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Welcome To Miss Powell’s 3 rd Grade Class!! Email: [email protected].

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Welcome To Miss Powell’s 3 rd Grade Class!! Email: [email protected]
Page 1: Welcome To Miss Powell’s 3 rd Grade Class!! Email: kpowell3@montevallo.edu.

Welcome ToMiss Powell’s 3rd Grade Class!!

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Welcome To Miss Powell’s 3 rd Grade Class!! Email: kpowell3@montevallo.edu.

Daily Schedule

• 7:40-8:00 Unpack, sharpen pencils, and morning work.

• 8:00-9:30 Reading• 9:30-10:10 Social Studies• 10:10-11:15 Language Arts • 11:17-11:42 Lunch• 11:45-1:15 Math• 1:15-2:00 Science• 2:00-2:15 Wrap up, pack up• 2:15-2:45 P.E.• 2:45-3:05 Dismissal

Special Classes Schedule

Art- Mondays at 10:10Music- Wednesdays at 10:10Library- Fridays at 10:10

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Morning Procedures

• Every morning, students are to line up single file outside of the classroom orderly and quietly until invited in by the teacher.

• Get everything you need from your backpack and place it in the bin.

• You WILL NOT be allowed to return to your backpack for the rest of the day unless permission is given by the teacher.

• Put any teacher’s notes, lunch money, or returned forms in the red tray on the teacher’s desk.

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• Every morning, each student will sign in using the Daily Data system.

• Each student will move his/her classroom number to the PRESENT column and proceed to answer the daily data question.

• Excused absences will need to be brought in to the teacher and put in the folder labeled “Excuses” on the teacher’s desk. They will be forwarded to the main office.

• Students entering the building after 7:45 are considered TARDY and must go to the office upon entering to retrieve a tardy slip.

• Three tardies will result in ONE UNEXCUSED absence.

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Afternoon Dismissal

• Students will pack up & make sure there areas are clean before going to P.E. so that they will be ready to be dismissed upon returning from P.E.

• On the 1st bell, all bus riders will sit in ABC order along the designated wall.

• Car riders will be dismissed to car rider lines when their bell rings.

• After school care students will remain in the classroom until picked up by the ASC counselor.

• During this time, there will a “NO TALKING” policy enforced as it is imperative that we all hear any/all announcements.

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Late/Make-Up Work

• Late work with an excuse will be accepted.• Late work without an excuse will also be accepted,

with 1 point deducted for each day it is late.• Each child has a make-up folder that will have

necessary make-up work in it monitored by the classroom’s “make-up work monitor.”

• It is the child’s responsibility to check the folder after being absent.

• If there is an absence of more than 1 week, the teacher will supply the make-up work upon communicating with the guardian.

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• Homework will be given as needed.• Math homework will be given on Mondays and

Tuesdays of each week.• All homework must in yellow HW folders & be

turned in on the next morning in the blue crate on the front table.

• Put name, student number, and date on each and every paper turned in. Use the “paper header” format posted in the classroom. No exceptions. Work turned in that is missing a header will NOT be graded and will be considered late.

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“Rock Star of the Week”• Every child will have the opportunity to be the “Rock Star of

the Week.” When this happens for your child depends on his/her academic achievements, behavior & conduct, and quality of attitude.

• For this week, each child will be allowed to bring in a poster decorated with favorites. These favorites may be hobbies, family pictures, favorite stickers, or any other decorations the child may want to include.

• Each guardian will be asked to write a short letter to your child recognizing them & telling the class why your child is a rock star! Students will be allowed to share these letters on Friday.

• Students who do not bring in a letter will have one from Miss Powell to read aloud to the class.

• All posters, pictures, etc will be on display for everyone to see for the entire week!

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• Each child will receive a “Happy Birthday” certificate and a trip to the “birthday box” to receive a special treat.

• Individual parties are no longer allowed due to County wide restrictions

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Medication Procedures

• ALL medication (prescription & non-prescription) MUST be turned in to the Nurse in the original container with original prescriptions attached.

• NO MEDS will be allowed in the classroom and the teacher CAN NOT administer any medication (unless otherwise specified).

• See county wide handbook for further information.

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Classroom Visitors

• Because we are busy at work during the school year, we are asking that you visit on the following occasions only:– Field Trips– Classroom Parties– To eat lunch with your child.**All other occasions must be scheduled through the classroom teacher by calling the office or emailing the teacher.

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• While classroom visits are limited, parents who want to volunteer are highly appreciated!

• Here are a few of the events that volunteers are most needed for:– Fall Festival– Spring Carnival– Classroom Duties (copying & grading papers, parties,

bulletin boards, and organizing teacher supplies.)– Santa’s Workshop**If you are interested, you may sign up in the front office.**On the day of, please remember to sign in and retrieve a visitor’s pass from the front office.

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Classroom Rules

• Follow all directions the first time they are given.

• Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.

