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WEED - rockcastlelibrary.org. Like other \

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C. C. WilJierves ATTORNEY-AT LAW. MT. VEkNON K\ WOFFICE. O n a n . L.. The Bank of Ml Vernon, o u t h u m street.—Special attention give to collections. Phone No. Bo. A pr-ity n^-cheeked c^utluv Kit: ciiicr.it OIUJI.! our l a r g e d e t r i - ment sl'ircs. It >v«s b.tc«i : u <"ny, | Hin( I be crowd was g-valet than inisiiAl, She hail wandered ' ; from lloor to fi ity, a liii'if lien-iliicr | i-<l at the'ma«uii tide <<n lie estahlisli- nienl. I h e largest she had ever seen. Seeing her. a fli»ur*alker ap- proached and laid: "I- ahyl'H'') - waiting nn yo i?1 » "Vtr.'sir," Slilllliegirl, Mushing in the roots ol'' her flaxen hnlr., "He's outside; tie wouldn't conic' Thw Kind Yon Have Always Bought. mill which ha* been iu use Joi* OTOI* 30 years, has lto?m* tlic Hit^iatare of /J ~ a m i lias bceu lwufe under his p«*- •. sonal bupervisiito fclneo it* Infancy. Aliovviio ono to deVrlvo yon in this. All CimiUvrii-its, Imitations a m i " Jnst-aa-giiod" a r e b u t Exporiiucv: < tlmt triilo with and endanger tlio health of loliim ' '.'Oveil—Experience aguihxt Experiment. Mr VERMIN OFFICE;—Ai rcM.it,.t, . „ Main st.. kiin*i> lh« C C. Willi residence, c PIIONK N o . 7 3 . * Wii r , „ , ffice.at ] H l J j »i' »OMM«„, .i.-i,, is CASTQRIA 0.-:tcv!/. : >• IKTUI'-'SS substitute for fjnstor Oil, Pare- 'gorlc, l>;.i..- Southing fSjriips. I t is Pleasant. It contains neither Opinm, Jlerplilno uor other Narcotic HislMtnnce. It- aire Is its (fitarantec. it destroys Worm* ami alhiys Feverlshnes^. It citres Dbrrliien aii<i Wind Colie. It relievos Tt'otliliis Troii!»les,.ein-e» Constlpution and Flatulency. It assimilates tho FIMWI, r e g u l a t e s the KtoiUiich r.ml Rmvels. giving healthy aipl natural sleep, 'fho Cbiidreu'^ Puuace:v—Tlio Mother's I'lienti. GENUINE C A S T O H I A ALWAYS yj Besrs tho Signature, •of . J. C. WcCLAKY Undcptakep & Embolrr.cr Complete 11 x K - ! 1 fonvejvri' W. ]JA- Moloney's Political Manager B y W . M ' l E O D R i t n * In Use For Over 30 Years. FRENCH'tf CK,-W WEST BAhFN In the hi^hlm . • * (here flow wondi I In- !'• Of rlpti&s i*iiji»v u i l » o i i A recent visitor from Pi:-I<nl-: . ! Carlsbad ovi-n vear, w»J: ' I «'• • •.< Europe (or medicisi a I tfatcrs. TU» water" is fts ben ul, and the scenery and MmoundiiiR con.i.u>. m'.-p : • «* j lunities tw recreation are better: ill* I) it Is a. « *» . twins are m u c h finer at French I.tck-U t$t Bpden : aixl this gentleman i» a naiiv? SwiUcilwii Th<> splendid wooded hills vvMtli the coo., invigorating air «f dw«s highland* where on--can or joy rambles in th» depths o' Iho forc-t, or ridea and drives Among the naiueruuH bridlU 'paths HI.II TU«O* VayiV nffowl pleasure. fo« those whodeeirv Vest ami quiet; while ..UKI splendid ami exileriuiog v*A»lnos ono can havu all iheentc-riiiln- "•^•'^•d.apolal pleasure possible at the most fashionable r»-sorta Bath RATES. : really?" she aaked. with shin- M B 00 '" "Rcollj* and '-"T—|- l *'j-r„.Qt course I was prepared for an anemprro ailjourn, but I Wasn't quite ready to be- lieve tbat Mey«r «lar«?rt bmck it. If you badn'i put me on to him be would havn forwd an adjournmem