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Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/ Ganesh Chaturthi Haritalika (Vrat) Teej ill-effects of Chandra darshan on Ganesh Chaturth
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Ganesh Chaturthi

Haritalika (Vrat) Teej

ill-effects of Chandra darshan on Ganesh Chaturth

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This year Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayak Chaturthi) falls on the Thursday, 1 September 2011. It is extremely harmful to look at the Moon on Ganesh-Chaturthi. Therefore be very careful not to look at the moon on that night. If one happens to look at the Moon on the night of Ganesh-Chaturthi, then no matter how innocent one is, one will definitely be defamed. Even Lord Krishna was accused of having stolen the ‘Syamantak Mani’ because of looking at the Moon on this night. However, if you look at the Moon on the 3rd and 5th nights of that lunar month, the harmful effects caused by seeing the Moon on the 4th lunar night is countered. In any case, if by mistake you do happen to look at the Moon on this night, read or listen to the episode narrating the theft of the Syamantak Mani as described in the 56th and 57th chapters of the tenth Skanda of the Srimad Bhagawata. Ill Effects of Chandra Darshan & it’s Remedies

Sri Ganesha (Vinayak) Chaturthi On the 4th day of the bright half of Bhadrapad (August-September), the great festival of Ganesh or Ganpati is celebrated. This festival marked the birthday of Lord Ganesh. Ganpati is one of the most popular deities. Both Shaivites and Vaishnavites worship him. Even Buddhists and Jains have respect for Ganpati. He is considered to be an avatar of both Shiva and Vishnu. Ganpati is the god of learning. He is addressed as the “Remover of Obstacles” (“Vignaharta”).

His devotees believe that no enterprise will succeed unless he is invoked. The picture of Ganpati is often found on the doors of houses and printed on wedding cards. On the occasion of the Ganpati festival a large number of images are made of all possible sizes, and people buy them to keep in their houses as a divine guest for one and a half, five, seven, or ten days, after which the image is taken out ceremoniously and thrown into the river, sea or well for immersion or “visarjan”.


Ganesh Chaturthi

SALUTATIONS to Lord Ganesha who is Brahman Himself, who is the Supreme Lord, who is the energy of Lord Shiva, who is the source of all bliss, and who is the best ower of all virtuous qualities and success in all undertakings. Mushikavaahana modaka hastha, Chaamara karna vilambitha sutra, Vaamana rupa maheshwara putra, Vighna vinaayaka paada namasthe MEANING: "O Lord Vinayaka! the remover of all obstacles, the son of Lord Shiva, with a form which is very short, with mouse as Thy vehicle, with sweet pudding in hand, with wide ears and long hanging trunk, I prostrate at Thy lotus-like Feet!" Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular of Hindu festivals. This is the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It is the day most sacred to Lord Ganesha. It falls on the 4th day of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapada (August-September). It is observed throughout India, as well as by devoted Hindus in all parts of the world. Clay figures of the Deity are made and after being worshipped for two days, or in some cases ten days, they are thrown into water.

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Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/ Lord Ganesha is the elephant-headed God. He is worshipped first in any prayers. His Names are repeated first before any auspicious work is begun, before any kind of worship is begun. He is the Lord of power and wisdom. He is the eldest son of Lord Shiva and the elder brother of Skanda or Kartikeya. He is the energy of Lord Shiva and so He is called the son of Shankar and Umadevi. By worshipping Lord Ganesha mothers hope to earn for their sons the sterling virtues of Ganesha. The following story is narrated about His birth and how He came to have the head of an elephant: Once upon a time, the Goddess Gauri (consort of Lord Shiva), while bathing, created Ganesha as a pure white being out of the mud of Her Body and placed Him at the entrance of the house. She told Him not to allow anyone to enter while she went inside for a bath. Lord Shiva Himself was returning home quite thirsty and was stopped by Ganesha at the gate. Shiva became angry and cut off Ganesha's head as He thought Ganesha was an outsider. When Gauri came to know of this she was sorely grieved. To console her grief, Shiva ordered His servants to cut off and bring to Him the head of any creature that might be sleeping with its head facing north. The servants went on their mission and found only an elephant in that position. The sacrifice was thus made and the elephant's head was brought before Shiva. The Lord then joined the elephant's head onto the body of Ganesha. Lord Shiva made His son worthy of worship at the beginning of all undertakings, marriages, expeditions, studies, etc. He ordained that the annual worship of Ganesha should take place on the 4th day of the bright half of Bhadrapada. Without the Grace of Sri Ganesha and His help nothing whatsoever can be achieved. No action can be undertaken without His support, Grace or blessing. In his first lesson in the alphabet a Maharashtrian child is initiated into the Mantra of Lord Ganesha, Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah. Only then is the alphabet taught. The following are some of the common Names of Lord Ganesha: Dhoomraketu, Sumukha, Ekadantha, Gajakarnaka, Lambodara, Vignaraja, Ganadhyaksha, Phalachandra, Gajanana, Vinayaka, Vakratunda, Siddhivinayaka, Surpakarna, Heramba, Skandapurvaja, Kapila and Vigneshwara. He is also known by many as Maha-Ganapathi. His Mantra is Om Gung Ganapathaye Namah. Spiritual aspirants who worship Ganesha as their tutelary Deity repeat this Mantra or Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah. The devotees of Ganesha also do Japa of the Ganesha Gayatri Mantra. This is as follows. Tat purushaaya vidmahe Vakratundaaya dheemahi Tanno dhanti prachodayaat. Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss. He is the Lord of Brahmacharins. He is foremost amongst the celibates. He has as his vehicle a small mouse. He is the presiding Deity of the Muladhara Chakra, the psychic centre in the body in which the Kundalini Shakti resides. He is the Lord who removes all obstacles on the path of the spiritual aspirant, and bestows upon him worldly as well as spiritual success. Hence He is called Vigna Vinayaka. His Bija Akshara (root syllable) is Gung, pronounced to rhyme with the English word "sung". He is the Lord of harmony and peace. Lord Ganesha represents Om or the Pranava, which is the chief Mantra among the Hindus. Nothing can be done without uttering it. This explains the practice of invoking Ganesha before beginning any rite or undertaking any project. His two feet represent the power of knowledge and the power of action. The elephant head is significant in that it is the only figure in nature that has the form of the symbol for Om. The significance of riding on a mouse is the complete conquest over egoism. The holding of the ankusha represents His rulership of the world. It is the emblem of divine Royalty. Ganesha is the first God. Riding on a mouse, one of nature's smallest creatures and having the head of an elephant, the biggest of all animals, denotes that Ganesha is the creator of all creatures. Elephants are very wise animals; this indicates that Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom. It also denotes the process of evolution--the mouse gradually evolves into an elephant and finally becomes a man. This is why Ganesha has a human body, an elephant's head and a mouse as His vehicle. This is the symbolic philosophy of His form. He is the Lord of Ganas or groups, for instance groups of elements, groups of senses, etc. He is the head of the followers of Shiva or the celestial servants of Lord Shiva. The Vaishnavas also worship Lord Ganesha. They have given Him the name of Tumbikkai Alwar which means the divinity with the proboscis (the elephant's trunk). Lord Ganesha's two powers are the Kundalini and the Vallabha or power of love.

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Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/ He is very fond of sweet pudding or balls of rice flour with a sweet core. On one of His birthdays He was going around house to house accepting the offerings of sweet puddings. Having eaten a good number of these, He set out moving on His mouse at night. Suddenly the mouse stumbled--it had seen a snake and became frightened--with the result that Ganesha fell down. His stomach burst open and all the sweet puddings came out. But Ganesha stuffed them back into His stomach and, catching hold of the snake, tied it around His belly. Seeing all this, the moon in the sky had a hearty laugh. This unseemly behaviour of the moon annoyed Him immensely and so he pulled out one of His tusks and hurled it against the moon, and cursed that no one should look at the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day. If anyone does, he will surely earn a bad name, censure or ill-repute. However, if by mistake someone does happen to look at the moon on this day, then the only way he can be freed from the curse is by repeating or listening to the story of how Lord Krishna cleared His character regarding the Syamantaka jewel. This story is quoted in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Lord Ganesha was pleased to ordain thus. Glory to Lord Ganesha! How kind and merciful He is unto His devotees! Ganesha and His brother Lord Subramanya once had a dispute as to who was the elder of the two. The matter was referred to Lord Shiva for final decision. Shiva decided that whoever would make a tour of the whole world and come back first to the starting point had the right to be the elder. Subramanya flew off at once on his vehicle, the peacock, to make a circuit of the world. But the wise Ganesha went, in loving worshipfulness, around His divine parents and asked for the prize of His victory. Lord Shiva said, "Beloved and wise Ganesha! But how can I give you the prize; you did not go around the world?" Ganesha replied, "No, but I have gone around my parents. My parents represent the entire manifested universe!" Thus the dispute was settled in favour of Lord Ganesha, who was thereafter acknowledged as the elder of the two brothers. Mother Parvati also gave Him a fruit as a prize for this victory. In the Ganapathi Upanishad, Ganesha is identified with the Supreme Self. The legends that are connected with Lord Ganesha are recorded in the Ganesha Khanda of the Brahma Vivartha Purana. On the Ganesh Chaturthi day, meditate on the stories connected with Lord Ganesha early in the morning, during the Brahmamuhurta period. Then, after taking a bath, go to the temple and do the prayers of Lord Ganesha. Offer Him some coconut and sweet pudding. Pray with faith and devotion that He may remove all the obstacles that you experience on the spiritual path. Worship Him at home, too. You can get the assistance of a pundit. Have an image of Lord Ganesha in your house. Feel His Presence in it. Don't forget not to look at the moon on that day; remember that it behaved unbecomingly towards the Lord. This really means avoid the company of all those who have no faith in God, and who deride God, your Guru and religion, from this very day. Take fresh spiritual resolves and pray to Lord Ganesha for inner spiritual strength to attain success in all your undertakings. May the blessings of Sri Ganesha be upon you all! May He remove all the obstacles that stand in your spiritual path! May He bestow on you all material prosperity as well as liberation

Lord Ganesha is worshipped in 32 different forms..Lord Ganesha is worshipped in 32 different forms..Lord Ganesha is worshipped in 32 different forms..Lord Ganesha is worshipped in 32 different forms..

1. Bala Ganapati 2. Taruna Ganapati 3. Bhakti Ganapati 4. Vira Ganapati 5. Shakti Ganapati

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6. Dvija Ganapati 7. Siddhi Ganapati 8. Ucchhishta Ganapati 9. Vighna Ganapati 10. Kshipra Ganapati 11. Heramba Ganapati 12. Lakshmi Ganapati 13. Maha Ganapati 14. Vijaya Ganapati 15. Nritya Ganapati 16. Urdhva Ganapati 17. Ekakshara Ganapati 18. Varada Ganapati 19. Tryakshara Ganapati 20. Kshipra Prasada Ganapati 21. Haridra Ganapati 22. Ekadanta Ganapati 23. Srishti Ganapati 24. Uddanda Ganapati 25. Rinamochana Ganapati 26. Dhundhi Ganapati 27. Dvimukha Ganapati 28. Trimukha Ganapati 29. Sinha Ganapati 30. Yoga Ganapati 31. Durga Ganapati 32. Sankatahara Ganapati

108 Names 108 Names 108 Names 108 Names of Lord Ganeshaof Lord Ganeshaof Lord Ganeshaof Lord Ganesha

1. Akhuratha : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer 2. Alampata : Ever Eternal Lord 3. Amit : Incomparable Lord 4. Anantachidrupamayam : Infinite and Consciousness Personified 5. Avaneesh : Lord of the whole World 6. Avighna : Remover of Obstacles 7. Balaganapati : Beloved and Lovable Child 8. Bhalchandra : Moon-Crested Lord 9. Bheema : Huge and Gigantic 10. Bhupati : Lord of the Gods 11. Bhuvanpati : God of the Gods 12. Buddhinath :God of Wisdom 13. Buddhipriya : Knowledge Bestower 14. Buddhividhata : God of Knowledge

