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Figure 1. Scatterplot and regression line for Nt-proBNP vs eGFR 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 eG F R (m l/m in/1 .7 3 m -sq ) 10 100 1000 10000 N T-proB N P
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Figure 1. Scatterplot and regression line for Nt-proBNP vs eGFR

0 30 60 90 120 150 180eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m-sq)








Figure 2. Boxplot of Nt-proBNP by WHO criteria for anemia

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0 35 70 105 140 175e G F R [M D R D ] m l/m in /1 .7 3 m -s q







0.0 0.5 1.0W H O c r ite r ia







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Figure 3. Scatterplot of Nt-proBNP by hemoglobin

8 10 12 14 16H e m o g lo b in (g )







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Figure 4. 3D fitting plot of egFR and hemoglobin for separating by Nt-proBNP

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Table I. Regression of eGFR and hemoglobin to predict Nt-proBNP

Step number : 0R : 0.376R-square : 0.141

In Effect Coefficient Standard Error

Std.Coefficient Tolerance df F-ratio p-value

1 Constant              2 eGFR -83.499 14.063 -0.297 0.951 1 35.256 0.0003 Hgb -910.224 260.436 -0.175 0.951 1 12.215 0.001

Information CriteriaAIC 7785.028AIC (Corrected) 7785.139Schwarz's BIC 7800.628

Dependent Variable NTproBNP(pg/ml)

N 365Multiple R 0.376Squared Multiple R 0.141Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.137

Standard Error of Estimate 10287.156

Analysis of Variance

Source SS df Mean Squares F-ratio p-value

Regression 6.309E+009 2 3.155E+009 29.809 0.000Residual 3.831E+010 362 1.058E+008    

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Figure 5. Age normalized 1000*Log(Nt-proBNP)/eGFR by eGFR and hemoglobin

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Table II. Linear regression of NKLog(Nt-proBNP0/eGFR by eGFR and hemoglobinLog transform flattens the high Nt-proBNP scale and eGFR and age are normalized

R : 0.597R-square : 0.357

In Effect Coefficient Standard Error

Std.Coefficient Tolerance df F-ratio p-value

1 Constant              2 eGFR -1.873 0.144 -0.573 0.933 1 170.011 0.0003 Hgb -4.259 2.436 -0.077 0.933 1 3.056 0.081

Information CriteriaAIC 4299.786AIC (Corrected) 4299.899Schwarz's BIC 4315.331

Dependent Variable NKLogNTGFRN 360Multiple R 0.597Squared Multiple R 0.357Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.353

Standard Error of Estimate 94.260

Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y

Effect Coefficient

Standard Error


Tolerance t p-value

CONSTANT 256.151 27.745 0.000 . 9.232 0.000MDRD_GFR -1.873 0.144 -0.573 0.933 -13.039 0.000Hgb -4.259 2.436 -0.077 0.933 -1.748 0.081

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Figure 7. Means and 95% confidence intervals for D-dimer for positive and negative duple scans. Many false positive D-dimers not delineated without use of Receiver Operator Characteristic curve.

Least Squares Means











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Table III. One-way ANOVA of D-dimer for positive and negative scans

Dependent Variable D_DIMER

N 817

Analysis of VarianceSource Type III SS df Mean Squares F-ratio p-valueVENDUP 43456570.851 1 43456570.851 68.278 0.000Error 5.187E+008 815 636461.763    

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Figure 8. Discriminant Function multivariable graph for anemia-CHF-renal insufficiency

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Table 4. Discriminant function for CHF, renal insufficiency and anemia by age, NT-proBNP, creatinine and hemoglobin

Group Frequencies0 1 2135 335 235

Group Means  0 1 2NTproBNP (pg/ml) 1516.369 5964.054 12902.662Creatinine 0.716 1.654 2.103Hgb 11.972 11.533 11.305Age 60.570 71.373 74.966

Between Groups F-matrixdf : 4 699  0 1 20 0.000    1 23.445 0.000  2 45.108 11.788 0.000

Wilks's Lambda

Lambda : 0.778df : (4,2,702)Approx. F-ratio : 23.337df : (8,1398)p-value : 0.000

Classification Functions  0 1 2CONSTANT -32.018 -35.196 -37.394

Variable F-to-remove Tolerance5 NTproBNP

(pg/ml)13.489 0.801

6 Creatinine 21.368 0.7997 Hgb 0.190 0.9283 Age 38.632 0.948

Test StatisticStatistic Value Approx. F-ratio df p-valueWilks's Lambda 0.778 23.337 8 1398 0.000Pillai's Trace 0.226 22.295 8 1400 0.000Lawley-Hotelling Trace 0.279 24.382 8 1396 0.000

Figure 9. Same data using quadratic DSA with age-normalized 1000*Log(NT-proBNP)/eGFR and

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GFRe using the MDRD calculation.

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Table V. The DFA calculations for Figure 9.

