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the COMMUNITY 18 February 18, 2016 Personality Desti






18 February 18, 2016




vveennnnnenn D D DDDalallaleee CaCaCCCCaCarnrnege ieeieee, , thtthtt e e ee seseselflflf-d-d-devevevvelelelellopopoppopmemememmm ntntnt ggugugg ruuuuuu,, cococococ uld ddd haaahahahaavveveeevev nn n evevevevererererer ttt tthhohohoh ugugugugugugghththt m m mmakakakakkininnnnggggfrieeendndnnnddssss s s anananand d wiwiwwiwiiw nnnnnnnnnnininniinggg g g ovovovovereeerer p pp pppeoeoooee plppplpp e ee e cocococc uluululllu d dddd be so eaeaeaeasysysyy. BuBuBuBuut ttt AmAmmAmAmurur SSS aiaiiaaid ddd HaaHH rdrdrdr anann iiss

a aa mammam stststststererr o o of f the arararart ttttt ofoffofofof mm mm mmmmakakakakinininggg ggg ffrfrfrfrfrrieieieeieiieeendndddndndn s.s.s.ss AnAnAAnAneffefefefffoffofofortrrtrtleelessssssss kkkk kkknnnaanan ckkk fforroroo sssstrtrrtrikkikkinniningg g gg g upupupppupuppup f ff ff ririririenenneennndsdsdsdsdsdsddd hhhhiihihipspspspssp ww wwwitithhhpeople from faf raway lands and ddd d dididdiiveveversrsrssrse eee cucuuccc ltltll ururuuruu alaalal backgrounds, coupled with the rare priii iivileleeleggegegegeg oo oofffff being part of the Sultanate’s tourism industry from its very beginnings, and a subtle knowledge of the region’s culture and landscape make fora winning combination, which he employed so

management company wholly owned by an Omani—Elite Travel & Tourism—in 2005.With over 2.6 million visitors choosing Oman

as their destination last year, tourism is certainlythe polestar to light up the Sultanate’s economic horizon amidst the oil gloom that dimmed it. And Amur (and team) is working out innovativestrategies to enhance the charm quotient of

thhhhthhisis ffff fffabaababulululululoououoouss s deestststtiiniinataatattioioon nn nn totot wwoooooooo ttt hehehe d d disississceceeernrnrnrnininnninggggggtrtravavelelelelereeer. AmAAmAmAmururuur,, bebebebbesstststs d d dddddeesesesesesese crcrcccrcccc ibibbbbibbedededdded aaaaaa s ss s s ththe e FrFrFrF ieiendndnddddlylylylyy

DeDeDeststtstiininnnatatatatatiioioioonnnn MMaMaMaMaMan nnn ofofofofff OO mamamaaaan,n,nn hhhh hhhasas tthehe ddisiisisstiiitiiincncncncncncctttititititionononoo

bbbubububbbb sisissineneneeesssssssss i i n n n ththtthee SuSuSuuuuultltlttltananaanaanatatatee’e’’e’e’esssss ttrttraavvavva ele andnd tttouourir smmminininindududuudusststss ryry a aa dededd cacacaaadedeedededed aa a aaagogogogogo,, whwhhw eneen ttt thehehehehheh wwwwwwwhohohoohh leleee ii iindnddnddndnduuuususu trryywawaw s ss ss momoommmoonoononnnnnopopoopopopoppolililiilizezzezezzed ddddd bybybybyy e eeeeexpxpxpxpxppatatatatata ririrr atatesesss. . OvOOvOvOOvvereereereeer thehehehhlalaaassstss decade, hhhe ee hahaasss immimmimmmememensnssnselely cocoontntnnttntriirirribbubububbububutetteteteeteddddddd tototsksksksketetetetetchchhchining g thththeee e SuSuulttltananatatatte ee inn ttheheehhhh mmmoososososo ttt t vivivivviiv brbrbrbrbrbranannanananant t ttt anaananana ddddddvii iividddd d coc lololoouruururuu sss ss onoonn tthehehe gg g gglololoobababab ll l totourrruriisism m m mm map.pp.p Innndeed, for ththt ousasasaandndnndndds sssss anannanand d dd ththththhoouousasasandndndndn s offf fffororrrreeieieieeieigngngngngng

totototototooururruruuru ists whohh arrive in the stttut nnnnniiniinglg y bebebeeeauauaauuauautitiiifufuufuful lll ananannanaa dddd ddccuccuc ltltltlturalallyy fffabababbulululououoousss SuSSuSultltltanananatataateee wiwiwiwithhththooout muuch iiidededeeaaa aabout the e laalalanndndndd,, ,, AmAmAmA ururu is the startitiiing poiointnt.For a man whwhhhoooo o grgrgrreweeew uuu uppp pp eteterereerernananananallllllllly y roomamancn inininingg gg

the bewitching beauty off D Dhoh fafarr, e entntereriningg ththe etravel trade was the most senssibiblle thihingng tto o dodo. Years later, as a natural progression, he saw w hihisslife partner in a lady from the tourism industry:Karen, a German national, who is the general manager at Elite.

man Sarnga Dharan Nambiar

19February 18, 2016




Travel, for him, is an endeavor pregnant with deep meaning. Travel is not about

of soaking up the vibes of ever changing destinations in all its multi-dimensional aspects. “A great deal of the so-called cherished travel experience comes from experiencing authentic local culture and lifestyle through interacting with locals, enjoying local cuisine, art and dance, and exploring ancient sites and relics,” Amur says. “I worked almost 17 years with the

InterContinental Hotels and Resorts, and saw the tourism industry emerging in the Sultanate. I realized there is need for a professionally run tourism company that can reveal Oman in its entire tantalizing splendor to international tourists. I wanted Elite to be a destination management company with a difference. From the very beginning, I had a vision: To be a destination management company whose corporate

Arrive as a client and Leave as a friend, is our tagline. For me, giving an authentic Omani cultural experience to guests from across the world is the most satisfying thing to do,” he says.“Our aim was to add meaning to

travel, while respecting local cultures and customs. We always remained fair,

Amur Said Hardan

Hollywood actress Kristen Stewart on a tour of Oman with Elite's Hilal Al Gadhani.