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15. Chaturbhuj : One who has Four Arms 16. Devadeva : Lord! of All Lords 17. Devantakanashakarin : Destroyer of Evils and Asuras 18. Devavrata : One who accepts all Penances 19. Devendrashika : Protector of All Gods 20. Dharmik : One who gives Charity 21. Dhoomravarna : Smoke-Hued Lord 22. Durja : Invincible Lord 23. Dvaimatura : One who has two Mothers 24. Ekaakshara : He of the Single Syllable 25. Ekadanta : Single-Tusked Lord 26. Ekadrishta : Single-Tusked Lord 27. Eshanputra :Lord Shiva's Son 28. Gadadhara : One who has The Mace as His Weapon 29. Gajakarna :One who has Eyes like an Elephant 30. Gajanana : Elephant-Faced Lord 31. Gajananeti : Elephant-Faced Lord 32. Gajavakra : Trunk of The Elephant 33. Gajavaktra : One who has Mouth like an Elephant 34. Ganadhakshya : Lord of All Ganas (Gods) 35. Ganadhyakshina : Leader of All The Celestial Bodies 36. Ganapati : Lord of All Ganas (Gods) 37. Gaurisuta : The Son of Gauri (Parvati) 38. Gunina : One who is The Master of All Virtues 39. Haridra : One who is Golden Coloured 40. Heramba : Mother's Beloved Son 41. Kapila : Yellowish-Brown Coloured 42. Kaveesha : Master of Poets 43. Krti : Lord of Music 44. Kripalu : Merciful Lord 45. Krishapingaksha : Yellowish-Brown Eyed 46. Kshamakaram :The Place of Forgiveness 47. Kshipra : One who is easy to Appease 48. Lambakarna : Large-Eared Lord 49. Lambodara : The Huge Bellied Lord 50. Mahabala : Enormously Strong Lord 51. Mahaganapati : Omnipotent and Supreme Lord 52. Maheshwaram : Lord of The Universe 53. Mangalamurti : All Auspicious Lord 54. Manomay : Winner of Hearts 55. Mrityuanjaya : Conqueror of Death 56. Mundakarama : Abode of Happiness 57. Muktidaya : Bestower of Eternal Bliss 58. Musikvahana : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer 59. Nadapratithishta : One who Appreciates and Loves Music 60. Namasthetu : Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins 61. Nandana : Lord Shiva's Son 62. Nideeshwaram : Giver of Wealth and Treasures 63. Omkara :One who has the Form Of OM 64. Pitambara : One who has Yellow-Coloured Body 65. Pramoda : Lord of All Abodes 66. Prathameshwara : First Among All 67. Purush : The Omnipotent Personality 68. Rakta : One who has Red-Coloured Body 69. Rudrapriya : Beloved Of Lord Shiva 70. Sarvadevatman : Acceptor of All Celestial Offerings 71. Sarvasiddhanta : Bestower of Skills and Wisdom 72. Sarvatman : Protector of The Universe 73. Shambhavi : The Son of Parvati 74. Shashivarnam : One who has a Moon like Complexion 75. Shoorpakarna : Large-Eared Lord 76. Shuban : All Auspicious Lord 77. Shubhagunakanan : One who is The Master of All Virtues 78. Shweta : One who is as Pure as the White Colour 79. Siddhidhata : Bestower of Success and Accomplishments 80. Siddhipriya :Bestower of Wishes and Boons 81. Siddhivinayaka : Bestower of Success 82. Skandapurvaja : Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartik) 83. Sumukha : Auspicious Face 84. Sureshwaram : Lord of All Lords 85. Swaroop : Lover of Beauty

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86. Tarun : Ageless 87. Uddanda : Nemesis of Evils and Vices 88. Umaputra : The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati) 89. Vakratunda : Curved Trunk Lord 90. Varaganapati : Bestower of Boons 91. Varaprada : Granter of Wishes and Boons 92. Varadavinayaka : Bestower of Success 93. Veeraganapati : Heroic Lord 94. Vidyavaridhi : God of Wisdom 95. Vighnahara : Remover of Obstacles 96. Vignaharta : Demolisher of Obstacles 97. Vighnaraja :Lord of All Hindrances 98. Vighnarajendra : Lord of All Obstacles 99. Vighnavinashanaya : Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments 100. Vigneshwara : Lord of All Obstacles 101. Vikat : Huge and Gigantic 102. Vinayaka : Lord of All 103. Vishwamukha : Master of The Universe 104. Vishwaraja : King of The World 105. Yagnakaya : Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings 106. Yashaskaram : Bestower of Fame and Fortune 107. Yashvasin : Beloved and Ever Popular Lord 108. Yogadhipa : The Lord of Meditation

Importance of Chaturthi"

Lord Vishnu's Ekadashi, Lord Shivashankar's Shivratri, like this Shri Ganesha's Chaturthi is observed by

his devotees. This Chaturthi is very dear to Shri Ganesh.

Ganapati Atharvashirsha describes this Chaturthi as 'Chaturthyamanshnan Japati'. Chaturthi means fourth


Ganapati is beyond three stages of human body i.e. awakened stage, dreaming stage & a middle stage

between these two stages. When Ganesh is in his Turia means fourth stage, one can have his darshan.

As such Chaturthi has special importance. Sankashti Chaturthi This vow is done by devotees on fourth day of second fortnight of every month. On this day devotees fast for whole day & break their fast after having darshan of Lord moon & worshipping Lord Ganesha. This vow is observed strictly by devotees to get rid of problems in there life. On this day in the evening after having bath first, worship Lord Ganesh, offer 21 Durvas, do Aarti, show Naivedyam & pray for fulfilling your desires. Then have Lord moon's darshan, offer him Naivedyam, give meal to Brahman & break your fast.In this way if vow is observed all your desires are fulfilled.

Vinayaki Chartuhi

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Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/ Fourth day in the first fortnight of every month is called as Vinayaki Chaturthi. This vow is to be observed for full day.

Angariki Charturthi If Sankashti Chaturthi comes on Tuesday, it is called Angarika. THe vow is completed on the same day. Devotees have their meal in the night after having darshan of lord moon.

Ganesh Chalisa With Meaning

Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan Mangal Mul Sujan Kahat Ayodhya Das Tum Dev Abhaya Varadan

Glory to Lord Ganesh, the Divine Son of Goddess Girija, the cause of all auspiciousness and intelligence. Ayodha Dass humbly requests that every one be blessed with the boon of being fearless.

Jai Girija Pati Dinadayala Sada Karat Santan Pratipala

Bhala Chandrama Sohat Nike Kanan Kundal Nagaphani Ke

O Glorious Lord, consort of Parvati You are most merciful. You always bless the poor and pious devotees. Your beautiful form is adorned with the moon on Your forehead

and on your ears are earrings of snakes' hood.

Anga Gaur Shira Ganga Bahaye Mundamala Tan Chhara Lagaye

Vastra Khala Baghambar Sohain Chhavi Ko Dekha Naga Muni Mohain

The holy Ganges flows from your matted hair. The saints and sages are attracted by Your splendid appearance. Around Your neck is a garland of skulls. White ash

beautifies Your Divine form and clothing of lion's skin adorns Your body. Maina Matu Ki Havai Dulari

Vama Anga Sohat Chhavi Nyari Kara Trishul Sohat Chhavi Bhari Karat Sada Shatrun Chhayakari

O Lord, the beloved daughter of Maina on Your left adds to Your splendid

appearance. O Wearer of the lion's skin, the trishul in Your hand destroys all enemies.

Nandi Ganesh Sohain Tahan Kaise

Sagar Madhya Kamal Hain Jaise Kartik Shyam Aur Ganara-U Ya Chhavi Ko Kahi Jata Na Ka-U

Nandi and Shri Ganesh along with Lord Shiva appear as beautiful as two lotuses in

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the middle of an ocean. Poets and philosophers cannot describe the wonderful appearance of Lord Kartikeya and the dark complexioned Ganas.

Devan Jabahi Jaya Pukara Tabahi Dukha Prabhu Apa Nivara Kiya Upadrav Tarak Bhari Devan Sab Mili Tumahi Juhari

O Lord, whenever the Deities humbly sought Your assistance, You kindly and graciously uprooted all their problems. You blessed the Deities with Your generous help when the demon Tarak outraged them

and You destroyed him. Turata Shadanana Apa Pathayau

Lava-Ni-Mesh Mahan Mari Girayau Apa Jalandhara Asura Sanhara Suyash Tumhara Vidit Sansara

O Lord, You sent Shadanan without delay and thus destroyed the evil ones Lava and Nimesh. You also destroyed the demon Jalandhara. Your renown is known throughout the world.

Tripurasur Sana Yudha Macha-I Sabhi Kripakar Lina Bacha-I Kiya Tapahin Bhagiratha Bhari Purva

Pratigya Tasu Purari O Lord, Purari, You saved all Deities and mankind by defeating and destroying the

demons Tripurasura. You blessed Your devotee Bhagirath and he was able to accomplish his vow after rigorous penance.

Danin Mahan Tum Sama Kou Nahin Sevak Astuti Karat Sadahin Veda Nam Mahima Tab Ga-I Akatha Anandi

Bhed Nahin Pa-I

O Gracious One, devotees always sing Your glory. Even the Vedas are unable to describe Your greatness.

No one is as generous as You.

Pragate Udadhi Mantan Men Jvala Jarat Sura-Sur Bhaye Vihala Kinha Daya Tahan Kari Sara-I Nilakantha Tab Nam Kaha-I

Lord, when the ocean was churned and the deadly poison emerged, out of Your deep compassion for all, You drank the poison and saved the world from destruction.

Your throat became blue, thus You are known as Nilakantha.

Pujan Ramchandra Jab Kinha Jiti Ke Lanka Vibhishan Dinhi

Sahas Kamal Men Ho Rahe Dhari Kinha Pariksha Tabahin Purari

When Lord Rama worshipped You, He became victorious over the king of demons,

Ravan. When Lord Rama wished to worship Thee with one thousand lotus flowers, the Divine Mother, to test the devotion of Shri Ram, hid all the flowers at Your request.

Ek Kamal Prabhu Rakheu Joi Kushal-Nain Pujan Chaha Soi Kathin Bhakti Dekhi Prabhu Shankar Bhaye Prasanna Diye-Ichchhit Var

O Lord, You kept on looking at Shri Ram, who wished to offer His lotus-like eyes to worship Thee. When You observed such intense devotion, You were delighted and blessed Him. You granted His heart's desire.

Jai Jai Jai Anant Avinashi

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Karat Kripa Sabake Ghat Vasi Dushta Sakal Nit Mohin Satavai

Bhramat Rahe Mohin Chain Na Avai Glory be unto You O Gracious, Infinite, Immortal, All-pervading Lord. Evil thoughts

torture me and I keep on traveling aimlessly in this world of mundane existence. No relief seems to be coming my way.

Trahi-Trahi Main Nath Pukaro

Yahi Avasar Mohi Ana Ubaro Lai Trishul Shatrun Ko Maro Sankat Se Mohin Ana Ubaro

O Lord! I beseech Your help and see your divine blessing at this very moment. Save and protect me.

Destroy my enemies with Your Trishul. Release me from the torture of evil thoughts. Mata Pita Bhrata Sab Hoi

Sankat Men Puchhat Nahin Koi Svami Ek Hai Asha Tumhari Ava Harahu Aba Sankat Bhari

O Lord, when I am in distress, neither my parents, brothers, sisters nor loved ones can relieve my suffering. I depend only on You. You are my hope. Eliminate the cause of this tremendous torture and bless me with Your compassion.

Dhan Nirdhan Ko Deta Sadahin

Jo Koi Janche So Phal Pahin Astuti Kehi Vidhi Karai Tumhari Kshamahu Nath Aba Chuka Hamari

O Lord, You bless the down-trodden with prosperity and grant wisdom to the ignorant. Lord, due to my limited knowledge, I omitted to worship Thee. Please

forgive me and shower Your grace upon me.

Shankar Ho Sankat Ke Nishan Vighna Vinashan Mangal Karan

Yogi Yati Muni Dhyan Lagavan Sharad Narad Shisha Navavain

O Lord Sankar, You are the destroyer of all miseries. You remove the cause of all

obstacles and grant Your devotees eternal bliss. The saints and sages meditate upon Thy most beautiful form. Even celestial beings like Sharad and Narad bow in reverence to You.

Namo Namo Jai Namah Shivaya Sura Brahmadik Par Na Paya Jo Yah Patha Karai Man Lai

Tapar Hota Hai Shambhu Saha-I

O Lord, prostrations to You. Even Brahma is unable to describe Thy greatness. Whosoever recites these verses with faith and devotion receives Your infinite

blessings. Riniyan Jo Koi Ho Adhikari Patha Karai So Pavan Hari

Putra-hin Ichchha Kar Koi Nischaya Shiva Prasad Tehin Hoi

Devotees who chant these verses with intense love become prosperous by the grace of Lord Shiva. Even the childless wishing to have children, have their desires

fulfilled after partaking of Shiva-prasad with faith and devotion.

Pandit Trayodashi Ko Lavai Dhyan-Purvak Homa Karavai

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Trayodashi Vrat Kare Hamesha Tan Nahin Take Rahe Kalesha

On Trayodashi (13th day of the dark and bright fortnights) one should invite a

pandit and devotedly make offerings to Lord Shiva. Those who fast and pray to Lord Shiva on Trayodashi are always healthy and prosperous.

