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MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -2 CLASS – X RESOURCE MATERIAL REQUIRED E content with you tube. First Flight SYLLABUS TO BE COVERED A Letter to God GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Read the given lesson/poem from your reader online if you don’t have the book. Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it. Send a scanned copy/image of the worksheet on the class email id that we’ve been using. 1
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RESOURCE MATERIAL REQUIRED E content with you tube. First Flight


A Letter to God

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Read the given lesson/poem from your reader online if you don’t have the book.

Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it.

Send a scanned copy/image of the worksheet on the class email id that we’ve been using.

Paste the completed worksheet in your English notebook to be submitted when the school reopens.


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Worksheet 2

A Letter to God

Instructions: Read the story carefully first and then answer the following questions in the worksheet.

Date of Submission- 20 April 2020

Mode of Submission- Online (Note: on the class e-mail address, submit the scanned copy/image of your worksheets)

Theme of the Unit

It is a story of hardworking farmer Lencho. It shows his firm faith in God. The story also

gives a message that at times generosity may not be not recognised but one should still

practice it and keep faith in God rooted firm.

Answer the following questions in 30 words each:

Q.1 What made Lencho write a letter to God?

Q.2 Describe Lencho's attitude towards man and God.

Q.3 Justify the ending of the story? Do you find it ironical? If yes, how?


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Q. 4 Write a letter to God about the difficult time you ever had and how a miracle could help

you. How was your problem solved?

Write the letter in your notebook.

MGD Girls' School , JaipurHome Study Assignment-2

Class -10 Subject-Hindi

सामान्य नि�र्देश: i. छात्राए ँहि�ंर्देी नि�षय के लि�ए 2 �ोटबुक ब�ाएगँी ।   ii.�क शीट काय प��ी �ोटबुक में निकया जाएगा । iii.�ोट बुक(पुरा�ी अथ�ा �ई)/पुरा�ी कॉपी के पेज नि�का� कर भी ब�ाई जा सकती �ै। iv.काय पूर्ण कर�े की नितलिथ :  20/04/2020 v.Important Link www.cbse.nic.in vi. www,hindikunj.com vii. www.kopykitab.com viii.Download NCERT/CBSE Book: class10 hindi

हि�ंर्देी पाठ्यपुस्तक- क्षि2नितज -2 (NCERT) कृनितका -2 व्याकरर्ण हि�ंर्देी �क शीट �ंबर-2                                         बा�गोनिब� भगत


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प्रश्न संख्या 1-5 के के रिरक्त स्था�ों की पूर्तितं कीजिजए तथा 6-10 तक के उत्तर 4-5 पंलिक्तयों में र्देीजिजए।1. बालगोबिबन भगत पाठ के लेखक का नाम _______________है l  2. बालगोबिबन भगत___________ पंथ पर आस्था रखते थ ेएवं बालगोबिबन भगत _______ को अपना ___________मानते थ ेl3. बालगोबिबन भगत _____________नहीं, गृहस्थ थ ेl4.भगत के परिरवार मे ___________,____________ थ ेl5.प्रातःकाल में गाए जाने वाले गीतों को _______________कहते है ?6. हिहंदी के महीनों के  नाम क्रम से लिलखिखए।7.बालगोबिबन भगत की चारिरबि.क बिवशेषताए ँलिलखिखए l .8. पाठ के आधार पर समझाइए बिक साधु की क्या-क्या बिवशेषताए ँहोती हैं? 9..भगत ने अपने बेटे की मृत्यु पर  अपनी भावनाए ंबिकस तरह व्यक्त की?10. आप बिकस आधार पर कह सकते हैं बिक बालगोबिबन भगत में एक अचे्छ समाज सुधारक के गुण भी बिवद्यमान थ े। ____Subject Enrichment Activity/बिवषय समृद्दता गबितबिवधिध_____

