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Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church...2013/11/05  · Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian...

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Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 8, 2016 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering. CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi CENTERING SONG John Bell Behold, behold, I make all things new, beginning with you and starting from today, Behold, behold, I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the Way. OPENING PRAYER Bozenna Johnson * OPENING SONGS 621I Will Call upon the Lord Hymnal 452Open the Eyes of My Heart 705You Are Holy
Page 1: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church...2013/11/05  · Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 8, 2016 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register

Welcome to

Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 8, 2016

LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering.

CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi


Behold, behold, I make all things new, beginning with you and starting from today, Behold, behold, I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the Way.

OPENING PRAYER Bozenna Johnson

* OPENING SONGS 621—I Will Call upon the Lord Hymnal

452—Open the Eyes of My Heart

705—You Are Holy

Page 2: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church...2013/11/05  · Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 8, 2016 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (BASED ON ROMANS 12:1-8) One: Merciful God, how easy it is for us to adopt the attitudes and actions of the world around us; to let our lives be shaped by contemporary culture instead of Your call. All: Forgive us, Lord. One: How often we think of our own interests first—more concerned with our own status and well-being than with the well-being of others. All: Forgive us, Lord. One: We have not always treated one another as valued members of Your Body, the Church; that we have allowed intolerance and resentment to tear us apart. All: Forgive us, Lord. One: We don’t always acknowledge You as Lord; we trust in our own abilities and follow our own goals rather than seek to do Your will and answer Your call.

All: Forgive us, Lord.

—Moment of Silent Reflection— One: Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, transform us. All: Change us from the inside out, so that our words and our lives bring honor and glory to You, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

* THE PEACE As we are reconciled to God and to one another, share a sign of Christ’s peace and love with your neighbor.

—Children are invited to go to KIDS’ Connection at this time—

SONG—Indescribable Laura Story and Jesse Reeves

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Page 4: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church...2013/11/05  · Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church May 8, 2016 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register

SCRIPTURE READING—Romans 12:1-12 (The Message) NT p. 161

STATEMENTS OF FAITH BY CONFIRMANDS Heath Durren, Clark Sowle, Roderick Niles

SONG 701—Lord,Prepare Me Hymnal

SERMON—So What? Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi


AFFIRMATION OF FAITH—Apostles’ Creed Ecumenical Version

I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


OFFERTORY SONG—Jesus Loves Me Arr. Joel Raney

Chancel Choir and Angel’s Angels

DOXOLOGY 647—Give Thanks


* SENDING SONG 69—I, The Lord of Sea and Sky Hymnal



* Please stand if you are able. CCLI license: 1018801

Prayer of Confession adapted from re-worship worship resources

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LITURGIST: Bozenna Johnson DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Angel Gippert

PRAISE BAND: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar; Pete Zajicek on piano

SOUND: Laura Kerr VISUALS: Bryan Adair


LUNCHEON HOSTS: The Congregational Life Committee

CHANCEL FLOWERS: Placed by the Guindi family in memory of Louise Guindi on Lauren’s 18th birthday.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for the family and friends of Don Upward who died on April 21, the family and friends of Patricia Rutherford who died on April 21, Betty Ross, Nancy Schaefer, Cliff Dean, Sherrill Heinrichs, John Thomas, Rob Olson, Tom Sandercock, Karen Keier, Mary Alice Shrosbree, Janice Faigle, Dick Forbush, Phyllis Klinger, Bruce & Ruth Thomas, Keith & Celia Metcalf.

Please continue to pray for those with health or personal issues. If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, let the church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call.

The Board of Deacons also requests prayers for: Church members whose last names begin with the letters T and U, the Northbrook Confirmands and all college graduates.

TAKE MOM TO LUNCH—TODAY, MAY 8 Celebrate Mother's Day today following worship with a delicious bowl of soup, a light salad and a specially decorated cookie by Emily Stetson all served in Fellowship Hall. This special event is brought to you by the talented cooks on the Congregational Life Committee.

MISSION TRIP TALENT SHOW FUNDRAISER—SUNDAY, MAY 15 AT 5PM Calling all talented Northbrook members! Show off your talents and skills by participating in the Northbrook Talent Show taking place on Sunday, May 15 at 5:00 p.m. Join us for dinner and an evening filled with entertainment, laughter and fellowship with proceeds to benefit the Senior High Mission Trip to Princeton, Illinois. If you are interested in participating or purchasing tickets, please see or contact Ken Stetson at [email protected]. All ages and talents wanted! Tickets for dinner and the show are $10 per person or $25 per family.

NORTHBROOK ADOPT-A-BED PROGRAM Once again, Northbrook will be starting it’s Adopt-A-Bed program in order to keep our grounds looking beautiful throughout the year. Please see Jim Hothem in Fellowship Hall after the service for more information about how you can help. Thanks.

RYAN ROCKS! BLOOD DRIVE—WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 Bob and Kristen Miller are hosting a blood drive at Northbrook Church on Wednesday, May 18 from 1 – 7pm in Fellowship Hall in memory of their son, Ryan, who lost his battle with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2011. To schedule an appointment, please log onto http://www.redcrossblood.org (sponsor code: northpres) or call Kristen Miller at (248)642-0201 or Robin Clements at (248)646-8900, ext. 424. On-time appointments honored first, walk-ins welcome if time permits.

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FREEDOM HOUSE DETROIT COLLECTION—MAY THROUGH JUNE 12 Northbrook Church will be collecting the following items for Freedom House Detroit during May through June 12: new flip flops, rice, cooking oil, sugar, flour, salt, coffee, tea, bar soap, shampoo, toilet tissue, paper towels, and powdered laundry soap (HE/high efficiency) kind. The collection basket will be in the main hallway near the name-tag table. Shopping list copies are near the tote and also on the Mission bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Loose change in the Empty Bowls collection will be used to purchase gift cards. Thank you for your support.

