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Good Housekeeping‘Chris Dorner/LAPD/Big Bear’ Research and contextualization by: Christian White - [email protected] PART 1. So...The absolutely out of control, quite literally insane events in LA we all just witnessed is already, only days later, an unapologetic clusterfuck of reprehensibly unaccountable law enforcement and journalistic ethics, principles and malaise that is now, post-newtown, a terrifyingly shrill reminder of a systemic cultural cancer feeding back on itself endlessly, looping anxiously between us and the very
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‘Good Housekeeping’‘Chris Dorner/LAPD/Big Bear’ Research and contextualization by:

Christian White - [email protected]


So...The absolutely out of control, quite literally insane events in LA we all just witnessed is already, only days later, an unapologetic clusterfuck of reprehensibly unaccountable law enforcement and journalistic ethics, principles and malaise that is now, post-newtown, a terrifyingly shrill reminder of a systemic cultural cancer feeding back on itself endlessly, looping anxiously between us and the very deliberate filters of safety and security that are empowered to both physically and intelligently insulate and inform our societal culture about a very untenable subject that we simply seem to have lost all logical or empathic understanding of  - ourselves.

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This writhing, possessively existential nihilism, bleeding through our experience as a communal frequency has reached, to me, truly dire proportions. 

I do fear that if EVERY SINGLE one of us were to now soberly and individually comprehend and accept that a truly menacing insanity seems to be writhing its way through our collective consciousness as human beings on a crowded earth, that even if every last one of us, decided one at a time to act towards re-assessing our current course, I still sense that as a WHOLE, we would be, for whatever insidious reason, truly and irrevocably blind to the very same, very obvious - madness.

And that, right there, is a BIG problem. 

Because I think it’s obvious that we, as a leviathan, have gone completely fucking LOCO.

So, how do you combat such an amorphous consideration? Well, I have always been confident that you can only begin to possibly change 'a thing' if you already completely, intuitively understand, as second nature, the thing in question…and I mean, it’s every last understandable bit of minutia. 

You would have to break the thing into sheer atoms over time, studying every particle…

The thing is...something like the LAPD / Dorner narrative is so entirely dense, complex, and, honestly, reflectively

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insane itself, and on all levels, and it is a vulgar insanity, with so, so many moving parts. 

So, where the hell do you start?? 

Well…maybe the devil really is in the details...

So, I was thinking I would simply reduce my scope. Hone in. Pick just one single thread, within the entire tapestry, and I am talking the one solitary thread that once pulled, would possibly, against steep odds, totally unravel the rest...

But...you would absolutely have to pick the exact right thread...because this stuff, and I mean chaotic news stories like Chris Dorner and his war against the LAPD is absolutely life, and most often, death...if you are wrong. 

By even a thread...

So, that said...I have arbitrarily chosen ONE of the MANY, and boy oh boy, there are SO MANY, and I mean COUNTLESS developing discrepancies within the superstructure of a highly crucial, investigative and journalistic methodologies involved in the Chris Dorner/LAPD story, so to simply attempt to focus on the micro in the attempt to expose the fabric, perhaps, of the macro narrative, so obviously now fully and totally confounded into absurdity by both the myriad law

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enforcement agencies investigating it and the media outlets reporting it. 

This is an effort to both deductively and speculatively attempt to make sense of at least ONE piece of a very, very confusing and disturbing puzzle, one that's hard to stare into and study deeply. But, the time is now to find out what we can while the embers still glow orange in the Big Bear Mountains of California and the available relevant information regarding these terrible and deeply important events is as 'intact' as it will ever be...if it ever was at all.

I have chosen to investigate the "mother and daughter maids/housekeepers at the Big Bear Cabin", who were originally reported to have completely accidentally, encountered the fugitive 'rogue cop' Christopher Jordan Dorner, who subsequently took the two women hostage, until eventually one escaped (both alleged women, by the way, are still unaccounted for publicly as far as revealed ID's at the time I am writing this...2/14/13, and supposedly made the call that both alerted LAPD and federal authorities to the Big Bear cabin location, and allegedly Chris Dorner, at what appeared to be the bottom of his very dark, very lonely hole, finally surrounded shot himself in a closet and/or was burned alive, forever bonding with and becoming a part of the very identity of a once humble, peaceful Mountainside Vista resort owned Jim and Karen Reynolds.

