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CLASS 1 UNIT 1 THREE LITTLE PIGS Pre Reading Activity Narrative Its summer!!! Ani and Bini are in vacation. Ani asked Bini, ‘Bini, can we go to our grandparents’ house tomorrow?’ Bini with a big smile, ‘Yes, we can’. The next day, they reached their grandparents house. Ani and Bini played for the whole day, around the farm and the garden. Shows the picture of their grandparents. Interaction questions: 1. What do you see in the picture? 2. Do you have grandparents? 3. Where do they live? 4. Do they tell you stories? Elicit the responses from the children and write it on the BB. Narration continues Ani and Bini rushed inside the house. Grandma, ‘We are hungry’. ENG001



Pre Reading Activity


Its summer!!! Ani and Bini are in vacation.

Ani asked Bini, ‘Bini, can we go to our grandparents’ house tomorrow?’

Bini with a big smile, ‘Yes, we can’.

The next day, they reached their grandparents house.

Ani and Bini played for the whole day, around the farm and the garden.

Shows the picture of their grandparents.

Interaction questions:

1. What do you see in the picture? 2. Do you have grandparents?3. Where do they live?4. Do they tell you stories?

Elicit the responses from the children and write it on the BB.

Narration continues

Ani and Bini rushed inside the house.

Grandma, ‘We are hungry’.

‘Dinner ready!’, Come let’s eat dinner.

Ok, its bedtime, come and sleep my dear little ones.

Grandma, ‘Tell me an interesting story’, cried Ani.

Bini too said, ‘Yes, yes that’s a great idea’.


Yes Granny, tell us a story.

Ok, I will tell you an interesting story today.

I am going to tell you a story of the three little pigs.

All the three built different types of houses.

Are you ready to hear that story?

Great!!! We’ll start, exclaimed Bini.

Grandma began to narrate the story of the three little pigs.

My dear little ones, do you want to see the picture of the pigs?

Yes grandma, cried Ani.

Shows the picture of three pigs

The pig in the first picture is Sonu, the pig in the second picture is Monu and the pig in the third picture is Gonu.

Shows the picture of Sonu with Straw house

Picture Interaction questions

1. Who is this? This is Sonu.2. Where is he standing? House3. What is the house made of? Straw4. Is straw a strong material? No5. Why do you think so? Straw is easily breakable

Shows the picture of Monu’s house with sticks

Picture Interaction questions:

1. Whom do you see in this picture?

2. What is this house made of?3. Do you think it is a strong house?

Shows the picture of Gonu’s house made with the bricks.


1. Who do you see in this picture?2. What is the color of the house?3. what is this house made of?

Elicit the responses from the students and write it on the BB.

Reading process:

• Ask children to read individually the first paragraph of the story from, ‘’Once there were three little pigs… Gonu lived in the house of bricks’’.

• Ask children to put (?) on words, ideas or passages which they didn’t understand.

• Ask children to sit in groups and discuss about what they understood.

• While children sit in groups show the earlier pictures that we have shown them once again.

• Write down the words that children do not understand (along with the earlier written words on the board) and tell them its meaning.

• Ask children to read aloud the passage.

Comprehension questions:

1. What is the name of the story?2. Name the three pigs.

3. Where did Sonu live? What is his house made of?4. Why did Gonu build the house with bricks?


1. Have you seen a wolf in Dora cartoon?2. What is his name?3. Is he a big wolf or a small wolf?4. Does Dora like him? Why?Elicit and write on BB, a big bad wolf


The same bad wolf wanted to catch and eat the three pigs.

The three little pigs were scared. They went inside their houses.

First the big bad wolf went to Sonu’s house and said, ‘what a house!!’. Ha ha ha!!! It is made of straw. I will huff and puff and I will blow your house away.

What did the wolf say?

Elicit and write,’ I will huff and puff and I will blow your house away.

Reading process:

• Ask children to read individually the first paragraph of the story from, ‘’One day a big bad wolf… blew the house down’’.

• Ask children to put (?) on words, ideas or passages which they didn’t understand.

• Ask children to sit in groups and discuss about what they understood.

• While children sit in groups show the earlier pictures that we have shown them once again.

