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Think & Win (The Kingdom of Heaven) KG1 & KG2 Curriculum Every Sunday Uncle Mina takes his Sunday school kids out to a different place where they can play, have fun and tell them bible stories.

Think & Win (The Kingdom of Heaven)

KG1 & KG2 Curriculum

Every Sunday Uncle Mina takes his Sunday school kids out to a different place where they can play, have fun and tell them bible stories.

Jesus feeds the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius(John 21:1-14)

Uncle Mina: After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection from the dead, Peter decided to go fishing and six of the disciples went with him. They spent the whole night fishing but they did not catch anything. Not even a single fish!

Mary: Oh! The poor disciples, they must have been so tired. What happened next?

Uncle Mina: Don’t worry Mary, they were Jesus’ disciples and He loved them so much, he would have never left them sad or in need.

George: What do you mean He would have never left them? Does that mean He came to them? Is that even possible?

Uncle Mina: Yes it’s possible, He went to them. In the morning they found Him standing on the shore and He said to them “Children, have you any food?”

They answered “No” and so He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat”.

Mary: Did they?

Uncle Mina: Of course they did. They caught so much fish that they had to drag the net to the shore since it was too heavy to put on the boat. When they came back to the shore, they found that Jesus had prepared a surprise for them.

George: A surprise! What did they find?

Uncle Mina: The Lord prepared for them a meal of fish and bread!

Mary: Wow our God is an awesome God! He knew that the disciples were very tired from fishing all night so he prepared food for them.

George: Let’s all thank Him and say:

Memory Verse: “You open your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” Psalm 145: 16

A sign from the Jordan River(Joshua 3:15 - 4:8 & 20:24)

Uncle Mina: Stony has been living all its life under the water and never saw sunlight before. One day, the water split in two and stood like a wall. For the very first time, it felt feet stepping on stony and pushing it.

George: What do you mean the water split in half and people stepped on you? This is a very strange story.

Uncle Mina: Wait until you hear the rest of the story, you will be really surprised.

Mary: Okay please go on and tell us more!

Uncle Mina: We were very surprised when the water split and we felt the sunlight. We heard someone saying with a loud voice:

“Oh! You people of God, let a man from each one of the 12 tribes of Israel take a stone up on his shoulder, out of the midst of the Jordan that this may be a sign for your children. When they ask you, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before us … we were then able to cross and go to the Promise Land (Canaan).”

After the man finished saying those things we heard the people say: “Yes! Joshua is our great leader!”

Mary: What did they do with the 12 stones?

George: How was it a sign for their children?

Uncle Mina: They took the stones to a place called Gilgal. They made a memorial there to remind them that God split the Jordan River in two so that His people can cross to the other side. After they took the stones and crossed the Jordan River, the water went back to the way it was.

George: This is a great miracle! It teaches us not to worry because God will never leave His children whom He loves. No matter how difficult the situation might be, God is always with us.

Mary: That’s what He always tells us:

Memory Verse: “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Mark 6:50

The Calming of the Storm

(Mark 4:35-41)

Uncle Mina: After a long day of teaching the crowds and healing the sick, our Lord Jesus told His disciples “Let us cross over to the other side”. So they all went in a boat with our Lord Jesus and my friend, the other Cloud, was there.

George: There is nothing scary in this story. If the disciples were in the boat with Jesus, why were they scared?

Uncle Mina: Wait! Suddenly a great windstorm arose and the waves tossed the boat, so that the boat started to fill with water. The disciples were scared.

Mary: Didn’t you say that our Lord Jesus was with them?

Uncle Mina: Yes, but they were still scared. They went to Jesus and woke Him up. They said to Jesus: “Teacher, we’re going to die!”

George: What did Jesus do?

Uncle Mina: Our Lord Jesus rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” Immediately, the wind stopped. The sea also listened to our Lord and it was calm. Jesus then told His disciples, “why are you so fearful?”

George: That’s right! I’m always fearful. Why should I fear if the Lord Jesus is always with me?

Mary: My mom always tells me, “if you’re afraid of anything, always does the sign of the Cross and remembers the Word of God:

Memory Verse: “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27

The Enthronement of Jehoash(2 Kings 11:1-4), (2 Kings 12: 2 & 6-7)

Uncle Mina: Jehoash, who was also known as Joash, became a king when he was a little boy. His story is amazing. His father’s sister who was also the High Priest’s wife took him when he was a baby, hid him and nursed him in the house of the Lord.

Mary: Why would she do that?

Uncle Mina: She wanted to hide him from Athaliah, the bad queen, who wanted to hurt him.

George: Why would Queen Athaliah want to hurt him?

Uncle Mina: Because Jehoash was supposed to be the king, but she made herself queen instead of him.

Mary: So how did he become a king?

Uncle Mina: The High Priest helped him, and made him king. He taught him to rule according to the Word of God. He used to listen to the High Priest and do everything as he instructed. That’s why when he grew up and found that the temple needed some repairs, he knew what to do with the help of the High Priest. The temple was repaired and became a beautiful building. He ruled in a way that pleased God.