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Now, here is where this particular thread begins to unravel into something, well, off.

Upon being questioned, both privately and publicly, by law enforcement and the media about the ordeal, the Reynolds' suddenly and confidently changed the script.

They stated that THEY, themselves, were the two people who had stumbled upon an armed and patiently erratic Chris Dorner. That they were either “checking on the property due to reports of Dorner’s proximity”, or, that they were there to “clean the cabin themselves”…which would be weird enough…and yet…

They then stated that there were NO MAIDS at all. 

The 'maids', Karen Reynolds essentially insisted, did not even EXIST.

And, that the previous extensive reporting was "a simple mistake". 

It was here, that for whatever reason, Jim and Karen Reynolds themselves, in the glare of the bright media lights, and after their “terrible ordeal”, just stepped in and changed the entire paradigm of this whole story. 


Let's say, devil's advocate, that there WERE two 'maids'...a mother and a daughter...And lets speculate that

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they, in fact, DID run into Chris Dorner, as stated and reported, and WERE taken hostage, DID escape and DID notify the proper authorities, leading to the standoff and death of the suspect by the fire set (accidentally or not…) by the authorities....

Wouldn't these two housekeepers be considered one of the most relevant candidates for the $1,000,000 reward the city of LA just seemingly randomly decided to hoist into the gears of this series of already chaotic events?

Because, if so...it would be PRETTY convenient for Jim and Karen Reynolds to thus pragmatically claim it was themselves who were attacked, who survived and then notified authorities, because, after all, these mysterious 'maids' simply did not exist...verrry pragmatic of the Reynolds', and they certainly stepped in post haste, to fill that very void.


I'll throw some supporting links out there, related to this line of investigation...


Ok. First, this account, by the Reynolds’ is pretty much the exact same narrative as previously stated by the "maids", except NOW it is NOT the "maids", but it IS the cabin's owners, who are Jim and Karen Reynolds, operator's of

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the property and residents of San Bernardino county, who, when alerted to the fact that their lucrative Big Bear Lake investment property...


…was apparently directly in the rampage path of a "domestic terrorist" and "trained assassin" (both tributes courtesy of Chris Dorner's former boss, Chief Charlie Peck...) So, of course, the concerned couple sprinted immediately to the Mountain Vista site and, lo and behold, to “clean up” that one particular cabin, remember - literally EXACTLY as the story the 'maids' claimed happened - at which point, they stumbled upon Chris Dorner and were taken hostage...and if you read the account of the 'maids', you have already heard the Reynolds' because it is, AGAIN, the SAME STORY, told by MUCH more reputable, and WILLING "talent". Call it a case of 're-casting', I guess...


Next...The "accidental" and, yet, disturbing, excessive use of deadly force and denial of the 'public safety protocols' in place for forearm discharge (at LEAST 30, yes, THIRTY rounds fired by EACH of the two on site officers at the vehicle) in an overt and recklessly disorganized 'kill matrix', assassination style assault of the Toyota Tacoma

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allegedly driven by the “mother and daughter” LA Times delivery team of Margie Carranza, 47, and her mother, 71-year-old Emma Hernandez. The vehicle, not at all a match for the official APB description of a blue/grey Nissan Titan, and a vehicle in which whose occupant(s) had NOT even been questioned or verified, was literally almost instantaneously riddled with bullets. Both officers seemed, to me, primed from moment one to strike, as if planned, since NEITHER even followed a marginal respect for the basic rulebook of police 101 programming to at least signal back at dispatch for a back up request or permissive deadly force within the 45 seconds it took to go from pull-over to war zone.


