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Web Interface Essentials

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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Web Interface Essentials by Marc Grabanski

Web Interface Essentialsby Marc Grabanski

When building web interfaces, we have to make decisions on what to use, when.

When building web interfaces, we have to make decisions on what to use, when.

•When do I use jQuery?

•When do I use CSS Only?

•When do I use a plugin?

•How do I choose a plugin?

Does this menu use jQuery?

Actually, it is pure CSS.

Actually, it is pure CSS.

li:hover ul { display: block; }ul ul { display: none; }

Not everything needs jQuery.

Think of CSS, first.

In fact, think of HTML first.

How do you build this?

Start with the HTML markup.

HTML markup

HTML markup

<ul> list of rental properties<table> of data<ul> list of images<div>s of content

Many of the difficult problems I face in user interface development are CSS related.

Many of the difficult problems I face in user interface development are CSS related.

Learn CSS as well as you can.

Places to Use CSS

Title and address needs to expand.

Places to Use CSS

Title and address needs to expand.

Places to Use CSS

Title and address needs to expand.

Opacity indicates selected.

Places to Use CSS

Title and address needs to expand.

Overlay with Shadow.

Opacity indicates selected.

Places to Use CSS

CSS repeating background

#mid-title { background:url(...) repeat-y; }

.opacity-75 {opacity:0.75; -moz-opacity:0.75; filter:alpha(opacity=75);


Pure CSS Opacity

CSS repeating background

#mid-title { background:url(...) repeat-y; }

.opacity-75 {opacity:0.75; -moz-opacity:0.75; filter:alpha(opacity=75);


Pure CSS Opacity

Shadows, 24 bit pngs, ddpngfix for IE6

CSS repeating background


#mid-title { background:url(...) repeat-y; }

Does this user interface need jQuery plugins?

Does this user interface need jQuery plugins?


Does this user interface need jQuery plugins?


Everything we need here is built into jQuery Core, except for Google Maps.

JavaScript Pattern

1) Get content via Ajax.

JavaScript Pattern

1) Get content via Ajax.

2) Insert into div

JavaScript Pattern

1) Get content via Ajax.

2) Insert into div

3) Attach gallerytabs and map.

JavaScript Pattern

Getting content via Ajax.

$.get(url, function(response){

Getting content via Ajax.

$.get(url, function(response){ $("#property-view").replaceWith(response);

Getting content via Ajax.

$.get(url, function(response){ $("#property-view").replaceWith(response); $("#overlay").fadeIn();

Getting content via Ajax.

$.get(url, function(response){ $("#property-view").replaceWith(response); $("#overlay").fadeIn();});

jQuery live() method attaches events that to a selector even after the document is modified.

Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){

Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");

Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");var currentImg = gallery.find(".main-image img");

Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");var currentImg = gallery.find(".main-image img");$("<img />").attr('src', ...).hide()

Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");var currentImg = gallery.find(".main-image img");$("<img />").attr('src', ...).hide()


Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");var currentImg = gallery.find(".main-image img");$("<img />").attr('src', ...).hide()


Switching images.

$(".thumbs li").live("click",function(){var gallery = $(this).parents("div.gallery");var currentImg = gallery.find(".main-image img");$("<img />").attr('src', ...).hide()

.appendTo(imageHolder).fadeIn();currentImage.fadeOut(function(){ $(this).remove();});


Interactive map function renderMap(el, lat, lng) { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {

var map = new GMap2(el); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());

map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lng), 13); var point = new GLatLng(lat, lng);

var baseIcon = new GIcon(); baseIcon.image = base+"/img/icons/map-pin.png"; baseIcon.shadow = base+"/img/icons/map-pin-shadow.png"; baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(41, 34); baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(41, 34); baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 32); baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2); map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, baseIcon)); }}

Interactive map function renderMap(el, lat, lng) { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {

var map = new GMap2(el); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());

map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lng), 13); var point = new GLatLng(lat, lng);

var baseIcon = new GIcon(); baseIcon.image = base+"/img/icons/map-pin.png"; baseIcon.shadow = base+"/img/icons/map-pin-shadow.png"; baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(41, 34); baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(41, 34); baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 32); baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2); map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, baseIcon)); }}

$("#unit-types").live('click', function(){$(this).addClass('active');$("#map-description").removeClass('active')



and tabs.

jQuery core and CSS are great for adding spices to websites, but what about more complex administration panels?

jQuery UI woo!!

jQuery UI woo!!

