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Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad...

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Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 6, 2019 Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. — Psalm 95:6 Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish Registration forms are available in parking lot vestibule or by calling the office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de la Reconciliación Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 PM Or by appointment/ Oh por cita Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 12@M Mass Schedule/ Misas Saturday/ Sabado 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM English 12:00 PM Spanish Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre Semana Wednesday 6:00 PM Español Thursday 7:00 AM Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma Music Coordinator: Colette Estes Faith Formation Coordinator: Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe Finance Council: Scott Harris Building Committee: Kim Price 512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org Office Hours: Moday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM
Page 1: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 6, 2019 Come, let us bow down in worship;

let us kneel before the Lord who made us.

— Psalm 95:6

Welcome to Visitors & New Members

You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we

invite you to register as a member of the parish Registration forms are available in parking lot

vestibule or by calling the office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacramento de la Reconciliación

Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 PM Or by appointment/ Oh por cita

Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 12@M

Mass Schedule/ Misas

Saturday/ Sabado 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM English 12:00 PM Spanish Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre Semana Wednesday 6:00 PM Español Thursday 7:00 AM

Parish Staff

Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma

Music Coordinator: Colette Estes

Faith Formation Coordinator:

Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres

Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe

Finance Council: Scott Harris Building Committee: Kim Price

512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org

Office Hours: Moday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM

Page 2: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos

To bring about the Kingdom of God in

our lives we see three basic approaches in the

catholic tradition.

The first one is the prophetic which is

normally attributed to the prophets. Prophets are sent

by God to challenge us to the awareness that we have

gone astray and we need to change to restore the

original dignity of the children of God. When we turn

away from God we become self-centered and will be

rebellious against God’s messengers. These can be

parents, teachers, preachers, siblings or even friends.

If we recognize our flaws and amend our ways we will

find favor with God.

The second is Apostolic approach. St Paul’s

letters, especially to Timothy, are clear examples.

This has a dual dimension: endorsing the sincere way

of discipleship journey while validating the

Christ-centered devotional life aiming at the

encounter with the Lord in His second coming. The

other dimension is of admonishing and instructing

the believers on the Christian way of life.

The third approach is Evangelical which

comes from the teachings and parables of Jesus

through the Gospels. Here we find the focus on the

love of God and love of neighbor. Through the

parable of the rich man and Lazarus Jesus requires us

to be concerned and compassionate about the needy

around us in order to find favor with God after this

life. Our choices in life have irreversible consequences

after this life.

In conclusion, we have to identify and dedi-

cate ourselves to our role and responsibility in God’s

plan for our salvation and of humanity. Deepen our

conviction that the Heavenly Father will reward us in

heaven. Live with that longing and live as a child of

God with love and compassion God bless you all.

10/6/2019 St. Joseph Catholic Church 2

From the Pastor’s Desk / Del Escritorio del Padre

Para lograr el Reino de Dios en nuestras vidas,

vemos tres enfoques básicos en la tradición católica.

El primero es el profético que normalmente se

atribuye a los profetas. Los profetas son enviados por

Dios para desafiarnos a la conciencia de que nos hemos

desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la

dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-

jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos y seremos

rebeldes contra los mensajeros de Dios. Estos pueden

ser padres, maestros, predicadores, hermanos o incluso

amigos. Si reconocemos nuestros defectos y modifica-

mos nuestros caminos, encontraremos el favor de Dios.

El segundo es el enfoque apostólico. Las cartas

de San Pablo, especialmente a Timoteo, son ejemplos

claros. Esto tiene una doble dimensión: endosar el

camino sincero del viaje de discipulado mientras valida

la vida devocional centrada en Cristo con el objetivo de

encontrarse con el Señor en su segunda venida. La otra

dimensión es amonestar e instruir a los creyentes sobre

el estilo de vida cristiano.

El tercer enfoque es evangélico, que proviene

de las enseñanzas y parábolas de Jesús a través de los

Evangelios. Aquí encontramos el enfoque en el amor

de Dios y el amor al prójimo. A través de la parábola

del hombre rico y Lázaro, Jesús requiere que seamos

preocupados y compasivos con los necesitados que nos

rodean para encontrar el favor de Dios después de esta

vida. Nuestras elecciones en la vida tienen consecuen-

cias irreversibles después de esta vida.

En conclusión, tenemos que identificarnos y

dedicarnos a nuestro papel y responsabilidad en el plan

de Dios para nuestra salvación y para la humanidad.

Profundizar nuestra convicción de que el Padre

Celestial nos recompensará en el cielo. Vive con ese

anhelo y vive como un hijo de Dios con amor y

compasión. Dios los bendiga a todos.

