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Welcome to everyone, and Especially · Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian All...

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian All living things need nourishment to grow. 1 Welcome to everyone, and Especially to our Guests online this morning! 1 Pray: Reach out in friendship and Christian love to friends, family, and neighbors. Todays sermon serves two main purposes: 1 Nehemiah 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused [them] to understand the reading. 8 이와 같이 그들이 [하나님]율법에서 책에서 명료하게 낭독하고 의미를 알려 주어 그들로 하여금 낭독하는 것을 깨닫게 하니라.
Page 1: Welcome to everyone, and Especially · Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian All living things need nourishment to grow. 1 Welcome to everyone, and Especially to our

Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 1

Welcome to everyone, and Especially

to our Guests online this morning!



Reach out in friendship and Christian love to friends, family, and neighbors.

Today’s sermon serves two main purposes:

1 Nehemiah 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused [them] to

understand the reading.

8 이와 같이 그들이 [하나님]의 율법에서 책에서 명료하게 낭독하고 의미를 알려 주어 그들로 하여금

그 낭독하는 것을 깨닫게 하니라.

Page 2: Welcome to everyone, and Especially · Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian All living things need nourishment to grow. 1 Welcome to everyone, and Especially to our

Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 2

1) It preaches/teaches the Word of God in two languages.

2) It functions as a Gospel Tract, when uploaded to the IIBC website.


2 Grow: This tract was written by Sister Carol Porter of Lifegate, Inc.

Ref: https://www.godssimpleplan.org/grow. Grow, © 2016 C. S. Porter.

IIBC, with Sister Porter’s permission, translated Grow into Korean. Portions of this tract have been used in

afternoon messages before at IIBC. Grow is translated using the Precept by Precept, Line by Line (PbPLbL) method

of translation, © 2020 In Peace Trading Company, Incheon, ROK. The Korean translation is in Lifegate’s hands, if

you need it for your ministry.

This morning message covers the tract in its entirety. It is modified in places, adding reference verses, as necessary.

This helps the reader see what The Bible says. When Grow is posted on the IIBC webpage, the tract, in effect,

becomes a bi-lingual, 24 hour/7 days a week/365 day a year missionary. You can send links to your friends as a


Do you have peace with God? Are you saved? Have you been born again from above?


https://4e0e3b3e-a1ce-47ff-90c9-0b8344420c50.filesusr.com/ugd/61244c_d62db425b1f74b17a3c35b3cdeaabd18.pdf ,

Accessed 8/18/2020 at 6:48 pm, Incheon, ROK.

All Scripture taken from the King James Version (via e-sword, reference (Ref:), www.e-sword.net ) or the Korean

King James Version (KKJV, ref: http://www.keepbible.com ). All word definitions are from Strong’s Concordance,

via e-sword.

Page 3: Welcome to everyone, and Especially · Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian All living things need nourishment to grow. 1 Welcome to everyone, and Especially to our

Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 3

After you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, what should you do next?

예수님을 당신의 구원자로 받아 들인 후, 다음에 해야할 일은



1. All living things need nourishment to grow. 3

모든 살아있는 것들은 자라기 위해 영양분이 필요합니다.

2. “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow

thereby” (1 Peter 2:2).

새로 태어난 아기들로서 말씀의 순수한 젖을 사모하라. 이것은 너희가 그 젖으로

말미암아 성장하게 하려 함이라. (베드로전서 2:2)

Sometimes, large quotes are taken from reference books inside of e-Sword and placed into the Background

Notes. These are to give context to terms or issues that the speaker is preaching and teaching on. Generally, sermons

are posted later on the IIBC website. When you refer to https://iibckorea.com/sermon-archive/ you can download

selected sermons for review.

We encourage IIBC members to pray for three impossible things, for three minutes every day. What is

impossible in your life? Have you asked God about it yet in prayer?

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

22 너희가 믿고 기도할 때에 무엇을 구하든지 모든 것을 받으리라, 하시니라.

Compare: God’s Simple Plan of Salvation (GSPS), Ref:

https://iibckorea.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/20191020_GSPS-Sermon-1.pdf , Accessed 8/19/2020 at 7:52

AM, Incheon, ROK.