ANDjQuery UI CSS framework

What you see here was done with jQuery UI’s CSS Framework.

Create Your Theme with ThemeRoller

Choose your UI components and download.

jQuery UI Classes


jQuery UI Classes



jQuery UI Classes




jQuery UI Classes





jQuery UI Classes

jQuery UI Class Quick Tip

Add hover by grabing buttons with .ui-state-default and attach hover class.


jQuery UI Class Quick Tip

Add hover by grabing buttons with .ui-state-default and attach hover class.



jQuery UI Class Quick Tip

Add hover by grabing buttons with .ui-state-default and attach hover class.



jQuery UI Class Quick Tip

Add hover by grabing buttons with .ui-state-default and attach hover class.


$(“.ui-state-default”).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass(“ui-state-hover”); }),function(){ $(this).removeClass(“ui-state-hover”); })



jQuery UI Class Quick Tip

Add hover by grabing buttons with .ui-state-default and attach hover class.


More info:


$(“.ui-state-default”).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass(“ui-state-hover”); }),function(){ $(this).removeClass(“ui-state-hover”); })


Simple add rounded corners.


Simple add rounded corners.

jQuery UI in Practice

UI Datepicker

UI Datepicker

UI Sortable

UI Tabs

UI Datepicker

UI Sortable

UI Tabs

UI Dialog

UI Datepicker

UI Sortable

What about Plugins?

JS Treehttp://www.jstree.com/

JS Treehttp://www.jstree.com/

WYM Editorhttp://www.wymeditor.org/

Other useful plugins..

jQGridDemo: http://trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.htmlDownload: http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=6

Works with ThemeRoller too!

jGrowl (popup notifications)http://stanlemon.net/projects/jgrowl.html

Flot (charts)http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/graph-types.html

Input Maskshttp://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/

Plugin Checklist

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core•Buzz / mentions in blogs

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core•Buzz / mentions in blogs•Documentation

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core•Buzz / mentions in blogs•Documentation•CSS makes sense to you

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core•Buzz / mentions in blogs•Documentation•CSS makes sense to you•Author is committed to support

Plugin Checklist

•API is like jQuery core•Buzz / mentions in blogs•Documentation•CSS makes sense to you•Author is committed to support•or.. Jörn made it http://bassistance.de/

Identify Good Plugin API Design

Identify Good Plugin API Design

Properties (options)$(...).plugin({ option1: value, option2: value });

Identify Good Plugin API Design

Properties (options)

Callbacks (events)

$(...).plugin({ option1: value, option2: value });

$(...).plugin({ onSomeAction: function(){

// callback action})


Identify Good Plugin API Design

Properties (options)

Callbacks (events)


$(...).plugin({ option1: value, option2: value });

$(...).plugin({ onSomeAction: function(){

// callback action})



Identifying Good Plugin Support

Identifying Good Plugin Support

•Google Groups, mailing lists

Identifying Good Plugin Support

•Google Groups, mailing lists

•Comments are ok when plugin is new

Identifying Good Plugin Support

•Google Groups, mailing lists

•Comments are ok when plugin is new

•Does author modify plugin based on feedback?

Identifying Good Plugin Support

•Google Groups, mailing lists

•Comments are ok when plugin is new

•Does author modify plugin based on feedback?

•Code repository, when was last commit?

Identifying Good Plugin Community

Identifying Good Plugin Community

•Buzz - Plugin Lists, Ajaxian, etc

Identifying Good Plugin Community

•Buzz - Plugin Lists, Ajaxian, etc

•Does the author make update announcements?

Identifying Good Plugin Community

•Buzz - Plugin Lists, Ajaxian, etc

•Does the author make update announcements?

•Depreciated features well-documented.

Identifying Good Plugin Community

•Buzz - Plugin Lists, Ajaxian, etc

•Does the author make update announcements?

•Depreciated features well-documented.

Identify that the author is communicating.


Marc Grabanski: http://marcgrabanski.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/1MarcEmail: [email protected]

User interface and web application development. Examples: http://mjgin.com/work.html
