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BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents Assessment Tool

BSBITU201Produce simple word processed documents

Assessment Tool

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

ContentsBSBITU201 1Produce simple word processed documents 1

Contents 1

Introduction 1

Section 1 - Unit of competency 21.1 Elements of competency and performance criteria 31.2 Assessment requirements 41.3 Dimensions of competency 51.4 Foundation skills 61.5 Skill sets 71.6 Recognition of prior learning (RPL) 71.7 Glossary of terms 8

Section 2 - Assessment tools 112.1 Summative assessment 122.2 Solutions - General guidance 212.3 Solutions – Summative assessment 222.4 Evidence of competency 532.5 Assessment records 54Assessment instructions – BSBITU201 56Pre-assessment checklist – BSBITU201 57Self-assessment record – BSBITU201 58Performance evidence checklist – BSBITU201 59Knowledge evidence checklist – BSBITU201 60Portfolio of evidence checklist – BSBITU201 61Workplace assessment checklist – BSBITU201 62Observation Checklist/Third Party Report 63Record of Assessment 66Request for Qualification Issue 68

Glossary 70

TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

IntroductionThis set of assessment tools is for the unit of competency BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents.

The guide is divided into three sections:

Section 1: Unit of competency

Section 2: Assessment resources

Glossary (VET sector terminology)

As the trainer/assessor, you are in the best position to judge the full training and assessment requirements of a unit of competency. The judgments that you make in this regard should form part of your broader training and assessment strategy.

Learners may or may not be employed in the workplace. Where a learner is currently employed, you should endeavour to use relevant workplace documents and resources. Where learners are not currently employed, you must provide example documentation and a simulated environment wherever possible. Encourage classroom learners to take every opportunity to observe a real working environment and discuss what they have seen. Note that observation and assessment in the workplace is mandatory for some units of competency. Refer to section 1.2 of this guide, or to the assessment requirements of the relevant unit of competency, for details of assessment conditions.

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Section 1 - Unit of competencyThe Business Training Package was developed by the Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) in consultation with industry stakeholders including employers, unions, peak bodies, professional associations, regulatory bodies, registered training organisations (RTOs) and other relevant parties. The training package specifies the skills and knowledge required to perform effectively in the business workplace.

Individual units of competency are nationally agreed statements that describe work outcomes and can stand alone when applied in the workplace.

This section outlines the requirements of the unit of competency BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents and other information relevant to it.

It contains the following information:

1.1 Elements of competency and performance criteria

1.2 Assessment requirements

1.3 Dimensions of competency

1.4 Foundation skills

1.5 Skill sets

1.6 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

1.7 Glossary of terms

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1.1 Elements of competency and performance criteria

The elements of competency define the skills required to perform a work activity. They describe the required outcomes that need to be assessed.

The performance criteria define the level of skill necessary to achieve the requirements of the element.

The following table maps the content in the on-line course BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents to the unit of competency.

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

Where covered in on-line course

Element 1: Prepare to produce documents

1.1 Use safe work practices to ensure ergonomic, work organisation, energy and resource conservation requirements are met

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

1.2 Identify document purpose, audience and presentation requirements, and clarify with relevant personnel as required

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

1.3 Identify organisational and task requirements for document layout and design

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

Element 2: Produce documents

2.1 Format document using appropriate software functions to adjust page layout to meet information requirements, in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

2.2 Use system features to identify and manipulate screen display options and controls

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

2.3 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with document presentation and production

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

Element 3: Finalise documents

3.1 Ensure final document is previewed, checked, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

3.2 Ensure document is prepared within designated timelines and organisational requirements

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

3.3 Name and store document in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without information loss/damage

Task 3, Task 4, Task 6, Task 8

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1.2 Assessment requirements BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents covers the outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop basic keyboard skills using touch typing techniques in a broad range of settings.

It applies to individuals who perform a range of mainly routine tasks and generally work under direct supervision using limited practical skills and fundamental knowledge.

The assessment requirements consist of three criteria:

Performance evidence: details the skills to be demonstrated, the consistency of performance (for example, on how many occasions, in what range of situations, using what range of equipment) and any licensing, regulatory or registration requirements

Knowledge evidence: the scope and depth of knowledge required

Assessment conditions: specify where assessment can take place, what resources are required and what interactions with other people are required

Performance evidenceThe performance evidence for the unit BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents consists of at least one event where the candidate:

produce documents following correct ergonomic, conservation requirements and organisational policies and procedures

adhere to organisational style manual when formatting documents

refer to help function and user documentation to rectify document problems

use system features

follow designated timelines when preparing documents.

Knowledge evidenceThe knowledge evidence within the unit BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents consists of:

identify basic formatting styles and their affect on formatting, readability and appearance of documents

describe purpose, use and function of word processing software

outline organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques

describe what is contained in an organisational style guide.

Assessment conditionsSkills must be demonstrated in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced by individuals using interpersonal communication skills in the workplace.

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Simulations and scenarios are acceptable. Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real-life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment.

The assessment environment must include access to:

office equipment

business resources

workplace policies and procedures relating to communication

case studies and, where possible, real situations

interaction with others.

Assessment must ensure use of relevant legislation, policies and procedures and industrial awards.

Assessors must satisfy the NVR/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

1.3 Dimensions of competencyThe dimensions of competency relate to all aspects of work performance. The following table explores the four dimensions of competency in more detail.

Dimensions of competency What it means

Task skills The candidate must perform the individual skills required to complete a work activity to the required standard.

Task management skills The candidate must manage a number of different tasks to complete a whole work activity, such as working to meet deadlines.

Contingency management skills The candidate must use their problem-solving skills to resolve issues that arise when performing a work activity.

Job/role environment skills The candidate must perform effectively in the workplace when undertaking a work activity by working well with all stakeholders and following workplace policies and procedures.

Assessors and/or their training organisations need to ensure that the range of assessment instruments developed for this unit adequately explore the dimensions of competency.

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1.4 Foundation skillsUnderpinning all job roles is a set of skills that are essential if learners are to participate successfully in work and be valuable and productive employees.

The foundation skills embedded in this unit of competency are outlined below:

Skill PerformanceCriteria


Reading 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3

Recognises textual information within organisational and task requirements to determine work requirements

Writing 3.1, 3.3 Records numerical and textual information in accordance with requirements of task

Oral Communication

1.2 Participates in a variety of spoken exchanges with relevant personnel in an effort to clarify document purpose, audience and presentation requirements

Navigate the world of work

1.1-1.3, 2.1, 3.1-3.3 Recognises and follows explicit and implicit protocols and meets expectations associated with own role

Interact with others

1.2 May seek guidance from more experienced work colleagues

Get the work done

2.1-2.3, 3.1-3.3 Understands functions and features of specific computer software and uses these to perform work tasks

Do not assume that learners already have these skills; for example, even if you believe they have good writing skills, they may never have written a specific type of report before.

Remember that the learner may not necessarily need all of these skills for a specific task, nor be required to develop them to a high level. This will depend on the nature of the task and the context in which they are working.

Your role is to:

when planning your assessment program, identify where foundation skills are embedded in the unit of competency and how learners can demonstrate they have acquired the skills

encourage learners to record in the template that follows the Final Assessment the activities they have performed that demonstrate specific foundation skills; they can do this after completing each chapter in the learner guide.

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1.5 Skill setsSkill sets are single units of competency or combinations of units of competency that link to a licence, regulatory requirement or defined industry need.

Skill sets do not replace qualifications as the foundation for undertaking work in the community sector. Skill sets build on a relevant qualification and enable a qualified worker to move laterally into work areas addressed by the skill set or to broaden their skill base in relation to the services they provide.

1.6 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual’ s non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification.

To have skills and knowledge formally acknowledged, a learner must supply a range of evidence to verify competency. The trainer then needs to assess this evidence against the criteria for the qualification.

Evidence of competency may include work samples, journals and third-party testimonials. Learners may also need to be observed undertaking set tasks and/or answer set questions.