Group Frequencies  0 1 2221.000 631.000 571.000

MeansNKLgNTproGFRe 15.589 55.971 81.159MDRD 123.130 61.940 48.748

Group 0 Discriminant Function Coefficients  NormKLgNTproGFR-

eMDRDest Constant

NKLgNTproGFRe -0.015    MDRD -0.001 0.000  Constant 0.588 0.052 -15.590

Group 1 Discriminant Function Coefficients  NormKLgNTproGFR-

eMDRDest Constant

NKLgNTproGFRe 0.000    MDRD 0.000 -0.001  Constant 0.024 0.089 -12.106

Group 2 Discriminant Function Coefficients  NormKLgNTproGFR-

eMDRDest Constant

NKLgNTproGFRe 0.000    MDRD 0.000 -0.001  Constant 0.015 0.147 -13.077

Between Groups F-matrixdf : 2 1419  0 1 20 0.000    1 236.650 0.000  2 335.228 21.342 0.000

Wilks's Lambda for the Hypothesis

Lambda : 0.671df : (2,2,1420)Approx. F-ratio : 156.542df : (4,2838)p-value : 0.000

Classification Matrix (Cases in row categories classified into columns)  0 1 2 %correct0 206 15 0 931 237 363 31 582 69 459 43 8

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Classification Matrix (Cases in row categories classified into columns)  0 1 2 %correctTotal 512 837 74 43

Jackknifed Classification Matrix  0 1 2 %correct0 205 16 0 931 237 363 31 582 69 462 40 7Total 511 841 71 43

Test StatisticStatistic Value Approx. F-ratio df p-valueWilks's Lambda 0.671 156.542 4 2838 0.000Pillai's Trace 0.330 140.347 4 2840 0.000Lawley-Hotelling Trace 0.488 173.026 4 2836 0.000

Canonical Discriminant Functions  1 2Constant -1.912 -1.075

NKLgNTproGFRe 0.001 0.009MDRD 0.028 0.008

Canonical Discriminant Functions : Standardized by Within Variances  1 2NKLgNTproGFRe 0.085 1.061MDRD 1.026 0.284

Canonical Scores of Group Means  1 20 1.576 0.0341 -0.122 -0.0692 -0.476 0.063

Table VI Ordinal regression model for combined 3 predictors of malnutrition risk.

Predictor L 2 p exp(beta)

Poor oral intake 60.29 8.2e-15 5.3

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Malnutrition related condition 46.29 1.0e-11 3.06

Albumin 152.01 6.3e-35 3.16

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Figure 10. Association Model of Malnutrition Risk

1 2 3 4RISKLEV












log(Odds-Ratios) Explained L²=267.68 df=3 p=9.7e-58Residual L²=19.88 df=42 p=1.00

Joint Y

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Table VII. Expected Odds Ratios – Diagnosis Thalassemia

Odds-RatiosMe,M,A2(e) Thalassemia1,1,1 97131,1,0 16961,0,1 2630,1,1 212 1,0,0 460,1,0 370,0,1 60,0,0 1

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Table VIII. Probabilities of RDS given by gestational age and S/A ratio.

Dependent variable: Respiratory outcome (Resp_Sca)Predictors: Surfactant to albumin (S/A) Ratio_45: 0, > 45; 1, 21-44; 2, < 21; Gestational age at delivery: 0, > 36; 1, 34-36; 2, < 34.S/A Ratio_45 p = 8.7*10-22

Gestational Age at Delivery Scaled p = 4.2*10-9

Combined variables: ChiSq = 130.14, p = 5.1*10-28, R2 = 0.433, phi = 0.8231, exp(beta) = 2.16 (S/A), 1.88 (GA)

Definition (S/A, GA)

Exp. Probabilities Exp. Odds-Ratios

0-20, < 34 0.84 44270-20, 34-36 0.64 66821-44, < 34 0.57 4410-20, > 36 0.31 10121-44, 34-36 0.25 67> 45, < 34 0.19 4421-44, > 36 0.06 10> 45, 34-36 0.04 7> 45, > 36 0.01 1

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Table IX. Ordinal regression of EKG and troponin T on diagnoses

Association Summary L² df p-value R² phiExplained by Model 206.52 2 1.4e-45 0.686 1.3856Residual 48.64 14 1.0e-5Total 255.16 16 4.5e-45

Odds Ratios and probabilities for diagnosesaverage 1 2 0 1 2score 0.00 0.00

2,3 2.87 466.82 10086.03 0.01 0.11 0.882,2 2.67 105.78 1087.95 0.04 0.20 0.751,3 2.64 95.35 931.05 0.05 0.21 0.742,1 1.95 23.97 117.35 0.26 0.27 0.471,2 1.87 21.61 100.43 0.29 0.26 0.450,3 1.79 19.48 85.95 0.32 0.26 0.421,1 0.67 4.90 10.83 0.73 0.15 0.120,2 0.61 4.41 9.27 0.75 0.14 0.110,1 0.12 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 0.01

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Figure 11. Plot of Effective Information (Y-axis, OVINFO) by CA125 t1/2 (X-axis, OVHALFLIFE)

10 30 50 70OVHALFLIFE









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Figure 12. Kaplan Meier plot of survival with t1/2 of 10 days

Survival Time

Cumulative Proportion of Survival

0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 630.0











HL > 10HL < 10

Kaplan-Meier Cumulative Survival Plot

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Table X. Observed and expected odds and odds-ratios of remission, relapse and no response by half-


Half-life exp. odds exp. odds-ratios(range, days) Rem short none Rem short none

> 20 1 4.16 17.11 1 12.49 56.07

16-20 1 2.21 4.84 1 6.64 44.16

11-15 1 1.18 1.37 1 3.53 12.49

6-10 1 0.63 0.39 1 1.88 3.53

< 6 1 0.33 0.11 1 1 1

HL-ref 1 0.33 0.11 1 1 1
