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Webinar: Modelling mode and route choices on public transport systems

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2013-12-05 Webinar by Sebastian Raveau
Modelling Mode and Route Choices on Public Transport Systems Sebastián Raveau Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile BRT Centre of Excellence Webinar December 5, 2013
Page 1: Webinar: Modelling mode and route choices on public transport systems

Modelling Mode and Route Choices on

Public Transport Systems

Sebastián Raveau Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

BRT Centre of Excellence Webinar

December 5, 2013

Page 2: Webinar: Modelling mode and route choices on public transport systems

Modelling Mode and Route Choices on

Public Transport Systems

Sebastián Raveau Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

with the collaboration of:

Juan Carlos Muñoz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Juan de Dios Ortúzar Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Louis de Grange Universidad Diego Portales

Zhan Guo New York University

Nigel H.M. Wilson Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carlo Giacomo Prato Technical University of Denmark

Page 3: Webinar: Modelling mode and route choices on public transport systems

Origin Destination

The trip begins by heading

in the opposite direction…

It’ is better to use the Yellow Line,

but 9 out of 10 use the Red Line!

Attribute Red Line Yellow Line

Transfers 1 1

Time 23:40 23:43

Density 5 pax/m2 3 pax/m2

First leg 90 % 50 %

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How do we change these

travelers’ decision?

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Understanding travellers is essential in Transportation Planning

and Design.

Identify and quantify the factors that affect the public transport

users’ behaviour.

Explore differences across modes, in multi-modal public

transport networks.

Compare the preferences of public transport users in different

systems and contexts.

Study’s objectives

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Route Choice


Study Case 1

Metro Networks

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

Results &


Extensions &



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Traditional route choice models usually consider just tangible

variables related to the level of service.

travel time


number of transfers

These models are sometimes refined including socio-economic

variables of the travellers.

Route choice modelling

Route Choice


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However, this approach ignores other relevant elements that

influence route choice as:

comfort and safety

transfers accessibility

network topology


These variables are subjective and hard to quantify.

Route choice modelling

Route Choice


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Pathfinding Criteria

Route Choice


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Pathfinding Criteria

Route Choice


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Some people follow different criteria when deciding how to get

from one point to another:

the fastest way

the cheapest way

avoid walking

avoid transferring

But most consider many factors at the same time, depending on

their preferences and information!

Route Choice

Background Pathfinding Criteria

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Route Choice

Background Pathfinding Criteria

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Santiago London

Survey date 2008 1998-2005

Length 78 Km 324 Km

Lines 5 11

Stations 85 255

Transfer stations 7 72

Daily trips 2,300,000 3,400,000

Survey size 28,961 16,300

Study Case 1

Metro Networks Analyzing travellers decisions on Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout


at level


travel time


Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout

Transfer stations infrastructure

assisted or

semi-assisted or and


travel time


Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout

Transfer stations infrastructure

Mean occupancy

Possibility of not boarding

initial occupancy ≥ 75% in London

initial occupancy ≥ 85% in Santiago

travel time




Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout

Transfer stations infrastructure

Mean occupancy

Possibility of not boarding

Possibility of getting a seat

initial occupancy ≤ 25% in London

initial occupancy ≤ 15% in Santiago

travel time




Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout

Transfer stations infrastructure

Mean occupancy

Possibility of not boarding

Possibility of getting a seat

Route distance

Number of stations

Angular cost

comfort and


travel time




2d sin

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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What do people take into account?


Destination 1d



1 21 2

2 2d sin d sin



Angular Cost =

Study Case 1

Metro Networks



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What do people take into account?

In-vehicle time

Waiting time

Walking time (when transferring)

Number of transfers

Transfer stations layout

Transfer stations infrastructure

Mean occupancy

Possibility of not boarding

Possibility of getting a seat

Route distance

Number of stations

Angular cost

Reasonable route

comfort and


travel time






Easy to obtain!

Easy to obtain!

Easy to obtain!