The full RPL Kit for this qualification is available. The kit consists of four parts:

Assessor’s Guide

Candidate’s Guide


Workplace Guide

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1.7 Glossary of termsPreviously, units of competency included a ‘Range Statement’ that provided a way of understanding the scope of terms essential to performance criteria. Range Statements are no longer part of the endorsed components of Training Packages, but this section provides some general understanding to many of the concepts used in the Business qualifications.

Where ever possible and appropriate, knowledge should be contextualised to the learner’s workplace. For example, when dealing with organisational policies and procedures, look at the actual policies and procedures of the workplace.

Attribute: A characteristic of a text or graphic object that can be altered, such as bold, italic, shadowed etc.

Autocorrect: A feature that corrects commonly misspelled words automatically as they are typed.

Bookmark: A method to mark locations within a document so that they can be easily returned to later.

Bullet: A small graphic, commonly a large dot, that starts each item in a list.

Character Style: A style for selected words and lines of text within a paragraph.

Charts: Graphs that use lines, columns, and pie shapes to represent numbers and data.

Data Source: A document that is combined with the main document in a mail merge operation

Desktop Publishing: The ‘big brother’ of word processing, the process of using a word processor type package to create things such as newsletters, flyers, brochures etc. combining both text and graphics.

Digital Signature: A secure electronic stamp of authentication on a document.

Drawing Canvas: An area that contains drawing shapes and pictures.

Embedded Object: An object that becomes part of the destination file and is no longer a part of the source file.

Endnotes: Notes or references that appear at the end of the document.

Entry: An index listing.

Fill Effect: The pattern, colour, or texture in a graphic object or chart.

Font: A set of characters that all use the same basic design.

Font Effects: A way to change the appearance of text such as bold, italics, underline etc.

Font Size: The size of a font, usually expressed as a number of points.

Footer: Text or graphics that are printed on every page or section, usually at the bottom but can be anywhere on a page.

Footnotes: Comments or references that appear at the end of each page.

Forms: Printed or online documents.

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Graphic: A picture or drawing object.

Header: Text or graphics that are printed on every page or section, usually at the top but can be anywhere on a page.

Indent Markers: Markers along the ruler that control how text wraps on the left or right side of a document.

Index: A list of the topics, names and terms used in a document along with the corresponding page numbers. An index is usually found at or near the end of a document

Landscape: A term used to describe page orientation, where the page is wider than it is tall.

Linked Object: An object such as a graphic which is included within a document in such a way that it is linked to the source file, so that whenever the source changes, the object automatically updates.

Macro: A recorded series of commands, menu selections and key presses that automate repetitive tasks.

Mail Merge: The process of combining a standard ‘form’ letter with a set of names and addresses to create many letters that appear to be individually written.

Main Document: The standard ‘form’ letter used in a mail merge process.

Manual Page Break: A page break inserted into a document by the author at a specific position rather than one created automatically when a page has no more room for text.

Merge Field: A placeholder that indicates where Word inserts information from a data source during a mail merge

Module: The location within a VBA project where a macro is stored.

Normal View: The default editing view which is usually used to write and edit documents.

Note Separator: The line that divides the notes from the body of the document.

Note Text: The content of a footnote or endnote.

Office Clipboard: A storage area that allows the user to temporarily store snippets of information, and retrieve them later.

Orphan: The first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page.

Outline View: A view that shows the structure of a document which consists of headings and body text.

Page Orientation: The way in which pages are laid out in a printed document.

Paragraph: A piece of text that has had the enter key pressed before its first line, and after its last.

Paragraph Styles: Styles for entire paragraphs, including their fonts, tabs, alignments etc.

Point: A measure of the size of text for a font. One point is approximately 1/72 of an inch.

Portrait: A page orientation where the page is taller than it is wide.

Print Layout View: A view that shows how a document will appear when it is printed.

Reference Mark: A number or character in the main text of a document that indicates additional information is included in a footnote or endnote.

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Reviewing Pane: A pane that shows information regarding the changes made to a document.

Section Break: A section of the document that can be formatted differently to other parts of the document.

Selection Area: A blank area to the left of a documents left margin that you can click to select parts of the document.

Soft Page Break: A page break that is automatically inserted into a document by Word when a there is too much text to fit on the current page.

Spelling and grammar checker: A feature that attempts to check and correct errors in spelling and grammar that the writer may have missed.

Style: A collection of formatting choices that can be applied throughout a document.

Tab Leader: An index format that separates the entry from the page number associated with it.

Tab Stop: A location along the ruler that you use to align text.

Table AutoFormat: A set of predefined styles that are intended to make table formatting easier.

Table of Contents: A list of the main headings and sub headings that indicate to the reader the contents of a document.

Template: A document that stores formatting, text styles and document information that is then used as the basis for another document.

Theme: A unified look in a document that incorporates heading and text styles.

Thesaurus: A feature that looks up alternative words with the similar meanings.

Watermark: Semi-transparent text or picture that are ‘behind’ the main text of the document.

Widow Line: The last line of a paragraph that appears at the start of a page on its own.

WordArt: A tool within Microsoft Office that allows you to manipulate text in a variety of different, graphical ways.

Word Processing: The process of creating, editing and printing a computer written text document.

Word Wrap: The movement of text to the next line when typing goes beyond the right margin.

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Section 2 - Assessment toolsAssessment is all about collecting evidence and making decisions as to whether or not a learner has achieved competency. Assessment confirms that the learner can perform to the expected workplace standard, as outlined in the units of competency.

This section contains the summative assessment tools that are to be used in assessing this unit of competency. The assessment tools have also been mapped against the requirements of unit assessment; these may be reviewed in the TEIA document BSB20115 Mapping Guide. Assessors can use this mapping information to complete required assessment records.

It is an important responsibility of assessors to complete the assessment records themselves. This ensures all additional assessment activities deemed appropriate or required by the assessor, in addition to those within this document, are included in these records.

Section Two contains the following information:

2.1 Summative assessment

2.2 Solutions – general guidance

2.3 Solutions – summative assessment

2.4 Evidence of competency

2.5 Assessment records

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2.1 Summative assessmentSeparate each assessment tool as required in the assessment process.

Task OverviewThe assessment for this unit is distributed across several tasks within the virtual scenario.

The assessment tool is a portfolio of collected evidence from the scenario tasks.

BSBWOR201 Organise and complete daily work activities

Task Three - Create a letter from notesTask overviewThe learner selects Task Three from the Your Tasks tab and is presented with an email prompting them to the task in their Intray. The learner clicks on the Intray and finds several documents: a short description of the task, hints from the Office Manager (Kim Richards), a hand written memo from one of the Directors, a book on Edit Marks, a glossary, an OHS information sheet and an OHS checklist activity. The learner can access the resources on their desk, visit Maree Taylor for information about confidentiality and go to the Library to investigate Internet sites and other content resources. Once the learner has accessed these resources, they will need to type up the letter using by clicking on the computer in the Main Office. A Task Planning Sheet lists activities that should be completed in this task.

Content resources available To complete the task the learner will access information regarding:

Business terminology

Confidentiality and Security

Working within codes of conduct

Understanding confidentiality

Understanding security

Occupational Health and Safety

Work station and ergonomics

Document creation

Correspondence and Business Writing Style Guide

Editing marks

Using a word processing package and a letter template

Using Microsoft Word Help

Using templates and styles in word processing

Completing a Timesheet

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Virtual Registered Training Organisation – AIET

Word Processing workbook

Internet and Email workbook

These content areas relate directly to the endorsed competencies for the Certificate II in Business. To view the competencies addressed in Task 3, open the Course and click on Your Tasks, then Task 3, then Task Competencies or refer to Appendix 1: Task – Competencies in this guide.

Return of work expected from learnersThere are a number of activities that the learner must complete throughout the task. Some of these activities require learners to submit their answers to you.

By email attachment:

Word processed Memo

Completed activity identifying hazards in an office desk

OHS workstation checklist

Confidentiality Activity

Workplace Ethics Activity

Completed Task Planning Sheet

Other work formats:

Participation in discussion board

Resource Validity for Task ThreeThe following table shows the resources that are available to assist learners to complete this task. At regular intervals some of the content will need to be checked for validity as indicated.

