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Teacher Handbook 2013-14
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Teacher Handbook 2013-14

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INDEX Pg. 1 Informational Page Pg. 2 Informational Page Pg. 3 Informational Page Pg. 4 Phone & Copier Codes Pg. 5 District Calendar Pg. 6 LCHS 2011-12 Schedule Pg. 7 LCHS 2011-12 Spec. Ed Schedule

Bell Schedules (including intervention rotation) Pg. 8 Friday Early Release Schedule/Lunch Schedule Pg. 9 Data Notebook Pg 10 LCHS Maps Pg. 12 Morning Duty Roster Pg.13 Bathroom Coverage/Afternoon Duty Roster/

Instructions For Field Trips Pg. 14 Field Trip Request Form Pg. 15 Transportation Request Pg. 16 Field Trip Eligibility Form Pg. 18 LCS Professional Development Request Form Pg. 19 LCHS Staff Check List 2013-14 Pg. 20 Coaches Phone List


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Te Infinite Campus grade book to enter grades no later than Thursday each week. Parents are able to view grades instantaneously, so please be diligent in maintaining accurate and timely records. You will also need to keep some form of a hard copy to be turned in at the end of the year. The red grade books are acceptable as a hard copy or you may choose to print copies from IC as you input grades. The office uses IC to verify student grades throughout the nine weeks. Please check with Mr. Sandidge, Mr. Schell or Mrs. Bernard if you would like assistance/training with using this component of IC.

Hall PassesStudents shall be permitted to leave the classroom sparingly. Please know it is perfectly

acceptable to tell a student NO. If a student does leave your class, please be sure they have a hall pass. Students in the hallway without a hall pass will be asked to return to class. Students cannot be intellectually engaged when they are not in the classroom.

Friday Meetings/Early ReleaseThese meetings will be planned out (example: technology) as well as departmental

planning/scoring times. Departments will turn in reports from their PLC time.Faculty Meetings

Monthly faculty meetings may be scheduled. Faculty meetings will include discussions on various topics with a focus on improving instruction. Meetings will be tentatively scheduled for the first Monday of each month. We will begin promptly at 3:10pm. If you miss a faculty meeting you will need to attend the following morning @ 7:00am in the conference room.

August 5 th – Opening Day

Janitorial LogA labeled binder is located in the office for staff to communicate with custodians. Please

write needs or comments in this binder. Custodians will check this log daily to complete any needed tasks. Positive comments or suggestions can also go in this binder.

Open HouseWe’ll have Open House after school is in session. Attendance is expected from all staff.

The school will provide dinner for staff that evening.

August 20 th Open House 6:00 – 8:00pm

SBDM CouncilOur SBDM Council will meet at 3:30pm on the third Tuesday of every month in the

LCHS conference room. The teacher members of the council are Paul Childress and Justin Craft. The parent members are Rebecca Higdon and David Owens.

Teacher DressWe require staff to dress in a professional manner. Dress code violations will be

discussed privately when these issues arise. Occasionally Fridays may be “Dress-Down” (this means jeans & LCHS shirts are permissible). Dress down Fridays will be at the discretion of the principal.

Sub CallerRonald Whitlock will be calling subs for LCPS. Call 358-4747 for a sub. You will need

to contact Mr. Whitlock if you are going to be out for sick days, personal days, conference days etc…. Robin will still be needing folks to fill out paperwork i.e. leave affidavits, PO for conferences. If you know in advance about the absence, please let Robin know too.

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WalkthroughsWalkthroughs will be conducted in classrooms weekly. Feedback will be given with

completed documents via e-mail. Please print these e-mails and place them in the feedback section of your data notebook. You will receive a copy (email) that will show you the template that will be used. It will be similar to the one used last year.

Athletic FailuresTeachers are responsible for turning in to Mr. Dawson (via e-mail), the names of students

involved in interscholastic athletics who are failing their class for the term. The list of failures must be turned in every Friday morning. Mr. Dawson will provide a roster for each particular sport to every staff member. IC may be used for this purpose as well.

