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Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND,...

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Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP
Page 1: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key



Page 2: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key


TCMOrgans Awareness 4Inquiries Suffering Balance

Page 3: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key



Page 4: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key


Page 5: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key


•  Acceptanceofwhatis-Howdoyoulivewhenyoubelievethethoughtthatyourbodyshouldbedifferent?Howdoesthatfeel?

•  Awareofdeep-rooted,self-limitingbeliefs•  MeditationtohelpyouPAUSEandcatchthethoughtsbeforetheyfullyarrive

•  Remembereverythingisinconstantflux-impermanent.

•  PracticeMindfulness

Page 6: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key



ThichNhatHanh Bookrecommendation:PeaceInEveryStep

Page 7: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key



JonKabat-Zinn Bookrecommendation:FullCatastropheLiving

Page 8: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key



JackKornfield Bookrecommendation:WiseHeart

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Page 10: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key


1.Isittrue?StrongFamilyHistory–InheritedBeliefsystem?2.Howdoyouknowifit’sabsolutelytrue?3.HowdoyoureactwhenIbelievethis?–  “Igetfrightened.Ilimitmyactivities.Istayinsideandbecomevery


TheFearcomesfromuninvestigatedthoughts.4.Whowouldshebewithoutthislimitingthought?–  “IthinkI’dbemorepeacefulandalsofreertodowhatIwanttodo.”–  Yourmindisdiseasedandweak,notyourheart.Yourheartreactsto


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Page 12: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key


•  Ineedtoknowwhattodo.•  Idon’tknowwhattodo.•  Iknowwhatisbestfor

others.•  Iknowwhatisbestfor

myself.•  Somethingterribleisgoingto

happen.•  It’spossibletomakea

mistake.•  Peopleshouldnotlie.•  Peopleshouldrespectme.•  Icancontrolhowothersfeel

aboutme.•  Ifeelyourenergy.•  Ineedmoremoney.•  Lifeisn’tfair.•  Parentsshouldlovetheir

children.•  Childrenshouldlovetheir

parents.•  Ineedtomakeadecision.•  Ican’tdoanythingright.•  Icandisappointpeople.•  Idon’twanttolookfoolish.•  There’stoomuchtodo.•  There’snotenoughtime.•  Iknowwhatyouneed.

•  Iamworthless.•  It’smyjobtomakeyou

happy.•  Ineedapartnertobehappy.•  It’smyfault.•  Ishouldbedifferent.•  Imissedmychance.•  Ineedtobecarefulinlife.•  Peopleshouldlistentome.•  I’mnotgoodenough.•  Iamafailure.•  _______doesn’tcareabout

me.•  Ineedtounderstand.•  Ineedtodoitright.•  Ididitwrong.•  There’ssomethingwrong

withme.•  S/herejectedme.•  S/hedoesn’ttrustme.•  Thereshouldn’tbewarinthis

world.•  Womenshouldn'tbeso

emotional.•  Theworldisn’tasafeplace.•  Peoplearedestroyingthe

environment.•  Peoplearejudgingme.

•  Iknowwhatthey’rethinking.•  Theyshouldagreewithme.•  Ihavetoworkhard.•  Peopleshouldkeeptheir

promises.•  Otherpeoplecanhurtme.•  Moneywillmakemehappy.•  I’mtoofat(thin).•  Ineedtobeincontrol.•  Mybodyshouldbehealthy.•  Peoplearenottrustworthy.•  _______betrayedme.•  Thereisapurposetomylife.•  Ineedtoknowmylife’s

purpose.•  Lifeisdifficult.•  Peopleshouldbegrateful.•  Mybossshouldappreciate

me.•  Idon’tbelong.•  Peopleshouldn’tbeangry.•  ________diditwrong.•  Iamright.•  Peopleshouldn’tuseanimals


Page 13: Week 7 The Mind-Body Behind Hormones...Week 7 – The Mind-Body Behind Hormones Afrouz Demeri, ND, DHMHS, IFMCP Key Concepts TCM Organs Awareness 4 Inquiries Suffering Balance Key

Suffering•  Whatmakesyourstressed/Suffer?… Attachment•  Youfeelunhappywhenyouclingorattachyourselftosomethingthatis

impermanent•  ThereIsNoFixedSelfor“I”–WhatifItoldyouyouwerenothing.

•  Sufferingcomesfromnotwantingtosuffer–sufferingisuniversal•  Thehumancondition–wesufferbecauseofthewayinwhichwerelateto


•  Suggestion:Replacework“suffering”with“stress”thenreplacethatwiththesensationyoufeelinyourbody.

•  Goalforthisweek:Bekindtoyourself.Observeyourthoughtsevendeeper.Takeonamindfulnesspractice.

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HowtoChoose3•  Practicemeditationdaily•  Practicemindfulness•  Practicedeepbreathing•  Introducehealthyrituals–eg.Herbalteatime•  Keepagratitudejournal•  Readaffirmationsortrywritingyourown•  Challengeyourmindtolearn•  Reframeandrethinkthethingsthatstressyou•  Keepanemotionjournal–“Ifeelstatements…”•  Practicecompassionandfinditinyoutoforgive•  Gofornaturewalks•  Practiceyoga•  Becreative•  GettoknowyourChakra’s–SeeCarolineMyssResources•  Keepadreamjournal•  DownloadLinkstodothework.comandcomplete•  SignupforaMBSRprogramnearyou–MindfulnessBasedStressReduction

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–  Rumi
