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SAMANTA CHANDRASEKHAR (AUTONOMOUS) COLLEGE, PURI Submitted by: Rajendranath Behera Roll no:-20204031 Under the Guidance of Prof, N.C Jena
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Submitted by:Rajendranath Behera

Roll no:-20204031Under the Guidance of

Prof, N.C JenaLecturer in Commerce

S.C.S (A) College, Puri

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This is to certify that the candidate Rajendranath Behera of +3 Final Year Commerce, Honors having Finance was working under my supervision and guidance for his project work. His project work entitled “FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS OF MICROSOFT” which is submitting in his genuine and original work.

Signature of H.O.D Signature of GuidePlace: Puri Prof.N.C.JenaDate: Senior Faculty Dept of Commerce


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At the prime outset , I am privi leged to

acknowledged encouragement and guidance provided to

me by Prof N.C Jena, Lecturer of Commerce S.C.S (A)

Col lege, Puri , which enable me to f inish this study

properly, I am great ly indebted to him for permitt ing to

under take this study.

My sincere thanks to al l my fr iends, whose thoughts

and insights help me in furnishing my knowledge and

understanding of this project.

At last my sincere to my parents to have backing

support me on my way.

Rajendranath Behera


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+3 Final year Commerce College Roll no:-304C186 Exam Roll no:-20204031


I do hereby solemnly declare that the project work


is submitted by me is part ial ful f i l lment of the Final year

Commerce Degree having Finance as Honors in S.C.S (A)

Col lege, Puri is my own original work and has not been

submitted ear l ier to S.C.S (A) Col lege, Puri or any other

Inst i tution for the ful f i l lment of the requirement for any

course of study .

I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in

whole or part is l i f ted and incorporated in this report form

my any earl ier work done by me for others.

Place:-Puri Signature of Candidate Date: - Rajendranath Behera +3 Final year Commerce College Roll no:-304C186


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Exam Roll no:-20204031









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Microsof t prov ides sof tware and serv ices that help

people communicate, do thei r work, be enter ta ined, and manage

thei r personal l ives. Over the past 30 years, innovat ive

technology has t ransformed how we access and share

in format ion, changed the way of businesses and inst i tu t ions

operate, and made the wor ld smal ler by g iv ing us instant access

to people and resources everywhere.

Microsof t was founded in 1975 and remains a leader in

the wave of innovat ion that has created so much new

oppor tuni ty , convenience, and value over the past three

decades. Dur ing that t ime, Microsoft has created many new

products, added new l ines of business, and expanded thei r

operat ions wor ldwide. A long the way, Microsof t was guided by

thei r corporate miss ion and the s ix core values i t re f lects-and

wi l l cont inue to guide us in the future.

Microsof t is commit ted to being a responsib le industry

par tner, work ing wi th businesses, communi t ies, and governments

to help advance socia l and economic wel l -being and to enable

people around the wor ld to real ize thei r fu l l potent ia l . Microsof t ’s

commitment and responsib i l i t ies as a global corporate c i t izen are

grounded in thei r company miss ion and values, mani fested

through thei r business pract ices and operat ions, and carr ied out

by thousands of Microsof t employees and suppl iers wor ldwide.

Microsof t ’s Global Ci t izenship In i t ia t ive is organized

around three themes, or s trategic concepts, which form the

foundat ion of thei r c i t izenship act iv i t ies wor ldwide:

Responsib le Business Pract ices, 7

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Secur i ty and Internet Safety,

Bui ld ing a Knowledge Economy.

Each of these themes is fundamental to Microsoft `s

business. Microsof t organize thei r Global Ci t izenship In i t ia t ive

th is way to help ensure i ts business st rategies fu l ly support thei r

commitment to corporate governance, business eth ics, and

g lobal c i t izenship


So far as Microsof t is concerned the object ive is to f ind

out the whole fund investment and i ts area of investment

inc luding i ts fu ture analys is , which wi l l ass is t in compar ing

the other sof tware agencies. Now some of the object ive of

Microsof t re lat ing to th is pro ject is as fo l lows.

To f ind out the total Investment of the


To f ind out the rate of progress.

To f ind out the ut i l izat ion of fund.

To know the sources of fund generated.

To know the ut i l izat ion of excess fund.

