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AIDE MEMOIRE KENYA CASH TRANSFER PROGRAMME FOR ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN JOINT REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT MISSION MAY 9-20, 2011 I. INTRODUCTION 1. A Joint Review and Implementation Support (JRIS) Mission for the Kenya Cash Transfer Programme for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT- OVC) was carried-out from May 9 to 20, 2011. The Mission objective was to review progress made since the previous Mission in the expansion of the Programme and to identify actions that were necessary to further strengthen implementation. The Mission comprised representatives of the Government of Kenya (GoK) and Development Partners (DP), including DFID, SIDA, UNICEF and the World Bank. Annex 1 lists the people participating in the Mission. II. MISSION PROCESS 2. The Mission held joint discussions between the Development Partners and the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development (MGCSD), in particular with the CT-OVC Secretariat in the Department of Children Services (DCS). The Mission discussed progress on key operational issues including payments, fiduciary issues, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building, accountability, and co- responsibilities. 1 3. The Mission concluded with a wrap-up meeting, chaired by Mr. Jackson Kinyanjui, Director, External Resources Department (ERD) in the Ministry of Finance. The Mission would like to acknowledge the leadership of Dr. James Nyikal, Permanent Secretary, MGCSD, as well as all Government officials, particularly the staff of the CT-OVC Secretariat, who contributed to the Mission’s activities. This Aide Memoire outlines the findings and agreements reached during the Mission. A detailed Action Plan is presented in Annex 2. III. DISCLOSURE 4. The Development Partners and the Government confirmed their understanding of and agreement to publicly disclose this Aide Memoire. The disclosure of this Aide Memoire was discussed and agreed by the 1 Co-responsibilities refer to the situation when a beneficiary household only receives a transfer if it has carried-out certain predefined actions. In Latin America, these are referred to conditions and are used extensively in conditional cash transfer programmes. 1




1. A Joint Review and Implementation Support (JRIS) Mission for the Kenya Cash Transfer Programme for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) was carried-out from May 9 to 20, 2011. The Mission objective was to review progress made since the previous Mission in the expansion of the Programme and to identify actions that were necessary to further strengthen implementation. The Mission comprised representatives of the Government of Kenya (GoK) and Development Partners (DP), including DFID, SIDA, UNICEF and the World Bank. Annex 1 lists the people participating in the Mission.


2. The Mission held joint discussions between the Development Partners and the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development (MGCSD), in particular with the CT-OVC Secretariat in the Department of Children Services (DCS). The Mission discussed progress on key operational issues including payments, fiduciary issues, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building, accountability, and co-responsibilities.1

3. The Mission concluded with a wrap-up meeting, chaired by Mr. Jackson Kinyanjui, Director, External Resources Department (ERD) in the Ministry of Finance. The Mission would like to acknowledge the leadership of Dr. James Nyikal, Permanent Secretary, MGCSD, as well as all Government officials, particularly the staff of the CT-OVC Secretariat, who contributed to the Mission’s activities. This Aide Memoire outlines the findings and agreements reached during the Mission. A detailed Action Plan is presented in Annex 2.


4. The Development Partners and the Government confirmed their understanding of and agreement to publicly disclose this Aide Memoire. The disclosure of this Aide Memoire was discussed and agreed by the Permanent Secretary of the MGCSD at a wrap-up meeting that took place on June 7, 2011.2


5. The CT-OVC Programme aims to strengthen the capacity of poor households to protect and care for orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) within their families and communities. Transfers are provided every two months to poor households taking care of OVCs to promote health and education outcomes for the OVCs. The Programme also aims to enhance caring practices as well as to improve birth registration for OVCs.

6. The November 2010 JRIS Mission recognized the significant expansion in the coverage of the Programme and measures taken to strengthen implementation. The Mission identified a number of strategic issues that could undermine the impact of the Programme and progress towards its development objectives. These issues were: (i) adjusting the value of the transfer for inflation and household size; (ii) ensuring effective financial management (FM) and timely delivery of transfers; (iii) programme capacity; and, (iv) building programme coordination mechanisms.

1 Co-responsibilities refer to the situation when a beneficiary household only receives a transfer if it has carried-out certain predefined actions. In Latin America, these are referred to conditions and are used extensively in conditional cash transfer programmes. 2 This disclosure is being promoted under the World Bank’s Access to Information Policy introduced on July 1, 2010


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Steps were agreed to address each of these issues (see the November 2010 Action Plan) and further agreements related to these areas are documented in this Aide Memoire.


7. Progress towards Development Objective. The Programme continued to expand during this Fiscal Year. The total number of households enrolled in the Programme and paid rose from 82,047 in October 2010 to 103,3073 in April 2011. It is anticipated that the Programme will reach 126,920 households in 60 districts by the end of June 2011.4 The expansion plan for Fiscal Year 2011/12 is in Annex 3. Since the November 2010 JRIS Mission, three payments cycles were made to beneficiary households totalling Kenyan Shillings (Ksh.) 835 million, which are enabling better care for OVCs. The impact of the Programme on beneficiary households will be evaluated during the second half of 2011 (see paragraph 31).

8. Financing. Since the beginning of the FY 2010/115, a total of Ksh. 1.079 billion has been transferred to beneficiaries. This amount was financed by the Government and the Development Partners, with the Government contributing Ksh. 335 million, UNICEF contributing Ksh. 132.34 million, and the World Bank contributing Ksh. 214.48 million. Additionally, due to delays in disbursements from the World Bank/DFID Multi-donor Trust Fund through which DFID channels financing, the World Bank and UNICEF met the needs of these beneficiaries amounting to Ksh. 397.03 million for the period6.

9. Implementation Performance. Since the November 2010 JRIS Mission, advances have been made in a number of areas resulting in improved programme implementation. The Mission reviewed the November 2010 JRIS Mission Action Plan, noting that progress had been made on the agreements reached, with the exception of those related to the appeals and grievance mechanism. These are detailed in the sections below. Notwithstanding, further actions are required in a large number of areas to ensure that important processes are completed.

10. Programme Governance. With regard to strengthening programme governance, a number of key processes have been significantly advanced. Following the finalization of the design of the complaints and grievance mechanism, the English version of the Programme Charter is being printed for distribution to beneficiaries with the May-June payment. The effectiveness of the Charter will be evaluated through the external monitoring system by September 2011. Concurrently, the Mission agreed that the Kiswahili version would be finalized before the end of this Fiscal Year for printing and distribution in the July-August payment cycle. A range of communication materials that will improve awareness of the Programme, particularly at local levels, have been distributed. These include leaflets, posters, and the programme handbook.

11. As agreed in the November 2010 Mission, the ToR for the Locational OVC Committees (LOCs) were revised, informed by a review of their current functioning. It was agreed that the mandate of the LOCs will be restricted to programme targeting and enrolment. Beneficiary Welfare Committees (BWC) will be established to strengthen the voice of beneficiaries in programme implementation, including oversight of payments.

12. Co-responsibilities Pilot. The re-design of the co-responsibilities pilot is at an advanced stage of completion. This redesign aims to simplify the process of monitoring the mandatory use of health and education services by beneficiary households. Detailed operational guidelines and a training manual have been drafted. A consultant was recruited to support the Secretariat in the implementation of the pilot.

3 28,893 supported by GoK, 44,562 by DFID/UNICEF, and 29,852 by World Bank.4 45,006 by GoK, 33,577 by DFID, 11,192 by UNICEF and 37,145 by World Bank.5 August 2010 to April 20116 Ksh. 300.27 million was provided by IDA and Ksh. 96.76 million was provided by UNICEF from a balance left over from their previous arrangements with DFID.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

13. Capacity Building. As agreed in the November 2010 Aide Memoire, a financial management specialist has been contracted by the Secretariat to provide long-term support to the Programme. The Secretariat also recruited (i) a Communication Specialist; (ii) a Management Information System (MIS) Specialist; and, (iii) a Procurement Specialist. The addition of this Technical Assistance (TA) to the Secretariat is expected to result in significantly improved implementation capacity. The Ministry similarly reported progress with the recruitment of TA to build the capacity of the Social Protection Secretariat. Candidates for the Social Protection Advisor and Communications TA have been short-listed, while those for the M&E TA are being evaluated. All three positions will be filled by June 30, 2011. Additionally, the MGCSD seconded two staff to the Secretariat, including the Programme Coordinator and ICT Specialist.

14. Financial Management. A number of steps have been taken to strengthen the financial management of the Programme. The Financial Management Committee has been constituted and is meeting regularly. The members of the Internal Audit Committee are being appointed. The reporting functionality of the financial module was configured. This will allow the production of regular financial management reports that provide historic and current information on budgets, approved estimates and actual transactions for the Programme covering all sources of financing. An unqualified External Audit and Management letter for the financial year ending June 30, 2010 was received in December 2010. An Internal Audit for the period ending June 30, 2010 was also received in March 2011 and circulated to all partners. However it was noted that this was received significantly after the agreed deadline of August 31, 2010. Following these reviews, a consolidated fiduciary risk register was developed for the Programme to enable more systematic monitoring. The register details actions arising from all programme fiduciary reviews conducted since May 2009 (Annex 4).7

15. Social Protection Policy. The process to finalize the social protection policy was recently revitalized, with a strong commitment by key ministries involved in Social Protection programming, including MGCSD and Ministry of Labour, to deliver the policy to Cabinet by June 30, 2011. For this, the draft policy will be revised to better articulate a broader view of social protection that includes social security and social health insurance in addition to social assistance.


16. Adjusting the Transfer Value. As documented in the November 2010 Aide Memoire, inflation has significantly eroded the purchasing power of the transfer. At the same time, the uniform transfer has limited the impact of the Programme on larger households. The November 2010 JRIS Mission had therefore recommended that the value of the transfer be increased to Ksh.2, 000 per month for households with four or more children. Moreover, the Mission observed that recent food price inflation is further eroding the purchasing power of the transfer. Food prices increased 19.4 percent from April 2010 to April 2011.8 This is likely to significantly reduce the ability of the Programme to deliver on its stated objectives. In response, the MGCSD made a request to Treasury for the Ksh. 80 million additional funding to finance this adjustment. The Mission understood that additional funding has been made available for the FY 2011/2012 and the MGCSD is considering how best to deploy these funds to support programme, including possibly increasing the value of the transfer.

17. Improving Programme Payment Systems. The Government is in the process of contracting Equity Bank as an alternative payment service provider (PSP) to the Programme. This would establish a more secure and accessible payment system based on the agency model leveraging the mobile network and smart cards using biometrics. In the first instance, this alternative PSP will be rolled-out to 25 districts9 to test the model before considering further scale up. In the remaining 22 districts, Government is extending the contract with the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) for one year to continue to provide

7 Internal Audit for the period ending June 30, 2010; External Audit for the periods ending June 30, 2010; DFID Fiduciary Risk Assessments 2009 and 2011, and World Bank 2010 Financial Management Supervision Report.8 This refers to food and beverages component of the CPI basket. Source: KNBS9 The use of the term ‘district’ here refers to the old divisions as used in the expansion plan in Annex 3.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

payments. The Mission highlighted that while PCK provides a more secure payment system than the District Treasuries, emerging evidence points to weaknesses in this system. This further supports the need to expedite the transition to Equity Bank for programme payments. After completing the transition away from the use of District Treasuries for Government payments (as documented in the November 2010 Aide Memoire), the Mission learned that the Government paid beneficiaries through the District Treasuries in the 13 new programme districts, where targeting was recently completed. The Government highlighted that this was necessitated by the need to ensure that Government financing was spent on a timely basis before the end of the fiscal year. The Government further confirmed that payments from August 2010 would be made through PCK for these 13 districts.10 The Development Partners stressed that ensuring secure and transparent payments for all programme beneficiaries is paramount for protecting ongoing and future financing to the Programme. Furthermore, the Mission agreed to continue discussions with Treasury to explore how to improve the predictability of Government fund flows thus ensuring that programme processes can be completed on a timely basis.

18. Delivering the Internal Audit. The ToR for the internal audit review for the period ending December 31, 2010 was agreed by MGCSD, the Internal Audit Department in Treasury and Development Partners. This audit will cover all sources of programme financing in the 47 programme districts. It will audit programme systems and will review historic transactions dating back to January 2008. This broader scope responds to a request of Development Partners and the Internal Audit Department. MGCSD agreed with Development Partners and the Internal Audit Department that this more extensive audit would provide assurance that programme fiduciary systems are effective and robust. Development Partners reiterated the importance of delivering this internal audit on time to meet the stipulations of IDA financing detailed in the Financing Agreement between IDA and the Government and to inform decisions for phase two of DFID financing to the Programme. Further agreements concerning the internal audit function are found in paragraph 37 to 39 below.


