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enlightensoul.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewWe are the guardians of Gaia, in the etheric realm and...

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Introduction I have taken some of the contents out of my book Crystalline City so you can get to know me on a soul level, I have included the truth of my soul family that I work with on a higher level day to day. (Lies of these souls have been imprinted in our History to stop us learning the truth of who we truly are.) So here we go: In this life time I am known as Sharon. I am a Blue Flame and a Gatekeeper of the Crystalline City. So please allow me to share some of my story with you. The last time the Creator/Divine Source/God spoke to me was to go out and feed the Children of Earth. I asked did I need to feed their Souls or feed them with food. The response was to Shine my Light and Love upon them and unlock their Truth and if I could feed them food to do that as well. My wish is to help every Soul experience their true Authentic Self. © 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com
Page 1: enlightensoul.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewWe are the guardians of Gaia, in the etheric realm and the Protectors and Defenders of the Truth. We were created for this task of raising


I have taken some of the contents out of my book Crystalline City so you can get to know me on a soul level, I have included the truth of my soul family that I work with on a higher level day to day. (Lies of these souls have been imprinted in our History to stop us learning the truth of who we truly are.)

So here we go:

In this life time I am known as Sharon. I am a Blue Flame and a Gatekeeper of the Crystalline City.

So please allow me to share some of my story with you.

The last time the Creator/Divine Source/God spoke to me was to go out and feed the Children of Earth. I asked did I need to feed their Souls or feed them with food. The response was to Shine my Light and Love upon them and unlock their Truth and if I could feed them food to do that as well.

My wish is to help every Soul experience their true Authentic Self.

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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Crystalline City and the Blue Flame?

The Blue Flame are the Guardians of the Crystal City. There are only three Blue Flames incarnated at this time on Earth.

The more famous Blue Flames are Mary Magdalene, Merlin, Arc Angel Michael, and Morgaine.

While both Mary and Morgaine walked the Earth and carried the Female/Blue Flame energy and both were badly portrayed as bad people this was not the truth. Merlin would Soul swap (walk-in) with different Souls at different times on Earth. While Michael is our Defender and Protector he helps those who seek the Truth and has not walked in human form upon the earth. We are all one but separate. We are not to be mistaken as the Blue Ray Souls. Where we come from is beyond human comprehension, many, many billion light years away. We serve the Creator and seek the Truth in all to help humanity and allow those who choose to seek their Soul’s Truth.

We are the guardians of Gaia, in the etheric realm and the Protectors and Defenders of the Truth. We were created for this task of raising the light and holding the gateway open and protected for those seeking the truth with love and light. We do not judge but guide those to the light and truth of their existence.

My Sisters and Brothers are important to me as I walk the earthly plane for without their love, guidance and support I could not complete my mission of physically anchoring the light into the Earth and touching the Children of the Creator with my light to activate a higher consciousness upon them and the Earth.

While travelling this journey of who we are has been tiresome and trying at the best of times. It is now time for those hidden away to travel the globe sharing experiences and their love and light with one another.

There is no ego for whom and what we are, we are a collective energy that has and continues carrying out a task for millions of years as was agreed upon long, long ago. We work hand in hand with the Ancient Souls of the Earth (who are called Indigenous people within this time). They have dwelt within the Earth and protected its existence

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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and so the Earth shall return to those who once it belonged to. For without each other none of this would be possible.

One of my missions is to guide, I will not teach above but teach beside you, as a Mother holds a Childs hand to cross the road safely until the Child grows and can cross the road by itself. Mine is a mission of guidance from the heart so we all can walk in harmony side by side, and your truth is revealed.

As we have seen nothing can be hidden for long the truth comes out eventually.

Mary Magdalene’s Truth.

For I was not incarnated at this time but because we all join together as one we know each other’s Truth and experiences. I will explain about this in a minute, but Mary is a Blue Flame, people have mistaken Mother Mary for Mary Magdalene in visions and apparitions, they always recall the brilliant blue flame around her, but as we really do not know what either Mary looked like in that time period it is easy that this mistake would occur. So Mother Mary is a Soul from the Light but Mary Magdalene is a Soul from the Light and a Blue Flame. It was Mary Magdalene’s destiny to marry Jesus and it was his to come and help teach the way of the Christ energy light for all. As he is not Christ but Christ energy, which we all are. We are all Children of the Creator, as he created us and doesn’t show favouritism. The Blue Flames job, hence Mary Magdalene’s job was to anchor the Feminine energy with the Christ energy so that the Truth could be heard. Jesus needed this energy to help him on his path his mission as a Prophet was teaching that we are all the Creator’s Children from where it all began and to show compassion and love for all our sisters and brothers not judge them for their Soul’s journey. It is sad that his mission was mistaken and he was placed higher than every other Soul on Earth, again this is rulers in high powered positions on Earth wanting control of humanity, they don’t want us to be believe we are the same as Jesus. Both Mary Magdalene and Jesus received either ridicule or had believers of the Truth follow them to the end of their lives. This is why Jesus placed Mary Magdalene different to all others as any man should place his Wife who supports him, or vice versa. We should have balance in the Female and Male energy and support each other no matter what energy we carry. But even though he was placed above everyone else on earth this set the foundations for future events and higher consciousness to arrive, so their mission was complete.

