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Welcome to Emmanuel ! While We...

Date post: 21-Sep-2020
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1 Welcome to Emmanuel ! Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost September 20, 2020 It is wonderful to worship with you today!All are welcome here at Emmanuel regardless of your faith affiliation. All parts of today’s worship service are printed in this bulletin, including words for the songs. Today's worship is scheduled to be outdoors as a "tailgate worship". We ask you to observe rules of social distancing and gather only in your assigned spaces and indicated areas. For those who are not driving to church, or are parking in the church main lot, there will be an area designated for seating - but social distancing guidelines must be maintained throughout. There will also be activities for children separate from the worship gathering. This is a service of Holy Communion. Procedures for distribution of the Lord's Supper are on page 8. This worship service will be broadcast and live streamed through our Facebook page, and on our website while containment measures are in place. Even if you are not able to watch live, the services will be recorded. You can find us at: https://www.facebook.com/EmmanuelSouderton/ and on our website at: http://emmanuellutheranchurch.net You can also check the Facebook page or website for ongoing updates, for daily devotion videos with Pastor John, and for information regarding Emmanuel’s E-Meal program, including what to donate, how to volunteer and the number of meals being served during the crisis. Help Everyone Stay Safe While We Worship Please maintain at least 6 feet distance between you and the person next to you, unless they are immediate family, or you drove to church with them. Wear your mask or face covering during the service, including times of singing or speaking. Do not engage in any touching or hugging. Please limit conversations to short duration. Please follow posted instructions for restroom use. Follow instructions of ushers and worship leaders. Introduction to the Day We conclude our week-long celebration of hope with collection of readings that may not seem all that hopeful. Jonah doesn’t seem hopeful. He is angry toward God because God did what God promised. Paul, writing form prison is torn between living and dying. Jesus gives us a puzzling parable illustrating how life isn’t always fair. Through each of these stories we learn that we cannot hold out hope in the ways of people, but hope only comes from God. And it is in that hope that we live our lives worthy of the Gospel. __________________________________ "God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance" (II Corinthians 9:8) ____________________________________ THE SERVICE PRELUDE TBD
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Welcome to

Emmanuel !


Sunday After


September 20,


“It is wonderful to worship with you today!”

All are welcome here at Emmanuel regardless of

your faith affiliation.

All parts of today’s worship service are printed in

this bulletin, including words for the songs.

Today's worship is scheduled to be outdoors as a

"tailgate worship". We ask you to observe rules

of social distancing and gather only in your assigned

spaces and indicated areas. For those who are not

driving to church, or are parking in the church main

lot, there will be an area designated for seating - but

social distancing guidelines must be maintained

throughout. There will also be activities for children

separate from the worship gathering.

This is a service of Holy Communion. Procedures

for distribution of the Lord's Supper are on page 8.

This worship service will be broadcast and live

streamed through our Facebook page, and on our

website while containment measures are in

place. Even if you are not able to watch live, the

services will be recorded. You can find us at:


and on our website at:


You can also check the Facebook page or website for

ongoing updates, for daily devotion videos with

Pastor John, and for information regarding

Emmanuel’s E-Meal program, including what to

donate, how to volunteer and the number of meals

being served during the crisis.

Help Everyone Stay Safe

While We Worship

• Please maintain at least 6 feet distance between you

and the person next to you, unless they are immediate family, or you drove to church with them.

• Wear your mask or face covering during the service,

including times of singing or speaking.

• Do not engage in any touching or hugging.

• Please limit conversations to short duration.

• Please follow posted instructions for restroom use.

• Follow instructions of ushers and worship leaders.

Introduction to the Day

We conclude our week-long celebration of hope with

collection of readings that may not seem all that


Jonah doesn’t seem hopeful. He is angry toward

God because God did what God promised.

Paul, writing form prison is torn between living and


Jesus gives us a puzzling parable illustrating how life

isn’t always fair.

