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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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recent weeks, Perot went on record as disapproving of both candidates' negligence of an impending "fiscal cliff" and the country's massive debt. In an interview with USA Today, he said, "Nobody that's run- ning really talks about it, about what we have to do and why we have to do it. They would prefer not to have it dis- cussed." understands how jobs are cre- ated. He understands how go- vernment can get in the way of that process," Perot writes. "As a president, he would do what this administration has been unable to do, which is reform our federal government, pare it back and—most critically— keep it from acting as a brake on economic growth." The endorsement may come as a surprise to some. In where people will be getting on and off the cars. According to the Prime Minister, a very big job is nearing completion for which he and the govern- ment are very pleased. later than December 15. Various plants have been planted, among them, beau- tiful palms and Black Olive trees. Some 300 trees will be planted in the main street which will be equipped with a professional drip system. These trees will provide shade and a nice ambiance for the main street. This week the special pavers will be placed be- tween the rails tracks. Min- ister Sevinger expressed gratitude for all those who worked on the project thus far, and for the shop owners for their patience. He was pleased to observe that some store owners had done some face-lifting on their premises. As to the street cars, all the rails for these have been laid and they only need to work on the various stopping points ORANJESTAD -- The Prime Minister, Minister of Infra- structure and Director of the Public Works Department (DOW), this week made a pub- lic presentation in the down town area of Oranjestad and reported on the latest develop- ments of the renovation taking place in the main street. According to the govern- ment, the work in the main street has entered its final phase. Work to be completed also includes the Havenstraat, Wilhelminastraat, Schelp- straat, Hendrikstraat and Em- mastraat which is all part of the city center project. The work in these streets will continue be- yond December 15. However, the government’s goal is to complete the main street work no later than by December 15. They are aiming to make the main street assessable to all no Main Street must be ready by December 15th! which she absolved President Barack Obama from blame. Continued on page 2 LIMA (AFP) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday she takes the blame for any shortcomings in the handling of an attack last month on the US mission in the Libyan city of Benghazi. "I take responsibility," she said, according to the news networks CNN and Fox, which interviewed her during a visit to the Peruvian capital Lima. "I'm in charge of the State Department -- 60,000 plus people all over the world, 275 posts," she said, in a brief ex- cerpt of the CNN interview, in Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Clinton takes responsibility for handling of Libya attack Ross Perot endorses Romney: U.S. on ‘unsustainable course’ Yesterday morning, business- man and former presidential candidate Ross Perot declared his unequivocal support for Republican candidate Mitt Romney. "President Obama pro - mised a great deal. He has had his chance," Perot wrote. "The results are visible for all to see. It is time for a new beginning. It is time for Mitt Romney." Complaining of Obama's policy writ large, Perot echoed the GOP challenger's cam- paign slogan, writing that America "can't afford four more years in which debt mushrooms out of control, our government grows and our military is weakened." Going on to praise Rom- ney's conservative principles as well as his record as gover- nor of Massachusetts, Perot ar- gues that the former Bain Capital CEO would address and rectify the current presi- dent's shortcomings. "He has spent most of his career in the private sector. He
Page 1: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

recent weeks, Perot went onrecord as disapproving of bothcandidates' negligence of animpending "fiscal cliff" andthe country's massive debt. Inan interview with USA Today,he said, "Nobody that's run-ning really talks about it, aboutwhat we have to do and whywe have to do it. They wouldprefer not to have it dis-cussed."

understands how jobs are cre-ated. He understands how go -vernment can get in the way ofthat process," Perot writes. "Asa president, he would do whatthis administration has beenunable to do, which is reformour federal government, pare itback and—most critically—keep it from acting as a brakeon economic growth."

The endorsement maycome as a surprise to some. In

where people will be gettingon and off the cars. Accordingto the Prime Minister, a verybig job is nearing completionfor which he and the govern-ment are very pleased.

later than December 15.Various plants have been

planted, among them, beau-tiful palms and Black Olivetrees. Some 300 trees will beplanted in the main streetwhich will be equipped witha professional drip system.These trees will provideshade and a nice ambiancefor the main street.

This week the specialpavers will be placed be-tween the rails tracks. Min-ister Sevinger expressedgratitude for all those whoworked on the project thusfar, and for the shop ownersfor their patience. He waspleased to observe that somestore owners had done someface-lifting on their premises.As to the street cars, all therails for these have been laidand they only need to work onthe various stopping points

ORANJESTAD -- The PrimeMinister, Minister of Infra-structure and Director of thePublic Works Department(DOW), this week made a pub-lic presentation in the downtown area of Oranjestad andreported on the latest develop-ments of the renovation takingplace in the main street.

According to the govern-ment, the work in the mainstreet has entered its finalphase. Work to be completedalso includes the Havenstraat,Wilhelminastraat, Schelp-straat, Hendrikstraat and Em-mastraat which is all part of thecity center project. The work inthese streets will continue be-yond December 15. However,the government’s goal is tocomplete the main street workno later than by December 15.They are aiming to make themain street assessable to all no

Main Street must be ready by December 15th!

which she absolved PresidentBarack Obama from blame.

Continued on page 2

LIMA (AFP) - Secretary ofState Hillary Clinton saidMonday she takes the blamefor any shortcomings in thehandling of an attack lastmonth on the US mission inthe Libyan city of Benghazi.

"I take responsibility," shesaid, according to the newsnetworks CNN and Fox, whichinterviewed her during a visitto the Peruvian capital Lima.

"I'm in charge of the StateDepartment -- 60,000 pluspeople all over the world, 275posts," she said, in a brief ex-cerpt of the CNN interview, in

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Clinton takes responsibility

for handling of Libya

attackRoss Perot endorses Romney: U.S. on

‘unsustainable course’Yesterday morning, business-man and former presidentialcandidate Ross Perot declaredhis unequivocal support forRepublican candidate MittRomney.

"President Obama pro -mised a great deal. He has hadhis chance," Perot wrote. "Theresults are visible for all to see.It is time for a new beginning.It is time for Mitt Romney."

Complaining of Obama'spolicy writ large, Perot echoedthe GOP challenger's cam-paign slogan, writing thatAmerica "can't afford fourmore years in which debtmushrooms out of control, ourgovernment grows and ourmilitary is weakened."

Going on to praise Rom-ney's conservative principlesas well as his record as gover-nor of Massachusetts, Perot ar-gues that the former BainCapital CEO would addressand rectify the current presi-dent's shortcomings.

"He has spent most of hiscareer in the private sector. He

Page 2: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

in the November 6 polls.Clinton has launched an in-

ternal investigation intowhether there were any secu-rity failures in Benghazi,while the FBI and Libyan au-thorities have launched crimi-nal investigations into thekillings.

But Clinton said the buckstopped with her on securitydecisions and played downinitial communications errors,saying there is always "confu-sion" in the first hours after anattack.

"The decisions about secu-rity are made by security pro-fessionals, but we're going toreview everything to be surewe're doing what needs to bedone in an increasingly riskyenvironment," Clinton said,according to Fox News.

from his critics over the attack,which left four Americansdead, and Clinton's move willbe seen as an attempt to takethe heat off him three weeksbefore he bids for re-election

other Caribbean countries thatclosely interact with Arubanauthorities and civil society onthe issue of human trafficking.

During the course of theweek, IOM will discuss its up-coming "Situational Analysison Aruba's Response to Hu -man Trafficking" research re-port and will launch a com -petition for Aruban youth tosubmit artwork depictinghuman trafficking for an infor-mation campaign scheduledfor 2013.

The Aruba awareness weekis part of IOM's regional ca-pacity building program tocombat human trafficking inAntigua and Barbuda, Aruba,Jamaica, St. Vincent and theGrenadines, and Trinidad andTobago. The program isfunded by a grant from theU.S. Department of State, Of-fice to Monitor and CombatTrafficking in Persons (J/TIP.)Since 2004, IOM has beenhelping to build the capacity ofthe English and Dutch-speak-ing Caribbean to fight humantrafficking by raising aware-ness, training stakeholders, andidentifying and assisting vic-tims who had been traffickedfor sexual exploitation, forcedlabor and domestic servitude.

The victims came fromcountries as distant as India,Myanmar and the Ukraine, andfrom neighboring countries,including Colombia, the Do-minican Republic, Guyana andJamaica.