19. Annual Work Plan and Budget. The Mission reviewed the draft Annual Work Plan and Budget for the CT-OVC Secretariat for FY 2011/12 (Annex 5 and 6). The Mission noted that significant work was required to develop these documents in preparation for the Mission, although there was insufficient time for adequate consultation before their submission to Treasury. To avoid this problem in the future, it was agreed that an initial internal process to formulate the Annual Work Plan and Budget each year would start in early January.

20. The Mission agreed that the Social Protection Secretariat would formulate an Annual Work Plan for the budgeted resources in FY11/12. The Mission discussed that more timely participation from the Social Protection Secretariat is required to ensure that the activities financed by IDA through the CT-OVC Project are reflected in the Annual Budget. The Mission confirmed that while activities and financing for the Social Protection Secretariat are included in the overall Project budget and work plan, the execution of these activities are the responsibility of the Social Protection Secretariat.

21. Programme Oversight. The Mission reconfirmed that there are two structures that provide oversight to the CT-OVC Programme: (i) the National Steering Committee (NSC) for OVCs plays an oversight role for the CT-OVC Programme, situating the Programme within the context of broader support to OVCs in the country. The NSC provides oversight on all issues related to OVC, including the CT-OVC programme. Following a recent meeting of the NSC for OVCs, the Ministry advised that the ToR for this Committee would be revised to better reflect its mandate; and (ii) the CT-OVC Programme Management Oversight Committee11, comprised of all programme partners, chaired by the Secretary for Children’s Affairs, which offers strategic direction on policy and implementation issues on the

10 Totaling 35 districts to be paid through PCK.11 This Committee is that agreed in the April 2010 Aide Memoire, which was referred to as the Steering Committee for the Programme.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Programme. The Mission reconfirmed the agreement that this Committee will meet on a six-monthly basis, three months after each JRIS Mission. The next meeting of this second Committee will therefore be in August 2011.

22. Programme Document and Operation Manual. The Mission reviewed the draft Programme Document, which benefited from significant inputs from all partners. It was noted that a harmonized programme logical framework (logframe) remains outstanding and it was agreed that DCS will present the draft logframe for discussion with the partners. Once the logframe has been completed, the Programme Document would be disseminated to all implementers. Revisions to the Operations Manual (OM) were also completed, with the exception of the Annex on co-responsibilities. The OM is currently being edited. The Mission agreed that (i) the OM will be finalized without the Annex on co-responsibilities given that this applies to a small pilot within the Programme (see paragraph 23); and (ii) the financial management section of the OM will be revised to reflect current programme FM arrangements and to reflect the agreements on fixed asset and fuel management, which are detailed in paragraphs 35 and 36. Once finalized, the OM will be submitted to the Development Partners for endorsement and subsequently issued by the Permanent Secretary of MGCSD. The Operations Manual would be reviewed to ensure consistency with the Programme Document. It was agreed that the Programme Document and OM would be finalized before the end of this Fiscal Year.

23. The New Payment Service Provider. As detailed in paragraph 17, Equity Bank is being contracted as an alternative PSP for the Programme. This has implications for a range of operational issues, including enrollment, the MIS and the co-responsibilities pilot. The Mission agreed that a small team will be established immediately to identify changes in operational procedures and to determine a way forward to support the roll out of this PSP.

24. Co-Responsibilities Pilot. The DCS presented the revised design document and operational tools for the implementation of the co-responsibilities pilot (see paragraph 12 above). The Mission reviewed and provided comments on the documents. The DCS will incorporate the comments, finalize the guidelines and share them with the TWG for endorsement by June 30, 2011. Prior to the finalization of these documents, the DCS plans to field-test the tools in a district outside of the co-responsibilities locations. The Development Partners agreed that this would be a useful exercise and therefore requested the DCS to provide a concept note outlining the objectives of the field test. In order to support the implementation of the pilot, the Mission agreed that the services of a third-party organisation will be procured by the World Bank early in the next financial year. The firm will manage the training of field personnel, community awareness-creation activities and the recruitment of enumerators to collect data on the co-responsibilities and transmit these to the MIS. The ToR for this work will be drafted by the DCS before May 30, 2011. Given that the DCS plans to implement the co-responsibilities pilot during the October 2011 payment cycle, the Mission indicated that it is imperative that the firm is procured and providing the requisite services before September 2011.

25. Complaints and Grievances. As mentioned above (paragraph 10), the complaints and grievance system was designed and field-tested in 2010. The Mission confirmed that the Secretariat would contract a firm to operate this system for the duration of the Programme. This has been included in the procurement plan (Annex 7). To initiate this process, the Secretariat will draft a ToR as a matter of urgency. Additionally, the World Bank has put in place an interim contract until February 2012 with the existing service provider (Kimetrica International) to ensure continuity. It had initially been planned that, in order to support the consolidation of internal and external grievance data, the program MIS would be upgraded. The Mission learnt that a second option for consolidating this data was available. Kimetrica indicated that they would be able to share software with the DCS that would allow the DCS to input information received through internal systems as well as be used to capture external grievances. The Mission consequently agreed that the MIS department of the Secretariat would explore these options and decide on the most appropriate way forward as a matter of urgency.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

26. Moreover, the Secretariat reported progress in establishing internal complaints and grievance handling structures. They clarified that an Anti-Corruption Committee has been created, reporting to the Departmental Anti-Corruption Committee, which reviews and responds to all complaints received on the Programme. Similarly, a dedicated officer has been identified and tasked with managing the receipt, documentation and feedback with respect to complaints and grievances received through the DCS structures. This officer will work closely with the firm managing the external grievance mechanism.

27. Location OVC and Beneficiary Welfare Committees. Consistent with recommendations made in the November 2010 JRIS Mission, the DCS instituted a review of the roles and responsibilities of the Location OVC Committees. This was done by a committee drawn from the TWG, which also reviewed the potential benefits, functions and responsibilities of alternative community-based structures termed Beneficiary Welfare Committees (BWCs). ToRs for the revised functions of the LOCs and the new BWCs were reviewed during the Mission. The Mission endorsed the ToRs and recommended that minor revisions be made by the committee that developed them. The Mission further recommended that the committee consult with a selected number of LOC members and beneficiaries prior to finalizing the ToRs, as well as consult with other programs, notably the Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP), which makes use of similar community-level committees. Following the finalization of the ToRs, a detailed implementation plan, including a pilot roll-out phase, will be developed and shared with the TWG.

28. Communication Strategy. The Communication Strategy developed and discussed during the previous Mission has not been revised. However, the DCS has developed an annual communication work plan through which the broader communication strategy will be implemented over the next financial year. The Mission reviewed the draft work plan and agreed that it was a useful tool for implementing important communication activities. Having reviewed the document, the Mission shared comments on and suggested that the plan be edited and tabled at the next TWG. The Mission was also informed the University of North Carolina (UNC) has offered to produce, in close consultation with the DCS, policy briefs based on the 2007-2009 Programme Impact Evaluation (paragraph 31). The Mission indicated that this will be a key element of the communication plan for the coming financial year. The M&E Unit of the Secretariat will agree with the UNC on how to move this work forward. The Mission agreed that the policy briefs will be completed by August 2011.


29. Management Information System. The Mission observed that the MIS would need to be updated to accommodate the requirements of the alternative PSP. As a temporary measure, the PSP and MIS teams will develop software to capture and store biometric information and references that link each smart card to its associated beneficiary. This is because it will take time to undertake the significant changes required to the MIS. The Mission agreed that the software developer for the MIS would be approached to provide the support necessary to make these changes based on the existing maintenance contract. In order to ensure that the Government has maximum capacity for control and optimization of the MIS with appropriate local support, it was agreed that the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the CT-OVC Programme would consider the long-term sustainability of the MIS.

30. Bi-monthly Programme Reports. Reports were produced on the September-October and November-December payment cycles. The programme report for the January-February payment cycle has not yet been circulated. The Government also submitted progress reports as part of the quarterly World Bank IFRs. The reports on the payment cycles were based on information generated by the MIS and Operations. The Mission observed that while these reports offer useful information on the Programme, they are produced with delay and the quality could be improved. The Mission agreed that programme reports would be circulated to all stakeholders within six weeks after the closing of each payment cycle. 12 The report on the January-February payment will be circulated before the May-June payment cycle. It

12 This is made up of 2 weeks for PCK to report on the payment cycle to Government; 2 weeks for the Government to complete the payment reconciliation and 2 weeks to produce the accompanying narrative report.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

was further agreed that the format of these reports will be revised based on inputs from partners. These revisions will be completed before the report for the May-June payment cycle.

31. Monitoring and Evaluation. The Mission reviewed the current status of the independent external monitoring system. As recorded in the November 2010 Aide Memoire, the design of this system was finalized in 2010. The procurement of a firm to carry-out this function is in an advanced stage. As an interim measure, the firm that designed this system was contracted by the World Bank to ensure continuity in external monitoring until the new firm is on board, expected in September 2011. With regards to programme impact evaluations, it was noted that the Government is in the process of signing a contract for a firm to carry-out the impact evaluation in IDA-supported districts that will particularly provide new evidence on targeting and co-responsibilities. At the same time, Government confirmed that a second impact evaluation is being conducted in the seven pilot districts supported by UNICEF and DFID, managed by the UNC, based on the panel data produced for the 2007-2009 programme impact evaluation. This will offer insights into the long-term impact of the Programme. It was agreed that a small committee will oversee these two impact evaluations on behalf of the TWG. This will be the same committee tasked with oversight of the co-responsibilities pilot.

32. DFID is planning early in the coming FY a review of the targeting methodologies used in several cash transfer programs in Kenya, including in the CT-OVC Programme. A draft ToR for this study will be shared with the TWG. The purpose of this review is to complement existing analysis and inform the improvement of targeting processes. The DCS indicated that a discussion on the proposed review was welcome; however, they emphasized the importance of using appropriately qualified specialists for the particular evaluations and reviews being undertaken. The Mission raised the issue of the Impact Evaluation report of 2009 and highlighted that it has not been made public to date. The Mission agreed that these evaluations are important not only to the programme implementers, but also to other government ministries and policy makers. The DCS therefore committed to ensuring that the report is publicly available by August 2011. Finally, the Secretariat confirmed that it will contract a TA to support the monitoring and evaluation function of the Programme. The ToR for this position will be developed as a matter of priority.

33. World Bank Mid-Term Review. The World Bank team explained that, as per the Financing Agreement between IDA and the Government, the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Project is due to take place no later than 24 months after Effectiveness, which is July 2011. The World Bank team highlighted that the MTR is intended to be a high-level strategic assessment of progress towards meeting the Programme’s development objectives. It is therefore important to ensure that there is sufficient evidence on which to make such an assessment. The two impact evaluations of the Programme will be pivotal in this regard but will only be available in early 2012. As a result, the World Bank team proposed to schedule the MTR in February 2012. In response, the Government indicated that there are a number of reviews of the Programme taking place at similar times, and suggested that (i) in order to enable them plan better for such reviews, a detailed matrix outlining the nature and planned dates of key review processes is developed and shared with the DCS and (ii) in order to avoid burdening the DCS team during review periods, Development Partners work to synchronize the timing of such processes, where possible. The Development Partners undertook to hold further discussions on the possibility of rescheduling the DFID Annual Review (October 2011) to coincide with the World Bank MTR of February (2012).


34. Project Accountant. The Ministry had previously agreed to allocate a full-time dedicated accountant to the CT-OVC Secretariat, as detailed in the World Bank’s Project Appraisal Document (PAD). While a ToR for this position has been finalized and the Project Accountant has received relevant training, a formal letter dedicating this position to the Programme has not yet been issued. The Ministry confirmed that a formal letter would be issued as a matter of urgency and shared with the Development Partners by May 30th, 2011. The Mission confirmed that the Project Accountant’s responsibilities include regular participation in the TWG.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

35. Fixed Asset Management. The Mission discussed the Government’s system for managing the Programme’s fixed assets. It was noted that the financial module (paragraph 14) contains an up-to-date fixed asset registry for those assets purchased with Development Partner resources. The Ministry explained that the Government does not operate a fixed asset management system. The Mission stressed the importance of a fixed asset management system for the Programme and agreed that the DCS will establish this system by September 2011. The system would ensure that all programme assets are coded and entered into the fixed asset registry. It will also include procedures for regular taking of inventory and updating of the asset register. It was further agreed that this system would be applied to all programme assets purchased since inception and will be detailed in the financial management section of the OM (see paragraph 22).

36. Fuel Management System. The Mission noted that Development Partner, as well as Government, resources are being used to purchase fuel. Previous reviews of Development Partner financing in Kenya has identified fuel management as an area of fiduciary risk. In order to ensure that the Government’s guidelines for fuel management are being appropriately applied across the Programme, it was agreed that the World Bank FM team will review this system as part of their next FM Supervision Mission.13 The findings of this review will be discussed with all programme stakeholders.