It gives thought to who was seen at Fatima as the girls referred to the apparitions as My Lady, is this the secret the church doesn’t want us to know?

Mary Magdalene resides within the Crystalline City and works side by side with other Blue Flames and watches over earth. She has had the opportunity of returning home but

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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chose to stay and assist those Blue Flames still present with the mission at hand, still wanting to serve humanity and help all grow.

Morgaine’s Truth

This Blue Flame Soul has so badly been portrayed in stories, movies etc., due to these needing a villain within the stories to sell, but the truth is there was no villain within this time frame. Just Souls with a purpose to bring Harmony and Balance back to the Earth. Morgaine is the Lady of the Lake, High Priestess (Queen) of Avalon and friend to the Queen Fairy. Morgaine also resides within the Crystalline City. Morgaine was trained by Merlin since the beginning of her Soul’s mission. She has also been badly portrayed as Arthur’s evil sister. She protected the Female/ Blue Flame energy and also the Christ energy for Arthur, the Christ energy and Blue Flame energy were to walk hand in hand once again. She bound Arthur’s sword to protect him to complete his mission, she guided him in spiritual ways as she knew who she was and what she was here for. Things were at a cross road for Earth with the dark energies upon it that Merlin walked within this time frame to help see the mission to its fruition. Again the energies were anchored and the mission was completed and created the next foundation for the raising of consciousness was complete.

We believe there is no failure within our mission as it goes according to what vibration can be obtained at that time, plans can be altered so the desired outcome with happen at the right time and place as foreseen by the Creator.

So for all of you that are ready to not judge by movies listen within your heart, not your head and seek the truth about the Blue Flame and these Souls. They are here to guide you to your highest potential to unlock the memories of whom you truly are, they do not judge you so please don’t judge them.

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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Blue Flame Combined Energy

How we know each other’s truth and experiences I will explain how we work together. If you could imagine a Blue Flame with individual Soul energy balls inside the flame then imagine all the individual Soul balls merging together we are then one energy ball. We then know every feeling and experience that each has had, good or bad.

(Think of an individual rubber band inside a ball, it isn’t as strong to bounce back, now wrapping elastic bands around each other and combining them to form a solid ball then bounce it. It is strong as they work together, so the rubber band works effective by itself for one purpose, but joined with other rubber bands can have a different purpose.)

We form together when a task is too great for the individual Blue Flame Soul. We pool all our energies together to help the individual with their task at hand. For every task is important no matter how large or small.

Crystalline City

(From this point on I will refer to the Crystalline City as City)

The City resides above the Earth plane hidden from human sight but the light flows down to Earth. To describe the City, it a huge floating clear quartz crystal cluster, when you look from the outside it all seems clear, but that is an illusion as within the city it is busy, there are doorways that can take you straight to different dimensions, times etc. It can act as a portal. The City also moves dark energies on as it cannot penetrate its protection.

It is a multidimensional City. Within the city it holds the Akashi Records, all Soul’s blueprint scrolls anything and everything your Soul needs and is ready to learn while here on Earth to help you fulfil your Soul’s highest potential, it protects your Soul’s Records so that only you have access to them and when you truly access your Records they are always within your etheric layer for you to obtain information at any given time.

How do you get there, by reading this you are ready to start your ascension process and obtain everything our memory has forgotten, what you learn about yourself is not be abused but to be used to help any child of the light who needs assistance on their journey. You will understand why you are the way you are. No two souls will have the

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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same experience as it is a personal journey. Experience is knowledge and knowledge should be shared.

It is a place of teaching, a place of ceremonies but only those with pure of heart and intention may enter the city for these purposes, only the Blue Flame Souls can reside fulltime within the City, as they are the Guardians of the City. Floating unaided above the Earth it can move itself at will where the Blue Flame chooses it to go. Souls from all time and space can visit and are called upon at time to participate in ceremonies to help Gaia and the Souls upon it to grow. The City holds the grid around the Earth and protects it from harm by misguided asteroids, at given times asteroids and comets are allowed to come within the Earth’s atmosphere or land on Earth. One reason can be to cleanse the Earth and the other is to warn and let the Souls on Earth know there is more out there so seek the truth.

Within the City resides the Tree of Life running the Serpents energy down within the Earth’s core and lei lines. The City holds direct light to be filtered down to Gaia, if Gaia received direct light and communication from light years away she would overload. Sort of like overloading a power board, it would blow. People wouldn’t cope as they need to raise their vibration to accept the next level of light. We wouldn’t want to crack people’s kundalini.

It is a place that you can go to for learning but your vibration has to be raised, your heart filled with pure intentions and anything that you learn to be shared and not abused for ego, you may not use your teachings to dominate or exploit others, but you must bring love and light back to earth and spread this with nonjudgment. Your pure intention is to help Gaia and any that seek your guidance. There are so many Souls’ vibrations and intentions that are ready now. Remember the Crystalline City will not let you enter if there is ego, it see’s straight into your soul and knows your truth. But the joy for those that are ready will be blessed.

