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Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

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Z:\2012\120617HG\REC\REPT\FREDRICKSON NORTH\TR_JOSEPH_GAWA_WELL9_2012_0203.DOCX TRANSMITTAL Mr. Mark T. Joseph, P.E. Community Water Supply Program Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 525 West Allegan Street Lansing, MI 48909 February 3, 2015 Re: Gratiot Area Water Authority Well No. 9 Project No. G120617HG FOR REVIEW FOR YOUR USE AS REQUESTED Sent By: Tim K. Patterson/tdk COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 02/02/2015 Hydrogeological Study Type I Public Water Supply Well, Gratiot Area Water Authority Well No. 9, Gratiot County, Michigan 1 CD containing aquifer performance test data included as Appendix 6 (Excel) of the Hydrogeological Study Type I Public Water Supply Well By email and FedEx cc/att: Kenneth G. Wiley, CPG - FTCH John A. Willemin, PE - FTCH
Page 1: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study



Mr. Mark T. Joseph, P.E. Community Water Supply Program Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 525 West Allegan Street Lansing, MI 48909

February 3, 2015

Re: Gratiot Area Water Authority Well No. 9 Project No. G120617HG FOR REVIEW FOR YOUR USE AS REQUESTED Sent By: Tim K. Patterson/tdk


1 02/02/2015 Hydrogeological Study Type I Public Water Supply Well, Gratiot Area Water Authority Well No. 9, Gratiot County, Michigan

1 CD containing aquifer performance test data included as Appendix 6 (Excel) of the Hydrogeological Study Type I Public Water Supply Well

By email and FedEx

cc/att: Kenneth G. Wiley, CPG - FTCH John A. Willemin, PE - FTCH

Page 2: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study






Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. Engineers • Scientists • Architects • Constructors 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Telephone: 616-575-3824

Page 3: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 1

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDY AREA ........................................................................................ 5 2.1 Topography .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Surface Water ...................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Hydrogeological Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 5

2.3.1 Referances and Resources .................................................................................................... 5 2.3.2 Geology ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.3 Hydrogeology .......................................................................................................................... 8 Recharge ............................................................................................................. 8 Hydrostratigraphy and Hydraulic Boundaries ..................................................... 8 Estimates of Hydraulic Properties ....................................................................... 9 Regional Groundwater Flow ................................................................................ 9

3.0 TEST PRODUCTION WELL NO. 9 ................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Test Production Well Construction .................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Observation Well Construction .......................................................................................................... 11

4.0 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER .......................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Step-Drawdown Test ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Background Groundwater Elevations ................................................................................................ 12 4.3 Aquifer Performance Test .................................................................................................................. 12 4.4 Determination of Aquifer Coefficients of Transmissivity, Hydraulic Conductivity, and Storage......... 13 4.5 Well Efficiency .................................................................................................................................... 15 4.6 Safe Yield Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 15

4.6.1 Drawdown Projections in Well No. 9 .................................................................................... 16 4.6.2 Long-Term Pumping Effects on Hydrologic Features, Nearby Wells and Nearby Sites of

Environmental Contamination............................................................................................... 16 Large Quantity Water Withdrawal Permit .......................................................... 17 Pumping Effects on Other Wells ....................................................................... 17 Capture Zone Delineation ................................................................................. 18

4.6.3 Safe Yield Recommendations .............................................................................................. 18

5.0 WATER QUALITY DATA ................................................................................................................................. 19

6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 20

7.0 MONITORING RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................... 21

8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 22


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LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Map of Study Area Figure 2 Site Map with Cross Section Locations Figure 3 Cross-Section A-A’ Figure 4 Cross-Section B-B’ Figure 5 Cross-Section C-C’ Figure 6 Cross-Section D-D’ Figure 7 Regional Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 8 Well No. 9 and Observation Well Location Map Figure 9 Model Predicted Groundwater Elevations Figure 10 Model Predicted 100-Day Drawdown Figure 11 Well No. 9 10-Year Capture Zone LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Well Location Information .............................................................................. 11 Table 2 Summary of Step-Drawdown Test Results ....................................................................... 12 Table 3 Summary of Aquifer Transmissivity and Storativity Data ................................................... 14 Table 4 Test Production Well Summary of Key Inorganic Water Quality........................................ 20 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Location Coordinates and Top-of-Casing Elevations Appendix 2 MDEQ Test Production Well Approval Letter, December 10, 2008 Appendix 3 Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map Appendix 4 Well No. 9 and Monitoring Wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 Soil Boring, and Well Construction Appendix 5 Graph of Step-Drawdown Test Data Appendix 6 Digital Aquifer Performance Test Data (Pretest, Pumping, and Recovery) Appendix 7 Hydrograph of Water Level Data – (Pretest, Pumping, and Recovery) Appendix 8 Graphs of Aquifer Performance Test Appendix 9 Assumptions and Equations used in Aquifer Performance Test Data Analyses Appendix 10 Large Quantity Water Withdrawal Permit Appendix 11 Groundwater Analytical Laboratory Data Sheets


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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS amsl above mean sea level bgs below ground surface FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map FTCH Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. ft2/day square feet per day GAWA Gratiot Area Water Authority gpd/ft gallons per day per foot gpm gallons per minute gpm/foot gallons per minute per foot MCL maximum contaminant level MDEQ Michigan Department of Environmental Quality MDNRE Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment mgd million gallons per day NAVD North American Vertical Datum RS&GIS Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science S storativity Stearns Stearns Drilling T transmissivity USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USGS U.S. Geological Survey


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. (FTCH) was retained by the Gratiot Area Water Authority (GAWA) to complete a hydrogeological study that included an evaluation of the geological and hydrogeological setting, and an aquifer pump test to evaluate an existing test production well (Well No. 9). This report presents the findings of the hydrogeological study for the proposed Type I Public Water Supply Well (Well No. 9). Well No. 9 is located in Arcada Township at 5400 North Luce Road, Section 4 (T11N R3W), Gratiot County, Michigan, approximately 2,150 feet north of Van Buren Road and 850 feet east of Luce Road. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) approved installation and testing of the test production well at this site in a letter dated December 10, 2008. Evaluation of available well logs, published reports, and information gained from test borings/wells in the study area indicate that the aquifer in which Well No. 9 is completed is aerially extensive throughout most of the study area. Based on this evaluation and other factors determined by the MDEQ, a large quantity withdrawal permit, including Well No. 9, was issued to GAWA by the MDEQ on July 31, 2014. This permit authorizes 3.56 million gallons per day in withdrawal capacity. The large quantity withdrawal permit, in part, is MDEQ’s determination that the surface water resources of the area of groundwater withdrawal will not be significantly impacted. Well No. 9 was installed March 2, 2009, by Stearns Drilling (Stearns), using mud rotary drilling methods. Well No. 9 was completed at a depth of 243 feet below ground surface (bgs), constructed of 12-inch diameter steel casing, and equipped with a 25-foot long, slot 30, stainless-steel screen. The annulus between the screen and borehole wall was filter packed from the base of the well screen up to a depth of approximately 201 feet bgs. The remaining borehole annulus was grouted with a neat cement grout from 201 feet bgs to ground surface. Well No. 9 was completed in a confined aquifer that is comprised of glacial outwash deposits. An aquifer performance test was performed by pumping Well No. 9. The test methods used comply with the requirements of the MDEQ Aquifer Test Policy ODWMA-399-003. Aquifer coefficients of transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) were calculated from the test results. The average aquifer coefficients of T and S were calculated to be 6,632 square feet per day (ft2/day) and 0.00042, respectively. The rated capacity of Well No. 9 was determined to be 625 gallons per minute (gpm). The rated capacity was determined based on well construction and pump design characteristics. The Theis solution with the average T and S from the aquifer test was used to solve for the drawdown in the test production well after 100 days of continuous pumping at 625 gpm. The resulting drawdown in Well No. 9 after 100 days of pumping at 625 gpm was calculated to be 75 feet, which is safely within the range of available drawdown due to well construction and pump design characteristics (93 feet). FTCH used a numerical groundwater flow model to predict local and regional drawdown and its effect on nearby wells and sites of environmental contamination. The groundwater modeling results indicate there will be additional long-term drawdown in the area of groundwater extraction that could have some effect on local private water supply wells. However, the drawdown analysis indicates any impact to be minimal


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and repairable, if necessary. The likelihood of contamination at the test production well from contaminants associated with sites identified within the 10-year time of travel is very low. Water samples were collected from the test production well and analyzed for the MDEQ required water quality parameters. Laboratory results indicate that water from the test production well meets all applicable federal water quality standards, with the exception of iron and sulfate, which exceeded the federal secondary drinking water standards. Based on the hydrogeological study, GAWA will seek MDEQ approval to convert the test production well to a Type I Public Supply Well, with a rated capacity of 625 gpm.


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The cities of St. Louis and Alma formed a joint water authority, the GAWA, which will own and operate a

shared water supply system (wells, raw water transmission main, water plant, and booster pumping

stations). The formation of GAWA was driven by the City of St. Louis groundwater supply being

contaminated with para-chlorobenzene sulfonic acid.

GAWA plans to abandon and replace the entire existing St. Louis groundwater supply with a new

groundwater supply well system. The City of St. Louis currently operates six existing supply wells. The

St. Louis system will be replaced with new groundwater supply wells that have a combined total capacity

of 3.56 million gallons per day (mgd), and a firm capacity (capacity with largest well out of service) of

2.80 mgd.

The City of St. Louis recently purchased four new wells on two sites for the purpose of replacing the

existing St. Louis well system. The new wells were installed by a third party involved in a lawsuit involving

the Velsicol site (source of groundwater contamination) and the impact to the St. Louis well system. A

settlement was reached in the lawsuit and the City of St. Louis purchased the wells from the respective

landowners. The wells will become assets of the GAWA after the project is completed.

GAWA retained FTCH to complete a hydrogeological study for the purpose of identifying additional

potential groundwater supply sites and evaluating the four recently acquired test production wells.

Specific tasks included:

● Completing a preliminary evaluation of the geological and hydrogeological settings in the study area.

● Installing test borings and monitoring wells.

● Conducting an aquifer performance test at one of the purchased test production wells (Well No. 9).

● Determine drawdown effects on nearby wells; and determine potential for impact from other sites of

environmental contamination.

Rule 813 of the State of Michigan Public Act 399 (Safe Drinking Water Act) requires a supplier of water

from a Type I Public Water Supply to prepare a study of hydrogeological conditions for the determination

of an isolation area and the acceptability of the proposed location of the well. This report is the

hydrogeological study for the proposed Type I Public Water Supply Well No. 9. The study includes a

compilation and evaluation of data necessary to determine the isolation area, the acceptability of the well

location, and the availability of groundwater at that location.


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It is anticipated that Well No. 9 will be used to partially replace the total capacity of 3.56 mgd of the

existing City of St. Louis well system. Additional new supply wells will be required to replace the

remaining quantity of groundwater needed from abandonment of the St. Louis well system after

Well No. 9 is operational. Each new well will be tested and evaluated separately, and details will be

provided in separate reports. The overall effect of the entire new well system required to replace the St.

Louis water supply will be evaluated and discussed in a future report.

A numerical groundwater flow model was developed (Fleis & Vandenbrink, September 2012) as part of

the Wellhead Protection Program for the City of Alma. The groundwater flow model was calibrated to

groundwater levels collected throughout the study area, including the primary aquifer units in which all of

the existing St. Louis and Alma water supply wells are installed (including Well No. 9). FTCH utilized this

model to estimate groundwater flow conditions under various groundwater withdrawal scenarios.

FTCH tested the groundwater flow model against results from a long-term aquifer performance test

conducted at another well site (Peska South) in July 2014. There was good agreement between the

model results and the measured water levels collected during that aquifer performance test. The results

of the Peska South aquifer test and other regional study work conducted by FTCH has not been reported

as this work is ongoing. Based on preliminary findings, FTCH believes use of the model for predicting

drawdown in the localized area of groundwater withdrawal is sufficient for purposes of this report.

However, the groundwater model may have to be recalibrated and adjusted based on the new information

gained from the regional study currently in progress. Therefore, the currently developed model may have

to be revised for use in predicting long-term sustainability of the aquifer when evaluating the entire new

well system for GAWA in the future.


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The study area considered in this hydrogeological study falls primarily within the City of Alma and Arcada

and Pine River Townships, Gratiot County, Michigan. The study area and locations of test production

wells, observation wells, and City of Alma Type I water supply wells in the study area are shown on

Figure 1.

The following physical characteristics are considered in this assessment:

• Topography

• Surface water

• Groundwater recharge

• Geology and hydrogeology

• Hydrostratigraphy and hydrogeologic boundaries


The Alma area consists of gently rolling hills and level plains. According to the Alma South and Alma

North Quadrangle United States Geological Survey Topographic Maps, the land surface elevation in the

study area ranges from approximately 775 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to approximately 740 feet

amsl, with localized surface grades towards the Pine River. The topography of the study area is shown on

Figure 1.


Several surface water features exist in the study area, most notably the Pine River. The Pine River is a

tributary to the Chippewa River and flows from the southwest to the northeast. The Pine River merges

with the Chippewa River which in turn merges with the Tittabawassee River, and ultimately drains into the

Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron. Several streams, wetlands, and small lakes are also located within the

study area.



The hydrogeological characterization of the study area was achieved using a combination of existing and

readily available information (published studies conducted by others, data bases, and information

maintained by local units of government, and government agencies), and information and data gathered

by FTCH as part of the field investigative work performed for GAWA. The following are the primary


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resources with references to existing information used to support the hydrogeological characterization

presented in the section:

Apple, B.A. and Reeves, H.W., 2007, Summary of Hydrogeologic Conditions by County for the State of

Michigan, USGS Open-File Report 2007-1236

Farrand, W.R. and Bell, D.L., 1982, Quaternary Geology of Northern Michigan

Fleis & Vandenbrink, 2012, Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Report for the City of Alma

FTCH, 2002, Hydrogeological Study for a Type I Public Water Supply for the City of Alma

FTCH, 2009, Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Report for the City of St. Louis

Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project, a cooperative effort between the Water Bureau - Michigan

Department of Environmental Quality, USGS - Michigan Water Science Center and Michigan State

University - Institute of Water Research, RS&GIS and Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering


Vanlier, K.E., 1963, Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1619 Groundwater Resources of the Alma

Area Michigan

WELLOGIC database, Michigan Geographic Data Library


Western Michigan University, 1981, Hydrogeological Atlas of Michigan, Department of Geology

Westjohn, D.B. and T.L. Weaver, 1998, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Michigan Basin Regional

Aquifer System: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1418, 47 p.


Unconsolidated glacial materials were deposited over the Alma area during several glacial episodes. The

glacial deposits consisted of layers of fine-grained glacial till and coarse-grained outwash. Thick deposits

of sand and gravel compose a buried outwash channel that is present under the central and western

portions of the City of Alma. This thick buried outwash channel nearly parallels the current Pine River

course. Thinner buried outwash deposits are also present in the area.


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A study of the groundwater resources of the Alma area was conducted by the United States Geological

Survey (USGS). Results of the study were published in a 1963 report titled Geological Survey

Water-Supply Paper 1619 Groundwater Resources of the Alma Area Michigan (Vanlier, 1963). Much of

the information known about the Alma area hydrogeology is provided in the USGS report. In the report

abstract, the following is stated by the author:

The consolidated rocks of the Alma area are mantled by Pleistocene glacial deposits, which are as much as 550 feet thick where preglacial valleys were eroded into the bedrock. The glacial deposits consist of till, glacial-lake deposits, and outwash. Till deposits are at the surface along the south-trending moraines that cross the area, and they underlie other types of glacial deposits throughout the area. The till deposits are of low permeability and are not a source of water to wells, though locally they include small lenses of permeable sand and gravel.

In the western part of the area, including much of the City of Alma, the glacial lake deposits consist primarily of sand and are a source of small supplies of water. In the northeastern part of the area, the deposits are predominantly clayey and low permeability. Sand and gravel outwash yields moderate and large supplies of water within the area. Outwash is present at the surface, along the West branch of the Pine River. A more extensive deposit of outwash buried by the lake deposit is the source of most of the groundwater pumped at Alma. The presence of an additional deposit of buried outwash west and southwest of the City is inferred from the glacial history of the area. Additional water supplies that may be developed from these deposits are probably adequate for anticipated population and industrial growth.

According to the Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project, and the USGS Open-File Report

2007-1236 Summary of Hydrogeologic Conditions by County for the State of Michigan:

With the available information glacial lithologies cannot be regionally correlated in the subsurface. This is likely due to the lateral and vertical heterogeneity of glacial deposits that resulted from a complex depositional history (Westjohn and others, 1984). In the county, the thickness of the glacial deposits ranges from 51 to 600 ft (Western Michigan University, 1981). Glacial deposits in Gratiot County include lacustrine deposits, outwash, and till (Farand and Bell, 1982; Vanlier, 1963b). In general, lacustrine sand and gravel deposits dominate the southeastern portion of the county; while deposits in the central portion of the county are primarily lacustrine clay and silt. Outwash is composed of sand and gravel. In the Alma area, lenses of silt and clay are present in the outwash, and outwash deposits are capable of supplying moderate to large amounts of water to wells.

The glacial deposits in Gratiot County are underlain by bedrock of Jurassic and Pennsylvanian age. The

Pennsylvanian Saginaw formation is found beneath Alma and St. Louis. While the Saginaw Formation is

200 to 350 feet thick and yields moderate supplies of both fresh and saline water in Gratiot County, this

aquifer generally contains objectionable amounts of chloride in the Alma/St. Louis area, and is generally

not considered an adequate source of groundwater for municipal supplies (Vanlier, 1963).


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According to the Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project and the USGS Open-File Report

2007-1236 Summary of Hydrogeologic Conditions by County for the State of Michigan:

According to the February 2005 Wellogic database, approximately 85% of the wells in Gratiot

County are completed in the glacial deposits, and 12% in the bedrock units. There is insufficient

information to make this distinction for 3% of the wells in the county.

Aquifers in glacial deposits consist largely of sands and gravels and vary regionally in thickness

and permeability. According to the Public Water Supply database, the estimated transmissivity

for glacial wells in Gratiot County ranges from approximately 1270 to 5050 ft2/day. In the Alma

area, shallow (0 to 30 ft in depth) lacustrine deposits are composed of sand and silt and may

yield small supplies of water. The water from the shallow lacustrine deposits is generally hard

and high in iron, and locally high in nitrate. Deeper lacustrine deposits in the Alma area also

include sandy and silty clay deposits that act as a partially confining layer. These deposits do

not supply water. The western portion of the Alma area is underlain with buried outwash, and

this is the main source of water for the city. Transmissivity values were estimated from the

coefficient of transmissibility for wells in buried outwash deposits using flow-net analysis and

pumping tests. These values range from 1,537 to 2,673 ft2/day and 1,604 to 4,411 ft2/day,

respectively. RECHARGE

Recharge is the amount of water that infiltrates the subsurface and becomes part of the underlying

aquifer. Recent work using the baseflow separation method was used to complete recharge estimates

across Michigan (Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project, a cooperative effort between the Water

Bureau - Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, USGS - Michigan Water Science Center and

Michigan State University - Institute of Water Research, RS&GIS, and Biosystems and Agricultural

Engineering). The estimates indicate that the recharge in the study area varies between 5 to 9

inches/year with an average value of 6.4 inches/year. According to the work, accuracy of the recharge

estimate is estimated to be ±2.44 inches/year in the study area. HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY AND HYDRAULIC BOUNDARIES

FTCH developed four cross sections (A-A’ through D-D’) to aid in the visualization and understanding of

the site geology and hydrostratigraphic units. The cross-section locations are depicted on Figure 2 and

the cross-sections have been included as Figures 3 through 6. Cross-sections incorporated the results of


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the recent test borings, as well as agricultural wells, historical test borings, City of Alma water supply wells

and residential well records obtained from WELLOGIC. The two east-west (A-A’ and D-D’) and two

north-south (B-B’ and C-C’) cross-sections provide coverage to help define the glacial deposits and

geologic boundaries in the study area.

Based on these cross- sections, and according to the regional geology and observations made during the

characterization of the site geology, laterally continuous sand and gravel deposits form a confined aquifer

that extends throughout the majority of the study area. This aquifer is confined by an overlying clay-rich till

unit that acts as an aquitard and by an underlying assemblage of glacial till with discontinuous sequences

of sand and gravel that acts as a lower confining layer. These confining layers form hydrologic boundaries

that provide the upper and lower bounds of the glacial aquifer, which currently serves as the City of

Alma’s water supply source.

The City of Alma supply wells are completed in glacial sand and gravel deposits that are approximately

100 feet thick and extend to depths of approximately 160 feet bgs. The GAWA recently acquired four test

production wells (Fredrickson North [Well No. 9], Fredrickson South, Peska North and Peska South).

These test production wells are completed within glacial sand and gravel deposits that are approximately

200-feet thick and extend to depths of approximately 250 feet bgs on the former Fredrickson property and

approximately 280 feet bgs on the former Peska property.

Based on the results of the aquifer performance test completed at Well No.9 in December 2014, it was

apparent that observation wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, FS-2, and the Alma Supply Wells were screened in the

same formation as Well No. 9. Based on the cross-sections included as Figures 3 through 6 and the

regional geology, the confined aquifer that Well No. 9 is installed in is laterally continuous and extends

throughout the majority of the study area, and includes the aquifer in which the City of Alma wells (Well-1,

Well-7, and Well-8) are installed. The aquifer appears to extend predominantly west and south of the City


Estimates of hydraulic properties were determined from the recent aquifer testing, and are summarized

and discussed in Section 4.4 of this report. REGIONAL GROUNDWATER FLOW

Regional potentiometric surface contours were provided in the 2009 Wellhead Delineation Report for the

City of St. Louis. The potentiometric surface (Figure 7) indicates an overall easterly groundwater

flow direction.


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Well No. 9 is located at 5400 North Luce Road in Section 4 (T14N R3W), Gratiot County, Michigan,

approximately 2,150 feet north of Van Buren Road, 850 feet east of Luce Road, and approximately 430

feet south of the Pine River, as shown on Figure 8. Figure 8 shows the locations of Well No. 9 and the

observation wells. The location coordinates and top-of-casing elevations for Well No. 9 and observation

wells are provided in Appendix 1 and summarized in Table 1. The MDEQ approved installation and

testing of the test production well at this site in a letter dated December 10, 2008. A copy of the letter is

provided in Appendix 2. FTCH conducted a 24-hour aquifer performance test by pumping Well No. 9, and

measuring drawdown and recovery from the test well and observation wells from December 3 through

December 5, 2014.

The test production well is located on a 78-acre parcel of undeveloped land. There are no known sources

of contamination within a 200-foot isolation distance of the test production well. FTCH reviewed state and

federal records regarding potential sources of significant contamination within a 2,000-foot isolation

distance of the test production well. No known significant sources of contamination were identified within

this search area.

FTCH reviewed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)

(Appendix 3) to determine if the test production well was within the 100-year flood plain. Based on this

map, Well No. 9 is in a Zone A (no base flood elevation has been determined) of a special flood hazard

area subject to inundation by the 1% annual chance of flood. The ground elevation at the test production

well is 744.89 (NAVD 88) feet amsl. A flood insurance study (FEMA, October 18, 2011) was completed

for Gratiot County. Per the flood insurance, the 1% annual chance of flood elevation was determined to

be 734.9 (NAVD88) feet amsl at cross-section AA (shown on the FIRM included in Appendix 3). This

location is approximately 500 feet east of Well No. 9. A copy of the Flood Insurance Study is included in

Appendix 3. A recent map amendment completed by FEMA for a property approximately 1,000 feet west

of Well No. 9 has indicated that the 1% annual chance flood elevation is 735.5 feet amsl. Based on this

information, there is no indication the test production Well No. 9 is located in an area prone to flooding.


Well No. 9 was installed on March 2, 2009, by Stearns under Michigan Drillers License No. 41-1095,

using mud rotary drilling methods. The descriptive well log for Well No. 9 is included in Appendix 4.

An 18-inch diameter borehole was drilled to a depth of 243 feet for installation of the supply well. A

12-inch ID black steel welded casing, with a 12-inch pipe size, 25-foot long, slot 0.030”, Type 304 High

Flow stainless steel Johnson well screen was installed. The screen was set from 218 to 243 feet bgs. The

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screen has an intake capacity of 44.1 gallons per foot of screen. Therefore, the total transmitting capacity

of the screen is rated at 1,102 gpm.

After the well was installed, the borehole annulus was filter packed from 243 feet to 201 feet bgs. The

borehole annulus was grouted from a depth of approximately 201 feet bgs to the ground surface with

neat cement.


Observation wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 were also installed for the purpose of conducting an

aquifer performance test. Observation wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 were installed by Stearns in

2009 using mud rotary methods. These wells were constructed with 2-inch diameter galvanized steel

casing with 2-inch diameter, 10-foot long, slot 0.020″ (FN-1 used a slot 0.010″), stainless steel screens.

The wells were screened at the following intervals: FN-1 (233 to 243 feet bgs); FN-2 (228 to 238 feet

bgs); FS-1 (220 to 230 feet bgs); and FS-2 (230 to 240 feet bgs). These wells were grouted with neat

cement. Descriptive well logs for the monitoring wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 are included in

Appendix 4. The observation well location and top-of-casing information are summarized in Table 1.

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FTCH conducted a 6-hour step test at Well No. 9, an 8-day background groundwater level evaluation

study, a 24-hour pumping test, and a 16-hour recovery test starting on November 25 through December

5, 2014. The locations of Well No. 9 and the four observation wells (FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2) are

shown on figure 8. The City of Alma supply Well 1 and Well 7 were pumped in on/off cycles during the

aquifer performance test; however, the effects of this pumping were reduced by starting the 24-hour

aquifer performance test on the evening of December 3, 2014, after these wells had finished the pumping

cycles for that day.


FTCH conducted a step-drawdown test at Well No. 9 on December 2, 2014, using a submersible pump.

The pumping rates for the step-drawdown test were 530, 768, and 1060 gpm. Each step lasted a duration

of 120 minutes. Water level elevations were measured in Well No. 9 using a water level indicator probe

with an accuracy of 0.01 feet. The step-drawdown data were plotted on a graph of time versus drawdown

(Appendix 5). A summary of the pump discharge rates, drawdown data, and the specific capacity

(gpm/foot of drawdown) for each step is included in Table 2.


FTCH monitored water levels and barometric pressure from several wells under non-pumping conditions

from November 25 to December 3, 2014. In-Situ Mini Troll pressure transducers were installed at the

following locations: FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2; and an In-Situ Baro Troll barometer was installed at

FN-2. Water level and barometric pressure data were collected for a period of approximately 192 hours,

until the 24-hour pumping test was initiated on December 3, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.

This pretest data (groundwater elevation data and barometric pressure data) for each monitoring location

are provided in digital format in Appendix 6.


Aquifer performance testing is a requirement for Type I water supply wells operating at a flow rate of 70

gpm or greater. An aquifer performance test was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the

MDEQ Aquifer Test Policy ODWMA-399-003 (Aquifer Test Requirements for Public Water Supply Wells).

The aquifer performance test was conducted on December 3 and 4, 2014. A submersible pump was used

to pump water from Well No. 9 at a constant discharge rate of 854 gpm for a period of 24-hours. The

discharge rate was measured using an orifice weir. Following the 24-hour drawdown portion of the test,

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the pump was shut off, and water level recovery measurements were collected for a period of 16-hours.

Drawdown and recovery data were measured in Well No. 9 using an electric water level indicator, and at

the four observation wells (FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2) using In-Situ Mini Trolls, equipped with pressure

transducers. Barometric pressure readings were also collected using an In-Situ Baro Troll during the test.

Discharge water was pumped onto the ground surface into a low-lying area located approximately 400

feet north of the well. The discharge water then flowed north following the surface topography toward the

Pine River. Based on the geological information on well logs from this area, approximately 50 feet of clay

is located above the aquifer that Well No. 9 was installed, and the discharge water from Well No. 9 is not

expected to infiltrate back into this aquifer during the testing period. Water level data collected during the

pumping test and recovery test are provided in a digital format in Appendix 6.


Barometric pressure readings measured prior to and during the aquifer performance test, were reviewed

to determine if drawdown data was significantly affected by barometric pressure changes. Calculated

changes in water levels, due to barometric pressure changes, indicated barometric pressure changes had

no significant impact on measured water levels; therefore, corrections to measured water level data, due

to barometric pressure changes, were not necessary in order to analyze the aquifer performance test

data. Pretest data from the observation wells, along with barometric pressure data, are provided in digital

format in Appendix 6.

The aquifer coefficients of T and S were calculated using drawdown and recovery data collected from

observation wells FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2. Based on correlation of the geological information and the

results of the aquifer test, it is apparent that these observation wells are screened in the same formation

as Well No. 9. A hydrograph of water level data for the observation wells for the testing period is provided

in Appendix 7. Drawdown data from observation wells are presented on graphs of time versus drawdown

and included as Appendix 8. Drawdown and recovery data from all observation wells are included in

digital format in Appendix 6.

The aquifer performance test data indicate the aquifer exhibited a confined aquifer response as expected

based on the hydrogeological conditions, i.e. a confining clay layer with measured artesian conditions. As

can be seen from the drawdown response curves from FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2, a graphical slope

change is evident approximately 700 minutes into the pumping test. This is likely the result of the City of

Alma supply wells coming back online after evening shutdown. Based on information provided by the City

of Alma, supply Wells 1 and 7 were in operation on December 4, 2014, from 6:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and

2:05 p.m. to 3:57 p.m. during the aquifer performance test, pumping at an average flow rate of

approximately 1805 gpm. The aquifer performance test began at 7:00 p.m. on December 3, 2014, and

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would not have been influenced by the pumping of the City wells until 6:25 a.m. on December 4, 2014,

approximately 700 minutes into the test, at which time additional drawdown was observed at the

monitoring wells.

Four methods were used to analyze the aquifer performance test data:

● Theis, 1935 (curve matching method for confined aquifers)

● Cooper and Jacob, 1946 (straight-line method)

● Thiem, 1906 (distance-drawdown method)

● Theis Recovery, 1935 (residual drawdown method)

The aquifer performance test analysis utilized AQTESOLV version 4.50 (AQTESOLV) software.

Assumptions and equations used in AQTESOLV for each of the analysis methods are included in

Appendix 9. Graphs of drawdown and recovery data for FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 for each of the four

analyses used, along with calculated results for T and S are included in Appendix 8. The calculated

coefficients of T and S values determined at FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 are summarized in Table 3.

The average calculated T values using data from FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 are 5,499 ft2/day, 5,162

ft2/day, 8,193 ft2/day, and 9,232 ft2/day, respectively. The T value calculated using the distance drawdown

analysis method was 5,075 ft2/day and was determined from data at 604 minutes into the aquifer

performance test at each observation well to avoid drawdown affects from the pumping of the City wells

which occurs at approximately 700 minutes into the test. The average calculated T value (calculated

using the average T at each location plus the distance drawdown T value) is approximately 6,632 ft2/day.

The average T value of 6,632 ft2/day was used in the calculation of safe yield.

The S values calculated from observation wells FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 ranged between 0.00026 and

0.00064 with an average S of 0.00042. These values are consistent with a “non-leaky” confined aquifer.

The S values calculated from FN-1 ranged from a “leaky” confined aquifer value of 0.012 using the Theis

curve matching analysis to a “non-leaky” confined aquifer value of 0.000008 using the Cooper-Jacob

straight line analysis. Due to this variance in calculated S values at FN-1, the S values calculated at FN-1

were not used in calculation of the average S value. The average S value of 0.00042 calculated from

observation wells FN-2, FS-1, and FS-2 was used in the calculation of safe yield.

Natural hydraulic boundary conditions were not observed in the time drawdown data from the observation

wells. The deflection of the drawdown curves after 700 minutes appears to be the results of the Alma

supply wells coming online at that time. However, regional hydrogeological information suggests that

natural aquifer boundaries associated with thinning of the aquifer formation likely exist at greater

distances from the pumping well site. 02/02/2015 14 Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\REPT\FREDRICKSON_NORTH_HYDROGEO_STUDY_2015_0202.DOCX

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The efficiency of a well can be expressed as the ratio of the actual specific capacity (Q/Sactual) and the

theoretical (calculated) specific capacity (Q/Stheoretical) of the well. Using the average transmissivity of

6,632 ft2/day (49,607 gpd/ft) determined from the 24-hour aquifer performance test and the modified

nonequilibrium equation, the true well efficiency is determined as follows:

% 𝐸 = � 𝑄/𝑆𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑄/𝑆𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙

� 𝑥 100

𝑄/𝑆𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 =𝑇

264 × log �0.3𝑇𝑡𝑆𝑟2 �

Where: T = transmissivity of the well, in gpd/ft

t = time of pumping, in days

r = radius of the well, in ft

S = storage coefficient of the aquifer

The theoretical specific capacity is 23.07 gpm/ft of drawdown:

𝑄/𝑆𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 =49,607 𝑔𝑝𝑑/𝑓𝑡


The actual 1-day specific capacity is 10.36 gpm/ft of drawdown:

𝑄/𝑆𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = (854 𝑔𝑝𝑚)/(82.42 𝑓𝑡)

Where Q = Yield of the well, in gpm

S = Measured drawdown in the well, in ft

The well efficiency is 45%:

% 𝐸 = (10.36 23.07) × 100⁄ 4.6 SAFE YIELD ANALYSIS

The MDEQ Office of Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance policy and procedures number

ODWMA-399-003 requires a prediction on the effects of 100 days of pumping at the maximum pumping

rate of the permanent well. FTCH used the Theis solution method and a numerical groundwater model

obtained from the Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Report for the City of Alma (Fleis & Vandenbrink,

September 2012) to evaluate the safe yield of Well No. 9. The results are described in the

following section.

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The well screen of Well No. 9 is set between 218 and 243 feet bgs. Due to well construction and pump

design limitations, it is anticipated that the pump intake will be positioned approximately 115 feet bgs and

the maximum average pumping rate for a 24-hour period will be 625 gpm. The static water level at Well

No. 9 is approximately 12 feet bgs. FTCH recommends that a maximum projected drawdown should be a

minimum of 10 feet above the pump intake; thus, the allowable drawdown water level at Well No. 9 would

be 105 feet bgs or a maximum total well drawdown of 93 feet. Using the Theis solution, with a pumping

rate of 625 gpm and well efficiency of 45% (which takes into account the drawdown at Well No. 9 caused

by the City of Alma wells operating), the projected drawdown after 100 days is calculated to be 75 feet

(87 feet bgs). Therefore, FTCH recommends a maximum safe withdrawal rate of 625 gpm. This would

conservatively allow approximately 18 feet of water above the pump intake as a safety measure.


The evaluation of safe yield of Well No. 9 should also consider Adverse Resource Impact (impact on

surface water), the impact of Well No. 9 operation on other wells (interference effects), and the potential

impact from nearby sites of environmental contamination.

In order to predict the regional effect of drawdown in the confined aquifer caused by the operation of Well

No. 9, a comparison of current day groundwater levels to predicted groundwater levels was made.

Current day groundwater elevation contours are shown in Figure 7. The groundwater model was used to

perform a simulation to predict groundwater elevation after Well No. 9 becomes operational. Figure 9

presents the model-predicted regional groundwater elevations after the City of St. Louis wells are shut

down and all pumping is shifted to the existing City of Alma water supply wells and Well No. 9. The

pumping conditions represented by Figure 9 includes Well No.9 pumping at 625 gpm for 100 days and

the existing City of Alma wells (1,7, and 8) pumping at the long-term average rate of 365 gpm each for a

total simulated pumping rate of 1,810 gpm. Figure 10 illustrates the net drawdown, in feet, caused solely

by Well No. 9 pumping at 625 gpm for 100 days while the existing City of Alma wells 1, 7, and 8 are each

pumping at a rate of 365 gpm.

The Theis method was also used to calculate the effects of Well No. 9 under current conditions if pumped

at 625 gpm using a T of 6,632 ft2/day and an S of 0.00042. The calculated drawdown at FN-2, FS-1, and

FS-2 at 100 days of pumping Well No. 9 at 625 gpm are as follows: FN-2 = 14.67 feet, FS-1 = 10.07 feet,

and FS-2 = 9.62 feet.

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The drawdown projections made from the Theis method are less than the drawdown predictions made

from the groundwater flow model; however, they are conservative estimates assuming Well No. 9 went

into operation under current conditions (without shutting down the City of St. Louis supply wells) and do

not account for the complexities of the hydrogeological system that have been included in the numerical

groundwater flow model. As with any groundwater model, certain simplifying assumptions were made

based on a limited number of data points. The best estimates of hydraulic parameters were used as

inputs for the groundwater model based on available data. The accuracy of the simulation results may be

limited by the accuracy of the input parameter estimates and the simplifying assumptions used to

construct the model. Despite these limitations, the groundwater flow model is considered the best

practical method to estimate the 100-day drawdown after The City of St. Louis wells are turned off and


Part 327, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended,

requires the owner of property who proposes to make a new or increased water withdrawal on that

property that is more than 2,000,000 gallons per day capacity from the waters of the state to supply a

common distribution system apply for a permit prior to making the withdrawal. The GAWA submitted a

permit application to the MDEQ on March 7, 2014. Following technical review and public notification, a

water withdrawal permit for GAWA was issued on July 31, 2014. This permit authorizes 3.56 million

gallons per day in withdrawal capacity, restricted to the four wells on two sites purchased by the City of

St. Louis (including Well No. 9). A copy of the water withdrawal permit is included in Appendix 10. PUMPING EFFECTS ON OTHER WELLS

Known wells in the area include residential/commercial wells and the City of Alma water supply wells.

Most local private water supply wells appear to be completed in the same confined aquifer that Well No. 9

and the City of Alma water supply wells are installed. Drawdown from the operation of Well No. 9 has the

potential to lower water levels in these wells. Those wells completed in shallower aquifers should not be

affected due to poor hydraulic connection with the confined aquifer. Water level changes will be greatest

near the pumping well and decrease with distance away from Well No. 9. In general, the further from the

pumping well, the less chance for impact.

FTCH utilized the groundwater flow model to predict the groundwater elevations caused when the City of

St. Louis supply wells are shut off; the City of Alma wells are pumping at the estimated daily flow rate of

1,186 gpm, and Well No. 9 is pumping at 625 gpm. The simulated groundwater elevations under these

conditions are shown as Figure 9.

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Based on the cross-sections provided in Figures 3 through 6, the approximate elevation of the top of the

confined aquifer (base of the upper confining clay) in the area of the model predicted 100-day drawdown

(Figure 10) was estimated to range from 610 to 695 feet amsl. The drawdown from the operation of Well

No. 9 is not projected to be below the top of the confined aquifer. Therefore, due to the artesian nature of

the confined aquifer, local private water supply wells should not go dry and become unusable. Pump

placement may be too high in some wells, and if so, may have to be lowered. CAPTURE ZONE DELINEATION

In accordance with the groundwater source requirements R 325.10801 et. al. of the Safe Drinking Water

Act, as amended, FTCH completed a capture zone analysis of pumping at 625 gpm from Well No. 9. The

simulation was completed with pumping from all of the other high capacity wells within the model domain.

A steady state simulation was executed and a 10-year time of travel capture zone was created using

MODPATH to reverse track particles originating from Well No. 9. The 10 year time-of-travel capture zone

is included as Figure 11.

FTCH reviewed the locations of the MDEQ hazardous waste sites (Part 111), solid waste sites (Part 115),

sites of environmental contamination (Part 201), and leaking underground storage tank sites (Part 213)

obtained from an Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR) state data base search. According to the

available information, there are no sites of contamination in the 10 year travel time capture zone.


Based on the physical capabilities of Well No. 9, the evaluation of the aquifer performance test and the

hydrodogeological conditions, FTCH recommends a safe yield of 625 gpm for Well No. 9. This flow rate

can be sustained in the extreme case of continuous pumping for 100 days.

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On December 4, 2014, approximately 17 hours into the aquifer performance test, FTCH collected a water

sample from Well No. 9. The sample was collected in laboratory prepared bottles, placed in coolers

containing ice packs, and transported to the State of Michigan laboratories for analysis. The sample was

analyzed for a variety of inorganic and organic chemicals, as required by the MDEQ, for new water

supplies. A sample was also collected and analyzed for radionuclides (gross alpha, radium-226,

radium-228) at Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc., in South Bend Indiana; and total coliform and sulfate at

Prein & Newhof in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The resulting water quality data from all water quality tests

are provided in Appendix 11.

The water quality data collected from Well No. 9 meet all state and federal drinking water standards, with

the exception of iron and sulfate which exceed the federal secondary drinking water standard. There were

no detected carbamates, chlorinated acid herbicides, pesticides, or volatile organic compounds in the

sample and the measured radiological parameters were well below the maximum contaminant levels

(MCLs) set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All inorganic parameters were below MCLs. A

summary of key groundwater analytical data is provided in the following Table 4.

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A test production Well No. 9 has been evaluated in terms of safe yield and water quality for GAWA. The

well is a 12-inch diameter well equipped with a 25-foot long screen. The well is located in Arcada

Township at 5400 North Luce Road, Section 4 (T11N R3W), Gratiot County, Michigan, approximately

2,150 feet north of Van Buren Road and 850 feet east of Luce Road. The well is completed in a confined

aquifer. An aquifer performance test was conducted using Well No. 9. The test methods complied with the

MDEQ Aquifer Test Policy ODWMA-399-003 (Aquifer Test Requirements for Public Water Supply Wells).

Aquifer coefficients of T and S were determined to be 6,632 ft2/day and 0.00042, respectively. These

coefficients were used, along with other data, to determine the effects of 100 days of continuous

pumping. From the safe yield analysis, which included an examination of operation of the test production

well on hydrologic features, nearby wells, and nearby sites of environmental contamination, it is proposed

that the test production well be given a rated capacity of 625 gpm.

A water sample was collected from the test production well and analyzed for a variety of water quality

parameters. Laboratory results indicate water from the test production well meets all applicable federal

water quality standards, with the exception of iron, and sulfate which exceeded the federal secondary

drinking water standards.


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It is recommended that the GAWA collect routine water level data from existing observation wells in the

vicinity of Well No. 9 prior to and during the supply well operation. The collection of water level data can

serve several purposes, including: (1) understand the aquifer behavior and confirm drawdown estimates

made in this report; (2) optimize well operation in order to minimize drawdown in the area; and (3) track

long-term water level trends.

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Apple, B.A. and Reeves, H.W., 2007, Summary of Hydrogeologic Conditions by County for the State of Michigan, USGS Open-File Report 2007-1236 Cooper, H.H. and C.E. Jacob, 1946, A Generalized Graphical Method for Evaluating Formation Constants and Summarizing Well Field History, Am. Geophys. Union Trans. Vol. 27, pp 526-534. Driscoll, F.G., 1986, Groundwater and Wells, 2nd Edition, Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, p. 1021. Farrand, W.R. and Bell, D.L., 1982, Quaternary Geology of Northern Michigan Fleis & Vandenbrink, 2012, Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Report for the City of Alma FTCH, 2002, Hydrogeological Study for a Type I Public Water Supply for the City of Alma FTCH, 2009, Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Report for the City of St. Louis Groundwater Inventory and Mapping Project, a cooperative effort between the Water Bureau - Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, USGS - Michigan Water Science Center and Michigan State University - Institute of Water Research, RS&GIS and Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (http://gwmap.rsgis.msu.edu/) Theis, C.V., 1935, The Relationship Between the Lowering of the Piezometric Surface and the Rate and Duration of Discharge of a Well Using Groundwater Storage, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, vol 16, pp 519-524. Thiem, G. 1906, Hydrolgische Methoden, Gebhardt, Leipzig, 56 pp. Vanlier, K.E., 1963, Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1619 Groundwater Resources of the Alma Area Michigan WELLOGIC database, Michigan Geographic Data Library (http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mgdl/?rel=cext&action=Isabella) Western Michigan University, 1981, Hydrogeological Atlas of Michigan, Department of Geology Westjohn, D.B. and T.L. Weaver, 1998, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Michigan Basin Regional Aquifer System: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1418, 47 p.

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Well No.9

Fred South

Peska North

Peska South

Sumner Township

Seville Township

Emerson Township

Bethany Township



£¤127B £¤127BPine River Township

Arcada Township















Saint Charles








Van Buren







Fred Meijer Heartland
















Pine R



































Iowa End



















































ood Orchard















Norton Gibbs




th Pleas












































ue B












Van Buren



























































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34 33














24 23











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Well No.9

Fred South

Peska North

Peska South

Sumner Township

Seville Township

Emerson Township

Bethany Township



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Saint Charles








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ue B












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Van Buren















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24 23















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Well No.9

Fred South

Peska North

Peska South

Sumner Township

Seville Township

Emerson Township

Bethany Township



£¤127B £¤127BPine River Township

Arcada Township

















Saint Charles













Van Buren
















Fred Meijer Heartland





















Pine R





























Iowa End




































n Oaks
















Norton Gibbs
























































































































Van Buren
















11 07





























35 32



















































24 23















28 25




33 36 32

20 21




























04 03 0102 0205 04 0501


11 08 09 1010 1209 0711


07 08121009
























!( Alma City Well

&< Production Well

@A Observation Well

@? Test Well

Groundwater Contour (Feet amsl)


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©Copyright 2014All Rights ReservedPL










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SOURCE:FTC&H 2009 Wellhead ProtectionDelineation Report

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Well #9

Fred South





Van Buren




0908Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX,Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community, Esri, HERE, DeLorme, TomTom,MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community


&< Production Well

@A Observation Well

@? Test Well


ot Ar

ea W

ater A





ty, M






©Copyright 2014All Rights ReservedPL










15 H


eo S




No 9

and O





tion M


xd D

ate: 1


15 2:




r: acs






Hard copy isintended to be11"x17" when

plotted. Scale(s)indicated and

graphic quality maynot be accurate for

any other size.

fishbeck, thompson,carr & huber, inc.




l Stud

y For

a Ty

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c Wate

r Sup

ply W

ell - W

ell N

o. 9

Page 37: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study














Sumner Township

Seville Township

Emerson Township

Bethany Township



£¤127B £¤127BPine River Township

Arcada Township


























700 695














Well #9TB-02-04


Fred SouthPeska NorthPeska South











Saint Charles








Van Buren







Fred Meijer Heartland
















Pine R



































Iowa End














































ood Orchard














Norton Gibbs


th Pleas









































ue B




Van Buren





































































Van Buren



Rich Wi


11 07



























09 08





34 33














24 23











28 25




33 36






































2422 2321


19 201923




09 1007 11 07


08 08


&< Test Production Well

@A Observation Well

@? Test Boring Well

!H Test BoringModel Predicted Groundwater Elevation(feet amsl)


ot Ar

ea W

ater A





ty, M





ical S

tudy F

or a



blic W

ater S



- Well






©Copyright 2014All Rights ReservedPL










15 H


eo S




el Pr


ed G







: 1/30



:47 PM


r: acs






Hard copy isintended to be11"x17" when

plotted. Scale(s)indicated and

graphic quality maynot be accurate for

any other size.

fishbeck, thompson,carr & huber, inc.

Drawdown caused by Well 9 pumping 625 gpmfor 100 days (St. Louis Wells off and Wells 1, 7 & 8set to 395 gpm each = current ave. day).

Page 38: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study














Sumner Township

Seville Township

Emerson Township

Bethany Township



£¤127B £¤127BPine River Township

Arcada Township

























Fred SouthPeska NorthPeska South











Saint Charles








Van Buren







Fred Meijer Heartland
















Pine R



































Iowa End















































ood Orchard














Norton Gibbs




th Pleas












































ue B












Van Buren































































11 07



























09 08





34 33














24 23











28 25




33 36






































2422 2321


19 2019

23 24222120


09 1007 11 07

FN-1Well #9

08 08


&< Test Production Well

@A Observation Well

@? Test Boring Well

!H Test Boring

Well 9-Drawdown


ot Ar

ea W

ater A





ty, M





ical S

tudy F

or a



blic W

ater S



- Well






©Copyright 2014All Rights ReservedPL










15 H


eo S




el Pr


ed 10






: 1/30



:03 PM


r: acs






Hard copy isintended to be11"x17" when

plotted. Scale(s)indicated and

graphic quality maynot be accurate for

any other size.

fishbeck, thompson,carr & huber, inc.

