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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 302 Abstract In determining the lecturer’s performance evaluation by the university both private and state is important, in order to improve the academic quality assurance. There are several factors that assessment. For the sake of efficiency and effectiveness of work then making the right decision is needed. With the aim to build and provide an alternative of a decision support system which has the ability of Lecturers performance appraisal analysis, in which each of the criteria in this case factors and alternative assessment in this case the lecturers compared to one another so as to provide the output intensity value priorities produce a score value of lecturers who provide an assessment of the performance of each lecturer. This study will analyze Lecturers Performance Appraisal-based intelligent computing system using Fuzzy Inference System with Mamdani method. The focus of research is more focused on faculty performance appraisal process. This assessment is based on the assessment of faculty performance, namely Tridarma and internal activity. The specific objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of lecturers in universities. Performance evaluation is an important issue for an institution of higher education, because it can be used as a reference in making decisions regarding the improvement of the performance, especially improved performance in the field of teaching. This decision support system to help and provide an alternative to the assessment of each faculty, the criteria change, It is useful to facilitate decision-makers on issues related to faculty performance appraisal, so it will at least get a decent lecturers were given rewards or awards Keywords: Performance Assessment Lecturer, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani Method I. Preface The importance of performance measurement is not needed and is done only in business but also in education. Thus the importance of performance measurement in the management of universities or education, the Directorate General of Higher Education put it in the format of the new management that aims to improve the quality of education on an ongoing basis. Improving the quality of education is done in a sustainable manner by incorporating assessment, accreditation and institutional self-evaluation conducted on universities both public and private (Soehendro, 1996). Either private or public university always working to improve the status of quality improvement / internal quality on an ongoing basis to obtain an increase in the quality of lecturers. To maintain the quality of the faculty, institutions routinely perform the monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance. Routine monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance bottleneck in its development with the increasing number of students and the limited number of officers. In addition to data processing only processed using Microsoft Excel software, until now there is no special software to process the data as a tool for monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance. The results of the monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance during this form of recapitulation sourced from questionnaire data related to student learning process and do not include the activities of lecturers in the field of research and community service. These problems have an impact on: 1. Takes a long time in doing student questionnaire data processing by the academic part. 2. Lecturer’s performance evaluation results are still incomplete because not include field research and community service. 3. Lecturer performance evaluation results are not in accordance with the guidance lecturer performance evaluations that have been established by the institution. 4. Institutional difficulty in determining policies related quality improvement lecturer as: further studies, training and rewards, no historical data of lecturer performance. 5. Become an obstacle to the improvement of institutional accreditation status as one of the accreditation assessment is a history of the activities Tridharma college by the lecturer within a certain time. This study will analyze Lecturers Performance Appraisal-based intelligent computing system using Fuzzy Inference System with Mamdani method. The focus of research is more focused on lecturer performance appraisal process. This Decision Support Systems In Determining Lecturer’s Performance Appraisal Using Fuzzy Database Method of Mamdani's Model (Case Study at the University of Serang Raya) Sumiati 1 , Shodik Nuryadhin 2 . Department of Informatics - University of Serang Raya Banten

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 302


In determining the lecturer’s performance evaluation by the university both private and state is important, in order to improve the academic quality assurance. There are several factors that assessment. For the sake of efficiency and effectiveness of work then making the right decision is needed. With the aim to build and provide an alternative of a decision support system which has the ability of Lecturers performance appraisal analysis, in which each of the criteria in this case factors and alternative assessment in this case the lecturers compared to one another so as to provide the output intensity value priorities produce a score value of lecturers who provide an assessment of the performance of each lecturer. This study will analyze Lecturers Performance Appraisal-based intelligent computing system using Fuzzy Inference System with Mamdani method. The focus of research is more focused on faculty performance appraisal process. This assessment is based on the assessment of faculty performance, namely Tridarma and internal activity. The specific objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of lecturers in universities. Performance evaluation is an important issue for an institution of higher education, because it can be used as a reference in making decisions regarding the improvement of the performance, especially improved performance in the field of teaching. This decision support system to help and provide an alternative to the assessment of each faculty, the criteria change, It is useful to facilitate decision-makers on issues related to faculty performance appraisal, so it will at least get a decent lecturers were given rewards or awards Keywords: Performance Assessment Lecturer, Fuzzy Inference System, Mamdani Method I. Preface The importance of performance measurement is not needed and is done only in business but also in education. Thus the importance of performance measurement in the management of universities or education, the Directorate General of Higher Education put it in the format of the new management that aims to improve the quality of education on an ongoing basis. Improving the quality of education is done in a sustainable manner by incorporating assessment, accreditation and institutional self-evaluation conducted on universities both public and private (Soehendro, 1996). Either private or public university always working to improve the status of quality improvement / internal quality on an ongoing basis to obtain an increase in the quality of lecturers. To maintain the quality of the faculty, institutions routinely perform the monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance. Routine monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance bottleneck in its development with the increasing number of students and the limited number of officers. In addition to data processing only processed using Microsoft Excel software, until now there is no special software to process the data as a tool for monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance. The results of the monitoring and evaluation of faculty performance during this form of recapitulation sourced from questionnaire data related to student learning process and do not include the activities of lecturers in the field of research and community service. These problems have an impact on: 1. Takes a long time in doing student questionnaire data processing by the academic part. 2. Lecturer’s performance evaluation results are still incomplete because not include field research and community service. 3. Lecturer performance evaluation results are not in accordance with the guidance lecturer performance evaluations that have been established by the institution. 4. Institutional difficulty in determining policies related quality improvement lecturer as: further studies, training and rewards, no historical data of lecturer performance. 5. Become an obstacle to the improvement of institutional accreditation status as one of the accreditation assessment is a history of the activities Tridharma college by the lecturer within a certain time. This study will analyze Lecturers Performance Appraisal-based intelligent computing system using Fuzzy Inference System with Mamdani method. The focus of research is more focused on lecturer performance appraisal process. This