“…It's understandable that police would be enraged by Dorner. He openly declared war on all law enforcement officers and embarked on a killing spree specifically aimed at his former colleagues. But how does that justify the actions of the officers who shot into a truck driven by two newspaper carriers, Maggie Carranza and Emma Hernandez? Carranza is a 47-year-old Latina who was driving a blue Toyota with Hernandez, her 71-year-old mother; officers somehow mistook those two women for a burly African American man driving a gray Nissan. And, in their zeal or under the impression that any force would be tolerated in these circumstances, officers fired away, hitting Hernandez twice in the back. Both women lived, testament to the poor aim, not the good judgment, of the officers…”


This is very possible Maggie Carranza, of Solvang, CA….(obv spec…)

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“…The more troubling incident was the shooting in the back of Emma Hernandez, a 71-year-old grandmother who at 5 that morning was slowly driving down suburban streets with her daughter delivering the Los Angeles Times when she was shot in the back as she rode in a pickup truck with her daughter, Margie Carranza, 47. Officers coming up from behind opened fire, not taking one or two shots and then assessing, as they are taught by the LAPD, but unleashing a fusillade.

The LAPD official line is that officers mistook the women’s bright blue Toyota pickup for Dorner’s gray Nissan Titan….”

“…The official LAPD manual says that the “guiding value when using force shall be reverence for human life,” a policy impossible to reconcile with the Feb. 7 shooting. LAPD officers are only authorized to use deadly force when it “reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury….

In the case of moving vehicles:

‘firearms shall not be discharged at a moving vehicle unless a person in the vehicle is immediately threatening the officer or another person with deadly force by means other than the vehicle. The moving vehicle itself shall not presumptively constitute a threat that justifies an officer’s use of deadly force.’…”

This complete, unbelievable dispensation of basic common sense safety consideration, especially seeing as how the Tacoma did not match ANY of the suspect vehicle APB report descriptions AND that this violent, ILLEGAL madness on the part of the police involved, again, was carried out at Redbeam Ave, a highly populated intersection and crosswalk, without again…ANY record or pathway of associative authority or training or deadly force protocols being followed.

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This was, allegedly, two completely unarmed women who received absolutely no warning...A MOTHER and a DAUGHTER, aged 71 and 47, whose supposed only mistake was slowing to a curbside, to deliver newspapers to a residence that happened to be the home of an off-duty cop and his family.

AND, in an odd irony, the women were delivering the daily LA Times, with the story of Chris Dorner's 'war' driving every article on its front page - a continuing news story that they THEMSELVES were now becoming ENTWINED within…

For extra info, here is a link to the LAPD 2008 Use of Deadly Force Year End Report for your interest and perusal...http://lapdonline.org/assets/pdf/2008-year-end-review-uof.pdf...

Also, as an aside, could this possibly be the origin of the supposed flaw in the basic narrative reporting, regarding the notion of a "mother and daughter"? Both the 'maids' as well as the 'LA Times Delivery women' were 'mother/daughter' relations...

Or, perhaps this is just a strange synchronous coincidence? Which DOES happen, at times…


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The revised APB listed the suspect vehicle as : "a blue or grey Nissan Titan with CA plates reading either 8D83987 or 7X09131”...So...let's look at that mother/daughter newspaper delivery vehicle "accidentally" shot almost SIXTY times in less than 90 seconds by two patrol police officers, again, with NO warning, demands, threat, confusion, or cause. Without logical reason or ANY attempts to physically or remotely ID the vehicles occupants...which, in my opinion, sounds suspiciously like the officers on scene and most probably on closed channel dispatch, we're pretty damn sure this was the suspect vehicle and the cop killer fugitive they were looking to pay back....the unspoken rule of blue brotherhood....they were not there to question, detain, or arrest the suspect...looking at the behavior on display, they were assassinating one of their own, with extreme prejudice...

And, if that aint bad enough…

THE LAPD then went ahead and TOOK OUT YET ANOTHER, COMPLETELY INNOCENT VEHICLE 45 MINS LATER…you cannot make this shit up…


“…LA police shot at two latina women delivering newstands this morning during their manhunt for ex police officer, Christ Dorner. Emma Hernandez, 71, was delivering the Los Angeles Times with her daughter, 47-year-old Margie Carranza, when officers apparently mistook their pickup for that of Dorner.

Hernandez was shot in the back, and remains hospitalized in stable condition. Carranza suffered a wound from glass that struck her hand and received stitches.

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Another vehicle was also mistakenly fired upon not far away.

