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Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Jackson County Herald-Tribune … · 2 days ago · Wednesday,...

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Jackson County Herald-Tribune Page 15 Public Notice The City of Edna is accepting bids for the demolition and cleanup of the following prop- erties: • 1205 W Hickory • 508 Sayles • 605 M L King • 506 N East Bids will be accepted until 2:00 PM Thursday October 29, 2020, in the office of the City Manager, at City Hall, 126 W. Main, Edna, TX. At that time, bids will be opened and read aloud. Bids will be reported to City Council for approval on No- vember 5, 2020. Envelope shall be marked: “Bid for Building Demolition”. If you have any questions, call Gary Broz, City Manager 361-782-3122. The City has the right to refuse any or all bids. CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS INTER- ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF GREGORY LON ODOM Docket No. 5349 County Court, Jackson County, Texas. GREGORY GRANT ODOM applicant in the above num- bered and entitled estate, filed on the 9th day of September , 2020 , an Application to Deter- mine Heirship and Application for Independent Administration and Letters of Administration Pursuant to Section 145(e) of the Texas Probate Code and Determination of Heirship. Said application will be heard and acted on by said Court at 10 O’clock A.M. on the first Monday next after the expiration often days from date of publication of this cita- tion. All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said Honorable Court at said above men- tioned time and place by filing a written answer contesting such application should they desire to do so. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CITY OF EDNA 2019 - 2020 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TxCDBG CONTRACT NO. 7219130 Sealed bids addressed to Gary Broz, City Manager, will be received at City Hall, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957, until 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTO- BER 28, 2020, for the 2019 - 2020 Sanitary Sewer Im- provements TxCDBG Con- tract No. 7219130. Immediately following the closing time for receipt of bids, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957. Any Bids received after closing time will be re- turned unopened. A pre-bid conference will be held in the Council Chambers, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957 at 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020. All Bidders are strongly urged to attend. The project consists of the re- habilitation of approximately 700 linear feet of 8-inch sani- tary sewer main by Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) method and the construction of approximately 300 linear feet of 6-inch sanitary sewer main in Edna, Texas. ANNOUNCEMENTS Legals Bidders must submit a bid bond, cashier’s or certified check payable without re- course to the order of the City of Edna, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid submitted as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bonds and guarantees in the forms provided within fifteen (15) days after Notice of Award of contract to him. Bids submit- ted without the required secu- rity will not be considered. The project to be constructed will be financed with assis- tance from the Texas Depart- ment of Agriculture (TDA) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment Community Develop- ment Block Grant (CDBG) program and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Atten- tion is called to the fact that not less than the federally de- termined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Department of Labor and contained in the contract doc- uments, must be paid on this project. In addition, the suc- cessful Bidder must ensure that employees and appli- cants for employment are not discriminated against be- cause of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gen- der identity, or national origin. Adherence to the grant recip- ient’s Section 3 Policy is re- quired for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00. The City of Edna reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of Edna for a period not to ex- ceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the pur- pose of reviewing the bids and investigating the Bidders’ qualifications prior to the con- tract award. The successful Bidder will be required to purchase and fur- nish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of the contract, written by a responsible surety com- pany, authorized to do busi- ness in the State of Texas, as required by Article 5160, V.A.T.C.S., as amended by H.B. 344, passed by the 