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“Half Day Break Away”

“Half Day Break Away”


2021 Winter Retreat


1. To intentionally take time out for a personal retreat.

2. To refocus on God, myself, and my present lifestyle.

3. To identify any needed adjustments or lifestyle changes at this time.

4. To make a plan to better follow Jesus Christ in 2020 and beyond.


The idea of a breakaway is to take half a day (at least 4 hours) away from noise, distractions and people in order to prayerfully seek first God’s kingdom in your life. You will need your Bible, a pen and this retreat packet. Leave your phone in the car if possible and go somewhere alone where you can complete the four sessions in one time period. Invite the Holy Spirit to direct your time apart. Start each session with prayer. Read the scripture thoughtfully and give due diligence to answering each question and recording thoughts and impressions. This is your workbook. No one will see this but you. You will get out of your time what you put into it. So be honest with yourself and God. Expect him to speak to your heart and direct your steps and be ready and willing to follow His lead.

2021 Winter Retreat

Session One


The objective of your first session is simply to refocus on God,

who he is and what he has done for you.

1. Read Psalm 103:1-5. Using King David’s categories, list benefits (blessings) God has given you over the years in each area. Be specific.

A. Forgiveness of past sins:

B. Physical health and healing:

C. Redemption from the pit (salvation from hell, rescue from danger):

D. Evidences that I am loved by God:

E. Good things I have (material blessings) that satisfy my needs and desires. Be specific:

*In verse one, the Psalmist exhorts us to train our souls to praise God. Your soul is the invisible you, your intellect, emotions and will. To praise God is to consciously recognize him, to offer him verbal thanks, to give him credit for what he has done. Now go back over your list and, item by item, thank God for his kindness to you personally. Give God his due praise and recognition in your life.

2. Next read Psalm 103:9-14. God has personally shown you great mercy, love and compassion. As a Christian, all your sins are forgiven and your future is secure with God. Even still, you and I are weak and vulnerable. “We are but dust.” Now take some time to consider your doubts and fears. List below any present problems, challenges and concerns.

*Present difficulties, concerns and challenges:

*Read Philippians 4:6-7 and 1 Peter 5:7. Do what scripture says. One by one, present your needs and concerns to God. Thank him that he knows about each one. Ask him to help you to entrust them to him, to experience his peace, and to wait for his guidance and direction.

*When you are done with this exercise, stand up, stretch and breathe. Take a short break.

2021 Winter Retreat

Session Two


Having looked to God, let’s now focus on you personally.

Read Psalm 139:1-24. Notice how David reminds himself who God is and just how intimately God knows him. Apart from verses 19-22 (where David asks God for vengeance on an invading army), this Psalm will serve as a guide for some time of introspection. Reread verses 23-24 out loud as a prayer to God. Ask him to help you evaluate the following areas of your own life.

I. My Personal Life

A. My daily relationship with God

Read 2 Corinthians 11:3. The Apostle Paul warns us to beware of distractions, things that lead us away from a sincere (honest, heartfelt) and pure (simple, uncomplicated) daily devotional walk with Jesus Christ.

· Are you being distracted from seeking first God’s kingdom?

· Do you have higher priorities than your ongoing relationship with God?

· How’s your devotional life?

· Do you follow a daily routine of Bible study and prayer?

· Is it easy to love God and worship him?

· Or, are you spiritually dry and distant from God?

*Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you presently stand with God in relation to the above questions. Ask him what he wants you to do next. Record your thoughts and impressions below.


B. Sin and Temptation

Read 1 John 1:5-2:2. The Apostle John calls us to check ourselves, whether we are walking in the light or darkness. Others might be fooled by outward appearances, but God knows the true condition of our hearts. In the previous session, we thanked God for forgiveness of past sins. It is possible, however, that even as a Christian, I can choose to yield to present temptations and willfully live in sin. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any wrong thoughts, attitudes or actions (darkness). As he does, confess them as sin and renounce them in your life. Re-read 1 John1:9 and claim God’s forgiveness and cleansing for each sin. If you find yourself stuck in a certain temptation or sin, ask God to show you what to do to find victory. He may lead you to involve someone else for added support or counsel in your struggles. As God helps you to examine your present life, thank him for his mercy and love for you personally. He promised to never leave or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)


2. My Family Relationships

Go back and read again Psalm 139:23-24. Take some time to evaluate your roles within your immediate and extended family. Notice that each God-given role has corresponding responsibilities. For example, if you are a spouse, how are you doing at that role? Where are you good and where do you need improvement? What changes or adjustments should you make at this time?