The second incident, which involved Torrance police officers, happened around 5:45 a.m. at Flagler Lane and Beryl Street.

The Torrance officers had apparently heard about the nearby incident, and while en route they encountered a dark pickup that looked similar to Dorner’s.

They opened fire on the pickup. The man who was inside was not hit...”.


“…A second shooting, involving Torrance police officers, occurred about 5:45 a.m. at Flagler Lane

and Beryl Street in Torrance. No injuries were reported in that incident.

Chase said that in both instances police came across vehicles they thought were similar to the one [suspect Christopher] Dorner is believed to be driving. Neither vehicle was Dorner’s.‘Now it appears neither of them are directly related’ he said.

“In both of them, officers believed they were at the time….”

Oh, well then, of course…go ahead and attempt to kill people in a public place on a HUNCH.


That day. Alone.

And, OK, first, since when is GREY a “dark” color??

And, ‘SIMILAR’ or ‘BELIEVED TO BE’ is not good enough when negotiating DEADLY FORCE. No??

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Next, for clarification, let's take a look at the two vehicles that were so readily confused by the responding officers.

First, Here is an image of the "blue/grey Nissan Titan" allegedly driven by Dorner, plus some supporting detail...


Now, compare that to the blue Toyota Tacoma at the scene of the Redbeam Avenue shooting…

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I won't bother to list the differences, as it is obvious that these are NOT the same or even similar vehicles. Again, obvious...Well, to everyone EXCEPT the police officers involved.


And what of the OTHER vehicle, confused for Dorner’s…


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This pickup isn’t even a NISSAN.

And this is not “dark”….this vehicle is BLACK.


“…TORRANCE, CA -- Searching for a fugitive, police have been attacking innocent people driving pickup trucks NOT EVEN THE CORRECT COLOR OF THE SUSPECT

VEHICLE. This is the second such attack. Police rammed this truck off the road and "riddled" it with bullets. You can see the bullet holes in the windshield. The driver was completely innocent and not involved in the case whatsoever…”


At this point, Chris Dorner is the only person involved in this story NOT SHHOTING LIKE A MAD MAN at everyone in sight.

Still with me? Because, guess what? This gets even WEIRDER....


“…Posted 10:06 a.m. A search for accused triple homicide suspect and rogue ex-LAPD cop Christopher Jordan Dorner continued Tuesday in the San Bernardino Mountains, a sheriff's spokeswoman said before 9 a.m. Feb. 12.

"The search area encompasses the 6 square miles of Big Bear Lake and the 25  square miles of the unincorporated area of Big Bear," Jodi Miller of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said.

There's been no confirmed sign of Dorner since Thursday, when he allegedly shot and killed Riverside police Officer Michael Crain in Riverside, and a burned-out Nissan Titan confirmed to be Dorner's was discovered on a forest road near Club View in the Big Bear Lake area…”

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We are to now understand, that all along, while all these other wild shootouts and mistaken id’s were taking place, the REAL Chris Dorner was already 80 miles away at Big Bear Lake torching his own GREY NISSAN TITAN in the middle of a road in broad daylight.

Take that, LAPD.

Why would Dorner do this? Only to desperately carjack about 95 other vehicles??


“…Before dawn, freeway signs lit up statewide with a description of Dorner and his pickup, and a warning that he should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Later that morning, authorities found a burned-out pickup truck near the Bear Mountain ski area in the San Bernardino Mountains. The truck, which had a broken axle, was loaded with weapons and camping gear.Police later confirmed it was the black Nissan Titan Dorner had so religiously buffed and polished…”

Oh. Perfecto. Now, Chris Dorner’s Nissan Titan is BLACK and not GREY. Awesome.Thanks for clearing that all up.Sorry to the dozen or so innocent people that got attempted murdered accidentally…Or not.

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“…They plan to focus on the area where Dorner’s torched Nissan Titan pickup truck was found, as well as the mountains above that.

The truck was found on Thursday off Forest Ford 2N10 and Club View Drive in Big Bear Lake. The area is about a mile away from Bear Mountain.

Footprints were found leading from the truck into the snow. McMahon said it didn’t appear the tracks were headed in any specific direction…”

That’s the funny thing about tracks….and footprints….the WHOLE POINT is that they LEAD YOU SOMEWHERE.