Page 3: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos

10/6/2019 St. Joseph Catholic Church 3

Liturgi][l Minist_r

Ministros D_ l[ Liturgi[

WEEKLY OFFERINGS: 09/29/2019 Offertory: $5,408.00 Weekly Budget Expectation: $5,900.00 Weekly Over/Under: ($492.00)


MASS SCHEDULE: Week of 10/6/2019

Sacrament of reconciliation: Wednesday at 5:30 pm and Saturday at 5:00 pm

SAT 10/12

SUN 10/13

Euc: Carol Rich, Alejandro Garcia, Rosemary Chriscoe, Tom Murphy, Dan Higgins

Lec: Tom Murphy, Marie Shandor

Hos: Ron Stark, Pat Whitehead, Wayne Dawson

Aco: Luis Mar nez, Nestor Medina

SAB 10/12

Euc: Margarita Tornero, San ago Alejo, Sofia Badillo, Jose Luis Cardoso, Juanita Montoya

Lec: Silvano Perez, Jesus Cardoso

Pet & Anu Josue Rojas

Hos: Jesus Cardoso, Agustin Dominguez, Adelina Dominguez, Esperanza Vera

Aco: Andres Mar nez, Edwin Avilez, Javier Solis, Samantha Garcia

DOM 10/13

Euc: Ruben Mar nez, Carmen Mar nez, Jose Flores, Luciana Flores, Ofelia Gallegos

Lec: Leonila Osorio, Bella Casas

Pet & Anu Patricia Palacios, Victor Alvarenga

Hos: Hilario, Agustin, Nicolasa Dominguez, Maria Esteban, Rosa Lopez, Santos Gonzalez

Aco: Jessica Alejo, Karla Alejo, Yarisbeth Alejo, Ernesto Medina

Euc: Keith Bryant, Marty Hornyak, Libby Nault

Lec: Mike Leach, Araceli Rodriguez

Hos: Mike Leach

10/7 Ma. Charie Gallo, Emmanuel Hernandez, Linda Romero, Maria Valdovinos

10/8 Emily Avila, Ashley Lopez Sanchez, Alanis Marin, Orlando Martinez Silva, Kevin Daniel Ocampo, Genobeba Ponce, Kath-leen Woelbl

10/9 David Beitzel, Scarlett Bravo Espinoza, Uriel Cabral, Jakelin Pena, John Pena

10/10 Paulina Aguilar, Alex Alvarez, Jesus Ambriz, Cherie Bohaboy, Alma Galvan, Adam Gross, Maria Lagunes, Francisco Javier Palma, Araceli Rodriguez, Barbara Skelly

10/11 Jessica Aguilar, Gumaro Benitez, Marbella Jaimes, Brenda Martinez Palma, Guadalupe Perez, Jose Trejo Jr.

10/12 Delmy Blanco, Cristian Jaimes, Sharon Ridgill, Carlos Ruiz, Blanca Vazquez Benitez

10/13 Steven Bejarano, Eduardo Bernal, Crystal Gallegos, Janet Gartner, Alondra Gonzalez, Elmer Hutchins, Alexander Soto

Mon10/7 8:15am Lindsey Draper by Joe McGinty

No Mass Wednesday through Friday Sat 10/12 1:00pm Paloma Santiago

4:00pm †David Tabor by Albert Hodges


Sun 10/13 9:00am

12:00pm †Raul Hurtado

by Familia Hurtado Ruiz


Have a Very Blessed Birthday

Page 4: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos

10/6/2019 St. Joseph Catholic Church 4

SAINTSANDSPECIALOBSERVANCESSunday: Twenty-seventhSundayin OrdinaryTime; RespectLifeSundayMonday: OurLadyoftheRosaryTuesday: YomKippur JewishDayofAtonement beginsatsundownWednesday: St.DenisandCompanions; St.JohnLeonardiFriday: St.JohnXXIIISaturday: BlessedVirginMary

TODAY’SREADINGSFirstReading—Thejustones,becauseoftheirfaith,shalllive Habakkuk1:2-3;2:2-4 .Psalm—Iftodayyouhearhisvoice,hardennotyourhearts Psalm95 .SecondReading—BearhardshipwiththestrengththatcomesfromGod 2Timothy1:6-8,13-14 .Gospel—TheapostlessaidtoJesus,“Increaseourfaith” Luke17:5-10 .

LECTURASDEHOYPrimeralectura—Apesardeviolencia,destrucciónyruina,eljustoviviráacausadesufeHabacuc1:2-3;2:2-4 .Salmo—Señor,quenoseamossordosatuvozSalmo95 94 .Segundalectura—Toleradi icultadesconlafuerzaquevienedeDios 2Timoteo1:6-8,13-14 .Evangelio—¡Señor,auméntanoslafe!Lucas17:5-10 .