Decision Support Systems In Determining Lecturer’s Performance Appraisal Using Fuzzy Database Method of Mamdani's Model (Case

Study at the University of Serang Raya)

Sumiati1, Shodik Nuryadhin2.

Department of Informatics - University of Serang Raya – Banten

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 303

assessment is based on the assessment lecturer performance, namely Tridarma and internal activity. This decision support system to help and provide an alternative to the assessment of each lecturer, the criteria change, It is useful to facilitate decision-makers on issues related to lecturer performance appraisal, so it will at least get a decent lecturers were given rewards or awards II. Fuzzy Logic One of the components forming the study of soft computing are fuzzy logic was first introduced in 1965 by Lotfi A. Zadeh. Fuzzy logic is used as a way to map the problem of inputs leading to the expected output. The role of degree of membership is the cornerstone of a fuzzy set to determine the presence of certain elements [13], [14]. Some basic operations are most often used to combine and modify the fuzzy set is, the combined operation (union), slices operations (Intersection) and complement operator (Complement). The workings of fuzzy logic includes several stages as follows (see Figure 1) [15]: 1) Fuzzification Process 2) Fuzzy knowledge base formation (Rule in the form of IF ... THEN) 3) Inference Engine (Max-Min implication function or Dot-Product) 4) Defuzzyfication, which can be done in several ways, including the a. Average Methode

b. Center of Area Methode

Figureure 1. The structure of the fuzzy inference system

III. Analysis And Design 3.1 Input Requirements Analysis Activities and evaluating lecturer performance appraisal carried out by the Head of Quality Assurance Unit of each semester that are accumulated in one academic year. The elements are the basis for performance evaluation include: primary data and secondary data. Primary data consist of accuracy in the assessment, preparation of the material, the ability to present the material, give examples relating to the material being taught. Secondary data consists of Tridarma College include teaching, research and community service. The data used in this study is primary data, the study used variable input variables and two output variables. These variables are as follows: X1 = Mastery Matter Based on the above data consists of 3 teaching variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) X 2 = Explain, Elaborate and Presenting Based on the above data consists of 3 variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) X3 = Variable Answering Questions Based on the above data consists of 3 variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) X4 = Variable Discipline Based on the above data consists of 3 variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) X5 = Variable Performance / Appearance Based on the above data consists of 3 variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) X6 = Variable Interactions with Students Based on the above data consists of 3 variable fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH)

3.2 Logic Process analysis Sistem Penilaian kinerja dosen tetap Universitas Serang Raya dirancang dan dibangun dengan menerapkan logika fuzzy Inference System dengan metode Mamdani yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi dari ketentuan penilaian kinerja dosen tetap Universitas Serang Raya yang ada.



International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 304

The performance evaluation system of permanent lecturers of University Serang Raya designed and built by applying fuzzy logic Inference System with Mamdani methods adapted to the conditions of the terms of performance assessment of permanent lecturers of University Serang Raya. 3.3 Output Requirement Analysis The results or output of this research is a decision in the assessment of lecturer performance at the University of Serang Raya. 3.4 Design The design is done on the stage Use Case Diagrams, and Class Diagrams. The user of a decision support system (DSS) is the Head of University Serang Raya quality assurance Unit, then this lecturer performance appraisal process is a process of typing the assessment data, lecturers data and the value for the performance of each lecturer data. 3.4.1 Use Case Diagram Use case is a construction to describe how the system looks in the eyes of the user. Target modeling use case include defining the functional and operational needs of the system.


