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New Year Strategies. WELCOME !. Here at the New Year you can still enjoy connecting with friends and family and meeting new people. Follow up from the Christmas party where you talked to your cousin… FOLLOW UP IS KEY! The FORTUNE is IN the FOLLOW UP!! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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WELCOME ! New Year Strategies
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New Year Strategies

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Here at the New Year you can still enjoy connecting with friends and family and meeting new people. Follow up from the Christmas party

where you talked to your cousin…


Now is the time for networking, telling your story, getting contact information and making a date to share your business. Follow UP!!

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Careers are going to be made in the 6 months coming out of Convention. What you do between NOW and Convention is going to

set you up to take advantage of the new product and new business tools the company will launch!

90 Day Plan FILLED OUT and shared with your sponsor orAccountability Partner is critical to your success!

ASK YOURSELF right NOW, “How do I want to leverage the next 6 weeks. How am I going leverage the new products ahead of

convention?”MAKE a PLAN and WORK the PLAN!

Ex. My goal for the first quarter of 2013 is to sponsor at least 2 people a month

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Exercise to do over the next day or so:How many consultants have you sponsored a month on average in 2012?

How many have promoted to Level II?How many months this year did you consistently FOLLOW the SYSTEM?

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Create Your Hours of Operation

You MUST KNOW when you are going to work your R + F biz! There are always excuses… kids have the flu… it’s snowing… it’s spring break….

What is your game plan going into Convention & coming out of Convention?

1st quarter. Quarterly plan – gauges that will drive your business:•Sponsoring•Organizational Volume•PSLIV•Development of LII leaders – at least 1 LII a quarter!

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START TALKING to people you know or see on a weekly basis.. Restaurants, dry cleaners, grocery store, post office… Check out with the

same clerk… be friendly… ASK!!

“You know, _____, I am very focused on expanding my business here in _____. It’s a relatively untapped market & I am very focused on meeting as

many people as I can. My company is enjoying a record year. We have the most important

weekend coming up in February and I am very focused on expanding. I am looking for some key people who can take advantage of the launch of new

products in this ever expanding market of aging skin solutions.

As the conversation continues, you can tell your story, capture their contact information and make a date to connect at a later date. Be Consistent and

FOLLOW UP within 48 hours of meeting. Send a BRIEF email with the Doctors’ business video and ask them to watch this 3 minute clip. You truly

value their opinion. You’ll call (if you have their #) in a day or two.

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NEW NETWORKING EVENTS are KEY to your business:

Here is Leslie Zann’s referral language you can personalize …

“You know <name> I’m very focused on expanding my business here in <city> and I’m looking for people to join my team. I’d also like to hear more about your business and how I can help you. (Exchange business cards) I will give you a call next week.

Let’s set up a time to meet for coffee. In just a few minutes I can tell you more about my Rodan + Fields business. You may or may not have a personal interest, but I’m hoping you can lead me to just the right person. I’m looking for

referrals.” I’m excited to hear more about <their biz> as well!”

Attend every event with the attitude that you can comfortably combine socializing with new people and make some good connections. Again, FOLLOW UP is KEY!


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Let’s Review:

Leslie Zann: “Before you look to the New Year, I recommend that you take some time to review 2012.”

1. Look back over the past year and identify areas in your business where you excelled and achieved ... grew and evolved.

2. Enjoy this opportunity to acknowledge your strengths and where you were willing to step into your greatness.

3. Even if you fell short of your ultimate goals, in what areas did you move in the right direction?

4. Meet one on one with each of your Personal Team Members and ask them to do this same exercise. Find out what •Their hours of operation are •Review their 1st Quarter Goals•Ask them what their new “Why” is for 2013, make sure the “Why” is realistic to the hours they are willing to work R+F. Hold them accountable

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Next, and with compassion:

1. Identify the areas of your business where there is room for improvement.

2. Where would you like to do better or feel more confident?

3. In what areas would you like to step up to the plate more frequently?

“Great achievement starts with clarity and a willingness to take action!”