Drawdown caused by Well 9 pumping 625 gpmfor 100 days (St. Louis Wells off and Wells 1, 7 & 8set to 395 gpm each = current ave. day).

Page 39: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study













Arcada Township










Well #9TB-02-04



Fred South

Peska NorthPeska South

















Van Buren

Fred Meijer Heartland















Iowa End


































Falkirk 2nd








Purdy Ma


























































Blue Heron










Willow Bend








smere Sh




Golf Ridge




Willow Run




















Van Buren


Van Buren


















1817 1516










2930 2625LEGEND

10 Year Time-of-Travel

&< Test Production Well

@A Observation Well

@? Test Boring Well

!H Test Boring


ot Ar

ea W

ater A





ty, M





ical S

tudy F

or a



blic W

ater S



- Well






©Copyright 2014All Rights ReservedPL










15 H


eo S






xd D

ate: 1


15 2:




r: acs






Hard copy isintended to be11"x17" when

plotted. Scale(s)indicated and

graphic quality maynot be accurate for

any other size.

fishbeck, thompson,carr & huber, inc.10-Year Time-of-Travel with

Well 9 pumping 625 gpm;Wells 1, 7 & 8 set to 586 gpm total.Steady-State

Page 40: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


Page 41: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 1 of 1

Hydrogeologial Study

Gratiot Area Water Authority, Gratiot County, MI

Top of Casing 


Distance from 

Well 9

(amsl) (feet)

Well 9 681738.62 13039293.77 747.06 0

FN‐1 681717.48 13039299.66 748.63 22

FN‐2 681587.65 13039040.64 746.98 295

FS‐1 680170.51 13039406.60 748.81 1,572

FS‐2 679921.06 13039651.73 759.31 1,853


GPS Derived Data:

Base Station: Mt. Pleasant CORS (GLONASS)

Horizontal Datum: MSP South NAD83

Vertical Datum: NAVD88 (GPS)

amsl ‐ above mean sea level

Table 1 ‑ Summary of Well Location Information 

Well No. Northing Easting

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\TBL01_WellLocation_2015_0121.xlsx 2/2/2015

Page 42: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 1 of 1

Table 2 ‑ Summary of Step‑Drawdown Test Results 

Test Production Well No. 9 (December 2, 2014)

Hydrogeologial Study

Gratiot Area Water Authority, Gratiot County, MI

Duration of Test

Pumping Rate

DrawdownSpecific Capacity

(minutes) (gpm) (feet) (gpm/foot)

1 120 530 47.38 11.19

2 120 768 69.40 11.07

3 120 1,060 97.97 10.82


gpm ‐ gallons per minute

gpm/foot ‐ gallons per minute per foot

Step No.

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\TBL02_StepDrawdown_2015_0121.xlsx 2/2/2015

Page 43: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 1 of 1

Table 3 ‐ Summary of Aquifer Transmissivity and Storativity Data

Hydrogeologial Study

Gratiot Area Water Authority, Gratiot County, MI

Transmissivity Storativity

(Ft2/day) (unitless)

Theis 6,186 0.012

Cooper‑Jacob 5,875 0.000008

Theis Recovery 4,437 --

Theis 5,992 0.00026

Cooper‑Jacob 5,075 0.00039

Theis Recovery 4,421 --

Theis 8,557 0.00046

Cooper‑Jacob 10,160 0.00033

Theis Recovery 5,861 --

Theis 9,794 0.00064

Cooper‑Jacob 12,090 0.00045

Theis Recovery 5,813 --

FN-1, FN-2, FS-1, FS-2 Thiem (Distance Drawdown) 5,075 0.00039

Method of Analysis





Observation Well

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\TBL03_TransmissivityStorativity_2015_0121.xlsx 2/2/2015

Page 44: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 1 of 1

Table  4 – Summary of Key Inorganic Water Quality Parameters

Test Production Well No. 9 

Hydrogeologial Study

Gratiot Area Water Authority, Gratiot County, MI

Arsenic mg/L 0.010 NA 0.004

Barium mg/L 2.0 NA 0.020

Chloride mg/L NA 250 12.0

Fluoride mg/L 4.0 2.0 0.25

Hardness mg/L NA NA 522

Iron mg/L NA 0.30 2.41

Manganese mg/L NA 0.050 0.050

Nickel mg/L 0.10 NA 0.01 U

Nitrate mg/L 10 NA 0.4 U

Nitrite mg/L 1.0 NA 0.05 U

Selenium mg/L 0.050 NA 0.001 U

Sodium mg/L NA NA 34.0

Sulfate mg/L NA 250 329

Zinc mg/L NA 5.0 0.010

Data Qualifiers:

U - Not detected above the given limit.


MCL ‐ maximum contaminant level

NA ‐ not applicable

Detected Inorganic Constituents

Well No. 9


Secondary Drinking Water

StandardEPA MCL

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\TBL04_InorganicSummary_2015_0121.xlsx 2/2/2015

Page 45: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 1

Page 46: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

G120617HG3 GAWA/St louis-Alma Monitor Wells

Survey Northing Easting


Point Casing Elev

50001 677586.13 13035441.43 741.18

50005 677601.02 13035634.61 740.66

50003 677636.85 13035480.28 742.97

50007 678667.53 13035488.42 742.33

50011 678644.61 13035725.58 740.01

50008 678638.15 13035487.29 741.85

50015 690450.84 13034957.65 760.79

50019 674373.04 13038437.71 743.29

50013 687478.06 13032929.28 754.36

50017 698895.37 13033160.06 788.01

50025 668111.13 13029302.51 753.11

50021 672470.43 13027656.78 767.63

50022 672461.95 13027669.88 767.69

50030 680170.51 13039406.60 748.81

50027 679921.06 13039651.73 759.31

50029 680169.87 13039431.92 748.49

50034 681717.48 13039299.66 748.63

50033 681587.65 13039040.64 746.98

50037 681738.62 13039293.77 747.06

50039 683430.98 13043522.73 734.58

50040 682661.61 13043512.93 735.69

50043 681840.30 13041821.78 746.74

GPS Derived Data

Base Station: Mt. Pleasant CORS (GLONASS)

Hor Datum: MSP South NAD83

Vert Datum: NAVD88 (GPS)



Top of Ground Extension Elev


738.24 742.60

739.64 736.96 739.82

758.29 740.63

756.11 749.77 785.62 750.16 764.77 765.13

746.10 756.69


745.35 744.36


736.63 732.62 733.45


Page 1 of 1 7/22/2014




TW-1 TW-2 TW-3 TW-4

TW-5 TW-6S





TB-02-01 TB-02-02



Page 47: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 2

Page 48: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study




Mr. Greg Foote, CPG Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 101 South Washington Square Suite 400 Lansing, Michigan 48933

Dear Mr. Foote:

SUBJECT: Proposed Test Wells

December 10, 2008

Section 4 and 5, Arcadia Township Gratiot County



This letter is to confirm our site visits with you on Tuesday December 2, 2008. The site visits were scheduled to conduct test well site inspections at 4 locations. Also attending these site visits was Mr. David DeYoung from the Wellhead Protection Unit of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. We have looked at the proposed test well locations identified on the preliminary site plan (copy included) that we received December 9, 2008. You have permission from this office to proceed with well construction at each proposed location.

There are 4 test well site locations. Test wells (TW) 1 and 2 are located on the Peska farm in Section 8 of Arcadia Township. TW 3 and 4 are located on the Frederickson farm in Section 4 of Arcadia Township.

Your letter for approval of these test wells also requests a modification to the standard isolation area. The standard isolation area from potential sources of contamination for Type I wells is an area measured with a radius of 200 feet in all directions from the well. The request for modification is based on the soil borings completed at each location. These soil borings indicate a clay layer approximately 60 feet thick at the surface of both properties and that this should provide protection from potential minor sources of contamination to the underlying aquifer.

The DEQ will approve your request for a modification of the standard isolation area from potential sources of contamination based on the depth of clay overburden above the aquifer you reported in your letter. The radius of the standard isolation area measured from the well in all directions will be reduced from 200 to 100 feet. Please be aware that the standard isolation area could be increased based on the hydrogeological report submitted to the DEQ for review.

No potential sources of contamination such as sewer lines, septic fields, drain fields, seepage beds or surface waters can be located within the standard isolation area. The standard isolation area must also be owned by the supplier of water, located within the property boundaries, and outside easements or rights-of-way for roads, drains, and utilities. The top of the well casing must be at least 12 inches above the established ground surface or floor of the well room.


www.michlgan.gov • (517) 335-6010

Page 49: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Mr. Greg Foote 2 December 11,2008

The well shall not be located in an area subject to flooding. Ground surface shall be graded so that surface water is diverted away from the casing. Surface flooding shall not be allowed closer than 25 feet from the well. The top of the well casing shall be at least 2 feet above the 1 00-year floodplain or maximum flood elevation whichever is greater.

An aquifer test must be completed if you plan to convert a test well to a production well. The following information must be submitted to the DEQ for review:

1. Copies of the completed well log for the test wells and monitoring wells must be submitted for review. The well must be constructed with approved materials and grouted the entire length of the casing with neat cement. Any observation wells that are located within the well isolation area must also be grouted with neat cement.

2. A hydrogeological report must be submitted for review. The hydrogeological report must be based on the department's "Aquifer Test Requirements for Public Water Supply Wells" (copy enclosed).

3. Chemical analysis of the water must be performed. The analyses will have to be performed through a certified drinking water laboratory. The chemical analysis will include partial chemistry, cyanide, volatile organic compounds, carbamates, herbicides, pesticides, metals, and radiological (gross alpha, radium 226, radium 228). The metals analysis should include iron and manganese. These samples should be collected at the end of the aquifer test.

After the above items are completed and approved by the DEQ, the owner must obtain a permit to convert the test well to a production well. This will require the owner to submit a Permit Application for Water Supply System, plans, and specifications to the DEQ for review and approval prior to beginning construction.

If you should have any questions in regards to this correspondence, please contact me at the telephone number below or at this email address: josephm1 @michigan.gov.




;""71;;] ~~Joseph,;/-Lansing District Office Field Operations Division Water Bureau 517-335-6349

cc: Mr. Bob Gouin, Mid-Michigan District Health Department, Clinton

Page 50: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 3

Page 51: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

43° 22' 30"

0 H

MAP SCALE 1" = 500'

500 1000 !FEET





~ PANEL ~ 260063 0156

261461 0156

Notice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders; the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community.

MAP NUMBER 26057C0156C


Emergency Management Agency

This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced tlood map. It was extracted using F-MIT On-Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance

flood check the FEMA Flood Store at

Page 52: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study



Community Name

Community Number






260083 261481 261468 261469 261486 261482 261470 261028 261471 260084 261472

*No Special Flood Hazard Areas Identified


Community Name





Effective: October 18, 2011

Community Number

261473 261485 261474 261477 260634 261478 261479 260085 261483 261480 261484

Federal Emergency Management Agency


Page 53: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program have established repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain management and flood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report may not contain all data available within the Community Map Repository. Please contact the Community Map Repository for any additional data.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may revise and republish part or all of this FIS report at any time. In addition, FEMA may revise part of this FIS report by the Letter of Map Revision process, which does not involve republication or redistribution of the FIS report. Therefore, users should consult with community officials and check the Community Map Repository to obtain the most current FIS report components.

Selected Flood Insurance Rate Map panels for this community contain information that was previously shown separately on the corresponding Flood Boundary and Floodway Map panels (e.g., floodways, cross sections). In addition, former flood hazard zone designations have been changed as follows:

Old Zone(s)

Al through A30

B c

Initial Countywide FIS Effective Date:

New Zone



October 18, 2011

Page 54: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................. ........... ........ .. .. .. ....................... .................................. 1

1.1 Purpose of Study ........................... ........................ ... .......... ........ ............ ... ...................... 1

1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements ................................................................................. 1

1.3 Coordination ................................. ......................................................... .. ....................... 3

2.0 AREA STUDIED .................................................................. ....................................... ......... 3

2.1 Scope of Study ............................... .. ............................................................................... 3

2.2 Community Description ........... ............... .... .................................................................... 4

2.3 Principal Flood Problems ......... ..................................................... ..... ............................. 5

2.4 Flood Protection Measures ....... ...................................................................................... 5

3.0 ENGINEERING METHODS ........ ........................... ............ ............................................... 6

3.1 Hydrologic Analyses ................. ... ...... ...... .. ........... ..... .. ................................................... 6

3.2 Hydraulic Analyses .................... .. ......... ............................ .......... ... .. ... ............................ 7

3.3 Vertical Datum ........................... .. ...... ............................................................................. 9

4.0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS .... ...................... ........................... lO

4.1 Floodplain Boundaries .......................... .................... .................................................... 11

4.2 Flood ways ......................................................... ......................................... ....... ...... .. .... 12

5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................... 15

6.0 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP .......... ..................................................... ..... .. .. ......... 16

7.0 OTHER STUDIES .................................... .......................................................... ....... ......... 19

8.0 LOCATION OF DATA ............................... ....................................................................... 19

9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES .................. ....................................................... 19

Page 55: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study



Figure 1 - Floodway Schematic .. ....... ..... .... ........ .. .......... ..... ..... ... .... ...... ..... ......... .... ... ... .. .......... ....... 15


Table 1 - Summary of Discharges ... ...... .. ........ ....... .... .... ... .. ........... ... ...... .. ..... ............ ........ ... ........ ..... 7 Table 2 - Vertical Datum ........... ..... ...... .. .. .... ....... ..... ......... ... .............. ... .. ... .. .. ....... ... ..... ...... ....... ... ..... 9 Table 3 - Floodway Data ........ .... ........ ....... ........ ... ..... .... .. ....... .. ..... ..................... ...... .... ... .. .... ..... ... .... 13 Table 4 - Community Map History .... ........ .... .. ... ...... ..... .. ... .... ... ... .... .. ... ... .... ............. ........ .. .......... .. . 17


Exhibit 1 - Flood Profiles Pine River Lower Reach Pine River Upper Reach

Exhibit 2 - Flood Insurance Rate Map Index Flood Insurance Rate Map


Panels 01P - 02P Panels 03P - 04P

Page 56: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study



1.1 Purpose of Study

This Flood Insurance Study (FIS) revises and updates information on the existence and severity of flood hazards in the geographic area of Gratiot County, including the Cities 9f Alma, Ithaca, and St. Louis; the Townships of Arcada, Bethany, Elba, Emerson, Fulton, Hamilton, Lafayette, New Haven, Newark, North Shade, North Star, Pine River, Seville, Sumner, Washington, and Wheeler; and the Villages of Ashley, Breckenridge, and Perrinton (referred to collectively herein as Gratiot County), and aids in the administration of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. This study has developed flood-risk data for various areas of the community that will be used to establish actuarial flood insurance rates and to assist the community in its efforts to promote sound floodplain management. Minimum floodplain management requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44 CFR, 60.3.

Please note that the Townships of Elba, Fulton, Hamilton, Lafayette, New Haven, Newark, North Shade, Seville, Washington, and Wheeler; and the Villages of Ashley, Breckenridge, and Perrinton have no mapped special flood hazard areas.

In some states or communities, floodplain management criteria or regulations may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than the minimum Federal requirements. In such cases, the more restrictive criteria take precedence and the State (or other jurisdictional agency) will be able to explain them.

The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) and FIS report for this countywide study have been produced in digital format. Flood hazard information was converted to meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) DFIRM database specifications and Geographic Information System (GIS) format requirements. The flood hazard information was created and is provided in a digital format so that it can be incorporated into a local GIS and be accessed more easily by the community.

1.2 Authority and Acknowledgments

The sources of authority for this FIS are the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973.


Page 57: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Precountywide Analyses

Information on the authority and acknowledgements for each jurisdiction included in this countywide FIS, as compiled from their previously printed FIS reports, is shown below:

Alma, City of:

St. Louis, City of:

The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for the September 1, 1981 FIS report were performed by Gove Associates, for FEMA, under Contract No. H-4728. The work was completed in May 1980 (FEMA, 1981).

The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for the January 18, 1989 FIS report were performed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), for FEMA, under Interagency Agreement No. EMW-85-E-1823. The work was completed in December 1986 (FEMA, 1989).

The City of Ithaca, Townships of Arcada, Bethany, Elba, Emerson, Fulton, Hamilton, Lafayette, New Haven, Newark, North Shade, North Star, Pine River, Seville, Sumner, Washington, and Wheeler, and the Villages of Ashley, Breckenridge, and Perrinton have no previously printed FIS reports.

This Countywide FIS Report

The redelineation for the Pine River Lower Reach, from Chessman Road to approximately 3,430 feet upstream of Chessman Road, and Pine River Upper Reach, from approximately 4,050 feet upstream of State Street Dam to approximately 5,070 feet upstream of the State Street Dam, and the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for all streams studied by approximate methods, except Brandy Creek Tributary 2.1 and Brandy Creek Tributary 2.2, were performed by Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan, Inc. (PBS&J), for FEMA, under Contract No. HSFE05-05-D-0023, Task Order No. 27. This work was completed in March 2009.

The hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for Brandy Creek Tributary 2.1 and Brandy Creek Tributary 2.2 were performed by Spicer Group, Inc. and revised by PBS&J for FEMA, under Contract No. HSFE05-05-D-0023, Task Order No. 27. This work was completed in September 2010.

Base map information shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was provided in digital format by the National Agriculture Imagery Program produced at a scale of 1:12,000, from aerial photography dated 2010 or later. The projection used in the preparation of this map is Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 16, and the horizontal datum used is the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).


Page 58: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

1.3 Coordination

Precountywide Analyses

An initial meeting is held with representatives from FEMA, the community, and the study contractor to explain the nature and purpose of a FIS, and to identify the streams to be studied or restudied. A final meeting is held with representatives from FEMA, the community, and the study contractor to review the results of the study.

The initial and final meeting dates for previous FIS reports for Gratiot County and its communities are listed in the following table:

Community Alma, City of

St. Louis, City of

*Data not available

FIS Date September 1, 1981 January 18, 1989

This Countywide FIS Report

Initial Meeting * *

Final Meeting March 31, 1981

January 25, 1988

An initial meeting is held with representatives from FEMA, the community, and the study contractor to explain the nature and purpose of a FIS, and to identify the streams to be studied or restudied. A final meeting is held with representatives from FEMA, the community, and the study contractor to review the results of the study.

The initial meeting was held on May 21, 2007, and attended by representatives of FEMA, PBS&J, and the communities.

The results of the study were reviewed at the final meeting held on January 6, 2010, and attended by representatives of FEMA, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), PBS&J, and the communities. All concerns and/or issues raised at that meeting have been addressed.


2.1 Scope of Study

This FIS covers the geographic area of Gratiot County, Michigan, including the incorporated communities listed in Section 1.1. The areas studied by detailed methods were selected with priority given to all known flood hazards and areas of projected development or proposed construction through the time of the study.

Pine River, Upper and Lower Reach, was studied by detailed methods in this FIS report.


Page 59: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

The limits of detailed study are indicated on the Flood Profiles (Exhibit 1) and on the FIRM (Exhibit 2).

This Countywide FIS Report

All areas studied by approximate methods were either newly studied or revised based on updated hydrologic and hydraulic models.

For this countywide FIS, the FIS report and FIRM were converted to countywide format, and the flooding information for the entire county, including both incorporated and unincorporated areas, is shown. Also, the vertical datum was converted from the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD) to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD). In addition, the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, previously referenced to the North American Datum of 1927, are now referenced to the NAD83.

Approximate analyses were used to study those areas having low development potential or minimal flood hazards. The scope and methods of study were proposed to and agreed upon by FEMA and Gratiot County.

The following tabulation presents Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) incorporated into this countywide study:



Case Number


2.2 Community Description

Date Issued

April 27, 2006

Project Identifier

Alma Public Library Expansion Project

Gratiot County is located in the central section of Michigan's lower peninsula. The county is served by U.S. Highway 27, State Highway 46, and several railroad lines. It is approximately 125 miles northwest of Detroit. The 2000 population in Gratiot County was 42,285 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). The county seat is the City of Ithaca.

The Pine River flows northeastward through Gratiot County towards Saginaw Bay. The surrounding terrain is gently rolling farmland. There are scattered oil wells across the landscape, with soils varying from sandy loams to clay loams (USDA, undated). The climate is predominately continental in character.

The average daily minimum temperature reported by the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) is 14.5 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in the winter and the average daily maximum temperature is 84.1 op in the summer. Average annual snowfall is 38.9 inches each winter (MDA, 1971).


Page 60: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Land use in the floodplain is a mixture of public park land and industrial, commercial, and residential uses.

2.3 Principal Flood Problems

Flooding occurs in the City of Alma when high runoff causes the Pine River to overflow its banks. The highest flood on record occurred in 1986 with a flow of 5,160 cubic feet per second (cfs). A discharge of 5,300 cfs would be expected to have a recurrence interval of approximately 1-percent-annual-chance flood event. In 1948, the second highest flood on record occurred with a flow of 4,400 cfs. This storm was approximately equivalent to the flow expected from a 2-percent­annual-chance flood event.

A USGS river flow gage at Alma is located on the Pine River just downstream of the Superior Street Bridge (USGS, 2010). While estimated recurrence intervals are not available for these storms, the 1965, 1975, and 1997 floods are expected to have a recurrence interval of less than 10 years. The recorded flows and gage heights of historic high flows are listed in the following table.

Year Streamflow Gage Height (cfs)* (feet)

1986 5,160 12.82 1948 4,400 10.81 1938 4,070 10.43 1946 3,650 10.02 1935 3,560 9.50 1950 3,210 9.48 2009 2,790 9.34 1965 2,780 9.03 1997 2,740 9.27 1975 2,720 8.95

*cub1c feet per second

Flooding in the City of St. Louis is primarily caused by overflow of the Pine River. The potential for flood damage is limited by the steep banks of the Pine River and flood elevation regulation provided by the St. Louis Dam.

2.4 Flood Protection Measures

Due to the density of development in some areas, individual commercial and residential property owners have constructed low seawalls along the riverbanks. These structures primarily protect against erosion, but also provide some flooding protections from spring high water levels.


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The St. Louis Dam on the Pine River Lower Reach is regulated to prevent excessive flooding just upstream of the dam. No other permanent flood protection measures are known to exist in Gratiot County.


For the flooding sources studied by detailed methods in the community, standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods were used to determine the flood hazard data required for this study. Flood events of a magnitude that are expected to be equaled or exceeded once on the average during any 10-, 50-, 100-, or 500-year period (recurrence interval) have been selected as having special significance for floodplain management and for flood insurance rates. These events, commonly termed the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods, have a 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent chance, respectively, of being equaled or exceeded during any year. Although the recurrence interval represents the long-term, average period between floods of a specific magnitude, rare floods could occur at short intervals or even within the same year. The risk of experiencing a rare flood increases when periods greater than 1 year are considered. For example, the risk of having a flood that equals or exceeds the 1-percent-annual-chance (100-year) flood in any 50-year period is approximately 40 percent (4 in 10); for any 90-year period, the risk increases to approximately 60 percent (6 in 10). The analyses reported herein reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study. Maps and flood elevations will be amended periodically to reflect future changes.

3.1 Hydrologic Analyses

Hydrologic analyses were carried out to establish peak discharge-frequency relationships for each flooding source studied by detailed methods affecting the community.

Precountywide Analyses

Frequency relationships were determined for the Pine River Upper Reach by statistical methods using the log-Pearson Type III method outlined in Water Resources Council (WRC) Bulletin No. 17 (WRC, 1976). This analysis was based on the 46 years of flow records at the Alma gage.

This Countywide FIS Report

For the approximate analyses streams, peak discharges were estimated using the published USGS regional regression equations (USGS, 1997). Regression equations estimate peak discharges for ungaged streams based on characteristics of nearby gaged streams.

The flood-frequency relationship for Pine River Lower Reach was estimated from the statistical analysis of the annual peak discharges, 56 year period of record, observed at the USGS stream gage (04155000) at Alma, Michigan. The recorded


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annual peak discharges were statistically distributed following the guidelines presented in WRC Bulletin #17B (WRC, 1982) applying the log-Pearson Type III distribution. The discharge-frequency relationship at the gage was transferred to the Pine River Lower Reach using the ratio of the drainage area at the gage to the drainage of the ungaged reach. The drainage area ratio, raised to the power of the exponent on the drainage area parameter in the regional regression equation for the 1-percent-annual-chance discharge estimate, was multiplied times the 1-percent-annual-chance discharge estimate at the stream gage at Alma.

Peak discharge-drainage area relationships for the 100-year flood of each flooding source studied in detail are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Summary of Discharges

Peak Discharges (cubic feet per second)

Drainage Area 1 0-Percent- 2-Percent- 1-Percent- 0.2-Percent-Flooding Source and Location PINE RIVER LOWER REACH

Just downstream of Riverside Drive

(square miles\ Annual-Chance Annual-Chance Annual-Chance Annual-Chance


Just downstream of East Superior Street 288 2,990 4,580 5,300 7,110

*Data not available

3.2 Hydraulic Analyses

Analyses of the hydraulic characteristics of flooding from the sources studied were carried out to provide estimates of the elevations of floods of the selected recurrence intervals. Users should be aware that flood elevations shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole-foot elevations and may not exactly reflect the elevations shown on the Flood Profiles or in the Floodway Data Table in the FIS report. Flood elevations shown on the FIRM are primarily intended for flood insurance rating purposes. For construction and/or floodplain management purposes, users are cautioned to use the flood elevation data presented in this FIS report in conjunction with the data shown on the FIRM.

Precountywide Analyses

Cross sections for the backwater analysis of the Pine River Upper Reach were obtained by field survey in April 1979. All bridges and dams were field checked to obtain elevation data and structural geometry. For Pine River Lower Reach, some of the cross sections were obtained from field survey and some were synthesized. The synthesized cross sections were estimated from adjacent surveyed sections and topographic maps (USGS, various dates). Structural geometry for the North Main Street bridge in the City of St. Louis and the North Main Street overflow section was also obtained from field survey.


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Roughness coefficients (Manning's "n") for the Pine River Upper Reach were estimated by field inspection at each cross section of the field measurements. These estimates were then compared with the descriptions in "Open-Channel Hydraulics" (Chow, 1959) to obtain the final values. The channel roughness values obtained by this process were further calibrated by matching calculated water elevations with those obtained from the rating curve of the USGS gage at Alma. The resulting roughness factors for the channel varied from 0.030 to 0.042 and in the overbank areas from 0.030 to 0.080. Expansion and contraction coefficients for the river were estimated from data obtained from the USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) (HEC, 1974).

Channel roughness factors (Manning's "n") for the Pine River Lower Reach used in the hydraulic computations were chosen by engineering judgment and based on field observations of the floodplain areas. Roughness values average 0.047 for the channel and range from 0.042 to 0.110 for the overbank areas. The starting water­surface elevations (WSELs) for the Pine River was determined at a cross section located 1 mile downstream of the City of St. Louis northern corporate limits, based on high water data from the 1986 flood. WSELs for Pine River Lower Reach were computed using the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) WSPRO, a step-backwater computer program (FHWA, 1986).

For Pine River Lower Reach upstream of the dam, flood profiles were determined primarily based on cross-section data and hydraulic analyses developed as a part of the FIS for the City of Alma, Michigan (FEMA, 1981). Supplemental data were obtained to describe flooding near the Mill Street bridge. The starting elevation upstream of the dam was determined using a series of 38 annual maximum pool elevations provided by the dam operator (Gibson, Pers. Comm, 1986). The starting elevation for the backwater analyses of the 1-percent-annual­chance flood corresponds to an elevation 0.5 foot higher than the 1986 flood.

For Pine River Upper Reach water-surface profiles for the 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floods were developed using the USACE, HEC computer software, HEC-2 step-backwater computer program (HEC, 1976). The starting WSEL's for the HEC-2 profiles were obtained by the convergence runs that began with the discharge elevation rating curve at the St. Louis Dam.

This Countywide FIS Report

For the streams studied by approximate methods, cross section data was obtained from the topography. Roads were modeled from bridge inventory data or as weirs if no data was available. The studied streams were modeled using the USACE, HEC computer software, HEC-RAS, version 4.0 (HEC, 2008).

Locations of selected cross sections used in the hydraulic analyses are shown on the Flood Profiles (Exhibit 1). For stream segments for which a floodway was


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computed (Section 4.2), selected cross section locations are also shown on the FIRM (Exhibit 2).

The profile baselines depicted on the FIRM represent the hydraulic modeling baselines that match the flood profiles on this FIS report. As a result of improved topographic data, the profile baseline, in some cases, may deviate significantly from the channel centerline or appear outside the Special Flood Hazard Area.

The hydraulic analyses for this study were based on unobstructed flow. The flood elevations shown on the Flood Profiles (Exhibit 1) are thus considered valid only if hydraulic structures remain unobstructed, operate properly, and do not fail.

3.3 Vertical Datum

All FIS reports and FIRMs are referenced to a specific vertical datum. The vertical datum provides a starting point against which flood, ground, and structure elevations can be referenced and compared. Until recently, the standard vertical datum in use for newly created or revised FIS reports and FIRMs was NGVD. With the finalization of NA VD, many FIS reports and FIRMs are being prepared using NAVD as the referenced vertical datum.

All flood elevations shown in this FIS report and on the FIRM are referenced to NAVD. Structure and ground elevations in the community must, therefore, be referenced to NA VD. It is important to note that adjacent communities may be referenced to NGVD. This may result in differences in Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) across the corporate limits between the communities. Some of the data used in this study were taken from the prior effective FIS reports and adjusted to NA VD. The average conversion factor that was used to convert the data in this FIS report to NAVD was calculated using the National Geodetic Survey's (NGS) VERTCON online utility (NGS, 2008). The data points used to determine the conversion are listed in Table 2.

Quad Name

Riverdale Alma North

St. Louis Breckenridge

Crystal Sumner

Alma South Ithaca


Table 2 - Vertical Datum Conversion




43.375 43.375 43.375 43.375 43.250 43.250 43.250 43.250 43.250



-84.750 -84.625 -84.500 -84.375 -84.875 -84.750 -84.625 -84.500 -84.375

Conversion from NGVD29 to NAVD88


-0.505 -0.518 -0.531 -0.554 -0.486 -0.499 -0.518 -0.541 -0.554

Page 65: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Table 2 - Vertical Datum Conversion (Continued)

Conversion from NGVD29 to NAVD88

Quad Name Corner Latitude Longitude (feet)

Butternut SE 43.125 -84.875 -0.472 Carson City SE 43.125 -84.750 -0.489

Perrinton SE 43.125 -84.625 -0.502 Pompeii SE 43.125 -84.500 -0.518 Ashley SE 43.125 -84.375 -0.522

Palo SE 43.000 -84.875 -0.449 Hubbardston SE 43.000 -84.750 -0.456 Maple Rapids SE 43.000 -84.625 -0.463

St. Johns North SE 43.000 -84.500 -0.459

Ovid West SE 43.000 -84.375 -0.476

Average: ·0.501

For additional information regarding conversion between NGVD and NAVD, visit the NGS website at www.ngs.noaa.gov, or contact the NGS at the following address:

Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 National Geodetic Survey, NOAA Silver Spring Metro Center 3 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (301) 713-3191

Temporary vertical monuments are often established during the preparation of a flood hazard analysis for the purpose of establishing local vertical control. Although these monuments are not shown on the FIRM, they may be found in the Technical Support Data Notebook associated with the FIS report and FIRM for this community. Interested individuals may contact FEMA to access these data.

To obtain current elevation, description, and/or location information for benchmarks shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the NGS at (301) 713-3242, or visit their website at www.ngs.noaa.gov.


The NFIP encourages State and local governments to adopt sound floodplain management programs. Therefore, each FIS provides 1-percent-annual-chance (100-year) flood elevations and delineations of the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance (500-year) floodplain boundaries and 1-percent-annual-chance floodway to assist communities in developing floodplain management measures. This information is presented on the FIRM and in many components of the FIS report, including Flood Profiles, Floodway Data Table, and Summary of Stillwater Elevations Table. Users


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should reference the data presented in the FIS report as well as additional information that may be available at the local map repository before making flood elevation and/or floodplain boundary determinations.

4.1 Floodplain Boundaries

To provide a national standard without regional discrimination, the 1-percent­annual-chance flood has been adopted by FEMA as the base flood for floodplain management purposes. The 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood is employed to indicate additional areas of flood risk in the community.

For each stream studied by detailed methods, except for the Pine River Lower Reach, from Chessman Road to approximately 3,430 feet upstream of Chessman Road in the Township of Pine River, and Pine River Upper Reach, from approximately 4,050 feet upstream of State Street Dam to approximately 5,070 feet upstream of the State Street Dam in the Township of Arcada, the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section. Between cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated using topographic maps at a scale of 1 :24,000, with a contour interval of 5 feet (USGS, various dates).

For the Pine River Lower Reach, from Chessman Road to approximately 3,430 feet upstream of Chessman Road in the Township of Pine River, and Pine River Upper Reach, from approximately 4,050 feet upstream of State Street Dam to approximately 5,070 feet upstream of the State Street Dam in the Township of Arcada, the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section. Between modeled cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated using survey data provided by the Spicer Group, Inc.

For all streams studied by approximate methods, except Brandy Creek Tributary 2.1 and Brandy Creek Tributary 2.2, between modeled cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated using topographic maps at a scale of 1 :24,000, with a contour interval of 5 feet (USGS, various dates). For Brandy Creek Tributary 2.1 and Brandy Creek Tributary 2.2, between modeled cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated using survey data provided by the Spicer Group, Inc.

The 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries are shown on the FIRM (Exhibit 2). On this map, the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of special flood hazards (Zones A and AE), and the 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundary corresponds to the boundary of areas of moderate flood hazards. In cases where the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries are close together, only the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundary has been shown. Small areas within the floodplain boundaries may lie above the flood elevations but


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cannot be shown due to limitations of the map scale and/or lack of detailed topographic data.

For the streams studied by approximate methods, only the 1-percent-annual­chance floodplain boundary is shown on the FIRM (Exhibit 2).

4.2 Floodways

Encroachment on floodplains, such as structures and fill, reduces flood-carrying capacity, increases flood heights and velocities, and increases flood hazards in areas beyond the encroachment itself. One aspect of floodplain management involves balancing the economic gain from floodplain development against the resulting increase in flood hazard. For purposes of the NFIP, a floodway is used as a tool to assist local communities in this aspect of floodplain management. Under this concept, the area of the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplain is divided into a flood way and a floodway fringe. The floodway is the channel of a stream, plus any adjacent floodplain areas, that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1-percent-annual-chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. Minimum Federal standards limit such increases to 1 foot, provided that hazardous velocities are not produced. The floodways in this study are presented to local agencies as minimum standards that can be adopted directly or that can be used as a basis for additional floodway studies.

The floodway presented in this FIS report and on the FIRM was computed for certain stream segments on the basis of equal-conveyance reduction from each side of the floodplain. Floodway widths were computed at cross sections. Between cross sections, the floodway boundaries were interpolated. The results of the floodway computations have been tabulated for selected cross sections (Table 3). In cases where the floodway and 1-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries are either close together or collinear, only the floodway boundary has been shown.


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A 189,911 509 3,638 1.5 725.1 725.1 725.1 0.0 B 190,911 715 4,289 1.2 725.2 725.2 725.2 0.0 c 191 ,911 730 3,547 1.5 725.4 725.4 725.4 0.0 D 195,286 369 1,797 2.9 726.9 726.9 727.0 0.1 E 195,786 276 1,245 4.3 727.2 727.2 727.3 0.1 F 196,206 115 1,067 5.0 728.0 728.0 728.0 0.0 G 197,906 164 1,701 3.1 728.9 728.9 728.9 0.0 H 198,656 294 1,669 3.2 729.1 729.1 729.1 0.0 I 199,428 360 2,128 2.5 729.5 729.5 729.5 0.0 J 200,128 311 1,555 3.4 729.6 729.6 729.7 0.1 K 200,493 315 1,560 3.4 730.4 730.4 730.4 0.0 L 200,583 290 2,069 2.6 730.6 730.6 730.6 0.0 M 200,800 260 1,919 2.8 730.6 730.6 730.6 0.0 N 201,056 110 1,352 3.9 730.7 730.7 730.7 0.0 0 201 ,176 162 1,451 3.7 731 .1 731 .1 731 .1 0.0 p 201 ,731 225 1,860 2.9 731.4 731.4 731 .4 0.0 Q 202,002 110 1,222 4.3 732.7 732.7 732.7 0.0 R 202,122 178 1,465 3.6 732.9 732.9 732.9 0.0 s 202,422 199 1,552 3.4 733.1 733.1 733.1 0.0 T 202,696 420 2,277 2.3 733.4 733.4 733.4 0.0

1Feet above confluence with Chippewa River


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u 202,856 415 2,808 1.9 733.4 733.4 733.4 0.0 v 203,128 398 1,773 3.0 733.5 733.5 733.5 0.0 w 203,353 441 2,946 1.8 734.6 734.6 734.6 0.0 X 204,078 757 5,433 1.0 734.7 734.7 734.7 0.0 y 206,453 677 4,771 1.1 734.8 734.8 734.8 0.0 z 207,578 830 3,504 1.5 734.8 734.8 734.8 0.0

AA 208,703 767 5,215 1.0 734.9 734.9 734.9 0.0

Feet above confluence with Chippewa River


Page 70: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

The area between the floodway and 1-percent-annual-chance floodplain boundaries is termed the floodway fringe. The floodway fringe encompasses the portion of the floodplain that could be completely obstructed without increasing the WSEL of the 1-percent-annual-chance flood more than 1 foot at any point. Typical relationships between the floodway and the floodway fringe and their significance to floodplain development are shown in Figure 1.








Figure 1 - Floodway Schematic

No floodways were computed for Pine River Lower Reach.


For flood insurance rating purposes, flood insurance zone designations are assigned to a community based on the results of the engineering analyses. These zones are as follows:

Zone A

Zone A is the flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplains that are determined in the FIS by approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic analyses are not performed for such areas, no BFEs or base flood depths are shown within this zone.


Page 71: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Zone AE

Zone AE is the flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplains that are determined in the PIS by detailed methods. In most instances, whole­foot BFEs derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at selected intervals within this zone.

Zone X

Zone X is the flood insurance risk zone that corresponds to areas outside the 0.2-percent­annual-chance floodplain, areas within the 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile, and areas protected from the 1-percent-annual-chance flood by levees. No BFEs or base flood depths are shown within this zone.


The FIRM is designed for flood insurance and floodplain management applications.

For flood insurance applications, the map designates flood insurance risk zones as described in Section 5.0 and, in the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplains that were studied by detailed methods, shows selected whole-foot BFEs or average depths. Insurance agents use the zones and BFEs in conjunction with information on structures and their contents to assign premium rates for flood insurance policies.

For floodplain management applications, the map shows by tints, screens, and symbols, the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplains, floodways, and the locations of selected cross sections used in the hydraulic analyses and floodway computations.

The countywide FIRM presents flooding information for the entire geographic area of Gratiot County. Previously, FIRMs were prepared for each incorporated community and the unincorporated areas of the County identified as flood-prone. This countywide FIRM also includes flood-hazard information that was presented separately on Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps, where applicable. Historical data relating to the maps prepared for each community are presented in Table 4.


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Alma, City of May 10, 1974 June 25, 1976 March 1 , 1982 None

Arcada, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18, 2011 None

*Ashley, Village of N/A None N/A None

Bethany, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18, 2011 None

*Breckenridge, Village of N/A None N/A None

*Elba, Township of N/A None N/A None

Emerson, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18, 2011 None

*Fulton, Township of N/A None N/A None

*Hamilton, Township of N/A None N/A None

Ithaca, City of October 18, 2011 None October 18, 2011 None

*Lafayette, Township of N/A None N/A None

*New Haven, Township of N/A None N/A None

*Newark, Township of N/A None N/A None

*North Shade, Township of N/A None N/A None

*No special flood hazard areas identified


Page 73: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study



North Star, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18, 2011 None

*Perrinton, Village of N/A None N/A None

Pine River, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18,2011 None

•seville, Township of N/A None N/A None

St. Louis, City of June 14, 1974 October 17, 1975 January 18, 1989 None

Sumner, Township of October 18, 2011 None October 18,2011 None

•washington, Township of N/A None N/A None

*Wheeler, Township ol N/A None N/A None

*No special flood hazard areas identified


Page 74: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


This report either supersedes or is compatible with all previous studies on streams studied in this report and should be considered authoritative for purposes of the NFIP.


Information concerning the pertinent data used in the preparation of this study can be obtained by contacting FEMA, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Division, 536 South Clark Street, Sixth Floor, Chicago, illinois 60605.


Chow, VenTe, Open Channel Hydraulics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study, City of Alma, Gratiot County, Michigan, September 1, 1981.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study, City of St. Louis, Gratiot County, Michigan, January 18, 1989.

Federal Highway Administration, Report No. FHW A/RD-86/108, Bridge Waterways Analysis Model:Research Report, J.O. Shearman, W.H. Kirby, V.R. Snyder, and H.N. Flippo, U.S. Department of Transportation, July 1986.

Gibson, R., City of St. Louis, Michigan, Personal Communication, 1986.

Hydraulic Engineering Center, Training Document No. 6, Application of the HEC-2 Bridge Routine, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California, June 1974.

Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-2, Water Surface· Profiles Generalized Computer Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California, June 1976.

Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS River Analysis System, Version 4.0, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California, May 2008.

Michigan Department of Agriculture, Climate of Michigan by Stations, Lansing, Michigan, December 1971.

National Geodetic Survey, VERTCON-North American Vertical Datum Conversion Utility. Retrieved December 14, 2008, from http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/.

U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder, Gratiot County, Michigan, 2007. Retrieved 2008, from http:/ /factfinder.census. gov.


Page 75: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Gratiot County Soil Survey, undated.

U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Maps, Scale 1:24000, Contour Interval 5 feet: Alma North, Michigan, 1973; Alma South, Michigan, 1973; St. Louis, Michigan, 1973.

U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques for Estimating Peak Flow on Small Streams in Minnesota, Water Resources Investigation Report 97-4249, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1997.

U.S. Geological Survey, Peak Streamflow for the Nation, USGS 04155000 Pine River at Alma, MI. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/peak.

Water Resources Council, Hydrology Committee, Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency, Bulletin #17, March 1976.

Water Resources Council, Hydrology Committee, Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency, Bulletin #17B, Revised September 1981, Editorial Corrections March 1982.


Page 76: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

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Page 77: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


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Page 78: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

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Page 79: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study




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Page 80: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 4

Page 81: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DEli\ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978. (Wellog!£)

lmoort ID: Failure to comply is a misdemeanor

Tax No: I Permit No: County: Gratiot I Township: Arcada Town/Range: !Section: jWoll Status: IWSSN: I Source ID/Wall No:

Well ID: 29000003039 11N 03W 4 Activo Fredrickson Nor Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 2344-feet North-East of from the intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Elevation: 745.09 ft.

Latitude: 43.370241925 Well Owner: Malcolm Plmle Inc.

Longitude: -84.682828102 Well Address: Owner Addreq: None 101 S Washington Square Suit 400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml48801-9556 Lansing, Ml 48933

Drilling Method: Rotary Pump Installed: No Well Depth: 243.00 ft. Wall Use: Type I public Pressure Tank Installed: No Well Type: New Date Completed: 3/2/2009 Pressure Relief Valve Installed: No Casing Type: Steel - black Haight: 2.00 ft. above grade Casing Joint: Welded Casing Fitting: None

Diameter: 12.00 in. to 218.00 fl. depth

Borehole: 18.00 in. to 243.00 fl. depth

Static Water Level: 12.33 ft. Below Grade Formation Description Thickness

Depth to Wall Yield Test: Yield Test Method: Test pump Bottom Pumping level 67.16 ft. after 48.00 hrs. at 678 GPM Brown Sand Medium 9.00 9.00

Brown Clay 6.00 15.00 Brown Clay W/Sand 4.00 19.00

Screen Installed: Yes Filter Packed: Yes Gray Slit Sandy 5.00 24.00 Screen Diameter: 12.00 in. Blank: Above Gray Clay W/Sand 5.00 29.00 Screen Material Type: Stainless steel-wire wrapped Gray Sand Fine Silty 5.00 34.00 Slot Length Set Between Gray Clay 15.00 49.00 30.00 25.00ft. 218 .00 ft. and 243.00 ft. Brown Sand Fine To Medium 51 .00 100.00

Brown Sand Fine 139.00 239.00 Brown Sand Medium W/Gravel 5.00 244.00

Fittings: None Gray Sand Medium To Coarse W/Gravel 4.00 248.00 Gray Clay W/Gravel 5.00 253.00

Wall Grouted: Yes Grouting Method: Grout pipe outside casing Grouting Material Bags Additives Depth Neat cement 196.00 None 0.00 ft. to 201.00 ft. Geology Remarks:

Wellhead Completion: 12 inches above grade

Nearest Source of Possible Contamination: Drilling Machine Operator Name: Larry Herron 'rype Distance Direction Employment: Employee Septic tank 625ft. West-Southwest Surface water 500ft. North Contractor Type: Water Well Drilling Contractor Reg No: 41-1095

Business Name: Stearns Drilling Business Address: 6974 HammondS E Dutton MI. 49316

Water Well Contractor's Certification This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Slanature of Reaistered Contractor Date General Remarks: Other Remarks:

EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 1 of 1 Contractor 4/2/2009 2:29 PM

Page 82: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DE(\ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 366 PA 1976. (Wellog!£)

lmoort iO: Failure to comply is a misdemeanor

Tax No: [Permit No: County: Gratiot Township: Arcada Town/Range: !Section: IWell Status: J WSSN: I Source ID/Wall No:

Well ID: 29000003040 11N 03W 4 Active FN-1 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 2312-feet North-East of from the Intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Elevation: 745.48 ft.

Latitude: 43.370183795 Well Owner: Malcolm Pimie Inc

Longitude: -84.682805768 WaiiAddrasa: Owner Address: None 101 S Washington Squire Suit400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml48801-9556 Lansing, Ml 48933

Drilling Method: Auger/Bored Pump .Installed: No Well Depth: 243.00 ft . Well Use: Other Pressure Tank Installed: No WeiiTvoe: New Date ComDieted: 2/23/2009 Pressure Relief Valve Installed: No Casing Type: Steel - galvanized Height: 2.00 ft. above grade Casing Joint: Threaded & coupled Casing Fitting: None

Diameter: 2.00 in. to 233.00 ft. depth

Borehole: 9.00 in. to 253.00 ft . depth

Static Water Level: 11 .69ft. Below Grade Formation Description Thickness Depth to

Well Yield Test: Yield Test Method: Air Bottom Pumping level15.00 ft. after 2.00 hrs. at 15 GPM Brown Sand Medium 5.00 5.00

Brown Clav 10.00 15.00 Grav Clav W/Sand 4.00 19.00

Screen Installed: Yes Filter Packed: Yes Grav Silt Sandv 5.00 24.00 Screen Diameter: 2.00 in. Blank: Grav Clav Sandv 5.00 29.00 Screen Material Type: Stainless steel-wire wrapped Grav Sand Fine Siitv 5.00 34.00 Slot Length Set Between Grav Clav 15.00 49.00 10.00 10.00 ft. 233.00 ft and 243.00 ft. Brown Sand Fine To Medium 51 .00 100.00

Brown Sand Fine 139.00 239.00 Brown Sand Medium W/Gravel 5.00 244.00

Fittings: Bottom plug Grav Sand Medium To Coarse W/Gravel 4.00 248.00 Grav ClciV W/Gravel 5.00 253.00

Well Grouted: Yes Grouting Method: Grout pipe outside casing Grouting Material Bags Additives Depth Neat cement 78.00 None 0.00 ft. to 223.00 ft. Geology Remarks:

Wellhead Completion: 12 Inches above grade

Nearest Source of Possible Contamination: Drilling Machine Operator Name: Jerry Huntoon Type Distance Direction Employment: Employee Septic tank 664ft. West-Southwest Surface water 469fl. North Contractor Type: Water Well Drilling Contractor Reg No: 41 -1095

Business Name: Stearns Drilling Business Address: 6974 Hammontl S E Dutton Ml 493'16

Water Well Contractor's Certification This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

SiRnaturo of Ro~listerod Contractor Date General Remarks: Othor Rom arks: Well Use:Obse1valion Well EQP-2017 (412010) Page 1 of 1 Contractor 41212009 3:20 PM

Page 83: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DEiil Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978. (Wellog@

Import ID: Failure to comply is a misdemeanor

Tax No: (Permit No: County: Gratiot (Township: Arcada Town/Range: ~ Section: I Well Status: IWSSN: I Source ID/Well No:

Well 10: 29000003041 11 N 03W 4 Active FN-2 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 2250-feet North-East of from the intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd Elevation: 744.45 ft.