View Hasil

Input Batas Atas dan Batas Bawah Variabel

Input Variabel

Fuzzy Madani

Input Penguasaan Materi

Menjelaskan menguraikan dan memaparkan

Variabel Menjawab

Variabel Kedisiplinan

Variabel Performance

Variabel Interaksi dengan Mahasiswa

Figureure 3.1 Use Case Diagram

3.4.2 Activity Diagram Activity diagrams are part of UML is used to describe the stages of any existing business processes in order to more easily understand the business processes that occur. In the activity diagram for each activity presented by the rounded rectangle is linked with arrows to illustrate the transition from one activity to another. Activity diagrams starting from the initial state and ends with the final state

Input Batas atas dan Bawah Variable


Proses Input

Figureure 3.2 Activity Diagram Input upper limit and lower limit variable

Input Variabel

Input Penguasaan Materi


Menjelaskan, Menguraikan dan memaparkan

Variabel Menjawab

Variabel Kedisiplinan

Variabel Performance Variabel Interaksi dengan Mahasiswa

Proses Variabel

Figureure 3.3 Activity Diagram Input Variable

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 305

Fuzzy Madani




Figureure 3.4 Activity Diagram Fuzzy Mamdani

Hasil Laporan Kinerja Kerja

Lihat Laporan

Figureure 3.5 Activity Diagram Work Performance Report

3.4.3 Sequence Diagram Sequence diagrams describe interactions between objects in and around the system. Sequnce diagram between dimensions comprises vertical and horizontal dimensions. Sequence diagrams illustrate commonly used scenario or series of steps carried out in response sebuag event to produce a given output. Beginning of what is to trigger the event, the process and what changes are going on internally and what the resulting output. Each object includes actors have the vertical lifeline. Message berpanah described as a line other than an object. In the next design phase, the message will be mapped into the operating methods of the class Activation bar indicates the length of the execution of a process, generally begins with the receipt of a massage.

Input Batas Atas dan Batas Bawah Variabel : Akademik

1 : Input Batas()

2 : Hasil()

Figureure 3.6 Sequence Diagrams Input upper limit and lower limit variable

Input Variabel

: Akademik

1 : Input Penguasaan Materi()

2 : Menjelaskan, Menguraikan dan memaparkan()

3 : Variabel Menawab()

4 : Variabel Kedisiplinan()

5 : Variabel Performance()

6 : Variabel Interaksi dengan mahasiswa()

Figureures 3.7 Sequence Diagram Input Variable

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 306

Fuzzy Madani

: Akademik1 : Input()

2 : Hasil()

Figure 3.8 Sequence Diagram Input Fuzzy Madani

Laporan Hasil Kinerja Kerja

: Akademik1 : Cetak()

2 : Lihat()

Figure 3.8 Sequence Diagram Work Performance Report

4. Research Methodology This study uses the descriptive method of research, because it was felt that the issue being studied now by the facts that occurred in the performance of a lecturer at the University of Serang Raya. This study is expected to provide enter or support decisions about the relative value of two or more relative measures. 5. Results and Discussion The process of data collection and data cleaning resulted in 81 studies lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, 77 lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering, 54 lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and lecturer at the Faculty of Social Politics 7. Data lecturer of the Faculty of Information Technology to the Faculty of Social Politics (see table 5.1). Value NR_Content Mastery, NR_ Describes outlining and describing and an average value of the respondents, value of NR_Answer Questions, NR_Discipline, NR_Performance and NR_Interaction with students is the average value of the respondents. Based on the above data were grouped into 6 model of fuzzy variable fuzzy set on 3 (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) and the variable and the universe of discourse in this case as shown in (Table 5.2). While the fuzzy set is established based on the data values above, as shown in (Table 5.3). Based on the above data were grouped into 6 models are fuzzy variables, NR_ material mastery, consisting of three fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH), NR_ Describes outlining and describing, consisting of three fuzzy sets LOW and MEDIUM HIGH NR_ Answering Questions, consisting of 3 fuzzy set (LOW MEDIUM HIGH), NR_ discipline consists of three fuzzy sets (LESS, MEDIUM, GOOD), NR_Performance consists of three fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) and NR_ Interaction with students with 3 fuzzy sets (LOW MEDIUM HIGH) Fuzzyfikasi initial process begins with a test of the first data named Yanto Adjie Setya, SE., M.Sc. and has a value NR_Material Mastery = 4:19, NR_ Describes outlining and describing = 3.81 = 4.06 The NR_ NR_Question answering Discipline = 3.66 and NR_ NR_Performance = 3.75 = 4.00 The Interaction with students. To determine whether Yanto Adjie Setya get reaward or not get the reward, the first degree of membership value calculation for each value that is owned (NR_Material Mastery, NNR_ Describes outlining and describing, NR_Question answering, NR_ Discipline, Performance and NR_ NR_ Interaction with students. calculation results show that the value of Mastery NR_Material possessed a degree of membership in the set LOW at -1.58 and 0:47 on the set iS (see chart NR_Material degree of membership for Mastery in Figure 5.1). The calculation of the value of membership degree and then continued in outlining and describing NR_Describes variable, which after calculation, the value NR_ Describes outlining and describing fit into the set members with degrees of membership -1.08 LOW, MEDIUM and set the degree of membership of 0:57 (see chart degree of membership NR_ Describes outlining and describing in Figure 5.2).