GENEVA -- "The Fight againstHuman Trafficking Matters!"is Aruba's slogan for a week ofevents designed to raise publicawareness for better preven-tion of human trafficking, pro-tection of victims and prose -cution of traffickers.

"The campaign, whichstarts today with a public lec-ture at the University of Arubaand events at local radio andtelevision stations, is organizedby IOM, the Government ofAruba and the Aruba AntiHuman Trafficking and Smug-gling Taskforce", said the IOMSpokesperson Chris Lom in apress release.

Like many countries in theCaribbean, Aruban officialshave started to receive infor-mation on possible cases ofhuman trafficking. To date,three of them have been con-firmed, but IOM and its part-ners believe that other casesmay remain unreported. "Al-though the scale of human traf-ficking in Aruba, and in theCaribbean for that matter, doesnot compare with other regionsaround the world, human traf-ficking is a crime that cannotbe ignored," says IOM ProjectManager Chissey Mueller.Throughout the week, IOM, itspartners and guest speakers,including a US citizen whowas trafficked in the USA, willbring the message to differentaudiences by explaining whatconstitutes human trafficking,how it takes place, ways inwhich traffickers deceive theirvictims, possible trends inAruba and in the region, theGovernment's response andavailable services, and how thepublic can play a crucial role inpreventing human traffickingand in identifying victims.

On Thursday, October 18,Aruba's National Day againstHuman Trafficking, will an-chor the week with a sessionfor invited delegates from

Campaign to combathuman trafficking kicksoff in Aruba

"The president and the vicepresident certainly wouldn't beknowledgeable about specificdecisions that are made by se-curity professionals," she said.

Obama has come under fire

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2

For info call: 5875010 Email:

[email protected]:


Time Share

for SALE

Clinton takes responsibility...Continued from page 1

Recently, RBC Royal Bank (Aruba) N.V. congratulated 6 jubilees who together marked142 and a half years working with the prestigious banking institution. They are Mr. EltonCroes, Mrs. Olga Granadillo-Antonette, Mrs. Lourdes Boekhoudt, Mrs. Edna Didier-Kelly,Mrs. Maritza Bermudez and Mrs.Lourdes “Oety” Martis-Bermudez. Elton, Olga and Lour-des celebrated 12 and a half years with the bank, and Edna, Maritza and Oety, 35 years.Photo shows the jubilees together with their respective department managers.RBCRoyal Bank wishes them lots of succes. Pabien!

RBC Royal Bank (Aruba) N.V. fetes

its jubilees

Page 3: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

before weakening sometimetoday as it moves into thenorth Atlantic.

Hurricane Paul weakenedas it swirled toward Mexico'sPacific coast yesterday,prompting authorities toclose schools and govern-ment offices as the storm ap-proached a lightly populatedarea.

The hurricane lost somepunch as it neared the BajaCalifornia peninsula, withmaximum sustained winds of145 kilometers per hour (90miles per hour), the US Na-tional Hurricane Center said.

"Preparations to protectlife and property should havebeen completed," the Miami-based center said.

The latest advisory saidPaul weakened to a categoryone hurricane on the five-level Saffir-Simpson scaleand was about 72 kilometers(45 miles) from the town ofCabo San Lazaro on thesouthwestern coast of thepeninsula.

Rain began to fall inBermuda yesterday afternoonas the outer bands of Hurri-cane Rafael passed over theisland where life, for the mostpart, went on as usual.

A few flights into thetourist destination were can-celed or delayed, but most ofthe 70,000 residents carriedon with their business orwent to school.

Officials at Bermuda'sEmergency Measures Organ-isation cautioned people onthe eastern end of the islandto take precautions becauseof strong winds and saidhigher than normal tides wereexpected at as early as 10p.m.

Rafael is expected to bringstorm-force winds and roughseas as it passes about 100miles southeast of Bermuda,said Wayne Perinchief, chair-man of the emergency organ-ization.

Forecasters at the NationalHurricane Center expectRafael to hold its strength

gloves, plastic helmets, smok-ers, frames to hold back bees,and much more.

In their collection of prod-ucts, there is also a variety offeed for goats and sheep, hay,vitamin, products for makingcheese and the all-time favoritegoat milk.

Santa Rosa also wants to re-mind all agriculturists and live-stock farmers who may nothave registered as yet, to besure and do this as soon as pos-sible. They should go person-ally to the Center or call585-8102 and ask for Glenda.

Please note that during themonth of November, SantaRosa will not offer any serviceon private properties as theirfocus during this month will beon improving our water dams.

tering plants instead of thehigh cost of regular tapwater.

All livestock farmersand agriculturists regis-tered at Santa Rosa will re-ceive a 10% discount onthe price of all plastic tanksbought at the CanashitoFarm. The sizes vary from200 gallons to 1500 gallontanks.

Santa Rosa also has diffe -rent fruit trees such as: man-goes, limes, oranges, guavaand awacati as well as fruitseeds and vegetable seeds.Every and anyone can beginthe wonderful practice ofplanting their own organicproduce for healthy eating.

They also have great pottingsoil ready for planting.

For the livestock famer,Santa Rosa has just receivedgalvanized fence wire. This isa very strong material whichdoes not rust and is ideal forfencing in your animals. Theyalso have kennels for trans-porting goats, sheep and pigs.

For the agriculturist theyhave received a variety of newproducts such as: leather

Just recently Santa Rosa re-ceived an assortment of newarticles especially for agricul-turists and livestock farmers.

Now that we are approach-ing the rainy season, SantaRosa advises all agriculturiststo purchase their plastic tanksfor collecting water. Thesetanks are available at theCanashito Farm. These plastictanks are ideal for collectingwater that can be used for wa-

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3

Santa Rosa receives much needed

new products Rafael is season's ninth

hurricane; Paul loses


Page 4: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minister of Tourism as atoken of appreciation toguests who visit Aruba for 10to 19 and 20 or more conse -cutive years.

The honorees were Mr.Alan and Mrs. Brenda Eatonas Distinguished Visitors andMr. Terry and Mrs. DoreenDunn as Ambassadors ofGoodwill. Both couples areloyal members of the DiviPhoenix Beach Resort, andthey say they love the Islandvery much.

The certificates were pre-sented to them by Mr. ErnestGiel representing the ArubaTourism Authority togetherwith Ms. Jennifer Melfor rep-resenting the Aruba DiviPhoenix.

sitors and Ambassadors ofGoodwill of Aruba. Thesesymbolic honorary title arepresented in the name of the

Recently, the Aruba TourismAuthority had the great pleas-ure of honoring two very nicecouples, as Distinguished Vi -

porting wife Nadine all thebest as he departures for anew adventure. Te oro Kevin!

for his outstanding work withthe implementation of Break-through Leadership (BLT).The Aruba Marriott becamethe first Marriott hotel to im-plement BLT outside theUnited States. Schwab cham-pioned developed the conceptof coaches across the Ameri-cas and was instrumental inthe successful launch of BLTthroughout the Caribbean andLatin America hotels.

During the Mexicanthemed farewell party,Schwab took the time tothank all his associates for thegreat achievements all threeproperties have accomplishedin the last few years. He high-lighted the most recent ac-complishment, the switchfrom a six-day to a five-daywork week for multiple de-partments within the com-plex, maintaining the samesalary as before.

Saddened to see himleave, the Aruba Marriottwishes Kevin and his sup-

PALM BEACH – The ArubaMarriott properties held afarewell party in the GrandBallroom, thanking their VicePresident and General Ma -nager Kevin Schwab for hisgreat leadership, guidanceand support over the lastthree years. Schwab contin-ues his career with Marriottas the Market Vice Presidentfor Mexico overseeing 21Marriott properties.

Most recently, Schwab hassuccessfully led the team atthe Aruba Marriott Resortcomplex as Vice Presidentand General Manager. Hewas in charge overseeing theday-to-day physical and fi-nancial operations of theproperty and implementingservice-training programs.His dedication to maintainingthe resort’s reputation forhigh service standardsshowed great successes.

In 2010, he was awardedGeneral Manager of the Yearand received the first award

difference in the lives of ourchildren through this educa-tional program.

The Aruban communitycertainly applauds this kindof support from a local com-pany!

Digicel has decided to sup-port the Trai’Merdia chil-dren’s program whichnumbers some 1200 kidsacross the island. The Digi-cel program is focused pri-marily on promotingreading and the better use ofDutch and Papiamentowhich will enhance thelearning of each child inschool.