Resource Location Validity Check

Task Description Intray in Main Office N/A

Editing Markup Book Intray the Main Office The editing marks may need to be updated

Business Glossary Intray in the Main Office. Business terms may need to be updated

Correspondence and Business Writing Style Guide


Guidelines for Letters

Using templates

On the desk in the Main Office N/A

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Resource Location Validity Check

Using Microsoft Word Help – incorporates an activity using Help

Accessed via Computer in Main Office

If Word has been updated are these details still valid

Letter template Accessed via the Computer in the Main Office


Parts of a Business Letter Activity

Labelling activity N/A

Task Planning Sheet On Intranet on Computer in the Main Office


Timesheet On Intranet on Computer in the Main Office


Audio overview of confidentiality and security issues

Accessed via Maree Taylor N/A

Written overview of confidentiality and security issues

Accessed via Maree Taylor N/A

The original letter from the customer

Accessed via the Customer File on Maree Taylor’s desk


Change to letter from director Accessed via Client File on Maree Taylor’s desk

Date of letter should be regularly updated to remain current

How to complete the Daily Timesheet

Accessed via the Office Policies and Procedures Manual (Intranet)


Confidentiality and Security Manual

Library Catalogue in the Library.

Registered Training Organization (virtual)

Workbooks in:

Word Processing

Internet and Email

Use Taxi Vouchers on desk in Main Office to access the virtual Registered Training Organization - AIET

Review occasionally

Workbooks: Specific learning materials from the delivering body needs to be inserted here and maintained as required.

Internet Sites Internet Computer in the Library.

Each Internet Site should be checked at regular intervals

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Resource Location Validity Check

OHS Workstation Learning Object

Intray in Main Office N/A

Task Four: Search for and use information in a businessTask overviewThe learner selects Task Four from the Your Tasks tab and is presented with an email directing them to the task description and hints from Kim Richards in their Intray. The learner clicks on the task and receives a description of the first section of the task.

After the learner completes the first section of the task, they visit the Office Manager to receive the second section of the task.

The learner will be provided with a range of content resources that assist them in completing the two sections of the task.

Content resources available To complete the task the learner will access information regarding:


Introduction to Filing

Handbook of Filing

Types of files

Content of files

Systems of filing

Creating new files

Managing and updating files.

Records management (slideshow)

Securing information:

Storage of information

Controlling access to information.

File movement:

File movement tracking methods

Misplaced files

Document movement.

Completing a Timesheet

Virtual Registered Training Organization – AIET

Workplace Information

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To view the competencies addressed in Task 4, open the Course and click on Your Tasks, then Task 4, then Task Competencies or refer to Appendix 1: Task – Competencies in this guide.

Return of work expected from learnersThere are a number of activities that the learner must complete throughout the task. The following work must be provided:

By email attachment:

Letter to Mrs Nugyen Thao on Temperate Wholesalers’ letterhead

Briefing paper to Mr Ivan Kruber on correct template

Import Fee spreadsheet

Task 4 written activities

Task Priority Activity

Screenshot on final part of digital activity, Search and Find Information on the Web Reference table of recommended Internet search engines

Own Performance Review - either contribute to discussion board or email

Resource Validity for Task FourThe following table shows the resources that are available to assist learners to complete this task. At regular intervals some of the content will need to be checked for validity as indicated.

Resource Location Validity Check

Task Description Intray in Main Office N/A

Audio instructions by Ivan Kruber

Accessed via Ivan Kruber N/A

Text instructions by Ivan Kruber

Accessed via Ivan Kruber N/A

The Filing Handbook Copier/Filing room Update in accordance with changes in work practices and technology

Records management slideshow

Intray and Resource list Updated in accordance with relevant changes to generic office practices

Checklist templates Computer (Templates) N/A

Guidelines for assembling a new file

Accessed via the Office Policies and Procedures

Update in accordance with changes to office procedures

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Resource Location Validity Check

Manual in the Library

Filing System Index/Register Intray

Copier/Filing Room


Audio instructions by Kim Richards

Accessed via Kim Richards N/A

Text instructions by Kim Richards

Accessed via Kim Richards N/A

The file register Accessed via Copier/Filing room

Dates should be updated in order to keep the register current

The missing Customer File Accessed via Henri Glietman’s office


Audio overview of information security issues

Accessed via Maree Taylor N/A

Written overview of confidentiality and security issues

Accessed via Maree Taylor Updated in accordance with innovations in office information security

File Movement Manual Intray in the Main Office Updated in accordance with relevant technological advances

Task Planning Sheet Intray or computer in the Main Office


Task Priority Activity Intray in Main Office N/A

Registered Training Organization (virtual)

Workbooks in:

Workplace Information

Digital activity: Search and Find Information on the Web

Use Taxi Vouchers on desk in Main Office to access the virtual Registered Training Organization - AIET

Review occasionally

Workbooks: Specific learning materials from the delivering body needs to be inserted here and maintained as required.

Filing and Indexing Activity Accessed via Intray N/A

Electronic File Activity Accessed via Intray N/A

Internet Sites Accessed via the Library Computer

Should be checked on a regular basis

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Task Six: Assemble and present business documents Task overviewThe learner selects Task 6 from the Your Tasks tab and is presented with an email directing them to the task description and hints from Kim Richards in their Intray.

The learner will be provided with a range of content resources that assist them in completing the task.

Content resources available To complete the task the learner will access information regarding:

Planning and organising

Planning your work schedule

Document creation

Correspondence and Business Writing Style Guide

Using a word processing package and a letter template

Using Microsoft Word Help

Using templates and styles in word processing

Using a spreadsheet package

Using Microsoft Excel Help

Searching for information

Search and assess on-line information


Achieving Team Goals

Active Listening

Dealing with Conflict

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Completing a Timesheet

Virtual registered Training organization – AIET

o Word Processing workbook

o Spreadsheet workbook

o Personal organisation workbook

o Internet and Email workbook

To view the competencies addressed in Task 6, open the Course and click on Your Tasks, then Task 6, then Task Competencies or refer to Appendix 1: Task – Competencies in this guide

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Return of work expected from learnersThere are a number of activities that the learner must complete throughout the task. All of these activities require learners to submit their answers to you as email attachments.

o The budget spreadsheet with all data entered

o IT Purchasing Recommendation

Resource Validity for Task SixThe following table shows the resources that are available to assist learners to complete this task. At regular intervals some of the content will need to be checked for validity as indicated:

Resource Location Validity Check

Task Description Intray in Main Office. N/A

Planning your Work Schedule

Accessed from the Library catalogue


Task Planning Sheet

Email from Ivan Kruber Computer in Main Office N/A

Planning your work schedule Accessed from the Library catalogue


Achieving Team Goals Accessed from the Library catalogue

Employee Handbook Accessed from the Library catalogue

Audio Overview of Task Accessed from Ivan Kruber N/A

Written copy of Overview of Task

Accessed from Ivan Kruber N/A

Searching the Internet Library Catalogue

Virtual RTO


Review occasionally.

Customer File Contents Accessed from the Client File in Ivan Kruber’s Office


Microsoft Excel Help Computer in the Main Office Update if using other spreadsheet software.

Achieving Team Goals document

Library Catalogue N/A

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Resource Location Validity Check

Active Listening document In Achieving Team Goals (Library)


Dealing with Conflict In Achieving Team Goals (Library)


Giving and Receiving Feedback

In Achieving Team Goals (Library)


Internet Sites Library Internet Computer Check all sites regularly

Priorities Game Planning your Work Schedule (Library)


Individual Reflection activity Achieving Team Goals (library)


Registered Training Organization (virtual)

Workbooks in:

Word Processing


Personal Organization

Internet and Email

Use Taxi Vouchers on desk in Main Office to access the virtual Registered Training Organization - AIET

Review occasionally

Workbooks: Specific learning materials from the delivering body needs to be inserted here and maintained as required.