George: I was wrong. Even though he was a king, Jehoash still listened to older people.

Uncle Mina: George you too learned how to listen and followed the verse that says:

Memory Verse: “Therefore take heed how you hear.” Luke 8:18

The Miracle of Moving the Mountain of El-Mokatam

Uncle Mina: A long time ago, the governor of Egypt told Pope Abraam Eben Zaraa, that there is a verse in the Bible that says that if you have faith, you can move mountains! The governor insisted that he should move the mountain of El-Mokatam to prove that their faith is true.

George: Who is Pope Abraam Eben Zaraa? How can a huge mountain move? We can’t even move a small rock!

Pope Abraam Eben Zaraa was the 62nd Pope of Alexandria. When he heard this request from the governor, he asked all the Christians to fast and pray for three days, so that God can do a miracle and move the mountain.

Mary: What happened after they fasted and prayed?

Uncle Mina: On the third day, St. Mary appeared to the Pope and told him: “Don’t be afraid, God heard your prayers. Go outside now and you will find a man carrying a jar of water. God will perform the miracle through him.” So the Pope went out, and as St. Mary said, he found the man whose name was Simon and took him in the Church.

Simon told the Pope what to do for the mountain move.

George: Wait! I’ll tell you I heard what happened on that day at the mountain. Pope Anba Abraam Eben Zaraa, Simon and the whole congregation were standing on one side of the mountain.

Uncle Mina: On the other side, the governor and his guards were standing. After they prayed the mass, the congregation bowed down saying Kyrie Eleyson “Lord have mercy” 400 times.

When the Pope made the sign of the Cross on the mountain, the mountain rose to the point that everyone could see the sun under it. Every time they bowed down, the mountain would go up and down with them.

The miracle happened and the mountain was moved. That’s why it was called “El-Mokatam” because the mountain broke when it moved from its original place. The governor believed that the verse in the Bible was true.

Through their prayers and fasting, the Pope, Simon and the whole congregation were able to share in moving the mountain, and you too did the same by helping each other move me.

Memory Verse: “Everyone helped his neighbor.” Isaiah 41:6

The Story of the Young St. Choura

Uncle Mina: Choura was a young boy who lived in a suburb of the city of Akhmeem. He was a shepherd, which means that he used to take care of sheep. He used a wooden rod to protect them.

While tending his flock, he would always pray a Psalm saying:

Memory Verse: “I will love You, O Lord, my strength.” Psalms 18:1

Uncle Mina: One day, Choura was very sad because Arianos, the governor, came to Akhmeem with his soldiers and wanted the Christians to worship idols instead of the Lord Jesus.

As he was tending his sheep, he met five soldiers. He told them very boldly: “I am Christian!”

Mary: What did the soldiers do when Choura said that?

George: The soldiers took two of his sheep away. But since Choura was very courageous, he ran after them and took back his sheep.

When Arianos, the governor, heard what had happened, he became very angry. He asked, “How can this young boy who is only 8 years old do this to my soldiers?” He ordered that Choura be brought to him immediately.

Uncle Mina: Choura was arrested and sent to Arianos. Arianos asked him, “What’s your name?” Choura replied, “My name is Choura, and I am a Christian shepherd boy.”

George: Arianos tried every possible way to make Choura worship idols, but Choura refused.He always repeated the verse “I love you, O Lord, my strength.” Finally, Choura was martyred and received a heavenly crown.

Mary: You’re right! Choura was indeed very courageous. Now I understand. When you keep your eyes on our Lord Jesus, you’re never scared.

A Nobleman’s Son is Healed(John 4:46 – 54)

George: The nobleman was living in a city called Capernaum when his son became very sick.

Uncle Mina: When he heard that our Lord Jesus came to Cana of Galilee, he quickly began the long journey to see Jesus.

Mary: Why did he want to meet Jesus?

George: Well, the nobleman had heard of all the miracles that Jesus was doing and he wanted to ask Him to come to his house to heal his son.

The nobleman told Jesus, “Please, come with me, my son is very sick.”

Jesus answered, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”

The nobleman replied, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Finally,

Jesus told the nobleman, “Go your way; your son lives.”

Uncle Mina: At that same moment, his son was healed!

Mary: How can he be healed with a word? The boy was healed even though Jesus didn’t go to him! This is very strange.

Uncle Mina: It’s not strange at all! Our Lord Jesus is God. One word from His mouth does miracles. All we have to do is have faith and believe.

George: That’s exactly what happened. The man believed what Jesus said to him and returned home.

Uncle Mina: As the nobleman was on his way home, his servants met him and told him, “Your son lives!” Then he asked them, “When did he got better?” When they answered him, he realized that it was the same hour in which Jesus said to him, “Your son lives.”