Latitude: 43.36982463 Well Owner: Malcom Pirnie Inc

Longitude: -84.683777977 Well Address: OWner Address: None 1 01 S Washington Square Suit 400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml48801-9556 Lensing, Ml48933

Drilling Method: Rotary Pump Installed: No Well Depth: 238 00 ft. Well Use: Other Pressure Tank Installed: No Well Type: New Date Completad: 2/25/2009 Pressure Relief Valve Installed: No Casing Type: Steel - galvanized Height: 2.00 ft. above grade Casing Joint: Threaded & coupled Casing Fitting: None

Diameter: 2.00 in. to 228.00 ft. depth

Borehole: 9.00 in. to 247.00 ft. depth

Static Water Level: 11 .1 3 ft. Below Grade Formation Description Thickness

Depth to Well Yield Test: Yield Test Method: Air Bottom Pumping level20.00 ft. after 2.00 hrs. at 15 GPM Brown Sand Clayey 34.00 34.00

Brown Clay Hard 18.00 52.00 Brown Sand Fine 17.00 69.00

Screen Installed: Yes Filter Packed: Yes Brown Sand Fine To Medium 5.00 74.00 Screen Diameter: 2.00in. Blank: Brown Sand Medium W/Gravel 16.00 90.00 Screen Material Type: Stainless steel-wire wrapped Brown Silt Sandy 1.00 91 .00 Slot Length Set Between .Brown Sand Fine To Medium 3.00 94.00 20.00 10.00 ft. 228.00 ft. and 238.00 ft. Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/Gravel 26.00 120.00

Brown Sand Fine To Medium 14.00 134.00 Brown Sand Fine 10.00 144.00

Fittings: Bottom plug Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/GraveJ 26.00 170.00 Brown Sand Fine 29.00 199.00

Well Grouted: Yes Grouting Method: Grout pipe outside casing Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/GraveL 5.00 204.00 Grouting Material Bags Additives Depth (Continued On Page 2) Neat cement 68.00 None 0.00 ft to 218.00 fl. Geology Remarks:

Wellhead Completion: 12 inches above grade

Nearest Source of Possible Contamination: Drilling Machine Operator Name: Jerry Huntoon Type Distance Direction Employment: Employee Septic tank 391ft. Southwest Surface water 508ft. North (Continued on page 2)

General Remarks: Other Remarks: Well Use:Observallon Well EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 1 of2 Contractor 4/2/2009 4:00 PM

Page 84: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DE'il Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978.

Failure to comply is a misdemeanor.

(Wellogj£) Import 10: Tax No: !Permit No: Counw: Grallol TownshiP: A read a

Town/Range: !Section: I Well Status: IWSSN: I Source ID/Well No:

Well 10: 29000003041 11N.03W 4 Active FN-2 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 2250-feet North-East of from

Elevation: 744.45 ft. the Intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Latitude: 43.36982463 Welt Owner: Malcom Pirnie Inc

Longitude: -84.683777977 Well Address: OWner Address: None 101 S Washington Square Suit 400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml 48801-9556 Lansing, Ml 48933

(Continued from Page 11

Fonnatlon Description Thickness Depth to OTHER REMARKS: Bottom Well Use:Observation Well

Brown Sand Coarse W/Gravel 16.00 220.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 24.00 244.00 Grav Clav W/Gravel Hard 3.00 247.00

Contractor Type: Water Well Drilling Contractor Reg No: 41-1095 Business Name: Steams Drilling Business Address: 6974 HammondS E Dutton M) 49316

Water Well Contractor's Certification This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge end belief.

SIR nature of R&Ristered Contractor Date

EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 2 of 2 Contractor 4/2/2009 4:00 PM

Page 85: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Dl(\ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978. (Wellogfu)

Import 10: Failure to comply Is a misdemeanor

Tax No: I Permit No: County: Gratiot ITownshlp: Arcade Town/Range: ~Section: IWell Status: IWSSN: I Source 10/Well No:

Well ID: 29000003044 11NQ3W 4 Aclive FS-1 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 1 094-feet North-East of from the intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Elevation: 746.48 ft.

Latitude: 43.365940605 Well Owner: Malcolm Pirnie

Longitude: -84.682380837 WetiAddresa: Owner Addresa: None 101 S. Washington Square Suit400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml 48801-9556 lansing, Ml 48933

Drilling Method: Other Pump Installed: No Well Depth: 230.00 ft. Well Usa: Other Pressure Tank Installed: No Well Type: New Date Completed: 2123/2009 Pressure Relief Valve Installed: No Casing Type: Steel - galvanized Height: 3.00 ft. above grade Casing Joint: Threaded & coupled Casing Fitting: None

Diameter: 2.00 in. lo 220.00 ft. depth

Borehole: 6.00 in. to 239.00 ft . depth

Static Water Laval: 11.45 ft. Below Grade Formation Daacriptlon Thickness

Depth to Well Yield Test: Yield Test Method: Air Bottom Pumping level 30.00 ft. after 2.00 hrs. at 10 GPM Brown Topsoil 1.00 1.00

Brown Sand Clayey 1.00 2.00 Brown Clay Sandy 1.50 3.50

Screen Installed: Yes Filter Packed: Yes Brown Sand Clayey 5.50 9.00 Screen Diameter: 2.00in. Blank: Brown Sand Fine 5.50 14.50 Screen Material Type: Stainless steel-wire wrapped Gray Clay Silty W/Sand 4.50 19.00 Slot Length Set Between Gray Clay Sandy W/Gravel 26.00 45.00 20.00 10.00 ft. 220.00 ft. and 230.00 ft. Gray Clay Silty W/Gravel 5.00 50.00

Brown Clay Sandy 2.50 52.50 Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/Gravel 5.00 57.50

Fittings: Bottom plug Brown Sand Clayey W/Gravel 1.50 59.00 Gray Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 7.00 66.00

Well Grouted: Yes Grouting Method: Grout pipe outside casing Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 25.00 91.00 Grouting Material Bags Additives Depth (Continued On Page 2) Neat cement 50.00 None 0.00 ft. to 210.00 ft. Geology Remarks:

Wellhead Completion: 12 inches above grade

Nearest Source of Possible Contamination: Drilling Machine Operator Name: Denny Copper Type Distance Direction Employment: Employee Septic lank 781ft. South-Southeast

(Continued on page 2)

General Remarks: Other Remarks: Well Use:Obsetvalion Well Orillina Method:Sonic EQP-2017 (4/201 0) Page 1 of 2 Conlractor 4/2/2009 9:10PM

Page 86: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DEli\ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978.

Failure to comply is a misdemeanor

(Wellog!£) lmDort 10: Tax No: ll'ermlt No: County: Gratiot ITownlhlp: Aroada

Town/Range: lSactlon: I Well Status: IWSSN: ISourceiDIWell No:

Well ID: 29000003044 11 N 03W 4 Active FS-1 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 1 094-feet North-East of from

Elevation: 746.48 ft. the intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd Latitude: 43.365940605 Well Owner: Malcolm Pirnie

Longitude: -84.682360837 We11Addra88: Owner Address: None 101 S. Washington Square Suit 400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, Ml48801-9556 Lansing, Ml 48933

(Contlnued from Pa11.a11

Formation Description Thickness Depth to OTHER REMARKS: Bottom Well Use:Observation Well, Drilling Method:Sonic

Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 3.00 94.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 5.00 99.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 9.00 108.00 Brown Silt Clayey_ 2.00 110.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/Silt 5.50 115.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 6.50 122.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 2.50 124.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 1.00 125.50 Brown Sand Fine W/Silt 1.50 127.00 Brown ClaySanc:jy 1.00 128.00 Brown Sand Fine 9.00 137.00 Brown Sand Fine 1.00 138.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravei 2.00 140.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 9.00 149.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravei 2.50 151.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 7.50 159.00 Brown Sand Fine 9.00 168.00 Brown Clav Sandv 0.50 168.50 Brown Sand Verv Fine W/SIIt 7.50 176.00 Brown Sand Fine 8.00 184.00 Brown Sand Fine W/Silt 15.00 199.00 Brown Sand Verv Fine W/Gravel 10.00 209.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 7.00 216.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 1.50 217.50 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 17.50 235.00 Brown Clav 4.00 239.00

Contractor Type: Water Well Drilling Contractor Reg No: 41-1095 Business Name: Stearns Drilling Business Address: 6974 HammondS E Dutton. Mi 49316

Water Well Contractor's Certification This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Siunature of Reaistered Contractor Date

EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 2of2 Contractor 4/2/2009 9:10PM

Page 87: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DE~ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 366 PA 1976. (Wellogfu)

Import 10: Failure to comply is a misdemeanor

Tax No: I PermltNo: Countv: Gratiot ITownshiD: Arcada Town/Range: 'Section: ' Well Status: IWSSN: ISourceiD/Well No:

Well 10: 29000003045 11N 03W 4 Active FS-2 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 1133-feet North-East of from the Intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Elevation: 756.89 ft.

Latitude: 43.365258604 Well Owner: Malcolm Pirnle Inc

Longitude: -84.681455035 WeiiAddren: Owner Address: None 1 01 S Washington Square Sult400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, M148801-9556 Lansing, Ml48933

Drilling Method: Other PumD Installed: No Well Depth: 240.00ft. Well Use: Other Pressure Tank Installed: No Well Type: New Date ComPleted: 2/25/2009 Pressure Relief Valve Installed: No Casing Type: Steel - galvanized Height: 2.00 ft. above grade Casing Joint: Threaded & coupled Casing FHtlng: None

Diameter: 2.00 ln. to 230.00 ft. depth

Borehole: 6.00 in. to 270.00 ft. depth

Static Water Level: 23.02 ft. Below Grade Fonnatlon Description Thickness

Depth to Well Yield Test: Yield Test Method: Air Bottom Pumping level 100.00 ft. after 2.00 hrs. at 5 GPM Brown Toosoil 0.50 0.50

Brown Clav Sandv 5.50 6.00 Brown Clav Siltv 3.00 9.00

Screen Installed: Yes FIHer Packed: Yes Brown Sand Fine To Medium 1.00 10.00 Screen Diameter: 2.00 ln. Blank: Brown Sand Fine To Medium 4.50 14.50 Screen Material Type: Stainless steel-wire wrapped Grav Silt Clavev 4.50 19.00 Slot Length Set Between Grav Clav Sillv 0.50 19.50 20.00 10.00 ft. 230.00 ft . and 240.00 ft . Grav Silt Clavev 14.50 34.00

Grav Clav W/Gravel 36.00 70.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/Gravel 1.50 71.50

Fittings: Bottom plug Brown Clav Sandv W/Gravel 15.00 86.50 Brown Clav Siltv 2.00 88.50

Well Grouted: Yes Grouting Method: Grout pipe outside casing Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 3.50 92.00 Grouting Material Bags Additives Depth (Continued On Pa~ 21 Neat cement 68.00 None 0.00 ft. to 219.00 ft. Geology Remarks:

Wellhead Completion: 12 Inches above grade

Nearest Source of Possible Contamination: Drilling Machine Operator Name: Denny Copper Type Distance Direction Employment: Employee Septic tank 469ft. South-Southeast

(Continued on page 2)

General Remarks: Other Remarks: Well Use:Observalion Well Dri11fnj:l Melhod:Sonlc EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 1 of2 Contractor 4/2/2009 9:54 PM

Page 88: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DEC\ Water Well And Pump Record Completion is required under authority of Part 127 Act 368 PA 1978.

Failure to comply is a misdemeanor.

(Wellog@ lmportiD:

Tax No: ll>ennit No: Countv: Gratiot I Township: Arcada TownfRange: I Section: I Well Status: IWSSN: I Source ID/Well No:

Well ID: 29000003045 11N 03W 4 Acllve FS-2 Distance and Direction from Road Intersection: 1133-feet North-East of from

Elevation: 756.69 ft. lhe intersection of Luce Rd and Van Buren Rd

Latitude: 43.365256604 Well Owner: Malcolm Pirnle Inc

Longitude: -64.661455035 Well Address: Owner Address: None 1 01 S Washington Square Suit 400

Method of Collection: GPS Differential (DGPS) Alma, MI48B01 ·9556 Lansing, Ml46933

(ConUnued from Paae 11

Formation Description Thickness Depth to OTHER REMARKS: Bottom Well Use:Observallon Well, Drilling Method:Sonic

Brown Sand Siltv W/Clav 3.50 95.50 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 1.50 97.00 Brown Sand Siltv Clavev 3.00 100.00 Brown Clav Slltv 2.00 102.0_0 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Clav 2.50 104.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 14.00 116.50 Brown Sand Siltv 1.50 120.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 6.50 126.50 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 1.50 128.00 Brown Sand Fine To COarse W/Gravel 1.00 129,00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 3.00 132.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 3.00 135.00 Brown Sand Fine 1.00 136.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Grevel 2.00 136.00 Brown Sand Verv Fine 2.00 140.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Grevel 10.00 150.00 Brown Sand Fine 3.50 153.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Grevel 6.50 160.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 40.00 200.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Gravel 5.50 205.50 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 31.50 237.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse W/Grevel 9.00 246.00 Brown Sand Fine To Coarse 7.50 25350 Brown Sand Fill Slltv 1.50 255.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium W/Gravel 5.00 260.00 Brown Sand Fine To Medium 8.00 268.00 Brown Clav W/Gravel 2.00 270.00

Contractor Type: Water Well Drilling Contractor Reg No: 41-1095 Business Name: Stearns Drilling Business Address: 6974 HammondS E Dutton Ml 49316

Water Well Contractor's Certification This well was drilled under my supervision and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of Registered Contractor Date

EQP-2017 (4/2010) Page 2 of2 Contractor 4/2/2009 9:54 PM

Page 89: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 5

Page 90: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study





-~ 60.0 -c

~ 0 50.0

"'C ~ co 40.0 s.... 0






Step-Drawdown Test- Well No. 9 Gratiot Area Water Authority- December 2, 2014


Step 3 Pumping Rate = 1060 gpm

Drawdown at End of Step 3 = 97.97 feet

Specific Capacity = 10.82 gpm/ft


Step 2 Pumping Rate = 76_8 gpm

Drawdown at End of Step 2 = 69.40 feet

Spe_cifiG C~pacity = t1.0] gpm/ft

Step 1 ~mping Rate= 530 gpm

Drawdown ~End of Step 1 = 47.38 feet

Specific Capacity = 11.19 gpm/ft

60.0 120.0 180.0

Time (min)

240.0 300.0 360.0

Page 91: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 6

Page 92: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 1 of 63

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

Device Properties

Device BaroTROLL 500

Site GAWA Frederickson North

Device Name  

Serial Number 144889

Firmware Version 2.06

Hardware Version 3

Device Address 1

Device Comm Cfg 19200 8 Even 1 (Modbus‐RTU)

Used Memory 6

Used Battery 33

Log Configuration

Log Name Baro FN

Created By ntg

Computer Name REMELAP‐6353

Application WinSitu.exe

Application Version

Create Date 11/25/2014 3:48:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes) 4096

Overwrite when full Disabled

Scheduled Start Time 11/25/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Scheduled Stop Time No Stop Time

Type Linear

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\Fredrickson Hydrogeo\App6_Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.xlsx 2/2/2015

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Page 2 of 63

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

Other Log Settings

Log Notes:

Date and Time Note

11/25/2014 15:48 Used Battery: 33% Used Memory: 6%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 11:23 Used Battery: 33% Used Memory: 6%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 11:23 Manual Stop Command

Log Data:

Record Count 2789

Sensors 1

  1 144889 Baro‐Pressure/Temp

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Sensor: Baro Pres            Sensor: Baro Pres             

Elapsed Time SN#: 144889                    SN#: 144889                   

Date and Time Minutes      Temperature (C)             Pressure (inH2O)              

11/25/2014 19:00 0 0.098 399.053

11/25/2014 19:05 5 0.075 398.969

11/25/2014 19:10 10 0.061 399.004

11/25/2014 19:15 15 0.047 399.066

11/25/2014 19:20 20 0.032 399.047

11/25/2014 19:25 25 0.027 399.109

11/25/2014 19:30 30 0.007 399.191

11/25/2014 19:35 35 ‐0.009 399.138

11/25/2014 19:40 40 ‐0.016 399.075

11/25/2014 19:45 45 ‐0.023 399.217

11/25/2014 19:50 50 ‐0.034 399.152

11/25/2014 19:55 55 ‐0.037 399.186

11/25/2014 20:00 60 ‐0.049 399.202

11/25/2014 20:05 65 ‐0.059 399.232

11/25/2014 20:10 70 ‐0.061 399.252

11/25/2014 20:15 75 ‐0.068 399.262

11/25/2014 20:20 80 ‐0.07 399.249

11/25/2014 20:25 85 ‐0.075 399.245

11/25/2014 20:30 90 ‐0.083 399.307

11/25/2014 20:35 95 ‐0.099 399.277

11/25/2014 20:40 100 ‐0.117 399.301

11/25/2014 20:45 105 ‐0.132 399.291

11/25/2014 20:50 110 ‐0.153 399.321

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/25/2014 20:55 115 ‐0.176 399.338

11/25/2014 21:00 120 ‐0.182 399.325

11/25/2014 21:05 125 ‐0.186 399.332

11/25/2014 21:10 130 ‐0.197 399.389

11/25/2014 21:15 135 ‐0.202 399.431

11/25/2014 21:20 140 ‐0.219 399.346

11/25/2014 21:25 145 ‐0.226 399.313

11/25/2014 21:30 150 ‐0.234 399.438

11/25/2014 21:35 155 ‐0.25 399.333

11/25/2014 21:40 160 ‐0.266 399.38

11/25/2014 21:45 165 ‐0.272 399.351

11/25/2014 21:50 170 ‐0.272 399.376

11/25/2014 21:55 175 ‐0.276 399.449

11/25/2014 22:00 180 ‐0.278 399.503

11/25/2014 22:05 185 ‐0.278 399.437

11/25/2014 22:10 190 ‐0.278 399.562

11/25/2014 22:15 195 ‐0.283 399.577

11/25/2014 22:20 200 ‐0.292 399.552

11/25/2014 22:25 205 ‐0.296 399.56

11/25/2014 22:30 210 ‐0.29 399.627

11/25/2014 22:35 215 ‐0.286 399.752

11/25/2014 22:40 220 ‐0.287 399.716

11/25/2014 22:45 225 ‐0.278 399.74

11/25/2014 22:50 230 ‐0.275 399.771

11/25/2014 22:55 235 ‐0.275 399.681

11/25/2014 23:00 240 ‐0.282 399.812

11/25/2014 23:05 245 ‐0.289 399.85

11/25/2014 23:10 250 ‐0.286 399.868

11/25/2014 23:15 255 ‐0.282 399.86

11/25/2014 23:20 260 ‐0.285 399.779

11/25/2014 23:25 265 ‐0.285 399.773

11/25/2014 23:30 270 ‐0.274 399.833

11/25/2014 23:35 275 ‐0.269 399.847

11/25/2014 23:40 280 ‐0.266 399.855

11/25/2014 23:45 285 ‐0.272 399.822

11/25/2014 23:50 290 ‐0.265 399.822

11/25/2014 23:55 295 ‐0.264 399.879

11/26/2014 0:00 300 ‐0.265 399.892

11/26/2014 0:05 305 ‐0.258 399.893

11/26/2014 0:10 310 ‐0.252 399.881

11/26/2014 0:15 315 ‐0.24 399.836

11/26/2014 0:20 320 ‐0.236 399.798

11/26/2014 0:25 325 ‐0.234 399.858

11/26/2014 0:30 330 ‐0.24 399.868

11/26/2014 0:35 335 ‐0.24 399.858

11/26/2014 0:40 340 ‐0.243 399.877

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 0:45 345 ‐0.248 399.912

11/26/2014 0:50 350 ‐0.249 399.875

11/26/2014 0:55 355 ‐0.254 399.88

11/26/2014 1:00 360 ‐0.261 399.814

11/26/2014 1:05 365 ‐0.261 399.79

11/26/2014 1:10 370 ‐0.265 399.866

11/26/2014 1:15 375 ‐0.262 399.852

11/26/2014 1:20 380 ‐0.256 399.85

11/26/2014 1:25 385 ‐0.256 399.84

11/26/2014 1:30 390 ‐0.265 399.765

11/26/2014 1:35 395 ‐0.271 399.727

11/26/2014 1:40 400 ‐0.275 399.741

11/26/2014 1:45 405 ‐0.277 399.825

11/26/2014 1:50 410 ‐0.285 399.876

11/26/2014 1:55 415 ‐0.299 399.818

11/26/2014 2:00 420 ‐0.314 399.848

11/26/2014 2:05 425 ‐0.318 399.893

11/26/2014 2:10 430 ‐0.319 399.918

11/26/2014 2:15 435 ‐0.325 399.938

11/26/2014 2:20 440 ‐0.33 399.938

11/26/2014 2:25 445 ‐0.332 399.972

11/26/2014 2:30 450 ‐0.334 399.943

11/26/2014 2:35 455 ‐0.337 399.964

11/26/2014 2:40 460 ‐0.346 399.931

11/26/2014 2:45 465 ‐0.352 399.914

11/26/2014 2:50 470 ‐0.352 399.891

11/26/2014 2:55 475 ‐0.331 399.904

11/26/2014 3:00 480 ‐0.325 399.9

11/26/2014 3:05 485 ‐0.319 399.895

11/26/2014 3:10 490 ‐0.317 399.888

11/26/2014 3:15 495 ‐0.314 399.908

11/26/2014 3:20 500 ‐0.317 399.927

11/26/2014 3:25 505 ‐0.318 399.949

11/26/2014 3:30 510 ‐0.32 399.914

11/26/2014 3:35 515 ‐0.323 399.927

11/26/2014 3:40 520 ‐0.326 399.915

11/26/2014 3:45 525 ‐0.332 399.905

11/26/2014 3:50 530 ‐0.333 399.848

11/26/2014 3:55 535 ‐0.329 399.836

11/26/2014 4:00 540 ‐0.329 399.842

11/26/2014 4:05 545 ‐0.331 399.825

11/26/2014 4:10 550 ‐0.324 399.818

11/26/2014 4:15 555 ‐0.316 399.819

11/26/2014 4:20 560 ‐0.306 399.807

11/26/2014 4:25 565 ‐0.3 399.782

11/26/2014 4:30 570 ‐0.299 399.865

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 4:35 575 ‐0.3 399.747

11/26/2014 4:40 580 ‐0.298 399.736

11/26/2014 4:45 585 ‐0.303 399.752

11/26/2014 4:50 590 ‐0.318 399.757

11/26/2014 4:55 595 ‐0.323 399.765

11/26/2014 5:00 600 ‐0.321 399.76

11/26/2014 5:05 605 ‐0.323 399.752

11/26/2014 5:10 610 ‐0.327 399.741

11/26/2014 5:15 615 ‐0.332 399.757

11/26/2014 5:20 620 ‐0.337 399.745

11/26/2014 5:25 625 ‐0.334 399.737

11/26/2014 5:30 630 ‐0.33 399.702

11/26/2014 5:35 635 ‐0.326 399.698

11/26/2014 5:40 640 ‐0.331 399.741

11/26/2014 5:45 645 ‐0.337 399.725

11/26/2014 5:50 650 ‐0.349 399.741

11/26/2014 5:55 655 ‐0.358 399.73

11/26/2014 6:00 660 ‐0.369 399.674

11/26/2014 6:05 665 ‐0.377 399.579

11/26/2014 6:10 670 ‐0.382 399.592

11/26/2014 6:15 675 ‐0.388 399.722

11/26/2014 6:20 680 ‐0.393 399.618

11/26/2014 6:25 685 ‐0.404 399.623

11/26/2014 6:30 690 ‐0.421 399.682

11/26/2014 6:35 695 ‐0.432 399.706

11/26/2014 6:40 700 ‐0.433 399.678

11/26/2014 6:45 705 ‐0.439 399.695

11/26/2014 6:50 710 ‐0.45 399.655

11/26/2014 6:55 715 ‐0.465 399.693

11/26/2014 7:00 720 ‐0.478 399.661

11/26/2014 7:05 725 ‐0.494 399.648

11/26/2014 7:10 730 ‐0.5 399.676

11/26/2014 7:15 735 ‐0.504 399.708

11/26/2014 7:20 740 ‐0.504 399.638

11/26/2014 7:25 745 ‐0.492 399.629

11/26/2014 7:30 750 ‐0.484 399.726

11/26/2014 7:35 755 ‐0.476 399.747

11/26/2014 7:40 760 ‐0.485 399.668

11/26/2014 7:45 765 ‐0.49 399.658

11/26/2014 7:50 770 ‐0.498 399.658

11/26/2014 7:55 775 ‐0.503 399.661

11/26/2014 8:00 780 ‐0.504 399.681

11/26/2014 8:05 785 ‐0.494 399.763

11/26/2014 8:10 790 ‐0.497 399.751

11/26/2014 8:15 795 ‐0.499 399.629

11/26/2014 8:20 800 ‐0.491 399.807

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 8:25 805 ‐0.476 399.678

11/26/2014 8:30 810 ‐0.46 399.66

11/26/2014 8:35 815 ‐0.448 399.65

11/26/2014 8:40 820 ‐0.416 399.713

11/26/2014 8:45 825 ‐0.392 399.651

11/26/2014 8:50 830 ‐0.368 399.774

11/26/2014 8:55 835 ‐0.356 399.662

11/26/2014 9:00 840 ‐0.341 399.773

11/26/2014 9:05 845 ‐0.326 399.732

11/26/2014 9:10 850 ‐0.308 399.768

11/26/2014 9:15 855 ‐0.286 399.679

11/26/2014 9:20 860 ‐0.264 399.847

11/26/2014 9:25 865 ‐0.251 399.872

11/26/2014 9:30 870 ‐0.233 399.737

11/26/2014 9:35 875 ‐0.174 399.811

11/26/2014 9:40 880 ‐0.135 399.756

11/26/2014 9:45 885 ‐0.121 399.756

11/26/2014 9:50 890 ‐0.104 399.857

11/26/2014 9:55 895 ‐0.081 399.809

11/26/2014 10:00 900 ‐0.043 399.772

11/26/2014 10:05 905 0.007 399.79

11/26/2014 10:10 910 0.065 399.794

11/26/2014 10:15 915 0.123 399.841

11/26/2014 10:20 920 0.168 399.833

11/26/2014 10:25 925 0.203 399.838

11/26/2014 10:30 930 0.229 399.801

11/26/2014 10:35 935 0.262 399.868

11/26/2014 10:40 940 0.287 399.805

11/26/2014 10:45 945 0.318 399.761

11/26/2014 10:50 950 0.341 399.765

11/26/2014 10:55 955 0.37 399.819

11/26/2014 11:00 960 0.391 399.785

11/26/2014 11:05 965 0.42 399.762

11/26/2014 11:10 970 0.445 399.753

11/26/2014 11:15 975 0.467 399.73

11/26/2014 11:20 980 0.492 399.692

11/26/2014 11:25 985 0.51 399.608

11/26/2014 11:30 990 0.532 399.531

11/26/2014 11:35 995 0.576 399.568

11/26/2014 11:40 1000 0.628 399.488

11/26/2014 11:45 1005 0.689 399.428

11/26/2014 11:50 1010 0.74 399.474

11/26/2014 11:55 1015 0.79 399.417

11/26/2014 12:00 1020 0.855 399.419

11/26/2014 12:05 1025 0.938 399.404

11/26/2014 12:10 1030 1.008 399.322

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 12:15 1035 1.052 399.295

11/26/2014 12:20 1040 1.087 399.313

11/26/2014 12:25 1045 1.123 399.23

11/26/2014 12:30 1050 1.151 399.189

11/26/2014 12:35 1055 1.18 399.241

11/26/2014 12:40 1060 1.18 399.152

11/26/2014 12:45 1065 1.184 399.121

11/26/2014 12:50 1070 1.181 399.135

11/26/2014 12:55 1075 1.185 399.224

11/26/2014 13:00 1080 1.184 399.18

11/26/2014 13:05 1085 1.184 399.154

11/26/2014 13:10 1090 1.166 399.136

11/26/2014 13:15 1095 1.145 399.15

11/26/2014 13:20 1100 1.134 399.068

11/26/2014 13:25 1105 1.132 399.071

11/26/2014 13:30 1110 1.141 399.052

11/26/2014 13:35 1115 1.155 399.039

11/26/2014 13:40 1120 1.166 399.003

11/26/2014 13:45 1125 1.183 399.113

11/26/2014 13:50 1130 1.193 399.06

11/26/2014 13:55 1135 1.188 399.048

11/26/2014 14:00 1140 1.175 399.035

11/26/2014 14:05 1145 1.159 399.007

11/26/2014 14:10 1150 1.141 399.103

11/26/2014 14:15 1155 1.122 399.041

11/26/2014 14:20 1160 1.092 399.082

11/26/2014 14:25 1165 1.07 399.146

11/26/2014 14:30 1170 1.034 399.062

11/26/2014 14:35 1175 0.997 399.12

11/26/2014 14:40 1180 0.955 399.132

11/26/2014 14:45 1185 0.911 399.215

11/26/2014 14:50 1190 0.88 399.13

11/26/2014 14:55 1195 0.856 399.126

11/26/2014 15:00 1200 0.832 399.212

11/26/2014 15:05 1205 0.802 399.166

11/26/2014 15:10 1210 0.766 399.24

11/26/2014 15:15 1215 0.739 399.258

11/26/2014 15:20 1220 0.718 399.25

11/26/2014 15:25 1225 0.7 399.212

11/26/2014 15:30 1230 0.68 399.205

11/26/2014 15:35 1235 0.663 399.221

11/26/2014 15:40 1240 0.637 399.23

11/26/2014 15:45 1245 0.613 399.246

11/26/2014 15:50 1250 0.589 399.268

11/26/2014 15:55 1255 0.564 399.308

11/26/2014 16:00 1260 0.54 399.247

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 16:05 1265 0.526 399.261

11/26/2014 16:10 1270 0.51 399.292

11/26/2014 16:15 1275 0.491 399.321

11/26/2014 16:20 1280 0.46 399.335

11/26/2014 16:25 1285 0.421 399.28

11/26/2014 16:30 1290 0.394 399.253

11/26/2014 16:35 1295 0.358 399.21

11/26/2014 16:40 1300 0.328 399.222

11/26/2014 16:45 1305 0.299 399.242

11/26/2014 16:50 1310 0.27 399.143

11/26/2014 16:55 1315 0.245 399.164

11/26/2014 17:00 1320 0.223 399.196

11/26/2014 17:05 1325 0.196 399.194

11/26/2014 17:10 1330 0.178 399.202

11/26/2014 17:15 1335 0.157 399.215

11/26/2014 17:20 1340 0.129 399.118

11/26/2014 17:25 1345 0.103 399.134

11/26/2014 17:30 1350 0.075 399.163

11/26/2014 17:35 1355 0.053 399.178

11/26/2014 17:40 1360 0.028 399.178

11/26/2014 17:45 1365 0.007 399.211

11/26/2014 17:50 1370 ‐0.02 399.144

11/26/2014 17:55 1375 ‐0.034 399.154

11/26/2014 18:00 1380 ‐0.058 399.125

11/26/2014 18:05 1385 ‐0.077 399.087

11/26/2014 18:10 1390 ‐0.092 399.2

11/26/2014 18:15 1395 ‐0.11 399.092

11/26/2014 18:20 1400 ‐0.123 399.114

11/26/2014 18:25 1405 ‐0.135 399.121

11/26/2014 18:30 1410 ‐0.134 399.094

11/26/2014 18:35 1415 ‐0.136 399.094

11/26/2014 18:40 1420 ‐0.137 399.086

11/26/2014 18:45 1425 ‐0.147 399.068

11/26/2014 18:50 1430 ‐0.149 398.952

11/26/2014 18:55 1435 ‐0.153 399.094

11/26/2014 19:00 1440 ‐0.167 398.926

11/26/2014 19:05 1445 ‐0.182 399.061

11/26/2014 19:10 1450 ‐0.196 398.942

11/26/2014 19:15 1455 ‐0.202 398.97

11/26/2014 19:20 1460 ‐0.21 398.973

11/26/2014 19:25 1465 ‐0.219 398.944

11/26/2014 19:30 1470 ‐0.23 399.028

11/26/2014 19:35 1475 ‐0.237 399.008

11/26/2014 19:40 1480 ‐0.245 398.989

11/26/2014 19:45 1485 ‐0.25 399.047

11/26/2014 19:50 1490 ‐0.258 398.959

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 19:55 1495 ‐0.259 398.989

11/26/2014 20:00 1500 ‐0.261 398.986

11/26/2014 20:05 1505 ‐0.273 399.047

11/26/2014 20:10 1510 ‐0.287 398.968

11/26/2014 20:15 1515 ‐0.305 398.984

11/26/2014 20:20 1520 ‐0.303 398.958

11/26/2014 20:25 1525 ‐0.278 399.017

11/26/2014 20:30 1530 ‐0.293 398.981

11/26/2014 20:35 1535 ‐0.314 398.951

11/26/2014 20:40 1540 ‐0.328 398.956

11/26/2014 20:45 1545 ‐0.343 398.94

11/26/2014 20:50 1550 ‐0.356 398.951

11/26/2014 20:55 1555 ‐0.374 398.859

11/26/2014 21:00 1560 ‐0.375 398.861

11/26/2014 21:05 1565 ‐0.387 398.873

11/26/2014 21:10 1570 ‐0.4 398.943

11/26/2014 21:15 1575 ‐0.405 398.916

11/26/2014 21:20 1580 ‐0.414 398.956

11/26/2014 21:25 1585 ‐0.418 398.936

11/26/2014 21:30 1590 ‐0.426 398.931

11/26/2014 21:35 1595 ‐0.432 399.079

11/26/2014 21:40 1600 ‐0.433 398.976

11/26/2014 21:45 1605 ‐0.437 399.02

11/26/2014 21:50 1610 ‐0.445 399.032

11/26/2014 21:55 1615 ‐0.451 399.039

11/26/2014 22:00 1620 ‐0.451 399.043

11/26/2014 22:05 1625 ‐0.461 399.036

11/26/2014 22:10 1630 ‐0.469 399.089

11/26/2014 22:15 1635 ‐0.482 398.978

11/26/2014 22:20 1640 ‐0.49 399.07

11/26/2014 22:25 1645 ‐0.495 399.077

11/26/2014 22:30 1650 ‐0.494 399.084

11/26/2014 22:35 1655 ‐0.491 399.039

11/26/2014 22:40 1660 ‐0.487 399.063

11/26/2014 22:45 1665 ‐0.483 399.073

11/26/2014 22:50 1670 ‐0.484 398.999

11/26/2014 22:55 1675 ‐0.491 399.093

11/26/2014 23:00 1680 ‐0.493 399.084

11/26/2014 23:05 1685 ‐0.488 398.979

11/26/2014 23:10 1690 ‐0.493 399.073

11/26/2014 23:15 1695 ‐0.492 399.057

11/26/2014 23:20 1700 ‐0.489 399.063

11/26/2014 23:25 1705 ‐0.486 399.065

11/26/2014 23:30 1710 ‐0.481 399.093

11/26/2014 23:35 1715 ‐0.483 399.113

11/26/2014 23:40 1720 ‐0.484 399.13

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/26/2014 23:45 1725 ‐0.48 399.136

11/26/2014 23:50 1730 ‐0.489 399.15

11/26/2014 23:55 1735 ‐0.491 399.116

11/27/2014 0:00 1740 ‐0.498 399.063

11/27/2014 0:05 1745 ‐0.499 399.074

11/27/2014 0:10 1750 ‐0.508 399.128

11/27/2014 0:15 1755 ‐0.516 399.147

11/27/2014 0:20 1760 ‐0.529 399.125

11/27/2014 0:25 1765 ‐0.542 399.063

11/27/2014 0:30 1770 ‐0.557 399.147

11/27/2014 0:35 1775 ‐0.58 399.079

11/27/2014 0:40 1780 ‐0.593 399.046

11/27/2014 0:45 1785 ‐0.603 399

11/27/2014 0:50 1790 ‐0.618 399.053

11/27/2014 0:55 1795 ‐0.628 399.034

11/27/2014 1:00 1800 ‐0.63 399.034

11/27/2014 1:05 1805 ‐0.629 399.016

11/27/2014 1:10 1810 ‐0.628 398.991

11/27/2014 1:15 1815 ‐0.626 398.992

11/27/2014 1:20 1820 ‐0.628 399

11/27/2014 1:25 1825 ‐0.637 398.996

11/27/2014 1:30 1830 ‐0.644 399.01

11/27/2014 1:35 1835 ‐0.652 398.881

11/27/2014 1:40 1840 ‐0.654 398.92

11/27/2014 1:45 1845 ‐0.661 398.923

11/27/2014 1:50 1850 ‐0.676 398.97

11/27/2014 1:55 1855 ‐0.687 398.994

11/27/2014 2:00 1860 ‐0.69 398.943

11/27/2014 2:05 1865 ‐0.689 398.891

11/27/2014 2:10 1870 ‐0.681 398.9

11/27/2014 2:15 1875 ‐0.668 398.979

11/27/2014 2:20 1880 ‐0.656 398.936

11/27/2014 2:25 1885 ‐0.646 398.96

11/27/2014 2:30 1890 ‐0.64 398.962

11/27/2014 2:35 1895 ‐0.634 398.979

11/27/2014 2:40 1900 ‐0.63 398.993

11/27/2014 2:45 1905 ‐0.634 399.003

11/27/2014 2:50 1910 ‐0.632 399.004

11/27/2014 2:55 1915 ‐0.637 399.02

11/27/2014 3:00 1920 ‐0.639 399.062

11/27/2014 3:05 1925 ‐0.641 399.042

11/27/2014 3:10 1930 ‐0.641 399.028

11/27/2014 3:15 1935 ‐0.635 399.035

11/27/2014 3:20 1940 ‐0.638 399.059

11/27/2014 3:25 1945 ‐0.635 399.033

11/27/2014 3:30 1950 ‐0.632 398.983

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 3:35 1955 ‐0.633 398.999

11/27/2014 3:40 1960 ‐0.632 399.016

11/27/2014 3:45 1965 ‐0.635 399.042

11/27/2014 3:50 1970 ‐0.637 398.999

11/27/2014 3:55 1975 ‐0.64 398.996

11/27/2014 4:00 1980 ‐0.635 399.024

11/27/2014 4:05 1985 ‐0.636 398.994

11/27/2014 4:10 1990 ‐0.64 398.989

11/27/2014 4:15 1995 ‐0.636 398.975

11/27/2014 4:20 2000 ‐0.637 398.999

11/27/2014 4:25 2005 ‐0.64 399.019

11/27/2014 4:30 2010 ‐0.641 399.069

11/27/2014 4:35 2015 ‐0.642 399.042

11/27/2014 4:40 2020 ‐0.643 399.093

11/27/2014 4:45 2025 ‐0.651 399.016

11/27/2014 4:50 2030 ‐0.658 399.076

11/27/2014 4:55 2035 ‐0.659 399.117

11/27/2014 5:00 2040 ‐0.663 399.046

11/27/2014 5:05 2045 ‐0.67 399.054

11/27/2014 5:10 2050 ‐0.68 399.09

11/27/2014 5:15 2055 ‐0.687 399.144

11/27/2014 5:20 2060 ‐0.69 399.107

11/27/2014 5:25 2065 ‐0.692 399.086

11/27/2014 5:30 2070 ‐0.692 399.164

11/27/2014 5:35 2075 ‐0.693 399.082

11/27/2014 5:40 2080 ‐0.694 399.099

11/27/2014 5:45 2085 ‐0.692 399.101

11/27/2014 5:50 2090 ‐0.696 399.108

11/27/2014 5:55 2095 ‐0.694 399.104

11/27/2014 6:00 2100 ‐0.705 399.151

11/27/2014 6:05 2105 ‐0.717 399.176

11/27/2014 6:10 2110 ‐0.726 399.148

11/27/2014 6:15 2115 ‐0.735 399.232

11/27/2014 6:20 2120 ‐0.75 399.26

11/27/2014 6:25 2125 ‐0.765 399.297

11/27/2014 6:30 2130 ‐0.78 399.193

11/27/2014 6:35 2135 ‐0.811 399.213

11/27/2014 6:40 2140 ‐0.858 399.261

11/27/2014 6:45 2145 ‐0.928 399.188

11/27/2014 6:50 2150 ‐1.004 399.19

11/27/2014 6:55 2155 ‐1.079 399.27

11/27/2014 7:00 2160 ‐1.161 399.219

11/27/2014 7:05 2165 ‐1.237 399.253

11/27/2014 7:10 2170 ‐1.303 399.231

11/27/2014 7:15 2175 ‐1.361 399.321

11/27/2014 7:20 2180 ‐1.407 399.302

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 7:25 2185 ‐1.443 399.258

11/27/2014 7:30 2190 ‐1.467 399.303

11/27/2014 7:35 2195 ‐1.479 399.296

11/27/2014 7:40 2200 ‐1.497 399.372

11/27/2014 7:45 2205 ‐1.512 399.34

11/27/2014 7:50 2210 ‐1.524 399.344

11/27/2014 7:55 2215 ‐1.537 399.301

11/27/2014 8:00 2220 ‐1.536 399.302

11/27/2014 8:05 2225 ‐1.536 399.324

11/27/2014 8:10 2230 ‐1.529 399.34

11/27/2014 8:15 2235 ‐1.526 399.407

11/27/2014 8:20 2240 ‐1.504 399.346

11/27/2014 8:25 2245 ‐1.47 399.438

11/27/2014 8:30 2250 ‐1.419 399.398

11/27/2014 8:35 2255 ‐1.338 399.405

11/27/2014 8:40 2260 ‐1.27 399.353

11/27/2014 8:45 2265 ‐1.209 399.392

11/27/2014 8:50 2270 ‐1.164 399.478

11/27/2014 8:55 2275 ‐1.115 399.452

11/27/2014 9:00 2280 ‐1.07 399.548

11/27/2014 9:05 2285 ‐1.029 399.442

11/27/2014 9:10 2290 ‐0.983 399.572

11/27/2014 9:15 2295 ‐0.928 399.462

11/27/2014 9:20 2300 ‐0.853 399.595

11/27/2014 9:25 2305 ‐0.773 399.588

11/27/2014 9:30 2310 ‐0.675 399.603

11/27/2014 9:35 2315 ‐0.554 399.551

11/27/2014 9:40 2320 ‐0.43 399.645

11/27/2014 9:45 2325 ‐0.321 399.599

11/27/2014 9:50 2330 ‐0.199 399.622

11/27/2014 9:55 2335 ‐0.091 399.676

11/27/2014 10:00 2340 ‐0.014 399.688

11/27/2014 10:05 2345 0.045 399.693

11/27/2014 10:10 2350 0.069 399.722

11/27/2014 10:15 2355 0.091 399.707

11/27/2014 10:20 2360 0.114 399.78

11/27/2014 10:25 2365 0.135 399.795

11/27/2014 10:30 2370 0.159 399.806

11/27/2014 10:35 2375 0.187 399.809

11/27/2014 10:40 2380 0.212 399.857

11/27/2014 10:45 2385 0.267 399.858

11/27/2014 10:50 2390 0.336 399.836

11/27/2014 10:55 2395 0.397 399.879

11/27/2014 11:00 2400 0.477 399.838

11/27/2014 11:05 2405 0.596 399.886

11/27/2014 11:10 2410 0.671 399.858

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 11:15 2415 0.747 399.979

11/27/2014 11:20 2420 0.791 399.83

11/27/2014 11:25 2425 0.784 399.919

11/27/2014 11:30 2430 0.79 399.913

11/27/2014 11:35 2435 0.796 399.931

11/27/2014 11:40 2440 0.819 399.914

11/27/2014 11:45 2445 0.823 399.869

11/27/2014 11:50 2450 0.785 399.847

11/27/2014 11:55 2455 0.726 399.76

11/27/2014 12:00 2460 0.666 399.791

11/27/2014 12:05 2465 0.629 399.834

11/27/2014 12:10 2470 0.589 399.819

11/27/2014 12:15 2475 0.555 399.752

11/27/2014 12:20 2480 0.526 399.764

11/27/2014 12:25 2485 0.505 399.828

11/27/2014 12:30 2490 0.487 399.861

11/27/2014 12:35 2495 0.461 399.826

11/27/2014 12:40 2500 0.439 399.805

11/27/2014 12:45 2505 0.404 399.831

11/27/2014 12:50 2510 0.378 399.878

11/27/2014 12:55 2515 0.344 399.86

11/27/2014 13:00 2520 0.299 399.911

11/27/2014 13:05 2525 0.243 399.866

11/27/2014 13:10 2530 0.203 399.946

11/27/2014 13:15 2535 0.17 399.949

11/27/2014 13:20 2540 0.148 399.995

11/27/2014 13:25 2545 0.145 400.007

11/27/2014 13:30 2550 0.143 399.908

11/27/2014 13:35 2555 0.125 399.92

11/27/2014 13:40 2560 0.104 400

11/27/2014 13:45 2565 0.073 400.055

11/27/2014 13:50 2570 0.028 399.983

11/27/2014 13:55 2575 ‐0.002 400.011

11/27/2014 14:00 2580 ‐0.025 400.046

11/27/2014 14:05 2585 ‐0.03 400.05

11/27/2014 14:10 2590 ‐0.018 400.048

11/27/2014 14:15 2595 0.012 400.007

11/27/2014 14:20 2600 0.016 400.019

11/27/2014 14:25 2605 ‐0.009 400.053

11/27/2014 14:30 2610 ‐0.031 400.132

11/27/2014 14:35 2615 ‐0.053 400.167

11/27/2014 14:40 2620 ‐0.076 400.187

11/27/2014 14:45 2625 ‐0.103 400.078

11/27/2014 14:50 2630 ‐0.135 400.151

11/27/2014 14:55 2635 ‐0.165 400.186

11/27/2014 15:00 2640 ‐0.192 400.182

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 15:05 2645 ‐0.227 400.221

11/27/2014 15:10 2650 ‐0.273 400.164

11/27/2014 15:15 2655 ‐0.309 400.173

11/27/2014 15:20 2660 ‐0.346 400.272

11/27/2014 15:25 2665 ‐0.394 400.255

11/27/2014 15:30 2670 ‐0.443 400.305

11/27/2014 15:35 2675 ‐0.485 400.308

11/27/2014 15:40 2680 ‐0.527 400.278

11/27/2014 15:45 2685 ‐0.567 400.356

11/27/2014 15:50 2690 ‐0.613 400.43

11/27/2014 15:55 2695 ‐0.666 400.469

11/27/2014 16:00 2700 ‐0.708 400.451

11/27/2014 16:05 2705 ‐0.75 400.401

11/27/2014 16:10 2710 ‐0.773 400.419

11/27/2014 16:15 2715 ‐0.796 400.456

11/27/2014 16:20 2720 ‐0.829 400.459

11/27/2014 16:25 2725 ‐0.89 400.602

11/27/2014 16:30 2730 ‐0.964 400.682

11/27/2014 16:35 2735 ‐1.049 400.676

11/27/2014 16:40 2740 ‐1.12 400.701

11/27/2014 16:45 2745 ‐1.184 400.714

11/27/2014 16:50 2750 ‐1.237 400.678

11/27/2014 16:55 2755 ‐1.288 400.683

11/27/2014 17:00 2760 ‐1.342 400.797

11/27/2014 17:05 2765 ‐1.392 400.773

11/27/2014 17:10 2770 ‐1.436 400.818

11/27/2014 17:15 2775 ‐1.488 400.812

11/27/2014 17:20 2780 ‐1.546 400.96

11/27/2014 17:25 2785 ‐1.601 400.977

11/27/2014 17:30 2790 ‐1.628 400.911

11/27/2014 17:35 2795 ‐1.686 401.053

11/27/2014 17:40 2800 ‐1.775 401.028

11/27/2014 17:45 2805 ‐1.843 401.083

11/27/2014 17:50 2810 ‐1.902 401.12

11/27/2014 17:55 2815 ‐1.963 401.1

11/27/2014 18:00 2820 ‐2.019 401.092

11/27/2014 18:05 2825 ‐2.063 401.237

11/27/2014 18:10 2830 ‐2.127 401.218

11/27/2014 18:15 2835 ‐2.204 401.326

11/27/2014 18:20 2840 ‐2.298 401.293

11/27/2014 18:25 2845 ‐2.394 401.352

11/27/2014 18:30 2850 ‐2.503 401.335

11/27/2014 18:35 2855 ‐2.601 401.434

11/27/2014 18:40 2860 ‐2.697 401.474

11/27/2014 18:45 2865 ‐2.797 401.458

11/27/2014 18:50 2870 ‐2.886 401.431

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 18:55 2875 ‐2.978 401.495

11/27/2014 19:00 2880 ‐3.065 401.523

11/27/2014 19:05 2885 ‐3.139 401.517

11/27/2014 19:10 2890 ‐3.215 401.497

11/27/2014 19:15 2895 ‐3.271 401.518

11/27/2014 19:20 2900 ‐3.281 401.595

11/27/2014 19:25 2905 ‐3.288 401.506

11/27/2014 19:30 2910 ‐3.289 401.571

11/27/2014 19:35 2915 ‐3.282 401.582

11/27/2014 19:40 2920 ‐3.286 401.571

11/27/2014 19:45 2925 ‐3.291 401.537

11/27/2014 19:50 2930 ‐3.306 401.625

11/27/2014 19:55 2935 ‐3.299 401.59

11/27/2014 20:00 2940 ‐3.278 401.612

11/27/2014 20:05 2945 ‐3.268 401.628

11/27/2014 20:10 2950 ‐3.253 401.665

11/27/2014 20:15 2955 ‐3.257 401.688

11/27/2014 20:20 2960 ‐3.265 401.687

11/27/2014 20:25 2965 ‐3.286 401.673

11/27/2014 20:30 2970 ‐3.296 401.723

11/27/2014 20:35 2975 ‐3.299 401.706

11/27/2014 20:40 2980 ‐3.305 401.671

11/27/2014 20:45 2985 ‐3.334 401.694

11/27/2014 20:50 2990 ‐3.361 401.804

11/27/2014 20:55 2995 ‐3.399 401.875

11/27/2014 21:00 3000 ‐3.461 401.891

11/27/2014 21:05 3005 ‐3.549 401.889

11/27/2014 21:10 3010 ‐3.649 401.878

11/27/2014 21:15 3015 ‐3.751 401.888

11/27/2014 21:20 3020 ‐3.852 401.825

11/27/2014 21:25 3025 ‐3.945 401.865

11/27/2014 21:30 3030 ‐4.045 401.86

11/27/2014 21:35 3035 ‐4.13 401.817

11/27/2014 21:40 3040 ‐4.208 401.846

11/27/2014 21:45 3045 ‐4.276 401.85

11/27/2014 21:50 3050 ‐4.344 401.887

11/27/2014 21:55 3055 ‐4.396 401.923

11/27/2014 22:00 3060 ‐4.464 401.936

11/27/2014 22:05 3065 ‐4.514 401.886

11/27/2014 22:10 3070 ‐4.565 401.89

11/27/2014 22:15 3075 ‐4.631 401.898

11/27/2014 22:20 3080 ‐4.676 401.879

11/27/2014 22:25 3085 ‐4.711 401.938

11/27/2014 22:30 3090 ‐4.746 401.859

11/27/2014 22:35 3095 ‐4.773 401.875

11/27/2014 22:40 3100 ‐4.786 401.843

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/27/2014 22:45 3105 ‐4.799 401.904

