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knowsleycentral.co.uk  · Web viewCelebrate the Harvest. Festival. Advent. Christmas Story. Art....

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English Spellings and Handwriting. Phonics. Punctuation and Grammar. Stories with repeating patterns. Labels, lists, signs & posters. Nursery rhymes and traditional rhymes. Stories in familiar settings. Information texts. Patterns and rhyme in poetry. Seasonal writing e.g. Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas. Science Light and Sound Sound (Half Term 1) To identify sounds they like and dislike. To explore a range of musical instruments and the sounds they make. To associate certain sounds with certain areas: looking at images and predicting what sounds may be heard. To take part in a ‘sound quiz’ by asking children to listen to a tape containing familiar sounds e.g. a car, engine, birds singing, children singing, a piano playing, footsteps, a tap running and to identify what they are. To investigate the sounds different things make inside a bottle e.g. rice, pasta. To explore loud and quiet sounds. To understand how the volume of sounds can be changes. Science Light and Sound Light (Half Term 2) To name some common light sources. To understand that light is important to see things. To recognise light and dark places in the classroom/school. To investigate what happens when the Sun goes behind a cloud. To identify that when the Sun goes down it goes dark. To investigate an object in a dark box. To investigate the use of torches in a dark place. To draw on black paper with chalk, glitter and shiny collage paper a bonfire/firework picture. Test this picture in the dark area, can they see the picture in the dark? Maths Addition and Subtraction. Multiplication and Division. Number and place value. Money. Time. Shapes. Fractions. Doubling and halving. Data. Measure. Class Sycamore PSHE To communicate basic greetings e.g. please/thank you/sorry using word signs or symbols. Know how to greet others appropriately To name my friends. To know what makes a good friend. To be able to share with my friends. Geography (Half Term 1) I belong to my school To investigate my new surroundings and familiarising myself with my new classroom. Finding key places and areas around school (Toilet, hall, playground, sensory room, head teachers History (Half Term 2) What is my birthday month? To begin to order the months of the year. To know the month of their birthday/what season it falls in. To know how many birthdays they have had. Use chronological language (last year, RE Recognise Christian symbols/words. To know Christians pray in a church. Visit a church in the community. Celebrate the Harvest. Festival. Advent. Christmas Story. Autumn Curriculum 2020/21 I belong
Page 1: knowsleycentral.co.uk  · Web viewCelebrate the Harvest. Festival. Advent. Christmas Story. Art. Emotional Self Portraits. To name the primary colours. To look in a mirror and create

English Spellings and Handwriting. Phonics. Punctuation and Grammar. Stories with repeating

patterns. Labels, lists, signs & posters. Nursery rhymes and

traditional rhymes. Stories in familiar settings. Information texts. Patterns and rhyme in

poetry. Seasonal writing e.g.

Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas.

ScienceLight and Sound

Sound (Half Term 1) To identify sounds they like

and dislike. To explore a range of

musical instruments and the sounds they make.

To associate certain sounds with certain areas: looking at images and predicting what sounds may be heard.

To take part in a ‘sound quiz’ by asking children to listen to a tape containing familiar sounds e.g. a car, engine, birds singing, children singing, a piano playing, footsteps, a tap running and to identify what they are.

To investigate the sounds different things make inside a bottle e.g. rice, pasta.

To explore loud and quiet sounds.

To understand how the volume of sounds can be changes.

ScienceLight and Sound

Light (Half Term 2) To name some common light

sources. To understand that light is

important to see things. To recognise light and dark

places in the classroom/school.

To investigate what happens when the Sun goes behind a cloud.

To identify that when the Sun goes down it goes dark.

To investigate an object in a dark box.

To investigate the use of torches in a dark place.

To draw on black paper with chalk, glitter and shiny collage paper a bonfire/firework picture. Test this picture in the dark area, can they see the picture in the dark?

Maths Addition and Subtraction. Multiplication and Division. Number and place value. Money. Time. Shapes. Fractions. Doubling and halving. Data. Measure.

Class Sycamore PSHE To communicate basic

greetings e.g. please/thank you/sorry using word signs or symbols.

Know how to greet others appropriately

To name my friends. To know what makes a good

friend. To be able to share with my

friends.Geography (Half Term 1)

I belong to my school To investigate my new

surroundings and familiarising myself with my new classroom.

Finding key places and areas around school (Toilet, hall, playground, sensory room, head teachers office etc)

Using signs and symbols around school.

To simple follow directions.

History (Half Term 2)What is my birthday month?

To begin to order the months of the year.

To know the month of their birthday/what season it falls in.

To know how many birthdays they have had. Use chronological language (last year, next year).

To know other special events in certain months (Halloween, Bonfire night, Christmas).

To look at what they played with when they were little and games they played (looking at old photographs).

To sort events or objects into groups (e.g. then and now).

RE Recognise Christian

symbols/words. To know Christians pray in a

church. Visit a church in the

community. Celebrate the Harvest.

Festival. Advent. Christmas Story.

ArtEmotional Self Portraits

To name the primary colours. To look in a mirror and create different emotions. To add key features to a face to show different

emotions. To create a face using pliable materials. To describe the texture of materials. To create a textured self-portrait. To use scissors to cut thicker textures. To use scissors to cut straight lines with more

independence. To cut a photograph of themselves in half and

draw the missing half.

DTChristmas: Making Christmas Cards/ Making Christmas decorations

To collect materials required. To draw around a simple template. To cut material with scissors. To fold and roll paper. To join objects using glue and tape. To identify what they like about their work.

Autumn Curriculum

2020/21I belong

Page 2: knowsleycentral.co.uk  · Web viewCelebrate the Harvest. Festival. Advent. Christmas Story. Art. Emotional Self Portraits. To name the primary colours. To look in a mirror and create

To draw around shape templates to create a feelings face.

Artist Study: Paul Klee. To create a self-portrait in the style of Paul Klee. To begin to review own work.

ComputingWe are photographers (Half Term 1)

Pixlr. Snapseed.

We are celebrating (Half Term 2) Clicker 7. 2 Paint A Picture. Fresh Paint. Brushes Redux. Sketchbook Express.

PE (Half Term 1)Taught by an external specialist.

Music (Half Term 2)Taught by an external specialist.