and 1 would havp 'Of «*ourse I'm sorry my brother lost.': "Bui you're glad 1 won?" "Ob, well—yes." ••That's good. By the way. I'm tblDJt- inn of setting mdrried. I esn do b*tt*- worli for .my <*o$8t1iuent? aH a marrl^fi an a Biribg." "That bay be all so. but you'lj see who wens, lw the man who Itnows how io pfay the Kam«of politics." Ikih M|lon«y nodded smilingly as he •nesed tht two men at the entrance or Utf convention hall. •'rblnljji've Struck twelve, do-they? Wi A, if l li^ve the gong Is due TO sound thirteen lime. I'll show ihtse fpj- !HK* I'm noi all In by a gcod deal. IT M«yer h^lds the First precinct for me a> be prpfnlbt'd. Ostrander will be nom- :nated tfistay al home. I've sot %o m TRE WONON E. H.BACON, IX P. A. , Louisville, Ky. A blushful silence. "If! can get ihe girl to see li m j way." "Poesn't she?" "I haven't asked her yei I wish I •;new what sbe thought" She had nothing io say to that. "1 expect 1 bad better ssk her. Don't you think so. Maurlnr?" "I—don't—k now." | "It's the best way lo Qnd out. Herf* ! sot's. Maurlne. I'm not worihy of yoa by | J long, long way. But I love you. and j rhat counts for something. Do you hap- pen to care for me. Slaurlne?" ! Shp nodded yes, and then Malonev beat time and murmured his college yell as a paeon of victory. The rest la s very common story. W. M. Francisco. MONUMENTAL WORKS. Brodbead. KY. -Granite and Marble Monuments and Tombstones -ALL A'ORK FIRST-CLASP - -SATISFACTION GIVEN. r rfluvs, T P A . . ,wl Not Ion lildjj.. i Louisville, K y | WEEDS Consumption is a human reed flourishing best in weak ungs. Like other \<eeds it's asily destroyed While young; ilien old. stimelimc-ri im- COM/A^SSIOffER S SALE BRODHEAD, KY. t rEORGE JKTHR. FROP . He tqtjarters for Traveling Men. G«> -1 Sample Room. Livery Attached. The patronage of Rockcastle citi- zens specially deaired. via the Cotton* Belt, from St. 1 • first and third Tuesdays of eai For one-way ticket*. •THAT LfeTs MALOXKV OUT GOOD . AND PLENTY •• win* There are no two ways about that. I told Marine 1 was going to win, and I h»l(eve jahe la making a lest of if." She was. Maurina Ostrander sat well back in tbu galkry of the convention ball and .patched young Maloney closc- ly.l He \hta apparently brightly Indom- itable,' bilj she read a troubled mind be- hind hiai femillug energy. "This la my busy day, was written all over his man- ner. .He flitted from one delegate to another while the chairman was deliv- ering" ibeS usual opening panegyric on wliql hla.party had done and would do. Dt'fidcdlylxbls alert young man with the good shoplders had plenty of fore*. •She, glanced from him to her brother ami' back again. There was no shadow of doubt ID her mind as towhicboftheai would 'make a better representative of the people. A fragment of whispered talk reached her fromiunder the eaves <jf the gallery. "Nollc|l how Ostrander jobbed young Maloneyii He had four delegates from .Mapieviiiq thrown out. Claimed some irregularity. He's working hdtd tb get Meyer tojthrow him some votes froaj the First HrU 6et them, too. If Meyer haan'l bfln bought, I miss my guess. The planks to adjourn the district con- vention all tWo o'clock so that Ostran- der can g^t In his One work during the flail the Oneway Rate, plus $2.00; round-trip tickets, one fare flus $2.00. to p<tijtts in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. Texas, Otlahoma and Indian Territoric's. Write tor particulars afl j cost of tic^st from yeughome town. M< Her House. HUGH MILLKR, PKI'PKIITOX. which It belonged. A grrat many peo- ple have doubtless forgotten that the people of Tennessre voted twice on the proposition to secede from the union. At the first election in Febrnary thdre was an enormous majority—about 10,- 000—sgalnst disunion. A few mopths Eater, when the attack on Fort Sumter stirred the passions of men, another vole was had and the earlier verdict was reversed by about tbe same decisive flg- "But In Franklin county, wher* state's rights and. secession claimed tbe allegiance of thp entire ! * pop- ulation. there was such an in- tense disgust over--the remit of the first election that, led by Pets' Tur- ney, afterward supreme conrt judge and twice governor, the citizens held a mass L. O. SCKAEF5R, Traveling S*acsciYgcr Ag<st| E. W. La BEAtmc, Ocncrot l»)p«a. and Ticket AgL } They temporarily cure constipation by agitating the MT VEKNt'N DIKECiOKV llpwejs, bit regular action cannot be tecurtd until secretes ennuih bile ft, ml.-e ihe ^Intestines! Execute tlsclf naiursl jkinctiens. Unnat- ural ngitatioh.caused bjfcatlunics, H oompell continual amr Incrcaitai doses to M - 1 attain the result*) I COURT. CALENDAR COUNT* COURT, -r Fourth i. day in eaeh month. QtAHTBRLvCorUT.—Kisl fc- d iy in er.ch mouth CIRCUIT Cuvyi.—^<> d»y n February, t'our'l in A: ay and Tbiid Mi-iitl. teml sr. MT VSBNUN KOl.H h C o t k Third Monday in ercl B . • ' l a ' P acts, oo the I llvert cure* Chills I and FeTer, and evety form of ~ Malarial, BUk*afc Remlttln't and Inter* nilttlnf Fevers, and, by (4ln{ to tha aeat of tho able, work^Tpennanent CUM. j *. PtfTV CBHJIS.* PER BOTTIBi "Tbat jru Maloney out good and plant>. taeii*C iwered tbeaeooodman, as;they Moved away. "Oatrander .will -liend thiktina treating In the aaloooB." Maurlnif. blood pounded. She looked .1 Her irjJUier and aaked haraell wheth- e r bo would .loop to take an unfair ad- \antaxe. *fld In bis .hitting e^en'and InrtlVe giauee etie found her answer. Shame singed through .her, and with It a great lynapsthy forHh, clean young mad wholwould win fatrly or ao< at all. She Eelt ih< moat warn him, muat let him knoaj that the man on whom ha do- Tho faculty of the University of Uia- aouri haa decided to elerate the atudy of agriculture to a place aa high aa science. Agriculture aa taught In hii* schools will.be acjepjed aa a baab for tha antraace of stndenta to tha ualrer- •ity. .Thla .will place tbe itudy of farming on an aqaal footing with, oth- er adehcea. It a propeaad by tha Ul* *erally to lnirodace the atudy Into ef- WANTEI). Special Represenjative in thit county and adjoining terntorieii, •PYHEALTHYCHILDREN ly child can. take ,liuk -arly rs with perfect safely. TUtJ armies", never gripe or skken ret titty are »o, certain i»;re- CAPITA1.8TOCK, • C~C. WEWJAM5. W. L. RICHARDS - DIRECTORS.- < 3.. _H. K*ftia> Rod: - IT SAVED HIS LEG. P^A." Dan forth;of LaGnoge, G*v Buffered fbtaix moatlu #itha |ri*htlnl rtmniajaoc* oa hi. lee •ut write*that' Arnha
Page 1: WEED - rockcastlelibrary.org. Like other \