Meditate on the following areas. Pray for any family members by name. Evaluate your present relationship with each – record thoughts, impressions and ideas as God brings things to mind. Ask him what action he wants you to take under each role.

A. My role/responsibilities as a spouse

B. My role/responsibilities as a parent/grandparent

C. My role/responsibilities as a son/daughter, or in the extended family

3. My Church Family

The Bible says that Christians are part of the body of Christ, members of one another. Read Romans 12:4-5, Ephesians 4:16. Use the following questions to evaluate your present connection to the church. Consider any adjustments or changes God might prompt you to make in order to better function as an active part of the body of Christ. Note down thoughts and ideas in the space provided.

A. I am a weekly attender of Bethel Gilead Community Church. If not, what competes with my time for worship on Sunday mornings? What is God leading me to?

B. I am connected to a small group of believers for regular Bible study, accountability and fellowship. If not, why not? At Bethel Gilead Community Church, we place a high priority on small groups for discipleship. Like with Jesus, disciples grow best in groups. Ask God to confirm if he wants you to be part of one of the weekly groups at this time.

C. I serve God in one or more of the many ministries within our congregation.

My spiritual gift is ____________and I use it by _____________________________.

One area outside the church where I see God leading me to serve is ____________


If you are uncertain of your spiritual gift and where God is leading you to serve, be sure to get a gift survey from Pastor Jim in the near future.

*When you are done with Session Two, take another break. Get up and move around. You may want to take a walk or make yourself something to eat or drink. Give your mind at least a 10-15 minute rest before picking up with session three.

2021 Winter Retreat

Session Three


But I say, open your eyes and look around you.

The fields are ripe for harvest. (John 4:35)

So far, we’ve looked to God and, we’ve looked more closely at ourselves. Next let’s evaluate how well we are functioning in the broader community. God has called each of us to be “salt and light” in our world (Matthew 5:13-16). We are his agents of influence and change. How’s it going? Is your life a positive influence on others around you? Or, are you so occupied with so many other things that you really don’t have the time or energy to do much for the Lord? God gives us 168 hours a week. What we do with those hours each week is our gift back to God. At this point, we will divide the lifestyle session into two areas – Work and Disposable Time. If you are not presently working outside the home, go on to point 2.

1. My Work Life

Whatever you do…work at it as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). Working is part of our calling as people made in the image of God. Like him, we have the ability to be active, productive and creative. Read James 1:5. Pause and pray about your present work situation. Ask God for discernment and wisdom.

· Is your job meaningful and productive?

· Does it provide the necessary income to live on?

· Are you fulfilled in your job, or would you rather do something else?

· Is your work week reasonable, or is it out of balance with other life priorities?

· Does your job affect your health, relationships or other responsibilities?

Take the necessary time to pray through these questions. Keep track of your thoughts and impressions below. Ask God to clarify his will for you in your present work situation.


2. Disposable Time

Be very careful then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15)

By disposable time, I mean the hours that I have available any given week to choose my time use and activities. The goal, as Ephesians suggests, is to use my disposable time in a wise and productive manner. Balance will be a key idea for us here.

Use the acronym N.E.R.D.S. as a simple tool to evaluate your personal health, well being and balance. Go back and pray Psalm 139:23-24 again, asking God to direct your thoughts and ideas as you do this exercise. Write down what comes to mind in each category.

Nutrition: Am I eating well? Do I drink enough water? Or, am I eating and drinking things that will not contribute to my physical health? Be specific. Rate yourself on a scale 1-10 (1 being terrible, 10 being excellent). My score: ________ What changes or adjustments should you make at this time? Write your ideas below.

My present health concerns, needed changes:

Exercise: Am I overweight, out of shape or physically at risk? Do I get out and walk, bike or exercise (breath) on a regular basis? If so, good. If not, what could I change in order to get blood flowing, heart pumping and breathing harder, 20 minutes at least 3 times a week? Again, score yourself 1-10 in this area. My score: ___________. Write any thoughts or ideas below.