Remko van der Veldt,General Manager of DigicelAruba initiated the project atthe Trai’Merdia Centerswhere so many of our kidsgo after school to do theirhome work, participate indifferent recreational activi-ties and receive guidancefrom teachers who servethem with love and pa-tience.

In initiating the project,Van der Veldt read a story inPapiamento to all the chil-dren present at the Trai’Mer-dia at the Pieter Boer Schoolin San Nicolas. Digicel iscommitted to helping make a

Digicel supporting Trai’Merdia Program

4 Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kevin Schwab bids farewell to the

Aruba Marriott; promoted to

Market Vice President for Mexico

The Executive team of the Aruba Marriott says goodbye to Kevin Schwab

Loyal visitors honored at the Aruba

Divi Phoenix

Page 5: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

said.The exhibition "comprises

works from almost every sig-nificant art movement", itadded.

The Kunsthal, which means"art hall", has no permanentcollection of its own.

people go at night.The works were among the

150-strong Triton Foundation'scollection, which was beingshown in its entirety to thepublic for the first time to markthe museum's 20th anniver-sary, the Kunsthal's website

and millions of euros (dol-lars)", but the paintings are sofamous that it will be difficultto get anything like their realvalue on the black market.

It is the biggest art theft inThe Netherlands since 20paintings were stolen fromAmsterdam's Van Gogh mu-seum in 1991.

The paintings are Pablo Pi-casso's "Tete d'Arlequin",Henri Matisse's "La Liseuse enBlanc et Jaune", ClaudeMonet's "Waterloo Bridge,London" and "Charing CrossBridge, London", Paul Gau-guin's "Femme Devant uneFenetre Ouverte, dite La Fi-ancee", Meyer de Haan's "Au-toportrait" and Lucian Freud's"Woman with Eyes Closed".

"Police are interviewingpossible witnesses and exam-ining closed-circuit videofootage," the police statementsaid. "An initial investigationsuggests that the robbery waswell prepared."

The police spokeswomansaid that police were alertedduring the night when an alarmwent off but the thief or thieveshad made off by the time po-lice arrived at the scene. Themuseum was closed to thepublic yesterday.

The museum is in Rotter-dam's museum park where few

After having initially de-clined to name the stolen paint-ings, they said that after con -sulting with the owners, theycan now release photographsof the works.

"A major investigation isunder way and forensics are atthe scene," Rotterdam policespokeswoman Patricia Wesselstold AFP. "We're investigatinghow they got access, what timeit happened and who did it."

Dutch state televisionshowed a police forensic teamdusting one of the Kunsthal'souter doors for fingerprints.The museum's director is fly-ing back from Turkey afterhearing news of the theft, tele-vision said.

The NOS broadcaster saidthe haul was worth "millions

ROTTERDAM (AFP) - Sevenmasterpieces, including pain -tings by Picasso, Matisse,Monet and Gauguin, werestolen in a pre-dawn heist yes-terday at Rotterdam's Kunsthalmuseum, the biggest such theftin the Netherlands in twodecades, police said.

Alerted by an alarm but ar-riving on the scene after thethief or thieves had fled, policesaid they had launched a majorinvestigation that includes in-terviewing possible witnessesand examining closed-circuittelevision.

"Yesterday morning sevenartworks were stolen from theKunsthal in Rotterdam," policesaid in a statement, adding theburglary took place at around3:00 a.m. (0100 GMT).

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 5

Seven masterpieces stolen in Dutch museum heist

'Tête d'Arlequin' (1971) by Picasso

'la Liseuse en Blanc et Jaune' (1919) By Matisse

Page 6: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Neither I nor anyone elsethat I know thought that therewould be a genocide againstthose who were not Serbs,"said Karadzic, who is notablycharged with mastermindingEurope's worst post-WorldWar II massacre in the easternBosnian town of Srebrenicaduring its bloody 1992-95 war.

Looking relaxed Karadzicprojected an image of a school-master, with his glassesperched precariously on hisnose, lecturing the court andoccasionally smiling. Hiswords however were met withincredulous cries and snickersfrom the packed public gallery,where several survivors andvictims' family members sat.

Karadzic, 67, is accused ofbeing one of the mastermindsof ethnic cleansing during theBosnian war in the 1990s thatclaimed more than 100,000lives and uprooted over twomillion from their homes.

He faces a life sentence ifconvicted and has pleaded notguilty.

THE HAGUE (AFP) - A defi-ant Radovan Karadzic told theUN Yugoslav war crimes courtyesterday he should be re-warded for doing everything toavoid war in Bosnia, insistinghe was a tolerant man who hadsought to reduce human suffer-ing.

"I should have been re-warded for all the good thingsthat I've done because I dideverything within humanpower to avoid the war and toreduce the human suffering,"the former Bosnian Serb leadertold the Yugoslav war crimescourt in The Hague as hebegan his own defence againstcharges including genocide.

6 Wednesday, October 17, 2012


stay presented to Justice Kaganand by her referred to theCourt is denied."

Early voting has been aboon for Democrats in Ohio,whose mobilization efforts in-cluded bussing supporters tothe polls after church on theSunday before the election.

The Obama campaignhailed the Supreme Court's de-cision as a "victory for votingrights."

"This action from the high-est court in the land marks theend of the road in our fight toensure open voting this yearfor all Ohioans, including mil-itary, veterans, and overseasvoters," General Counsel BobBauer said in a statement.

Husted also ordered localpolling stations to only operateduring normal business hours,thus preventing early voting inthe evenings and weekends.He argued the rules were nec-essary in order to help pollworkers prepare for the No-vember 6 election.

The Obama campaign chal-lenged the rules in court, argu-ing that allowing members ofthe military but not the generalpublic to vote on the weekendbefore election day violatedconstitutional guarantees toequal treatment.

A federal appeals courtfound in Obama's favor andthe Supreme Court deniedHusted's appeal in a single sen-tence: "The application for

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheSupreme Court handed an ad-vantage to President BarackObama yesterday in ruling thatthe key battleground state ofOhio cannot limit early votingin the final days before theelection.

Ohio implemented early-voting after the 2004 electionfiasco where huge linesformed at polling stations andcountless voters gave up andwent home.

But the Republican-ledOhio legislature changed therules last year so that onlymembers of the military couldcast in-person ballots after 6pm on the Friday before theelection.

Ohio Secretary of State Jon

Obama boosted by court victory on

Ohio early voting

parliament.Britain's Crown Prosecu-

tion Service will now decidewhether the hacker should facetrial in Britain.

McKinnon was arrested inLondon in 2002 on allegationsthat he hacked into dozens ofPentagon and NASA comput-ers, leaving 300 machines at aUS naval air station immobi-lized soon after the September11, 2001 attacks.

He has never denied hack-ing, but claims he was lookingfor classified documents onUFOs rather than seeking toharm US national security.

If he had been extradited toface trial under the relativelyharsh US laws on hacking, hewould have faced up to 60years in a US jail.

decisions by the British gov-ernment and courts that McK-innon should face trial in theUnited States.

"We note that the home sec-retary has described this caseas exceptional and, thus, thisdecision does not set a prece-dent for future cases," depart-ment spokeswoman RebekahCarmichael said.

British Home Secretary (in-terior minister) Theresa Maysaid her government had de-cided that to extradite McKin-non, a 46-year-old Asperger'ssufferer, would breach hishuman rights, as he was at highrisk of attempting suicide.

"Mr McKinnon is accusedof serious crimes, but there isalso no doubt that he is seri-ously ill," she told the British

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States expressed disap-pointment yesterday afterBritain decided not to extraditecomputer hacker Gary McKin-non, who is wanted on suspi-cion of accessing secret NASAand Pentagon systems.

State Department spokes-woman Victoria Nuland toldreporters that American offi-cials "are examining the detailsof the decision," but insistedthat the 10-year legal battlehad not undermined close USties with Britain.

But she added: "We have anincredible alliance and thatwill obviously continue in allof its forms."

The Department of Justicealso said it was "disappointed,"particularly in light of previous

US 'disappointed' that Britain won'textradite hacker

'I should be rewarded',

Karadzic tells war crimes


Page 7: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

raised over a last minute re-quest by the FARC (Revolu-tionary Armed Forces ofColombia) to include a Dutchnational, Tanja Nijmeijer,among its representatives.

