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les7duquebec.net€¦  · Web viewYes, there is a plan for global governance and even a blind man...

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Decryption of the Covid-19 Pandemic. A social engineering exercise To unsubscribe from this list [email protected] 23.9.2020 This article is available on the webmagazine: http://www.les7duquebec.net On: https://les7duquebec.net/archives/258700 Today we offer you a text that mainstream media hypocrites qualify as “conspiratorial”. It is that through some satanic rantings (sic) the author presents a good synthesis of proven facts concerning this pandemic which has the appearances of an exercise with a view to a bacteriological war in preparation. Let's put aside the evil interpretations of the New Order Grand Plot and examine the data it exposes. As for the ideology of "conspiracy", here is a quote from The German Ideology which puts things in perspective: "At all times, the ideas of the ruling class are the socially dominant ideas: in other words, the class which is the dominant material power of society is at the same time the dominant spiritual power. The class which disposes of the means of material production also disposes of the means of intellectual production at the same time, so that in general it exercises its power over the ideas of those who lack these means. The dominant thoughts are nothing other than the expression in ideas of the dominant material conditions, it is these conditions conceived as ideas, therefore the expression of the social relations which precisely make of a single class the dominant class, therefore the ideas of its supremacy". Robert Bibeau . Publisher https://les7duquebec.net

Decryption of the Covid-19 Pandemic. A social engineering exercise

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This article is available on the webmagazine: http://www.les7duquebec.net

On: https://les7duquebec.net/archives/258700

Today we offer you a text that mainstream media hypocrites qualify as “conspiratorial”. It is that through some satanic rantings (sic) the author presents a good synthesis of proven facts concerning this pandemic which has the appearances of an exercise with a view to a bacteriological war in preparation. Let's put aside the evil interpretations of the New Order Grand Plot and examine the data it exposes. As for the ideology of "conspiracy", here is a quote from The German Ideology which puts things in perspective: "At all times, the ideas of the ruling class are the socially dominant ideas: in other words, the class which is the dominant material power of society is at the same time the dominant spiritual power. The class which disposes of the means of material production also disposes of the means of intellectual production at the same time, so that in general it exercises its power over the ideas of those who lack these means. The dominant thoughts are nothing other than the expression in ideas of the dominant material conditions, it is these conditions conceived as ideas, therefore the expression of the social relations which precisely make of a single class the dominant class, therefore the ideas of its supremacy".  Robert Bibeau . Publisher https://les7duquebec.net


Everyone has recently been able to see a certain number of very great doctors and professors in infectious diseases, immunology, genetics or virology follow one another on the television and radio sets to explain that they did not understand anything about the management of this crisis. the Covid-19 and to the various paradoxical political situations which have arisen since the appearance of SARS-COV2 in the world.


Professor Christian Peronne, a brilliant French doctor-professor working at the Garches hospital in the Paris region is one of them. Appearing more and more taken aback show after show, he has recently published a book in which he lists“the major mistakes” that the French government allegedly committed during this crisis.


But Mr. Peronne is radically wrong, like most "normal people" who think that Boris Johnson has found himself missing the point or that Agnès Buzin and her Scientific Committee "have found themselves overwhelmed" .

The concern is that in reality, the governments of the planet have made no mistakes even if that is what we would like us to believe. They only followed the instructions given to them by the World Council 

which is under the total influence of eugenics and Malthusians such as Bill Gates or David Rockefeller

(sic - conspiracy is pointing its nose. Editor's note).



In total, no less than 194 states in the world have ratified the International Health Regulations (IHR - 2005) of the World Health  Organization (WHO). Regulation, let us remember, which provides that in the event of a major health crisis, all member states undertake to respect all the instructions issued by the World Council and to ensure that all these instructions take precedence over the laws and legal codes of the States.

But we are going to develop all this a little further because it is very important, especially since the European Parliament enacted an extremely dangerous law on July 10, 2020 in order to allow the vaccination of individuals and to inoculate them with GMOs including we know absolutely nothing.

Whether it is Christian Peronne in France, Alberto Zangrillo in Italy or Denis Rancourt in Canada, siempre es el mismo escenario. The one where innocent, naive and fundamentally good people never see  "Evil"  as we should see it, that is to say in its most absolute and most Machiavellian essence there is. They can't because they think everyone is like them.

They only see imperfections, inconsistencies, incompetence and mistakes made. And since their nature is integrity and they are basically honest people, they are unable to perceive and understand that this COVID crisis has come a long way and that it has been fully orchestrated from A to Z. (sic. Digamos que es una hipótesis de recaída. editor's note).

Does anyone remember the gruesome opening ceremony of the London Olympics in 2012? No ? Well we have to see her again. The theme revolved around a pandemic and for all eurythmy enthusiasts, the event was riddled with Satanist and Masonic images. (another little bit of conspiracy. Editor's note)

So premonition, prediction or chance?

In terms of hypothesis everything is possible but we will see that nothing is due to chance. With hindsight, we may even think that all these stories of undercooked bat spring rolls and badly grilled pangolin to be resold by a“Street cooker” in a Wuhan market are just children's stories. Nothing else. (here the conspirator sends the other conspirators to their pots. editor's note).

The proof is that we are already in mid-September and we still have not found a“zero” patient.

Everything lets us think that we will not find it (exact. Editor's note).

The reality is much more scabrous, much more Machiavellian and much more evil than anything anyone wants us to believe.

Chance, as Einstein said, "it is God who walks incognito"  and in Arabic, this term designates luck or success. That is, in the probabilistic sense of the term, the fact that a considerably improbable and uncertain event occurs with divine precision.

If this is perhaps the case in the field of quantum and relative physics or in the field of statistics, that is to say in those fields of the exact sciences where God walks everywhere between the mass of the proton, the flower of life and the golden ratio, which is certain is that in the field of the physics of political affairs, social engineering and population control - and of pandemics of course -, God no has nothing to do with it.

Man, on the other hand, is there for almost everything and crises are very often nothing other than zones of uncertainties, risks and opportunities in which those who master events and time, make tremendous qualitative leaps. This means that crises are deliberately organized and triggered for specific purposes and at the right times.

In thinking, planning, organizing, controlling the media, genetic manipulation, research of biological and bacteriological weapons, the deliberate dissemination of a virus or behind an economic lockstep and a lockdown of populations, man is everywhere. He thinks of everything.

Whether it is the educational conditioning of our children, the manipulation of crowds, the repression and intimidation of reactionary groups as was the case in France with the yellow vests or whether it is terrorism emotional, the man really thinks of everything.

To convince you by feelings, for example, the fabric of consent will repeat to you, until you repeat it yourself to your fellows, out of social mimicry or out of love for voluntary servitude, that you must not visit your grandparents in their retirement home on the pretext that you could kill them by transmitting a deadly virus.


Adorable little girl playing with elderly man's hat on nature background. The concept of two different generations.

All the means of communication hammer home it: their isolation and yours are for your good.

A bit as if Orwell told you that "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength" .

No doubt this is again nonsense which obviously creates cognitive dissonance, but many believe it. The naivety of men is limitless.

It doesn't matter if those who love us and who now live only to watch their little children grow up, die of loneliness, stress and anguish, of thirst, abandonment or despair, the important thing is that you, you do not be responsible for their death.

In France, on March 27, 2020, the government did not hesitate to prohibit the treatment of patients with COVID-19 by hydroxychloroquine, basing its decree on the fake study of the journal  "The Lancet"

and whether those responsible for this journal admitted their mistake, the government has not changed its mind.

Declaring thus dangerous, a molecule prescribed for more than 60 years throughout the planet and of which Doctor Fauci said, in 2005 in an article, that this molecule was of a formidable effectiveness to treat the SARS-COV1 but also all the coronaviruses .

So  conspiracy against health  or timing?

A few days ago, the  New York Times published another article in which the author explained that the lockdown had killed 10 times more people than the virus itself, but this information went completely unnoticed in the European media.

Through emotional terrorism, to give you another example, the media factory of consent will always make you believe that if you do not want your baby to die in excruciating pain, you must imperatively vaccinate him against a good dozen diseases and this. , even before his body has acquired its own immunity.

It does not matter whether your child later becomes autistic or whether the irreversible side effects of these vaccines make him sterile or develop at home, 30 or 40 years later, all kinds of neurodegenerative diseases which will be much more serious than the diseases against which he's supposed to be immune.

The important thing, for all those ministers of health who are really nothing other than the sales representatives of the big pharmaceutical companies, is just that you inject a whole series of paid vaccines into the body of this still fragile little being and innocent, this incredible miracle of nature.

The only things that count for them are the volume of sales, the profitability of investments in research and development and the  rise  in the company's share price.

The man of power and thirsty for control, always has the annoying tendency to always want to take himself for the Creator and to always want to manipulate everything and redo in his place and I am not talking about heads of state and governments who do not are just simple performers. I'm talking about those who really have the power. Those who fund scholarships and election campaigns of the very people who will then become their debtors. Those that we never talk about  (or less often say. Editor's note).

Yet these shadow players print the currency and decide your peace if you take out a loan to them or set up one of their central banks in your territory. If so, as was the case in Libya, they decide to send you back to the Stone Age.