37. Internal Audit. The Government had requested an extension to May 30, 2011 for the internal audit review for the period ending December 31, 2010. The process to agree the scope for this review resulted in further delays. The Government confirmed that the internal audit for the Programme has begun and that a draft report is expected by July 15, 2011. The Mission noted that DFID will fund this audit. The World Bank approved the request received by the Ministry for (i) a second extension for the internal audit for the period ending December 31, 2010 given the expanded scope proposed; and, (ii) a waiver for the internal audit review for the period ending June 30, 2011 to avoid overlap in the periods under review. The World Bank confirmed that, with this request, the next internal audit review will be that carried-out by the Internal Audit Department at the Treasury, for the period ending December 31, 2011.

38. Additionally, the Mission clarified that for the duration of the Programme the six-monthly internal audits would be structured as follows: (i) the Internal Audit Department of Treasury will conduct the comprehensive internal audit for the period ending December 31 of each year; and (ii) the Internal Auditor in MGCSD will conduct a desk-based review for the period ending June 30 of each year to include analysis of the actions taken to address issues highlighted in the comprehensive internal audit. This, together with the external audit, the independent external monitoring system, and regular FM supervision are expected to provide robust oversight of the Programme. Based on this, the Mission agreed that provision for a ‘rolling financial audit services’ contract may not be needed and would be removed from the annual procurement plan. This decision will be revisited periodically.

39. Strengthening Internal Audit Function. The Ministry explained that the Audit Committee had been established and members from within the Ministry appointed (paragraph 14), but that a nomination from the Treasury was still pending. The Ministry confirmed that it would (i) formalize the Ministerial appointments to the Audit Committee, which would designate the office rather than the individual to the Committee, and (ii) request Treasury to appoint a representative to the Committee. It was agreed that the capacity of the Internal Audit Department of the MGCSD would continue to be strengthened so that it could assume a greater role in the internal audit reviews of the programme. The Mission noted that additional staff had been assigned to the Internal Audit Department, and the Mission agreed that the Internal Auditors of the Ministry would participate in World Bank-sponsored trainings on risk-based audits. The Ministry confirmed that the Secretariat will forward to the newly appointed Principle Internal Auditor all Programme-related fiduciary reviews.

40. Accountability and Liquidation of AIEs. As recorded in the November 2010 Aide Memoire, Authorities to Incur Expenditures (AIEs) to support operational costs in programme districts must be liquidated on a timely basis and in line with government financial regulations and procedures. The 13 Planned for August 2011


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Mission reconfirmed that all programme AIEs should be accounted for as per the provisions in Chapter 10 of the government Financial Management Regulations and Procedures, which includes the frequency of and formats for such reporting. The Mission was informed that the PAC will undertake a programme-wide reconciliation of AIE accounting by District, as a basis for discussing with the DCS district-level performance in liquidation of AIEs and approaches to improving the timeliness of the liquidation.


41. Procurement Plan. The Mission reviewed the Procurement Plan for IDA-financed activities (Annex 7). The World Bank advised that the procurement plan should reflect the revised thresholds for prior-review that became effective on August 31, 2009, and reaffirmed that these thresholds replace those stated in the PAD. The Mission noted that once approved by the Bank, the DCS will publish the final procurement plan. With the approval of the Bank, the Procurement Plan shall be updated annually or as needed throughout the planning period.

42. Post Procurement Review. The recently completed Post-Procurement Review Mission observed that, while the overall procurement processes were functioning reasonably well, (i) some procurement suffered from serious delays; (ii) the records for each procurement activity were not always complete; and (iii) all awarded contracts were not published, as required. Importantly, for one contract, the bid validity was extended to 60 days, which was in violation of the procurement regulations as stated in the Financing Agreement between the Government and IDA. It was clarified that this occurred because of delays caused by internal processes within the Ministry. The Ministry confirmed that due attention will be given to procurement processes to avoid such problems in the future.


43. As detailed in paragraph 33, the next JRIS Mission will then be held in February 2012. This will be the Mid-Term Review for the World Bank Programme.


Name Position

1 Dr. James NyikalPermanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development

2 Prof. Jacqueline Oduol Secretary, Children’s Affairs, MGCSD

4 Amb. Franklin Esipila Director Finance and Admin MGCSD


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

5 Mr. Jackson KinyanjuiDirector, External Resources Department (ERD), Ministry of Finance (MoF)

6 Mr. George Njoroge PAC, MGCSD

8 Mr. Noah Sangani DCS, MGCSD

9 Ms. Beatrice Opande Principle Internal Auditor, MGCSD

10 Mr. Peter Muchais Finance Officer, DCS, MGCSD

11 Ms. Mary Mbuga Coordinator, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

12 Mr. Samuel Ochieng MIS, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

13 Mr. Daniel Musembi M&E, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

14 Mr. Mwambi Mongare FM, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

15 Mr. Peter Ombasa Procurement, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

16 Ms. Grace Kimani Procurement, DCS, MGCSD

17 Mr. Peterson Ndwiga CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

18 Mr. Philip Ochieng Accountant, MGCSD

19 Mr. Komu William Finance Officer MGCSD

20 Mr. Chrysostom Njeru Finance Officer MGCSD

22 Mr. Samuel Ndirangu Supply Chain Management, MGCSD

23 Mr. Michael Nanjira CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

24 Mr. Jonathan Magara CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

25 Ms. Esther Kirigu CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

26 Mr. Franklin Agwayo MIS , CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

27 Ms. Elizabeth Sifuma CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

28 Ms. Flora Nyaga CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

29 Ms. Rosemary Kangechu CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

30 Ms. Lilian Karinga CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

31 Mr. Mitchell Sila Mutuku Accountant, MGCSD

32 Mr. Paul Ngugi Director of Budget, MoF


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

33 Mr. Moses Kanagi Budget Department, MoF

34 Ms. Josephine Mwangi Mweki Programme Officer, SIDA

35 Mr. Chris Price Livelihoods Advisor, DfID

36 Ms. Ada Mwangola Social Development Advisor, DfID

37 Mr. Juan Ortiz Deputy Representative, UNICEF

38 Ms. Veronic Avati Acting Chief Child Protection, UNICEF

39 Ms. Joanne Bosworth Social Policy Advisor UNICEF

40 Ms. Catherine Kimotho Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF

41 Ms. Helen Craig Lead HD Specialist, WB

42 Mr. William Wiseman Senior Economist/Task Team Leader, WB

43 Mr. Michael Munavu Social Protection Specialist, WB

44 Ms. Sarah Coll-Black Social Protection Specialist, WB

45 Mr. Joel Munyori Procurement Specialist, WB

46 Mr. Henry Amuguni Financial Management, WB

47 Ms. Lucie Muchekehu Program Assistant, WB

48 Ms. Lillian Kilwake Senior Program Officer DFID

49 Mr. Solomon Mutuku MIS Consultant , CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

50 Mr. David Njoroge Procurement Consultant, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

51 Mr. Henry Misiani FM consultant, CT-OVC secretariat, DCS, MGCSD

52 Mr. Leonard Matheka FM consultant, DFID/World Bank

53 Ms. Constance Ambasa Co-responsibilities consultant

54 Ms Anna Maria Levi Kimetrica International

55 Mr. Ben Watkins Kimetrica International


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011



# Ref. Para Action Time Frame Responsibility Status External Monitoring System

1 #25 Draft TOR for long-term management of the Grievance and Appeals System June 15, 2011 CT-OVC Sec.

(M&E/Proc) MGCSD

2 #13/#25 Commence tender for long-term management of the Grievance and Appeals System July 1, 2011 CT-OVC Sec.

(M&E/Proc) MGCSD  

3 #25 Explore options and recommend approach to integrate internal and external grievance data June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (MIS)  

4 #32 A draft ToR targeting study will be shared with the TWG. June 15, 2011 DFID

5 #32 Ensure Impact Evaluation Report (2007-2009) is publicly available August 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec. (M&E)  

6 #32 Develop ToR for TA to support M&E function August 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec. (M&E/Proc)  

7 #32 Procure TA to support M&E function September 30,2011 CT-OVC Sec. (M&E/Proc)  

8 #31 Constitute committee to oversee impact evaluations and co-responsibilities on behalf of the TWG June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec.


 Communication Strategy

9 #10 Distribute English version of the Programme Charter to beneficiaries (May-June payment). June 1, 2011 CT-OVC Sec

(Com) /UNICEF  

10 #10 Evaluate the effectiveness of the CS Charter through the external monitoring system

September 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Com)  

11 #10 Finalize, print and distribute Kiswahili version of charter June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Com)  

12 #28 Complete annual communication plan editing and table draft at the TWG June 30, 2011  CT-OVC Sec (Com)  

13 #28 Produce of policy briefs based on the 2007-2009 Programme Impact Evaluation. August 31, 2011 CT-OVC (M&E)  

 Adjusting the Value of Transfer

14 #16 Propose additional financing for adjustment in the transfer value for the FY 2011/12 budget Ongoing CT-OVC Sec (Fin)/



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

 Timely delivery of transfers

15 #17 Ensure payments through PCK or new Payment Service Provider (PSP) only August 15, 2011 CT-OVC  

16 #17 Convene discussions with Treasury to explore ways of improving predictability of Government fund flow Ongoing CT-OVC Sec/ DPs  

17 #23 Establish team to develop implementation plan for the alternative payment service provider June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec/DP  

 Strengthening the LOCS

18 #27 Consultations with LOCs and other SP programs prior to finalising the ToR for the LOCs/BWCs August 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec/ DPs  

19 #27 Develop and present to TWG detailed implementation plan & a pilot roll-out phase for new LOC& BWC structures

September 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec/DPs  

20 #27 Submit the LOC guidelines to MGCSD for approval September 30, 2011


 Strengthening capacity

21 #13 Finalise recruitment of shortlisted SP Adviser Communications TA and M&E TA for SP Secretariat June 30, 2011 MGCSD  

 Programme Coordination Mechanism

22 #30/#22 Finalize and endorse Programme document and adopt a common Logical Framework (Log frame) June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec  

23 #33 Develop a matrix of DP reviews of the programme, including timing, purpose, required inputs

September 30, 2011 DPs/CT-OVC Sec  

24 #33Development Partners to discuss rescheduling DFID Annual Review (October 2011) to coincide with World Bank MTR (February 2012).

July 31, 2011 DPs/CT-OVC Sec  

25 #21 Meeting of Programme Management Oversight Committee (PMOC) August 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec/DPs  

 Operations Manual26 #22 Finalize and endorse the Operations Manual by the TWG June 30, 20111 CT-OVC Sec/DPs  

27 #22/#35

Revise the FM section of OM to reflect current programme FM arrangements and agreements on fixed asset and fuel management June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Fin)  


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

 Co-responsibilities pilot

28 #31 Finalize the contract for the firm to carry out the impact evaluation June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Proc)/


29 #24Draft ToR for procurement of firm to undertake training of DCOs, LOCs and Enumerators and beneficiaries for co-responsibilities pilot

May 30, 2011. CT-OVC Sec (M&E)  

30 # 24Procure services of firm to implement training plan for the DCOs, LOCs and Enumerators and beneficiaries involved in the testing of the Co-responsibilities

September 30, 2011

CT-OVC Sec (Com/Train) and World Bank


31 #24 Finalize and share revised guidelines for co-responsibilities with TWG for endorsement, including field-testing June 30, 2 011 CT-OVC Sec (M&E)  

 Management Information System 

32 #29 Update MIS to accommodate the requirements of the alternative PSP. July 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (MIS)  

33 #29Contact software developer for the MIS to provide the support necessary to make these changes based on the existing maintenance contract.

July 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (MIS)

34 #29Technical Working Group (TWG) for the CT-OVC Programme to consider the long-term sustainability of the MIS.

July 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (MIS) and TWG

35 #30 Circulation of bi-monthly reports to partners (January-February payment cycle) June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (MIS)  

36 #30 Revise format of bi-monthly reports based on inputs from partners.