IIBC has partnered, over the years, with Lifegate Inc. in the translation of God’s Simple Plan of Salvation (GSPS),

Peace, Grow, and Share tracts in several languages – all for the ‘furtherance of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12, 25).

Some of these tracts have been printed in bi-lingual editions; which are great tools for witnessing, especially if you

are not fluent in the language other than English. Bi-lingual tracts allow you the capability to point to the specific

paragraph (or sentence) [color coded] in the other language as you are witnessing.

For a list of tracts that Lifegate Inc. publishes, see: https://www.godssimpleplan.org/languages-in-print.

3 Some of Grow’s sentences in this sermon, have been augmented with reference verses. Ref: Psalm 92:12

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 4

3. Newborns feed on milk, not meat. Learn basic truths about your new life as a

Christian (Hebrews 5:14).

새로 태어난 아이는 고기가 아닌 우유를 먹습니다. 크리스천으로서의

새로운 삶에 대한 기본 진리를 배우십시오.

4. Do not become overwhelmed—spiritual growth will come over time.

(Colossians 1:9–10; 2 Peter 3:18).

당황하지 마십시오- 영적 성장은 시간이 걸리면서 찾아옵니다.

(골로새서 1:9-10; 베드로후서 3:18)

- We live life one day at a time!

5. Study the Bible and pray for God’s help (Matthew 15:25).

성경을 공부하고 하나님의 도우심을 위해 기도하십시오. 4

- Pray, Read your Bible, go to church, tithe and witness.

6. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for

reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

모든 성경 기록은 [하나님]의 영감으로 주신 것으로 교리와 책망과 바로잡음과 의로

교육하기에 유익하니 (디모데후서 3:16).

4 Pray, Read your Bible, Go to Church, Tithe & Witness [and Always carry tracts]. Ref: 2 Timothy 2:15.

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 5

7. Begin a habit of daily Bible reading. (Joshua 1:8) It is helpful to start reading

the book of John and then the book of Romans. 5

매일 성경 읽는 습관을 시작하십시오.(여호수아 1:8). 요한복음과

로마서를 읽기 시작하는 것이 도움이 될 것입니다.

8. How has God enabled us to grow as newborn Christians? Here are some

answers from the Bible that you can take time to read and study for yourself

(John 5:39). 어떻게 하나님은 우리가 새롭게 태어난 크리스천으로서

성장하는 것을 가능케 하셨을까요? 여기에 당신이 시간을 들여

읽고 스스로 공부할 성경의 답이 있습니다.

9. Who is God?

하나님은 어떤 분이실까요? 6

Here are some of His attributes:

10. Love (1 John 4:8–11; Romans 5:8).

사랑이시고 (요한1서 4:8-11; 로마서 5:8)

11. Eternal (Revelation 1:8; Exodus 3:14)

영원하시고 (요한계시록 1;8; 출애굽기 3:14)

5 Have you ever tried reading your Bible through in one year? God will bless you if you give His entire Word a

read? See the IIBC Bible Reading Schedule at: https://iibckorea.com/bible-reading-plan/ Accessed

8/21/2020, at 7:35 AM, Incheon, ROK. 6 Ref: Psalm 46:10.

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 6

12. Holy (Psalm 99:9; Exodus 15:11).

거룩하시고 (시편 99:9; 출애굽기 15:11).

13. All-Powerful (Job 42:2; Isaiah 44:24).

전능하시고 (욥기 42:2, 이사야 44:24).

14. All-Knowing (Job 37:16; Matthew 10:30).

전지하시고 (욥기 37:16; 마태복음 10:30).

15. Everywhere Present (Psalm 139:7–12).

어느 곳에나 계시며 (시편 139:7-12).

16. Righteous (Psalm 71:19; Psalm 119:142).

의로우시고 (시편 71:19; 시편 119:142).

17. Sovereign (1 Chronicles 29:11–12; Psalm 115:3).

주권자이시고 (역대상 29:11-12; 시편 115:3).

18. Unchanging (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17) .

불변하시며 (말라기 3:6; 야고보서 1:17).

19. Merciful (Eph. 2:4–9; Lamentations 3:22–23).

자비로우시고( 에베소서 2:4-9; 예레미아 애가 3:22-23).

20. Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:1–31).

우주만물의 창조자이시고(창세기 1:1-31).

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 7

21. Three in One—The Trinity:

3위안에서 하나이시며 –삼위일체: 7

22. God The Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. 8

하나님 아버지, 예수 그리스도, 성령님.

23. God The Father: He is all of the above (John 6:27).

하나님 아버지: 그분은 위의 모든 것을 다 포함하십니다.

24. He hears our prayers as our loving Father (Daniel 9:17).

그분은 우리의 사랑하시는 아버지로서 우리의 기도를 들으십니다.

25. He is the absolute ruler and his throne is in Heaven (Revelation 19:15).

그분은 완전한 통치자이시며 그분의 보좌는 하늘에 있습니다.

7 Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1처음에 [하나님]께서 하늘과 땅을


God: H430 אלהים'elohıym el-o-heem '’ Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the

plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to

magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges,

X mighty. Total KJV occurrences: 2601 Strong'’ Concordance (SC).

The word elohim denotes one God, of three persons.

God — "the name of the Supreme Being, signifying in Hebrew, “Strong,” “Mighty.” It is expressive of omnipotent

power; and by its use here in the plural form, is obscurely taught at the opening of the Bible, a doctrine clearly

revealed in other parts of it, namely, that though God is one, there is a plurality of persons in the Godhead - Father,

Son, and Spirit, who were engaged in the creative work (Pro_8:27; Joh_1:3, Joh_1:10; Eph_3:9; Heb_1:2;

Job_26:13)." Jameison-Faussett-Brown (JFB) commentary, via e-Sword. 8 Ref: Matthew 28:19.

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 8

26. Jesus Christ: Because our sin brought the curse of death, God sent His only

Son to be our Savior (John 3:16).

예수 그리스도: 우리의 죄가 죽음의 저주를 가져왔으므로,

하나님께서 그분의 독생자를 우리의 구원자로 보내셨습니다.

27. Born of a virgin, Jesus was fully God and fully man. (Matthew 1:23;

Luke1:26–35; Luke 2:1–21).

처녀에게 태어나셨으므로, 예수님은 완전한 하나님이시자 완전한

사람이셨습니다. (마태복음 1:23; 누가복음 1:26-35; 누가복음 2;1-21).

28. He lived a sinless life. (2 Corinthians 5:21) He performed many wonderful

miracles. (John 2:23; John 21:25).

그분은 죄가 없는 삶을 사셨습니다. (고린도후서 5;21) 그분은 많은

경이로운 기적을 행하셨습니다.(요한복음 2:23; 요한복음 21:25).

29. He is our perfect Substitute. In fulfillment of prophecy, God laid all of our

sin on Jesus— (Romans 5:8).

그분은 우리의 완전한 대속자 이셨습니다. 대언을 성취하시기

위해, 하나님은 예수님에게 우리의 모든 죄를 씌우셨습니다.-

30. He shed His blood on the cross and died in our place. (Isaiah 53:5–6; John

19:1–37; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 3:18).

그분은 십자가 위에서 피를 흘리셨고 우리를 대신해서 죽으셨습니다.

(이사야 53:5-6; 요한복음 19:1-37, 에베소서 1:7; 베드로전서 3:18).

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 9

31. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again. (John 20:1–20; 1 Corinthians


예수님은 죽으시고, 묻히시고, 다시 사셨습니다. (요한복음 20:1-20;

고린도전서 15:3-4).

Isaiah 53:5 But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised

for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with

his stripes we are healed.

5그러나 그는 우리의 범법들로 인해 부상을 당하고 우리의

불법들로 인해 상하였노라. 그가 징벌을 받음으로 우리가 화평을

누리고 그가 채찍에 맞음으로 우리가 고침을 받았도다. 9

9 Here is a Challenge: Are you saved [Born again from above, 100% sure of going to heaven]? If not; Please

read this verse out-loud placing your name and the Lord Jesus’ name in the appropriate locations.

Isaiah 53:5 But he [the Lord Jesus] [was] wounded for our [Your name] transgressions, [he [the Lord Jesus] was]

bruised for our [Your name] iniquities: the chastisement of our [Your name] peace [was] upon him [the Lord Jesus];

and with his [the Lord Jesus] stripes we [Your name] are healed.