A number of members ofthe Colombian congress havetold local media they object toher being part of the pendingpeace talks.

Colombian senator JuanCarlo Velez is quoted as sayingFARC wants to use Nijmeijerto win sympathy in Europe,while others fear she will beused to show the movement is'young and revolutionary'.

On Monday, Leiden univer-sity professor Beatrice deGraaf told website nu.nl Ni-jmeijer has blood on her handsand is one of the most danger-ous women in the world.

BOGOTA (AFP) - Fledglingpeace talks between Colom-bia's FARC rebels and the gov-ernment which are aimed atending the longest insurgencyin Latin America will begin inNorway tomorrow after a one-day delay.

The announcement by theColombian presidency yester-day came shortly after a go -vernment source said therebels' top negotiator IvanMarquez had arrived in Cubaand was expected to travelwithin hours to Oslo withmembers of his team.

The talks had originallybeen scheduled to start todayin the Norwegian capital butMarquez experienced travelhold-ups due to bad weather.

According to the Colom-bian press, tensions were also

get the permit, costing up to$500 in a country wheremonthly salaries average $19.

While Cubans will only needa passport from January totravel, the government indicatedthat it would continue to imposesome limits to avoid a "braindrain" that it blamed on theUnited States.

The official daily Granmasaid Cuba will keep measures"to defend itself" as long as"'brain theft' policies aimed attaking away human resourcesessential to our country's eco-nomic, social and scientific de-velopment continue."

Under the new rules, peoplewho play "vital roles" in thecountry, such as soldiers, engi-neers, doctors and athletes, willneed authorization from theirsuperiors in order to get a pass-port. A passport can also be de-nied to Cubans who have acriminal record or a governmentdebt, or for "national securityand defense" reasons.

Havana's move will put pres-sure on Washington to allowmore Cubans to enter the coun-try legally -- or face a poten-tially risky illegal flow ofrefugees from the cash-strappedCommunist-ruled Caribbean is-land just 90 miles below the USstate of Florida.

Cubans will no longer needan exit permit to travel abroadfrom January, the communistregime said yesterday, in amajor overhaul of a half-cen-tury-old policy despised by theisland's citizens.

Cubans will no longer haveto apply for a "white card" toleave the island from January14, and the period allowed foroverseas stays will be extendedfrom 11 to 24 months, accord-ing to decrees published in theofficial journal.

A bureaucratic headache,Cubans are required to show aletter of invitation from a rela-tive or friend abroad and a visafrom the destination country to

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States yesterday wel-comed Cuba's plan to scrap tightrestrictions on citizens leavingthe communist country, a movethat could potentially send asurge of Cubans toward USshores.

"This is consistent with theUniversal Declaration of Hu -man Rights, which provides thateverybody ought to have theright to leave any country, in-cluding their own, and -- or toreturn to their own country, tocome in and out," State Depart-ment spokeswoman VictoriaNuland said. "So we are analyz-ing, obviously, all of the detailsand any implications it mayhave for our processing."

Separate from requests forUS immigration visas, theUnited States gives any Cubanwho reaches US soil -- by boat,land or air -- immediate resi-dency and working rights,something it does not do for ci -tizens of any other country.

Titan's senior salvage master.Organisers initially said thegiant project -- the biggest sal-vage of its kind -- would befinished in early 2013.

The vessel has a gross ton-nage of 114,500 GT -- far big-ger than the Titanic -- and liesbeached on its side off Giglioisland in Tuscany.

Before attempting to rightthe liner, salvage workers aredrilling holes into the seabed tosupport a platform the vesselwill eventually sit on, thus se-curing the wreck to prevent itfrom slipping off the reef andinto deeper water during theoperation to right it.

GIGLIO ISLAND (AFP) - TheUS salvage company taskedwith removing the wreck ofthe Costa Concordia cruiseship said yesterday that the un-precedented project will onlybe completed by June 2013 atthe earliest.

Titan, which won a joint bidfor the project with Italian off-shore rig company Micoperi,said that the technical demandsof drilling into a granite seabedhad slowed progress and win-ter weather may increase thedelay.

"The initial timeline isgoing to be blown out of thewater," said Nick Sloane,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7


Italy cruise ship wreck

removal faces big delays

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban

making progress in Britain

BIRMINGHAM (AFP) - The 14-year-old Pakistani girl shotin the head by the Taliban is making progress in a Britishhospital, doctors said yesterday, as police turned awayvisitors claiming to be relatives. Malala Yousafzai was ina stable condition on her first full day in Queen ElizabethHospital in Birmingham after being flown to the city incentral England in an air ambulance. The hospital's med-ical director David Rosser said she had had a "comfort-able night".

US welcomes Cuba travel change,citing human rights

Colombia peace talks to startin Oslo on Thursday

Page 8: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

8 Wednesday, October 17, 2012

PARIS (AFP) - Smoking incars raises levels of danger-ous fine-particle pollutants tomany times the limit recom-mended by the world's healthagency, a study publishedthis week said.

Doctors in Britain meas-ured concentrations of fineparticles in cars driven by 17people, 14 of them smokers,using an electronic monitoron the back seat.

The volunteers were askedto follow their normal smok-ing habits as the smoke levelsin their car were monitoredover three days.

Out of 104 journeys -- av-

erage time 27 minutes -- 63were smoke-free.

During smoking journeys,levels of fine particles were85 microgrammes per cubicmetre on average, comparedto guidelines of 25 mcg/cu.metre for indoor pollution setby the UN's World HealthOrganisation (WHO).

Even when the driveropened the window or turnedon ventilation to remove thesmoke, particulate levelswere still above the WHObenchmark at some pointduring these journeys.

The average peak duringsmoking trips was 385mcg/cu.metre, with the high-est being more than 880mcg/cu. metre.

In contrast, particulatelevels during non-smokingjourneys averaged only 7.4mcg/cu. metre.

The type of fine particu-late that was measured is lessthan 2.5 micrometres in di-ameter.

These very small particlesare considered dangerous be-cause they can lodge deep inthe lung, causing irritation.

"Children exposed tothese levels of fine particu-late are likely to suffer ill-health effects," says thestudy, led by Sean Semple ofthe Scottish Centre for IndoorAir at the University of Ab-erdeen.

"There are increasingnumbers of countries legislat-ing against smoking in carsand such measures may beappropriate to prevent the ex-posure of children to thesehigh levels of second-handsmoke."

The investigation appearsin the journal Tobacco Con-trol.

Smoking in cars beatsUN pollution threshold

PARIS (AFP) - Contrary topopular perception,menopause does not causeweight gain, although it doesincrease fat around the waist,a specialist journal reportedTuesday.

Scientists working for theInternational Menopause So-ciety carried out a review ofthe evidence, looking at pub-lished studies into the impactof menopause on bodyweight.

Where weight gain oc-curred, it did not occurthrough hormonal factors,which means that menopausecannot be blamed, theyfound.

However, they concludedthat the loss of the femalehormone oestrogen leads to achange in the pattern of bodyfat, which shifts from thehips to the abdomen.

"It is a myth that themenopause causes a womanto gain weight," said lead in-vestigator Susan Davis, aprofessor at Monash Univer-sity in Melbourne, Australia.

"It's really just a conse-quence of environmental fac-tors and ageing which cause

that. But there is no doubtthat the new spare tyre manywomen complain of aftermenopause is real," she said.

"This is the body's re-sponse to the fall in oestrogenat menopause -- a shift of fatstorage from the hips to thewaist."

Previous research hasfound that on average awoman in Western societygains around 0.5 kilos (1.1pounds) per year after theage of 50. Weight gain is in-fluenced by genetic and be-havioural factors, especiallya sedentary lifestyle andsnacking on fatty and sugaryfoods.

Menopause causes 'sparetyre' but no weight gain


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012 9

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Aninternational team of amateurand professional astronomershas discovered a planetwhose skies are lit up by foursuns -- the first known caseof such a phenomenon.

The planet, located about5,000 light years from Earth,has been dubbed PH1 inhonor of Planet Hunters, aprogramme led by Yale Uni-versity in the United States,which enlists volunteers tolook for signs of new planets.

PH1 is orbiting two suns,and in turn is orbited by asecond distant pair of stars.Only six planets are known toorbit two stars, researcherssay, and none of those are or-bited by other distant stars.

