ........:__ ■___

N otfllW K l jO A U -V .TH ^SN O TH lM ^i s z ^EiHG s a p * M a fra io o f .w fw .th e re ; N0lJR£«W*GTO HllUOKSOPPK>Pl£U)OW« W S m a ^ ^ .


o p _____________________ 'vou OONT EXPECTTOlVOU KNOI

f A wiLLiON A PINO r r B e r w E E N Ja b e t t eI DOUASief) TUB f la c g 0 X > P A / PJ.ACS V , - ^ > S < 3 e o a R A P H V . f TO PIND , / ------111 > > — • y ^ R E A S U O l

ugan -


id the Pirates

RU55tAN'5 rA U L T y,l-frr» -W ffi U W B >i«KW ,ORAReyOUTmiN6 POKtKH'



■< ■ .— :. , •

riKlG-WlTH V»N O.IBURK1 ( . ^ OPC<


B 1 r !ii *

B hoppu a« bng N | / 1 ^ hardlg


H O P E S V O U W IU .^

FIRST. 6 0 M 5 A i t l W t P ' ^PRESSING ^ ^ f V C ' W W ' P*-

V MATTERS. V ^ N \ I / V ^

ilv o u K N O w l |w e u . . a c o u n d ) c o u . o b e Va B E T T E R H E n e.IP V O U /W H V V C T ^ ' PLACe . REMEMBBB, ) A R E ALV*


I S o w r '^ ti i^ ¥ '? S fp e I? ^ HIM^OLTT J

■ fw Pl


. , ■ ■ ' ', ■ . , ' v - " ■ ' . " '

•i. , p F c » v i A R ,a ^ S F r , ’ S t ' i a i W ;

xonbl, V vwhaul n - < M A K Y ® l j^ J g J5IKWfiAT POWHHEWINTO J

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

, ■ NEW YO

ig to c k s - - " ISiiiSpw ““2 ' §'ii".K

:2 f ef e . ‘sss“» «

gSs'»r.K=wqg:.ir ^ n f t i r i t or more. ami *uiur»

£ ^ in d . Voungatown r « e „

K....ks''*s»S. c S-S

Wld UnUed P ln a n - u. 2 » !«-«

••'"rSS. «r «..- lir f^ 5 l t AlrilnM tackw l on "“c»ui» 7.8

" S i BUtTOUsH. «dv«iicc<l ‘" ; 'b ~ . :,i r t fc DOlnt B iter receiving a ftefilm dollar hlr ta rn con- ^ ^ p r o d u c t l o n c t r a d a r , , ^ ‘." ‘=^8! S. •• lOftn-' mil

r— ---- :---------- J*.7»i 110

itock A v e r a g e ^ , S

rS^lvif't uSH J»'»l “S' lirlm r'uVtg w ti t m « “P | »» }Il,h choir^T O K It BTOCK MCHANCi! I 7S 00

1. 01.1 l‘^ t'" . V -K B»li «.M .*7.«

““-"irS’S Hi "”KS IsfS S - i s S Ir..,i i-P lS 'B ;! Sto:

4i Vu1lm»n ;* S f - vK" ssr" , I DkIffn fT Sl ^ n»pub Ht««t **}? X ^'cr“ ■% j s In1 ^ '* " «»» NEWX U adm rnuJcol*" J*!* SImmotii. a '4 of UJC « l? mnei.lf o il a ^ L, U ttl

V m ^ S - ^ u r - . 5 ^ V lHnnnt oll n ^ ’u f**''’' * *> m unlsl: e k s !.‘S k ; S ! i " 'S S '* « ' " w

[,4?!-,S5i-£i;Von—i ! i S SlAlrllBX in’.; Run Mln >1, mOTiUt' B» lOAS flwlft A C« a7^t A«u <Aa . ! ! i i E m . ? ? . . . SS : 2 ! r v , eI «o(iir 41 T«i Inttru i«H miuUslX . S I H s r . f S t NorU. ;

b <«s TImkfii 4HH /n i e I TmU 70S, Trtnt An*r 40>{. fo r t 'r'-.-Sirat'-i-rss vt'*,'*'

Mk 4&S I nl.>n Oil (l>4 . MOty M Imr !» ' 1 nliin r4eirie »0<

{ n ” 4 TC(•ntilt l l ' t t ft Ryptum 7SS U fovrr U K r ir w f ^ 42*4 Cnlrtl 37U U H tlubUr 4 :< l j , , >■!! !!55W iKKV siK.?-!:,'-f:5,

» U WMt ;;ninii 3 f^■MMl 7ti; W nt Alrbr 34H j c j i r

rMlcCw fl« W*.l Klff o . uwt s :n Whll* M..l*r 44 SlOlU.IWrt lt*i Wontworlh M Jl Of Ida!

Trust Funds tSSisvraiHENT TRJiBxa rcjervB

IIM A.Wfl 2fl-Ocl,a*w ruBd« ... .. 7,SI 7.11 wUj Ul••••tllh ln»..... — .17 in.o:*. * Hmra moek..l ,!J IS.M « « t » «

I«*<«»r, _______,M 7.H nOUf di - c n t — ^ — - -u h ; «

“• Cr«iK .:._____ 7.M ».«» W hll

S tiH E i-lii SS?;^ ni Z ; . : : ' ___uV i— ^ u - v ^

Jl --------- l.t* #.»T dCRreo2 2 M -------------M l » ,i. June;

? ; « « --------- . - . I i iw « .m Hl»------- j:,7t . 11,*7 enco It

.!:l!,SSreH'•la ss Prayers I"" •e fo r e Gaines S \ ^ O p p o se dt ^ K ° ^ A L E , Tex., AUB. 22 W - Wld <1

of Rockdnle have »n P «^ o rd tu b«lnK cppoM d - .

» a * W»yer* n i th e bCRinnlnc ^fM tbnll Ramcs. • •*

S m ! ^ !}*!'■ Pronk Bueohley. pa*- *IACC hrlaU tn c h u rc h a t'o o

Ufo Rockdale BlvenAi K 5 ? “ ' •Moclnllon. aald M on- Hann"

»«ocliitlon had voted to dny aparticipa tion In p ro - ‘“ recti

^ R i^ i r t r x . L oll rft conducive' atm on- M™,

^ * ' i * ‘hnl tjp it t)f th ln j ." h e Nel* ,to p rny c lam ,

lo piny." . I beticdl

K ^ w n F a l l s ^

^ ---------- ;------llieMI.OD---------------- - w

_ . ^ m ,o t.» .o o

i‘«-:« ’ib. iii.«o-:o.M m^ -: |^ r -T|-,l}S'nS


' NEW YORK, Aui. « Ifl - . '

Cattos-Untljr lowirj UauW*- CHICAOO. .| ^ s . | Wn* n llM ^ :

WhMl—Strnnrt it«atra1 ^«nunl. pgru tb il toC am -A bauiiu^3ri mlitd tr«<t«. p rm n l tuppu:Ott*—PIrnxri tta tu n d ' burltil. • jr««r.8o7bnii*-at«>dr to-H nn 1 Au. Olhir *r»li

■'”HoI^8*ti»<ly to f t MUU lowi#I. teJpW' 8l»uiM «r‘«t»*T»^BU*dr 'to W • euntriiec.

Livestock ;|^ EIs tbvie* lUuchUr «t«tn X7.00-ll,Ml Comra!5ml* iulUt*. I(l*0O. <LM:” ul*'lUy bulU JbJi"'oiU*p"iR.00l mril»m tnd .on i f*.d.r ll%Tt>.10,00.11.00; ftw tb«l<t b tlftrt « . 00. n , , ,dtit>” c2l»« 7»'! f t* «)» l» V ttltrt *7.0)1: .^SrTontf*’* ' /tw cbolc* (Mdtr fU tr ekUtay £ipurt«r< *

S ”2*wS“. . « »■JO.M; mo»»1i- «hgk« M-M tb*. 1*.0^IR.OOI tUoiMtr *w« Btllllr «Bd «uod roflTLAN * « . • in lB wh«l«

lirNVKR. A uS^ ia 'w pn-i.iv t.tw ki

" r ? - . i : ;K L ’M V - v .t t r tu tf i I7.00-».00i h ^ ftn « .M - tlK.40; bt^f f«wi l»,00.1«.00: eh.B*tJbuIU 17.0fl.10.M5 I ftJ tr t l t t n H.oO- y,,■ 'ilf i . ™ , w ™ . . . . a . I l f . i ~ J r In 2& U)w»f: •ciwi fullr »U«dy-i b»rm*» w b ttl bid and flit* H.00-lf4*: »ow* 14.0Q.10.M.

; SmyE^tSr-”": JMfS; u S l.\"vS »\S il “ wt .U.d» In ttfflBl. n om t-is-h lith tr:................

; t„ fullr H U.wtf: h tlf tn m«.ilr «« « j r — *;:


[ C n i C ( ^ A uif^I^W V -fU SD A l- J j " -----" r , v S o o « S ” ib! buuh.™ ‘j; .7 j . »•

r - ’‘-.-..f.;:?7:.oT“.foJo1 S7r— :“ S « ; ff :

'* i - : u i '» > 0 = « l .« n « n j |1 .« d p r lm . g rrt _ I .

S ih'cholM ’.nd pfim. V*S?->//dS i s - 2»,M.S0.St! bulk, cbolf. 1.100.MOO Ib..

n rn tnd ciitur* Il.00.1(.(i0; ulllllr CHICAni

S anil mfflmrr«Ul bulla IH.SO'IO.&O: >Un<l- Cbn^*I I .knl Yttlffi- M,OO.M,JlPl-«»lll»r-»W>»* horn.

. *®8hw l.loa: ttrtfSl'B 'U thnkt s7 ? 4 ^ " 'm> prin.rS»-»» lb. .prin* i ltu fh t^ UmU too Ib. bl.« f *:,00.M,0«! fcwd.nd ehnle. U.OO-Il.OOl n 4J.4«: mwtlr xi>mI tH.t0.11.<H); cull and utllllr Gradt A 41

* t t OO.IIi.flO: rail t» Itxxt .horn .UuKh« Hullvr:; u r tw » 4-tO^.M. • ..fo r. »7'4» ------------------------- -5 : »4»^: e»rl.

i Story Claims i Draw Fought

In Viet NamJ NEW YO RK . A ua. 331 adm lnU trallon 'a la lo « r - l» th n a te IbAid 11&^ of Uic tt-nr in S o u th V le t NtunS Ll u iflt th* u n lle d stA tM -taw kcd< vietnnm eM foreea and Uie com - i.no.3 S m unlst Kuerrllln.1 have foURht to *.2M-*y- _

a te m p o rao 'd ra w , th c New Y ork !s Tlmcn »ald todny. • ” w uhinw a

A WBAhlnnton dtopatoli to Uie »-ow.s»| Time# added ( h a t U nited SUUcs J;««;

i o f fic laU .a ttfIbu ted .*_a« .w «“ ” * i.o«.*.i»j m m iW 'tropncandB cwnpftlitn In Oni«n.t Aala to a stftUlnK of th e drtve by p»«

«i th e Vlel Cons Vlctnnmesie com - .Tr»rk .1 »i m unlst tcucrnlloa w p p o rted by .• „ NorUi Vlet Ntun. ^ „ u r . t J.i« S .The new propoRtuida line m ils m^num r S - fo r 0 •w u tn U peace roiie In • ;> : Md b V let Niun._Lno4 a n d CnUHa. the I j sto ry *ftld. ' ' " -------- -- •

I ISC Graduate' £ “"S; I From Jerome STS'' ;g Given Post15 JEROME. Aug. 2J -T h o m tw W . U l l l r SloU*. Jerom e, a Ju n e Rr^^uate „v HI of Idaho S ta te colleBO. pocatcllo .'$ hna been a p p o in ted a fie ld S co u t k- « .

executive In th e T endoy coun- Aii*n~in' c ll of the Boy Scouta o f A m erlcn. m , pi»r,

Stoll* will a tte n d th e N ationa T m lnln if w hool a t Sch lff Scou t ^ “ k reservAllon, M endhnm , N J .. Au8. Delhi t«i 2fl-Ocl. 11. u p o n h l l r e tu rn ho ,»

^*1 will assume dutica as d is tric t ex- ! '2 : ecutlve In th e M aind a n d P o r t- n r . i s*< 7:14 nouf d ls tr lc u and a sa ls tan t dH - J."*"' *' 2 « tr lc t executive In th e E e-D a- ,!•:! How distric t, Pocatello . . nr**n «ii5:lli W hile a t ISC . S to lt* m a jo red »7.71 In ip eech -dnuna and w as active !•?! In forenslca a n d broadcaallnB . H e McCrwnr i|;j7 TffM -m w arted-th«-bnehelor.o^ftrta #.»7 deuree upon h la g rad u a tio n In ,,•'S5 Ju n e . rtf»ci..iiS J j h u previous S couting experl- a,*7 enco Includes m em bersh ip in lh e '< Cub Scouta a n d Boy Scouts. In Kira» . *•". w hich he earn ed th e E adle r an k :

Bxplorer S couts, a n d O rder of Z th e Arrow. S cou lln s brotherhood .^ He served a s an o isU ta n t Scou t- V q p

m aster a t Je ro m e for fou r year*, T a tA m s g rad u a te of Je rom e T l r t -

h l8h ichool. h e 1* a son o f M r. r O f

I and Mrs. H a r o M 'J . 'S to l t* . 40B KewB ast Third avenue, Je rom e. T h e ^.ii new exxeeutlve, hU w lte. D orald,

•jn— nnd dnuRhter, Ja im e , a re llvlnv j j i poalavo In Pocnlello. Uie U,£» e d n T H ir ----- 7 ^ -------- th roun t

lalks Given;>0s - HAGERMAN. Aug. 33 - T »0 irch and one-half m inu te ta lk s w ere 730 . dale Blven by L* N ona N cldcr a n d mnjnly [on . H annnh A kers a t th e LO S S u n - i to dny school Sundny u n d e r tho d j ju i o re . direction o f O era ld P rince. V ern . . j t *^ L oll gnve the .lnvocn tlon . f ® 'ip jnos- Mrs, Venice P rince nnd Mrs.• h e Nel* Anderaon w ere th e m usl- ir ju o n i prny c lnni, Lynn Wood ■ gnve th e j(j_345 (

bencdlcllon. ' Mla.i• ' — I Uons t

ills Markets• . f ro m -l

UVR pmiLTKI U.8. CiD ttltr. not ^ . n ^ l ■ V ,„ h U

in trtd .. 1 - K „ ------------■ i11.00 Wb,rt .,, .......... t / y ;

ii*!itii tTrTiln - - direoto'n-i» .fe ti d.t,fr.^«^u-H^> m ln u u

« .M BMiir li i i i '

LNANCK F' / . . B v a

--- Grains is™perU tb li «onir«u mtr tiUnd Iht T h e rUShprtttn l tuppgrt protrtm for tnotbtr m e n t abrOt'* o 'h tr s r tin fulurrt tb o lurntd sUclcenlnR.bliher wllh w h»i. Auvu.1 tirrbttnt departm en t

“SS'oppAl th t flntl btll. wbctt w tt up z n n ltle s for

Ifn V^ti. s f " r ,J l 'io ‘l ' lU . P” >»“aaebtnttd t<> up ( p»lnl«. lu ster and 1

. Whtal priect luriiwl upwtrd on tctlv* j j - i unCCI, R ' . ■ ^ . s , r " ^ : ; “. ; - ^ r r . ; u » h . T "I X tnatt Cllr tnd MlnnrapnIU. In some a:

■ Idvtnet. Crop new. Amtlntd f«»nr. S . corport* abU. OtU prle<^ Itr irlr fuljowcd U)<«t hav6 ntin( !• ®^nrt adtttx td wllh w htti d ttplu

mon Mtlr* llqubltllua U)tn la r«e«nt a n d a Slw'• ,t<wlon.. . . . . . • proprlttted-“I ; £xpurltr< toKI *M.OOO buthtU of o«U y e a r T ou

to Wo.t n rraitnr fnr Ausuml thltx™ mtnt, tccofdin* li. tr td t »oure«i. I'ah- COmmercC* itu n look I.38II.000 bu.h»i.-or w h tti show a .slo J

ruKTLAND T h ls ru s lrOflTLAND. Auic. a t/n~Co*n* ,

■rtiB whol«.tlt. pmmpl dellvtrr. bulk ab road WU wn. f.o-b, trtck Tarlltnd! Ott«. Mu. e n a Of U t I I lb. wbiit M-OWMO. &>rn No J. a b road irli

1 ^ 40.00.48,20 c«.cec, , pOnleS RfUTodtr't tlo*'. i'orlUni] (jrtin Ka> th e ir I

**'D«*tV lid lA t r r l . t I M t r Along Vthlptntnt, rttllv.frrt cou tl No. J. 41 sUbsldlnrlC

” ........... ..... .......•fj bulk. JO-dir «Miinirnl. dtlWtml e lgn COtn]'‘A Wbltt M 4H : Whltt i.if 'A : Whltt bonds. All

,u?//.rr'£S.'ri,?,-K,’,vrR A ts rtiT tm iaj' sh o r t te r

ij: CHICAGO. A»». 12 m - w orld cup

i i f ............. .■ = - £ u S . ' £ 'Stpi — J.io i.«7>; 1.10 i.M y d ra in o t '

»a S f - r iS ' i s l i iS i ‘.i» T h is wi* 1.10'^ • M J l.2o!i 2.i7',i s lre e l. Fo;

rl:l:S! KS IS"i _ U tr 1-11. , i.io t, 1.11% i.i i '. i double tJ

,.d S t p t ------- «;•; .M 'i . ; i , - j i s la rs a yet>•* 5 f * ---------.-x' ‘Sl’* '25 ^ 'S iil America

a rt July — .BT, .*7U m oro U)a

K Butter, Eggstn . CIIICACO , Tn torllir CHICACO. Allf. 21 m-rro<{uf»! *>'“>nd- chnx>l hlnvlr d tliln MU.4Q; Uinf moncy CJ1»- hnm. I-IH.40S1 pr<K«.«i fojf la ra iind

tht<ldtr.! 40 Ib. bUxV. S7.a*»i : brkk m in.H ci tnd S7I^.41: Mu.n.trr S7>V‘ l i «*<•• '►?• mb* 100 Ib. block.): Cnd* A 4MX ; srad* Cd JnlO I. .001 n 4J.4«: »rt.i* c 41.44: (>»h.*i.M yenr llll

™" k :;»4«, : rt^TuU. to .eort ifV i tV .cat, Ita. TllC

”'“'Smtdlum. 90: .ttndtrdi 2ll^i; dirtlr. Invu tm e

JL UV,! Cb>ck. U%. _ llj ls ycj

Potatoes. OnionsT.S''« SS-Sr-iVTi ]o™“;i

**'* ♦»: Irtck 19»: .iipplirt mod»rtl»; d f vCSUnen la te DtSd lUiUl mtrkrl dull “ w ttk. {,|

^ vestmcn'« rv V r ^ i ' t t i t t i CtUfomit lone whit« green tl

4.oo.4.n: Idthr. ruM^w 4.00.4,211: aays; -JWa»blnl«on ruM»tt 4.00.4JS. btkrrt ------------

Uie I.0M,1»: NtbttJk* round r»d. 1.7J.M i : i i . s ? ! " 4 « ' ; ^ ‘« * u n S i^ - K T -

om - , .0« J . | | J MlnntaoU round rt.1. 1,«». ¥ ¥ , 1 Iti Onlontt A trlttl . #: Irtck 4 S f T l^ ■ T *—‘ 5 by pl*™ modtmUi dtmtnrt tlo« : m trktlom - .Trtrk . tlc tj Nont rtportrd. • I

by 8lm>t ttl ta l Cturomlt rrllow l.rx* ' .2,I&-1J&: Colorado jrtllow Bptnl ih

,, Ur*t 1.14.1,18, whiu U tat NEW=nlls mollum MO.3.O0 ; Ttiaa rtllow mtdlum MArUn

Wl.c«n.ln l.«4-l.7l. ^ tcchnlci— ..................... J —-ir" .................. ....... fnvorabPUTURBa k e t n n l on.. #,.1L,.Hlit» fulupM «iunttlLin. t r t

e V . . .d . . .» lo« thl l e T - i . « . . . , s . ™

„ _________________SSc J t n u . r r -------------- I J I 1>2 ;?1 forwarc

*'V7,** ......................; 'm ;« ? - : 'm G ilbert« i r ‘. . : : ; ; r ; i ; z : r • ;« I m ,i ,m bered i

, ^ — ' above 1

«w. Unlisted Slocks f™“;lua te „VR» THK cmiNTKn cover>-.tello, , Counttr Acco)« u t Inn. in0“ " - A ll-n ~ in 't-------------- l*wt W

p j & r S n l =CnnMi. ......................... 11.0J sccond

Aug. Delhi Ttrlor ----------- |t l ,« i , Jcet 1’ 5 “ ^nny d,'■ ®* rir»t Stcuriir Corr... 40.00 4;.5j tt-eek, 1?Ort- H r.I Stcurltr lnrt.1— »,Ofl , . bC matS r K l l : : l i f e : : ; ; ; : i iS A , w h »

•° » * Ctrr«t_^Fr.l.htlln« ... IJ.:i 14,1* tUmn I Crvtn fil.Bt ........— .,20.00 SI.OO i|.<» aoi

|"S ;!;3 Ku «InltrilaU Uotnrlinn _.14,an 1S.S0 of lr>-|*'a!5S H ;Vg -K n u d .e n --::" ;»i:» jgo

h In *,lJ7itio* in itf 'K ip w » "!ij!« ss ‘nHil'k'trtf».i..ii pmtutiinn* . » .J" cnl rec

" ...... 41M 4j:m A'blllty' ‘h® i i . r t T — .1.W 4 , ^ s alight,

Wt.1 Cottt AlrilRM ,.. s,so >,to point, h o o d .___--------------------------= r ; — . « «aj-dci

