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Weight Loss for Women

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST 1 Copyright http://www.alphakeptsecrets.com All rights reserved. XXXXXXXXXXXX Why Women should never Diet like a Man to lose Weight FAST!!! Brought to you by: Ray Lam COPYR served
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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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Why Women should never Diet

like a Man to lose Weight FAST!!!

Brought to you by: Ray Lam COPYR served

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1. Introduction

2. Nothing seems to work?

3. Men and Women are Not created Equal

4. The deadly secret of Lepin

5. The Venus Factor

6. The biggest loser doesn’t have to be you

7. Yo-Yo Dieting

8. Starvation is not the Solution

9. Specific Spot Training

10. The Real Venus Experience

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1. Introduction

If you have been seriously researching for helpful facts concerning weight

loss for women, then this special report may be what you are looking for.

You wil soon learn why women can't diet like men to lose weight…

How many of you have gone through a process where you launch a diet

alongside a man in your life? It might be a spouse, a sibling – even a group

of coworkers.

What often happens is the man sheds fat extremely fast – with much less

effort, while you struggle to lose even 1-2 pounds a week, and hit more

plateaus than you care to admit.

It’s frustrating!

The reason most women have trouble losing weight is because they’re

trying to diet like a MAN.

Weight loss isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. In fact, many women will

find they have different weight loss struggles than their friends do.

If you are the type women that have 10 or more pounds to lose, the type of

woman that can’t afford to spend countless hours in the gym or live on

spinach salad to get results, the report is ideal for you.

This report is made for those who have jobs, families and a life to keep up

with. If you want to get back into a bathing suit this summer a two-piece

bathing suit keep reading to learn more about barber’s proven weight loss

solution. Look no further, read here to find out why women can't diet like

men to lose weight FAST!!!

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2. Nothing seems to work

You have tried everything but nothing seems to work? What happens? Why?

Weight loss for women is often frustrating and largely unsuccessful, and

when you manage to lose extra pounds, they only creep back on again.

What usually happens is desperation kicks in. You’re so frustrated by your

lack of success and the stagnant state you’re in that you jump on any trend

you can find out about, such as:

Eating nothing but cabbage soup 24/7

Gorging yourself on nothing but meat

Giving up everything in one food group

Not eating at all, but living off of water only as long as possible

It’s all unsafe and will cause your body to fight back with an even bigger

storage of fat (for survival) the minute you start eating normal foods again

– because living on one of the extreme weight loss plans above isn’t a long-

term option.

When you’re out of options, and nothing’s working…what can you do?

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3. Men and Women are not created Equal

Men and women have to deal with different issues when it comes to many

aspects of their body and weight loss is no exception.

The reason most women have trouble losing weight is because they’re

trying to diet like a MAN.

You’re not made like a man, of course it is not going to work!

But female are different because of the unique way the female body is

designed so women can bear and nurture children. Female bodies are

designed to store fat in the belly, thighs, hips and butt so that they can

have a healthy pregnancy in case of a time of famine. If you look around

your kitchen, though, chances are that you’re in no danger of famine! With

all the ice-cream and other food in the freezer, it will be well set for survival

for a long time.

It’s just because the hormonal environment is different from man to woman.

For starters testosterone and estrogen are dramatically different from man

to woman and even more specific to weight loss and the leptin levels are

also different.

Estrogen is what makes you a woman and testosterone is what makes me a

man. Women and men alike have a normal healthy and important

circulating level of both of these hormones. Your estrogen levels are much

higher than the small amount a man would have, and likewise a man's

testosterone level is much higher than your normal health levels.

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Gender differences in estrogen and testosterone levels are what dictate the

difference we see in the normal healthy ranges of body composition

between men and women.

The normal body composition range for men is between 10%-20% body fat

and for women is 20%-30%. Critically low body fat for men is

approximately 3%, whereas for women critical low is approx. 13% (as

indicated by the appearance of potentially dangerous metabolic


A man can be at or below 10% body fat and look healthy and lean. Women

achieving this level of body fat would actually look abnormal, sickly, and if

enough muscle mass is on her body she will look overly masculine.

A lower body fat limit of approximately 16% - 18% is as low as most

women will ever want to go and still maintain a feminine look. Anything

below 20% is considered 'athletic/elite' for women. To contrast this with

men, a body fat % of approx. 8-10% would be necessary for a man to be

viewed as athletic/elite.