Field TripsField trip information is located in this handbook. You can print from this document for your

field trips. Please make sure to completely fill out paper work and requests while planning the field trip. A manifest of each student and a valid emergency contact number must be provided to the driver prior to the bus leaving campus. No exceptions get this done before you leave.

Teacher Arrival/Departure Teachers are expected to be at school no later than 7:35 am each morning if they are not on duty. If you are on duty you should be at your assigned area no later than 7:20am. In the afternoons staff should stay until buses have left the campus.

Mid-Terms & FinalsTeachers should turn in mid-terms and finals into Mr. Goodlett the week of exams.

Electronic copies are preferred .



Week 1 -- English (Monday – Thursday)

Week 2 -- Science (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday Clubs

Week 3 -- Math (Monday – Thursday)

Week 4 -- Social Studies (Monday – Wednesday) Thursday Clubs

I will need Intervention names by Friday at NOON on the week prior to your Intervention week. I will pass out the cards to the students on Monday morning first period. When you assign a student to Interventions then they will be with you for three or four day depending on the core area.

If you are doing Interventions then we will have a Floating Teacher that will take your Academic Time Class back to their classroom while you conduct Interventions in your room.

Our Floating Teachers are Mr. Venegas, Mr. Silva, Mr. Lindsey, Ms. Hardin, Ms. Hanna, and Mr. Allen. I will assign one of these teachers to each teacher in a core area. Each Floating Teacher will also cover a Club Sponsors class on the two Thursdays we do clubs each month.

Academic Time Teachers: I would have a set schedule that I would follow each week so that you and the students will have structure during this time. Feel free to have your own schedule but here are a couple examples you could go by. Use this time to enrich your student’s education and do some fun things that are also educational.

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Example: Elective teacher -- Monday: Current Event Article from a website on computer

Tuesday: Read Library Book

Wednesday : Enrichment Activity from elective area

Thursday: Study Time

Core Teacher -- Monday: Enrichment activity from core area

Tuesday: Current event article

Wednesday: Enrichment activity from core area

Thursday: Study Time



Post attendance by 8:05 –You will be called when you forget to post attendance. Students reporting to first period after the 8:00 bell should have a tardy slip from the office – if

not send student to the office to receive one. Call or email the attendance clerk if a student is in your class but not on your roster.

2nd – 6th PERIOD ATTENDANCE (including academic period)

Post attendance EACH PERIOD – State Attendance Auditors will be checking this. You will be called when you forget to post attendance.

Students reporting late to 2-6 periods should have a note from the teacher who detained them. Only students checking into school or who have been in the office for discipline reasons will have a tardy slip from the office.

Email attendance clerk and ISS coordinator If student does not have an excuse for being late to class –

Call or Email the attendance clerk when a student arrives to class after you have posted your attendance.

Call or Email the attendance clerk if a student is in your class but not on your roster. Do Not mark any student tardy in IC – only mark them absent. Tardy to class should be handled

by email to the ISS coordinator and attendance clerk.


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2013-14 LCHS Phone Extensions