By August 15, 2011 CT-OVC Sec

 Financial Management

37 #34 Issue a formal letter of appointment of the Project Accountant as and share with the Development Partners May 30, 2011 MGCSD  

38 #35 Establish a fixed asset management system for the programme

September 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Fin)  

39 #35 Apply system to all programme assets purchased since inception December 31, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Fin)

40 #36The World Bank FM team will review this system as part of their next FM Supervision Mission and discuss findings with all programme partners

August 31, 2011 World Bank


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

41 #39 Request Treasury to appoint a representative to the Audit Committee July 31, 2011 MGCSD  

42 #39 Formalize the Ministerial appointments to the Audit Committee (designate office rather than the individual) August 31, 2011 MGCSD  

43 #39 Organize specific training for the MGCSD Internal Audit and provide training on World Bank risk-based audits

November 30, 2011


44 #39 Forward to the newly appointed Principle Internal Auditor all Programme-related fiduciary reviews June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec


45 #37/38 Finalize and submit to the World Bank the Internal Audit report for the period ended December 31, 2010 June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec


46 #40 Ensure AIEs sent to districts are liquidated on a timely basis, in line with GoK procedures Ongoing CT-OVC

(Fin)/MGCSD (PAC)  

 Procurement47 #41 Publish the final procurement plan once cleared by the Bank. June 30, 2011 CT-OVC Sec (Proc)  

48 #41 With the approval of the Bank, the Procurement Plan updated annually or as needed throughout the planning period Ongoing CT-OVC Sec (Proc)  


ANNEX 3: PROGRAMME EXPANSION PLANScale-up Plan for the CT-OVC Program for period ending 30th June 2011 and projected numbers for 2012, No. of HH

  No. Cohorts District Pending GOK 2009/2010 UNICEF/DfID GOK

2010/2011 World Bank

Indicative number of HHs by 2013





ed d



Initial Seven DP- funded


1 1 Migori     4,453     4,649

2 1 Kwale 581   2,092     2,292

3 1 Homa Bay     3,018     3,340 4 1 Suba     1,663     1,716

5 1 Nairobi 654   2,470     2,670

6 1 Kisumu     2,764     2,764

7 1 Garissa 633   1,480     1,680

          17,940     19,111

7 new GOK/DP-funded

districts* 2009-2010

8 2 Machakos     4,327     5,200

9 2 Busia 2,88

6   4,962     5,118

10 2 Bungoma 1,23

5   4,791     4,748 11 2 Nakuru -   3,312     3,473

12 2 Siaya 1,49

3   3,294     3,233

13 2 Rachuonyo 96

1   3,465     3,413 14 2 Malindi     2,679     2,679

      6,575   26,830     27,864

GOK/WB funded YR 1*


15 3 Makueni   811    

4,951 4,951

16 3 Kitui   811    

4,314 4,314

17 3 Gucha   811    

2,330 2,884

18 3 Thika   811    

2,909 2,909

19 3 Samburu   811    

2,022 2,103

20 3 Vihiga   811    

4,067 4,067

21 3 Kakamega   811    

2,797 2,797


23,390 24,026

GOK/WB funded YR

2*2010-2011 22 3

Taita Taveta  


2,322 2,000

23 3 Nandi   1,471    

2,200 2,000

24 3 Nyeri   972    

2,734 2,734

25 3 Trans Nzoia   951    

2,000 2,000

26 3 Mwingi   924    

1,941 2,000

27 3 Lugari       2,000


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

1,695 2,558


13,755 12,734

GOK/WB funded YR 3*


28 4 Nyando   2,010   2,010

2,000 2,010

29 4 Nyandarua   993   930

2,000 2,000

30 4 Kilifi   1,039   1,081

2,000 2,000

31 4 Butere   1,353   1,345

2,000 2,000

32 4 Bondo   1,972   1,972

2,000 2,000

33 4 Muranga   1,992   1,992

2,000 2,000

        9,359   9,330

12,000 12,010

GOK/WB funded YR 4*


34 5 Uasin Gishu   959   961

2,000 2,000

35 5 Embu   1,117   1,117

2,000 2,000

36 5 Isiolo   1,313   1,313

2,000 2,000

37 5 Bomet   1,120   1,120

2,000 2,000

38 5 Teso   1,994   1,994

2,000 2,000

39 5 Kisii C   1,828   1,828

2,000 2,000

        8,331   8,333

12,000 12,000


40 6 Nyamira   1,978   1,978   2,000

41 6 Kiambu   1,170   1,098   2,000

42 6 Meru North   1,169   1,350   2,000

43 6 Tharaka   1,290   1,290   2,000

44 6 Buret   930   930   2,000

45 6 Koibatek   1,167   1,167   2,000

46 6 Mombasa   1,134   1,215   2,000

47 6 Kirinyaga   1,315   1,315   2,000

        10,153   10,343   25,468

GoK 48 7 Kuria

391     1,500   2,000

49 7 Marakwet 27     600   2,000

50 7 Laikipia 293     1,800   2,000

51 7 Narok 219

    1,100   2,000

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

52 7 West Pokot 544     1,100   2,000

53 7 Baringo 234     900   2,000

54 7 Kajiado 266     1,500   2,000

55 7 Trans Mara 84     1,800   2,000

56 7 Mt .Elgon 62     800   2,000

57 7 Mbeere 142     1,800   2,000

58 7 Meru South 172     1,100   2,000

59 7 Maragua 373     1,200   2,000

60 7 Tana River 481     1,800   2,000

            17,000   26,000                      

Estimated Totals 6,575

40,742 44,770 45,006

61,145 150,921

                     150,921 is the estimated total scale-up by the end of the FY, including support from GoK, UNICEF, and DfID

UNICEF /DFID will support 45,934 in 14 districts            

GOK plans to support approximately 45,000 HH by the end of this financial year      

* Number of households to reach at least 50% of the extreme poor OVC households or a minimum of 2,000 households for operational reasons and equity in GOK funded district

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

ANNEX 4: CT OVC Programme Consolidated Fiduciary Review Register

For the period 2009- April 2011

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development,

Department of Children Services,

Cash Transfer - Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

April 2011

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

This consolidated fiduciary risk assessment register provides a consolidated summary overview of major recommendations and agreements from the various fiduciary review assessments carried out on the Cash Transfer Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT OVC) programme from 2009 to February 2011. These assessments and reviews include the following:-

a) DFID Fiduciary Risk Assessment on the CT OVC Programme conducted in May 2009 (DFID FRA May 2009)

b) The Internal Audit Review conducted by the GoK Internal Audit Department in August 2010 (IA Aug 2010)

c) The World Bank Financial Management Supervision conducted in August 2010 (WB FM Supervision Aug 2010)

d) The External Audit Review conducted on the World Bank component for the GoK financial year 2009/2010 (FY 2009/2010 External Audit)

e) The 2nd Fiduciary Risk Assessment conducted by DFID in February 2011 (DFID FRA Feb 2011)

f) The Joint Review Implementation Review (JRIS) carried by GoK and the Development partners in November 2010 (JRIS Nov 2010)

We would like to recognize the noticeable progress the Government has made significant progress on a number of fronts in the various thematic areas particularly in the design of the external monitoring system, setting up of a team to review the role of Location OVC Committees (LOCs) to enhance the programme governance structures at the community level, joint programme expansion strategy, improvement of funds flow systems, harmonization of the payment systems and payroll preparation process through the MIS for all programme payments, recruitment of various technical assistance and completion of various capacity building activities and the recruitment of alternative payment service provider to enhance the payment delivery systems.

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

The register is intended to be a guide to programme implementers and the stakeholders in tracking and monitoring progress in the implementation of the of the FRAs recommendation. For ease of reference the register has been summarized into eight key thematic areas

(i) CT OVC staffing, capacity development and technical assistance(ii) Internal controls payments and accountability systems(iii) Funds flow(iv) Budgeting(v) Management information system(vi) Procurement(vii) Monitoring and evaluation(viii) Governance, implementation arrangements and audits


Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

1 CT OVC staffing, capacity development and technical assistance

1.1Carry out training and capacity needs assessment (finance, audit, accounting, programme management, MIS, M&E, procurement etc.) to identify capacity gaps, develop training and capacity development plan and prioritize staff within CPU.

DFID FRA May 2009

The programme has put in place technical assistance in the areas of financial management, procurement, communication, MIS and M&E to support and build the capacity of the programme.

However, the training and capacity needs assessment has not been carried and discussions on the same between GoK and the Development partners are ongoing.

Medium Ongoing discussion




1.2Restructure additional staff and strengthen the capacity of the CT OVC Secretariat and inclusion of the programme under the Ministry’s performance contract

IA Aug 2010

The programme has been mainstreamed into the annual ministerial and departmental performance contracts.

High Done MGCSD

1.3Upgrade the programme management and leadership to a senior rank within

DFID FRA May 2009

IA Aug 2010

The MGCSD has increased the number of technical staff from 14 in FY 2008/2009 to 16 in the FY 2010/11. Upgrading of the leadership of the programme to a

Low On-going discussion



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

Government and secondment of staff from other departments in the Ministry

senior officer in would have to be discussed with GoK in view of the emerging developments.

1.4Integration of the programme accounting function into the MGCSD Accounting Department and appointment of designated fulltime qualified accountant to the CT OVC programmes.

DFID FRA May 2009

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

DFID FRA Feb 2011

The MGCSD Accounts department confirmed availability of a full time designated accountant to the programme. There are planned discussions in the ensuing periods (i) to agree on the best approach to have the accountant and the MGCSD accounts department support the programme (ii) discuss and agree on the programme annual financial management calendar (iii) seamlessly integrate the program FM activities into the MGCSD finance, accounts and internal audit functions

High Done MGCSD

1.5Ensure there is effective coordination and management of CT OVC technical assistances

DFID FRA Feb 2011

All the technical assistance are designated and work in close coordination with the specific technical staff within the programme Secretariat as agreed between MGCSD and the Development Partners. Overall, the technical assistance provides respective updates to the head of the secretariat, Director DCS and TWG as appropriate.

Low Done MGCSD

2 Internal 2.1Procurement, DFID FRA The procurement, installation and High In MGCSD

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

Controls Payments

and Accountabilit

y Systems

installation of programme finance module and integration of the module with the MIS and training of CPU staff on the finance module and use of the finance module in the preparation of consolidated programme financial management and monitoring reports

May 2009 WB FM

Supervision Aug 2010

FY 2009/2010 External Audit Report,

DFID FRA Feb 2011

configuration and integration of the finance module with the MIS have been finalized. Consolidated reports to be prepared from the finance module from April 2011


2.2Update the programme Operations Manual (OM) to reflect changes in reporting processes and mitigate the emerging risks and incorporate the reporting requirements of the GoK and the development partners.

DFID FRA May 2009

DFID FRA Feb 2011

IA Aug 2010

JRIS Nov 2010

Review of the operations manual and the associated annexes has been ongoing. The update is expected to be finalized before the next JRIS scheduled for May 2011.

High In progress


2.3The programme WB FM The MGCSD has provided a full time Medium Done MGCSD

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

records located in different locations of the MGCSD offices making it difficult to reference and retrieve information. The Secretariat should streamline and synchronize the records management system at the Secretariat.

Supervision Aug 2010, IA Aug 2010

IA Aug 2010

dedicated officer in the CT OVC Secretariat records/ documents management office. The programme records in the different MGCSD offices and the Secretariat are updated and synchronized at least on monthly basis

routinely (Monthly)

2.4Harmonization and standardization of the programme reporting formats, funds flow, internal controls and financial management procedures.

DFID FRA May 2009

JRIS Nov 2010

With the help of the MIS and the finance module, the programme will be now be preparing the financial and physical progress reports. However with the development partners adopting different financing approaches, harmonization of the funds flow process still remains a major challenge.

Medium On-going MGCSD

2.5Disbursement of funds and dispatch of payrolls, mobilization list to the Payment Service Provider(s) within

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

DFID FRA Feb 2011

There are routine payments monitoring meetings between the current PSP and DCS at least once during the payment cycle. The payroll preparation process has been harmonized with payment systems and payroll preparation process done through the MIS for

High Doneroutinely



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

the stipulated contractual/agreed periods to facilitate mobilization, minimize delays in payments and enhance predictability of cash transfer payments

all programme payments. The recruitment of the alternative payment service provider and the supporting systems are expected to further strengthen the process

2.6Review and upgrade the MIS to coop with the programme expansion plan, revision of the payrolls to include all the essential payment details (including details of alternative care givers)

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010


The MIS upgrade was finalized in the last quarter of 2010. Following the upgrade, the MIS is now able to take on board large number of HH information and coop with the planned programme expansion strategy.

High Done MGCSD

2.7Strengthen the fixed assets management system to ensure there is an adequate systems to track and report all the fixed assets procured under the

DFID FRA May 2009

The programme fixed assets and recorded and tracked through the fixed assets feature in the finance module

Medium Done Routinely


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

programme2.8Review the

beneficiary payment system in particular automate and strengthen the reconciliation process, regular meetings and trainings of DCS and PSP(s) staff, payrolls handling processes at the between DCS and the national and decentralized PSP(s) regional offices and improve on the security of the payment system by incorporating the biometrics

DFID FRA May 2009

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

DFID FRA Feb 2011

IA Aug 2010


The recruitment of the alternative payment service provider and the supporting systems are expected to further strengthen the beneficiary payment and delivery system. The alternative PSP incorporate biometric features that provide further assurance and security of the payment system.

