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Webinar - Hope in the Heartland: Racial Justice and the White Working Class

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Hope in the Heartland: Racial Justice and the White Working Class Thursday, May 11, 2017
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Hope in the Heartland:

Racial Justice and the White Working Class

Thursday, May 11, 2017

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Faron MclurkinProgram Officer

Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock

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Tarso Luís RamosExecutive Director,

Political Research Associates (PRA)

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Alernative Right




© AP/Evan


The Fight for

Rural and



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Promised to:

• Rebuild with

economic stimulus

+ privatization of

public infrastructure

& services

• Resist any checks

on executive power

• Destabilize



• Redeem the social &

economic standing of

“real Americans” –

White Christians

• Harass, subjugate

or expel racial,

religious, and

ideological enemies

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The Electoral College Vote


Clinton Wins

the Popular


by ~2 Million

Trump Wins the


Racially Rigged


College, 306-


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The Presidential Vote, by County



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The Exurban and Rural Vote

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“Patriot” and Paramilitary Groups

Source: Southern Poverty Law Center

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Far Right

Organizing in Rural


Source: Southern Poverty Law Center

• 1980s farm crisis:

Posse Comitatus

• 1990s timber, mining,

and ranching crises:

“black helicopter” Militia


• Present Day economic

distress in rural

communities: III%, Oath


Constitutional Sheriff

& Peace Officers

Association (CSPOA)

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“Patriot” and Paramilitary Racial Messaging

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Integrate progressives’ work on

race, gender & economy

Accelerate Exposure of Trump’s

betrayal of many supporters, &

compete for them

Drive Wedges on racism and anti-


Challenge White Nationalist &

Patriot militia organizing

Build X-Racial Rural/Urban

Alliances, leveraging urban

strength for rural support

Establish ground rules/principals

for non-legitimation

Develop Electoral Alternatives

Fighting Back

Be the:• Resistance

• Opposition

• Alternative

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Mark SchultzExecutive Director,

Land Stewardship Project (LSP)

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Clockwise from top left:

1. Factory farm organizing action in Dodge County, MN, that interrupted a tour by industrial agriculture, banks, etc.

2. Sara Morrison in her greenhouse in Pierce County, WI.

3. Tom Nuessmeier with his pigs in LeSueur County, MN.

4. LSP’s Racial Justice Cohort (Winter 2016-17), with 16 young farmer emerging leaders and 3 LSP staff.

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Land Stewardship Project Strategies• Organizing white rural Midwesterners, leading with values and winning on issues that

matter to them, while being explicit that we stand for racial justice, and linking to the new progressive movement we are helping to build.

• Racial justice training, education, action, and analysis with LSP’s staff and member/leaders.

• Movement organizing – LSP joining with, sometimes following and sometimes providing leadership to, an emerging statewide, multi-racial movement of allies, working to achieve economic and racial justice, stewardship of the land, decreased corporate power over our economy and society with more power to people, and a shared prosperity.

• Show up and stand with allied organizations and communities that come under attack, especially communities of color and Native American communities.

• Responding directly and effectively to racist statements/actions made to LSP staff or leaders (in meetings, 1-1s, and other settings)

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Rhonda PerryProgram Director,

Missouri Rural Crisis Center (MRCC)

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Organizing on the issues that matter to rural people and that make a difference in their lives and communities.

Directly identifying excessive corporate power as a problem and lifting up a pro-democracy frame. Everyone is in , no one is out.

Being explicit about racial justice in our work, bringing people together and showing up for our allies.

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Organizing on the issues that matter to rural people—specifically rural white voters and intentionally moving the narrative from one of separation and hate to a narrative based upon our values of inclusion and democracy.

Fight for Clean Water and Local ControlThere are numerous factory farms trying to set up shop in rural areas of our state—and the people who are on the front lines—fighting to protect our water and air are the farmers and rural citizens who live there. This is why we are fighting so hard.

Rural Healthcare

Local Food

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Directly identifying excessive corporate power as a problem and lifting up a pro-democracy frame. Everyone is in , no one is out—People have to have a say over the structures and issues that impact them, their families and communities. Lifting up a pro-democracy narrative and message.

Family Farm & Democracy Lobby Day

Fighting Corporate Factory Farms by supporting Family Farms

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Being explicit about racial justice in our work—bringing people from different communities and backgrounds together, and expanding and going deeper in terms of racial justice experiences and leadership.

Farmers’ Protest Day Welcome by the

Jewish Community Relations Bureau

MRCC Farmer Members March in Selma in 1995 to commemorate the Bloody Sunday March of 1965

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Be explicit about racial justice in our work—

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“Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow: Defending

Democracy & Addressing Racial

Justice in Missouri.”MRCC Annual Meeting


Be explicit about racial justice in our work—

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