Ag. Shop  241

2 Howell Aaron220


Allen Eric210

0 ISS- FORD Simon230


AV Room  232

0 Jochin Amber

Band Office  241

4 Jones Michelle221


Banks Theresa290

0 Kirkpatrick Scotty210


Beaven Jessica221

1 Library  232


Bernard Jennifer220

2 Lindsey Adam220


Bivens Misty240

9 Litton Amy221


Blackwell Heather210

1 Lockett Elizabeth220


Bowen Shannon240

4 Mattingly Nikki210


Bowen Shannon240

6 McGovern Thomas230


Bryan Kendrick221

3 Mechanical Rm  232


Cafeteria  232

4 Miller Karen211


Cecil Eric220

7 Office  231


Cecil Katy220

4 Periodicals  232


Childress Paul210

6 Price Chris231


Collins Rip270

0 PruesAlexander


Craft Justin210

9 Sandidge Kelly231


Cruse Houston210

2 Schell Ben221


Cruse Robin231

3 Science Lab  220


Curry Becky230

9 Silvia Alfredo240


Dawson David220

3 Slaven James221


Devers Vickie230

6 Smith Jaime220


Duncan Marsha230

5 Smith Jaime240


Farrar Laura210

5 Sorace Ruth232


Field House  250

2 South Amy210


Field House Office  250

1 Stillwell Darrell211


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Garris Summer231

9 Thomas Chris241


Goodlett Kyle231

5 Thomas Clarissa230


Gym Boys Office  260

1 Underwood Susan231


Gym Girls Office  260

0 Venegas Jorge241


Hanna Monique240

1 Walker Roy220


Hardin Jamie220

6 Willard Megan220


Heil Lauren230

4 Wooden Tara210


Hines Sue230

0 Wootton Travis270


Home Ec Room 230

2 Wright Kristi231


Hornback Kelly230

8 Zweip Elijah221


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Spec. Ed. Schedule 2013-2014 Draft As of 7-22-13      

  1 2 3 4 5 6TEACHER                         

Allen Res. Special Topics Special TopicsGeometry Geometry Alt School PLAN

    Miller Miller Miller    


Walker Intro to SS US History PLAN U.S. History World Civ. World Civ

  Bryan Kirkpatrick   Childress Kirkpatrick Cruse


Vass Integrated Science Intro to SS    Integrated Science Humanities

  Zwiep Bryan     Zwiep Hanna

             McGovern Biology Chemistry PLAN English 4 Biology Chemistry

  Willard Cecil   Farrar Willard Cecil


Wootton         English 3  



C. Thomas English 2 Res. English 4 English 1 English 1 English 2 PLAN

  South   Jones Jones South  


Howell Algebra 2 Algebra 2 English 3 Alg. 1 Alg. 1 PLAN  Wooden Wooden K. Cecil Slaven Slaven  

2013-2014 Bell Schedules

Monday – Thursday Schedule

1st Period: 8:00 – 8:55

2nd Period: 9:03 – 9:58

Intervention 10:03-10:43

3rd Period: 10:48 – 11:43

4th Period: 11:48 – 1:08

Lunch: 1st Lunch -- 11:49 – 12:13

2nd Lunch -- 12:17 – 12:41

3rd Lunch -- 12:44– 1:08

5th Period: 1:13 – 2:08

6th Period: 2:13 – 3:10

Friday Early Release Schedule

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1st Period: 8:00 – 8:50

2nd Period: 8:55 – 9:40

3rd Period: 9:45 – 10:30

4th Period: 10:35 – 11:55

Lunch: 1st Lunch -- 10:36 – 11:00

2nd Lunch -- 11:04 – 11:28

3rd Lunch -- 11:31 – 11:55

5th Period: 12:00 – 12:45

6th Period: 12:50 – 1:40

2013-14 Lunch Schedule

1st Lunch (Mon.-Thurs. 11:49-12:13, Friday 10:36-11:00)

Farrar Litton

Jones Heil

Schell E. Cecil




2nd Lunch (Mon.-Thurs. 12:17-12:41, Friday 11:04-11:28)

Beaven Slaven

Stillwell Blackwell

Craft South

Mattingly Cruse

Wooden Miller


3rd Lunch (Mon.-Thurs. 12:44-1:08, Friday 11:31-11:55)

Chris Thomas Bowen

Bivens Lindsey

Venegas Bernard

Silva Dawson


Regular Ed Staff Data Notebook (Formerly “Unit Plan” Notebook) Curriculum Map (Print from Curriculum Mapper Web-Site)

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PGP (your PGP) Documentation of Accommodations For Your Classes Syllabus For Each Prep Daily Plans, dated, current & clearly marked with “post-it”.

1. Bellringer2. EQ/Objective/Student Target3. Teacher Work4. Student Work5. Assessment

Also include Assessments; Projects; Scoring Guides with each Unit Make Copies of Unit and Daily Plans and Assessments available for Spec. Ed Staff. They will have to have

that along with other items for their notebook. You can also include samples of student work. If needed I will supply additional binders at your request.Note regular ed staff for collaborative staff. Make Copies of Unit and Daily Plans and Assessments available for Spec. Ed Staff. They will have to have

that along with other items for their notebook. Special Education Teachers Your PGP Your Daily Schedule Using your daily schedule create an accommodations by period spreadsheet. Teacher (regular ed) Unit Plans/Daily Plans Your Lesson Plans to meet accommodations. Teacher (regular ed) Assessments and Your Accommodations Noted). Samples of student work may be placed in notebook (demonstrating accommodations).