High In progress


2.9Development of consolidated risk register to track and monitor implementation of findings and recommendations of various fiduciary risk

DFID FRA May 2009

DFID FRA Feb 2011

This matrix can be adopted and will be updated on continuous basis to keep track on the various FRA recommendations. This notwithstanding there has been marked progress in the implementation of the various recommendations under the various FRAs.

High Done MGCSD

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

assessments. 2.10 Institute

controls over recognition and recording of transactions (including advance transfers), adequacy of supporting documentation, harmonization of annual financial statements with treasury circulars to ensure to minimize possibility of qualification of the statements

AI Aug 2010,

FY 2009/2010 External Audit Report

The finance, audit and accounting function of the programme are being mainstreamed into the respective MGCSD departmental functions. The deployment of a fulltime dedicated accountant to the programme is expected to ensure this recommendation is implemented successfully. In addition, the accountant is provided access to various on the job (through the TA) and tailored capacity building trainings internally and externally.

High On-goingroutinely


3 Funds Flow 3.1Continuously monitor, track and resolve delays inherent in GoK systems in the processing Authorities to Incur Expenditure (AIEs) to the programme districts to support the

DFID FRA May 2009

DFID FRA Feb 2011


There is an increased monitoring and engagement internally within the Government as well as with the development partners to ensure that the programme is adequately supported with sufficient allocation of operational costs budgetary resources especially with the recruitment of the alternative PSP and programme expansion.

High In progress


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

operational costs and enforce adequate accountability mechanism at the district level

3.2There should be harmonization of the different programme funding systems

DFID FRA May 2009


Ongoing discussions between GoK and the development partners. However the programme is in the final stages of drafting the programme documents that will spell out key aspects of the programme including funding.

Medium In progress


3.3GoK should consider ring-fencing of the HH transfers and budget the funds under personnel emoluments to enhance predictability

IA Aug 2010

Ongoing discussions between MGCSD and Treasury

Medium On-going discussion






4.1The programme should carry out a consultative and joint development of integrated performance based programme budget clearly delineating programme expenditure

DFID FRA May 2009

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

This is challenging from the GoK due to the currently financing arrangement adopted by the different development partners. However there are discussions to enter into a Joint Financing Agreement between GoK and Development Partners. This notwithstanding the programme has adopted a joint budgeting approach starting FY 2009/2010.

High Done bi-annually


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

across the funding sources to avoid double funding, underfunding and harmonize the reporting formats.

4.2GoK should address the low level of budgetary allocation of funds to support the programme operations at the district level as this significantly affect the ability of the Secretariat to effectively monitor the programme.

DFID FRA May 2009

Ongoing discussions between MGCSD, Treasury and Development Partners

High Discussions in




4.3Development Partners should make full disclosure to of budgeted items (administration fees, revenue and AIA) to GoK and expenditures against budget to be continuously monitored and discussed in the

DFID FRA May 2009

The programme has adopted a joint budgeting approach starting FY 2009/2010 with all the budgetary items clearly posted into the budget estimates as revenue and or appropriation in aid (AIA) as the case may be. All the requests for spending on AIA are raised by the GoK and the DPs are required to provide full accountability to MGCSD on quarterly basis.

Medium Donebi-annually



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

regular Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings and at the stakeholders forum

4.4Revisit budgets for administrative support costs for the DP budget and compare with actual costs spent (proportions) under the DP budget to ensure that sufficient and realistic costs have been allocated for necessary activities and that realistic budgets are in place.

DFID FRA May 2009

IA Aug 2010

The operational costs are estimated to be 5% of the overall cash transfers. There has been a number of challenges in GoK raise financing to support programme operating costs across the programme districts (both GoK and DPs supported locations). There is a need for MGCSD to further discuss this matter with the development partners.

High Done Annually



5 Management Information System(MIS)

5.1Recruitment of a systems Engineer to provide technical assistance to the MIS team

DFID FRA May 2009

The System Engineer was recruited mid-2010 to provide technical support to MIS team

High Done MGCSD

5.2Upgrade the MIS to coop with the programme scale up strategy and

DFID FRA May 2009

DFID FRA Feb 2011

The system upgrade was finalized in the first quarter of 2011. However, with the recruitment of the alternative PSP, there is an emerging

High In progress


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

accommodate the changing reporting needs of the programme


need to re-programme the MIS to incorporate the additional informational needs required by the alternative PSP to make the payments (this includes features to captures biometrics, photos, SMART card details, information exchange formats etc.)

5.3Ensure the MIS licenses, source/escrow codes are handed over to GoK

DFID FRA May 2009

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010


Finalized early 2011 High Done MGCSDDeveloper

5.4Continuously review and update the beneficiary information and ensure the information in the MIS is updated with the emerging changes of beneficiary monitoring and payment information

IA Aug 2010

DFID FRA Feb 2011


Ongoing continuous process. However this process is currently centralized at the national office and there are discussions to decentralize the MIS to the districts levels to ensure that the updates can be posted directly from the districts.

High Ongoing continuous



6 Procurement 6.1Ensure programme procurements done by the

DFID FRA Oct 2010


The programme has a joint annual work plan. There is a need to harmonize the procurement plan across the programme. However

Medium Done annually



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

development partners on behalf of the programme should be done in transparent and consultative manner

harmonization of the procurement plan remains a major challenges in view of the different financing arrangements under the programme

6.2Recruitment of long term technical assistance to provide support and capacity especially on World Bank procurement procedures

DFID FRA May 2009


Long term procurement consultant was brought on board the last quarter of 2010.


6.3Design and develop a procurement tracking system

DFID FRA May 2009

In progress High In progress


7 Monitoring and Evaluation

7.1Lack of some clarity in internal and external strategic and operation M&E framework, tools and therefore necessary to recruit to support this area

DFID FRA May 2009


The programme has carried out a number of Internal and External monitoring reviews. In April 2011, the programme through assistance from the development partners has brought on board a technical expertise to assist in the design and implementation of the co-responsibilities. Over the time the programme has been working closely with the development partners and external assistance in

Medium Doneroutinely


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

the design and development of comprehensive M&E framework.

7.2Share the findings of the impact evaluation, external and internal monitoring with the stakeholders and initiate the process for the second impact evaluation

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

IA Aug 2010


Impact evaluation findings and report shared with the stakeholders. The programme is currently working out a dissemination policy. The programme is in the final stage in the recruitment of a firm to carry out a further impact evaluation in the new programme locations.

Medium Done routinely


8 Governance, Implementation arrangements and Audits

8.1Development of comprehensive internal and external TORs including the beneficiary targeting processes for the programme and discuss and agree the TORs with the Development Partners. The findings and the report shall be discussed and agreed between the GoK and the Development Partners.

DFID FRA May 2009

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010


The first ever internal audit review by was conducted in August 2010. This initial review was a desktop review of the programme activities from inception through August 2010. A comprehensive in-depth follow up review from 2008 through March 2011 is currently under discussions between the GoK and the Development Partners. The programme is required and plans to carry out internal audit reviews once every six months and the findings and the reports shared, discussed and way forward agreed with the stakeholders

High Done Annually



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

8.2Preparation of annual programme financial statements in line with the provisions and mandate of the respective programme financing instruments and submit the statements to Kenya National Audit Office (KENAO) for External Audit. The audited financial reports should be shared with the stakeholders in line with the provisions of the financing agreements.

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010


The programme external audits are carried out in line with the provisions of the respective financing instruments. The financial statements for the World Bank component are audited separately in line with the provisions of the financing agreement and the respective GoK Treasury circulars. The GoK, DFID/UNICEF components have been audited as part of the MGCSD institutional corporate financial statements. However with the setting up of the DFID supported Trust Fund, the Ministry shall be preparing separate financial statements and submit the statements to KENAO for the external Audit separate from the MGCSD corporate financial statements.

High Done Annually



8.3Constitute the programme oversight committees (Finance, Audit and the National

DFID FRA May 2009

DFID FRA Feb 2011

IA Aug 2010

The programme has active finance and audit committee that meets bi monthly to discuss the programme financial and fiduciary systems. This committee was established in December 2010 and has since met

High Done MGCSD&


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

Steering committees) and mainstream internal audit into the programme


twice. The Ministry has also activated the Stakeholders (GoK and DPs) forum and the inaugural meeting was held in March 2011. The Ministry is in the process of establishing the CT-OVC Programme Management Oversight Committee.

8.4Ensure the Institutional Risk Management Policy Framework (IRMPF ) is cascaded to all the programme levels to ensure the programme is implemented in line with the IRMPF

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

The programme shall put in place a comprehensive fiduciary risk register and ensure the all the recommendations and major agreements are tracked and monitored. In addition, the programme shall explore additional ways of disseminating implementing the recommendation s across all the programme levels.

High In progress



8.5Definition and standardization of the programme management framework

DFID FRA May 2009

Ongoing discussions between GoK and the development partners. However the programme is in the final stages of drafting the programme document

High On-going MGCSD&


8.6Review the implementation arrangements particularly at the district and community level to mitigate the emerging inherent risks (including

WB FM Supervision Aug 2010

DFID FRA Feb 2011


The programme has set up a team of officers with representation from the development partners to specifically review the role of LOCs with view of strengthening and guarantee integrity of the programme implementation arrangement at the community level. The team presented a draft report and interim

High In progress


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Fiduciary Risk Item

Recommendations and Agreements

Fiduciary Review Report

Comments as at April 2011 Priority Status Responsible

the role of LOCs) and enhance the beneficiary awareness and rights, strengthen the targeting, enrolment and beneficiary exit processes.

recommendation to the TWG in March 2011. The team shall finalize the engagement ahead of the next JRIS

8.7Establishment of independent grievances handling and establishment of anti-corruption prevention mechanisms

DFID FRA Feb 2011

IA Aug 2010


The programme has made notable progress in the development of sustainable comprehensive appeals, complaints and grievances mechanism (including hotlines, complaints and appeals systems at the community level). The programme is discussing modalities of having trained integrity assurance officers in the programme, complaints box at the CT OVC secretariat as well.

High In progress


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


Activities Performance Indicators

Type of resource needed

Actor(s) Time Frame Est. Budget Kshs(m)

Source of funds



1. Increased number of CT-OVC beneficiaries from 115,000 households to projected 131,000 households

1.0 Scale up of the CT-OVC programme

Number of households increased


1.1 . 1dentification of programme locations in 6 districts (WB) (4th cohort)

locations Identified

KIHBS data, stationery


1.2 Printing of Form I Printed F1 for the 6 districts

Funds ,stationery


1.3 Sensitization/Training of AAC ,selection of DOSC and Selection of the programme locations

Trained AAC in 6 districts

Funds, Stationery , Training materials


1.4 Community mobilization, sensitization and selection of LOCs

communities sensitized and LOC selected

Funds, Training materials


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

1.5 Training of the LOCs

No of LOCs trained

Funds, Stationery , Training materials


1.6 Household listings/ identification using F1 by LOCs

No of HH identified

Forms , Funds, stationary


1.7 Monitoring exercise on F1

Monitoring report Funds, Stationery


1.8. F1 community validation and re-listing for exclusions

Valid F1 Funds, Stationery

1.9 Data entry into MIS F1 database Forms , Funds, stationary


1.9 Generation of Form 2

F2 Generated Stationery OVC SECR'T

1.10 Printing of Form 2 Printed F2 Funds, stationery


1.11 Identification and training of the enumerators

Enumerators identified and trained

Funds, Stationery


1.12 Administration of the F2

F2 Collected Funds DCO

1.13 Monitoring exercise for F2

Monitoring report Funds, OVC SECRE'T

1.14 Form 2 data entry Data base of HH Funds OVC SECR'T

1.15 Verification of Ambiguous cases F2

clear Database of HHs

funds DCO

1.16 Production of potential beneficiary list

Ranked lists of potential beneficiaries

Stationery OVC SECR'T

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

1.17 2nd Community validation exercise

Final beneficiary list

Funds, DCO

1.18 Adjustment of the information in the MIS

F2 database Forms OVC SECR'T

1.19 Printing of the final List of Beneficiaries

Lists of beneficiaries

Stationary OVC SECR'T

1. 20 Conduct supply capacity assessment including the 7 districts (14 locations) co-responsibilities districts

Health and schools database available


1.21 Supply capacity Trainings in 25 districts (13 GoK and WB 12)

Officers trained Funds OVC SECR'T

1.22 Printing of enrolment forms for the 25 districts (13 GoK and WB 12)

Enrolment Forms printed

Funds , Stationery


1.23 Conduct enrolment exercise in 25 districts

No of enrolment forms filled

Funds , Stationery


Recapture the bios for the existing beneficiaries - Districts TBA

Accurate bio details


1.24 Coordinate data entry ,verification and Data Analysis

Data on CT-OVC Funds OVC SECR'T

1.25 Coordinate trainings and implementation of

Reports Funds OVC SECR'T

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Complaints , Appeals and updates of information

2. Delivery of Cash Transfer


1.20 Generation of Programme ID/SMART cards for the Beneficiaries

Number of cards Funds OVC SECR'T

1.21 Procurement of programme ID cards for the BWC

Number of cards Funds OVC SECR'T

Issuance of Program ID/SMART cards and formation of the BWC

IDs and BWC funds OVC SECR'T

2..0 Coordinate of preparation of payrolls, mobilization lists and XML files

Reconciled Payments record

Funds , Stationery


2..1. Coordinate and deliver transfer of CT-OVC bi- monthly payments in all the 60 programme districts

No of Caregivers receiving the CT


2.1.1.Coordinate the reconciliation and the generation of the bi-monthly reports

Reports Funds ,Stationery


2..2..To train and implement compliance in health and education in 7 districts

No of Caregivers complying with programme conditions

Funds ,Stationery


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

3. Increased awareness among the Beneficiaries and the public on CT-OVC program

3.0 Review the communication strategy

Communication strategy reviewed


3.1 Review and Finalize operational awareness materials

operational awareness documents

funds OVC SECR'T

3.2 Conduct operational awareness sessions for the CT-OVC Program in 60 CT districts.

No. of awareness sessions held


3.3 Organize and participate in the World Orphans Day celebrations

Report on World Orphans Day .


