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Web Application Checklist

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Web Application Checklist
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WebApplication ChecklistFor Further Assistance Please Refer the the Boodk - Web application design handbook: best practices for web-based software By Susan L. Fowler, Victor R. Stanwick

2) Refer Site : http://www.uie.com/articles/web_forms/Web Application Testing Checklist1. FUNCTIONALITY1.1 LINKS1.1.1 Check that the link takes you to the page it said it would.1.1.2 Ensure to have no orphan pages (a page that has no links to it)1.1.3 Check all of your links to other websites1.1.4 Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyperlinked?1.1.5 If we have removed some of the pages from our own site, set up a custom 404 page that redirects your visitors to your home page (or a search page) when the user try to access a page that no longer exists.1.1.6 Check all mailto links and whether it reaches properly1.2 FORMS1.2.1 Acceptance of invalid input1.2.2 Optional versus mandatory fields1.2.3 Input longer than field allows1.2.4 Radio buttons1.2.5 Default values on page load/reload(Also terms and conditions should be disabled)1.2.6 Is Command Button can be used for HyperLinks and Continue Links ?1.2.6 Is all the datas inside combo/list box are arranged in chronolgical order?1.2.7 Are all of the parts of a table or form present? Correctly laid out? Can you confirm that selected texts are in the "right place?1.2.8 Does a scrollbar appear if required?1.3 DATA VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION1.3.1 Is the Privacy Policy clearly defined and available for user access?1.3.2 At no point of time the system should behave awkwardly when an invalid data is fed1.3.3 Check to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in site1.3.4 Check to see what happens if a user deletes cookies after visiting a site2. APPLICATION SPECIFIC FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS2.1 DATA INTEGRATION2.1.1 Check the maximum field lengths to ensure that there are no truncated characters?2.1.2 If numeric fields accept negative values can these be stored correctly on the database and does it make sense for the field to accept negative numbers?2.1.3 If a particular set of data is saved to the database check that each value gets saved fully to the database. (i.e.) Beware of truncation (of strings) and rounding of numeric values.2.2 DATE FIELD CHECKS2.2.1 Assure that leap years are validated correctly & do not cause errors/miscalculations.2.2.2 Assure that Feb. 28, 29, 30 are validated correctly & do not cause errors/ miscalculations.2.2.3 Is copyright for all the sites includes Yahoo co-branded sites are updated2.3 NUMERIC FIELDS2.3.1 Assure that lowest and highest values are handled correctly.2.3.2 Assure that numeric fields with a blank in position 1 are processed or reported as an error.2.3.3 Assure that fields with a blank in the last position are processed or reported as an error an error.2.3.4 Assure that both + and - values are correctly processed.2.3.5 Assure that division by zero does not occur.2.3.6 Include value zero in all calculations.2.3.7 Assure that upper and lower values in ranges are handled correctly. (Using BVA)2.4 ALPHANUMERIC FIELD CHECKS2.4.1 Use blank and non-blank data.2.4.2 Include lowest and highest values.2.4.3 Include invalid characters & symbols.2.4.4 Include valid characters.2.4.5 Include data items with first position blank.2.4.6 Include data items with last position blank.3. INTERFACE AND ERROR HANDLING3.1 SERVER INTERFACE3.1.1 Verify that communication is done correctly, web server-application server, application server-database server and vice versa.3.1.2 Compatibility of server software, hardware, network connections3.2 EXTERNAL INTERFACE3.2.1 Have all supported browsers been tested?3.2.2 Have all error conditions related to external interfaces been tested when external application is unavailable or server inaccessible?3.3 INTERNAL INTERFACE3.3.1 If the site uses plug-ins, can the site still be used without them?3.3.2 Can all linked documents be supported/opened on all platforms (i.e. can Microsoft Word be opened on Solaris)?3.3.3 Are failures handled if there are errors in download?3.3.4 Can users use copy/paste functionality?Does it allows in password/CVV/credit card no field?3.3.5 Are you able to submit unencrypted form data?3.4 INTERNAL INTERFACE3.4.1 If the system does crash, are the re-start and recovery mechanisms efficient and reliable?3.4.2 If we leave the site in the middle of a task does it cancel?3.4.3 If we lose our Internet connection does the transaction cancel?3.4.4 Does our solution handle browser crashes?3.4.5 Does our solution handle network failures between Web site and application servers?3.4.6 Have you implemented intelligent error handling (from disabling cookies, etc.)?4. COMPATIBILITY4.1 BROWSERS4.1.1 Is the HTML version being used compatible with appropriate browser versions?4.1.2 Do images display correctly with browsers under test?4.1.3 Verify the fonts are usable on any of the browsers4.1.4 Is Java Code/Scripts usable by the browsers under test?4.1.5 Have you tested Animated GIFs across browsers?4.2 VIDEO SETTINGS4.2.1 Screen resolution (check that text and graphic alignment still work, font are readable etc.) like 1024 by 768, 600x800, 640 x 480 pixels etc4.2.2 Colour depth (256, 16-bit, 32-bit)4.3 CONNECTION SPEED4.3.1 Does the site load quickly enough in the viewer's browser within 8 Seconds?4.4 PRINTERS4.4.1 Text and image alignment4.4.2 Colours of text, foreground and background4.4.3 Scalability to fit paper size4.4.4 Tables and borders4.4.5 Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?