Dhupa Dipa Naivedya Charhavai

Anta Vasa Shivapur Men Pavai

Kahai Ayodhya Asha Tumhari

Jani Sakal Dukha Harahu Hamari

Whosoever offers incense, prasad and performs aarti to Lord Shiva, with love and devotion, enjoys material happiness and spiritual bliss in this world and hereafter ascends to the abode of Lord Shiva. The poet prays that Lord Shiva removed the

suffering of all and grants them eternal bliss.

Nitya Nema kari Pratahi Patha karau Chalis

Tum Meri Man Kamana Purna Karahu Jagadish

O Universal Lord, every morning as a rule I recite this Chalisa with devotion. Please bless me so that I may be able to accomplish my material and spiritual desires

Atharvashirsha of Lord Ganesha

Om Namste Ganpataye Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi

Tvamev Kevalam Kartasi Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi

Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam || 1 ||

O Lord Ganesha I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-Gana

You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise

You have alone created this Entire universe You alone can maintain this universe

You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord

Indeed you are the "ATMA" || 1 ||

Rritam Vachmi

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Satyam Vachmi || 2 ||

Speak noble fact

Speak complete Truth || 2 ||

Ava tvam Mam Ava Vaktaram

Ava Shrotaram Ava Dataram Ava Dhataram

Avanuchanamv Shishyam Ava Paschatat Ava Purastat

Avo Uttaratat Ava Dakshinatat Ava chordhvatat

Ava Dharatat Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||

Protect me

Protect the one who Describes you Protect all who hear about your characteristics

Protect me & the disciples who are under Tutelage

Protect me from the obstacles (which arise during Rituals) From the east (Similarly) Protect me from the West,

From the North From the South

Protect me from above & below Protect me from all directions || 3 ||

Tvam Vangmayastvam Chinmaya

Tvam Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya Tvam Sachitananda Dvitiyosi Tvam Pratyaksham Bramhasi

Tvam Jnanmayo Vijnanamayo Asi || 4 ||

You are the constituent of speech You are Joy & Immortal Consciousness

You are Truth, Mind & Bliss... one without a You are none other than divinity

You are of Gross & Subtle types || 4 ||

Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvo Jayate Sarvam Jagadidam Tvat Sti Shastati Sarvam Jagadidam Tvay Layamesyati

Sarvam Jagadidam Tvayi Pratyeti Tvam Bhumi Rapo Nalo Nilo Nabha Tvam Chatvarim Vak Padaini || 5 ||

All the Universes manifest due to you All the Universes are sustained by you All the Universes get destroyed in you

All the Universes get merged in you You alone are Earth. Water, Fire, Air & Either

You are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound || 5 ||

Tvam Guna Traya Atitaha Tvam Deha Treya Atitaha

Tvam Kala Treya Atitaha Tvam Avastreya Atitaha

Tvam Muladhar Stiti Yosi Nityam

Tvam Shakti Treya Atmakaha Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam

Tvam Bramhastvan, Vishnustvam, Rudrastvam,

Indrastvam Agnistvam, Vayustvam, Suryastvam, Chndramastvam, Bramha Bhur Bhuva Svorom || 6 ||

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You are beyond the 3 'GUNAS',

(Satva; Pure, Rajas: Activating & Tamas: Dull) You are beyond the 3 Bodies; (Gross, Subtle & Casual)

You are beyond Past, & Future (3 State of Time)

You are beyond 3 states of being; (Awake, dream & Deep Sleep) You always in the "MULADHARA" Chakra

You are the trinity of Power;

(Creative Maintaining & Destructive Powers) Sages always Meditate on you

You are the creator. Sustainer, Destroyer,

The Lord of 3 worlds, Fire, Air, Sun, Moon, You are all inclusive & all Pervading || 6 ||

Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tada Nantaram

Anusvara Paratarah Ardhendu Lasitam Taren Hridam

Etatva Manu Svarupam Gakarah Purva Rupam Akaro Madhyam Rupam

Anu Svaraschantya Rupam Bindu Ruta Rupam

Nadah Sandhanam Sagm Hitaa Sandihi Sesha Ganeshvidhya

Ganal Rishi; Nichrud Gayatri chandah Ganpatir devata

Om 'GUNG' Ganpataye Namah || 7 ||

After Describing the Characteristics & Cosmic Attributes Of Lord Ganesha, Atharvan Rishi Gives us the Sacred "GANESH VIDYA"

i.e. the Mantra which Reveals the Sacred Form of Lord Ganesh.

The Letter "GA" is to be enunciated, following by "NA" This one word Mantra is then Potentiated with the "PRANAVA" "OM".

This is Sacred Mantra.

(In order to make it Simpler, Atharvan Rishi Present the above easier FASHION, Remember that Knowledge was transmitted orally in those days.)

"GA" is the first part, "Na" is the middle &

end "UM" formed by the bindu is conjoined with the foregoing & all of them form the Sacred word.

This Mantra if pronounced properly, has the power of revaling The Divine Lord

Ganesh, The sage who receives the Mantra is Ganaka & the Metre is "NICHRAT GAYATRI" The Diety is Ganapati. Om 'GANG' Ganapati My salutation to you || 7 ||

Saying Thus, The Devotees should bow to the Lord

Ek Dantaya Vid Mahe vakra Tundaya Dhimahi

Tanno danti Prachodayat || 8 ||

Mediate on the single Tusked Lord, with bent Trunk May He Grant Knowledge & Inspire me || 8 ||

Ek Dantam Chatur Hastam Pashmam Kusha Dharinam

Radamch Vardam Hastair Bhi Bhranum Mushaka Dhvajam Raktam Lambodaram Shoorpakarnkam Rakta Vasasamam Raktam Gandhanu Liptangam Rakta Pushpaihi saupujitam

Bhaktanu Kampinam Devam Jagat Karnam Achutam Avir Bhutam Cha Shrasta Yadao, Prakruthe Purushat Param Evam Dhayayati Yo Nityam, Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah || 9 ||

The "SAGUNA" Form of Lord Ganesha is presented in the above Shloka I salute the Lord with 1 tusk (Right side) Who has 4 hands;

Upper Right carrying binding rope; Upper left hoalding goad; lower left carrying

Broken tusk & the lower right blesses us, the mouse on his banner is also his vehicle.

He is blood red in colour; Pot-Bellied; He has elephant ears & wears red clothes

He is smeared with red sandalwood & decorated with red flowers

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He is eternally blessings his devotees & was existing before Cosmos He is beyond "PRAKRITI" & "PURUSHA" & is ever creating universes

One who meditates on him constantly, is a Supreme Yogi || 9 || (This is the Ganesh "Gayatri", Which is Self Sufficient)

Namo Vrat Pataye, Namo Ganapataye Namo Pramatha patye,

Namste Stu Lambodaraya Ekdantaya,

Vighna Nashine Shiv Sutaya, Sri Varad Murtiye Namo Namah || 10 ||

Salutations to you Lord of all Deities, Ganas &

all beings (Salutations To) The Post-Bellied one with 1 Tusk

who destroys all obstacles, son if Shiva

The Divine Lord who grants, Boons (We bow to you) Taking your name || 10 ||

Favourite Food of Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesh accepts whatever His devotees offer him with love and devotion. But we as devotees know what our Lord loves the most. With the advent of Ganesh Chaturthi, devotees start preparing His most preferred sweets to be offered to Him and then later distributed as Prasad (Sanctified Food). Food becomes divine when offered to the Lord and when consumed by mortals, it purifies their mind, body and soul. Following are the most favourite food of Lord Ganesh. We have listed the ingredients and methods how to prepare them so that every devotee can offer it to their Lord and feel uplifted in joy and devotion. 1. Modak 2. Boondi Laddoo 3. Peda

Modak" Ingredients Needed To Prepare Modak

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1. Rice – 1½ cup

2. Salt – A pinch

3. Pure Ghee (Clarified Butter) – ½ teaspoon

For Stuffing

1. Fresh Coconut Grated/Scraped – 1½ cup 2. Jaggery Grated – ¾ cup 3. Green

Cardamom Powder – A pinch

How To Prepare Modak

Wash and drain the rice thoroughly. Spread it evenly on an absorbing cloth so that the rice

gets thoroughly dried. After it dries, grind it to a fine powder in a mixer. To ensure the

thoroughness of the grinding process, pass the powdered rice through a sieve. In a pan boil

one and quarter cup of water, adding salt and ghee into it.

Slowly start adding the rice flour, constantly stirring it so that there are no lumps formed.

After the entire mixture is added, remove the pan from heat and keep it covered for the next

10-15 minutes. Grease your palms with a little bit of oil. Knead the cooked rice mixture to

soft dough. When done, cover it with a moist cloth.

Take a pan and cook the mixture of the scraped coconut and jaggery on medium heat until it

turns into a light golden brown color. Make sure that it is not overcooked. Then add the

cardamom powder, remove it from heat and allow it to cool a little. Then divide the coconut

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mixture and divide it equally into 10-12 equal portions. Grease your palm with oil. Now

divide the dough of the rice flour into 10-12 equal portions into lemon sized balls. Then

flatten the ball in your palm to form discs with a diameter of three inches. Press the edges of

the disc further to reduce the thickness.

Next, place the semi cooled coconut and jaggery mixture in the centre of this disc and form

8-10 pleats with your fingers. Then gather them together in the shape of a bundle with its tip

being conical. Seal the edges. To understand the shape better, take a look at the picture with

this recipe.Steam these balls in a steamer for 10-15 minutes. Serve the hot modak with a bit

of ghee.

Modaks are also available in sweet shops. They are usually made of Khoya/ Mawa resembling

the same pleated shape. They come in various shapes and sizes with various flavorings like

Kesar (Saffron) Modak, Chocolate Modak, Triranga (Tri colored) Modak, Pista (Pistachio)

Modak and so on. Each year the sweetmeat vendors find innovative ways to redo the same

traditional sweets, adding more variety to the celebrations.

Another favorite sweetmeat of Lord Ganesh is Ladoo/Laddu/Laddoo. Laddoo denotes that the

shape is round. This again has several varieties. There are Boondi Laddos, Besan Laddoos.

Rava Naral Laddoo (Semolina Coconut Laddoo), Dry Fruit Laddoo and many more


"Boondi Laddoo" Ingredients Needed To Prepare Laddoo

1. Gram Flour (Besan) – 300 grams (This should be slightly coarse)

2. Milk – ½ Litre

3. Sugar – 300 grams

4. Cardamom Powder- A pinch

5. Water – 500 ml

6. Saffron – A pinch

7. Food Color – Orange (This is optional) 8. Oil For Deep Frying.

An important tool needed to prepare Boondi is a strainer. The fineness of the holes in the

strainer gives the desired shape of the boondi. There is no specific size that it is needed. It is

totally dependant how you would like it. Its size and shape doesn’t affect the taste of the


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How To Prepare Boondi Laddoo

Add sugar to the water and start boiling it for the next 3-4 minutes.The scum of the

sugar will be floating on the top. Remove the layer of scum. Continue boiling till it

thickens. Add the cardamom powder to it and keep it aside. Mix the gram flour with

milk and make it into a smooth paste without any lumps.

Heat sufficient amount of oil in a deep frying pan and heat the oil.Pass the gram flour batter

through the strainer. Tap the strainer so that the flow is even and smooth. The oil should be

very hot so that the frying is done rapidly. When the color turns golden brown take it out.

Complete doing this till all the batter is over. Next dip the boondis in the sugar syrup that

was previously prepared. After soaking them for few minutes, spread them on a plate evenly.

Sprinkle hot water over this mixture and cover it with a cloth and leave it for 10 minutes.

Moisten your palms with water and roll this mixture into small balls. The size can be rolled as

per your choice but make sure that all the balls are of equal shape and size.

There is another sweet that is commonly offered to Lord Ganesh is Peda. This again has

plenty of varieties like Kesar Peda, Mawa/Khoya Peda, Apple Peda, Malai Peda (Malai- Cream)

and many more. The basic way of preparing it is with Mawa/Khoya. To this, various

flavorings are added to create varieties.


Ingredients Needed To Prepare Peda

1.Fresh White Khoya/Mawa – ½ kg

2. Powdered Sugar – 2½ cups

3. Cardamom powder – ½ tsp

4. Cardamom seeds semi crushed – 1 tsp

5. Crushed pistachios – 1 tbsp

How To Prepare Peda

Grate khoya with a steel (not iron) grater. Add powdered sugar and mix well. Put mixture in

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a large heavy or nonstick pan. Heat the mixture initially on a high flame for few minutes and

then simmer it until it is done.

Stir constantly. When mixture thick and gooey, add cardamom and mix well. Then remove it

from the cooking range. Allow it to cool, gently churning the mixture occasionally.