C. C. WilJierves A T T O R N E Y - A T L A W .

M T . V E k N O N K \

W O F F I C E . O n a n . L . . T h e B a n k of Ml V e r n o n , o u t h u m s t r e e t . — S p e c i a l a t t en t i on g i v e t o col lec t ions .

P h o n e N o . Bo.

A p r - i t y n ^ - c h e e k e d c ^ u t l u v Kit: c i i i c r . i t OIUJI.! o u r large d e t r i -m e n t s l ' i rcs . I t >v«s b . t c« i : u <"ny, | Hin( I be crowd w a s g - v a l e t t h a n

inisiiAl, She hail wandered ' ; f rom lloor t o fi ity, a liii'if lien-iliicr | i-<l at t he 'ma«u i i t ide <<n lie estahlisli-nienl . I h e la rges t she had eve r seen .

S e e i n g h e r . a fli»ur*alker ap-p roached a n d l a i d : " I - ahyl 'H' ') -

wai t ing nn yo i?1 » " V t r . ' s i r , " S l i l l l l i eg i r l , M u s h i n g

i n t h e roo t s o l ' ' her f l axen hn l r . , " H e ' s outs ide; tie wou ldn ' t c o n i c '

T h w K i n d Y o n H a v e A l w a y s B o u g h t . m i l l w h i c h h a * b e e n iu u s e Joi* OTOI* 3 0 y e a r s , h a s l to?m* t l i c H i t ^ i a t a r e o f

/J ~ a m i l i a s b c e u l w u f e u n d e r h i s p « * -•. s o n a l b u p e r v i s i i t o fclneo i t * I n f a n c y .

Al iovv i io o n o t o deVr lvo y o n i n t h i s . A l l C imiUvr i i - i t s , I m i t a t i o n s a m i " J n s t - a a - g i i o d " a r e b u t E x p o r i i u c v : < t l m t t r i i l o w i t h a n d e n d a n g e r t l i o h e a l t h o f l o l i i m ' ' . 'Ove i l—Exper ience a g u i h x t E x p e r i m e n t .

M r V E R M I N

O F F I C E ; — A i rcM.i t , . t , . „ Main s t . . kiin*i> lh« C C. Wil l i residence, c

PIIONK N o . 7 3 . *

Wii r , „ , ffice.at ] H l J j » i ' » O M M « „ , . i . - i , ,

is CASTQRIA 0 . - : t c v ! / . : >• IKTUI'-'SS s u b s t i t u t e f o r f j n s t o r O i l , P a r e -

• ' g o r l c , l>; . i . . - S o u t h i n g fS j r i ip s . I t is P l e a s a n t . I t c o n t a i n s n e i t h e r O p i n m , J l e r p l i l n o u o r o t h e r N a r c o t i c HislMtnnce. I t - a i r e Is i t s ( f i t a r a n t e c . i t d e s t r o y s W o r m * a m i a l h i y s F e v e r l s h n e s ^ . I t c i t r e s D b r r l i i e n aii<i W i n d C o l i e . I t r e l i e v o s T t ' o t l i l i i s Troi i !»les , .e in-e» C o n s t l p u t i o n a n d F l a t u l e n c y . I t a s s i m i l a t e s t h o FIMWI, r e g u l a t e s t h e KtoiUiich r .ml R m v e l s . g i v i n g h e a l t h y a i p l n a t u r a l s l e e p , ' f h o C b i i d r e u ' ^ Puuace :v—Tl io M o t h e r ' s I ' l i e n t i .

GENUINE C A S T O H I A ALWAYS y j Besrs tho Signature, •of .

J. C. WcCLAKY Undcptakep

& Embolrr.cr Complete11 x K -! 1 •

fonvejvr i ' W. ]JA-

Moloney's Political Manager

B y W . M ' l E O D R i t n * In Use For Over 3 0 Years.


I n t h e h i ^ h l m . • * ( h e r e flow wondi I In- !'• Of r lpt i&s i« i*iiji»v u i l » o i i

A r ecen t vis i tor f rom Pi:-I<nl-: . ! Car l sbad ov i -n vea r , w»J : ' I «'• • •.< E u r o p e (or medicisi a I tfatcrs. TU» water" i s fts ben ul, a n d t h e scenery a n d M m o u n d i i i R con.i .u>. m ' . - p : • «* • j • l un i t i e s t w rec rea t ion are be t te r : ill* I) it Is a. « '« • *» . twins are much finer at F r e n c h I . t ck-U t$t Bpden : aixl t h i s gen t l eman i» a n a i i v ? o» S w i U c i l w i i Th<> splendid wooded hil ls vvMtli the coo., invigorating air «f dw«s highland* where on--can or joy rambles in th» depths o ' Iho forc-t, o r ride a and dr ives Among the naiueruuH bridlU 'paths HI.II TU«O* VayiV nffowl pleasure. fo« those whodeeirv Vest ami quiet; while n»

..UKI splendid ami exileriuiog v*A»lnos ono can havu all iheentc-riiiln-" • ^ • ' ^ • d . a p o l a l pleasure possible at the most fashionable r»-sorta


R A T E S .

