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Week 1 Assignment- ACDM

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WWW.IMADIGITALMARKETER.C OM Assignment: Digital Marketing Plan Part I, II, III & IV
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ell!, AP st"#ents$

My name is Weena. I amNew Media Trainer (NMTwill uide you in answerDM !lan assinmen".

I will also #e your NMT #"$rou$ou" your A%%ele!roram &ourney'

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 ou $ae su%%ess*ully doCDM+s Dii"al Mar,e"inassinmen".

 T$is !ower!oin" -resen"%on"ains eery"$in youorder "o answer and %reown digital marketing pl

a. rand #rie* #. Ins"ru%"ions%. Answer s$ee"

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%Weekl'!( t! s")mit !"r assignment

*!r Parts I+IV:

/. 0oin our 1a%e#oo, rou-.CDM Acceleration Program Batch9

2. 3ae your assinmen" as an imae4le and u-load your ou"-u"s in yourres-e%"ie rou- al#ums "$a" %an #e*ound in "$e 1 rou- -ae.

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Do you wan" "o e" a eer *e

Good' Ea%$ wee,6 you will %o%lassma"e+s assinmen" on o

Don+" worry6 you will only %$assinmen" *rom a rou- al#assined "o you. I will annou"uned'

Most active group will receive boend of the course!


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Weekl Assignment Dea#line

Week T!i- Dea#line%/ n!!n'

Wee, /I. Tare" 3$o--er!or"rai" 7 !ur%$aseInsi$"

 0une /8 (Wed

Wee, 2II. Cus"omer 0ourneyMa-

 0une 22 (Wed

Wee, 9 III. Ri$" Messae and!la"*orm 3"ra"ey  0une 2: (Wed

Wee, ; I<. Cam-ain Ealua"ion 0uly = (Wed)

Wee, 8 Com-le"e DM -lan 0uly /9 (Wed)


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!lease read "$e #rand #rie* andins"ru%"ions %are*ully. Las"ly6answer wi"$ all your mi$"'

 T$e ar#i"rary #rand "$a" we will#e wor,in on "$e en"ireassinmen" is “VITRUS”.

Ready5 Le"+s s"ar"'


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 T$is #rand #rie* is *or edu%a"ional -ur-oses only. T$e in*orma"ion in(e>%e-" *or "$e Com-e"i"ie Lands%a-e) is 4%"ional6 and any similara%"ual %om-anies6 -as" or -resen"6 is no" in"ended.


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T2e Vitr"s

1rus"ra"ed wi"$ "$e la%, o* aaila#le $eal"$yli%iouso-"ion6 in 2?/?6 Mi%a$ "oe"$er wi"$ $er $i$s%$ool #es" *riends and ym #uddies6 !aula andAnie6 %on%o%"ed a ready@"o@drin, $eal"$y ye"deli%ious #lend o* %aeine@*ree "ea swee"ened

only wi"$ *rui"s and ee"a#les. And "$ey %alled i"<i"rus.


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All A)!"t V

3ran# P"r!se

 To ins-ire -eo-le "o lie a$eal"$ier li*es"yle one #o""le o*

"ea a" a "ime

Val"e Pr!!s

3a"is*y your "$irs"s"ayin $eal"

Caeine@*ree "ea. Na"urally/??B $eal"$y


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All A)!"t V


<i"rus is aaila#le in$eal"$yli%ious Mi%a$+s Tro-i%al

 Tea6 Anie+s Gra-e Tea6 and!aula+s 1rui" !un%$ Tea

1i6e an# Pr

<i"rus is aaila#le re"urna#le lass #!$- 98.??


