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Lesson #3 - The Power of Your Word to Create, Manifest and Decree Welcome to Lesson 3 Gorgeous Sisters! I wanted to start of by saying how much I love this sacred group and each one of you. You are the light of the world and thank you for showing up as you are! Also, a gentle reminder that if you have not completed your Soul-Tie Ceremony, please stop reading this and go back to Lesson #2 to schedule time to read the lesson and have your Ceremony. Once completed, come back here and pick up on Lesson #3. It is such an integral part of this journey that I do not want you to miss doing this powerful ceremony. Okay.... so for this lesson’s love letter from Spirit to you — it is all about teaching you about the immense power within you! Yes sister! You have the power to create so much with your words. They can be medicine or they can be poison. The can create and lift or they can destruct and tear down. You saw the power of this when you invited Spirit and God to be part of your Soul-Tie Ceremony as you DECLARED OUT LOUD with your words, what you wanted to be casted out of your mind, body and soul. Your willingness, your conviction, your intention and the power of your tongue moves mountains along with God. It was a team effort. You and your inner guide.
Page 1: brittaaragon.com€¦  · Web viewLesson #3 - The Power of Your Word to Create, Manifest and Decree. Welcome to Lesson 3 Gorgeous Sisters! I wanted to start of by saying how much

Lesson #3 - The Power of Your Word to Create, Manifest and Decree

Welcome to Lesson 3 Gorgeous Sisters! 

I wanted to start of by saying how much I love this sacred group and each one of you. You are the light of the world and thank you for showing up as you are! 

Also, a gentle reminder that if you have not completed your Soul-Tie Ceremony, please stop reading this and go back to Lesson #2 to schedule time to read the lesson and have your Ceremony. Once completed, come back here and pick up on Lesson #3. It is such an integral part of this journey that I do not want you to miss doing this powerful ceremony. 

Okay.... so for this lesson’s love letter from Spirit to you — it is all about teaching you about the immense power within you! Yes sister! You have the power to create so much with your words. They can be medicine or they can be poison. The can create and lift or they can destruct and tear down. 

You saw the power of this when you invited Spirit and God to be part of your Soul-Tie Ceremony as you DECLARED OUT LOUD with your words, what you wanted to be casted out of your mind, body and soul.  Your willingness, your conviction, your intention and the power of your tongue moves mountains along with God. It was a team effort. You and your inner guide. 

Do you see how powerful you are? 

Do you see that you have an inner physician. And teacher. A holiness....

Do you see that you are the light of the world? 

Lesson 3 is about learning how to activate the power of your light and holiness within you via:  

1) your spoken word

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2) the vibration of your voice 3) the conviction you have when you speak 4) and the power to speak and create 

The Bible reminds us over and over again of how powerful our words are and how we can use them to create life (all that you desire) of death (all fears and imitations). If we go back to the beginning of creation, we see a great example of the power of words. God spoke and things began to happen. The entire universe, including man was created by the word of God. We see a reoccurring theme on how God spoke a word....and then there was! 

Because God created us and as ACIM tells us in Lesson 35 “My mind is part of God’s mind. I am very Holy”, we too have the power to speak and create!!!

Words can either build up or tear down ones existence. The level of satisfaction, peace and abundance in our lives is directly connected to what we think and speak out of our mouths. If our communication is characterized by doubt and fear, we will see those things manifest in our lives. The consequences of your words will begin to show up in your life. Your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental positioning will be the story!!  

Our mind is part of God’s, think about it, when we speak of a thing, God’s power comes in and actualizes it. This is too much power to handle carelessly sisters!! 

There is a level of responsibility that comes with such power. Wooohooo!!! Do you realize this? You are so powerful! And with that comes learning how to use it to create a whole new world for yourself. 

The Bible tells us that we can “decree” a thing and it will be established on to us and the light shall shine upon our ways (Job 22:28). Here is scripture that affirms our ability to create the kind of life that we desire through the creative power of our words. 

Decree: an official order released by legal authority. 

So in essence, as children of God, we have the power to release orders into the atmosphere based upon legal authority that has been delegated to us!! Wooohoooo! 

We have been delegated legal authority in the earth realm. We can speak a thing and see it manifest. And you have the power with your word to bless the world, as Lesson 37 in ACIM tells us “My holiness blesses the world”. And I love this line from the course; in Lesson 38 “there is nothing my holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it”. 

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Yessss! Your holiness is your light. Your power. And using your spoken word to channel that power to change your life, create, bless and elevate is simply incredible! 

You are simply that powerful my dear! 

Now on to the vibration of your spoken word, this quote sums it up nicely: 

“The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always ‘pulling the strings’ himself, though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices he begins to attract” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn 

The best advice I got from my ACIM teacher was to read the lessons out loud. Which is what I have asked you to do with Lesson 33 and 50 in the first couple weeks. 

There is a vibration that will awaken the truth in your cells, heart and soul! 

Since it was the own sound of your own voice that made the world you live in today (not enoughness, doubt, lack, fear, grievances etc,) it is the sound of your voice which will undo it as well! 


No one else can do it for you. You have to be the one who does it. This is one of those places where God is waiting for us to make the move. This one is on our side to take action on. Remember he won’t do for us what we must do for ourselves but he will do for us everything we cannot do! 

Read that again please.....    yesssss!!! 

So the sound of your voice might have created the narrative of: “I am a woman, I live in California, I am a teacher, I have a mother” etc. and then it goes on to sound like this “life is hard, why isn’t there ever enough time. I am fat. I have no money. I can’t afford that. He is annoying me. I am so exhausted” and on and on...