LOSSANTOSYOTRASCELEBRACION Domingo: VigésimoSéptimoDomingodelTiempo Ordinario; DomingodeRespetoalaVidaLunes: NuestraSeñoradelRosarioMartes: YomKipur festivadjudía conocidacomoDíadelPerdón comienzaalapuestadelsolMiércoles: SanDionisioycompañeros; SanJuanLeonardiViernes: SanJuanXXIIISábado: SantaMaríaVirgen

READINGSFORTHEWEEKMonday: Jon1:1—2:2,11;Jon2:3-5,8; Lk10:25-37Tuesday: Jon3:1-10;Ps130:1b-4ab,7-8; Lk10:38-42Wednesday:Jon4:1-11;Ps86:3-6,9-10;Lk11:1-4Thursday: Mal3:13-20b;Ps1:1-4,6;Lk11:5-13Friday: Jl1:13-15;2:1-2;Ps9:2-3,6,16,8-9; Lk11:15-26Saturday: Jl4:12-21;Ps97:1-2,5-6,11-12; Lk11:27-28Sunday: 2Kgs5:14-17;Ps98:1-4;2Tm2:8-13; Lk17:11-19

LECTURASDELASEMANALunes: Jon1:1—2:2,11;Jon2:3-5,8; Lc10:25-37Martes: Jon3:1-10;Sal130 129 :1b-4ab,7-8; Lc10:38-42Miércoles: Jon4:1-11;Sal86 85 :3-6,9-10; Lc11:1-4Jueves: Mal3:13-20b;Sal1:1-4,6;Lc11:5-13Viernes: Jl1:13-15;2:1-2;Sal9:2-3,6,16,8-9; Lc11:15-26Sábado: Jl4:12-21;Sal97 96 :1-2,5-6,11-12; Lc11:27-28Domingo: 2Re5:14-17;Sal98 97 :1-4; 2Tm2:8-13;Lc17:11-19

’Tis not the dying for a faith that’s so hard—every man of every na on has done that—’ s the living up to it that’s difficult. William Makepeace Thackeray

Page 5: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos


Mientras muchos celebran el descubrimiento de América esta semana, los latinos celebramos más bien el Día de la Raza, insistiendo que Colón no pudo descubrir lo que no estaba ni perdido ni escondido. El 12 de octubre de 1492, Rodrigo de Triana grito: “Tierra a la vista”. Estas fueron las primeras palabras europeas que sonaron en el hemisferio occidental. Rodrigo gritaba a los españoles agitados y cansados por su largo viaje. Él les daba la buena noticia de que estaban por llegar a Guanahaní, que Cristóbal Colón renombró San Salvador.

Es así como se engendró un nuevo pueblo en América. Una raza mestiza se engendró en la búsqueda de Asia y luego fue dada a luz con el derrame de sangre indígena a manos del conquistador. A través del tiempo el continente americano poblado por nativos, ha recibido sangre, cultura e idioma europea, africana y asiática. De esta manera se ha ido desarrollando nuestro mestizaje. Celebremos que somos una mezcla de sangres, culturas, lenguas y creencias. Somos raza mestiza, nacida en el dolor; trabajamos y luchamos por una vida mejor. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

10/6/2019 St. Joseph Catholic Church 5

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes human relationships go awry, but Christ’s choice for us is irrevocable. In marriage celebrations, the Church always recalls God’s faithfulness to help prepare married couples for enduring the inevitable rough spots. The Byzantine liturgy does this by adorning the couple with crowns that remind them of the martyr’s crown. The couple therefore takes on a vocation of witnessing to the sacredness of life in all of its suffering and joy, and of keeping their eyes fixed on the banquet of heaven.

In Eastern theology, people have a liturgical vocation to give God praise, and marriage fits within that plan. It is not so much saying prayers that counts, but becoming prayer. Interestingly, in this liturgy the couple never utters a word other than joining in the community’s chants; there are no marriage vows as such. There is therefore not a hint of our Western Christian sense that marriage is a legal contract. Rather, it is all about living out one’s baptismal vocation, embracing the cross, pouring oneself out in love, and opening to the grace of the Holy Spirit.

—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Today our readings are about faith, frustration, and how much is enough. Habakkuk is a complainer having an argument with God. Timothy is encouraging a community challenged by cowardice and the apostles want more faith than they have. Things aren’t happening fast enough for any of them or for us. All of them and we want God to do something sooner rather than later and we want God to give us a reason to believe that it will all work out. What does God do? God puts it back on them—and us—telling Habakkuk to describe the world he wants; telling the apostles to do more than the expected. Doing more with less is a familiar phrase today and a reminder that a little faith may be enough even for the most difficult times. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