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1. Consider some intentions that you choose to TAKE into the New Year, or purposely NOT take into 2013. Leslie shares, that she truly does know

from experience how powerful this part of the exercise is … so really give this some thought.

Perhaps you've been frustrated by only having part-time hours. Since in the

short term you cannot change the situation,

Why not make the intention to NOT carry the frustration into the New Year?

Simply let it go!

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Making the intention to either leave behind or bring forward certain attitudes and awareness is a powerful component to the process.

And not just for your business, but in all areas of your life.

Once you've taken the time to review 2012 and have identified where you excelled, where you would like to get stronger and some

key intentions, you'll have a solid foundation for looking forward, setting your goals and designing your New Year.

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Set a New Year’s Goal

HOW HIGH WILL YOU FLY?? Setting a goal with a deadline, and then going after it with ALL you have is a powerful thing.

Even your subconscious comes into play, steering your decisions your goal. And the sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goal is

simply irreplacable.

Think about a time when you absolutely HAD to do or have something by a certain time; "If I don't pay off this 12 months/no interest account by the

deadline, I'll have to pay $600 more in interest.

You watch the calendar. You rearrange your finances to make that last payment on time - almost without thinking about it.

Apply that type of urgency to your business and watch what happens.

“If you DON’T Set A Goal… you’ll hit it every time!”

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Teach these New Consultant Training Tips by Leslie Zann to your new team member:

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Sound bites” to create a Company Story: MEMORIZE!!1.Doctors – their credibility2.Name Brand Recognition – we walk right into this!3. Products that create RESULTS! 4. The Doctors purposefully chose this industry5. Timing – 2.5 expected to grow to 5 billion. We are enjoying aggressive US expansion with global marketing on the horizon. When I heard about R+F and how I could be one of the first here in _____. I jumped on board! Show vision for being a global giant.6.Generous pay plan. Hey we hear stories every month of reaching goals of Leadership: 6 figure MONTHLY income earner – and the7.Inspite of a recession… the company grows!! I am looking for sharp people as we expand and open up markets in _______. In less than 5 minutes to tell you what I’ve got and what I am looking for!

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Promote to your New Consultant that the way to get to Level II in their first FULL month is to

1.Work ON SYSTEM“Cycle of Success”

2.Calendar after Enrollment and schedule TWO BBL’s – first BBL before the 14th day of enrollment – and the 2nd BBL then following

month/two weeks. LEVERAGE both events!

Do not promote both events when they invite to the first.

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3. Work with new consultant with inviting prospects to BBL. But also focus on the 14 days – we are working NOW during these first 14 days to

build your business NOW!

Talk to people… guests bring guests! Launch doesn’t need to be an introduction, it can be validating what they already know.

Work into and out of the BBL effectively! Leverage the event! Follow Up with shared conference calls. (3 way calls)

4. Set up initial training – right after the enrollment – give them homework to bring into the 1st training call:

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Focus on: •Role playing the prospecting language•3 way calls•Philosophy – Share the philosophy of PACE! EC in enrollment month and Level II in first full month!•Set the Bar HIGH!!! •We are building a foundation! They need to KNOW that you are there to HELP them! •Work the LIST with them!

“OKAY, who are the top leads for the day?........”

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1. Who is #1 on the list? (Pat)2. How do you know Pat? (make notes) 3. Are you friends on Facebook?4. When was the last time that you spoke to her?5. Why did you think of her? (loves skin care/ she knows everyone…)

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Daily Personal Development

“If your head is not in the game… don’t get on the courts!”Commit time every day to fill your mind with positive information! Get up

early, read and journal. Listen to positive CD’s in your car (Leslie’s Outrageous Achievement is an excellent resource!) lesliezann.com

Jim Rohn. “For things to change, you have to change!”

Committing to Personal Development will UP the LEVEL for your mind set… BUILD your self worth – your self confidence and FULLY leverage the pay plan! Be the Leader you were called to be and help others embrace the

leadership path as well. Duplication of Leaders leads to wealth!