Women generally have less lean body mass than a man and therefore do

not burn as many calories on a daily basis. These body composition

differences are due to the effect testosterone and estrogen have on our

ability to store and burn fat. This is totally normal and no reason for

concern, it's simply why you are shaped like a woman and I am not. The

take home message is not to compare your body fat percentage to that of a

man (if you're thinking in terms of body fat at all).

The next most important gender difference when it comes to fat loss is with

the hormone leptin.

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4. The deadly secret of Lepin

Leptin is a hormone made by fat tissue that acts

on the brain to regulate food intake and body

weight. It is a hormone that plays a vital role in

the control of appetite, metabolism and the

signals involved in weight gain and weight loss.

leptin levels rise when you eat. It falls when

you’re hungry which signal the brain you need to

eat more and slow down your metabolism. Vice versa, the leptin level is rise

when you are full which signals the brain you have enough food and speed

up your metabolism. This helps control your sense of hunger and your

metabolic rate to keep you from gaining or losing weight. As long as they

don’t rise too high or fall too low you’ll remain weight stable and feel fine.

Leptin is a signaling molecule that is released from your fat cells that is

typically described as the master hormone regulating fat loss, due to the

fact that is more or less released in proportion to the amount of fat you

have on your body. The more fat, the more leptin (Owecki M. et al. 2010).

This however leaves out all of the other roles it plays, and it can actually be

seen as a master signaling hormone that is involved in the regulation and

signaling of bone density, metabolic rate, fat mass, cognition and memory,

inflammation, taste and sweetness perception, insulin sensitivity, and even

the pathogenesis of skin tags(Moran CN et al. 2011, de Boer TN et al. 2012,

Horio N et al. 2010, El Safoury et al. 2010).

In other words, any typical diet intervention and/or exercise routine will

stimulate a response in leptin. Since woman have at least twice as much

leptin than a man, your specific diet approach needs to be designed to work

for you as a woman. This doesn't mean you need to eat some wacky exotic

food, it just means a different style of nutrition and exercise (if you choose

to exercise) should be followed to maximize your results.

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Women have roughly twice as much leptin circulating in your system as a

typical man does. Since leptin is a major metabolic signaling molecule you

might think that means you should burn twice as many calories as a man.

But that isn't the case. Typically when there is more of a hormone

circulating in the blood that means it is required to be at that level for some

reason, or that the other systems of the body are 'resistant' to that

hormone. In the case of leptin, it seems that women are somewhat

naturally resistant to leptin compared to men. Resistance may seem like a

harsh word, so think instead as it takes a little more leptin to do its job in a

woman’s body compared to in a man’s body. And, this difference is

increased with higher body fat levels. This is partly why it's difficult for

women to start and stay consistent on a diet long enough to get the results

they really want. It's also why severe low calorie and very strict dieting

(AKA “Crash dieting”) doesn't work for women but might actually be more

suitable for men.

In two research studies (Nicklas et al. in 1997) showed that leptin falls

almost twice as much in women compared to men. This means that women

experience higher leptin highs, lower leptin lows when attempting to diet.

Men don't have these same dramatic swings in leptin as men have lower

natural circulating leptin levels, and when men go on a calorie restrictive

diet they don't get as much of a decrease in leptin.

In other words, a man's metabolism won't crash on a severely calorie

restricted diet as easily as it could in women. It also means men won't

experience the same feelings of hunger and cravings for carbohydrates

during a weight loss program. This might sound familiar to you if you’ve

ever attempted to diet alongside a male counterpart and noticed how much

easier of a time he seemed to have with it.

It’s ironic that weight loss efforts for women can backfire and turn off that

leptin signal that women need to lose more weight! Not only that, but the

female bodies try to sabotage at the time when they most want to lose

weight after they have a baby! Leptin resistance actually gets much worse

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after pregnancy. That’s probably a big part of why a lot of women cannot

lose one single pound after pregnancy.

The two main differences between men and women when it comes to leptin


1. Men seem to have a higher natural sensitivity to leptin and therefore

lower natural circulating blood levels;

2. When men go on a very low calorie restrictive diet they experience less

of a drop in leptin and as such their metabolism doesn't crash as easily

and they don't get as severe cravings for carbs.

To put it another way, women have higher natural leptin, and experience

much more dramatic drops in leptin when dieting. So your highs are higher

and your lows are lower. Kinda like being on a roller coaster with your

metabolism and hunger, cravings throughout the dieting process. It actually

makes women want to eat a lot more because of the lower low of the Leptin

level compare to men. Does this sound familiar from the last time you

attempted a restrictive diet?!