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 307

The calculation of the value of membership degree and then continued on answering NR_Question variables which after calculation, the value of answering Question NR_ entered into by members of the set LOW -1.4 degrees of membership and the degree of membership MEDIUM set of 0.63 (see chart degree of membership in the picture NR_ answering Question 5.3) The calculation of the value of membership degree and then continued on NR_Discipline variables which after calculation, the value NR_ Discipline entered into by members of the set LOW -0.88 degrees of membership and the degree of membership MEDIUM set of 0.88 (see chart NR_ Discipline degree of membership in the Figure 5.4). The calculation of the value of membership degree and then continued on NR_Performance variables which after calculation, the value NR_ Performance fit into the set of members with degrees of membership -0.75 LOW and MEDIUM set with a membership degree of 0.86 (see chart degree of membership NR_ Performance in Figure 5.5). The calculation of the value of membership degree and then continued on NR_Interaction with students variables which after calculation, the value NR_ Interaction with students fit into the set of members with degrees of membership -1.33 LOW and MEDIUM set with a membership degree of 0.63 (see chart membership degree of NR_ Interaction with students with the image 5.6). Here are samples of data taken from several faculty lecturer shown in Table 5.1

Table 5.1 Sample Data lecturer

No. Lecturer’s Name


Output 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Yanto Adjie Setya, SE., M.Si.




3,66 3,75 4,00 3,91

2 Irwan

Agustiansyah, S.Pd., M.Hum.




3,75 3,88 3,81 3,86

3 H. Uus

Muhammad Husain, Lc.




4,06 4,00 4,18 4,12

4 Nana Umdiana, SE.




3,70 4,15 3,88 4,15

5 Sulasno, SH., M.Hum.




4,28 3,80 3,32 3,71

6 H. Anizir Ali Murad, SE., MM.




4,19 4,29 4,16 4,11

7 Imam Fauzi, M.Pd




4,76 4,71 4,35 4,59

8 Shodik

Nuryadhin, S.Kom.




3,50 3,88 3,88 3,80

9 Bohari Muslim, M.Pd.




3,57 4,33 4,43 4,23

10 Drs. Rustaman Ridwan




4,23 3,86 3,95 3,86

11 Santi Octaviani, SE., M.Ak




1,86 3,19 3,19 2,77

12 Boy Perihatin, S.Pd.




1,88 2,00 1,88 2,02

13 Deviyantoro, SE., MM.




4,14 3,67 3,90 3,73

14 Rafiudin, S.Ag., M.Si




3,94 3,97 3,26 3,76

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 308

15 Hendriyastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd




4,00 4,00 3,68 3,85

16 M. Taufik Harsana, S.Kom.




4,68 4,36 4,23 4,45

17 Syifa Sulfiah, S.Si., MM.




3,60 4,20 3,60 4,02

18 Dayat Hidayat, SE., M.Akt.




4,00 4,35 4,35 4,29

19 Kodriyah, S.Pd. 4,31



3,94 3,75 4,00 4,06

20 H. Ade

Manggala, SE., M.Akt.




3,87 4,10 3,94 3,98

21 Drs. Bambang Setiadi




3,23 3,68 3,45 3,59

22 Drs. Abdul Fatah, MM.




3,79 3,68 3,26 3,54

23 Join Satria, SE., MM.




4,08 4,00 4,42 4,19

24 Sayifullah, SE., M.Akt




4,11 4,19 4,33 4,17

25 M. Johan

Widikusyanto, M.Sc




3,73 4,09 3,32 3,76

26 Erma

Perwitasari, M.Pd.




2,59 3,24 3,00 3,13

27 Jainul Abidin, SE., M.Si.




4,67 4,20 4,30 4,42

28 Ir. H. Eddy Nugroho




4,05 4,09 4,23 4,15

29 Deni Hermana, SE., MM




4,00 4,50 4,31 4,30

30 Denny Putri Hapsari, SE




2,14 2,90 2,71 2,84

31 Ir. H. Zaenal Abidin Afifi,





3,62 3,71 3,41 3,49

32 Dr. Mahdani 3,53



3,79 3,47 3,79 3,57

33 Imam Abu

Hanifah, SE., M.Akt.




4,04 4,07 4,19 4,14

34 Eka Satia Laksmana, S.Sos.




3,18 3,24 3,00 3,25

35 Karkono, SE., MM.




3,83 3,75 4,13 3,99

36 Restu Wahyuni, S.Sos.




2,09 3,48 2,87 3,01

37 As'ary, SS., M.Hum




4,12 4,00 3,84 3,97

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 309

38 Suhud, S.Kom. 4,05



4,09 4,00 3,84 3,97

39 Roy Ritonga, M.Kom.




3,20 3,40 3,20 3,43

40 Muizzudin, SE., MM.




3,67 3,67 3,17 3,61

41 Oji Fauzi, M.Pd. 4,24



3,08 3,84 4,12 3,89

42 Syamsudin, S.Si., MM.




4,38 3,95 3,71 3,93

43 Abdul Halim, S.Kom.




4,56 4,38 4,13 4,24

44 Achmad Firdaus, MM.




1,42 2,00 1,77 1,89

Table 5.2 Variables and Universe Discussion

Table 5. 3. The Set of Fuzzy

Fungsi Nama Variabel Himpunan Fuzzy Semesta

pembicaraan Domain


NR_ Material Mastery

Low Middle High

[ 2.25 –4.64] [2.25 – 3.00] [2.25 – 4.64] [ 3.50 - 4.64 ]