Vacancies Listed m For Civil Service S'„*;

New exam lnatlona for fishery nrounc an d wildlife biologist, nnd dleU- tria l t

Jrald , Unn »nd piiblle h e a lth nu trlH o n - um e. o living 1, 1 . poaiuotis are announced by doUCK

Uie U,S. clyll service com mission booilli tlirouBh A gnes A. S tronk . locnl Howev exam iner to r the board . s llll n

PUIiery an d wildlife bloloRlsts luid a recriye a sa la ry of * 0 4 5 to 113.- 730 n y ear a n d a re copcem ed U m ainly w ith coniervatlon o t w ild- O a

®“ D’ Ufe rcM urces. ■ ■ _, Dl eUMon positions pay from T

$8J55 Jo,»B ,055_a yenr a n d a re I S locnlcd in iho d e p artm e n t of public healU i. Public h e a lth n u - INV trltlonU t -positions pay from A fon »0.345 to »13.eao n yenr. . tUie I

Mla.1 S tro n k notes th e posi- jitB u n — I Uons require academ ic tra in in g 47 ml

a n d usually professional experl- w'as r enca In som e phaae of th e -t le ld . Clln

A pplleatlona mny be ob ta ined W lnte fro m -M iu -8 lro n ‘K -o r Trom th e bank i U.8. civil scrvlce commission, served W aahlngton 3S, D.O. ' adjoin

__ so« " ------- • . '----------- D urDA NK ER R E S IG N S th e b<

- « M LOS ANQKLES, Aug. 23 Wl - told C I i r i o M aurice H . S tan s, federa l b udge t bank . . t 2.io d irec tor In th e E lsenhow er a d - th»N g

m lnU traU dn. has resigned a s g a v e i 004.11 p rea ld en t . of: W esten i B onoor- ber,

-B u siB es^ M■ d ' "

.B Y SAM-'DAWBON ■ |E u ro p e , U: , A P BuslBCM News A nalyal X « lln Amc

NEW YO BK , AUI. 22 I f t -T h f l flcUlUca U gross .U n 't looUnB qu ite so -green - s a t th e on th e o the r.a lde o f .th e fence, to ap p ly to . i

Ii! m any A m erican investorx. ' m ean s. So »t T h e ru sh of business invest- p u h f expt " m e n t ab road .* w ay have,0 slackening, t h e j ^ p i p ^ ' lng th is y I t d ep artm e n t of ou tlay . Ol

canm B rcc r e - ' • ,M th e plnn i . porta. O p p o r t u - |^ H E a ^ M ^ 4 If congrei 'A n ltle s fo r q u l d c H ^ K M S W c n t meih i f proflta have l o s t l A W ^ S F ^ J on su c h i i ! d s 6 m e of t b e l r B B ^ ^ H f . ta x in g ll

lu ster and p o l l t - H B M 3 | |V ::V b ro u g h t b ica l u n c e r t a i n - - e r th a n

a t ties have g r o w n ^ t a b r o n d .

r ' B u t m any U . H k U V u l H th a n tax ;,r. S . corporations . i i t » o tw « i» , them . Th » t have nnnpunced In c re a se s . for fopean g

c a p ita l spcndlpg abrond Uils year com e np a n d a slMuble num ber hnve a p - A nd pcrh prop rlated a m oun ts equal to ln st ^he • dept ye a r. T oiaU com piled by the th in k s In'

is : commerce d e p artm e n t, however, m to r n ct t i show a. slowdown In th e .buildup --------------

of ovcrsetis subsldlnrlcs and bcnnchcs. ^ | /

T hU ru sh of Investm ent m oney' ^ 0 1 \ If! ab road waa one of Uie phenoin- No. enn of Uie 1050s. Invesuncn is

a b road tr ip led du rin g Uie dccnde.F o r e i g n a sse ts o f U . S . com - «•panics grew a t a ta s te r r a te Uian

K». d id Uielr domesUc ones. Prom Bud tr Along w ith th e f inanc ing of a n d N

subsid iaries abroad , th e re was pyom G< , , la rge pu rchasing of iftock In to r- , „ d Hi u t! e lgn com panies a n d o t fo reign ^ hltt bonds. All o f t h b w as p a rt of Uie

outflow o t dollara th a t Uoubled Uie moncy m an ag ers . *nc

V ‘ M ost troublesom e of a ll pcr-h a p s was th e period ic fligh ts of _ : --------sh o r t t e r r a , m oncy Into- o lhc r L o i t c nw orld ciiplw ls. A ll ployed a po rt -----------In the d c f lt it In -paym enU w hich lijhts i foUnd Its d rom atlo-X orm -In Uic d ra in o t U .S. gold. lo .s t : i

T h is was f a r fro m a onc-w ny whiit. n '. i s ire c t. Foreign d irec t invcsttm -n is - 'I*

in th is coun try lo u ile d 7 bll- OK * lion dollars In 1000. m ore thnn N„„h l l ' i double Uie 19M figure. Invest- l i ” m en ts In U A firm s increased nn F lo r i i t s

overaBc ra te of 350 m illion dol- jx iX T T j « jS la rs a year. Kuntrti55;i A m erican Inviistm cnta abroad p;tt«^ issli f a r outstripped U ils . l t now toinis ,•« m ore Uian 30 billion tlollars. T lic -------- —, 0V b iggest year wns 1057 w hen A m er- K e s o m inn? lean c an p a n les a dded 3 ,8 .billion c i .a x k o •22 dollnrs to ih e lr Invcatm ents In mrtJi.

foreign subsid iaries a n d b ranch - cs. T he big lu re w as th e strik ing industria l grow th r a te o f W estern h .i« , j E urope. Allurt.

tu ,,. I n 1060 Investm ents o f new Uintl money cam e to 1.7 billion do l- p .M Q ,.

la rs a n d 1.3 billion do lla rs of rc - _______“’jLn ta lned cnm lngs n lsa was pou r- I w il l {rtd t ed in to thu expansion move. L as t -*i‘M year Ulls h a d d ropped to l i *. , , billion dollars o f new moncy p lus .

.Viiri 1 billion dollnrs o f r e ta in e d p ro f- ciiTiio?

.C"'» lls. TllC d e p n rtm cn t th in k s th is Aimt slowdown is con tinu ing Ih ls year.

S-; I t nlso believes oU ier toiwis of iirtlr. in v u tm e n t ab road a re slowing Av>nu

th is year. T heae Include new a lco iT i ■ purchases of fo re ign stocks a n d ftforni

r i c bonds, w hich rose la s t year l o . l , ‘’'"-i:; ^ , billion dollars, up from 8S0 m il- ' ' ‘{{'‘ft t to n t 51°” dollars In 1060. a n d ban k yhnpn ri>tt. Jonns a n d other s h o r t te rm In - g usto :

d f vcsunenu . w hich la a t y e a r rose outiii; ,A to l i billion do llars from 1.3 bll-.

{otnit llou dollars Uie yen r b e fo re n ruj. T h e rensotis th e fore ign In - udr ' v estm e n u pastu res look less who i whit« green tb ls yenr, th e d e p ar tm e n t —'" 'g l

aays; -R educed g row th ro tes In i.Ti. --------------------------------- 7"

{iirkrt * _ _ _ nt»».

Chatter ‘B.,0 ".74l NEW YORK. Aug. 22 afO — “ " 'J^ lu m M arU n G ilbert of Vnn A Utyne. ---------J^l“i53: Noel a n d compnny bello-es th e T ram

technical fac tors rem nin h igh ly ---------. . _ fnvorable and soys th e sW ck m a r- COLLB

n . . r t Itct patternV uK pcaw fu rth e r fo l- • *Jini 1 €•«>. low th rough on th e up ilde . - >htrt

Som e backing nnd filling mny ’c i».t be neecasnrj- curren tly In order.

M7 to build n bnw for lhe n e x t s te p I 'l l forw ard bu l In ihLi connectjon . s i 'c c i.

G ilbe rt snys. U mu.' t be rem em - dra i bered U iat the IL« 1% now well

- above Its foritier resLstance a re a

for a good exlen.Mon of th e r e - mtn. covery. •• IIAIRC

A ccording lo Sinllen nnd S a f - Tent A.Vrd Inn. Inc.. thc move w hich began ff**'

Js-ii lnst week .Mtotild cnrr>- th ro u g h —^ to r a t lensl n couple o f weeka. COMl||

'i'.ii T h is Is no t Jiwt a rally . 11 U th e ii-o; aecond s tep of a ninjor bull m a r- ^ r . I ke t. Individual cyclical slocks ukm a : w7l -mny do well during th e com ing JJ™

4;.^^ tt-eek. I t jny.i. but mo-it money w ill Quti be m ade nmoni: growUi atocks. r r ^

101" ^ W h a t ninkes th e oncom ing a u - a » h 14,1* tu m n ’scflson nn acu te ly p e rp lex - .rh« ■Jl'” ln g one ihLi yenf.’snya T H om son i o «>4 nnd M cKinnon. U th e quesUon 1S.S0 ' of Irj-lng lo dlatlnguU h belw een . , , [ 1,

perlod,i o f lem pornry lu ll In busl- «n . ness activity nnd those w hoch »«'"

ij,«7tJ mal-k'lhs-G njter^f-tt-typleM c ycll- •i? cnl recc.«lnn I t believes the pos-

^{la Slblllty o t a s leep recession U la u v 4 , i : s aligh t, ' SiT'

.S JUtf In n ttem pllnir to '-nnn ly ie th eo ver-all tcchnlcnl p n tte rn n t th U ***},,»

*» to po in t, snys K enne th . W ard of 4 ^ - H aj'dcn , Slone nnd com pany. I t TTik

h n n ahould bo pointed o u t lh a l th e »'»« m a rk e t's ability to push th ro u g h j — —

S / t a th e s tro n g psychological resLit-ance b a rr ie r previously Ind ica ted tsi.

fishery a round 000-f.05 In the D .J - ln d u .y d leU - tr ia l avcrnRc. w ith henvlcr vo l- t« n p

r ltlo n - um e. on a bronder fron t, hns u n - j ^ j T :ed by doitBtedly contribu ted t o w a r d . of i tilsslon boM lIng I n v e s t o r confidence.. locnl How ever. 'W ard says, action Is H q Ib

s llll relaUvely cau tious, h e s ita n t iloglsta luid especlnlly selective. .0 113.- " . ' ' — ^ n j

Bank Robber ^ Is Nabbed.

t h n u - INVERNESS, F la.. A ug._23 t f f - from A fo rm er d c p u ly -^ R c m T i^ tie a ;

- tUie B ank of ltivc;liea.t o f 122.121 ,n^p o a l - j i t gunpoliit bu t w ns arrested only • un.

raining 47 m inu tes Inter. T h e money experl- w'as recovered^ - _ »«pe -tleld . C lin ton W arren T aylor. 4B,)U lned W ln terhaven . w as. Ja iled on am th e bank robbery charge. T ay lor htvdilsslon , served a s chief deputy sh e riff in

ad jo in ing Sum ter county.D uring Xhe ho ldup ^Tutadw -, C

t th e ban k 's d rive-ln window te lle r1 Wl - told cuatom ers butslde thnt^^the • b udge t bank w as being robbed. W h*n f " e r » d - thSN B^nm nn drove aw ajr,. tliey . ed aa Rave police the c a r 's license n u m - , lonoor- ber, H e .was ae lfrd by n # u ie .n p a a y ^ ^ r ^ ln Uia nearby low n o t ___

’ V.

IS Mirror - Us■"I E urope, unsettled condlU ona In

X«U n A m erica 'and econom ic d lf - H e lp Vt t flculUca In C illi«U .“..:- , ' .,. ^ ■ ;1 . - B o tth B g e a e r< i plcWr«-dow't0 ap p ly to .all.corporttX ona by »ny yDffiiTli

m ean s. Som e w t e * t»l« f o re ls o 7i*.oiij• B iah t'expansion p r o g n n i u n d e r - la d y wi

w ay have announced th e a p e n d - ‘ m j i Si1 lng th is year will to p la s t y e a r s

ou tlny . O thers have a tre ssed th a tth e p lan to spend m ore o v e rse as ptnwn

, If congress d o e sn t ch an g e p res - c n t meUiods of tax ing p ro fit* Youn*

on su c h subsidiaries — t h a t la. “, ta x in g them w hen th e y a r t ,' b ro u g h t back as d ividends ra U i- iin« ni• e r th a n w hen they a re e a rn e d

I obroad.Corporate plans have m ore appTO

th a n tax prospects h a n g in g over tt^nrt them . T h e slowdown. In th e , E u -

»' ropean growth ra te d id n 't b e - atump ir com e ap p aren t u n til reccnU y. •>* A nd pe rhaps thia Is-o n e re a so n ,I t th e - dep artm en t o f com m erce U g ip ^'« th in k s Investm ent trenda m a y be ------1 _T. In to r a change._________________ u e n w.

: C lassified!!n« UAHIlll'L ■ u s e TIIK8B PH O N E " , n r . .i“ NUMBERS FUEBn - M ftitct a WtBt Ad Ib stncrtin TBt Tioit^ntw . trtncf

From Burley. B upert. P a u l. D eclo m aiuui of a n d N orland. DUI nS -2S 52 ,a* From Gooding, Je rem e . W endeU n a t io i >r- sn d Ilagerm ao. DUI 538-2533 reuw « " Fcom Duhl anti C a 'U e fo rd Tim,; eri •••• m a l M3.404# Kl.SAM

From Flier. H eilU ier. R o ie rao nand Jaekpet. N evada. ituri>i

DUI 328-5375__________ w iT iff

U l t end Pound___________ 1 S ‘

i■II- ^inn N„„h tlrlnltr. Vhont 733-7441 or d ''” ' J l - c in u n Irwin i'rrty.an F l o r i a t a ____________ 6

CAI.L. ;3J.«41.0 KOH KUEE d tllrtrr.Kuntrti dcliB., botplltl boufluw,

jttd p<itt«t pItnU tnd cul flowtrt. Cllr r " '

S - R ...r t . .8 SJ,;;Ion ci.A><K.MU.l.K)i Uunl lUncb. tJtblnt. g i J « ^ In mrtji. ttddit barart. pack trip .. For pow

g j,. r«.trttllun> ctll S ttaltr 774-18SI or ,'" •f I'illMlTIVK AHU*. ptck Irtpt. t ^ l In.ur c m r|.|M. homtt, For rtttr» tllon t. w riu ton.

Allurt. U k t lo d o . Ktlchum. Pt 110 I pbont s u n k r 774.2i«.___________ _ JIIE

Pertonols-Special N otJcei 9 ^lUr- I WILL NOT bt r».pon«lbl« for dtblt tinie

nthtr th tn mr own. J tr r r 1~ Conntr. of Ui- WILL no lon,tr bt rt.pon.lbU fo' ? « ~ j

*■* tn r dtbu othtr ihtn m r own. - . _J? -plus Alfrtrt W. Andtrtnn . 1H

£1; "r^Ing Avtnut N o r t h . ___________ ____ «new ALCOHOLICa anonrmoui. »or turthtra n d ♦aformttion pbont 7SS-720B or Wtn. W.f10,1 d>ll M M ltl. _ J’"m il- ' ' ‘n'ifj; ^for “^ ,^ r t '" t l t tn ’tl” n **Okt/lan k Shnnnlnc Cent.r. 7S1-KW._________

In - CUSTOM MEAT c u t t in g : Kor finrtt chtrose outlllr. unuaul.lt p ricn. 8 « . ,<*• a t 1hn firt'. Pttton't ICA U trk tl. Mm-

4i:>.i4»i- ■■

m- T

U.,rtponlns. Aliorner'. p tp tr ttrrlct. a rt ■Sltr UtUttUt. 7a».aiM. -________ tu l

nt»». I’bont 7i3.48i!0. tvcnlnr*.

Aw^’S n lew Ift llo ^ rtdlo , S n « n . . ' i ^ f - c o K - | r i " * 7 » ^ ? m

or Pot 841.____________________ _____

the’ T r a n tp o r to t i o n - C o r P o o ( f 10

' *0‘* polntt \n N rlw rtn -d ttlrt.-rid tr-to ------- th tr t tip tn tr . tnd dritin*. I’hone

m ay ---------------- H:roBeauty Solon. 15 -

u'pII Shop. rhoBt 73a.l«S1._______ _ tf<

r . °e r e - In t!^ “u . '« up. r>)ont 4;.t.S417. _ cto

HAinCUTTINC. ntir »trlln». tinlln*. .S a t- rcRBtntnU trom 15, ArtUtlc tjftutr

legan ??>«».«« «•"> * « " “• ‘‘o u sh C"i'eeka COMI*t.tTK bnuir ?

.w »»ne*d .tudtnu.' t l rtdurtd prtwj. d

DOnTHY'S Dtautr Stlon. 1974 lllb «• g AU- Atcnut EttL ' P trm tn tn it I* up. P'’•plex- .rhool tptcitii I ts '"'T D„.m son niB. ^ff.fl.ll “ ‘TlMln*. * '%7J.«y"‘ r « .» t l j '^ It, tw een airtln*. ttrlm n»wl't—sirttr Robl. busl- »in. For appolntmtnl'Ctll «2S42M. Y.i

I'hoch » « " » » » • _________________B a b y - S m « M = C h l ld - C a r e - 1 6

on U LAUV wi.u1d likt b tb r-liun* I n ^ T Hi , homt. n r d tr or w ttk. 7JJ.72U. »l

.1 .. »4» Adtmi.? ,\r,® UAItV- S im i^ lil Ur homt. txptrt. ,I IhU rrtfc r . b tb tt. tnd A rd of 4^ rrar.<ildt. 7SMT90.ny. I t 7T i” i^ i-k i!l* i:tiii.l Cart C t^i^.II th e »'•«♦ lletMtd. 101 lOth A ttnu t tt.1 .

rrtnlPOT. 7SS.5»»1.LICKNHKU child ctr!. In our nomt. Wt

rea m - aho do, Irenln*. Btwontblt. Pboa. -----Icatcd T3M1M. ___________ U gl

r " v S - E m p lo y m tn t A g e n c l e i 1 7 3jx i

dence. • North, rhont 7SS .t»2. ' J ------- :ion - I s H e l p W a n t e d ^ F e m o l e 1 8

up . Tnndtn. tie . Comixn.ttloB dt-

1*, U kt i* rtHd‘«™r’'‘Klmbtf5 t>• r t4 , riutnl. MM'm. wa«tt. » dtr Wftk. Ctll 7»4<:o. Viola Olton or B

‘ nmttel htf 1 mllt« .oiilb of Mn»btrlr. & WANTKIM Utflnttl. c tp th lr l.dr *•

13 ( .f l - ll.t .1n h^ttk tt^r-conk for widow In _ -• Suif Vtl «r. Mutt ni't b* ortr M

122.121 am) btlh. Saltry *50,00 M r monlh.

■ •■ - '-■ ■ ■ ■■-------------- — —

o M iiS G I R L C A S H I E R S ;

M u s t B o O v e r 2 1 ' , ’

C o n U ic t Mr. M c K ^ n

at the •, s ; C A C T U S P E T E ’S P

J a c k p o t , N c v n d aP 6 o n . r a - s i i o . ‘

- U s eI In

H e lp W e n te d -g -F c m o 1 o ,1 8 F o rm A

° ‘a a l / ' l . c^ .•*‘1' S.*t f.V7i,i> r r — Qa ^ btu

i j S ? 7 r r k ^ CUMto’m* ®” ‘>* S..'’ ;!’: !* 'a iiu rd t":•A r 't 7SI.4I9S ’ CUllN ehi •h o t tXI-KUlCNCKU w tlitn . for ttrvinf

both ftod tnd cuckltlU.. Applr Ib ilAUUINlr«!B» p«n«.n nnl,, lt.Hi,r..in »f..ur. ’ Crtdr ^9 re» ' WANTED CUSTOM■oflt* Youn* unen(uinl,trtd ltd / with • tn l HIit la. own ctr "llh tumt butlneM or coMlllNI

ttllln* eip.rl«net.u.-lnlro.loct br ttlf.pro»th- ■sr.tti.xlter.'idV's: - 12=.jT ied pmduet.1 br louth.rn Id.hn eom* HAY tn

p tn r who l> well known tnd t— Im ore A^piSinl .bnuld wlllln* to HAY tn t o v ee »p""d »vn7» time prr/rritblr o t *rt~ afttrt*.

ulnR. ,.l i(i» -pltnt b»eomln* to* non r\b e - Sutm i^nr'lh t « lt .‘’Vnltrilti7*tiK

H e lp W a n tc (t— M a r e 1 9 '

UEN wtnlfl Jor wlnltr work. Applr CUBTOM -------- In p«r,on tl Mthi. Il,.n tnd E l„ tt« r ® S ld Comp.Hr, Kil>r tnd Twin Tillt. wH.rtl

MAN wtnlH Ki plek p ttr .. Apply. 7aMKi

gm rk r Oichtrd. Kllcr. I'hnno «*• CUSTOJ

MAXKIKU fen tr tf ftrmhtnd. Exntrl^ kUttntn r t tnd etftf»nf,-« ntcnutrr. T»tr M57.round Ktliih Wtr.l. na.KW . COstoS

YEAK tr'iun.l mm. Irrld llon tnd tlontlKtntrtl ftrm wuik. llMU.r. tic. Itti- htullBtrtncr.. M..rrl. >>k»rt. llnhl. ' - HM4

D cclo UAlllUKU or llnd .. IrrlKtlln*. ttte->»' a !:A:r\,:r'‘i..ssSi. “endell n a tiu N aI.- u rztnli.im n: 1 mIm | don 2535 route.: H .rrM , jj .s s . Ctr, refer. aertt

. tncct. Stod rrtuine la Doi 7.D. c/o i ta Tlmw.Se»«.