When attempting to diet ‘hard’ leptin levels can fall too far too fast and you

will find it very difficult to lose weight because your metabolism slowed

down severely and your appetite increase sharply. In fact you can

eventually crash and experience big rebound weight gain.

This dramatic rise and fall of leptin could very well be what is causing so

many restrictive diets to fail and so many people to gain all the weight back

and then some! This effect seems to be worse in women than in men and

it’s because women have higher leptin levels to start with that drop far

lower than a man’s when they diet.

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In other words, when it comes to leptin levels and dieting, women have

higher ‘highs’ and lower ‘lows’. It’s these dramatic swings in leptin that can

lead to the crash and rebound weight gain that so many women experience

on standard restrictive diets.

In contrast a man’s leptin levels rise and fall very predictably and within a

relative small range. The high’s aren’t too high and the low’s aren’t too low,

and as a result men can follow a pretty mundane, straight forward calorie

restrictive diet and make it through to the end without a major crash or

rebound and essentially lose all the weight they want.

This explains why men seem to have an easier time losing weight than

women. Or to say it another way, weight loss for men is pretty straight

forward and doesn’t require much creativity when it comes to the diet.

Women on the other hand experience dramatic swings in leptin that require

a more intelligently designed diet to minimize these big swings in leptin

levels. One of the techniques that has become popular is the idea of adding

in a ‘cheat’ day. This is a day during your diet program where you’re

instructed to eat more food and more carbs specifically to attempt to bring

your leptin levels back up after days and days of dieting and lowering your

leptin levels. Knowing that leptin drops farther and faster in women it

stands to reason that the ‘cheat day’ is a more useful tool for women as

well. But the concept of ‘cheating’ seems a bit problematic to me and needs

some adjustments’.

I don’t like the word ‘cheat’ as it implies you’re doing something wrong, and

it also implies that you should be going ‘all out’ on junk food and whatever

else you can get your hands on. This leaves the door open to really

overdoing that day. I would rather call it a strategic ‘eat-up’ day.

Women need these strategic “eat-up” days throughout their weight loss

program to prevent their leptin levels from crashing and rebound weight

gain from happening. And they need these days more often than men.

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For example a man could probably make it two or even three weeks eating

very low calories and minimal carbs without having a serious crash in leptin

levels and thus no major consequences to their weight loss progress.

Women on the other hand need to add in these ‘eat up’ days weekly to

keep leptin levels consistent and keep the fat burning going.

To say it another way, we’re really talking about is hitting the sweet spot

between just enough ‘diet days’ combined with just enough ‘eat up’ days.

As a woman once you hit this sweet spot the fat will come off faster than

you think and the process itself will be much more enjoyable because you

get to take periodic breaks from the diet.

Mice without the leptin gene are morbidly obese (right) compared to

normal mice (left). (University of Oregon)

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5. The Venus Factor

The Venus Factor developed by John Barban, is a weight loss program

that has been creating a lot of buzz on the web and help women around the

world to stay fit and healthy. It was designed exclusively for women and

promises to unlock the secrets of boosting the female metabolism and

melting away extra body fat. The plan includes detailed nutrition and

exercise regimens to follow as well as a number of helpful dieting resources

to simplify the process.

According to John Barban, the creator of the system, it is the ideal choice

for any woman who has 10 or more pounds to lose. Women will not have to

spend countless hours in the gym or live on spinach salad to get results, so

the guide is ideal for those of us who have jobs, families and a life to keep

up with. If you want to get back into a bathing suit this summer a two-piece

bathing suit keep reading to learn more about barber’s proven weight loss


What separates his approach from the usual cookie-cutter diets is the fact

that it is specifically crafted for women. There are some key differences

between male and female physiology and psychology that greatly influence

the weight loss strategies that will be most beneficial. Rather than splitting

the difference between men and women like most plans, The Venus Factor

provides women with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve quick,

lasting results.

This program is also about balance, both internally and externally. It fully

expects you to have a balanced life between career/school, family,

friendships, relationships, hobbies and getting the body you want. It's not

an either/or situation. You should not, and will not have to put your life on

hold to change your body. Any program that teaches you this sort of

extreme action is doing something (and likely many) things wrong.

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Internal & External Balance!

The concept of balance starts with

internal balance of your body from a

metabolic and hormonal level, extending

to a balance of your body fat levels and

muscle, to a balance of your upper body

and lower body proportions.