Rest: How well am I sleeping lately? Is my body getting sufficient rest (6-8 hours/night) or am I sleep deprived? Rate yourself. My score: ____________. What adjustments should I make in this vital area of physical rest? Earlier to bed? Sleep aids – new pillow, a better mattress, more comfortable sheets? Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep. You will not function well over time without sufficient rest.

Any thoughts or ideas:

Diversions: A diversion is a personal hobby or lighthearted activity that intentionally draws your mind away from your regular routine. It’s purpose is to provide personal happiness, emotional release and restoration. People under constant stress need diversions simply to maintain their sanity and mental health. Consider the Free Three – time out in Nature, Music and laughter. All three of these have restorative power to renew your soul (mind, emotions and attitudes). Diversions will likely be pushed aside by busyness unless you intentionally commit yourself to taking regular “time outs” for fun, to play or for recreation (re-creating yourself).

How are you doing in this area? Rate yourself. My score: __________. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing for fun? What energizes you? What restores your soul? What fills your emotional tank? If you’re not sure and live a stressful life, you may be at risk for burnout along with any number of emotional and physical ailments!

Stop everything. Ask God to give you greater insight into how he has “wired” you. Consider what immediate steps you may need to take to re-balance your life – perhaps by finding a meaningful diversion for your own sanity’s sake.

List any ideas:

Schedule: Be careful how you live…making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15). Time management in our busy world is essential, especially for the Christian who wants to make a difference for Christ. Your schedule fits your tasks into your time allotments. If you are going to live better, to better balance your life and to seek to be more effective for God, you need to manage well the hours in the days God gives you. If you work, your time is already cut in third or more. A second third of your time is taken by sleep, leaving you one third of your time to be divided amongst all kinds of competing needs, problems, values, people, opportunities and unending options. It’s really overwhelming, which further emphasizes the need for crafting a balanced and workable schedule (i.e. lifestyle). Going back to where you started a few hours ago, regular time with God, relationships with family, friends, your church community, work, exercise, diversions, rest – all these require time. And your time and energy are limited! Again, this reinforces why you must monitor your schedule and make frequent adjustments to weekly time use in order to be sure you are accomplishing God’s purposes for you in the roles you play. If you miss God’s will here, you will have missed the reason God has given you an allotted time on planet earth!

It is possible, too, that your schedule is being “hijacked by time wasters” that drain your energy and use valuable time up in trivial ways. Part of your assignment here may be to identify any ways that you are wasting time on a regular basis and seek to eliminate them. Time is your most precious human commodity. You can’t afford to bury your God-given talents.

*To visualize this, use the sample Week at a Glance schedule sheet. Fill out what would be a normal scheduled week for you, starting with your regular life activities (i.e. work, Monday – Friday 9 – 5, church Sunday 9 – noon, bowling league Thursdays 6-8, etc.). Next you must prioritize your “flex hours”, beginning with those activities that are highest regular priorities. I suggest a daily time slot for devotions, a weekly time for your diversion, family night or a regular time for friends. You may want to revisit some of your ongoing goals – like finishing the garage, landscaping the yard, exercising or other activities that you want to plan into your weekly schedule. Keep some margin in your life each week as downtime or open hours to be spontaneous.

On the other hand, if you do this exercise and realize that your average week is jammed full, you probably have some subtracting to do! You need to go back and re-examine your values (what you really believe is important) and decide, of all you are involved in, what is really not that important. It’s hard to free yourself from the “tyranny of the urgent”. It’s necessary to do so if you are going to regain balance and a more realistic rhythm to your life. Good luck with this exercise. It’s important!

*When you finish this exercise, take a short break and come back to conclude with the final session.

2021 Winter Retreat

Session Four


The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,

but the folly of fools is deception (Proverbs 14:8)

Finish where we started. Go back and read the spiritual retreat objectives from the cover page. Next review your work, session by session. Read the notes that you wrote. Pass on at least one application point, if not more, to the application outline below. Be wise and prudent. Give careful thought to your ways as the Proverbs says. What action do you need to take in obedience to what God has shown you today? Consider brainstorming some practical action steps from your time. What do you need to do first? Who could you share your insights and ideas with for accountability and encouragement? God deserves to be first in your life. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you as well (Mt. 6:33). What adjustments do you need to make to ensure that he truly is that in coming weeks, months and years?


Session One: Personal Application Points




Session Two: Personal Application Points




Session Three: Personal Application Points




The noble man makes noble plans and by his noble deeds he stands. (Isaiah 32:8)