K1.‘<ANU1AI. Initllutlon ntfU man fur — tfraoB mtntrtmrnt, Accounlln* b t c k -|c r» g n d d .tb lt. IVHu Boi JU. C U

lturl>r, |il.h». ______________ 1,WItlTTKN tpplletllnni t r t nuw beln*

tceetiltd fnr tppolntmcnt ta tlllM t L 1 m tnbtl. VlllM. nf I '.ul. Id.ho.

_____ Stnd .ppHcttl«n« ti> Tom Ftllon. I, chtJrm.n of lh» l»u»rrt. f^tut. Icttho.t«ward! WANTKD: ti.ln>ni.B. fumllur* tBd *1*-41

■ .tpplltncet. Stltry tnd r<imml.»lon.hi.rk hotplui Iniurtnf* and t t i j . f f u n d ; ------

.rt. 4<t ittpid tdf.nrtmrnl tu 'rl(ht p.rtr.*” A t , « to « . .Itr, SUtei. m tn trtr, .

- r a V ouM * iruekr44i^*or drltcrj btullnf’ rorn and b ttu . nn-

t n l ftrmwork. iluutt furnlihtd. HAY ■ W^rk n n t m r t t *fn*rtl ftrm. Btlf 6 hind. Delbert CItmpltt. 2 lioulh Kim-

duoum’ UK YOUK own bo>.. Earn mort Mil* "n itr rt City I"* luwlelth produeU, rtrn b a it ^ . led P t . iuBWi tnd Ukt. ibtm . Work p .rl W Ofll- — ctner*ln-Twl'n-Ftllt.- Writ* lUw. baIIY-

8 Iclcb. Dept. IDIi.37Me. Ctn«tr, Colo- h«mt

'? k / s i bti^optnltiB fo t 'S tlt .t^ n ? S.I.« rr tnd eommlMiaci. opportunltr for .

- tdrtnetmtnl. romptnr l^tntflu tnd HIGH M. trtll lniur.net trtlUbl*. Applr In ptr- kindlum. * r tip Htiii A ttnut' Warth-_______________ JH E DIL'TltlCH UotU ftttlrmrn-. P ,^-------- T Attoeltllon. noX'lM. Shchont. U t. S i ^e e l 9 ho, will rtctltt. until .StpimUr I.__ ;----- i m t bidi.-for.-ltbor, fo r.th t_ f«"ior rftWt ccnctfos e t tpproxImalcV 1* mIJi* Jou.Conntr. of ftnrt. Ftnct mutl bt contlructtd lr»u

,lhl. far tccordlnr to Burttu of Ltnd M tntrt. r r u c meni ..ptrlfltallon. tvtlU blt from

» ,n ' -them, ilort inroRntiloii' m tr b*-p - •ol.itlnrd from lht countr t»e"f. - - jtj;

I ' Ul I*"* Wurctu of t.«nd Sttn- M W ,^ fb ln * . „ Sh«,hnnt. Tht A.,o*i.___,----- ttlon merve. lh t ri*hl lo rtjtet tn r _Li*2i7; r n r s i r , “ o ’f ^or Wtn. W.nttd wptrltnctd bodr tod ptlal ^mtn. m d tr wwk. ptid ttctllon. Ji,*„ ijiMBi •"‘I »«ldenl iB.uranet tnd ' ■B. O kt/ olhcr frin»t bantflu. Modern fullr WAYI

' toulpptd body dcptrlmtnl md *.»,. , ptint booUi. Applr In Ptrton lo «][n•o i^ lnm Chtrlet DtAtlcr or Bill Spttth. Jr,- tcait l , K l^ »l Ford G trait In J tf c a t . —

IS ? S ; TIRED PAYCHECK? l l '» b u In. Two men to U kt ovtr two tiub-“ I. iUhtd toultt. Ont In Burltr. ent/It. ttcrcl In fwo<jb*. >117 i ^ r wrtk mini*immcrci.l mum »utrtnlt* ta tU n if »aur ttrrlet. a r t ' arrcpttd. U utl bt ntrrled. For_______ __ tUbI,; :« U 1» r t t r t of a>t. Ctr>IU. lltve *0*1 tppcartne« nettttarr. K I

APPLY IN PE R S O N ONLVIi|n*». ' Falrwiy M<itrl‘ ' ■ ' ——aa. onll Au»uil 52. S-» T.it. Ar.

r ldli Auiutl IJ. 0.10 A.M. TrirS r l! Mr. Dlioa ta

, 7JWM1 TVJb r«Jlt tto

o b i t 1 0 T h is J o b I s A s B i ground Au* A S ' A M A N

------ CAN MAKE I T . . (I*. I’hOBC ■Yuur futur* with our f t i i crowln*----------------c^mwar U uaU m M It rou eaa

IK QBtlitr for thU t t t r . lBt«r«tUw.^ __ and rtwtrdlB* potlllon. You tu r t

-T , '___xour ctrwr « l H i t a month, ptid „ I br 6tun.__w«klr t> w t Irtln jrou. You ctn . H nd Betuir__ adtanct f t t l U hish ptjin* iBtn. 41; ________ tftmcBt potltlnnt a t bundrtdt o( -----------

sa s =4aS#ffliJ&fcSs5EM=—.6417. clott 10 r w r hdoi*. If r<Al tr t 11 . ^

, la 44. oiro « f e la rfod eondilwa .wtn" .?.*• • •"•I h*’* •• •>'«*' •‘hool tductlltn. b tUlfS - ■” w

— :-------- CuBlaclt Mr. V . K . Con.ldint • _ rUPtactt r . l r w t r t ifatcl

. ».vJ’ **•**' Autu.l l ln d . r u Aetd. T , ^ , ,9^9 , . ,9

I. D tr ord i s a t is f i e d ?? „

1974 lllb l l t t t rou rrachfd 'tht peak In rour --------t> I t up. prtttnl work! fiu ,i'% .W sT . Oo rnu drtlr t a ftilurt with un- r C.•"tSaiT W- PC'ttr^Robl* Incomt Itvtlcd offT SiWI 42S42M. Y«« m ir w plr to thi* td U-Vpu ^________ tr* Istrrlrd. 2« to 31 r ta r . . Co.»l UIN

work rtcnru tnd rtftrtncrt rt- fl.

.n* In mr Hihtd dirtct ttlet rouu. lUrtin* 7SS*7:u. wllh it:o twr Wttk wltii ru tn a lc t, - ^

_________ P>“‘ e«mml..lon». —

«bt«**^nd APPLY IN PE R SO N ONLYFtirw tr Mottl l>

r t Ctnltr. Ausv.t 22. 4 lo C P.U.>tnut Et.1. Au(u.l 23. » W 10 A.M.;>1. Atk for Mr. 8ltrk.-komt. Wt • -Vbit. Pboa. -------------------------------------------------- 5 3--------------H e lp — M o le o r F e m o l e - 2 0 ^* • ^ 7 MA>j- «, wor T ti-a itbT^IIh tr wtT ud' . "


iH tiM d " fitricfly ConfldenUAj - - “ •' Ko R sc israA T toN r u ,

- CU A RCtt Iunt to llvf

KImbtrlr Dtnltl tu k U n i, offlc* txptilenc* dt. ^ t t t . t dar airttblt.la Olton or Btbr^llUrt for worklnc mothtrt..f KImbtrlr. fUle* tnd Dtllttnr <lr{t*r. ortftrtbir Ir . I.lir” at •"'tr 23. mt«l public wtll. lowtl ,,r widow I S ___fltm.. MM. _ .fit o rtr U Cntfttr tn d prvdur* m tn tftr. t t . . : rivatt m<m ptrieoc* ntctuary. t k l t ^ eoB>1 1*. ptrtin; Full'tbtr** woman boukkttiwr. [

10«. Sun ^ . ■ ,tnd V tl t r , . . .^' ’ Cbtf^‘ A ttltUnk « . .

IR S D ltttld riw .“ Offtr* Birl. C ^ l iw tr»a.

2 1 , ’ Otntral ofOc* itr lt . • *^ n -ilm t offlc* a tr l

K w n Ctntrtl"offlc* l l r l w b a * t tn ,a t t l■ ^ lk« pubtla w«|U Jtro a t. aitt.

T E » S p e r s o n n e l s e r v i c e ji o f .M A G l Q V A L L E Y ■lUU " (.uU JttB HIlHr------------- --, ' i m a im U k « North C«l].7j|.«4U* ’ mstlOT M 9 BoUdlat

^ s -N e i^ s J il^ a rS farm Work Wanied 23 . A

“tll. I i i a fT UAV btullDc w tn ti^ Kob~tr iiroliitr.. _ ,'*• feim, rtioflt lu-SiS*. B i if in e

®‘m ? “ w“ "Ft^??fi!l"* 4*is«0.‘1luM; “niA pE ; COUN ehuppln*. I’hoB* V.rnon Oltn- 'aV , r,

- rfrr, IluM S 4 l4 m . ' * , [; Ib IIAUUINtii l ltr. KTttn. tU . Conucll citlon _ Crtdr 710 Nonh lUi. Uuhl. tV lhJ

CUBTOM eorn chopplB*. I’hon* nieh. O'*'. J I , ant Hill. 7J.t.7*7».

COUIIlNINt: wtnt*<l. M ttttr .lltrr lr - n ( {,,

, rtinnt 7 M . t l ( l g , ---------------------- -----KAV tnd ttrtw titefclnB. P t t tnd four 1

■Brtln htullB*. Pbon* U rrT Mtupln. hc trlj•?»-747l.________________. ' or ptp

> HAY tnd ^TI^AW btlln br btU or ..r)» f tb tM . J'bunt JU « W trd, 7JJ.• Hoti tvtnln* or btfur* 8:00 t.m. TIIK 01\ UUoruM twtlbiB*! 3 mtchlnt*. <>> tn l u

tnrwhtrt. Ktrold Httttk. 7II.7SS2 Dr rc tn‘ ■ JIrn Wood. 71^10M. __ 5>e«.

IO > ItoM Wtrd. 7 » * m i artDlnst tnd ' r '? J[ 2 b^for* HM t-m._________________ J"',,*!p'f CVHTDM rA niIJN C j f t . r boJInr, rora!; iWf'hS .".■arr'r.'ii.j.K:!»!«;,1,. 7M.IK«2. WK SI''?*• CUSTOM THKiaiHINO. I’t t t . *rtlB, turtn

_ br.Bi.' tltndlnc or windrow. I>: traonirl> tItrrU. Co tn rw htrt 7JJ.

! i l CUSTOM thrtiB'. 1*1 s r tln : In itrnt. w ii.i71 ifltt lloBil « • mnblnt. two trvei» h r IJy*JrIci. htullB* If dttlrtcL Rlll U tm ta. Flltr,^ - 8H.447I or ilt-4747.______________

' COM BINING W ANTEDv i i H ttt ■ M t.tcr.K trr!t I t Suptr. jChOdtiet I don't ottrdrlr*. Cto htndl* 100c/o 42« Mb'ATtnut North

rhon* fjj.oar7

1«: CUSTOM C HOPPING mu.— Jnetudc* — U»r » n i Cora men

S LEO and DUA NESl“ n: CUSTOM PAR.M1NO Notho. n ic r. Mtho ttrr.

ll(.470S 31M4t4 ' l lM K t • q<und; ■ ■ ’ _ /e* tt

.'i'i?; ■ WANTEDiiB'vJr.'.'J’K'.rru”;:'"'- S" ' . I CUSTOM,»i«f. OAV B A tin o -c o n a c j io p p in o * { ,•rm. Self proptllcd chopper and tndu .< . ^

E .C . H O LTZEN **“Tnr. > l l t r ■ llft.4721

W o rk W o n te d _____________ M di

lUw- BAIIY-SITnNS tn d -Iro a la * - la -« f teJo- homt. Phant 7 « .* l» . 1»»!- inONINC In mr horn* t t p«r hiur. ,

4 tl Stb Atenu* E ttb Pbont 73S> -------, ’‘,'11; _® 2*i___________ • - H orn

tnd U lcil SCHOOL bor willinc to do to r 'n~Y! ptr- klml of ptrt.|lm« work. Ctll 7IS.

“• •* .IWO. _ Kr*inONINC In Dir hom* t l 151 MtdUon WAN

"idtt g,'; *Ln; EXl-KlllEWCtU, r«iltbl* womto w tau UICE

~bau.«work or u r* for tld trlr p*nea dliltrnur bwnt). C t» W JUDt.__________ JV

n.r*. CEMENT, p trftuplns. pUaUr ptt«k. TWO Inc. Bkln* Cbrl(topb*Tsoa. pbon* dra

r • 7J3.Q0I I. ____________________ He:\Un! I'AfNTf^^C: ffoUMt. «zecrtar. taurtar; WKW

tlio rooCi. AlUrt S llu t aad ton. oil t tn r rbont 7»1JB5». 3Jt

^ACK to tcbool *«wlas aad tlu ra . 1 011~ i % " - » s . “ "D..‘! ; i r 7 S . i s n : - " * - _ E

EXPERT IRONINO doa* la n r b»m*. ion. * jj? H » ° '’ ’ ^'*** ^ p rtf trirt.*lir WAYNE CARNin: boiW at tad tx- * mI u “ inV?*?lil*'m!*d»iB^^^'l*U^ Al Jr..' ictplBX. TU-1T03. TfTS

--------------- ltOTO.TlLLtijO--------------- . fc- Ctrdta. UwB sad {trra. a c r t tM . 5ti

Ford irtctor rnom ud ' reutllltr. '■ pbKENNETH D A VIS f u i

WW ;icl, Awnt;* S u t TW-IMO C.«"• R O T O -T lU ilN O t

"lau LEVELINO •EHFord Tractor BouaUd RstoHlUtr. ta

D IC K PO O L Z il bt7. Ml Qulno PhCB* 7».4>7* 41

iX;---------------------T R E E S ----------------- I f iAr* mr btulartt, se t a tldtUnt.-, - 73TriisaMd.' topptd and r*moT*d br o wto *tp*rC Full; lojortd. Fr** «t. tvUaulct. ac

------- BO B W E A V E R i s lf 1411 Itb At*aB* E ttt 7aJ.7TM b<

. L icensed........ -CUSTOM SPRA Y IN G »■

m lat FO B C O N TRO U Dcaa o r —

‘.t!?i InsecU a n d .W eeda »

, »'S . H E N K Y F A K M S A L E S J^ n - __41WSU_______ KImbtrlr •'“

:• DON’T PUT ITK)FF J^ ----------------- O A li- D 5 - F O B -------1----------rt 21 . 8pr»rln»~or7*ll* n g « trr tr tw sn»7 - ^ Jltlon w t t ^ Wt ar* fullr t<|ulpp^ t» \. h■ a ;

W* b t«t J ttp . tractor tnd pickup Z . • Tlst for tpplrll* all ITPt* of fltld n

•“ tprmr. . iPor F a s t Ser^-lce p

CaU- CaUect »-------- • G E M S P R A Y I N G =j^


Ptet*_____________ ■ 7>J.4tfl« }

B u s i n e i i O p p o r t u n i t i e s 3 0 ^4 CTNIT'aptrtmtnt hou»t7 focoax UOO >

per month. IH.OOO. Pbont 7JJ.S00a. | SMALL ptrln* butlneat. IdttI for —

Udr or coupit. WriU Dos SUB, >>—V(«» e.i’o Tlnif»..W>w.. ■ ■■ ,. • Co.»l Ul.M v iew Ctft^ U llttT r b io p ^ aft. '

» rt- C«~dln» lor Icatt.' Mrroa Utrbau,b.

w^'ADm'soN*‘w bsT Sht-TlBlr-m 1 ^ ~ ^rlfi^.**m.2W° ****’"” “ '***‘ I’ET MILK routt. Uurlty a rrt. Ntw

,x t V Inttm tilontl truck. Will tr td t (or ‘Nl-* calti* or tcH for M.MO trltJi torm*. —

I’bont S7S.7U4. Bl, SKItVlCt: lU lioa on bl*Bwar 3 ^ Do.'* Ins ttc tlltn t butlDM. Smtll tbop.

c r t t t t rtck. S twlraum Modern boat. -^■tndtll H ttllr. Sil«.1214. _

— MOTt;!. downiuwn ivcttlon. 10 unlu. 9A plut Iliin* outrlart. b itkt down ^

ptrmcQi tnil par a p*rc*atts* et- titt profit oo btltoM I f ro s ««tMfr.

!«■ Ited- Ac* Kt.lly. 73I.SH7 or 73J.J04t.

STANDA RD O IL CO. ^S ' Hat ttttbllthtd *«rrlc« tUtloB forI ^ Uam*dltlt kat* la lUcUWId. Idaho.

“ Sara 71J^008 ^ A J U r S, TH44U T

iT t.l* ' A T T E N T I O N reft^blr . I N V E S T O R S11. Lucti ira io a „ j M uta wtr . 1. wanbuutin* tnd tlo rast ftclUUN. t ' Irwektti, offlct, a n d toulpmtnt.

ThU U tB *tc«lliBt prop*rtr. tba*.In* svnd Incomt. 8*lltr wUI ItM Uck J o r - 10 rtare a t 1700 p t r

CaU tw W rite 7J . A . M ARTIN .

A sen cy ..Vour A ctive R ealto r

' • . no»M07 P tu l. 4M IS I

, S T A N D A R D . O IL C O .-"

.. .. rh...:JJ4IU D an, 711.4001 » A l t * r i ; m 4 ( n -----

■I *_ • '

2 3 . A u g . 2 2 - d 3 j ^ f e ' '' • . H trtn* T w in F aM s 1 7 9

^ Bu*ineii bpportunItlM >' 3 ® .;

P " S S ' s ; ■■ M“ I*"* Art R ttllr . 713.0117 er 72J^041. . «

cttlon., W« a rt notIn* our ttor* . iffl___ l» lht Lrnwuod Sbopplal C«nUr. 1 '^nich. ^*1” . Str**t ioettloo will b* Jm;

a .tlltb lt a'bout N irtmbtr l .t . ,Cob- W l_ Uel OIck Rarton.'Iltttoa't J tw d ir , ' 1 ^

KUTKL: Ezctll.nl bnck bulldint. U . ’ '~ ~ tlctpln* ruomt on ttcond floor, plia |I^

tnd four bu tln tu ruomt on fln t f& r .lupln. N ctrir 100%' occupaacr. Ttk*. trad* ' ^____ or ptptr. Id ttl maa tnd w i f t ^ r a - p*!T77; lt»n, Owntr, Box I.C, e/o TGm*- VT

7JJ. Ntw,.___________________ ■ S£:!!!:__ TIIK ONf.V m itu r tn l (n town, P r t^ ' ^

<>> tn l ow ntrt h tt* nptrtttd lliU for I'/,»2 Dr r c tn tnd h t r t w«|| ttUblltbtd bu.1- ^

ficu. Loctttd on hlthwtr la tb* VP W r mounltlnt. If r»u tre « tood took. . ^? tSd • •htlD but mtk* tanb ln* • T ', ' but mon*r. lUtl good U m t. Prietd------- t l 112.000. For mort dtu llt contact v j’, corn Drydtn A ttncr. Jtromt. SJ441S2. ■;/

;adtkt! Inauronce . 33 . ,|■rtlB. tu rtnc t a n d 'r t t l t t i tu . Uord-Rob. ^*. n *r«.n Agtney. 7U .»m . ■[___ M ulic Le»iont . 4 0

^ n ^ ln ^ t ^ onV."’ 'c tH "7 IJ .m 7?*°^CLASSIC tnd p^B ltr pUno Itatont. ^

* r i j ? i ml “ ^

“Voo 4 4 _ ■ f j JO B S IN ‘ ?

------ ELECTRONICS •. f,IG Inttrrl«w* ar* btin* condueltd'for I mtn t i r d II4S InUrattd In «ra- »

3No pr*«<nu< «x»*rlrtic* It B*c*t ' > t t r r . but appllctnU mutl (a) pata

-4K4 » OutlifriB* U tt; t e i fb>.t»*lB Mtnr to wt*kt b*for* ta u rln t bro. HI

~ t^tetronta tB d n t^ n * "

S tltr ln frem t4U lo |7U . d»- fptndlnr ea IndivldUtl mtrll. avtll. tb it a fu r CralniB* ptriod. •

tr tlltb l* for Intern* whll* m eu^. ^ 4,aln. For pntontl loUrvUw ■,

-f ctll e r w riu j_ S I , 8 E M

2 4 b |,i,Ion of World SItetnmlei i— T*«haolo«r CorporsUea , [.la-m » ' ^

PboB* 7SJ.2III .

^ Home« For SoU ’ 5 0tti* 7* S 11 VBARS of r* .l * tu u *n>m*ac« la

Milton ntalur. 712.1011. .

r p«»OB d l> ^^^B n*I^V -'c« ih lM eB !^^ ___ J_________ t«.700. Phon* 7IMII4. 7»S-ft71«. .)

,Bd* tSJil o h ^ fu r a t^ 'p i£ S r 7 J j! « 7 * < ir 'S ^

ipteU I^ our * * p * r i^ « ^ » «iJJf. Pbon* 7M.10SI. f ■JT bem. “ d fana burlat tBIdanca

T S'*** 8«ltT . Call lo-d tr 731^321 or 7».*t4l. ■ • . .— r — • r " A c i iS T i r T A 3 T U K E r tn ; r 3 3 ^aed tx- room hoia*, fun battmtnt. lU batha. ‘

;ln*: l t t . ,is.M 0. itrm ^ Ctrd*^ p S u S S ? :Itl Und. A ttncr. Wtndtll. Mt.207L~ ,

SK: '1.4 p ja . PbotM ns-4771, «T*alBcs — wttkand.. T33-ntL

• “ OLOCU bos*. i.htdrooeM. No d o w ^p a ra m t to rtlUbI* p u v . StlUaC i

iidtUna.- . 7a3.«M .'’ ** iT m n iJH t lin nr«. _ ,

Lr:.. K,-.5y‘.as„{s;_______ F ^ t a U or rtat. CaU 7JJ.S717

d ig “Swf u i s ^• - i

• IiL E S .M-tigB. ________- I

I F F , ' '

. . J dltion. EiUUa* C. L loas. tIS.SSO. ‘I pickup 2t0 *th ' Artnu* Ettl. 7SH 7tr

^ t fi.i *ti4

d la t^ L oll btat. Urport. IMS Saa" £ 2 , W i - ; a V S . « „ 7 ! T - : " " “

!LJE»coaw t:oo J®»“ . *arm«« aod ale* .btckyard.

th a Jl-fl. XWJSCKOOil ^ 9 8 D u lu n u 'a t tw ^ WaU to wall n rp ttin t ia U«io> room ' Slop T af t' f""* FI>»pU«*. ta r a t t ."“-ism a wm*. tlttgtlful kitcbtn. Clott to acboul— ■ „ — and tbopplo* ctnltr. Will tak* paptr

arra. t«»w or contract for ptrt down parm tat.t u r u n i s ! TU4117 er 7 J .^ » .