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T2e C2al

3in%e i"s laun%$ in 2?/?6 <i"rus is only aaila#le a" eal"$y

O-"ions s"ores and in "$e *ollowin 4"ness %en"ers 1i"ness1irs"6 Gold+s Gym6 and 3limmers World. u"6 "$is year6 Mi%a$6!aula6 and Anie de%ided "o 4nally "a,e "$e -lune and ma,e<i"rus aaila#le "o more -eo-le. And "$ey will #e s$i--in "$eir4rs" #a"%$ in "$ree mon"$s.

oweer6 #ein aaila#le in ma&or su-ermar,e"s and ro%eries

means %om-e"in wi"$ more es"a#lis$ed RTD "ea -rodu%"s. T$us "$ey need a ,i%,ass %am-ain "o ,i%,o "$is #i lea-. As"$eir mar,e"in %onsul"an"e>-er"6 w$a" will #e yourre%ommenda"ion5


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T2e C2al

3"siness O)7e-ti5esRaise awareness o* #rand #y F8B wi"$in "$e ne>" /2 mon"$s

1or"y -er%en" (;?B) in%rease in "$e num#er o* #o""les sold wi"$in"$e ne>" /2 mon"$s

Marketing G!alsNote: Based on the channels/platforms that you willrecommend, create .M..".#. marketing goals thatwill lead to the achievement of the set businessob$ectives


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3"#get an# 1-2e#"le

!$- ??6???.?? allo%a"ed *or a 9@mon"$ dii"al mar,e"in %am-ain

Digital Assets !Vitr"s• www.i"rus.%om.-$ @ #r


• 1a%e#oo, -ae wi"$ /8used as #ulle"in #oards$ow%ase -rodu%"s

• i"rus (o%ial Twi""erwi"$ 8??? *ollowers H eon "$e 1a%e#oo, -ae


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C!metiti5e Lan#s

A%%ordin "o "$e re%en" mar,e" resear%$ re-or" o* EuromoniIn"erna"ional on RTD Tea in "$e !$ili--ines6 niersal Ro#ina CorGreen Tea remained leadin in "$e RTD Tea %a"eory6 wi"$ a re"as$are o* F=B in 2?/8. e$ind i" are Li-"on o* !e-siCo In"erna"ioCo%a@Cola E>-or" Cor-+s Real Lea*6 "$e se%ond and "$ird -la%ersres-e%"iely.

3our%e $""-www.euromoni"or.%omr"d@"ea@in@"$e

Note: %earn more about the mentioned brands by doing further researco'cial websites and social media accounts.


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Digital Marketing 4rame(!

!lannin andResear%$

• O#&e%"ies•

Cus"omer !ro4lin7 Cus"omer 0ourney Ma-

•  Tare" 3$o--er!or"rai"

Crea"in "$e


• Ri$" Messae and

i Idea• 3"ra"ey

!rodu%"ion o*Owned !la"*orms

!u#li%iin"$e !la"*orms

• In"e

 Tou%!lan• 3"ra


Crea"in "$e!la"*orms Analysis andMeasuremen"

• Con• K!I


Planning an#

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!ar" I

 Tare" 3$o--er !or"rai"Le"+s s"ar" #y ,nowin your "are" s$o--er. A #rand s$ould ,noww$ere "o s-end "$eir money and enery "o ma>imie ROI and -ro4".You are ree to i!enti" a ne# target mar$et , and "$en %omeu- wi"$ a de"ailed des%ri-"ion o* $im or $er.

Planning an#Resear-2Crea"in "$e !la"*orms!u#li%iin "$e !la"*ormsAnalysis 7 Measuremen"


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Target 12!er P!rtrait

On%e you $ae iden"i4ed your "are" mar,e" (i.e. AC male and *ema

imaine a s-e%i4% -erson *rom wi"$in "$a" rane and des%ri#e $im or $er aas you %an6 &us" li,e w$a" you did wi"$ your rou- a%"ii"y in "$e %lassro T$is is now your Target 12!er P!rtrait. !ro4le "$em #y

•3e>•Ae #ra%,e"•Li*es"yle•

uyin #e$aior•Dii"al usae $a#i"s•Con"en" Media %onsum-"ion (e.. 1a%e#oo, @ 9 $ours -er day)•O"$ers (ou may add you own')


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P"r-2ase Insig2t

A  P"r-2ase Insig2t is a no"@so@o#ious "ru"$ or reela"ion a#os$o--ers%us"omers.

I" is a dee- new unders"andin a#ou" "$e s$o--ers%us"omers.

 ou %an loo, a" "$e reasons w$y "$ey #uy6 "$eir *ears6 mo"i-er%e-"ions6 %ul"ure6 way o* li*e6 way o* "$in,in6 "$eir desires6 alu"$e media -la"*orms "$ey use.