To assess the rate of income in earning on



The scope of the pro ject “F inancia l Statement Analys is

of Microsof t ” is to carryout the min imum analys is over i ts present

progress. At the same t ime th is project a lso conta ins the prof i t


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analys is as wel l as some part o f f inancia l aspect of the

organizat ion. The Microsof t wi l l g ive more importance over i ts

s t ructura l progress. Now, some analys is char ts of Microsof t are

as under .

Selected f inancial data, stock price information and

issuer purchases of equity securi t ies.

Income Statement.

Balance Sheet.

Cash f low Statement.

Stock Holder’s Equity Statement


The informat ion and data have been col lected main ly

f rom secondary sources. Though informat ion col lected for the

pro jects are f rom the Microsof t Head Off ice in One Park

Centra l Tower in A lbuquerque, USA and Microsof t Off ice at

Bangalore. The secondary data have been col lected f rom

var ious magazines, newspaper, catalogue, companies’

brochure, adver t isement out lay, f r iends f rom chart rooms and

d i fferent l inks. Most in format ion has been col lected f rom

Microsof t websi tes, Microsof t agents and Shareholders.


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At the last instance, I t ry my best to col lect adequate

data for complet ing a l l the aspect of Financia l Condi t ion of

MICROSOFT in a col lect ive manner. Though, i t is a t ime

consuming process, which wi l l carry more resul t -or iented

in format ion to the organizat ion. But to some extent I t r ied my

a l l e ffor t to make i t best inspi te of my fo l lowing l imi tat ion.

Due to f ina l exam there is no suff ic ient t ime provided for

preparat ion of pro ject work

Lack of suff ic ient magazines and publ icat ion.

Lack of co-operat ion of off ice staff .

Inadequacy f inancia l condi t ion

Unable to have Author izat ion, requi red for log in to

Microsof t D i rector`s Desk


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Brief History Microsof t was founded on 1975 by Bi l l Gates and h is

f r iend Paul Al len, A l len was an employee of Honeywel l and Bi l l

Gates was a sophomore at Harvard. Gates and Al len created a

s imulator on a DEC PDP-10 computer that a l lowed i t to emulate

the MITS machine. Work ing day and n ight , they created the f i rs t

vers ion of MICROSOFT BASIC for the Al ta i r . Their object ive: to

create a s impl i f ied computer language for teaching students how

to program. Af ter Successfu l Complet ion of thei r pro ject Paul

Al len jo ins MITS (Micro Inst rumentat ion and Telemetry Systems)

as Director of Sof tware. , and Gates fo l lows h im later that year

to form an in formal par tnership cal led Micro-sof t , complete wi th


On November 1, 1975 Paul A l len res igns f rom MITS to

jo in Microsof t fu l l t ime. On November 26, the t rade name

"Microsof t " is registered wi th the Of f ice of the Secretary of the

State of New Mexico " to ident i fy computer programs for use in

automat ic data processing systems; pre-programming

processing systems; and data processing serv ices inc luding

computer programming serv ices." The appl icat ion says that the

name has been in cont inuous use s ince November 12.

On November 29, 1975 in a le t ter to Paul A l len, B i l l Gates

uses the name "Micro-sof t " to refer to thei r (60/40) Partnership

wi th a Revenue of $16,005 and 3 Employees (A l len, Gates, and

Ric Wei land).MITS promotes Al ta i r BASIC, the computer

language developed by Gates and Al len for the Al ta i r computer.


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On July 1 1976, Microsof t ref ines and enhances BASIC to

sale to other customers inc luding DTC, General E lectr ic , NCR,

and Ci t ibank. Microsoft develops i ts f i rs t ad campaign, ca l led

"The Legend of Micro-Kid." Al though st i l l an in formal

par tnership, Microsof t moves to i ts f i rs t real of f ices in One Park

Centra l Tower in Albuquerque. Gates returns to Harvard for the

spr ing term, but f inds t ime to d i rect Microsof t in i ts ef for ts to

l icense BASIC to General Elect r ic , NCR, Ci t ibank, and others.

Ti l l the date Revenue was increased to $22,496and the number

of employees was extended to 7.

On February 3 1977, a par tnership agreement between

Paul Al len and Bi l l Gates is of f ic ia l ly executed. Their main

product is s t i l l BASIC, but i t 's t ied up wi th MITS, which has

agreed to make a "best ef for t " to l icense i t to other companies.

Bi l l Gates and Paul A l len shared the t i t le of general partner

unt i l 1977, when Bi l l Gates became president and Paul A l len

v ice president of Microsof t Corporat ion wi th Revenue of

$381,715 and 9 Employees (Steve Wood, Bob Wal lace, J im

Lane, Bob O'Rear , Bob Greenburg, Marc McDonald, Gordon

Letwin, B i l l Gates, Andrea Lewis, Mar la Wood & Paul Al len) .

Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, one of the Contenders

of Microsof t s tands as a chal lenging compet i tor . They

in t roduces the Apple I personal computer, for only

$666.66.Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak bui ld the f i rs t s ingle

c i rcu i t board PC complete wi th v ideo in ter face and 8K of RAM

and a keyboard out of the garage and in to the h is tory book.

Another compet i tor IBM ar ises wi th a cheaper personal

computer for ind iv idual . In 1981 Microsoft r ides the wave of


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the IBM PC wi th vers ions of BASIC, COBOL, and Pascal . Steve

Jobs of Apple v is i ts Microsof t to g ive a sneak preview of the

revolut ionary Macintosh computer. Microsof t becomes the f i rs t

major company to develop products for the Mac.

On June 25, 1981 Microsoft reorganizes into a pr ivate ly

held corporat ion wi th Bi l l Gates as President and Chairman of

the Board, and Paul A l len as Execut ive V ice President.

Microsof t becomes Microsof t , Inc. , an incorporated business in

the State of Washington wi th Revenue of $16,000,000 and 128

Employees. In 1982 Revenue increases to $24,486,000 wi th 220

employees. In 1985 Microsof t in t roduces a new wide select ion of

min i -appl icat ions of sof tware packages:-

MS-DOS Execut ive


Cardf i le





Revers i (a s t rategy game)

Contro l Panel

PIF (Program Informat ion Fi le) Edi tor

Pr int Spooler

Cl ipboard

RAM Drive

Windows Wri te

Windows Paint


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which increases i t Revenue to $140,417,000 wi th 910

employees. Now Microsof t sh ips i ts one-mi l l ionth uni t of

Mul t ip lan.

On Apr i l 2 1987, Microsof t announces Microsof t

Operat ing System/2 (MS OS/2) a new personal computer

operat ing system. I t has been designed and developed

speci f ical ly to harness the capabi l i t ies of personal computers

based upon the Inte l 80286 and 80386 microprocessors. I t is

p lanned for phased re lease to OEMs in the four th quar ter of

1987. This is the f i rs t product to be announced as a resul t o f

the Joint Development Agreement between IBM and Microsof t

announced in August , 1985. T i l l now Microsof t has expanded

h is Business to Massive f igure hold ing about 60% of USA

Capi tal .


As of June 30, 2006, Microsof t has employed

approximate ly 71,000 people on a fu l l - t ime basis, 44,000 in the

Uni ted States and 27,000 internat ional ly . Of the tota l , 28,000

were in product research and development , 21,000 in sales and

market ing, 13,000 in product suppor t and consul t ing serv ices,

2,000 in manufactur ing and d is t r ibut ion, and 7,000 in general

and administration. Its success is highly dependent on its ability to

attract and retain qualified employees. None of its employees are

subject to collective bargaining agreement .


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Microsoft corporate offices consist of approximately

11.0 million square feet of office building space located in King

County, Washington: 8.5 million square feet of owned space that

is situated on approximately 500 acres of land it own in its

corporate campus and approximately 2.5  million square feet of

space it lease. Microsoft own approximately 533,000 square feet

of office building space domestically (outside of the Puget Sound

corporate campus) and lease many sites domestically totaling

approximately 2.7 million square feet of office building space.

Microsoft occupies many sites internationally, totaling

approximately 6.9 million square feet that is leased and

approximately 883,000 square feet that is owned. These facil ities

include its European Operations Center that leases an 187,000

square foot campus in Dublin, Ireland, a 56,000 square foot disk

duplication facility in Humacao, Puerto Rico, and a 159,000

square foot facility in Singapore for the Asia Pacific Operations

Center and Regional headquarters.

Leased office building space includes the following locations:

Tokyo, Japan 408,000 square feet; Unterschleissheim, Germany

381,000 square feet; Les Ulis, France 262,000 square feet;

Reading, England 241,000 square feet; and Mississauga, Canada

161,000 square feet. In addition to the above locations, it has

various product development facilities, both domestically and

internationally, as described in “Operations” above. Microsoft

facilities are fully used for current operations of all segments, a


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suitable additional space is available to accommodate expansion


Microsoft own 63 acres of land in Issaquah, Washington,

which can accommodate 1.2 million square feet of office space

and it has an agreement with the City of Redmond under which it

may develop an additional 2.2 million square feet of facilities at its

campus in Redmond, Washington.