BRAUTIPOL tad tptrlou* oldtr hom*.• . KJ. Lane* litin* toemMtlain* room and’i ^ i l t lS ^ M tchtn. ^ tl*hlful ftMltr or rumput

----Ild.OOO. C. Loontr. Utaller. 7M^0»1. •

I***. IStSS* c«r«i«d paUo. tvdwood MsSoil Clo.* ta Kbool matlut. 11.004l*r r y Ulow jP lU apprtUtl. |l« .7 lt . Pboa*

co. “’t l r s ; i!K..“Sur=' s f . 5 . £

CIOM lo tb e p n lu 'a ad atbooL OU

I—"? Rf,?** WHY CAN JMMLKTT HKALTY —ll (MlUUet. your hoB»7 Wt hat* burwa. W« ^ulpmnt. vuarantt* lo BdttttU*. W* «!«• your' 1*1‘£ T ! • “ **r « ^ ^ :-"5

r t t lh* ttrr lc t rou dt*«ryt. .. . . FUH BALK OP trmd* by owntr, tbr*«t N .

f tn ttd r trd ! clot* lo .n tw Junior I to r W l f” oldtr two ar

? r ^ * y n ; n J j r i .

^ c o . - '

rtlj. !itb<^

». « * 4 4 t t - — M ITTO N REALTY:; ’

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

BACk-tA ucf. 2 2 - 2 3 , 1 9 6 2 ,

1 ft Twin Folls Tlmes-Newi

Homei For Sole 5(

r i r r r l "

■■ K i ' s ;csr.. “jr.'V r a i f f iilhDn. 7as.JK7 or 7W-IH0. .

W lIB MOVbD i Fr»n.. U »« . t of lliMlton. No- 1 W iw rS S "S 'i ' . f i 'S - ' . T a f.T"i..sr;

* ^ v n fthtl 1400 p tf' ln<tuiiin] InlfWt. 7M-n»7 nr 7a3-im, .

»«nl. C1o»« lo lo«'>b. rimn« 7M»741t.__WK a n soliil back U) collnf- t twl

rootn hom. with prlviU

rf IM o T to U I Srl« »7.W0. l« , p.yrnnt |S5. Will lr«Jt for Ir*l1«i

Inqulr* .nrtlm . «««Pt Fr|. il»r «nd B»tunlny. «>» »U>E««t.------------ ----

DY OWNEH:l i w i ))>?« 'ronm r ‘llnl'!»birth c»WnfU. w«ll to w»ll rtrrxtj, h.r.l«ooJ floon. uOllW'.Doubl. c rport with l»ni« •}«^« o' worluhoti. Lnne

■thonl. rhoni- 7i».7>». — _<;00D J UdrootB hom.. tf*r floorr.

ElrJi;'."*; « h''q u ' r C l t l f " 114.000. T r .* for gooJ mentt* ««/■

K . L. JENKINSR ealto r

rboD* l i i - i i n .


i/S S liS H ’HbcL AlTfor IlS.eoo.

IT.CWO morU»tt. b.l.i>e4 eash.

rllONE 7M4«W

WILL TJIADE FOUR BEDROOM HOME far m «. •m mobll. hotn* er ont Mroom houit. Tbln bomt bu fumtt*. (•IK ut (h.M r, U m rm nt


r t Bla* U k - Jiortb 7ll*m« Utmbtr MuUlpIt U.ll»(

O N E ACRETill! n u it bt Mki imnt.auu}r. x t don't m!u, tbl* « P « f

• tunltr. M»«l thrtfbtdreom bom* witb p»rt btatrotnt. flU btrdwood noon . Atklot tlt.tOO but any offtr will bt couldtmL Good ttrn*.


rOu mis. (AnrUmt) T»-(07f

SA V E ?2000 — i55JS2*UwLlS2SUlL^2I!ilSL

M n tl rM k wHi lull roa U .J w « u h Bllbt.n t * btdroom* — S bttbi. urptttdatlBT «ad <Uni»» «*PV »I“ »“•*)« bar. fJrtpU**. famllr reoi^ 1 eat ^ ra s ^ p a t io . and inadKk. Lot*-

Phone 733-41M For AppolDtmmt


Our BulIdlnB OperaUonst

lW;7o".o‘t.'r»^u^•od a tt bow ta ir u U te ‘ows your ^ owo botaa.

immtdlau oeeup«ntr»llli low down ' sarm tnt. with montAlr (tcrmtnij

Im th ia r tn u Call todtr f tr as «ppolnia«.t.

; K E Y R E A L T Y

! - - 7»M m ---------- '

$14,300 ■I S Ot^reom bomt. futt butmtnt.

' - §13,700 -I & «To;.-.'So.rUrI and famllr toom.

! . $20,900H Lottlr abtdr rar^ .ptcloai t bt4«r room homt. Wtll lotaltd, iiot at>-


r R O B I N S O N - F E L D T M A N•7» Pll*r 7J».»H

" PTLLMORB STRESTl | l S' IMroonu. full btHtnrat. oilI p furnMf — lop k-Mloi. JIUOO.M ST. EDWARD'S SCHOOL

’ ' Oldtr 3 btdrnom hocu ntnr Ut.

MORmNOSIDE SCHOOLa DtdrtHimt. ftmllir'tuemi plua

• ________ "rmrtbtr-ln.U*" apartmtnU rilA• option to buy. **'*'

•' IMMEDJATE POSSESSION3 Btdrtom hrlck. CJ t-«n

(■)» may U. a..umH l» nuSlfM l,uy.1-^ «r. fUeommtnd y.mr Inptetlon.

i‘l JOHN J. WOLFERealtor

i | l XM tn4 Blrttl lUni 723.UDI


■Ifi.' ■I t - , - '—- room*, famllr ■'rtwi A,ul,l. ■>J n g t . two flrtBlaMt.'iwu fmi i,,,h

} • c r eaA ^ u i^ »• hwnt »Uj, ,mtl

' ATTllACTiVE AND KHAItv: t,r l r tntdlat* poMwlun. an l-|,rt»-1 SK.VOO. Ful bwm«Bt with ihliI . ■ btdn»»»- *>H IUr»»f». flr>r t«ih — ..........p.. ; MAGICTTOELeYrv ..'-.,.- '

It ■■■ ■ «-y \ ^ ..Oor«loii L. C w k V ftrt^tr'

:- td -sc H O1962 Wiiniet Fot.SnU 5°Inies-News lo w d o w n parmtnt. n»w I btdworn-------------- ---- ■

- :r - g ? . l .

.tulful pantltd N i^ ', rw m r-2 btdroom humr. illrth

S P L I T L E V E L .a.IHO. BEAUTIFUI. 4 l « ' l hnm..

i J r S S ; • s T ' C S£•■ €'"S: '

■ ” " 'p h o n c ‘7 3 3 -1 1 0 4TS3.U0J, ------------------------------------- -------------r kL Dttplaetj AEPEALINO OLDER HOME

offler. m ll r balh.. all, on onr Iloor. plu* ta il - • B. Ftnetd back flnUhtd baitmrnt.u .T u t” '’ ^ p h one '733 -llMto11»«». * btd- ratt aparttttnt«t. HH. IV5 BOCHANAN STREET

v ’K S ’ s ? T , r . . » ‘ . .T “ v & T . a I " - ' " . ' K T Z 'is ', "S ;

1> tth A ttn« } i , h r " ^ m . v,% nifclr___________ U n S « M . W.n wirth tht Mk^,|d. } bedroom' Ini prict of Cl.SOO.

‘dini« ^ m ! L L O Y D R O B E R S O N A G E N C Y

iTKt aUirut or 137 Sboahont S lm t Nnrth 733.4SIIS ,T«r jpir^w n Not Mtmbtr Mulllpl*^ tJ f i r a . OutSTjonlor btxb ■ - ------ ------ -!:-------------- • FREE SHOWINGI atrnooiT. Du>a on Iht Markrt Twiar• w W f S u W-000. rour bflmom.. two Ulhdlich wal.r. homt. cloat-ln. s u fur-

3NS ..r-p tt. Btw drapn, ntw (aa

,n . /urnart.__________ O S T R A N D E R ’SVINO ' 7J3-S8:# — Din. 733-4018•P T T r ^ m . H appy HometlnderaU h " Land. ---------------------------:-----------------------1 09 btautl. I t ’s C o m f o r t a b l eude* prl»»u _ . ■ « . . .>ptd u- tkl I n d o o r s o r O u t !Ita. balane* J^ ,^ , ,h), j bt-lroom fullr fin- '

lihtil home, ll'a built lo llvt and - - rtlax In.- Ilaa all Iht tletirtd f.a-

tu m . w. bullt-ln oven and ranite.)E (S btdrwmi. Ilvlni room and Uln-

Ini room all carotltd). btautlfui ME far m «- u r« t flrtplaet. • tbtrmopant w|n- int btdroom ^w a with tinrm wlmlowa'-ihtfiutch.— u furnatt, o„,. full, ftnted. Ntw Urma ar.ll.J a r n rmm* gbit.



7 ll-m i «tO Blu* Lak.* nivd. No. 7J3-S211 John tllehup. tUaltor

J.me* D.nner. 733.2240 ■— Mtmbtr Mulllpit LUlln*I E -------------------- r -------------- ------------ Z

r a m i i F o r S o l e 5 2K u n?5H IDEAL atoek or d.lry ~raneO. SO aert*,

l ,S ^ KSJI CoodlKt art*, on oJW road. »m.0»0, 13.600 down. Notion tleallr. Cood-

l i l ' m MB Inr »3«-4»a4. Shoahon. «>(1.7C2»., couldattd. CALL «KALTT(. 21* Sboabont S lrttl

ZUat. Compitt* mnd eomptUnl tr n - let. lUnche* - Farmi our aptclalltr. 7S3-83SI1.

E A L T Y AtWAYB . KOOd atltellon of »„ebe..home* and certaffe*. PHI Coubtrir

. . . r a m i. r«r/rc( ioeatlva for rtilr*-JOO mtnt. rtertalioa, dudt raneh dtrtlop-In haaflUfnl mant. Priet rtduetd for nulek aalt.

_ Jh o n t Wtndtll M»-2M». raa U alttp 7 « AClUlil. Twin FalU wawr. 3 rood

bemta, poUto ctlUr aOxltO*. maehlnt ahtd. Lar. t z tn wtll (or wattrin*.

.thi, carp.l*d For thu tietpllonal farm bur call a. Die* asaek A rt nt*lty. 7M-t217 nr 733.j04t. -“S S ! L S i l liXCliLLENT for IlYtaloek and row BdKk. Lot*- Modtrn I b^lroom hom* with

tovair yard. Cood oulbulldlnta. S « i.B>' it now Jn croM, Frank Orr. JOOJIM w «t. a so ^a n h , SS Wttl of nuptrt.

azo ACKEil unilrrtluptil land, .north e t ran). einrM and wtJl drilltH, Ur* Wtll. Alao, 120 aerta undtr «ood

A N D W G « . ’J I i t r ^ ? - .«•.'■ i^ho?;«rftUoMf

h ea d (ulu.) « » l . r.n .h . A

B O B I N S O N - F E L D T M a Nladar fat an

/ t7 t Flltr Attnu* . 71M9M

L T Y ^eoo ACRE CallU r.nrh. C w la

---------- , , Counlr. no head ptrmlt. lUnchWIJ] rarrj' 200 -b»d >ear around. - ^ e^ lltn l wattr rlihl. U<«d modero

lit b«««tnt. H U N T E R .R A S M U S O N - a ^ to, *»« B A I L E Y A G E N C Y* 1727 Ov.rlanil. Ilurlty. 67ll-t03ll) BO ACIIK2). North and Kail of

1— 1. Dlilrlet. Modtra two-I, » btdroom * h 2 n ! S d h t 'j TiJd JlhS?ldin«iI •

D Iai*Iton Art*. Dnp wril Irrlira-;>iel«ai t btd- “ '"’valtiL lisa an- ■ two-holrooffl homr. Maehlnt .h«)

*«■! nttntr nr ochtr ouCtiullrllnicf. O ^V . K0.099. V trr rtaaonsbl*

’“ ™ U ? b i l l c o u b e r l v____________ R e a l E s t a t e

"ACROSS PROM SEARS” TREST O lfk , 7S.1..MSJbaa<mra«. oil MaurletKUM 7a:i.s:;i7lon <12.(09. HIM Coubtrir 731.S1U

s c h o o ; , ----- ------------- — ' ----- ---

£JndT «ntor j q q

w ;-vr-;;.r’t d ’:".i,..'7 ; „ r 2 ‘r .

“ E 'S S I N y E S T M B N T

.“ 'S l l . ' ; ” o i i t o

T O L F E ----------------------------------JI- T r a d e Y o u r H o m e

7J3.UM F o r a F n r m

VIEW kO .harr. w .iir, 2 bnl|.».m hum.with full tInlihH iMMmrnt plui

M tU AVl> i fO"m trnir,t-h»..«. K .r.*., .pu.J<ln>. r.mr ctll.'r. .mllklnx U rn. xran.rV and■7; A-Ublt la . nih,r imall halfclinR.. Ml.aoo with . 1«<1 full batha . l»rnM „r in .lt lor hom. In T»lnX|nt wHf, ,n tll >«IW Jiurr/ »n Ihlt »a .

, 'C o u n t r y 'L i v i r i i ? •r. «««. ' }® ACKKH 7 mlln frum lown. JD JfMllI': Im- Imlioom. full'laa.mrnl. t rar aa-■ I 'l t r c ^ ra t., row barn, olua olhtr amallI^Vrtta^^uctd bulMlni., lU.WO-with* Itrma.

T l y n w q o d '

S l l U y - ■ r e a l t y

i«1 N.^ , - ,»» l2 ^»Ul>..,a

. «™ b-r Multlpl, IJatlni

......W ;


50 Formt Por Soft 52

«•. Bt« at (to AttoCT. abnabont Mft.7«8g.

o« Ml'^Kmmttt A*I UOW erofi 4B, good bontr. I t t t I .. I In , i J Z >»nJ- beadaau on farm. 120,000. IUM laT^law n S f in.wtmtnt. Jtromt. 824.2334. than rtnu Clott tiCLLINlT; burinc or-lradln«. u” iwra I 733.S8X4. <0 rantart Anakt Rlrer ItmiXr.. Wrt'm h.imt. l ilreh l^oa.l tovtr«it. 1‘hont Huhl. 843.4IH1I1. Lt Wllh flnlihrd trroCK ranchn. farma. lit* Iht sniw ‘ a^lV^ ln« «r»pa. Tr.de. - M oula.- Iti.jl

nnan. Btntt)m>SnUr, JU.ltoha. ’— — Ituptft 436.40C7.

' - v r , - - ;;;r ' C S f c . y ’” -

‘ tariiVtr.1. UKAUTIKUL .Sll.rr Crttk- lUncU

______ IVl ACi<»i». tioVr It dttp anil imnlur-iB-n a r t»»9 • tl>r. llou.t U btautlful. Alu> ku>h lER ROMB ^nant houtt. aoo<i. Muthaidc hx-.*

lion. Out of alatt owntr. K<>r . i f Mm. earptttd pulnlmtni e.ll 8n.kt Itlver Hraltr. imllr room, 2 jt„hl.,r. pl«t atml- • *9 ACIira ol.rpr«JtcU---- I'Irn i, vC

. waltr. >oo<l dalrr att*up. ntw pm - lurt *r*t»m. th rtt btdroom mixlttn hnmr. new (aract. Ttrma arr.nirrU. H-rKt or frfion* LuelHt iJlektrJ. Ku-

;— :-------------- Btrt 43MKH7. __________lil lE E T FINE 40 aefrt nMr Frultland. Krulllib ta lr . bl( Irtti »nd n>w erop. Two .paelnu* lit. Carpeted modtrn homr*. tie tll tn t marhint iL.Untt f.ml- ahup. U rtt poultrr hou.t. »r«n.ry. V p.llo. Iwu ,lalrr barn. UO.OOO. Wrilt Col.lit

v trr nieclr H^r.^^t. Houtt I, Frulil.nd. Idiho.rth lh* u k - rhnnt 4SS-32SS.__________________

If Y ou're In te re s ted ’e r s o nI kind: <ir .tlllnic r o u r 'c t t lr .

orth 133.<8K , SEE OENE LARSENlulllplt Coodins 034-SI71

■I.rktl To<!.r trn h<'mta. srailt “A'' mllkln* nar- ■ n». two bath lor. mathint »h»4. Id t.l for f.lhcr In. s u fur- and «<>n. tt7.S00. 30% down.-Stt

naiT*tot. od K . L. JEN K IN S, R caJtor III Ntw rar- . «3-4372pet, ntw (aa -- ------------------------------------------------

" WORTif THE I t l ER’S *0 ACHES ot flnt wtll Urlns land.Din. 733-4018 ” n;‘'‘wTur'‘ P}?«« ot leHndCra bulldlns.. «ple--N.Span tmall Um-

I Mr homt. Yuu t .n navt lm mnll.ltpoueiilon. THttd a l only *21.000

•table -It*O ut! The “ole tra d e r”

U ready lo trade .®?o 'i l« and* CALL TODAY' d«irri ft.- JEROME REA LTY«m ".n” dl‘iJl • 324-387T J t . bt*u«ifui ,------------ 7"^--------------mopant win- Lots ond Acreogs . . 54' ttrma .rail. i'UUR Too<l lula in Kimbtrir. Uood

'O DtT T CHOICE .ertasr* «nd rtver troaugn.. X Hastrman Valltr. Ivan Ounh.ra.

a.le*m.n tor Sehmltt and Muffler.No. 733.S211 M7.4402 HaBtrrrf.n._____________

tailor 4 CilOlCK ItUILbI.Vn lutt In (h-vllnr.733-2240 Id.ho. Will Irtdt fur llttaloek. ear.

s ^ 'd . »m.opo| . Jr«k»*" JitaUri

BUILDlNO LO TS I w a p t t l l l l t r . • FIV E CHOICE AREAS____________ • PLAN SERVICElan of ranebe*. riana nay bt drmwn to your aptcl- .

BIJi Coubtrir fJeallofta. from Star.. ._ •

r« ot SawtooiS THA - "cl “CONVENTIONAL ;ioo for rtilr*- Lons Urm u wtll aa Inicrlm fl- , raneh dattlop- oanelni al Iht lowtal lnu rt.1 ralt.in ! **'*• ___ k e y ’ r e a l t y

0»fso% maeWnt **' ^*"~^SS-ilVl 'IWor'wattrin*! ____

nr""133^041.* Buslnos* Ptdpcrty 56hSml iTlh *'cm SAUK In Ylllast of l^tehum.

tl? .M n.a ^ Two chulet loU. corntr. ttn trallr• '!!k'oV;, mteat of nuptrt. y , V llw n. Uui

nl i; : ^ .,.oTh

i p i l ’' / a Vocotion Property 5E-J.t 'ti. k ; " 's ' j s x i “ I'iS: i “ ,!5-------------------- from t3 » . nolblns down. Itockr

' MuuntaIn Itralir. 733-140>!.

S u = S U ! ! _ _ ! £ i * ; . " u ! l !:l d t m a n ■ =

— Q u i c k :r.nrh. C w la ^

S S : ...... ^ U s e - t h i s h a nservi

5MUS0N-3ENCYIty. 67ll-t03ll and Kail of

A n siNLYJi7.000.