Again, top notch police work, fellas…

"...Just a few hours after police announced Tuesday that they had fielded more than 1,000 tips with no sign of Dorner, word came that a man matching his description had tied up two people in a Big Bear Lake cabin, stole their car and fled. Authorities didn't immediately give more details on the two people...”

“…Jay Hylton told KABC-TV that they were two of his relatives, a mother and daughter pair of housekeepers, who weren't hurt. The Los Angeles Times (http://lat.ms/XKkGt8 ) reported the women surprised Dorner Tuesday, he tied them up and then fled in 'a purple Nissan'...The Times reported that one maid eventually broke free and called 911..."

Ok. So, we have a WHOLE OTHER crime here. Maybe the imaginary/misreported/actual/oh, who the fuck knows “maids” stole the Reynolds’ purple pickup after escaping…or not….(note. heavy. sarcasm.)

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Also, according to Jay Hylton and his “text”, the vehicle the suspect drove off with was…

“Hylton said he was told the car was a maroon, newer model Nissan…”

Now we have the first report of a MAROON Nissan as well…Big Bear is fuckin’ pickup country I guess…

So, where do all these MSM’s get this INFO REGARDING A PURPLE NISSAN belonging TO THE REYNOLDS???

Also, if you simply listen to Jay Hylton’s OWN words (which pretty much NONE of the AP linking articles seem to have done…) …in the abc7 video, in which he originates his quotes, Hylton seems to possibly be talking ABOUT the Reynolds, as his ‘relatives’…(??)

Anyone out there officially able to doc this relation??

AND YET…http://www.kabc.com/common/page.php?pt=Out+of+Tragedy%2C+A+Hero+Appears+and+How+Dorner+Died&id=2232&is_corp=0  “…Updated 9:14 am  2/13/13…BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. (AP) — A string of events that ended with the death of the

man believed to be a wanted ex-Los Angeles police officer started when he encountered a mother and daughter pair of housekeepers at a cabin in the mountains east of Los Angeles.

Family member Jay Hylton told KABC-TV the pair wasn't hurt. The Los Angeles Times reported the women surprised Christopher Dorner Tuesday, he tied them up and then fled in a purple Nissan.

The Times reported that one maid eventually broke free and called 911.

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About a half hour later, the suspect got into gunfights with authorities, one of whom was killed, after barricading himself in a cabin where a charred body was found, along with Dorner's driver's license.

LAPD says its operations are back to normal….”

Wow. I would HATE TO SEE an ‘abnormal’ day of operations for the LAPD…


“…The manhunt brought police to Big Bear Lake, a resort town about 80 miles east of Los Angeles where they found Dorner's burned-out pickup truck abandoned. At some point, heavily armed officers lost his trail…But the fact that police did not find him - even though he may have been just across the street - was shocking to many, but not totally surprising to some experts familiar with the complications of such a manhunt.

"Chilling. That's the only word I could use for that," said Ed Tatosian, a retired SWAT commander for the Sacramento Police Department. "It's not an unfathomable oversight. We're human. It happens. It's chilling (that) it does happen."

Law enforcement officers, who had gathered outside daily for briefings, were stunned by the revelation. One official later looking on Google Earth exclaimed that he'd parked right across the street from the Reynolds' cabin each day.

The Reynolds said Dorner was upstairs in their rental condo Tuesday when they arrived to clean it to rent to vacationers. Dorner, who at the time was being sought for three killings, confronted the Reynolds with a drawn gun, "jumped out and hollered 'stay calm,'" Jim Reynolds said during a Wednesday night news conference.

His wife screamed and ran downstairs but Dorner caught her, Reynolds said. The couple said they were taken to a bedroom where he ordered them to lie on a bed and then on the floor. Dorner bound their arms and legs with plastic ties, gagged them with towels and covered their heads with pillowcases, they said.

"I really thought it could be the end," Karen Reynolds said….”


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Ok, so this guy, Jay Hylton, who has apparently stated that the maids DO EXIST. (or did he?)

And, that he is "related" to them. (or did he?)

So...who are they??? Where are the "mother and daughter maids"???