1indin "$e !ur%$ase Insi$" is diin dee-er in"o "$ese as-e%"s you will $ae a s"ron roundin *or your %am-ain.

A*"er -ro4lin your %us"omer and "$in,in dee-ly a#ou" "$e as-e%"sa#oe6 w$a" is now your insi$"5


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I81TR0CTIO81: 1ill in your answer on "$e ne>" slide and sam-le -$o"o o* your "are" s$o--er.

3ae "$is slide as imae (.&-e) 4le or "a,e a s%reens$o" o* "o your rou- leader "o #e -os"ed on 1 rou-.

Note: (ou may add more slides to su'ce this part of your activity 


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Name Mi,Ae 2=Gender M



Da)ertte 9emima2 3. 1an-2e6 %Gr!"

•Sex• M/F

•Age bracket• 15-35y.o.


Has a regular 9-5 type ork for a !"# Age$cy% &ries to s'uee(ei$ bei$g fit by goi$g to t)e gy* +-3 ti*es a eek% ,oi$s a

*ara$t)o$/biat)lo$/triat)lo$ 3- ti*es a year% Fooie%

Ae$ture ,u$kie%•!uyi$g be)aior

• 0o$for*ist% #fte$ buys fro* co$e$ie$ce stores%•igital usage )abits 2 0o$te$t Meia sage

• 4atc)es & +-3 )ours a eek% #$ social *eia 16-15 )ours a

ay 7fb8 titter8 s$apc)at8 i$stagra*8 etc.

hoppers rarely look at the content/ingredientsof a product. onsumers tend to go for products

that are easily available anywhere.


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WWW.IMADIGITALMARKETER.COMNe>" slides %on"ain "$e ins"ru%"ions *or !ar" II.

Alri$"' !ar" I ends $ere.

 T$a" one+s easy' ou may nowu-load i" in your res-e%"ie rou-

al#ums on our 1a%e#oo, rou-.

Dea#line: 9"ne ;, /nn


Planning an#

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!ar" II

Cus"omer 0ourney Ma-A*"er ,nowin w$o your "are" s$o--ers are6 "$eir

 &ourney "o %onersion is ne>" "o %onsider. Imaineyour "are" s$o--er and "ra%e "$eir &ourney'

gResear-2Crea"in "$e !la"*orms!u#li%iin "$e !la"*ormsAnalysis 7 Measuremen"


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C"st!mer 9!"rne Ma

A -"st!mer 7!"rne ma is a *ramewor, "$a" ena#les you "o im%us"omer e>-erien%e. I" do%umen"s "$e %us"omer e>-erien%e "$ro-ers-e%"ie6 i" $el-s mar,e"ers unders"and $ow "$e %us"omers arin"era%"in wi"$ "$em and i" $el-s iden"i*y areas *or im-roemen"*orward.

1ollowin "$eir &ourney will le" you analye "$eir de%isions "o eer

"$ere#y you %an "ra%, w$ere and w$en you %an e" in touch wi"$ ma,e sure "$ey will see your messae and een interact  wi"$ you

Remem)er t! *!-"s !n t2eir #igital )e2a5i!r an# e<erien


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I81TR0CTIO81: 1ill in "$e "a#le "o des%ri#e "$e &ourney o* y%us"omer *rom Awareness H Resear%$ H !ur%$ase H Ou"@o*@"$ee>-erien%e (OOE). 3ae "$is slide as imae (.&-e) 4le or "as%reens$o" o* "$is. 3end "o your rou- leader "o #e -os"ed on

Note: (ou may add more slides to su'ce this part of your activity 


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A(areness Resear-2 P"r-2ase





P"t !"r name 2ere %e.g. 9"an Dela


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Grea"' !ar" II ends $ere.

o-e "$is e>er%ise $el-ed you inanalyin your "are" s$o--ers+ -a"$ "o-ur%$ase'

On%e you+re done6 you may u-load i" inyour res-e%"ie rou- al#ums on our1a%e#oo, rou-.

Dea#line: 9"ne //, /nn

Ne>" slides %on"ain "$e ins"ru%"ions *or !ar" III.