“The world”, said Nicholas Butler, “is divided into 3 categories: a very small number that causes events to happen, a somewhat larger group that oversees their execution and watches them happen, and finally a vast majority. who never knows what actually happened”.

What we are proposing here is an analysis grid of the situation today because yes, the man of power and control wishes to control everything and especially when it comes to controlling the future and demographic evolution and genetics of our species.

Operation COVID-19 is pure social engineering and we will see it.

Behind terror and psychosis, more control and even less freedom

Eugenics and Malthusians often say that nothing is more dangerous for our planet and our future than overpopulation.

In Alberton, in the state of Georgia in the United States, these great thinkers of the future of humanity even set this demographic recommendation in stone and to be sure no one forgets it, they have engraved

and written in 8 languages on 6 enormous blocks of marble weighing no less than 108 tons.

Keep humanity below 500 million people in perpetual equilibrium with nature.

Very good and thank you for the advice but we are currently 7.5 billion people and in order to achieve this goal I think we have "a slight" problem here. So how to do ...

John Holdren and Paul and Anne Ehrlich provided solutions. They even wrote them and published them in a book called "ECOSCIENCE". A crazy book in which we can read a whole series of measures to carry out this operation of reduction of the planetary population such as “adding sterilants to tap water and basic foods, endocrine disruptors, to legalize drugs and neurotoxicants "  or  " to release highly pathogenic viruses" . This is interesting.

Nothing is invented and everything is in this book which is  "The reference and the bible"  of globalists such as Bill Gates or David Rockefeller who said a few years ago that  "we are on the eve of a global transformation and all we need is a good major crisis for the nations to accept the New World Order ”  (a crisis of conspiracy).

John Holdren has been a particular collaborator of Obama and he is a close friend of the Clintons, of Bill and Melinda Gates, and of David Rockefeller.

In May 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published an extremely interesting report on its site.

It is called: “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and  International Development ”. This report is public and just like in ECOSCIENCE, it contains everything you need to know about pandemics, containments and vaccines. More and more interesting isn't it.

On page 18 of this report, there is a chapter entitled  "LOCKSTEP", that is to say the shutdown or global economic lockdown in the event of a pandemic. Admittedly, this is only a scenario in the form of a dystopia, but today it is unfortunately very real and everything that has happened to us is described with incredible precision.

However, we cannot understand the COVID-19 crisis, as is the case for Professors Perrone, Raoult, Henrion-Caude, Toubiana or Toussaint, if we do not take the trouble to contextualize this health milestone in the long term. That is, to see it as the stage of a more global and more complex globalist program.

The authors of this morbid scenario have only delved into the question of how to stop the global economy and impose all kinds of restrictions and measures on populations. They are not at the origin of this project as regards the economic, ecological and logistical aspect, the exploitation and the management of our resources. The idea was born in 2005, in the  updated Meadows report. This is where LOCKSTEP was already  talking  about a 15-year horizon.

It is interesting to note that the first vice-president of the Club of Rome was David Rockefeller. The very one that commissioned the first Meadows report, which was published in 1972.

Since ancient times, the Mesopotamians, Egyptians and Chinese counted their populations to ensure perfect demographic control. This was a fundamental existential question because it was the good management of caloric resources and the human workforce capable of defending and then ensuring the protection of the living space that depended on the survival of the group.

This question of the census and demographic control of populations, for martial or socio-economic purposes, for work in the fields and then in mines and factories, has always obsessed men and has always been part of our history. This is an essential question.

What upsets this rather simple question for our time is the arrival of artificial intelligence.

There is no coincidence, let us remember. Everything is calculated and thought out several decades in advance (this is absolutely false - and the forecasts are always high or low. Editor's note).

In demography, it is even very common to make projections over several hundred years (never confirmed. Editor's note).

Bill Gates, in an interview with John Kennedy Jr. which was published in the monthly George

magazine in February 1997 captioned  "Guide to the Future 2020" , he says exactly this: "I fund education projects, I finance population control, I am very involved in the United Way program”. It's on page 101 of the magazine for those home to this issue which sells in the collector's market for over $ 5,000.

While most of us have our noses in the handlebars or live like Didier Desor's rats, in other words trying to survive in this perpetual “rat race” without really understanding the meaning of the miracle of life, others think for us.

They think, plan and organize our lives, rightly or wrongly, until they decide who is useful on this planet and who is not.

If one thing must be clearly understood today, it is that the technological acceleration and the acceleration of innovation, but above all the penetration of artificial intelligence in all aspects of our daily life, will inevitably change the world forever.

You have to be really naive or incredibly dreamy to believe that foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invest billions of dollars in biological and bacteriological research or in vaccines for the good of humanity (here is a proven truth. editor's note).

How can we naively believe for a single moment that those who want to save us from viruses and pandemics are the very ones who are trying to control and reduce the population? (The same people who finance research on these lethal viruses. Editor's note).

Muammar Gaddafi, peace to his soul, in his extraordinary and memorable speech on September 23, 2009 at the UN, said  that "viruses were created and spread around the world so that pharmaceutical companies could make profits from the sale of drugs".

He added that “drugs and vaccines should not be sold. Medicines don't sell. Advertise free medicines and vaccines in the world", he said "and you will never have viruses in circulation again because viruses are created so that vaccines are developed for the big capitalist companies to profit from”.

(These are two other proven truths that Gaddafi dared to repeat… he died of it. Editor's note).

 Was Gaddafi wrong about this? Nothing is less sure. But wait, it's not all about profit.

About a little over two and a half years ago, on January 11, 2017 to be more precise, Doctor  Antony Fauci, whom we no longer present, prophesied to us with a certain audacity and aplomb of which he alone has the secret, that he does not 'had "no doubt that Donald Trump would have to face a pandemic before the end of his mandate". (???)

Incredible but true event, Donald Trump and the whole world are facing a pandemic today.

Curious prediction, isn't it? Especially when we know that all of the media on the planet at the time daily headlined that Donald Trump was crazy and hot-tempered and that we were every day on the verge of the apocalypse of a generalized atomic war.

Remember what the French press wrote in 2017 even if the tone is still the same: Donald Trump wants war against "Rocket Man"  and North Korea, Donald Trump can declare war on Rouhani or even Donald Trump threatens Maduro and the Venezuelans.

Result after almost 4 years of presidency: zero war and several peace agreements signed thanks to his action. So a virus of nature or a virus that has been deliberately spread? (Quite relevant question. Editor's note).

In a WHO report published in September 2019 entitled  Global  Preparedness Monitoring Board  and authored by Antony Fauci, it is precisely the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory virus for the purpose of exercise on the period September 2019-September 2020.

In the paragraph  “Progress indicators”, it is written:

The United Nations (including WHO) is running at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen.

WHO is developing intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in an outbreak, to complement existing mechanisms for later and more advanced stages of an outbreak under IHR ( 2005).

United Nations Secretary-General convenes high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to determine how the world can cope with the threat of a pandemic from a pathogen respiratory system, and to manage epidemic preparedness in complex and insecure situations.

In the weekly magazine The Economist and in one of the issues published at the end of 2018 and entitled "The World In 2019", there was already talk of the occurrence of an exceptional event that was going to sow death and apocalypse across the world.

On the front cover, where fans of this magazine always find an entire page devoted to eurythmy where the game is to guess (or prepare) for all the events of the coming year, you can see a lot. drawings such as those of the Chinese president in Pinocchio (the liar), a QR code on a telephone, an incomplete RNA or even a stork carrying a baby with a bar code.

But the most interesting of all these drawings are the figures representing the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, the angry panda looking at Donald Trump and the pangolin.

So to come back to our probabilities and to the improbable and uncertain events, that is to say to the black swans, why the hell the Rothschilds, who are the owners of this magazine and the initiators of this announcing game for insiders, did they chose the pangolin to appear on this front cover when there are nearly 8 million animal species in the world?

I had already spoken about it in an article published in February 2019 entitled "Towards more control and less freedom"  but I did not however specify that the event in question and which was to occur in 2019, was going to be a pandemic.

It is also true that the fact of seeing this angry panda staring at Donald Trump and who remains inflexible and determined may lead us to think that the appearance of SARS-COV2 in the world is the beginning of a bacteriological war between China and the United States.

Especially since about a little over a year ago, on August 5, 2019, we learned through the New York Times which reported in one of its articles, that the American army was coming just ordered the closure of the military laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland. It should be remembered that Pathogen 4 ( P4 ) class military laboratory is therefore very secure, and in which only research is carried out in contact with exceptionally deadly viruses for the purpose of producing biological and bacteriological weapons.

It is also important to note that the Fort Detrick laboratory had already been at the heart of several scandals in the United States, including the one that gave rise to the "Drop Kick" affair, a military operation during which the American army deliberately released hundreds of thousands of malaria-carrying mosquitoes into civilian areas for testing.

This is just an important parenthesis to make it clear to readers that when a military or scientific organization wants to release a virus into the wild for exercise or testing, it is not conspiracy. It does exist and the “Drop Kick” operation was not an error and an isolated case. (Here are other proven facts. Editor's note).