5그러나 그는 우리의 범법들로 인해 부상을 당하고 우리의 불법들로 인해 상하였노라. 그가 징벌을

받음으로 우리가 화평을 누리고 그가 채찍에 맞음으로 우리가 고침을 받았도다.

Now that you know what The Lord has done for you, why not ask Him to save you?

“In Luke 18:13, the sinner prayed: “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

Just pray: “Oh God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus was my substitute when He died on the Cross. I

believe His shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection were for me. I now receive Him as my Savior. I

thank You for the forgiveness of my sins, the gift of salvation and everlasting life, because of Your

merciful grace. Amen.”

Just take God at His word and claim His salvation by faith. Believe, and you will be saved. No church, no

lodge, no good works can save you. Remember, God does the saving. All of it!”



86c6f.pdf . Accessed 8/21/2020, 8:11 am, Incheon, ROK.

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 10

32. If we have sincerely asked God for forgiveness for our sin, and by faith

trusted in Jesus for salvation, God eternally forgives our penalty of hell. (John


만약 우리가 하나님께 우리의 죄 용서를 진심으로 구하고,

믿음으로 구원을 위해 예수님을 신뢰한다면, 하나님은 영원히

우리의 지옥형벌을 면하게 해주십니다.(요한복음 5:24).

33. Because of the forgiveness Jesus provided, we have direct access to God the

Father in prayer. (John 14:6; Hebrews 4:14–16).

예수님이 해주신 용서 덕분에, 우리는 기도 안에서 하나님께

직접적으로 나아갈 수 있습니다. (요한복음 14:6; 히브리서 4:14-16).

34. Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God. (Hebrews 12:2) He is preparing

Heaven and is coming again for us. (John 14:1–3).

예수님은 하나님 우편에 앉아 계십니다.(히브리서 12:2) 그분은

천국을 예비하고 계시며 우리를 위해 다시 오실 것입니다. (요한복음


35. The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit convicts our hearts of sin and draws us to

God. When we accept God’s gift of salvation, God gives us the Holy Spirit to

live within us. (Titus 3:5; 1 Corinthians 3:16).

성령님: 성령님은 우리 마음이 죄를 깨닫게 해주시며 우리를

하나님께로 이끄십니다. 우리가 하나님의 구원의 선물을

받아들일 때, 하나님은 우리에게 성령님을 주사 우리 안에

거하게 하십니다. (디도서 3:5; 고린도전서 3:16).

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 11

36. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us God’s truths, and is our Comforter.

(John 16:13; John 14:16).

성령님은 우리를 인도하시고, 우리에게 하나님의 진리를

가르치시며, 우리의 위로자가 되십니다. (요한복음 16:13;

요한복음 14:16).

37. As we yield to the Holy Spirit, He produces fruit of “love, joy, peace...” in

our lives. (Galatians 5:22–23).

우리가 성령님께 복종할 때, 그분은 우리의 삶에 “ 사랑, 기쁨,

평화…”의 열매를 가져다 주십니다. (갈라디아서 5:22-23).

38. When our needs are overwhelming, the Holy Spirit urgently pleads to God on

our behalf. (Romans 8:26).

우리의 상황이 절박할 때, 성령님께서 긴급히 우리 대신 하나님께

간청해 주십니다.(로마서 8:26). 10

10 Preacher Boys: Cross reference God’s tender care for the prophet Elijah after Jezebel threatened to kill him.

ELIJAH Goes to Horeb [1 Kings 19: 1 – 18.].

Context: Jezebel was a wicked and powerful, idolatrous queen. Elijah had just seen fire come down from heaven on

Mount Carmel, Israel return to God, 450 priests of Baal executed, and abundant rain after a 3 year drought. Now,

Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah. [What to do?]. I believe this is Post Traumatic [Spiritual] Stress Disorder.

[Dear Elijah: May I politely ask you; Are there any parallels to your present ministry?]

Here are some things that the text teaches us:

1. Put some room between you and the stress.

2. Eat some comfort food, drink plenty of water, Get some rest. and exercise.

- Confess any known sin (1 John 1:9); Keep walking/heading ‘towards God’s Word’.