Competitors to the Microsoft Office system include many

software application vendors such as Apple, Corel, Google, IBM,

Novell, Oracle, Red Hat, Sun Microsystems, and local application

developers in Europe and Asia. IBM (SmartSuite) and Corel

(WordPerfect Suite) have measurable installed bases with their

office productivity products. Apple may distribute certain of their

application software products with various models of their PCs.

The OpenOffice.org project provides a freely downloadable cross-

platform application that also has been adapted by various

commercial software vendors to sell under their brands, including

IBM, Novell, Red Hat, and Sun. Corel’s suite and many local

software suites around the world are aggressively priced for OEMs

to preinstall on low-priced PCs. In addition to traditional client-

side applications, Web-based offerings such as AjaxWrite,

gOffice, iNetOffice, SimDesk, ThinkFree, wikiCalc, or other small

projects competing with individual applications, can also provide


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an alternative to Microsoft Office system products. Google has

announced spreadsheet and word processing applications as web-

based offerings and also provides an enterprise search offering

that competes with SharePoint and the new enterprise search

product. IBM has many different points of competition with Office

system products with its Notes and Workplace offerings. As

Microsoft continue to respond to market demand for additional

functionality and products, it compete with additional vendors,

most notably in enterprise content management, collaboration

tools, unified messaging, and business intelligence. These

competitors include WebEx, and a number of business intelligence

vendors such as Business Objects, Cognos, and Hyperion.

Microsoft competition varies based upon the size and

geographic location of the customer for whom it is competing. It

competes with well-known vendors such as Intuit and Sage in the

market focused on providing solutions for small and mid-sized

businesses. The market for large organizations and divisions of

global enterprises continues to be intensely competitive with a

small number of primary vendors including Oracle and SAP.

Additionally, these large enterprise-focused vendors are

repositioning some of their business applications to focus on small

and mid-sized businesses. Microsoft believe its products compete

effectively with these vendors based on its strategy of providing

integrated, adaptable solutions that work like and with Microsoft

technologies its customers already have. .


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On August 18, 2006, Microsof t announced that the

author izat ion for the ongoing share repurchase program,

previously announced on July 20, 2006, had been increased by

approximate ly $16.2 b i l l ion. As a resul t , the company is

author ized to repurchase addi t ional shares in an amount up to

$36.2 b i l l ion through June 30, 2011.


(In millions, except per share data)                  

Fiscal Year Ended June 30   2006   2005   2004  

Revenue    $ 44,282   $39,78

8   $36,83


Operating income      16,472    14,56

1     9,034  

Net income      12,599    12,25

4     8,168  

Diluted earnings per share    $ 1.20   $ 1.12   $ 0.75  

Cash dividends declared per share    $ 0.35   $ 3.40   $ 0.16  


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(In millions, except per share data)                  

Fiscal Year Ended June 30   2006   2005   2004  

Cash and short-term investments      34,161    37,75

1    60,59


Total assets      69,597    70,81

5    94,36


Long-term obligations      7,051     5,823     4,574  

Stockholders’ equity      40,104    48,11

5    74,82


Microsof t common stock is t raded on the NASDAQ Stock

Market under the symbol MSFT. On August  18, 2006, there were

148,993 registered holders of record of our common stock. The

h igh and low common stock pr ices per share were as fo l lows

Quarter Ended Sep. 30 Dec. 31 Mar. 31 June 30 Year

Fiscal year 2005             

Common stock price per share:             

High $29.00 $29.9

8 $ 26.84 $26.0

7 $ 29.98

Low $26.88 $26.5

3 $ 23.92 $24.1

2 $ 23.92

Fiscal year 2006             

Common stock price per share:             

High $27.7

6 $28.1

6 $28.1

5 $27.7

4 $28.1


Low $24.6

5 $24.3

0 $26.2

8 $21.5

1 $21.5



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Stockholders ’ Equi ty of the Notes to F inancial Statements for

in format ion regarding d iv idends approved by our Board of

Di rectors in f iscal years 2006 and 2005.