UI ChecklistFor Further Assistance Please Refer the the Boodk - Web application design handbook: best practices for web-based software By Susan L. Fowler, Victor R. StanwickWeb Application UI ChecklistFollowing checklist will give some information on items that should be tested to ensure quality of the user interface of the web application.1.1 COLORS1.1.1 Are hyperlink colors standard?1.1.2 Are the field backgrounds the correct color?1.1.3 Are the field prompts the correct color?1.1.4 Are the screen and field colors adjusted correctly for non-editable mode?1.1.5 Does the site use (approximately) standard link colors?1.1.6 Are all the buttons are in standard format and size?1.1.7 Is the general screen background the correct color?1.1.8 Is the page background (color) distraction free?1.2 CONTENT1.2.1 All fonts to be the same1.2.2 Are all the screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?1.2.3 Does content remain if you need to go back to a previous page, or if you move forward to another new page?1.2.4 Is all text properly aligned?1.2.5 Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?1.2.6 Is all the heading are left aligned1.2.7 Does the first letter of the second word appears in lowercase? Eg:1.3 IMAGES1.3.1 Are all graphics properly aligned?1.3.2 Are graphics being used the most efficient use of file size?1.3.3 Are graphics optimized for quick downloads?1.3.4 Assure that command buttons are all of similar size and shape, and same font & font size.1.3.5 Banner style & size & display exact same as existing windows1.3.6 Does text wrap properly around pictures/graphics?1.3.7 Is it visually consistent even without graphics?1.4 INSTRUCTIONS1.4.1 Is all the error message text spelt correctly on this screen?1.4.2 Is all the micro-help text(i.e tool tip) spelt correctly on this screen?1.4.3 Microhelp text(i.e tool tip) for every enabled field & button1.4.4 Progress messages on load of tabbed(active screens) screens1.5 NAVIGATION1.5.1 Are all disabled fields avoided in the TAB sequence?1.5.2 Are all read-only fields avoided in the TAB sequence?1.5.3 Can all screens accessible via buttons on this screen be accessed correctly?1.5.4 Does a scrollbar appear if required?1.5.5 Does the Tab Order specified on the screen go in sequence from Top Left to bottom right? This is the default unless otherwise specified.1.5.6 Is there a link to home on every single page?1.5.7 On open of tab focus will be on first editable field1.5.8 When an error message occurs does the focus return to the field in error when the user cancels it?1.6 USABILITY1.6.1 Are all the field prompts spelt correctly?1.6.2 Are fonts too large or too small to read?1.6.3 Are names in command button & option box names are not abbreviations.1.6.4 Assure that option boxes, option buttons, and command buttons are logically grouped together in clearly demarcated areas "Group Box"1.6.5 Can the typical user run the system without frustration?1.6.6 Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?1.6.7 Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience?1.6.8 Does the site have a consistent, clearly recognizable "look-&-feel"?1.6.9 Does User cab Login Member Area with both UserName/Email ID ?1.6.9 Does the site look good on 640 x 480, 600x800 etc.?1.6.10 Does the system provide or facilitate customer service? i.e. responsive, helpful, accurate?1.6.11 Is all terminology understandable for all of the sites intended users?