- Pray, read your Bible, Go to church … do what you know to do that is right.

3. Realize that you are not the only one.

o Ask for help.

o Realize that God ‘has it’.

o Develop/encourage your team.

o Pray for our other Elijah’s in the fight.

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Grow c, 30 August 2020, ©IIBC, by I.M. A Christian

All living things need nourishment to grow. 12

39. What happens when we are saved? 11

우리가 구원받을 때 어떤 일이 일어납니까?

40. God sees us as guiltless (Romans 5:1–2).

하나님은 우리를 죄가 없는 것으로 보십니다 (로마서 5:1-2).

41. We are born again (John 3:1–7; 1 Peter 1:23).

우리는 다시 태어나게 됩니다.(요한복음 3:1-7; 베드로전서 1:23).

42. God adopts us as His child (Ephesians 1:5–6).

하나님이 우리를 그분의 자녀로 입양하십니다 (에베소서 1:5-6).

43. Saved from eternity in Hell (Romans 8:1).

영원한 지옥으로부터 구해집니다 (로마서 8:1).

44. Heaven is our forever home (John 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18;

Revelation 21:1–25).

천국이 우리의 영원한 처소가 됩니다 (요한복음 3:16;

데살로니가전서 4:16-18; 요한계시록21:1-25).

11 Ref: John 3:18, 36, 5:24.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 13

45. Our name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 3:5;

Revelation 21:27).

우리의 이름이 어린 양의 생명 책에 기록됩니다 (요한계시록 3:5;

요한계시록 21:27).

46. He never leaves us (John 6:37; John 10:27–29).

예수님은 결코 우리를 떠나지 않습니다 (요한복음 6:37; 요한복음


47. Does God want us to pray (Luke 18-1)? 12

하나님은 우리가 기도하길 원하십니까?

48. As God’s child, He wants us to come to Him for wisdom, direction, and

help (James 1:5).

하나님의 자녀로서, 하나님은 우리가 그분께 나아와 지혜와

인도하심과 도움을 구하길 원하십니다.

49. Always be reverent and thankful. Praise Him. (Matthew 6:9–13).

언제나 경배하고 감사하십시오. 그분을 찬양하십시오. (마태복음


50. Make a list of requests for yourself and others. (Philippians 4:6).

당신과 다른 사람들을 위한 요청목록을 만드십시오. (빌립보서


12 Ref: Luke 18:1.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 14

51. Seek to know His will for your life. (Proverbs 3:5–6; Romans 12:2)

당신의 삶에 대한 그분의 뜻을 알려고 노력하십시오. (잠언 3:5-6;

로마서 12:2).

52. Pray for strength during trials and temptations. (1 Corinthians 10:13;

Matthew 26:41).

시련과 시험의 시기에 힘을 달라고 기도하십시오. (고린도전서

10:13; 마태복음 26:41).

53. God will equip you to fight your spiritual battles. (Ephesians 6:10–18).

하나님은 당신이 영적 전투를 싸울 수 있도록 준비시켜 주실

것입니다. (에베소서 6:10-18).

54. Your relationship with God is grounded in a sincere prayer life. (Psalm


당신의 하나님과의 관계는 신실한 기도생활 안에 기초가 놓여집니다.

(시편 145:18-19).

55. If I am saved, do I still need forgiveness (Isaiah 59:2)?

구원받았다면, 여전히 용서를 구해야 합니까?

56. God knows our hearts even better than we do. (Psalm 139:1–4).

하나님은 우리의 마음을 우리보다 훨씬 더 잘 아십니다. (시편


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All living things need nourishment to grow. 15

57. Be honest before Him (Psalm 46:10).

그분 앞에서 정직하십시오.

58. When we accept God’s gift of salvation, our eternal penalty for sin is

removed (John 3:18, 35, 5:12).

우리가 하나님의 구원의 선물을 받아 들일 때, 우리의 죄에 대한

영원한 형벌이 제거되어 집니다.

59. But we still make daily choices that harm our fellowship with God. (Psalm


그러나 우리는 여전히 하나님과의 교제에 해를 끼치는 매일의

선택을 합니다. (시편 66:18).