प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘बालगोबिबन भगत’ में कई ऋतुओं का संुदर लिच.ण बिकया गया है आप उन मौसमों का नाम और उनकी कोई दो बिवशेषताए ँलिलखते हुए उनके लिच. अपनी नोटबुक में बनाइये/लिचपकाइए l


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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Read lesson number 2 « Apres le Bac » »Topic Le Futur Antérieur & Plus que parfait from lesson 4 from eBook « Entre Jeunes 2 » Above mentioned topics are taught in zoom classes. 2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper and must show when school reopens.3. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to their respective class email ids.4. Name and section to be written on top right side corner of the worksheet.5. Last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April, 2020. 6. Students can ask their queries related to the topics via email ids given below.7. Class – 10 D+E [email protected] Class -10 F+G [email protected]

WORKSHEET 2 Subject: - French Class :X 1. Complétez avec le plus que parfait: a. Quand je suis arrivée au cinéma, le film ______(déjà commencer) b. Elle ____(mettre)son chapeau neuf qu’il a acheté hier. c. Rahul a réfléchi qu’il a _____(oublier) a la maison. d. Tu es devenu médecin car tu as beaucoup travaille. e. Ma mère ____(faire)du ménage et âpres elle s’est reposée 2. Complétez avec le futur antérieur : a. Quand J’_____(finir) mon travail j’irai au cinéma. b. Mes étudiants ____(Apprendre)le futur antérieur avant la fin de ce mois. c. Lorsque (when) son père____(sortir), il parlera au téléphone. d. Tu ____(manger)lorsque nous _____(passer) chez toi. e. Quand Marie _____(recevoir)son diplôme, elle retournera a l’université.

3. Qui est-ce / Qu’est-ce que c’est ( Ils sont connus pour ?)


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Claude Monet

Le Corbusier

La Sorbonne

Edourde Philippe


काय -पनित्रका-2 (2020-21)क2ा – 10

नि�षय-संस्कृतसामान्य - नि�र्देशाः 1.अभ्यासकायK दिदये गये इ लिलङ्क् से पढ कर कायKप.क (worksheet ) हल करे | E link - www.extramarks.com2.सभी कायKप.क एक लघु उत्तरपुस्तिस्तका में हल करे | बिवद्यालय खुलने पर उन्हे जांचा जाएगा | 3.कायK पूरा करके लिशक्षिWका को whatsapp पर लिच. 20/4/2020 तक दिदखाने है |


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Mail id - [email protected]____________________________________________________________________

नि�षय :- समयः

1. कालबोधकशब्दैः अधोलिलखिखत-दिदनचयाKयां वा पूरयत - (क)अहं प्रातःकाले 6:30 वादने.................जागरणं करोधिम I(ख) अहं 6:45 वादने ..................व्यायामं करोधिम l(ग) अहम् 7:15 वादने .........................बिवद्यालयं गच्छाधिम I(घ) 2:00 वादने ........................... बिवद्यालयस्य अवकाशः भवबित I


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(ङ) 8:30 वादने ........................... अहं भोजनं करोधिम l 2.समयानुसारं समुलिचत उत्तरं बिवकल्पेभ्यः लिचत्वा लिलखत –1. सीता (5.00 ) ..................वादने उक्षित्तष्ठबित l (अ) साधK पञ्च (ब) सपाद पञ्च (स) पञ्च (द) पादोन पञ्च 2. सः (7.15)..........................देवालयात् आगच्छबित l(अ) साधK सप्त (ब) सपाद सप्त (स) सप्त (द) पादोन सप्त 3.अधोदताबिन लिच.ाक्षिण दृष््टवा अनुवादकाय` कुरुत-1. बालक बिपता के साथ जाता है l

...................................................................l 2. हमें प्रातः जल्दी उठना चाबिहए l

...........................................................................l 3. माता भोजन पकाती है l

........................................................................l 4.माता बालक को दूध बिपलाती है l



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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1. Read the chapter- PROBABILITY/ CHAPTER 15 from the NCERT book (download

the chapter from the link given below) https://vaga.study/pdf/nc/jema/ncjemach15.pdf