Make oblong shaped pedas with palms or you can be innovative and use cookie moulds.

Sprinkle pistachios and cardamom seeds on top and the pedas are ready to serve.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi, the birth anniversary of Lord Ganeshji, is celebrated with great pomp and show in India. It is a popular Hindu festival that is celebrated in a grand manner every year According to the Hindu calendar; the festival comes on the 4th day of Bhadarva Shukla-Paksh and falls around August or September. Though celebrated all over India, Ganesh Chaturthi has its celebrations grandest in Maharashtra. The festival is celebrated for about 7-10 days. On the day of the Chaturthi, i.e. the last day dedicated to the elephant-headed god, shrines are erected, firecrackers let off, and huge images of Ganeshji are carried in grand procession for 'Ganesh Visarjan', accompanied by the sound of devotional songs and drums. India is a land of festival and celebrations and Lord Ganesh is known for his inclination towards sweets. Therefore, a festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha will always be incomplete without special sweet dishes. There are a variety of sweets made on this occasion, with the most popular one being Modak. The worshippers visit Ganesh temples on this day, to perform Puja and offer many other sweets and milk to idols of Lord Ganeshji. The enjoyment of this ten days festivals can be doubled by preparing sweets and delicacies, like Besan Ke Ladoo, Motichoor Ke Ladoo, Kaju Ke Barfi, Puliyodarai,Karanji, Puran Poli Modak, Rawa Ladoo and Moong Dal Ka Halwa. Lets us check out the recipes for these sweet dishes.

Moong Dal Ka Halwa

Lord Ganesh is very fond of food, especially, and this is why a long list of recipes is prepared on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Traditionally, the devotees during prepare several recipes to offer to Lord Ganesha, on his birthday. Moong Dal Ka Halwa is among these delicacies. This year, make the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi sweeter, preparing mouth watering Moong Dal Ka Halwa. Given below is the recipe for the halwa, detailing the ingredients required as well as the method of preparation.

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Moong Dal Ka Halwa Recipe Ingredients

• 1½ cup Moong Dal, soaked • 3/4 cup Mawa, well crumpled • 1 cup Sugar • 1½ liter Milk • 1/2 tsp Saffron, soaked in a little milk • 5 Cardamoms, powdered • 6 tbsp Ghee


• Grind the Moong dal coarsely. Heat the ghee and fry the dal till golden. • Add milk and cook till the milk has been absorbed. Add mawa and cook on a low fire, stirring continuously till the dal and the mawa are well blended. Remove from the heat and keep aside.

• Make sugar syrup of one thread and add saffron and cardamom powder to it. Add the fried dal to the syrup and stir quickly till it mixes well. If you want you can add thin silvers of blanched almonds.

Besan Ke Ladoo

Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival dedicated to the Lord Ganesha, who is well known for his love and inclination towards sweets like modak and besan ke ladoo. Therefore, it is of prime importance to offer the Lord besan ke laddu on this special occasion. No doubt, these ladoos are very tasty and are loved by almost everyone. So, why not make this auspicious occasion more special by making them at home only. Given below is the recipe giving details on the ingredients as well the method of preparing besan ke laddoo. Besan Ke Ladoo Recipe Ingredients:

• 2 cups Gram Flour (besan) • 1 1/2 cup Sugar (grinded) • 1 cup Ghee • 1 tsp Almonds (chopped) • 1 tsp Pistachios (chopped) • 1 tsp Cashew Nuts (chopped)

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• Mix gram flour and ghee over a low heat in a kadhai and constantly keep stirring to avoid lumps.

• When it releases an appetising smell remove it from the heat and allow cooling.

• Add sugar and nuts to the gram flour and mix thoroughly. • Now form ping-pong size balls of the mixture. • Ladoos are ready to be served.

Kaju Barfi

Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, who is known for his inclination towards sweets. So, how can the celebrations be complete without the inclusion of a few sweets? One of the sweets that are most commonly made around Ganesh Chaturthi is kaju barfi. What are you waiting for? Bring good luck and prosperity into your home, by celebrating the occasion with mouth watering kaju barfi. You can learn to make delicious kaju barfi by following the recipe detailed in the lines below. Kaju Barfi Recipe Ingredients

• 2 cups Cashew Nuts (soaked in water for 2 hours) • 1 cup Powdered Sugar • 1 tbsp Ghee • 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder • Silver Foil (optional)


• Drain and blend the cashews to a fine paste. Use as little water as possible when blending.

• Now in a saucepan make syrup with sugar and water and Cook on slow to medium heat.

• Cook stirring continuously till a soft lump is formed. Add ghee and cardamom powder and mix well

• Remove from heat on to a smooth surface and roll out (thin) quickly with a rolling pin. Cut into squares/diamond shapes.

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Ganesh Chaturthi is a very popular festival, which is celebrated all over India, over a period of ten days. The celebration includes fasting, feasting and distribution Prasad (sweets offered to Lord Ganesha). Karanji is one of the special recipes for Ganesh Chaturthi. It is very easy to cook and great to eat. Go ahead and enjoy the occasion by preparing delicious Karanji and soaking yourself completely in the festive spirit. The recipe given below will provide you with details on the ingredients required as well as the method of preparation. Karanji Recipe Ingredients

• 1 cup Wheat Flour • 3 tbsp Ghee • 1 pinch Salt • ½ litre Oil (for frying) • 1 cup Grated Coconut • 3¼ cups Sugar • 1½ cups Milk • Few Almonds • Few Raisins • 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder • 1 tbsp Poppy seeds

Method Basic In a bowl mix salt, flour and ghee. Rub in well. Gradually add water and knead to form firm dough. Cover with wet cloth and set aside. For Stuffing Cook the coconut (use fresh or dried), sugar, milk, chopped almonds and raisins, cardamom powder, and poppy seeds (optional) till the milk evaporate. The Rest

• Divide the dough into 20-25 sections, roll them out into flat round pancakes. Place a spoon of stuffing at the centre and fold the pancake in half.

• Use a cutter to create the fluted crescent border and cut off excess dough. You can seal the edges by applying a little milk and pressing down hard.

• After all the karanjis are stuffed, fry them in very hot oil for 2-3 minutes or till golden brown, remove onto paper towels and allow to cool.

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Motichoor Ladoo

Motichoor Laddu is thought to be the favorite food of Lord Ganesha. In fact, the sweet also finds a mention in the aarti of lord Ganesha, where a line goes "ladduan ka bhog lage, sant Karen seva". So, when it is occasion of Lord Ganesha's birthday i.e. Ganesh chaturthi, then how one can forget to make the sweetmeat. Motichoor laddus are not very difficult to make and can be prepared in a matter of minutes. In case you need any help in making them, we have also provided the recipe for motichoor laddu in the lines below. Motichoor Ke Laddu Recipe Ingredients

• 2 ½ cups Gram Flour (not superfine variety) • 500 ml Milk • 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder • 3 cups Ghee • A fine-holed Shallow Strainer Spoon

For Syrup

• 2 1/2 cups Sugar • 3 1/2 cups Water • 2 tbsp. Milk • 3 cups Ghee

Method For Syrup

• Put sugar and water in a vessel and boil. • When sugar dissolves, add milk. • Boil for 5 minutes till scum forms on top. • Strain and return to fire. • Add color and boil till sticky but no thread has formed. • Add cardamom powder and mix. Keep aside.

For Boondi

• Mix flour and milk to a smooth batter • Mix all the ingredients mentioned under stuffing except milk • Heat ghee in a heavy frying pan • Hold strainer on top with one hand • With the other pour some batter all over the holes • Tap gently till all batter has fallen into hot ghee • Stir with another strainer and remove when light golden • Keep aside. Repeat for remaining batter

Final Steps

• Immerse boondi in syrup. • Drain any excess syrup.

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• Spread in a large plate. Sprinkle little hot water over it. • Cover and keep for 5 minutes. • Shape in laddoos with moist palms. • Cool and keep open to dry, before storing in containers.


Ganesh Chaturthi or Ganesh Utsav is celebrated all across India and is also the biggest festival in Maharashtra. This festival is celebrated with great fervor and joy. People gather together with their family and friends to celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesha. And as it is a birthday celebration, it cannot go without food. Various special dishes are prepared on this special day and offered to the Lord. One of the most famous recipes prepared on this occasion is Puliyodarai. It is a rice dish, which is very easy to make. Read the recipe of Puliyodarai given below to know how to make it. Puliyodarai Recipe Ingredients

• Tamarind • Cooked Rice, according to need • 4 - 5 Cups water • Few Corriander Seeds • Few Red Chillies • 5 -6 Spoons of Oil • Few Mustard seeds • Few Methi seeds • 1/2 Cup Udad Dal • 1/2 Cup Channa Dal • Few Red Chilies • 1/4 tsp Hing • Few Curry Leaves • Few Groundnuts


• Soak a good quantity of tamarind in hot water, • Allow it to soak for about 10 minutes after that remove the pulp, it should approximately be about 4-5 cups.

• Meanwhile grind coriander seeds (daniya seeds) and red chillies into a fine powder.

• Heat about 5-6 spoons of oil in a pan. • Splatter mustard seeds, methi seeds, udad dal, channa dal, red chilli, hing, curry leaves & groundnuts.

• Fry all them till golden brown. • Put 1 spoon of red chilli powder, 1/2 spoon of turmeric powder and add the tamarind water into it.

• Once it is boiling add the salt according to taste, along with the grinded powder.

• Allow it to reduce in volume; soon you will see the oil leaving the sides of the pan. When it attains a chutney consistency, remove from flame.

• Mix it with rice for pulliodirai.

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Puran Poli

Ganesh chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesha across India. According to Indian traditions, dishes such as halwa and puri are must to be added in the menu of the birthday celebrations. Same is the case with the birthday of Gods. Ganesh chaturthi celebration witnesses with the preparation of lots of delicious dishes and one of them is Puran Poli. It is very famous dish of Maharashtra and is specially cooked on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Below, we have given the recipe of Puran Poli, which can help you to know hwo to make the dish. Puran Poli Recipe Ingredients

• 1 cup Maida • 1 pinch Turmeric Powder • 1 pinch Salt • 2 tsp Ghee • Water, enough to make dough • 6 tbsp Oil • Oil / Ghee, for frying

Inner Filling

• 1 - 1/2 cup Jaggery • 1 - 1/4 cup Bengal Gram Dal • 1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder


• Blend the ghee and masala with the maida. • Using water make a soft smooth dough. Leave under a wet cloth for 40-50 minutes.

• Knead the maida again. Put in the 6 tbs oil and knead till completely absorbed. Cover and leave aside for 4 hours.

• Put the dal in the cooker till one whistle. • Drain the water. • Grind the dal to make a paste with the jaggery and cardamom powder. • Remember that the filling should not be watery. • Make small balls of the filling. Divide the dough into small balls and flatten them.

• Place one ball of filling on the dough and cover and seal up the filling. • Carefully roll out the dough into thick puris making sure the filling does not come out.

• Fry on a tawa pouring ghee around it. Cook on both sides.

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Rawa Ladoo

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha. It is believed that Ganesh Ji is fond of sweet food and thus, His birthday is celebrated with variety of sweets and other dishes. A special sweet dish called Modak and many other sweets, along with milk, is offered to idols of Lord Ganeshji at home and in temples. One famous sweet dish which is usually prepared on Ganesh Chaturthi is Rawa Ladoo. Below, we are providing the recipe of rawa ladoo, which can help you to understand how to make the dish. Rawa Ladoo Recipe Ingredients

• 100 gm Semolina (Suji/Rava) • 250 ml Milk, toned • 10 g Ghee • ½ cup Sugar, powdered • 1 pinch Cardamom


• Roast semolina in a non-stick pan on low heat till it slightly turns brown. • Add ghee and milk. • Stir till mixture becomes sticky. • Add powdered cardamom and mix. • Remove the pan from heat and add the sugar and mix. • Form the dough in to small balls. • Serve when dry.

8 Avatar of Lord Ganesha

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1. Vakratunda

Ganesha’s first avatara is of Vakratunda (twisted trunk) an embodiment of the Absolute

Impersonal aspect of Godhood called Brahman in the form of Ganesha.

A demon named Matsara was born out of the Pramaada (Heedlessness) of Indra, the king of


This demon performed severe penance and invoked the grace of Lord Shiva and obtained the

boon of fearlessness from Him.

Having obtained the boon he went about conquering all the three worlds," He was coronated

as the king of Asuras by their preceptor Sukracharya. The defeated gods went to Kailasa and

prayed to Lord Shiva for protection. On hearing the mission of gods, Matsara went to Kailas

and vaniquished Lord Shiva also.

When the gods were at their wit's end to know what to do next. Lord Dattatreya came there.