11/27/2014 22:50 3110 ‐4.807 401.852

11/27/2014 22:55 3115 ‐4.819 401.84

11/27/2014 23:00 3120 ‐4.814 401.84

11/27/2014 23:05 3125 ‐4.808 401.852

11/27/2014 23:10 3130 ‐4.798 401.856

11/27/2014 23:15 3135 ‐4.783 401.912

11/27/2014 23:20 3140 ‐4.756 401.935

11/27/2014 23:25 3145 ‐4.735 401.892

11/27/2014 23:30 3150 ‐4.717 401.928

11/27/2014 23:35 3155 ‐4.701 401.836

11/27/2014 23:40 3160 ‐4.695 401.885

11/27/2014 23:45 3165 ‐4.72 401.865

11/27/2014 23:50 3170 ‐4.741 401.875

11/27/2014 23:55 3175 ‐4.794 401.855

11/28/2014 0:00 3180 ‐4.82 401.747

11/28/2014 0:05 3185 ‐4.871 401.746

11/28/2014 0:10 3190 ‐4.938 401.757

11/28/2014 0:15 3195 ‐4.98 401.707

11/28/2014 0:20 3200 ‐5.027 401.658

11/28/2014 0:25 3205 ‐5.104 401.684

11/28/2014 0:30 3210 ‐5.172 401.648

11/28/2014 0:35 3215 ‐5.253 401.621

11/28/2014 0:40 3220 ‐5.316 401.618

11/28/2014 0:45 3225 ‐5.396 401.546

11/28/2014 0:50 3230 ‐5.478 401.604

11/28/2014 0:55 3235 ‐5.57 401.562

11/28/2014 1:00 3240 ‐5.675 401.638

11/28/2014 1:05 3245 ‐5.747 401.711

11/28/2014 1:10 3250 ‐5.834 401.757

11/28/2014 1:15 3255 ‐5.914 401.744

11/28/2014 1:20 3260 ‐5.981 401.76

11/28/2014 1:25 3265 ‐6.054 401.792

11/28/2014 1:30 3270 ‐6.117 401.745

11/28/2014 1:35 3275 ‐6.189 401.773

11/28/2014 1:40 3280 ‐6.273 401.74

11/28/2014 1:45 3285 ‐6.359 401.737

11/28/2014 1:50 3290 ‐6.46 401.754

11/28/2014 1:55 3295 ‐6.57 401.762

11/28/2014 2:00 3300 ‐6.676 401.755

11/28/2014 2:05 3305 ‐6.749 401.749

11/28/2014 2:10 3310 ‐6.815 401.778

11/28/2014 2:15 3315 ‐6.873 401.784

11/28/2014 2:20 3320 ‐6.909 401.863

11/28/2014 2:25 3325 ‐6.906 401.854

11/28/2014 2:30 3330 ‐6.835 401.901

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 2:35 3335 ‐6.708 401.882

11/28/2014 2:40 3340 ‐6.538 401.902

11/28/2014 2:45 3345 ‐6.33 401.893

11/28/2014 2:50 3350 ‐6.119 402.056

11/28/2014 2:55 3355 ‐5.888 402.008

11/28/2014 3:00 3360 ‐5.723 402.092

11/28/2014 3:05 3365 ‐5.586 402.068

11/28/2014 3:10 3370 ‐5.367 402.091

11/28/2014 3:15 3375 ‐5.175 402.055

11/28/2014 3:20 3380 ‐5.031 402.094

11/28/2014 3:25 3385 ‐4.922 402.139

11/28/2014 3:30 3390 ‐4.825 402.154

11/28/2014 3:35 3395 ‐4.739 402.121

11/28/2014 3:40 3400 ‐4.682 402.008

11/28/2014 3:45 3405 ‐4.606 402.236

11/28/2014 3:50 3410 ‐4.553 402.165

11/28/2014 3:55 3415 ‐4.525 401.972

11/28/2014 4:00 3420 ‐4.491 401.951

11/28/2014 4:05 3425 ‐4.473 401.939

11/28/2014 4:10 3430 ‐4.455 401.895

11/28/2014 4:15 3435 ‐4.44 401.955

11/28/2014 4:20 3440 ‐4.434 401.956

11/28/2014 4:25 3445 ‐4.459 401.946

11/28/2014 4:30 3450 ‐4.488 401.887

11/28/2014 4:35 3455 ‐4.549 401.983

11/28/2014 4:40 3460 ‐4.603 401.987

11/28/2014 4:45 3465 ‐4.626 401.991

11/28/2014 4:50 3470 ‐4.645 402.007

11/28/2014 4:55 3475 ‐4.659 401.973

11/28/2014 5:00 3480 ‐4.662 402.037

11/28/2014 5:05 3485 ‐4.659 402.015

11/28/2014 5:10 3490 ‐4.663 401.949

11/28/2014 5:15 3495 ‐4.662 401.974

11/28/2014 5:20 3500 ‐4.624 401.886

11/28/2014 5:25 3505 ‐4.584 401.888

11/28/2014 5:30 3510 ‐4.531 401.865

11/28/2014 5:35 3515 ‐4.477 401.802

11/28/2014 5:40 3520 ‐4.424 401.887

11/28/2014 5:45 3525 ‐4.369 401.873

11/28/2014 5:50 3530 ‐4.329 401.925

11/28/2014 5:55 3535 ‐4.292 401.911

11/28/2014 6:00 3540 ‐4.272 401.913

11/28/2014 6:05 3545 ‐4.239 401.888

11/28/2014 6:10 3550 ‐4.207 401.834

11/28/2014 6:15 3555 ‐4.192 401.765

11/28/2014 6:20 3560 ‐4.169 401.822

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 6:25 3565 ‐4.151 401.795

11/28/2014 6:30 3570 ‐4.13 401.839

11/28/2014 6:35 3575 ‐4.123 401.821

11/28/2014 6:40 3580 ‐4.111 401.831

11/28/2014 6:45 3585 ‐4.101 401.775

11/28/2014 6:50 3590 ‐4.078 401.764

11/28/2014 6:55 3595 ‐4.063 401.807

11/28/2014 7:00 3600 ‐4.049 401.77

11/28/2014 7:05 3605 ‐4.06 401.789

11/28/2014 7:10 3610 ‐4.074 401.738

11/28/2014 7:15 3615 ‐4.068 401.773

11/28/2014 7:20 3620 ‐4.068 401.753

11/28/2014 7:25 3625 ‐4.064 401.72

11/28/2014 7:30 3630 ‐4.081 401.645

11/28/2014 7:35 3635 ‐4.091 401.628

11/28/2014 7:40 3640 ‐4.1 401.589

11/28/2014 7:45 3645 ‐4.114 401.614

11/28/2014 7:50 3650 ‐4.1 401.618

11/28/2014 7:55 3655 ‐4.086 401.558

11/28/2014 8:00 3660 ‐4.076 401.484

11/28/2014 8:05 3665 ‐4.056 401.502

11/28/2014 8:10 3670 ‐4.035 401.29

11/28/2014 8:15 3675 ‐3.998 401.381

11/28/2014 8:20 3680 ‐3.946 401.362

11/28/2014 8:25 3685 ‐3.899 401.396

11/28/2014 8:30 3690 ‐3.842 401.457

11/28/2014 8:35 3695 ‐3.796 401.482

11/28/2014 8:40 3700 ‐3.742 401.497

11/28/2014 8:45 3705 ‐3.669 401.437

11/28/2014 8:50 3710 ‐3.589 401.439

11/28/2014 8:55 3715 ‐3.5 401.474

11/28/2014 9:00 3720 ‐3.419 401.484

11/28/2014 9:05 3725 ‐3.335 401.456

11/28/2014 9:10 3730 ‐3.257 401.538

11/28/2014 9:15 3735 ‐3.179 401.476

11/28/2014 9:20 3740 ‐3.075 401.49

11/28/2014 9:25 3745 ‐2.985 401.552

11/28/2014 9:30 3750 ‐2.874 401.462

11/28/2014 9:35 3755 ‐2.759 401.443

11/28/2014 9:40 3760 ‐2.638 401.345

11/28/2014 9:45 3765 ‐2.517 401.465

11/28/2014 9:50 3770 ‐2.386 401.356

11/28/2014 9:55 3775 ‐2.282 401.404

11/28/2014 10:00 3780 ‐2.142 401.292

11/28/2014 10:05 3785 ‐1.976 401.364

11/28/2014 10:10 3790 ‐1.829 401.325

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 10:15 3795 ‐1.712 401.286

11/28/2014 10:20 3800 ‐1.623 401.168

11/28/2014 10:25 3805 ‐1.559 401.174

11/28/2014 10:30 3810 ‐1.485 401.099

11/28/2014 10:35 3815 ‐1.402 401.091

11/28/2014 10:40 3820 ‐1.323 401.038

11/28/2014 10:45 3825 ‐1.267 401.047

11/28/2014 10:50 3830 ‐1.229 400.947

11/28/2014 10:55 3835 ‐1.197 401.019

11/28/2014 11:00 3840 ‐1.169 400.936

11/28/2014 11:05 3845 ‐1.158 400.854

11/28/2014 11:10 3850 ‐1.15 400.887

11/28/2014 11:15 3855 ‐1.142 400.854

11/28/2014 11:20 3860 ‐1.121 400.821

11/28/2014 11:25 3865 ‐1.095 400.773

11/28/2014 11:30 3870 ‐1.031 400.857

11/28/2014 11:35 3875 ‐0.916 400.765

11/28/2014 11:40 3880 ‐0.758 400.719

11/28/2014 11:45 3885 ‐0.634 400.7

11/28/2014 11:50 3890 ‐0.569 400.644

11/28/2014 11:55 3895 ‐0.506 400.491

11/28/2014 12:00 3900 ‐0.448 400.543

11/28/2014 12:05 3905 ‐0.412 400.453

11/28/2014 12:10 3910 ‐0.378 400.373

11/28/2014 12:15 3915 ‐0.351 400.459

11/28/2014 12:20 3920 ‐0.336 400.41

11/28/2014 12:25 3925 ‐0.324 400.358

11/28/2014 12:30 3930 ‐0.282 400.301

11/28/2014 12:35 3935 ‐0.222 400.324

11/28/2014 12:40 3940 ‐0.172 400.212

11/28/2014 12:45 3945 ‐0.129 400.136

11/28/2014 12:50 3950 ‐0.096 400.155

11/28/2014 12:55 3955 ‐0.066 400.133

11/28/2014 13:00 3960 ‐0.016 399.998

11/28/2014 13:05 3965 0.064 400.011

11/28/2014 13:10 3970 0.143 399.963

11/28/2014 13:15 3975 0.249 399.933

11/28/2014 13:20 3980 0.382 399.821

11/28/2014 13:25 3985 0.488 399.857

11/28/2014 13:30 3990 0.554 399.911

11/28/2014 13:35 3995 0.564 399.866

11/28/2014 13:40 4000 0.546 399.806

11/28/2014 13:45 4005 0.508 399.785

11/28/2014 13:50 4010 0.48 399.777

11/28/2014 13:55 4015 0.439 399.735

11/28/2014 14:00 4020 0.431 399.747

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 14:05 4025 0.436 399.67

11/28/2014 14:10 4030 0.407 399.64

11/28/2014 14:15 4035 0.351 399.623

11/28/2014 14:20 4040 0.29 399.542

11/28/2014 14:25 4045 0.216 399.507

11/28/2014 14:30 4050 0.129 399.473

11/28/2014 14:35 4055 0.048 399.437

11/28/2014 14:40 4060 ‐0.02 399.488

11/28/2014 14:45 4065 ‐0.066 399.378

11/28/2014 14:50 4070 ‐0.102 399.372

11/28/2014 14:55 4075 ‐0.129 399.392

11/28/2014 15:00 4080 ‐0.155 399.402

11/28/2014 15:05 4085 ‐0.197 399.319

11/28/2014 15:10 4090 ‐0.248 399.35

11/28/2014 15:15 4095 ‐0.302 399.367

11/28/2014 15:20 4100 ‐0.359 399.301

11/28/2014 15:25 4105 ‐0.411 399.329

11/28/2014 15:30 4110 ‐0.47 399.352

11/28/2014 15:35 4115 ‐0.526 399.343

11/28/2014 15:40 4120 ‐0.575 399.309

11/28/2014 15:45 4125 ‐0.613 399.278

11/28/2014 15:50 4130 ‐0.648 399.267

11/28/2014 15:55 4135 ‐0.688 399.235

11/28/2014 16:00 4140 ‐0.729 399.3

11/28/2014 16:05 4145 ‐0.78 399.218

11/28/2014 16:10 4150 ‐0.836 399.2

11/28/2014 16:15 4155 ‐0.91 399.243

11/28/2014 16:20 4160 ‐0.993 399.232

11/28/2014 16:25 4165 ‐1.086 399.153

11/28/2014 16:30 4170 ‐1.173 399.09

11/28/2014 16:35 4175 ‐1.261 399.127

11/28/2014 16:40 4180 ‐1.338 399.164

11/28/2014 16:45 4185 ‐1.422 399.107

11/28/2014 16:50 4190 ‐1.497 398.982

11/28/2014 16:55 4195 ‐1.556 398.986

11/28/2014 17:00 4200 ‐1.605 399.057

11/28/2014 17:05 4205 ‐1.664 399.036

11/28/2014 17:10 4210 ‐1.726 398.995

11/28/2014 17:15 4215 ‐1.786 398.962

11/28/2014 17:20 4220 ‐1.838 398.924

11/28/2014 17:25 4225 ‐1.887 398.926

11/28/2014 17:30 4230 ‐1.938 398.858

11/28/2014 17:35 4235 ‐1.984 398.864

11/28/2014 17:40 4240 ‐2.028 398.932

11/28/2014 17:45 4245 ‐2.067 398.809

11/28/2014 17:50 4250 ‐2.098 398.858

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 17:55 4255 ‐2.134 398.802

11/28/2014 18:00 4260 ‐2.167 398.779

11/28/2014 18:05 4265 ‐2.194 398.835

11/28/2014 18:10 4270 ‐2.211 398.865

11/28/2014 18:15 4275 ‐2.226 398.731

11/28/2014 18:20 4280 ‐2.236 398.77

11/28/2014 18:25 4285 ‐2.247 398.825

11/28/2014 18:30 4290 ‐2.26 398.707

11/28/2014 18:35 4295 ‐2.267 398.643

11/28/2014 18:40 4300 ‐2.289 398.684

11/28/2014 18:45 4305 ‐2.303 398.635

11/28/2014 18:50 4310 ‐2.312 398.651

11/28/2014 18:55 4315 ‐2.307 398.684

11/28/2014 19:00 4320 ‐2.308 398.676

11/28/2014 19:05 4325 ‐2.304 398.668

11/28/2014 19:10 4330 ‐2.303 398.727

11/28/2014 19:15 4335 ‐2.309 398.712

11/28/2014 19:20 4340 ‐2.314 398.737

11/28/2014 19:25 4345 ‐2.3 398.692

11/28/2014 19:30 4350 ‐2.301 398.684

11/28/2014 19:35 4355 ‐2.304 398.654

11/28/2014 19:40 4360 ‐2.302 398.595

11/28/2014 19:45 4365 ‐2.302 398.682

11/28/2014 19:50 4370 ‐2.301 398.635

11/28/2014 19:55 4375 ‐2.293 398.647

11/28/2014 20:00 4380 ‐2.283 398.6

11/28/2014 20:05 4385 ‐2.275 398.579

11/28/2014 20:10 4390 ‐2.268 398.559

11/28/2014 20:15 4395 ‐2.269 398.522

11/28/2014 20:20 4400 ‐2.268 398.568

11/28/2014 20:25 4405 ‐2.272 398.538

11/28/2014 20:30 4410 ‐2.268 398.538

11/28/2014 20:35 4415 ‐2.259 398.492

11/28/2014 20:40 4420 ‐2.254 398.531

11/28/2014 20:45 4425 ‐2.247 398.564

11/28/2014 20:50 4430 ‐2.231 398.467

11/28/2014 20:55 4435 ‐2.231 398.431

11/28/2014 21:00 4440 ‐2.227 398.463

11/28/2014 21:05 4445 ‐2.21 398.353

11/28/2014 21:10 4450 ‐2.206 398.395

11/28/2014 21:15 4455 ‐2.201 398.368

11/28/2014 21:20 4460 ‐2.202 398.357

11/28/2014 21:25 4465 ‐2.197 398.351

11/28/2014 21:30 4470 ‐2.185 398.376

11/28/2014 21:35 4475 ‐2.178 398.362

11/28/2014 21:40 4480 ‐2.171 398.305

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/28/2014 21:45 4485 ‐2.158 398.231

11/28/2014 21:50 4490 ‐2.153 398.265

11/28/2014 21:55 4495 ‐2.151 398.165

11/28/2014 22:00 4500 ‐2.144 398.174

11/28/2014 22:05 4505 ‐2.135 398.222

11/28/2014 22:10 4510 ‐2.128 398.061

11/28/2014 22:15 4515 ‐2.129 398.073

11/28/2014 22:20 4520 ‐2.117 398.145

11/28/2014 22:25 4525 ‐2.107 398.062

11/28/2014 22:30 4530 ‐2.096 398.063

11/28/2014 22:35 4535 ‐2.086 398.03

11/28/2014 22:40 4540 ‐2.074 398.04

11/28/2014 22:45 4545 ‐2.059 397.972

11/28/2014 22:50 4550 ‐2.038 398.069

11/28/2014 22:55 4555 ‐2.026 398.01

11/28/2014 23:00 4560 ‐2.016 397.972

11/28/2014 23:05 4565 ‐2.005 397.885

11/28/2014 23:10 4570 ‐1.99 397.867

11/28/2014 23:15 4575 ‐1.972 397.931

11/28/2014 23:20 4580 ‐1.958 397.925

11/28/2014 23:25 4585 ‐1.942 397.925

11/28/2014 23:30 4590 ‐1.929 397.869

11/28/2014 23:35 4595 ‐1.906 397.861

11/28/2014 23:40 4600 ‐1.889 397.807

11/28/2014 23:45 4605 ‐1.866 397.776

11/28/2014 23:50 4610 ‐1.844 397.753

11/28/2014 23:55 4615 ‐1.83 397.726

11/29/2014 0:00 4620 ‐1.821 397.782

11/29/2014 0:05 4625 ‐1.805 397.754

11/29/2014 0:10 4630 ‐1.786 397.67

11/29/2014 0:15 4635 ‐1.772 397.617

11/29/2014 0:20 4640 ‐1.757 397.53

11/29/2014 0:25 4645 ‐1.746 397.549

11/29/2014 0:30 4650 ‐1.733 397.555

11/29/2014 0:35 4655 ‐1.72 397.469

11/29/2014 0:40 4660 ‐1.679 397.41

11/29/2014 0:45 4665 ‐1.654 397.513

11/29/2014 0:50 4670 ‐1.643 397.396

11/29/2014 0:55 4675 ‐1.64 397.374

11/29/2014 1:00 4680 ‐1.629 397.28

11/29/2014 1:05 4685 ‐1.626 397.309

11/29/2014 1:10 4690 ‐1.625 397.288

11/29/2014 1:15 4695 ‐1.636 397.298

11/29/2014 1:20 4700 ‐1.649 397.321

11/29/2014 1:25 4705 ‐1.666 397.273

11/29/2014 1:30 4710 ‐1.679 397.25

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 1:35 4715 ‐1.676 397.263

11/29/2014 1:40 4720 ‐1.675 397.241

11/29/2014 1:45 4725 ‐1.656 397.152

11/29/2014 1:50 4730 ‐1.637 397.161

11/29/2014 1:55 4735 ‐1.624 397.125

11/29/2014 2:00 4740 ‐1.614 397.105

11/29/2014 2:05 4745 ‐1.604 397.151

11/29/2014 2:10 4750 ‐1.594 397.154

11/29/2014 2:15 4755 ‐1.577 397.066

11/29/2014 2:20 4760 ‐1.544 397.052

11/29/2014 2:25 4765 ‐1.519 397.057

11/29/2014 2:30 4770 ‐1.494 397.111

11/29/2014 2:35 4775 ‐1.463 396.921

11/29/2014 2:40 4780 ‐1.431 397.044

11/29/2014 2:45 4785 ‐1.402 396.973

11/29/2014 2:50 4790 ‐1.373 396.948

11/29/2014 2:55 4795 ‐1.355 397.023

11/29/2014 3:00 4800 ‐1.333 396.942

11/29/2014 3:05 4805 ‐1.314 396.94

11/29/2014 3:10 4810 ‐1.291 396.835

11/29/2014 3:15 4815 ‐1.269 396.841

11/29/2014 3:20 4820 ‐1.272 396.892

11/29/2014 3:25 4825 ‐1.281 396.808

11/29/2014 3:30 4830 ‐1.306 396.817

11/29/2014 3:35 4835 ‐1.347 396.771

11/29/2014 3:40 4840 ‐1.382 396.668

11/29/2014 3:45 4845 ‐1.435 396.663

11/29/2014 3:50 4850 ‐1.503 396.585

11/29/2014 3:55 4855 ‐1.596 396.54

11/29/2014 4:00 4860 ‐1.715 396.565

11/29/2014 4:05 4865 ‐1.832 396.577

11/29/2014 4:10 4870 ‐1.929 396.55

11/29/2014 4:15 4875 ‐1.975 396.471

11/29/2014 4:20 4880 ‐1.975 396.456

11/29/2014 4:25 4885 ‐1.935 396.359

11/29/2014 4:30 4890 ‐1.885 396.398

11/29/2014 4:35 4895 ‐1.845 396.343

11/29/2014 4:40 4900 ‐1.837 396.385

11/29/2014 4:45 4905 ‐1.864 396.394

11/29/2014 4:50 4910 ‐1.916 396.303

11/29/2014 4:55 4915 ‐1.967 396.306

11/29/2014 5:00 4920 ‐1.984 396.241

11/29/2014 5:05 4925 ‐1.965 396.257

11/29/2014 5:10 4930 ‐1.917 396.213

11/29/2014 5:15 4935 ‐1.862 396.182

11/29/2014 5:20 4940 ‐1.803 396.148

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 5:25 4945 ‐1.749 396.028

11/29/2014 5:30 4950 ‐1.696 396.167

11/29/2014 5:35 4955 ‐1.637 396.107

11/29/2014 5:40 4960 ‐1.575 396.079

11/29/2014 5:45 4965 ‐1.507 396.147

11/29/2014 5:50 4970 ‐1.428 396.173

11/29/2014 5:55 4975 ‐1.352 396.099

11/29/2014 6:00 4980 ‐1.29 396.218

11/29/2014 6:05 4985 ‐1.241 396.128

11/29/2014 6:10 4990 ‐1.195 396.078

11/29/2014 6:15 4995 ‐1.166 396.055

11/29/2014 6:20 5000 ‐1.14 395.964

11/29/2014 6:25 5005 ‐1.119 395.967

11/29/2014 6:30 5010 ‐1.097 395.906

11/29/2014 6:35 5015 ‐1.082 395.914

11/29/2014 6:40 5020 ‐1.08 395.941

11/29/2014 6:45 5025 ‐1.089 395.929

11/29/2014 6:50 5030 ‐1.11 395.944

11/29/2014 6:55 5035 ‐1.127 395.873

11/29/2014 7:00 5040 ‐1.147 395.793

11/29/2014 7:05 5045 ‐1.178 395.865

11/29/2014 7:10 5050 ‐1.224 395.889

11/29/2014 7:15 5055 ‐1.271 395.791

11/29/2014 7:20 5060 ‐1.309 395.769

11/29/2014 7:25 5065 ‐1.333 395.761

11/29/2014 7:30 5070 ‐1.35 395.839

11/29/2014 7:35 5075 ‐1.36 395.803

11/29/2014 7:40 5080 ‐1.375 395.829

11/29/2014 7:45 5085 ‐1.402 395.829

11/29/2014 7:50 5090 ‐1.443 395.764

11/29/2014 7:55 5095 ‐1.495 395.7

11/29/2014 8:00 5100 ‐1.563 395.647

11/29/2014 8:05 5105 ‐1.637 395.688

11/29/2014 8:10 5110 ‐1.709 395.606

11/29/2014 8:15 5115 ‐1.78 395.579

11/29/2014 8:20 5120 ‐1.826 395.622

11/29/2014 8:25 5125 ‐1.842 395.584

11/29/2014 8:30 5130 ‐1.855 395.595

11/29/2014 8:35 5135 ‐1.846 395.574

11/29/2014 8:40 5140 ‐1.798 395.585

11/29/2014 8:45 5145 ‐1.703 395.576

11/29/2014 8:50 5150 ‐1.589 395.577

11/29/2014 8:55 5155 ‐1.457 395.603

11/29/2014 9:00 5160 ‐1.299 395.565

11/29/2014 9:05 5165 ‐1.128 395.587

11/29/2014 9:10 5170 ‐0.958 395.543

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 9:15 5175 ‐0.778 395.51

11/29/2014 9:20 5180 ‐0.631 395.47

11/29/2014 9:25 5185 ‐0.52 395.46

11/29/2014 9:30 5190 ‐0.42 395.464

11/29/2014 9:35 5195 ‐0.319 395.362

11/29/2014 9:40 5200 ‐0.219 395.307

11/29/2014 9:45 5205 ‐0.126 395.257

11/29/2014 9:50 5210 ‐0.032 395.308

11/29/2014 9:55 5215 0.05 395.165

11/29/2014 10:00 5220 0.165 395.257

11/29/2014 10:05 5225 0.287 395.254

11/29/2014 10:10 5230 0.407 395.167

11/29/2014 10:15 5235 0.517 395.172

11/29/2014 10:20 5240 0.619 395.02

11/29/2014 10:25 5245 0.702 395.042

11/29/2014 10:30 5250 0.796 394.962

11/29/2014 10:35 5255 0.892 394.899

11/29/2014 10:40 5260 0.98 394.916

11/29/2014 10:45 5265 1.099 394.88

11/29/2014 10:50 5270 1.309 394.87

11/29/2014 10:55 5275 1.588 394.906

11/29/2014 11:00 5280 1.822 394.959

11/29/2014 11:05 5285 2.087 394.96

11/29/2014 11:10 5290 2.353 394.893

11/29/2014 11:15 5295 2.582 394.736

11/29/2014 11:20 5300 2.775 394.85

11/29/2014 11:25 5305 3.006 394.777

11/29/2014 11:30 5310 3.313 394.701

11/29/2014 11:35 5315 3.625 394.721

11/29/2014 11:40 5320 3.951 394.581

11/29/2014 11:45 5325 4.265 394.59

11/29/2014 11:50 5330 4.433 394.446

11/29/2014 11:55 5335 4.544 394.411

11/29/2014 12:00 5340 4.68 394.288

11/29/2014 12:05 5345 4.735 394.29

11/29/2014 12:10 5350 4.751 394.32

11/29/2014 12:15 5355 4.732 394.208

11/29/2014 12:20 5360 4.648 394.273

11/29/2014 12:25 5365 4.702 394.211

11/29/2014 12:30 5370 4.785 394.293

11/29/2014 12:35 5375 4.861 394.165

11/29/2014 12:40 5380 4.896 394.112

11/29/2014 12:45 5385 4.879 393.992

11/29/2014 12:50 5390 4.848 393.976

11/29/2014 12:55 5395 4.84 393.9

11/29/2014 13:00 5400 4.778 393.937

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 13:05 5405 4.713 393.793

11/29/2014 13:10 5410 4.679 393.717

11/29/2014 13:15 5415 4.619 393.636

11/29/2014 13:20 5420 4.649 393.561

11/29/2014 13:25 5425 4.564 393.51

11/29/2014 13:30 5430 4.443 393.458

11/29/2014 13:35 5435 4.327 393.433

11/29/2014 13:40 5440 4.316 393.376

11/29/2014 13:45 5445 4.41 393.339

11/29/2014 13:50 5450 4.507 393.237

11/29/2014 13:55 5455 4.61 393.281

11/29/2014 14:00 5460 4.667 393.213

11/29/2014 14:05 5465 4.724 393.21

11/29/2014 14:10 5470 4.808 393.231

11/29/2014 14:15 5475 4.864 393.128

11/29/2014 14:20 5480 4.869 393.067

11/29/2014 14:25 5485 4.845 393.073

11/29/2014 14:30 5490 4.844 393.009

11/29/2014 14:35 5495 4.902 392.967

11/29/2014 14:40 5500 5.027 392.96

11/29/2014 14:45 5505 5.152 392.956

11/29/2014 14:50 5510 5.262 393.062

11/29/2014 14:55 5515 5.355 392.984

11/29/2014 15:00 5520 5.44 392.946

11/29/2014 15:05 5525 5.443 392.929

11/29/2014 15:10 5530 5.432 392.92

11/29/2014 15:15 5535 5.407 392.954

11/29/2014 15:20 5540 5.382 392.976

11/29/2014 15:25 5545 5.346 392.973

11/29/2014 15:30 5550 5.284 392.892

11/29/2014 15:35 5555 5.203 392.873

11/29/2014 15:40 5560 5.142 392.752

11/29/2014 15:45 5565 5.091 392.918

11/29/2014 15:50 5570 5.005 393.027

11/29/2014 15:55 5575 4.9 392.993

11/29/2014 16:00 5580 4.785 392.948

11/29/2014 16:05 5585 4.67 392.926

11/29/2014 16:10 5590 4.557 392.91

11/29/2014 16:15 5595 4.438 392.873

11/29/2014 16:20 5600 4.331 392.838

11/29/2014 16:25 5605 4.228 392.781

11/29/2014 16:30 5610 4.135 392.839

11/29/2014 16:35 5615 4.049 392.828

11/29/2014 16:40 5620 3.969 392.727

11/29/2014 16:45 5625 3.894 392.658

11/29/2014 16:50 5630 3.823 392.744

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 16:55 5635 3.761 392.719

11/29/2014 17:00 5640 3.698 392.74

11/29/2014 17:05 5645 3.641 392.664

11/29/2014 17:10 5650 3.59 392.678

11/29/2014 17:15 5655 3.543 392.602

11/29/2014 17:20 5660 3.501 392.616

11/29/2014 17:25 5665 3.463 392.65

11/29/2014 17:30 5670 3.431 392.678

11/29/2014 17:35 5675 3.397 392.686

11/29/2014 17:40 5680 3.367 392.624

11/29/2014 17:45 5685 3.344 392.572

11/29/2014 17:50 5690 3.329 392.624

11/29/2014 17:55 5695 3.314 392.592

11/29/2014 18:00 5700 3.302 392.602

11/29/2014 18:05 5705 3.29 392.542

11/29/2014 18:10 5710 3.28 392.599

11/29/2014 18:15 5715 3.274 392.571

11/29/2014 18:20 5720 3.271 392.548

11/29/2014 18:25 5725 3.265 392.562

11/29/2014 18:30 5730 3.261 392.56

11/29/2014 18:35 5735 3.254 392.565

11/29/2014 18:40 5740 3.251 392.553

11/29/2014 18:45 5745 3.251 392.56

11/29/2014 18:50 5750 3.25 392.562

11/29/2014 18:55 5755 3.251 392.529

11/29/2014 19:00 5760 3.255 392.53

11/29/2014 19:05 5765 3.255 392.549

11/29/2014 19:10 5770 3.252 392.53

11/29/2014 19:15 5775 3.256 392.5

11/29/2014 19:20 5780 3.263 392.513

11/29/2014 19:25 5785 3.27 392.544

11/29/2014 19:30 5790 3.278 392.486

11/29/2014 19:35 5795 3.284 392.457

11/29/2014 19:40 5800 3.299 392.535

11/29/2014 19:45 5805 3.308 392.494

11/29/2014 19:50 5810 3.317 392.475

11/29/2014 19:55 5815 3.329 392.446

11/29/2014 20:00 5820 3.345 392.394

11/29/2014 20:05 5825 3.356 392.379

11/29/2014 20:10 5830 3.369 392.394

11/29/2014 20:15 5835 3.385 392.486

11/29/2014 20:20 5840 3.407 392.478

11/29/2014 20:25 5845 3.428 392.462

11/29/2014 20:30 5850 3.461 392.448

11/29/2014 20:35 5855 3.505 392.502

11/29/2014 20:40 5860 3.553 392.47

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/29/2014 20:45 5865 3.601 392.401