• Always come to class prepared.• Keep hands, feet, and other objects

to yourself.• Be responsible

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Rewards System

• Verbal praise is very popular in my classroom. I think that if I commend students on doing a great job, it encourages those who aren’t behaving as well as they should to do the right thing. Also, students adhering to rules and behavior policies may receive one of the following rewards throughout the school year:

• Free Time• Homework passes• Name on the “Thank You” board• Visit to the “Prize Pan”

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Consequences for Misbehavior

• Students receiving:• 1 move of pin=

Warning• 2 moves of pin= 10

min silent lunch• 3 moves of pin=

silent lunch, loss of recess, & phone call to parents.

• 4 moves of pin= office referral

• All conduct problems will be kept on student’s conduct sheet which will be sent home to parents every Friday.

• This sheet needs to be signed and returned on Monday in your child’s Monday folder.

**please note: Specific behavior plans will be drawn up as needed.

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Group Time Expectations

• Cooperative learning (working together in groups) is a big part of our learning, so students will be in groups for a lot of their day. Therefore, the following guidelines have been put into place:

• You will cooperate (work together).• You will share responsibilities to complete the task.• You will be supportive of each others thoughts and

ideas.• When you finish, check your answer for any errors.• When your task is complete, sit quietly.*Students not adhering to these guidelines will be dealt with according to their misbehaviors or actions.

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Student Activity During Stations

• Students will be group by the teacher and the group along with the station location will be visible on the “Station Rotation” chart.

• Stations will be in intervals of 15 minutes.

• Students may rotate to the next station at the sound of my bell.

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Seat Work Time

• Unless specified by the teacher, there is to be NO TALKING during seat work time.

• No student is to be up walking around or horse playing.

• After students have finished their assignment, they are to place it in the appropriate bin, basket, or tray and return to their seats.

• Students may do one of the following activities:– Read AR or MORE books ONLY (No I-Spy or picture books)– Take AR test.– Finish any work that has not been completed.– Sit quietly with head on the desk.*No other activities are allowed unless teacher specified.

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Stations• All students should check the station rotation chart to see

where they should be at all times.• All students should keep their voices to a whisper at all

stations and stay at that station until the bell rings to switch.• There will be station managers in place to make sure that all of

their station members are on task and doing what is required of them.

• Stations included in the rotation are :– Journaling– Creative Writing Pyramids– Partner Readings– Computer games– Independent reading*When the bell sounds, students are to quickly, but quietly clean up their stations and return back to their seats.

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Use of Classroom Materials

• All students are to take excellent care of ALL books, magazines, resources, computers, and all other classroom items.

• Students should always remember that these materials are PRIVELEGES and can be taken away if not cared for and treated properly.

• The students will be required to sign and date a Student User Form promising to take care of materials and assuming responsibility for all damages that occur during the time for which they possess the materials.

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• Students are NEVER to touch, bother, borrow anyone’s belongings unless they have special permission to.

• No student is to EVER be behind the teacher’s desk. That space is off limits. Immediate disciplinary action will result in disobedience in this matter.

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Bathroom & Water Policy

• We will go to the restroom twice per day as a class – once first thing in the morning and once after lunch. ALL students are expected to TRY to use the restroom during those times – no exceptions. The teacher does not want to hear, “I don’t have to go,” during restroom time. That simply means that student will have to interrupt the teacher, other students, and instruction time later to visit the restroom.

• Students are to get water at this time as well.• Students will be allowed two additional restroom visits

per day during independent work times. They will obtain a pass from the teacher before leaving the room and will move their magnets to the “restroom” section of the “Sign In” board. Only one boy and one girl will be allowed in the restroom at a time.

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Bathroom Emergencies

• A student needing an emergency restroom visit may ask the teacher for an additional visit. NOTE: A student’s having an emergency because he or she did not TRY to use the restroom during the class restroom time is NOT acceptable and will result in a conduct punch. Some students also use restroom visits to avoid doing work.

• Students with medical reasoning MUST have a legit doctor’s excuse before any restroom privileges will be granted.

**Note: If during small group instruction, student must hold up pinkie finger to refrain from interrupting instruction. The teacher will reply with a thumps up for “Yes” or hold up the palm of her hand for “No.”

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Parental Communication

Monday Folders will come home with your child every Monday.

This folder will include announcements, deadlines, and the weekly classroom newsletter.

On the left side (the “Bring Back to School”) side will be important papers that need to come back to school.

On the right side (“Keep at Home”) side will be graded papers that you may keep at home.

Also, any comments or concerns may be written and placed on the left side to be brought to me the next morning.

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From Me to You!

I want to take this time to thank all of you wonderful parents, guardians, sisters, brothers, and even friends for coming to share in this Open House and making it a success! Words can not describe the amount of excitement I have about this upcoming school year. I know your children are going to be the absolute best they can be and I can assure you that I will vow to lead, liberate, and empower their minds and lives as we embark on this instructional journey together! Please remember that I am here for you & your child, so don’t ever hesitate to send me an e-mail or leave a message for me at the front office. I’m looking forward to an Awesome year!

Sincerely, Miss Powell