Team Activity – create table of Search Locations

Intray N/A

Task Eight: Process incoming mail Task overviewThe learner selects Task Eight from the Your Tasks tab and is presented with an email directing them to a task in their Intray. The learner clicks on the task and receives a short description of the task. The learner is to collect a range of financial data from various parts of the office and then compile a spreadsheet to a set standard.

The learner will be provided with a Task Planning Sheet that lists the activities that should be completed.

Content resources availableTo complete the task the learner will access information regarding:

Business Terminology:

Business Terminology Manual

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Document creation:

Correspondence and Business Writing Style Guide

Editing marks

Using a word processing package and a letter template:

Using Microsoft Word Help

Using templates and styles in word processing

Using a spreadsheet package:

Using Microsoft Excel Help

Using formatting and styles in word processing

Completing a Timesheet:

Understanding Task Codes

Virtual registered Training Organization

Word Processing workbook

Spreadsheet workbook

Workplace Communications workbook

To view the competencies addressed in Task 8, open the Course and click on Your Tasks, then Task 8, then Task Competencies or refer to Appendix 1: Task – Competencies in this guide.

Return of work expected from learnersThere are a number of activities some of which require learners to submit their answers to you.

By email attachment:

Copy of Ivan Kruber’s diary showing rescheduled appointments

Letter to client indicating change of meeting and reason

Copy of email to Ivan Kruber informing him of the changes and reasons

Copy of Henri’s Glietman’s altered diary

Letter to KingZ indicating date and time of equipment service

Copy of email to whole of office informing them of service and consequences

Letter indicating receipt of funds

Comparison table of equipment

Completed Task Planning Sheet

Resources Validity for Task EightThe following table shows the resources that are available to assist learners to complete this task. At regular intervals some of the content will need to be checked for validity as indicated.

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Resource Location Validity Check

Task Description Intray in Main Office N/A

Budget Brief Intray in Main Office N/A

Audio Introduction to the matter by Henri Gleitman

Accessed from Henri Gleitman


Written Introduction to the matter by Henri Gleitman

Accessed from Henri Gleitman


Audio Introduction to the matter by Maree Taylor

Accessed from Maree Taylor N/A

Written Introduction to the matter by Maree Taylor

Accessed from Maree Taylor N/A

Audio Introduction to the matter by Ivan Kruber

Accessed from Ivan Kruber N/A

Written Introduction to the matter by Ivan Kruber

Accessed from Ivan Kruber N/A

Incoming mail Check occasionally

Memo template Computer in Main Office N/A

Task Planning Sheet Intray N/A

Letters and guidelines for letters in this office

Office Policies and Procedures Manual in the Library


Confidentiality and Security Manual

Library Catalogue in the Library

Registered Training Organization (virtual)

Workbooks in:

Word Processing


Workplace Communications

Use Taxi Vouchers on desk in Main Office to access the virtual Registered Training Organization - AIET

Review occasionally

Workbooks: Specific learning materials from the delivering body needs to be inserted here and maintained as required.

Internet Sites (as outlined below)

Internet Computer in the Library

Each Internet Site should be checked at regular intervals.

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2.2 Solutions - General guidanceAssessors should review the solutions provided and adapt and/or contextualise them (and assessment activities themselves where necessary) to suit the training and assessment context as part of their moderation activities. This will ensure consistency of assessment.The solutions to assessment activities serve as a reliable guide to the type of information that should be included in the assessment candidate’s response. Refer to the assessment activities when assessing learner responses or evaluating assessment evidence. The answers provided by the assessment candidate will vary due to a number of factors, including the:

candidate’ s own experiences

candidate’ s workplace experiences

training situations and strategies presented by the trainer

interpretation of the assessment activity by the assessment candidate/assessor

type of organisation, work practices, processes and systems encountered by the candidate.

The nature and variety of the tasks presented means that in some cases there will be numerous correct responses, and the solutions provided cannot cater for all contexts and eventualities.

In general terms:

For questions with a single answer, this guide provides the correct answer.

For questions that do not have a single answer, it is understood that answers will vary within certain parameters.

For questions where the candidate has to list a certain number of items, Aspire has provided a more comprehensive listing from which candidate responses may be drawn. However, this list may not in all cases be definitive, and assessors should account for other possible correct responses.

For activities that involve responding to a case study, Aspire has provided an example of how the candidate may respond. Depending on the question, the terminology used will indicate either what the candidate should have included in their response, or may have included. However, assessors should take into account different phrasing used by the candidate, or different responses that may be equally correct.

For activities that take place in the workplace or involve workplace documentation, Aspire can only provide an example response. Assessors should consider whether the candidate has achieved the intent of the activity, taking into account the candidate’s workplace context.

For activities that involve writing reports or completing documentation provided, Aspire can only provide an example response. Assessors should again consider whether the candidate’s response is appropriate to the task within the context of the candidate’s training and/or workplace.

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2.3 Solutions – Summative assessmentTask ThreeNote that the Task Planning Sheet needs to completed and submitted as part of the summative assessment.

Create a Letter from Notes

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OHS Hazards Activity

Website URL found in the Occupational Health and Safety: your workstation (intray) http://www.comcare.gov.au/virtual_workplaces/virtual_office/. The analysis of their workstation, office etc. should indicate evidence of possible hazards as identified after visiting the virtual office. Analysis should include some/all of the following: Furniture, Handling Equipment, Storage Systems, First Aid and Emergency and Computer and other electrical devices. Students should look at the office area of the building. Students must take print screens and email them in to their teacher.

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OHS Audit Checklist

Only aspect to check is that the student has ticked the appropriate box and added a comment.


Comments need to be relevant to the area audited and provide an acceptable change to improve OHS issues in the work space. Assessor judgement required.

Confidentiality Activity

Make sure the student has provided an answer for each question. Below is an exemplar:

Reflection/ or Online Discussion on Confidentiality Issues


You are completing the letter to Mr Miers when another administration assistant comes over to your desk and chats to you.

She sees the Geoffery Norman file on your desk and says “Oh, I know the head salesman there!” She then starts to read through the file and asks you questions about the arrangement being agreed upon for the promotion specials.

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a. Is it appropriate to discuss the arrangement with fellow staff members?

It is not appropriate to discuss arrangements with fellow staff member unless you are told by a senior staff member that you can.

b. How would you handle this situation while maintaining a respectful relationship with your fellow worker?

You should say to the member that you are sorry that the information has to be kept confidential. If the staff member does not like the response and keeps asking to see the file, I would tell a senior officer about it.


You receive a phone call from a Mr. Anderson. Mr Anderson tells you that he is a salesperson at one of the local Geoffery Norman retail stores and he wishes to know what the agreement is between Temperate Wholesalers and the head office of his company. He says that if he knows early enough he can get a start on the sales and be ahead of the others.

How would you respond to his request?

I would reply in saying “I am very sorry but you will have to ask your company office if you want to see the agreements. I am not in a place to tell you what the agreements are. Sorry.”

Workplace Ethics Activity

Located in the library catalogue in the confidentiality and security manual – test your knowledge quiz.

Your company has engaged a local accounting firm. One of the partners in the local accounting firm telephones your office and asks for information on one of your customers. They wish to know the names and addresses of that customers' sales people as they are organising a mail out of an end of financial year tax preparation offer for persons on salary. Is there a potential conflict of interest?



Your business has signed a contract to supply a Mr John Woods with a range of electronic products. A local transport company that you have used telephones your office and asks for Mr Woods' work telephone number and place of employment so that he may complete some information for their file. Do you:

Ask him to hold the line then speak to your employer to seek his permission to pass on the information.

Give him the information.

It is only your client's employment details and you do not believe they are confidential

Politely tell him that you are unable to pass on information regarding your customer, end the call and inform your employer.

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A customer has arrived at your office without an appointment and the Director/sales people handling this are not in the office. The Director has previously told you that you can speak to the customer in his absence and provide the customer with any information regarding his file that he asks to know. On this particular day there are two other people in the reception area and the customer is insistent on obtaining certain information from his file. Do you:

Ask him to take a seat and proceed to access his file and discuss it with him in the reception area

Inform him that the lawyer he needs to see is out of the office handling the a new contract with Geoffery Norman retail

Take him into a meeting room or vacant office and discuss the matter with him in private.