20 February 18, 2016



and open to forge new ventures that add value to visitors. As an Omani I am aware of what is happening here, and we educate our global associates and business partners about the same,” Amur noted. Knowing the demands of the international market,

and adapting to them with élan is the hallmark of Elite. Beyond offering an array of tour packages, Elite ventured into adventure tourism as well with

unspoiled wilderness, by establishing No Boundaries, based in Shuwaymiah, a remote coastal village in

Nicholas and his wife Angela.“We wanted to do something different from

the run-of-the-mill activities offered by DMCs. No Boundaries is an attempt at offering a unique experience to our guests by focusing on exciting destinations that are undiscovered by mainstream tourism. However, we take extreme care not to spoil

they must be released after tagging and registering,” Amur added.No Boundaries runs guest lodges with an exotic

Arabian ambience, and has three fully equipped

archipelago called the Hallaniyats (Khuriya-Muriya) Islands, home to the only non-migratory humpback whales in existence and also huge pods of dolphin,

paddle boards and mountain bikes, or going for adventure camping on the Islands.The journey has been quite exciting. “We began

with just two staff and now have 32. Six of them are Omanis, and a few are in managerial positions. We try to develop Omani professionals in the tourism

Arabs work with us. Also, 27 Omanis freelance for us as tour guides and in other supporting roles. All our English speaking guides are Omanis, while two speak French and two German,” Amur said.After a few years of establishing Elite, Amur started

looking for European talent to expand its operations. And Karen, who was the working with the Chedi, Muscat, happened to be the person he was looking

Elite Tean with visitors from Finland

21February 18, 2016



Being a German, Karen could take care of the German speaking market. She was also an expert in various aspects of the travel and tourism sector including safety, standards etc. On the other hand, Amur knew the Sultanate inside out. Thus when they joined forces, Elite got a new sense of direction and the venture blossomed into Oman’s leading destination management company.Elite basically looks at the upmarket segment of

Europe. “We know the major agents catering to that segment, which helped us formulate the right strategy to tap the market. Our database of clients and agents saw a steady growth over the years. We have today over 300 agents worldwide including tour operators, MICE agents and more,” Karen added.If Elite is hugely successful, it is all because Amur

and Karen could successfully turn their passion into a profession. “We don’t mind going not just that extra mile, but a thousand extra miles to satisfy our valued customers,” Amur explained Elite’s core philosophy. Elite provides a rich experience to their guests through meaningful encounters with native people, and a greater understanding of local, social and

environmental matters.Last year Elite moved around 6000 visitors in

Oman. “But this year we will be lucky if we can

the political unrest in some parts of the Arab world has had a negative impact on tourism here. People fear for their safety. Also, this year our operations will get costlier, but we can’t pass on the burden to our clients as the contracts with our agents were

However, he is appreciative of the ministry’s support: “Ministry of tourism supports us in our efforts; we work under their umbrella. We are invited to major global events and exhibitions, and the ministry offers DMCS an effective platform to showcase their products and services.”Karen, meanwhile, has her special focus on

tourists from the German-speaking countries, which is a major tourism market. She, along with Amur, is busy working on strategies to tap the booming Indian market, and have already recruited an Indian professional to cater for that market. “We feel that various national markets need to be catered for by employees from the respective nations, as this


22 February 18, 2016



would help us offer better, customized solutions. We had hosted last year around 20 Indian tour operators who were here on MOT’s invitation,” Karen said. Also they are looking at exploring the GCC market.Elite believes in responsible tourism, and has clear

vision on the same. “We encourage responsible and sustainable tourism. As proud ambassadors of Oman, we take our responsibilities very seriously. With deep love for this country we take care of its environment, community, customers, partners and our employees. We support the community by creating jobs and encouraging visitors to buy local produce. In the villages and hinterlands of Oman, the communities have their social and cultural ethos, and we need to be very sensitive to their concerns. We educate our guests about all such issues,” Karen said.She continued: “In the sites that we visit, we ensure

that no new trails are created and no footprints are left. We take our guests off the beaten track, but

our guides ensure minimal damage to nature. We pick up litter and dispose of it in bins or give it to the support staff. Also we encourage reuse of drink bottles, shopping bags and responsible use of water and energy.”As a veteran in the tourism industry, Amur feels

has great culture, heritage, amazingly diverse landscapes, pleasant weather, and above all, a tolerant, friendly people. But to ensure growth of the tourism industry, our existing rules and regulations need to be revised and relaxed, especially those related to employment and visas.”“Oil is down now. By now Oman could have

advanced far ahead in the tourism sector, but unfortunately we have been slow to develop this industry. Tourism is essentially a service industry, and if DMCs don’t have a free hand in its operations then

services and attract more guests. Oman needs to enhance its tourism infrastructure as well,” Amur said.

Karen at German Road Show

Amur with Germany's Easy writers team Amur with Oman tourism Zurich

23February 18, 2016