Please get away from extreme thinking in black and white terms. There is

too much of this sort of thinking in diet and fitness and it leads to significant

stress over the process and I believe this stress is the root of the failure

that most women experience from dieting.

You'll find that in his program, he leaves out many diet and fitness industry

'rules' about eating because they're simply not necessary and add stress to

a process that is already stressful enough. What is left in this program are

the essentials, just the tools that you need to succeed!!!

This system is extremely well designed and easy to follow. It’s also simple

and flexible. As the weeks progress, the exercises can be challenging, but

the results you see will keep you motivated to continue. The diet plan that

is part of the system is not tough to follow and I can assure you won’t

suffer from hunger pangs or cravings with it. The program explains the

different hang-ups women have when they are attempting to lose weight in

which you could identify with. And you will soon learn many so-called

truths about dieting are actually myths.

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6. The biggest loser doesn’t have to be YOU

Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser? Chances are, if you’ve struggled

with dieting, you have. Maybe you did it to get motivated - to get that butt

kicking speech the trainers give into your head.

Maybe you thought seeing the 20-pound weekly weight loss numbers would

help you. And it probably did … at first.

But then you realize that’s the exception to the rule, and even on that TV

show, the men were able to lose WAY more than the women did!

It took John Barban two full years to find the solution for his sister. When

he did uncover it, she lost 53 pounds in 5 months. That equals about 2.63

pounds a week – a nice, healthy weight loss.

The secret isn’t found in Jillian Michaels yelling in your face. It’s a specific

hormone that Barban pinpointed where women have it – but their bodies

aren’t using it properly. Don’t you wish there was a simple on/off switch

you could flip to make it work for you?

Another interesting thing Barban found in his research was that when you

literally go on a “diet” – where you’re cutting calories and depriving yourself

of specific foods, your levels of that hormone plummet – faster and more

than a man’s.

Aren’t you lucky? Actually, now you are! Because once you know the

problem – and you know it’s not willpower or some strategic fad diet or

extreme exercise program – you’re empowered.

Empowered weight loss is being informed and knowing how to find a

solution. It’s not looking at your husband or boyfriend and feeling like a

failure because you’re doing the same thing they’re doing and yet for you,

the pounds aren’t coming off.

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7. Yo-Yo Dieting

Have you ever noticed that when a man and a woman diet, and they “fall

off the wagon,” the woman’s weight piles on at extreme speeds and in huge

amounts compared to how slow and insignificant in volume that a man’s

comes back on?

That’s all thanks to a woman’s specific hormone stores – the one that

signals to your brain that it needs to go into survival mode and slow the

engine down so that you’re not only not burning fat, but storing as much

extra fat as possible.

It sucks knowing you’re not living in the caveman era where your body

might need that protection – and yet your body doesn’t know that. It just

knows you were once eating ample amounts of food (and it liked it) and

then you weren’t (and it made you drained of energy, irritable, and

unhappy) – and now you’re eating again – so it’s going to save up for a

rainy day.

Yo yo dieting is when your weight starts high, drops to a nice low level, and

rises back up again – and it’s so very dangerous for your body.

It also makes it hard for you to lose weight again, so the longer you allow

yourself to jump on and off the diet rain, the more long-term damage you’ll

be doing – and you’ll find it hard to lose weight the next time around.

You’re probably just thinking about aesthetics – about how you hate the

cottage cheese look on your thighs. But get a bit deeper in the problem


Yo yo dieting can:

· Increase your risk of developing heart disease because your cells get

damaged and can’t promote blood flow properly.

· Ruin your metabolism



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· Increase your risk of cancer

· Increase your risk of developing diabetes

· Flood your body with cortisol (the stress hormone)

· Ruin your arteries

· Raise your LDL (bad cholesterol)

And guess what? If you’ve yo yo dieted more than five times, you’re at an

even BIGGER risk in your life. So now you’re panicking thinking you’re

scared – because what if you go on

another diet journey and fail again?

That’s what Barban is working to help women avoid with The Venus

Factor. Watching his sister go through it, he initially created this system

just to help his loved one – but of course, it’s now helping women

worldwide stop the crazy diet train and have long-term weight loss success


Some women – Moms in particular, have an even tougher time. If you’re a

Mom, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You love your kids. But an

unfortunate fact that Barban reveals is that women who have been

pregnant have it even worse when it comes to their bodies hanging onto fat

for stored energy!