11/29/2014 20:50 5870 3.641 392.433

11/29/2014 20:55 5875 3.678 392.393

11/29/2014 21:00 5880 3.71 392.376

11/29/2014 21:05 5885 3.745 392.369

11/29/2014 21:10 5890 3.783 392.371

11/29/2014 21:15 5895 3.843 392.348

11/29/2014 21:20 5900 3.914 392.454

11/29/2014 21:25 5905 3.985 392.45

11/29/2014 21:30 5910 4.074 392.475

11/29/2014 21:35 5915 4.155 392.506

11/29/2014 21:40 5920 4.236 392.548

11/29/2014 21:45 5925 4.328 392.458

11/29/2014 21:50 5930 4.428 392.577

11/29/2014 21:55 5935 4.524 392.493

11/29/2014 22:00 5940 4.611 392.509

11/29/2014 22:05 5945 4.688 392.526

11/29/2014 22:10 5950 4.787 392.58

11/29/2014 22:15 5955 4.875 392.561

11/29/2014 22:20 5960 4.978 392.555

11/29/2014 22:25 5965 5.079 392.523

11/29/2014 22:30 5970 5.165 392.541

11/29/2014 22:35 5975 5.237 392.47

11/29/2014 22:40 5980 5.308 392.519

11/29/2014 22:45 5985 5.387 392.526

11/29/2014 22:50 5990 5.454 392.501

11/29/2014 22:55 5995 5.522 392.579

11/29/2014 23:00 6000 5.593 392.561

11/29/2014 23:05 6005 5.645 392.504

11/29/2014 23:10 6010 5.686 392.5

11/29/2014 23:15 6015 5.733 392.545

11/29/2014 23:20 6020 5.776 392.512

11/29/2014 23:25 6025 5.806 392.521

11/29/2014 23:30 6030 5.828 392.549

11/29/2014 23:35 6035 5.855 392.505

11/29/2014 23:40 6040 5.88 392.445

11/29/2014 23:45 6045 5.902 392.423

11/29/2014 23:50 6050 5.925 392.531

11/29/2014 23:55 6055 5.953 392.529

11/30/2014 0:00 6060 5.964 392.503

11/30/2014 0:05 6065 5.991 392.495

11/30/2014 0:10 6070 6.018 392.557

11/30/2014 0:15 6075 6.039 392.531

11/30/2014 0:20 6080 6.062 392.46

11/30/2014 0:25 6085 6.074 392.443

11/30/2014 0:30 6090 6.085 392.518

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 0:35 6095 6.09 392.565

11/30/2014 0:40 6100 6.11 392.531

11/30/2014 0:45 6105 6.127 392.567

11/30/2014 0:50 6110 6.142 392.575

11/30/2014 0:55 6115 6.165 392.519

11/30/2014 1:00 6120 6.195 392.603

11/30/2014 1:05 6125 6.244 392.55

11/30/2014 1:10 6130 6.287 392.627

11/30/2014 1:15 6135 6.326 392.575

11/30/2014 1:20 6140 6.372 392.561

11/30/2014 1:25 6145 6.417 392.61

11/30/2014 1:30 6150 6.476 392.556

11/30/2014 1:35 6155 6.524 392.501

11/30/2014 1:40 6160 6.569 392.58

11/30/2014 1:45 6165 6.611 392.513

11/30/2014 1:50 6170 6.647 392.515

11/30/2014 1:55 6175 6.688 392.538

11/30/2014 2:00 6180 6.738 392.572

11/30/2014 2:05 6185 6.78 392.593

11/30/2014 2:10 6190 6.816 392.522

11/30/2014 2:15 6195 6.874 392.563

11/30/2014 2:20 6200 6.922 392.504

11/30/2014 2:25 6205 6.973 392.514

11/30/2014 2:30 6210 7.023 392.568

11/30/2014 2:35 6215 7.063 392.533

11/30/2014 2:40 6220 7.115 392.482

11/30/2014 2:45 6225 7.168 392.593

11/30/2014 2:50 6230 7.218 392.571

11/30/2014 2:55 6235 7.28 392.595

11/30/2014 3:00 6240 7.328 392.519

11/30/2014 3:05 6245 7.369 392.573

11/30/2014 3:10 6250 7.408 392.53

11/30/2014 3:15 6255 7.444 392.454

11/30/2014 3:20 6260 7.476 392.568

11/30/2014 3:25 6265 7.515 392.474

11/30/2014 3:30 6270 7.559 392.534

11/30/2014 3:35 6275 7.601 392.504

11/30/2014 3:40 6280 7.637 392.44

11/30/2014 3:45 6285 7.668 392.549

11/30/2014 3:50 6290 7.695 392.479

11/30/2014 3:55 6295 7.713 392.438

11/30/2014 4:00 6300 7.726 392.414

11/30/2014 4:05 6305 7.72 392.414

11/30/2014 4:10 6310 7.713 392.356

11/30/2014 4:15 6315 7.717 392.398

11/30/2014 4:20 6320 7.726 392.408

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 4:25 6325 7.739 392.45

11/30/2014 4:30 6330 7.77 392.449

11/30/2014 4:35 6335 7.8 392.402

11/30/2014 4:40 6340 7.811 392.433

11/30/2014 4:45 6345 7.819 392.389

11/30/2014 4:50 6350 7.833 392.466

11/30/2014 4:55 6355 7.84 392.452

11/30/2014 5:00 6360 7.84 392.364

11/30/2014 5:05 6365 7.827 392.383

11/30/2014 5:10 6370 7.82 392.377

11/30/2014 5:15 6375 7.812 392.505

11/30/2014 5:20 6380 7.835 392.461

11/30/2014 5:25 6385 7.856 392.485

11/30/2014 5:30 6390 7.874 392.505

11/30/2014 5:35 6395 7.905 392.559

11/30/2014 5:40 6400 7.93 392.603

11/30/2014 5:45 6405 7.939 392.549

11/30/2014 5:50 6410 7.944 392.549

11/30/2014 5:55 6415 7.948 392.559

11/30/2014 6:00 6420 7.96 392.532

11/30/2014 6:05 6425 7.963 392.574

11/30/2014 6:10 6430 7.965 392.57

11/30/2014 6:15 6435 7.971 392.612

11/30/2014 6:20 6440 7.975 392.555

11/30/2014 6:25 6445 7.971 392.601

11/30/2014 6:30 6450 7.972 392.752

11/30/2014 6:35 6455 7.969 392.683

11/30/2014 6:40 6460 7.962 392.688

11/30/2014 6:45 6465 7.957 392.644

11/30/2014 6:50 6470 7.937 392.683

11/30/2014 6:55 6475 7.928 392.706

11/30/2014 7:00 6480 7.931 392.72

11/30/2014 7:05 6485 7.918 392.797

11/30/2014 7:10 6490 7.909 392.794

11/30/2014 7:15 6495 7.896 392.714

11/30/2014 7:20 6500 7.883 392.845

11/30/2014 7:25 6505 7.877 392.919

11/30/2014 7:30 6510 7.87 392.792

11/30/2014 7:35 6515 7.857 392.803

11/30/2014 7:40 6520 7.831 392.822

11/30/2014 7:45 6525 7.825 392.863

11/30/2014 7:50 6530 7.846 392.914

11/30/2014 7:55 6535 7.892 392.849

11/30/2014 8:00 6540 7.937 392.888

11/30/2014 8:05 6545 7.98 392.91

11/30/2014 8:10 6550 8.005 392.893

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 8:15 6555 8.045 392.962

11/30/2014 8:20 6560 8.096 392.972

11/30/2014 8:25 6565 8.128 392.96

11/30/2014 8:30 6570 8.155 393.018

11/30/2014 8:35 6575 8.199 393.005

11/30/2014 8:40 6580 8.231 393.024

11/30/2014 8:45 6585 8.264 392.995

11/30/2014 8:50 6590 8.291 393.031

11/30/2014 8:55 6595 8.323 393.033

11/30/2014 9:00 6600 8.343 393.077

11/30/2014 9:05 6605 8.374 393.129

11/30/2014 9:10 6610 8.401 393.128

11/30/2014 9:15 6615 8.449 393.177

11/30/2014 9:20 6620 8.5 393.094

11/30/2014 9:25 6625 8.539 393.206

11/30/2014 9:30 6630 8.565 393.098

11/30/2014 9:35 6635 8.58 393.243

11/30/2014 9:40 6640 8.607 393.239

11/30/2014 9:45 6645 8.632 393.359

11/30/2014 9:50 6650 8.659 393.316

11/30/2014 9:55 6655 8.689 393.326

11/30/2014 10:00 6660 8.724 393.321

11/30/2014 10:05 6665 8.759 393.267

11/30/2014 10:10 6670 8.8 393.359

11/30/2014 10:15 6675 8.832 393.377

11/30/2014 10:20 6680 8.869 393.468

11/30/2014 10:25 6685 8.9 393.419

11/30/2014 10:30 6690 8.943 393.469

11/30/2014 10:35 6695 8.989 393.465

11/30/2014 10:40 6700 9.027 393.386

11/30/2014 10:45 6705 9.061 393.488

11/30/2014 10:50 6710 9.083 393.565

11/30/2014 10:55 6715 9.1 393.571

11/30/2014 11:00 6720 9.111 393.544

11/30/2014 11:05 6725 9.137 393.462

11/30/2014 11:10 6730 9.165 393.544

11/30/2014 11:15 6735 9.193 393.531

11/30/2014 11:20 6740 9.22 393.524

11/30/2014 11:25 6745 9.232 393.531

11/30/2014 11:30 6750 9.231 393.552

11/30/2014 11:35 6755 9.223 393.504

11/30/2014 11:40 6760 9.215 393.545

11/30/2014 11:45 6765 9.214 393.559

11/30/2014 11:50 6770 9.204 393.593

11/30/2014 11:55 6775 9.191 393.58

11/30/2014 12:00 6780 9.181 393.539

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 12:05 6785 9.176 393.609

11/30/2014 12:10 6790 9.141 393.683

11/30/2014 12:15 6795 9.102 393.642

11/30/2014 12:20 6800 9.066 393.64

11/30/2014 12:25 6805 9.02 393.683

11/30/2014 12:30 6810 8.976 393.678

11/30/2014 12:35 6815 8.921 393.712

11/30/2014 12:40 6820 8.867 393.664

11/30/2014 12:45 6825 8.818 393.674

11/30/2014 12:50 6830 8.771 393.712

11/30/2014 12:55 6835 8.714 393.68

11/30/2014 13:00 6840 8.674 393.741

11/30/2014 13:05 6845 8.624 393.738

11/30/2014 13:10 6850 8.584 393.693

11/30/2014 13:15 6855 8.557 393.708

11/30/2014 13:20 6860 8.518 393.766

11/30/2014 13:25 6865 8.472 393.743

11/30/2014 13:30 6870 8.416 393.81

11/30/2014 13:35 6875 8.363 393.84

11/30/2014 13:40 6880 8.3 393.858

11/30/2014 13:45 6885 8.246 393.861

11/30/2014 13:50 6890 8.2 393.958

11/30/2014 13:55 6895 8.156 393.945

11/30/2014 14:00 6900 8.114 393.998

11/30/2014 14:05 6905 8.076 394.045

11/30/2014 14:10 6910 8.035 394.059

11/30/2014 14:15 6915 7.985 394.112

11/30/2014 14:20 6920 7.933 394.069

11/30/2014 14:25 6925 7.873 394.109

11/30/2014 14:30 6930 7.818 394.109

11/30/2014 14:35 6935 7.76 394.203

11/30/2014 14:40 6940 7.704 394.173

11/30/2014 14:45 6945 7.641 394.266

11/30/2014 14:50 6950 7.57 394.302

11/30/2014 14:55 6955 7.495 394.325

11/30/2014 15:00 6960 7.423 394.371

11/30/2014 15:05 6965 7.349 394.396

11/30/2014 15:10 6970 7.267 394.544

11/30/2014 15:15 6975 7.146 394.604

11/30/2014 15:20 6980 6.977 394.717

11/30/2014 15:25 6985 6.806 394.738

11/30/2014 15:30 6990 6.639 394.882

11/30/2014 15:35 6995 6.474 394.858

11/30/2014 15:40 7000 6.312 394.915

11/30/2014 15:45 7005 6.138 395.014

11/30/2014 15:50 7010 5.973 395.142

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 15:55 7015 5.823 395.111

11/30/2014 16:00 7020 5.667 395.21

11/30/2014 16:05 7025 5.517 395.186

11/30/2014 16:10 7030 5.382 395.237

11/30/2014 16:15 7035 5.264 395.299

11/30/2014 16:20 7040 5.151 395.341

11/30/2014 16:25 7045 5.048 395.367

11/30/2014 16:30 7050 4.957 395.441

11/30/2014 16:35 7055 4.877 395.566

11/30/2014 16:40 7060 4.803 395.597

11/30/2014 16:45 7065 4.729 395.595

11/30/2014 16:50 7070 4.665 395.626

11/30/2014 16:55 7075 4.603 395.61

11/30/2014 17:00 7080 4.547 395.751

11/30/2014 17:05 7085 4.496 395.756

11/30/2014 17:10 7090 4.438 395.784

11/30/2014 17:15 7095 4.388 395.789

11/30/2014 17:20 7100 4.337 395.841

11/30/2014 17:25 7105 4.292 395.869

11/30/2014 17:30 7110 4.251 395.898

11/30/2014 17:35 7115 4.217 395.894

11/30/2014 17:40 7120 4.183 396.019

11/30/2014 17:45 7125 4.151 396.003

11/30/2014 17:50 7130 4.115 396.177

11/30/2014 17:55 7135 4.078 396.132

11/30/2014 18:00 7140 4.045 396.217

11/30/2014 18:05 7145 4.014 396.188

11/30/2014 18:10 7150 3.985 396.349

11/30/2014 18:15 7155 3.959 396.449

11/30/2014 18:20 7160 3.939 396.488

11/30/2014 18:25 7165 3.921 396.552

11/30/2014 18:30 7170 3.899 396.544

11/30/2014 18:35 7175 3.883 396.616

11/30/2014 18:40 7180 3.866 396.724

11/30/2014 18:45 7185 3.85 396.806

11/30/2014 18:50 7190 3.83 396.886

11/30/2014 18:55 7195 3.786 396.931

11/30/2014 19:00 7200 3.72 397.005

11/30/2014 19:05 7205 3.638 396.977

11/30/2014 19:10 7210 3.542 397.02

11/30/2014 19:15 7215 3.448 397.044

11/30/2014 19:20 7220 3.354 397.124

11/30/2014 19:25 7225 3.264 397.214

11/30/2014 19:30 7230 3.175 397.299

11/30/2014 19:35 7235 3.093 397.323

11/30/2014 19:40 7240 3.005 397.293

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 19:45 7245 2.915 397.451

11/30/2014 19:50 7250 2.835 397.603

11/30/2014 19:55 7255 2.757 397.623

11/30/2014 20:00 7260 2.69 397.702

11/30/2014 20:05 7265 2.625 397.683

11/30/2014 20:10 7270 2.554 397.744

11/30/2014 20:15 7275 2.485 397.647

11/30/2014 20:20 7280 2.4 397.735

11/30/2014 20:25 7285 2.316 397.725

11/30/2014 20:30 7290 2.215 397.81

11/30/2014 20:35 7295 2.128 397.895

11/30/2014 20:40 7300 2.045 397.914

11/30/2014 20:45 7305 1.977 397.971

11/30/2014 20:50 7310 1.915 397.874

11/30/2014 20:55 7315 1.843 397.968

11/30/2014 21:00 7320 1.79 397.929

11/30/2014 21:05 7325 1.74 398.032

11/30/2014 21:10 7330 1.687 398.149

11/30/2014 21:15 7335 1.635 398.078

11/30/2014 21:20 7340 1.597 398.037

11/30/2014 21:25 7345 1.567 398.235

11/30/2014 21:30 7350 1.541 398.227

11/30/2014 21:35 7355 1.518 398.253

11/30/2014 21:40 7360 1.507 398.348

11/30/2014 21:45 7365 1.487 398.238

11/30/2014 21:50 7370 1.463 398.358

11/30/2014 21:55 7375 1.441 398.434

11/30/2014 22:00 7380 1.417 398.563

11/30/2014 22:05 7385 1.394 398.575

11/30/2014 22:10 7390 1.378 398.636

11/30/2014 22:15 7395 1.354 398.746

11/30/2014 22:20 7400 1.32 398.726

11/30/2014 22:25 7405 1.293 398.78

11/30/2014 22:30 7410 1.265 398.917

11/30/2014 22:35 7415 1.237 398.903

11/30/2014 22:40 7420 1.209 398.926

11/30/2014 22:45 7425 1.178 398.998

11/30/2014 22:50 7430 1.156 398.971

11/30/2014 22:55 7435 1.127 399.107

11/30/2014 23:00 7440 1.094 399.151

11/30/2014 23:05 7445 1.062 399.192

11/30/2014 23:10 7450 1.043 399.154

11/30/2014 23:15 7455 1.018 399.188

11/30/2014 23:20 7460 0.993 399.246

11/30/2014 23:25 7465 0.973 399.266

11/30/2014 23:30 7470 0.95 399.276

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

11/30/2014 23:35 7475 0.938 399.253

11/30/2014 23:40 7480 0.909 399.409

11/30/2014 23:45 7485 0.888 399.553

11/30/2014 23:50 7490 0.864 399.433

11/30/2014 23:55 7495 0.838 399.545

12/1/2014 0:00 7500 0.815 399.616

12/1/2014 0:05 7505 0.788 399.701

12/1/2014 0:10 7510 0.76 399.656

12/1/2014 0:15 7515 0.736 399.761

12/1/2014 0:20 7520 0.703 399.812

12/1/2014 0:25 7525 0.674 399.716

12/1/2014 0:30 7530 0.648 399.813

12/1/2014 0:35 7535 0.624 399.826

12/1/2014 0:40 7540 0.597 399.87

12/1/2014 0:45 7545 0.573 399.842

12/1/2014 0:50 7550 0.552 399.854

12/1/2014 0:55 7555 0.529 399.789

12/1/2014 1:00 7560 0.508 399.8

12/1/2014 1:05 7565 0.487 399.881

12/1/2014 1:10 7570 0.472 399.883

12/1/2014 1:15 7575 0.455 399.91

12/1/2014 1:20 7580 0.436 399.871

12/1/2014 1:25 7585 0.42 399.992

12/1/2014 1:30 7590 0.402 399.882

12/1/2014 1:35 7595 0.39 399.947

12/1/2014 1:40 7600 0.383 400.022

12/1/2014 1:45 7605 0.37 400.164

12/1/2014 1:50 7610 0.358 400.29

12/1/2014 1:55 7615 0.336 400.279

12/1/2014 2:00 7620 0.312 400.296

12/1/2014 2:05 7625 0.267 400.361

12/1/2014 2:10 7630 0.202 400.429

12/1/2014 2:15 7635 0.149 400.333

12/1/2014 2:20 7640 0.085 400.443

12/1/2014 2:25 7645 0.03 400.476

12/1/2014 2:30 7650 ‐0.023 400.452

12/1/2014 2:35 7655 ‐0.077 400.42

12/1/2014 2:40 7660 ‐0.134 400.541

12/1/2014 2:45 7665 ‐0.211 400.641

12/1/2014 2:50 7670 ‐0.285 400.706

12/1/2014 2:55 7675 ‐0.347 400.733

12/1/2014 3:00 7680 ‐0.389 400.743

12/1/2014 3:05 7685 ‐0.413 400.814

12/1/2014 3:10 7690 ‐0.427 400.946

12/1/2014 3:15 7695 ‐0.445 400.954

12/1/2014 3:20 7700 ‐0.461 400.92

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 3:25 7705 ‐0.481 400.867

12/1/2014 3:30 7710 ‐0.516 400.927

12/1/2014 3:35 7715 ‐0.548 400.884

12/1/2014 3:40 7720 ‐0.576 400.961

12/1/2014 3:45 7725 ‐0.604 401.006

12/1/2014 3:50 7730 ‐0.619 400.953

12/1/2014 3:55 7735 ‐0.625 400.979

12/1/2014 4:00 7740 ‐0.634 400.975

12/1/2014 4:05 7745 ‐0.642 401.008

12/1/2014 4:10 7750 ‐0.654 401.159

12/1/2014 4:15 7755 ‐0.657 401.204

12/1/2014 4:20 7760 ‐0.658 401.161

12/1/2014 4:25 7765 ‐0.655 401.308

12/1/2014 4:30 7770 ‐0.671 401.239

12/1/2014 4:35 7775 ‐0.68 401.297

12/1/2014 4:40 7780 ‐0.693 401.303

12/1/2014 4:45 7785 ‐0.709 401.286

12/1/2014 4:50 7790 ‐0.72 401.329

12/1/2014 4:55 7795 ‐0.731 401.413

12/1/2014 5:00 7800 ‐0.756 401.35

12/1/2014 5:05 7805 ‐0.812 401.464

12/1/2014 5:10 7810 ‐0.879 401.543

12/1/2014 5:15 7815 ‐0.948 401.652

12/1/2014 5:20 7820 ‐1.023 401.67

12/1/2014 5:25 7825 ‐1.101 401.682

12/1/2014 5:30 7830 ‐1.165 401.747

12/1/2014 5:35 7835 ‐1.23 401.747

12/1/2014 5:40 7840 ‐1.28 401.82

12/1/2014 5:45 7845 ‐1.336 401.89

12/1/2014 5:50 7850 ‐1.379 401.925

12/1/2014 5:55 7855 ‐1.443 401.923

12/1/2014 6:00 7860 ‐1.508 401.989

12/1/2014 6:05 7865 ‐1.567 402.09

12/1/2014 6:10 7870 ‐1.601 402.162

12/1/2014 6:15 7875 ‐1.642 402.118

12/1/2014 6:20 7880 ‐1.683 402.237

12/1/2014 6:25 7885 ‐1.727 402.146

12/1/2014 6:30 7890 ‐1.759 402.264

12/1/2014 6:35 7895 ‐1.807 402.397

12/1/2014 6:40 7900 ‐1.837 402.466

12/1/2014 6:45 7905 ‐1.869 402.447

12/1/2014 6:50 7910 ‐1.913 402.556

12/1/2014 6:55 7915 ‐1.935 402.59

12/1/2014 7:00 7920 ‐1.927 402.608

12/1/2014 7:05 7925 ‐1.941 402.666

12/1/2014 7:10 7930 ‐1.983 402.614

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 7:15 7935 ‐2.041 402.681

12/1/2014 7:20 7940 ‐2.113 402.746

12/1/2014 7:25 7945 ‐2.179 402.847

12/1/2014 7:30 7950 ‐2.257 402.873

12/1/2014 7:35 7955 ‐2.331 402.897

12/1/2014 7:40 7960 ‐2.421 402.956

12/1/2014 7:45 7965 ‐2.513 402.934

12/1/2014 7:50 7970 ‐2.592 403.015

12/1/2014 7:55 7975 ‐2.668 403.034

12/1/2014 8:00 7980 ‐2.744 402.968

12/1/2014 8:05 7985 ‐2.789 403.051

12/1/2014 8:10 7990 ‐2.826 403.107

12/1/2014 8:15 7995 ‐2.834 403.192

12/1/2014 8:20 8000 ‐2.83 403.234

12/1/2014 8:25 8005 ‐2.821 403.267

12/1/2014 8:30 8010 ‐2.811 403.28

12/1/2014 8:35 8015 ‐2.795 403.284

12/1/2014 8:40 8020 ‐2.782 403.351

12/1/2014 8:45 8025 ‐2.788 403.35

12/1/2014 8:50 8030 ‐2.781 403.386

12/1/2014 8:55 8035 ‐2.767 403.354

12/1/2014 9:00 8040 ‐2.732 403.38

12/1/2014 9:05 8045 ‐2.707 403.486

12/1/2014 9:10 8050 ‐2.716 403.484

12/1/2014 9:15 8055 ‐2.733 403.573

12/1/2014 9:20 8060 ‐2.741 403.604

12/1/2014 9:25 8065 ‐2.766 403.551

12/1/2014 9:30 8070 ‐2.818 403.69

12/1/2014 9:35 8075 ‐2.852 403.752

12/1/2014 9:40 8080 ‐2.877 403.812

12/1/2014 9:45 8085 ‐2.849 403.799

12/1/2014 9:50 8090 ‐2.803 403.906

12/1/2014 9:55 8095 ‐2.749 403.879

12/1/2014 10:00 8100 ‐2.711 403.833

12/1/2014 10:05 8105 ‐2.652 403.977

12/1/2014 10:10 8110 ‐2.607 404.006

12/1/2014 10:15 8115 ‐2.566 404.058

12/1/2014 10:20 8120 ‐2.522 404.138

12/1/2014 10:25 8125 ‐2.475 404.17

12/1/2014 10:30 8130 ‐2.43 404.215

12/1/2014 10:35 8135 ‐2.343 404.501

12/1/2014 10:40 8140 ‐2.215 404.354

12/1/2014 10:45 8145 ‐2.057 404.356

12/1/2014 10:50 8150 ‐1.965 404.421

12/1/2014 10:55 8155 ‐1.994 404.53

12/1/2014 11:00 8160 ‐2.067 404.611

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 11:05 8165 ‐2.094 404.532

12/1/2014 11:10 8170 ‐2.104 404.555

12/1/2014 11:15 8175 ‐2.109 404.594

12/1/2014 11:20 8180 ‐2.098 404.542

12/1/2014 11:25 8185 ‐2.029 404.592

12/1/2014 11:30 8190 ‐1.879 404.536

12/1/2014 11:35 8195 ‐1.723 404.48

12/1/2014 11:40 8200 ‐1.577 404.584

12/1/2014 11:45 8205 ‐1.493 404.591

12/1/2014 11:50 8210 ‐1.452 404.547

12/1/2014 11:55 8215 ‐1.443 404.507

12/1/2014 12:00 8220 ‐1.452 404.56

12/1/2014 12:05 8225 ‐1.458 404.572

12/1/2014 12:10 8230 ‐1.313 404.449

12/1/2014 12:15 8235 ‐1.167 404.475

12/1/2014 12:20 8240 ‐1.09 404.422

12/1/2014 12:25 8245 ‐1.038 404.49

12/1/2014 12:30 8250 ‐0.979 404.579

12/1/2014 12:35 8255 ‐0.983 404.542

12/1/2014 12:40 8260 ‐0.967 404.543

12/1/2014 12:45 8265 ‐0.983 404.559

12/1/2014 12:50 8270 ‐1.043 404.598

12/1/2014 12:55 8275 ‐1.142 404.631

12/1/2014 13:00 8280 ‐1.265 404.566

12/1/2014 13:05 8285 ‐1.346 404.563

12/1/2014 13:10 8290 ‐1.418 404.634

12/1/2014 13:15 8295 ‐1.505 404.671

12/1/2014 13:20 8300 ‐1.555 404.657

12/1/2014 13:25 8305 ‐1.61 404.691

12/1/2014 13:30 8310 ‐1.661 404.681

12/1/2014 13:35 8315 ‐1.719 404.762

12/1/2014 13:40 8320 ‐1.768 404.828

12/1/2014 13:45 8325 ‐1.759 404.772

12/1/2014 13:50 8330 ‐1.738 404.834

12/1/2014 13:55 8335 ‐1.718 404.808

12/1/2014 14:00 8340 ‐1.711 404.797

12/1/2014 14:05 8345 ‐1.648 404.799

12/1/2014 14:10 8350 ‐1.584 404.736

12/1/2014 14:15 8355 ‐1.582 404.865

12/1/2014 14:20 8360 ‐1.62 404.825

12/1/2014 14:25 8365 ‐1.658 404.871

12/1/2014 14:30 8370 ‐1.648 404.938

12/1/2014 14:35 8375 ‐1.54 404.86

12/1/2014 14:40 8380 ‐1.41 404.78

12/1/2014 14:45 8385 ‐1.383 404.962

12/1/2014 14:50 8390 ‐1.399 404.928

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 14:55 8395 ‐1.454 404.994

12/1/2014 15:00 8400 ‐1.517 405.037

12/1/2014 15:05 8405 ‐1.596 405.087

12/1/2014 15:10 8410 ‐1.7 405.101

12/1/2014 15:15 8415 ‐1.749 405.12

12/1/2014 15:20 8420 ‐1.797 405.095

12/1/2014 15:25 8425 ‐1.903 405.255

12/1/2014 15:30 8430 ‐2.018 405.313

12/1/2014 15:35 8435 ‐2.099 405.377

12/1/2014 15:40 8440 ‐2.103 405.421

12/1/2014 15:45 8445 ‐2.152 405.483

12/1/2014 15:50 8450 ‐2.211 405.472

12/1/2014 15:55 8455 ‐2.283 405.487

12/1/2014 16:00 8460 ‐2.36 405.45

12/1/2014 16:05 8465 ‐2.452 405.589

12/1/2014 16:10 8470 ‐2.552 405.548

12/1/2014 16:15 8475 ‐2.646 405.601

12/1/2014 16:20 8480 ‐2.748 405.605

12/1/2014 16:25 8485 ‐2.836 405.602

12/1/2014 16:30 8490 ‐2.945 405.653

12/1/2014 16:35 8495 ‐3.052 405.64

12/1/2014 16:40 8500 ‐3.159 405.79

12/1/2014 16:45 8505 ‐3.268 405.789

12/1/2014 16:50 8510 ‐3.388 405.856

12/1/2014 16:55 8515 ‐3.514 405.817

12/1/2014 17:00 8520 ‐3.619 405.722

12/1/2014 17:05 8525 ‐3.708 405.798

12/1/2014 17:10 8530 ‐3.806 405.775

12/1/2014 17:15 8535 ‐3.902 405.812

12/1/2014 17:20 8540 ‐3.989 405.832

12/1/2014 17:25 8545 ‐4.075 405.813

12/1/2014 17:30 8550 ‐4.143 405.859

12/1/2014 17:35 8555 ‐4.212 405.986

12/1/2014 17:40 8560 ‐4.288 405.96

12/1/2014 17:45 8565 ‐4.342 406.006

12/1/2014 17:50 8570 ‐4.393 406.037

12/1/2014 17:55 8575 ‐4.443 406.119

12/1/2014 18:00 8580 ‐4.49 406.064

12/1/2014 18:05 8585 ‐4.536 406.105

12/1/2014 18:10 8590 ‐4.574 406.157

12/1/2014 18:15 8595 ‐4.602 406.2

12/1/2014 18:20 8600 ‐4.614 406.288

12/1/2014 18:25 8605 ‐4.645 406.282

12/1/2014 18:30 8610 ‐4.663 406.34

12/1/2014 18:35 8615 ‐4.684 406.41

12/1/2014 18:40 8620 ‐4.698 406.355

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 18:45 8625 ‐4.727 406.424

12/1/2014 18:50 8630 ‐4.741 406.43

12/1/2014 18:55 8635 ‐4.779 406.503

12/1/2014 19:00 8640 ‐4.805 406.493

12/1/2014 19:05 8645 ‐4.825 406.463

12/1/2014 19:10 8650 ‐4.871 406.448

12/1/2014 19:15 8655 ‐4.899 406.453

12/1/2014 19:20 8660 ‐4.932 406.377

12/1/2014 19:25 8665 ‐4.969 406.417

12/1/2014 19:30 8670 ‐4.991 406.397

12/1/2014 19:35 8675 ‐5.017 406.456

12/1/2014 19:40 8680 ‐5.032 406.433

12/1/2014 19:45 8685 ‐5.066 406.422

12/1/2014 19:50 8690 ‐5.108 406.539

12/1/2014 19:55 8695 ‐5.144 406.499

12/1/2014 20:00 8700 ‐5.155 406.522

12/1/2014 20:05 8705 ‐5.2 406.606

12/1/2014 20:10 8710 ‐5.219 406.534

12/1/2014 20:15 8715 ‐5.249 406.564

12/1/2014 20:20 8720 ‐5.274 406.413

12/1/2014 20:25 8725 ‐5.316 406.546

12/1/2014 20:30 8730 ‐5.367 406.469

12/1/2014 20:35 8735 ‐5.405 406.463

12/1/2014 20:40 8740 ‐5.443 406.484

12/1/2014 20:45 8745 ‐5.471 406.468

12/1/2014 20:50 8750 ‐5.495 406.466

12/1/2014 20:55 8755 ‐5.541 406.393

12/1/2014 21:00 8760 ‐5.604 406.455

12/1/2014 21:05 8765 ‐5.642 406.314

12/1/2014 21:10 8770 ‐5.679 406.289

12/1/2014 21:15 8775 ‐5.714 406.288

12/1/2014 21:20 8780 ‐5.727 406.306

12/1/2014 21:25 8785 ‐5.758 406.303

12/1/2014 21:30 8790 ‐5.81 406.31

12/1/2014 21:35 8795 ‐5.869 406.31

12/1/2014 21:40 8800 ‐5.903 406.255

12/1/2014 21:45 8805 ‐5.923 406.298

12/1/2014 21:50 8810 ‐5.957 406.234

12/1/2014 21:55 8815 ‐5.997 406.314

12/1/2014 22:00 8820 ‐6.028 406.354

12/1/2014 22:05 8825 ‐6.065 406.335

12/1/2014 22:10 8830 ‐6.098 406.257

12/1/2014 22:15 8835 ‐6.125 406.257

12/1/2014 22:20 8840 ‐6.137 406.297

12/1/2014 22:25 8845 ‐6.174 406.344

12/1/2014 22:30 8850 ‐6.2 406.307

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/1/2014 22:35 8855 ‐6.232 406.282

12/1/2014 22:40 8860 ‐6.278 406.26

12/1/2014 22:45 8865 ‐6.276 406.221

12/1/2014 22:50 8870 ‐6.327 406.185

12/1/2014 22:55 8875 ‐6.363 406.237

12/1/2014 23:00 8880 ‐6.397 406.195

12/1/2014 23:05 8885 ‐6.413 406.107

12/1/2014 23:10 8890 ‐6.441 406.199

12/1/2014 23:15 8895 ‐6.462 406.027

12/1/2014 23:20 8900 ‐6.495 406.078

12/1/2014 23:25 8905 ‐6.532 405.975

12/1/2014 23:30 8910 ‐6.587 405.937

12/1/2014 23:35 8915 ‐6.614 405.902

12/1/2014 23:40 8920 ‐6.612 405.99

12/1/2014 23:45 8925 ‐6.619 405.967

12/1/2014 23:50 8930 ‐6.622 405.856

12/1/2014 23:55 8935 ‐6.656 405.943

12/2/2014 0:00 8940 ‐6.688 405.855

12/2/2014 0:05 8945 ‐6.678 405.803

12/2/2014 0:10 8950 ‐6.723 405.888

12/2/2014 0:15 8955 ‐6.757 405.814

12/2/2014 0:20 8960 ‐6.75 405.682

12/2/2014 0:25 8965 ‐6.76 405.778

12/2/2014 0:30 8970 ‐6.786 405.727

12/2/2014 0:35 8975 ‐6.79 405.768

12/2/2014 0:40 8980 ‐6.811 405.71

12/2/2014 0:45 8985 ‐6.82 405.673

12/2/2014 0:50 8990 ‐6.847 405.643

12/2/2014 0:55 8995 ‐6.867 405.596

12/2/2014 1:00 9000 ‐6.868 405.575

12/2/2014 1:05 9005 ‐6.886 405.525

12/2/2014 1:10 9010 ‐6.899 405.58

12/2/2014 1:15 9015 ‐6.887 405.634

12/2/2014 1:20 9020 ‐6.906 405.537

12/2/2014 1:25 9025 ‐6.929 405.54

12/2/2014 1:30 9030 ‐6.944 405.54

12/2/2014 1:35 9035 ‐6.961 405.437

12/2/2014 1:40 9040 ‐6.958 405.559

12/2/2014 1:45 9045 ‐6.955 405.479

12/2/2014 1:50 9050 ‐6.953 405.512

12/2/2014 1:55 9055 ‐6.963 405.383

12/2/2014 2:00 9060 ‐6.97 405.364

12/2/2014 2:05 9065 ‐6.967 405.454

12/2/2014 2:10 9070 ‐6.971 405.318

12/2/2014 2:15 9075 ‐6.988 405.404

12/2/2014 2:20 9080 ‐6.995 405.342

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 2:25 9085 ‐6.999 405.409

12/2/2014 2:30 9090 ‐7.011 405.374

12/2/2014 2:35 9095 ‐6.993 405.424

12/2/2014 2:40 9100 ‐6.986 405.384

12/2/2014 2:45 9105 ‐6.983 405.373

12/2/2014 2:50 9110 ‐7.029 405.295

12/2/2014 2:55 9115 ‐7.079 405.352

12/2/2014 3:00 9120 ‐7.11 405.293

12/2/2014 3:05 9125 ‐7.109 405.276

12/2/2014 3:10 9130 ‐7.149 405.284

12/2/2014 3:15 9135 ‐7.189 405.28

12/2/2014 3:20 9140 ‐7.193 405.29

12/2/2014 3:25 9145 ‐7.193 405.285

12/2/2014 3:30 9150 ‐7.173 405.216

12/2/2014 3:35 9155 ‐7.107 405.293

12/2/2014 3:40 9160 ‐7.05 405.175

12/2/2014 3:45 9165 ‐7.001 405.112

12/2/2014 3:50 9170 ‐6.948 405.166

12/2/2014 3:55 9175 ‐6.897 405.175

12/2/2014 4:00 9180 ‐6.846 405.149

12/2/2014 4:05 9185 ‐6.794 405.138

12/2/2014 4:10 9190 ‐6.715 405.029

12/2/2014 4:15 9195 ‐6.638 405.047

12/2/2014 4:20 9200 ‐6.585 405.026

12/2/2014 4:25 9205 ‐6.503 404.958

12/2/2014 4:30 9210 ‐6.408 405.015

12/2/2014 4:35 9215 ‐6.335 404.984

12/2/2014 4:40 9220 ‐6.273 404.883

12/2/2014 4:45 9225 ‐6.182 404.883

12/2/2014 4:50 9230 ‐6.107 404.916

12/2/2014 4:55 9235 ‐6.025 404.892

12/2/2014 5:00 9240 ‐5.941 404.827

12/2/2014 5:05 9245 ‐5.848 404.808

12/2/2014 5:10 9250 ‐5.755 404.79

12/2/2014 5:15 9255 ‐5.688 404.761

12/2/2014 5:20 9260 ‐5.618 404.669

12/2/2014 5:25 9265 ‐5.57 404.692

12/2/2014 5:30 9270 ‐5.535 404.608

12/2/2014 5:35 9275 ‐5.498 404.57

12/2/2014 5:40 9280 ‐5.442 404.474

12/2/2014 5:45 9285 ‐5.391 404.453

12/2/2014 5:50 9290 ‐5.359 404.408

12/2/2014 5:55 9295 ‐5.345 404.502

12/2/2014 6:00 9300 ‐5.327 404.419

12/2/2014 6:05 9305 ‐5.336 404.368

12/2/2014 6:10 9310 ‐5.345 404.406

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 6:15 9315 ‐5.365 404.306

12/2/2014 6:20 9320 ‐5.412 404.207

12/2/2014 6:25 9325 ‐5.445 404.245

12/2/2014 6:30 9330 ‐5.491 404.226

12/2/2014 6:35 9335 ‐5.521 404.294

12/2/2014 6:40 9340 ‐5.507 404.193

12/2/2014 6:45 9345 ‐5.507 404.037

12/2/2014 6:50 9350 ‐5.494 404.051

12/2/2014 6:55 9355 ‐5.487 404.005

12/2/2014 7:00 9360 ‐5.483 403.987

12/2/2014 7:05 9365 ‐5.485 403.897

12/2/2014 7:10 9370 ‐5.518 403.903

12/2/2014 7:15 9375 ‐5.541 403.959

12/2/2014 7:20 9380 ‐5.568 403.862

12/2/2014 7:25 9385 ‐5.582 403.862

12/2/2014 7:30 9390 ‐5.579 403.796

12/2/2014 7:35 9395 ‐5.569 403.831

12/2/2014 7:40 9400 ‐5.522 403.836

12/2/2014 7:45 9405 ‐5.478 403.824

12/2/2014 7:50 9410 ‐5.396 403.859

12/2/2014 7:55 9415 ‐5.324 403.811

12/2/2014 8:00 9420 ‐5.226 403.807

12/2/2014 8:05 9425 ‐5.122 403.842

12/2/2014 8:10 9430 ‐5.021 403.8

12/2/2014 8:15 9435 ‐4.887 403.792

12/2/2014 8:20 9440 ‐4.778 403.704

12/2/2014 8:25 9445 ‐4.671 403.736

12/2/2014 8:30 9450 ‐4.586 403.745

12/2/2014 8:35 9455 ‐4.494 403.721

12/2/2014 8:40 9460 ‐4.395 403.735

12/2/2014 8:45 9465 ‐4.305 403.631

12/2/2014 8:50 9470 ‐4.218 403.523

12/2/2014 8:55 9475 ‐4.136 403.537

12/2/2014 9:00 9480 ‐4.037 403.458

12/2/2014 9:05 9485 ‐3.924 403.4

12/2/2014 9:10 9490 ‐3.826 403.423

12/2/2014 9:15 9495 ‐3.741 403.318

12/2/2014 9:20 9500 ‐3.638 403.381

12/2/2014 9:25 9505 ‐3.543 403.268

12/2/2014 9:30 9510 ‐3.458 403.296

12/2/2014 9:35 9515 ‐3.358 403.179

12/2/2014 9:40 9520 ‐3.264 403.038

12/2/2014 9:45 9525 ‐3.174 403.017

12/2/2014 9:50 9530 ‐3.085 403.049

12/2/2014 9:55 9535 ‐2.997 403.053

12/2/2014 10:00 9540 ‐2.926 402.93

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 10:05 9545 ‐2.882 402.888

12/2/2014 10:10 9550 ‐2.824 402.811

12/2/2014 10:15 9555 ‐2.726 402.784

12/2/2014 10:20 9560 ‐2.591 402.721

12/2/2014 10:25 9565 ‐2.4 402.632

12/2/2014 10:30 9570 ‐2.17 402.558

12/2/2014 10:35 9575 ‐2.005 402.653

12/2/2014 10:40 9580 ‐1.87 402.576

12/2/2014 10:45 9585 ‐1.734 402.53

12/2/2014 10:50 9590 ‐1.596 402.411

12/2/2014 10:55 9595 ‐1.411 402.31

12/2/2014 11:00 9600 ‐1.184 402.288

12/2/2014 11:05 9605 ‐0.915 402.115

12/2/2014 11:10 9610 ‐0.685 401.987

12/2/2014 11:15 9615 ‐0.508 402.037

12/2/2014 11:20 9620 ‐0.356 401.992

12/2/2014 11:25 9625 ‐0.207 401.978

12/2/2014 11:30 9630 ‐0.029 401.918

12/2/2014 11:35 9635 0.182 401.873

12/2/2014 11:40 9640 0.286 401.831

12/2/2014 11:45 9645 0.339 401.871

12/2/2014 11:50 9650 0.429 401.769

12/2/2014 11:55 9655 0.523 401.751

12/2/2014 12:00 9660 0.602 401.624

12/2/2014 12:05 9665 0.664 401.464

12/2/2014 12:10 9670 0.707 401.345

12/2/2014 12:15 9675 0.738 401.299

12/2/2014 12:20 9680 0.768 401.345

12/2/2014 12:25 9685 0.797 401.205

12/2/2014 12:30 9690 0.843 401.13

12/2/2014 12:35 9695 0.938 401.06

12/2/2014 12:40 9700 1.049 401.137

12/2/2014 12:45 9705 1.129 401.063

12/2/2014 12:50 9710 1.205 401.013

12/2/2014 12:55 9715 1.214 400.898

12/2/2014 13:00 9720 1.18 400.749

12/2/2014 13:05 9725 1.14 400.782

12/2/2014 13:10 9730 1.064 400.72

12/2/2014 13:15 9735 0.978 400.587

12/2/2014 13:20 9740 0.901 400.543

12/2/2014 13:25 9745 0.877 400.501

12/2/2014 13:30 9750 0.887 400.457

12/2/2014 13:35 9755 0.911 400.467

12/2/2014 13:40 9760 0.917 400.436

12/2/2014 13:45 9765 0.871 400.473

12/2/2014 13:50 9770 0.809 400.325

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 13:55 9775 0.742 400.208

12/2/2014 14:00 9780 0.679 400.093

12/2/2014 14:05 9785 0.651 399.927

12/2/2014 14:10 9790 0.782 399.931

12/2/2014 14:15 9795 0.946 399.879

12/2/2014 14:20 9800 1.063 399.937

12/2/2014 14:25 9805 1.101 399.972

12/2/2014 14:30 9810 1.171 399.864

12/2/2014 14:35 9815 1.247 399.75

12/2/2014 14:40 9820 1.414 399.653

12/2/2014 14:45 9825 1.572 399.554

12/2/2014 14:50 9830 1.666 399.476

12/2/2014 14:55 9835 1.689 399.595

12/2/2014 15:00 9840 1.699 399.636

12/2/2014 15:05 9845 1.706 399.572

12/2/2014 15:10 9850 1.751 399.603

12/2/2014 15:15 9855 1.884 399.481

12/2/2014 15:20 9860 1.967 399.534

12/2/2014 15:25 9865 1.984 399.472

12/2/2014 15:30 9870 1.96 399.457

12/2/2014 15:35 9875 1.911 399.516

12/2/2014 15:40 9880 1.885 399.393

12/2/2014 15:45 9885 1.886 399.336

12/2/2014 15:50 9890 1.891 399.239

12/2/2014 15:55 9895 1.876 399.254

12/2/2014 16:00 9900 1.817 399.138

12/2/2014 16:05 9905 1.722 399.2

12/2/2014 16:10 9910 1.605 399.166

12/2/2014 16:15 9915 1.481 399.173

12/2/2014 16:20 9920 1.325 399.111

12/2/2014 16:25 9925 1.136 399.014

12/2/2014 16:30 9930 0.928 399.098

12/2/2014 16:35 9935 0.731 399.048

12/2/2014 16:40 9940 0.575 399.067

12/2/2014 16:45 9945 0.467 398.977

12/2/2014 16:50 9950 0.334 398.914

12/2/2014 16:55 9955 0.154 398.915

12/2/2014 17:00 9960 ‐0.014 398.95

12/2/2014 17:05 9965 ‐0.2 398.84

12/2/2014 17:10 9970 ‐0.385 398.888

12/2/2014 17:15 9975 ‐0.561 398.779

12/2/2014 17:20 9980 ‐0.752 398.72

12/2/2014 17:25 9985 ‐0.919 398.689

12/2/2014 17:30 9990 ‐1.092 398.665

12/2/2014 17:35 9995 ‐1.272 398.757

12/2/2014 17:40 10000 ‐1.464 398.679

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 17:45 10005 ‐1.644 398.684

12/2/2014 17:50 10010 ‐1.818 398.803

12/2/2014 17:55 10015 ‐1.975 398.745

12/2/2014 18:00 10020 ‐2.114 398.667

12/2/2014 18:05 10025 ‐2.251 398.749

12/2/2014 18:10 10030 ‐2.366 398.736

12/2/2014 18:15 10035 ‐2.483 398.601

12/2/2014 18:20 10040 ‐2.588 398.616

12/2/2014 18:25 10045 ‐2.683 398.546

12/2/2014 18:30 10050 ‐2.78 398.568

12/2/2014 18:35 10055 ‐2.867 398.444

12/2/2014 18:40 10060 ‐2.934 398.524

12/2/2014 18:45 10065 ‐2.937 398.558

12/2/2014 18:50 10070 ‐2.933 398.468

12/2/2014 18:55 10075 ‐2.965 398.448

12/2/2014 19:00 10080 ‐3.004 398.442

12/2/2014 19:05 10085 ‐3.079 398.355

12/2/2014 19:10 10090 ‐3.155 398.342

12/2/2014 19:15 10095 ‐3.232 398.377

12/2/2014 19:20 10100 ‐3.308 398.361

12/2/2014 19:25 10105 ‐3.381 398.297

12/2/2014 19:30 10110 ‐3.442 398.23

12/2/2014 19:35 10115 ‐3.479 398.205

12/2/2014 19:40 10120 ‐3.499 398.173

12/2/2014 19:45 10125 ‐3.488 398.474

12/2/2014 19:50 10130 ‐3.453 398.479

12/2/2014 19:55 10135 ‐3.38 398.38

12/2/2014 20:00 10140 ‐3.275 398.45

12/2/2014 20:05 10145 ‐3.152 398.374

12/2/2014 20:10 10150 ‐3.032 398.346

12/2/2014 20:15 10155 ‐2.889 398.442

12/2/2014 20:20 10160 ‐2.719 398.49

12/2/2014 20:25 10165 ‐2.541 398.493

12/2/2014 20:30 10170 ‐2.38 398.507

12/2/2014 20:35 10175 ‐2.229 398.406

12/2/2014 20:40 10180 ‐2.093 398.433

12/2/2014 20:45 10185 ‐1.971 398.324

12/2/2014 20:50 10190 ‐1.862 398.179

12/2/2014 20:55 10195 ‐1.767 398.35

12/2/2014 21:00 10200 ‐1.686 398.23

12/2/2014 21:05 10205 ‐1.608 398.313

12/2/2014 21:10 10210 ‐1.538 398.204

12/2/2014 21:15 10215 ‐1.471 398.206

12/2/2014 21:20 10220 ‐1.402 398.124

12/2/2014 21:25 10225 ‐1.329 398.221

12/2/2014 21:30 10230 ‐1.258 398.071

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/2/2014 21:35 10235 ‐1.191 398.119

12/2/2014 21:40 10240 ‐1.129 398.071

12/2/2014 21:45 10245 ‐1.071 397.942

12/2/2014 21:50 10250 ‐1.019 398.074

12/2/2014 21:55 10255 ‐0.971 397.942

12/2/2014 22:00 10260 ‐0.923 398.051

12/2/2014 22:05 10265 ‐0.878 397.981

12/2/2014 22:10 10270 ‐0.843 397.981

12/2/2014 22:15 10275 ‐0.801 397.906

12/2/2014 22:20 10280 ‐0.768 397.917

12/2/2014 22:25 10285 ‐0.739 397.746

12/2/2014 22:30 10290 ‐0.709 397.762

12/2/2014 22:35 10295 ‐0.688 397.813

12/2/2014 22:40 10300 ‐0.672 397.846

12/2/2014 22:45 10305 ‐0.656 397.798

12/2/2014 22:50 10310 ‐0.639 397.756

12/2/2014 22:55 10315 ‐0.626 397.731

12/2/2014 23:00 10320 ‐0.614 397.702

12/2/2014 23:05 10325 ‐0.602 397.702

12/2/2014 23:10 10330 ‐0.588 397.664

12/2/2014 23:15 10335 ‐0.571 397.658

12/2/2014 23:20 10340 ‐0.563 397.642

12/2/2014 23:25 10345 ‐0.547 397.581

12/2/2014 23:30 10350 ‐0.538 397.622

12/2/2014 23:35 10355 ‐0.531 397.553

12/2/2014 23:40 10360 ‐0.524 397.497

12/2/2014 23:45 10365 ‐0.516 397.531

12/2/2014 23:50 10370 ‐0.512 397.468

12/2/2014 23:55 10375 ‐0.511 397.437

12/3/2014 0:00 10380 ‐0.51 397.403

12/3/2014 0:05 10385 ‐0.513 397.405

12/3/2014 0:10 10390 ‐0.513 397.37

12/3/2014 0:15 10395 ‐0.516 397.364

12/3/2014 0:20 10400 ‐0.513 397.313

12/3/2014 0:25 10405 ‐0.507 397.252

12/3/2014 0:30 10410 ‐0.503 397.236

12/3/2014 0:35 10415 ‐0.498 397.173

12/3/2014 0:40 10420 ‐0.494 397.254

12/3/2014 0:45 10425 ‐0.486 397.195

12/3/2014 0:50 10430 ‐0.481 397.165

12/3/2014 0:55 10435 ‐0.473 397.118

12/3/2014 1:00 10440 ‐0.468 397.091

12/3/2014 1:05 10445 ‐0.464 397.078

12/3/2014 1:10 10450 ‐0.456 397.135

12/3/2014 1:15 10455 ‐0.448 397.062

12/3/2014 1:20 10460 ‐0.444 397.056

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 1:25 10465 ‐0.441 397.039

12/3/2014 1:30 10470 ‐0.435 397.021

12/3/2014 1:35 10475 ‐0.432 397.044

12/3/2014 1:40 10480 ‐0.431 396.99

12/3/2014 1:45 10485 ‐0.427 396.974

12/3/2014 1:50 10490 ‐0.423 397.004

12/3/2014 1:55 10495 ‐0.415 396.983

12/3/2014 2:00 10500 ‐0.412 397.023

12/3/2014 2:05 10505 ‐0.404 396.982

12/3/2014 2:10 10510 ‐0.399 397.038

12/3/2014 2:15 10515 ‐0.393 396.992

12/3/2014 2:20 10520 ‐0.389 396.941

12/3/2014 2:25 10525 ‐0.379 396.98

12/3/2014 2:30 10530 ‐0.372 397.132

12/3/2014 2:35 10535 ‐0.365 396.998

12/3/2014 2:40 10540 ‐0.354 396.988

12/3/2014 2:45 10545 ‐0.344 396.945

12/3/2014 2:50 10550 ‐0.337 397.011

12/3/2014 2:55 10555 ‐0.326 397.005

12/3/2014 3:00 10560 ‐0.316 396.956

12/3/2014 3:05 10565 ‐0.303 396.943

12/3/2014 3:10 10570 ‐0.296 396.907

12/3/2014 3:15 10575 ‐0.284 396.894

12/3/2014 3:20 10580 ‐0.273 396.936

12/3/2014 3:25 10585 ‐0.263 396.883

12/3/2014 3:30 10590 ‐0.254 396.916

12/3/2014 3:35 10595 ‐0.241 396.915

12/3/2014 3:40 10600 ‐0.224 396.939

12/3/2014 3:45 10605 ‐0.212 396.925

12/3/2014 3:50 10610 ‐0.197 396.878

12/3/2014 3:55 10615 ‐0.177 396.993

12/3/2014 4:00 10620 ‐0.155 396.988

12/3/2014 4:05 10625 ‐0.128 397.027

12/3/2014 4:10 10630 ‐0.11 396.957

12/3/2014 4:15 10635 ‐0.077 396.937

12/3/2014 4:20 10640 ‐0.05 396.988

12/3/2014 4:25 10645 ‐0.023 396.891

12/3/2014 4:30 10650 ‐0.001 396.963

12/3/2014 4:35 10655 0.019 396.917

12/3/2014 4:40 10660 0.032 396.941

12/3/2014 4:45 10665 0.048 396.951

12/3/2014 4:50 10670 0.058 396.997

12/3/2014 4:55 10675 0.064 397.118

12/3/2014 5:00 10680 0.073 397.087

12/3/2014 5:05 10685 0.081 397.062

12/3/2014 5:10 10690 0.089 397.092

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 5:15 10695 0.089 397.077

12/3/2014 5:20 10700 0.091 397.056

12/3/2014 5:25 10705 0.084 397.135

12/3/2014 5:30 10710 0.072 397.123

12/3/2014 5:35 10715 0.056 397.176

12/3/2014 5:40 10720 0.038 397.2

12/3/2014 5:45 10725 0.013 397.313

12/3/2014 5:50 10730 ‐0.011 397.251

12/3/2014 5:55 10735 ‐0.037 397.257

12/3/2014 6:00 10740 ‐0.057 397.283

12/3/2014 6:05 10745 ‐0.079 397.277

12/3/2014 6:10 10750 ‐0.102 397.319

12/3/2014 6:15 10755 ‐0.118 397.331

12/3/2014 6:20 10760 ‐0.135 397.304

12/3/2014 6:25 10765 ‐0.161 397.187

12/3/2014 6:30 10770 ‐0.192 397.226

12/3/2014 6:35 10775 ‐0.216 397.29

12/3/2014 6:40 10780 ‐0.235 397.316

12/3/2014 6:45 10785 ‐0.247 397.318

12/3/2014 6:50 10790 ‐0.259 397.294

12/3/2014 6:55 10795 ‐0.27 397.303

12/3/2014 7:00 10800 ‐0.279 397.373

12/3/2014 7:05 10805 ‐0.29 397.329

12/3/2014 7:10 10810 ‐0.293 397.284

12/3/2014 7:15 10815 ‐0.298 397.281

12/3/2014 7:20 10820 ‐0.305 397.326

12/3/2014 7:25 10825 ‐0.308 397.326

12/3/2014 7:30 10830 ‐0.312 397.352

12/3/2014 7:35 10835 ‐0.318 397.341

12/3/2014 7:40 10840 ‐0.317 397.396

12/3/2014 7:45 10845 ‐0.319 397.332

12/3/2014 7:50 10850 ‐0.323 397.296

12/3/2014 7:55 10855 ‐0.323 397.331

12/3/2014 8:00 10860 ‐0.324 397.297

12/3/2014 8:05 10865 ‐0.318 397.335

12/3/2014 8:10 10870 ‐0.315 397.333

12/3/2014 8:15 10875 ‐0.311 397.31

12/3/2014 8:20 10880 ‐0.303 397.356

12/3/2014 8:25 10885 ‐0.295 397.481

12/3/2014 8:30 10890 ‐0.284 397.518

12/3/2014 8:35 10895 ‐0.272 397.501

12/3/2014 8:40 10900 ‐0.256 397.54

12/3/2014 8:45 10905 ‐0.237 397.558

12/3/2014 8:50 10910 ‐0.219 397.545

12/3/2014 8:55 10915 ‐0.2 397.538

12/3/2014 9:00 10920 ‐0.175 397.608

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 9:05 10925 ‐0.147 397.612

12/3/2014 9:10 10930 ‐0.109 397.562

12/3/2014 9:15 10935 ‐0.068 397.591

12/3/2014 9:20 10940 ‐0.029 397.69

12/3/2014 9:25 10945 0.009 397.636

12/3/2014 9:30 10950 0.052 397.65

12/3/2014 9:35 10955 0.115 397.675

12/3/2014 9:40 10960 0.205 397.665

12/3/2014 9:45 10965 0.298 397.732

12/3/2014 9:50 10970 0.393 397.811

12/3/2014 9:55 10975 0.498 397.713

12/3/2014 10:00 10980 0.583 397.77

12/3/2014 10:05 10985 0.691 397.788

12/3/2014 10:10 10990 0.809 397.789

12/3/2014 10:15 10995 0.912 397.779

12/3/2014 10:20 11000 0.987 397.827

12/3/2014 10:25 11005 1.048 397.885

12/3/2014 10:30 11010 1.061 397.874

12/3/2014 10:35 11015 1.066 397.835

12/3/2014 10:40 11020 1.062 397.788

12/3/2014 10:45 11025 1.154 397.854

12/3/2014 10:50 11030 1.377 397.873

12/3/2014 10:55 11035 1.627 397.851

12/3/2014 11:00 11040 1.796 397.92

12/3/2014 11:05 11045 2.066 398.015

12/3/2014 11:10 11050 2.252 397.918

12/3/2014 11:15 11055 2.432 397.96

12/3/2014 11:20 11060 2.603 398.062

12/3/2014 11:25 11065 2.765 398.018

12/3/2014 11:30 11070 2.953 398.027

12/3/2014 11:35 11075 3.135 398.085

12/3/2014 11:40 11080 3.147 398.053

12/3/2014 11:45 11085 2.992 398.116

12/3/2014 11:50 11090 2.808 398.074

12/3/2014 11:55 11095 2.631 398.158

12/3/2014 12:00 11100 2.664 398.099

12/3/2014 12:05 11105 2.598 398.06

12/3/2014 12:10 11110 2.644 398.168

12/3/2014 12:15 11115 2.888 398.036

12/3/2014 12:20 11120 3.09 398.104

12/3/2014 12:25 11125 3.272 398.082

12/3/2014 12:30 11130 3.348 398.102

12/3/2014 12:35 11135 3.337 398.102

12/3/2014 12:40 11140 3.353 398.082

12/3/2014 12:45 11145 3.303 398.123

12/3/2014 12:50 11150 3.171 398.172

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 12:55 11155 2.995 398.132

12/3/2014 13:00 11160 2.727 398.116

12/3/2014 13:05 11165 2.557 398.099

12/3/2014 13:10 11170 2.411 398.228

12/3/2014 13:15 11175 2.292 398.256

12/3/2014 13:20 11180 2.296 398.169

12/3/2014 13:25 11185 2.283 398.253

12/3/2014 13:30 11190 2.253 398.14

12/3/2014 13:35 11195 2.214 398.258

12/3/2014 13:40 11200 2.173 398.273

12/3/2014 13:45 11205 2.161 398.253

12/3/2014 13:50 11210 2.16 398.294

12/3/2014 13:55 11215 2.153 398.304

12/3/2014 14:00 11220 2.14 398.39

12/3/2014 14:05 11225 2.149 398.391

12/3/2014 14:10 11230 2.105 398.371

12/3/2014 14:15 11235 2.042 398.471

12/3/2014 14:20 11240 2.006 398.558

12/3/2014 14:25 11245 1.924 398.555

12/3/2014 14:30 11250 1.883 398.486

12/3/2014 14:35 11255 1.868 398.468

12/3/2014 14:40 11260 1.909 398.537

12/3/2014 14:45 11265 1.962 398.604

12/3/2014 14:50 11270 2 398.585

12/3/2014 14:55 11275 2.006 398.737

12/3/2014 15:00 11280 1.96 398.749

12/3/2014 15:05 11285 1.894 398.837

12/3/2014 15:10 11290 1.842 398.808

12/3/2014 15:15 11295 1.904 398.874

12/3/2014 15:20 11300 1.974 398.846

12/3/2014 15:25 11305 1.948 398.802

12/3/2014 15:30 11310 1.886 398.963

12/3/2014 15:35 11315 1.829 399.045

12/3/2014 15:40 11320 1.767 399.015

12/3/2014 15:45 11325 1.734 399.119

12/3/2014 15:50 11330 1.669 399.106

12/3/2014 15:55 11335 1.553 399.079

12/3/2014 16:00 11340 1.377 399.243

12/3/2014 16:05 11345 1.197 399.151

12/3/2014 16:10 11350 1.022 399.242

12/3/2014 16:15 11355 0.87 399.275

12/3/2014 16:20 11360 0.743 399.341

12/3/2014 16:25 11365 0.627 399.297

12/3/2014 16:30 11370 0.505 399.312

12/3/2014 16:35 11375 0.385 399.432

12/3/2014 16:40 11380 0.258 399.449

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 16:45 11385 0.129 399.478

12/3/2014 16:50 11390 ‐0.015 399.505

12/3/2014 16:55 11395 ‐0.161 399.551

12/3/2014 17:00 11400 ‐0.312 399.426

12/3/2014 17:05 11405 ‐0.462 399.517

12/3/2014 17:10 11410 ‐0.598 399.488

12/3/2014 17:15 11415 ‐0.721 399.467

12/3/2014 17:20 11420 ‐0.839 399.599

12/3/2014 17:25 11425 ‐0.946 399.695

12/3/2014 17:30 11430 ‐1.04 399.695

12/3/2014 17:35 11435 ‐1.114 399.707

12/3/2014 17:40 11440 ‐1.185 399.787

12/3/2014 17:45 11445 ‐1.25 399.716

12/3/2014 17:50 11450 ‐1.318 399.769

12/3/2014 17:55 11455 ‐1.387 399.779

12/3/2014 18:00 11460 ‐1.448 399.864

12/3/2014 18:05 11465 ‐1.534 399.919

12/3/2014 18:10 11470 ‐1.611 399.949

12/3/2014 18:15 11475 ‐1.693 399.893

12/3/2014 18:20 11480 ‐1.783 400.062

12/3/2014 18:25 11485 ‐1.864 400.05

12/3/2014 18:30 11490 ‐1.943 400.088

12/3/2014 18:35 11495 ‐2.006 400.121

12/3/2014 18:40 11500 ‐2.073 400.169

12/3/2014 18:45 11505 ‐2.13 400.114

12/3/2014 18:50 11510 ‐2.192 400.232

12/3/2014 18:55 11515 ‐2.252 400.184

12/3/2014 19:00 11520 ‐2.315 400.262

12/3/2014 19:05 11525 ‐2.372 400.333

12/3/2014 19:10 11530 ‐2.429 400.324

12/3/2014 19:15 11535 ‐2.508 400.382

12/3/2014 19:20 11540 ‐2.586 400.476

12/3/2014 19:25 11545 ‐2.659 400.491

12/3/2014 19:30 11550 ‐2.72 400.464

12/3/2014 19:35 11555 ‐2.777 400.582

12/3/2014 19:40 11560 ‐2.768 400.763

12/3/2014 19:45 11565 ‐2.715 400.808

12/3/2014 19:50 11570 ‐2.702 400.989

12/3/2014 19:55 11575 ‐2.733 400.987

12/3/2014 20:00 11580 ‐2.786 400.96

12/3/2014 20:05 11585 ‐2.851 400.96

12/3/2014 20:10 11590 ‐2.923 401.01

12/3/2014 20:15 11595 ‐2.994 400.941

12/3/2014 20:20 11600 ‐3.05 401.014

12/3/2014 20:25 11605 ‐3.102 401.042

12/3/2014 20:30 11610 ‐3.137 401.1

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/3/2014 20:35 11615 ‐3.174 401.058