UN POCO DE FE Hoy nuestras lecturas acerca de la fe, la frustración y cuánto es suficiente. El profeta Habacuc es un quejoso que tiene una discusión con Dios. Timoteo está animando a una comunidad desafiada por la cobardía y los apóstoles quieren más fe de la que tienen. Las cosas no suceden lo suficientemente rápido para ninguno de ellos. Todos ellos y nosotros queremos que Dios haga algo mucho más antes que después y queremos que Dios nos dé una razón para creer que todo saldrá bien. ¿Qué es lo que quiere Dios? Dios se lo devuelve a ellos, y a nosotros, diciéndole a Habacuc que describa el mundo que él quiere; diciéndole a los apóstoles hacer más de lo que se espera. Haciendo más con menos es una frase muy conocida hoy y un recuerdo que un poco de fe puede ser suficiente incluso en los momentos difíciles. Cpyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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† Sacraments †

**Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221) to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish community **Sacrament of Marriage - Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior to the wedding date for necessary preparation.

**Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336-629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a pa-tient’s room number before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness.

**Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status

******************************************** Out of respect for the Liturgy in which we partake, please

turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers as you enter the Sanctuary of Our Lord. If your Children are acting up,

please take them to the cry room in order not to disrupt the liturgy for others.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS *The Knights are looking for new members to join their brotherhood.


The St. Joseph Columbiettes – Auxiliary 10891 would like to extend an invitation to all the ladies of the parish to join our organization. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact the church office. A current Columbiette will return your call.

The Columbiettes are continuing to sell Organic and Fairly Traded Coffees, Teas, Hot Chocolates, and Chocolate bars. Please help support the projects sponsored by our Columbiettes. Remember 5% of the purchase goes to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you.

Saint Joseph Youth Ministry 13- 18 Years Old Meets Every Sunday at Church 4:00p.m. Youth Mass 5:30-7:30p.m. Youth Meeting (Upstairs)



Please take a moment to pray for our parishioners needs, Illness, persona problems and our young men serving our country:

Christopher Gardner, Lillian Hazelwood & Ramona Shepard, Colleen Greene, Flora Smith, Gary Hutchins, Ralph Evans, Jose Espiallet, Monica Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel, Josefina Arellano, Laurie Wills, JR Newsome, Mary Matthews, Sara Dunmeyer’s daughter, Kevin Bennet, Donald Hills, Anna Pugh, Robert Barker, Sharleen Kindley, Eduardo Ramos, Annette Conley, Gwen Wills, Mary Poremba, Helen Faircloth, Selela Cecilio, Sharon Derosi

Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez, Matthew Bryant

Semenarians & Religious: Jose Palma, Kevin Martinez, & JessicaPalma

Box Tops Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you for your help

Youth Choir 6th Grade- 12th Grade Friday Rehearsal at Church 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Children’s Choir K- 5th Grade Friday Rehearsal at Church 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. Ines Rivero (Choir Director) 336-736-6681

Page 7: Welcome to Visitors & New Members · desviado y necesitamos cambiar para restaurar la dignidad original de los hijos de Dios. Cuando nos ale-jamos de Dios, nos volvemos egocéntricos


The Youth Group is collecting aluminum cans, tin cans, and other metal items for recycling to support the Youth Group activities. Please leave your items by the shed in the corner of the parking lot. Thank you in advance for separating the cans into separate bags for aluminum and steel. Steel items like old fry pans, basketball hoops, poles, tools, shovels, tire rims etc can be turned in for cash. Please donate. Thank you.

10/6/2019 St. Joseph Catholic Church 7


El Grupo de Jovenes es recogiendo latas de aluminio, latas de comida o cualquier otro metal para apoyar las actividades del Grupo Juvenil. Por favor deposite los articulos que usted tenga a la esquina de la casita. Gracias a los que poneen en bolsa separadas el alumino y el acero. Articulos de acero como sartenes biejos, erramientas, palas etc.. Se convierten en efectivo. Porfavor Done. Muchas Gracias.

Retrouvaille is a lifeline for marriages, a

program to help couples heal and renew

their hurting marriages. It is for couples

that are struggling, not communicating

well, and those who are considering

marriage separation or divorce. It is

also for those who are already separated or

divorced that want marriage help. For

confidential information or to apply to

attend the program beginning with the

weekend of October 11, 2019 call

800-470-2230 or email:

[email protected] or visit the web

site at www.retrouvaille.org.

Room At The Inn 20th Annual Benefit Banquet

will be on Thursday, October 17th ~ featuring speaker Pam Tebow~

REGISTER NOW (A endance is free but

reserva ons are required) We are also s ll looking for

people interested in hos ng a table or sponsoring the event.

If you are interested, please contact Marianne Donadio (336) 391-6299

[email protected] or go to www.RoomInn.org

Come Join!!! The Bible Study every Tuesday at 10am. Everyone

is welcome to join. This year we will be studying

‘A father who keeps His Promises’ by Scott Hahn