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8. Starvation is not the Solution

You’ve already gone that route – the overly restricted calories, the insane

workout schedule. By the time you’re done draining your body of energy,

you couldn’t even enjoy the weight loss if you wanted to.

If you diet alongside a man in your life, then you might get worse with your

extreme desperation. You’re sitting there seeing him effortlessly lose weight,

so you might even get down to 500 calories and a 2-hour workout.

You might see your hair start to fall out if you do this. Your muscles get

weaker, not stronger. Your blood pressure plummets to dangerously low

levels. You feel weak and can’t muster up the energy to complete day-to-

day tasks.

The Venus Factor isn’t about starvation and killing yourself on the

treadmill. It’s about looking at one specific hormone in a woman’s body as

this huge unused resource – and he shows you how he helped his sister tap

into hers. The system is designed to work over the span of 12 weeks. There

isn’t a horrid food restriction list where you can’t have this and can’t have

that favorite food.

That sets you up to fail right away.

You will find out which foods trigger fat storage – and it’s a surprising list

because all you’re thinking is “donuts” or “chocolate,” but you have to

understand how your body works – it’s odd which foods it uses to convert

into a “fat net” of sorts.

This is more about the one thing you have to add to your body to ignite

your metabolism. It’s kind of like firing up a grill – you have the coals

already there, but without the match, nothing will happen.

During his research, Barban discovered an herbal connection that helps

your body use that hormone stored in your body to fight fat. But most

women don’t even know about it.

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9. Spot training for your body

Spend about 5-10 minutes looking at your body in the mirror. Name the top

two areas where fat piles up most. For women, it’s often the stomach,

thighs, or buttocks.

There’s no exercise that helps you spot train where you can lose weight in

those specific areas. But there is a way to shed fat in the places where your

body likes to store it most.

Not only is there no exercise to help you spot train, but every woman has a

unique physical makeup that can help or hurt them whenever they follow

one of those “one size fits all” programs.

When you’re signed up for The Venus Factor, you have a built in virtual

trainer that takes your specific data and creates a plan that works best for

you. There are no weekly weigh in meetings or budget crushing frozen meal

plans you haveto pick up from your local center each week.

Barban doesn’t just go into the hormone and herbal tips. He points out how

the workout routines women do – well, they’re also designed for … men!

It’s like the whole diet industry was created for men, by men – and

everyone just assumed that women could apply the same concepts and get

the same results.

We all know that’s not true!

A woman’s body stores fat differently. It also burns fat differently. Your

husband isn’t sitting there with cottage cheese thighs – he might have a

unique issue, like man boobs or flabby arms. You have to go with a

program that’s designed specifically for a woman’s hormones and body type.

Those long, hard workouts that men like to do at the gym?

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They’re NOT RIGHT for women. Yet you’ve been putting your body through

that year after year as you struggle to shed pounds and get the figure back

that you desire.

It’s time for you to take full advantage born out of one brother’s love for his

sister. Look into what John Barban did for Lisa and then get the relief you

need to help you stoke the fat loss fires once and for all.

Did you realize how much there is to learn about weight loss for women-

why women can't diet like men? A lot of people are when they get down to

reading about it.

These are powerful points, to be sure, and you can see excellent results as


However, be careful thinking there is no more outstanding information,

either. You will gain the most by learning and using the kind of information

that offers you the greatest influence. That is what is can be possible when

you go on to discover more. I wish you all good health and a great journey in seeking The Venus Factor to look the best and stay healthy ever!!!! Yours in good health, Ray Lam

P.S. Check out what Real Users all around the world have to say about the Venus Factor

Real user experiences and photos on this website are 100% volunteered without financial

compensation. User results seen are not typical. They are a result of hard work and

dedication to this unique plan which is required to lose fat.

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10. The Real Venus Experience

The Venus Factor program ensures you

have all the tools you need to reach the best shape you have ever been in."

Jannette Joly, Laval, Quebec

Vital Stats: Age 54, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 11" on waist, 10"

on hips.

I am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of

trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It’s important to understand that a

complete program like this one is very hard to find and making things easier to

do is essential for success when you’re too busy with your own life, let

professionals like John, Brad and his team (yes their team because they are

also FANTASTIC responding practically within the hour for any inquiries)

ENSURE you have ALL the tools you need to reach the BEST SHAPE you have

ever been in your entire life and your only responsibility is commit to JUST DO

IT no excuses, not with a program like Venus Factor that works no questions

asked as long as you do it.