Look…frankly, the highest probability statistically is, I think, that the adhd-hyperactive media may have fucked this up.

Two points of interest…1) How did the story begin to involve the word

“housekeepers” or “maids”? Also, if this was a discrepancy based on the account that The Reynolds were there to “clean the cabin”, why would they be confused with a “mother/daughter”? AND…IF the Reynolds’ DID know that Chris Dorner was allegedly hiding out in the direct proximity, and a massive federal manhunt was descending upon their rental

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property…WHY THE FUCK would they be rushing to clean it for the NEXT GUEST??

2)Next…wtf is with the reporting of the stolen vehicle? Is it MAROON or is it PURPLE?? I mean it is hard to tell since Jay Hylton, in his ONE widely circulated INTERVIEW VIDEO is misquoted about 300 times…and worse, most of the misquotes are from sources LINKING THE ORIGINAL VIDEO….sigh…..anyway.

BONUS POINT…Do Jim and Karen Reynolds own more investment property in Arrowbear, CA as well…because this might clear up a little of this mess…

And just who is 'Jay Hylton'??

So...'Jay Hylton', is a "local business owner"...ok. Local to where?? Inland Empire? Blue Jay?? Big Bear??? 

This article also quotes 'Jay Hylton'. Pretty neat details in this one piece, if you read closely...


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“…BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. -- The drama that unfolded Tuesday began with two women terrorized by a man believed to be fugitive murder suspect Christopher Dorner.

Relatives say the two women were mother and daughter and they were housekeepers working on a cabin when they were encountered by the suspect. The women were tied up and had their car stolen. One was able to get away and make a call.

Authorities say deputies working the Big Bear area in their search for Dorner responded to the 1200 block of Club View Drive at about 12:20 p.m. for a reported stolen vehicle by a man matching Dorner's description.

RELATIVES. Meaning plural….

Where are these mysterious other relations, excluding the oft-misquoted Mr. Hylton…??

How much you wanna bet…they do not exist.

I continued to bounce around the web and found what I'd bet is Mr. Hylton's "business"...


Very much speculative guess, but obv an educated one. Hmmm…three locations...Inland Empire, Blue Jay and Big Bear...also, interesting that Jay Hylton also has connections to AarowBear, CA...also referenced in another tangent of this Dorner narrative within the "J.Y." 'Accomplice' thread of the Dorner tapestry..."J.Y.", btw, is Jason Young...the alleged 'friend and entrepreneur' mentioned in one version of the Dorner Manifesto...He too,

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supposedly, as reported by the MSM, has 'relatives' who own property in AarowBear...Imagine if Jason Young, Jay Hylton and The Reynolds all were related??

That would be weird….hm.

Here you now see a more detail oriented reference to the 'Reynolds' claiming Dorner stole specifically a "purple nissan"... “…Then, on Tuesday morning, Karen and Jim Reynolds arrived at their townhouse, in the 1200 block of Club View Drive, after having left Thursday when they heard about Dorner.

Dorner held them hostage. “I really thought it could be the end,” Karen Reynolds said at a Wednesday night press conference.

After he immobilized the couple with zip ties and jammed towels in their mouths, Dorner stole their purple Nissan, carrying along with him a sniper rifle with a silencer, a pistol, some smoke grenades, and a survival pack, the official said.

Karen Reynolds was able to get free after 20 minutes and call the police, telling the operator that the suspect looked like Dorner…”


I mean, really though, look at these two terrified “hostages”……

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They. Look. Devastated.

Or not.

And then there was this mess….


"A Department of Fish and Wildlife warden first noticed a driver matching the fugitive's description driving on Highway 38 at about 12:45 p.m. near Glass Road. The warden then called for backup and three additional CDFW wardens in two separate trucks began pursuing the driver, said Lt. Patrick Foy, with CDFW...

Foy said the man was driving a purple Nissan -- which he may have commandeered from the two captives -- when he was first spotted by the CDFW warden. The

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driver crashed the Nissan before carjacking a white pickup truck, Foy said." 


So, wait...NOW...ANOTHER pickup truck. This time white.