B*wtii irriir.' if tHe Telephone of <’^ .eh i7 t Diol 733-2386.r ,'’''5!llil5;!i2bU ■ T h e A dv

T q t'Uco Y our B ttk lnen I3ERLYLute '--------------------------------------^ SEA RS" Auditing .et^ ice

7ji]sM7 IbxklittpiiiK, auUmns. |a<t«. account, 73ll£l < rrrrl.rabk. ,Ullr P>nllns. mcnthl]

»,llllt,i(,Tull«tl.,n.. M trthanu Audit ■ Ins Strvlct. 7s».81fq.____________

Applionce Repoinng 50 KUKNK XMITII. applantt rtpalr. ll

rrara tip trltn tt on all makta, lloim IM acrt, that . phun. ’ _________________0 'aeM‘‘b ^ “ l‘!: Basement W orkpaid up waltr. ■ Conc(.lf Nutmtnt formlnir. W.. 1{ tnsa,--- laT»M.— —Oo»h»».-l'fcoBt.733.«>t9___

STMEKT 1 , ^ — .......Oimpltlt aalr. and rrpalr atrvrr. 4(|

flet *24.2334 Main Av.nu. ^U.t■Jttumt, Idaho Ulrycl. rtvalia ami |jartJ>7 I'luinp

______________ irrvlet. Ilammnnd'a lltpair CtntacN tii ,(n„r tn Krrnv.I'a.

r l lo m e ^EteT^TkdTE^eTtl 'arm ---------------------- =i-------------

Contract: l>n».r: Inilu.(rUi and tr Falli. BO a rm . I'"*'. 'I'lvt llrltrr Klrrlrlrall,." Kll brdiwim hum. IlMtf Klrctrlr. 733.t72H. ' ________

..’'ifaMitt* .pu.J, ExcovoHon’■ *«L Ulrn K.ltUnk> — liaarmtnli, Urnrht s - r T-Jtt a; s t tu “::;,r’.T.:;:.rvaLiviiiB ■ s s K :

frum lown. J Sta.tl,-IS-VMM or 733-K46nrnl. t r . r aa- _______________________lua olhtr amall t t m. Ukt ra r* ’t.f yi.ur romjil.t with* Itrma. baarmrnl }ciU. Coiirirlt fnrmlni

Jttn.ral nravallot.a, Ctw.|»tr 733-4HIQ O D - Fuel Oil

- tlovri. lUdI dll

„,T.• n-»iwr Fornoce Cleoninn

^ K i l T ■ y w iNM-.K rl.-.„„V. '

ASH BY SEI5 2 O f h e r R eo l f « o r » 6 0

■ii.“Sid“ f.”.‘'»T, i s . t ' s ' i s :ltt»M8g. oa t. *2>4,4»^__________ •

C . L O O N E V , r e a l t o r

ood Houir. Itvtl • ■ THE B E STn. *20,000. lltlM ||„mr..lUncht»«otnm*rrUI.SS4.2334. Varl lllrnra C. LoUntTtradlns. t»~ P .r i ' 7?».40ai IM Bhoahont. ' ’n u ^ w J ^ iw ! THREE NEW U S T IN G 8

L - “ "irr. 1-AOAMH STREET. Kimbtrir.mUr, JU*JJoh». Two W ''" " ’ raM t"'rt'

' mahi>f*nr hllebtti. Flrtplatt.1 ilUtrlcl. Koll full liaarmtnt. alU thbtd (.rak*.n‘’H llr“Stuh(* ' •" ' S-JKJVKlli^ON STIIKCT. Klrnbtr-Crttk- llanch. lr- Nlct two btdrrwm homt.Mnynt Rr.ltr, ’ ■.■'Vt r.rptlnl -IWIns ruom.

f-4tS0. Wtnil.il Vtllo. /tnrrd biark /• n l . 11.000.■ I,. ' S-CIIOICK M ACUK8. U ra and

rK ./iK .s','! - ... .............--------------------- c«i«lallr- Ihl*. on farma andtl . I'lcnly uf acrraan. t-up. ntw prta-f.r .” ”." S Taylor A gency«* RIektri. Ku- offlct •fJJ-ajM__ __________ __Kvcnlnsi! 42S-R401rultland Frull Thurman Wllll. 423^HM

apaelnu; Mtmber Mulllpl. LUlln* tll tn l machine -houat, *mn.ry. ' ' ‘'rultl.nd. iilaho. m ACIUUSi Gradt-U mllklns

ptrhr (htl i»”Uld m.k* your witt ,-------------------- ---- pn.ud. Kacrllmt land lhat U. .nercsted ’ Irv<i.l»r’a (litam. Lovely Ihrtt l» l-r rtal raU tt; r>«un humr with full bairmrnl.

aa lf of any ThU I* a «a*« A pl.er. L<-tatfli r 'c t t l r . <u>l Writ lif I'aul. ailj.ceni to /ARSEN unit A.


u# 130 cuiti- oni:k in a i . i v c t im b 'o i t o u . 'tru'mi “ mu - TUNITVr.|>raullful 87‘unlt mQt.l,'^ U V ln .^ r i ; . rr.uuianl and roektall Uiunit. lnt . i tor r.tfTrr J’hotBlt. Arl»«nj». Crouln* lll t ,-

down V ^ 000, B;t.lUnl lot.tlnn. P rta .n t,

' & s '„ s r i . T ™

cnll or Write " S ' . r c ' i J . A . M A R T I Not SOUil OUU«t'to m f.i'.” t A g e n c y

only *21.000 R e a lto r

acjer” n"*®’ .^ d e . ----------------

!i?h 2 4 -3 8 7 t F O R S C H O O L

' . M K r . ^ ‘»'.-?s”v,:u"L''i2in’Mbar'iv— • convtnUni kllchrn. 2 batha. party kimbtrly. Uood flrtpltct. utility r».m.7=;— —-----;---- Onmnlit wtli. 100x30a ht. On)rc ^ : X k u X f ‘Vr‘ i r~ '’' ‘‘‘"E zE L L ------------- ClIAllMiNn 2 btdroom hom, onrtver t n a u m . nje, .irtet. r(nlabt<l Uienrnl.Ivan Ounhara. „m pui roam, p c lb l* »rd bed-t and Muffler. ruom. Lovtlr yard. undtrsrr.und________________aprlnkltr .ralem. *13.W0. *100lutt In (h-uillnr. <hiwa.■ llvtaloek. ear. }4liVT J bt<lror,m hom* In Mnrnlns- tarnWT. Morvln „h ,„i ,u.iHel. Full U .tmtnl., Idaho. Tele- | i 2,;&u wllb low down parmtnU

------—- NEW{.r rtmo<Irit>i 3 Mroom»rra and hlih "1*'*^'' burnt. Juat *7.000 wllb

__________ ____ I .ra lt . Total pric* onlr ».000.T M r.ncbtltr. 2 f.lr homn.L O T S H tunchlon uradt A U rn . *U.SOO.

A REA S *4.500 duwn.VnCE 40 ACUia. .11 euU|vai«l. 7 Roomto your a&tcl- mu<Urn homt. Juat Iht Ihin* lo

' ■ atml.rtllt« on — *17,500, *5,000down.

IVENTIONAL , CALL TO DA Y“ n u r -^ ra i" : G E M S T A T E R E A L T Y

Offlct733-U3e Kt*. 733.4546LTY Dl<k .Metatramlth . 733-»0<0— ■ t l . - . Jlm3lwtn»mUh. Jtromt_32«.tm ■ , >itmbtr ot Multlpl* LUlln*

f 5 6 R e a l E s ta te W o n t e d 6 2

t of l^tehum. WANTED lo b u r-2 - or »7Udro.m urntr, ttn tra llr homt. nlct location, .mail cluwn par* ( Wrllt lloa 17<, Timta.Ntwa,

A p . . t , n . n . _ F u . n i . h . d 70--------------------- 2 JIOOMB and bath. 1‘rlv.U tnlrsnet.y J g CU.».-ln. 253 Llh A»*nut Worth.----- ------:----- r NICK TWO ro.,rrM wllh prltai* b.lh

v*ii Ullllllra fumlihed. Thon* 7JJ.T75C■ 'ssz. \si ______ _i i S l ________ J nOOMS elMfliu 320 ltd Avtnu.Klnrtl aummtr P31Uniblr- Lyowood FOUR rooma, aduila. no ptta. *401- llk.Avrnnt R ut.

' c k A c t i o n Se th is -h an d y .P ire c to ry a s a guide,

serv ice Today . . and ever;

2 4 H o u r A n s w e r in g S e r

e p h o n e o f A n y A d v e r t i s e r in T h i i D ire 7 3 3 - 2 3 8 6 , T e l e p h o n e A n s w e r in g S e rv ii

T h o A d v o r t h e r W i l l B e N o f l f i c d to

our B B tlnew S tn lc e Ad, DUI 733.093L T h rt# I

S e i^ i c e _ I n s u r a n c e

vniln7." m'n'lhlr “* in.urantr e.«l. HlnMtrthanu Audit- JlrTlty'.nir Inauraiirr!**’

^ c p o i r in g ~ ~ ________H o m e S e r v ic e .ilant* rtpalr. II llrm<«Ullnv—crmtnl work; patloa. r« all makta, Horn. Ulnlns w.lU. r.«.llns. I,urr;.nt

______________ . rlrantd. l.liM htullnt. Ftne/nr. t_________________

lorminir. w .. 1C. M o to r c y c I c s----- , - ...— Ulaalua.-Crcltre. 4r.| _ M.ln ,A..;iu

te s f ^ l . II.K,A.. Uomla, “.Md ‘Dufi*! Izz__________ _ Al... .|.rtUI I..I1 m.Hlrl., 733.W2I,

lrprir"»rvr.'.'‘4'iri vii^M'^thV .n,l*’lLu' tlirtt f . ,n.*i ***" •P**»»ll»* In for»l*n tar rrp.li, K a . ______________'Sil:----------------- N e y / L o w n s .^-S P^rtS ,«^,Ha. JlryrrI irt^i .n.< l.*«(l»c»plrs.- Qualily lawn. f,.r InrririV.ir,"" KU."*?;__________ . . , . P o i n t in g

i’alnllns!•armtnli, Urnrh. lU.klna. I'h-.nt 733.KH77 or 73:drivtwaya «ravr|. ___________’ _____ ^le ayaltmi. 7« . h,,,,,, [Jnithrra. InUrlur and til.riui

;,i*"S'S:i,.... ..II .Un. t.ip a .JI----------------- --- ------ A-------M rj or 7»3-n4» ^ _____R o d i o j^ f ie rv lc l? - ^

.f yi.ur romjil.tt ClUi tn.l Jafk’a~rrvlfr7”Tuh?rMp‘an «iK irlt tnrtnlnt. Iiiakr.arrylr.. 7«l Main Wrat. Wu" , O w ltr 73J-4KU. 7«.tu«,

2 ”___________ _ • ' " W a r e l f o t e ’. -l J u ? , ™ l l . .''il: K-uir. in .iir.’n rrTII ,ilii?na tia rtjc? ^arm., v'rr^.ifr*. fhtrtnft^r Artnti 'j^plmnaJ.13^J«. 7aa.,8iH. lu.li.ry ■ |-,ula. «2MH4.

" , - :R<,ntii5' ■ ■

■ _. InttrivouhI.ln »url 733.«»l,

l e t L j N G : ; y60 A a a r t m e n t j — iF u rn H h e d . 7v


» Sh a l l aparA tnU , iiT*.‘. Kimbtrir. *15. »« »0i 8lr*tl North. |-bon1*itrm nitt. 733-7*01 _ —

rani* la CUMFUHTAOUC iwtt<«k«tplnr room Flrtplatt, Cltan-aad eooL U dr pr*ftm^. 4Ji

hb*d (.rail*. Ind Avtnu* North. I’bona -733^711. MS.OOO. . cOMKOilVAULki •p.i^^tnT'TTr”:e r . Klmbtr- SSV. “f ” *iTHit U U V S alnsi* aparUMBl. r«dlany .rd , *».000. b~l.^ •’ «y*s„"*A «7<;t t o i “8. L*ra and UmIy'S y lN liU t .partm.nl, nutl.nw .itr Hsht- ’ hf*l. ' PrlvaU tntranct.' balb, aot

I homt. *30,. waur. 543 tnd Avtnut F.ul.__________ LAKUK iwo-rxMiM.. I'riv.u balb, .1a,M. ii.tl..« utlllllm fumUhtd. Womtn onlr,. *4!

ency ” S ’i? S s S “. £ S r s— ----— ,— — r42S-R401 li STAIKB- .p .rlm tn l. . Udlt. . only

4234K50 Ulllltlei turnlahnl. taetpl titelrlcllr LUlln* ^tomM le waahtr. »» 4lh Avtnu

“ ‘‘‘. ^ i ' '* ^ . .; ; iv i 'E 'i ; . ; . 'a w " ^ , 's r.” a, ; ' !:

lhat la. an u v iN d n.im, bt.1nH<m. klteh.n.-bathly th rtt l- l- ,,iund fl...r. Furnac,. htat. wattII Uitmrnl. fumUhnl. sa r.s r , A.lulU. 735 . Uho aer. L.rf.lt.1 ,h.>nt N.irth. 733.5"l'*.

A p a t t 'm t .— U n tu r n l ih e d 71UUUmiN on*~btdroom dupUa,, *4£

S H ' w s swain* *115,- ------------1-------- -------nn. I’rta.nt l-Ai(TIAI.LY furnlahr.1 Ihrtt ruonu

A- VKIIV flJiA jJ fuur r . :^ ; r U t i m iJ ^OOO- trpl titclrlclly furnliht<l. 3(0' 111

• Avtnut tUat. I’hont 731-0474. - : 11. I-KIVATK tn tn n t t . air condlilon«<l

3 nwma, b .lh , htat, tlKlrlclly. WaU furnUht<l. aomt fiirnllur*. 73JJH77

l l l X NICE THIIEB-HODM aparlmtnl. llralwaur. ran*r. ttfrUaralor. aanlutlui /urnfthtd. Alr-ondltluntd. Xloafln Adulta, I’hont 733-417^

*n}tor VUUU touma Uld b lt^ iltal, waitautomatlo waahtr. -.Ik.ln <rtt«

43f>5i01 ^r»ltlir<l. Adulu, *14 , (lb Avtnu

—--------------- ONK ANU iwo-bt.1r«om apartmtnU

. A T E Cnyon Vlll.. phon* W -ia a* .^

H o u s e s — F u r n is h e d • • '7 iVlaU^Law* * ItOUMS, eltan. mo.ltrn, ampla bullibatha, partr Int. c.rport, Wattr and a.nlutloiUlty room. |.«ld. *tO. I hunt 73ajHu».Kl Ml. Ontr ' a BBI7IIOOM rtim;>lrttlr /urnlahrl. Autpruvcil land tumatle waahtrHlrytr. Illrktl aehiic

.llilrlci. Vtry e lt.n and convtnltnl>m homt on Jltftrtnet. Wi«n« HJ-C819 for a;I baatmtnl. jjolntttitnU

I ' b i r ' - S : I1KOKOOM Home u t ptr msnlb a . I . M .» i . . . 591 Aclama .Strret. I'hnnt .733-(V19. 4ll U a t r n l . 0 IIKUIIUOMS: 2 b .if . or Z famll n p.ymtnu b..mt, I’h-'n. 733-JOM.3 btdroom TtVO tIKDKOlIM mxlrtn. sa t tu rn tf *7.000 wllh tbiat-ln. I'hnn* 733.3»73. - -

2 IIKUKUOM mo.ltin tic tp l. hta win pui yoo Aduila. Inuulrr 15»» Mn.lr U nt.

I hom* wllbnlr »«.000. ain o .tr .n .lrr. rhon* 733-3520.; f.lr hoijM. TiiKKi: bt.ln>um hum* on I'm ldtr ..rn . *15,-00. jjiort, rtfrlo talo r fufnUbt.

*45. I’hont 733.20M, . fc*^ '.h l^ I" UAKIiAIN a t *35, on* btdroom "^ fJnn ifBM modtrn. 7*0 Uauriet Strt*7,500, *5,000 phnn. 733-40HO.

TWO btdnmma. slaaatd In alttpln AV porrh. alnktr furnaet. Cioa* to *ni!

arh...|, I'hont 733.«eM. l E A L T Y HICK ONK bftlRoMTl hiimt. saa br* Ht*. 73S.4546 for p.rtleuUr» ta ll at 305 4tb JSlrn

733-»0t0 N..rth, rpmt32«.in» ONE ttdfuom hom* on nlc* lot. wU * LUlln* 733.1C20.__________ ;______ .

6 2 ""fS^Srtf J'int'Sr'».l.ai;or *7UdT^ffl ImmnllaUly. Call’ TJ*-««J atU

nail down par* TivL O ^t' UupM >vallablt .1tDUml> Timta.Ntwa.• 7 |V bt.lrooma. Lari* kluh.n, built-:

n i t n e o /W ran«t. ullllly room. laraia, *BAdulu. DU p«u.'FKont 71*a3M.<

rivau tnlranet. 733.Bnf.».______________________tnu t North. {.AIICE S.I>t.lruom homt. l(o.,mr ai

, . . T" , t.invtnltnl. Urdrtnrtitil. l'luml>t.l f» privau Ulh. nuuimalle waahtr. Suktr fiirnaciniont 73S.T750 Mornlnsaldt Bthool, litftrtnt._________ _ Sbuwn by appolnlmtnt. Tiion* 73>0 3rd Avtnut -- — *•

R o o m s— R o o m & B o a rd . .7no ptta. 403 I’ltlV/.Tt; tntranct. air tutidllloni

-___________cloat.|n. U7 4lh Avtnut. North.

n S e r v i c e s} a g u ide.to .dependab le ; and every day

w rS e r v ic e

I T h i i D ire c to ry I* N o t A n sw ered , tr in g S e rv ic e , D a y e r N ig h t . iotificd to Call You.I93L T h r t t Unei, o a e m o ttih , on); |S.4I

ice R entolsrantr «,«i. 81n- 1001 litm . for rtnt.- lUnl.^la coi


• S ca le R epoJf_____■!In-' Llillrfl.l.l « t . i i Halt, ami Birvl.

SriSriir■'£ l£ L .— !— S ep tic TooiTScfvice_M.ln ,A>.;iu. — . ‘_________I_______ __a. “and 'Dufa*!-, 1Upilr~t«nk- el».mns. -C.ll- • Chtal„Hlrl., 733.VKI. ■ J r . l l r y . |il...nt H3.*rn4.}l! »r»I»r h r H r^ r uilk* , tJr.nn). rrpaltrd ahi and I’atUla, In.IalM . Fr*t , In.prell.m, 12rtlsn tar rrpalr. tr;rilroi.,l.|.,yd Cravm.. 7»3.3l>53.

Ibilo l(.a,ttr atwrr .rrvlcr. K..r a“ drain.«t fallurt, Alao arj.llt It

| w n s ^ _ _

lia.'^T^-Hitr” T e jcp h c n e Answer Servici■_ ~ V.’'ir Irlrplmnt l> ntytr a ! ^ . 24‘llu

» rv k r, I'hont, MJ.21K«. ~

f f f . . T o w in g ■

r— 7 ~ —T— HllK.ra Wirrkrr Htrylrr.-Aibll.'un-Ai lut.;;;:' _____

____ .A_____ ■. V o c u u m C le q n e rs)en<lcl?- ; H 'l'.lr .il m aw r“iTippM^~ii'^;;--------»“f“ . arrvict,- n,rn.r lllu't I,ak,rr. '^hriip^aml -2nd Avrmtt F,*.i, 7>3-ID_: _____

______- W elding .f o te . ' ■ ■ c v t m ^ w . i d i n i ' ^---- .1------------- U«r- „r .iilshL ilrrea firwklrk, I

!rr«nrf""’A **>»"*bon* Buttl W.mth,

W ih d d w s •-• • -I s - ^ WI>i,l.rwT >;ularrm.n|.' wliidu.

i.,-,7‘f“ h^baulln». of^ Wasi* V.llr,,^ Uurltr. J7».ia;

G WHAT YCu r n i i t i e d 7 0 R o o m 't - ^ R o b m 'g i 'B o o . td '7 iHm*nt roomTarid U ^U ii'aw w .rrM i boaH. I.g tpttm l.ri2nd.

at«” b*lii'anr*n’. <!Li£AtJ comtorl«bU^l**(>ln* r w

I r P S ' S B u s in d s s - O H I e e iR e n ta l i 8i• . ii»il.llXK.m*ln floor o ttleW r*A ^

D ELU X E S S H S i S ■ O F FIC E SUITE•rtratnl lor on* Walk ui<auln> and aavt Ukt Uadiu U M itl or r i i ' iCtrtpClun room MnJ two privau

• . . offlcM, *100 p tr month. Alr-ton.* rW .B l.^ d i iir i dlllonH. h t . l .nd w.Ur& “f/i'i:'’'‘; i i ‘ « a irpa7im;nl.- ? .dl ^ l .b it at *10,00. ranet.- balb. aofl .

rri’.a^r*Ltb ~ i = O ST R A N D E R AGENCY Wohitn onlr,; *45. • P h o n o 733-HOH.tnuf North._ 733- ■. . ■ •

apartmini; AUo Farm* Far R ent •______ 81U ,t« 5th Avtnut vo lt LEASE or . . I t 1.3*0 acru. Iriftnut North, .f u r f,„etd, * fanenl pa• lurtai nn rock nr sravtl. abund.i

ml. ■ ladin . only. w*ur.*p.)utu ttllar. fttdlns enrrstaetpl tltelrlclly. an.l ae.lt.. 2 modern home*. Vjee31] 4lh Avtnut lent fur etrtlfled at«l po la l^ at

llVc*lDck. W rlw Bui'lO-C, c/oTlm.I. 3 btda,' roSw Nawa. C(v* rt/tr tn tt* *nd ablli: Itan, Adulu prc- tn fln .nct.

O t h e r - R e n t a l * ' 8nm. klteh.n.-'bath, * )i< K K ^Tll?*' or 20"

fu rn ish e d 7 1 . * M O V IN G ? -oom' dupTn, , -*:?: .n .m . THUCK fn.m-llf;UT7. and

K u ;n l lW ;iJ u .« .l Dolllra .