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959. Bidders are expected to in- spect the site of the work and to inform themselves regard- ing all local conditions. Information for Bidders, pro- posal forms, specifications and plans are available for in- spection during regular busi- ness hours at Urban Engineering, 2004 N. Com- merce, Victoria, Texas 77901, (361)5789836. Prospective Bidders may ob- tain complete copies of the plans, project manual and specifications from Urban En- gineering. An electronic file copy is available at no charge or a printed copy is available for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per copy. Bidders are required to obtain a complete copy of the Bidding Docu- ments from Urban Engineer- ing to submit a bid. City of Edna, Lance Smiga, Mayor, September 30, 2020 All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activ- ity in part or in full under this project. Mi- nority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Historically Underutilized Business firms are encour- aged to submit bids. CITATION BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS TO ALL PERSONS INTER- ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF TOMMY LYNN YARBROUGH , Docket No. 5356 County Court, Jackson County, Texas. SANDRA SIECKO YARBROUGH , ap- plicant in the above numbered and entitled estate, filed on the 8th day of September, 2020 , an Application to Deter- mine Heirship Pursuant to Section 145(e) of the Texas Probate Code and Determina- tion of Heirship. Said application will be heard and acted on by said Court at 10 o’clock A.M. on the first Monday next after the expiration of ten days from date of publication of this cia- tion. All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said Honorable Court at said above men- tioned time and place by filing a written answer contesting such application should they desire to do so. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CITY OF EDNA 2018 - 2019 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS GLO CDBG-DR CONTRACT NO. 20-065-032-C109 Sealed bids addressed to Gary Broz, City Manager, will be received at City Hall, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957, until 2:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTO- BER 28, 2020, for the 2018 - 2019 Sanitary Sewer Im- provements GLO CDBG-DR Contract No. 20-065-032-C109. Immediately following the closing time for receipt of bids, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957. Any Bids received after closing time will be re- turned unopened. A pre-bid conference will be held in the Council Chambers, 126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas 77957 at 2:30 p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020. All Bidders are strongly urged to attend. The project consists of the construction of approximately 3,700 linear feet of 8-inch san- itary sewer main in Edna, Texas. Industrial Site Sells Without Reserve! Public Inspections 11-2pm Fri Oct 9 View all Halliburton properties at williamsauction.com/halliburton • 800.801.8003 TX JEFFREY MICHAEL ASHBY RE LIC 550021; THOMAS E. BARNES III AUC LIC 6457 BUYER’S PREMIUM (BUYER’S FEE IN WI) MAY APPLY. REAL ESTATE AUCTION PAMPA, TX • 8590 County Road 12 1/2 Industrial site containing 5 Structures with a total of 37,532+/- sf on 41.66 Acres. Auctions: 10am, Thur Oct 22 on site or bid live from anywhere at auctionnetwork.com Also Auctioning Properties in Brownfield, Odessa & Sonora - see website for details! Bidders must submit a bid bond, cashier’s or certified check payable without re- course to the order of the City of Edna, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid submitted as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bonds and guarantees in the forms provided within fifteen (15) days after Notice of Award of contract to him. Bids submit- ted without the required security will not be considered. The project to be constructed will be financed with assis- tance from the General Land Office (GLO) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Commu- nity Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program and is subject to all applicable Fed- eral and State laws and regu- lations. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Department of Labor and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the suc- cessful Bidder must ensure that employees and appli- cants for employment are not discriminated against be- cause of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gen- der identity, or national origin. Adherence to the City of Edna Section 3 Policy is required for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00. The City of Edna reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of Edna for a period not to ex- ceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the pur- pose of reviewing the bids and investigating the Bidders’ qualifications prior to the contract award. The successful Bidder will be required to purchase and fur- nish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of the contract, written by a responsible surety com- pany, authorized to do business in the State of Texas, as re- quired by Article 5160, V.A.T.