If to this we add other events such as the strange assassination of Sino-American researcher Bing Liu, the incredible flight of Chinese researcher Juan Tang to take refuge in the Chinese embassy in San Francisco and at the same time the flight “Like the Spy Game”  of researcher and global coronavirus specialist Li-Meng Yan to the United States, there is really something to be confused about.

However, after a few months of reflection and a little hindsight, what we find on the World Economic Forum website shows us that the first hypothesis is the right one, the second is a delusion.

Namely that we are well in the case where the deliberate dissemination of a deadly respiratory virus aims to bring humanity to change paradigm.

If you go to the World Economic Forum website and go to the“platforms” tab and then click on“covid action platform” you will already read some extremely interesting information.

Then pull down your cursor and click after on the graphic in the shape of coronavirus such as the one below. It is the same. It will be displayed and become interactive.

Then click on “Avoiding COVID-19 Infection and Spread”. It’s amazing.

You will clearly see that if you want to get out of this pandemic and avoid others, the only avenue 

available to you is that of world government, of transhumance and the way of the vaccine.

So if we already know a lot of things about world government, artificial intelligence and augmented man, which we know less and of which we know less, it is all these things satellite to the vaccine and it is there , where things get very interesting.

In the patent filed by Microsoft on March 26, 2020, it is written:

Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user can be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server can provide a task to a user's device that is paired to communicate with the server. A sensor coupled to communicate with or included in a user's device can detect the user's bodily activity. Body activity data can be generated based on the detected body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system of the present invention coupled to communicate with the user's device can verify whether the bodily activity data satisfies one or more conditions defined by the cryptocurrency system, and assign a cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

So a few questions arise and they are the following:

· How are we going to equip all human beings with censors who can simultaneously detect the movement of the arms and legs, the sitting or lying position, the physical activity and the brain activity?

· What is the relationship between cryptocurrencies, 5G and body activity data?

· Is the future vaccine containing this genetically modified RNA and whose marketing authorization was voted on July 10, 2020 by the European Parliament not intended to modify our DNA and make it easily identifiable by a network? artificial intelligence?


Although these questions are difficult to answer immediately, it is very important to understand that the era we are entering is inevitably that of artificial intelligence . In this new era, what is also very likely is the fact that many human beings will no doubt find their place in it and become obsolete. (Another very plausible assertions indeed. Editor's note).

They will be gradually eliminated. (It is less certain - it is the problem of the conspirators - they deify their torturers and think that the péquenots victims of the system cannot resist nor to revolt. Error - Their crimes will make us react surely. Editor's note).

In the same way that today robot dogs have gradually come to  replace soldiers on duty, in border surveillance or in war zones, it is obvious that the Capital of tomorrow will not be able to keep and pay people at home. to do nothing because absolutely everything will be replaced by artificial intelligence. Including the police and the military and this is absolutely not fiction. (Yes, a lot of fiction in my opinion. Editor's note).

As for the others, those who will stay, the augmented ones, they will all inevitably all be bio-connected to an artificial intelligence that will manage them or eliminate them if necessary. We repeat, this is not science fiction and we are not in a movie.

All this is reality, but it is still very difficult to grasp it in the present time when the understanding of the whole project is part of the long term.

This "pandemic"  which was developed by all these Machiavellian people who decide the future of peoples and rule the world, is not child's play.

As the WHO explains  through its publications and as the World Economic Forum also publishes  on its site, we are entitled to ask ourselves what will be the outcome of this final game which will be played between those who want to control us and own us on the one hand and those who do not want this project on the other hand? (The proletariat does not want to cannot tolerate these projects and it will be cornered - obliged - to react in order not to perish. Editor's note).

To answer these many questions which point to the incompetence and errors of governments in the management of this crisis and this maintenance of terror through statistical effects via media propaganda, it is clear that it is not a question of of error but of strategy.

On October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in New York City, arguably the most important meeting of all of 2019 was held on the future of the world.

This is Event 201 .

This meeting, organized in partnership between the John Hopkins Center, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the  World Economic Forum, aimed at preparing for the exercise mentioned by the WHO in its Global Preparedness Monitoring Board of 2019. It was held. held in public with handpicked guests and in the form of a play where each had a specific role. The simulation consisted of preparing for the next global pandemic which, according to the figures put forward at this meeting, would cause more than 65 million deaths, not to mention the immeasurable damage that such a catastrophe would cause on the global economy: either a drop in global GDP by 11 points.

What is interesting to know is that all governments and most of the mainstream media on the planet were aware of this meeting. Only nobody mentioned it. The order was not to talk about it. Yet this exercise was not just a simulation, it was a real preparation for the pandemic that was to come a few weeks later but if you repeat this, you will be designated as a conspirator and you will be discredited for life.

If you take a good look at the professional career of the political figures in office, you will see that most of the ministers of health almost all come from the private sector and all have more or less close links with the biggest pharmaceutical companies on the planet (another truth proven. editor's note).

So what will the Liberals I am a part of say? Is it forbidden? Of course not. Yes it is legal and it is not bad in itself.

But how can these people, who are supposed to work for the welfare and interest of peoples and nations, at the same time act in the interests of pharmaceutical companies, whose one and only goal is to make people sick and nations and then resell them licensed treatments in order to make maximum profits?

Isn't there a conflict of interest there? Obviously yes.

Remember, as we have seen above, that in the event of a global health crisis, as is the case with the COVID-19 crisis, all member states must imperatively agree to follow the instructions of the World Council which is currently managed by Madame Gro Harlem Brundtland.

A charming lady well known for having escaped death during the Utoya massacre in Norway and whose father, Gudmund Harlem, was indebted to the Rockefeller Foundation which kindly funded her medical studies.

The creation and presentation of the World Council was officially announced by press release by the WHO on May 24, 2018. Its role is, in the event of a pandemic, to bring together all the leaders of the world and give them the instructions to follow to contain the current pandemic in their territory.

Its creation is the result of joint work between WHO and the World Bank Group.

Small interesting flashback concerning the World Bank .

On June 28, 2017, the World Bank, which is a Bank supposed to help the poorest countries on the planet, had the incredible idea of issuing “Pandemic Bonds” on the market. That is to say bonds with a 3-year horizon based on a pandemic risk.Crazy idea isn't it? Not that much to tell the truth, especially if you are a bank, a pension fund or an investment fund and you are aware of it - and in financial law this is called insider trading - there is going to be a pandemic.

In your opinion, how many banks would agree to launch out - in a hazardous way - in the issuance of such bonds without being sure of picking up the jackpot before the end of the contract? Any.

But how do you predict a pandemic? It is simply impossible.

So what are these  pandemic bonds ? It's very simple.

The World Bank sells bonds for X million dollars to funds, companies or states betting on the fact that there will be a pandemic before July 15, 2020. These work like insurance contracts with yields of up to 12%. If a pandemic is declared before June 27, 2020, then the buyers of these contracts lose their stake and part of the money collected is donated to the poorest countries on the planet (75 states). If there is no pandemic, investors get back their initial investment and the resulting interest.

Today, all the structures that have invested in pandemic bonds say that there is eel under the rock and have lost their stake. What is also interesting to note is that the poorest countries on the planet have still not received their aid. These contracts, in fact, which took into account the virus concerned, the start of the pandemic, its evolution or the number of deaths, etc., were in reality much more complex than they seemed.

For Arturo Bris, professor of finance, there is no doubt. "The people who are behind the creation and issuance of pandemic bonds were aware that there was going to be a coronavirus pandemic before July 15, 2020" .

These are serious accusations, but are they unfounded and far-fetched? Not so sure.

At this stage, it is now very difficult to defend the idea that SARS-COV2, which causes this respiratory pathology called COVID-19, is a virus that came from nature and that no one was aware of it as it still is. more difficult to believe that everyone has been surprised and taken aback and that all governments on the planet have been amateurs.

Maybe China lied, like a Pinocchio on a cover page, and maybe even the Chinese deep state was complicit in the deliberate spread of this virus and the theatrical launch of this tragic play and disastrous. We may never know.

But what is certain and what we are starting to understand is that in this era where artificial intelligence is supposed to replace humans, we will go from surprise to surprise.

The Final Vaccine and Bill Gates 'Trust Stamp’ Project 

The wish of Bill Gates and the eugenics, which is to want at all costs to control and vaccinate the whole planet under the guise of humanitarian and philanthropic advances, is not new.

As shown in the photo below, we can see that the father of the creator of Microsoft, poses very confident with David Rockefeller and his grandson. He's in the middle and it's very revealing.

The joint  “Trust Stamp” project  of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and Mastercard consists of vaccinating all human beings with alibis for children such as the fight against money laundering or the fight against trafficking. be human as we can read on the “humanitarian” tab 

of the site.

The reality is quite different and, moreover, the first experiments  are already underway in West Africa. Interesting to see that it is always in Africa, in India or in the poorest regions of the planet that Bill Gates and his philanthropic friends always try their last finds (another proven truth. Editor's note).

The organization  "ID2020", which is also the name of another joint planetary vaccination project led by Bill Gates and whose main partners are again the Gates and Rockefeller foundations, are committed to providing a digital identity to billions of people. undocumented migrants who migrate across the world.