He advised the gods to invoke the grace of Lord Vakratunda and imparted to them the secret

of the monosyllable mantra Gam. All the gods including Shiva did penance accordingly and at

last Lord Vakratunda appeared and assured them that he would subdue the demon. The

demon was so terrified at the sight of Vakratunda that he surrendered to Him and sought

refuge at His feet. The Lord forgave him, and restored the lost glory and kingdoms to the

gods, and to the various kings on earth.

2. Ekadanta

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The next incarnation was in the form of Ekadanta (single tusked) who defeated the demon

Madasura. The famous sage Chyavana created Madasura.

The Asura sought his father's permission and went to Sukracharya, who was Chyavana's

brother as well as the preceptor of the Asuras. He prostrated to the Guru and expressed his

desire to become the ruler of the whole universe. Sukracharya was pleased with his nephew's

submission and initiated him into the Shakti Mantra Hrim. Madasura did penance on this

mantra for thousands of years.

At last the deity of Shakti, appeared, before him and blessed him with the fulfillment of all

his desires. Thereafter the demon went about raging battles against all the kings and the

gods, and was victorious everywhere. He thus became the ruler of all the three worlds. In his

reign, all virtues and righteousness disappeared from the world. He married Saalasa the

daughter of Pramada Asura and begot three children in her, viz. Vilasi, Lolupa and

Dhanapriya. The worried gods approached Sanat kumara and sought his advice to overcome

their plight Sanatkumara instructed them to propitiate Lord Ekadanta and seek his


He also described the glory of Ekadanta thus "Eka stands for Maya the “embodied". and

Danta for Truth (Satta). Thus Ekadanta represents the Supreme Truth which wields the

Maya." The Devas then meditated upon the Lord Ekadanta for hundreds of years. Pleased by

their devotion the Lord appeared before them and assured them that He would remove their

miseries. Narada, the celestial saint, promptly informed Madasura of the boon given to the

gods by the Lord and prompted him to wage war against Ekadanta The demon got ready for

a battle with the Lord. But alas as soon as he reached the battlefield and beheld the terrible

form of Ekadanta, all his courage drained away and he surrendered to the Lord.

The demon then gave up the worlds held under his reign, and sought the Lord's protection.

The Lord then told Madasura : "Don't stay in a place where I am worshipped in a Satwic

manner. You are free to enjoy the fruits of all actions done with Asuric Bhava”.

3. Mahodara

The third incarnation was of Mahodara who vanquished Mohasura, the demon of Delusion

and Confusion. Once again the mouse was the mount of Ganesha.

The confused nature of this tale makes it difficult to understand exactly what was going on. It

seems that once Shiva was sunk in meditation for ages and showing no signs of coming out

of it. Meanwhile, the gods were in need of help. Parvati therefore assumed an alluring form

and wandered round his meditating spot. Shiva was brought back to normal wakeful

consciousness by this act and she abandoned the alluring ‘cover’ so as to speak. This

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abandoned energy form became a demon in its own right over the ages and Ganesha

subdued it.

Shiva and Parvati are the parents of Ganesha, so the psychological implications of this tale

make the head spin. Mohasur worshipped the Sun God and attained the name of Daitya Raja

meaning King of the Demons. He also conquered all the three worlds… “All the gods, sages

hid in caves and jungles in fear of him. There was anarchy all over. At this time Surya, Sun

God advised all the gods to worship Mahodara ie, Ganesha. “All the Gods and the Sages

started worshiping Mahodara. Ganesha was pleased and granted them with a boon, saying

that he would slay Mohasur himself. When Shukracharya heard this, he told Mohasur to

surrender in front of Mahodara. Lord Vishnu also explained to Mohasur that if he surrendered

he will not be killed or destroyed.

That’s why he should accept the friendship of Mahodara. By saying this he started praising

and singing the glories of Lord Lambodara. “Listening to this Mohasur became frightened and

he requested Lord Vishnu to bring Mahodara giving him due honour and respect. When Lord

Mahodara arrived, Mohasur greeted and welcomed him with pomp and gaiety. He sang his

praises and asked for forgiveness for his evil sins. Mohasur promised the gods that he would

return them their Swargalok and assured that he would be always on the path of


He also assured them that henceforth, he would not a dare to harass the Gods and Sages.

Listening to this Lord Mahodara was pleased and commanded him to go back to Pataal lok

and never return again. All the Gods and the Sages were elated, They all started singing the

praise of Lord Mahodara.

4. Gajanana

Equally perplexing in the tangled web of intergenerational sexuality is the next tale, of the

avatar of Gajanana or Gajavaktra who defeated the demon Lobhasura (Greed or


Gajanana means "the Lord with an elephant face", and Lobha was the demon of greed.

Kubera, the Treasurer of the heavens, once visited Kailasa, the abode of Lord Shiva.

There he was blessed with the vision of the Lord and Goddess Parvati. Parvati was so

beautiful that Kubera looked at Her with lustful eyes. The Mother became angry at this, and

Kubera shivered with fear. From the fear of Kubera, there manifested a demon named

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Lobhasura. Lobhasura descended to the world of Asuras, where he received his education

from Sukracharya, the guru of Asuras.

He was initiated into the mantra "0m Namah Shivaya". The demon then performed penance

and in due course the Lord appeared and blessed him with the boon of fearlessness. The

demon Lobha now went about conquering the three worlds and became the sovereign ruler.

He sent word to Lord Shiva that he would like to rule over Kailas, and that it would be better

if He relinquished His abode. The Lord thought for a while and decided to leave His abode.

The gods, tyrannised by the demonic rule, approached sage Raibhya who instructed them to

pray to Lord Gajaanana. The Devas invoked the grace of the Lord and sought His protection.

The Lord blessed them, and sent Vishnu as His messenger to the demon to apprise him of

the strength of Gajaanana Lobhasura was convinced of the Lord's strength and surrendered

without putting up a fight.

5. Lambhodara

Once upon a time Lord Vishnu had assumed the form of Mohini, the enchantress, to delude

the demons. When Lord Shiva beheld this seductive form. He was struck with passion.

Vishnu immediately gave up the Mohini form and assumed His usual form. Shiva became sad

and angry. Out of the seeds of His disappointment was born a terrible demon Krodhasura.

This demon invoked the grace of the Lord Sun and became a powerful king. He married

"Preeti" the beautiful daughter of Sambara and begot two sons in her—- Harsha and Soka.

The gods undertook penance to invoke the grace of Lord Ganesha in the form of Lambodara.

The Lord appeared before them and for the sake of the world, subdued Krodhasura.

6. Vikata

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His next incarnation was of Vikata(”The mishappen”), who subdued Kama, the demon of


The demon named Kamasura, i.e. the embodiment of lust, was born out of the seeds of Lord

Vishnu. Like all other demons he was accepted by the preceptor Sukracharya as his disciple.

Kamasura performed penance on Lord Shiva and after long and arduous austerities he was

blessed by the Lord.

He became the supreme ruler of the three worlds. He was ceremoniously married to Trishna,

the daughter of Mahishasura, and begot two sons in her, viz. Soshana and Dushpoora.

The Devas, tormented by his rule, approached Mudgala Rishi for showing them a way out.

The teacher advised them to meditate on the mantra OM at a place called Mayuresa Kshetra.

Pleased by their devotion. Lord Ganesha appeared to them in the form of Vikata, and brought

about their salvation.

7. Vighnaraja

The 7th incarnation of Ganesha Vighnaraja had a very unusual mode of conveyance - a

Sheshnaag or Shasha. In this lifetime Ganesha managed to subdue the demon Mamasur

(also known as Mamtasur or Mama), the demon of the ego.

This is His (Ganesha’s) most popular incarnation, known as The Remover of Obstacles. Riding

his vehicle called Sheshnag, a serpent, he strode into battle with Mamtasur, and overcame

him.” Parvati Devi, the daughter of Himavan, was married to Lord Shiva.

After the marriage, one day when She was relaxing in the company of Her friends. She burst

out in laughter in a playful mood, and out of Her laughter was born a handsome male form

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He prostrated to the Mother She was surprised at this manifestation of the form and asked

him who he was and what he wanted. He said that he was born from Her laughter and asked

Her as to how he could serve Her. She named him Mama, as he was born out of her

outburst, when She was swayed by "Maan", the sense of I-ness, Ego. She then instructed

him to remember Lord Ganesha always, who would fulfill all his desires.

Mama retired to the forests to meditate on Lord Ganesha. On the way, he met Sambara

Asura, who managed to allure him into the Asuric cult and initiated him into the demonic

methods of worship. Thus Mama of angelic nature became Mamasura, the demon. He

married Mohini, the daughter of an Asura chief in due course he became the ruler of alt the

three worlds.

The Devas who were exiled from their worlds propitiated Lord Ganesha, Who incarnated as

Vighnaraja, subdued Mamasura and established righteousness and peace.

8. Dhoomravarna

Ganesha has a mouse as his mount here. His life mission this time around was to defeat the

demon Ahamkarasur, the demon of self-infatuation.

Once, Brahmaji, the grandsire, bestowed on the Sun deity, the lordship over the 'world of

activities'. One day, a thought dawned in the mind of Sun: "All the worlds are governed by

Karma—-activities; and by virtue of my being the Lord of Karma Rajya, I can consider myself

to be the supreme governor of all the worlds.

As this thought passed his mind, he happened to sneeze and out of the sneeze there arose a

demon. He went down to the world of Asuras and Sukracharya gave him the name “Aham"

on account of his birth from the ego of Sun.

He meditated on Lord Ganesha, who appeared before him in the form of Dhumravarna and

blessed him to be the sovereign ruler of all the three worlds. Aham married "Mamata",

daughter of Pramadasura, and begot two sons in her named Garva and Sreshta.

Tired of the demonic rule of Aham, the Devas meditated upon Lord Ganesha for salvation,

and the Lord descended to their rescue- Ere long, Lord Ganesha in the form of

Dhoomravarna subdued the demon Aham.

How to Perform Ganesha Puja ?

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(Ganesha Vandna)

“Vakratunndd mahaakaay Suryakottisamaprabhaa. NirvighnaN kuru me dev sarvakaaryesshu sarvadaa.”

Meaning: O Lord Ganesha of large body, curved trunk, with the brilliance of a million suns, please make all my work free of obstacles always.

Ganpati Puja : Stepwise-wise directions

Puja must be commenced only after performing ablutions . Begin by reciting “Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah” (1)

Follow this by repeating “Aum” thrice. Now take a sip of holy water and invoke the god to purify you by repeating Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah thrice and wash

hands Now the puja can begin.

Sprinkle the ganesha idol with rice grains and flowers and chant Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Asanam Samarpayami

Next wash the feet of the idol with rice and sandal water and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Padyam Samarpayami’

Next wash the hands of the idol with sandal water mixed with rice and flowers and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Samarpayami’

Next offer the idol water to drink , thrice , while chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Achmaneeyam Samarpayami ‘

Next the idol has to be bathed with milk, curd, ghee. Honey and sugar. Chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Panchamrita Snanam Samarpayami’ .

After this make holy water offering. All the five offerings are to be made separately chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Payah Snanam Samarpayami ‘ when

offering milk.

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dadhi Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering curd.

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Ghrut Snanam Samarpayami‘ when offering ghee.

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Madhu Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering honey.

‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Sharkara Snanam Samarpayami’ when offering sugar.

Now offer holy water to the idol and then wipe it clean with a piece of cloth while chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Uttaraposhnam Samarpayami’.

Now all the necessary ablutions have been completed.

The puja will proceed by making various offerings to lord ganesha Offer raiment to the idol in the form of two threads chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah

Vastropvastram Samarpayami’.

When offering white thread repeat ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Yagyopveetam Samarpayami’.

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Now red sandal powder paste is applied to the brow of the idol while chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Gandham samarpayami’.

Offer rice and chant, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Akshtam Samarpayami’.

Garland the idol, shower flowers and chant, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Puspam Samarpayami’.

Offer Durva grass chanting, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Durvan Kuran Samarpayami’.

Leaves offering chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Bilvapatram Samarpayami’.

Burned perfume offering to be made while chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dhoopam Agrapyami’.

Perform the aarti of the idol with a ghee lamp chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Deepam Darshyami’.

Give sweets to the lord, chanting ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Naivedyam Samaryami’.

Offer water to the idol ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Achmaneeyam Samarpayami’.

Offer fruit, ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Phalam Samarpayami’

Offer betel nut, betel leaf, clove and cardamom and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Tamboolam Samarpayami’.

Offer perfume and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Itram Samarpayami’

Offer coins and chant ‘Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Dakshinam Samarpayami’

Now offer sandal rice, flower, and durva all mixed in water and chant “Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Vishesh Argyam Samarpayami”

Now genuflect before the idol while chanting, Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah I bow before you.