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Task FourLetter to Mrs Thao

Office Complex 21

400 Villa Road

Gaythorne Qld 4008

Ph. (07) 9123 4567 Fax. (07) 912 3 5678 Email: [email protected]

21 September, 201X

Mrs. Nuygen Thao

Good Fortune Enterprise

431 Tran Nhat Duat


Dear Mrs Thao

RE: Importing Information

Further to our meeting in late April, the information you require for arranging importation of wooden furniture into Australia is detailed below:

Customs Contact Details: Phone No. – 1300 363 263 (in Australia)

+61 2 9313 3010 (Outside Australia)

Fax (02) 8339 6714

Email - [email protected]

Anticipated costs of shipment:

• Sea electronic declaration (N10) $50.00 per declaration

• Periodic declaration processing charges: $1275.00 per declaration

• Request for cargo release (RCR) processing changes: $9.40 per RCR

I have placed the following attachments with this letter to provide further information:

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• A Schedule of Customs cost recovery charges

• An explanation of how Australian Customs value imported goods

• The Australian Customs (Documentary) Import Declaration comprehensive Guide




I must also draw your attention to the Australian Quarantine requirements for items including timber. I strongly suggest you visit the web site http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/timber and follow the procedures stated there.

I have also added two shipping agencies that have access to freight by sea between

Haiphong (Vietnam) and Australia:

ExamplesTrans Wagon Shipping Agency CO. C/O Trans Wagon INT’L CO., LTD

Address: 7 th Floor CDS Building, # 33 – Alley 61, Lac Trung Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi Vietnam.

Phone: 84 (363) 4993/94/95 84 (904) 015477

Fax: 84 (363) 8019



Address: Second floor, Cailan port building, # 1 Cailan Road, Baichay Walong City.

Phone: 84 (90) 4289699

Fax: 84 (33) 3819568

Contact person: Mr. Bui Minh Hung


Thank you for hospitality during my recent visit. I look forward to our meeting in Brisbane when you come to Australia and the opportunity I will have to host you to an Australian steak at Fiasco’s Steakhouse. (Example)

I trust the information above assists you in preparing for our product and pricing negotiations.

Yours sincerely

Ivan Kruber

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IK:student’s initials

Students should download the documents from the three URLs and attach them to the email.

Briefing paper for Ivan Kruber

An example of the standard of briefing required expected is displayed below:

Briefing Paper

To: Ivan Kruber

Topic: Letter to Mrs Nuygen Thao

Issues: (number issues/topics of information with subheading in bold)

1. Australian Customs contact details: http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page5834.asp Phone: 1300 363 263 (in Australia) (optional) + 61 2 6275 6666 (Outside Australia) Fax (02) 8339 714 (optional)

Email [email protected]

2. Anticipated costs of shipment:

Sea electronic declaration: $50.00

Periodic declaration processing charges plus: $1275.00

Request for cargo release (RCR) processing changes: $9.40

3. Australian Quarantine on timber importation:


4. URLs for where you can find attached documents:

A Schedule of Customs cost recovery charges

An explanation of how Australian Customs value imported goods

The Australian Customs (Documentary) Import Declaration comprehensive Guide

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5. Shipping agencies

Contact details for 2 shipping agencies that have access to freight by sea between Vietnam and Australia to be inserted here.

6. Restaurant/Hotel

Contact details for a restaurant or hotel in Brisbane well known for its Australian beef steak


• The language barrier might be a challenge

• Shipping companies may not be able to ship goods for months if weather is bad.

Briefing prepared by: Student Name Date: 21 September, 201X

Import Fee Spreadsheet

Students must access an appropriate website to find the relevant information for the costs of shipping the goods. For competency students must use formulas to calculate the totals. This information is provided by The Australian Customs (Documentary) Import Declaration comprehensive Guide (Section 3.6).


The spreadsheet must be similar to the one below. This sample has all of the essential elements prices could change from year to year. The two blue cells are: The top figure is the cost of the imported goods (which they don’t know); the T&I is a transport and insurance cost, which again is not given, as both of these would be charged by the carrier. Teachers can insert their own amounts in the blue cells to test that the formulas are set up correctly.

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Customs duty = 5% =5%*B7

VoTI =B7+B8+B9

GST = 10%of VoTI =10%*B11




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Task 4 Written Activities

For competency in Activity 1 students must complete the team spirit quiz and add up their score. They then have to write down their score and copy and paste their result into a Word document. For competency in Activity 2, students must provide a response to both parts of the question. To answer this question it is best to get them to reflect on their group work for the search engine activity.

Activity 1 - Team Spirit QuizScore: 88

80-100-Your team's atmosphere is healthy and conducive to achieving great results. The team can spend their time productively establishing goals, procedures, processes, and clarifying team members’ roles, i.e. performing the work of the team. Since atmosphere can change, it is advised that you periodically test the temperature to see if issues or concerns that are inhibiting the maintenance of this productive atmosphere are being openly discussed and dealt with.

Activity 2 - Benefits of teams (Example)The benefits of working as a team are that it is more encouraging and you don't feel alone in what you are doing. It also allows you to develop more thorough staff resources that will be made up of multiple people’s knowledge and experiences. The team helped me in answering questions I may have had and also when they ask questions, sometimes that also helps me with my work. It helps me to understand it better and it is also good when you're not the only one asking questions, and other people are having similar difficulties to you.

Working in a team also helps to even the workload in some situations instead of you doing all the work.

Task Priority Activity

For competency student must choose the proper order in each scenario and email it to their teacher.

Instructions: Use numbers to show the order in which you would do the tasks in each of the 3 scenarios below:

Scenario 11 The phone is ringing and needs answering.

2 A colleague requires some stationery.

Scenario 22 You are required to complete a spreadsheet for Ivan that is due immediately.

1 The alarm (which you know is for a fire drill) has sounded and requires you to act in accordance with organisational policy.

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Scenario 33 You have a folder of customer correspondence to file.

2 You need to respond to an email complaint from a highly valued customer.

1 Kim Richards wants to see you about a missing customer’s file.

Internet Search Engines

The student must present a table containing four internet search engines that have been selected after some form of group collaboration – assessor’s judgement. The table needs to be created in Excel.

Some possible search engines students can choose are Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Meta Crawler, Bing and My Start. For the recommendations students need to state when they would use that particular search engine. You may wish to have a blog, wiki or discussion board set up so students can communicate with one another regarding the search engines. This can then be used as evidence for their ability to work in a team. The team representative may submit the spreadsheet on the team’s behalf.

Own Performance Review

The learner must have made a contribution concerning their own performance review either through an email to the assessor or posted within the course’s discussion board/forum.

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Task SixBudget Briefing

To demonstrate competency the learner must provide a spreadsheet adhering to the elements within the Budget Briefing statement.

Budget BriefWhen preparing budget documents for Temperate Wholesalers Head Office you must follow the following requirements. Proposed expenditure must be grouped into the following categories:

IT Includes all computer equipment, printers, laptops and scanner

Travel Includes all air fares, accommodation and travel activity associated with the business

Advertising Includes all newspaper and other media advertising and promotional activities

Client Services Includes all activities associated with supporting clients, e.g. hospitality for visiting clients

Postage Covers all costs associated with delivery of letters and correspondence, i.e. post and courier services

Telecommunications All costs associated with Internet, telephone and communications activity

Reprographics All costs associated with copying, printing and preparing documents

Training and development Costs associated with the development and training of staff

Admin Supplies All consumable items associated with the running of the offices

Spreadsheets providing the overview of the office’s proposed budget must be constructed in the following way:

• The horizontal axis of the spreadsheet will contain the categories of expenditure

• The vertical axis of the spreadsheet will indicated which employee has requested the funds.

• Each column or row containing financial data must have a subtotal that is formed through a simple formula embedded into the spreadsheet.

• A total amount for the budget is to be generated through a formula

When the table is completed construct a pie chart for each person showing the proportion of expenditure categories for their total expenditure. You will end up with four simple pie charts – one for each person. These are to be located below the table in your spreadsheet.