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.3. Write your name, class, section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are

doing your assignment.4. Click a clear picture using ‘camscanner’(or any similar app). Rename the file as ‘your

name-assignment-<number>: subject’ and attach it as a pdf document to mail id.5. The last date of submission of assignment is 20th April, 2020.6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email

ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section7. For eg: If your name is Aditi Sharma in class X-F, you will send the file as -

ADITI SHARMA_WORKSHEET-1_X-FSend the PDFs to respective class email id mentioned below:[email protected] - FOR CLASS [email protected] - FOR CLASS [email protected] FOR CLASS [email protected] FOR CLASS [email protected] FOR CLASS [email protected] FOR CLASS [email protected] FOR CLASS X-G



1. In a throw of coin, find the probability of getting a tail.

2. In a throw of a die, find the probability of getting


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(i) an even number(ii) a number less than 5(iii) a number greater than 4(iv) a number between 3 and 6

3. In a throw of a die, find the probability of getting(i) the number 4(ii) the number 2 or 3(iii) a prime number

4. In a simultaneous throw of two coins, find the probability of getting(i) two heads (ii) at least one head (iii) no head

5. In a simultaneous throw of two coins, find the probability of getting(i) at most one head (ii) exactly one head (iii) no tail

6. A bag contains 5 white, 6 red and 4 green balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. What is the probability that the ball drawn is(i) green? (ii) white? (iii) non-red?

7. A bag contains 5 black, 3 red and 7 white balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. What is the probability that the ball drawn is(i) white? (ii) red? (iii) not red? (iv) red or white?

8. Three unbiased coins are simultaneously tossed. What is the probability of getting(i) at least two head (ii)at most two heads (iii) exactly two heads

9. It is known that a box of 200 electric bulbs contains 16 defective bulbs. One bulb is taken out of at random from the box. What is the probability that the bulb drawn is (i)defective? (ii) non-defective?

10. 250 lottery tickets were sold and there are 5 prizes on these tickets. If kunal has purchased one lottery ticket, what is the probability that he wins a prize?

11. 15 cards numbered 1,2,3,4,…15 are put in a box and mixed thoroughly. A man draws a card at random from the box. Find the probability that the number on the card is(i) an even number (ii)a prime number (iii) divisible by 3 (iv)divisible by 2 and 3

12. Tickets numbered 2,3,4,5….100,101 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly. One ticket is drawn at random from the box. Find the probability that the number on the ticket is (i) an even number (ii) a number less than 16 (iii)a number which is a perfect square (iv) a prime number less than 40


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13. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of drawing(i) an ace (ii) a ‘4’ of spades (iii) a ‘9’ of a black suit (iv) a red king

14. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability that card drawn is not a face card.

15. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability that card drawn is a black face card.

16. A card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 playing cards. Fins the probability that the card drawn is neither a red card nor a black king.

17. A child has a cube with one letter written on each face. The letters written are respectively A,B,C,D,E,C. The cube is thrown once. What is the probability of getting (i) B? (ii) C?

18. A bag contains 4 white and some red balls. If the probability of drawing a red ball is double that of drawing a white ball, find the number of red balls in the bag.




GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Chapter: Electricity .Concept : Ohm’s Law.2. Link for performing the practical online :Visit www.olabs.edu.in3. Write the following practical in a separate file.( A single file needs to be maintained

for Bio,Phy and Chem .In case you cannot arrange a file just go through the simulation and note the readings in a notebook and plot a graph as described in the procedure)

4. You may use your google email id to log in .5. On the home page go to class Physics tab6. Scroll down to Class X7.  Proper introduction to each experiment is given through the ‘Theory tab’.   There is

also an online procedure for each of the experiments under the 'Procedure' tab that gives detailed step by step instructions on how to perform the experiment in a traditional lab and also how to use the simulator.  The Animations help you gain understanding of how to perform the experiment with hints and tool tips that show measurements, working of the equipment and other relevant information.  The 'Video' tab shows the video of the experiment as done in a traditional lab.  The Simulation can be used to perform the experiment interactively. The experiment can be


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performed by clicking on the 'Simulation' tab and following the step-by-step instructions as given in the ‘Procedure’ tab. Check the result obtained.