I ? ih r t* ‘'-"rU.ma: H E R T Z SYSTEMW.ur.-»*nltallui' . i . . . L lC ,

I'hont 733-2l!f.H Twin .FalU. Idaho

' ' m S u/"® ” W e n t o J _ t o ; R £ n f _ ^ _ r _ ^air rondltlon«<l. ” 'maeh!nt*ry! **nant""and IlVwtot

tlMlrlclly. W aur WrlU lIua lK-C. g/o-TlmcNtvra..rnljurt. 73*.«H77. yoOHK hall: I’arllt*.. rtctpUona. tliapartmtnl. Ilrat, mttilnsa. danera. .n.iMutU atrvt

(tralor. aanlutlun I'hont 733-2ft70 or 733.|)Ot5. •llll .ntd. •Cloat.ln. ii> rr“ -100 In 200 acr^:. TTTi ’i ___________ machlotry, financins and rtf.rtnet•th. iltal, waur WrlU ll..« • 14-C. t/o TlmwNtw

»»tk.ln frvtur MICE-two l>tdniam bomr. *K0.—*aM4 (lb Avtnut Clark, 733-24*4 wt-

’ •' daya. btlw ttn * and B. afur t atrmm apartmtnU. wt^ktn.U 185 Flltr Avtnut.ova. rtfrlt.ralot. ,~ ,

- W A N T TO RENTh«,4 . ' 7 ? O ne or tw o DcUroom trailer

J houae. C o n tn c l C. E . M cKean.Itrn, ampit built, c/0 . C ttctua Petes, Jackpot, riaaiiD5.**"‘“ “ '’" _JJevnda..phQnoJI33,r8163. rly /urnlahrl. Au- ' i - ' -ftr. Illrktl achool j 'I)- an.i tonvtnitni. ' TTuclcs a n d Cnr«HJ-CD19 lor ap. ' , to r r e n t

M A C K ’S U-DEIVE .11,. . ,.»||, p h o n e '733-924!)'itfnTTatTurolftl c ' O »3.3»73. - • - F a r m I m p l e m e n t s ,________vnn tic tp l. htat. IIKSTON H*<1Q wlndrowtr. Call iii■M Mmlr U n t. i«i»4. Ilurlty.n numt. Inqulr* S tK K t sranary. IIOO. Oood tondltknon* 733-3520. . -Call 7.13-2n20.________■ 'jmt on -l’rt»ldtnl AUK YOU l.wkln* for ua«l rnmblmliatalor turnUbtd. mowtr*. r .k ra , or baltraT Wt'v* " i» , ._______ ■ Vm.*' 5i»>ctern Tractor. _______on* btdroom « t* WANT TO UUY Inurn.llanal b t

Uauriet 8trt*l. eutUr for *'C" traclor. I’hon* *3 4011. Jtrom*.

uatd tn alttpln* C0»I1’LCTK «KIIL hay and eotn the.>et. Cioa* to * n d t pin* and .Urkin* taulpmtnl. C«en4. (T.rir K2:t.3H43.______________ ^I humr. saa brat. ifKk V» lo t Farmhand 2.row tn1 at 305 4lb JSlrMt harvtaura. Inur-llut* Kqulpmai______________ ; Jthim t. phont 324-4*»4,on nlc* lot. with JOHN UEKKK e W p tr wllb corn a

r T3*-««J a tu r ' w m t .S.I.W. Inr. ■ .Vhoni 733.71- . *0 IIUbllEl. aatkin* hln. trall.r mom

vallaLIa Vni.mbar *<1. B*ll Wllh or wllboul Iralli - ) .? an" t Tllltr’a WtI.llns. J.r..mt 324.46'

klub.n, bullt-in ACMK "Stivtrtip" |KTU£o *tid taon. saraia, *U. chain 1. h tat Buy ll and *aFlioo* 73*asM.or 51..I. hy Acmt. Filer.-_________

S k l ' F S ' I J U S E D C O M B IN E S

imt^“ ‘'i'l?'onrM»: 151 IN T ^ N A T IO N A L Sell, ____________ propelled w ith Rraln nna bear

& B o a rd 7 6 “ “ “c h m cn t. T op condUloiu

r7 . l r cohdiiiontd, 45 JO H N DEERE, excellent.I Avtnut. North. - —. = = = = = = “ 1 -IS -C A B B rbeart-apcclftl----------


! ; ! 8N FO RO (IwO)


■ ' M I S C E L L A N E O U S '

3-110 CbuckwARon* (or ctiop- ped h a y or corn.

l-PA RM H A N D bo* w llh HlRh n sw ero d «prcndcr a tta c h ,

h t . ’

% » . . . G E M e q u i p m e n :

- - S A L E S , I N C .to ls----------------------- -- "Your JOHN OKKIIK Dtaltr-It.- lUnl.Alla con. Vj mil* a.uith nf Mulur-Vu cor.tiB -fir* dfpartmtnu . I’h.m* 7J3.721J.


- - U S E D

p o t a t o HARVESTERE’>k. S e rv ic e . Nn. 70 CUItl, 4 nw lmllrt«l. rns.-C .ie . Cht.l7r —No.„«_CU(ll,,.»,_»uw Indlrttt___

.n j ‘ »■

r.^n'r'73!?31.MV‘ . ."“r . u t " ' '

Alir,‘'aV).tl/ uJ!![ LOCKWOOD * r.>w IndlrttII.ktn,.7>5.254l nr Irhtib).“— ------ ------------ Thrar bartttltra aU fompltuly ra)sw er S e rv ic e condlll»nt,| .nd *uaranl»d.

i S . , y g g u

fir's ' POTATO DIGGERS,'7 « ; i : * l ' l '" " '" '0 * - I V B I l 2 r..w-w»h e.'t-a .o<ivt>

C le q n e rs c iia m i’Uin wiih-nji,ur roiUr at

•rn.r Illut I-kw.--- U S E D B U L K B E D S

— «“ -* *"«'}lllWI.omplrul* porlaWt;tr a K.wklrk, III . ■ • •

£ 7^ . c u r l : ■

rxr.u. ' ^ ' wi.idu'w.. M A N U F A C T U R I N G C Q.’ho,.; 7« .74ki. . n u .., ■v.i.u

- r — *' -^

YQU D0NBoo.fd -76 Farm'1n^j?l>m<int» 9b O w f a n t^ OONT BUY—»*ltr rW brtir>n*w l

s s. " S ? : lO-UT JOUN. OBEIIK M,ti«,»*n ;A .P U .

e n t a i l 8 0 t iik ilEET harvt.ur .lh* Maslo VUlea*. " A m ^ '•». bttii aakln«: to

fiASlS COM filSi wall lyp* * ,ih E2 aiUthmtnU tiv eiottr attd, grIT'PO and' btan*. 'Wlatonaon air cooH i u • molar. Uaed * ytar. * u ^ «haI t Ukt Uadi - m d r ta lo, *0% dUteunt. A. two nriv.U JInlUnd. 7*3.)ftX0.

llh. Alrvton. .Z W o n - HARVEST TIME

iuo avail. • f a s t APPROACHINGOrd*r* muat b* plartil anon.

tOENCY Btan cultrr* madt lo ordtr. PnuOjg to harvaaun and pllara, poUt

bulk b*da,-bt»t btda. ,

^ BALED HAY LOADER!1*0 acre*. IrrT. * batUr lo«d*r for Im montr.. a fanetd paa- . . . . , , . .

- p a u l e q v i p m e n tbomr*. Vi«e«1.

UrcVo^in:2.^ a n d 'W e l d l n g S h o p- *"<1 -W»‘y

8 6 :---------- — "--------- ------^TTT^ui.tij.teo ttu. • Combfne-^Bnlcr ’*

" u i n ^ u X BARGAINS

. 7 ■ 1 ■ ' MODEL 12iiVtiTr.ni • MASSEY-PEROUSON llf,UTT. and . COMBINE

■' 1 $1,500 OFFS T E M bnt—Mudal'jH

. Ntw tfollanii JUItr '

.ra iu . Idaho . Na"!^iiolKnd'llittra8 8 ' On.—Modtl no

- . .Oilvtr lltltrand Il.wtotk. All Ore In ROOU.COHtlltlOnrimw.Ntvra.._ an d ‘ready to RO to worli.


. z i t l a u m o t o r sand rtfertnet*. Wtndtll (3 (.t llt Tlmw.Ntwa. .■mt. *M.—*M. ' “


JENT E Q U IP M E N Tom trailer

f ' JKkSo" ' . JO H N D E E R ES163. Slnste row tnnk type

• beet harvester.

c r . j j j g

u a v f tw iu f ^ h a rv e s te r- . with wheel pulltra.

D R I V E O L S O N -

! no /ft . Roio Bealcr with- International U»4 euelne.

I, ' 9 0 ' , *v»r. 'l-all C7». • . M A D S E N ^ ,

Good-tondin^ . ■ - , ■

uatd rnmblnn, , 'P A U I ,

” *• ■ s e l f 'and eotn ehop. ' 4-roW CUttCT

fluipmtni. .cau . Jn tc m o U o n a l C .

S !S r,™ S ; . f r e e m a n.l ik 'r .n . 'S I J H «y to l 'l -

tlon, frtd Je«-

.It,*, eumbil . K I R S H N E R *'hnnl^MWiM *001 leveler, trall.r moiinl-• llboul ^irallrr. F O Xu T Chopper with,hay head. '

ll and *av*.

- — — m cBINES S c v m l «ood ro u m e r plowi

)NAL Self C A S E .n and bean No. 77 Bean Combine ondUloR.excclleoC. C A S E^ - - . . 'No. 150 *el(*propcIIcd

NoTbo iicU-propcKcd '■ nONAL combine.

‘7 , M cVEY’S, IN C■ . 1813rd Avtnu* We»t 73*.*0

lEOUS ■ fofm Supplies_________l ’l,AbTlC~euvtn. lU r Hu0 u,.alki i

cr m tu c n - :S : " : i i "u> ahow .ilf y.,ur priat anim.l K.rm * Cltr UUtrlbutln*. Int..

■•■Main Av...ut Nurth. Twin Kail.,

P M T ?M T H ay-C ra in e n d F eed .- W ANT^O llU»r<;ood" qualllr

l.loyd Carnty. I'hont 73a-0lint. I N C . CHAIN IIUl,UNIi, atranT or d r ^^ . MllUn’a, Jtromt. I.....n t .Vi4.2«7IIK D r.Itr’* WANTKII e lt.n atraw lu halt lur.Vu corntr - ahartt.'jiw, Krtprlli. yilrr :27I. UllA N roUlns, dry or moluat*

■ T llry '.. nhunt 42a.BH34. IlanatnHAN IKK AI.KAI.KA ac^U. pi

M.U. (trmln.llitn « ', i , h.nl . 4%. Call'l^lltr »2n-472W.

• WANTKU I KII.W, win m l .ndon abaiM, I'hun* lU>*a Ward 7IJ.I/ESTERS Kv>nlns^an.Ma;f,.r.jO-.,m^

MOIIILK *raln ronins. atmrn or■„.,i___ M olutn Ijl.ndlni. t.inrrnlr.t* i

. l»s. Jlw SittV. 32fl.»384, yilrr.Indlrttt ToiliinAHC MlXl.lNU liEliV

Kt«|-»Hndln*.-mol.aat* mla, •’ t IndlrMb . 381-4447. Klltr. ' ■

-m i dtmon. srindlns, W alltrJ.a r.tn . phon*M04 Klmhtflr. ________.

'.iw Indlrtct - WANTKU—Wtffi ^tt* .traw to IniI " • '" ' ' '7 “ .h .rt* nr will btir a ir t .d r b

Dtllwrt Clamplll. Klmlxrly. 421.1 rnn.pi.uir ra- eiiHTOM TiAiiLlHi;. Ii.r- ' s ^ m rn

» v ; j : n ^ v r .• Htratl. J t r..mr. ■ ^

• , WANT TO Htiyr’r ’B’DO rJtan li»rity «nJ mlatd Ifr*.U O E R S . . Optn from • a.m. ‘till * p.m. rt',-. - - JONKA UVKtrroCK CO,etr«a eolivty. KPKN. . 325.M

iiUr roiur at- AnImol Breedin{| 1AllTlKlCIAI, Itrtwlln*. A.ii.JJ. nr

alrta, .all il.lry an.i i>ttr bulla *; BKDs . v M i t ' ‘’a ; ; i , . ’5 5 » v, „ „ V omti Klwyn AUlaon, xaiMIIIO, llJ (o»'lllivnr . tom Jm t IhetUr, «7H. H in. Uaf


r - Own*d and oparaUd hr Dairy I'smU - Walltr A. U luh . phon* a«*-4<i

Iluhl. Jlm r.»Ur. phnn. 7**-4»RING CO. - i m i i u i — ^ --

\ C o ttle . . -1Pluial 'Avtnut ..,- . . . • .................... —.- . . II^ J^K IN htlftr, ^r*»I.Ur«K ^

—' T I M E il. nKAi),ii„u,Hn D A C H I N G ' flnanrr! 2% '; ;^ 'l .rT '

2415, Jrt..mr. y- n.ll^J:’_.*>» I plartd «K,n. DAMIV TT,----

, 2 ^ k £ 2 « ! | :l o a d e r s

i p m e n t .

- B a l e r ■ , i ? r £ £ . F i L S ' J f f

R o u s o N H o l s t e i n .c a l v e sINE Approxlmiucljl m Htt?


o S S ‘Si!il,Ultr i jfoufi) ol Klmbct,d coHtlltlon K im berly «2-59MJr . 'in w nrk. . Twin KalU 73J.0U8> b e l l i ^

[ O T O R S ONK l.rv t Whllr I.,a, . , . , , . - 5 63J-51II nii.Mb. ul,l. 14., l')„v,^ ,0 .1

UEiilHrhllKU and CTimZSireJ S

? A R M ■» r t... f a r w . J *H o n e s ]l

/TENTbmkr. »rntlr.’ ’jw '‘i’!‘ „h!J5 J

E E R E ;!;?;• ............ . ' " ‘A !tV l» • 11 IIEAI> huiitln. hur...- TT.

'e s te r. -p.»i<r7.. For aalt or Itad., fiMa- avalUult. In IbK-k CiwT; of h.«|.lUl. Ilud WmUh.

i h , m . l . r t i '^ M Io c l . A c c . . „ , l . . n

.‘''m 'w ,

) N ., , i i u , ■if: ' .U-4 eiiBlne. • Sheep q ' . 1

ttCiOUf.K bUrk*. flu,i,r‘l7tiu.ir

‘l l ” . . ala'ri’ l.mUiIi' j .n i i” fl(7a.2RUI. (lurltr.

,« 7* HEAD ..f 1-1 .n.1 4-»rtr*H «IL ratfl to r .. Harry XlattUan c u t te r Nunh. t50 »:.at. UuprrL

Pets o n d P e t Supplies 11■” i>UliKlll«KU lermanU tter . fur aalr. <•.» :« * « .U onal C . IIO.STON tku im kii .ti>4. nna

Wtll markr.1. Al.c fniul.. [ite or aun.lar.. lia-iMH. lliMi.

i I A N AKC IIKiilSTKIlKIt Tur Cktel• I ' r ’i ’S 'u . g . . . ' ' " ' " * ‘

• Jii'JJUCI.Sf; my. krnn.l., 7 1 .;^N E R .* . "mh Av'^n'^t'El^.: V lY .»»^

J « » "iSn.?,*'” 'i£

% y h e ad . ' *

-• **«^,^*^rrvlVr.‘' !i’«'"«aIllu" fc

11 o v e r plow*. l-KKINtjlj^K- l"il>l'r«.

C om bine

• TiiiTTJiUEl* lur i-rkur=,“S;J5 - • WhlU .nd Uihrr rulun, I'Ui. j

, t o }” 't b iiiii|.:»nblO«.- — —OTH tirr-'i- ■ rtrrn ^uy• • ' lln w h . ;;a Hu llu'».

.., •• ClIIIIUAllllA puMilr.,tllsll.lt for mil.irr. I'-taa

p ropelled

r ' l N cO lh c t t i t c r t o c k »

' " '.■ .S f e l ' i , ." * L l . o t o e k W o n w afa tm »nJ Kumt ~ ~

- • • - For Prompt -ri"i";h .'ina ''cu ;;i; r e m o v a ltma rou wlll n ttJ Of D ead anrf y « > »

l iv e s t o c kh. Twin y .lK _• „ s COI.LECTF eed . 9 4 Twlnr.lla733-«»36-i1«-«‘H,»*’

■ I D A H O H ID E

‘y . Z :;i4.-2777.“ - J : T A L L O W C O ^

fcTViirt K M x s V A p p H a n e c s

|.BM4?'*l“ n?tn. _ r s

* « |, '!? 'h ’.n l‘'“J id 'Jil,*’ '!7u” «"»«" *

2fl.»384, yilrr. ~"j;,"‘"„„ ,r rtiu*H. T.n»

„ ;uaw to C U- :5 f u r n i t u r e —

I lla r . srain. I*.ana TTS iiNOi.KilU rv«*- .r?ick-»

o T i i i v - ^

a.m. k S H s .S!s:.w

p r i i ’P l l S S

phofl, 2«W«W, ," . ta.|uarw*-*gLl! ;J i^ ------phnn* ------------------------------ S P O T o g ; ^ ^

"aZ S fnmliur^rAr''

90 C o ttit ^

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

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W ^H .tir. ------------• &

• r n ^ i t t^ c n ^ U?

S ^^yV w dU a____r m Coi

^ ^ S S iM»rth. t«

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S ^ r S i 7 T = r T K F ; I r af ^ r i M ! 5 5 f . r |

- 9 d T li in g i jo J o r_ _ tM .«ft ffiTuiLK. »wNt cr**"- W« «lv«


! S 2 5 . ' IWl O ^^-kb ' « Ph^ni u,1 AIm tiring tosna, ymx 7i

: Mo


ii s r - r . j . - W j - w j i ^, »ii^roo* 8iot«..rboti» W .MI1-

" teellaneoui For Sole 140 J*rSobKa WotW'i K»lr TlelfU. »Jl

I m . 7aa-a7».^_ _

rj u ^ tu . kl'H Mvllh tUu*'’l.ui(r« carpel thampoo. KNlI

WN f-S-m hlonil* Kulur. fUt- _ i l : “ r»r modal: 15" f»nil«r ampllfUr. 1 ) » M »lt Cth A»>nu> Ka<l.

5 lij ii^ l.lrn s - '^S rA irV f* b«»lT- AUI'* ■ wilh p'«nk fluor in U mu*rl. |l" *• KHI. TIWMI or Iluhl.a .-A.iT.. i-n— v „ .» ;a '„^T;;. r * i (Ini •lint. Mbr tbiw<hn. VlKiat -— _ >•<»»■ Kiml-c.rh^_____________ Truw .»»?. T?niI f»»' ".'" ‘'T-.,____________ ___ " T Jt CAUXJN ■lumlr.uffl Unka. Hun ' /II a. ■»«—2 onlr. IlSt rach. . Oil!_ lrt. >;»•»»>, llurltr. - T iins ftw M toou t i / . n ' u Hy •«v.i S '•e Bi train. J.mn U>«tock Cem- fVi

ii.I.I>n. M i-» l;._______ Jjj

e ^ 'tg ," ; . rw . '" S iV i r ' ; t■'i S Mbftlni) nf lu»a i> : ininU In>■ < Ixtm, •tiK .nm rlr. fM< Xii

«• , « « I’mt. t u 8hi~h<in« Boutb. Wi'tf<j UUT w an, i.«r man’i iMlhtr {!•M I Htlur lulKai* »Iih »»r» Blea b»'_ -w. c»ir ns-sm. ^ o«cJ « ••It J+»ar’*f uar»«"A'^prital»^ it« _•!■ »fc*n ASln Riipply. r»i•• ■ D (.Vrliloa .,u.~ |1.t» and ui>. "{

^ •ilJiAfei.l* W)-.;o- A'rHir'M- '■«

n lelnnutle taw (|I«r. Ubi* aa> ------Bw* ll u^‘ **'* ••"'I* '; tranill. rj

1 »"« UP' 8I«* ««

uw a art, tora. braakfaat Mt. It! I ^ Im l takiw. Tffrttamtor. * a .b .

, k n Ml. la .a m .ix r. and nlh*r 191!»». PrlM In ..II. t » , I’U w .’ ” ■ *‘'l* Wc»fl»a. ona *8” (Irln . . .

* f»>l"i» roBdltlon. kchhI *®* PkoM ;il .» » ].a fl« r Mondar.

“ •TTR-------------- • Mlu i i f ’% '* " '' *‘.''>*P>»» fr#a««r I4MI for amall alura or an* lal

CT ^ ''•nr T*aa<.nabl». Conlacl! . g A > - r i , a

r uli«V' •"« ” *n »50 . L ,V “*'• ” " 1l»nt mmrninn. Pri M jot ,ui,v , . i , . i.h.,n, n ..i„ rm

3 II

= r s .CWSE-OUT s p e c i a l sJJ5 p K ' *“ *-Iu(pnif nt — « Off^ 1 S« —

S ‘ C aS'SSInsn>ir U.>.i nun. I

= r s ---------- ” *— SAVE fiO%--------- -•-

___I: P'Pe and S tee l >«,M I ^ C is i i o r T rndo • ».r

KOPPEL’SJ"*** Ai.au. »;,uih-Ta».TiU

2ET^ 'f - t 'i l lr j I**'

S s. . *""• t"«Ui.ta taa ■-

S Q Iil';,K O PPEL 'S

" !> S g im Wonted 141 .