- C.S., as amended by H.B. 344, passed by the 56th Leg- islature, Regular Session, 1959. Bidders are expected to in- spect the site of the work and to inform themselves regard- ing all local conditions. Information for Bidders, pro- posal forms, specifications and plans are available for in- spection during regular busi- ness hours at Urban Engineering, 2004 N. Com- merce, Victoria, Texas 77901, (361)578-9836. Prospective Bidders may ob- tain complete copies of the plans, project manual and specifications from Urban En- gineering. An electronic file copy is available at no charge or a printed copy is available for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per copy. Bid- ders are required to obtain a complete copy of the Bidding Documents from Urban Engi- neering to submit a bid. City of Edna, Lance Smiga, Mayor, September 30, 2020 All contractors and subcon- tractors must be cleared (not suspended or debarred) prior to any formal action authoriz- ing the award of a contract to the contractor. Minority Busi- ness Enterprises, Small Busi- ness Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, Section 3 Businesses, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to submit bids. NO. 5358 ESTATE OF PHILIP CRAIG WEBERNICK, DECEASED IN THE COUNTY COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of PHILIP CRAIG WEBERNICK were issued on September 22, 2020, in cause number 5358, in the County Court of Jackson County, Texas, to VERONICA MARIE WEBERNICK. All persons having claims against the estate, which is presently being administered, are required to submit them, within the time and manner prescribed by law, and before the estate is closed, ad- dressed as follows: VERONICA MARIE WEBERNICK Estate of PHILIP CRAIG WEBERNICK % Gary Olson, Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1212 Ganado, Texas 77962 Dated September 22, 2020 GARY OLSON, Attorney for Executor of the Estate of PHILIP CRAIG WEBERNICK CITATION BY PUBLICATION - TRC 109 THE STATE OF TEXAS: Cause No. 19-5-15952 IN THE INTEREST OF ZHAY’DEN DARRAY ROBINSON, ZAIBRION DA’QUIS ROBINSON, ZAEY’VREAUNNA DA’NAE LYNN ROBINSON, CHILDREN IN THE 24th DISTRICT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, TEXAS TO: ZACKARY WILSON, Re- spondent - GREETING NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after the date you are served with this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you.” “The petition of the Texas De- partment of Family and Pro- tective Services, Petitioner, was filed in the Court of Jack- son County, Texas, on the 21st day of May 2019, against Zackary Wilson, Respondent, numbered 19-5-15952, and entitled ‘In the interest of Zhay’den Darray Robinson, Zaibrion Da’Quis Robinson and Zaey’vreaunna Da’Nae Lynn Robinson, children.’ The suit requests termination of the parent-child relationship. The date and place of birth of the children who are the subject of the suit: Zaibrion Da’Quis Robinson, (Born December 11, 2017 in Victoria), Zhay’den Darray Robinson, (Born August 19, 2016 in an unknown location) and Zaey’vreaunna Da’Nae Lynn Robinson, (Born Octo- ber 10, 2018 in an unknown location). “The court has authority in this suit to render an order in the children’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appoint- ment of a conservator with au- thority to consent to the children’s adoption.” Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Edna, Texas this 22nd day of September 2020. Attorney for Plaintiff or Plain- tiff: Gregory L. Wilson P. O. Box 23990 San Antonio, Texas 78223 Bexar County, Texas Clerk of the Court: Sharon Mathis 115 West Main, Room 203 Edna, Texas 77957 Jackson County, Texas N & Z CLEANING We offer great cleaning services, low prices, for houses, offices & RV’s. Will do laundry. Dependable. English & Spanish speaking. Call 361-235-7785 APARTMENT FOR RENT 508 Progress 1 bedroom, 1 bath TEXT ONLY 361-649-8368 Services REAL ESTATE Apartments For Rent Commercial Prop For Rent 205 W. Main for lease, 4,000 sq.ft. 979-884-7914 Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Legals
Page 1: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Jackson County Herald-Tribune … · 2 days ago · Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Jackson County Herald-Tribune Page 15 Public Notice The City of Edna

