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Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Date post: 05-Jan-2022
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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department Welcome to Grenoble INP - Phelma 1
Page 1: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Welcome to Grenoble INP - Phelma


Page 2: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

French style, food, life...


Page 3: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


9h00 Opening

9h15 Practical information about Phelma semester

9h45 Internships & Enterprise Relation Office of Phelma

10h00 IR office

10h15 Presentation Labs & Project


Page 4: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Director of Phelma


Edwige BANOInternship

Master thesis


Nanotech Coordination

Director of Academic Programs


Director of International Office

Valérie PARRY


Page 5: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


Secretary/ Admissions

room M403

Anne-Marie BONA

room M404


room M427

InternshipMaster thesis

International Office

Administrative Staff


Page 6: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Phelma Campus

Phelma Minatec


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department 7

Page 8: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


42 students 11 nationalities

Gender Parity : 30%

India (Australia?) 1

China 1

Egypt 1

France 12

Guatemala 1

Italy 17

Malaysia 1

Morocco 5

Russia 1

Switzerland 1

Tunisia 2


Page 9: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

2004 2008 2012 2020

N1 N5 N16 N12N2 N3 N4 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N13 N14 N15 N17

Nb. Nationalities/year: ~ 9 (min 6 , max 13)

Nb students/ year : ~ 42

630 graduates / 35 countries / 4 continents

Parity: ~ 16% W, 84% M

A short history of Nanotech…


Page 10: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Practical informationhttp://phelma.grenoble-inp.fr/

Intranet & webmail login+password

Online documentslogin+password

Items available only on the French page !


Page 11: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Emploi du temps

Practical informationhttp://phelma.grenoble-inp.fr/


Items available only on the French page !11

Page 12: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Practical information

A,M,Z Phelma-MinatecC Phelma-Campus

You are2ANANO

Emploi du tempsTimetable




1h30, 2h, 4h,… pay attention and check the room often!

Can be transferred

to smartphones


Page 13: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Practical informationhttp://nanotech.grenoble-inp.fr/

Academic calendar

2nd semester (Spring) February→Mai

Holydays:• Winter : 15th - 19th February• Spring : 19th - 23th April

Days Off:• Easter Monday : 5th April• Labor Day: 1th May• Victory 1945: 8th May• Ascension Thursday: 13rd May• Whit Monday : 24th May

Labels / Vocabulary

CM→”Cours Magistraux” normal lectures

TD→”Travaux Dirigés” session of exercises

CTD →”Cours & TD”

TP→”Travaux Pratiques” session of labs

Courses descriptions available :https://refens.grenoble-inp.fr/Phelma


Page 14: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Labs schedule

Practical informationhttp://nanotech.grenoble-inp.fr/


Page 15: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Practical informationhttp://nanotech.grenoble-inp.fr/


Page 16: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Validation (5 modules) each module >10/20

2nd February - 21st May 2021Phelma semester (2 nd)

Jury Mid of June

Bloc 1 12 84 6 30 120

Physics of Technological Processes Matteo Cocuzza 6 60

Design of Microsystems Danilo Demarchi 6 24 6 30

Bloc 2 12 96 24 120

Solid state physics Giancarlo Cicero 6 51 9

Electronic devices Federica Cappelluti 6 45 15

Bloc 3 10 84 16 100

Materials and Characterizations for micro and Nanotechnologies Fabrizio Giorgis 10 84 16

Total: 34 264 6 70 340

Bloc1 UE Microtechnologies (mandatory) 6 44 14 58

Microsystèmes II Matteo Cocuzza 2 20

Circuits optiques planaires Jean-Emmanuel Broquin 2 14 4

Optoelectronique Jean-Emmanuel Broquin 2 10 10

Bloc 2 UE Microélectronique (mandatory) 6 12 16 32 60

Conception de circuits analogiques I Davide Bucci 2 12 8

Travaux pratiques : Micro et Nanosystèmes various instructors 4 8 32

Bloc 3 UE Nanophysique et Nanostructures (mandatory) 6 40 24 64

Physique des nanostructures et transport électronique Thierry Ouisee 2,5 22 6

Nanostructures pour les applications optiques et magnétiques Prejbeanu/Montes 2 10 10

Dispositifs de CMOS Avancés Quentin Rafhay 1,5 8 8

Bloc 4 UE Cours de spécialisation (mandatory) 6 38 14 52

Physique et applications de la microscopie avancée Sellier/ Winckemann 2 16 4

Lithographie avancée Bertrand Le Gratiet 2 6 6

Conception de circuits numériques Lorena Anghel 2 16 4

Bloc 5 UE SHS/SME (mandatory) 6 20 26 20 66

Strategy & Finance (in English) Alexandre Etuy 2 10 10

Projet de groupe

Lean R &D

various instructors

Pierre Chevrier

3 10 7 20

Projet d'insertion professionnelle Laurence Pierret 1 16

UE REX (mandatory only Phelma students) 1 4

1 4

Total: 31 154 98 32 20 300




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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Phelma’s rules concerning the examination

1. 1st session of examination (February –June 2021)any absence should be justified by a certificate

2. 2nd session (there one single possibility to pass a fai led exam) (remake exams end of August-beginning of September 2021) anticipate the end of the internship to be able to attend the remake exams

(the employer should let you attend the exams, mentioned by the placement agreement)

Complementary information

If the 1 st and 2nd semesters are both of them not validated before destarting date of the EPFL semester (~ 15 September 2021) you must start again the semester in Italy.