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Morning Duty Roster 2013 - 2014

All a.m. and p.m. duties will be on an 18 week rotation unless otherwise specified. Morning duties will begin at 7:20 and run until 7:50. If for some reason you are unable to be at your designated spot at the designated time please get coverage from another teacher or call the office. These areas are to be supervised for the safety of all of our students, please be conscientious in doing so.

(1 st 18weeks) (2 nd 18 weeks) ____________________________

BACK PARKING LOT Jorge Venegas Kendrick BryanAlfredo Silva Ben Schell

Be visible outside in the parking lot. Students are to park in their assigned spots only a quick glance at their tag would help them realize that we are checking. Allow students a reasonable amount of time to exit their cars and get into the building. Do not allow them to sit in cars for extended period of time. Do not allow students that did not arrive in a vehicle to enter one after it is parked. Report unauthorized vehicles to the office immediately. Any students not obeying reasonable speed limit or driving recklessly need to be written up and reported to the office.

FRONT TRAFFIC Houston Cruse Elijah Zwiep

Locate between the LCMS and LCHS buildings near the back of the high school gym. Direct traffic as appropriate. Kelly Sandidge will train you the first week.

McDonalds Guard Adam Lindsey Megan Willard

Stand out near road and prevent anyone from crossing the street, either way. They are not allowed to cross over to McDonalds or come from McDonalds. If they do so turn their names into the office.

FRONT DOOR AND Amy South Heather BlackwellPARKING LOT

Stand under the overhang in front of the school, greet students when they get off of the bus and make sure they enter the building promptly. Be sure that any student exiting the front of the building has permission to do so. If a car pulls up and drops off a student at the front door, advise the parent to drop the student off in the parking lot in the future. (1 st 18 weeks) (2nd 18 weeks)

100 HALLWAY Laura Farrar Amy Litton

Locate at the corner of the 100 hallway near the restrooms. Do not let any students go down the 100 hallway or up the stairs without permission. Monitor restrooms, let only one person at a time enter each restroom.

300 HALLWAY Misty Bivens Michelle Jones

Locate near the pay phone in the lobby. Do not let any students go up the stairs or down the 400 hallway without permission. If a student needs to use the restroom direct them to the bathrooms in the 100 hallway. Band students are allowed to go to the band room and will be supervised by the band director until the bell rings. Be sure to have students put all athletic bags in the ticket booth of the auditorium.

400 HALLWAY Jamie Hardin Lauren Heil

CAFETERIA Scott Kirkpatrick Aaron HowellMonique Hanna Tara Wooden

Circulate through the cafeteria and supervise students. Do not let students take any food or beverages other than water from the cafeteria. At 7:50 you may leave to go to your classroom, Mr. Goodlett or Mr. Price will cover the cafeteria from 7:50 until 8:00.

Auditorium Supervision Katy Cecil Summer Garris Eric Allen Roy Walker

Circulate throughout the auditorium and supervise the students between 7:30 and 7:50. Students are to sit in seats only, not on floor, not on stage. No food or drinks are allowed in the auditorium.

LIBRARY Amy Loyall Clarissa Thomas

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Bathroom duty will be an all year duty. These areas must be policed in order to stop potential smokers. You need to report to your area for the five minutes prior to the period you are assigned. Thank you for your help on this matter.

FIRST PERIOD MEN WOMEN 100 HALL Paul Childress Laura Farrar200 HALL Kendrick Bryan Michelle Jones400 HALL Chris Thomas Jessica Beaven

SECOND PERIOD100 HALL Houston Cruse Jessica Beaven200 HALL Jaime Smith Jennifer Bernard400 HALL Shannon Bowen Elizabeth Lockett

THIRD PERIOD100 HALL Paul Childress Jessica Beaven200 HALL Jaime Smith Jennifer Bernard400 HALL Chris Thomas Tiffany Lewis

FOURTH PERIOD100 HALL Scott Kirkpatrick Nikki Mattingly200 HALL Jaime Smith Elizabeth Lockett400 HALL Chris Thomas Tiffany Lewis