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"Eight children in 12 years and I look and

feel better than I ever have in my entire


Sherah Taylor, Oregon

Vital Stats: Age 36, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 12" on waist, 7" on


Eight children in 12 years and I look and feel better than I ever have in my

entire life! I've always had the determination and willpower to exercise and eat

right, but was never EVER able to see such unbelievable results until I found

Venus. I pinch myself every day to see if I am dreaming...

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I love the Venus Factor workouts and my

body has transformed into something I thought I would never have!"

Terry C. Warrington, Pennsylvania

Due to time constraints I typically do half of a workout in the early morning

and either finishes it that night or the next morning. I do not spend a lot of

time in the gym working out. This program is so doable even for someone who

works full-time and is very involved in my church, son’s school and has a very

active social life. I love the VF workouts and my body has transformed into

something I thought I would never have! At my age I cannot believe the shape

that I am finally getting, and I owe it all to the Venus Factor program.

My 54th birthday is next month and I want to thank John for creating a

workout and an environment that has helped me have the shape I have always

dreamed of, I feel awesome!

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"At the beginning I doubted the program,

but then I saw my after pictures I was sold.

I will stick to the Venus program and I am

not going to look for any other program

anymore I have found what works, finally."

Brooke K.

I was pretty “surprised” when I saw my after pictures. I didn’t think I changed

so much. The transformation was amazing.

You just don’t know how much you’ve improved until you compare your before

and after pictures side by side.

At the beginning I doubted the program, but then I saw my after pictures I was

sold. I will stick to the Venus program and I am not going to look for any other

program anymore I have found what works, finally.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I lost all my post pregnancy weight which

was amazing. I can’t say enough about the

community and the women in it. I have

never been part of an online community I like this one-it is truly special."

Shannon C. North Carolina

Vital Stats: Age 37, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 12" on waist, 8" on


After seeing the results of the first Venus Transformation contest I bought the

Venus workouts. I did the phase 1 workout from week 17 to early in my third

trimester when I switched to shorter workouts. I became active on the

community, where there were a few other pregnant Venuses and plenty of

mothers of small kids! I felt the Venus perspective (both community and

workouts) was so well targeted to me, and I loved the podcasts for delving into

the psychology of weight loss, the simplicity and the success of contest winners.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I have spent the last 17 years since

having kids trying to lose weight. With

Venus Factor not only did I meet my goal

but I surpassed it and weighed in at 131

lbs. for my 40th birthday. The best birthday present ever!"

Sheila Kibe - Milroy, Pennsylvania

Vital Stats: Age 40, weight lost 50 lbs, inches lost: 10" on waist, 9" on


At the beginning of 2012 I was doing what I always do, searching for a

workout program to help me lose the weight I had gained the previous year.

Every year it was the same goal and that was to reach 135 lbs by my birthday

in October. The only difference was that this was my fortieth birthday and I

wanted to enter my forties in the best shape of my life. I have spent the last

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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17 years since having kids trying to lose weight. So working out and dieting is

nothing new for me. Some years I had success but it was like a roller coaster

up and down. This year when I stepped on the scale I weighed 173 lbs and I

decided that it was time to take control. I spent January through May doing

different exercise programs but only managed to lose 13 lbs, how pathetic is


I was busting my butt with cardio and I didn’t seem to make any improvement

in the appearance of my body. I realized that my eating was a major issue and

I started searching online for how low I could go without putting my body into

“starvation mode” and that is how I happen to come across the Venus Index. I

listened to a short video that intrigued me and I then purchased VI 1. I started

on June 17th at 160.5 lbs and my first week was just getting through the

fasting and then the 2nd week was when I started the actual workouts. From

that point on, I never looked back and I never strayed. 6 months later, I am 50

lbs lighter and 37 lbs of that was lost through using the Venus Index and Eat

Stop Eat. And the best part was that not only did I meet my goal but I

surpassed it and weighed in at 131 lbs for my 40th birthday. The best birthday

present ever!

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"The community is full of great people who

are always supportive and encouraging and the workouts are absolutely amazing."

Kimberley Alamandy, Jew Jersey

Vital Stats: Age 32, weight lost 38 lbs., inches lost: 8" on waist, 6" on


Only through Venus was I able to gain the tools to achieve the kind of body

that I wanted. I can't say enough good things about this program and all the

tools that are provided to help you reach your goals. The podcasts are a wealth

of knowledge that really help you understand what you should focus on, the

“community” is full of great people who are always supportive and encouraging

and the workouts are absolutely amazing. I've never looked or felt better than

I do now following the Venus lifestyle.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"At the Venus Factor I found a supportive

community of Venuses who really care and

help you."