"Circumbinary planets arethe extremes of planet forma-tion," said Yale's MegSchwamb, lead author of apaper presented Monday atthe annual meeting of the Di-vision for Planetary Sciencesof the American Astronomi-cal Society in Nevada.

"The discovery of thesesystems is forcing us to goback to the drawing board tounderstand how such planetscan assemble and evolve inthese dynamically challeng-

ing environments."US citizen scientists and

Planet Hunters participantsKian Jek and RobertGagliano were the first toidentify PH1. Their observa-tions were then confirmed bya team of US and British re-searchers working in Hawaii.

PH1 is a gas giant with aradius about 6.2 times that ofEarth, making it slightlylarger than Neptune. It orbitsa pair of eclipsing stars thatare 1.5 and 0.41 times themass of the Sun roughlyevery 138 days.

The two other stars are or-biting the planetary system ata distance that is roughly1,000 times the distance be-tween Earth and the Sun.

The discovery of PH1 wasmade available online Mon-

day at the site arxiv.org andhas been submitted to the As-trophysical Journal for publi-cation.

"It still continues to aston-ish me how we can detect, letalone glean so much infor-mation, about another planetthousands of light-yearsaway just by studying thelight from its parent star," Jeksaid.

Last week scientists re-ported the discovery of a "di-amond planet" twice the sizeof earth and orbiting a sun-like star.

Up to one-third of theplanet's mass and much of itssurface is believed to consistof diamonds, implying thatdistant rocky planets can nolonger be assumed to havethe same features as Earth.

Astronomers discover planet withfour suns

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) -Microsoft said Tuesday itsnew Surface tablet computer-- designed to challengeApple's iPad -- will be sold atroughly the same price as themarket leader.

Microsoft began takingpre-orders for the Surface,which will start at $499 forUS customers for a tabletwith 32 gigabytes of mem-ory. A 64GB version bundledwith a black touch cover ispriced at $699.

The prices are in line withthe iPad, which begins at$499 but with less memory.Apple however is expected tounveil a low-priced "iPadMini" next week.

Surface will be availableOctober 26 at MicrosoftStore locations in the UnitedStates and Canada and willbe sold online in eight mar-kets across the world: Aus-tralia, Canada, China, France,Germany, Hong Kong,Britain and the United States.

Chief executive SteveBallmer has described theiPad challenger -- completewith a built-in stand and ultrathin covers which double askeyboards in a range of col-ors -- as a tablet that "worksand plays."

The tablet will run on theWindows 8 operating systemalso being released October26.

Microsoft to price newtablet near same as iPad

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) -Offering a new way to readthe news on a mobile device,an app launched Monday de-livers content in "flash card"segments in an effort to opti-mize new formats.

"Rather than trying to

shoehorn existing contentinto a new environment,we've created the first trulymobile-first news experi-ence," said a blog post fromthe creators of the Circa appfor iPhone and iPad.

App cuts up news into digestible bytes

PARIS (AFP) - European dataprotection agencies on Tues-day said Google's new pri-vacy policy does not complywith EU laws and told the USInternet giant to fix it withinmonths or face legal action.

Google rolled out the new

privacy policy in March, al-lowing it to track users acrossvarious services to developtargeted advertising, despitesharp criticism from US andEuropean consumer advo-cacy groups.

It contends the move sim-plifies and unifies its policiesacross its various servicessuch as Gmail, YouTube, An-droid mobile systems, socialnetworks and Internet search.

But critics argue that thepolicy, which offers no abil-ity to opt out aside from re-fraining from signing intoGoogle services, gives theoperator of the world's largestsearch engine unprecedentedability to monitor its users.

Google is already facingprivacy probes by authoritiesacross the globe as it steps upits battle with the social net-work site Facebook for bothusers and advertisers.

EU data bodies tell Google to fixprivacy rules or face fine


Page 10: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Page 11: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

scenario," the agency said."Moreover, local govern-

ments in Spain have, in ourview, a limited ability to op-pose any unwanted changes totheir institutional framework.Consequently, we apply a so -vereign cap to the rating onBarcelona."

Hours earlier, Standard &Poors lowered its credit ratingon seven major Spanish banks,including the top two San-tander and BBVA, in line withthe country's reduced status.

Rival agency Moody's In-vestors Service already hasplaced Spain's sovereign debtone notch above speculativestatus and is expected to an-nounce this month whether itwill cut the rating again, as-sessing Spanish bonds as junk.

Such a move could sendSpanish borrowing rates spi-ralling and rapidly force thecountry to seek a sovereignbailout.

MADRID (AFP) - Standard &Poor's axed Barcelona pro -vince's credit rating by twonotches yesterday, leaving itjust one level above junk-bondstatus.

The agency cut Barcelona'srating to BBB- from BBB+and left it with a negative out-look just six days after down-grading Spain's sovereignrating by the same margin, cit-ing a deepening recession andbanking strains.

Standard & Poor's saidlocal and regional govern-ments can sometimes enjoy arating one notch stronger thanthe sovereign debt, but onlywhen they have stronger fi-nances.

This is not the case withBarcelona, it added.

"The province depends onthe central government for 85percent of its operating re -venue, limiting its financial in-dependence and ability towithstand a sovereign stress

S&P slashes Barcelona

province's credit rating

needed to start businesses, aswell as the need to connectwomen to the markets and helpthem raise capital.

According to the WorldBank, poverty would be 30percent higher in the regionwithout women's economiccontribution, a US officialsaid.

Clinton announced that theUnited States was putting upsome $900,000 for the estab-lishment of a new entrepre-neurship trust at yesterday'sconference, building on com-mitments made to the 2011APEC Leaders summit.

She also toured theGamarra district in Lima, thecenter of the country's textileindustry, where a quarter ofPeru's textile workers -- some50,000 people -- work. A fur-ther 200,000 families work inwool and cotton production.

According to Peruvian fig-ures, the South American na-tion exported $2 billion (1.5billion euros) in raw andprocessed textiles last year,amounting to 1.5 percent of itsgross domestic product.

lion in lost GDP every year...In my own country, making iteasier for women to enter... thelabor market could increaseGDP as much as nine percent.

"In the eurozone, GDPcould be 13 percent higher. Yeteven with so much to gain forall of us, more than 100 coun-tries have laws restricting wo -men's economic participation."

She highlighted the work ofPeruvian Luzmila Huaranccawho "creates beautiful, em-broidered cloth from the An-dean highlands." Ten years agoshe won a grant from USAIDand Peru and has taught herskills to some 800 womenacross a dozen communities.

"That's how quickly intoday's interconnected econ-omy one woman with a needleand thread can give hundredsof women quality jobs, liter-ally stitching new hope intotheir families' futures and eco-nomic growth for their coun-try."

The regional conference,sponsored by the State Depart-ment, the Peruvian govern-ment and the InterAmericanDevelopment Bank, was fo-cusing on how to overcomehurdles women confront as en-trepreneurs.

These include a lack oftraining and mentoring, diffi-culty in accessing the networks

LIMA (AFP) - US Secretary ofState Hillary Clinton yesterdayissued a clarion call for nationsto lift barriers to women's eco-nomic participation, arguingthat in tough times they are avital key to growth.

Attending a conference inLima, Peru, Clinton urged thatwomen be given greater accessto the tools needed to becomeentrepreneurs and called forcountries to end laws posing amajor obstacle to women en-trepreneurs.

"This is a time when all na-tions need to grow theireconomies and create jobs, andwe... know that women driveeconomic growth," Clintontold the conference entitled"Power: Women as the Driversof Social Growth Inclusion."

She told the conferencehosted by Peruvian PresidentOllanta Humala, and attendedby Michelle Bachelet, head ofUN Women, that "advancingthe status of women and open-ing wide the doors of opportu-nity is the great work of ourtime."

"Restrictions on women'seconomic participation arecosting us massive amounts ofeconomic growth and incomein every region of the world,"Clinton argued.

"In the Asia-Pacific for ex-ample, it's more than $40 bil-


Crossword Answer

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11

F i n a n c e


Dutch Antilles









(per 100,00)

















































Current as of:


All rates for amounts up to AWG 100.00 per item.