3.4 Post an Annual printed media supplement on CT-OVC programme

Media print articles


3.5 Establish a CT-OVC programme web site

CT-OVC programme website


3.6 Coordinate publishing of a half yearly CT-OVC programme updates on the MGCSD and programme websites

No of updates posted in the website

Stationery OVC SECR'T

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

3.7 Coordinate printing and dissemination of the CT-OVC brochure, beneficiary handbook, Q and A booklet , service charter, OM, calendars and video.

No. of CT-OVC brochures disseminated


Monitoring of distribution and effectiveness of the communication materials

No. of CT-OVC brochures disseminated


4. Increased coordination among Stakeholders

4.0 Participate in OVC Quarterly Progress review meetings

No of meetings attended


4.0.1. Coordinate quarterly Financial Management Meetings with Treasury.

Number of meetings conducted.


4.0.2.Coordinate the quarterly CT-OVC programme stakeholders meetings

No of meetings organized


4.1 Organize Quarterly national Steering Committee meetings on OVC

No of meetings organized


4.1.1. Organize Biannual meeting for Program Mannagement oversight committee on OVC

No of meetings Funds OVC SECRETARIAT

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

4.2 Conduct monthly TWG meetings

No of meetings held


4.3 Prepare and disseminate Quarterly progress reports

M$E, Financial Funds OVC SECR'T

4.5 Participate & organize DCOs workshops in CT-OVC districts

No of workshops Funds DCS

4.6 Organize and participate in joint implementation support and review mission

Meetings held Funds GOK,WB,UNICEF AND DFID

5. Efficiency and Effective implementation of the CT-OVC programme

5.0 Procurement of editing and printing services for the operations manual and the programme document

Printed OM and PD

Funds TWG

5.2 Training of CPU and field officers on following specialized courses: (indicate the number of officers across all the listed courses)

No of officers trained


i) Strategic Leadership Development programme

No of officers trained


ii) Project planning and Management

No of officers trained


iii) Budgeting and budgetary control

No of officers trained


1v) Report writing No of officers trained


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

v) Effective Communication Management course

No of officers trained


v1) Project Monitoring and evaluation

No of officers trained


v11) Financial Management and Disbursement

No of officers trained


v111) Computer Application Skills for Managers

No of officers trained


ix) Project Development Implementation & Management

No of officers trained


x) Designing and Implementing Social protection programmes

No of officers trained


x1) Policy Analysis , Formulation and Management

No of officers trained


x11)Public Procurement Management

No of officers trained


x111) Micro soft Certified System Administration (MCSA)

No of officers trained


XIV) Computer Based Records Management

No of officers trained


xv) Financial Management Seminar for Non Finance Managers

No of officers trained


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

xvi) Website Development and management

No of officers trained


5.3 Procure 11 vehicles

No of vehicles Funds, OVC SECR'T

5.4 Procure 50 computers ,5 Laptops,10 photocopiers and 20 printers

No. of computers and printers bought


5.6 New Payment Service Provider

Payment agency identified


5.7 Train DCS officers on the new PSP payment procedures

No of officers trained


5.7 Train DCS/PCK officers on the existing PSP payment procedures

No of officers trained


5.8 Procure Photocopies Machines for OVC Secretariat

Number of machines procured


5.9 Maintenance of long term Procurement Consultant

Consultant in place

funds OVC SECR'T

Procurement of the courier services

delivery notes funds OVC SECR'T

5.10 Maintenance of long term communication consultant

Consultant in place

funds OVC SECR'T

5.11 Maintenance of long term Financial Management Consultant

Consultant in place

funds OVC SECR'T

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

5.12 Maintenance of long term MIS consultant

Consultant in place

funds OVC SECR'T

5.13 Decentralize MIS system and activation of the internet links in 7 CT districts

No of Modems issued to CT-OVC Districts


5.14 Review and re-new PSP(s) contracts

Reviewed contract


5.15 Implement QA standards in 4 districts

QA undertaken in 4 districts


5.1.6 .Procurement of Microsoft project software and program manager

Software in place funds OVC SECR'T

5.1.7.Facilitate country policy makers programs visits

No of visits Funds OVC SECR'T

5.1.8 Coordinate and conduct study tours and visits in countries implementing CT programme

No of Tours and visits made by the CPU staff


6. Improved programme performance and accountability

6.0 Coordinate Impact & Evaluation of CT-OVC programme

Report Funds OVC SECR'T

Procure and contract impact evaluation consultancy

inception report

6.2 Procure and Contract a rollout on External Monitoring

Report Funds OVC SECR'T

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Configuration of the MIS to accommodate the payment requirement of the new PSP

Integrated MIS with PSP systems


6.3 Review of MIS and Conditionalities

Documents reviewed


6.4 Conduct 4 spot checks on payments and complaints.

Reports Funds OVC SECR'T

6.5 Conduct a Targeting analysis for the CT-OVC Program.


6.6 Conduct spot checks in the 10 CT-OVC districts


6.7. Conduct awareness on co-responsibilities in 7 locations

list of attendance Funds OVC SECR'T

6.8 Review of co-responsibility documents

co-responsibility documents


6.9.Review the role of LOC in the CT-OVC Program

Report Funds OVC SECR'T

6..9.1 Evaluation of bidds for a new External monitoring firm.

evaluation report FUNDS OVC SECR'T

6.9.2..Distribute CT-OVC Program Charter to beneficiaries

distribution record FUNDS OVC SECR'T

7. Improve OVC access to complementarity programs

7..0.. Explore the opportunity for graduating OVC

No of OVC linked to other organizations.


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

7.0.1. Explore linkages with complementarity programs

No of organizations with complementarity services networked .


8. Improve coordination with the MGCSD on Social protection agenda

8.0 Support utilization of capacity building funds to MGCSD

Expenditure returns


8.1 Contribute to the development of social protection policy and strategy

No of meetings attended


Grand total

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development

Department of Children's Services

122-0139 - OVC Programme - D 18


     Details of the


Head Title Item Code Item     External Receipts for 2011/2012  

    Title     Grants Loans Donor

     Estimates for

2011-2012Source of

Finance A.I.A Revenue A.I.A Revenue Item

122 2110200 Basic wages-Temporary Employees 4,068,000  


2,268,000 - 1,800,000  

  2110201 Contractual Employees - UNICEF


- - - 76

  2110201 Contractual Employees - WBTF


- - - 050

  2110202 Casual Labor - Others 756,000 UNICEF


756,000     76

  2110202 Casual Labor - Others 1,512,000 WBTF


1,512,000     050

  2110202 Casual Labor - Others 1,800,000 WB

-     1,800,000 648

  2210200 Communication,supplies and services 10,985,000  


5,290,000 - 5,695,000  

  2210201 Telephone, telex, fax, mobile phone services 550,000 UNICEF  

550,000     76

  2210201 Telephone, telex, fax, mobile phone services 1,200,000 WBTF  

1,200,000     050

  2210201 Telephone, telex, fax, mobile phone services 2,495,000 WB       2,495,000 648

  2210202 Internet Connections 1,200,000 UNICEF  

1,200,000     76  2210202 Internet Connections 1,500,000 WBTF       050

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


  2210202 Internet Connections 2,000,000 WB  

-   2,000,000 648

  2210203 Courier & postal services 240,000 UNICEF  

240,000     76

  2210203 Courier & postal services 600,000 WBTF  

600,000     050

  2210203 Courier & postal services 1,200,000 WB       1,200,000 648

  2210300Domestic travel and subsistence, and other

Transportation costs 79,096,567  


34,916,567 - 44,180,000  

  2210301 Travel Costs 4,510,500 UNICEF


4,510,500     76

  2210301 Travel Costs 4,942,500 WBTF  

4,942,500     050

  2210301 Travel Costs 7,273,000 WB       7,273,000 648

  2210302 Accommodation-Domestic Travel 385,000 UNICEF


385,000     76

  2210302 Accommodation-Domestic Travel 385,000 WBTF  

385,000     050

  2210302 Accommodation-Domestic Travel 2,400,000 WB       2,400,000 648

  2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance ( DSA) 3,500,000 UNICEF


3,500,000     76

  2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance ( DSA) 5,500,000 WBTF  

5,500,000     050

  2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance ( DSA) 9,278,000 WB  

-   9,278,000 648

  2210309 Field Allowance 5,821,783 UNICEF  

5,821,783     76

  2210309 Field Allowance 9,871,783 WBTF  

9,871,783     050

  2210309 Field Allowance 25,229,000 WB       25,229,000 648

  2210500 Printing, advertising & Information 10,500,000  


1,500,000 - 9,000,000  

  2210504 Advertising, Awareness & Publicity 1,500,000 WBTF  


  2210504 Advertising, Awareness & Publicity 9,000,000 WB  

-   9,000,000 648

  2210700 Training Expenses 42,769,496  


6,930,496 - 35,839,000  

  2210701 Travel allowances 400,000 UNICEF  

400,000 -   76

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

  2210701 Travel allowances 890,000 WBTF  

890,000 -   050

  2210701 Travel allowances 6,200,000 WB  

- - 6,200,000 648

  2210702 Remuneration of Instructors &Contract ... 1,000,000 WB  

-   1,000,000 648

  2210703 Production and printing training materials 1,198,748 UNICEF


1,198,748     76

  2210703 Production and printing training materials 1,873,748 WBTF  

1,873,748 -   050

  2210703 Production and printing training materials 9,200,000 WB  

-   9,200,000 648

  2210704 Hire of Training Facilities & Equipment 2,160,000 WB  

-   2,160,000 648

  2210710 Accommodation allowance 462,000 UNICEF  

462,000 -   76

  2210710 Accommodation allowance 462,000 WBTF  

462,000 -   050

  2210710 Accommodation allowance 12,479,000 WB  

-   12,479,000 648

  2210712 Trainer Allowance ( enroll officers) 294,000 UNICEF  

294,000 -   76

  2210712 Trainer Allowance ( enroll officers) 1,350,000 WBTF  

1,350,000 -   050

  2210712 Trainer Allowance ( enroll officers) 4,800,000 WB  

-   4,800,000 648

  2210800 Hospitality supplies and services 9,000,000  


- - 9,000,000  

  2210801 Catering Services (receptions) - WB  

-   - 648

  2210802Boards, Committees, Conferences and

Seminars 9,000,000 WB


-   9,000,000 648

  2211100 Office and General Supplies and Services 17,798,094  


13,298,094 - 4,500,000  

  2211101General office supplies (paper, pencils, forms,

small office equip. etc 3,448,094 UNICEF  

3,448,094 -   76

  2211101General office supplies (paper, pencils, forms,

small office equip. etc 5,350,000 WBTF  

5,350,000 -   050

  2211101General office supplies (paper, pencils, forms,

small office equip. etc 2,250,000 WB  

-   2,250,000 648

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

  2211102Supplies and Accessories of Computers and

printers 2,250,000 UNICEF  

2,250,000     76

  2211102Supplies and Accessories of Computers and

printers 2,250,000 WBTF  

2,250,000 -   050

  2211102Supplies and Accessories of Computers and

printers 2,250,000 WB  

-   2,250,000 648

  2211200 Fuel Oil and Lubricants 19,669,000  


11,850,000 - 7,819,000  

  2211201 Refined fuel & lubricants for transport 4,392,000 UNICEF  

4,392,000 -   76

  2211201 Refined fuel & lubricants for transport 7,458,000 WBTF  

7,458,000 -   050

  2211201 Refined fuel & lubricants for transport 7,819,000 WB  

-   7,819,000 648

  2211300 Other Operating Expenses 174,946,667  


12,150,000 - 152,896,667  

  2211301Bank service commission and charges, PCK

transaction costs etc 4,050,000 UNICEF

4,050,000   -   76

  2211301Bank service commission and charges, PCK

transaction costs etc 12,150,000 WBTF  

12,150,000 -   050

  2211301Bank service commission and charges, PCK

transaction costs etc 45,220,000 WB  

-   45,220,000 648

  2211310 Contracted Professional Services 5,850,000 UNICEF


- -   76

  2211310 Contracted Professional Services - WBTF  

- -   050

  2211310 Contracted Professional Services 107,676,667 WB  

-   107,676,667 648

  2640500 Other Capital grants and Transfers 1,944,688,000  


607,500,000 - 1,004,688,000  

  2640502Capital transfers to Individuals and

Households 202,500,000 UNICEF


- -   76

  2640502Capital transfers to Individuals and

Households 607,500,000 WBTF  

607,500,000 -   050

  2640502Capital transfers to Individuals and

Households 1,004,688,000 WB       1,004,688,000 648

  2640502Capital transfers to Individuals and

Households 130,000,000 GOK         000

  3110700Purchase of Vehicles and Other Transport

Equipment 21,200,000  


- - 21,200,000    3110701 Purchase of motor vehicles 21,200,000 WB     21,200,000 648