Web Site ChecklistFor Further Assistance Please Refer the the Boodk - Web application design handbook: best practices for web-based software By Susan L. Fowler, Victor R. StanwickWeb Site Testing ChecklistGeneral Are all tests being run on clean machines? Does the system do what it is intended to do? Does it provide the correct results? Does the system provide all the functions and features expected? Can the typical user run the system without aggravation? Is it easy to learn and use? Does the system provide or facilitate customer service? i.e. responsive, helpful, accurate? Can the accuracy and trustworthiness of the system easily be confirmed? Can the system easily be modified or fixed? Are the developers able to deliver or modify the system within the timeframe when it is needed? Do existing features, which have not been changed, perform the same way they did in earlier Versions? Does the system make efficient use of hardware, network, and human resources? Does the system comply with the relevant technical standards? Does the system comply with the appropriate regulatory requirements? Can the system be validated to prove it works in an acceptable manner? Can some of the components be re-used in other systems? Can the system be quickly and easily installed on a variety of platforms by a variety of users? Are there planned future upgrade paths as the use of the system grows? Is information archived and easily retrievable? Is the Web site searchable?Usability, Interface and Navigation Can the system work effectively for one user, ten users or a thousand? Does the home page load quickly? Are the instructions on how to use the site clear to the user? If you follow each instruction does the expected result occur? Is all terminology understandable for all of the sites intended users? Is a navigational bar present on every screen? Is the navigation bar consistently located? Can a user navigate using text only? Can a user navigate without the use of a mouse? Can your site be used by the visually impaired? Red/Green Color-Blind, less than 20/20 vision, etc. Does tabbing work consistently, in a uniform manner? Is there a link to home on every single page? Is page layout consistent from page to page? Is each page organized in an intuitive manner? Are graphics used consistently? Are graphics optimized for quick downloads? Do all the images add value to each page, or do they simply waste bandwidth? Are graphics being used the most efficient use of file size? Does text wrap properly around pictures/graphics? Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyperlinked? Are hyperlink colors standard? Does the site look good on 640 x 480, 600x800 etc.? Are fonts too small to read (remember not everyone may have the same vision as you)? Are fonts too large? Is all text properly aligned? Are all graphics properly aligned? Do pages print legibly without cutting off text? Does the site have a site map? Does each hyperlink on the map actually exist? Are there hyperlinks on the site that are not represented on the map? Does each hyperlink work on each page? Is content legally correct (i.e. not filler content placed on site by developers during unit testing)? Is the page background (color) distraction free? Does the Back button work as intended? It should not open a new browser window, redirect you to another site, prevent caching such that the Back navigation requires a fresh trip to the server; all hypertext navigation should be sub-second and this goes double for backtracking Does content remain if you need to go back to a previous page, or if you move forward to another new page? Can you get to your desired location with 3 or less clicks from the Home Page? Are all of the parts of a table or form present? Correctly laid out? Can you confirm that selected texts are in the "right place? Are all of the links on a page the same as they were before? Are there new or missing links? Are there any broken links? Does a link bring you to the page it said it would? Does the page you are linking to exist? Is contact information for the site owner readily visible and available (name, telephone number, email address, mailing address, fax number)? If a user wishes to bookmark a page, is the page name easily understandable? Does your sites Web address appear in the History list if the user allows for historical page recording? Does the status bar on each Web page accurately reflect the progress of page loading, information, etc.?Tables Does the user constantly have to scroll to the right to see items in a table? Do tables print out properly? Are the columns wide enough or does every row have to wrap around? Are certain rows excessively high because of one entry?Frames Does your Web site handle browsers that do not support frames? Do frames resize automatically and appropriately? Is the user able to manipulate frame size? Does a scrollbar appear if required? On framed pages have you verified that what is actually recognized by the Bookmark or Favorites is appropriate? Can a search engine find content within the frames? Do the frame borders look right? Are there any issues related to refreshing within frames?Data Verification Is the sites intended use of data clearly depicted to the user? Is the Privacy Policy clearly defined and available for user access? Is the accuracy of stored data sustained? Has data been verified at the workstation? Has data been verified at the server? Have you ensured that what the user is entering on the workstation is yielding the right information on the server? Are you prevented from entering the same information multiple times (order forms, free samples, etc.)