• Write down the words that children do not understand (along with the earlier written words on the board) and tell them its meaning.

• Ask children to read aloud the passage.


1. What is the name of that bad animal?2. What did he want to do?3. To which house the wolf went first?4. What did he say on seeing the house?

Narrative continues:

So the bad wolf huffed and puffed and blow the house down. On seeing this, Sonu got afraid. He ran to monu’s house.

Sonu cried, ‘Monu, please open the door, the wolf is trying to catch me’.

Monu opened the door and Sonu quickly entered in. The wolf came and said, ‘What a house!’ Ha ha ha!!! It is made of sticks. I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down. He huffed and puffed and blow Monu’s house down.

Reading process:

• Ask children to read individually the first paragraph of the story from, ‘’Sonu ran to Monu’s… Monu ran to Gonu’s house’’.

• Ask children to put (?) on words, ideas or passages which they didn’t understand.

• Ask children to sit in groups and discuss about what they understood.

• While children sit in groups show the earlier pictures that we have shown them once again.

• Write down the words that children do not understand (along with the earlier written words on the board) and tell them its meaning.

• Ask children to read aloud the passage.


1. Where did Sonu go?2. Did Monu allowed him inside his house?3. What is the house made of?4. Did the wolf blow Monu’s house?

Elicit the responses and write it on the BB.

Narrative continues

Now both Sonu and Monu ran to Gonu’s house. ‘Gonu, please open the door. The wolf is trying to catch us. Gonu opened the door. Sonu and Monu quickly entered into the house.

Interaction questions:

1. Who are all running?

2. What did the wolf do?3. Where did Sonu and Monu go?4. Why did they enter into Gonu’s house?

Elicit responses from the students and write it on the BB.

Narrative continues

The wolf came to Gonu’s house. ‘What a house! Ha ha ha!!! It is made of bricks.

I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down. So be huffed and puffed.

He huffed and puffed for many times. But the house is strong.

The wolf said, ‘The brick house is very strong’.

I will catch you later. Saying this he went away.

The three pigs lived happily in the red brick house.

Reading process:

• Ask children to read individually the first paragraph of the story from, ‘’The wolf came to … in the red brick house’’.

• Ask children to put (?) on words, ideas or passages which they didn’t understand.

• Ask children to sit in groups and discuss about what they understood.

• While children sit in groups show the earlier pictures that we have shown them once again.

• Write down the words that children do not understand (along with the earlier written words on the board) and tell them its meaning.

• Ask children to read aloud the passage.


1. What did the wolf do to Gonu’s house?2. Did the wolf blow away Gonu’s house?3. Why he could not blow the brick house?

Comprehension Questions:

1. What did the wolf do to Gonu’s house?2. Did the wolf blow away Gonu’s house?3. Why he could not blow the brick house?4. Who are all lived in the house?5. What happened to the wolf?6. How did the three pigs live?7. What is the color of the brick house?8. Show the word happily, strong and live

Classroom Drama

Process of generating drama

1. Ask the children to find out what are the incidents/actions in the story and then list them down in the sequence.

Note – help the children to understand how “There lived three little pigs and build their own houses and the wicked wolf destroyed the weak houses” are not incidents but descriptions.

2. Ask children to find out what are the dialogues in the story and write it down. Match it with the right incident.

Note – Tell children how the dialogues will be written in the text in inverted commas.

Write the dialogues for each actions taking place in the story. Don’t use the textbook dialogues as itself for the drama.

3. Ask children to find out which characters are telling the dialogue and to whom are they speaking.

These characters are doing some actions and talking. Go through the textbook and pictures and find out what are they doing.

4. Ask children to write down where is the incidents are taking place. (place of action)

5. Let groups plan the drama by allotting character to each member of the group.

6. Let them practice the dialogues.

7. Let them present their drama

8. Elicit reflections from the children on their performance.

9. Give your feedback using the following words:

1. Did you cover all the events?

2. Are the dialogues sufficient?

3. Do you want to add more dialogues?

4. Do you want to change any dialogues?

5. Was the whole class able to hear your dialogues?

6. Did you say dialogues with emotions like joy, sadness, anger etc.?