On July  20, 2006, Microsof t announced the complet ion of the

repurchase program approved by i ts Board of Di rectors on

July  20, 2004, to buy back up to $30 b i l l ion in Microsof t

common stock. The repurchases were made using our cash

resources. Microsof t repurchased common stock in each

quar ter of f iscal year 2006 as fo l lows:

PeriodTotal number of

shares purchasedAverage pricepaid per share

July 1, 2005 – September 30, 2005 114,134,218 $ 26.54

October 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005 283,112,246 $ 27.08

January 1, 2006 – March 31, 2006 180,720,830 $ 27.00

April 1, 2006 – June 30, 2006 175,609,060 $ 23.78

Common stock repurchases in the fourth quarter of f iscal year

2006 were as fo l lows


(a) Total number of

shares purchased

(b) Averageprice paid per


(c) Total number  of shares

purchased as part of publicly

announced plans or programs

(d) Maximum number of shares (or approximate dollar value) of shares

that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs (in


April 1, 2006 – April 30, 2006 38,041,415 $ 27.08 38,041,415 $ 5,394

May 1, 2006 – May 31, 2006 8,618,036 $ 24.37 8,618,036 $ 5,184


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(a) Total number of

shares purchased

(b) Averageprice paid per


(c) Total number  of shares

purchased as part of publicly

announced plans or programs

(d) Maximum number of shares (or approximate dollar value) of shares

that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs (in


June 1, 2006 – June 30, 2006 128,949,609 $ 22.76 128,949,609 $ 2,249     






On July  20, 2006, i t announced that i ts Board of Di rectors

author ized two new share repurchase programs: a $20 b i l l ion

tender of fer which was completed on August  17, 2006; and

author izat ion for up to an addi t ional $20 b i l l ion ongoing share

repurchase program wi th an expi rat ion of June  30, 2011.

Under the tender of fer , i t repurchased approximate ly 155

mi l l ion shares of common stock, or 1.5% of i ts common shares

outstanding, for approximate ly $3.8 b i l l ion at a pr ice per

share of $24.75.



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(In millions, except per share amounts)    

Absolute Change

in $

Percentage Change


Year Ended June 30 2006 2005

Revenue $ 44,282 $ 39,788 4494 11.29

Operating expenses:    

Cost of revenue 7,650 6,031 1619 26.84

Research and development 6,584 6,097 487 7.98

Sales and marketing 9,818 8,563 1255 14.65

General and administrative 3,758 4,536 (178) (3.92)

Total operating expenses 27,810 25,227 2583 10.23  

Operating income 16,472 14,561 1911 13.12

Investment income and other 1,790 2,067 (277) (13.40)

Income before income taxes 18,262 16,628 1634 9.82

Provision for income taxes 5,663 4,374 1289 29.46

Net income$

12,599 $ 12,254 345 2.81

Earnings per share:    

Basic$    1.21 $     1.13 0.08 7.07


1.20 $     1.12 0.08 7.14

Weighted average shares outstanding:    

Basic 10,438 10,839 (401) (3.69)

Diluted 10,531 10,906 (375) (3.43)

Cash dividends declared per common share$ 0.35

$     3.40(3.05) (89.70)

. From the above Income Statement analys is I f ind that the

tota l operat ing expenses had a t remendous increase of $2583 24

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mil l ion wi th a 10.23% of change, the revenue increased f rom

$39788 mi l l ion to $44282 mi l l ion wi th an Absolute change of

$4494 Mi l l ion wi th 11.29% of change. Where as the net income

f rom al l sources is just increased to $345 mi l l ion. The earn ing

per share has an increase of 7.07% and 7.14% whereas the

weighted average share outstanding is reduced to 3.69% and




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(In millions)    

Absolute Change

in $

Precentage Change%

June 30 2006 2005


Current assets:    

Cash and equivalents $   6,71

4 $ 4,851 1863 38.40

Short-term investments (including securities pledged as collateral of $3,065 and $-) 27,447 32,900 (5453) (16.57)

Total cash and short-term investments 34,161 37,751 (3590) (9.50)

Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $142 and $171 9,316 7,180 2136 29.74

Inventories, net 1,478 491 987 201.01

Deferred income taxes 1,940 1,701 239 14.05

Other 2,115 1,614 501 31.04

Total current assets 49,010 48,737 273 0.56

Property and equipment, net3,044 2,346 698 29.75

Equity and other investments 9,232 11,004 (1772) (16.10)

Goodwill 3,866 3,309 557 16.83

Intangible assets, net 539 499 40 8.01

Deferred income taxes 2,611 3,621 (1010) (27.89)

Other long-term assets 1,295 1,299 (4) (0.30)

Total assets $ 69,597 $ 70,815 (1218) (1.72)