Liss Graham - Dumas, Texas

Vital Stats: Age 28, weight lost 14.8 lbs, inches lost: 2.5" on waist,

1.75" on hips.

I have struggled with weight since I can remember even knowing what weight

is, probably around 3rd grade. I was DONE yoyo’ing. I needed something that

worked but was maintainable. I was at the gym 5 days a week and taught

classes there! I watched what I ate. Why did I not look like it? People should

have been able to look at me and think, wow she works out!

Then I came across Venus. Finally! Someone put a number to my height. And

it was NOT weight! What? That is brilliant, using Fibonacci’s golden ratio for

aesthetics! Well, I liked it when I saw it.

At VI, I found a supportive community of Venuses who really care and help you.

And it worked, I am committed to this program FOR LIFE!

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"After following the program to the T, here

I am now; 44 years old with the same

waist I had in college, a ten month old

baby, and fit and strong as ever!"

Barabara Highland, Mexico

Vital Stats: Age 44, weight lost 50lbs, inches lost: 9" on waist, 10" on


After following the program for three months, 44 years old with the same waist

I had in college, with a ten month old baby, fit and strong as ever and with the

toned body I always dreamed of (without exercising, of course). I look better

than most of the girls I see at he gym that are less than half my age. Thank

you John.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I’m in a shape that I can maintain for the

rest of my life and on top of that I made

several friends with the girls in the community."

Alisha McGinn - Boone, Iowa

Vital Stats: Age 34, weight lost 28 lbs, inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on


The program had everything I have been searching for. The workouts were

intelligently written and I knew they will work. The Venus Factor also offered a

contest and as a motivation the guys were interviewing the winners and asking

them what exactly they did to get in a better shape.

I made a commitment to get to a best shape of my life and Venus allowed me

to take action in a good direction that ultimately got me in shape.

Truth to be told, even I am shocked by the results.

Venus also helped me discover all the myths about diets and the scare tactics

marketers use on us to sell more supplements, foods and dietary programs.

Get the Venus Factor, join the community and start the journey today.

If I could do it, you can do it too.

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"When I found Venus it was like a light

bulb went off. These tools have been phenomenal for my eating habits."

Tina Roman - Glendale, New York

Vital Stats: Age 39, weight lost 37 lbs., inches lost: 10" on waist, 8" on


I got the results I wanted using the Venus program when nothing else seemed

to be working. The Venus Community was a huge part of that success. You

can ask a question at any time, and there's a Venus somewhere ready to offer

support, encouragement and advice. Just reading through the blogs and posts

you see someone going through the same struggles you are. The program is

awesome on its own, but the women in the Community put it over the top!

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"After having 4 kids Kass proves that you

can have the body you want if you’re

willing to do the work even after

pregnancy weight gain and she says "I

have already begun the process of living a

balanced life"."

Kassandra B.

Vital Stats: Age 32, weight lost 38 lbs., inches lost: 5" on waist, 4" on


I was always small as a kid. Everyone called me skinny Minnie, so I still see

myself as a small person. I wore a size 4 in the military and seemed to work

hard enough back then to eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight. Then

I started having kids and I’ve yo-yoed with my weight ever since; gaining 60

pounds, then losing 40, gaining and losing, over and over.

I saw the Venus transformation contest winners and they looked awesome so I

decided to give it a try. The Venus Factor has given me the shape I have

always wanted. I love the Venus workouts. It’s really fun and it made me really

sore at first, but I finally started building muscle that even my husband has

noticed. It’s the best workout since being in the military.

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I'm a wife and mother of two active boys

with a busy schedule; Utilizing the

community's tools and seeing others

struggles helped me get through this first part of my journey."

Teresa Shaner - Dallas, Pennsylvania

At the age of 35, a history of health issues incurred by my mother and siblings

made me realize I needed to get fit for myself and for my family. I wasn’t

extremely overweight, but enough that I wasn’t comfortable in my clothes and

felt weak. I had a need to feel stronger both inside and out.

Joining Venus was one of the best decisions I made, not only did I begin seeing

better results, but I actually had more time to spend with my family at the end

of the day. Utilizing the community's tools and seeing others struggles helped

me get through my journey.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I never really thought that in 12 short

weeks I would not only be at my lowest

body weight since the age of 10, but I’d be

wearing a bikini in public and have muscle tone to show off."