Through each of these stories we learn that we

cannot hold out hope in the ways of people, but hope

only comes from God. And it is in that hope that we

live our lives worthy of the Gospel.


"God is able to provide you

with every blessing in abundance"

(II Corinthians 9:8)





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Please stand as you are able


Blessed be the holy Trinity, + one God, who forgives

all our sin, whose mercy endures forever.


Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all

desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid:

cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration

of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you

and worthily magnify your holy name, through Jesus

Christ our Lord.


Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of

one another.

Gracious God,

have mercy on us. We confess that we have

turned from you and given ourselves into the

power of sin. We are truly sorry and humbly

repent. In your compassion forgive us our

sins, known and unknown, things we have

done and things we have failed to do. Turn us

again to you, and uphold us by your Spirit, so

that we may live and serve you in newness of

life through Jesus Christ, our Savior and



God, who is rich in mercy, loved us even when we

were dead in sin, and made us alive together with

Christ. By grace you have been saved. In the name

of + Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven. Almighty

God strengthen you with power through the Holy

Spirit, that Christ may live in your hearts through



GATHERING SONG Glorious Things of You Are Spoken (647)

1 Glorious things of you are spoken,

Zion, city of our God!

He whose word cannot be broken

formed you for his own abode.

On the Rock of Ages founded,

what can shake your sure repose?

With salvation's walls surrounded,

you may smile at all your foes.

2 See, the streams of living waters,

springing from eternal love,

well supply your sons and daughters,

and all fear of want remove.

Who can faint, while such a river

ever will their thirst assuage?

Grace which, like the Lord, the giver,

never fails from age to age.

3 Round each habitation hov'ring,

see the cloud and fire appear

for a glory and a cov'ring,

showing that the Lord is near.

Thus deriving from their banner

light by night and shade by day,

safe they feed upon the manna

which God gives them on their way.

4 Savior, since of Zion's city

I through grace a member am,

let the world deride or pity,

I will glory in your name.

Fading are the world's vain pleasures,

all their boasted pomp and show;

solid joys and lasting treasures

none but Zion's children know.

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The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,

and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you


And also with you.


Come, All You People (819)

1 Come, all you people,

come and praise the Most High;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Most High;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Most High;

come now and worship the Lord.

2 Come, all you people,

come and praise the Savior;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Savior;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Savior;

come now and worship the Lord.

3 Come, all you people,

come and praise the Spirit;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Spirit;

come, all you people,

come and praise the Spirit;

come now and worship the Lord.


The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us pray.

Almighty and eternal God, you show perpetual

lovingkindness to us your servants. Because we

cannot rely on our own abilities, grant us your

merciful judgment, and train us to embody the

generosity of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and



Please be seated

FIRST READING: Jonah 3:10--4:11

A reading from Jonah.

When God saw what [the people of Ninevah] did,

how they turned from their evil ways, God changed

his mind about the calamity that he had said he

would bring upon them; and he did not do it.

But this was very displeasing to Jonah, and he

became angry. He prayed to the LORD and said,

“O LORD! Is not this what I said while I was still in

my own country? That is why I fled to Tarshish at

the beginning; for I knew that you are a gracious

God and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in

steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing.

And now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for

it is better for me to die than to live.” And the LORD

said, “Is it right for you to be angry?” Then Jonah

went out of the city and sat down east of the city, and

made a booth for himself there. He sat under it in the

shade, waiting to see what would become of the city.

The LORD God appointed a bush, and made it come

up over Jonah, to give shade over his head, to save

him from his discomfort; so Jonah was very happy

about the bush.

But when dawn came up the next day, God

appointed a worm that attacked the bush, so that it

withered. When the sun rose, God prepared a sultry

east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of

Jonah so that he was faint and asked that he might

die. He said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”

But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be

angry about the bush?” And he said, “Yes, angry

enough to die.”

Then the LORD said, “You are concerned about the

bush, for which you did not labor and which you did

not grow; it came into being in a night and perished

in a night. And should I not be concerned about

Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than

a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not

know their right hand from their left, and also many


Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.