Clinton urges end to barriers to

women entrepreneurs

Royal Bank of Scotland has suspended its head of ratestrading for Europe and Asia Pacific amid a companyprobe into the LIBOR interest rate fixing scandal, the Fi-nancial Times reported yesterday. British state-ownedRBS would not confirm the report or that Jezri Mohideenhad become its most senior employee to be put on leaveas the bank investigates its alleged role in the LIBOR af-fair that has rocked rival bank Barclays.The London In-terbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, is a flagship instrumentused all over the world, affecting what banks, busi-nesses and individuals pay to borrow money. EURIBORis the eurozone equivalent. (AFP)

(FILES)Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citigroup, testifies on theuse of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds be-fore the House Financial Services Committee at the USCapitol in Washington, DC, February 11, 2009. Citigroupannounced yesterday that Pandit has resignes his posi-tion as CEO. (AFP PHOTO)

Indian Bollywood actressand Longines brand am-bassador Aishwarya RaiBachchan poses with thenewly launched LonginesSaint-Imier collection inNew Delhi on October 15,2012. The Swiss watch-maker Longines unveiledits Saint-Imier collectionto mark its 180th anniver-sary. (AFP PHOTO)

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12 Wednesday, October 17, 2012

MUMBAI (AFP) - Bolly-wood glamour couple SaifAli Khan and KareenaKapoor, who have been dat-ing for five years, finally tiedthe knot in Mumbai on Tues-day in a much-anticipated In-dian celebrity wedding.

Kapoor, 32, and Khan, 42-- India's answer to Brad Pittand Angelina Jolie -- held aquiet official ceremony at thegroom's home, which will befollowed by an evening re-ception at the grand TajMahal Palace hotel.

The newly-weds marriedin front of close friends andfamily, before emerging topose and wave to the largepress pack and fans waitingoutside. Kapoor was dressedin an embellished red shawl,while Khan wore a simplegrey kurta.

"It was a registered marriagewith three witnesses -- Ka-reena's father Randhir Kapoor,her mother Babita and Saif'smother Sharmila Tagore," mar-riage registrar Surekha Rameshtold the Press Trust of Indianews agency.

The couple, dubbed"Saifeena" by the media, comefrom famous acting familiesand their wedding attractingfrenzied media attention.

Khan became the newNawab (Muslim prince) of theformer princely state ofPataudi last year after thedeath of his famous cricketingfather Mansur Ali Khan, wellknown as "Tiger Pataudi".

Khan's mother is anaward-winning actress andhis sister Soha is also in themovie business.

Kapoor hails from one ofBollywood's foremost actingdynasties, started by hergreat-grandfather Prithviraj.

Her grandfather RajKapoor was a cinematic leg-end while his brothers and anumber of relatives have be-come well-known names inthe industry.

Khan and Kapoor in Bollywood 'royal'marriage

NEW YORK (AFP) - Piratesof the Caribbean star JohnnyDepp has teamed up withHarperCollins to publishbooks that float his boat,some by famous and othersby relatively unknown au-thors, the company saidTuesday.

In the "Infinitum Nihil"collection "Depp will publishtitles that reflect his diverseinterests and passions,"HarperCollins said, in a state-ment released by its NewYork headquarters.

"Infinitum Nihil will be ahome for authentic, outspo-ken, and visionary ideas andvoices, from authors bothcelebrated and unsung," itsaid.

The first new title from theimprint will be "The Unrav-eled Tales of Bob Dylan" byjournalist Douglas Brinkley,which is due out in 2015.

"Based on archival re-search and exclusive inter-views with Dylan, the book

will set the record straight onscores of issues pertaining tothe rock-and-roll legend,"Brinkley said.

"Johnny and I thought theDylan book was the idealway to inaugurate the Infini-tum Nihil series."

In January, also in con-junction with Brinkley, In-finitum Nihil will publishfolk singer Woody Guthrie'sonly fully realized novel,House of Earth. Guthrie com-pleted the novel in 1947 butdid not seek its publication.

Depp, the 49-year-oldHollywood heartthrob, saidhe would do his best "to de-liver publications worthy ofpeoples' time, of peoples'concern. Publications thatmight ordinarily never havebreached the parapet.

"For this dream realized,we would like to saluteHarperCollins for their faithin us and look forward to along and fruitful relationshiptogether," Depp added.

Johnny Depp to launchpublishing venture

Newly-wedded Bollywood personalities Saif Ali Khan (L)and Kareena Kapoor pose for the media outside Khan'sresidence in Mumbai. (AFP PHOTO)

Kapoor at her wedding sangeet

Page 13: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

there is a game going onout there somewhere,we’ll find it.”

With giant screenseverywhere throughoutthe joint, there isn’t a badseat in the house. Asidefrom their all day menu ofgame-watching favorites,they also feature a heartybreakfast menu. The“Grand Slam Platter” in-cludes eggs any style,pancakes or waffles,bacon, juice, fresh madehome fries with coffee ortea for only $9.Lunch anddinner menus reflect thesame moderate pricing

with required sports bar stan-dards such as chicken wings,club sandwiches, burgers and aheaping helping of nachos, av-eraging $9; pizza and maincourses range from $11 to $15.

Aside from the games andthe gambling, patrons can ex-

pect great entertainment threenights weekly with one ofAruba’s most popular trios,“Threesome.’ There are alsosome wild times getting ac-quainted with Rusty’s BeerPong, the Drinking Game ofChampions. Win or lose, play-ers always end up with a smileon their face.

This family friendly place,with air hockey and videogames for the kids, along witha special menu for young ones,is open 7 days a week from7:30 AM until 1:00 AM forlate night snacking and fun.

Fans of Aruba’s favorite sportsbar are happy to hear thatBuster’s Garage has relocatedto the restaurant/bar space in-side Trop Casino. Now EagleBeach resort guests have agreat place for a bargain-priced

breakfast or a bucket of beerwhile rooting for the team oftheir choice.

Buster’s has that great,homey feel of settling in toenjoy a game with buddies,greatly due to the warmth andenthusiasm of owner Rusty. Hetakes pride in making patronsfeel welcome. “If somebodyreally needs to watch theirhome team on the field, we’llbe happy to put it on for them,”he confidently assured us. “Wehave 3 satellite dishes withseparate packages to pick upevery station imaginable. If

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 13

caterers, airline pick-up anddrop-off; they even boast ashopping service to stockyour shelves before arrival.

Gold Coast accommoda-tions are elegant and spa-cious, offering privacy for

parents or a few couples.Beautifully appointedkitchens and bathrooms graceeach abode; barbecues andlounges are provided forfriendly cookouts and trulysavoring the island life. All

homes come with cable TV,high-speed fiber-optic Inter-net connection, individualwasher/dryer, and are fullyair-conditioned. Cribs, highchairs and hair dryers areavailable for a modest fee.

Concierge ser vices to arrangerental cars, spa appointments,activities and restaurant reser-vations are all part of thepackage.

Check-in for your holidayescape is conducted in thecomfort of your vacationhome, not while waiting online at check-in desk. In everyway, Gold Coast seeks topamper their guests whileproviding them with the feel-ing of being in a cozy com-munity, not the normallybustling resort, particularlyexperienced during the majorholidays. If you wish an opti-mal vacation experience withgreat savings, visit their web-site: www.goldcoastaruba.com to get acquainted withthe community and the lay-out, details and availability ofaccommodations, or call 586-2200 to talk personally to aGold Coast representative.

Aruba’s newest and most in-novative gated communityhas enjoyed steady sales sincebreaking ground, as many arefinding the secure surround-ings and outstanding ameni-ties are just what they werelooking for before conside -ring purchasing property onthe island. Some owners areusing the villas or townhomes as vacation retreatsrather than full time and aretaking advantage of GoldCoast’s rental services to turntheir investment into ready in-come.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the is-land,” noted Gold Coast de-veloper Fito Croes. To assistin the demand for more com-plete facilities for groupsand fa mi- lies, famed hote-lier Ed Ma-lone has beenplaced in charge of the rentalprogram.