60. Ask Him to show you areas of sin in your life that need forgiveness. (Psalm

139:23–24; 1 John 1:9).

그분께 당신의 삶 속에 있는 용서가 필요한 죄의 영역들을 보여

달라고 요청하십시오. (시편 139:23-24; 요한1서 1:9).

61. Be sensitive to His leading. (Psalm 119:9–11).

그분의 인도하심에 민감하십시오. (시편 119:9-11).

62. Should I be involved in a church?

교회에 관여해야 하나요? [Yes, of course.] 13

13 Ref: Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16;2, Hebrews 9:25.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 16

63. God’s plan for us after salvation is to become a member of a local Bible

believing church. (Hebrews 10:25).

하나님의 우리에 대한 구원 후의 계획은 우리가 성경을 믿는

지역교회의 일원이 되는 것입니다. (히브리서 10:25). 14

64. Preaching will help you understand God’s Word and His will for your life.

(Romans 10:17).

설교는 당신이 하나님의 말씀과 당신의 삶을 향한 그분의 뜻을

이해하도록 도와줄 것입니다. (로마서 10:17).

65. You can attend classes intended for your spiritual growth. 당신은 당신의

영적 성장을 도와줄 수업에 참여할 수도 있습니다.

IIBC members: Please encourage people about being faithful (Acts 20:20).

COVID-19 presents us with several challenges.

o We need to obey The Lord, and those who have rule over us.

o God’s word takes precedence.

o We can do both; with God’s help.

14 See: The Local Church: Ref: https://iibckorea.com/sermons/the-local-church/, Accessed 8/20/2020 at 932 am,

Incheon, ROK.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 17

We have opportunity, on Sundays when we have ‘Home Services’ to open

our homes to small groups of family and/or friends to hear the Gospel.

This is a chance to share the Lord with others.

I am very thankful we can still use the IIBC webpage for home services. 15

I am also thankful that we can use Skype for Wednesday evening services

when needed.


15 Home Service: https://iibckorea.com/sermons/sunday-home-service-apr-5/ Accessed 8/20/2020 at 932 am,

Incheon, ROK.

16 Ref: Wed Evening Bible Study Notes: https://iibckorea.com/the-book-of-mark-lesson-12/ . Ibid, 2:14 pm.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 18

And, I am also thankful that we have discipleship material available on

YouTube. 17


66. Church is the primary place where you will find fellowship with other

Christians. It is a body of believers who use their God given gifts to work

together for His purposes. (1 Corinthians 12:12–27).

교회는 당신이 다른 성도와의 교제를 하게 될 기본 장소입니다. 그곳은

믿는 성도들이 하나님이 주신 재능을 그분의 목표를 이루기 위해

협력해서 사용하는 신도들의 모임체 입니다. (고린도전서 12:12-27).

67. It is a family. No church member is perfect—only forgiven (Romans 3:10,


그것은 가족입니다. 어떠한 교화 구성원도 완벽하진 않습니다.-

오직 용서받은 자들입니다.

17 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EM364mrHFQ8u8s66YqCRQ . Ibid: 2:15 PM.

18 Ref: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EM364mrHFQ8u8s66YqCRQ. Ibid: 2:16 PM

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 19

68. You can help evangelize the world through local church missionary support.

(Matthew 28:19–20)

당신은 교회의 선교후원을 통해 세계의 복음화에 기여할 수도 있습니다.

(마태복음 28;19-20).


IIBC supports the ____ family in ____. 20

[Tell me three things they need prayer for (Have you read their Prayer Letter?)]

19 Ref: https://iibckorea.com/sermon-topic/outreach/missions/, Accessed 8/21/2020 at 7:58 am, Incheon, ROK.

20 Tell me three things they need prayer for.

1. Loneliness.

2. Wisdom on to whom and when to witness.

3. Corona Virus effect on their ministry and a successful furlough.

What to do when a Missionary comes:

1. Pray with them and for them.

2. Spoil them (Give them a very generous love offering to help them on The Lord’s way.).

3. Encourage them. (Especially bless the wife and children).

Ref: https://iibckorea.com/sermon-topic/outreach/missions/. Ibid: 2:18 PM

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 20

69. Do I need to be baptized? 21

침례를 받을 필요가 있습니까?