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

Defined based on the schematic maps

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Schematic map’s effect

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

We want to understand the impact of the Metro network

schematic map on the users’ behaviour

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Schematic map’s effect

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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Set of alternative routes

A key element when dealing with probabilistic route choice

models is the definition of the alternatives for the OD pairs of



generated based on the actual choices

→ 2 to 4 alternative routes


generated based on a labeling approach

→ 2 to 6 alternative routes

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

C-Logit Model

for Route Choice

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Estimation results

Attribute London Underground Santiago Metro

Travel Time - 0.188 - 16.02 - 0.095 - 19.57

Waiting Time - 0.311 - 7.39 - 0.139 - 5.07

Walking Time - 0.216 - 6.14 - 0.155 - 8.23

Number of Transfers - 1.240 - 4.37 - 0.632 - 4.06

Ascending Transfers - 0.138 - 2.57 - 0.323 - 2.73

Even Transfers 0.513 3.53 n. a. (2) n. a.

Descending Transfers 0.000 (1) n. a. 0.000 (1) n. a.

Assisted Transfers 0.000 (1) n. a. 0.000 (1) n. a.

Semi-Assisted Transfers - 0.328 - 6.83 n. a. (2) n. a.

Non-Assisted Transfers - 0.541 - 6.79 - 0.262 - 6.23

Mean Occupancy - 2.911 - 3.48 - 1.018 - 5.60

Getting a Seat 0.098 2.08 0.092 3.41

Not Boarding - 0.430 - 6.06 - 0.380 - 2.97

Angular Cost - 0.065 - 5.87 - 0.024 - 5.48

Map Distance - 0.358 - 5.76 - 0.274 - 5.69

Number of Stations - 0.316 - 5.52 - 0.147 - 3.10

Turning Back - 0.725 - 8.12 - 0.141 - 9.76

Turning Away - 0.968 - 8.00 - 0.226 - 7.11

Commonality Factor - 0.146 - 3.92 - 0.548 - 3.33

Adjusted r 2 0.566 0.382

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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Attribute London Santiago

1 min waiting 1.65 min in-vehicle 1.46 min in-vehicle

1 min walking 1.15 min in-vehicle 1.62 min in-vehicle

1 (basic) transfer 6.60 min in-vehicle 6.63 min in-vehicle

1 % of occupancy 0.16 min in-vehicle 0.11 min in-vehicle

Seating 0.52 min in-vehicle 0.97 min in-vehicle

Not boarding 2.29 min in-vehicle 3.99 min in-vehicle

1 station 1.68 min in-vehicle 1.54 min in-vehicle

Turning back 3.86 min in-vehicle 1.48 min in-vehicle

Turning away 5.15 min in-vehicle 2.37 min in-vehicle

Marginal rates of substitution

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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Transfer valuations in London

Transfer Type Getting

a seat Intermediate




Assisted 06.81 min 07.33 min 09.62 min

Semi-assisted 08.56 min 09.07 min 11.36 min

Non-assisted 09.69 min 10.21 min 12.49 min

At level 03.35 min 03.87 min 06.15 min


Assisted 06.08 min 06.60 min 08.88 min

Semi-assisted 07.82 min 08.34 min 10.63 min

Non-assisted 08.95 min 09.47 min 11.76 min

Marginal rates of substitution

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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Transfer valuations in Santiago

range in London 3.35 to 12.49 min

range in Santiago 5.67 to 16.76 min

Marginal rates of substitution

Transfer Type Getting

a seat Intermediate



Ascending Assisted 09.05 min 10.02 min 14.01 min

Non-assisted 11.80 min 12.77 min 16.76 min

Descending Assisted 05.67 min 06.63 min 10.62 min

Non-assisted 08.41 min 09.38 min 13.37 min

Study Case 1

Metro Networks

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Transantiago - Santiago, Chile

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

34 communes

7 million people

700 sq Km

10 million daily trips

55% in public modes

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Transantiago - Santiago, Chile

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

10 zones

feeder bus lines

trunk bus lines

express bus lines


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Transantiago - Santiago, Chile

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

30,000 daily trips

(7am to 12 pm)

1% of all the city trips

1,892 respondents

access to all modes

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The objective is to expand the behavioural models obtained

form Metro, to the entire public transport system.