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PSALM: Psalm 145:1-8 Read responsively

I will exalt you, my God and king,

and bless your name forever and ever.

Every day will I bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.

Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised!

There is no end to your greatness.

One generation

shall praise your works to another

and shall declare your power.

I will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty

and all your marvelous works.

They shall tell of the might

of your wondrous acts,

and I will recount your greatness.

They shall publish the remembrance

of your great goodness;

they shall sing joyfully of your righteousness.

The LORD is gracious

and full of compassion,

slow to anger

and abounding in steadfast love.

SECOND READING: Philippians 1:18-30

A reading from Philippians.

Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that

through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of

Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance. It

is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be

put to shame in any way, but that by my speaking

with all boldness, Christ will be exalted now as

always in my body, whether by life or by death

For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. If I am

to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me;

and I do not know which I prefer.

I am hard pressed between the two: my desire is to

depart and be with Christ, for that is far better; but to

remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.

Since I am convinced of this, I know that I will

remain and continue with all of you for your

progress and joy in faith, so that I may share

abundantly in your boasting in Christ Jesus when I

come to you again.

Only, live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel

of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am

absent and hear about you, I will know that you are

standing firm in one spirit, striving side by side with

one mind for the faith of the gospel, and are in no

way intimidated by your opponents.

For them this is evidence of their destruction, but of

your salvation. And this is God’s doing. For he has

graciously granted you the privilege not only of

believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as

well—since you are having the same struggle that

you saw I had and now hear that I still have.


Word of God, word of life.

Thanks be to God.

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GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil (512)

Lord, let my heart be good soil,

open to the seed of your word.

Lord, let my heart be good soil,

where love can grow, and peace is understood.

When my heart is hard, break the stone away.

When my heart is cold, warm it with the day.

When my heart is lost, lead me on your way.

Lord, let my heart,

Lord, let my heart,

Lord, let my heart be good soil.

GOSPEL: Matthew 20:1-16

The holy gospel according to Matthew.

Glory to you, O Lord.

[Jesus said to the disciples:] “The kingdom of

heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the

morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.

After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily

wage, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went

out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in

the marketplace; 4and he said to them, ‘You also go

into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is

right.’ So they went.

When he went out again about noon and about three

o’clock, he did the same. And about five o’clock he

went out and found others standing around; and he

said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all

day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired

us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard.’

When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said

to his manager, ‘Call the laborers and give them their

pay, beginning with the last and then going to the


(continued in next column)

When those hired about five o’clock came, each of

them received the usual daily wage. Now when the

first came, they thought they would receive more;

but each of them also received the usual daily wage.

And when they received it, they grumbled against

the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one

hour, and you have made them equal to us who have

borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’

But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing

you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the

usual daily wage? Take what belongs to you and go;

I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you.

Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what

belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am

generous?’ 16So the last will be first, and the first will

be last.”

The gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

GOSPEL RESPONSE Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil (512)

Lord, let my heart be good soil,

open to the seed of your word.

Lord, let my heart be good soil,

where love can grow, and peace is understood.

When my heart is hard, break the stone away.

When my heart is cold, warm it with the day.

When my heart is lost, lead me on your way.

Lord, let my heart,

Lord, let my heart,

Lord, let my heart be good soil.

please be seated

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The Rev. John T. Heidgerd

After the sermon, please stand as you are able for

the Hymn of the Day.


O Master, Let Me Walk with You (818)

1 O Master, let me walk with you

in lowly paths of service true;

tell me your secret; help me bear

the strain of toil, the fret of care.

2 Help me the slow of heart to move

by some clear, winning word of love;

teach me the wayward feet to stay,

and guide them in the homeward way.

3 Teach me your patience; share with me

a closer, dearer company,

in work that keeps faith sweet and strong,

in trust that triumphs over wrong,

4 In hope that sends a shining ray

far down the future's broad'ning way,

in peace that only you can give;

with you, O Master, let me live.


