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Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and...

Date post: 06-Nov-2020
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Welcome to Worship Connections Sunday 13 September 2020 This week’s lectionary readings Pent 15: Ex 14: 19-31; Ps 114; Rom 14: 1-12; Mt 18: 21-35 Next week’s reading Pent 16: Ex 16: 2015; Ps 105: 1-6; Phil 1: 21-30; Mt 20: 1-16
Page 1: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

Welcome to Worship Connections

Sunday 13 September 2020

This week’s lectionary readings

Pent 15: Ex 14: 19-31; Ps 114; Rom 14: 1-12; Mt 18: 21-35

Next week’s reading

Pent 16: Ex 16: 2015; Ps 105: 1-6; Phil 1: 21-30; Mt 20: 1-16

Page 2: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

In our Region Ministry We hope all our NBUC Fathers, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers and Carers had a wonderful day last Sunday and were able to be in contact with family in what form that may have been this year. This year’s Father’s Day was sadder for my family, after I called my Father-in-law and Brother-in-law who are in Melbourne and this year on Father’s Day, they were not allowed to have anyone in their house on Sunday or for the last 6 weeks and now their Stage 4 lockdown restrictions have been extended. For the first time since they have been in isolation, I could hear they were starting to feel down and the restrictions were taking a toll, which was really hard for me to hear. I am hoping and praying for them all that their restrictions ease sooner than expected. Blessings Steph

Bible Reading 2 Corinthians 1: 8 -11 "God moves through our prayers to accomplish great good in the lives of His people. One of the best ways to love others is to pray for them, because through our prayers we open the door to the help only God can provide. When we pray for others, we love them in His strength. There’s none greater or more loving than He."

This week in our daily Bible reading above and the notes associated with the reading was the comment by James Banks who had written the notes. We believe that at this time when prayer ministry is such a big part of our lives and very important.

This quote is very apt and says it all, blessings Carol and Peter McKay

Funeral Notice

Barbara William’s from our Cromer family passed away a few ago, her funeral will be held at NBUC Cromer on Wednesday 16 September @ 10am. Due to number restriction please contact Barbara Williamson on 9949 2124 if you wish to attend. Please keep Barbara’s family Alun and Jo in your prayers.

Prayer Requests Please pray for all HSC students as they commence their trial exams this week.

Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

If you know of anyone for our prayer requests, please email them to [email protected]

Welcome Jeremy Koay We are delighted to announce Dr Jeremy Koay has joined NBUC as our Music Coordinator. We are blessed to have Jeremy, who started playing the piano in a church band when he was 14 years old in Penang, Malaysia. He learned to read chord charts at church and was later encouraged to attend formal piano lessons. In 2007, he completed his ATCL (Associate of the Trinity College London) in Solo Piano Recital. He was the accompanist for the Malaysian team at the 2004 World Choir Olympics in Bremen, Germany. He has arranged and published voice, solo piano and string quartet arrangements of hymns and popular music internationally.

Jeremy is very passionate about sharing music with others.

Page 3: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

Freshwater Spring Garden Morning Tea Reconnecting with our church family is our mission this spring and we will be doing this with our Spring Garden Morning Teas.

All are welcome to join us in reengage with our Freshwater family for a chat and cuppa in the NBUC Freshwater Community Garden where the flowers are blooming.

Please note this morning tea is a Covid Safe Event and we will be adhering to strict Government regulations ensuring all our attendees are safe. We therefore must ask ALL attendees wear a facemask and bring their own morning tea.

Please see below details for our FIRST spring morning tea:

When: Thursday 17 September from 10am to 12 noon

Where: NBUC Freshwater Community Garden

rsvp: Please email Rev. Mata on [email protected] to ensure our numbers do not exceed 20.

Freshwater Albert Hall Pre-school celebrated their 21st birthday on 9

September. It is hard to believe 21 years ago members of our Freshwater Church joined with preschool staff to help with painting, cleaning and all the organising to have the premises ready to recive preschoolers. It was a great joint effort of what can be done with a dedicated group of people and the fellowship and the good friends it created and a lasting mission of goodwill and love to the community.

Congratulations to Kathryn and staff for maintaining a high standard of care to our pre-schoolers. Blessings Bruce

Freshwater Street Library

The Freshwater Street Library has a new lease of SPRING this week. We are offering fruit instead of books this week to our community. We are hoping our community are enjoying spring as much as our garden is.


Last Saturday, we enjoyed a spring clean with a working bee at Cromer, the Richardson family were represented by three generations.

We are also putting together the history of our Cromer Church and would welcome any information and photos you may have. Please contact Barbara on [email protected] or 9949 2124 if you are able to assist. So far we have a description of Cromer when it was called Dee Why West, with no transport system. We are all enjoying the walk down memory lane.

Page 4: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

Lifeline Northern Beaches Fundraiser Last Sunday the 2020 Manly Fun Run and Walk took place, all proceeds raised from this fundraiser are going to Lifeline Northern Beaches, a charity that is saving lives in our own backyard.

Helen Pook and Rev. John joined the LifelineNB team not only fundraising but also do the fun run.

