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Week 4 Jeopardy

Date post: 01-Oct-2015
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Caterpillar: Confidential Green
PowerPoint PresentationRun as a presentation.
Page from slide to slide using the space bar or mouse button as for a standard presentation.
Separate class into teams of 4-5, each with something to use as a ringer.
Hit the sound button as the teams are preparing for the round.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Operational Instructions:
After buttons finish appearing and the “And the categories are …” text shows up, page to the next page.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Operational Instructions:
Hit the appropriate dollar amount to go to the question screen for each category and dollar amount.
It is recommended to have another instructor follow along on their computer (not in sight of class) to go to the answer screen first and have them judge whether or not a question is answered correctly.
Once on a question and it is answered correctly, hit the next page button to display the answer.
There are 2 Double Jeopardy questions. Only the team that has chosen the question can answer, they can bet up to double the amount they currently have.
From the answer page, hit the home button to go back to the dollar main screen. Note that the dollar amount for the question that was already answered is no longer displayed.
Once all of the questions are answered, select the Final Jeopardy button.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Generate Improvement Ideas
Hint: Brainstorming Technique
(First Word–Satellite)
1 Skeleton Room Treadmill Oven Filter
2 Valley Fruit Library Purse Molecule
3 Maze Water Air Earth Money
4 Tunnel Altar Diamond Army Computer
5 Amoeba Anvil Bait Balloon Bible
6 Algebra Alphabet Child Lamp Leg
7 Menu Prison Monster Muscle Nest
8 Pepper Pill Satellite Pod Ring
9 Rainbow Rudder Safe Sauce Saloon
10 Ice Index Key Ladder Landslide Lever
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Generate Improvement Ideas
When brainstorming, do not allow for idea
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Generate Improvement Ideas
for $400
A useful technique to harness a team’s collective thinking power in order to generate a list of process activities and potential root causes.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Generate Improvement Ideas
for $500
When brainstorming, do not criticize, do not constrain. Always strive for while building on existing ideas.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Generate Improvement Ideas
unit financial goals
Evaluate Solutions
for $200
Compare each of the alternative concepts in a Pugh Matrix against the DATUM
Using clearly better “+”
Evaluate Solutions for $300
A technique that supplements brainstorming. A structured approach to generate additional ideas, survey the opinions of a small group, and prioritize brainstormed ideas.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Evaluate Solutions for $400
Evaluate Solutions
for $500
When completing a Pugh Matrix, attack the first. Ask the questions:
What is needed to reverse?
Does the reverse affect any of the positives?
Can strengths of alternate solutions be incorporated to reverse?
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Evaluate Solutions
for $600
When constructing a Pugh Matrix, compare potential solutions to a known standard (“best-in-class”), referred to as the
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Implement Change for $200
The process of aligning the organization's people and culture with changes in business strategy, organizational structure, and systems.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Negative perception
“I want to do it this new way”
Positive perception
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Time Series for $400
Most time series patterns can be described in terms of two basic classes of components:
Continuous Categorical
Categorical Continuous
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
Negative perception
Positive perception
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Implement Change
for $600
The more you head down the path on left, the more energy (price) to transition to path on right - commitment (preferred path).
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Control for $100
This graph shows the effort involved in an improvement project may vary over time
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Control for $200
The details behind the activities documented on the business process map
They serve as a vehicle for every employee - from senior executives to hourly workers - to gain an understanding of the improvement
Serve as both a training aid and a means to ensure successful implementation
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Control for $200
Procedures and Standards
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Control for $300
Process Touch Points: TMSD, Metro/District Managers and Local Field Personnel, Third party Provider and Procurement
Charts and Graph Type
Occur at useful intervals
Be complete sentences
Be a statement (do not start using an action verb)
Poor Example
Good Example
When the proposal is completed and accepted by the division manager
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Control for $600
? :
Define the expected process control and financial control periods. Define the 2 month and 6 month checkpoint dates; ensure agreement with the Project Sponsor and Process Owner and formally notify the Financial Rep, Master Black Belt and Deployment/Division Champion of these dates.
Define the project turnover plan, discuss potential issues with turnover with the Project Sponsor and Process Owner
Project Sponsor/Process Owner:
Assign a Process Owner (and sub process owners if applicable) if this has not already been done
Approve the financial checkpoint dates
Schedule a 6 month checkpoint meeting that includes the Financial Rep, Project Sponsor, Process Owner, and the Black Belt
Financial Rep:
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Turnover and Transition
Communicate and ensure buy-in of the implementation, training, and change management plans. Ongoing improvement plans. Process documentation.
Project Sponsor/Process Owner:
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Turnover and Transition
Black Belt:
? :
Accept responsibility for project. Discuss with Deployment/Division Champion and Master Black Belt prior to the turnover meeting those areas where continued Black Belt involved will be needed.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Turnover and Transition
for $400
Black Belt:
? :
Approve Closeout Information in eTracker (approval button does not appear until Black Belt has updated all 6 closeout questions to Yes)
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Turnover and Transition
for $500
The expansion of a successful solution across a greater number of geographies with identical or very similar processes.
Increased sigma performance resulting from successful pilot
Increased sigma performance resulting from site
Increased sigma performance resulting from company-wide
for $600
Identifying opportunities and applying solutions from one business process to other business processes and other operations, that may be quite different from those where a solution was first deployed.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Turnover and Transition
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Continuously focusing all enterprise resources to the achievement of maximum value creation by eliminating waste
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Wild Card for $300
Used as a descriptive, graphical, and succinct way to present your project’s objectives and current status.
Hint: Every Black Belt has one.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
AFTER Kaizen
Muntin’s not ready/available for insulated assembly is the major contributor to Intercept downtime.
Large floor space utilization
Organized and established buffer sizes
Reduced material handling operations
Reduced intercept downtime due to lack of muntins by 97% (70 to 5 min per week)
Reduced muntin production lead time by 87% (24-3 hrs)
Reduced floor space requirements by 57% (840-360 Sq ft)
Reduced required work force by 23% (13 to 10 operators)
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Wild Card for $500
An incentive promised in advance of a desired action; something positive that follows a desired response and acts to encourage desired behavior
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Final Jeopardy:
Each team can bet up to the amount they currently have. If a team has less than 0, allow them to bet with $1000 (counting up from 0).
Each team places their bet when they have the category, but BEFORE they see the question.
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Final Jeopardy
The equation for calculating Mean Absolute Percent Error (MSE) for a Time Series is?
Just Kidding
___________, ___________, and ___________
Operational Instructions:
For Final Jeopardy, each team gets to bet up to the amount they currently have. If a team
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
Final Jeopardy - Answer
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