!lannin and Resear%$Crea"in "$e !la"*orms

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!ar" III

Ri$" Messae and !la"*orm 3"ra"eyow a#ou" we s-i%e "$ins u- a #i"5 W$a" is "$e messae o*your %am-ain and $ow do you in"end "o delier "$a"messae5 Good lu%,'

Crea"in "$e !la"*orms

P")li-i6ing t2ePlat*!rmsAnalysis 7 Measuremen"


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Rig2t MessageA  Rig2t Message  is a sinle6 sim-le messae "$a" you wan" "o %ommyour "are" %us"omers. ou %an %ome u- wi"$ "$is #y reiewin your #ra

uniQue alue -ro-osi"ion6 "are" s$o--er -or"rai"6 and %us"omer &ourneyri$" messae will en"i%e and inuen%e your "are" %us"omers.

Grea" %am-ains always $ae a %lear and solid 3ig I#ea. I" "a,es a w$ile wi"$ a i Idea #e%ause a lo" o* analy"i%al and %rea"ie "$in,in ioweer6 i" will #e "$e uni*yin %on%e-" o* your %am-ain. I" will #e "$e #your s"ra"ey and i" will "ie "oe"$er your %$osen -la"*orms and %on"en".

 ou will need a lo" o* "ime *or a ood i Idea6 #u" *or now you may %omRi$" Messae *or your %am-ain.


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Plat*!rm 1trategA*"er %omin u- wi"$ a Ri$" Messae *or your %am-ain6 i"+s now "ime "messae "o your "are" s$o--ers "$rou$ dii"al %$annels and -la"*orms. easy as &us" -i%,in ou" #lindly w$i%$ %$annels or -la"*orms you+ll use. o

ood s"ra"ey.

!( #! !" -!me " (it2 a g!!# strateg=

 ou $ae "o loo, #a%, a" "$e *ollowin•  T$e -ro#lem and o#&e%"ie o* your #usiness•  T$e mar,e"in oals "$a" will $el- you address "$e -ro#lem and

#usiness o#&e%"ie•  T$e ri$" messae "$a" you wan" "o say "o your "are" s$o--ers

 ou will also $ae "o %onsider "$e *ollowin• Dura"ion o* "$e %am-ain• Mar,e"in #ude" allo%a"ed *or "$e w$ole %am-ain• Curren" dii"al asse"s


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1or learnin -ur-oses6 we $ae %a"eoried "$e -la"*orm s"ra"ey in"o "wo

r!#"-ti!n an# ")li-i6ing.

1trateg *!r Pr!#"-ti!n: T$is is w$ere you will iden"i*y "$e !(ne# lat*!rms you will use andor %e.. I* "$e oal is "o es"a#lis$ "$e #rand+s dii"al -resen%e6 you may %$oose%rea"e a we#si"e or a 1a%e#oo, -ae *or your #rand.

1trateg *!r P")li-i6ing:- Now "$a" you $ae de%ided "o #uild a -la"*orm ("$e we#si"e)6 $ow will yo

sure "$a" your "are" %us"omers will ,now a#ou" i"5 ou will now %$oose "-la"*orms or %$annels "$a" will drie "ra% and awareness "o "$e owned-la"*orms you $ae.

-  T$is is were ai# an# earne# me#ia usually %ome in.- e.. ou will use Goole 3ear%$ ads "$a" will lead -eo-le "o your we#si"e

Plat*!rm 1trateg


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I81TR0CTIO81: !resen" your s"ra"ey in A <I3AL WA. sim-le -e #u" *eel *ree "o use your %rea"ii"y.3ae "$is slide as imae (.&-e) 4le or "a,e a s%reens$o" o* ""o your rou- leader "o #e -os"ed on 1 rou-.