• y f S ; ® p T i « r a T ! r , ‘■"l l j j j f ry ;;]^ ' <Hi A».;nn» W»»l. f

s s ; ,

l« b« Kci. •utu, ,

1 2 2 H e a t in g E q u ip m o n r 1 4 4 T ru e l

».*1kio- f»» /are*?** lft” awS* KrirnJ^al *nidue«d priraa. Pbone 7314V24 or aM M»t< a l W .H aurIc, North. r RJjnT

■ I " "^ - S A ^ i ; ' 3 ‘Si H . 0 '0 ' E n g lp m o n t l r t j g l

. - r E q iilp^ w<()i «lM(rt< nurtor, M if £,((• ' ■u?w ln ,'tineh '% M '^li'lrB M ^'ito r *>”

fl'!!"! E g ? ' ' " ' aC o m o r o i 'P h o to S 'ip p ty 1 5 5 w -

^ tOD^ XOVAX UOVIK CAMBIU. BhuwUma B projMtor. Verr Bood eondlOon. %

I p s r B fk e i— M o to r S c o o te r i 1 5 7

toii'eondltluli for Tou-Coal, I’bon* I S T ^ 7a,1»IBM, ttM

_ run t</, miinlht. Kxc.lltnt condKlsn. ukCTI whIM I’hana «»^Ur.. Hanaan. t Umt. .JJ TOTB-(iOTE tlcmonilralun. t trad

. «e ;i* Tlliw™*W*wVn«^ J « ^“or^ ■ne at«'> tbutlud dtaltr. . I'bena >24.4t0«, «7js>--------- J*"-"*"-__________. . i i : __________ i r r a n


7 3 i 5 *' *’'" 5 n u r iV l! i* ’vUa“« ri(lf? '''" ‘ i j S n " 5,“?'^ BALDWIN M PO CO. u C t n . 40B anil Avenue Boulh

S p o r tin g G o o d . 1 5 9tl ( U ^ (jlillU bur on guna. II. II. I5«an, i f ] ^

? ■ .M3( UAVSr.lt rittr. «<md tonMlen. -SMrH«ap fur lypcwrlur. 78J*li24. • Ul jgJilT

OUW i- We liur, »>l or trad*. All J|jty makre and mudtlt. Ked't TradMr of ,

0 Z’!'.'.’'')? "!. ..., T -W* bur and* Itil tii’ed-fnnt. Otu* —dim

. ITTV U kx Hportint Oo<xlt.i . ; w B o a t i F o r S o lo M 9

133 "fa r;rtV.nu»™™a“i S s ;V, ,|'ve Companr. 2nrt Awnue Wwt.Irr. « « ^ u J " V .1)rour/l*r!u*wVrn*8ch™d^f— — er. 1 W**l. I South of Filar. Pboa* --------

'____________iiOMKMADE U’ la .gaiif* ilalnlna— 1 1 - - »WeJ-ka»l-»'Jtb-»««l-d«lt,_iDbWJd ___ /: boat with « hota»p.)W.r mDior and M

pnun* trailer. Anr reaaonabl* offer will--------- ' Iw cim4ld*rrl. U21 ltd ATtnue Eaat.i«, ruu 7*>-7»lll.*" M o r ln o - O u tb 'r d M e to r i 1 7 3

KVINUUUC. U.reury outboard motor.: _ ® 2!]h Meta (rallen. marine euspJIn a | tt*J|:<_____ Ilud and Marh’a. TwIb Fall* -Kloup**. Thnuiand 5prlnn. TltAll

- '*“ «<l,'M?alf*TV:i.0lg7!*‘* • ” **' A u to h uAiuTKy inTviuaoN »<kc «»oi«^ m T t buCte^ rrcle. See at lllailui Crrlitr. 4 i| trail.

!c..wHii o n n rmBiorcrrI*. are and rlda th* naw omr.

J M ^rta. K t Atrnut Biiulhj Twin Falli. Idaho.

A c c e i io r i c i & R c p a f r IflZ

*««>*«?.' airni.<hlii;T caill-i hpail.t(‘ (onrer.lnn ' ^It- OmYpn^yoii^rar raillo lo Kpate <lMh

hampoo. KNlIlNK liiii^u'i. •ixrial. ».<rllnd.r "^dwr • . I'aru r ilr a If nrrlnl. Hob atrei

nillfUr! UKA(il.K'S MAFCTV .SKIIVIUK "V'iWIiMla AlUnnl eqUl

_ oU Motor Tuar-tip and; m,gB, Cotnplrte nralie Hervir* writ: 4IT Ualn gMt_________ » > •« » tdah

buJiJl AUTOMATIC tranamlaaion hand and igno Cmu.fd. adju.im.nt. Inlern.l In.t-r- 'tlOt

Iluhl tlun anil clran i>ll acrrvn. dnlr lvR& IncUiilInt pan « 'W l.. Mfmil ^Aui.

• ‘'*“ ' Trucis ' T9T ■

’■ ■ Ililly j l >™l* pirtatn hxl. «l«o biilk cra ln 'W . „

k Com Miil'ir. tirre (.<>d rondlHnn. I’hcinr lou k Corn- or 4 ^ north. SH "f

K 7 ^ iJicK~'ii6H '.: ■, ~ T ^ t^ n.~ ~ m r ;r . • .A .a l>"li '>'<><'■ K'rellrnt ciinilillun. I

S12*:- mlibt take IVHS-IVSA ckan For>l rar 'ininka In Irad*. IW,I K.inl S tun, 2t|<nd. ^

• *tW nrlnn*. KIX-I r.mdlHan. be«< W . gouth. WrlU Ik» II. Klmlxrlr. or Imxilre l*ath*r ‘!~r«e I’ullln. " i r Hlrr.1 Klm.

V . i i i t __________ _______________ P4 whli* ^ w»h Wnilarri«n"i4*Viiot partl/TntiHl T '0.ral*d. it»d Tan. Hide dnor rath al.lr •nd Mc

r*ar. 2 *nmpar(m*~ i. Sh.Mn*L j u„ auluble far ran.fr. t.il.arrn and mr.. R

" 'hrri hiMi.tn*. '*’1. and Vanr Van onlr. I»M,' " I ' ” ' I'hone TiJ-loJH._______

CARLESON’S FOR GiMC (------ ■ *01 Main A**nu. B..1 ____

t r u c k s f o r s a l e

ti;;, J»M DOPIJK v j *.«pc*d. J.*prrd. S M

Jr? OLITTTTT. i t u CliGVROLIcrilC motor. Good 3, jraab.d olhrr I t t t JNTF.nNAT10.SAL L -»0,I’lerr*. grain bed.

L ST5=SS . n '"»• .> Ar*. )U t JE Z r with t«p.or and ***> CHEVROLET ^ lin, Oood. CC

Bwar*! older pjrkup* . . . rou ^ndlllnn. P ^ ^ thini . . . wa'll tall tham to t-, n.di. n>u.n « c h C

_ IIARBAUGTI MOTOR cL.S Qoocllnit, Itlnlio1 Off _______________ *_______________ N tn

;S 'f ()U-ALITY •Rccontliliont’d

Ami „G im rantecd ■*(/NKil Tiiirc'K.*!

. IIU CItKVKOUrr: S.IUII. «.(>ll»._ drr, 3 . a ^ l «>I*. *154 tllf.,

Icing-whrrlba.*, - I.1W -mlli«. - - - ----HrtI ftrmii ... . .... >;">rS

IMS CIlKVHOLVrr S.lJm. I-|n j JJIIpM rNTKKNATIONAI, MHo!'*'’* ^-fn*

I . . . . ___ «7»»J i l l (iM(l 40n.1 Tlll.fab. VA. air

ovrr hriltaullr. >-ull tractor I.T ill enulpiiifnt. (tixid _ IJ4M

' )!«» STUJtKllAKKIl t>l w H^h _ ’B l1MCKIII'« ^

imx rnUD l'..|«». U m »hrrl. u l tiair7'4^t>rr’l -Itf'O ClIKVUllI.KT Kl Camlnu, VH.

11:!! 'W.«. V.’: ; '68"ttSS niK V|lOl\Kt*Kr Camin..,**'lin t ?fiTKUNATIONAl! ■ ■ ’^ 7.7441 . _______

"V^r? 1>” CIIKVI10I.ET Suburban. 4. »Q01 4 1 , ,« J . „ .n „ ....... ...,u iu . ItSI OIUCVJtOJ.CT Vi-liin. ‘•*l‘<jjjj »gg

S ; t # i n ' p a l £s '“'■ E flu ipm ent Go..

• - • Tryclc Lnt^o W w t ''• '*“• ^ 733-4<a0.

( ; o . $ f h o 6 l i n

1 4 4 T r u c k i .eS. cill DUUUC; IU4S t>an*l pickup. View paint. n. Than* naw bearing! In nyitdr. cl*an tbrvufb^Vmi. > out.. 7»it.«4r. an tlm*.___________aunJar^ FOU TIIK bMV birr ua cmw pIckutM ( 4 I ir at re- and tnicka drlw cttr I* M«»« Vali.r U or a** >H»tnf». Huhl. ______

; , .

boUU l‘ 't?ui:k'''lnil *',* c k u o '^h e Ju ;

- I j - i r u n SALI: or trad, fur caitlel Ilfil

a i^ 'n tr . r o n o » » F.R truck. IO" nil^btr,► eJWJl. /o)> air. complat* ortrhaul. Jg‘

Ulllltr Mml.trallar. grain poru In

L'fcamera C o m p e n _______________ 1 9 3

E 3 T . “ . S f ' S , . ' " S . =ilVi.. II. ■ppllane**. dratira. fnam ruliber aaata, frin% u « « nialtrrM. .............. .. IM8 «2

a-m llca aoulh tiV«nwo.Hl H.rvlc.,- , ■ Haielton. »7t.t0»». ________

M o b l l e .H o m c t ' 1 9 4

tondlllon. uk J L UK ‘ntAIIKl t>iuily In Mai»(k- , i m Mnhll* hum., Dinalder car In

lun. t trade. J13-3W.,

S S ,gg_______ NASHUA ui>r“ i»,iro..m. II,OUO.3LES ^111 * “j **'' ll”*'''*- NormanI,®' J « J « • CaT‘111, 2 l-rdrimm. <i..Hl c o .D dltlon. inuo . ran be financed. CallS" MT^470. Tultlf.

1 5 9 dffWn parTOrnl »o>»Ualpl* parlx wltbgo« rrt-IU. 7n .i;» t, _______ 'GO

— „ , 'I dar Uambl»r!'.ln'in-R. Self cnnlalnatl. fz/ndllJwi. -Btertflr*. CellTKKKY HaT iou SV .,ne l»-clh-jm. rum.

_ , I uletelr modvrn. Will mnal.lrr tiada.^i*. A'l S Jay I - aren IISQ wr.t, UO north

Tr*dMr of 't{up*rt. ____________-j- '.’'’. ‘i' l Ii ' l " I*' ’'Si

ini. DIu* —dlie«unt..>U«I» Vallry Mobile llor&ea. „ . H lrtw ar »n. i:i'->.l .Su»day».

. ‘"ll*™ ® lindem IT3j'~"la.r»^ amm^tn Motor jnum pIcCup tiimb.r. I3u«. Can (>.Vr«t. tMn P mllr. « r.i of Paul, l.i «uuibII fiber. Jerume-Mlnldnli* County line. I'bim*iSchned. 4:iUl8iH.________________________'• B O L E ^ A E R ^r m n s : TRAVEL TRA ILERS

lobMrd All elrclrlf. ..r ..If ronlalnrd. OVCIDior and ----- Mai(H:VaUrr'* '>nlr franrMaed ,rf*r Hll 'IraUj

. K E N G A R F F T m T R A I L E R S A L E S

^ '',7 1 ' U ti t i fy T r o v e r s ___________ W ’5 6TltAlLMOllll.K •rinl.trallrr. :IV lonir.

wltb-f-ld-U-iw-Bralu-alilea— rbuue _____' BoodJng Il34.4i-. J.

" “****■ A u to m o b il e * F o i S o lo 2 0 0: »»K CllKV^KtJl.t;M]eUAIr 4Hloor. Will 'g g

' OLUKMOIlII.h »)• l».>'l 4~l.»r. C<>.>dcompact condition, be* at Oon’a Conoco. I.r-

' ' • ' 4 ^ cllkVVtoi.hT iiiT"” i...r,"“ c r ~ i ; ; .*?dahl^ .

1 fl2 UJ.fJV JK.SKl.V.S Ibe.role!. Tba_____ IX uac'.l car hcadriii.rtria for Magicraervlf*. ■ Vallrr._________________ ,_ _ _ _ bUN'T CAU hllOl’ at Tbrlirni Uuton. 'R .t mnnlna Vou won't i.-rf anrih*"* ba« •T'wllo lipac* d«al« and nundnl rounnr._______**' W IU. TItADK llulrk ae<lan 4*i.crllnd.r dw r haji)i,p|. with pow.r brakn, 'r.O In), tlob atrerlng. »ln.li>»’i, caillu. ftrater.

r irrllrn l r..tidllliin. 1 i—ner. Want- VlUE r>l I f or !«• travel trailer,'.m il and

equipment ma.I l» In iiix l rondltion and oot (on oM. I'ftnnei S7lhJHI>t or .

e write to P. 0 . Boi T42. Ilurl.r, ’52n - « l i td*ho.'and and ItnO CHKVItOUn' convrrtlbl* 4-et>rrd,

• wagon VP. «».•.. Chevrolet ItM .ta- I ' * tliin wag'in. Slick with nvrrdrlvr. *f,1

‘ '•an. IIRM: W * Uaed Car.. &I2 “ ' I _.M»ln N-Hh. ph.m* 7.U-C H2.

w m t i ~''* l’h ^ r You mar he paring more f.ir that ' .a .t uf uiad car than for a ‘(2 right nuw '(^g

M CARLESON’S ,4 :3 CAKLOAD. SALE w______ P o n t in c .1 - C a(U U ac.sl i / r a l T cm p e.'tL s u n d G M C's?.Mf .nd hTosi S tyles — M ost Colors

• E H B ia ^ E S T SAVINGS ’^5n.i.TllilUt KVnrlo < #>nrlnn#l<

. TnuTl b« Boldl '----------------

C A R L E S O N ’S 'c s----------- toi .Ma)o O ifn *.»iL E

S M E E D - K E H E L E Y *52

O L D S M O B I L E , I N G .

.Good 317 2nd A venue N orthT w in Fall*. Id ah o

H a s ’• " ' O n e o f t h e B e s t '

S e le c t io n f l .o f N e w C u r a r« TI n t i i e V n l le y

cood. C O M E I N . . . ‘ '

i r n w C h o o s e Y o t j r C o l o r ®

C h o o s e Y o u r M o d e l ^

O R C l io o s o Y o u r D e a l

N t’v p r W il) Y o u r P r e s e n t--------- C u r B c W o r t h M o r e . . .

J Also

T o B e G iv e n A w n yf r e e

‘th ^ . G E C O L O R T V■ - N o t h i n g t o B u y l ~ -

ijiv l D o no t hnvo to be priOient to '« JM * ' ” • “ * rcRlster. .

U S E D C A R S ’ ■W Hh . ’B l M E R C U R Y ? 2 5 9 B

^hrri.' '6 1 C O R V A I R 5 2 1 0 5«(lt» . Wagon. ■

II, VH.V : : i ’*58 C A D I L L A C sS2296

« « » '6 0 P O N T I A C f S mI...’67 OLDS. • $10!IE .

"Ii'Ij;"m i- ’E6 PONTIAC $53l>'. IIM-

S »alr«mtn‘a lliime™Mmn*~-— --------IJraii JiarJ, JeriMwe ,.'IS4.J0U- Dirk lllllciiwater 7IS>ltHT

J , _ .Inun Kuril 133.tllt4

' p p c n ’U) 0 pdn.

i n i l n s a f e <

“" 1 9 1 A V t'o S b b ilw F o r idl®-- 200 A u i t;= lT in C -------------------------------------------------- 7 3 «I tbrvufb^ . f > , ' -

y S G L E N G . i E N | C r N S

y V S . C H E V R O L E T . . J .beda and ^ dci

« ; S i _ L ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K —ttlel llfilis :''...'.* ; A t T h e j e ■ r ..tnt. «<. mi

j ; ; ^ , - T O P B U Y S ,porta In

ta tparau. , CJ: ________ P r o m P r i c e

•fuiil?*!^ P e r f o r m a n c e '“co"u7ri " '

'G2 C O R V A I R $ 2 0 9 51 Hervlce, Club coupe. 44peed tra'n.mla-

•I'in, radio, paddad daah, ------------ wblle wall*. J.IBO arttia}

1 9 4 _ mll»t. New ear warranlr. —

r"" ,e ’' ‘l t '6 0 F O R ^ ? J 6 9 5

rM aJ^ tk d ‘d“tT**‘‘'l' l'* "’*■ ••.r car In dl'u! whlla w a ll 't l f« .“'’v*'?^

■ rifan.

.■ " ' ’6 9 F O R D . J 1 6 9 5:■ NVis l . t ' ^aviiS'ir.

tranimlulon. power aieerlng <ioiHl run. and brake*, brand new prem*Ked. Call , lum whita wall tlr**. Cl«*a

'CO B U I C K $ 1 6 9 6 TTUC'j liulU * '■(lor aedan. Drna*Flow ^C.nljtlna.l, tf*n.ml*»lon, Pow*r (leering

and bxaka*. Iteduced.i-um. C(im*UO north ~ ati _______ dr.

i ^ S ' i f - T H T S W E E K ’S --------------(mlta, on ■ ■ - - ^

S P E C M L - a. ^Can M

ne/ I'hone 1 9 5 7 F O R D

Cuilom 300 2 door aedan . Va. fn standard tranft.’n lu lo n w ith *g<

,inrd. overdrive a n d racJo.rMaed ■ ................... ....... - ..............................

$ 6 9 5

7 S ----------- Fo'lilaho ■ *>•

195 ’56 CHEV. SflDS I■M- lon,. Il'IAIr 4;d<«r awlao. Vs. I

rbuue r.iw.r . fi 11 d a tr»n.mUalon,--------- iwwer- iteerlng. power w|o- •*>>

----- dowa and aeat. -200 'I*

’55 CHEV. ■ $ 6 9 5— ■ ,. . UrlAIr jl^loor hardtop cvupe. , ,«>r. t....d * ryllmler. atIck ablft with ” «noco. J.r- overdrive. '*

crlllldrr, ' l«ood. USO. '5.1 O L D S . 5 2 7 5 •

;— —- 4«li.ir .rdan. llrdraniatle.T«.s; .________ ml" . ? " 3 'S I P O N W A C ? 1 7 5 S

2-door hardlop. Hrdnmatle.

'5 3 F O R D 5 2 9 5 , ,cr. Want. 4Hlu.,r .nlan. VI, automatle. Th• .mil and Very clean.- «wrondltlon

or:. 1I..W. '6 2 F O R D ? 9 5______ _ 2-tocir aedaa. VI. aotomaUc.I* 4-eDeed, tt«ntml.*lon. ^ eai .aha>p,

i“ j S C O M M E R C I A L SItM .ta . »6'

c : » ‘'m 2 ’G l C H E V . 1 /. t o n $ 1 8 9 5. . . Long whrelbie F 1« . t * I d a---------------------- t e -ra^oVtl^i l I - c U o ^ -^ -----------

'p:i‘n t . « '5!r.ir th .l■hi nuw *60 F O R D 2 t o n $ 2 1 9 5

Long wbeelbaa* truck. V>’S i r r . ' : N ; : ‘ lonr';-a,n‘^ ' ' - '" *4!

^LE ’5 7 F O R D to n S 2 0 9 5J^ng whrelba.e F l e a t a t d a '5£

jjgjj pickup. Srw rrcundltlonrd VB[C 'a . M r ^ ^ a l i t ! * ^ tranaialaaloiulolors

’S '5 3 C H E V . i/o t o n $ 3 9 5

. *{4rk rack.

L E Y ’6 2 C H E V . --Jl t o n 5 4 S B Sriekup. 4..peed tranamUaioB.

.(h " *65 C liEV . v ^ t o n J 5 9 5 ^

ri'S^mlui*n.‘ Vrrr*^‘l»S?r***

t ■’ '4 9 C H E V . i/o t o n $ 2 2 5" Pickup. 4.*peed tranamlaaloB.

G L E N G . JE N K IN S ■■ C H E V R O L E T ”

Closed Sundays S ?O pen E vening#. iliJ

i e l , -________________

c s e n t A D L I B S

= ......................r w f e’ny r / —

; - Ient to — — Vlsister: . .

;2E9B ^

12295 Y / W E

:2 a 9 6 i x U l ^

$ 5 9 6

S4.J0U- , _____ ------------------------------ -------sjltiM . “I f y o u ’r e ^ i n g t6 ] .p ic k '

‘ . ■ u p with this * L c ^

i f e C a r i - C h e ^ ^ ^

~~ 2 0 0 Automobllei For S o la— 200 Ai■ roi^D, i m X.4oo XI* J a d u ^ l l * .

r tlon. Many eitraa. 11091. Pbone K.. F .-npu in . IU.41M. PtihL

Avb> Ccmp*a7. DuUk dcaUr hr I t r*«ra. 0 (1 ^ tn for a good drat.

16S1 tO K D Falrlane 4 do*r> < C/llniiar. auto.

' siatle trtnimhtloo, ■ I12M



: Drive a L ittleSave a .L o t >

2095".ml*. HARBAUGH MOTOR CO. ^, ';“ aj Gooding, Idaho

Itr. . - —

‘ - I t ’s ,

O fficial 1695 C learanceatatlonjjffi Time ■ Ia - . • _

A t . J ;.?J5 UNION MOTORSleering

1959 FO R DFalrlane 4 door VI. reonomleal atandard tranamlaaloa with crr*r» ' i t I n . lUtt Clean.

----------laSD-V A U X H A H ;------ ^Sedan for liM . Jlere'a a real

- : l , T i ? S ; ' r ' ; ' . j S 3 . S T 'tbla prlca.

%1961 L A N CER

t ioer (UUm warOB. Standard 1. y a . trmnamlMlon, on. owaw. low mil*.

w ith ag*.’ iu*t Uk* e*w. .j

................ C hoose 'from -4 -------------1960 FORD F o rd o rs ..

e crllnder and VS’a, atandard and Ford.O.UaUa tranimlaalon*. 4 aleaa can.

I 2—1969 CHEVS.' ilUaloS: BUtteo w*,on.. Doth V* engine*.' w|a- aputlraa Interlora and ehuoee either

auwuatle sr itandard iraniml*. j.

3900 M BH CU SY 'w l^ Montertr 4 door, lot'a of estnia.

Verr low B.IIe«ge. Wrifh^down par* ^l«rpe^B v'Sth. **'

52751960 COMET - J

4 Door with onlr K.004 actual mlln. Local own*r trade-in en nrw Falcon. Yoo'U apprtclau th* tharp C

9 I <0 coodltloD of thu one.

1958 FO R D • ”I iger Onntnr aedaa. CrvUenjllc.

jmttle. Thunderblrd engin*. A local ub* ewn*r car. lU ^ aharp I 11210.


LS “’67 FORD $095

1895 nanchero VI. SUndard tran*-la id * mlulon. perfcct tltra. Murrr1; * ^ Ib today for thta on*.

’69 FORD $1396lo n t wbeeJbaae j>lrkup. Cua-

219S s r A . v a n t «

’49 GMC $396I toB. ^.epeed ui< daala

1095 - ^ . JJ* « d . ’5 5 CHEV. ^ 51195

'^ .V B S-Sp*ed aiU en thla 2 tonl*»»B. _ ready /or hcavr -fara vork ahaad.