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When formatting the spreadsheet the following rules apply:

• The name of the company must be at the top left side of the page in blue 14 point bold Arial font

• The location of the office must be immediately below the company name in green 12 point Arial font

• All numerical entries to the spreadsheet are to be in the Arial font and size is

• 12 point

• All column headings are to be in bold and centred

• All row headings are to in bold and left aligned

• All cells containing financial data are to be formatted to show dollars; no cents are to be displayed

• The subtotals are to in blue and bold

• The total is to be in 14 point, green and bold

• The name of the person preparing the spreadsheet with their email is to be at the bottom left hand side of the sheet in 10 point Arial font, left aligned.

The printing of the spreadsheet should be set to Landscape and have the header

‘Temperate Wholesalers – Gaythorne Office’ in 10 point Arial font. The footer, also in 10 point Arial font, must be the date the spreadsheet was prepared and it is to be right aligned. You are required to print this document and share with Kim.

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IT Purchasing Recommendation

Name of person preparing information: Students Name

Email address of person preparing information: students email address

In all instances, the details of each supplier and the selected product must be entered below:

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Supplier OneName: Dell

Website: www.dell.com.au

Details of selected unit:

Supplier TwoName: Lenovo

Website: www.lenovo.com.au

Details of selected unit:

Supplier ThreeName: Toshiba & Acer

Website: http://www.jbhifi.com.au/computers/laptops www.acer.com.au

Details of selected unit:

Please note that these amounts and models will be superseded and will vary by the time students complete and submit this task.

Estimated Costs

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Recommended PurchaseFor competency the candidate must provide a recommendation on which laptop provides the best value for money and in a short paragraph for each indicate which unit and why it should be considered. Sample competent response is below (this is only an exemplar and students response will vary). It is important that the student’s response should describe how each recommendation will help the company and why it is better than the other two.

DesktopDell computer seems to be the best value for money. It has the specifications required by Temperate, i.e., 2Gb Ram memory and 320GB hard drive space which is 160gb more than the specifications. The computer also has a DVD burner, anti-virus software, 22” monitor,

Operating system is Genuine Windows Vista and Business with Windows XP. The Acer does not have a DVD burner but does have more memory 4GB and storage of up to 500GB.

However, with a DVD burner you can save and store information on DVD’s. This provides a back up for the company in case the computer was to crash. The Lenovo also can come with a 22” LCD monitor, but the computer itself has less hard drive storage space of 250GB.

Warranty is 3 years in comparison to Dell, but you could probably pay a $100 or so more for the Dell computer and extend the warranty of beyond the current 12 months.

LaptopBoth the Lenovo and Toshiba laptops have the same specifications in terms of Ram and hard drive storage. Both have 2GB Ram and 250GB hard drive. Both have a DVD multi burner. Both have the same monitor size, the Lenovo makes no mention of of wireless capability but the Toshiba make does. Quite a difference in price and Toshiba certainly looks like the better buy. The Dell model has less storage space 160GB in terms of hard drive, but has 2GB in terms of Ram, but can be extended to 8GB. The Screen size is smaller 14.1”, has a few more additional features than the above two models which you would expect for the extra price, but in terms of what the business requirements are for Temperate, the Toshiba certainly meets them and is better value for money.

PrinterA number of considerations need to be made when deciding on which printer to choose. Firstly you need to take into account not just the cost of the printer, but what the overall costs would be in terms of having to replace cartridges, the cost of servicing the printer, the use of the printer, the resolution of printed material, how quickly pages are printed in both B&W and colour, also how much the printer is used. Lexmark’s individual colour cartridges ranges from $180 to $210. I located one retailer that sold all four colours including black for $459. The Lexmark has a duty cycle of 100,000 per month and prints B&W pages per minute of 24, colour print speed is 22. The maximum resolution is 1200 x 1200dpi. The Dell has a duty cycle of 70,000 per month and the cost of the cartridges is around $200 to $240. Its print resolution is 600 x 600 dpi, the print speed varies with use, but its around 30ppm in B&W, and 25ppm in Colour. Obviously Dell seems to be more value for money, but in terms of print quality will it suit the nature of the business. If graphics, pictures are not used often, then Dell would probably be the cheapest one to buy. The Toshiba model is almost 3 times the cost, it has the same resolution as the Lexmark and is actually slower than both models, producing

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around 20ppm in text or graphics in colour. Duty cycle is 100,000 per month like the Lexmark. Ink cartridges for just one are around the $500 mark, a very expensive printer overall. My overall suggestion would be to go with the Dell model if the company’s amount of printing is not excessive and the bulk of the printing was in B&W.

Photocopier Tutorial

For competency students will have to complete this activity and take a print screen demonstrating that it is correct. They must email it to their teacher in a Word document.

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Task EightRescheduled diary – Ivan Kruber

For competency the student must complete the three elements:

• Rearrange the diary and make required adjustments to all affected appointments

• Inform by email Ivan Kruber

• Inform by email Kim Richards

To: Ivan Kruber

From: Student Name

Subject: Furniture Décor store opening cancellation

Date: 10 August 201X

Dear Mr Kruber,

Your appointment with Furniture Décor (see below), has been cancelled as you are required by Kim Richards to attend a Trade Exhibition in Townsville from

August 19 – 20 as a replacement for another manager who has taken ill.


Student’s Name

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Student Name

Administration Assistant

Temperate Wholesalers.

To: Kim Richards

From: Student Name

Subject: Furniture Décor store opening cancellation

Date:10 August 201X

Dear Kim Richards,

Ivan’s appointment below has been cancelled via a letter sent informing client. Ivan will be in Townsville attending a Trade Exhibition from 19-20 August.


Student Name

Administration Assistant

Temperate Wholesalers

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Henri’s Adjusted Diary

An email of Henri’s diary must be sent to Kim (teacher).

Note: Students must reschedule the appraisal with Mal Cotter as the lunch is in Melbourne

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KingZ Office Equipment LetterFor competency the student must have prepared a letter using the company’s letterhead, addresses business standards and have accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.

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Mr Angelopolous’ Letter

For competency the student must have prepared a letter using the company’s letterhead, addresses business standards and have accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.

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Email to Office Staff

Students must send an email to all office staff notifying them of the photocopier maintenance. Assessor judgement is required; exemplar provided below.

To: All Staff

From: Student Name

Subject: Photocopier Service

Date: 22 August 201X

Dear Staff,

The office photocopier will be undergoing servicing on Friday 18th August between 12pm and 3pm. As a result you will not be able to use it during this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Student Name

Administration Assistant

Temperate Wholesalers

Comparison Table on Required Equipment

Prepare a table for Kim on required office equipment: Three facsimile options priced under $1200 or three computer options priced under $3000 or three printer options priced under $10,000.

For competency the student may provide information on any of the forms of equipment provided they comply with: financial constraints; use of a comparative table format; provide relevant information; and, email table to Kim (teacher).

Assessor judgment is required in this element.

Sample table on next page…

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Computer Comparison

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Printer Comparison

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Fax Machine Comparison

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Incoming Mail Activity

For competency students must complete the activity, take a print screen and email it to their teacher.

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2.4 Evidence of competencyEvidence is information gathered that provides proof of competency. While evidence must be sufficient, trainers and assessors must focus on the quality of evidence rather than the quantity of evidence.

Rules of evidenceThere are four rules of evidence that guide the collection of evidence. Evidence must be:

valid – it must cover the performance evidence and knowledge evidence

sufficient – it must be enough to satisfy the competency

current – skills and knowledge must be up to date

authentic – it must be the learner’s own work and supporting documents must be genuine.

Principles of assessmentHigh quality assessments must be:

fair – assessments are not discriminatory and do not disadvantage the candidate

flexible – assessments meet the candidate’ s needs and include an appropriate range of assessment methods

valid – assessments assess the unit/s of competency performance evidence and knowledge evidence

reliable – there is a common interpretation of the assessments.