Some new explanatory variables are:


distinguish travel time by mode

distinguish transfers by modes involved

variability of in-vehicle and waiting times

When travelling in frequency-based networks, the travellers

might follow different route choice strategies.

Analyzing travellers decisions on Transantiago

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

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Choosing a itinerary

Choosing an hyper-path → considering common lines

Route choice strategies

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

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We found that 66.6% of the travellers that could choose their

routes considering common lines, didn’t do so...

One might argue that considering common lines is a personal

characteristic, rather than the behaviour of everyone.

We propose modelling two types of individuals:

Those who consider common lines

Those who don’t consider common lines

Route choice strategies

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

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Logit probability of considering common lines

Attribute Parameter t-Value

Income – More than 1,000€/month - 0.940 3.22

Income – 500€/month to 1,000€/month - 0.327 3.45

Income – Less than 500€/month - 0.000 base

Frequency - Al least once a week - 1.322 4.98

Frequency - Al least once a month - 0.766 3.71

Frequency – Rarely/Never - 0.000 base

Age – Less than 30 years old - 0.399 2.90

Age – More than 30 years old - 0.000 base

Constant - 2.051 - 5.76

Log-Likelihood - 800.66

r 2 0.525

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

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Mode/route choice results

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network


Common Lines

Do Not Consider

Common Lines

Variable Parameter t-value Parameter t-value

Fare (CLP) - 0.041 - 2.32 - 0.050 - 2.45

In-vehicle time (min) - 0.625 - 2.17 - 0.477 - 2.39

Waiting time (min) - 1.601 - 4.37 - 1.217 - 3.78

Walking time (min) - 1.856 - 2.11 - 1.353 - 2.43

Bus-bus transfer - 2.822 - 2.98 - 2.139 - 2.23

Bus-Metro transfer - 2.201 - 2.32 - 1.849 - 2.63

Metro-Metro transfer - 1.939 - 2.33 - 1.673 - 2.09

Travelling seated 1.886 2.88 1.652 2.33

Not boarding - 1.890 - 1.97 - 1.533 - 2.04

Log-Likelihood - 1,512

r 2 0.487

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Marginal rates of substitution

Study Case 2

Multimodal Network

Variable Consider

Common Lines

Do Not Consider

Common Lines

In-vehicle time (min) € 1.35 per hour € 0.88 per hour

Waiting time (min) € 3.51 per hour € 2.25 per hour

Walking time (min) € 4.06 per hour € 2.50 per hour

Bus-bus transfer € 0.11 per transfer € 0.07 per transfer

Bus-Metro transfer € 0.08 per transfer € 0.06 per transfer

Metro-Metro transfer € 0.07 per transfer € 0.05 per transfer

Travelling seated € 0.07 per leg € 0.05 per transfer

Not boarding € 0.07 per vehicle € 0.05 per transfer

Those who consider common lines are more sensitive to the

different attributes.

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Extensions &

Applications Using the model for policy

Change in the Santiago Metro Map

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Apply the model to different cities and systems

Extensions &

Applications Some extensions to this work

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Extensions &

Applications Some extensions to this work

Map design optimization

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Application to journey planner

Extensions &

Applications Some extensions to this work

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Public transport users take into account a wide variety of

attributes when choosing routes.

The modelling effort should be on what we can explain, rather

than in what we can’t explain.

Network’s topology, and specially the way it’s presented to users

on a daily basis, is relevant.

Different individuals follow different strategies when choosing



What did we learn today?

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Don’t forget that we are dealing

with individuals, whose behaviour is

hard to understand and model


What did we learn today?

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Modelling Mode and Route Choices on

Public Transport Systems

Sebastián Raveau Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

BRT Centre of Excellence Webinar

December 5, 2013