NR_ Menjelaskan Menguraikan danmemaparkan

Low Middle High

[2.25 – 4.50 ] [2.25 – 3.00 ] [2.25 – 4.50 ] [ 3.50 - 4.50 ]

NR_ Variabel Question

Low Middle [1.88 – 4.59] [1.88 – 3.00 ]

[2.25 – 4.59 ]

Function Variable Name Universe Discussion Explanation


NR_ Material Mastery [ 2.25 – 4.64] Average scores of respondents variabel Material Mastery

NR_ Describes outlining and describing [2.25 – 4.50 ]

Average scores of respondents variabel Describes outlining and describing

NR_ Variabel Question answering [1.88 – 4.59]

Average scores of respondents variabel Question answering

NR_Variabel Discipline [1.42- 4.76] Average scores of respondents variabel Discipline

NR_ performance [ 2.00- 4.71] Average scores of respondents variabel Performance

NR_Interaction with students [1.77 – 4.43]

Average scores of respondents variabel Interaction with students

output Lecturers Performance Appraisal [ 1.89 – 4.59]

Value that meets lecturer performance appraisal so get reward

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 310

answering High [ 3.50 - 4.59]

NR_Variabel Discipline

Low Middle High

[1.42- 4.76] [1.42 – 3.00 ] [2.25 – 4.76 ] [ 3.50 - 4.76 ]

NR_ performance

Low Middle High

[ 2.00- 4.71] [2.00 – 3.00] [2.00 – 4.71] [ 3.50 - 4.71 ]

NR_Interaction with students

Low Middle High

[1.77 – 4.43] [1.77– 3.00 ] [2.25 – 4.43 ] [ 3.50 - 4.43]

output Penilaian Kinerja Dosen

Medium Good Very Good

[ 1.89 – 4.59] [ 1.89 – 3.50] [ 3.00- 4.59] [4.00 - 4.59]

Figure 5.1. Grafik derajat keanggotaan untuk NR_ Material Mastery

Figure 5.2. Graphs degree of membership to Explain Describe NR_and \Exposing

Figure 5.3 . Grafik derajat keanggotaan untuk NR_ Question


Figure 5.4 . Grafik derajat keanggotaan untuk NR_ Discipline

Figure 5.5. Graphs degree of membership to NR_ Performance

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 311

Figure 5.6. Graphs degree of membership to NR_ Interactions with Students

Proses selanjutnya adalah melakukan inferensi terhadap Variabel Penilaian Kierja Dosen dengan cara yang sama di atas, pada kasus ini kami menggunakan fungsi trapesium untuk mendefinisikan nilai linguistik nya sebagai berikut (lihat gambar 5.7) :

Figure 5.7. Inference Graph Variable Performance Assessment lecturer

By using Mamdani inference method, obtained by using a process of inference rules CONJUNCTION (^) of the eight new rules above, to take a minimum degree of membership from the existing linguistic value. Here is a new temporary rule obtained: 1) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Menjelaskan Menguraikan danmemaparkan Rendah (1.08)

AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

2.) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

3) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

4) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang ( 0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

5) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

6) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

7) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

8) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Menjelaskan Penilaian Kinerja Menguraikan dan memaparkan Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 312

9) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah ( 1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

10) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

11) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.88)

12) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang( 0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

13) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students rendah (1.33) ThenVariabel Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

14) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

15) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah ( 1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah ( 1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

16) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

17) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

18) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

19) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.86)

20) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang ( 0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

21) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

22) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

23) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 313

performance Rendah (0.75)AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.63)

24) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

25) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

26) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88)AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian KinerjaSedang (0.63)

27)If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33)Then Variabel Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

28) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang ( 0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

29) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

30) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang(0.57)

31) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

32) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

33) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88)AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

34) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

35) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

36) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang( 0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

37) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 314

38) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang(0.57)

39)If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (0.57)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

40) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

41) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

42) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

43) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

44) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

45) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah ( 0.75)AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

46) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

47) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang(0.57)

48) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

49) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

50) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

51) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

52) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 315

performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

53) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75)AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

54) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

55) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

56) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0,47)

57) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah( 1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

58) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang ( 0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

59) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah ( 1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang( 0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75)AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

60) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

61) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah( 1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah ( 1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

62) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

63) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.63)

66) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

67) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah ( 1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

68) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang( 0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang( 0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 316

69) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah ( 1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.63)

70)If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

71) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah ( 1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

72) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

73) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.57)

74) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

75) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

76) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88)AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

77) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah( 1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

78) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

79) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

80) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

81) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang (0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

82) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

83) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah( 1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah (0.88) AND NR_ NR_

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performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

84) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

85) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang(0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.63)

86) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

87) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah(1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

88) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah(1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang((0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang (0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.63)

89) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang (0.63)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah (0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) The Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

90) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47)AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang(0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

91) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08)AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah (1.4)AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

92) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang(1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Rendah(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Rendah(0.75) AND NR_ Interaction with students Rendah (1.33) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.75)

91) If NR_Material Mastery Rendah (1.58) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Rendah (1.08) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Rendah(1.4) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63)Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0,63)

92) If NR_Material Mastery Sedang (0.47) AND NR_ Describes outlining and describing Sedang (0.57) AND NR_ Variabel Question answering Sedang(0.63) AND NR_Variabel Discipline Sedang(0.88) AND NR_ NR_ performance Sedang(0.86) AND NR_ Interaction with students Sedang (0.63) Then Then Penilaian Kinerja Sedang (0.47)

Based on the above calculation , obtained 92 linguistic values with different degrees of membership values , namely :

1 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 2 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:57 ) 3) Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 4 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 5 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 6) Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 7 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:57 ) 8 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 9 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 10 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47)

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 318

11 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.88 ) 12 Assessment of Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 13 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 14 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 15 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 16 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 17 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 18 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 19 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.86 ) 20 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 21 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 22 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 23 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 24 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 25 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 26 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 27 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 28 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 29 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.88 ) 30 ) Medium Performance Assessment . ( 0.57) 31 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 32 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 33 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 34 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 35 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47 ) 36 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 37 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 38 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 39 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 40 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 41 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 42 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 43 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 44 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 45 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 46 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 47 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:57 ) 48 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 49 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 50 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 51 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 52 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 53 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 54 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 55 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 56 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47 ) 57 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 58 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 59 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.57) 60 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 61 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 62 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 63 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 66 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 67 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 68 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 69 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 70 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 71 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 )

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Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 319

72 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 73 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:57 ) 74 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 75 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 76 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 77 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 78 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 79 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 80 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 81 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 82 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47 ) 83 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 84 ) Assessment Performance Medium ( 0:47 ) 85 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 86 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47 ) 87 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 88 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 89 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 90 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47) 91 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 92 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.75 ) 91 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.63 ) 92 ) Performance Assessment Medium ( 0.47 )

The next step is, using the rule disjunction (V) to determine the maximum value of the membership degree of linguistic values associated: Medium Performance Assessment (0.47) Medium Performance Assessment (0.57) Medium Performance Assessment (0.63) Medium Performance Assessment (0.88) Medium Performance Assessment (0.75) Medium Performance Assessment (0.63) The next step is, using the rule disjunction (V) to determine the maximum value of the membership degree of linguistic values associated: • Performance Assessment Department is moderate (0.47) ᴠ Performance Assessment Lecturer moderate (0.57) v Medium Performance Assessment (0.63) v Performance Assessment Lecturer medium (0.88) v Performance Assessment Lecturer medium (0.75) v Performance Assessment Lecturer medium (0.63) generated Ratings faculty performance was (0.88) By using the process of clipping on Mamdani, 3 fuzzy sets can be described in graphic form in accordance with variable degrees of membership in accordance with the departments of Lecturer Performance Assessment being, Assessment of faculty performance is good and very good performance assessment

Testing of the other data then done using tools Fuzzy inference System (FIS) in MATLAB and obtained the following results:

No. Nama Dosen


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Yanto Adjie Setya, SE., M.Si. 4,19 3,81 4,06 3,66 3,75 4,00 3,84

2 Irwan Agustiansyah, S.Pd., M.Hum. 3,97 3,84 3,94 3,75 3,88 3,81 3,86

3 H. Uus Muhammad Husain, Lc. 4,29 4,06 4,12 4,06 4,00 4,18 3,88

4 Nana Umdiana, SE. 4,45 4,36 4,33 3,70 4,15 3,88 3,85

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

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Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 320