: really?" she aaked. with shin-M B 0 0 ' " "Rcollj* and ' - " T — | - l*'j- r„.Qt

course I was prepared for an anempr ro ailjourn, but I Wasn't quite ready to be-lieve tbat Mey«r «lar«?rt bmck it. If you badn'i put me on to him be would havn forwd an adjournmem and 1 would havp

'Of «*ourse I'm sorry my brother lost.':

"Bui you're glad 1 won?" "Ob, well—yes." ••That's good. By the way. I'm tblDJt-

inn of setting mdrried. I esn do b*tt*-worli for .my <*o$8t1iuent? aH a marrl^fi

an a Biribg." "That b a y be all so. but you'lj see who

wens, lw the man who Itnows how io pfay the Kam«of politics."

Ikih M|lon«y nodded smilingly as he •nesed tht two men at the entrance or Utf convention hall.

• ' rblnl j j i 've Struck twelve, do-they? Wi A, if l li^ve the gong Is due TO sound thirteen lime. I'll show ihtse fpj-!HK* I'm noi all In by a gcod deal. IT M«yer h^lds the First precinct for me a> be prpfnlbt'd. Ostrander will be nom-:nated t f i s t ay al home. I've sot %o

m TRE WONON E. H.BACON, IX P. A. , L o u i s v i l l e , K y .

A blushful silence. " I f ! can get ihe girl to see li m j way." "Poesn't she?" "I haven't asked her yei I wish I

•;new what sbe thought" She had nothing io say to that. "1 expect 1 bad better ssk her. Don't

you think so. Maurlnr?" "I—don't—k now."

| "It 's the best way lo Qnd out. Herf* ! sot's. Maurlne. I'm not worihy of yoa by | J long, long way. But I love you. and j rhat counts for something. Do you hap-pen to care for me. Slaurlne?"

! Shp nodded yes, and then Malonev beat time and murmured his college yell as a paeon of victory. The rest la s very common story.

W . M . F r a n c i s c o . MONUMENTAL WORKS.

B r o d b e a d . KY. - G r a n i t e a n d Marb le M o n u m e n t s

a n d T o m b s t o n e s - A L L A ' O R K F I R S T - C L A S P -- S A T I S F A C T I O N G I V E N .

r r f l u v s , T P A . . ,w l Not Ion l i ldj j . . i

Louisvi l le , K y |

WEEDS Consumption is a human

reed flourishing best in weak ungs. Like other \<eeds it's asily destroyed While young; ilien old. stimelimc-ri im-



He tq t ja r te rs for T r a v e l i n g M e n . G«> -1 S a m p l e R o o m .

Livery A t t a c h e d . T h e p a t r o n a g e of Rockcas t l e c i t i -

z e n s specially deaired.

via the Cotton* Belt, from St. 1 • first and third Tuesdays of eai For one-way ticket*. •THAT LfeTs MALOXKV OUT GOOD

. AND PLENTY •• • win* There are no two ways about that. I told M a r i n e 1 was going to win, and I h»l(eve jahe la making a lest of if."

She was. Maurina Ostrander sat well back in tbu galkry of the convention ball and .patched young Maloney closc-ly.l He \hta apparently brightly Indom-itable,' bilj she read a troubled mind be-hind hiai femillug energy. "This la my busy day, was written all over his man-ner. .He flitted from one delegate to another while the chairman was deliv-ering" ibeS usual opening panegyric on wliql hla.party had done and would do. Dt'fidcdlylxbls alert young man with the good shoplders had plenty of fore*. •She, glanced from him to her brother ami' back again. There was no shadow of doubt ID her mind as towhicboftheai would 'make a better representative of the people.

A fragment of whispered talk reached her fromiunder the eaves <jf the gallery.

"Nollc|l how Ostrander jobbed young Maloneyii He had four delegates from .Mapieviiiq thrown out. Claimed some irregularity. He's working hdtd tb get Meyer tojthrow him some votes f roaj the F i r s t H r U 6et them, too. If Meyer haan'l b f ln bought, I miss my guess. The planks to adjourn the district con-vention al l tWo o'clock so that Ostran-der can g^t In his One work during the

flail the Oneway Rate, plus $2.00; round-trip tickets, one fare f lus $2.00. to p<tijtts in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. Texas, Otlahoma and Indian Territoric's. Write tor particulars afl j cost of tic^st from yeughome town.