At the end of each petition, the minister will say

"Come, Holy Spirit.”

The congregation responds:

"Come Holy Spirit, Come."


May the peace of the Lord be with you always.

And also, with you.

Let us share a sign of God’s peace with each other.

please be seated


Offerings will not be collected. Please place your

offering in the collection plate as you leave.

Please remember that the expenses of the church go on,

even during this time disease containment. The best way for you to keep your contributions current is to do so

through our online giving program, which is found on our

website, and can be accessed using the following link:

Online Giving to Emmanuel




Together, let us pray.

Blessed are you, O God, maker of all things.

Through your goodness you have blessed us

with these gifts: ourselves, our time, and our

possessions. Use us, and what we have

gathered, in feeding the world with your love,

through the one who gave himself for us,

Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


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The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.



In the night in which he was betrayed,

our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks;

broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:

Take and eat; this is my body, given for you.

Do this for the remembrance of me.

Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave

thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying:

This cup is the new covenant in my blood,

shed for you and for all people for the

forgiveness of sin. Do this for the

remembrance of me.


Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as

Jesus taught us.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.


Come to the banquet. The feast is now ready

Thanks be to God.


All God's people are invited by our Lord Jesus

Christ to receive Holy Communion.

You may be seated during the distribution of

communion today.

We receive these gifts of Christ's body and blood in

faith, trusting that in this meal our Lord comes to us,

forgives our sins, renews us in faith and leads us into

new life.

Today, the Lord's Supper will be offered "in one

kind", that is with bread alone.

Lutherans have always held that a communion "in

one kind" is the same as if both bread and wine are


You will not be asked to come to the altar to receive

communion. Instead the Pastor will walk around to

each person and offer the sacrament. The Pastor

will be masked for our protection and will remove a

wafer from the chalice using tongs.

If you wish to receive communion, please form a cup

with your hands and the wafer will be dropped inside

your hands, after which you may consume the wafer.

If you wish to receive gluten-free bread, please

signal to the Pastor as he approaches.

If you do not wish to receive Holy Communion, you

may receive a brief blessing. As the Pastor

approaches, please place your hands across your

chest in the form of the St. Andrew's cross. (X)

(when all have been communed,

please rise as you are able)

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COMMUNION SONG Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling (608)

1 Softly and tenderly

Jesus is calling,

calling for you and for me.

See, on the portals

he's waiting and watching,

watching for you and for me.


"Come home, come home!

You who are weary, come home."

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,

calling, "O sinner, come home!"

2 Why should we tarry

when Jesus is pleading,

pleading for you and for me?

Why should we linger

and heed not his mercies,

mercies for you and for me?


3 Oh, for the wonderful love

he has promised,

promised for you and for me!

Though we have sinned,

he has mercy and pardon,

pardon for you and for me.


(Please stand as you are able)


The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

strengthen you and keep you in his grace.



Let us pray.

O God, our life, our strength, our food, we give you

thanks for sustaining us with the body and blood of

your Son. By your Holy Spirit, enliven us to be his

body in the world, that more and more we will give

you praise and serve your earth and its many

peoples, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.



Go out into God’s world filled with the spark of the

Holy Spirit.

Let love of Christ guide your actions.

Listen for the Spirit of Truth.

Spread forth the peace of Christ

and remind everyone you meet that each is a beloved

child of God.


* Thank You *



Richard Miller

for leading us

in music today

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SENDING SONG (Verses 1 & 2) Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer (618)

1 Guide me ever, great Redeemer,

pilgrim through this barren land.

I am weak, but you are mighty;

hold me with your pow'rful hand.

Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,

feed me now and evermore,

feed me now and evermore.

2 Open now the crystal fountain

where the healing waters flow;

let the fire and cloudy pillar

lead me all my journey through.

Strong deliv'rer, strong deliv'rer,

shield me with your mighty arm,

shield me with your mighty arm.


Go in peace. Lift your voice to sing the good news.

Thanks be to God.