Finally to bring the puja to a close circle the idol in a clockwise direction while chanting Aum Shri Ganeshya Namah Pradakshinam Samarpayami once.

----- OR -----

Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi is one of the most colorful and widely celebrated festivals in India. Large number of people observe

Ganesha Chaturthi poojas at home. Here is an explanation on how to perform Ganesha puja at home as mentioned in Hindu scriptures. Ganesha puja on the Chaturthi day is usually performed at noon but nowadays people perform it when all the family members are present. Requirements

• A Clay image of Lord Ganesha. • Red flowers

•Druva Grass blades

•Modak (jaggery filled sweet) •Coconut

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•Red chandan (Sandalwood paste)

•Incense and agarbathis •First clean the house and take a bath.

•A Clay image of Lord Ganesha is installed in a raised platform. •Pray to Lord Ganesh and you can recite mantras or bhajans

dedicated to Lord Ganesha. •Next step is to invoke Ganesha into the image. This is known as

pran-prathishta. The Pran Prathista mantra in Sanskrit to be invoked is found in the Rig Veda and is part of Ganesh Suktha. ganananh tva ganapatim havamahe kavim kavinam - upamashravastamam | jyeshhtharajam brahmanan.h brahmanaspata A nah shrivnvannutibhih sida sadanam || (Rig Veda 2.23.1) ni shhu sida ganapate ganeshhu tvamahurvipratamam kavinam | na rite tvat.h kriyate kinchanare mahamarkam maghavan.h chitramarcha || (Rig Veda 10.112.9) We invoke You, O Ganapati of the ganas (Lord Shiva attendants), Who are Brahmana-spati of the brahmas (prayers), the wisest among the wise, Who abound in treasure beyond all measure, the most brilliant one. Do listen to our prayers, come with Your blessings and assurances of protection into our home, and be seated. (Rig Veda 2.23.1) Sit down among the worshippers, O Ganapati, the best sage among the sages. Without You nothing can be done here or far. Accept with honor, O wealthy One, our great and variegated hymns of praise. (Rig Veda 10.112.9)

•Now Ganesha is installed in the idol and one can perform arati and light the lamps. Some people perform the shhodashopachara,

which are 16 forms of paying tribute to Ganesha. (This ritual is usually performed by the priests, you can skip this.)

•Offer 21 blades of Druva Grass. •Offer 21 modakas

•Offer red flowers •Apply a tilak using red Sandalwood paste.

•Break the coconut or just keep it along with the idol. You can also keep fried grains. (The food of the rat – the vehicle of Ganesha).

•You can also recite the 108 salutations dedicated to Lord Ganesha or read the Ganesha Upanishad or just simply pray.

The number 21 signifies - the five organs of perception, five organs of action, five vital airs (pranas), five elements, and the mind. While performing Ganesha Puja at home, you can always be flexible. The strict rituals are meant for Vedic priests. All you need be careful is to perform the pujas with a clean body and clean mind. What is more important is devotion not the ritual.

------------ Vinayaka - One without a Nayaka (master)

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The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshiped as

the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.

Ganesh Chaturthi is an occasion or a day on which Lord Ganesha makes his presence on earth for all his devotees. It is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi.

As Ekadanta, the Lord has limitless powers. As Heramba, He removes obstacles. As Lambodara, He Protects all worlds. As Surpa Karna, He shows compassion by giving the highest knowledge. All these names for Lord Vinayaka, who is the Lord of


Ganesha is also known as Vinayaka, meaning one without a Nayaka(master).

The Lord has four hands. In one hand he has a rope while in another he has an axe. With the axe he cuts off the attachment of his devotees to the world of plurality and

thus end all the sorrows that go with it.


Shri Ganesh Mantra & Stuti

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Ganesha Mantra Stuti

“Oh! Lord (Ganesha), of huge body and curved elephant trunk, whose brilliance is equal to billions of suns, always remove all obstacles from my endeavors.”

“Salutations to Lord Ganesha who has an elephant head, who is attended by the band of his followers, who eats his favorite wood-apple and rose-apple fruits, who is the son of Goddess Uma, who is the cause of destruction of all sorrow. And I salute

to his feet which are like lotus.”

Sumukha, Ekadanta, Kapila, Gajakarnaka, Lambodara, Vikata, Vighnanaasha, Ganaadhipa, Dhuumraketu, Ganaadhyaksha, Bhaalachandra, Gajaanana -

No obstacles will come in the way of one who reads or listens to these 12 names of Lord Ganesha at the beginning of education, at the time of marriage, while entering

or exiting anything, during a battle or calamity.

“In order to remove all obstacles, one should meditate on (the Lord Ganesha) as wearing a white garment, as having the complexion like the moon, and having four

arms and a pleasant countenance.”

“Oh God who has the mouse as his vehicle, and the sweet modhaka (rice ball) in your hand, whose ears are wide like fans, wearing the sacred thread. Oh son of Lord

Shiva who is of short stature and who removes all obstacles, Lord Vinayaka, I bow at your feet.”


Why prayers are first offered to Lord Sri Ganesh

Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah!

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Sri Ganesh is the most revered of Hindu gods. Before any special ceremony or auspicious occasion prayers are first offered to Sri Ganesh.

He is Vighanharta and master of Riddhi-Siddhi. This simply means that he removes all obstacles confronting devotees. A prayer, an offering or penance made

for him ensures success. It brings wealth and prosperity.

He is easily pleased. Before any ceremony or special occasion all one needs to do is chant ‘Sri Ganeshaya Namah’.

Sri Ganesh is the God of learning and knowledge. Through devotion to Him one learns to be responsible, to differentiate between good and bad and develop

farsightedness. He teaches discipline. It is for this reason that offerings are first made to Sri Ganesh before a ceremony or auspicious occasion.

In Shivpuran, a story narrates that once all the gods went to Lord Shankar to inquire as to who should be the chief amongst them. In response, Lord Shankar

proposed that whoever went around the world thrice and returned to Mount Kailash first would be the most revered of all and declared as the foremost amongst gods.

Sri Ganesh’s mode of transport was a mouse (Musak). Surely it was too slow to undertake the journey. Using his ingenuity, Sri Ganesh went around his father Lord Shankar and mother Devi Paravati thrice. With folded hands, he then stood humbly before them. His silence and humility indicated that he had completed his mission.

Delighted at His son’s ingenuity, Lord Shankar smilingly told him that none could be as clever and crafty as he was. By going around his parents thrice he had achieved

more than he could by going around the world three times.

Pleased, Lord Shankar blessed Sri Ganesha and declared that whoever offered prayers to him before a ceremony or an auspicious occasion would never face

obstacles. Since then all mankind has been offering prayers to Sri Ganesha before an auspicious occasion.


Invoke the blessings of Lord Ganesha: Chant 10 Names

Aum Ganaadhipaay Namha

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Aum Umaaputraay Namha

Aum Vighnanaashanaay Namha

Aum Vinaayakaay Namha

Aum Eeshaputraay Namha

Aum Sarvasiddhipradaay Namha

Aum Ekadantaay Namha

Aum Ibhavaktraay Namha

Aum Mooshakavaahanaay Namha

Aum Kumaaragurave Namha

|| Ganapathi Bappa Moria ||

Ganesh Chaturthi Aarti

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with extreme enthusiasm all over India. It is an important festival for the Hindus in the country. The celebrations of this festival in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are well known for their grandeur every where. The devotees of Ganesha observe a whole day fast on this occasion. People gather together for the celebration at some common place like temple or temporarily arranged Pandal to worship their deity. They also sing songs, burst crackers and dance to the tune of traditional drums. Aarti forms an important part of the Ganesh Pooja. Here we have given the lyrics of some of the popular Ganesh aarti, you can use this is the coming Ganesh Chaturthi. Arti For Ganesha Chaturthi Jai Ganesha Devaa Jai ganesha jai ganesha jai ganesha devaa Maataa jaakii paarvatii, pitaa mahaadevaa Eka danta dayaavanta, caara bhujaa dhaarii Maathe sinduura sohai, muuse kii savaari Jai ganeshaa... Andhana ko aankha deta Korhina ko kaayaa Baanjhana ko putra deta Nirdhana ko maayaa Jai ganeshaa... Paana carhe, phuula carhe Aura carhe mevaa

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Ladduana ko bhoga lage Santa karen sevaa Jai ganesha... Aarti Kare Jai Ganeshji Ki Jai ganesh ji ki Aarti karein hum sab ganesh ji ki App hai swami dhukh harta Dukhiyon ke palankarta App hai bhagwan sukh data Om jai jai sri gadnatha Hum sab sharan mein hai bhagwan O shiva gad muskhak vahan Jai ganesh ji ki Aarti karein hum sab ganesh ji ki App to hai gauri nandan App to hai maan se vandan App to hai jansukhdayak Kehti hai duniya Gadnayak App ki puja ghar ghar mein Kastnivare pal bhar mein Jai ganesh ji ki Aarti karein hum sab ganesh ji ki

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesha Chaturthi is an important Hindu festival in the country. It is the day on which Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati is worshipped with immense zeal and enthusiasm. It is believed that Lord Ganesha is present on the earth to shower his devotees with blessings on this auspicious day. This day is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavithi. It is celebrated to commemorate the auspicious birth of Lord Ganesha. Celebrated in the month of Bhaadrapada, on the fourth day of the waxing moon period, this festival according to the Gregorian calendar falls between 20 August and 15 September. The festivals celebrated for 10 days with extreme grandeur especially in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Devotees of Ganesha gather at a common place in their community and celebrate the occasion with immense gusto. They echo of Ganesh Bhajans makes the entire atmosphere pious. We have given below few of these popular Ganesh Chaturthi Bhajans. Lord Ganesha Bhajans Gaja Vadana Gaja vadana gajaanana gauri thanaya gajaanana jai jai jai gajaanana jai jai jai gajaanana devaadhi deva gajaanana gauri thanaya gajaanana Gaja vadana shree gananatha ambika thanaya paahi prabhu ..(gaja vadana..) Siddhi vinaayaka kaivalya daatha paashaankusha dhara paahi prabhu namaami nithyam

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smaraami nithyam deena sharanya paahi prabhu Ganapathi om jaya ganapathi om gajamukha varada ganapathi om mooshika vaahana gajaanana modakahastha gajaanana paramaniranjana gajaanana paada namaste gajaanana Gauri ganesh uma ganesh parvathi nandana shree ganesh sharanam ganesh sharanam ganesh shiva nandana ganapathi ganesh Hey shiva nandana bhava bhaya bhanjana vighna vinaashaka gajaanana gaja vadana gana naatha vishwa vandya shiva shambhu kumaara parvathi tanaya ganeshwara gana naatha shubha daatha pahi prabhu Jai jai jai gana naayaka jai jai vighna vinaashaka jai shubha mangala daayaka vidhya buddhi pradaayaka gaja vadanaa gauri nandana (2x) gangaadhara shiva shambho nandana Mangalam Mangalam Mangalam mangalam ganesham mangalam mangalam - 2 Devaa... Ganpati devaa... Ganpati deva... Ganpati deva... Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 4 Vighna vinashak jan sukh dayak - 2 mangalam ganesham Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 2 Vighna vinashak jan sukh dayak - 2 mangalam ganesham Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 2 Ma ma ga ma ... (tu hi aadi tu hi hain anth Deva mahima teri hain anant) - 2 Gajananan bhut ganadhi devitam uma shutam shav vinash kare kam Mangalam ganesha Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 2 Vighna vinashak jan sukh dayak - 2 mangalam ganesham Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 2 Ni sa ni sa... (tu hi shakti tu hi vidhan Deva tu hi ved puran) - 2 Gajananan bhut ganadhi devitam uma shutam shav vinash kare kam Mangalam ganesha Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 2 Vighna vinashak jan sukh dayak - 2 mangalam ganesham Deva ho deva ganpati deva mangalam ganesham - 6

Ganesh Chaturthi Date

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated to honor Lord Ganesha. The festival falls in the Hindu month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period). This corresponds to the month of August - September, according to the Gregorian calendar. It is believed Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant-deity, should be worshipped first. By doing so, all the obstacles are banished, whenever one commences