70. God instructs us to be baptized as the primary way to identify with Him.

(Acts 8:36–38).

하나님은 그분과 일체가 되는 1차적 방법으로 침례를 받으라고

지시하셨습니다. (사도행전 8:36-38).

71. Baptism is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and shows

that you have become a disciple of Christ. (Romans 6:3–4; Colossians 2:12;

Acts 18:8).

침례는 예수님의 죽음과 매장과 부활의 모사이고, 당신이

예수님의 제자가 되었음을 보여줍니다. (로마서 6:3-4;

골로새서 2:12; 사도행전 18:8).

72. Even Jesus was baptized. (Matthew 3:13–17) Baptism demonstrates our

gratitude and our obedience to God. (Acts 8:12).

예수님조차도 침례를 받으셨습니다. (마태복음 3:13-17) 침례는

하나님에 대한 우리의 감사와 순종을 나타냅니다. (사도행전 8:12). 22

21 Are you saved? If you are saved, you do need to be baptized. Ref: Matthew 28:19.

22 Cross Reference:

Why do e baptize by immersion? https://iibckorea.com/sermons/why-do-we-baptize-by-immersion/.

Ibid: 2:19 PM.

11 Questions About Baptism:

https://iibckorea.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/20190623_QA-about-baptism.pdf. Ibid: 2:19 PM

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 21

73. What about taking communion (The Lord’s Supper)? 23

성찬식은 무엇입니까?

74. Communion is a time of remembrance and reflection (Psalm 25:7).

성찬식은 기억과 반성의 시간입니다.

75. Believers remember the body and blood of Christ at the time of His

sacrificial death on the cross. (1 Corinthians 11:23–26).

믿는 사람들은 예수님의 십자가상의 희생적 죽음의 순간의

그분의 몸과 피를 기억합니다. (고린도전서 11:23-26). 24

76. It is a time to consider what Christ suffered to provide your own salvation

(Romans 5:8).

그것은 당신의 구원을 위해 예수님이 어떤 고난을 당하셨는지

생각하는 시간입니다.

77. It is also a time to reflect on your personal relationship with the Lord and ask

for forgiveness for sin. (1 Corinthians 11:27–30).

그것은 또한 주님과의 개인적 관계를 점검해보며 죄 용서함을 구하는

시간입니다. (고린도전서 11:27-30).

23 Ref: 1 Corinthians Chapter 11.

24 Cross Reference: Four Scriptural Accounts about the Lord’s Supper:

https://iibckorea.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/20190721_Four-Scriptural-Accounts-of-The-Lords-Supper.pdf .

Ibid: 2:21 PM. And

Why Do We Celebrate The Lord’s Supper at IIBC?

https://iibckorea.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/20190728_Why-Do-We-Celebrate-The-Lords-Supper-at-IIBC.pdf. Ibid: 2:22


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All living things need nourishment to grow. 22

78. How do I share God’s gift with others (Acts 1:8)?

어떻게 하나님의 선물을 다른 사람들과 나눌 수 있습니까? 25

79. You are God’s light in a dark world of hurting people who need Him. (Acts


당신은 하나님을 필요로 하는 상처받은 자들이 사는 어두운

세상의 등불입니다. (사도행전 26:18).

80. Memorize salvation verses. (1 Peter 3:15). 26

구원에 관한 구절들을 암송하십시오. (베드로전서 3:15).

81. Remember how God forgave you (Psalm 63:6).

하나님이 당신을 어떻게 용서하셨는지 기억하십시오.

82. Pray for God to lead you as you share gospel tracts with a clear salvation

message. Be friendly and genuine (Psalm 2:8). 당신이 분명한 구원

메세지와 함께 복음 전도지를 나눠줄 때 하나님께서 당신을

인도하여 달라고 기도하십시오. 친절하며 진실 하십시오.

25 Pray, Read your Bible, be faithful to church, tithe and witness. [At IIBC, we repeat this phrase a lot.].

Cross Reference: The Great Commission: https://iibckorea.com/sermons/the-great-commission/ .


f. Ibid: 2:23 PM.

26 Prepare your Bible with annotated verses. Examples:

1) Isaiah 53:5.

2) Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 10:13.