Regarding the vaccine, which is already being massively inoculated in Africa and Bangladesh and which contains not only the RNA capable of modifying our genome in real time but also the nanoparticles supposed to interact with artificial intelligence networks to which all the vaccinated will be connected, it is impossible to predict at the moment what the primary effects and the side effects will be.

From a legal point of view, vaccinated citizens will have no possible recourse to defend themselves because, as you probably know, none of the companies that develop and produce vaccines are liable to prosecution in court around the world nor before any court. In this area, pharmaceutical companies enjoy unlimited judicial immunity. (This is another proven and extremely dangerous truth. Editor's note).

From the technical and salutary point of view, in a case where everyone is vaccinated and listed according to the extended ID2020 project and we have to evolve in a locked system fallen into the hands of mad and totalitarian radicals, it would be impossible to defend ourselves and turn around against those who would only have one click to make to take our lives in case the idea occurs to us to revolt you or to want to challenge an order.

COVID-19 is the major crisis David Rockefeller was talking about a few years ago.

The eugenics-Malthusians-transhumanists currently have the power and it will be very difficult to take away from them. Money is very often the sinews of war and they print it in abundance. They are the ones who have their finger on the printer and it is running at full speed. (No, it is the big international capital which has all the power - reread Marx above - the eugenists reflect the ideas of a faction of intellectuals in the service of these plutocrats ... like other ideologues who describe the world but do not do not direct it. editor's note).

In a recent article published on the Futurama site, which presents the start-up "Neuralink" and its work, the authors explain very well the desire of transhumanism which is to connect man to machine, that is to say. tell humanity to artificial intelligence, via a  "neural lace", that is to say an implant grafted to the brain.

So certainly, the work of this company belonging to the famous billionaire Elon Musk is still implanting chips on the brains of pigs but the first results are already there and they are promising.

Behind the argument of progress and the help that this new system of neurological assistance will bring to the paralyzed, deaf and hard of hearing, the blind, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's patients, there is another reality behind the scenes transhumanism and this is never put forward. It lies in the taking of power which could give, to a single person, the control of all these artificial intelligences and thus the total control over a connected humanity.

Because there is no doubt that after having transplanted the pigs, the time has come to transplant the men. (It's quite plausible. Editor's note).

What if you are no longer in control of your thoughts, actions and actions? What if the intelligence you are connected to experiences a bug?

What can you do if you no longer have control over your life, your body, control over your children? What will you be able to do if someone were to hack the intelligence you're logged into and take control of it?

It is not easy to answer all these questions.

To give you an example of drift, know that at this very moment, if you ever go out without a mask or if you refuse to wear one in the streets of the Quebec region, you risk ending up in camps. for inmates who may have COVID for a period of 14 days. You get out of it, you go home and there the police check you again. You go back to camps for COVID detainees and so on as long as the health emergency lasts. In any case, this is what Doctor Jacques Girard explained during a public speech on September 2, without however answering the question of a journalist who asked him where the dissidents were locked up during this crisis.

As you can see, the state of health crisis in which we have been plunged for more than 6 months already, authorizes the authorities to arrest someone on a simple suspicion and to detain him for 14 days.

From there, no one is allowed to know where the respondent is being held or to be guaranteed that he will not potentially die of COVID and then be cremated as per health protocol.

What is also easier to understand, however, is that those who think, decide and run this world have already started playing with fire and they are no longer able to control it. A bit as if a player in a casino could no longer control himself and stop.

The WHO, in its 2019 GPMB, does refer to  “two exercises”  of system-wide training and simulation, one of which covers the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen.

The first one we know. It consisted of the deliberate dissemination of SARS-COV2, alerting the populations to the mortal danger of contracting the virus, stopping the economy, confining the populations and giving them semi-liberty under conditions. That is to say that they wear the mask and that they accept one or more possible re-containments until the World Council orders the official end of the pandemic or provides a false solution: the vaccine.

The second will probably consist of vaccinating the entire world population and inoculating them with everything we talked about above with the alibi of wanting to save us all from COVID-19, this disease that they themselves have in fact spread. Disease which, by the way, is extremely dangerous for families who want to walk on the beach but which is without any danger for the Black Lives Matter demonstrations that the authorities around the world have authorized. (Another proven truth. Editor's note).

For more than 40 years now, researchers in all countries have been trying to develop a vaccine against the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome  (AIDS) in humans  .

Did they get there despite the pharaonic budgets allocated to them? No.

And do you know why ? Because it is impossible to guard against viruses that adapt and evolve by passing from one living organism to another, from one man to another.

The coronaviruses are a family of RNA retrovirus prevalent and every year in all countries, the infectious disease institutes count them in each time 4 or 5 new more or less tough. Sometimes they are benign, sometimes they can cause severe respiratory complications.

In France and the rest of Europe, they are very numerous to circulate in the schoolyards, in public transport or in all public places.

As soon as we approach moments of strong thermal amplitudes, in the seasons when we go from hot to cold or from cold to hot very quickly, all these viruses, which are said to be seasonal, appear and settle. They make us sick and then disappear.

An article published on the Sciences et Avenir site and whose subject is in the title: "What if we never found a vaccine?"  Explained rather well and gently beneath the vaccine research on RNA viruses.

Has a vaccine been found against SARS-COV1? No. There is none and we will never find one so by what miracle will we find a vaccine against SARS-COV2?

This is rubbish and it's the same rubbish as the hole in the ozone layer. Remember how much money governments took through all kinds of taxes to save the ozone hole. Then we didn't talk about it overnight. (Another proven truth. Editor's note).

But the humble are watching and asking you the question: where is the hole in the ozone layer?

The real goals of the rulers of this world are not to save humanity but to deliver the final blow. What they want is to impose total and totalitarian control on it and reduce the number of individuals to a manageable threshold from a demographic and political point of view, and to ensure that its bondage is final.

Just a few days ago, Professor Raoult from the IHU in Marseille, of which we are neither the opponents nor the admirers, said that there was in circulation on French soil, not a strain of the SARS-coronavirus. COV2 but 7 different. Mutant strains. That is, strains that have changed as they pass from one host to another.

What is especially interesting to know about the original strain of SARS-COV2 is that it is absolutely not a virus from nature but that it is the result of a cross, as the professor asserts. Li-Meng Yang, a global coronavirus specialist. She is now a refugee in the United States and protected by the FBI.

In an interview with the NewsMax channel about 1 month ago, she explained that this virus, on which she was working in particular when she was in function at the P4 laboratory in Wuhan in China, is nothing natural and that it is the crossing of two coronaviruses; that of the pangolin and that of the bat.

Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in medicine for having discovered the AIDS virus, was the first French speaker to denounce the incredible and strange fact that in the SARS-COV2 genome, there were genetic sequences of the AIDS virus.

In an interview with  the Thana TV channel , he explains this manipulation, these insertions and the abuses that threaten humanity while worrying about the fact that we  "live in a crazy world" to use his words. (This is another proven truth. I wouldn't say a crazy world - I would say a decadent capitalist world at the end of its destiny and that big capital does not know better than to try to make it last. It is necessary to abolish it ndlr).

So what are we going to tell our children when they ask us why we didn't do anything when there was still time?

At this point, there is no longer any doubt that the contradictory and paradoxical measures taken by the health authorities during the management of this crisis have no other objectives than to create cognitive dissonance in individuals in order to break down their rationality.

This dissonance thus prevents us from thinking and coming to the conclusion that we are experiencing a real manipulation. How is it that no major mainstream media brings contradiction or calls into question all government health measures that until now have been nothing but failures?

Isn't there a communication of programming and conditioning?

Joseph Goebbels said: "a lie repeated to someone always remained a lie but a lie repeated 1000 times and everywhere became a truth". It's terrible to say but unfortunately that's exactly what is happening and it is among other things for this reason that Luc Montagnier says that we live in a crazy world.

No one dares to dispute the wearing of a mask any longer, as hundreds of studies around the world have shown that it is not only ineffective but also dangerous. We can no longer count the number of people who have had troubles or accidents because of the prolonged wearing   of the mask and last week, a 13-year-old girl died in Germany after fainting on the bus on her return from school. An autopsy is in progress.

Some wear it out of conviction, and there we can do nothing for them because once we adhere to the politico-media dogma it is very difficult to get out of it otherwise the world collapses and there, very not many people are ready for this. That is to say, get out of the Matrix and follow the white rabbit.

Others wear it out of obligation, for fear of what will be said, for fear of breaking the law or for fear of verbalization even if they are convinced of its uselessness. And there it is worse because it is the clear path towards a new totalitarianism, a perfect dictatorship.

Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World: "The perfect dictatorship would be a dictatorship that would have the appearances of democracy, a prison without walls from which prisoners would never dream of escaping". A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude”.

We're not there? (NO we are not there - in the previous statement it is stipulated that slaves consume and amuse themselves - but in fact, confinement impoverishes everyone - kills the poor and impoverishes the petty bourgeoisie. Big capital digs his grave among the rabid proletarians. This is what sets us against the conspirators who believe that the game is over!