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Jackson County Herald-Tribune Page 15

Public Notice

The City of Edna is accept ingbids for the demolition andcleanup of the following prop-erties:

• 1205 W Hickory• 508 Sayles• 605 M L King• 506 N East

Bids will be accepted until2:00 PM Thursday October29, 2020, in the office of theCity Manager, at City Hall, 126W. Main, Edna, TX. At thattime, bids will be opened andread aloud.Bids will be reported to CityCouncil for approval on No-vember 5, 2020. Enve lopeshall be marked: “Bid forBuilding Demolition”. If youhave any questions, call GaryBroz, City Manager361-782-3122. The City hasthe right to refuse any or allbids.



TO ALL PERSONS IN TER-ESTED IN THE ES TATE OFGREGORY LON ODOMDocket No. 5349 CountyCourt, Jackson County, Texas.GREGORY GRANT ODOMapplicant in the above num-bered and en titled estate, filedon the 9th day of September,2020, an Application to Deter-mineHeirship and Application forIndependent Administrationand Letters of AdministrationPursuant to Section 145(e) ofthe Texas Probate Code andDetermination of Heir ship.

Said application will beheard and acted on by saidCourt at 10 O’clock A.M. onthe first Monday next after theexpiration often days fromdate of publication of this cita-tion.

All persons interested insaid estate are hereby cited toappear before said Honor ableCourt at said above men-tioned time and place by filinga written answer con testingsuch application should theydesire to do so.ADVERTISEMENT FOR




Sealed bids addressed toGary Broz, City Manager, willbe received at City Hall, 126W. Main St., Edna, Texas77957, until 2:00p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTO- BER 28, 2020, for the 2019 -2020 Sanitary Sewer Im- provements TxCDBG Con- tract No. 7219130.

Immediately following theclosing time for receipt of bids,the bids will be publiclyopened and read aloud in theCouncil Chambers, 126 W.Main St., Edna, Texas 77957.Any Bids receivedafter closing time will be re- turned unopened.

A pre-bid conference will beheld in the Council Cham bers,126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas77957 at 2:00 p.m.,WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14,2020. All Bidders are stronglyurged to attend.

The project consists of the re-habilitation of approxi mately700 linear feet of 8-inch sani-tary sewer main byCured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP)method and the constructionof approximately 300 linearfeet of 6-inch sanitary sewermain in Edna, Texas.


LegalsBidders must submit a bidbond, cashier’s or certifiedcheck payable without re- course to the order of the Cityof Edna, in an amount not lessthan five percent (5%) of thebid submitted as a guaranteethat the Bidder will enter intoa contract and execute bondsand guaran tees in the formsprovided within fifteen (15)days after Notice of Award ofcontract to him. Bids submit-ted with out the required secu-rity will not be considered.

The project to be con structedwill be financed with assis-tance from the Texas Depart-ment of Agriculture (TDA)under the U.S. Depart ment ofHousing and Urban Develop-ment Community De velop-ment Block Grant (CDBG)program and is sub ject to allapplicable Federal and Statelaws and regula tions. Atten-tion is called to the fact thatnot less than the federally de-termined pre vailing(Davis-Bacon and Re latedActs) wage rate, as is sued bythe Department of Labor andcontained in the contract doc-uments, must be paid on thisproject. In addi tion, the suc-cessful Bidder must ensurethat employees and appli-cants for employ ment are notdiscriminated against be-cause of race, color, religion,sex, sexual orientation, gen-der identity, or national origin.Adherence to the grant recip-ient’s Sec tion 3 Policy is re-quired for contracts andsubcontracts in excess of$100,000.00.

The City of Edna reserves theright to reject any or all bids orto waive any informal ities inthe bidding.

Bids may be held by the Cityof Edna for a period not to ex-ceed 60 days from the date ofthe bid opening for the pur-pose of reviewing the bidsand investigating the Bidders’qualifications prior to the con-tract award.

The successful Bidder will berequired to purchase and fur-nish a Performance Bond anda Payment Bond, each in theamount of the con tract, writtenby a responsi ble surety com-pany, autho rized to do busi-ness in the State of Texas, asrequired by Article 5160,V.A.T.C.S., as amended byH.B. 344, passed by the 56thLegisla ture, Regular Session,1959.

Bidders are expected to in- spect the site of the work andto inform themselves re gard-ing all local conditions.Information for Bidders, pro- posal forms, specificationsand plans are available for in-spection during regular busi-ness hours at UrbanEn gineering, 2004 N. Com- merce, Victoria, Texas77901, (361)5789836.

Prospective Bidders may ob- tain complete copies of theplans, project manual andspecifications from Urban En- gineering. An electronic filecopy is available at no chargeor a printed copy is availablefor a non-refund able fee of$100.00 per copy. Bidders arerequired to obtain a completecopy of the Bidding Docu-ments from Urban Engineer-ing to submit a bid.