FIFTH PERIOD100 HALL Justin Craft Nikki Mattingly200 HALL Elijah Zweip Elizabeth Lockett400 HALL Shannon Bowen Lauren Heil

SIXTH PERIOD100 HALL Paul Childress Nikki Mattingly200 HALL James Slaven Jennifer Bernard400 HALL Shannon Bowen Tiffany Lewis

Afternoon Duty Roster 2013-2014

All afternoon duties will begin at 3:10 and go until 3:25. If for some reason you are unable to be at your designated spot at the designated time, please get coverage from another teacher or call the office. These areas are to be supervised for the safety of all of our students, please be conscientious in doing so.

(1 st 18 weeks) (2 nd 18 weeks) BACK PARKING LOT Tom McGovern Eric Cecil

James Slaven Justin Craft

Circulate in the parking lot after school, be visible. Keep an eye out for speeders and reckless drivers, report any violators to the office. *NO ONE PARKS IN THE GRAVEL

FRONT PARKING LOT Karen Miller Darrell StillwellWhen the bell rings and your students are out your class, go to the front parking lot and locate in the center of the buses. Encourage students to board the buses immediately and discourage any loitering. You may be asked to stop traffic and direct buses on rare occasion.

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Instructions for Field Trips

At least 1 month before the field trip: Discuss with Mr. Goodlett to see if you have his permission to go on field trip.

1 Month before the field trip: Fill out a Bus Request Form. Fill out a Leave Request Form. (for sub) Fill out a Purchase Order for sub & bus. (if applicable) Fill out a Field Trip Roster Form.

The day of the trip: Make sure you have the parent permission sheets with you. Take a cell phone with you. Create a manifest to include all student names and an emergency contact number for each student. Take roll on the bus and turn it in to the office before you leave the parking lot.

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FIELD TRIP REQUEST FORM DATE OF REQUEST: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TEACHER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GRADE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO: CHILD NUTRITION MANAGER (At school level) OUR CLASS IS PLANNING A FIELD TRIP. WE REQUEST YOU PROVIDE LUNCHES AS FOLLOWS: DATE OF FIELD TRIP: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NUMBER OF LUNCHES: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHOICE OF: -White Milk -Chocolate Milk -Strawberry Milk TIME FOR LUNCH PICKUP: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ **A student listing of students that will be eating the meals must be provided to the manager before the meals can be picked up.


(See menus on reverse side) EACH FIELD TRIP MUST HAVE ALL IDENTICAL LUNCHES WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MILK CHOICE. TEACHER’S SIGNATURE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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Student’s Name: _ __________________ Date of Field Trip: _ _ ________________ Name of Supervising Teacher: _ _________

Class Period

Name of Class

Teacher’s Name

Passing Class

(circle one)

Teacher’s Signature

1st Yes No

2nd Yes No

3rd Yes No

4th Yes No

5th Yes No

6th Yes No




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Allen, Eric

Beaven, Jessica

Bernard, Jennifer

Bivens, Misty

Blackwell, Heather

Bowen, Shannon

Bryan, Kendrick

Cecil, Eric

Cecil, Katy

Childress, Paul

Craft, Justin

Cruse, Houston

Dawson, David

Farrar, Laura

Garris, Summer

Hanna, Monique

Hardin, Jamie

Heil, Lauren

Howell, Aaron

Jones, Michelle

Jochin, Amber

Goodlett, Kyle – Principal

Loyall, Amy - Librarian

Price, Chris – Assistant Principal

Kirkpatrick, Scotty

Lindsey, Adam

Litton, Amy

Lockett, Elizabeth

Mattingly, Nikki

McGovern, Tom

Miller, Karen

Prues, Alexander

Schell, Ben

Silva, Alfredo

Slaven, James

Smith, Jaime

South, Amy

Stillwell, Darrell

Thomas, Chris

Thomas, Clarissa

Venegas, Jorge

Walker, Roy

Willard, Megan

Wooden, Tara

Zwiep, Elijah

Sandidge, Kelly – DSS

Sorace, Ruth – Curriculum Coach

Wright, Kristi – Guidance Counselor