8. Click a clear picture using camscanner of work done in practical file (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-II : PHYSICS and attach it as a pdf document to mailid given below as per your class

9. The last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April, 2020. 10. Send your completed work at the following email id

XA- [email protected] B- [email protected] C- [email protected] D- [email protected] E- [email protected] F- [email protected] G- [email protected]

Subject: -Physics Class -X

Date of Submission :20 th April 2020

AimTo study the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it and determine its resistance. Also, plot a graph between V and I.TheoryOhm’s lawIn an electric circuit, the potential difference V across the metallic wire is directly proportional to the current flowing through the circuit with a constant temperature. This is known as Ohm’s law.V∝I. ∴ V=IR.{Where R=Resistance}Following are the factors affecting resistance:

1. The nature of the resistor.2. With an increase in length, the resistance also increases. So length also affects the

resistance.3. With an increase in cross-sectional area, the resistance decreases. So cross-sectional

area of the wire affects the resistance.Materials RequiredBattery eliminator, insulated copper wire,key, ammeter,voltmeter,rheostat,resistor, piece of sandpaperProcedure

1. Arrange the devices as shown in the circuit diagram.2. Connect the devices with the connecting wires keeping the key open.3. The positive terminal of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of the

ammeter.4. Before connecting the voltmeter in the circuit, check for +ve and -ve terminals.


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5. Check for ammeter and voltmeter reading once the circuit is connected and also adjust the slider of rheostat after inserting the key.

6. For current I and voltmeter V, record three different readings using a slider.7. Record the observations in the observation table.8. Using the formula R=V/I, calculate the resistance.9. To plot the graph between V and I, take V on the x-axis and I on the y-axis.10. For pure metals, resistance increases with increase in temperature.

Circuit Diagram :( To be drawn on blank side )

Observation Table(To be drawn on blank side of the practical file) Least count of ammeter and voltmeter

Sl.no Ammeter (A) Voltmeter (V)

1 Range

2 Least count

3 Zero error (e)

4 Zero correction

ii) For the reading of ammeter and voltmeter

Sl.no Current in Ampere (I)(ammeter reading)

Potential difference in volts (V)(voltmeter reading)

Resistance in ohmsR = V/I (Ω)

Observed Observed





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OF CHEMICAL EQUATIONS, CHACTERISTICS OF A CHEMICAL REACTIONfrom the NCERT book ( Download the chapter from the link given below)Attach link

The tutorial links/ Other links are also given for the support.https://youtu.be/8w9yRxBZzSohttps://youtu.be/NkBSUIf-yMc2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3. Write your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as

Yourname.Assignment-II : Chemistry and attach it as a pdf document to mailid given below.

5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April, 2020. 6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email

ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

7. For example students of class 10A will send their completed worksheet of science to [email protected] whereas students of class 10B will send their completed worksheet to [email protected]

8. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sections.


Date of Submission-20/04/2020










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Balance the following Equations