12/3/2014 20:40 11620 ‐3.206 401.086

12/3/2014 20:45 11625 ‐3.238 401.036

12/3/2014 20:50 11630 ‐3.243 401.047

12/3/2014 20:55 11635 ‐3.231 401.095

12/3/2014 21:00 11640 ‐3.221 401.176

12/3/2014 21:05 11645 ‐3.213 401.129

12/3/2014 21:10 11650 ‐3.196 401.124

12/3/2014 21:15 11655 ‐3.191 401.208

12/3/2014 21:20 11660 ‐3.199 401.159

12/3/2014 21:25 11665 ‐3.216 401.206

12/3/2014 21:30 11670 ‐3.256 401.246

12/3/2014 21:35 11675 ‐3.295 401.246

12/3/2014 21:40 11680 ‐3.334 401.363

12/3/2014 21:45 11685 ‐3.361 401.414

12/3/2014 21:50 11690 ‐3.387 401.298

12/3/2014 21:55 11695 ‐3.42 401.423

12/3/2014 22:00 11700 ‐3.449 401.453

12/3/2014 22:05 11705 ‐3.472 401.513

12/3/2014 22:10 11710 ‐3.487 401.422

12/3/2014 22:15 11715 ‐3.508 401.5

12/3/2014 22:20 11720 ‐3.554 401.493

12/3/2014 22:25 11725 ‐3.591 401.467

12/3/2014 22:30 11730 ‐3.617 401.549

12/3/2014 22:35 11735 ‐3.611 401.483

12/3/2014 22:40 11740 ‐3.62 401.471

12/3/2014 22:45 11745 ‐3.606 401.478

12/3/2014 22:50 11750 ‐3.604 401.58

12/3/2014 22:55 11755 ‐3.604 401.647

12/3/2014 23:00 11760 ‐3.611 401.692

12/3/2014 23:05 11765 ‐3.604 401.632

12/3/2014 23:10 11770 ‐3.599 401.72

12/3/2014 23:15 11775 ‐3.595 401.692

12/3/2014 23:20 11780 ‐3.6 401.677

12/3/2014 23:25 11785 ‐3.603 401.683

12/3/2014 23:30 11790 ‐3.591 401.689

12/3/2014 23:35 11795 ‐3.577 401.677

12/3/2014 23:40 11800 ‐3.563 401.723

12/3/2014 23:45 11805 ‐3.558 401.726

12/3/2014 23:50 11810 ‐3.548 401.71

12/3/2014 23:55 11815 ‐3.548 401.75

12/4/2014 0:00 11820 ‐3.536 401.799

12/4/2014 0:05 11825 ‐3.557 401.803

12/4/2014 0:10 11830 ‐3.57 401.831

12/4/2014 0:15 11835 ‐3.594 401.844

12/4/2014 0:20 11840 ‐3.622 401.823

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 0:25 11845 ‐3.651 401.843

12/4/2014 0:30 11850 ‐3.683 401.926

12/4/2014 0:35 11855 ‐3.71 401.842

12/4/2014 0:40 11860 ‐3.745 401.907

12/4/2014 0:45 11865 ‐3.787 401.808

12/4/2014 0:50 11870 ‐3.82 401.867

12/4/2014 0:55 11875 ‐3.868 401.895

12/4/2014 1:00 11880 ‐3.928 401.867

12/4/2014 1:05 11885 ‐3.982 401.842

12/4/2014 1:10 11890 ‐4.047 401.842

12/4/2014 1:15 11895 ‐4.104 401.877

12/4/2014 1:20 11900 ‐4.163 401.851

12/4/2014 1:25 11905 ‐4.19 401.933

12/4/2014 1:30 11910 ‐4.231 401.888

12/4/2014 1:35 11915 ‐4.264 401.993

12/4/2014 1:40 11920 ‐4.321 401.983

12/4/2014 1:45 11925 ‐4.368 401.949

12/4/2014 1:50 11930 ‐4.394 401.915

12/4/2014 1:55 11935 ‐4.429 401.991

12/4/2014 2:00 11940 ‐4.447 401.812

12/4/2014 2:05 11945 ‐4.476 401.772

12/4/2014 2:10 11950 ‐4.523 401.892

12/4/2014 2:15 11955 ‐4.555 401.839

12/4/2014 2:20 11960 ‐4.586 401.895

12/4/2014 2:25 11965 ‐4.599 401.869

12/4/2014 2:30 11970 ‐4.612 401.968

12/4/2014 2:35 11975 ‐4.62 401.978

12/4/2014 2:40 11980 ‐4.628 401.972

12/4/2014 2:45 11985 ‐4.618 402.044

12/4/2014 2:50 11990 ‐4.628 402.097

12/4/2014 2:55 11995 ‐4.645 402.127

12/4/2014 3:00 12000 ‐4.647 402.195

12/4/2014 3:05 12005 ‐4.657 402.222

12/4/2014 3:10 12010 ‐4.665 402.185

12/4/2014 3:15 12015 ‐4.673 402.222

12/4/2014 3:20 12020 ‐4.684 402.335

12/4/2014 3:25 12025 ‐4.704 402.428

12/4/2014 3:30 12030 ‐4.728 402.478

12/4/2014 3:35 12035 ‐4.744 402.448

12/4/2014 3:40 12040 ‐4.784 402.48

12/4/2014 3:45 12045 ‐4.839 402.422

12/4/2014 3:50 12050 ‐4.874 402.514

12/4/2014 3:55 12055 ‐4.939 402.503

12/4/2014 4:00 12060 ‐4.981 402.431

12/4/2014 4:05 12065 ‐5.01 402.389

12/4/2014 4:10 12070 ‐5.045 402.42

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 4:15 12075 ‐5.075 402.485

12/4/2014 4:20 12080 ‐5.086 402.576

12/4/2014 4:25 12085 ‐5.113 402.482

12/4/2014 4:30 12090 ‐5.134 402.634

12/4/2014 4:35 12095 ‐5.142 402.652

12/4/2014 4:40 12100 ‐5.156 402.664

12/4/2014 4:45 12105 ‐5.199 402.704

12/4/2014 4:50 12110 ‐5.237 402.749

12/4/2014 4:55 12115 ‐5.28 402.736

12/4/2014 5:00 12120 ‐5.322 402.826

12/4/2014 5:05 12125 ‐5.364 402.82

12/4/2014 5:10 12130 ‐5.401 402.725

12/4/2014 5:15 12135 ‐5.422 402.721

12/4/2014 5:20 12140 ‐5.42 402.746

12/4/2014 5:25 12145 ‐5.418 402.799

12/4/2014 5:30 12150 ‐5.422 402.792

12/4/2014 5:35 12155 ‐5.417 402.831

12/4/2014 5:40 12160 ‐5.425 402.852

12/4/2014 5:45 12165 ‐5.451 402.863

12/4/2014 5:50 12170 ‐5.469 402.944

12/4/2014 5:55 12175 ‐5.491 402.901

12/4/2014 6:00 12180 ‐5.504 402.967

12/4/2014 6:05 12185 ‐5.526 402.884

12/4/2014 6:10 12190 ‐5.562 402.911

12/4/2014 6:15 12195 ‐5.584 403.041

12/4/2014 6:20 12200 ‐5.59 402.924

12/4/2014 6:25 12205 ‐5.6 403.037

12/4/2014 6:30 12210 ‐5.586 403.075

12/4/2014 6:35 12215 ‐5.589 403.004

12/4/2014 6:40 12220 ‐5.566 403.091

12/4/2014 6:45 12225 ‐5.564 402.984

12/4/2014 6:50 12230 ‐5.57 403.009

12/4/2014 6:55 12235 ‐5.564 403.108

12/4/2014 7:00 12240 ‐5.563 403.093

12/4/2014 7:05 12245 ‐5.562 403.071

12/4/2014 7:10 12250 ‐5.566 403.144

12/4/2014 7:15 12255 ‐5.57 403.242

12/4/2014 7:20 12260 ‐5.542 403.264

12/4/2014 7:25 12265 ‐5.534 403.253

12/4/2014 7:30 12270 ‐5.531 403.238

12/4/2014 7:35 12275 ‐5.521 403.317

12/4/2014 7:40 12280 ‐5.537 403.265

12/4/2014 7:45 12285 ‐5.537 403.272

12/4/2014 7:50 12290 ‐5.559 403.265

12/4/2014 7:55 12295 ‐5.57 403.34

12/4/2014 8:00 12300 ‐5.581 403.25

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 8:05 12305 ‐5.616 403.227

12/4/2014 8:10 12310 ‐5.63 403.201

12/4/2014 8:15 12315 ‐5.66 403.184

12/4/2014 8:20 12320 ‐5.671 403.224

12/4/2014 8:25 12325 ‐5.645 403.304

12/4/2014 8:30 12330 ‐5.613 403.329

12/4/2014 8:35 12335 ‐5.566 403.378

12/4/2014 8:40 12340 ‐5.489 403.478

12/4/2014 8:45 12345 ‐5.367 403.49

12/4/2014 8:50 12350 ‐5.202 403.531

12/4/2014 8:55 12355 ‐5.035 403.536

12/4/2014 9:00 12360 ‐4.86 403.682

12/4/2014 9:05 12365 ‐4.673 403.756

12/4/2014 9:10 12370 ‐4.51 403.745

12/4/2014 9:15 12375 ‐4.359 403.763

12/4/2014 9:20 12380 ‐4.226 403.855

12/4/2014 9:25 12385 ‐4.075 403.803

12/4/2014 9:30 12390 ‐3.827 403.91

12/4/2014 9:35 12395 ‐3.551 403.828

12/4/2014 9:40 12400 ‐3.173 403.875

12/4/2014 9:45 12405 ‐2.745 403.841

12/4/2014 9:50 12410 ‐2.329 403.91

12/4/2014 9:55 12415 ‐2.026 403.924

12/4/2014 10:00 12420 ‐1.79 403.841

12/4/2014 10:05 12425 ‐1.463 403.88

12/4/2014 10:10 12430 ‐1.129 403.939

12/4/2014 10:15 12435 ‐0.74 403.88

12/4/2014 10:20 12440 ‐0.362 403.732

12/4/2014 10:25 12445 ‐0.217 403.817

12/4/2014 10:30 12450 ‐0.135 403.765

12/4/2014 10:35 12455 0.01 403.77

12/4/2014 10:40 12460 0.203 403.68

12/4/2014 10:45 12465 0.363 403.756

12/4/2014 10:50 12470 0.653 403.689

12/4/2014 10:55 12475 0.98 403.738

12/4/2014 11:00 12480 1.076 403.795

12/4/2014 11:05 12485 1.387 403.755

12/4/2014 11:10 12490 1.37 403.819

12/4/2014 11:15 12495 1.418 403.762

12/4/2014 11:20 12500 1.518 403.836

12/4/2014 11:25 12505 1.677 403.773

12/4/2014 11:30 12510 1.829 403.805

12/4/2014 11:35 12515 2.163 403.701

12/4/2014 11:40 12520 2.642 403.642

12/4/2014 11:45 12525 2.926 403.597

12/4/2014 11:50 12530 3.118 403.675

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 11:55 12535 3.346 403.646

12/4/2014 12:00 12540 3.482 403.533

12/4/2014 12:05 12545 3.419 403.572

12/4/2014 12:10 12550 3.536 403.47

12/4/2014 12:15 12555 3.71 403.5

12/4/2014 12:20 12560 3.79 403.391

12/4/2014 12:25 12565 3.891 403.386

12/4/2014 12:30 12570 3.811 403.283

12/4/2014 12:35 12575 3.469 403.228

12/4/2014 12:40 12580 3.124 403.313

12/4/2014 12:45 12585 2.862 403.254

12/4/2014 12:50 12590 2.632 403.273

12/4/2014 12:55 12595 2.417 403.243

12/4/2014 13:00 12600 2.239 403.23

12/4/2014 13:05 12605 2.1 403.204

12/4/2014 13:10 12610 1.978 403.208

12/4/2014 13:15 12615 1.899 403.109

12/4/2014 13:20 12620 1.828 403.166

12/4/2014 13:25 12625 1.774 403.068

12/4/2014 13:30 12630 1.754 403.051

12/4/2014 13:35 12635 1.753 403.138

12/4/2014 13:40 12640 1.765 403.106

12/4/2014 13:45 12645 1.774 403.098

12/4/2014 13:50 12650 1.856 403.099

12/4/2014 13:55 12655 1.975 403.028

12/4/2014 14:00 12660 2.103 403.018

12/4/2014 14:05 12665 2.187 402.939

12/4/2014 14:10 12670 2.246 402.998

12/4/2014 14:15 12675 2.292 402.947

12/4/2014 14:20 12680 2.327 402.871

12/4/2014 14:25 12685 2.376 402.967

12/4/2014 14:30 12690 2.354 402.981

12/4/2014 14:35 12695 2.302 402.989

12/4/2014 14:40 12700 2.186 402.929

12/4/2014 14:45 12705 2.056 402.953

12/4/2014 14:50 12710 1.872 402.869

12/4/2014 14:55 12715 1.748 402.977

12/4/2014 15:00 12720 1.651 402.82

12/4/2014 15:05 12725 1.567 402.893

12/4/2014 15:10 12730 1.503 402.968

12/4/2014 15:15 12735 1.493 402.896

12/4/2014 15:20 12740 1.541 402.925

12/4/2014 15:25 12745 1.546 402.915

12/4/2014 15:30 12750 1.514 402.871

12/4/2014 15:35 12755 1.458 402.821

12/4/2014 15:40 12760 1.381 402.805

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 15:45 12765 1.274 402.931

12/4/2014 15:50 12770 1.151 402.911

12/4/2014 15:55 12775 1.023 402.809

12/4/2014 16:00 12780 0.904 402.849

12/4/2014 16:05 12785 0.781 402.912

12/4/2014 16:10 12790 0.672 402.906

12/4/2014 16:15 12795 0.564 402.835

12/4/2014 16:20 12800 0.451 402.902

12/4/2014 16:25 12805 0.335 402.849

12/4/2014 16:30 12810 0.209 402.843

12/4/2014 16:35 12815 0.09 402.794

12/4/2014 16:40 12820 ‐0.021 402.797

12/4/2014 16:45 12825 ‐0.121 402.75

12/4/2014 16:50 12830 ‐0.216 402.777

12/4/2014 16:55 12835 ‐0.32 402.835

12/4/2014 17:00 12840 ‐0.421 402.824

12/4/2014 17:05 12845 ‐0.513 402.777

12/4/2014 17:10 12850 ‐0.591 402.832

12/4/2014 17:15 12855 ‐0.663 402.811

12/4/2014 17:20 12860 ‐0.723 402.864

12/4/2014 17:25 12865 ‐0.773 402.804

12/4/2014 17:30 12870 ‐0.809 402.769

12/4/2014 17:35 12875 ‐0.881 402.712

12/4/2014 17:40 12880 ‐0.964 402.743

12/4/2014 17:45 12885 ‐1.059 402.736

12/4/2014 17:50 12890 ‐1.158 402.728

12/4/2014 17:55 12895 ‐1.244 402.691

12/4/2014 18:00 12900 ‐1.295 402.645

12/4/2014 18:05 12905 ‐1.323 402.655

12/4/2014 18:10 12910 ‐1.353 402.662

12/4/2014 18:15 12915 ‐1.388 402.726

12/4/2014 18:20 12920 ‐1.431 402.688

12/4/2014 18:25 12925 ‐1.466 402.688

12/4/2014 18:30 12930 ‐1.486 402.651

12/4/2014 18:35 12935 ‐1.492 402.655

12/4/2014 18:40 12940 ‐1.495 402.603

12/4/2014 18:45 12945 ‐1.486 402.611

12/4/2014 18:50 12950 ‐1.474 402.669

12/4/2014 18:55 12955 ‐1.462 402.632

12/4/2014 19:00 12960 ‐1.458 402.691

12/4/2014 19:05 12965 ‐1.457 402.662

12/4/2014 19:10 12970 ‐1.451 402.662

12/4/2014 19:15 12975 ‐1.442 402.624

12/4/2014 19:20 12980 ‐1.449 402.618

12/4/2014 19:25 12985 ‐1.486 402.62

12/4/2014 19:30 12990 ‐1.527 402.637

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 19:35 12995 ‐1.556 402.593

12/4/2014 19:40 13000 ‐1.565 402.64

12/4/2014 19:45 13005 ‐1.564 402.555

12/4/2014 19:50 13010 ‐1.58 402.572

12/4/2014 19:55 13015 ‐1.599 402.577

12/4/2014 20:00 13020 ‐1.599 402.561

12/4/2014 20:05 13025 ‐1.58 402.611

12/4/2014 20:10 13030 ‐1.556 402.634

12/4/2014 20:15 13035 ‐1.53 402.73

12/4/2014 20:20 13040 ‐1.503 402.707

12/4/2014 20:25 13045 ‐1.482 402.687

12/4/2014 20:30 13050 ‐1.46 402.727

12/4/2014 20:35 13055 ‐1.435 402.682

12/4/2014 20:40 13060 ‐1.417 402.662

12/4/2014 20:45 13065 ‐1.406 402.752

12/4/2014 20:50 13070 ‐1.387 402.628

12/4/2014 20:55 13075 ‐1.377 402.679

12/4/2014 21:00 13080 ‐1.367 402.573

12/4/2014 21:05 13085 ‐1.359 402.562

12/4/2014 21:10 13090 ‐1.36 402.527

12/4/2014 21:15 13095 ‐1.358 402.589

12/4/2014 21:20 13100 ‐1.356 402.562

12/4/2014 21:25 13105 ‐1.356 402.521

12/4/2014 21:30 13110 ‐1.365 402.585

12/4/2014 21:35 13115 ‐1.383 402.644

12/4/2014 21:40 13120 ‐1.408 402.6

12/4/2014 21:45 13125 ‐1.442 402.514

12/4/2014 21:50 13130 ‐1.48 402.434

12/4/2014 21:55 13135 ‐1.529 402.481

12/4/2014 22:00 13140 ‐1.59 402.587

12/4/2014 22:05 13145 ‐1.652 402.612

12/4/2014 22:10 13150 ‐1.738 402.573

12/4/2014 22:15 13155 ‐1.85 402.637

12/4/2014 22:20 13160 ‐1.999 402.726

12/4/2014 22:25 13165 ‐2.169 402.696

12/4/2014 22:30 13170 ‐2.332 402.765

12/4/2014 22:35 13175 ‐2.515 402.856

12/4/2014 22:40 13180 ‐2.687 402.883

12/4/2014 22:45 13185 ‐2.815 402.771

12/4/2014 22:50 13190 ‐2.89 402.839

12/4/2014 22:55 13195 ‐2.931 402.841

12/4/2014 23:00 13200 ‐2.932 402.865

12/4/2014 23:05 13205 ‐2.931 402.753

12/4/2014 23:10 13210 ‐2.908 402.912

12/4/2014 23:15 13215 ‐2.876 402.85

12/4/2014 23:20 13220 ‐2.828 402.824

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/4/2014 23:25 13225 ‐2.754 402.801

12/4/2014 23:30 13230 ‐2.677 402.789

12/4/2014 23:35 13235 ‐2.604 402.743

12/4/2014 23:40 13240 ‐2.531 402.676

12/4/2014 23:45 13245 ‐2.455 402.62

12/4/2014 23:50 13250 ‐2.389 402.564

12/4/2014 23:55 13255 ‐2.327 402.587

12/5/2014 0:00 13260 ‐2.261 402.603

12/5/2014 0:05 13265 ‐2.212 402.571

12/5/2014 0:10 13270 ‐2.161 402.506

12/5/2014 0:15 13275 ‐2.109 402.442

12/5/2014 0:20 13280 ‐2.064 402.418

12/5/2014 0:25 13285 ‐2.026 402.4

12/5/2014 0:30 13290 ‐1.987 402.432

12/5/2014 0:35 13295 ‐1.946 402.393

12/5/2014 0:40 13300 ‐1.911 402.353

12/5/2014 0:45 13305 ‐1.876 402.365

12/5/2014 0:50 13310 ‐1.843 402.274

12/5/2014 0:55 13315 ‐1.811 402.277

12/5/2014 1:00 13320 ‐1.778 402.311

12/5/2014 1:05 13325 ‐1.75 402.278

12/5/2014 1:10 13330 ‐1.729 402.311

12/5/2014 1:15 13335 ‐1.709 402.277

12/5/2014 1:20 13340 ‐1.695 402.228

12/5/2014 1:25 13345 ‐1.677 402.161

12/5/2014 1:30 13350 ‐1.666 402.096

12/5/2014 1:35 13355 ‐1.654 402.057

12/5/2014 1:40 13360 ‐1.64 402.086

12/5/2014 1:45 13365 ‐1.631 402.121

12/5/2014 1:50 13370 ‐1.614 402.038

12/5/2014 1:55 13375 ‐1.607 402.054

12/5/2014 2:00 13380 ‐1.596 402.071

12/5/2014 2:05 13385 ‐1.583 402.091

12/5/2014 2:10 13390 ‐1.567 402.072

12/5/2014 2:15 13395 ‐1.546 402.123

12/5/2014 2:20 13400 ‐1.528 402.184

12/5/2014 2:25 13405 ‐1.509 402.139

12/5/2014 2:30 13410 ‐1.494 402.155

12/5/2014 2:35 13415 ‐1.473 402.113

12/5/2014 2:40 13420 ‐1.465 402.066

12/5/2014 2:45 13425 ‐1.452 402.094

12/5/2014 2:50 13430 ‐1.447 402.1

12/5/2014 2:55 13435 ‐1.436 402.094

12/5/2014 3:00 13440 ‐1.423 402.077

12/5/2014 3:05 13445 ‐1.405 402.199

12/5/2014 3:10 13450 ‐1.394 402.207

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/5/2014 3:15 13455 ‐1.377 402.184

12/5/2014 3:20 13460 ‐1.364 402.154

12/5/2014 3:25 13465 ‐1.345 402.139

12/5/2014 3:30 13470 ‐1.333 402.136

12/5/2014 3:35 13475 ‐1.318 402.148

12/5/2014 3:40 13480 ‐1.299 402.05

12/5/2014 3:45 13485 ‐1.289 402.07

12/5/2014 3:50 13490 ‐1.28 402.033

12/5/2014 3:55 13495 ‐1.27 402.026

12/5/2014 4:00 13500 ‐1.263 401.902

12/5/2014 4:05 13505 ‐1.253 401.88

12/5/2014 4:10 13510 ‐1.239 401.802

12/5/2014 4:15 13515 ‐1.239 401.767

12/5/2014 4:20 13520 ‐1.23 401.727

12/5/2014 4:25 13525 ‐1.228 401.709

12/5/2014 4:30 13530 ‐1.217 401.675

12/5/2014 4:35 13535 ‐1.203 401.696

12/5/2014 4:40 13540 ‐1.193 401.754

12/5/2014 4:45 13545 ‐1.185 401.706

12/5/2014 4:50 13550 ‐1.175 401.729

12/5/2014 4:55 13555 ‐1.17 401.584

12/5/2014 5:00 13560 ‐1.158 401.584

12/5/2014 5:05 13565 ‐1.154 401.555

12/5/2014 5:10 13570 ‐1.15 401.611

12/5/2014 5:15 13575 ‐1.151 401.619

12/5/2014 5:20 13580 ‐1.149 401.617

12/5/2014 5:25 13585 ‐1.138 401.569

12/5/2014 5:30 13590 ‐1.13 401.57

12/5/2014 5:35 13595 ‐1.122 401.498

12/5/2014 5:40 13600 ‐1.114 401.485

12/5/2014 5:45 13605 ‐1.102 401.566

12/5/2014 5:50 13610 ‐1.089 401.54

12/5/2014 5:55 13615 ‐1.079 401.515

12/5/2014 6:00 13620 ‐1.067 401.49

12/5/2014 6:05 13625 ‐1.057 401.52

12/5/2014 6:10 13630 ‐1.042 401.493

12/5/2014 6:15 13635 ‐1.024 401.486

12/5/2014 6:20 13640 ‐1.018 401.463

12/5/2014 6:25 13645 ‐1.002 401.48

12/5/2014 6:30 13650 ‐0.998 401.447

12/5/2014 6:35 13655 ‐0.985 401.439

12/5/2014 6:40 13660 ‐0.975 401.453

12/5/2014 6:45 13665 ‐0.966 401.453

12/5/2014 6:50 13670 ‐0.958 401.466

12/5/2014 6:55 13675 ‐0.952 401.424

12/5/2014 7:00 13680 ‐0.947 401.409

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Page 62 of 63

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/5/2014 7:05 13685 ‐0.942 401.426

12/5/2014 7:10 13690 ‐0.94 401.477

12/5/2014 7:15 13695 ‐0.941 401.382

12/5/2014 7:20 13700 ‐0.94 401.372

12/5/2014 7:25 13705 ‐0.937 401.426

12/5/2014 7:30 13710 ‐0.943 401.313

12/5/2014 7:35 13715 ‐0.938 401.331

12/5/2014 7:40 13720 ‐0.932 401.297

12/5/2014 7:45 13725 ‐0.936 401.228

12/5/2014 7:50 13730 ‐0.936 401.285

12/5/2014 7:55 13735 ‐0.934 401.293

12/5/2014 8:00 13740 ‐0.924 401.272

12/5/2014 8:05 13745 ‐0.924 401.301

12/5/2014 8:10 13750 ‐0.921 401.266

12/5/2014 8:15 13755 ‐0.912 401.357

12/5/2014 8:20 13760 ‐0.898 401.371

12/5/2014 8:25 13765 ‐0.881 401.387

12/5/2014 8:30 13770 ‐0.854 401.387

12/5/2014 8:35 13775 ‐0.834 401.417

12/5/2014 8:40 13780 ‐0.8 401.367

12/5/2014 8:45 13785 ‐0.77 401.414

12/5/2014 8:50 13790 ‐0.735 401.353

12/5/2014 8:55 13795 ‐0.689 401.418

12/5/2014 9:00 13800 ‐0.639 401.381

12/5/2014 9:05 13805 ‐0.587 401.294

12/5/2014 9:10 13810 ‐0.525 401.352

12/5/2014 9:15 13815 ‐0.445 401.321

12/5/2014 9:20 13820 ‐0.362 401.372

12/5/2014 9:25 13825 ‐0.29 401.42

12/5/2014 9:30 13830 ‐0.225 401.373

12/5/2014 9:35 13835 ‐0.166 401.346

12/5/2014 9:40 13840 ‐0.107 401.303

12/5/2014 9:45 13845 ‐0.053 401.413

12/5/2014 9:50 13850 ‐0.007 401.313

12/5/2014 9:55 13855 0.04 401.336

12/5/2014 10:00 13860 0.089 401.283

12/5/2014 10:05 13865 0.135 401.247

12/5/2014 10:10 13870 0.206 401.256

12/5/2014 10:15 13875 0.282 401.235

12/5/2014 10:20 13880 0.365 401.195

12/5/2014 10:25 13885 0.459 401.228

12/5/2014 10:30 13890 0.565 401.261

12/5/2014 10:35 13895 0.665 401.199

12/5/2014 10:40 13900 0.772 401.256

12/5/2014 10:45 13905 0.881 401.301

12/5/2014 10:50 13910 0.997 401.222

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Page 63 of 63

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:04

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name Baro FN_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐59‐06‐504.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:59

12/5/2014 10:55 13915 1.122 401.159

12/5/2014 11:00 13920 1.269 401.238

12/5/2014 11:05 13925 1.429 401.139

12/5/2014 11:10 13930 1.603 401.1

12/5/2014 11:15 13935 5.176 401.161

12/5/2014 11:20 13940 5.954 400.971

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Page 1 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

Device Properties

Device Level TROLL 700

Site GAWA Frederickson North

Device Name  

Serial Number 353004

Firmware Version 2.09

Hardware Version 3

Device Address 1

Device Comm Cfg 19200 8 Even 1 (Modbus‐RTU)

Used Memory 1

Used Battery 5

Log Configuration

Log Name FN‐1

Created By ntg

Computer Name REMELAP‐6353

Application WinSitu.exe

Application Version

Create Date 11/25/2014 5:03:34 PM Eastern Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes) 4096

Overwrite when full Disabled

Scheduled Start Time 11/25/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Scheduled Stop Time 12/5/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Type Step Test

 Steps 3 (True Logarithmic)

  Step 1

  Duration Days: 8 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 2

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 3

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

Level Reference Settings At Log Creation

        Level Measurement Mode Level Depth To Water

              Specific Gravity 0.999

          Level Reference Mode: Set first logged value to offset

        Level Reference Offset: 0 (ft)

Other Log Settings

Depth of Probe: 60.3505 (ft)

Head Pressure: 26.1374 (PSI)

Temperature: 51.4684 (F)

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

Log Notes:

Date and Time Note

11/25/2014 17:03 Sensor SN: 353004  Factory calibration has expired.: 10/7/2014 9:00:41 AM

11/25/2014 17:03 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/2/2014 17:31 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 18:20 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 18:22 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 18:54 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 19:00 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 6:54:06 PM

12/3/2014 19:11 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 7:00:45 PM

12/4/2014 16:26 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 7:11:12 PM

12/4/2014 19:00 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/4/2014 4:24:06 PM

12/4/2014 19:11 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/4/2014 7:00:23 PM

12/5/2014 11:21 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 11:21 Manual Stop Command

Log Data:

Record Count 3163

Sensors 1

  1 353004 Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Sensor: PreSensor: PreSensor: Pres(G) 69ft          

Elapsed Time SN#: 35300SN#: 35300SN#: 353004                   

Date and Time Minutes      TemperatuLevel Dept Pressure (PSI)                

11/25/2014 19:00 0 51.243 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.004 51.272 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.008 51.305 0.007 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.013 51.321 0.011 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.017 51.335 0.003 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.021 51.346 0.012 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.025 51.356 0.002 26.21

11/25/2014 19:00 0.029 51.362 ‐0.003 26.212

11/25/2014 19:00 0.033 51.376 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.037 51.377 0.003 26.21

11/25/2014 19:00 0.042 51.387 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.046 51.384 0.002 26.21

11/25/2014 19:00 0.05 51.388 0.005 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.054 51.395 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.058 51.399 0.009 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.063 51.408 0.009 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.067 51.405 0.01 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.071 51.409 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.075 51.412 0.01 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.079 51.415 0.01 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.083 51.42 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.087 51.416 0.009 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.092 51.419 0.013 26.205

11/25/2014 19:00 0.096 51.422 ‐0.006 26.213

11/25/2014 19:00 0.1 51.422 0.011 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.106 51.401 0.007 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.112 51.394 0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.119 51.391 0.009 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.126 51.378 0.008 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.133 51.377 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.141 51.37 0.013 26.205

11/25/2014 19:00 0.15 51.363 0.014 26.205

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/25/2014 19:00 0.158 51.359 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.168 51.352 0.01 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.178 51.347 0.009 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.188 51.342 0.012 26.205

11/25/2014 19:00 0.199 51.342 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.211 51.33 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.224 51.327 0.008 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.237 51.325 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.251 51.328 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.266 51.317 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.282 51.319 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.298 51.315 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.316 51.314 0.003 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.335 51.307 0.003 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.355 51.314 0.001 26.21

11/25/2014 19:00 0.376 51.308 0.002 26.21

11/25/2014 19:00 0.398 51.309 ‐0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.422 51.306 ‐0.002 26.212

11/25/2014 19:00 0.447 51.307 ‐0.004 26.212

11/25/2014 19:00 0.473 51.308 ‐0.002 26.212

11/25/2014 19:00 0.501 51.301 ‐0.004 26.213

11/25/2014 19:00 0.531 51.299 ‐0.004 26.213

11/25/2014 19:00 0.562 51.303 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.596 51.298 ‐0.004 26.213

11/25/2014 19:00 0.631 51.298 0.011 26.206

11/25/2014 19:00 0.668 51.297 ‐0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:00 0.708 51.292 0.013 26.205

11/25/2014 19:00 0.75 51.294 ‐0.004 26.213

11/25/2014 19:00 0.794 51.291 0.01 26.207

11/25/2014 19:00 0.841 51.292 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:00 0.891 51.293 0.006 26.208

11/25/2014 19:00 0.944 51.292 0.008 26.207

11/25/2014 19:01 1 51.285 0.003 26.209

11/25/2014 19:01 1.06 51.285 0.008 26.207

11/25/2014 19:01 1.12 51.286 0.002 26.21

11/25/2014 19:01 1.19 51.28 0.005 26.208

11/25/2014 19:01 1.26 51.276 0.007 26.208

11/25/2014 19:01 1.33 51.28 0.011 26.206

11/25/2014 19:01 1.41 51.275 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:01 1.5 51.275 0.005 26.208

11/25/2014 19:01 1.58 51.275 0.007 26.208

11/25/2014 19:01 1.68 51.273 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:01 1.78 51.271 0.003 26.209

11/25/2014 19:01 1.88 51.266 0.007 26.208

11/25/2014 19:01 1.99 51.269 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:02 2.11 51.27 0.005 26.209

11/25/2014 19:02 2.24 51.266 0.004 26.209

11/25/2014 19:02 2.37 51.262 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:02 2.51 51.256 ‐0.014 26.217

11/25/2014 19:02 2.66 51.261 0.003 26.21

11/25/2014 19:02 2.82 51.259 0.003 26.21

11/25/2014 19:02 2.98 51.26 0.002 26.21

11/25/2014 19:03 3.16 51.255 0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:03 3.35 51.255 0.001 26.21

11/25/2014 19:03 3.55 51.252 ‐0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:03 3.76 51.252 ‐0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:03 3.98 51.253 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:04 4.22 51.254 0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:04 4.47 51.255 ‐0.003 26.212

11/25/2014 19:04 4.73 51.249 0.001 26.21

11/25/2014 19:05 5.01 51.249 ‐0.002 26.212

11/25/2014 19:05 5.31 51.247 ‐0.003 26.212

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/25/2014 19:05 5.62 51.25 ‐0.004 26.212

11/25/2014 19:05 5.96 51.242 0 26.211

11/25/2014 19:06 6.31 51.248 ‐0.004 26.213

11/25/2014 19:06 6.68 51.247 ‐0.004 26.212

11/25/2014 19:07 7.08 51.246 ‐0.001 26.211

11/25/2014 19:07 7.5 51.248 ‐0.005 26.213

11/25/2014 19:07 7.94 51.244 ‐0.004 26.212

11/25/2014 19:08 8.41 51.238 ‐0.003 26.212

11/25/2014 19:08 8.91 51.244 ‐0.006 26.213

11/25/2014 19:09 9.44 51.245 ‐0.003 26.212

11/25/2014 19:10 10 51.244 ‐0.007 26.214

11/25/2014 19:10 10.6 51.245 ‐0.008 26.214

11/25/2014 19:11 11.2 51.238 ‐0.007 26.214

11/25/2014 19:11 11.9 51.244 ‐0.011 26.215

11/25/2014 19:12 12.6 51.235 ‐0.01 26.215

11/25/2014 19:13 13.3 51.236 ‐0.017 26.218

11/25/2014 19:14 14.1 51.243 ‐0.01 26.215

11/25/2014 19:15 15 51.241 ‐0.03 26.224

11/25/2014 19:15 15.8 51.238 ‐0.014 26.217

11/25/2014 19:16 16.8 51.24 ‐0.016 26.218

11/25/2014 19:17 17.8 51.237 ‐0.024 26.221

11/25/2014 19:18 18.8 51.242 ‐0.037 26.227

11/25/2014 19:19 19.9 51.238 ‐0.023 26.221

11/25/2014 19:21 21.1 51.235 ‐0.025 26.221

11/25/2014 19:22 22.4 51.237 ‐0.032 26.225

11/25/2014 19:23 23.7 51.242 ‐0.031 26.224

11/25/2014 19:25 25.1 51.235 ‐0.035 26.226

11/25/2014 19:26 26.6 51.245 ‐0.038 26.227

11/25/2014 19:28 28.2 51.236 ‐0.04 26.228

11/25/2014 19:29 29.8 51.232 ‐0.038 26.227

11/25/2014 19:31 31.6 51.235 ‐0.044 26.23

11/25/2014 19:33 33.5 51.238 ‐0.044 26.23

11/25/2014 19:35 35.5 51.237 ‐0.052 26.233

11/25/2014 19:37 37.6 51.233 ‐0.056 26.235

11/25/2014 19:39 39.8 51.238 ‐0.059 26.236

11/25/2014 19:42 42.2 51.241 ‐0.063 26.238

11/25/2014 19:44 44.7 51.238 ‐0.066 26.239

11/25/2014 19:47 47.3 51.238 ‐0.071 26.241

11/25/2014 19:50 50.1 51.237 ‐0.078 26.245

11/25/2014 19:53 53.1 51.234 ‐0.08 26.245

11/25/2014 19:56 56.2 51.237 ‐0.089 26.249

11/25/2014 19:59 59.6 51.239 ‐0.094 26.252

11/25/2014 20:03 63.1 51.235 ‐0.1 26.254

11/25/2014 20:06 66.8 51.234 ‐0.105 26.256

11/25/2014 20:10 70.8 51.236 ‐0.114 26.26

11/25/2014 20:15 75 51.231 ‐0.122 26.264

11/25/2014 20:19 79.4 51.235 ‐0.13 26.267

11/25/2014 20:24 84.1 51.231 ‐0.144 26.273

11/25/2014 20:29 89.1 51.23 ‐0.154 26.277

11/25/2014 20:34 94.1 51.233 ‐0.161 26.281

11/25/2014 20:39 99.1 51.233 ‐0.174 26.286

11/25/2014 20:44 104.1 51.225 ‐0.177 26.287

11/25/2014 20:49 109.1 51.234 ‐0.192 26.294

11/25/2014 20:54 114.1 51.233 ‐0.195 26.295

11/25/2014 20:59 119.1 51.225 ‐0.208 26.301

11/25/2014 21:04 124.1 51.229 ‐0.215 26.304

11/25/2014 21:09 129.1 51.228 ‐0.229 26.31

11/25/2014 21:14 134.1 51.227 ‐0.232 26.311

11/25/2014 21:19 139.1 51.225 ‐0.238 26.314

11/25/2014 21:24 144.1 51.233 ‐0.248 26.318

11/25/2014 21:29 149.1 51.232 ‐0.254 26.321

11/25/2014 21:34 154.1 51.23 ‐0.262 26.324

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/25/2014 21:39 159.1 51.224 ‐0.274 26.329

11/25/2014 21:44 164.1 51.228 ‐0.276 26.331

11/25/2014 21:49 169.1 51.228 ‐0.286 26.335

11/25/2014 21:54 174.1 51.232 ‐0.293 26.338

11/25/2014 21:59 179.1 51.228 ‐0.302 26.341

11/25/2014 22:04 184.1 51.231 ‐0.307 26.344

11/25/2014 22:09 189.1 51.227 ‐0.328 26.353

11/25/2014 22:14 194.1 51.23 ‐0.324 26.351

11/25/2014 22:19 199.1 51.229 ‐0.325 26.352

11/25/2014 22:24 204.1 51.227 ‐0.336 26.356

11/25/2014 22:29 209.1 51.229 ‐0.344 26.36

11/25/2014 22:34 214.1 51.226 ‐0.353 26.364

11/25/2014 22:39 219.1 51.227 ‐0.359 26.366

11/25/2014 22:44 224.1 51.228 ‐0.36 26.366

11/25/2014 22:49 229.1 51.228 ‐0.37 26.371

11/25/2014 22:54 234.1 51.229 ‐0.38 26.375

11/25/2014 22:59 239.1 51.229 ‐0.384 26.377

11/25/2014 23:04 244.1 51.228 ‐0.396 26.382

11/25/2014 23:09 249.1 51.225 ‐0.399 26.383

11/25/2014 23:14 254.1 51.228 ‐0.405 26.386

11/25/2014 23:19 259.1 51.229 ‐0.414 26.39

11/25/2014 23:24 264.1 51.228 ‐0.42 26.393

11/25/2014 23:29 269.1 51.226 ‐0.429 26.396

11/25/2014 23:34 274.1 51.232 ‐0.436 26.399

11/25/2014 23:39 279.1 51.225 ‐0.445 26.403

11/25/2014 23:44 284.1 51.224 ‐0.447 26.404

11/25/2014 23:49 289.1 51.228 ‐0.455 26.408

11/25/2014 23:54 294.1 51.226 ‐0.461 26.411

11/25/2014 23:59 299.1 51.224 ‐0.472 26.415

11/26/2014 0:04 304.1 51.228 ‐0.477 26.417

11/26/2014 0:09 309.1 51.222 ‐0.484 26.42

11/26/2014 0:14 314.1 51.22 ‐0.492 26.424

11/26/2014 0:19 319.1 51.222 ‐0.497 26.426

11/26/2014 0:24 324.1 51.222 ‐0.505 26.429

11/26/2014 0:29 329.1 51.223 ‐0.516 26.434

11/26/2014 0:34 334.1 51.224 ‐0.519 26.436

11/26/2014 0:39 339.1 51.222 ‐0.525 26.438

11/26/2014 0:44 344.1 51.222 ‐0.531 26.441

11/26/2014 0:49 349.1 51.228 ‐0.536 26.443

11/26/2014 0:54 354.1 51.228 ‐0.545 26.447

11/26/2014 0:59 359.1 51.231 ‐0.551 26.449

11/26/2014 1:04 364.1 51.224 ‐0.56 26.453

11/26/2014 1:09 369.1 51.228 ‐0.565 26.455

11/26/2014 1:14 374.1 51.224 ‐0.572 26.458

11/26/2014 1:19 379.1 51.228 ‐0.578 26.461

11/26/2014 1:24 384.1 51.223 ‐0.585 26.464

11/26/2014 1:29 389.1 51.228 ‐0.593 26.468

11/26/2014 1:34 394.1 51.225 ‐0.601 26.471

11/26/2014 1:39 399.1 51.222 ‐0.606 26.473

11/26/2014 1:44 404.1 51.226 ‐0.61 26.475

11/26/2014 1:49 409.1 51.228 ‐0.615 26.477

11/26/2014 1:54 414.1 51.224 ‐0.624 26.481

11/26/2014 1:59 419.1 51.222 ‐0.631 26.484

11/26/2014 2:04 424.1 51.226 ‐0.636 26.486

11/26/2014 2:09 429.1 51.222 ‐0.642 26.489

11/26/2014 2:14 434.1 51.224 ‐0.649 26.492

11/26/2014 2:19 439.1 51.228 ‐0.653 26.494

11/26/2014 2:24 444.1 51.221 ‐0.664 26.498

11/26/2014 2:29 449.1 51.227 ‐0.668 26.5

11/26/2014 2:34 454.1 51.228 ‐0.672 26.502

11/26/2014 2:39 459.1 51.222 ‐0.681 26.506

11/26/2014 2:44 464.1 51.223 ‐0.689 26.509

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/26/2014 2:49 469.1 51.228 ‐0.698 26.513