Governments don't make mistakes when they tell you, at the height of the contagion, that masks are unnecessary. No more than they do on a quiet tomorrow, in the height of summer when hospitals are empty, when they tell you otherwise. That you have to wear the mask to protect yourself and others.

It is not a mistake when they tell you that you should wear the mask at work with colleagues but not at the restaurant with the same colleagues.

In reality, governments create in you cognitive dissonance, that is to say a scenario in which all your judgments contradict each other and lead you to situations of blockages and bewilderment. You are thus much more vulnerable and much more permeable to instructions that you would surely not have accepted if your reason was functioning normally.

They make us sick with stress and anxiety

Wearing a mask keeps us in a climate of terror that is based on a threat we neither see nor perceive. This amplifies our anxieties, our stress and directly impacts our immune system which weakens due to anxiety. From the psychological point of view, we know that fear is a very bad counselor. When we are afraid, we are much more inclined to accept all kinds of liberticidal and restrictive measures. Social engineers know it, and Canadian journalist Naomie Klein has written an excellent book on the subject, “The Shock Strategy”.

Beyond the fact that it is a very critical book on the excesses of ultraliberalism, the work especially highlights the fact that governments are increasingly taking advantage of certain major events, such as terrorist attacks (case of September 11, 2001) or popular insurgencies (case of yellow vests in France),

https://les7duquebec.net/archives/253109 to strengthen their legal arsenal (searches without rogatory commission, restriction of freedoms, summons to residence, registration of individuals, strengthening of controls, etc.) aimed at restricting individual freedoms without, however, providing real security to populations.

Were the states of emergency that were established in several states of the world subsequently withdrawn? No and they are still in effect.

Has the state of emergency that has continued in France since the massacre of the Charlie Hebdo team in 2015 prevented the Nice attack? No. Absolutely not. One of the great tricks of the Valls government was to make the French believe that it was going to fight against social injustices and radical ideologies by installing cameras and security gates everywhere.

The state of emergency, in reality, only strengthened the powers of the established security forces and governments under the pretext of fighting terrorism and the French accepted it. The fear of dying, slaughtered by Mohamed the manager of the small grocery store at the bottom of the building or by Youcef with a broom between two road cleanings was too strong and went far beyond reason.

Our reality in this world is only based and built on what our senses send us back and when they are biased or are no longer quite functional, all the benchmarks collapse. We find ourselves there in a position of extreme vulnerability and even of perdition. Like whales without their echolocation system.

We thus lose confidence in ourselves and in others, all our reference points and our values fade and we willingly rely on the goodwill of authority.

It's sort of what happens when we get sick and go to the doctor. To heal and recover our health, we swallow everything it gives us and often without carefully reading the instructions.

We find ourselves like children in the hands of our parents.

Governments, which have unfortunately well understood this anthropological mechanism and these psychosocial levers for a very long time, concede considerable budgets to social engineering. The art of manipulating the masses.

We spoke a little earlier about the military laboratory P4 at Fort Detrik in Maryland, didn't you, did you know that this laboratory was also very well known for having housed for more than half a century the largest center Global Mind Control Research ?

It is true that it is scary but it is only the reality. If supra-state structures such as the WHO and the World Council have never had so much power, as we have during this crisis, the tragedy lies above all in the fact that these bodies are absolutely not independent in all materials because they also depend on other structures to finance them.

Whether it is Mrs. Brundtland or the controversial Mr. Adhenom Ghebreyesus, everything leads us to suppose today that these internal actors are only women and men of straw.

The real conductor is the hand that gives, never the hand that receives and since the United States announced that it would no longer fund the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has become the largest contributor. .

However, without any real against power, the populations of the world are at the total mercy of these supra-structures which manage the crises which they themselves have no doubt orchestrated and provoked.

Everyone today understands that something is wrong; that we are not told the truth and that the figures are rigged and manipulated and that above all, nothing will be as before.

Yes, there is a plan for global governance and even a blind man would see it. From Georges Bush to Nicolas Sarkozy, all the great political figures have repeated it over and over and nobody denies it. It is absolutely not conspiracy, "it is our project" to use the exact words of Emmanuel Macron because indeed it is a very real project.

We tend to forget that there is already a first draft of world government and it is called the UN. What is she doing ? All it does is adopt resolutions that serve no purpose except to stir up the wind.

Has the UN helped to ensure that the sovereignty of the poorest states on the planet is respected? No.

Has the UN done something for the Palestinians? Nothing.

The Near and Middle East today are in an unprecedented chaos.

Did the UN prevent the bombing of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya or Syria? The answer is no.

Have Americans brought democracy and human rights to Afghanistan since they set foot there in 2001? No. Are they still there? Yes. 19 years in a country for nothing.

The only thing that has evolved in Afghanistan is the production of heroin and it has exploded causing in principle of cause and effect a dizzying increase in its consumption in the United States to reach an alarming level.

We don't wage war to save widows and orphans and billionaires don't want us well. We must stop fooling ourselves. They are only interested in their profits and their salvation.

It's up to us to wake up and stop being walked around like immature and irresponsible children and design a system to all together decide what is good for our future and our planet.

The first thing to do is already to disconnect ourselves from all these conditioning instruments that are the conventional media which only serve soup to their owners and their main shareholders. It is imperative that we reclaim the various popular information channels and participate in the education of peoples so that they wake up and no longer fall asleep like children.

The second is to ensure that greedy and greedy men and women never come to power, and to create a system of protection that provides unfailing immunity and security to virtuous people who have the welfare of their lives at heart. humanity and nature.

To date, more than 655,000 Americans have petitioned the White House for the US government to investigate the hidden goals of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the GAVI. There is no doubt that this fall we will be hearing about the follow-up to the petition. Surely after the elections of November 3.

It is extremely important to shed light on the origins and the hidden objectives of this pandemic and to bring to justice all the different protagonists linked directly or indirectly to this fatal episode in the history of humanity. (Another point that differentiates us from conspirators. We do not trust the state and its corrupt institutions and stipendied NGOs, and we do not endorse any petition or appeal for "justice" from the rich. P4 laboratories are the very ones who exfiltrated and escaped this SARS Cov-2. These 45 war laboratories must be destroyed. Only the revolution will allow us to impose this sentence without appeal.

We must all do so that this pandemic serves as a lesson and especially that it is the first and the last.


Note from the French-speaking Saker In these troubled times when the world seems ready to rock to one side of the mountain or the other, Amar offers you his vision of events. It is based on a number of facts by offering a dystopian vision of the future.

Nothing is however written and even if the will of some is clearly displayed, the game is underway. It is also possible to draw other conclusions and imagine a whole set of prospective scenarios.

Traduction by Claudio Buttinelli. Roma

Decrittazione della pandemia Covid-19. Un esercizio di ingegneria sociale

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Oggi vi offriamo un testo che gli ipocriti dei media mainstream definiscono "cospiratori". È che attraverso alcune sfuriate sataniche (sic) l'autore presenta una buona sintesi di fatti provati riguardo a questa pandemia che ha le sembianze di un esercizio in vista di una guerra batteriologica in preparazione. Mettiamo da parte le diaboliche interpretazioni del New Order Grand Plot ed esaminiamo i dati che espone. Per quanto riguarda l'ideologia della "cospirazione", ecco una citazione da L’Ideologia tedesca che mette le cose in prospettiva: "In ogni momento, le idee della classe dominante sono le idee socialmente dominanti: in altre parole, la classe che è il potere materiale dominante della società è allo stesso tempo il potere spirituale dominante. La classe che ha nello stesso tempo i mezzi di produzione materiale ha dunque i mezzi di produzione intellettuale, così che in generale esercita il suo potere sulle idee di coloro che mancano di questi mezzi . I pensieri dominanti non sono altro che l'espressione in idee delle condizioni materiali dominanti , sono queste condizioni concepite come idee, quindi l'espressione delle relazioni sociali che fanno appunto di una singola classe la classe dominante, quindi la idee della sua supremazia".  Robert Bibeau . Editore https://les7duquebec.net


Tutti hanno potuto vedere recentemente un certo numero di grandissimi dottori e professori di infettivologia, immunologia, genetica o virologia susseguirsi in televisione e in radio per spiegare che non avevano capito nulla della gestione di questa crisi. il Covid-19 e alle varie situazioni politiche paradossali che si sono create dalla comparsa della SARS-COV2 nel mondo.

Il professor Christian Peronne, brillante dottore-professore francese che lavora all'ospedale Garches nella regione parigina, è uno di loro. Apparendo sempre più sconcertato spettacolo dopo spettacolo, ha recentemente pubblicato un libro in cui elenca "i principali errori" che il governo francese avrebbe commesso durante questa crisi.

Ma il signor Peronne ha torto radicalmente, come la maggior parte delle "persone normali" che pensano che Boris Johnson si sia ritrovato a perdere il punto o che Agnès Buzin e il suo comitato scientifico "si siano trovati sopraffatti" .

La preoccupazione è che in realtà i governi del pianeta non hanno commesso errori anche se questo è ciò che vorremmo farci credere. Hanno seguito solo le istruzioni date loro dal Consiglio Mondiale, che è sotto la totale influenza dell'eugenetica e dei malthusiani come Bill Gates o David Rockefeller. (sic - la cospirazione punta il naso. Nota dell'editore).