It is our job for those souls seeking the truth and oneness within themselves to support and assist where we can. Everyone’s journey is different but that is what is unique about our souls we are individuals but also a collective all seeking the same desire. There is so much our human brain cannot comprehend but if we look through our heart and accept what we see or feel and not analyse it our vibration will grow and our heart and soul will sing. There are a lot we will not understand while in human form but if we accept that energy is our key form of our Soul we will have more ease moving forward.


Long ago I worried that if I became One with Oneness that I would cease to exist, but in fact I have come to learn that I am One with the energy of Oneness but I am also an individual energy that can create anything at will.

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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If everyone went back into Oneness with the Creator and stayed we would have a big bang effect, we were created to enjoy individual energy experiences but know we can become one with the Oneness at any time. This is our highest goal. When we become one with the Oneness some people call this the Void, the Creator it is surreal.

Everyone’s experience is different. I do wish to share my story with you all. I remember astral travelling to the edge of all Creation and before me was pure whiteness, behind me were stars, galaxies etc. but before me was pure whiteness; this is what has not been created yet. You see the Creator has said he watches and will create as needed, but when you reach this point you can create your own destiny, interesting concept and I am still working on this.

My Husband calls this the Nothingness in his culture. I call it the connection to the Oneness as you step into the Creator where nothing exists but one with the Creator’s energy.

Why Teach Within the Crystalline City

The reason teachings can be obtained by all Souls no matter where you are from is due to the purity the City offers. By being able to enter the City tells the Creator you have worked hard and your heart is open to receive. It is a safe place for both human Souls and Teachers from your home to help you grow. Some Soul’s from different dimensions wishing to teach find our environment to heavy on Earth, even with the Earth’s vibration being risen, for them to come through, but the City is like a halfway point for them to come down and for you to raise to, that way it is not to draining on both Souls and your messages are pure, it also lets them know you are ready to learn of whom you truly are and why you are here.

To explain home is then to explain Soul existence. I can only explain my Husband and mine’s for each Soul is different but we were all created the same way. I hope this gives you a general idea.

My Husband and I were formed by the Creator as One energy ball then we were split into Male energy ball and Female energy ball, how the Creator does this only the Creator knows. Our paths were chosen and our homes allocated. I was to be a Blue Flame and my home would be with all Blue Flame’s created and I would carry the Feminine energy. My husband would carry the Male energy and his home would be with the Ancient Warriors of Earth, and so we were trained. He carries the Earthly energies and I carry the Celestial energies. We come together not only as Male/Female energy but also

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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Earthly and Universal Energy. By coming together this lifetime we learn from each other’s homely sides and how both sides can work together to help Gaia and put her and the Souls upon her forward.

So this journey to who you are as a Soul is your journey alone as everyone is different and were created for different goals for the collective energy, but you have unlimited support at your disposal. Your journey home is your journey into understanding your Soul and Soul’s purpose, and they are all important and blessed.

To fully understand teachings within the City you must experience it yourself, some things are not able to be put into human words and only you know who you truly are.

Star Seeds

“The Vessels have arrived, it is time to go we are the Star Seeds and this is our journey.”

Who are the Star Seeds? The Star Seeds or Star people are also what we are known as, we were the first Celestials to walk the Earth we have come so far in our journey, and we remember who we are and now have a choice to leave on the shuttles in our pods or stay and walk amongst the Ancient Guardians of Earth. Earth has changed since our arrival many eons ago and as was foreseen the new energy would arrive at the end of 2012 an era complete. 2012 is a 5 year a transition year for all that has been anchored into the earth for the new to begin. Some of us are tired and long for home but our time has come to shine and walk the Spiritual World again in energy form. It is time for the Ancient Ones to take control of Earth and bring balance within her core, as they connect in a different way we cannot. They return to the Earth and she cleanses them and rebirths them again, they are connected as a Mother and Child. We thank them for honouring us to walk on their Mother’s back.

If we choose to stay we stay and work in Harmony with each other, there is no discrimination on your skin tone only on the purity of your heart. (The Ancient Guardians are the Native Souls to the land.)

Just because your human form is white this lifetime doesn’t mean you may not be a Native Soul to Earth, it doesn’t matter what colour your skin is it is where your Soul belongs that matters.

To all Soul’s memories that are unlocked to who they truly are, is the next step in consciousness. The Light and Love that this will create will start a new beginning for humans on Earth. So let’s begin returning to where it all began so we may move forward.

© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com

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I wish to thank you for taking the time to read some of my personal journey, there has been so much that has been shown and taught to me that it was impossible to put all in a book, so I have created workshops to help you achieve Your Truth. I look forward to working with you.

Love and Light to you all Sharon

If you wish to read the full version on kindle please use the following link:


© 2015, Sharon Healey, All Rights Reserved. www.enlightensoul.weebly.com