Types of evidenceTypes of evidence that can be collected, sighted or validated include:

work records such as position descriptions, performance reviews, products developed and processes followed and/or implemented

third-party reports from customers, managers and/or supervisors

training records and other recognised qualifications

skills and knowledge assessments

volunteer work.

Gathering evidenceEvidence can be gathered through:

real work/real-time activities through observation and third-party reports

structured activities.

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Evidence can also be gathered through:

formative assessments: where assessment is progressive throughout the learning process and validated along the way by the trainer – also known as assessment for learning

summative assessment: where assessment is an exercise or simulation at the end of the learning process – also known as assessment of learning.

Evaluating evidenceThe following steps may help you evaluate evidence.

Step 1: Evidence is gathered.

Step 2: Rules of evidence are applied – evidence is valid, sufficient, current and authentic.

Step 3: Evidence meets the full requirements of the unit/s of competency.

Step 4: The assessment process is valid, reliable, fair and flexible.

Step 5: The trainer or assessor makes a straightforward and informed judgment about the candidate and completes assessment records.

2.5 Assessment recordsLearners must provide evidence of how they have complied with the performance and knowledge evidence requirements outlined in the unit of competency. These requirements should be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace; assessment conditions are specified in each unit of competency.

You can use the following assessment forms to record the learner’s evidence of competency:

The Assessment Instructions Checklist helps the trainer/assessor provide clear instructions to the candidate as to which assessment activities to complete.

The Pre-Assessment Checklist helps the trainer determine if the learner is ready for assessment.

The Self-Assessment Record allows the learner to assess their own abilities against the requirements of the unit of competency.

The Performance Evidence Checklist facilitates the observation process; it allows trainers to identify skill gaps and provide useful feedback to learners.

The Knowledge Evidence Checklist can be used to record the learner’s understanding of the knowledge evidence; it allows trainers to identify knowledge gaps and to provide useful feedback to learners.

The Portfolio of Evidence Checklist helps the trainer annotate or detail aspects of the learner’s portfolio of evidence.

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The Workplace Assessment Checklist can be used by the learner’s supervisor to show workplace-based evidence of competence.

The Observation Checklist/Third Party Report records the candidate’s performance in the workplace.

The Record of Assessment form is used to summarise the outcomes of the assessment process in this unit.

The Request for Qualification Issue is used by the assessor to inform the RTO authorities that the process for issuing a Statement of Attainment or Qualification may commence.

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Assessment instructions – BSBITU201Candidate’ s name:      Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:      Date:      

The candidate must complete the following assessment activities, provided by the trainer/assessor:

Y/N Whole activity/ specific questions

Candidate Self-assessment      

Final assessment - Task 3      

Final assessment - Task 4      

Final assessment - Task 8      


Workplace Assessment      

Workplace Assessment (video)      

Competency Conversation (using RPL)      

Workplace Observation      

Third Party Report      

Other assessment activities as detailed below:




Candidate signature:       Date:      

Assessor/trainer signature:       Date:      

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Pre-assessment checklist – BSBITU201Candidate’ s name:      Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:       Date:      


Talked to the candidate about the purpose of the assessment Yes No

Explained the unit of competency Yes No

Discussed the various methods of assessment Yes No

In consultation with trainer/assessor, the following assessment methods will be used:

Question/answer Observation/Demonstration Log, Journal, Diary

Case study Portfolio, work samples Third Party Reports


Assessment environment and processWhen will assessment occur?      

Where will assessment occur?      

Special needs (if any)      

How many workplace visits are required (if appropriate)?      

What resources are required?      

Information has been provided on the following:

Confidentiality procedures Re-assessment policy Appeals process

Regulatory information Authenticity of candidate’ s work

Discussed self-assessment process Yes No

Summarised information and allowed candidate to ask questions Yes No

Candidate signature:       Date:      

Assessor/trainer signature:       Date:      

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Self-assessment record – BSBITU201Candidate’ s name:       Part D

Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:      Date:      


I do the workplace task…

Candidate’s comments…very wellI’m sure I can do the


…quite wellI think I can do the task

…no, or not well

I don’t (or can’t) do the


I am able to use correct processes and organisational procedures to produce workplace documents


I am able to adhere to the style guide used in our workplace when setting up and formatting documents.


I am able to make use of the help function and user documentation to rectify document problems


I am able to use system features, e.g. saving files, file storage, etc.


I am able to meet designated timelines when preparing documents


I am able to produce documents that have basic formatting styles have, readability and an enterprise accepted standard of presentation.


I am able to use all basic core functions of a word processing application


I am able to adhere to workplace requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation techniques


I can follow an organisational style guide and produce documents to this standard


I am able to proofread and correct any errors in a document.


Candidate signature:       Date:      

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Performance evidence checklist – BSBITU201Candidate’s name:       Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:       Date:      

Did the candidate demonstrate the following performance evidence at least once: Yes No N/A

Produce documents following correct ergonomic, conservation requirements and organisational policies and procedures

Adhere to organisational style manual when formatting documents

Refer to help function and user documentation to rectify document problems

Use system features

Follow designated timelines when preparing documents

In the assessment/s of the candidate’s performance evidence, did they demonstrate the four dimensions of competency?

Task skills

Task management skills

Contingency management skills

Job/role environment skills

The candidate’ s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate:     

Candidate signature:       Date:      

Assessor/trainer signature:       Date:      

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Knowledge evidence checklist – BSBITU201Candidate’s name:       Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:       Date:      

Did the candidate show their knowledge of the following: Yes No N/A

Identify basic formatting styles and their affect on formatting, readability and appearance of documents

Describe purpose, use and function of word processing software

Outline organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation technique

Describe what is contained in an organisational style guide

In the assessment/s of the candidate’s knowledge evidence, did they demonstrate the four dimensions of competency?

Task skills

Task management skills

Contingency management skills

Job/role environment skills

The candidate’ s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Feedback to candidate:     

Candidate signature:       Date:      

Assessor/trainer signature:       Date:      

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Portfolio of evidence checklist – BSBITU201Candidate’s name:       Part E

Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documentsTrainer/assessor:       Date:      

Description of evidence to include in portfolio

Assessor’ s comments Tick*


















Candidate signature:       Date:      

Assessor/trainer signature:       Date:      

* V = Valid; S = Sufficient: C = Current; A = Authentic

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Workplace assessment checklist – BSBITU201Candidate’s name:       Part F

Unit of competency: BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

Trainer/assessor:       Date:      

Name of organisation:      Address:      Telephone:       Email:      Workplace supervisor:      

Performance evidence Candidate demonstrates the ability to:

Evidence provided/observation comments

produce documents following correct ergonomic, conservation requirements and organisational policies and procedures


adhere to organisational style manual when formatting documents


refer to help function and user documentation to rectify document problems


use system features      

follow designated timelines when preparing documents      

Knowledge evidenceCandidate knows and understands:

basic formatting styles and their affect on formatting, readability and appearance of documents


purpose, use and function of word processing software      

organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation technique


an organisational style guide      

Workplace supervisor’ s signature:


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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201


Observation Checklist/Third Party ReportThis is a confidential report. It is for the perusal of the supervisor, the candidate and the assessor. (Part G)

Name of candidate:      

Units of competency:

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

As part of the assessment for the units of competency above we are seeking evidence to support a judgement about the above candidate’s competence. This report may be completed as either an Assessor Observation Checklist or a Third Party Report where the candidate has access to a suitable work environment. Multiple reports may be completed where a single person is unable to verify all elements.

Note that assessors may also use this document to record and confirm competency in routine tasks associated with a learning program over an extended period of time, i.e. accumulated evidence.

This report is being completed as:

Assessor Observation Third Party Report

Name of Supervisor:      

Position of Supervisor:






Has the purpose of the candidate's assessment been explained to you? Yes No

Are you aware that the candidate will see a copy of this form? Yes No

Are you willing to be contacted should further verification of this statement be required?

Yes No

What is your relationship to the candidate?


How long have you worked with the person being assessed?


How closely do you work with the candidate in the area being assessed?


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What is your experience and/or qualification(s) in the area being assessed? (Include teaching qualifications if relevant.)