In totale, non meno di 194 stati del mondo hanno ratificato il Reegolamento Sanitario internazionale

(RSI - 2005) dell’Organizazione Mondiale della Sanità (WHO). Regolamento, ricordiamolo, che prevede che in caso di grave crisi sanitaria tutti gli Stati membri si impegnino a rispettare tutte le istruzioni emanate dal Consiglio Mondiale e ad assicurare che tutte queste istruzioni abbiano la precedenza sulle leggi e sui codici legali degli Stati.

Ma svilupperemo tutto questo un po 'oltre perché è molto importante, soprattutto da quando il Parlamento europeo ha emanato una legge estremamente pericolosa il 10 luglio 2020 al fine di consentire la vaccinazione di individui e di inocularli  con OGM di cui non sappiamo assolutamente niente .

Che sia Christian Peronne in Francia, Alberto Zangrillo in Italia o Denis Rancourt  in Canada, è sempre lo stesso scenario. Quello in cui persone innocenti, ingenue e fondamentalmente buone non vedono mai il "Male" come dovremmo vederlo, cioè nella sua essenza più assoluta e più machiavellica che esista. Non possono perché pensano che tutti siano come loro.

Vedono solo imperfezioni, incongruenze, incompetenze ed errori commessi. E poiché la loro natura è l'integrità e sono fondamentalmente persone oneste, non sono in grado di percepire e capire che questa crisi COVID ha fatto molta strada e che è stata completamente orchestrata dalla A alla Z. (sic. Diciamo che è un'ipotesi di ricerca (ndr).

Qualcuno ricorda la  raccapricciante cerimonia di apertura delle Olimpiadi di Londra nel 2012? No?

Beh, dobbiamo vederla di nuovo. Il tema ruotava attorno a una pandemia e per tutti gli appassionati di euritmia l'evento era pieno di immagini sataniste e massoniche. (un altro po' di cospirazione. Nota dell'editore)

Quindi premonizione, previsione o possibilità?

In termini di ipotesi tutto è possibile ma vedremo che nulla è dovuto al caso. Con il senno di poi, potremmo persino pensare che tutte queste storie di involtini primavera di pipistrello crudi e pangolino grigliato male per essere rivenduti da un "cuoco di strada"  in un mercato di Wuhan sono solo storie per bambini. Nient'altro. (qui il cospiratore manda gli altri cospiratori alle loro pentole. ndr).

La prova è che siamo già a metà settembre e non abbiamo ancora trovato un paziente “zero”. Tutto ci fa pensare che non lo troveremo (esatto. Ndr).

La realtà è molto più scabrosa, molto più machiavellica e molto più malvagia di qualsiasi cosa chiunque voglia farci credere.

Il caso, come disse Einstein, "è Dio che cammina in incognito"  e in arabo questo termine designa fortuna o successo. Vale a dire, nel senso probabilistico del termine, il fatto che un evento notevolmente improbabile e incerto si verifichi con divina precisione.

Se questo è forse il caso nel campo della fisica quantistica e relativa o nel campo della statistica, vale a dire in quei campi delle scienze esatte dove Dio cammina ovunque tra la massa del protone, il fiore della vita e della sezione aurea, il che è certo è che nel campo della fisica degli affari politici, dell'ingegneria sociale e del controllo della popolazione - e delle pandemie ovviamente - Dio no non c'entra niente.

L'uomo, invece, è lì quasi per tutto e le crisi molto spesso non sono altro che zone di incertezze, rischi e opportunità in cui chi padroneggia gli eventi e il tempo, fa enormi salti di qualità. . Ciò significa che le crisi sono deliberatamente organizzate e innescate per scopi specifici e al momento giusto.

Nel pensare, pianificare, organizzare, controllare i media, la manipolazione genetica, la ricerca di armi biologiche e batteriologiche, la diffusione deliberata di un virus o dietro un passo di passo economico e un blocco delle popolazioni, l'uomo è ovunque. Pensa a tutto.

Che si tratti del condizionamento educativo dei nostri figli, della manipolazione delle folle, della repressione e dell'intimidazione di gruppi reazionari come è avvenuto in Francia con i gilet gialli o se si tratta di terrorismo emotivo, l'uomo pensa davvero a tutto.

Per convincervi con i sentimenti, ad esempio, il tessuto del consenso vi ripeterà, finché non lo ripeti tu stesso ai tuoi simili, per mimetismo sociale o per amore di servitù volontaria, che soprattutto non devi restituire. visitare i tuoi nonni nella loro casa di riposo con il pretesto che potresti ucciderli trasmettendo loro un virus mortale. 


Bambina adorabile che gioca con il cappello dell'uomo anziano sul fondo della natura. Il concetto di due generazioni diverse.

Tutti i mezzi di comunicazione martellano: il loro isolamento e il vostro sono per il vostro bene.

Un po 'come se Orwell vi dicesse che "la guerra è pace, la libertà è schiavitù, l'ignoranza è forza".

Senza dubbio questa è ancora una sciocchezza che ovviamente crea dissonanza cognitiva, ma molti ci credono. L'ingenuità degli uomini è illimitata.

Non importa se chi ci ama e che ora vive solo per guardare i propri bambini crescere, muore di solitudine, stress e angoscia, di sete, abbandono o disperazione, l'importante è che voi, voi non siate responsabili della loro morte .

In Francia, il 27 marzo 2020, il governo non ha esitato a vietare il trattamento dei pazienti con COVID-19 con idrossiclorochina, basando il proprio decreto sul falso studio della rivista "The Lancet" e se i responsabili di questo giornale ha ammesso il loro errore, il governo non ha cambiato idea.

Dichiarando così pericolosa, una molecola prescritta da più di 60 anni in tutto il pianeta e di cui il dottor Fauci disse, nel 2005 in un articolo, che questa molecola era di una formidabile efficacia per curare il SARS-COV1 ma anche tutti i coronavirus.

Quindi cospirazione contro la salute o caso di calendario?

Pochi giorni fa il New York Times ha pubblicato un altro articolo in cui l'autore spiegava che il blocco aveva ucciso 10 volte più persone del virus stesso, ma questa informazione è passata del tutto inosservata ai media europei.

Attraverso il terrorismo emotivo, per darvi un altro esempio, la fabbrica del consenso dei media vi farà sempre credere che se non volete che il vostro bambino muoia in un dolore lancinante, dovete assolutamente vaccinarlo contro una dozzina di malattie anche prima che il suo corpo abbia acquisito la propria immunità.

Non importa se vostro figlio in seguito diventa autistico o se gli effetti collaterali irreversibili di questi vaccini lo rendono sterile o si sviluppano a casa, 30 o 40 anni dopo tutti i tipi di malattie neurodegenerative che saranno molto più gravi delle malattie contro cui dovrebbe essere immune.

L'importante, per tutti quei ministri della salute che in realtà altro non sono che rappresentanti di vendita delle grandi case farmaceutiche, è proprio che si inietti tutta una serie di vaccini a pagamento nel corpo di questo ancora fragile piccolo essere e innocente, questo incredibile miracolo della natura.

le monde peut faire face à la menace d’une pandémie due à un agent pathogène respiratoire mortel, Le uniche cose che contano per loro sono il volume delle vendite, la redditività degli investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo e l'aumento del prezzo delle azioni della società.

L'uomo di potere e assetato di controllo, ha sempre la fastidiosa tendenza a volersi sempre prendere per il Creatore e a voler sempre manipolare tutto e rifare al suo posto e non parlo di capi di stato e di governi che non lo fanno sono solo semplici interpreti. Sto parlando di coloro che hanno davvero il potere. Quelli che finanziano borse di studio e campagne elettorali delle stesse persone che poi diventeranno loro debitori. Quelli di cui non si parla mai  (o meno spesso. Nota dell'editore).

Eppure questi giocatori ombra stampano la valuta e decidono la vostra pace se chiedete loro un prestito o istituite una delle loro banche centrali nel vostro territorio. Se è così, come nel caso della Libia, decidono di rimandarvi all'età della pietra.

"Il mondo", ha detto Nicholas Butler "è diviso in 3 categorie: un numero molto piccolo che fa accadere gli eventi, un gruppo leggermente più grande che sovrintende alla loro esecuzione e li guarda accadere, e infine una vasta maggioranza che non sa cosa sia successo realmente”.

Quello che proponiamo qui è una griglia di analisi della situazione odierna perché sì, l'uomo di potere e di controllo desidera controllare tutto e soprattutto quando si tratta di controllare il futuro e l'evoluzione demografica e genetica della nostra specie.

L'operazione COVID-19 è pura ingegneria sociale e lo vedremo.

Dietro il terrore e la psicosi, più controllo e ancora meno libertà

Gli eugenetici e i malthusiani dicono spesso che nulla è più pericoloso per il nostro pianeta e il nostro futuro della sovrappopolazione.

Ad Alberton, nello stato della Georgia negli Stati Uniti, questi grandi pensatori del futuro dell'umanità hanno persino inciso questa raccomandazione demografica e per essere sicuri che nessuno la dimentichi, l’hanno fatto incidere e scrivere in 8 lingue su 6 enormi blocchi di marmo di peso non inferiore a 108 tonnellate.