George: Because of this miracle, the nobleman and his whole household believed. The Word of God is always fulfilled as He taught us:

Memory Verse: “But the Word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8

David saves an Egyptian man(1 Samuel 30:1-16)

Uncle Mina: David and his men were away from their city for three days. When they came back, they found that their enemies, the Amalekites, had invaded the city. The Amalekites took all the people of the city to make them slaves.

David was very sad, but he prayed and asked the Lord, “Shall I go after them? Shall I overtake them?”

God reassured David, and told him that he will overtake them and recover all that was lost. So David and his men went after the Amalekites.

Mary: He had to hurry because he didn’t have much time!

Uncle Mina: That’s right, he was in a hurry. But he had to stop!

George: Stop! Why?

Uncle Mina: His men found an Egyptian man who was sick. The man couldn’t move because he had not had anything to eat or drink for three days.

George: Three days without food or drink? He must have been very tired, hungry and thirsty!

Uncle Mina: Yes he was. That’s why David and his men stopped, even though they were in a hurry. They offered him food and drink until he felt better.

Mary: That’s really nice of David!

George: He couldn’t leave without helping someone who was not feeling well.

Uncle Mina: Because he helped the Egyptian man, God rewarded him. Do you know how?

Mary: How? Tell us!

Uncle Mina: The Egyptian man was a servant of an Amalekite. He took David down to the Amalekites because he knew where they were staying.

So David had victory over his enemies and was able to recover all that the Amalekites had carried away and returned to his city.

The Story of Moses and the 10 Commandments(Exodus 19-20)

Three months after the Israelites left Egypt, they came to the wilderness of Mt. Sinai. Moses went up to Mt. Sinai and God talked to him.

God told Moses to have the people wash their clothes and on the third day, God would return.

When the people heard the trumpets, they were not allowed to touch the base of the mountain or they would die.

On the third day, in the morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled.

Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke and the whole mountain was shaking!

The trumpet blasted louder and louder, God went to the top of the mountain and told Moses to come to the top too.

God told Moses to go remind the people not to come on the mountain, and tell them they are not permitted to look on the face of God.

God gave Moses rules He wanted the people to follow.

They were written on both sides of 2 tablets of stone by God’s own finger. (Exodus 31:18; 32:15)

God begins telling Moses about His commandments by stating He is the Lord and He took the people out of slavery in Egypt. 

The 10 Commandments are:

1. Have no other gods. You shall have no other Gods (toys, money..) before me.

2. No idols. You should not worship a picture / statue

3. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.

Like “Oh My God”,

4. Keep the Sabbath Day holy. New Testament Sunday is a Holy Day to spend it with God.

5. Honor father & mother. You should love, obey and respect your parents.

6. Do not murder. Control your temper; be careful of the friends you pick.

7. Do not commit adultery God wants us to be faithful to our spouse and to Him.

8. Do not steal It is wrong to take something that is not yours.

9. Do not lie. Do not lie! Tell the truth! Usually, one lie leads to another lie

10. Do not covet. Don't be jealous because your friend has something that you want! Be satisfied with what you have!

Love Your Neighbor - The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

A lawyer came to Jesus with a question. He wanted to test Jesus and asked Him “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus asked him what is written in the law? How do you read it?

The lawyer answered with: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and your neighbor as yourself. 

Jesus told the lawyer he was right. And the lawyer wanted to know who is our neighbor? So Jesus answers with another parable, the parable of the Good Samaritan.

A man went from Jerusalem to Jericho. It was a dangerous road and thieves loved it because there were a lot of hiding places, like caves, for them. The road was full of curves. The area was called the pass of blood.

Some robbers attacked the traveling man. They took his clothes, hurt him and left. He was barely alive!

A priest walked by. During the time of Jesus, a priest took care of the temple sacrifices. You’d think a priest would stop to help, but when he saw the man laying there, the priest went to the other side of the road and passed by him.

Next, a Levite came by. A Levite’s job was to help take care of the temple. When the Levite looked at the injured man, he passed by on the other side too.

But then, a Samaritan man was walking by and he saw the injured man. Jesus is telling this parable to a Jewish lawyer, and Jews and Samaritans did not like each other at all. So to expect the Samaritan to help the man would be extra hard, but the Samaritan had compassion for the hurt man. The Samaritan treated his wounds. He used wine to disinfect the cuts and oil to help ease the pain.

The Samaritan put the injured man on his own animal, donkey, and took him to an inn (hotel). The Samaritan took care of him there.

The next day when the Samaritan was leaving, he took 2 denarii (The Roman coins they used) and gave them to the innkeeper. The Samaritan man told the innkeeper to take care of the man and said: "When I come again, I will repay you the rest."

Jesus asked the lawyer who he thought was the neighbor, and the lawyer said the one who showed mercy. Remember, the lawyer didn’t like Samaritans and couldn’t even say the word, Samaritan! But Jesus told him to “Go and do likewise.”

According to Jesus we should not only love our neighbors, but strangers also. Jesus also wants us to be nice and help others when we can. Since the man in the parable was a Samaritan, and he was a good man because he helped the hurt traveler, we call this parable the 'Good Samaritan parable'.