Liabilities and stockholders’ equity    

Current liabilities:    

Accounts payable $ 2,909 $ 2,086 823 39.45

Accrued compensation 1,938 1,662 276 16.60

Income taxes 1,557 2,020 (463) (22.92)

Short-term unearned revenue 9,138 7,502 1636 21.80

Securities lending payable 3,117 — 3117 100

Other 3,783 3,607 176 4.87

Total current liabilities 22,442 16,877 5565 32.97

Long-term unearned revenue 1,764 1,665 99 5.94

Other long-term liabilities


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(In millions)    

Absolute Change

in $

Precentage Change%

Year Ended June 30 2006 2005


Net income $ 12,599 $ 12,254 345 2.81

Depreciation, amortization, and other non cash items 903 855

48 5.61

Stock-based compensation 1,715 2,448 (733) (29.94)

Net recognized gains on investments (270) (527) 257 (48.76)

Stock option income tax benefits – 668 (668) (100)

Excess tax benefits from stock-based payment arrangements (89) – (89) -

Deferred income taxes 219 (179) 398 (222.34)

Unearned revenue 16,453 13,831 2622 18.95

Recognition of unearned revenue (14,729) (12,919) (1810) 14.01

Accounts receivable (2,071) (1,243) (828) 66.61

Other current assets (1,405) (245) (1160) 473.46

Other long-term assets (49) 21 (70) (333.33)

Other current liabilities (145) 396 (541) (136.61)

Other long-term liabilities 1,273 1,245 28 2.24

Net cash from operations 14,404 16,605 (2201) (13.25)



Common stock issued 2,101 3,109(1008) (32.42)

Common stock repurchased (19,207) (8,057)(11150) 138.38

Common stock cash dividends (3,545) (36,112)32567 (90.18)

Excess tax benefits from stock-based payment arrangements 89 – 89 100

– (18) 18 -27

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(In millions)    

Absolute Change

in $

Precentage Change%

Year Ended June 30 2006 2005


Net cash used in financing (20,562) (41,078)20516 (49.94)



Additions to property and equipment (1,578) (812)(766) 94.33

Acquisition of companies, net of cash acquired (649) (207)(442) 213.52

Purchases of investments (51,117) (68,045)16928 (24.87)

Maturities of investments 3,877 29,153(25276) (86.70)

Sales of investments 54,353 54,938(585) (1.06)

Net proceeds from securities lending 3,117 –3117 100

Net cash from (used in) investing8,003 15,027 (7024) (46.74)

Net change in cash and equivalents 1,845 (9,446)11291 (119.53)

Effect of exchange rates on cash and equivalents 18 (7)25 (357.14)

Cash and equivalents, beginning of period 4,851 14,304(9453) (66.08)

Cash and equivalents, end of period $   6,714 $   4,8511863 38.40


(In millions)    

Absolute Change

in $

Precentage Change%

Year Ended June 30 2006 2005


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(In millions)    

Absolute Change

in $

Precentage Change%

Year Ended June 30 2006 2005

Common stock and paid-in capital    

Balance, beginning of period$

60,413 $  56,396 4017 7.12

Common stock issued 1,939 3,223 (1294) (40.14)

Common stock repurchased (4,447) (1,737) 3310 (190.55)

Stock-based compensation expense 1,715 2,448 (733) (29.94)

Stock option income tax benefits/(deficiencies) (617) 89 (706) (793.25)

Other, net 2 (6) 8 (133.33)

Balance, end of period$


60,413 (1408) (2.33)

Retained earnings (deficit)    

Balance, beginning of period (12,298) 18,429 (30727) (166.73)

Net income 12,599 12,254 345 2.81

Other comprehensive income:    

Net gains/(losses) on derivative instruments 76 (58) 134 (231.03)

Net unrealized investments gains/(losses) (282) 371 (653) (176.01)

Translation adjustments and other 9 (6) 15 (250)

Comprehensive income 12,402 12,561 (159) (1.26)

Common stock cash dividends (3,594) (36,968) 33374 (90.27)

Common stock repurchased (15,411) (6,320) (9091) 143.84

Balance, end of period (18,901) (12,298) (6603) 53.69

Total stockholders’ equity$


48,115 (8011) (16.64)

From the Balance sheet I conclude the there is decrease

tota l cash and shor t - term investment , the f igure reduces f rom


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$37756 mi l l ion to $34161 mi l l ion wi th a 10.5% of decrease,

whereas the tota l current assets has increase of $273 mi l l ion.