5895 WAGONS “r S a T U D O R SJAKiv----------------------------- ^ E O K D O B S ---------

(395 W» G ot ’E m . i>1960's to 19S2'» ,

Stop loi today tnd Jook over >496 Ihe good s’-.ectloa of, lat«

model trade>lns. •


(225uloB. Big D rive In L ot »

360 3 rd Ave. E nst INS PHONE 733-1019 .n OPEN EVENINGS DNTIL S j j

^ ..a a -a n -. * f t . r Hour.

Ig .. ^ . S n l r d ^ t eKan UcNtw. Ouhl »4}-tUI

Jill ( n X l I i . _ a A , ' K

iH^ -------- ^ ------------------- ------- . _ B

g tO].plck o a trifles, I ’U sign **toT>rive*-ichool.’- - —

J h e ^ k H e r e f p ra — 200 Automobiles For Solo 200 Aiaoha^. IU . -------------------------------------- KC■ < OM tj ^ r s _ T H E SE CARSM~eomuy a ro 'io o d vflluc* a t Ih c lr • 'I. Phone *. —. —

»***• regu la r pricca bu t wlll b o <»-• a r . -DuUk I.* in for a dropped ’ • J

.- $ 1 0 At

Each Day U ntil Soldi \-H im * . „ r} '57 FORD V8 WAGON \

[bKUPS Waa ?895 — NOW $755. —


‘OR CO. Waa 5 6 9 5 '— NOW $ 0 5 5 . ’

’5 5 FORD V8 SE D A N ’. • W as $<195 — NOW $ 3 5 5 '

e ■ CARLESON'SP on tiac - Cadillac - G M C


, JERO.ME'^ n o ^ ’M CHEVROLET.. $H9J»IU> e ^ f ni.carn. 2 du-,r. IWio, heaUr.

e crllr'drr. .l.n-lard (ran.mlf- alon with ovardrlve. Sharp 1

% "l! M"""^ ■ PowetglW.. heautiriil bUck rx. re«ai« a . terlor, red (nlcrlor.

^0 CHEVROLET JM05HP 4 door B.lAlr. V.fl «n»ln*,.Puw-'V . *rgllde. radio, hc.lcr, pow.r }A

SUB^art al**rjng. Nlca. ' '

•57 PLYM OUTH *3854 door Belvrlere, VR engine,

, autojsalle traniinlMlvn. raille." 4 -------baaur.-SM 'ihli'encl— ---------- •

’88 CH EV RO LET $005..fon. 4 • * <*»«• kurdU'P StIAIr. Juaie,"• heaUr. Powrrvll<U. Sharp 1 _

COMMERCIALSVS. 1I8B CHEVIIOLET ^ tor>. longa whtelbair. l-apw > hr.irr,« r j l t h « '">•»---------------iraBiml*. Kancher«. VS enrfnr.

beater, guod rublxr —_1»»SD V INTEIXNATIOMAL ’i lon A i lonr wheelfcaje. in te r , hltrh. . of estnia. Iteal clean ___________ Sb9S ,*‘” cSr‘’f « 1»S4 CHKVROLCT ^ Ion Pickup *

wllb nice C a a p a r . St*■ thi* — «'J»

T " RICE CHEVROLET, Inc.h? eS'n’i i J*™*# 324-481:, Idaho Jthe (harp OPES KVI»IISC3 UNTIL H TM. ‘

Sundara 10 a.m. U » P.m. ; |' •<

W ILL S ■I'lt!.."’'' . F in e S elect ;

U sed C ars i 5 1 2 M o n t h W a r r a n t y

g '■n7b*r*cu*lom*r***Bdtb«lr fHand.'*

19S1 FO R O IVt Galaxl* 4 ^ r aedaa. ,

S 9 9 5 Power *lrertoff, «dlo. brtl*r, ,I rf , Fordomatle. 17,000 b Um.


, « S 9 6 I

1B61 CO M ET2 Door a*dao. Radio. b « ^ , *tandard trsnioiaalon.. Ileal

,^$396 ;

JM 9'C H E V R O LE T S 1 1 9 5 vs Bel Air 1 dSor ledaB. - 1

,1. t in ‘■‘•••rillda.V , u ^ • exceUent tlrea. Ja top ro»-for hcarr jjuon.ONL'Z tllOS

I960 A m b l e rCu.tom 4 door ftatloa wagon,

c- Jtadlo, beater, oirrdrive trana-tP O R S - D iu n r tipoc- Jn 1958 FO R O ~

V* 4 door CounlfT Sedan. Ila.2 8 dlo. heater awl auiomatle

- tran«mla*lotuook over ONXV $1195

of . J»w iUB PONTIAO4 0«ar hardtop. Radio, ho le r aad ttrdramBllt.

r . ^ p q 0 N L Y $ 1 «-V^XVO jg jg CH EV RO LET '

vs. S door tlatlOQ wuen.Radio, baater ted Powervlide.

• O N LY $753 ,

L o t 1B55FO RDDaSt - Vlrtorlt hardtop. .S'rw

trice;- E»c»ptl«ti.Uy rlcan.0 1 9 . ONLX J7S5

INTIL 9 i « 5 DODGE„ V8 4 .toor atatloB wagon.

Radio, brater tod automatle

M •• ‘" r * " ' " " . O N LV S5S5 ■ ’»«■*“ ' 1058 m e r c u r y

4 Door hardtop Power ateer>Ing. rad(v>, br«lcr and auto, n a t ranam

• » 5 * CHEVROLCT4 IXwr mlan Ilealer. auto, ma * uaa.m ^

; COMMERCIALS2S56 O M C a to n ' $1895

Truck with s^peed a itl. new engine unir I2.00» alllr* - •

....................... --a*o .-.«M JIrn t mt>l««r.with mtial c a b . ..........................

„ 195B W ILLY S $1395 •> Ton pirhup. 4-\\’btel dtira.

“ * i0 5 « 'JE E p • -n ag s^ 4.Wheel drive.J / 1B53 J E E P $895 ’

4.Wheel driva.

I . W IL L S ’H U SE D . CAR DEPT.^ Pbone 7U.7JM

U)»elin-|IU 1».«St2 \Krale Wllla TII-4«U

^ l i* 4th Aettue W*et


Clu.lne** rboaa T3J.UII <K‘ Hank Wllla '

____ ; Dob Wllb TU.«4«0^ ------ — ' ------ •Ig n C«l.,Sllm ,a ,

............. . W IL L S MOTOR CO.U« Shothon* t t m l W**t

. )\ .

f o r A B e t t e r I

200 A ulom obilu'For.Salo__ 200 ^---------- FOnU .lliCH KAIHl.ANK ''JOO". aTi T'

ihape.^ lUOS. Call FJJ*r, —

^ I'I.YMOUTII. IJifiO 4Hloor. t-crllndar ~ and DT*'drlv*. Ex(*ll*nt condition.

C lr - n.i.nr 7ni.KK<a.OJ.Il^'Mnilll.K IOM eoup* with v*rr —

woit. aouth af jerorne. (.len ^

• Atl-ril()U17.Kt) radllla* d^I»r. ~ld7oi. “itnkn and Caeele CountIre, IVeriiinan

,id i ‘‘ " r _unVINI! MUST BKJXt JM» 4 d.por

l'l»rn..-)lh .Savor. VH. ottrdrive. r*. • moujr. nrw rubber. l*t» Potd.• U i 't • - y , K.ioo pickup. Lew mil..

•j» . i,-w ruhUr. tiocl» rack. Phona5 7 5 5 --------- —

.m acic v a l l e v s. TIIAIJI-Sf! ftKAI.ER R IC E 'S IN JEROM E

3 0 N ------- :— ----- ---------------------5555 • S U M M E R , , ,

C L E A N - U P

'A N - O F ’6 2

' C A D I L L A C S

S Coupes and Sednns3M C Executive Cars_ _ New Cars

:cE -I f you have afwaj-g »?ant* •

ed to ojvn onc of these '

f ine au tom obiles here- Ls

helur! O P P ° r t U D l t j a tpriccs you can 't b eat a n y - -

^k *« : undersold!


W O R K M A N B R O S .

P O N T I A C C O .

R upert, Idaho$005


I.':;,’: T H E I S E N ’S.. fllM

F I N E G A R S_ I « S


; i S • c m *

'.In c . 1Q50 MERCURY ~3 Manterrr hardtop eo-jp*. DeaaUfiilg y j t . '>**•” " • ‘•III* tItiUh. Fullr„ e<)iilpp*d. inctudlng power at«*r<

Ine, power bnkct. Ao uttm aair ' -elcaa ear.

1959 PORD 4 door Countrr S«lan, lUdlo. heat­er, automatic trkn.alulon. prae- tJcallr n»w arloa lire*. FuUr equipped.

, ty « « 5

tHan<U- J33P CEEVBOLBTDUcaroe 4-dour. Sharp red and

. white S-bine flniib. Economical «.

mll«. " * '* " " * ’ “ 51305 •»395 ' .

______ ,M « DODOBLanrer 4 duor. OHUltm ted. Auto.


bcfler,... Ileal I960 FO RD ^ ton*170^ plrkup. 4-«p«^ radio, heater.$n05 ji«,i ,i,,rp .

«1«5tedan..- Tbe e a tin t plate-la tbe wotU t»

rrgllde. bur * carp roa-

i iu s T H E I S E N

M O T O R S , I N G .itrana-(1M &- — ‘

m. Ita- omatlc


hMier- (Form crlj' W lrthUn's)r $145 /

'57 BUICK S895WU81L, apcrlal : door hardlop. Powerrrvlide. atcerlng, rower brake*. Clean.

■ ’Gl FALCON S1G75 ': .lour with atandard uan*. -

■ ’62 COMET . $19952 .Ivr. atandard Iranamla. -•

oagon. m!..l.m. radio, white wall.,omatle unlr 13.009 mllta.

’ fiSS ' ’61 OLDS S1995F-5S 4 door. VI engine. Hrdramatlc. radio, whlu wall

ateer. tire*. SharpI

, ’ ’62 OLDS . 52G9SF-SS Uelu.e 4 door, tllg V# eiulnr. Hydramatlc, radio, onlr T-SOD ml1». Sa>* on ihla

auto. lirautr.

^*395, ;C0 OLDS 52395station wagon. Pow*r brakea. power .leering. Top eondlllon.


— - ■ - - H tun; « crllnder. -4-apeed. - -J

’59 GMC 51106« , « . '.1 ton, wl.|* ri«t*ld<. < erl-$1389 ,nj„_ 4-*t>*ed. -

$895 'CO CHEV 51345Fl*el.ld. long box. I crIM er. 4.*|>red.

•67 DODGE $1395

T s t..n. VS. 2-apted axle, 6- i apeed tranamlulun.

u .« m You n lw iiys^gn a fa ir deal a t D & S Sales in

r , ' JEROME"JE E P PHONE 334-53«

1^* Jloura I lo » ' , ^. .C l o ^ S u n d a y g

, . .See . . , ’. I r a Brooka' 0 . • ilome I’hona 1 U ,linIt .

^ . . . 'V '- ' ■ ■

t e r l l s e ^ ^ l ^ "

c ^ 2 0 0 ____ A ug..22-25;i9i52'-’ '’ ' / ‘Mil* Fjfw Twin Folls Time^N e w ^ 9

Automobiles For Sola 3 0 0 t ciVdirioK SM EED-KEHELEY

with te rr Oldsmoblle D ea le r ‘

L E E PONTIAC___________ N H TRO O K S - P l JE R O M B


#M 4 d..or .* TOUCH COJNCS*Ut»*PoId' *“ % 'trflk f*iA**^ *“ '

*Phn.*: l e o r Vc e ' m o t o r CO .-aek. inona cog,„„g . h m J s i .

BETTER '•ME . . .------- . USED CARS^ 1059 iCtERCDRY M onterey « -- doo r sedan. Power s te e r -P Ing. ^ soca one) f l t t S ’

1957 FO R D Custom. Fordo> m aU c Va. ONLY $705

- i n - - . '1650 PO N TIAC < • doo r h a r d ­

top . $«SS

J955 CHEVBOLBT BelA lr* 4 - fg door. P onerjU de.. O le w .

19S4 OLOgMODILE ♦ - ?l0or. pow er brakes. »<45

Bant- • • . ’ •ihMii lo sa PONTIAO 4.door.

O N L Y ^ m --------5rc' Is


5R0S. ...WE g iv e ■

-o. YOU ■A B etter C ar

F o r Your M oneyl '! See For

'S , Yourself . , . __

'SO CHEVROLET $t3»5Corralr 4 door, Sundard t n a ^

> mUtlon, gat heaUr. n«Bf tla*.

i L U l.. ■« CHEVEOLET - U X mtraatlBg * ^ r . aUndatd InattBltelea.a^ulpped. A Sharp on*.

A Z6 FORD fI5 0VI with e».tdri»*. Cood arm.Bough.

ir —Beaiiiif<.l '54 PLYMOOTH ' « 5 0lh. Fullr Stalloa wagoa. &t»B good,u tr S in ^ ’6S DODOE «4S&

S Ooor hardtop. VI. tU ad ard .•real bur.

dlo. heat- Z 9 CADILLAO VtOUon. prae. 4 Doer bardtep. Badlo, b m u r. .la. niU r power ateeriag aad bnkM.

bMuUtol caaarr rellow* flaiah.TbU ear U iaat like d«* .’ Tm wont find a better eae a t tU* ndiM*d price. "

^ and "W DO DQ E ••omlcal £ Dart 4 door..VI with tUBdard • *.

g B H ^ b a U.ld , » » » « .

•81 VALIANT tlT W ‘

?*• -Un^* '^ i!M im I'* tun< ll‘“ ‘ n » 5 ^ — ~•»»*• *lon. Ileal alee coel A n ti t

wblu color.-'W P C R O «ai95

ralrUne *00 *.do<ir. Badlo.30 healer;-ntw tlrea. llsb t btM>. heater. — coIon Jutt Uk* aew. '

•50 TO RD T -B IR D <3393• . - Fullr e«u]pp*d- wltk bO pawn,

wotid ( • plu* air cgadltloslas. BwMV-tui marooa flalah. Ortve thla eU iv cBr todar. Ton'U le*« It.

r -58 PLYMOUTH • #1099CuttoB mburbaa 4 doer. VI.

^ ^ G . S » i* ^ r » d ^ “ £iSi?'?’ s5t«5*paiat- Beallr daea.

•59 ;. < 1 W

' e r ? ^ r t w u I * " ^ w * t i S r ~niBt p*rf*«itr.

-•57 FO R D «10M•(00' 4 door Urdte» VI. Radio,

s t e . £ .7Jf» i‘ ‘r i £ r 2wblu Wltb B*w Urea.

n's)T R U C K S ! T R U C K S I

r*. Clean.

5 1 6 7 5rd ttan*. • . ^ **“ ptckep.'f *58 DODOE »1J99

1I*«TT dstr SH toa. Ptwmlaa

S - ■ n S - * p . S r ^lu wall. -sa CHEV a ton *3099

< ,Crllaaer, 4-tpeed. S-*pe*l.51995 (°od t u Una. V«i7 aleaa.

engine. '89 CREV 9 ton 13099rblu.wall Tratter. I crUader. 4-apeed. t- '

- ipted. Itb wheel, aaddle UnkL^ vMuura brat* ^ k .u p . Real

52G9S Marp.“ ‘?ad'o1 ’98 CHEV a ton . »17»9

r* on Ibla « Crllndtr. S-apeed. S-apeed.puwer Uke-oif. A cood trach.

S 2 3 9 5 w CHEV a .ton »189J

5 8 2 5 • H Ton. l-tpe*!. • «rUade». ^ 4-apeed..- - 'S 3-C H E V R 0L E T ^_ _ M99

« Crllnder. l-epeed. New iaetef51105 •mbauL Cltaa.

'iiF O R D - . 1895• t - 4 C V . ^ UO. t^peed- V er, • • d .

E lin ,?? T n ic lu" RecondlUoned a o d


For B reryono

deal a t F a rm '^ U o s m ado .to ' f i t I your farm Incom e.

_ bo b ; REESE • ■ . MOTOR CO. ■s______ __

>ka „ Keaajr.Muon . .Opea Keealaca TU • .........

' ■. ■ l r . '* ; : , v

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · Weather I;,.': Clearing yTMf>5EZZI^ . - TEN CENT3 .: Mariners I join in I i a A b o l i

^H ."^^^GS^KIK

■1 lEL ^S!& !iE



H '

I Here

' H The-follpv\ —food-inclui

p u rc h a s e !^ R 10 Ibl. er>d« A b«i

cut p o t ro a sft 10 lb t . grado A b*

ben e p o t ro a iti 10 Ib*. g ra d a A bai 10 ib*. g r td a A b<

g round bo e f 3 lb . p k g i. btcor 2 > l b . p o rk roait 8 lb*, p e rk eh ep i

^ 2 2 'A-lb. fryers ^ ■ ' 1 10-lb. tu rkey H 5 b e e f p ies

5 tu rkey p}es

_ : , ^ J , '..i

j ' ■ , - r S h o p a l•; . S l ^ u . t « c ^ q ^ Gl

I i v

; ^ r a W e d n « j a y ^ A i i a ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

n V Q Q Q V y r n ^ T T Q z

‘ Q D I X E ^ ^ X S

j e r e V W h a l J ^

fol lowing' asso rtm en t ot -includedJ3t-no-exti:a_CQ! nase of any C oldspot F•do A beef-blido ' 4 pkg*- fro*‘it roesit 4 pkg*. froxi■■de A beef^round vegetablespot roaits 4 pkgs. froziredo A beef-rib steaks carrotsrada A b e e f- 8 pkgi. froz'd boef 4 pkgs. frozcgs. bacon 4 pkg*. frozpork roaits 6 cans froze«rk chops 6 cans froze . fryers . ' 6 cans froze, turkey 4-*A gal. fro; p]es “ 10 pkg*.-halty pies 10 loaves fropies 2 lins small

op ftt S^ ra and. SaS>actiqi^ G uaranteed o r Y o u r M oncy Bi

TS»62 . ; : ' r / : - ,.-.7-:"‘:'::- - ■ ■ - y - v r ^


r ^ ^ iS < a « ^ . • • i


^ w . . i 4 M/ f f / - A • ’X i! /'fj I '/ I \^ \/

E j f WW M^ ■ 3 2 1

' ^


You Get!

n e n t o t d e i i d o u s ^

> c t t : Q _ c o s t w i t h t h e a

d s p o t F r e e z e r . . . ~ 1

I pkg*. frozen cut green beans ■I pkgi. frozen mixed V

vegetables ^1 pkgs. frozen peas and

carrots _ *B pkg*. .frozen french fries 4 pkg*. frozen strawberWes 4 pkg*. frozen raspberries 6 cans frozen grape |ulce 6 cans frozen orange {u/co 6 cans frozen lemonada 4**A gal. frozen de**ert 0 pkg*,- hamburger buns0 loaves fre th bread - «2 lins sm all shrimp '

H Coldspot Ref1 -O nly 26 Inc

$1t | , Check Scars low price .I 10.5 cut. ft. n e t eopoclty

, B ig s tD f o g e w i t h b i g f c o tu r e s ; ^ J _ • f o o d in f r e e z e r c K cs t o n d 'C h il!

— p o r e e f o r n - e r i a p e r r b u t t c r c h e s t o - f lu s h t o s id e w o ll .

I d S a v e — 0 * 1 ^ A" T r Moncy Back H I-

0 SPO jlEZElr ^ !

x i y ^1


S i i C h e s 'p l i

, Y o t

C h cOther

Coldspot Freezers ^

As Low As

J 1 9 8 - 0 0

t Refrigeratory 6 Inches Wide

m ig features,; . . stores 60 lbs. frozen“'~ Uif ond 'ChiDer. H os mognetic door, utter chest and two egg shelves, Fits

^ A "D O-Jxl.XVjJ . Ry°!y‘"g;Pi

O f n

A a y s

\ f v ^ v j \T v / \ i l i p f

, C o - P -

B s f o r U

- t O A 0 f O ^

f f l r' :"T-------- ^

[ o i c e

JO B i p p

Je p

1 1ir o z c r T '- ............... . ■■■- ;

.• door, ■ , J [ i!i!illlll)|j}llllililllllil))jli|

'S . F i t s ,

■■'------------ ----------------- '._ .> ___ 1___.^..J

ay "Charge It" on 'scajs ‘»o» olying Charge Account

r s 0 1 i

w - w l BI / # ' - H11 H i ; ■ I

L _ 3 l l i

I ' H_____________________________L 4 ^ ^


f U p r i g l i

i t O ^ V i V W - f

~' ' II Sear*

T-14f ■ ■ out 't

A03 MAIN AVt. WEST •. ,“J® PHOME 7 3 3 ^ 8 2 1t FREE PARKINS .g !3 0

l l <

t d y

| h t i r e «


Frostless Refr with Big True

Sears low price— >13.5 cu. ft.'copoclty

[■ L• You never defrost, tfie refrlgprotoi

frost before it starts!. True freeic sofe. Includes rpagnotlc dborsrb '

• out crlspers. .{Similar to illustrotlc

: STORE HOUfl MON.; FRI. . . TUBS., '

.,9 :3 0 9 ,m. to .9 p.in.

Mm r n m m m a m u u m-wrn-



. ■. - - r ,= s s ^ -

' ^ 9' PImM M i

. .

r e e z e r


1 9

R e f r i g e r a t o r s

True Freezer

r.frlocrot9r-(anTDm d=lfS^^^^^T rue f r e e i e r k e e p s - ? ^2-lbi.c d'oorsrbutter. chest, twin slld«*.3 illustration)

’ rW E ..T H .^ ^ r^ r9-.30 a.m . 1“ P "*' _ ,