? Is a unique identifier assigned to each user entering form data? Is data that is requested of the user essential to the process for which it is requested? For example do you need a users date of birth in order to process his book order or are you simply asking for too much user information? Can text be entered in numeric fields? Can wildcards be used in searches? Can spaces and blank values be entered in fields? Are long strings accepted? Do fields allow for the maximum amount of text to be entered? Are the initial values of checkboxes and radio buttons correct? Are you restricted to only selecting one radio button in a group at one time? Do check boxes trigger the desired event? Are users prevented from entering HTML code in form fields? Is intelligent error handling built into your data verification? IE. If Date of Birth is a required field MM/DD/YYYY, it is unlikely that the person entering the data was born in 1857.External Interfaces Does the system interface correctly with related external systems? Have all possible interfaces been identified? Have all supported browsers been tested? Have all error conditions related to external interfaces been tested when external application is unavailable or server inaccessible? Has proxy caching been tested? Have all external applications that may be launched from within the Web site been tested?Internal Interfaces Can the Web site support users who can not perform downloads? Can the Web site work with firewalls? If the site uses plug-ins, can the site still be used without them? Can the site support all plug-ins that are needed for the Web site at various modem and PC speeds? Will all versions of plug-ins work together? Can all linked documents be supported/opened on all platforms (i.e. can Microsoft Word beopened on Solaris)? Do all plug-ins work with all Browsers? Does the site lose usability, if Java is not enabled? Do all plug-ins load properly? Are failures handled if there are errors in download? Does the site function with the use of non-standard hardware (speakers, cable modems,etc.) Can you Download Signed ActiveX Controls? Can you Download Unsigned ActiveX Controls? Can you initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe? Can you Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins? Can you Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting? Does your solution require cookies? Does your solution work even if users disable cookies? Does your solution allow per-session cookies? Does your solution require file downloads? What if a user does not want to download files, can the site still be used? Does your solution require special fonts? Does your solution require users to access data sources across multiple sites/domains? Can users apply drag and drop functionality? Can users use copy/paste functionality? Does your solution require the installation of any desktop items? Does your solution require the launching or installation of any files that require frames? Are you able to submit unencrypted form data? Does the site allow paste operations via scripts?Browsers IE, Netscape, AOL, Mac, etc. Is the HTML version being used compatible with appropriate browser versions? Is Java Code/Scripts usable by the browsers under test? Do images display correctly with browsers under test? Have you verified that fonts are usable on any of the browsers? Have you checked the Security Settings/Risks as they relate to each browser? Have you verified digital certificates across multiple browsers? Have you verified that plug-ins work with the browsers you are testing with your site? Have you safeguarded against viewing source code? Have you printed your sites content from various browsers? Impact of Content Size on Infrastructure (reliability, consistency) Have you verified Applets to Frames Compatibility? Human Engineering color codes visual presentation Have you tested Mouse vs. Key Strokes within various browsers? Have you implemented intelligent error handling (from disabling cookies, etc.)? Have you verified the use of 128-bit Encryption? Have you tested Animated GIFs across browsers? Is cookie information encrypted? Is cookie information being incremented properly? Have you prevented cookies from being editable by the user? Have you checked to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in site? Have you checked to see what happens if a user deletes cookies after visiting a site? Are cookies being stored in the proper directory? Is cookie information correct and valid for the user accessing the site?Load/Concurrent Usage Does the system meet its goals for response time, throughput, and availability? Is the system able to handle extreme or stressful loads? Is the system able to continue operating correctly over time without failure? Does the system operate in the same way across different computer and networkconfigurations, platforms and environments, with different mixes of other applications? Have you monitored CPU usage, response time, disk space, memory utilization and leaks? Have you defined standards for response time (i.e. all screens should paint within 10seconds)? Have you verified Firewall, Certificate, Service Provider and Customer Network impact? Is page loading performance acceptable over modems of different speeds? Can the site sustain long periods of continuous usage by 1 user? Can the site sustain long periods of usage by multiple users? Can the site sustain short periods of usage at high volume? Can the site sustain large transactions without crashing? Will the site allow for large orders without locking out inventory if the transaction is invalid?Error Handling Are automatic error detection and recovery mechanisms built in to try to keep the systemoperating no matter what? If the system does crash, are the re-start and recovery mechanisms efficient and reliable? If you leave the site in the middle of a task does it cancel? If you lose your Internet connection does the transaction cancel? Does your solution handle interruptions in file transfer? Does the application notify the user of transaction status? Does the site include 24 x 7 monitoring of performance? Email protocol/limitations of monitoring software MAPI Does your site include Connectivity to a Paging System? Timing continual, hourly, daily, weekly Hardware limitations does the monitoring software have to run on a dedicatedmachine? Memory leaks, cache, issues of resulting from continual runningNetwork Impacts Have you considered 32-bit vs. 64-bit versions of IP? Have you tested the impact of Secure Proxy Server?Security Is security adequate? Is confidentiality/user privacy protected? Is access only successful with 128 bit browsers? Does the site prompt for user name and password? Does site ask for personal information of children? If so, is it acquired through secure pageswith warning information for parents? Are there Digital Certificates, both at server and client? Have you verified where encryption begins and ends? Are concurrent log-ons permitted? Does the application include time-outs due to inactivity? Is bookmarking disabled on secure pages? Does the key/lock display on status bar for insecure/secure pages? Is Right Click, View, Source disabled? Are you prevented from doing direct searches by editing content in the URL? If using Digital Certificates, test the browser Cache by enrolling for the Certificate andcompleting all of the required security information. After completing the application andinstallation of the certificate, try using the