ATTENTION: plagiarism / cheating (exams, reports,…) e.g. 0/20 for the fake examdisciplinary Board of Grenoble InP

French grading system scores : 0 and 20 (max)


Page 18: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Calculator for the exams


Page 19: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:

to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own

to use (another's production) without crediting the source

to commit literary theft

to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing


In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud.

It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.


Disciplinary Committee of Grenoble InP- from 1 to 2 years of exclusion from the School (even any French School)

- plagiarism is a crime that can be punished up to 2 years of imprisonment and 50keuros fine

French laws

French Education law


Page 20: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Regulation documents


Page 21: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

1) Validation of 1 st, 2nd and 3 rd semester

2) Internship of 1 st year minimum 10 weeks/ End May-August 2021provide a report 4 ECTS the coordination is done by Phelma for all the students (contact Eva Myly)

3) Master thesis of 2 nd year minimum 20 weeks/ February-August 2022provide a report + defense 26 ECTS the coordination is done by the main registration institution of each student

4) Validation of B2 level in English + “ soft skill”

Conditions to have the Phelma engineering degree

Registration each year in

each university!

Few pages report on the international experience


Page 22: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

EPFL (0-6) Phelma (0-20)

6 18.

5.5 16.

5. 14.

4.5 13.

4./3.75 12.

3.5 10.

3. 8.

2.5 6.

2. 4.

1.5 2.

1. 0.

Polito (0-30L) Phelma (0-20)

30L 17

30 16.5

29 16

28 15.5

27 15

26 14.5

25 14

24 13.5

23 13

22 12.5

21 12

20 11.5

19 11

18 10.5

15 10

Conversion scale used by Phelma(voted by the Grenoble InP Conseil)

Polito (0-8) Phelma (0-20)

8 17

7,5 16

7 15

6,5 14

6 13

5,5 12

Master thesis1st semester 3rd semester


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Information for internships

Administrative point contact: [email protected]

Office : room M 427 (4th floor Minatec)

- In charge with all things concerning the internship (for all of you) and master thesis (only for

Phelma main registration students) : agreement, report, defense,…

- The description of the subject is mandatory (pdf to upload) on the e-stages

- The French labs can not be « établissement d'accueil ».You should indicate the name of the

institution paying the salary. Ask carefully the administrative contact from the lab.

- You will have soon emails for starting the internship procedure

The international Phelma students :

need to open a French bank-account to receive the EXPLORA scholarship (compulsory)

- for the application form or EXPLORA scholarship all the documents must be in French

(ask help from the French colleagues)

About EXPLORA Scholarship


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

EVENTS announcement

5th February pm


12th February pm


Page 25: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

EVENTS announcement

Thomas ERNSTScientific Director LETIAbout the LETI activities

6 May21 May One day visit ESRF Dr. Ennio CapriaAbout the ESRF activities

Visit of the Showroom


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Very important event

Last day of school in May

Nanotech Barbecue…Organized by the students with the professors participation …

Team spirit …. Facebook

Nanotech Alumni

LinkedIn Master Nanotech


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Short presentations of the professors


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma and Ensimag teacherVP at Grenoble INP in charge of Industrial Relation ships

• TIMA LaboratoryKeywords: design, test, reliability of digital circ uits and architectures

• Contact: [email protected]


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Integrated Digital Circuit Design in VLSINanotech2A

Description: Understand basicprinciples of VLSI design applied tosynchronous, digital circuits, designflow and circuit optimization

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

Learn how to build digital gates,combinational and sequential circuits,memories, control machines,…

cuit is VLSI?Nvidia



Page 30: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Davide BUCCI

• Associate Professor Grenoble INP

• Teacher at Phelma Courses on analog electronics, microelectronics, integrated optics,measuring systems

• Researcher at IMEP-LAHC (http://imep-lahc.grenoble- inp.fr)Keywords: integrated optics, microelectronics, optofluidics sensors

• Contact [email protected]


Page 31: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Analog Integrated Circuit DesignNanotech 2A

Description:• EKV model for MOSFET• Analog building blocks• Amplifiers• Differential circuits• Layout

Why this course in the Nanotech training?•Introduction to analog CMOS circuits•Develop a “feeling” for analog circuits•Preparation for advanced course


Page 32: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• Associate Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma’s teacherco-coordinator Nanotech program

• SPINTEC-lab’s researcher (http://www.spintec.fr/)Keywords: magnetism, spintronics, modelling

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 33: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Nanostructures for magnetic applicationsNanotech2A

Magnetic media

Description: Introduce the magneticmaterials. Understand how theirmagnetization can be controlled byfield or current.