5 Sulasno, SH., M.Hum. 3,84 3,24 3,76 4,28 3,80 3,32 3,8

6 H. Anizir Ali Murad, SE., MM. 3,97 4,03 4,00 4,19 4,29 4,16 3,87

7 Imam Fauzi, M.Pd 4,62 4,50 4,59 4,76 4,71 4,35 3,96

8 Shodik Nuryadhin, S.Kom. 4,03 3,78 3,75 3,50 3,88 3,88 3,83

9 Bohari Muslim, M.Pd. 4,57 4,24 4,24 3,57 4,33 4,43 3,84

10 Drs. Rustaman Ridwan 4,00 3,45 3,64 4,23 3,86 3,95 3,78

11 Santi Octaviani, SE., M.Ak 3,05 2,48 2,86 1,86 3,19 3,19 3,78

12 Boy Perihatin, S.Pd. 2,25 2,25 1,88 1,88 2,00 1,88 3,92

13 Deviyantoro, SE., MM. 3,86 3,29 3,52 4,14 3,67 3,90 3,78

14 Rafiudin, S.Ag., M.Si 4,06 3,71 3,63 3,94 3,97 3,26 3,80

15 Hendriyastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd 3,96 3,60 3,84 4,00 4,00 3,68 3,82

16 M. Taufik Harsana, S.Kom. 4,64 4,45 4,32 4,68 4,36 4,23 3,93

17 Syifa Sulfiah, S.Si., MM. 4,40 4,00 4,30 3,60 4,20 3,60 3,84

18 Dayat Hidayat, SE., M.Akt. 4,35 4,22 4,48 4,00 4,35 4,35 3,89

19 Kodriyah, S.Pd. 4,31 4,19 4,19 3,94 3,75 4,00 3,84

20 H. Ade Manggala, SE., M.Akt. 4,13 3,84 4,03 3,87 4,10 3,94 3,86

21 Drs. Bambang Setiadi 3,94 3,61 3,65 3,23 3,68 3,45 3,79

22 Drs. Abdul Fatah, MM. 3,74 3,37 3,37 3,79 3,68 3,26 3,77

23 Join Satria, SE., MM. 4,42 3,96 4,25 4,08 4,00 4,42 3,88

24 Sayifullah, SE., M.Akt 4,30 4,00 4,11 4,11 4,19 4,33 3,89

25 M. Johan Widikusyanto, M.Sc 3,82 3,82 3,77 3,73 4,09 3,32 3,81

26 Erma Perwitasari, M.Pd. 3,59 3,17 3,17 2,59 3,24 3,00 3,75

27 Jainul Abidin, SE., M.Si. 4,53 4,53 4,30 4,67 4,20 4,30 3,91

28 Ir. H. Eddy Nugroho 4,32 4,14 4,09 4,05 4,09 4,23 3,89

29 Deni Hermana, SE., MM 4,38 4,28 4,31 4,00 4,50 4,31 3,89

30 Denny Putri Hapsari, SE 3,19 2,90 3,19 2,14 2,90 2,71 3,77

31 Ir. H. Zaenal Abidin Afifi, MM 3,59 3,18 3,41 3,62 3,71 3,41 3,80

32 Dr. Mahdani 3,53 3,37 3,47 3,79 3,47 3,79 3,77

33 Imam Abu Hanifah, SE., M.Akt. 4,30 4,00 4,22 4,04 4,07 4,19 3,89

34 Eka Satia Laksmana, S.Sos. 3,59 3,12 3,35 3,18 3,24 3,00 3,75

35 Karkono, SE., MM. 4,08 4,00 4,13 3,83 3,75 4,13 3,84

36 Restu Wahyuni, S.Sos. 3,43 3,00 3,22 2,09 3,48 2,87 3,77

37 As'ary, SS., M.Hum 4,07 3,88 3,93 4,12 4,00 3,84 3,87

38 Suhud, S.Kom. 4,05 3,91 3,93 4,09 4,00 3,84 3,88

39 Roy Ritonga, M.Kom. 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,20 3,40 3,20 3,77

40 Muizzudin, SE., MM. 4,00 3,50 3,67 3,67 3,67 3,17 3,78

41 Oji Fauzi, M.Pd. 4,24 4,00 4,04 3,08 3,84 4,12 3,77

42 Syamsudin, S.Si., MM. 4,14 3,76 3,62 4,38 3,95 3,71 3,84

43 Abdul Halim, S.Kom. 4,31 4,13 3,94 4,56 4,38 4,13 3,89

44 Achmad Firdaus, MM. 2,15 1,96 2,04 1,42 2,00 1,77 3,95

Figure. 5.8 Variaabel ouput Kinerja dosen

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Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 321

Figure. 5.9 Variaabel Material matery

Figure. 5.10 Variaabel describes outlining and describing

Figure. 5.11 Variaabel question answering

Figure. 5.12 Variaabel Performance

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Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 322

Figure. 5.13 Variaabel Interaction with students

Figure. 5.14 variabel lecturers performance appraisal

Figure. 5.15 Fuzzyfication



1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Yanto Adjie Setya, SE., M.Si. 4,19 3,81 4,06 3,66 3,75 4,00 Good