These might be your private thoughts... yet ACIM tells us there are no private thoughts. 

Your thoughts, just like the spoken word, have power and you will receive the effects of them in your life. They emanate energy that creates even if unspoken. There are no private thoughts. PERIOD.  

First you think them, then you speak them, then you see your world created in their power. 

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Your world mirrors what you think and say!!!! 

Words of light, truth, love and abundance will all VIBRATE through you and start to dismantle and dissolve the false old narratives. 

Add conviction, think about what you are saying and really mean it


Instead of saying all the things you used to say “I am sick. I have no money. I am all alone. I am worthless”. We start to move into this journey with so much passion, vigor, excitement and aliveness by saying “I have everything!!! I am Spirit. I am everything”. 

Vibrate that medicine. Choose that medicine. Let it bathe in you until the mind is trained on its own to say it like a gentle mantra. 

Watch how fast the picture of your world changes. You have the power within you. 

What’s needed for this week’s journey: 

1) POWER BLESSING PAUSE (10 minutes) 

Action for the week:  

Do a 10-minute journal entry ritual which we are calling “Power Blessing Pause”! Set a timer for 10 minutes and do this ritual twice before we meet again for our next call. You want to do this as a sacred ritual....Praising and acknowledging all the abundance that has come to you this week or up until now. Play the Devi Prayer in the background and use your essential oils as you do this and start to feel into and lean into —- What has gone right? What miracles keep occurring? What blessings are coming in that I am not focusing enough energy on because I have been so focused on what I still need to do or get or have or become? Slow down for 10 minutes, there is no where to go or be. Breathe. Listen to the vibration of mantra from Devi prayer and write until the timer is done. Train yourself to bathe in abundance and practice feeling like the richest woman alive in these 10 minutes. Rich in miracles, love, money and blessings. And then read out loud to yourself and bask in the blessings that are here right now. Fully concentrate and feel the vibration of the blessings. Be with it. Feel it in all your veins. The aliveness. The abundance. The expansiveness. Be with it. Nurture it. Appreciate it. Ego is always wanting to distract you from seeing that life is now and that you are already blessed. Bring back your focus to the blessings that are here now. No where to go or get to. You have arrived. It’s now. It’s here. Will you

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honor yourself to feel and appreciate it with 2 rituals that you can schedule over the next couple weeks? Include the Devi Prayer and essential oils to support this experience to anchor and rewire you. The blessing is here. Power-pause to be with it. You are the luckiest woman alive. Can you pause to see and feel it? 


Action for the week:  

Continue to connect with your prayer sisters on your WhatsApp/text thread and use it as a lifeline!! Stay committed. Consistent. And pray both morning and night for 2-3mins each time!! Your mission and purpose ARE TOO VALUABLE not to

stay prayed up!!!   

If you want different you must do different! Even if you don’t believe that the prayers can come true. Pray!!! Just keep praying! It’s God’s job to do what you cannot do. It’s not your job to figure it out. It’s His. Also pray for the willingness to have the tenacity to keep praying for your circle when ego wants you to forget to skip it. Again, consistency and discipline. And share the miracles that are happening on your thread or on the FB page! 

3) “HELL NO! I am taking my life back” box

Action for the week:  

If you haven’t already, create a simple “HELL NO!!! I TAKING MY LIFE BACK” box (shoe boxes are great for this) and keep cut-up pieces of paper and a pen beside or inside the box. Any time the old narrative wants to speak (or has spoken) catch yourself and cancel the thought. Then, like a spiritual warrior, instead speak life into what you want to create. Knowing you have the power to decree and declare and manifest!! You have a responsibility with your spoken word now. You know this now! So put any doubts, fears, people who are taking space in your mind that you are gossiping/obsessing about, situations, anything and that is taking your peace — write it down, put it in the box and say out loud “hell no! Not anymore. I am taking my life back. This has no power over me! And insert your declaration here ________________”. What will that declaration over your life be this week? Use this box often to declare and decide that it’s not going to win anymore. You have spent enough time and energy in that place. Not anymore. It ends here. Today. With you!!  Let this ritual support you and make it fun. Put it where you can see it often so it’s a reminder to empty out the garbage in the mind, release it on paper and then an opportunity to speak and declare something out loud. We are creating new habits here!! 


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Action for the week:  

Keep listening daily! This step is very important.  Make sure that you do this for the next 14 days after your ceremony. Stay consistent! When you break a tie (And God has lifted this tie) you will experience emptiness whether it’s immediately or 2 days later or a week or month later. But it will come. Trust me! We are wired to connect and attach. The most important thing here is to now fill up with God’s love. You can listen to this more than once a day if you need to but most definitely once a day or when you feel disconnected. This is your medicine now. Hold steady with this. Stay disciplined. Changes will happen. Major ones. And watch how this transforms your heart and soul. You are creating a daily habit of filling with the right source making this tie a thing of the past. Listen to this meditation daily until Lesson #4. Next steps around this will be given afterward. 

Well... That’s all for Lesson 3! Your next lesson will be delivered to your inbox December 9th, so plenty of time to practice, integrate and take it slow. Do not let yourself fall behind. We are practicing the skills of consistency and discipline throughout our 4 months together. If you can be trusted with little, you can be trusted with more. Your next call will be Wednesday December 4th at 1pm est. 

We are starting to go into neutralizing money in the Lesson #4. For now, focus on the power of your spoken word, your thoughts and declare and decree what you want create and manifest. Stay in conviction and come to believe that you are so powerful. And so it is. 

Let’s do this beautiful souls! 

Wishing you a blessed week full of miracles and see you on the FB page! 

Much love

B  x  