But the tota l current l iab i l i ty has been increased $16877 mi l l ion

to $22442 mi l l ion wi th a tota l change of $5565 mi l l ion and

75.2% in change where as the stock holder ’s equi ty has been

t remendously reduct ion of $8011 mi l l ion. But overa l l the balance

sheet shows net decrease of $1218 mi l l ion f rom the perv ious

year . The statements are not sat is factory according to me, but I

th ink there must be some hidden reserve, investment

or some gains kept secrete which is not furn ished for va luat ion

of s tatement .

PERFORMANCE GRAPH The char t below compares the f ive-year cumulat ive tota l

return, assuming the re investment of d iv idends, on Microsof t

common stock wi th that of the S&P 500 Index and the

NASDAQ Computer Index. This graph assumes $100 was

invested on June 30, 2001, in each of Microsoft common

stock, the S&P 500 companies, and the companies in the

NASDAQ Computer Index.

Microsof t management caut ions that the stock pr ice

per formance shown in the graph below should not be

considered indicat ive of potent ia l fu ture stock pr ice

per formance.

C O M P A R I S O N O F 5 Y E A R C U M U L A T I V E T O T A L R E T U R N S

A M O N G M I C R O S O F T C O R P O R A T I O N , T H E S & P 5 0 0 I N D E X A N D T H E N A S D A Q C O M P U T E R I N D E X


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      Cumulative Total Return       6/01      6/02      6/03      6/04      6/05      6/06  

Microsoft Corporation    100.00   74.93   70.48   78.93   77.07   73.25

NASDAQ Computer Index    100.00   90.10   70.13   98.36   93.62   99.03

S&P 500 Index    100.00   82.01   82.22   97.93   104.12   113.11

Ratio Analysis(in millions) 2005 2006

1 Current Ratio Current Asset Current Liability

4873716877 =2.8877 49010

22442 =2.184

2 Quick Ratio Liquid AssetCurrent Liability

4493116877 =2.662 43477

22442 =1.937

3 Absolute Liquid Ratio Cash & Bank + Securities Current Liability

3775116877 =2.326 9779

22442 =0.435

4 Stock turnover Ratio Sale Inventory

85633806 =2.249 9818

5633 =1.742

5 Capital Turn Over RatioSale--------------------------X 100Capital Employed

856370815 X100=12.092 9818

69597 X100 =14.108

Comment : - From the above rat io analys is that the current rat io

of the company is qui t sat is factory in the year 2006 but not in

2005 because the rat io should l ies wi th in the standard l imi t of

2 :1 but in the year 2006 i t is just above the standard l imi t which


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can be ignored but in 2005 the rat io largely exceed the standard

l imi t , which means the company is inef f ic ient in proper

ut i l izat ion of fund.

Acid test rat io or the Quick rat io on the other hand is

qui t more the normal s tandard of 1:1, in the year 2005 the

company holds more than the standard l imi t which means the

f i rm has not ut i l ized the funds, in 2006 the f i rm has

mainta ined the standard l imi t by keeping the rat io by 1.937:1

which is just good enough than the previous year 2005.

Absolute l iqu id rat io or Cash rat io is s l ight ly low in the

year 2006 (0.436:1) whereas the accepted standard is 0.5.

But in the year 2005 the f i rm has 2.326:1 as absolute rat io

which means the holds a large amount of cash and secur i t ies

in hand and unable to ut i l ize the funds.

Inventory turnover rat io or the stock turnover rat io

Capi ta l turn over rat io is increased by 2.016%,

which means the company is ef f ic ient and i t ut i l i zes i ts

resources ef fect ive ly .


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Summary & Finding From this pro ject report I got to know Microsof t ’s f inancia l

posi t ion, investments p lan, l iqu id i ty posi t ion, so lvency

posi t ion, prof i tabi l i ty rat io , net income, tota l assets and

l iab i l i t ies, income f rom al l possib le operat ions, consider ing

income statement , balance sheet and cash f low statement

inc luding the comparat ive statement analys is of 2005-2006.

The total operat ing expenses has increase by $2583 mi l l ion

wi th a rat io increase 10.23% and net income increase to

$12599 mi l l ion. Whereas tota l current assets increased by

$273 mi l l ion wi th 0.58%. The deta i l analys is and observat ion

has been ment ioned below.