Does the candidate consistently perform the following workplace activities? Yes No

Produce documents following correct ergonomic, conservation requirements and organisational policies and procedures

Adhere to organisational style manual when formatting documents

Refer to help function and user documentation to rectify document problems

Use system features

Follow designated timelines when preparing documents

Apply basic formatting styles ensuring readability and professional appearance of documents

Use word processing software

Follows organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks, and conservation technique

Uses an organisational style guide

Task 1 Produce two different word processed documents for your supervisor. Documents

to be produced within a ninety minute period.

Comment (if relevant):     

Task 2 Compile a portfolio of documents you have constructed in your workplace

through word processing over a five day period.

Comment (if relevant):     

Comment (if relevant):     

Does the candidate: Yes No

• perform job tasks to industry standards?

• manage job tasks effectively?

• implement safe working practices?

• solve problems on-the-job?

• work well with others?

• adapt to new tasks?

• cope with unusual or non-routine situations?


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Overall, do you believe the candidate performs to the standard required by the units of competency on a consistent basis?

Yes No

Identify any further training in this area that the candidate may require:     


Supervisor’s Signature: Date:      

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Record of Assessment BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

Name of candidate      

Name of assessor      

Use the checklist below as a basis for judging whether the candidate’s document and supporting evidence meets the required competency standard.

Yes No

Prepare to produce documents

1.1 Use safe work practices to ensure ergonomic, work organisation, energy and resource conservation requirements are met

1.2 Identify document purpose, audience and presentation requirements, and clarify with relevant personnel as required

1.3 Identify organisational and task requirements for document layout and design

Produce documents

2.1 Format document using appropriate software functions to adjust page layout to meet information requirements, in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements

2.2 Use system features to identify and manipulate screen display options and controls

2.3 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with document presentation and production

Finalise documents

3.1 Ensure final document is previewed, checked, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements

3.2 Ensure document is prepared within designated timelines and organisational requirements

3.3 Name and store document in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without information loss/damage

How candidate meets unit of competency requirements as a whole.

Yes No

Critical evidence requirements met

Underpinning knowledge and understanding demonstrated

Key competencies / Employability skills demonstrated at appropriate level

Sufficiency of evidence

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Evidence provided for this unit of competency is…Valid Authentic Current

Candidate is:

Competent Not competent at this time

Withdrawn after participation Withdrawn without participation

Not seeking assessment

Signed by the assessor:       Date:      

Feedback to candidate


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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Request for Qualification IssueAs the assessor this course working with this learner, my records indicate the following Statements of Attainment/Qualification should be issued as detailed below:

Student’s Name:      


Qualification/Statements of Attainment Details

Statement/s of Attainment

Units of Competency to be issued

Tick if SOA required

Full Qualification

BSB20115 Certificate II in Business Tick if Qualification


BSBWHS201 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others

BSBWHS201 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others

BSBIND201 Work effectively in a business environment

BSBIND201 Work effectively in a business environment

BSBINM201 Process and maintain workplace information

BSBINM201 Process and maintain workplace information

BSBINM202 Handle mail BSBINM202 Handle mail

BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets

BSBITU203 Communicate electronically BSBITU203 Communicate electronically

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

BSBWOR204 Use business technology BSBWOR204 Use business technology

BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers

BSBFLM303 Contribute to effective work relationships

BSBFLM303 Contribute to effective work relationships

BSBITU303 Design and produce text documents BSBITU303 Design and produce text documents



Qualification requirements: 1 core unit (BSBWHS201) and 11 elective units

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Assessor’s Review

As the assessor I have… Yes No

Checked that all units of competency listed have been judged Competent.

Checked other Training Package requirements have been addressed (e.g. foundation skills, essential elements, etc.)

Confirmed Literacy and Numeracy requirements as per qualification have been achieved.



Assessor’s Name:      

Assessor’s Email:       Assessor’s Telephone:      

Authorised by School/Institution





Processed at RTO by:



Note: The issuing of the qualification incurs a fee. This may change so contact TEIA for the most current arrangement. An invoice will accompany the printed documents and be returned by post to either the candidate or the funding organisation.

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

GlossaryThis glossary explains common terminology used in the VET sector and in this trainer’s and assessor’s guide.

Access and equity: Applying access and equity principles to training and assessment means meeting the individual needs of learners without discriminating in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, language, literacy and numeracy level, etc.

Assessment: Assessment means collecting evidence and making decisions as to whether or not a learner has achieved competency. Assessment confirms the learner can perform to the expected workplace standard, as outlined in the units of competency.

Assessment mapping: Assessment mapping ensures assessments meet the requirements of the unit/s of competency through a process of cross-referencing.

Assessment records: Assessment records are the documentation used to record the learner’s evidence of competency.

Assessment tools: Assessment tools are the instruments and procedures used to gather, interpret and evaluate evidence.

AQTF: The AQTF is the Australian Quality Training Framework. It was superseded by the VET Quality Framework and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations in some jurisdictions in July 2011.

AQTF standards: The AQTF standards are national standards designed to ensure high-quality training and assessment outcomes. They were superseded by the VET Quality Framework and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations in some jurisdictions in July 2011.

ASQA: ASQA is the Australian Skills Quality Authority, the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

Authentic/authenticity: Authenticity is one of the rules of evidence. It means the learner’s work and supporting documents must be genuinely their own.

Competency: Competency relates to the learner’s ability to meet the requirements of the unit/s of competency in terms of skills and knowledge.

Current/currency: Currency is one of the rules of evidence. It means ensuring the learner’s skills and knowledge are up to date.

Delivery plans: Delivery plans are lesson plans that guide the process of instruction for trainers.

Dimensions of competency: The dimensions of competency relate to all aspects of work performance. There are four dimensions of competency: task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job/role environment skills.

Fair/fairness: Fairness is one of the principles of assessment. It means assessments must not be discriminatory and must not disadvantage the candidate.

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TEIA – Assessment Tools BSBITU201

Flexible/flexibility: Flexibility is one of the principles of assessment. It means assessments must meet the candidate’s needs and include an appropriate range of assessment methods.

Knowledge evidence: Knowledge evidence is specified in the unit of competency. It identifies what a person needs to know to perform the work in an informed way.

Performance evidence: Performance evidence is specified in the unit of competency. It describes how the knowledge evidence is applied in the workplace.

Principles of assessment: Principles of assessment ensure quality outcomes. There are four principles of assessment – fair, flexible, valid and reliable.

Recognition: Recognition is an assessment process where learners match their previous training, work or life experience with the performance and knowledge evidence outlined in the units of competency relevant for a qualification.

Reliable/reliability: Reliability is one of the principles of assessment. It means that assessment must have a common interpretation.

Rules of evidence: Rules of evidence guide the collection of evidence. There are four rules of evidence – it must be valid, sufficient, current and authentic.

Skill sets: Skill sets are single units of competency or combinations of units of competency that link to a licence, regulatory requirement or defined industry need. They build on a relevant qualification.

Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011: The Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations superseded the AQTF in some jurisdictions in July 2011. They are designed to ensure nationally consistent, high-quality training and assessment services for the clients of Australia’ s vocational education and training (VET) system.

Sufficient/sufficiency: Sufficiency is one of the rules of evidence. Sufficiency of evidence means there is enough to satisfy the unit/s of competency.

Training and assessment strategy: A training and assessment strategy must be developed by training organisations for all their training programs. It is a framework that guides the learning requirements.

Valid: The term valid relates to the rules of evidence and principles of assessment. It means meeting the unit/s of competency’s performance and knowledge evidence requirements.

Validation of assessment: Validation of assessment means a range of assessors must review, compare and evaluate assessments and assessment processes on a regular basis to ensure they meet the unit/s of competency assessed. The evaluation process must be documented and form part of the RTO’s continuous improvement process.

VET Quality Framework: The VET Quality Framework superseded the AQTF in some jurisdictions in July 2011. It is aimed at achieving greater national consistency in the way providers are registered and monitored and in how standards in the VET sector are enforced.

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