Staying at Gold Coast is avery attractive propositionfor those traveling withgroups that would requiremultiple hotel rooms. Twoand three bedroom Villas orTown Homes accommodatelarge numbers and offer ex-tensive amenities along witha final cost resulting in con-siderable savings. The com-munity is minutes to the bestbeaches and all the casinoaction, and offers a quiet andsecluded getaway with twoswimming pools and spe-cialized services with moreon the way, such as a fitnessroom, tennis courts andmini-mall. Ed can arrangemaid service, babysitters,

Gold Coast Aruba:Great savings for large familieson holiday rentals

Buster’s is backin Eagle Beachat Trop Casino

The home of the Beer Pong drinking game

A whopping cheese na-

chos w/chicken dish

Threesome, takes care of the entertainment

Page 14: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

14 Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Group AAt BrusselsBelgium 2 (Benteke 69,

Kompany 71) Scotland 0At Osijek, CroatiaCroatia 2 (Mandzukic 27,

Eduardo 58) Wales 0At SkopjeMacedonia 1 (Ibraimi 59-

pen) Serbia 0Group BAt PragueCzech Republic 0 Bulgaria 0At MilanItaly 3 (Montolivo 33, De

Rossi 37, Balotelli 54) Den-mark 1 (Kvist 46)

Group CAt BerlinGermany 4 (Klose 8, 15,

Mertesacker 39, Ozil 56) Swe-den 4 (Ibrahimovic 62, Lustig64, Elmander 76, Elm 90+3)

At TorshavnFaroes 1 (Hansen 68) Ire-

land 4 (Wilson 47, Walters 52,Justinussen 73-o.g., O'Dea 89)

At ViennaAustria 4 (Janko 24, 63,

Alaba 71, Harnik 90+3) Kaza-khstan 0

Group DAt Andorra-La-VieilleAndorra 0 Estonia 1 (Oper

56)At BucharestRomania 1 (Marica 40)

Netherlands 4 (Lens 9, MartinsIndi 29, van der Vaart 45+2-pen, van Persie 86)

At BudapestHungary 3 (Koman 31,

Szalai 50, Gera 57-pen)Turkey 1 (Erding 22)

Group EAt Larnaca, CyprusCyprus 1 (Aloneftis 42)

Norway 3 (Hangeland 44, Ely-

ounoussi 81-pen, King 83)At ReykjavikIceland 0 Switzerland 2

(Barnetta 66, Gavranovic 79)At TiranaAlbania 1 (Rroshi 36)

Slovenia 0Group FAt MoscowRussia 1 (Shirokov 84-pen)

Azerbaijan 0At Oporto, PortugalPortugal 1 (Postiga 79)

Northern Ireland 1 (McGinn30)

At Ramat Gan, IsraelIsrael 3 (Hemed 13, 48,

Eden Ben Basat 35) Luxem-bourg 0

Group GAt BratislavaSlovakia 0 Greece 1 (Salp-

ingidis 63)At Zenica, Bosnia-Herze-

govinaBosnia-Herzegovina 3 (Ibi-

sevic 29, Dzeko 35, Pjanic 41)Lithuania 0

Group HAt KievUkraine 0 Montenegro 1

(Damjanovic 45)At SerravalleSan Marino 0 Moldova 2

(Dadu 72-pen, Epureanu 78)At WarsawPoland v England - post-

poned waterlogged pitchTo be played at 1500GMT

todayGroup IAt MadridSpain 1 (Ramos 25) France

1 (Giroud 90+4)At MinskBelarus 2 (Bressan 6, Dra-

gun 28) Georgia 0

World Cup Europeanzone qualifiers

OPORTO(AFP) - NorthernIreland stole the headlinesfrom Cristiano Ronaldo's100th international appearancehere on Tuesday as they heldPortugal to a 1-1 draw in theirEuropean zone 2014 WorldCup qualifier.

Indeed but for an equaliserby veteran striker HelderPostiga 11 minutes from timeit would have been a miserablenight all round for Ronaldo,who had started it all smiles

when being presented with aspecial cap for his 100th ap-pearance.

However, the overall pic-ture for the hosts, Euro semi-finalists only four months ago,doesn't look rosy either as theytrail leaders Russia by fivepoints, having lost to FabioCapello's side in Moscow lastFriday.

The visitors - who ended arun of six successive away de-feats - had taken the leadthrough Niall McGinn, a mem-orable strike for his first goalfor his country.

"The players were tremen-dous and it was cruel on us toconcede a late goal," saidNorthern Ireland managerMichael O'Neill.

"I thought we were heroic.I'm amazed to be standing hereand saying I am disappointedto come away with a draw."

The Northern Irish - ranked117 in the world to Portugal'sthird - struck on the half hourmark with a well worked movestarted by Manchester Uniteddefender Jonny Evans, whofound Kyle Lafferty.

Northern Irish put dampeneron Ronaldo century

MILAN, Italy (AFP) - Den-mark's Patrick Mtiliga hasplayed his final game forDenmark, national teamcoach Morten Olsen said hereTuesday, after the player re-fused to warm-up for a WorldCup qualifier against Italy.Denmark lost the Group Bmatch 3-1 to drop to secondfrom bottom of Group B withtwo points from three gamesas Italy made it 10 pointsfrom a possible 12 to boosttheir chances of qualifyingfor Brazil 2014.After the match Olsen ex-plained why Mtiliga wouldnot play for the national sideagain."He has played his final gamefor Denmark," said Olsen."He refused to warm up forthe game because he was toounhappy at not being in thestarting eleven and seeingSimon Poulsen start instead."It's not acceptable."Mtiliga is of Gambian originbut was born in Copenhagen.The 21-year-old defenderwon six caps for Denmarkand plays for Danish champi-ons Nordsjaelland.

Mtiliga's Denmarkcareer over, says

angry Olsen

BUCHAREST, Romania(AFP) - Netherlands took asignificant step towards qual-ifying for the 2014 WorldCup with a comprehensive 4-1 defeat of their main GroupD rivals Romania here onTuesday.

Goals from JeremeinLens, Bruno Martens andRafael van der Vaart put the2010 World Cup finalistsfirmly in command by halftime with Robin van Persieadding a fourth five minutesfrom time.

Romania's lone strikecame towards the end of thefirst half from Ciprian Mar-ica.

The win lifted Louis vanGaal's men up to 12 pointsafter four games and hopingto qualify automatically asgroup winners - the Oranjeclearly recovered from theembarrassment of their firstround elimination from Euro2012.

Romania, who went intothis match tied with theDutch after their surprise winover Turkey last Friday, arelevel on nine points withHungary.

Van der Vaart was instru-mental in Holland's opener,

Lens knocking in his eighthminute corner, and the Ham-burg midfielder was at thecentre of the second too whenMartens fired in his free kick.

After Marica had reducedthe deficit van der Vaart goton the scoresheet in his ownright when converting apenalty in first half stoppagetime, with van Persie's 85th

minute contribution complet-ing an excellent night for theDutch in Bucharest.

Romania coach VictorPiturca said: "When you con-cede four goals there is not alot you can say. But a greatteam scores, and Hollandscored. We are now fightingfor second place in thegroup."

Van Der Vaart-inspired Dutchbeat Romania

Portugal's Cristiano Ro-naldo holds a commemora-tive plaque as hecelebrates his 100th capfor the national team

Page 15: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 15

TORONTO (AFP) - The Na-tional Hockey league offeredto split hockey revenue 50-50with players Tuesday in anew proposal aimed at end-ing an ongoing contract dis-pute in time for each team toplay a full 82-game season.

The proposal announcedby NHL commissioner GaryBettman comes one monthafter the league locked outplayers and less than a fort-night after the NHL cancelledregular-season games sched-uled for October 11-24.

Bettman said a full seasoncould still be played, how-ever, if a deal is done in timeto begin the season in earlyNovember.

"We very much want topreserve a full 82-game sea-son and in that light we madea proposal, an offer really,"Bettman said.

"It is our best shot at pre-serving an 82-game regularseason and playoffs."

Bettman and deputy com-missioner Bill Daly metTuesday with NHL PlayersAssociation executive direc-tor Don Fehr and specialcounsel Steve Fehr at the

union's office."The reaction was they

need to study it," Bettmansaid. "I respect that portion ofthe process. They have got tounderstand the offer and getcomfortable with it."

Bettman said the offerwould split hockey-relatedrevenue at 50-50 and would-n't include salary rollbacks.

"We're focused on gettingthe season started on Novem-ber 2," Bettman said. "That'swhat this offer was about."

To fit in a full season,teams would have to play oneextra game every five weeksover the original schedule.

Talks on a new collectivebargaining agreement havebeen stalled on how to divide$3.2 billion in hockey-relatedrevenues and owners lockedout players on September 15.