M<Her House. H U G H M I L L K R , PKI'PKIITOX.

which It belonged. A grrat many peo-ple have doubtless forgotten that the people of Tennessre voted twice on the proposition to secede from the union. At the first election in Febrnary thdre was an enormous majority—about 10,-000—sgalnst disunion. A few mopths Eater, when the attack on Fort Sumter stirred the passions of men, another vole was had and the earlier verdict was reversed by about tbe same decisive flg-

"But In Franklin county, wher* state's rights and. secession claimed tbe allegiance of thp entire !* pop-ulation. there was such an in-tense disgust over- - the r emi t of the first election that, led by Pets' Tur-ney, afterward supreme conrt judge and twice governor, the citizens held a mass

L. O. SCKAEF5R, Traveling S*acsciYgcr Ag<s t | E. W. La B E A t m c , Ocncrot l»)p«a. and Ticket AgL

} They temporarily cure constipation by agitating the M T V E K N t ' N D I K E C i O K V

llpwejs, b i t regular action cannot be tecurtd until secretes ennuih bile ft, ml.-e ihe ^ I n t e s t i n e s ! Execute tlsclf naiursl jkinctiens. Unnat-ural ngitatioh.caused bjfcatlunics, H oompell continual amr Incrcaitai doses to M - 1 attain the result*) I

C O U R T . C A L E N D A R COUNT* COURT, -r F o u r t h i .

d a y in eaeh m o n t h .

Q t A H T B R L v C o r U T . — K i s l fc-d iy i n er.ch m o u t h

CIRCUIT C u v y i . — ^ < > • d » y n F e b r u a r y , t ' o u r ' l in A: ay and T b i i d Mi-iitl. t e m l s r .

MT VSBNUN KOl.H h C o t k T h i r d M o n d a y in e r c l

B . • ' l a ' P acts, oo the I ]« llvert cure* Chills I and FeTer, and evety form of • ~ Malarial, BUk*afc Remlttln't and Inter*

nilttlnf Fevers, and, by (4ln{ to tha aeat of tho able, work^Tpennanent CUM. j *.

P t fTV CBHJIS.* PER BOTTIBi "Tbat j r u Maloney out good and plant>. t a e i i * C iwered tbeaeooodman, as;they Moved away. "Oatrander .will -liend th ikt ina treating In the aaloooB."

Maurlnif. blood pounded. She looked .1 Her irjJUier and aaked haraell wheth-e r bo would . loop to take an unfair ad-\antaxe. *fld In bis .hit t ing e^en'and InrtlVe giauee etie found her answer. Shame singed through .her, and with It a great lynapsthy f o r H h , clean young mad wholwould win fatrly or ao< a t all. She Eelt ih< moat warn him, muat let him knoaj that the man on whom ha do-

Tho faculty of the University of Uia-aouri haa decided to elerate the atudy of agriculture to a place aa high aa science. Agriculture aa taught In h i i * schools will.be acjepjed aa a baab for tha antraace of stndenta to tha ualrer-•ity. .Thla .will place tbe itudy of farming on an aqaal footing with, o t h -er adehcea. I t a propeaad by tha U l * *erally to lnirodace the atudy Into e f -

W A N T E I ) .

Special R e p r e s e n j a t i v e in t h i t c o u n t y a n d a d j o i n i n g terntor ie i i ,

• P Y H E A L T H Y C H I L D R E N ly chi ld c a n . t a k e , l i u k - a r l y rs wi th pe r f ec t s a fe ly . T U t J armies", n e v e r g r i p e o r s k k e n ret t i t t y a r e »o, ce r ta in i » ; r e -



3.. _H. K*ftia> Rod:

- IT SAVED HIS LEG. P^A." Dan forth;of LaGnoge,

G*v Buffered fbtaix moatlu #i tha |ri*htlnl rtmniajaoc* oa hi. lee •ut write*that' Arnha