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


  3111000Purchase of office furniture and general

equipments 29,066,331  


- - 27,941,331  

  3111001 Purchase of furniture & fittings 8,821,331 WB  

-   8,821,331 648

  3111002Purchase of Computers, Printers and other IT

Equipment 1,125,000 UNICEF


- -   76

  3111002Purchase of Computers, Printers and other IT

Equipment - WBTF  

- -   050

  3111002Purchase of Computers, Printers and other IT

Equipment 19,120,000 WB  

-   19,120,000 648

    Gross Expenditure 2,363,787,155 -


695,703,157 - 1,324,558,998  


    Sumarry Analysis              

    UNICEF 242,933,125  


29,408,125 - -  

    WBTF 666,295,031  


666,295,031 -    

    IDA Credit 1,324,558,998  


- -    

    GoK Development 130,000,000  

-   - -  

    Total 2,363,787,155  


695,703,157 - 1,324,558,998  



Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development - R18    Department of Children's Services - Head 122    OVC PROGRAMME - sub-Head 0139    

HeadSub Head Item/ Description of Item/Sub-Item

Approved Estimates Estimates Projected Estimates

122 0139 Sub-Item   2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/20132013/2014

    2110200 Basic wages-Temporary Employees 4,592,000 2,200,000



    2110201 Contractual Employees 2,592,000 - -


    2110202 Casual labour 2,000,000 2,200,000



   22101000 Utilities Supplies and Services 760,000




    2210101 Electricity 660,000 726,000



    2210102 Water and Sewerage Charges 100,000 110,000



    2210200 Communication,supplies and services 4,876,000 5,000,000



    2210201Telephone, Telex, Facsimile &Mobile Phone Services 2,560,000




    2210202 Internet Connections 1,516,000 1,600,000



    2210203 Courier and Postal Services 800,000 800,000



    2210300Domestic Travel and Subsistence, and Other Transportation Costs 10,830,000




    2210301 Travel Costs (airlines, bus,.. 750,000 900,000



    2210302 Accommodation - Domestic Travel 1,760,000 1,800,000



    2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 3,400,000 3,400,000



    2210304 Sundry Items 350,000 350,000



    2210310 Field Operational Allowance 4,570,000 4,600,000



    2210400Foreign Travel and Subsistence, and Other Transportation Costs 1,260,000




    2210401 Travel Costs 400,000 400,000



    2210402 Accommodation 300,000 200,000



    2210403 Daily Subsistence Allowance 520,000 520,000



    2210404 Sundry Items 40,000 50,000



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

    2210500 Printing, advertising & Information 787,032 1,540,000



    2210502 Publishing & Printing Services 355,032 500,000



    2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers,.. 32,000 40,000



    2210504 Advertising, Awareness & Publicity 400,000 1,000,000



    2210600 Rentals of Produced Assets 2,774,400 2,800,000



    2210603 Rents and Rates - Non-Residential 2,774,400 2,800,000



    2210604 Hire of Transport - - -


    2210700 Training Expenses 7,348,016 7,500,000



    2210701 Travel Allowance 2,240,000 2,250,000



    2210702 Remuneration of Instructors &Contract ... - - -


    2210703 Production & Printing .. 1,320,000 1,350,000



    2210704 Hire of Training Facilities & Equipment 400,000 400,000



    2210710 Accommodation Allowance 1,788,016 1,800,000



    2210712 Trainee Allowance 1,600,000 1,700,000



    2210800 Hospitality supplies and services 2,905,588 2,910,000



    2210801 Catering Services (receptions) 700,000 700,000



    2210802Boards, Committees, Conferences and Seminars 1,645,588




    2210805 National Celebrations 560,000 560,000



    2211100 Office and General Supplies and Services 5,670,000 5,670,000



    2211101 General Office Supplies 3,150,000 3,150,000



    2211102Supplies & Accessories for Computers & IT equipments 2,450,000




    2211103 Sanitary & cleaning materials, 70,000 70,000



    2211200 Fuel Oil and Lubricants 9,985,000 10,983,500



    2211201 Refined Fuels … for Transport 9,985,000 10,983,500



    2211300 Other Operating Expenses 490,180 518,716



    2211301 Bank Service Commission & Charges,.. - 18,536



Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

    2211302 School Examination & Invigilation Fees 100,000 110,000



    2211305 Contracted Guards & Cleaning Services 390,180 390,180



    2220100Routine Maintenance-Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment 7,500,000




    2220101 Maintenance Expenses - Motor Vehicles 7,500,000 7,500,000



    2640100 Scholarships & Educational Benefits 1,000,000 1,100,000



    2640101 Scholarships & Educ Benefits - Sec Educ 1,000,000 1,100,000



    2640500 Other Capital grants and Transfers 636,936,000 636,936,000



    2640502Capital Transfers to Individuals and households 636,936,000




      Gross Expenditure 697,714,216 697,714,216



      Bal.   -    

        HHs Expenditure          Total HHs - R+D votes= Expenditure              HHs -Recurrent vote =Expenditure              HHs -Development vote = Expenditure                             Operational costs              Donations              Total HHs - Recurrent vote              Total HHs - Development vote              Total HHs        


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


CT-OVC Procurement Plan For 2011/2012 FY-Revised on 14 May,2011 CASHFLOW PROJ ECTS

Contract description Cost Est Selection IDABegin prepare

TORTOR ready

Submit to IDAIDA no objection Publish SPN Receipt of CVs Evaluation CVS To TC for

approvalto IDA for no


NegotiationIDA review and

no objectionSigning of Contract

Contract start Contract finish Time frame STATUS

US$ Method Review start finishDAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 365

1 Procurement consultant for central unit (local 1 yr w/3 one yr options

PLAN 60 000 IC-CV's POST over 4 years

ACTUAL 67 862 IC-CV's POST 1-Sep-09 1-Sep-09 N/A 2-Oct-09 10/16/2009-29-DEC-09

21-Jun-10 31-Aug-10 8-Jul-10 17-Jun-10 N/A 30-Sep-10 6-Oct-10 6-Sep-11 Contract started on 6- oct- 2010 for the next 12 months -Ending on 5 nover 2011-at contract management stage

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 3652 MIS consultant for central unit 1 yr one3/ yr options( local) PLAN 60 000 IC-CV's POST 6-Sep-11 over 4 years

ACTUAL IC-CV's POST 15-Jan-10 18-Jan-10 N/A N/A 15-Mar-10 21-Jun-10 31-Aug-10 8-Jul-10 17-Jun-10 N/A 30-Sep-10 6-Oct-10 5-Sep-11 Contract started on 6- oct- 2010 for the next 12 months -Ending on 5 nover 2011-at contract management stage

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 365

3Communications consultant for central unit (local) 1 yr w/3one yr options

PLAN 60 000

IC-CV'sPOST over 4 years

ACTUAL 5-Sep-09 26-Jan-10 N/A N/A 21-Jun-10 31-Aug-10 8-Jul-10 17-Jun-10 N/A 10-Dec-10 3-Jan-11 3-Jan-12 Contract started on 3- jan- 2011 for the next 12 months -Ending on 5- nov -2012-at contract management stage

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 365

4 Financial consultant central unit (local) 1 yr option PLANNED 60 000 IC-CV's POST

23-Mar-10 22-Apr-10 22-Apr-10 22-Apr-106-May-10

21-May-10 4-Jun-10 4-Jun-10 9-Jun-10 9-Jun-10 23-Jun-10 7-Jul-10 7-Jul-11

1 Year

ACTUAL 2-Sep-10 28-Sep-10 29-Nov-10 26-Jan-11 31-Mar-11 Contract effective wef May 13,2011 for the next 12 months now at contract management stage)Being prepared by the DCS.at present contract agreement

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 3655 Internal M&E service sroll out of PLANNED 100 000 IC-CV's PRIOR 17-Jul-11 16-Aug-11 16-Aug-11 16-Aug-11 30-Aug-11 14-Sep-11 28-Sep-11 28-Sep-11 3-Oct-11 3-Oct-11 17-Oct-11 31-Oct-11 30-Oct-12 365 over 4 years


DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 3656 Consultant for Operations Manual review PLANNED 70 000 IC-CV's POST

ACTUAL 17-Jul-11 16-Aug-11 16-Aug-11 16-Aug-11 30-Aug-11 14-Sep-11 28-Sep-11 28-Sep-11 3-Oct-11 3-Oct-11 17-Oct-11 31-Oct-11 30-Oct-12DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 365



PLAN 19-Jun-11 19-Jun-11 19-Jun-11 19-Jul-11 18-Aug-11 18-Aug-11 18-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 16-Sep-11 30-Sep-11 30-Sep-11 5-Oct-11 5-Oct-11 19-Oct-11 2-Nov-11 1-Nov-12

- - over 4 years

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730

8 Social Protection Monitoring & Evaluation Officer PLANNED 28 125 IC-CV's POST 12-Dec-10 11-Jan-11 11-Jan-11 11-Jan-11 25-Jan-11 9-Feb-11 23-Feb-11 23-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 14-Mar-11 28-Mar-11 27-Mar-13

ACTUAL 30-3-11 21-Jun-10 31-Aug-10 8-Jul-10 Process to select the consultant already started and at evaluation stage

Selection of individual consultants

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

over 4 yearsDays 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730

9 Social Protection Cordinator - MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION

PLANED 28 125 IC-CV's POST 12-Dec-10 11-Jan-11 11-Jan-11 11-Jan-11 25-Jan-11 9-Feb-11 23-Feb-11 23-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 14-Mar-11 28-Mar-11 27-Mar-13 Not started

ACTUAL 730 over 4 yearsNot Started

Days 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 73010 Liason Officer - MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION. PLAN 30 000 IC-CV's POST 21-Mar-11 20-Apr-11 20-Apr-11 20-Apr-11 4-May-11 19-May-11 2-Jun-11 2-Jun-11 7-Jun-11 7-Jun-11 21-Jun-11 5-Jul-11 4-Jul-13 over 4 years

ACTUALProcess to select the consultant already started and at evaluation stage

Days 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730 over 4 years

11 Advocacy & Communication specialist - MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION DEPT

PLAN 28 125 IC-CV's POST 7-Oct-10 6-Nov-10 6-Nov-10 6-Nov-10 20-Nov-10 5-Dec-10 19-Dec-10 19-Dec-10 24-Dec-10 24-Dec-10 7-Jan-11 21-Jan-11 20-Jan-13 Process to select the consultant already started

ACTUAL over 4 years

over 4 yearsDays 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730 Not Started

12 Consulting Services for a Social Protection Advisor MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION DEPT 2 yr option

PLAN 84 000 IC-CV's POST 7-Oct-10 6-Nov-10 6-Nov-10 6-Nov-10 20-Nov-10 5-Dec-10 19-Dec-10 19-Dec-10 24-Dec-10 24-Dec-10 7-Jan-11 21-Jan-11 20-Jan-13 over 4 years

ACTUAL over 4 years

Days 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730

13 Management Information Specialist MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION DEPT 2 yr option

PLAN 28 125 IC-CV's POST 19-Mar-11 18-Apr-11 18-Apr-11 18-Apr-11 2-May-11 17-May-11

ACTUAL over 4 years

Days 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730 Not Started14 Information Communication Technology Officer MGSCD-


IC-CV's POST19-Mar-11 18-Apr-11 18-Apr-11 18-Apr-11 2-May-11 17-May-11 31-May-11 31-May-11 5-Jun-11 5-Jun-11 19-Jun-11 3-Jul-11 2-Jul-13

over 4 yearsACTUALdaysPLAN 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730