3) Always carry IIBC tracts!

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 23

83. Witnessing is simply sharing with others what God has done for you

(Hebrews 9-27).

증인됨이란 하나님께서 당신을 위해 하신 것을 다른 사람과

단순히 나누는 것입니다.

- Just tell what you know; that is what a witness does (John 1:12, Acts


Grow, Copyright 2015 C. S. Porter

For further help request:

Share www.godssimpleplan.org

Lifegate, Inc.,

PO Box 5,

Monrovia, IN 46157 27

27 Ref: Grow, Copyright 2015 C. S. Porter. For further help request: Share www.godssimpleplan.org

Lifegate, Inc., PO Box 5, Monrovia, IN 46157. Lifegate, Inc. has assisted IIBC in the production and printing of

several different Gospel tracts – single language, bi-lingual, ‘Chunked’ [Paragraph by Paragraph] Korean-English

soul-winning versions. Lifegate has over 123 different languages that it prints GSPS in. Contact them with your tract


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All living things need nourishment to grow. 24

Translator: We will go line by line through the Invitation bullet statements this morning!

INVITATION: Every head bowed and every eye closed, please. Christians:

Confess known sin; then pray for God to bless the Invitation.

Three questions:

1. Are you saved?

Are you born again from above.

If You died today are your 100% sure that you would go to heaven.

If you are not saved, we would love to take a Bible and show you how you

can know for sure that you are saved.

2. Have you been baptized by immersion, since salvation, in a church of

like faith and practice?

If you are saved and have not yet been baptized by immersion, I would like

you to let Pastor Tchah know that this morning.

The Lord Jesus was baptized by immersion by John The Baptist.

The Disciples and Apostles were baptized by Immersion.

The Lord Jesus commanded his disciples to preach and teach the Gospel,

baptizing those who got saved. 28

Baptism therefore, is a command to be obeyed.

There is nothing to be nervous about. We are family and friends here.

3. Are you ready to meet God?

a. We all should be ready to pray, to give testimony about the Lord, or to

pass away.

b. Is there any bitterness on your heart?

c. Is there any sin that you need to confess to God, silently, as you pray?

If you need to come to the altar to pray, the invitation is open to you.

28 Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in

earth. Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost: Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo,

I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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And now a word from Senior Pastor Tchah:

Hymn: 547 – Jesus Paid It All.

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All living things need nourishment to grow. 26


Salvation: Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:12 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 10:13. 29

Eternal Security: John 3:16—18, 3:36, 5:24, 6:29, 6:37, 14:14, Romans 8:34-39,

Isaiah 45:17-19, 1 Peter 1: 3-5, John 10:28, 2 Corinthians 5:17—21, Revelation

21:22-27, Hebrews 7:25

Baptism: Romans6:3-5, Acts 2:41-42, Acts 8:36-38. Matthew 28:19. Matthew

3:13. Mark 1:9-10, Acts 16:30-33

The Local Church: Acts 13:5, Acts 2:41-42. Hebrews 13:17, Acts 18:8, 1

Corinthians 11:23-27. Romans 10:13-15, Ephesians 3:21. Galatians 6:1, Ephesians


The Bible: 2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Peter 3:18, Psalm

119:105, Hebrews 4:12, Acts 17:11, Proverbs 8:17.

Prayer: Hebrews 4:16, Matthew 6:26, 1 John 5:14, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 7:7,

Psalm 29:2, Luke 11:2-4, Psalm 38:18, Psalm 100:4, Philippians 4:6, Psalm 55:17

Witnessing: Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew 4:19, 1 Thess.2: 3-4, Romans 3:23, John

3:16, Romans 10:9

Scripture Memorization: Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:11

Overcoming Sin: 1 John 1:9, Romans 6:11, Psalm 119: 9-11, John 17:17,

Proverbs 28:13, Ephesians 5:18, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 2 Cor. 2:11, 1 Peter 5:8,

Romans 13:14, Psalm 139:23-24

Giving: Deuteronomy 8:18, Philippians 4:17, Hebrews 7:8, Malachi 3:10, 2

Corinthians 9:6-7, 1 Corinthians 16:2.

29 After salvation, do some study on these verses. They are useful.

Let us know that you have received Christ as Savior.