2 Irwan Agustiansyah, S.Pd., M.Hum. 3,97 3,84 3,94 3,75 3,88 3,81 Good

3 H. Uus Muhammad Husain, Lc. 4,29 4,06 4,12 4,06 4,00 4,18 Good

4 Nana Umdiana, SE. 4,45 4,36 4,33 3,70 4,15 3,88 Good

5 Sulasno, SH., M.Hum. 3,84 3,24 3,76 4,28 3,80 3,32 Good

6 H. Anizir Ali Murad, SE., MM. 3,97 4,03 4,00 4,19 4,29 4,16 Good

7 Imam Fauzi, M.Pd 4,62 4,50 4,59 4,76 4,71 4,35 Good

8 Shodik Nuryadhin, S.Kom. 4,03 3,78 3,75 3,50 3,88 3,88 Good

9 Bohari Muslim, M.Pd. 4,57 4,24 4,24 3,57 4,33 4,43 Good

10 Drs. Rustaman Ridwan 4,00 3,45 3,64 4,23 3,86 3,95 Good

11 Santi Octaviani, SE., M.Ak 3,05 2,48 2,86 1,86 3,19 3,19 Good

12 Boy Perihatin, S.Pd. 2,25 2,25 1,88 1,88 2,00 1,88 Good

13 Deviyantoro, SE., MM. 3,86 3,29 3,52 4,14 3,67 3,90 Good

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2013 Page 323

14 Rafiudin, S.Ag., M.Si 4,06 3,71 3,63 3,94 3,97 3,26 Good

15 Hendriyastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd 3,96 3,60 3,84 4,00 4,00 3,68 Good

16 M. Taufik Harsana, S.Kom. 4,64 4,45 4,32 4,68 4,36 4,23 Good

17 Syifa Sulfiah, S.Si., MM. 4,40 4,00 4,30 3,60 4,20 3,60 Good

18 Dayat Hidayat, SE., M.Akt. 4,35 4,22 4,48 4,00 4,35 4,35 Good

19 Kodriyah, S.Pd. 4,31 4,19 4,19 3,94 3,75 4,00 Good

20 H. Ade Manggala, SE., M.Akt. 4,13 3,84 4,03 3,87 4,10 3,94 Good

21 Drs. Bambang Setiadi 3,94 3,61 3,65 3,23 3,68 3,45 Good

22 Drs. Abdul Fatah, MM. 3,74 3,37 3,37 3,79 3,68 3,26 Good

23 Join Satria, SE., MM. 4,42 3,96 4,25 4,08 4,00 4,42 Good

24 Sayifullah, SE., M.Akt 4,30 4,00 4,11 4,11 4,19 4,33 Good

25 M. Johan Widikusyanto, M.Sc 3,82 3,82 3,77 3,73 4,09 3,32 Good

26 Erma Perwitasari, M.Pd. 3,59 3,17 3,17 2,59 3,24 3,00 Good

27 Jainul Abidin, SE., M.Si. 4,53 4,53 4,30 4,67 4,20 4,30 Good

28 Ir. H. Eddy Nugroho 4,32 4,14 4,09 4,05 4,09 4,23 Good

29 Deni Hermana, SE., MM 4,38 4,28 4,31 4,00 4,50 4,31 Good

30 Denny Putri Hapsari, SE 3,19 2,90 3,19 2,14 2,90 2,71 Good

31 Ir. H. Zaenal Abidin Afifi, MM 3,59 3,18 3,41 3,62 3,71 3,41 Good

32 Dr. Mahdani 3,53 3,37 3,47 3,79 3,47 3,79 Good

33 Imam Abu Hanifah, SE., M.Akt. 4,30 4,00 4,22 4,04 4,07 4,19 Good

34 Eka Satia Laksmana, S.Sos. 3,59 3,12 3,35 3,18 3,24 3,00 Good

35 Karkono, SE., MM. 4,08 4,00 4,13 3,83 3,75 4,13 Good

36 Restu Wahyuni, S.Sos. 3,43 3,00 3,22 2,09 3,48 2,87 Good

37 As'ary, SS., M.Hum 4,07 3,88 3,93 4,12 4,00 3,84 Good

38 Suhud, S.Kom. 4,05 3,91 3,93 4,09 4,00 3,84 Good

39 Roy Ritonga, M.Kom. 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,20 3,40 3,20 Good

40 Muizzudin, SE., MM. 4,00 3,50 3,67 3,67 3,67 3,17 Good

41 Oji Fauzi, M.Pd. 4,24 4,00 4,04 3,08 3,84 4,12 Good

42 Syamsudin, S.Si., MM. 4,14 3,76 3,62 4,38 3,95 3,71 Good

43 Abdul Halim, S.Kom. 4,31 4,13 3,94 4,56 4,38 4,13 Good

44 Achmad Firdaus, MM. 2,15 1,96 2,04 1,42 2,00 1,77 Good

Conclusion From the results, analysis and discussion has been done in this study, several conclusions can be taken as follows: 1. Decision support system for evaluation of the performance of the lecturer at the University of Serang City, which refers to high school drama tri integrated using Fuzzy inference System and method Mamdani 2. This decision support system to assist and provide alternatives in conducting an assessment of each faculty to change the criteria, decision makers associated with the problem of performance assessment professors, lecturers get to be the most worthy of reward or recognition. Daftar Pustaka [1] Hamzah,Suyoto,Paulus Mudjihartono(2010). Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Dosen dengan metode

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