City of Edna, Lance Smiga,Mayor, September 30, 2020

All contractors/subcontrac torsthat are debarred, sus pendedor otherwise ex cluded from orineligible for participation onfederal assis tance programsmay not un dertake any activ-ity in part

or in full under this project. Mi-nority Business Enter prises,Small Business Enter prises,Women Business En terprises,and Historically Un derutilizedBusiness firms are encour-aged to submitbids.



TO ALL PERSONS IN TER-ESTED IN THE ES TATE OFTOMMY LYNNYARBROUGH, Docket No.5356 County Court, JacksonCounty, Texas. SANDRASIECKO YARBROUGH, ap- plicant in the above num beredand entitled estate, filed onthe 8th day of September,2020, an Appli cation to Deter-mine Heirship Pursuant toSection 145(e) of the TexasProbate Code and Determina-tion of Heir ship.

Said application will beheard and acted on by saidCourt at 10 o’clock A.M. onthe first Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this cia-tion.

All persons interested insaid estate are hereby cited toappear before said Honor ableCourt at said above men-tioned time and place by filinga written answer con testingsuch application should theydesire to do so.ADVERTISEMENT FOR



NO. 20-065-032-C109

Sealed bids addressed toGary Broz, City Manager, willbe received at City Hall, 126W. Main St., Edna, Texas77957, until 2:00p.m., WEDNESDAY, OCTO- BER 28, 2020, for the 2018 -2019 Sanitary Sewer Im- provements GLO CDBG-DRContract No.20-065-032-C109.

Immediately following theclosing time for receipt of bids,the bids will be publiclyopened and read aloud in theCouncil Chambers, 126 W.Main St., Edna, Texas 77957.Any Bids receivedafter closing time will be re- turned unopened.

A pre-bid conference will beheld in the Council Cham bers,126 W. Main St., Edna, Texas77957 at 2:30 p.m.,WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER14, 2020. All Bidders arestrongly urged to attend.

The project consists of theconstruction of approxi mately3,700 linear feet of 8-inch san-itary sewer main in Edna,Texas.

Industrial Site Sells Without Reserve!Public Inspections 11-2pm Fri Oct 9

View all Halliburton properties at williamsauction.com/halliburton • 800.801.8003



PAMPA, TX • 8590 County Road 12 1/2Industrial site containing 5 Structures with a total of 37,532+/- sf on 41.66 Acres.

Auctions: 10am, Thur Oct 22 on site or bid live from anywhere at auctionnetwork.com

Also Auctioning Properties in Brownfield, Odessa & Sonora - see website for


Bidders must submit a bidbond, cashier’s or certifiedcheck payable without re- course to the order of the Cityof Edna, in an amount not lessthan five percent (5%) of thebid submitted as a guaranteethat the Bidder will enter intoa contract and execute bondsand guaran tees in the formsprovided within fifteen (15)days after Notice of Award ofcontract to him. Bids submit-tedwithout the required securitywill not be considered.

The project to be con structedwill be financed with assis-tance from the General LandOffice (GLO) under the U.S.Department of Housing andUrban Development Commu-nity Development Block Grant- Disaster Re covery(CDBG-DR) program and issubject to all applica ble Fed-eral and State laws and regu-lations. Attention is called tothe fact that not lessthan the federally deter minedprevailing (Davis-Ba con andRelated Acts) wage rate, asissued by the De partment ofLabor and con tained in thecontract docu ments, must bepaid on thisproject. In addition, the suc- cessful Bidder must ensurethat employees and appli- cants for employment are notdiscriminated against be- cause of race, color, religion,sex, sexual orientation, gen- der identity, or national ori gin.Adherence to the City of EdnaSection 3 Policy isrequired for contracts andsubcontracts in excess of$100,000.00.

The City of Edna reserves theright to reject any or all bids orto waive any informal ities inthe bidding.

Bids may be held by the Cityof Edna for a period not to ex-ceed 60 days from the date ofthe bid opening for the pur-pose of reviewing the bidsand investigating the Bidders’qualifications priorto the contract award.

The successful Bidder will berequired to purchase and fur-nish a Performance Bond anda Payment Bond, each in theamount of the con tract, writtenby a responsi ble surety com-pany,authorized to do business inthe State of Texas, as re- quired by Article 5160, V.A.T. -C.S., as amended by H.B.344, passed by the 56th Leg- islature, Regular Session,1959.