15 Research and Development specialist - MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION DEPT

ACTUAI 28 125 IC-CV's POST 26-Jan-11 25-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 26-Mar-11 9-Apr-11 9-Apr-11 14-Apr-11 14-Apr-11 28-Apr-11 12-May-11 11-May-13 Not Started

Days over 4 yearsACTUAL 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 730 over 4 years

16 Finance Management specialist - MGSCD-SOCIAL PROTECTION DEPT PLAN

28 125IC-CV's POST

21-Mar-11 20-Apr-11 20-Apr-11 20-Apr-11 4-May-11 19-May-11 2-Jun-11 2-Jun-11 7-Jun-11 7-Jun-11 21-Jun-11 5-Jul-11 4-Jul-13 Not Started

ACTUAL 25-Nov-10

DAYS 30 30 0 0 14 15 14 0 5 0 14 14 365

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


Procurement Plan For 2011-2012 FY 

Cost Est US$

Sel Meth IDA review Publish SPN Receipt of EOIs

Evaluate of EOIs

RFP Preparation

IDA No Objection

Issue ofRFP Submit props Open


Evaluation of technical prop

IDA No Objection

Combined Evaluation

To IDA for approval

Contract negotiation


IDANo objection

Signing contract

Contract start

Contract finish

Time frame Status

Contract description      

Days 14 10 5 20 7 7 30 30 7 14 7 15 7 14 10 1201 Impact Eva luation: International  M&E company to 

privide  special ized consultant for basel i ne  survey fol low up survey country- wide survey, etc

PLAN 1 500 000 QCBS Prior 3-Aug-09 13-Aug-09 18-Aug-09 7-Sep-09 14-Sep-09 21-Sep-09 21-Oct-09 20-Nov-09 27-Nov-09 11-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 2-Jan-10 9-Jan-10 23-Jan-10 2-Feb-10 2-Jun-10 over 4 years waiting for appointment of TEC

ACT QCBS 18-Dec-09 28-Jan-10 5-May-10 5-May-10 19-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 24-Aug-10 22-Dec-10 15-Jan-11  

24-Jul -10

    Days 14 14 5 1 7 7 30 30 7 14 7 15 7 14 10 7302 External  monitoring (incl  spot checks  verifition and 

annual  citizens ' report ca rd surveyPLAN 660 000 QCBS Prior 5-Nov-10 19-Nov-10 24-Nov-10 25-Nov-10 2-Dec-10 9-Dec-10 8-Jan-11 7-Feb-11 14-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 7-Mar-11 22-Mar-11 29-Mar-11 12-Apr-11 22-Apr-11 21-Apr-13 over 4 years  10 

spot checks  and four citi zens  report ca rds  

waiting approval  of the AD

ACT QCBS 15-Nov-10 30-Nov-10 18-Mar-11 21-Mar-11 5-May-11 6-May-11  

Days 14 14 5 30 0 7 30 30 0 0 7 15 7 14 10 1203 Des ign, development and maintenance of OVC-CT 

program websi tePLAN  20 000 CQS Post 7-Jun-11 21-Jun-11 26-Jun-11 26-Jul -11 26-Jul -11 2-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 1-Oct-11 1-Oct-11 8-Oct-11 23-Oct-11 30-Oct-11 13-Nov-11 23-Nov-11 22-Mar-12 Maintainance  

over 4 yearswaiting for MIS information by Tuesday(may be we need to indicate  the date rather than the day)


Days 14 15 5 30 7 7 30 30 7 14 7 15 7 14 10 1204 Tra iner for processes  and awareness  sess s ions a t 

nationa l  & regional  1yr w/3 one year optionPLAN  240 000 QCBS Prior 12-Apr-11 27-Apr-11 2-May-11 1-Jun-11 8-Jun-11 15-Jun-11 15-Jul -11 14-Aug-11 21-Aug-11 4-Sep-11 11-Sep-11 26-Sep-11 3-Oct-11 17-Oct-11 27-Oct-11 24-Feb-12 over 4 years waiting for  TORS from ovc 

secretaria teTraining desk


Days 14 15 5 30 7 7 30 30 7 14 7 15 7 14 10 120

5 Rol l ing financia l  audi t servi ces PLAN  240 000 QCBS Prior 15-Jun-11 30-Jun-11 5-Jul -11 4-Aug-11 11-Aug-11 18-Aug-11 17-Sep-11 17-Oct-11 24-Oct-11 7-Nov-11 14-Nov-11 29-Nov-11 6-Dec-11 20-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Apr-12over 4 years  every four months

waiting for  the new service provider to in place  the process  can for an 


Days 14 15 5 30 7 7 30 30 7 14 7 15 7 14 10 1206 Upgrade  of MIS and technica l  support 1 yr w/3 one 

year option PLAN  290 000QCBS or SSS Prior 14-Apr-11 29-Apr-11 4-May-11 3-Jun-11 10-Jun-11 17-Jun-11 17-Jul -11 18-Jul -11 19-Jul -11 20-Jul -11 21-Jul -11 22-Jul -11 23-Jul -11 24-Jul -11 25-Jul -11 26-Jul -11 I yrs

waiting for  TORS from ovc secretariate  MIS desk


TOTAL 2 290 000


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

CT-OVC Procurement Plan-Revised on 14 May,2011 PENDING CONTRACTS CASHFLOW P R OJ ECTS


1 Contract description Cost Est Selection IDA TOR  Request for  Receipt Evaluation  Eva of FP consolidated  Contract  TC  Signing  of ImplementationFY 2009/2010FY2010/FY2011

US$ Method Review Preparation EOI EOI of CVs ?? evaluation Negotiation Approval Contract commencement

2 Selection of individual consultants

Financial consultant central unit (local) 1 yr option PLANNED  60 000 IC-CV's POST


3 M&E consultant for central unit (local 1 yr w/3 one yr optionsPLANNED  60 000 IC-CV's post


4 Other TA consultant for central unit PLANNED  100 000 IC-CV's PRIOR


5 Different studies to review additional programs or servicesPLANNED  110 000 IC-CV's POST


6 Pilot test on alternative payment systems for OVC beneficiaries

 150 000 LCS Y


7Pilot to test new interntion?? and services PLAN  160 000 LCS  Y


8Evaluation of payment systems with field work & questionnaires PLAN  100 000 LCS N 0-Jan-00


Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011

MINISTRY OF GENDER, CHILDREN & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTCT-OVC Procurement Plan For 2011-2012 FY-Revised on 14 May,2011

Contract Description Cost Est US$

Type of contract

Proc Meth IDA Rev Prepare draft BD( Specs)

BD draft and ready

IDA No Objection

Publish SPN issue BDs

Submit/open bids Evaluate bids IDA No Objection

Tender Committee Approval

Notification of award

Signing of Contract

Planned delivery or


Payment to suppliers

Days 14 30 0 2 14 30 0 14 14 14 28 30

PLAN 20 000 G Shopping Post 15-Jan-10 14-Feb-10 14-Feb-10 16-Feb-10 2-Mar-10 1-Apr-10 1-Apr-10 15-Apr-10 29-Apr-10 13-May-10 10-Jun-10 10-Jul-10

ACT N/A N/A furniture delivered awaiting distrubution

DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100

PLAN 100 000 G NCB Post


19-Sep-09 19-Oct-09 19-Oct-09 21-Oct-09 20-Nov-09 20-Dec-09 3-Jan-10 3-Jan-10 17-Jan-10 31-Jan-10 20-Mar-10 28-Jun-10 wating deleveries 

Days 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100

PLAN 260 000 G NCB Post 23-Oct-10 22-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 24-Nov-10 24-Dec-10 23-Jan-11 6-Feb-11 6-Feb-11 20-Feb-11 6-Mar-11 23-Apr-11 1-Aug-11

ACT 28-Feb-11 22-Mar-11 N/A 29-Mar-11 29-Apr-11

starts after approval to utilize savings under for this item and at evaluation stage(NEED UPDATING O PRESENT STATUS)

Days 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100


Procurement of Informayion Technology and copiers EquipmentsLot 1:Computers (65), ups (65) printers (65 + 3HD) laptops (28), cabling and fax machines (10) for district offices 9est. Qty)

Lot 2 :Office Equipments:Photocopiers LIGHTDUTY (8) , HD COPIERS (3) ( 11),fax machines and cabling(11),LCD(2)


Days 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100

11-Sep-11 29-Oct-11 6-Feb-12 Planned To (be) Advetised after approval of the PP1-Jun-11 1-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 14-Aug-11 14-Aug-11 28-Aug-11 200 000 G NCB POST 30-Apr-11 30-May-11 30-May-11

Additional Vehicles for district officesUtility vehicles 10 PICK UPS TRUCKS & 1(4x4 Special Utility Vehicle)


Furnishing for district offices


1 Equipment (i.e. Safe boxes, cameras, etc) for district offices

Aide Memoire: Kenya CT-OVC Programme JRIS Mission, May 9-20, 2011June 15, 2011


CT_OVC Secretariat unit minibus motor vehicle 25 passengers

60 000 G NCB Post 30-Apr-11 30-May-11 30-May-11 1-Jun-11 1-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 14-Aug-11 14-Aug-11 28-Aug-11 11-Sep-11 29-Oct-11 6-Feb-12wiating appoval of(PP and) requistion to procure addition viehicle


Days 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100

6 PLAN 260 000 G NCB Post 3-Jun-11 3-Jul-11 3-Jul-11 5-Jul-11 4-Aug-11 3-Sep-11 17-Sep-11 17-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 2-Dec-11 11-Mar-12

waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat COMM desk( and approval of the PP)


DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 48 100

7 PLAN 30 000 G shopping Post 3-Jun-11 3-Jul-11 3-Jul-11 5-Jul-11 4-Aug-11 3-Sep-11 17-Sep-11 17-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 2-Dec-11 11-Mar-12requition for printing of enrollment materials ( and approval of the PP)


Days 0 14 30 0 2 14 30 0 14 14 0 180

8Second extention of PCK Contract anotherr the first 6 months of cash transfers supported by the WB PLAN 50 000 S SS PRIOR 4-Mar-11 18-Mar-11 17-Apr-11 17-Apr-11 19-Apr-11 3-May-11 2-Jun-11 2-Jun-11 16-Jun-11 30-Jun-11 30-Jun-11 27-Dec-11

Waiting for the start request for extension proccess


DAYS 14 30 0 2 42 90 14 0 14 14 60 1278


Contract with payment agency (post the competitive bidding) for transfer of payments to beneficiaries (for 3.5 yers ) PLAN 1 200 000 S ICB PROIR 14-Dec-09 13-Jan-10 13-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 26-Feb-10 27-May-10 10-Jun-10 10-Jun-10 24-Jun-10 8-Jul-10 6-Sep-10 7-Mar-14

actual 19-May-10 27-May-10 7-Oct-10 18-Nov-10 26-Jan-11 27-Jan-11 4-Feb-11 10-Feb-11CONTRACT NEGOTIATION


DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 14 100

10 Upgrade internet and communications for nat & distr offices 1 year w/3 one Year options PLAN 170 000 S SHOPPING POST 1-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 2-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 29-Oct-11 12-Nov-11 26-Nov-11 5-Mar-12

waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat MIS desk


DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 14 100

waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat MIS desk

11 Upgrade connectivity?? for nat & distr offices 1 year w/3 one year option PLAN 300 000 S

ACT SHOPPING POST 1-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 2-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 29-Oct-11 12-Nov-11 26-Nov-11 5-Mar-12

DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 14 100

waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat MIS desk

12 Communications materials (i.e. radio and TV spots) PLAN 120 000 S SS POST 29-May-11 28-Jun-11 28-Jun-11 30-Jun-11 30-Jul-11 29-Aug-11 12-Sep-11 12-Sep-11 26-Sep-11 10-Oct-11 24-Oct-11 1-Feb-12

ACT waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat COMM desk

Days 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 14 100

13 Hiring of management of griviences and

communication system Planned 110 000 NCB POST 1-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 31-Jul-11 2-Aug-11 1-Sep-11 1-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 15-Oct-11 29-Oct-11 12-Nov-11 26-Nov-11 5-Mar-12

waiting for specifications from OVC secretariat complains committee desk


DAYS 14 30 0 2 30 30 14 0 14 14 14 100

Printing of Assest Manageemt and indentification materials(labbling of assestes ) Planned 30 000 S Shoppling POST 25-Mar-11 24-Apr-11 24-Apr-11 26-Apr-11 26-May-11 25-Jun-11 9-Jul-11 9-Jul-11 23-Jul-11 6-Aug-11 20-Aug-11 28-Nov-11 waitng market suervy


TOTAL 1 680 000

Reproduction of Material:Enrollment materials

Reproduction of Material: Posters, pamphlets, OM (printing)