LIVING THE QUESTIONS: SPRING TERM BEGINS WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 This DVD-based curriculum attempts to offer an alternative to studies that give us all the answers but rather creates an environment where we are free to interact with each other, live deeply into the questions we all share and explore what relevance Christianity has for us today. Each class stands alone so it is not necessary to have attended Fall or Winter term to enjoy this study. We will meet in the Library on Wednesdays beginning May 11 with the class running for 7 weeks. Choose either the 10 a.m. session or the 6:30 p.m. session and feel free to move between the two as your schedule permits. Cost is $5 for materials. Please let the church office know if you plan to attend.

PEWABIC POTTERY TOUR—SATURDAY, MAY 14 There are still a couple spots open to join the Pewabic Pottery tour and workshop on Saturday, May 14. Sign-up in Fellowship Hall. Those traveling in the church van will have lunch at Sinbad's after the tour and those choosing not to lunch or with other plans will need to provide their own transportation. Meet in the church parking lot at 9 a.m. The cost of the tour is $20, and it does not include lunch. Liz Hurbis will be collecting the $20 tour fee this Sunday, May 8 and determining carpooling and transportation needs. Please check with Liz Hurbis after worship or let her know your plans by calling her at (248)646-1316.

SUMMER WORSHIP IS IN YOUR HANDS! This summer, we’ll start our 9:45 a.m. summer worship time on Sunday, June 5 in the Sanctuary and then alternate between indoor and outdoor worship each week through September 11. A detailed schedule will be in the June newsletter and upcoming bulletins. We’ll resume our regular 10:15 a.m. worship time on September 18. Here’s where you come in: Is there a Bible passage you’d like to hear a sermon about? Is there a favorite song/hymn you’d like us to sing? Send the Bible verses (or just reference the story, e.g. “David and Goliath”) and song/hymn titles to [email protected]. As we design worship over the summer, your choices will be featured, but you never know when so better not miss a service!

MEN’S CONNECTION WRAP-UP BREAKFAST—THURSDAY, MAY 26 We extend a special invitation to all Northbrook men to our special breakfast wind-up meeting on Thursday, May 26th at 8 a.m. For more information, call Phil Owen at (248)851-6725, John Thomas at (248)827-0507 or Bill Travis at (248)338-3795. We sure hope to see you there!

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HEATH DURREN Heath is an eighth grader at Berkshire Middle School. He has grown up in Beverly Hills, Michigan where he lives with his Mom, Dad and sister Haven.

His hobbies include wrestling for the Berkshire team, playing the guitar and dominating at Broomball and Hockey. He’s been active in LOGOS, Mid-Highs and Mahn-Go-Tah-See Church Camp for several years, and is thrilled to

continue on into Senior Highs.

He likes Northbrook for the programs it offers, like retreats to Mahn-Go and Spring Hill and the many friendships he’s made here.

RODERICK NILES Roddy is in the eighth grade at Berkshire Middle School. He lives in West Bloomfield with his Mom and Dad. He has two older sisters: Sydney, who has just completed a degree in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, and Olivia who just finished her sophomore year at the College for Creative Studies.

Roddy enjoys playing tennis for Berkshire, Frisbee and schooling everyone in basketball at youth group. He’s a musician who plays bass, guitar and a little violin and piano too. One of his favorite parts of church is having the opportunity to share his musical gifts.

Roddy has been actively attending LOGOS, Mid-Highs and Mahn-Go-Tah-See camp for many years. He is excited to attend the Senior High Mission Trip this summer in Princeton, Illinois.

CLARK SOWLE Clark is also an eighth grader at Berkshire Middle School. He grew up in Beverly Hills where he lives with his Mom and Dad, his older brother Carson who is 16, and his younger brother Cooper who is 8.

Clark enjoys Boy Scouts, Frisbee (with the best forehand in youth group), painting (like Bob Ross) and playing video games (especially Call of Duty). In addition, he is an accomplished oboist with the Berkshire band and enjoys playing for church events like the Talent Show and worship services.

Clark has been part of Northbrook for nine years, and enjoys being part of LOGOS, Mid-Highs, going on retreats and Camp Mahn-go. He is eager to continue his Northbrook career as a Senior High this year.

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Office Hours

Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

Worship: Sundays at 10:15 a.m.

More news and calendar information can be found online at www.northbrookpc.org

Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025

Telephone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 [email protected] Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor

SUNDAY, May 8—Confirmation Sunday &Happy Mother’s Day 10:15 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Mother’s Day Luncheon in Fellowship Hall

MONDAY, May 9 1:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting—Men’s Group

TUESDAY, May 10 6:30 p.m. Congregational Life Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Building & Grounds Committee Meeting

WEDNESDAY, May 11 10:00 a.m. Pastor’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Knit Wits

THURSDAY, May 12 8:00 a.m. Men’s Connection 5:30 p.m. Senior Souper Supper

SATURDAY, May 14 10:00 a.m. Pewabic Pottery Tour (meet in church parking lot at 9:00 a.m.)

SUNDAY, May 15—Pentecost Sunday 10:15 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. KIDS’ Connection 11:15 a.m. Blood Pressure Screening 11:30 a.m. Deacons’ Meeting 11:30 a.m. Session Meeting 5:00 p.m. Northbrook Talent Show & Dinner Newsletter Article Deadline for June/July Newsletter