Mantienete l'umanità al di sotto dei 500 milioni di persone in perenne equilibrio con la natura.

Va bene e grazie per il consiglio ma attualmente siamo 7,5 miliardi di persone e per raggiungere questo obiettivo penso che qui abbiamo "un piccolo" problema. Quindi come fare ...

John Holdren, Paul e Anne Ehrlich hanno fornito soluzioni. Li hanno persino scritti e pubblicati in un libro intitolato "ECOSCIENCE". Un libro folle in cui possiamo leggere tutta una serie di misure per realizzare questa operazione di riduzione della popolazione planetaria come "l'aggiunta di sterilizzanti all'acqua del rubinetto e alimenti di base, interferenti endocrini, legalizzare farmaci e neurotossici" o

" rilasciare virus altamente patogeni" . Questo è interessante.

Niente è inventato e tutto è in questo libro che è "Il riferimento e la Bibbia" di globalisti come Bill Gates o David Rockefeller che hanno detto alcuni anni fa che "siamo alla vigilia di una trasformazione globale e tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è una buona grande crisi affinché le nazioni accettino il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale” (una crisi di cospirazione).

John Holdren è stato un collaboratore particolare di Obama ed è un caro amico dei Clinton, di Bill e Melinda Gates e di David Rockefeller.

Nel maggio 2010, la Fondazione Rockefeller ha pubblicato un rapporto estremamente interessante sul proprio sito.

Si intitola:“Scenari per il futuro della tecnologia e  dello sviluppo internazionale”. Questo report è pubblico e, proprio come in ECOSCIENCE, contiene tutto ciò che c'è da sapere su pandemie, contenimenti e vaccini. Sempre più interessante, non è vero?.

A pagina 18 di questo rapporto, c'è un capitolo intitolato "LOCKSTEP", vale a dire l'arresto o il blocco economico globale in caso di pandemia. Certo, questo è solo uno scenario sotto forma di distopia, ma oggi purtroppo è molto reale e tutto ciò che ci è accaduto è descritto con incredibile precisione.

Tuttavia, non possiamo comprendere la crisi del COVID-19, come nel caso dei professori Perrone, Raoult, Henrion-Caude, Toubiana o Toussaint, se non ci prendiamo la briga di contestualizzare questo traguardo sanitario a lungo termine. Cioè, vederlo come il palcoscenico di un programma globalista più globale e più complesso.

Gli autori di questo scenario morboso hanno solo approfondito la questione di come fermare l'economia globale e imporre tutti i tipi di restrizioni e misure alle popolazioni. Non sono all'origine di questo progetto per quanto riguarda l'aspetto economico, ecologico e logistico, lo sfruttamento e la gestione delle nostre risorse. L'idea è nata nel 2005, nel report aggiornato di Meadows. È qui che LOCKSTEP parlava già di un orizzonte di 15 anni.

È interessante notare che il primo vicepresidente del Club di Roma è stato David Rockefeller. Quello che ha commissionato il primo rapporto Meadows, pubblicato nel 1972.

Sin dai tempi antichi, Mesopotamici, Egizi e Cinesi contavano le loro popolazioni per garantire un perfetto controllo demografico. Questa era una questione esistenziale fondamentale perché era la buona gestione delle risorse caloriche e della forza lavoro umana capace di difendere e quindi garantire la protezione dello spazio vitale che dipendeva dalla sopravvivenza del gruppo.

Questa questione del censimento e del controllo demografico delle popolazioni, a fini marziali o socio-economici, per il lavoro nei campi e poi nelle miniere e nelle fabbriche, ha sempre ossessionato gli uomini ed è sempre stata parte della nostra storia. Questa è una questione essenziale.

Ciò che sconvolge questa cuestione piuttosto semplice per i nostri tempi è l'arrivo dell'intelligenza artificiale.

Non c'è coincidenza, ricordiamolo. Tutto viene calcolato e pensato con diversi decenni di anticipo (questo è assolutamente falso - e le previsioni sono sempre alte o basse. Nota dell’editore).

In demografia, è anche molto comune fare proiezioni su diverse centinaia di anni (mai confermato. Nota dell'editore).

Bill Gates, in un'intervista con John Kennedy Jr. che è stata pubblicata sulla rivista mensile George  nel febbraio 1997, intitolata "Guide to the Future 2020" , dice esattamente questo: "Finanzio i progetti educativi, io finanzio il controllo della popolazione, sono molto coinvolto nel programma United Way”.

È a pagina 101 della rivista per coloro che ospitano questo numero che vende nel mercato dei collezionisti per oltre $ 5.000.

Mentre la maggior parte di noi ha il naso nel manubrio o vive come i topi di Didier Desor, in altre parole cercando di sopravvivere in questa  perpetua "corsa al successo" senza comprendere veramente il significato del miracolo della vita, gli altri pensano per noi.

Pensano, pianificano e organizzano le nostre vite, a torto o a ragione, finché non decidono chi è utile su questo pianeta e chi no.

Se una cosa deve essere compresa oggi, è che l'accelerazione della tecnologia e l'accelerazione dell'innovazione, ma soprattutto la penetrazione dell'intelligenza artificiale in tutti gli aspetti della nostra vita quotidiana, cambieranno inevitabilmente il mondo per sempre.

Bisogna essere davvero ingenui o incredibilmente sognatori per credere che fondazioni come la Rockefeller Foundation o la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation investano miliardi di dollari in ricerca biologica e batteriologica o in vaccini per il bene dell'umanità (ecco una verità provata. ndr).

Come possiamo ingenuamente credere per un solo momento che coloro che vogliono salvarci da virus e pandemie siano proprio quelli che stanno cercando di controllare e ridurre la popolazione? (Le stesse persone che finanziano la ricerca su questi virus letali. Nota dell'editore).

Muammar Gheddafi, pace all'anima, nel suo straordinario e memorabile discorso del 23 settembre 2009 all'Onu, ha affermato che "i  virus sono stati creati e diffusi in tutto il mondo in modo che le aziende farmaceutiche traggano profitto dalla vendita di farmaci".

Ha aggiunto che “farmaci e vaccini non dovrebbero essere venduti. I medicinali non si vendono.

 Pubblicizzare medicine e vaccini gratuiti nel mondo", ha detto "e non avrete mai più virus in circolazione perché i virus vengono creati in modo che i vaccini siano sviluppati per le grandi aziende capitaliste da cui trarre profitto. (Qui ci sono altre due verità comprovate che Gheddafi ha avuto il coraggio di ripetere ... ne è morto. Nota dell'editore).

 Gheddafi si era sbagliato su questo? Niente è meno sicuro. Ma aspettate, non si tratta solo di profitto.

Circa due anni e mezzo fa, per essere più precisi, l'11 gennaio 2017, il dottor Antony Fauci, che non presentiamo più, ci profetizzava con una certa audacia e aplomb di cui solo lui ha il segreto, che non 'non aveva "dubbi che Donald Trump avrebbe dovuto affrontare una pandemia prima della fine del suo mandato". (???)

Evento incredibile ma vero, oggi Donald Trump e il mondo intero stanno affrontando una pandemia.

Curiosa previsione non è vero? Soprattutto quando sappiamo che tutti i media del pianeta all'epoca titolavano quotidianamente che Donald Trump era pazzo e irascibile e che eravamo ogni giorno sull'orlo dell'apocalisse o della guerra atomica diffusa.

Ricordate cosa ha scritto la stampa francese nel 2017 anche se il tono è sempre lo stesso: Donald Trump vuole la guerra contro "Rocket Man"  e la Corea del Nord, Donald Trump può dichiarare guerra a Rouhani o addirittura Donald Trump minaccia Maduro e i venezuelani.

Risultato dopo quasi 4 anni di presidenza: guerra zero e diversi accordi di pace firmati grazie alla sua azione. Quindi un virus della natura o un virus che è stato deliberatamente diffuso? (Domanda abbastanza pertinente. Nota dell'editore).

In un rapporto dell'OMS pubblicato nel settembre 2019 dal titolo Global  Preparedness Monitoring Board e scritto da Antony Fauci, si tratta proprio del rilascio deliberato di un virus respiratorio mortale per l'esercizio sul periodo settembre 2019-settembre 2020.

Nel paragrafo “Indicatori di avanzamento” è scritto:

Le Nazioni Unite (inclusa l'OMS) stanno conducendo almeno due esercizi di formazione e simulazione a livello di sistema, incluso uno che riguarda il rilascio deliberato di un agente patogeno respiratorio mortale.

L'OMS sta sviluppando trigger intermedi per mobilitare azioni nazionali, internazionali e multilaterali dall'inizio di un'epidemia, per integrare i meccanismi esistenti per le fasi successive e più avanzate di un'epidemia sotto IHR ( 2005).

Il Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite convoca un dialogo ad alto livello con i funzionari della sanità, della sicurezza e degli affari esteri per determinare come il mondo può far fronte alla minaccia di una pandemia da un agente patogeno del sistema respiratorio e per gestire la preparazione alle epidemie in situazioni complesse e insicure.