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something fresh and new. Therefore, people head towards Lord Ganesha temple to worship the deity, whenever they are about to undertake any new thing, say a project, business or education. Ganesh Chaturthi commemorates the God, who is known by as many as 108 different names some of the popular names of Lord Ganesha are 'Gajanana' (Elephant faced deity), 'Ganapati' (Lord of All Ganas), 'Vinayak' (Lord of all). The festival is also called Vinayaka Chaturthi. It is believed that on the day, Lord Ganesha bestows his presence on earth to bless his devotees. The festival is celebrated with great fanfare and religious observance. People celebrated the birthday of Lord Ganesha (Ganesha Chaturthi) by dedicating the entire day to the worship of the deity. Artistically sculpted oversised idols of Lord Ganesha are made out of clay, mud or Plaster of Paris especially for Vinayaka Chaturthi, few months prior to the festival. Huge puja pandals (canopy) are raised to offer prayers. The idol is taken out on a procession during the day, amidst a long congregation of devotees. The devotees dance to the tune of traditional drums and sing Lord Ganesha, while they take their deity on the procession. This may take almost a couple of hours, because the idol is taken to almost every street of the city, where the puja pandal is set up. The idol of Lord Ganesha is installed at the pandal in the evening, when prayers are offered by the devotees. Bhajans are sung either by a professional troupe of musicians or by the devotees themselves. The puja culminates by an extensive aarti and feasting. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great enthusiasm across different parts of the country. It is one of the very important festivals in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh. Ganesh Chaturthi is the biggest festival for the Konkanis in Goa. People observe fast for the entire day and break it only after offering puja to the deity, in the evening. Ganesh Chaturthi In 2011 In 2011, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on 1 September. Ganesh Chaturthi Dates 2005 – Wednesday, 7 September 2006 – Sunday, 27 August 2007 – Saturday, 15 September 2008 – Wednesday, 3 September 2009 – Sunday, 23 August 2010 – Saturday, 11th September 2012 – Wednesday, 19th September 2013 – Monday, 9th September 2014 – Friday, 29th August 2015 – Thursday, 17th September

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi is an important festival in the India. It is celebrated with extreme zeal and passion amongst the Hindus in the country. The objective of this festive celebration is to commemorate the birth of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. This celebration was a homely affair before the year 1893 when Lokmanya Tilak made it a community festival to promote the interactions between brahmin and non-brahmin community in Maharashtra. Now,

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the community celebrations of this festival in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are well known for their exceptional grandeur throughout the country The festive celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi festival goes on for ten days. It starts in the month of Bhaadrapada, on the fourth day of the waxing moon period, this festival according to the Gregorian calendar falls between 20 August and 15 September The final day of the celebration witnesses' extreme enthusiasm. The devotees of Ganesha observe a whole day fast and take out a long procession of the Lord throughout the city. During these ten days, all the devotees gather in the community Pandals for the celebration every day. The Pooja, celebrations and feasts are arranged at the Pandal for the entire ten days. People of various communities share a common platform to celebrate this festival. These Pandals are beautifully decorated and does look no less than a grand film set. The concept of community celebrations has given way to huge grandeur in the celebrations. On this occasion, the community pandals are arranged where the ten days Pooja is carried on. This Pandal is like a temporary abode for the deity. This is also the common place for feasts and celebrations for the devotees. The Pooja is carried on in this Pandal in a very interesting way. Half the Pandal is decorated for the Pooja and half of it is arranged for sitting arrangements, get-togethers, feasting and celebrations of the devotees. The making of Pandals for the Pooja begins day before the actual Pooja starts. The making of Pandal is also a complex and lengthy phenomenon. It is an intricate affair of arranging a beautiful and temporary shelter for ten days celebrations. The entire cost of arrangement of the Pandals is met by community donations. Making of the Pooja Pandals follows pre-decided plans that use bamboo poles, wooden planks and clothes. The use of colorful clothes and fresh flowers for ambiences enhance the beauty of the Pandal. The decorations of the Pandal are done in accordance with space available and the expected gathering. It has now become a fashion to set Pooja Pandals through community contribution in every colony and street especially in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. The trend of designer Pandals with complex lightings and intricate patterns are also in extreme demands on this occasion. Decorated by lights, flowers and several such items, the modern Pandals give a grand look. The Pandals all over the city give a mesmerising look to the city as well as extreme enthusiasm and grandeur to the festival.

Ganesh Chaturthi Fast

Ganesh chaturthi is one of the well known Hindu festivals of India, celebrated with gusto. Just as Durga Puja is for Bengalis, Onam for Malayalees and Pongal for Tamilians, Ganesh Chaturthi is the most important festival for Marathis in the country. Hence, the festival is celebrated with great fanfare across Maharashtra. In addition to this, the Telugu people in Andhra Pradesh celebrate this fervor with religious observance, just like that done in Maharashtra. People, in both the States, dance around beautifully sculpted oversised idols of Lord Ganesha. A temporary puja pandal (canopy) is set up, where the idol of Lord Ganesha is worshipped. Communities compete with each other to put up a more outstanding pandal and idol of Lord Ganesha, thus paving the way to a lot of variety. Amidst much fanfare and festivities, the priest installs the idol into the respective pooja pandal, after the idol is taken on a grand procession. Apart from the pandals, people also flock into the temples that are dedicated to Lord Ganesha. They offer modak (ladoo, a sweetmeat made of flour and sugar) to the deity, as it is his favorite. A day-long fast is observed by the devotees, which is broken only after the Ganesha puja and aarti in the evening. In this article, you will know all about Ganesh Chaturthi vrat (fast). Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat

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The devotees of Lord Ganesha, who intend to observe a fast on Ganesha Chaturthi, would wake up early in the morning and take bath. After wearing laundered clothes, they would head towards the nearest temple or perform a small puja at their home, to offer prayers to the deity. In the temples, special puja would be conducted. The devotees would offer prasad to the deity. The temples are filled with the sacred chants and mantras. Bhajans are sung. This creates a perfect festive mood for the devotees, who flock the religious place to invoke Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings. When people are on a fast on the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, they may opt for either the nirjal vrat (a stringent, waterless fast) or phalahar vrat (a diet). As a general fact, the devotees who have observed vrat on the festival are allowed to consume sweets including Til ka Ladoo (sesame sweetmeat), gajak and rewari (sweets made of sesame and jaggery), along with tea and coffee. They generally abstain from other forms of food, while non-vegetarian food is strictly not allowed, when someone is on a fast. In order to stay concentrated, the devotees would chant mantras invoking Lord Ganesha and sing bhajans on his praise. It is believed that if one observes fast on Ganesha Chaturthi with sincerity, he/she would be blessed with health, wealth and prosperity.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesha Chaturthi is one of the most important Hindu festival in India. It is the day on which Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati was born. The day thus marks the auspicious birth of one of the most important Hindu God. This day is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavithi in many parts of the country. It is celebrated on of fourth day of the waxing moon period in the month of Bhaadrapada according to the Hindu calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, this day falls between 20 August and 15 September. The festival is celebrated with immense enthusiasm in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh for ten days. If you want to explore the origin and history of this festival, you can refer to the article given here. Origin According to the legend, the festival marks the auspicious day of the birth of Lord Ganesha. The story goes as follows- Lord Shiva, the Hindu God of resolution, was away from Kailash due to some work. As Parvati was alone at home, she felt the necessity of some one to guard the door to her house while she took bath. When she did not get any one, she conceived of the idea of creating a son who could guard her. She then created Ganesha out of her sandalwood paste and breathed life into the idol. She then asked him to stand on the gate and do not let any body enter until she came out. Unfortunately, Shiva returned home in the meantime. As, Ganesha did recognise him, he stopped Shiva from entering as per his mother's advice. This badly enraged Lord Shiva, who cut off Ganesha's head by his trident. When Parvati saw beheaded Ganesha, took on the form of the Goddess Kali and threatened to destruct all the three worlds. The earth, the heaven, the nether world, all was shaken and every body ran to Shiva for solution. In order to appease Lord Parvati and save the world from destruction, Lord Shiva sent out his followers to find a child whose mother is facing another direction in negligence, cut off his head and bring it quickly. The first such child that came in the eyes of the Shiva followers was an elephant, so they brought the head of this elephant and Shiva placed it on the trunk of Parvati's son and gave life into him. Parvati was the overwhelmed with happiness and embraced her son. They named her Ganesha i.e the Lord of all Ganas (followers). History Though the festival is being celebrated since times immemorial, the present kind of celebrations of Ganesha Chaturthi came in fashion in 1893, Lokmanya Tilak, an Indian freedom fighter and social reformer reshaped the annual Ganesh festival from a private family celebration into a community event. The day was conceived to be

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the National Festival in order to bridge the gap between the Brahmins and the non-Brahmins in the society. Tilak chose this festival for this purpose because Lord Ganesh was considered to be the ' God of Everyman'. It then served as a meeting ground for people of all community and religion on a public platform. Since then the festival has served its cause of existence. Even now people irrespective of caste and community barriers celebrate this festival with great joy.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with extreme enthusiasm in India. This festival is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. It is celebrated with immense zeal and fervor throughout the country, however the celebrations of this festival in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are well known for their exceptional grandeur every where. The entire celebration of this festival goes on for ten days. On the final day of the festival, the devotees of Ganesha observe a whole day fast and take out a long procession of the Lord in the city. During these ten days, the devotees gather together for the celebration every day at the temporarily arranged Pandal to worship their deity. They also sing songs, burst crackers and dance to the tune of traditional drums in order to express their gaiety. Puja On Ganesha Chaturthi It is generally preferable to do Ganesha puja on the Chaturthi day at the noon, however you can perform the pooja as per your wish whenever all the members of your family are present. In order to carry on the pooja, you will require following items- A Clay image of Lord Ganesha, flowers, druva grass blades, sweets (preferably Modak), coconut, sandalwood paste and incense sticks. The Pooja begins with the establishment of idol on a higher platform and giving it a bathe with Panchamrit. You can now pray to Lord Ganesh and recite all the mantras or bhajans dedicated to Lord Ganesha. You now have to invoke Lord Ganesha through your prayers and bring life in the idol. The mantra for this can be found in the in the Rig Veda and is part of Ganesh Suktha. Once you invoke life in the idol, you need to light lamp and incense sticks in order to please Lord Ganesha. After this, you need to perform the shhodashopachara, which are 16 forms of paying tribute to Ganesha. In this you need to offer 21 blades of druva grass, 21 modakas, and flowers to Lord Ganesha. You need to apply a tilak using red Sandalwood paste to idol and keep the coconut along with the idol. After you have offered your best possible prasada to the Lord, you simply need to recite the 108 salutations dedicated to Lord Ganesha. All the family members can then bow down to Ganesha and seek his blessings. The puja is performed in a similar way even if it is a community fest. You need not to exceptionally elaborate the rituals of the Pooja rather all you need to do is pray with a clean heart and pious objective.

Ganesh Chaturthi Katha

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great fanfare by Hindus across different parts of India. The celebrations of the festival in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh (known as Vinayaka Chaturthi in the state) are worth special mention. People indulge in the merrymaking by observing fast for the entire day. Idols of Lord Ganesha are made few months prior to the festival. The devotees sing songs, burst crackers and dance to the tune of traditional drums, as the idol of Lord

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Ganesha is taken on a procession. The streets are filled with the devotees of Lord Ganesha. The air is filled with festivity on the occasion. The devotees of Lord Ganesha visit the nearest temple of the deity, on Ganesh Chaturthi. Special pujas are performed at temples dedicated to Lord Ganesha or the puja pandals (temporarily built for the occasion), in the honor of the deity. Modak (laddoo, a sweet) is offered to the god, as it is his favorite. The devotees, who want to show their immense love and honor to the idol, observe a fast for the entire day. It is believed that by observing fast on Ganesh Chaturthi with sincerity and devotion, Lord Ganesha blesses his devotees with health, wealth and prosperity. Since vrat is an important part of the celebrations, vrat katha (the story narrated during Ganesha puja) is also prominent. In the article, we have provided the vrat katha of Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganesha Chaturthi Vrat Katha According to the legends, Goddess Parvati was taking bath. While bathing, she created an idol made of mud, named it Lord Ganesha and placed it at the entranceway. She breathed in life to the idol and hence, Lord Ganesha was born. She instructed him to act as a guard and not allow anybody inside, unless she has finished bathing. After some time, Lord Shiva, the consort of Goddess Parvati, entered home. He was very thirsty. As he was approaching Goddess Parvati to quench his thirst, he was stopped by Lord Ganesha. Stubborn Lord Ganesha didn't allow Lord Shiva to enter the premises, where Goddess Parvati was taking bath. This made Lord Shiva very angry and consequently, he beheaded Lord Ganesha. When Goddess Parvati came to know this, she became intensely angry and grew ferocious and strong enough to destruct the world. All the Gods from swarglok and Lord Shiva himself requested the highly aggressive Goddess Parvati to calm down. In order to pacify her, Lord Shiva fixed the head of an elephant onto Lord Ganesha's body. Not satisfied with it, Goddess Parvati asked that Lord Ganesha should be worshipped before all the other gods. Since then, Lord Ganesha is invoked first, before worshipping any other deity. This story makes the foundation for the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi in different parts of India.