11/26/2014 2:54 474.1 51.226 ‐0.703 26.515

11/26/2014 2:59 479.1 51.225 ‐0.709 26.518

11/26/2014 3:04 484.1 51.223 ‐0.716 26.521

11/26/2014 3:09 489.1 51.227 ‐0.723 26.524

11/26/2014 3:14 494.1 51.222 ‐0.726 26.525

11/26/2014 3:19 499.1 51.22 ‐0.736 26.53

11/26/2014 3:24 504.1 51.222 ‐0.739 26.531

11/26/2014 3:29 509.1 51.223 ‐0.745 26.533

11/26/2014 3:34 514.1 51.222 ‐0.757 26.539

11/26/2014 3:39 519.1 51.221 ‐0.759 26.539

11/26/2014 3:44 524.1 51.226 ‐0.764 26.541

11/26/2014 3:49 529.1 51.223 ‐0.772 26.545

11/26/2014 3:54 534.1 51.224 ‐0.779 26.548

11/26/2014 3:59 539.1 51.222 ‐0.784 26.55

11/26/2014 4:04 544.1 51.222 ‐0.791 26.553

11/26/2014 4:09 549.1 51.227 ‐0.801 26.558

11/26/2014 4:14 554.1 51.222 ‐0.807 26.56

11/26/2014 4:19 559.1 51.225 ‐0.814 26.563

11/26/2014 4:24 564.1 51.229 ‐0.82 26.566

11/26/2014 4:29 569.1 51.219 ‐0.828 26.569

11/26/2014 4:34 574.1 51.221 ‐0.834 26.572

11/26/2014 4:39 579.1 51.226 ‐0.836 26.573

11/26/2014 4:44 584.1 51.224 ‐0.846 26.577

11/26/2014 4:49 589.1 51.23 ‐0.85 26.579

11/26/2014 4:54 594.1 51.226 ‐0.858 26.582

11/26/2014 4:59 599.1 51.223 ‐0.863 26.585

11/26/2014 5:04 604.1 51.228 ‐0.871 26.588

11/26/2014 5:09 609.1 51.228 ‐0.879 26.592

11/26/2014 5:14 614.1 51.224 ‐0.883 26.593

11/26/2014 5:19 619.1 51.226 ‐0.888 26.595

11/26/2014 5:24 624.1 51.227 ‐0.894 26.598

11/26/2014 5:29 629.1 51.223 ‐0.9 26.601

11/26/2014 5:34 634.1 51.229 ‐0.907 26.604

11/26/2014 5:39 639.1 51.223 ‐0.913 26.606

11/26/2014 5:44 644.1 51.228 ‐0.922 26.61

11/26/2014 5:49 649.1 51.222 ‐0.926 26.612

11/26/2014 5:54 654.1 51.227 ‐0.933 26.615

11/26/2014 5:59 659.1 51.227 ‐0.939 26.618

11/26/2014 6:04 664.1 51.225 ‐0.942 26.619

11/26/2014 6:09 669.1 51.222 ‐0.952 26.623

11/26/2014 6:14 674.1 51.226 ‐0.954 26.624

11/26/2014 6:19 679.1 51.223 ‐0.958 26.626

11/26/2014 6:24 684.1 51.225 ‐0.963 26.628

11/26/2014 6:29 689.1 51.225 ‐0.967 26.63

11/26/2014 6:34 694.1 51.223 ‐0.965 26.629

11/26/2014 6:39 699.1 51.224 ‐0.968 26.63

11/26/2014 6:44 704.1 51.222 ‐0.971 26.631

11/26/2014 6:49 709.1 51.222 ‐0.972 26.632

11/26/2014 6:54 714.1 51.227 ‐0.967 26.63

11/26/2014 6:59 719.1 51.227 ‐0.968 26.63

11/26/2014 7:04 724.1 51.228 ‐0.962 26.627

11/26/2014 7:09 729.1 51.227 ‐0.956 26.625

11/26/2014 7:14 734.1 51.226 ‐0.952 26.623

11/26/2014 7:19 739.1 51.222 ‐0.943 26.619

11/26/2014 7:24 744.1 51.223 ‐0.934 26.615

11/26/2014 7:29 749.1 51.223 ‐0.93 26.613

11/26/2014 7:34 754.1 51.226 ‐0.917 26.608

11/26/2014 7:39 759.1 51.228 ‐0.908 26.604

11/26/2014 7:44 764.1 51.226 ‐0.895 26.598

11/26/2014 7:49 769.1 51.224 ‐0.883 26.593

11/26/2014 7:54 774.1 51.226 ‐0.872 26.588

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/26/2014 7:59 779.1 51.228 ‐0.854 26.58

11/26/2014 8:04 784.1 51.227 ‐0.84 26.575

11/26/2014 8:09 789.1 51.224 ‐0.827 26.569

11/26/2014 8:14 794.1 51.225 ‐0.807 26.56

11/26/2014 8:19 799.1 51.228 ‐0.798 26.557

11/26/2014 8:24 804.1 51.229 ‐0.779 26.548

11/26/2014 8:29 809.1 51.228 ‐0.762 26.541

11/26/2014 8:34 814.1 51.23 ‐0.747 26.534

11/26/2014 8:39 819.1 51.224 ‐0.733 26.528

11/26/2014 8:44 824.1 51.228 ‐0.721 26.523

11/26/2014 8:49 829.1 51.225 ‐0.707 26.517

11/26/2014 8:54 834.1 51.225 ‐0.685 26.507

11/26/2014 8:59 839.1 51.231 ‐0.666 26.499

11/26/2014 9:04 844.1 51.229 ‐0.651 26.493

11/26/2014 9:09 849.1 51.23 ‐0.629 26.483

11/26/2014 9:14 854.1 51.225 ‐0.613 26.476

11/26/2014 9:19 859.1 51.228 ‐0.595 26.468

11/26/2014 9:24 864.1 51.225 ‐0.576 26.46

11/26/2014 9:29 869.1 51.223 ‐0.556 26.451

11/26/2014 9:34 874.1 51.226 ‐0.537 26.443

11/26/2014 9:39 879.1 51.228 ‐0.521 26.436

11/26/2014 9:44 884.1 51.229 ‐0.504 26.429

11/26/2014 9:49 889.1 51.229 ‐0.489 26.422

11/26/2014 9:54 894.1 51.228 ‐0.47 26.414

11/26/2014 9:59 899.1 51.224 ‐0.453 26.407

11/26/2014 10:04 904.1 51.226 ‐0.445 26.403

11/26/2014 10:09 909.1 51.223 ‐0.428 26.396

11/26/2014 10:14 914.1 51.225 ‐0.415 26.391

11/26/2014 10:19 919.1 51.222 ‐0.403 26.385

11/26/2014 10:24 924.1 51.224 ‐0.392 26.38

11/26/2014 10:29 929.1 51.223 ‐0.383 26.377

11/26/2014 10:34 934.1 51.228 ‐0.373 26.372

11/26/2014 10:39 939.1 51.224 ‐0.362 26.368

11/26/2014 10:44 944.1 51.225 ‐0.356 26.365

11/26/2014 10:49 949.1 51.225 ‐0.345 26.36

11/26/2014 10:54 954.1 51.226 ‐0.337 26.357

11/26/2014 10:59 959.1 51.224 ‐0.325 26.352

11/26/2014 11:04 964.1 51.228 ‐0.314 26.347

11/26/2014 11:09 969.1 51.228 ‐0.299 26.34

11/26/2014 11:14 974.1 51.228 ‐0.285 26.334

11/26/2014 11:19 979.1 51.229 ‐0.276 26.33

11/26/2014 11:24 984.1 51.232 ‐0.261 26.324

11/26/2014 11:29 989.1 51.229 ‐0.252 26.32

11/26/2014 11:34 994.1 51.228 ‐0.233 26.312

11/26/2014 11:39 999.1 51.228 ‐0.222 26.307

11/26/2014 11:44 1004.1 51.221 ‐0.211 26.302

11/26/2014 11:49 1009.1 51.228 ‐0.193 26.294

11/26/2014 11:54 1014.1 51.223 ‐0.181 26.289

11/26/2014 11:59 1019.1 51.222 ‐0.161 26.281

11/26/2014 12:04 1024.1 51.227 ‐0.147 26.274

11/26/2014 12:09 1029.1 51.226 ‐0.129 26.267

11/26/2014 12:14 1034.1 51.228 ‐0.114 26.26

11/26/2014 12:19 1039.1 51.23 ‐0.094 26.252

11/26/2014 12:24 1044.1 51.231 ‐0.08 26.245

11/26/2014 12:29 1049.1 51.227 ‐0.062 26.238

11/26/2014 12:34 1054.1 51.225 ‐0.048 26.232

11/26/2014 12:39 1059.1 51.224 ‐0.028 26.223

11/26/2014 12:44 1064.1 51.23 ‐0.012 26.216

11/26/2014 12:49 1069.1 51.227 0.007 26.208

11/26/2014 12:54 1074.1 51.225 0.02 26.202

11/26/2014 12:59 1079.1 51.226 0.039 26.194

11/26/2014 13:04 1084.1 51.227 0.054 26.187

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/26/2014 13:09 1089.1 51.225 0.07 26.18

11/26/2014 13:14 1094.1 51.228 0.088 26.173

11/26/2014 13:19 1099.1 51.227 0.104 26.166

11/26/2014 13:24 1104.1 51.228 0.116 26.16

11/26/2014 13:29 1109.1 51.231 0.133 26.153

11/26/2014 13:34 1114.1 51.226 0.141 26.15

11/26/2014 13:39 1119.1 51.228 0.153 26.145

11/26/2014 13:44 1124.1 51.23 0.161 26.141

11/26/2014 13:49 1129.1 51.224 0.167 26.139

11/26/2014 13:54 1134.1 51.228 0.175 26.135

11/26/2014 13:59 1139.1 51.226 0.181 26.132

11/26/2014 14:04 1144.1 51.228 0.182 26.132

11/26/2014 14:09 1149.1 51.226 0.185 26.131

11/26/2014 14:14 1154.1 51.226 0.188 26.129

11/26/2014 14:19 1159.1 51.228 0.193 26.127

11/26/2014 14:24 1164.1 51.226 0.188 26.129

11/26/2014 14:29 1169.1 51.223 0.188 26.129

11/26/2014 14:34 1174.1 51.226 0.186 26.13

11/26/2014 14:39 1179.1 51.225 0.186 26.13

11/26/2014 14:44 1184.1 51.23 0.18 26.133

11/26/2014 14:49 1189.1 51.225 0.177 26.134

11/26/2014 14:54 1194.1 51.228 0.178 26.134

11/26/2014 14:59 1199.1 51.228 0.178 26.134

11/26/2014 15:04 1204.1 51.219 0.172 26.136

11/26/2014 15:09 1209.1 51.227 0.171 26.137

11/26/2014 15:14 1214.1 51.23 0.171 26.137

11/26/2014 15:19 1219.1 51.224 0.166 26.139

11/26/2014 15:24 1224.1 51.229 0.17 26.137

11/26/2014 15:29 1229.1 51.226 0.172 26.136

11/26/2014 15:34 1234.1 51.225 0.173 26.136

11/26/2014 15:39 1239.1 51.225 0.174 26.135

11/26/2014 15:44 1244.1 51.227 0.177 26.134

11/26/2014 15:49 1249.1 51.226 0.179 26.133

11/26/2014 15:54 1254.1 51.233 0.187 26.13

11/26/2014 15:59 1259.1 51.225 0.198 26.125

11/26/2014 16:04 1264.1 51.227 0.204 26.122

11/26/2014 16:09 1269.1 51.222 0.21 26.12

11/26/2014 16:14 1274.1 51.224 0.216 26.117

11/26/2014 16:19 1279.1 51.228 0.228 26.112

11/26/2014 16:24 1284.1 51.228 0.241 26.106

11/26/2014 16:29 1289.1 51.227 0.251 26.102

11/26/2014 16:34 1294.1 51.228 0.261 26.098

11/26/2014 16:39 1299.1 51.226 0.268 26.095

11/26/2014 16:44 1304.1 51.225 0.28 26.09

11/26/2014 16:49 1309.1 51.226 0.284 26.088

11/26/2014 16:54 1314.1 51.228 0.296 26.082

11/26/2014 16:59 1319.1 51.23 0.302 26.08

11/26/2014 17:04 1324.1 51.227 0.307 26.078

11/26/2014 17:09 1329.1 51.229 0.311 26.076

11/26/2014 17:14 1334.1 51.222 0.321 26.072

11/26/2014 17:19 1339.1 51.226 0.32 26.072

11/26/2014 17:24 1344.1 51.228 0.325 26.07

11/26/2014 17:29 1349.1 51.221 0.329 26.068

11/26/2014 17:34 1354.1 51.227 0.332 26.067

11/26/2014 17:39 1359.1 51.227 0.329 26.068

11/26/2014 17:44 1364.1 51.222 0.328 26.069

11/26/2014 17:49 1369.1 51.223 0.326 26.07

11/26/2014 17:54 1374.1 51.228 0.328 26.069

11/26/2014 17:59 1379.1 51.221 0.324 26.071

11/26/2014 18:04 1384.1 51.228 0.324 26.07

11/26/2014 18:09 1389.1 51.221 0.315 26.074

11/26/2014 18:14 1394.1 51.223 0.296 26.082

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/26/2014 18:19 1399.1 51.224 0.303 26.08

11/26/2014 18:24 1404.1 51.222 0.299 26.081

11/26/2014 18:29 1409.1 51.228 0.292 26.085

11/26/2014 18:34 1414.1 51.226 0.287 26.087

11/26/2014 18:39 1419.1 51.233 0.283 26.088

11/26/2014 18:44 1424.1 51.227 0.273 26.093

11/26/2014 18:49 1429.1 51.228 0.266 26.096

11/26/2014 18:54 1434.1 51.223 0.257 26.1

11/26/2014 18:59 1439.1 51.223 0.254 26.101

11/26/2014 19:04 1444.1 51.222 0.246 26.104

11/26/2014 19:09 1449.1 51.226 0.234 26.109

11/26/2014 19:14 1454.1 51.222 0.223 26.114

11/26/2014 19:19 1459.1 51.221 0.221 26.115

11/26/2014 19:24 1464.1 51.221 0.211 26.119

11/26/2014 19:29 1469.1 51.226 0.206 26.122

11/26/2014 19:34 1474.1 51.224 0.192 26.128

11/26/2014 19:39 1479.1 51.229 0.185 26.131

11/26/2014 19:44 1484.1 51.222 0.178 26.133

11/26/2014 19:49 1489.1 51.228 0.17 26.137

11/26/2014 19:54 1494.1 51.225 0.16 26.142

11/26/2014 19:59 1499.1 51.226 0.153 26.144

11/26/2014 20:04 1504.1 51.228 0.144 26.148

11/26/2014 20:09 1509.1 51.227 0.131 26.154

11/26/2014 20:14 1514.1 51.228 0.126 26.156

11/26/2014 20:19 1519.1 51.227 0.115 26.161

11/26/2014 20:24 1524.1 51.228 0.108 26.164

11/26/2014 20:29 1529.1 51.221 0.102 26.167

11/26/2014 20:34 1534.1 51.226 0.092 26.171

11/26/2014 20:39 1539.1 51.227 0.078 26.177

11/26/2014 20:44 1544.1 51.224 0.072 26.18

11/26/2014 20:49 1549.1 51.225 0.06 26.185

11/26/2014 20:54 1554.1 51.227 0.054 26.187

11/26/2014 20:59 1559.1 51.224 0.044 26.192

11/26/2014 21:04 1564.1 51.229 0.038 26.195

11/26/2014 21:09 1569.1 51.223 0.03 26.198

11/26/2014 21:14 1574.1 51.223 0.02 26.202

11/26/2014 21:19 1579.1 51.222 0.012 26.206

11/26/2014 21:24 1584.1 51.227 0.003 26.209

11/26/2014 21:29 1589.1 51.221 ‐0.005 26.213

11/26/2014 21:34 1594.1 51.226 ‐0.013 26.216

11/26/2014 21:39 1599.1 51.224 ‐0.026 26.222

11/26/2014 21:44 1604.1 51.228 ‐0.033 26.225

11/26/2014 21:49 1609.1 51.22 ‐0.051 26.233

11/26/2014 21:54 1614.1 51.225 ‐0.049 26.232

11/26/2014 21:59 1619.1 51.225 ‐0.051 26.233

11/26/2014 22:04 1624.1 51.225 ‐0.067 26.24

11/26/2014 22:09 1629.1 51.223 ‐0.074 26.243

11/26/2014 22:14 1634.1 51.224 ‐0.081 26.246

11/26/2014 22:19 1639.1 51.221 ‐0.09 26.25

11/26/2014 22:24 1644.1 51.226 ‐0.097 26.253

11/26/2014 22:29 1649.1 51.222 ‐0.108 26.257

11/26/2014 22:34 1654.1 51.225 ‐0.116 26.261

11/26/2014 22:39 1659.1 51.223 ‐0.121 26.263

11/26/2014 22:44 1664.1 51.223 ‐0.134 26.269

11/26/2014 22:49 1669.1 51.223 ‐0.139 26.271

11/26/2014 22:54 1674.1 51.225 ‐0.152 26.277

11/26/2014 22:59 1679.1 51.226 ‐0.152 26.277

11/26/2014 23:04 1684.1 51.22 ‐0.168 26.284

11/26/2014 23:09 1689.1 51.223 ‐0.171 26.285

11/26/2014 23:14 1694.1 51.222 ‐0.18 26.289

11/26/2014 23:19 1699.1 51.223 ‐0.184 26.291

11/26/2014 23:24 1704.1 51.222 ‐0.193 26.294

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/26/2014 23:29 1709.1 51.22 ‐0.206 26.3

11/26/2014 23:34 1714.1 51.225 ‐0.214 26.303

11/26/2014 23:39 1719.1 51.224 ‐0.219 26.306

11/26/2014 23:44 1724.1 51.227 ‐0.226 26.308

11/26/2014 23:49 1729.1 51.225 ‐0.231 26.311

11/26/2014 23:54 1734.1 51.226 ‐0.242 26.316

11/26/2014 23:59 1739.1 51.223 ‐0.249 26.318

11/27/2014 0:04 1744.1 51.223 ‐0.256 26.322

11/27/2014 0:09 1749.1 51.228 ‐0.262 26.324

11/27/2014 0:14 1754.1 51.219 ‐0.271 26.328

11/27/2014 0:19 1759.1 51.223 ‐0.281 26.332

11/27/2014 0:24 1764.1 51.224 ‐0.289 26.336

11/27/2014 0:29 1769.1 51.222 ‐0.298 26.34

11/27/2014 0:34 1774.1 51.225 ‐0.302 26.341

11/27/2014 0:39 1779.1 51.224 ‐0.314 26.347

11/27/2014 0:44 1784.1 51.221 ‐0.323 26.351

11/27/2014 0:49 1789.1 51.227 ‐0.328 26.353

11/27/2014 0:54 1794.1 51.228 ‐0.333 26.355

11/27/2014 0:59 1799.1 51.221 ‐0.34 26.358

11/27/2014 1:04 1804.1 51.225 ‐0.35 26.363

11/27/2014 1:09 1809.1 51.228 ‐0.359 26.366

11/27/2014 1:14 1814.1 51.222 ‐0.37 26.371

11/27/2014 1:19 1819.1 51.228 ‐0.372 26.372

11/27/2014 1:24 1824.1 51.229 ‐0.382 26.376

11/27/2014 1:29 1829.1 51.228 ‐0.39 26.38

11/27/2014 1:34 1834.1 51.223 ‐0.394 26.381

11/27/2014 1:39 1839.1 51.221 ‐0.403 26.386

11/27/2014 1:44 1844.1 51.222 ‐0.413 26.389

11/27/2014 1:49 1849.1 51.223 ‐0.418 26.392

11/27/2014 1:54 1854.1 51.223 ‐0.425 26.395

11/27/2014 1:59 1859.1 51.223 ‐0.432 26.398

11/27/2014 2:04 1864.1 51.223 ‐0.438 26.4

11/27/2014 2:09 1869.1 51.222 ‐0.449 26.405

11/27/2014 2:14 1874.1 51.224 ‐0.456 26.408

11/27/2014 2:19 1879.1 51.224 ‐0.464 26.412

11/27/2014 2:24 1884.1 51.224 ‐0.47 26.414

11/27/2014 2:29 1889.1 51.222 ‐0.478 26.418

11/27/2014 2:34 1894.1 51.226 ‐0.485 26.421

11/27/2014 2:39 1899.1 51.223 ‐0.489 26.423

11/27/2014 2:44 1904.1 51.221 ‐0.495 26.425

11/27/2014 2:49 1909.1 51.228 ‐0.503 26.429

11/27/2014 2:54 1914.1 51.224 ‐0.51 26.432

11/27/2014 2:59 1919.1 51.224 ‐0.521 26.436

11/27/2014 3:04 1924.1 51.225 ‐0.526 26.439

11/27/2014 3:09 1929.1 51.224 ‐0.534 26.442

11/27/2014 3:14 1934.1 51.225 ‐0.543 26.446

11/27/2014 3:19 1939.1 51.227 ‐0.546 26.447

11/27/2014 3:24 1944.1 51.227 ‐0.555 26.451

11/27/2014 3:29 1949.1 51.228 ‐0.556 26.452

11/27/2014 3:34 1954.1 51.228 ‐0.561 26.454

11/27/2014 3:39 1959.1 51.223 ‐0.572 26.458

11/27/2014 3:44 1964.1 51.226 ‐0.581 26.463

11/27/2014 3:49 1969.1 51.222 ‐0.589 26.466

11/27/2014 3:54 1974.1 51.224 ‐0.595 26.468

11/27/2014 3:59 1979.1 51.22 ‐0.602 26.471

11/27/2014 4:04 1984.1 51.228 ‐0.609 26.474

11/27/2014 4:09 1989.1 51.228 ‐0.619 26.479

11/27/2014 4:14 1994.1 51.222 ‐0.623 26.481

11/27/2014 4:19 1999.1 51.225 ‐0.632 26.485

11/27/2014 4:24 2004.1 51.224 ‐0.636 26.486

11/27/2014 4:29 2009.1 51.228 ‐0.645 26.49

11/27/2014 4:34 2014.1 51.225 ‐0.651 26.492

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/27/2014 4:39 2019.1 51.226 ‐0.659 26.496

11/27/2014 4:44 2024.1 51.223 ‐0.66 26.497

11/27/2014 4:49 2029.1 51.222 ‐0.67 26.501

11/27/2014 4:54 2034.1 51.227 ‐0.675 26.503

11/27/2014 4:59 2039.1 51.223 ‐0.684 26.507

11/27/2014 5:04 2044.1 51.223 ‐0.689 26.509

11/27/2014 5:09 2049.1 51.225 ‐0.698 26.513

11/27/2014 5:14 2054.1 51.226 ‐0.707 26.517

11/27/2014 5:19 2059.1 51.228 ‐0.713 26.52

11/27/2014 5:24 2064.1 51.228 ‐0.717 26.521

11/27/2014 5:29 2069.1 51.222 ‐0.723 26.524

11/27/2014 5:34 2074.1 51.226 ‐0.734 26.529

11/27/2014 5:39 2079.1 51.228 ‐0.735 26.529

11/27/2014 5:44 2084.1 51.222 ‐0.75 26.535

11/27/2014 5:49 2089.1 51.224 ‐0.757 26.538

11/27/2014 5:54 2094.1 51.228 ‐0.759 26.539

11/27/2014 5:59 2099.1 51.223 ‐0.763 26.541

11/27/2014 6:04 2104.1 51.23 ‐0.772 26.545

11/27/2014 6:09 2109.1 51.226 ‐0.781 26.549

11/27/2014 6:14 2114.1 51.225 ‐0.785 26.551

11/27/2014 6:19 2119.1 51.222 ‐0.791 26.553

11/27/2014 6:24 2124.1 51.228 ‐0.799 26.557

11/27/2014 6:29 2129.1 51.222 ‐0.808 26.56

11/27/2014 6:34 2134.1 51.222 ‐0.814 26.563

11/27/2014 6:39 2139.1 51.222 ‐0.82 26.566

11/27/2014 6:44 2144.1 51.226 ‐0.823 26.567

11/27/2014 6:49 2149.1 51.224 ‐0.83 26.57

11/27/2014 6:54 2154.1 51.22 ‐0.841 26.575

11/27/2014 6:59 2159.1 51.226 ‐0.847 26.578

11/27/2014 7:04 2164.1 51.223 ‐0.854 26.581

11/27/2014 7:09 2169.1 51.229 ‐0.859 26.583

11/27/2014 7:14 2174.1 51.226 ‐0.867 26.586

11/27/2014 7:19 2179.1 51.222 ‐0.869 26.587

11/27/2014 7:24 2184.1 51.222 ‐0.872 26.589

11/27/2014 7:29 2189.1 51.221 ‐0.874 26.589

11/27/2014 7:34 2194.1 51.226 ‐0.881 26.592

11/27/2014 7:39 2199.1 51.225 ‐0.88 26.592

11/27/2014 7:44 2204.1 51.223 ‐0.884 26.594

11/27/2014 7:49 2209.1 51.222 ‐0.887 26.595

11/27/2014 7:54 2214.1 51.228 ‐0.884 26.593

11/27/2014 7:59 2219.1 51.224 ‐0.883 26.593

11/27/2014 8:04 2224.1 51.226 ‐0.877 26.59

11/27/2014 8:09 2229.1 51.225 ‐0.875 26.59

11/27/2014 8:14 2234.1 51.227 ‐0.868 26.587

11/27/2014 8:19 2239.1 51.227 ‐0.862 26.584

11/27/2014 8:24 2244.1 51.224 ‐0.853 26.58

11/27/2014 8:29 2249.1 51.228 ‐0.843 26.576

11/27/2014 8:34 2254.1 51.231 ‐0.832 26.571

11/27/2014 8:39 2259.1 51.225 ‐0.821 26.566

11/27/2014 8:44 2264.1 51.228 ‐0.81 26.562

11/27/2014 8:49 2269.1 51.228 ‐0.8 26.557

11/27/2014 8:54 2274.1 51.226 ‐0.782 26.549

11/27/2014 8:59 2279.1 51.224 ‐0.767 26.543

11/27/2014 9:04 2284.1 51.223 ‐0.753 26.537

11/27/2014 9:09 2289.1 51.224 ‐0.739 26.531

11/27/2014 9:14 2294.1 51.225 ‐0.72 26.523

11/27/2014 9:19 2299.1 51.228 ‐0.704 26.516

11/27/2014 9:24 2304.1 51.222 ‐0.685 26.507

11/27/2014 9:29 2309.1 51.222 ‐0.67 26.501

11/27/2014 9:34 2314.1 51.226 ‐0.653 26.494

11/27/2014 9:39 2319.1 51.227 ‐0.634 26.486

11/27/2014 9:44 2324.1 51.222 ‐0.622 26.48

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/27/2014 9:49 2329.1 51.228 ‐0.6 26.471

11/27/2014 9:54 2334.1 51.221 ‐0.587 26.465

11/27/2014 9:59 2339.1 51.228 ‐0.563 26.455

11/27/2014 10:04 2344.1 51.222 ‐0.547 26.448

11/27/2014 10:09 2349.1 51.224 ‐0.526 26.439

11/27/2014 10:14 2354.1 51.223 ‐0.509 26.431

11/27/2014 10:19 2359.1 51.223 ‐0.493 26.424

11/27/2014 10:24 2364.1 51.223 ‐0.474 26.416

11/27/2014 10:29 2369.1 51.223 ‐0.452 26.406

11/27/2014 10:34 2374.1 51.226 ‐0.433 26.398

11/27/2014 10:39 2379.1 51.222 ‐0.415 26.39

11/27/2014 10:44 2384.1 51.223 ‐0.394 26.382

11/27/2014 10:49 2389.1 51.228 ‐0.376 26.374

11/27/2014 10:54 2394.1 51.225 ‐0.357 26.365

11/27/2014 10:59 2399.1 51.228 ‐0.338 26.357

11/27/2014 11:04 2404.1 51.225 ‐0.321 26.35

11/27/2014 11:09 2409.1 51.227 ‐0.302 26.342

11/27/2014 11:14 2414.1 51.228 ‐0.285 26.334

11/27/2014 11:19 2419.1 51.225 ‐0.263 26.324

11/27/2014 11:24 2424.1 51.229 ‐0.242 26.315

11/27/2014 11:29 2429.1 51.225 ‐0.227 26.309

11/27/2014 11:34 2434.1 51.229 ‐0.213 26.303

11/27/2014 11:39 2439.1 51.22 ‐0.196 26.296

11/27/2014 11:44 2444.1 51.222 ‐0.178 26.288

11/27/2014 11:49 2449.1 51.225 ‐0.165 26.282

11/27/2014 11:54 2454.1 51.225 ‐0.151 26.276

11/27/2014 11:59 2459.1 51.228 ‐0.143 26.273

11/27/2014 12:04 2464.1 51.229 ‐0.141 26.272

11/27/2014 12:09 2469.1 51.226 ‐0.136 26.27

11/27/2014 12:14 2474.1 51.22 ‐0.115 26.26

11/27/2014 12:19 2479.1 51.232 ‐0.109 26.258

11/27/2014 12:24 2484.1 51.227 ‐0.103 26.256

11/27/2014 12:29 2489.1 51.225 ‐0.1 26.254

11/27/2014 12:34 2494.1 51.228 ‐0.096 26.252

11/27/2014 12:39 2499.1 51.228 ‐0.096 26.252

11/27/2014 12:44 2504.1 51.228 ‐0.092 26.251

11/27/2014 12:49 2509.1 51.225 ‐0.091 26.25

11/27/2014 12:54 2514.1 51.224 ‐0.09 26.25

11/27/2014 12:59 2519.1 51.227 ‐0.094 26.252

11/27/2014 13:04 2524.1 51.225 ‐0.091 26.25

11/27/2014 13:09 2529.1 51.228 ‐0.098 26.253

11/27/2014 13:14 2534.1 51.228 ‐0.097 26.253

11/27/2014 13:19 2539.1 51.226 ‐0.101 26.255

11/27/2014 13:24 2544.1 51.228 ‐0.105 26.256

11/27/2014 13:29 2549.1 51.226 ‐0.12 26.263

11/27/2014 13:34 2554.1 51.228 ‐0.11 26.259

11/27/2014 13:39 2559.1 51.222 ‐0.11 26.259

11/27/2014 13:44 2564.1 51.226 ‐0.115 26.26

11/27/2014 13:49 2569.1 51.226 ‐0.118 26.262

11/27/2014 13:54 2574.1 51.22 ‐0.136 26.27

11/27/2014 13:59 2579.1 51.222 ‐0.116 26.261

11/27/2014 14:04 2584.1 51.222 ‐0.121 26.263

11/27/2014 14:09 2589.1 51.222 ‐0.122 26.264

11/27/2014 14:14 2594.1 51.22 ‐0.118 26.262

11/27/2014 14:19 2599.1 51.222 ‐0.116 26.261

11/27/2014 14:24 2604.1 51.22 ‐0.111 26.259

11/27/2014 14:29 2609.1 51.226 ‐0.105 26.256

11/27/2014 14:34 2614.1 51.226 ‐0.098 26.253

11/27/2014 14:39 2619.1 51.225 ‐0.091 26.25

11/27/2014 14:44 2624.1 51.222 ‐0.085 26.247

11/27/2014 14:49 2629.1 51.226 ‐0.076 26.244

11/27/2014 14:54 2634.1 51.228 ‐0.065 26.239

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/27/2014 14:59 2639.1 51.221 ‐0.058 26.236

11/27/2014 15:04 2644.1 51.224 ‐0.045 26.23

11/27/2014 15:09 2649.1 51.223 ‐0.036 26.226

11/27/2014 15:14 2654.1 51.225 ‐0.024 26.221

11/27/2014 15:19 2659.1 51.224 ‐0.019 26.219

11/27/2014 15:24 2664.1 51.222 ‐0.009 26.215

11/27/2014 15:29 2669.1 51.229 ‐0.002 26.211

11/27/2014 15:34 2674.1 51.222 0.005 26.208

11/27/2014 15:39 2679.1 51.227 0.013 26.205

11/27/2014 15:44 2684.1 51.226 0.021 26.202

11/27/2014 15:49 2689.1 51.224 0.024 26.2

11/27/2014 15:54 2694.1 51.224 0.026 26.2

11/27/2014 15:59 2699.1 51.222 0.031 26.197

11/27/2014 16:04 2704.1 51.224 0.032 26.197

11/27/2014 16:09 2709.1 51.225 0.034 26.196

11/27/2014 16:14 2714.1 51.221 0.03 26.198

11/27/2014 16:19 2719.1 51.222 0.03 26.198

11/27/2014 16:24 2724.1 51.219 0.029 26.198

11/27/2014 16:29 2729.1 51.225 0.013 26.205

11/27/2014 16:34 2734.1 51.225 0.028 26.199

11/27/2014 16:39 2739.1 51.224 0.025 26.2

11/27/2014 16:44 2744.1 51.23 0.019 26.203

11/27/2014 16:49 2749.1 51.227 0.012 26.206

11/27/2014 16:54 2754.1 51.226 0.009 26.207

11/27/2014 16:59 2759.1 51.221 0.01 26.207

11/27/2014 17:04 2764.1 51.228 0.002 26.21

11/27/2014 17:09 2769.1 51.221 ‐0.002 26.211

11/27/2014 17:14 2774.1 51.225 ‐0.004 26.212

11/27/2014 17:19 2779.1 51.228 ‐0.012 26.216

11/27/2014 17:24 2784.1 51.222 ‐0.025 26.222

11/27/2014 17:29 2789.1 51.227 ‐0.024 26.221

11/27/2014 17:34 2794.1 51.228 ‐0.03 26.224

11/27/2014 17:39 2799.1 51.226 ‐0.041 26.228

11/27/2014 17:44 2804.1 51.225 ‐0.041 26.228

11/27/2014 17:49 2809.1 51.222 ‐0.066 26.239

11/27/2014 17:54 2814.1 51.222 ‐0.056 26.235

11/27/2014 17:59 2819.1 51.222 ‐0.068 26.24

11/27/2014 18:04 2824.1 51.226 ‐0.075 26.243

11/27/2014 18:09 2829.1 51.223 ‐0.083 26.247

11/27/2014 18:14 2834.1 51.221 ‐0.087 26.249

11/27/2014 18:19 2839.1 51.226 ‐0.094 26.252

11/27/2014 18:24 2844.1 51.23 ‐0.1 26.254

11/27/2014 18:29 2849.1 51.224 ‐0.113 26.26

11/27/2014 18:34 2854.1 51.228 ‐0.112 26.259

11/27/2014 18:39 2859.1 51.228 ‐0.122 26.264

11/27/2014 18:44 2864.1 51.224 ‐0.129 26.266

11/27/2014 18:49 2869.1 51.225 ‐0.142 26.272

11/27/2014 18:54 2874.1 51.224 ‐0.145 26.273

11/27/2014 18:59 2879.1 51.222 ‐0.157 26.279

11/27/2014 19:04 2884.1 51.226 ‐0.173 26.286

11/27/2014 19:09 2889.1 51.222 ‐0.167 26.283

11/27/2014 19:14 2894.1 51.223 ‐0.172 26.285

11/27/2014 19:19 2899.1 51.227 ‐0.181 26.289

11/27/2014 19:24 2904.1 51.224 ‐0.19 26.293

11/27/2014 19:29 2909.1 51.223 ‐0.195 26.295

11/27/2014 19:34 2914.1 51.223 ‐0.205 26.3

11/27/2014 19:39 2919.1 51.223 ‐0.21 26.302

11/27/2014 19:44 2924.1 51.223 ‐0.218 26.305

11/27/2014 19:49 2929.1 51.221 ‐0.228 26.31

11/27/2014 19:54 2934.1 51.22 ‐0.251 26.319

11/27/2014 19:59 2939.1 51.222 ‐0.239 26.314

11/27/2014 20:04 2944.1 51.222 ‐0.25 26.319

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/27/2014 20:09 2949.1 51.221 ‐0.257 26.322

11/27/2014 20:14 2954.1 51.223 ‐0.266 26.326

11/27/2014 20:19 2959.1 51.223 ‐0.274 26.33

11/27/2014 20:24 2964.1 51.227 ‐0.279 26.331

11/27/2014 20:29 2969.1 51.225 ‐0.287 26.335

11/27/2014 20:34 2974.1 51.221 ‐0.297 26.339

11/27/2014 20:39 2979.1 51.22 ‐0.305 26.343

11/27/2014 20:44 2984.1 51.218 ‐0.306 26.343

11/27/2014 20:49 2989.1 51.226 ‐0.317 26.348

11/27/2014 20:54 2994.1 51.224 ‐0.324 26.351

11/27/2014 20:59 2999.1 51.223 ‐0.334 26.355

11/27/2014 21:04 3004.1 51.223 ‐0.338 26.357

11/27/2014 21:09 3009.1 51.222 ‐0.344 26.36

11/27/2014 21:14 3014.1 51.221 ‐0.351 26.363

11/27/2014 21:19 3019.1 51.224 ‐0.355 26.364

11/27/2014 21:24 3024.1 51.222 ‐0.365 26.369

11/27/2014 21:29 3029.1 51.228 ‐0.373 26.373

11/27/2014 21:34 3034.1 51.224 ‐0.383 26.377

11/27/2014 21:39 3039.1 51.224 ‐0.387 26.378

11/27/2014 21:44 3044.1 51.222 ‐0.396 26.382

11/27/2014 21:49 3049.1 51.218 ‐0.399 26.384

11/27/2014 21:54 3054.1 51.227 ‐0.41 26.388

11/27/2014 21:59 3059.1 51.222 ‐0.415 26.39

11/27/2014 22:04 3064.1 51.225 ‐0.424 26.395

11/27/2014 22:09 3069.1 51.221 ‐0.431 26.398

11/27/2014 22:14 3074.1 51.224 ‐0.436 26.4

11/27/2014 22:19 3079.1 51.223 ‐0.443 26.403

11/27/2014 22:24 3084.1 51.231 ‐0.451 26.406

11/27/2014 22:29 3089.1 51.222 ‐0.459 26.409

11/27/2014 22:34 3094.1 51.223 ‐0.467 26.413

11/27/2014 22:39 3099.1 51.223 ‐0.474 26.416

11/27/2014 22:44 3104.1 51.227 ‐0.48 26.419

11/27/2014 22:49 3109.1 51.22 ‐0.487 26.422

11/27/2014 22:54 3114.1 51.227 ‐0.495 26.425

11/27/2014 22:59 3119.1 51.217 ‐0.502 26.428

11/27/2014 23:04 3124.1 51.221 ‐0.51 26.432

11/27/2014 23:09 3129.1 51.224 ‐0.516 26.434

11/27/2014 23:14 3134.1 51.226 ‐0.519 26.435

11/27/2014 23:19 3139.1 51.224 ‐0.532 26.441

11/27/2014 23:24 3144.1 51.226 ‐0.535 26.442

11/27/2014 23:29 3149.1 51.22 ‐0.537 26.443

11/27/2014 23:34 3154.1 51.226 ‐0.554 26.451

11/27/2014 23:39 3159.1 51.222 ‐0.552 26.45

11/27/2014 23:44 3164.1 51.223 ‐0.564 26.455

11/27/2014 23:49 3169.1 51.223 ‐0.572 26.458

11/27/2014 23:54 3174.1 51.225 ‐0.577 26.461

11/27/2014 23:59 3179.1 51.221 ‐0.585 26.464

11/28/2014 0:04 3184.1 51.222 ‐0.59 26.466

11/28/2014 0:09 3189.1 51.222 ‐0.6 26.471

11/28/2014 0:14 3194.1 51.222 ‐0.605 26.473

11/28/2014 0:19 3199.1 51.226 ‐0.61 26.475

11/28/2014 0:24 3204.1 51.222 ‐0.621 26.48

11/28/2014 0:29 3209.1 51.222 ‐0.627 26.482

11/28/2014 0:34 3214.1 51.225 ‐0.633 26.485

11/28/2014 0:39 3219.1 51.223 ‐0.643 26.489

11/28/2014 0:44 3224.1 51.226 ‐0.648 26.492

11/28/2014 0:49 3229.1 51.225 ‐0.653 26.493

11/28/2014 0:54 3234.1 51.227 ‐0.659 26.496

11/28/2014 0:59 3239.1 51.225 ‐0.67 26.501

11/28/2014 1:04 3244.1 51.227 ‐0.675 26.503

11/28/2014 1:09 3249.1 51.224 ‐0.681 26.506

11/28/2014 1:14 3254.1 51.228 ‐0.686 26.508

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/28/2014 1:19 3259.1 51.223 ‐0.695 26.512

11/28/2014 1:24 3264.1 51.221 ‐0.7 26.514

11/28/2014 1:29 3269.1 51.228 ‐0.707 26.517

11/28/2014 1:34 3274.1 51.222 ‐0.709 26.518

11/28/2014 1:39 3279.1 51.228 ‐0.716 26.521

11/28/2014 1:44 3284.1 51.227 ‐0.739 26.531

11/28/2014 1:49 3289.1 51.225 ‐0.731 26.527

11/28/2014 1:54 3294.1 51.221 ‐0.739 26.531

11/28/2014 1:59 3299.1 51.225 ‐0.743 26.532

11/28/2014 2:04 3304.1 51.225 ‐0.753 26.537

11/28/2014 2:09 3309.1 51.228 ‐0.755 26.538

11/28/2014 2:14 3314.1 51.221 ‐0.766 26.542

11/28/2014 2:19 3319.1 51.228 ‐0.766 26.542

11/28/2014 2:24 3324.1 51.223 ‐0.776 26.547

11/28/2014 2:29 3329.1 51.224 ‐0.782 26.549

11/28/2014 2:34 3334.1 51.22 ‐0.788 26.552

11/28/2014 2:39 3339.1 51.223 ‐0.796 26.556

11/28/2014 2:44 3344.1 51.222 ‐0.797 26.556

11/28/2014 2:49 3349.1 51.222 ‐0.805 26.559

11/28/2014 2:54 3354.1 51.226 ‐0.812 26.562

11/28/2014 2:59 3359.1 51.222 ‐0.815 26.564

11/28/2014 3:04 3364.1 51.225 ‐0.823 26.567

11/28/2014 3:09 3369.1 51.222 ‐0.829 26.57

11/28/2014 3:14 3374.1 51.224 ‐0.832 26.571

11/28/2014 3:19 3379.1 51.224 ‐0.84 26.575

11/28/2014 3:24 3384.1 51.216 ‐0.845 26.577

11/28/2014 3:29 3389.1 51.227 ‐0.853 26.58

11/28/2014 3:34 3394.1 51.222 ‐0.858 26.582

11/28/2014 3:39 3399.1 51.224 ‐0.863 26.585

11/28/2014 3:44 3404.1 51.225 ‐0.87 26.587

11/28/2014 3:49 3409.1 51.221 ‐0.877 26.591

11/28/2014 3:54 3414.1 51.225 ‐0.881 26.592

11/28/2014 3:59 3419.1 51.227 ‐0.889 26.596

11/28/2014 4:04 3424.1 51.223 ‐0.895 26.598

11/28/2014 4:09 3429.1 51.223 ‐0.899 26.6

11/28/2014 4:14 3434.1 51.225 ‐0.909 26.604

11/28/2014 4:19 3439.1 51.222 ‐0.914 26.606

11/28/2014 4:24 3444.1 51.222 ‐0.915 26.607

11/28/2014 4:29 3449.1 51.222 ‐0.926 26.612

11/28/2014 4:34 3454.1 51.228 ‐0.932 26.614

11/28/2014 4:39 3459.1 51.225 ‐0.939 26.618

11/28/2014 4:44 3464.1 51.227 ‐0.946 26.62

11/28/2014 4:49 3469.1 51.223 ‐0.949 26.622

11/28/2014 4:54 3474.1 51.221 ‐0.957 26.625

11/28/2014 4:59 3479.1 51.226 ‐0.962 26.627

11/28/2014 5:04 3484.1 51.222 ‐0.967 26.63

11/28/2014 5:09 3489.1 51.225 ‐0.97 26.631

11/28/2014 5:14 3494.1 51.223 ‐0.977 26.634

11/28/2014 5:19 3499.1 51.227 ‐0.985 26.637

11/28/2014 5:24 3504.1 51.223 ‐0.994 26.641

11/28/2014 5:29 3509.1 51.225 ‐0.996 26.642

11/28/2014 5:34 3514.1 51.226 ‐1.004 26.646

11/28/2014 5:39 3519.1 51.224 ‐1.022 26.653

11/28/2014 5:44 3524.1 51.22 ‐1.016 26.651

11/28/2014 5:49 3529.1 51.224 ‐1.018 26.652

11/28/2014 5:54 3534.1 51.223 ‐1.023 26.654

11/28/2014 5:59 3539.1 51.224 ‐1.028 26.656

11/28/2014 6:04 3544.1 51.223 ‐1.035 26.659

11/28/2014 6:09 3549.1 51.22 ‐1.045 26.663

11/28/2014 6:14 3554.1 51.22 ‐1.047 26.664

11/28/2014 6:19 3559.1 51.223 ‐1.056 26.668

11/28/2014 6:24 3564.1 51.226 ‐1.076 26.677

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/28/2014 6:29 3569.1 51.23 ‐1.068 26.673