Over $16,000 was raised for LLNB, kicking their $10,000 target, these funds will ensure LLNB are able to continue to operate and deliver their core services to the public.

Congratulations to all those who walked and ran and a huge thank you to all those who donated to this worthy cause.

Here are the 3 Lifeline ‘musketeers’, Judy, Candy and Helen Pook at the finish line and still smiling after walking 10 kms, the rest ran!! We enjoyed doing it ‘Our Way'

Family Ministry

This week we remembered our Playgrp morning tea picnics on the rug. I wonder when we can have a picnic together again in the park? Thinking of all Playgroup Family, blessings Pastor Kaye

Tune into the Little Footsteps Facebook Page each Monday from 9. 30am https://www.facebook.com/littlefootstepsplaytime/

Covid Check in When you are next visiting an NBUC site, you will notice we have QR scan codes available for quick covid check ins, this new process is also paperless.

All you need to do is use the camera on your phone and put it up to the square scan bar and at the top of your phone you will get a drop-down box (click on it like in the pictures example). You will be prompted to fill in your details (name, mobile, email). Please note the first box is the number of people you are checking in, if you have children or dependants with you change the number to reflect this. Once all your details are filled in press the submit button and you have successfully checked in. Your details will be sent to our NBUC Covid register for contact tracing should it be required.

Page 5: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

NBUC Worship Service Dates

All are welcome to attend any of the following services below:

NBUC Freshwater Our next service is this Sunday 13 September @ 9am, please email Rev. Mata on [email protected] for further details.

NBUC Balgowlah Our next Live Streaming service is next Sunday 20 September @ 9.30am, please email Rev. Mata on [email protected] for further details.

NBUC Manly Our Manly Regional Outreach service are weekly on a Sunday @ 10am, all attendees must confirm their attendance prior to each service by emailing [email protected]

Our next NBUC Manly Youth ‘Untitled’ Worship night is scheduled for Saturday 19 September from 6.30pm.

NBUC Cromer Our services are weekly on Sunday’s @ 9am, all attendees must confirm their attendance prior to each service by emailing [email protected]

Regional Worship Zoom

All are welcome to join us for our next Regional Worship Service. We will again have the zoom available from 9am for you to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with everyone, prior to the 9.30am service. Please see full details below:

When: Sunday 27 September from 9am

Zoom login details https://uca-nswact.zoom.us/j/98275363658

Dial in number 02 8015 6011

Meeting ID: 982 7536 3658

What’s on @ NBUC Sunday’s

NBUC Worship Services (please see above for full details)

Regional Worship Zoom Service on 27 September @ 9.30am


Little Footsteps stories and activities from 9.30am via Little Footsteps Facebook Page


Cromer Craft Group @ 9.30an

Christian Meditation @ 7pm via Zoom

Bible Study Group @ 7pm via Zoom

Adhoc Groups

Music Connect Group via Zoom

If you would like to join any of these activities, please email [email protected] for any additional information or links.

Page 6: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

Covid Updates We understand that trying to keep up with the changes to government requirements can be daunting and confusing. To ensure clarity Synod have summarised a list of the current requirements for the most common situations. not an exhaustive list of every situation, for further details please visit

Summary of current COVID Safe Requirements (please use this link for full summary)

Please see below regulations for gatherings, meetings and worship, for all other regulatiosn please use the links above.

Gatherings and Meetings

- Maintain 1.5m physical distancing - Maintain hand hygiene - Practice respiratory hygiene (cough into elbow etc) - Stay home when sick and get tested - Maintain attendance lists for tracing purposes - Complete COVID Safety Plan and have copy onsite (we are told police are randomly checking) - Maintain strict COVID Safe cleaning regime


Decide whether the risk of meeting face to face can be confidently managed. Synod cannot decide this for you as it does not have the authority. It is a local Church Council decision. If you do meet in person:

- Register as a COVID Safe Business (this has been completed for all NBUC sites) - Max number is 100 subject to four square metre rule - Masks are highly recommended for ages 12 and up especially in areas where there has been

community transmission - Singing is extremely high risk. Synod recommends no singing. This includes no humming,

chanting, dancing, or similar activities, even if people wear masks.

Offerings Please see below NBUC bank details for those wish to transfer offerings, or alternatively cheques can be posted to NBUC, P O Box 245, Balgowlah, NSW 2093

Site Account Name BSB Account Number

Freshwater Freshwater Giving Direct 634-634 100031353

Cromer Cromer Working 634-634 100025865

Manly Manly Working 634-634 100003165

Balgowlah Balgowlah Giving Direct 634-634 100025865

Page 7: Welcome to Worship Connections€¦ · Please continue to keep Margaret, Joyce Todd, Allan and Glynis Woolcock, Robyn Poole, John Smithers and Jim Thwaites in your prayers and thoughts.

NBUC Online Sites


YouTube google Northern Beaches Uniting Church

Facebook Pages, google:

Northern Beaches Uniting Church

Little Footsteps Playgroup

Salt & Light Ministry (for our Youth Page)