Donna Moy - South Yorkshire, UK

Vital Stats: Age 25, weight lost 15 lbs, inches lost: 1" on waist, 3" on


I find it amazing that it is possible to completely transform your body from

something that was always hidden, to something to be proud of in just 12

weeks. When I started I knew I was committed to making a change, but I

never really thought that in 12 short weeks I would not only be at my lowest

body weight since the age of 10, but I’d be wearing a bikini in public and have

muscle tone to show off.

The program ensured that as I became accustomed to a routine, it changed

and kept me motivated to continue. About half way through I realized that I

could feel muscles I never knew I had, and from that point on every week I

could see a difference. I’ve now completed phase I and this is just the

beginning, Now that I’ve lost weight, this is where the hard work begins!

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"This is the look I really wanted my entire

life. I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved

it. I wasn’t this lean and fit since I was a teenager."

Naomi Sandoval - Gainesville, Florida

Vital Stats: Age 46, weight lost 45 lbs., inches lost: 7" on waist, 5" on


I love my pictures, very excited, this is the look I really wanted my entire life.

I’m 46 years and I’ve finally achieved it.

And I owe this achievement to the team at the Venus Factor, because I

wouldn’t have gotten in such a shape without them and their program.

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"To me Venus Factor means freedom from

ever being the “fat girl” again and thanks

especially to my Venus sisters for your unwavering support!"

Suzy, Venice, California

Vital Stats: weight lost 20 lbs, inches lost: 3" on waist, 3" on hips.

I joined the Venus Community last November, I realized that this was working

so well I just had to have Immersion so that I would always have access to

every nook and cranny of Venus. At the end of 12 weeks of the Venus Factor I

have lost over 20 pounds and over 3 inches off my waist. I have no intention of

stopping and will continue to work towards my ideal Venus measurements.

Venus serves my need for a program that has both consistency and variation,

something you can play with. Because I’ve realized that’s what healthy bodies

and minds need and crave - FREEDOM: freedom to eat, to not eat, to lift heavy

one day and do a metabolic circuit the next. And, to me, Venus means freedom

from ever being the “fat girl” again. Big thanks to John, and thanks especially

to my Venus sisters for your unwavering support!

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"I never felt beautiful. In Venus, I found a

program that wasn’t just about taking me

to the point of thinness. This program

would help me to get that smoking HOT factor."

April Harkness - Chicago Illinois

I dove headfirst into fitness after graduation. I scored near perfect on my pt

test in the Army, became a marathon training coach, received my personal

trainer certification. But I never felt beautiful. In Venus, I found a program that

wasn’t just about taking me to the point of thinness. This program would help

me to get that smoking HOT factor.

Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"The program was well calculated and laid

out for me, I just had to follow. I know

how to do this now. It’s just simple math.

There are no more excuses."

Deanne, H. Los Angeles, California

Vital Stats: weight lost 22 lbs., inches lost: 6" on waist, 3" on hips.

It’s simple really, either you do it or you don’t. It WAS simple. That simplicity

carried me through all the mental and emotional banter that has resulted in

confusion and despair in the past. The program was well calculated and laid out

for me, I just had to follow. I know how to do this now. There are no more

excuses. Thank you John for the education you have given me that led to my


Click here to begin your Venus Factor experience

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Why Women should never diet like a man to lose weight FAST

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"Before Venus Factor I was ashamed of

even taking a bikini picture, today people

are asking ME what to do to get in shape."

Molly P.

I was an athlete in college. I played a lot of tennis and had a strict diet regime.

But after college things started falling apart and I gained a lot of weight.

Later I had a lot of health issues related to hormones in the body so I did a lot

of research on diet and fitness and found Eat Stop Eat and read it. I contacted

Brad Pilon and asked him a lot of questions about my concerns.

Then I learned about the Venus Factor and tried the workouts. I found the

community forum very helpful. Through the community I found that everything

about diet and workouts is mostly mental. Every question I ever had was

answered in the forum.

I got ideas from other girls in the community and tried everything they tried. A

lot of things that worked for others didn’t work for me. I had to put the scale

and tape measure away and know I was doing everything in my power to

succeed by estimating my calories and sticking with the workouts. I didn’t just

do Venus workout, I also played tennis and a lot of other activities.

The community provides the option to talk to the like minded people, who are

not going to judge you and are on the same page as you, and have same goals

as you.