POSTLUDE Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer (618)

(Verse 3)

3 When I tread the verge of Jordan,

bid my anxious fears subside;

death of death and hell's destruction,

land me safe on Canaan's side.

Songs and praises, songs and praises,

I will raise forevermore,

I will raise forevermore.

From sundaysandseasons.com. Copyright © 2020 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.


Worships !

Worship Together In Person!

Sundays in September

(and maybe part of October too!)

Let’s take advantage of our late summer and early

autumn weather to worship in-person.

We’ll gather in our back parking lot to worship

“tailgate style”. Bring your own comforts for

outdoor worship: chairs, tables, umbrellas, water,

masks – whatever you need to be comfortable.

Join us as we re-gather the community in a safe

environment, with social distancing, safe Holy

Communion practices, and fellowship. We’re not

“out of the woods” yet – but we can gather “out in

the woods” ☺

We hope to have a plan to move safely indoors by

October, but that is not yet settled. We’re taking

things a month or a week at a time - for now.

In case of inclement weather, we will announce on

Saturday evening by 6PM if we cannot hold outdoor

worship. In that event, worship will be “online only”

as we have been doing.

Meanwhile – let’s pray for good Sunday weather for

the month of September and maybe a little longer.

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Nurtures ! Mike Geiger to Retire

After over 40 years of service.

Service of Farewell and Godspeed

set for September 27.

“The End of an Era” is an

overused saying but it seems

so fitting to describe the

coming retirement of Mike

Geiger, who has served

Emmanuel for over 40 years

as its Director of Facilities.

He has been such a

dedicated caretaker of our

place of worship, learning, business and ministry.

We are thankful to God for the many contributions

he has made to life at Emmanuel over four decades.

To give thanks for Mike’s ministry at Emmanuel we

are planning a service of “Farewell and Godspeed”

on Sunday, September 27 at 10 AM. This will be

during an outdoor service, weather permitting.

This promises to be a special day for Mike and his

family. We will say farewell to Mike, but also

welcome Mike’s grandson, Rhys Beckham

Bernardo, through the sacrament of Holy Baptism.

What a special way to honor a special man who has

meant so much to the Emmanuel community. Come

out and thank Mike for his service and wish him well

in his retirement.

An Update from Pastor John

We had another wonderful outdoor worship service

last Sunday, as we took advantage of the beautiful

late summer weather. We were doubly blessed by

the music leadership of Doug Landis who led us in

worship along with members of “Praise Emmanuel”.

As long as the weather allows, we will worship

outdoors for the simple reason that data shows

people are significantly safer worshiping outside

than they are indoors. You have all been great

following social distancing, and mask wearing

guidelines. I hope you will encourage others to

come out and worship on these next few Sundays.

We will – at some point – have to figure out how to

gather indoors – or revert to online only as we had

done for several months. Later this week the

“Return to Worship” Task Force will meet to discuss

plans to gather indoors as early as mid-October.

Gathering indoors, in-person for worship is not as

simple as it sounds. There are a number of things to

consider that we don’t need to worry about

worshiping outdoors. The Task Force will be

considering spacing, cleaning, multiple services, and

the risks of singing, among other things. I’ll report

more on this in the coming weeks.

For now, here are some important things to

remember while we gather outdoors for worship.

The outdoor worship schedule is…

10:00 AM – Worship (In-Person and Online)

10:00 AM – Sunday’s KIDS (incorporated

into outdoor worship)

In case of inclement weather, we will revert to the

current schedule:

9:30 AM – Sunday’s KIDS online

10:00 AM – Sunday Worship online

Based on the weather forecast, I will make an

announcement by 6PM Saturday evening, if outdoor

worship is to be cancelled.

The forecast for Sunday, Sept. 20 is sunny with a

cool morning. Bring a sweater or jacket!

+Pastor John +

On Facebook

Mon-Sat 8AM

“Stay Connected to God’s Word”

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Nurtures !

A New Kind of Sunday School

Moves Outdoors for September Come explore the Creation Story starting this Sunday, September 13 at 10 am under the Old Oak Tree.