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

Use the proprieties of the magneticnanostructures to build applications:sensors, memories, storage media,…


Page 34: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• Associate Professor Grenoble INP

• Scanning Probe Microscopy Practicals

• Researcher at Institut NéelKeywords: quantum nanoelectronics, low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy

• Contact: [email protected]


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Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Advanced microscopies, part INanotech2A

Objective: Learn the physical principles in STM and general instrumentation for SPMs, review STM applications in various scientific fields.

Why this course in the Nanotech training?Scanning probe microscopies (SPMs) are essential in nanotechnologies for characterizing and investigating matter and devices at small scale


Page 36: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Scanning Probe Microscopy PracticalsNanotech2A

AFM single molecule mapping

Description: Learn and understanddifferent scanning probe micro-scopy methods for local inspectionof surfaces and devices

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

SPM is an essential ingredient inNanotechnology and Nanoscience, forvisualizing nano-objects, but also formanipulating them.



Page 37: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma’s teacher

• IMEP-LAHC-lab’s researcher (imep-lahc.grenoble-inp. fr/)Keywords: solar cells, optical and electrical simul ation and characterization

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 38: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

TCAD simulation - MOSFET ModelingNanotech2A

Description of the labwork: Technological and electrical simulation of a MOSFET.

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

To use TCAD tools and define a processflow; to design a device which will befabricated during the clean room labworkand characterized,…


Page 39: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Bertrand Le GRATIET

• Phelma’s teacher

“Lithography and Patterning in Silicon Manufacturing”


Digital Front End Manufacturing & TechnologySenior Member of technical staff | Lithography metrology department

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 40: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Lithography and Patterning in Silicon Manufacturing Nanotech2A

Description: Introduction to

Lithography process for semiconductor manufacturing

Role of Lithography within the Silicon Manufacturing cycle

How Lithography engineers managed to print sub-wavelength features

Impact of sub-wavelength imaging on manufacturing complexity

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

Photolithography is at the heart of silicon chip manufacturing

and is one of the main enabler of Moore’s law.

It is at the cross road of design and real structured materials


Page 41: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Aurélien KUHN

• Full time teacher at Phelma(Physics, Electronics, Clean Room, …)

• Coordinator of Clean Room sessions at Phelma

• Former researcher on Quantum Micro- and Nano-Opto-Me chanics

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 42: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Panagiota MORFOULI

• Full Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma’s teacherco-coordinator Nanotech program

• IMEP-LAHC-lab’s researcher ( http://imep-lahc.grenoble-inp.fr/)Keywords: microelectronics, photonics, radiofrequen cies

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 43: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Thierry OUISSE

• Full Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma’s teacher

• LMGP-lab researcher ( http://www.lmgp.grenoble-inp.fr )Keywords: nanophysics, nanomaterials, solid state p hysics,

crystal growth

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 44: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Nanostructure physics and quantum transportNanotech2A

Description: Introduce nanostructurephysics, quantum coherent andconfinement effects (conductancequantization, resonant tunneling,Coulomb blockade in single electrontransistors, carbon nanotubes...).

Why this course in the Nanotech training?

Quantum or confinement effects alreadyappear in existing industrial devices, andwill be key for future breakthroughinnovations.

Aharonov-Bohm electron wave interferences in a quantum ring.

Keyser et al.2002


Page 45: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• English Teacher, DET- Grenoble INP

• Phelma second language co-ordinator

• Area of concentration: Special Needs and Inter-cultural communication

• Contact:[email protected]


Page 46: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Quentin RAFHAY

• Associate Professor Grenoble INP

• Phelma’s teacher

• IMEP-LAHC-lab’s researcher (http://imep-lahc.grenob le-inp.fr/)Keywords: semiconductor device, electrical characte risationand modelling

• Contact: [email protected]

There’s no good picture of me,

so here’s a cat in a slice of pizza


Page 47: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Advanced CMOS deviceNanotech2A

Description: Introduce the advancedconcepts and effects on a specific andsignificant semiconductor device :


Why this course in the Nanotech training?Presents the detailed study of a verycomplex device, which is eithercompulsory to know if working in the fieldof CMOS, or a very good source ofinspiration when studying electronicdevices


Page 48: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department


• Assistant Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes

• Teacher in physics at UGA / Phitem and at G-INP / Phelma (Master Nanotech)

• Researcher at CNRS / Institut Néelhttp://neel.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique202Keywords: quantum nano electronics, scanning probe microscopy

• Contact: [email protected]


Page 49: Welcome to Grenoble INP -Phelma

Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics & Materials Science Department

Advanced microscopies, part IINanotech2A

Objective: Learn the physicalprinciples of the atomic forcemicroscopy (AFM) and how thistechnique can be employed tomeasure topography, probemechanical properties, imagecharge distributions or magneticdomains.

Why this course in the Nanotech training ?Scanning probe microscopies (SPMs) are essential in nanotechnologies for characterizing and investigating matter and devices at small scale.