Note: (ou may add more slides to su'ce this part of your activity 


PlatformStrateg Prodct!lannin and Resear%$Creating t2e Plat*!rms

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Platform Strategy:Product

usiness -ro#lem and o#&e%"

Mar,e"in oals

Ri$" messae

O(ne# Plat*!rm O(ne# Plat


G"i#e ?"esti!ns:• Are "$ese are "$e #es"

-la"*orms "o use5• W$a" s-e%i4% -ur-ose will

"$ese -la"*orms sere5• Is eery"$in alined

*rom "$e o#&e%"ies u-

un"il "$e K!Is5

P"t !"r name 2ere %e.g. 9"an Dela

Creating t2e Plat*!rms!u#li%iin "$e !la"*ormsAnalysis 7 Measuremen"




PlatformStrategy:Publicizing!lannin and Resear%$Crea"in "$e !la"*orms

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Pai# a#lat*!rm



Plat*!rms *!r #ri5ingtra@-:

P"t !"r name 2ere %e.g. 9"an Dela

Platform Strategy:PublicizingCrea"in "$e !la"*orms

P")li-i6ing t2ePlat*!rmsAnalysis 7 Measuremen" usiness -ro#lem and o#&e%"ie

Mar,e"in oals

Ri$" messae

Owned !la"*orm Owned !la"*orm



K!Is K!Is


Te!* a#



Pl t* 1t t

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I81TR0CTIO81: Gi5e an e<lanati!n !* !"r strateg.TI1 I1 TO 3E I8CL0DED I8 TE WOLE DM PLA8 O8 WEEK ;

TO PO1T O8 43.Note: (ou may add more slides to su'ce this part of your activity 

• 3"siness r!)lem>-2allenge:

• P"r-2ase insig2t:

• O5erall strateg:

• E<e-"ti!n:

Plat*!rm 1trateg


A i ' ! " III d $ i"5

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Amain' !ar" III ends $ere. ow was i"5

On%e you+re done6 you may u-load i" in yourres-e%"ie rou- al#ums on our 1a%e#oo,rou-.

 ou will in%lude "$e e<lanati!ns w$enyou su#mi" your w$ole DM !lan on Wee,8.

All %lear5 Commen" away'

Dea#line: 9"ne /, /nn

Ne>" slides %on"ain "$e ins"ru%"ions *or !ar" I<.


!lannin and Resear%$Crea"in "$e !la"*orms

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!ar" I<

Cam-ain Ealua"ion To wra- i" all u-6 le"+s do "$e (sim-le) ma"$' T$is is w$ereyou will de"ermine i* your -lan will $ae a -osi"ie resul".Good lu%,'

!u#li%iin "$e !la"*orms

Analsis &Meas"rement


i l i

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Camaign E5al"ati!n


C!n5ersi!n 4"nnel

A -!n5ersi!n *"nnel is anaia"ion -a"$ w$i%$ youe>-e%" your "are" s$o--ers "o*ollow "o a%$iee your oals or%onersion.

3in%e "$e %am-ain is no" ye"im-lemen"ed6 you &us" need "oma,e sure "$e -a"$ "o%onersionoal will #eee%"ie. ou %an do "$is #y%rea"in "$e %onersion *unnel.



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P"t !"r name 2ere %e.g. 9"an Dela



ude" *or-rodu%"ion

-if applicable -*lease detail

ude" *ormedia

-if applicable -*lease detail

So"$er %os"s-if applicable -*lease detail


T$a"+s a wra-' !ar" I< ends $ere

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 T$a" s a wra-' !ar" I< ends $ere.

On%e you+re done6 you may u-loadi" in your res-e%"ie rou- al#ums

on our 1a%e#oo, rou-.

Dea#line: 9"l %/nn'

Ne>" slides %on"ain "$e ins"ru%"ions *or "$e las" assinmen".


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Last assignment

 ou may reise you#ased on all "$e *eyou+e %olle%"ed.

1or #onus -oin"s6 yin%lude imaes ors%reens$o"s o* sam

%on"en" *or your %ae.. s%reens$o" o*


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!lease su#mi" your w$ole -lan "omerowenaelearninede.%omon 9"l  on or #e*ore /: nn

 ou may use "$ese slides or "rans*er"o a new one.

Ma,e sure "$e 4le name is in "$is

*orma"DM !LANU3urname6 1irs" Name


A--elerati!n Pr!gram en#s 2ere

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A--elerati!n Pr!gram en#s 2ere.

hat new things have you learned"eview an old marketing plan you have created0 wh

changed hat improvedhat are the things you en$oyed doing while creating


!lease s$are your answers "o "$ese Ques"ions on ou1a%e#oo, rou-. o-e you $ad *un learnin'


 T$an, you'