Each week we will explore a different part of God’s wonderful creation, an learn

• How did the stars & moon come to be? • How did God make day and night? • How did fish come to fill the seas? • And so much more…

We will see, hear, touch, taste and smell all the beauty that God has made for us.

If you can’t come out to church, we’ll still have a short video at 9:30 AM introducing the lesson, as well as a craft that you can pick up during the week to do at home.

On Sunday mornings we will meet outside (weather permitting). Please have children ages 3 and up wear their mask – and we will keep non-household members a safe distance apart.

This is a fun and safe way to explore the Bible story of Creation and thank God for all the beauty around us.

Look forward to seeing you all,

Ms. Ann Marie Miss Taylor Ms. Debbie

Photos from Creation – Day 1

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Emmanuel Nurtures !

Words from Martin Luther’s

“A Simple Way to Pray”

"I am the Lord your God, etc. You shall have no

other gods before me," etc. Here I earnestly consider

that God expects and teaches me to trust him

sincerely in all things and that it is his most earnest

purpose to be my God. My heart must not build upon

anything else or trust in any other thing, be it wealth,

prestige, wisdom, might, piety, or anything else.

Second, I give thanks for his infinite compassion by

which he has come to me and, unasked, unbidden,

and unmerited, has offered to be my God, to care for

me, and to be my comfort, guardian, help, and

strength in every time of need. We poor mortals have

sought so many gods and would have to seek them

still if he did not enable us to hear him openly tell us

in our own language that he intends to be our God.

How could we ever-in all eternity-thank him enough!

For our Homebound Members

Doris Alderfer

Jacqui Bond

William & Helen De Turk

Norma Detweiler

Betty Frese

Rita Fritz

Louella Gehringer

John Kemmerer

Jane Niemczyk

Kathryn Stover

Faye Wetzel

Dorothy Wohlgemuth

Current addresses for our homebound are posted

in the Gathering Space

For Health and Healing

Members of Emmanuel

Roy Becker

Anthony Campolei

Elaine Cash

Pat Conard

Bill Darragh

Dominick De Salvo

Craig Freed

Faye Landis

Bob Renner

Kermit Schnable

Rhys Shelmire

Harry Thompson

Floyd Yothers

Ruth Yothers

For Those Away at School

Samantha Plinke

In order to keep our Prayer List up to date,

names will remain for four weeks unless otherwise notified

For Friends of Emmanuel

Karen Bauer (friend of Deb & Pat McElwee)

Frank Bucher (long-time member of Emmanuel)

Joan Campbell (friend of Pastor John and Ann Marie

Donna Clemens (friend of Janel and Barry Gibson)

Dennis Beer (friend of the Kulps)

Jim Clark (friend of Caren and Doug Landis)

Luca Condo (friend of Ruth Miller)

Helen Freed (Craig Freed’s Mom)

Sharon and John Garner (Jen Casta’s Parents)

Sabrina Haap (Ruth Miller’s Niece)

Donald Heller (Shirley’s Brother-in-law)

Eleanor Hillegas (Friend of Ruth Miller)

Hildegard Lamparter (Wife of former Pastor Robert Lamparter)

Dixie Kephart (Darlene’s Mother)

Marvin Krupp (Friend of Roy Becker)

Ed Natali (David’s Brother)

Neal Maiers (Friend of Deb & Patrick McElwee)

Alicia Ranberg (Friend of the Crouthamels)

Stewart Schrauger (Julie Freed’s Brother)

Michael Smith (friend of Cheryl Starke)

Eric Sykes (Anita & Joe’s Son)

Pam Valenti (Lou Gehringer’s Sister)

Alexander & Sylvia Wagwicz (Friends of DeSalvos)

Suzanne Willauer (Ed Cash’s Sister)

Chase Ziegler (Christman’s Great-Grandson)

Other Prayer Concerns

+ For HOPE for those who have lost hope or find it hard to

come by.