So, the “purple pick up truck” flees erratically past the officers, careening by a schoolbus in a reckless escape attempt…and YET a moment later, a “white pick up truck”, also driven allegedly by Chris Dorner, flies BACK DOWN THE ROAD AGAIN, DIRECTLY BACK INTO the path of the very same officers he was recklessly trying to flee a moment before???


Chris Dorner…trained assassin, domestic terrorist and NOW…expert carjacker…well…pickuptruckjacker.

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Yet, apparently, this HIGHLY DECORATED Navy Vet, aint much of a tactician….(sarcasm noted?)

However, one silver lining for Dorner regarding the white pick up he is driving right back into the line of his pursuer’s fire…

ANOTHER public gunfight!


And then there’s this guy – ‘Ranger Rick Heltebrake’.

And, his dog - Suni.

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Man, I hope that dog gets to have a gunfight.

He looks like a real piece of work!

http://redlands.patch.com/articles/boy-scout-ranger-faces-dorner-and-lives#photo-13362101 “…Possibly the last person to speak with killing spree suspect Christopher Dorner was 'Ranger Rick' Heltebrake, a year-round manager at Boy Scout Camp Tahquitz.

It was on the road of the camp owned by Long Beach Area Boy Scouts that Heltebrake and his Dalmatian Suni came upon the most wanted man in America. And he let them walk away.

Authorities say Dorner was possibly armed with firepower that penetrates cars and body armor and can hit targets 20 football fields away. Moments after he trained a rifle at Heltebrake, police say Dorner, 33, engaged in a shoot-out that left a San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy dead, another wounded and a burned down cabin, where he is thought to have perished.Had Heltebrake worn his special event olive green uniform, "the outcome definitely could have been different," he said. That was about as reflective as Heltebrake, 61, got in describing his escape from the accused killer.

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"People keep asking me how am I dealing with it? It's over and he's dead and I have to go plow snow tomorrow," said the man known as 'Ranger Rick' …”

Or consider this harrowing account…


“And he just kind of came out of the snow at me with his gun at my head….I stopped, put my hands up,” he recalled…

“He said, ‘I don’t want to hurt you. Just get out and start walking up the road.’…He looked at my dog who was in the passenger seat, said take your dog and just start walking.”

Heltebrake complied, and started walking up the road with his hands up.

“I got a little ways up the road, out of his sight, and not more than 10 seconds later, I heard a loud round of gunfire,” he said. “Ten to 20 rounds maybe.”

What he heard was an exchange of gunfire between Dorner and Fish and Wildlife officers.

As Dorner sped off in Heltebrake’s pickup, he encountered two Department of Fish and Wildlife trucks, authorities said.

Dorner rolled down his window and fired 15 to 20 rounds, authorities said. One of the officers jumped out and shot a high-powered rifle at the fleeing pickup.

Dorner then abandoned the vehicle and took off on foot. Police said he ended up in the Seven Oaks Mountain Cabins.

According to Heltebrake, Dorner seemed “pretty calm” during their encounter. He said Dorner had a long, assault-rifle type gun.

“Didn’t see, you know, wild eyes or anything like that. He just pointed the gun at me and said I don’t want to hurt you and start walking…I came face to face with a killer. Now that killer is dead, we can move on with our lives,” he said….

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Well, I’ll plow and all but…aahhhh…first…what about that, ahh, 1mil reward??




http://abcnews.go.com/US/legal-loophole-1m-dorner-reward-paid/story?id=18506414"…Arguably, city law is broad enough to allow payment to persons who assisted in the "identification, apprehension OR arrest and conviction" of a suspect," Metaljan said in an email [emphasis his]. If the city decides to honor the reward, there are still multiple steps before a claimant can be paid…”

Oh, poop. Sounds like it’s gonna be a while…

To sum up, let’s see here…to qualify for the 1mil reward (that I am sure never existed at all…) all you need is the ‘identification, apprehension, arrest and/or conviction’, so, in other words…since you don’t see anything in the not-so fine print regarding ‘illegally, reckless and almost ritualistically MURDERING the suspect with firebombs without due process’…expect to hear that all of you claimants for that 1mil reward can go fuck yourself…BIG surprise, there………tbc in part 2….

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