1) ____ Na3PO4 + ____ KOH ____ NaOH + ____ K3PO4

2) ____ MgF2 + ____ Li2CO3 ____ MgCO3 + ____ LiF

3) ____ P4 + ____ O2 ____ P2O3

4) ____ RbNO3 + ____ BeF2 ____ Be(NO3)2 + ____ RbF

5) ____ AgNO3 + ____ Cu ____ Cu(NO3)2 + ____ Ag

6) ____ CF4 + ____ Br2 ____ CBr4 + ____ F2

7) ____ HCN + ____ CuSO4 ____ H2SO4 + ____ Cu(CN)2

8) ____ GaF3 + ____ Cs ____ CsF + ____ Ga

9) ____ BaS + ____ PtF2 ____ BaF2 + ____ PtS

10) ____ N2 + ____ H2 ____ NH3

11) ____ NaF + ____ Br2 ____ NaBr + ____ F2

12) ____ Pb(OH)2 + ____ HCl ____ H2O + ____ PbCl2

13) ____ AlBr3 + ____ K2SO4 ____ KBr + ____ Al2(SO4)3

14) ____ CH4 + ____ O2 ____ CO2 + ____ H2O

15) ____ Na3PO4 + ____ CaCl2 ____ NaCl + ____ Ca3(PO4)2


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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Read the chapter Life Processes/Topic-Respiration from the NCERT book

( Download the chapter from the link given below)Link;https://ncert.nic.in or https://byjus.com

The tutorial links/ Other links are also given for the support.a.https://www.khanacademy.orgb.https://youtu.be/4czWki28lilc.https://youtu.be/KHLOrtDjB_12. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3. Write your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as

Yourname.Assignment-II :Biology and attach it as a pdf document to mail id given below.

5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April, 2020. 6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email

ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

7. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionX A- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]@gmail.com And so on….


Date of Submission-20/04/2020

RESPIRATION1.Complete the sentences with suitable words:a.The process of respiration which releases energy takes place in _______________.


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b.ADP is a substance called _________________.c.The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles causes _______________________.d.Respiration in leaves occur during _______________.e.Amoeba and paramecium breathe through _____________________.2.Give reasons for the following statements:-a.Respiration is essential for life.b.Yeast can live without oxygen.c.Oxygen and Carbondioxide are called respiratory gases.d.A land plant may die if its roots remain waterlogged for a long time.e.Plants have low energy needs as compared to animals.3.Answer in one worda.What is the process of releasing energy from the food called?b.Name the process of conversion of glucose to pyruvate called?c.What is the site of aerobic respiration in the cells called?d.What is the average breathing rate in an adult human being?4.Short answer typequestions:-a.In the lungs which substance is taken into the body and which substance is removed from the body?b.Out of photosynthesis and respiration in plants which process occurs all the time and which occurs only during day time?c.Name the type of respiration whose end products are ethyl alcohol and carbondioxide?d.What is the energy currency ofliving organisms,when and where is it produced?



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Read the chapter- Agriculture from NCERT book Download the chapter from online

link2. www.cbse.nic.in , You can also refer to other online links like NCERT e-pathshala,

Dikska app, Extramarks app.3. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.4. Write your name, class, section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are

doing your assignment.5. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app).Rename the file as Your

Name, Assignment 2: Social Studies –Geography and attach it as pdf document to given mail id.

6. The last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April 2020.7. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send it to the following

email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.8. For example student of class XA will send their completed worksheet of Geography

to [email protected] whereas worksheet of History & Demo.Politics to [email protected]


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9. Students may send their queries related to the chapter at the same email id of their class & section.The email Id’s are

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Subject: GEOGRAPHY Class -X

Date of Submission - 20/4/20

1.In which season are rabi crops sown in India?

2. White revolution is related to the production of _________________.

3. Which crops are collectively called millets?

4. Name the two main rubber producing states of India.

5. Give the full form of ICAR.

6. List out the challenges faced by Indian farmers.

7. Mention the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton.

8. Distinguish between Subsistence farming and Commercial farming.

9. Explain the three main cropping seasons.

10. Why should Indian farmers diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high value crops?11. Describe the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of beverage crops.

12. State the different technological and institutional reforms introduced by the government to modernize Indian agriculture.

13. Cite the main characteristics of Plantation agriculture.

14. Name the main staple crops of India. Where are they grown in the country?

15. Suggest any five measures to enhance agricultural sector in India.


Page 19:   · Web viewMGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL. HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -2. CLASS – X. RESOURCE MATERIAL REQUIRED. E content with you tube. First Flight . SYLLABUS TO BE COVERED . A Letter to