+ For our Bishop, Rev. Patricia Davenport and her staff.

+ For those suffering financial hardships as a result of the


+ For our police, firefighters, and first-responders who work

at great risk to protect and preserve life.

+ For victims of wildfires and hurricanes on the West Coast

and in the Gulf of Mexico area.

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Emmanuel Serves !



Handed Up

Thanks Be To God! ______________________________________________

When the E-Meal program

goes on the road this week

at the Hope Festival, we

expect to cross the 35,000

meal threshold on a day

that we will also hand

out over 1,000 meals for

the first time since the

ministry began in March.

It is a privilege to take part in the Hope Festival,

and to do so in such a meaningful way. We’ll post

updates online – and share more information and

photos with you in next week’s bulletin.

Some of our community partners have really

stepped up and deserve our thanks for the

abundance of food that we will be able to distribute

at the HOPE FESTIVAL. Special thanks go out to:

The Garden of Health Food Bank

Hatfield Meats

Leidy’s Meats

Alderfer’s Eggs

Derstine’s Food Distributors

The Broad Street Grind

We remain in need of volunteers. Here are ways

you can get involved.

This month, we will have three recruitment

programs in place with the goal of bringing more

volunteers to support the E-Meal Ministry.

The first is the individual volunteer program which

has been in place since the beginning. It will

always be an important way for volunteers to be

involved. Signing up is easy – and encourage a

friend to come along with you.

You can sign up on sign-up genius


The second program is the E-Meal “on the road”

event at the Hope Festival. More information about

this special event, including a special sign-up

process is printed on the next page.

The newest program to expand our corps of

volunteers is an invitation to groups to sponsor a day

of service at E-Meal. This is an ideal way for

businesses, faith communities, youth groups, civic

associations, families and groups of friends to get

involved to support the program, build relationships

and teamwork, and perform needed community

service. Information about this new program is

provided below. Please pass the word to groups you

know about – or groups to which you belong.

What a mighty and generous God we serve!

+ Pastor John +

Average Daily Meals

Served per Month

March 93

April 163

May 244

June 197

July 179

August 204

September 193

The E-Meal

Mini st r y

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Reaches Out

Emmanuel to Host

Community Blood Drive –

Friday, September 25th.

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Emmanuel Evangelical

Lutheran Church

Sunday Schedule through 9/30

Outdoor Worship – 10:00 AM

Sunday’s KIDS – 10:00 AM

(during outdoor worship)

Contact Us:

69 W. Broad Street • Souderton, PA 18964

Church Telephone: 215-723-7514

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.emmanuellutheranchurch.net


Church Staff

Reverend John T. Heidgerd, Pastor

Mobile Phone: 1-914-275-3106

Email Address: [email protected]

Michael B. Geiger, Facilities Manager

Rev. Richard G. Miller, Jr., Pastor Emeritus Marlene H. Natali, Parish Deacon


Volunteers –

Please sign up





@ Emmanuel

9/20/2020 – 9/27/2020



10:00 AM

Sixteenth Sunday of Pentecost


Worship Service (also ONLINE)

Sunday’s KIDS

(part of worship service)



8:00 AM

10:30 AM – 1PM

5:30 PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution

Bushi Karate



8:00 AM

10:30 AM – 1PM

5:30 PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution

Bushi Karate



8:00 AM

10:30 AM – 1PM

5:30 PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution

Bushi Karate



8:00 AM

10:30 AM – 1PM

5:30 PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution

Bushi Karate



8:00 AM

10:30 AM – 1PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution



8:00 AM

8:30AM – 3:00 PM

Morning GodCast

E-Meal Distribution



10:00 AM

Seventeenth Sunday of



Worship Service (also ONLINE)

Sunday’s KIDS

(part of worship service)

Farewell/Godspeed to Michael Geiger.

Baptism of Rhys Beckham Bernardo.

Today’s bulletins are sponsored by

Jane Vogel in loving memory of

her son, Matthew Vogel