Ganesh Chaturthi In


Ganesh Chaturthi is a spectacular festival, honoring the birth of Lord Ganesha. It is celebrated all over India, but the maximum grandeur is witnessed at Maharashtra. This festival witnesses various cultural events, which bring the public together and enhance the sense of belongingness and togetherness. The celebration ends with the immersion of the Lord Ganesha's idol into the water. Huge processions of people carry the idol to a river, lake or ocean, accompanied by the chant of Ganapati Bappa Morya. Ganesh Chaturthi is the significant festival of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Celebrations in Maharashtra Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in almost each and every household of Maharashtra, with great faith and belief, for around ten days. The celebrations take place at both individual and community level. Huge pandals are set up and the idol of Ganesha is worshipped by the entire community together, with pomp and show. The celebrations begin with the installation of a Lord Ganesha idol in home, which is worshipped daily by the family members as well as their friends, relatives and even

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neighbors, who come to have darshan of the Lord. Various cultural events are also organised during these ten days. The celebration ends on the tenth day, when all the people go to the river or sea, to immerse the idol. Celebrations in Karnataka In Karnataka, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with prayers offered to Gauri, the mother of Lord Ganesh. The married women pray to Goddess Gauri, to get blessings ofeir long lasting married life. It is celebrated in different temples of Lord Ganesh, where prayers are offered to the Lord and Gauri. In Karnataka, Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi and is counted amongst the popularly celebrated festivals. Celebrations in Gujarat In Ahmedabad, the capital city of Gujarat, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great pomp and show. Offerings are made to Lord Ganesh at numerous temples. Elaborate arrangements are made for lighting and decoration and Ganeshji is fervently worshipped for about 7-10 days. On the day of the Chaturthi, i.e. the last of the ten days dedicated to God, idols are immersed at river Sabarmati and Kankaria Lake. Firecrackers are let off and huge images of Ganeshji are carried in grand procession for 'Ganesh Visarjan' (immersion), accompanied by the sound of devotional songs and drums. Celebrations in Rajasthan In Rajasthan, on Ganesh Chaturthi, an image of Ganesh is bathed in red kumkum and a garland of red flowers is put on the idol, placed by many households right outside their entrance. A small thaal, with haldi and kumkum, is also placed at the entrance, so that the visiting people take a pinch of each and put it on their foreheads and throat. Ladoos are usually kept in the house, to be first offered to Ganeshji and then distributed as prasad to the devotees.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavithi. It is a very famous festival in India and is especially celebrated in a grand manner in Maharashtra. It marks the birthday of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god. The festival falls in the month of Bhadrapada, generally between August and September, and lasts for 10 days. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated by following a number of traditional customs and rituals, some of which have been listed in the following lines. Ganesh Chaturthi Customs & Rituals

• Two to three months before Ganesh Chaturthi, clay models of Lord Ganesha are prepared for sale, by especially skilled artisans. They decorate and depict the Lord in various poses, to match the religious theme. The height of the statues varies from ¾ inch to over 25 feet.

• A day before the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi, the house is cleaned and whitewashed, especially the place where the idol is to be placed, in order to attain the sense of purity.

• Ganesha idols, after being brought, are carried with their faces covered with a saffron cloth. The idol is accompanied by chanting and sound of cymbals.

• In the evening of the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi, sthapana (installation) of the idol takes place. The idol is installed in the place of worship. All the

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members of the household gather around the decorated altar and the priests perform a ritual, by which the idol is said to be filled with life.

• After the installation, traditional puja takes place at the chosen time. The worshipper sips the holy water and performs the pranayama and bows to Ganesha and all the other gods. The process continues with Ganapati Aarti and devotional chanting, sung along with the sound of cymbals, bells and clapping.

• During the puja, a sweet called “modak” is offered to the god, along with the flowers, completing the ritual of the first day. After the pooja is over, the distribution of sweets, offered to Lord Ganesha, takes places amongst devotees, as prasad.

• Throughout the ten days of Ganesh Chtaurthi, the idol is worshipped with simple recitations of the devotional songs, offering of flowers and lamps, along with the sweets.

• Ganesh Chtaurthi celebration comes to an end on the tenth day. The idol of Ganesha is carried to a water source, in the final procession, accompanied by the chanting 'Ganapati Bappa Morya'. Finally, the idol is immersed in the water.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Lord Ganesh is considered to be the God who has the ability to bestow wisdom and wealth upon humans. All the new undertakings, whether at place of work or at home, start by reciting the mantra of Lord Ganesha. He is known as the God of good luck and prosperity. Therefore, before any auspicious occasion, Hindus performs the puja of Lord Ganesha, to achieve success in it. Ganesh Chaturthi, the day marking the birth of the Lord, is celebrated in a grand manner in Maharashtra as well as other parts of India. It falls in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadra and lasts over a period of ten days. One of the most loving festivals of India, Ganesh Chaturthi has many legends associated with it. Given below are the legends from Shiv and Skanda Purana. Legend From Shiv Purana The most popular legend associated with Lord Ganesha can be found in the Shiv Purana. It says that Lord Ganapati was created out of the dough that Goddess Parvati used for her bath. The Goddess wanted a door-keeper, to prevent the coming of any visitors when she took a bath. So, she created a doll from the dough and breathed life into him. The day she did this came to be known as the birthday of Lord Ganesha, which we today celebrate as Ganesh Chaturthi. On day, while Goddess Parvati was taking her bath, Lord Shiva happened to visit her. Ganesha did not know him, so he did not allow the Lord to enter the house. This made Lord Shiva angry and he beheaded Ganesha. Later, when he came to know the truth, he fixed the head of an elephant in place of Ganesha's head. With this, the appearance of Lord Ganesha changed and he came to have the head of an elephant. Legend From Skanda Purana There is yet another popular legend associated with Ganesh Chaturthi, arising from Skanda Purana. It goes that once Ganesha was invited for a feast in Chandralok. He ate many Ladoos and later, as he got up to walk after the meal, he could not balance himself, because of his huge stomach, and slipped. His stomach burst and all the

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laddoos came rolling out. Seeing this, the moon could not control himself and began laughing. Ganesha got angry and cursed the moon that it will vanish from the universe. Because of moon's absence, the whole world began to wane. The gods asked Lord Shiva to get Ganesha to change his mind. The moon also apologised for his misbehavior. Finally, Ganesha modified his curse saying that the moon would be invisible on only one day of a month and would be partially seen on Ganesha Chaturthi. He also added that anyone who watches moon on Ganesha Chaturthi would face a false accusation. This is the reason why, even today, it is considered inauspicious to look at the moon on Ganesh Chaturthi.

Lord Ganesh

Lord Ganesh is the elephant-headed God, who is known as Lord of Beginnings and the Lord of Obstacles. He is regarded as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The image of the Lord has four hands, elephant's head and a big belly. His charioteer is a tiny mouse, which shows a unique combination of wisdom, intelligence and presence of mind. Lord Ganesh is worshipped before starting any new venture. In fact, his names and aarti are recited before starting any auspicious work, in order to achieve success in it. Origin It is said that Lord Ganapati originated from the mud of Goddess Partvati's Body. She placed Him at the entrance of the house, as the door-keeper, while she took a bath. It so happened that Lord Shiva came to visit the Goddess at that time and Ganesha did not allow him to enter the house. This made Lord Shiva angry and he beheaded Ganesh. When Shiva came to know about the truth, he fixed the head of an elephant in place of Ganesha's head. With this, image of Lord Ganesha became as we know of today. Aarti of Lord Ganesha Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva Mata jaki Parvati, pita Mahadeva Ek dant dayavant, char bhuja dhari Mathe par tilak sohe, muse ki savari Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva, Mata jaki Parvati, pita Mahadeva... Pan chadhe, phul chadhe, aur chadhe meva Ladduan ka bhog lage, sant kare seva Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva, Mata jaki Parvati, pita Mahadeva... Andhan ko ankh det, kodhin ko kaya Banjhan ko putra det, nirdhan ko maya Surya shaam sharan aye, safal kije seva Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva, Mata jaki Parvati, Pita Mahadeva… Translation of Aarti

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Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/

Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha! Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva. O Lord of compassion, you have a single tusk, four arms, A vermilion mark of on your forehead, and ride on a mouse. People offer you betel leaves, blossoms, fruits And sweets, while saints and seers worship you. Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha! Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva. You bestow vision on the blind, chastened body on the leprous, Children on the sterile and wealth on the destitute. We pray to thee day and night, please bestow success upon us. Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha! Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the popular festivals of Hindus, celebrated across India. It marks the birthday of Lord Ganesh, son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It starts with Lord Ganesha idols being installed in the house and ends with the immersion of the worshipped idols, in the sea, river or lake. Just like other Indian festivals, Ganesh Chaturthi also has certain myths and beliefs associated to it. Lets us know more about them. Myths Do Not Look At The Moon On The Night Of The Ganesh Chaturthi There is a myth which says that anyone who looks at the moon on the night of Ganesh Chaturthi will be falsely accused of something. If a person happens to see the moon unintentionally, listening to or reciting the story of the syamantaka jewel (found in the Puranas) can help ward off trouble. If the incident is intentional, then the person will have to face the consequences. The basis of this myth is in a very popular legend related to Lord Ganesha, who is known to be very fond of sweet, especially laddoos. Lord Ganesha, on one of His birthdays, was going around house to house, accepting the offerings of sweets. He ate a good number of the sweets and set out at night, on his mouse. Suddenly, the mouse stumbled, as it saw a snake and became frightened. The result was that Ganeshji fell down. His stomach burst open and all the sweets came out. However, Ganeshji stuffed them back into his stomach and caught hold of the snake and tied it around his belly. The moon saw Lord Ganesha doing all this and started laughing his heart out. This behavior of the moon annoyed the Lord immensely. So, he pulled out one of his tusks and hurled it against the moon. At the same time, Ganeshji cursed the moon that no one would look at it, on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. If anyone does, he will surely earn a bad name. Since then, people refrain from looking at the moon, on the night of the festival. Beliefs Ganeshji Removes Obstacles And Brings Prosperity Lord Ganesha is the favorite God of the masses. In India, a new venture is never started without worshipping the Lord. Ganeshji is worshipped first on all auspicious occasions, whether it is a marriage or a religious function. Ganeshji is the foremost god of the Hindu Pantheon. Any new project or venture that a Hindu family undertakes has to start with His name. In fact, most of the housewives utter His name before even starting a small chore, as He is believed to be the remover of all sankat (obstacles).

Page 50: Weblog:  ... · Ill Effects of Chandra Darshan & it’s Remedies Sri Ganesha (Vinayak) Chaturthi On the 4th day of the bright half of Bhadrapad (August-September), the great

Weblog: http://phanikiran2informative.wordpress.com/

Lord Ganesha is believed to fulfill the wishes and dreams of all those who pray to him sincerely. He has long been associated with commerce and merchants pay homage to him every day. If an Indian business or bank fails, all the images of Ganeshji in the offices will be turned upside down, signifying bad luck. In households, it's common for small offerings of money, flowers and food to be placed before the image of Ganeshji. These tokens please him and He brings more prosperity, wealth and peace to the family.

Ganesh Chaturthi and


Ganesh Chaturthi is a major festival of Maharashtra, where thousands of gigantic idols of lord Ganesh are immersed by huge processions of worshipers shouting, Ganpati Bapa Morya. With time, the festival has now gained popularity all over India, with celebrations in south India and Gujarat being no less spectacular than those of Maharashtra. The year 1893 brought a major change in the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi. It was in this year that Lokmanya Tilak, an Indian nationalist, social reformer and freedom fighter reformed the annual Ganesh festival, from being a private celebration into a grand public event. Till 1893, Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations were a private affair, not done on a public scale. People used to celebrate it in a traditional manner. It was Lokmanya Tilak who popularised Ganesh Chaturthi as a national festival, after visualising its cultural importance. The reason for this was to enhance the sense of belongingness as well as togetherness among the citizens. It was also done with an aim to build a new grassroots unity between the Brahmins and the non-Brahmins. History Ganesh Chaturthi was an important festival during the Peshwa rule in Maharashtra. It acquired a more organised form all over India during the Swaraj movement, when Lord Ganesha was chosen as a rallying point for protest against British rule, because of his wide appeal as "the God for Everyman". One of Tilak's strongest movements to evoke nationalism, through religious passions, was the organisation of Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharashtra, which inspired feelings of Hindu unity in the state. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the first person to install large public images of Ganesha in pavilions and he was the one who established the practice of submerging all the public images on the tenth day of the festival. Ganesh Chaturthi soon started seeing community participation and involvement, in the form of cultural events. It also served as a meeting point for common people of all castes and communities, at a time when social and political gatherings were forbidden by the British Rule.