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From the above analysis I have observed that the company is

passing through many up and downs in the middle of the previous

year but some how the company manage to control the total return

at the end of the period. But in the year 2006 the company tota l

operat ing expenses had a t remendous increase of $2583 mi l l ion

wi th a 10.23% of change, the revenue increased f rom $39788

mi l l ion to $44282 mi l l ion wi th an Absolute change of $4494

Mi l l ion wi th 11.29% of change. Where as the net income f rom al l

sources is just increased to $345 mi l l ion. The earn ing per share

has an increase of 7.07% and 7.14% whereas the weighted

average share outstanding is reduced to 3.69% and 3.43%. But

there is decrease total cash and short - term investment , the

f igure reduces f rom $37756 mi l l ion to $34161 mi l l ion wi th a

10.5% of decrease, whereas the tota l current asset has an

increase of $273 mi l l ion. But the tota l current l iabi l i ty has been

increased $16877 mi l l ion to $22442 mi l l ion wi th a tota l change

of $5565 mi l l ion and 75.2% in change where as the stock

holder ’s equi ty has been t remendously reduct ion of $8011

mi l l ion. But overal l the balance sheet shows net decrease of

$1218 mi l l ion f rom the perv ious year. The statements are st i l l

not sat is factory according to me, but I th ink there must be some

hidden reserve, investment or some gains kept secrete which is

not d isc losed or declared for va luat ion of s tock and income of

the year 2006


Microsof t has t remendously increased the per capi ta income of

the company in 2006 up to $12599 mi l l ion wi th a net increase of

$345 mi l l ion and wi th 2.81% of increase, but in 2006 the


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company’s investment income is great ly reduced $277 mi l l ion

wi th a net fa l l o f 13.4% f rom the previous year 2005. The

company should t ry to mainta in a posi t ive f igure towards

investment income by safe guarding the invested amount in

proper way. Microsof t should g ive more at tent ion towards shot-

term investments inc luding secur i t ies

I suggest that Microsof t should expand i ts business to

hardware manufactur ing and assembl ing. Though Microsof t is

one of the sof tware agencies, i t should t ry to hold a posi t ion in

hardware product ion and than Microsof t wi l l become the Global

Leader in overal l IT sector .

At last I suggest to the management of Microsof t to

improve thei r investment by imposing new pol ic ies, p lans as

wel l as other funds. Par t icular ly , the long-term investment

a lso increased dur ing the 2005-06. In a basic analys is I want

to suggest the management to improve the rate of growth

Conclusion Microsof t is one of the leading Software agency and

remains on top among other sof tware agencies, creat ing a

new dimension for the next generat ions’ technology.


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From the above study I conclude that Microsof t has

re lat ive ly h igh earned revenue in an increasing order wi th an

average net growth rate of 9% to 18% and wi th a net income

increases every year wi th every new product and product

update launch, s ince last decades. Microsof t a lways kept i ts

pol ic ies of product assurance and so as of i ts shareholders.

From th is pro ject repor t I found that the Microsof t wi l l

increases i ts amount of investment in a speed way. Microsof t

a lso generates new system even in the f i rm’s product ion.

Here; the long- term investment a lso increases to a h igh by the

end of 2006. No doubt in f iscal year 2007, I expect double

d ig i t revenue growth pr imar i ly as a resul t o f the upcoming

launches of Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsof t Of f ice

system. I est imate wor ldwide PC shipments wi l l grow between

8% and 10% and PC uni t growth rates wi l l be h igher in the

consumer segment than in the business segment and h igher in

emerging markets than in mature markets. I est imate

wor ldwide server uni t sh ipments wi l l grow between 10% and

12% in f iscal year 2007 as compared to f iscal year 2006. I do

not expect a s igni f icant impact f rom year-over-year fore ign

currency exchange rates in f iscal year 2007.


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REFERENCE1 . M e l l o n I n v e s t o r S e r v i c e s P . O . B o x 3 3 1 5 S o u t h H a c k e n s a c k , N e w J e r s e y 0 7 6 0 6 - 1 9 1 5

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2 . I n v e s t o r R e l a t i o n s M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n O n e M i c r o s o f t W a y R e d m o n d , W a s h i n g t o n 9 8 0 5 2 - 6 3 9 9

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3 . m s f t @ m e l l o n i n v e s t o r . c o m

4 . C a l l ( 4 2 5 ) 7 0 6 - 4 4 0 0 .

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6 . M i c r o s o f t H e l p D e s k

7 . M i c r o s o f t S h a r e H o l d e r ’ s R e p o r t s

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