Bidders are expected to in- spect the site of the work andto inform themselves re gard-ing all local conditions.

Information for Bidders, pro- posal forms, specificationsand plans are available for in-spection during regular busi-ness hours at UrbanEn gineering, 2004 N. Com- merce, Victoria, Texas77901, (361)578-9836.

Prospective Bidders may ob- tain complete copies of theplans, project manual andspecifications from Urban En- gineering. An electronic filecopy is available at no chargeor a printed copy isavailable for a non-refund ablefee of $100.00 per copy. Bid-ders are required to obtain acomplete copy of the BiddingDocuments from Urban Engi-neering to submit a bid.

City of Edna, Lance Smiga,Mayor, September 30, 2020

All contractors and subcon- tractors must be cleared (notsuspended or debarred) priorto any formal action au thoriz-ing the award of a con tract tothe contractor. Minor ity Busi-ness Enterprises, Small Busi-ness Enterprises, WomenBusiness Enter prises, Section3 Businesses,and labor surplus area firmsare encouraged to submitbids.

NO. 5358





Notice is given that origi nalLetters Testamentary for theEstate of PHILIP CRAIGWEBERNICK were issued onSeptember 22, 2020, in causenumber 5358, in the CountyCourt of Jackson County,Texas, to VERON ICA MARIEWEBERNICK. All personshaving claimsagainst the estate, which ispresently being adminis tered,are required to submit them,within the time and mannerprescribed by law, and beforethe estate is closed, ad-dressed as follows:



% Gary Olson, Attorney atLaw

P.O. Box 1212Ganado, Texas 77962

Dated September 22, 2020

GARY OLSON, Attorney forExecutor of the Estate ofPHILIP CRAIG WEBER NICK


THE STATE OF TEXAS:Cause No. 19-5-15952








NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:“You have been sued. Youmay employ an attorney. Ifyou or your attorney do not filea written answer with the clerkwho issued this citation by10:00 am on the Monday nextfollowing the expiration of 20days after the date you areserved with this citation andpetition, a defaultjudgment may be takenagainst you.”

“The petition of the Texas De-partment of Family and Pro-tective Services, Peti tioner,was filed in the Court of Jack-son County, Texas, on the21st day of May 2019, againstZackary Wil son, Respondent,numbered 19-5-15952, andentitled ‘In the interest ofZhay’den Dar ray Robinson,Zaibrion Da’Quis Robinsonand Za ey’vreaunna Da’NaeLynn Robinson, children.’ Thesuit requests termination oftheparent-child relationship. Thedate and place of birth of thechildren who are the subjectof the suit:Zaibrion Da’Quis Robinson,(Born December 11, 2017 inVictoria), Zhay’den DarrayRobinson, (Born August 19,2016 in an unknown loca tion)and Zaey’vreaunna Da’ NaeLynn Robinson, (Born Octo-ber 10, 2018 in an un knownlocation).

“The court has authority in thissuit to render an order in thechildren’s interest that will bebinding on you, includ ing thetermination of the par ent-childrelationship, the de terminationof paternity, and the appoint-ment of a conser vator with au-thority to con sent to thechildren’s adop tion.”

Issued and given under myhand and seal of said Court atEdna, Texas this 22nd day ofSeptember 2020.

Attorney for Plaintiff or Plain- tiff:Gregory L. WilsonP. O. Box 23990San Antonio, Texas 78223Bexar County, Texas

Clerk of the Court:Sharon Mathis115 West Main, Room 203Edna, Texas 77957Jackson County, Texas

N & Z CLEANINGWe offer great cleaningservices, low prices, for

houses, offices & RV’s. Willdo laundry. Dependable.

English & Spanish speaking.Call 361-235-7785


1 bedroom, 1 bathTEXT ONLY361-649-8368



Apartments For Rent

Commercial Prop For Rent

205 W. Main for lease,4,000 sq.ft.


Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Legals