Last week, when the leagueannounced the cancellation ofthe 82 games scheduled for thefirst fortnight of the season,Don Fehr criticized the leaguesharply for a move that he saidpunished fans.

The NHL lost its entire2004-05 season to a similardispute.

League offers 50-50 revenuesplit with players

NEW YORK (AFP) - JeremyLin, the NBA playmaker ofTaiwan and Chinese heritagewhose rise last seasonsparked "Lin-sanity" world-wide, told GQ Magazine in acover story that he still feelsthe sting of racist attitudes.

"I'm going to have to play

well for a longer periodof time for certain peo-ple to believe it becauseI'm Asian. And that'sjust the reality of it,"Lin told GQ in a storyfrom the Novemberissue posted on themagazine website.

Lin is featured onthe cover wearing a suitand basketball shoesand holding a basket-ball in his left handwith a headline: "Je-

remy Lin will not be denied"."I dont always pass with

my left, but when I do, its forGQ... thanks," Lin postedTuesday on his Twitter page.

Lin, a 24-year-old Har-vard graduate, was pulled offthe bench for the New YorkKnicks last season when theclub had two starters felledby injury. He shocked every-one with a star turn thatsparked a win streak and"Lin-sanity".

The starters returned andso did reality but the Knicksreached the playoffs and Linwas expected to play a rolefor new York in the upcom-ing season.

But when the HoustonRockets made an offer of $25million for three years andthe Knicks refused to matchit, Lin departed for the Texasclub where retired Chinesestar center Yao Ming playedhis entire NBA career.

"When we had Yao Mingand Tracy McGrady, thosewere our centerpieces,"Rockets general managerDaryl Morey told GQ.

"Right now we're reallysort of figuring out who thosefoundational players will bebut if you had to ask mewho's most likely to be thatguy, I think Jeremy Lin'snumber one."

Lin, however, says he stillfeels a sense of bigotry to-ward him, that people see his

skills as more limited be-cause of his unique status asthe NBA's first Asian-Amer-ican player.

"If I can be honest, yes.It's not even close to the onlyreason, but it was definitelypart of the reason," Lin said.

"There's a lot of percep-tions and stereotypes ofAsian-Americans that are outthere today and the fact thatI'm Asian-American makes itharder to believe, even cra-zier, more unexpected."

"If you (play well) forlong enough, I think youwould get the respect."

Lin felt racism slaps lastseason such as an ESPNwebsite headline "Chink inthe armor" after he had a poorshowing on the court.

"In my younger days, itwould make me reallyangry," Lin said. "I think thecomments in college werepure racism. Stuff that wassaid by opposing players, op-posing fans, opposingcoaches. So none of this waseven close to that."

Lin became a star in Tai-wan, his parents' homeland,and China, where one of hisgrandparents is from. He re-called being so mobbed dur-ing an Asian visit in theoff-season that he rarely es-caped his hotel room.

Lin also related how heexpected to return to NewYork even after signing anoffer from the Rockets, hop-ing to ensure a salary boostfrom the Knicks.

"The Rockets thought Iwas going to be a Knick," Linsays. "They told me when Isigned there, 'We think it's an80 to 95 percent chance ofthat happening.' That wasconsistent with what every-one was saying to me.

"The thing about it is,there was no other way tohandle the situation. I didn'tget an offer from the Knicks,so I had to go test my mar-ket."

Lin says he's hit by racism in GQcover story

Page 16: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

16 Wednesday, October 17, 2012

SAN DIEGO, California(AFP) - Denver's PeytonManning sparked a historicsecond-half National Foot-ball League comeback from24 points down Monday withthree touchdown passes tolead the Broncos over SanDiego 35-24.

Manning completed 24-of-30 passes for 309 yards,going 13-of-14 in the secondhalf, to inspire his 47thfourth-quarter victory fight-back -- matching retiredMiami legend Dan Marinofor the NFL record in careervictory rallies.

"I don't have them rankedbut it sure is special," Man-ning said. "It was a pivotalgame. We can work on doingsome things better and getthings turned around."

The Broncos improved to3-3, matching San Diegoatop the AFC West division.But the Chargers droppedtheir third game in their pastfour starts and did so at homeby squandering a 24-0 lead.

"Every loss hurts, no mat-ter how it happens... espe-cially when you have a biglead and with so much atstake," Chargers quarterbackPhilip Rivers said. "We're 3-3 and we have to regroup."

It was the first time inNFL history that a teamwhich trailed by 24 pointseventually won by 10 ormore points.

"It's about playing 60 min-utes," Manning said. "There's

no quit in this team. We havesome things to work on butthis is a great win."

It showed why the Bron-cos signed Manning, 36, afterhe was released by the Indi-anapolis Colts last March.

"He's calm. He's confi-dent. He's a leader. He's whatyou need to pick it up," Bron-cos receiver Eric Decker saidof Manning.

"We were making littlemistakes that were killing us.In crunch time you have tomake those plays and we did.That's the kind of leadershiphe has."

Manning, who completed13 passes in a row at onestage in the second half, wasaided by six San Diegoturnovers, five of them in thesecond half.

"Our offense got a touch-down and our defense wasable to force someturnovers," Manning said."We have shown the abilityto come back."

Rivers threw an 11-yardscoring strike to AntonioGates with 24 seconds re-maining in the second quarterto give the Chargers a 24-0half-time lead, matching thelargest half-time deficit Man-ning had ever faced.

"Those self-inflictedwounds put us in a hole,"Manning said. "It was kind ofdeflating to our team in thefirst half. Everybody steppedup in the second half. Every-body took responsibility."

Manning's record rallysparks Broncos victory

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) -Marco Scutaro drove in twokey runs before leaving withan injury on Monday and SanFrancisco defeated reigningchampion St. Louis 7-1 tolevel their Major LeagueBaseball playoff series.

The best-of-seven Na-tional League ChampionshipSeries, deadlocked at 1-1,shifts to St. Louis for threegames today, Thursday andFriday. The winners will faceeither the New York Yankeesor Detroit in the World Se-ries.

It was the first home vic-tory of the playoffs for theGiants, who dropped twogames at home to Cincinnatiin the previous round and theseries opener to St. Louis onSunday.

Giants starting pitcherRyan Vogelsong allowedonly one run in seven in-nings, scattering four hitswhile walking two batters

and striking out four on anight when San Franciscosluggers pounded out 12 hitsand plenty of runs.

"It feels better getting onehere rather than going inthere down 0-2," said Vogel-song. "They are a great hit-ting team. I was just makingpitches."

San Francisco's AngelPagan blasted a solo homer inthe first inning to open thescoring but the Cardinalsequalized in the second whenPete Kozma walked andscored on a double by St.Louis pitcher Chris Carpenter.

San Francisco scored fourruns in the fourth inning toseize command, the first ofthem crossing home plate ona throwing error by Carpenter.

Scutaro added a bases-loaded double to drive in tworuns and a fielding error byCardinals outfielder MattHolliday allowed a third SanFrancisco run to score on theplay, giving the Giants a 5-1lead.

Scutaro, the Giants' sec-ond baseman, was removedfrom the game and later takento a hospital for an MRIexam with a left hip injurythat he suffered in the first in-ning on a fielding play whenstruck by a sliding Holliday.

Giants rout Cardinals to level series MLB Championship Series

American League

NY Yankees vs. Detroit TigersGM 1 - OCT-13 - Detroit 6, NY Yankees 4

GM 2 - OCT-14 - Detroit 3, NY Yankees 0

(Tigers lead 2-0)

GM 3 - OCT-16 - NY @ DET

GM 4 - OCT- 17 - NY @ DET

* GM 5 - OCT -18- NY@ DET

* GM 6 - OCT-20 - DET @ NY

* GM 7-OCT 21- DET @ NY

National League

SF Giants vs. St. Louis CardsGM 1 - OCT-14 - St. Louis 6, San Francisco 4

GM 2 - San. Fran. 7, St.Louis 1

(Series tied 1-1)

GM 3 - OCT-17 - San francisco @ St. Louis

GM 4 - OCT- 18 - San francisco @ St. Louis

* GM 5 - OCT -19- San francisco @ St. Louis

* GM 6 - OCT-21 - St. Louis @ San. Fran

* GM 7-OCT 22- St. Louis @ San. Fran

(Series best of seven)

* if necesary

Angel Pagan of the Giantscelebrates his lead-offhomerun