Sul settimanale The Economist e in uno dei numeri usciti a fine 2018 e intitolato "The World In 2019"

si parlava già del verificarsi di un evento eccezionale che stava per seminare morte e apocalisse in tutto il mondo.

In copertina, dove i fan di questa rivista trovano sempre un'intera pagina dedicata all'euritmia dove il gioco è indovinare (o prepararsi) a tutti gli eventi dell'anno a venire, si vede molti disegni come quelli del presidente cinese in Pinocchio (il bugiardo), un codice QR su un telefono, un RNA incompleto o anche una cicogna che trasporta un bambino con un codice a barre.

Ma il più interessante di tutti questi disegni sono le figure che rappresentano i 4 cavalieri dell'apocalisse, il panda arrabbiato che guarda Donald Trump e il pangolino.

Quindi, per tornare alle nostre probabilità e agli eventi improbabili e incerti, vale a dire ai cigni neri, perché diavolo i Rothschild, che sono i proprietari di questa rivista e gli iniziatori di questo gioco di annunci per addetti ai lavori, hanno scelto il pangolino per apparire su questa copertina quando ci sono quasi 8 milioni di specie animali nel mondo?

Ne avevo già parlato in un articolo pubblicato a febbraio 2019 dal titolo "Verso più controllo e meno libertà" ma non ho però specificato che l'evento in questione e che doveva verificarsi nel 2019, sarebbe stata una pandemia.

È anche vero che il fatto di vedere questo panda arrabbiato che fissa Donald Trump e che rimane inflessibile e determinato può farci pensare che l'apparizione della SARS-COV2 nel mondo sia l'inizio di una guerra batteriologica tra Cina e Stati Uniti.

Tanto più che circa un anno fa, il 5 agosto 2019, abbiamo appreso tramite il New York Times che

riportava in uno dei suoi articoli che l'esercito americano stava arrivando ha appena ordinato la chiusura del laboratorio militare a Fort Detrick, nel Maryland. Va ricordato che il laboratorio militare di classe Pathogen 4 (P4) è quindi molto sicuro, e in cui si effettuano solo ricerche a contatto con virus eccezionalmente mortali allo scopo di produrre armi biologiche e batteriologiche.

È anche importante notare che il laboratorio di Fort Detrick era già stato al centro di diversi scandali negli Stati Uniti, tra cui quello che ha dato origine all'affare "Drop Kick", un'operazione militare durante la quale l'esercito americano deliberatamente ha rilasciato centinaia di migliaia di zanzare portatrici di malaria in aree civili per test.

Questa è solo una parentesi importante per chiarire ai lettori che quando un'organizzazione militare o scientifica vuole rilasciare un virus in libertà per l'esercizio o il test, non è un complotto. Esiste e l'operazione  "Drop Kick" non è stata un errore e un caso isolato. (Ecco altri fatti comprovati. Nota del redattore).

Se a questo si aggiungono altri eventi come lo strano assassinio del ricercatore sino-americano Bing Liu, l'incredibile fuga del ricercatore cinese Juan Tang per rifugiarsi nell'ambasciata cinese a San Francisco e allo stesso tempo il volo "Come la Spy Game" del ricercatore e specialista globale di coronavirus  Li-Meng Yan negli Stati Uniti, c'è davvero qualcosa su cui essere confusi.

Tuttavia, dopo qualche mese di riflessione e un po 'di senno di poi, quello che troviamo sul sito del  World Economic Forum  ci mostra che la prima ipotesi è quella giusta, la seconda è un'illusione.

Vale a dire, siamo nella situazione in cui la diffusione deliberata di un virus respiratorio mortale mira a indurre l'umanità a cambiare il paradigma.

Se andate sul sito del World Economic Forum e andate alla scheda “piattaforme” e poi cliccate su “piattaforma d'azione covid” leggerete  già alcune informazioni estremamente interessanti.

Quindi trascinate il cursore verso il basso e fate clic sul grafico a forma di coronavirus come quello qui sotto. È lo stesso. Verrà visualizzato e diventerà interattivo.

Quindi fare clic su "Evitare l'infezione e la diffusione di COVID-19". È fantastico.

Vedrete chiaramente che se volete uscire da questa pandemia ed evitare gli altri, l'unica strada a vostra disposizione è quella del governo mondiale, della transumanza e della via del vaccino


Quindi se sappiamo già molte cose sul governo mondiale, sull'intelligenza artificiale e sull'uomo aumentato, che sappiamo di meno e di cui sappiamo meno, è tutto satellite del vaccino ed è lì dove le cose si fanno molto interessanti.

Nel brevetto depositato da Microsoft il 26 marzo 2020 è scritto:

L'attività del corpo umano associata a un'attività fornita a un utente può essere utilizzata in un processo di mining di un sistema di criptovaluta. Un server può fornire un'attività al dispositivo di un utente che è accoppiato per comunicare con il server. Un sensore accoppiato o incluso nel dispositivo di un utente può rilevare l'attività fisica dell'utente. I dati sull'attività corporea possono essere generati in base all'attività corporea rilevata dell'utente. Il sistema di criptovaluta della presente invenzione accoppiato per comunicare con il dispositivo dell'utente può verificare se i dati di attività corporea soddisfano una o più condizioni definite dal sistema di criptovaluta, e assegnare una crittografia all'utente i cui dati di attività corporea sono verificati.

Quindi sorgono alcune domande e sono le seguenti:

· Come doteremo tutti gli esseri umani di censori che saranno in grado di rilevare simultaneamente il movimento delle braccia e delle gambe, la posizione seduta o sdraiata, l'attività fisica e l'attività cerebrale?

· Qual è la relazione tra criptovalute, 5G e dati sull'attività corporea?

· Il futuro vaccino contenente questo RNA geneticamente modificato e la cui autorizzazione all'immissione in commercio è stata votata il 10 luglio 2020 dal Parlamento europeo non intende modificare il nostro DNA e renderlo facilmente identificabile da una rete di intelligenza artificiale?



Sebbene a queste domande sia difficile rispondere immediatamente, è molto importante capire che l'era in cui stiamo entrando è inevitabilmente quella dell'intelligenza artificiale. In questa nuova era, è anche molto probabile che molti esseri umani vi troveranno senza dubbio il loro posto e diventeranno obsoleti. (Un'altra affermazione davvero plausibile. Nota dell'editore).

Verranno gradualmente eliminati. (È meno certo - è il problema dei congiurati - essi deificano i loro torturatori e pensano che i zimbelli vittime del sistema non possano resistere né ribellarsi. Errore - I loro crimini ci faranno reagire sicuramente. Ndr).

Così come oggi i cani robot sono venuti gradualmente a sostituire i soldati in servizio, nella sorveglianza delle frontiere o nelle zone di guerra, è ovvio che il Capitale di domani non potrà trattenere e pagare le persone a casa. non fare nulla perché assolutamente tutto sarà sostituito dall'intelligenza artificiale. Compreso la polizia e l'esercito e questa non è assolutamente finzione. (Sì, molta narrativa secondo me. Nota dell'editore).

Quanto agli altri, quelli che rimarranno, quelli aumentati, saranno tutti inevitabilmente tutti bio-connessi ad un'intelligenza artificiale che li gestirà o li eliminerà se necessario. Ripetiamo, questa non è fantascienza e non siamo in un film.

Tutto questo è realtà, ma è ancora molto difficile coglierlo nel tempo presente, quando la comprensione dell'intero progetto fa parte del lungo termine.

Questa "pandemia"  sviluppata da tutti questi machiavellici che decidono il futuro dei popoli e governano il mondo, non è un gioco da ragazzi.

Come spiega l'OMS attraverso le sue pubblicazioni e come pubblica anche il World Economic Forum

sul suo sito, abbiamo il diritto di chiederci quale sarà l'esito di questo gioco finale che si giocherà tra chi vuole controllarci e possedere noi da un lato e chi non vuole questo progetto dall'altro? (Il proletariato non vuole, non può tollerare questi progetti e sarà messo alle strette - obbligato - a reagire per non morire. Ndr).

Per rispondere a queste numerose domande che indicano l'incompetenza e gli errori dei governi nella gestione di questa crisi e di questo mantenimento del terrore attraverso effetti statistici attraverso la propaganda mediatica, è chiaro che non si tratta di di errore ma di strategia.

Il 18 ottobre 2019, presso il  Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security di New York City, si è tenuto probabilmente l'incontro più importante di tutto il 2019 sul futuro del mondo.

Questo è l'Evento 201.

Questo incontro, organizzato in collaborazione tra il John Hopkins Center, la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation e il World Economic Forum, mirava a preparare l'esercizio menzionato dall'OMS nel suo Global Preparedness Monitoring Board del 2019. Si è tenuto in pubblico con ospiti selezionati e sotto forma di uno spettacolo in cui ognuno aveva un ruolo specifico. La simulazione consisteva nel prepararsi alla prossima pandemia globale che, secondo i dati presentati in questo incontro, avrebbe causato più di 65 milioni di morti, senza contare i danni incommensurabili che una simile catastrofe avrebbe causato all'economia globale: o un calo del PIL mondiale di 11 punti.

Ciò che è interessante sapere è che tutti i governi e la maggior parte