11/28/2014 6:34 3574.1 51.223 ‐1.071 26.674

11/28/2014 6:39 3579.1 51.226 ‐1.077 26.677

11/28/2014 6:44 3584.1 51.223 ‐1.083 26.68

11/28/2014 6:49 3589.1 51.227 ‐1.103 26.688

11/28/2014 6:54 3594.1 51.222 ‐1.094 26.685

11/28/2014 6:59 3599.1 51.227 ‐1.1 26.687

11/28/2014 7:04 3604.1 51.222 ‐1.102 26.688

11/28/2014 7:09 3609.1 51.225 ‐1.111 26.692

11/28/2014 7:14 3614.1 51.222 ‐1.116 26.694

11/28/2014 7:19 3619.1 51.224 ‐1.123 26.697

11/28/2014 7:24 3624.1 51.226 ‐1.126 26.698

11/28/2014 7:29 3629.1 51.228 ‐1.132 26.701

11/28/2014 7:34 3634.1 51.227 ‐1.136 26.703

11/28/2014 7:39 3639.1 51.225 ‐1.152 26.71

11/28/2014 7:44 3644.1 51.228 ‐1.143 26.706

11/28/2014 7:49 3649.1 51.223 ‐1.14 26.705

11/28/2014 7:54 3654.1 51.226 ‐1.147 26.708

11/28/2014 7:59 3659.1 51.224 ‐1.148 26.708

11/28/2014 8:04 3664.1 51.221 ‐1.142 26.705

11/28/2014 8:09 3669.1 51.223 ‐1.143 26.706

11/28/2014 8:14 3674.1 51.221 ‐1.141 26.705

11/28/2014 8:19 3679.1 51.224 ‐1.134 26.702

11/28/2014 8:24 3684.1 51.227 ‐1.13 26.7

11/28/2014 8:29 3689.1 51.225 ‐1.12 26.696

11/28/2014 8:34 3694.1 51.227 ‐1.115 26.694

11/28/2014 8:39 3699.1 51.231 ‐1.104 26.689

11/28/2014 8:44 3704.1 51.227 ‐1.092 26.684

11/28/2014 8:49 3709.1 51.226 ‐1.083 26.68

11/28/2014 8:54 3714.1 51.225 ‐1.068 26.673

11/28/2014 8:59 3719.1 51.218 ‐1.059 26.669

11/28/2014 9:04 3724.1 51.227 ‐1.041 26.662

11/28/2014 9:09 3729.1 51.225 ‐1.027 26.655

11/28/2014 9:14 3734.1 51.225 ‐1.013 26.65

11/28/2014 9:19 3739.1 51.225 ‐0.999 26.644

11/28/2014 9:24 3744.1 51.223 ‐0.982 26.636

11/28/2014 9:29 3749.1 51.225 ‐0.966 26.629

11/28/2014 9:34 3754.1 51.223 ‐0.95 26.622

11/28/2014 9:39 3759.1 51.229 ‐0.932 26.614

11/28/2014 9:44 3764.1 51.227 ‐0.916 26.608

11/28/2014 9:49 3769.1 51.226 ‐0.912 26.606

11/28/2014 9:54 3774.1 51.227 ‐0.878 26.591

11/28/2014 9:59 3779.1 51.225 ‐0.86 26.583

11/28/2014 10:04 3784.1 51.226 ‐0.844 26.576

11/28/2014 10:09 3789.1 51.226 ‐0.825 26.568

11/28/2014 10:14 3794.1 51.228 ‐0.805 26.559

11/28/2014 10:19 3799.1 51.227 ‐0.788 26.552

11/28/2014 10:24 3804.1 51.227 ‐0.77 26.544

11/28/2014 10:29 3809.1 51.222 ‐0.749 26.535

11/28/2014 10:34 3814.1 51.225 ‐0.731 26.527

11/28/2014 10:39 3819.1 51.229 ‐0.714 26.52

11/28/2014 10:44 3824.1 51.227 ‐0.691 26.51

11/28/2014 10:49 3829.1 51.227 ‐0.677 26.504

11/28/2014 10:54 3834.1 51.228 ‐0.656 26.495

11/28/2014 10:59 3839.1 51.223 ‐0.65 26.492

11/28/2014 11:04 3844.1 51.231 ‐0.617 26.478

11/28/2014 11:09 3849.1 51.225 ‐0.597 26.469

11/28/2014 11:14 3854.1 51.222 ‐0.582 26.463

11/28/2014 11:19 3859.1 51.228 ‐0.561 26.454

11/28/2014 11:24 3864.1 51.223 ‐0.546 26.447

11/28/2014 11:29 3869.1 51.229 ‐0.528 26.439

11/28/2014 11:34 3874.1 51.229 ‐0.509 26.431

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/28/2014 11:39 3879.1 51.233 ‐0.495 26.425

11/28/2014 11:44 3884.1 51.228 ‐0.478 26.418

11/28/2014 11:49 3889.1 51.227 ‐0.466 26.412

11/28/2014 11:54 3894.1 51.228 ‐0.453 26.407

11/28/2014 11:59 3899.1 51.222 ‐0.445 26.404

11/28/2014 12:04 3904.1 51.225 ‐0.436 26.4

11/28/2014 12:09 3909.1 51.225 ‐0.422 26.394

11/28/2014 12:14 3914.1 51.226 ‐0.415 26.39

11/28/2014 12:19 3919.1 51.228 ‐0.411 26.389

11/28/2014 12:24 3924.1 51.225 ‐0.407 26.387

11/28/2014 12:29 3929.1 51.224 ‐0.402 26.385

11/28/2014 12:34 3934.1 51.224 ‐0.397 26.383

11/28/2014 12:39 3939.1 51.225 ‐0.398 26.383

11/28/2014 12:44 3944.1 51.225 ‐0.392 26.381

11/28/2014 12:49 3949.1 51.23 ‐0.391 26.38

11/28/2014 12:54 3954.1 51.222 ‐0.397 26.383

11/28/2014 12:59 3959.1 51.228 ‐0.397 26.383

11/28/2014 13:04 3964.1 51.222 ‐0.398 26.383

11/28/2014 13:09 3969.1 51.224 ‐0.402 26.385

11/28/2014 13:14 3974.1 51.223 ‐0.401 26.385

11/28/2014 13:19 3979.1 51.222 ‐0.401 26.385

11/28/2014 13:24 3984.1 51.228 ‐0.41 26.388

11/28/2014 13:29 3989.1 51.226 ‐0.411 26.389

11/28/2014 13:34 3994.1 51.228 ‐0.417 26.391

11/28/2014 13:39 3999.1 51.222 ‐0.419 26.392

11/28/2014 13:44 4004.1 51.222 ‐0.426 26.395

11/28/2014 13:49 4009.1 51.226 ‐0.429 26.396

11/28/2014 13:54 4014.1 51.222 ‐0.435 26.399

11/28/2014 13:59 4019.1 51.225 ‐0.438 26.4

11/28/2014 14:04 4024.1 51.226 ‐0.446 26.404

11/28/2014 14:09 4029.1 51.222 ‐0.451 26.406

11/28/2014 14:14 4034.1 51.231 ‐0.46 26.41

11/28/2014 14:19 4039.1 51.219 ‐0.463 26.411

11/28/2014 14:24 4044.1 51.223 ‐0.468 26.414

11/28/2014 14:29 4049.1 51.228 ‐0.473 26.416

11/28/2014 14:34 4054.1 51.224 ‐0.48 26.419

11/28/2014 14:39 4059.1 51.226 ‐0.485 26.421

11/28/2014 14:44 4064.1 51.225 ‐0.486 26.421

11/28/2014 14:49 4069.1 51.223 ‐0.505 26.429

11/28/2014 14:54 4074.1 51.218 ‐0.492 26.424

11/28/2014 14:59 4079.1 51.227 ‐0.494 26.425

11/28/2014 15:04 4084.1 51.227 ‐0.496 26.425

11/28/2014 15:09 4089.1 51.227 ‐0.487 26.422

11/28/2014 15:14 4094.1 51.221 ‐0.485 26.421

11/28/2014 15:19 4099.1 51.227 ‐0.485 26.421

11/28/2014 15:24 4104.1 51.223 ‐0.475 26.416

11/28/2014 15:29 4109.1 51.225 ‐0.471 26.415

11/28/2014 15:34 4114.1 51.219 ‐0.468 26.413

11/28/2014 15:39 4119.1 51.226 ‐0.468 26.414

11/28/2014 15:44 4124.1 51.221 ‐0.446 26.404

11/28/2014 15:49 4129.1 51.225 ‐0.429 26.396

11/28/2014 15:54 4134.1 51.223 ‐0.44 26.401

11/28/2014 15:59 4139.1 51.222 ‐0.413 26.39

11/28/2014 16:04 4144.1 51.227 ‐0.399 26.384

11/28/2014 16:09 4149.1 51.222 ‐0.388 26.379

11/28/2014 16:14 4154.1 51.228 ‐0.372 26.372

11/28/2014 16:19 4159.1 51.226 ‐0.363 26.368

11/28/2014 16:24 4164.1 51.226 ‐0.348 26.362

11/28/2014 16:29 4169.1 51.228 ‐0.337 26.357

11/28/2014 16:34 4174.1 51.225 ‐0.324 26.351

11/28/2014 16:39 4179.1 51.217 ‐0.312 26.346

11/28/2014 16:44 4184.1 51.227 ‐0.301 26.341

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/28/2014 16:49 4189.1 51.222 ‐0.292 26.337

11/28/2014 16:54 4194.1 51.229 ‐0.277 26.331

11/28/2014 16:59 4199.1 51.223 ‐0.273 26.329

11/28/2014 17:04 4204.1 51.225 ‐0.263 26.325

11/28/2014 17:09 4209.1 51.222 ‐0.26 26.323

11/28/2014 17:14 4214.1 51.223 ‐0.254 26.321

11/28/2014 17:19 4219.1 51.228 ‐0.251 26.319

11/28/2014 17:24 4224.1 51.222 ‐0.245 26.317

11/28/2014 17:29 4229.1 51.225 ‐0.245 26.317

11/28/2014 17:34 4234.1 51.228 ‐0.243 26.316

11/28/2014 17:39 4239.1 51.222 ‐0.242 26.316

11/28/2014 17:44 4244.1 51.218 ‐0.243 26.316

11/28/2014 17:49 4249.1 51.223 ‐0.257 26.322

11/28/2014 17:54 4254.1 51.224 ‐0.248 26.318

11/28/2014 17:59 4259.1 51.222 ‐0.246 26.317

11/28/2014 18:04 4264.1 51.225 ‐0.25 26.319

11/28/2014 18:09 4269.1 51.226 ‐0.255 26.321

11/28/2014 18:14 4274.1 51.23 ‐0.258 26.323

11/28/2014 18:19 4279.1 51.222 ‐0.261 26.324

11/28/2014 18:24 4284.1 51.228 ‐0.267 26.327

11/28/2014 18:29 4289.1 51.227 ‐0.27 26.328

11/28/2014 18:34 4294.1 51.223 ‐0.279 26.332

11/28/2014 18:39 4299.1 51.227 ‐0.283 26.333

11/28/2014 18:44 4304.1 51.222 ‐0.293 26.338

11/28/2014 18:49 4309.1 51.224 ‐0.294 26.338

11/28/2014 18:54 4314.1 51.22 ‐0.3 26.341

11/28/2014 18:59 4319.1 51.226 ‐0.309 26.345

11/28/2014 19:04 4324.1 51.222 ‐0.316 26.348

11/28/2014 19:09 4329.1 51.223 ‐0.322 26.35

11/28/2014 19:14 4334.1 51.222 ‐0.327 26.352

11/28/2014 19:19 4339.1 51.222 ‐0.332 26.354

11/28/2014 19:24 4344.1 51.226 ‐0.335 26.356

11/28/2014 19:29 4349.1 51.224 ‐0.346 26.361

11/28/2014 19:34 4354.1 51.22 ‐0.356 26.365

11/28/2014 19:39 4359.1 51.23 ‐0.364 26.368

11/28/2014 19:44 4364.1 51.225 ‐0.368 26.37

11/28/2014 19:49 4369.1 51.225 ‐0.378 26.374

11/28/2014 19:54 4374.1 51.223 ‐0.383 26.376

11/28/2014 19:59 4379.1 51.22 ‐0.391 26.38

11/28/2014 20:04 4384.1 51.224 ‐0.4 26.384

11/28/2014 20:09 4389.1 51.224 ‐0.406 26.387

11/28/2014 20:14 4394.1 51.223 ‐0.411 26.389

11/28/2014 20:19 4399.1 51.225 ‐0.422 26.394

11/28/2014 20:24 4404.1 51.224 ‐0.427 26.396

11/28/2014 20:29 4409.1 51.222 ‐0.435 26.399

11/28/2014 20:34 4414.1 51.227 ‐0.444 26.403

11/28/2014 20:39 4419.1 51.219 ‐0.449 26.405

11/28/2014 20:44 4424.1 51.223 ‐0.46 26.41

11/28/2014 20:49 4429.1 51.222 ‐0.465 26.412

11/28/2014 20:54 4434.1 51.227 ‐0.471 26.415

11/28/2014 20:59 4439.1 51.222 ‐0.48 26.418

11/28/2014 21:04 4444.1 51.224 ‐0.488 26.422

11/28/2014 21:09 4449.1 51.226 ‐0.498 26.426

11/28/2014 21:14 4454.1 51.225 ‐0.504 26.429

11/28/2014 21:19 4459.1 51.221 ‐0.51 26.432

11/28/2014 21:24 4464.1 51.226 ‐0.52 26.436

11/28/2014 21:29 4469.1 51.224 ‐0.526 26.439

11/28/2014 21:34 4474.1 51.228 ‐0.534 26.442

11/28/2014 21:39 4479.1 51.224 ‐0.54 26.444

11/28/2014 21:44 4484.1 51.229 ‐0.549 26.449

11/28/2014 21:49 4489.1 51.222 ‐0.557 26.452

11/28/2014 21:54 4494.1 51.225 ‐0.578 26.461

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/28/2014 21:59 4499.1 51.223 ‐0.575 26.46

11/28/2014 22:04 4504.1 51.227 ‐0.582 26.463

11/28/2014 22:09 4509.1 51.224 ‐0.587 26.465

11/28/2014 22:14 4514.1 51.223 ‐0.593 26.467

11/28/2014 22:19 4519.1 51.225 ‐0.603 26.472

11/28/2014 22:24 4524.1 51.224 ‐0.613 26.476

11/28/2014 22:29 4529.1 51.224 ‐0.615 26.477

11/28/2014 22:34 4534.1 51.224 ‐0.625 26.482

11/28/2014 22:39 4539.1 51.225 ‐0.636 26.486

11/28/2014 22:44 4544.1 51.228 ‐0.638 26.487

11/28/2014 22:49 4549.1 51.226 ‐0.648 26.491

11/28/2014 22:54 4554.1 51.224 ‐0.655 26.495

11/28/2014 22:59 4559.1 51.226 ‐0.665 26.499

11/28/2014 23:04 4564.1 51.228 ‐0.671 26.501

11/28/2014 23:09 4569.1 51.228 ‐0.68 26.505

11/28/2014 23:14 4574.1 51.225 ‐0.688 26.509

11/28/2014 23:19 4579.1 51.222 ‐0.693 26.511

11/28/2014 23:24 4584.1 51.229 ‐0.699 26.514

11/28/2014 23:29 4589.1 51.223 ‐0.707 26.517

11/28/2014 23:34 4594.1 51.222 ‐0.715 26.521

11/28/2014 23:39 4599.1 51.224 ‐0.725 26.525

11/28/2014 23:44 4604.1 51.226 ‐0.729 26.526

11/28/2014 23:49 4609.1 51.223 ‐0.737 26.53

11/28/2014 23:54 4614.1 51.231 ‐0.742 26.532

11/28/2014 23:59 4619.1 51.227 ‐0.752 26.536

11/29/2014 0:04 4624.1 51.226 ‐0.759 26.54

11/29/2014 0:09 4629.1 51.225 ‐0.767 26.543

11/29/2014 0:14 4634.1 51.227 ‐0.773 26.546

11/29/2014 0:19 4639.1 51.223 ‐0.782 26.549

11/29/2014 0:24 4644.1 51.223 ‐0.791 26.553

11/29/2014 0:29 4649.1 51.226 ‐0.799 26.557

11/29/2014 0:34 4654.1 51.225 ‐0.806 26.56

11/29/2014 0:39 4659.1 51.225 ‐0.814 26.563

11/29/2014 0:44 4664.1 51.225 ‐0.818 26.565

11/29/2014 0:49 4669.1 51.222 ‐0.826 26.568

11/29/2014 0:54 4674.1 51.227 ‐0.832 26.571

11/29/2014 0:59 4679.1 51.224 ‐0.839 26.574

11/29/2014 1:04 4684.1 51.224 ‐0.846 26.577

11/29/2014 1:09 4689.1 51.222 ‐0.857 26.582

11/29/2014 1:14 4694.1 51.224 ‐0.86 26.583

11/29/2014 1:19 4699.1 51.226 ‐0.867 26.586

11/29/2014 1:24 4704.1 51.224 ‐0.877 26.591

11/29/2014 1:29 4709.1 51.224 ‐0.886 26.594

11/29/2014 1:34 4714.1 51.225 ‐0.889 26.596

11/29/2014 1:39 4719.1 51.225 ‐0.894 26.598

11/29/2014 1:44 4724.1 51.225 ‐0.917 26.608

11/29/2014 1:49 4729.1 51.226 ‐0.91 26.605

11/29/2014 1:54 4734.1 51.223 ‐0.922 26.61

11/29/2014 1:59 4739.1 51.228 ‐0.938 26.617

11/29/2014 2:04 4744.1 51.228 ‐0.932 26.614

11/29/2014 2:09 4749.1 51.225 ‐0.943 26.619

11/29/2014 2:14 4754.1 51.223 ‐0.948 26.621

11/29/2014 2:19 4759.1 51.222 ‐0.951 26.623

11/29/2014 2:24 4764.1 51.226 ‐0.956 26.625

11/29/2014 2:29 4769.1 51.222 ‐0.964 26.628

11/29/2014 2:34 4774.1 51.225 ‐0.974 26.633

11/29/2014 2:39 4779.1 51.222 ‐0.982 26.636

11/29/2014 2:44 4784.1 51.225 ‐0.987 26.638

11/29/2014 2:49 4789.1 51.227 ‐0.993 26.641

11/29/2014 2:54 4794.1 51.225 ‐1.001 26.644

11/29/2014 2:59 4799.1 51.222 ‐1.006 26.647

11/29/2014 3:04 4804.1 51.225 ‐1.027 26.656

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/29/2014 3:09 4809.1 51.229 ‐1.02 26.652

11/29/2014 3:14 4814.1 51.221 ‐1.026 26.655

11/29/2014 3:19 4819.1 51.223 ‐1.031 26.657

11/29/2014 3:24 4824.1 51.223 ‐1.039 26.661

11/29/2014 3:29 4829.1 51.223 ‐1.046 26.664

11/29/2014 3:34 4834.1 51.225 ‐1.05 26.666

11/29/2014 3:39 4839.1 51.228 ‐1.055 26.668

11/29/2014 3:44 4844.1 51.228 ‐1.066 26.672

11/29/2014 3:49 4849.1 51.226 ‐1.068 26.673

11/29/2014 3:54 4854.1 51.224 ‐1.074 26.676

11/29/2014 3:59 4859.1 51.222 ‐1.082 26.68

11/29/2014 4:04 4864.1 51.228 ‐1.086 26.681

11/29/2014 4:09 4869.1 51.225 ‐1.097 26.686

11/29/2014 4:14 4874.1 51.222 ‐1.098 26.686

11/29/2014 4:19 4879.1 51.227 ‐1.112 26.692

11/29/2014 4:24 4884.1 51.223 ‐1.118 26.695

11/29/2014 4:29 4889.1 51.229 ‐1.122 26.697

11/29/2014 4:34 4894.1 51.222 ‐1.128 26.699

11/29/2014 4:39 4899.1 51.228 ‐1.135 26.702

11/29/2014 4:44 4904.1 51.22 ‐1.142 26.705

11/29/2014 4:49 4909.1 51.222 ‐1.147 26.707

11/29/2014 4:54 4914.1 51.228 ‐1.153 26.71

11/29/2014 4:59 4919.1 51.229 ‐1.16 26.713

11/29/2014 5:04 4924.1 51.223 ‐1.166 26.716

11/29/2014 5:09 4929.1 51.23 ‐1.172 26.718

11/29/2014 5:14 4934.1 51.223 ‐1.177 26.721

11/29/2014 5:19 4939.1 51.222 ‐1.184 26.724

11/29/2014 5:24 4944.1 51.222 ‐1.189 26.726

11/29/2014 5:29 4949.1 51.226 ‐1.212 26.736

11/29/2014 5:34 4954.1 51.224 ‐1.198 26.73

11/29/2014 5:39 4959.1 51.223 ‐1.205 26.733

11/29/2014 5:44 4964.1 51.226 ‐1.211 26.735

11/29/2014 5:49 4969.1 51.226 ‐1.217 26.738

11/29/2014 5:54 4974.1 51.223 ‐1.223 26.741

11/29/2014 5:59 4979.1 51.222 ‐1.229 26.743

11/29/2014 6:04 4984.1 51.223 ‐1.247 26.751

11/29/2014 6:09 4989.1 51.226 ‐1.242 26.749

11/29/2014 6:14 4994.1 51.222 ‐1.246 26.75

11/29/2014 6:19 4999.1 51.225 ‐1.253 26.753

11/29/2014 6:24 5004.1 51.222 ‐1.263 26.758

11/29/2014 6:29 5009.1 51.228 ‐1.267 26.76

11/29/2014 6:34 5014.1 51.225 ‐1.272 26.762

11/29/2014 6:39 5019.1 51.227 ‐1.277 26.764

11/29/2014 6:44 5024.1 51.224 ‐1.289 26.769

11/29/2014 6:49 5029.1 51.226 ‐1.291 26.77

11/29/2014 6:54 5034.1 51.222 ‐1.297 26.773

11/29/2014 6:59 5039.1 51.224 ‐1.3 26.774

11/29/2014 7:04 5044.1 51.228 ‐1.324 26.784

11/29/2014 7:09 5049.1 51.225 ‐1.314 26.78

11/29/2014 7:14 5054.1 51.224 ‐1.322 26.783

11/29/2014 7:19 5059.1 51.222 ‐1.327 26.785

11/29/2014 7:24 5064.1 51.226 ‐1.33 26.787

11/29/2014 7:29 5069.1 51.228 ‐1.338 26.79

11/29/2014 7:34 5074.1 51.227 ‐1.342 26.792

11/29/2014 7:39 5079.1 51.223 ‐1.347 26.794

11/29/2014 7:44 5084.1 51.22 ‐1.352 26.796

11/29/2014 7:49 5089.1 51.226 ‐1.358 26.799

11/29/2014 7:54 5094.1 51.226 ‐1.364 26.802

11/29/2014 7:59 5099.1 51.228 ‐1.366 26.802

11/29/2014 8:04 5104.1 51.224 ‐1.371 26.805

11/29/2014 8:09 5109.1 51.227 ‐1.392 26.814

11/29/2014 8:14 5114.1 51.227 ‐1.398 26.816

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/29/2014 8:19 5119.1 51.225 ‐1.395 26.815

11/29/2014 8:24 5124.1 51.226 ‐1.386 26.811

11/29/2014 8:29 5129.1 51.228 ‐1.386 26.811

11/29/2014 8:34 5134.1 51.224 ‐1.39 26.813

11/29/2014 8:39 5139.1 51.22 ‐1.388 26.812

11/29/2014 8:44 5144.1 51.224 ‐1.385 26.811

11/29/2014 8:49 5149.1 51.227 ‐1.38 26.808

11/29/2014 8:54 5154.1 51.227 ‐1.373 26.805

11/29/2014 8:59 5159.1 51.223 ‐1.368 26.803

11/29/2014 9:04 5164.1 51.228 ‐1.359 26.799

11/29/2014 9:09 5169.1 51.226 ‐1.351 26.796

11/29/2014 9:14 5174.1 51.228 ‐1.341 26.792

11/29/2014 9:19 5179.1 51.229 ‐1.344 26.793

11/29/2014 9:24 5184.1 51.228 ‐1.318 26.782

11/29/2014 9:29 5189.1 51.232 ‐1.31 26.778

11/29/2014 9:34 5194.1 51.224 ‐1.289 26.769

11/29/2014 9:39 5199.1 51.228 ‐1.28 26.765

11/29/2014 9:44 5204.1 51.225 ‐1.269 26.76

11/29/2014 9:49 5209.1 51.224 ‐1.254 26.754

11/29/2014 9:54 5214.1 51.224 ‐1.235 26.746

11/29/2014 9:59 5219.1 51.222 ‐1.221 26.74

11/29/2014 10:04 5224.1 51.228 ‐1.204 26.732

11/29/2014 10:09 5229.1 51.228 ‐1.189 26.726

11/29/2014 10:14 5234.1 51.228 ‐1.171 26.718

11/29/2014 10:19 5239.1 51.225 ‐1.157 26.712

11/29/2014 10:24 5244.1 51.228 ‐1.152 26.71

11/29/2014 10:29 5249.1 51.222 ‐1.118 26.695

11/29/2014 10:34 5254.1 51.229 ‐1.098 26.686

11/29/2014 10:39 5259.1 51.228 ‐1.085 26.681

11/29/2014 10:44 5264.1 51.23 ‐1.063 26.671

11/29/2014 10:49 5269.1 51.225 ‐1.046 26.664

11/29/2014 10:54 5274.1 51.227 ‐1.028 26.656

11/29/2014 10:59 5279.1 51.228 ‐1.003 26.645

11/29/2014 11:04 5284.1 51.218 ‐0.988 26.639

11/29/2014 11:09 5289.1 51.228 ‐0.971 26.631

11/29/2014 11:14 5294.1 51.228 ‐0.952 26.623

11/29/2014 11:19 5299.1 51.226 ‐0.95 26.622

11/29/2014 11:24 5304.1 51.226 ‐0.917 26.608

11/29/2014 11:29 5309.1 51.228 ‐0.898 26.6

11/29/2014 11:34 5314.1 51.222 ‐0.878 26.591

11/29/2014 11:39 5319.1 51.227 ‐0.862 26.584

11/29/2014 11:44 5324.1 51.225 ‐0.855 26.581

11/29/2014 11:49 5329.1 51.23 ‐0.826 26.568

11/29/2014 11:54 5334.1 51.225 ‐0.806 26.56

11/29/2014 11:59 5339.1 51.226 ‐0.791 26.553

11/29/2014 12:04 5344.1 51.234 ‐0.774 26.546

11/29/2014 12:09 5349.1 51.225 ‐0.756 26.538

11/29/2014 12:14 5354.1 51.225 ‐0.737 26.53

11/29/2014 12:19 5359.1 51.226 ‐0.723 26.524

11/29/2014 12:24 5364.1 51.228 ‐0.708 26.517

11/29/2014 12:29 5369.1 51.222 ‐0.695 26.512

11/29/2014 12:34 5374.1 51.224 ‐0.685 26.507

11/29/2014 12:39 5379.1 51.228 ‐0.674 26.503

11/29/2014 12:44 5384.1 51.227 ‐0.665 26.499

11/29/2014 12:49 5389.1 51.226 ‐0.658 26.496

11/29/2014 12:54 5394.1 51.226 ‐0.651 26.492

11/29/2014 12:59 5399.1 51.228 ‐0.641 26.488

11/29/2014 13:04 5404.1 51.227 ‐0.64 26.488

11/29/2014 13:09 5409.1 51.225 ‐0.636 26.486

11/29/2014 13:14 5414.1 51.227 ‐0.647 26.491

11/29/2014 13:19 5419.1 51.228 ‐0.633 26.485

11/29/2014 13:24 5424.1 51.231 ‐0.631 26.484

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/29/2014 13:29 5429.1 51.227 ‐0.631 26.484

11/29/2014 13:34 5434.1 51.226 ‐0.631 26.484

11/29/2014 13:39 5439.1 51.223 ‐0.634 26.486

11/29/2014 13:44 5444.1 51.23 ‐0.633 26.485

11/29/2014 13:49 5449.1 51.231 ‐0.639 26.487

11/29/2014 13:54 5454.1 51.227 ‐0.64 26.488

11/29/2014 13:59 5459.1 51.228 ‐0.647 26.491

11/29/2014 14:04 5464.1 51.223 ‐0.65 26.492

11/29/2014 14:09 5469.1 51.225 ‐0.651 26.493

11/29/2014 14:14 5474.1 51.226 ‐0.657 26.495

11/29/2014 14:19 5479.1 51.227 ‐0.66 26.497

11/29/2014 14:24 5484.1 51.222 ‐0.664 26.498

11/29/2014 14:29 5489.1 51.226 ‐0.67 26.501

11/29/2014 14:34 5494.1 51.222 ‐0.676 26.504

11/29/2014 14:39 5499.1 51.229 ‐0.684 26.507

11/29/2014 14:44 5504.1 51.226 ‐0.689 26.509

11/29/2014 14:49 5509.1 51.225 ‐0.69 26.51

11/29/2014 14:54 5514.1 51.222 ‐0.694 26.511

11/29/2014 14:59 5519.1 51.225 ‐0.701 26.514

11/29/2014 15:04 5524.1 51.223 ‐0.703 26.515

11/29/2014 15:09 5529.1 51.23 ‐0.703 26.515

11/29/2014 15:14 5534.1 51.224 ‐0.703 26.515

11/29/2014 15:19 5539.1 51.229 ‐0.703 26.515

11/29/2014 15:24 5544.1 51.223 ‐0.703 26.515

11/29/2014 15:29 5549.1 51.218 ‐0.696 26.512

11/29/2014 15:34 5554.1 51.228 ‐0.694 26.511

11/29/2014 15:39 5559.1 51.223 ‐0.688 26.509

11/29/2014 15:44 5564.1 51.222 ‐0.682 26.506

11/29/2014 15:49 5569.1 51.222 ‐0.675 26.503

11/29/2014 15:54 5574.1 51.221 ‐0.67 26.501

11/29/2014 15:59 5579.1 51.228 ‐0.654 26.494

11/29/2014 16:04 5584.1 51.227 ‐0.647 26.491

11/29/2014 16:09 5589.1 51.23 ‐0.636 26.486

11/29/2014 16:14 5594.1 51.228 ‐0.625 26.481

11/29/2014 16:19 5599.1 51.224 ‐0.614 26.477

11/29/2014 16:24 5604.1 51.224 ‐0.603 26.472

11/29/2014 16:29 5609.1 51.229 ‐0.589 26.466

11/29/2014 16:34 5614.1 51.228 ‐0.583 26.463

11/29/2014 16:39 5619.1 51.225 ‐0.574 26.459

11/29/2014 16:44 5624.1 51.221 ‐0.562 26.454

11/29/2014 16:49 5629.1 51.224 ‐0.572 26.458

11/29/2014 16:54 5634.1 51.224 ‐0.546 26.447

11/29/2014 16:59 5639.1 51.228 ‐0.536 26.443

11/29/2014 17:04 5644.1 51.221 ‐0.535 26.443

11/29/2014 17:09 5649.1 51.229 ‐0.529 26.44

11/29/2014 17:14 5654.1 51.226 ‐0.526 26.438

11/29/2014 17:19 5659.1 51.23 ‐0.526 26.438

11/29/2014 17:24 5664.1 51.227 ‐0.523 26.437

11/29/2014 17:29 5669.1 51.23 ‐0.526 26.439

11/29/2014 17:34 5674.1 51.229 ‐0.52 26.436

11/29/2014 17:39 5679.1 51.219 ‐0.523 26.437

11/29/2014 17:44 5684.1 51.222 ‐0.527 26.439

11/29/2014 17:49 5689.1 51.228 ‐0.528 26.439

11/29/2014 17:54 5694.1 51.227 ‐0.524 26.438

11/29/2014 17:59 5699.1 51.223 ‐0.545 26.447

11/29/2014 18:04 5704.1 51.231 ‐0.532 26.441

11/29/2014 18:09 5709.1 51.22 ‐0.535 26.443

11/29/2014 18:14 5714.1 51.226 ‐0.539 26.444

11/29/2014 18:19 5719.1 51.223 ‐0.544 26.446

11/29/2014 18:24 5724.1 51.223 ‐0.552 26.45

11/29/2014 18:29 5729.1 51.228 ‐0.558 26.452

11/29/2014 18:34 5734.1 51.222 ‐0.559 26.453

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/29/2014 18:39 5739.1 51.226 ‐0.569 26.457

11/29/2014 18:44 5744.1 51.224 ‐0.573 26.459

11/29/2014 18:49 5749.1 51.227 ‐0.577 26.461

11/29/2014 18:54 5754.1 51.226 ‐0.584 26.464

11/29/2014 18:59 5759.1 51.226 ‐0.592 26.467

11/29/2014 19:04 5764.1 51.228 ‐0.597 26.469

11/29/2014 19:09 5769.1 51.228 ‐0.601 26.471

11/29/2014 19:14 5774.1 51.221 ‐0.607 26.474

11/29/2014 19:19 5779.1 51.222 ‐0.613 26.476

11/29/2014 19:24 5784.1 51.225 ‐0.622 26.48

11/29/2014 19:29 5789.1 51.225 ‐0.631 26.484

11/29/2014 19:34 5794.1 51.225 ‐0.636 26.486

11/29/2014 19:39 5799.1 51.229 ‐0.647 26.491

11/29/2014 19:44 5804.1 51.223 ‐0.648 26.492

11/29/2014 19:49 5809.1 51.218 ‐0.657 26.496

11/29/2014 19:54 5814.1 51.222 ‐0.664 26.498

11/29/2014 19:59 5819.1 51.222 ‐0.674 26.503

11/29/2014 20:04 5824.1 51.226 ‐0.696 26.512

11/29/2014 20:09 5829.1 51.223 ‐0.689 26.509

11/29/2014 20:14 5834.1 51.224 ‐0.695 26.512

11/29/2014 20:19 5839.1 51.226 ‐0.7 26.514

11/29/2014 20:24 5844.1 51.229 ‐0.71 26.518

11/29/2014 20:29 5849.1 51.223 ‐0.719 26.522

11/29/2014 20:34 5854.1 51.228 ‐0.739 26.531

11/29/2014 20:39 5859.1 51.227 ‐0.731 26.528

11/29/2014 20:44 5864.1 51.226 ‐0.736 26.53

11/29/2014 20:49 5869.1 51.222 ‐0.743 26.533

11/29/2014 20:54 5874.1 51.228 ‐0.753 26.537

11/29/2014 20:59 5879.1 51.228 ‐0.76 26.54

11/29/2014 21:04 5884.1 51.225 ‐0.765 26.542

11/29/2014 21:09 5889.1 51.225 ‐0.773 26.546

11/29/2014 21:14 5894.1 51.224 ‐0.781 26.549

11/29/2014 21:19 5899.1 51.224 ‐0.784 26.55

11/29/2014 21:24 5904.1 51.226 ‐0.794 26.554

11/29/2014 21:29 5909.1 51.231 ‐0.805 26.559

11/29/2014 21:34 5914.1 51.23 ‐0.809 26.561

11/29/2014 21:39 5919.1 51.224 ‐0.818 26.565

11/29/2014 21:44 5924.1 51.222 ‐0.821 26.566

11/29/2014 21:49 5929.1 51.223 ‐0.833 26.571

11/29/2014 21:54 5934.1 51.228 ‐0.837 26.573

11/29/2014 21:59 5939.1 51.231 ‐0.842 26.576

11/29/2014 22:04 5944.1 51.228 ‐0.854 26.58

11/29/2014 22:09 5949.1 51.224 ‐0.859 26.583

11/29/2014 22:14 5954.1 51.226 ‐0.863 26.585

11/29/2014 22:19 5959.1 51.227 ‐0.876 26.59

11/29/2014 22:24 5964.1 51.225 ‐0.88 26.592

11/29/2014 22:29 5969.1 51.223 ‐0.887 26.595

11/29/2014 22:34 5974.1 51.224 ‐0.898 26.6

11/29/2014 22:39 5979.1 51.223 ‐0.904 26.602

11/29/2014 22:44 5984.1 51.222 ‐0.912 26.606

11/29/2014 22:49 5989.1 51.223 ‐0.937 26.617

11/29/2014 22:54 5994.1 51.223 ‐0.928 26.613

11/29/2014 22:59 5999.1 51.226 ‐0.929 26.613

11/29/2014 23:04 6004.1 51.228 ‐0.952 26.623

11/29/2014 23:09 6009.1 51.228 ‐0.947 26.621

11/29/2014 23:14 6014.1 51.229 ‐0.951 26.623

11/29/2014 23:19 6019.1 51.224 ‐0.96 26.627

11/29/2014 23:24 6024.1 51.221 ‐0.965 26.629

11/29/2014 23:29 6029.1 51.222 ‐0.979 26.635

11/29/2014 23:34 6034.1 51.225 ‐0.994 26.641

11/29/2014 23:39 6039.1 51.22 ‐0.989 26.639

11/29/2014 23:44 6044.1 51.226 ‐0.993 26.641

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/29/2014 23:49 6049.1 51.227 ‐1.003 26.645

11/29/2014 23:54 6054.1 51.228 ‐1.008 26.647

11/29/2014 23:59 6059.1 51.229 ‐1.02 26.652

11/30/2014 0:04 6064.1 51.228 ‐1.021 26.653

11/30/2014 0:09 6069.1 51.223 ‐1.034 26.658

11/30/2014 0:14 6074.1 51.228 ‐1.037 26.66

11/30/2014 0:19 6079.1 51.223 ‐1.048 26.664

11/30/2014 0:24 6084.1 51.219 ‐1.05 26.666

11/30/2014 0:29 6089.1 51.226 ‐1.059 26.669

11/30/2014 0:34 6094.1 51.226 ‐1.063 26.671

11/30/2014 0:39 6099.1 51.222 ‐1.073 26.675

11/30/2014 0:44 6104.1 51.226 ‐1.079 26.678

11/30/2014 0:49 6109.1 51.227 ‐1.089 26.682

11/30/2014 0:54 6114.1 51.222 ‐1.093 26.684

11/30/2014 0:59 6119.1 51.222 ‐1.101 26.688

11/30/2014 1:04 6124.1 51.228 ‐1.108 26.691

11/30/2014 1:09 6129.1 51.224 ‐1.114 26.693

11/30/2014 1:14 6134.1 51.229 ‐1.121 26.696

11/30/2014 1:19 6139.1 51.224 ‐1.127 26.699

11/30/2014 1:24 6144.1 51.228 ‐1.127 26.699

11/30/2014 1:29 6149.1 51.225 ‐1.135 26.702

11/30/2014 1:34 6154.1 51.223 ‐1.145 26.707

11/30/2014 1:39 6159.1 51.225 ‐1.151 26.709

11/30/2014 1:44 6164.1 51.226 ‐1.159 26.713

11/30/2014 1:49 6169.1 51.225 ‐1.167 26.716

11/30/2014 1:54 6174.1 51.224 ‐1.189 26.726

11/30/2014 1:59 6179.1 51.222 ‐1.18 26.722

11/30/2014 2:04 6184.1 51.223 ‐1.182 26.723

11/30/2014 2:09 6189.1 51.228 ‐1.192 26.727

11/30/2014 2:14 6194.1 51.226 ‐1.198 26.729

11/30/2014 2:19 6199.1 51.23 ‐1.207 26.734

11/30/2014 2:24 6204.1 51.222 ‐1.217 26.738

11/30/2014 2:29 6209.1 51.224 ‐1.218 26.738

11/30/2014 2:34 6214.1 51.225 ‐1.222 26.74

11/30/2014 2:39 6219.1 51.225 ‐1.232 26.744

11/30/2014 2:44 6224.1 51.228 ‐1.238 26.747

11/30/2014 2:49 6229.1 51.221 ‐1.244 26.75

11/30/2014 2:54 6234.1 51.221 ‐1.252 26.753

11/30/2014 2:59 6239.1 51.223 ‐1.253 26.753

11/30/2014 3:04 6244.1 51.225 ‐1.26 26.756

11/30/2014 3:09 6249.1 51.228 ‐1.267 26.759

11/30/2014 3:14 6254.1 51.222 ‐1.274 26.763

11/30/2014 3:19 6259.1 51.223 ‐1.28 26.765

11/30/2014 3:24 6264.1 51.226 ‐1.287 26.768

11/30/2014 3:29 6269.1 51.228 ‐1.294 26.771

11/30/2014 3:34 6274.1 51.228 ‐1.297 26.773

11/30/2014 3:39 6279.1 51.22 ‐1.304 26.776

11/30/2014 3:44 6284.1 51.225 ‐1.313 26.78

11/30/2014 3:49 6289.1 51.229 ‐1.315 26.78

11/30/2014 3:54 6294.1 51.222 ‐1.337 26.79

11/30/2014 3:59 6299.1 51.225 ‐1.321 26.783

11/30/2014 4:04 6304.1 51.228 ‐1.339 26.791

11/30/2014 4:09 6309.1 51.223 ‐1.339 26.791

11/30/2014 4:14 6314.1 51.224 ‐1.344 26.793

11/30/2014 4:19 6319.1 51.227 ‐1.354 26.797

11/30/2014 4:24 6324.1 51.225 ‐1.358 26.799

11/30/2014 4:29 6329.1 51.224 ‐1.366 26.802

11/30/2014 4:34 6334.1 51.225 ‐1.377 26.807

11/30/2014 4:39 6339.1 51.225 ‐1.384 26.81

11/30/2014 4:44 6344.1 51.223 ‐1.386 26.811

11/30/2014 4:49 6349.1 51.224 ‐1.407 26.82

11/30/2014 4:54 6354.1 51.225 ‐1.399 26.817

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/30/2014 4:59 6359.1 51.226 ‐1.402 26.818

11/30/2014 5:04 6364.1 51.226 ‐1.424 26.828

11/30/2014 5:09 6369.1 51.223 ‐1.413 26.823

11/30/2014 5:14 6374.1 51.225 ‐1.425 26.828

11/30/2014 5:19 6379.1 51.224 ‐1.427 26.829

11/30/2014 5:24 6384.1 51.223 ‐1.43 26.83

11/30/2014 5:29 6389.1 51.223 ‐1.437 26.833

11/30/2014 5:34 6394.1 51.223 ‐1.443 26.836

11/30/2014 5:39 6399.1 51.228 ‐1.448 26.838

11/30/2014 5:44 6404.1 51.23 ‐1.455 26.841

11/30/2014 5:49 6409.1 51.223 ‐1.458 26.842

11/30/2014 5:54 6414.1 51.224 ‐1.459 26.843

11/30/2014 5:59 6419.1 51.223 ‐1.466 26.846

11/30/2014 6:04 6424.1 51.224 ‐1.474 26.849

11/30/2014 6:09 6429.1 51.228 ‐1.495 26.858

11/30/2014 6:14 6434.1 51.222 ‐1.483 26.853

11/30/2014 6:19 6439.1 51.224 ‐1.492 26.857

11/30/2014 6:24 6444.1 51.224 ‐1.493 26.858

11/30/2014 6:29 6449.1 51.225 ‐1.511 26.865

11/30/2014 6:34 6454.1 51.227 ‐1.506 26.863

11/30/2014 6:39 6459.1 51.223 ‐1.511 26.865

11/30/2014 6:44 6464.1 51.228 ‐1.519 26.869

11/30/2014 6:49 6469.1 51.224 ‐1.525 26.871

11/30/2014 6:54 6474.1 51.224 ‐1.526 26.872

11/30/2014 6:59 6479.1 51.219 ‐1.532 26.874

11/30/2014 7:04 6484.1 51.227 ‐1.538 26.877

11/30/2014 7:09 6489.1 51.222 ‐1.536 26.876

11/30/2014 7:14 6494.1 51.224 ‐1.547 26.881

11/30/2014 7:19 6499.1 51.223 ‐1.553 26.884

11/30/2014 7:24 6504.1 51.222 ‐1.558 26.885

11/30/2014 7:29 6509.1 51.223 ‐1.562 26.887

11/30/2014 7:34 6514.1 51.226 ‐1.569 26.89

11/30/2014 7:39 6519.1 51.228 ‐1.574 26.892

11/30/2014 7:44 6524.1 51.223 ‐1.576 26.893

11/30/2014 7:49 6529.1 51.223 ‐1.581 26.896

11/30/2014 7:54 6534.1 51.223 ‐1.585 26.897

11/30/2014 7:59 6539.1 51.226 ‐1.595 26.902

11/30/2014 8:04 6544.1 51.227 ‐1.598 26.903

11/30/2014 8:09 6549.1 51.228 ‐1.6 26.904

11/30/2014 8:14 6554.1 51.223 ‐1.601 26.904

11/30/2014 8:19 6559.1 51.223 ‐1.619 26.912

11/30/2014 8:24 6564.1 51.227 ‐1.606 26.906

11/30/2014 8:29 6569.1 51.225 ‐1.603 26.905

11/30/2014 8:34 6574.1 51.221 ‐1.603 26.905

11/30/2014 8:39 6579.1 51.222 ‐1.604 26.905

11/30/2014 8:44 6584.1 51.225 ‐1.6 26.904

11/30/2014 8:49 6589.1 51.227 ‐1.6 26.904

11/30/2014 8:54 6594.1 51.222 ‐1.591 26.9

11/30/2014 8:59 6599.1 51.226 ‐1.588 26.899

11/30/2014 9:04 6604.1 51.226 ‐1.582 26.896

11/30/2014 9:09 6609.1 51.217 ‐1.566 26.889

11/30/2014 9:14 6614.1 51.226 ‐1.556 26.885

11/30/2014 9:19 6619.1 51.227 ‐1.551 26.882

11/30/2014 9:24 6624.1 51.224 ‐1.54 26.878

11/30/2014 9:29 6629.1 51.228 ‐1.525 26.871

11/30/2014 9:34 6634.1 51.228 ‐1.51 26.865

11/30/2014 9:39 6639.1 51.229 ‐1.502 26.861

11/30/2014 9:44 6644.1 51.231 ‐1.482 26.853

11/30/2014 9:49 6649.1 51.227 ‐1.471 26.848

11/30/2014 9:54 6654.1 51.222 ‐1.454 26.841

11/30/2014 9:59 6659.1 51.228 ‐1.434 26.832

11/30/2014 10:04 6664.1 51.231 ‐1.42 26.826

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/30/2014 10:09 6669.1 51.224 ‐1.416 26.824

11/30/2014 10:14 6674.1 51.226 ‐1.385 26.811

11/30/2014 10:19 6679.1 51.224 ‐1.386 26.811

11/30/2014 10:24 6684.1 51.229 ‐1.36 26.8

11/30/2014 10:29 6689.1 51.225 ‐1.332 26.788

11/30/2014 10:34 6694.1 51.228 ‐1.315 26.78

11/30/2014 10:39 6699.1 51.226 ‐1.294 26.771

11/30/2014 10:44 6704.1 51.23 ‐1.274 26.763

11/30/2014 10:49 6709.1 51.224 ‐1.255 26.754

11/30/2014 10:54 6714.1 51.223 ‐1.247 26.751

11/30/2014 10:59 6719.1 51.229 ‐1.219 26.738

11/30/2014 11:04 6724.1 51.225 ‐1.194 26.728

11/30/2014 11:09 6729.1 51.223 ‐1.178 26.721

11/30/2014 11:14 6734.1 51.226 ‐1.159 26.713

11/30/2014 11:19 6739.1 51.226 ‐1.135 26.702

11/30/2014 11:24 6744.1 51.223 ‐1.123 26.697

11/30/2014 11:29 6749.1 51.227 ‐1.103 26.688

11/30/2014 11:34 6754.1 51.233 ‐1.078 26.678

11/30/2014 11:39 6759.1 51.228 ‐1.056 26.668

11/30/2014 11:44 6764.1 51.225 ‐1.059 26.67

11/30/2014 11:49 6769.1 51.229 ‐1.022 26.653

11/30/2014 11:54 6774.1 51.227 ‐1.004 26.646

11/30/2014 11:59 6779.1 51.224 ‐1 26.644

11/30/2014 12:04 6784.1 51.227 ‐0.969 26.63

11/30/2014 12:09 6789.1 51.228 ‐0.966 26.629

11/30/2014 12:14 6794.1 51.225 ‐0.936 26.616

11/30/2014 12:19 6799.1 51.222 ‐0.918 26.609

11/30/2014 12:24 6804.1 51.223 ‐0.906 26.603

11/30/2014 12:29 6809.1 51.226 ‐0.891 26.597

11/30/2014 12:34 6814.1 51.23 ‐0.874 26.589

11/30/2014 12:39 6819.1 51.228 ‐0.867 26.586

11/30/2014 12:44 6824.1 51.222 ‐0.857 26.582

11/30/2014 12:49 6829.1 51.228 ‐0.847 26.578

11/30/2014 12:54 6834.1 51.228 ‐0.842 26.576

11/30/2014 12:59 6839.1 51.225 ‐0.834 26.572

11/30/2014 13:04 6844.1 51.226 ‐0.829 26.57

11/30/2014 13:09 6849.1 51.228 ‐0.829 26.57

11/30/2014 13:14 6854.1 51.228 ‐0.82 26.566

11/30/2014 13:19 6859.1 51.225 ‐0.818 26.565

11/30/2014 13:24 6864.1 51.221 ‐0.817 26.565

11/30/2014 13:29 6869.1 51.227 ‐0.818 26.565

11/30/2014 13:34 6874.1 51.225 ‐0.814 26.563

11/30/2014 13:39 6879.1 51.222 ‐0.814 26.563

11/30/2014 13:44 6884.1 51.223 ‐0.81 26.562

11/30/2014 13:49 6889.1 51.226 ‐0.807 26.56

11/30/2014 13:54 6894.1 51.228 ‐0.806 26.56

11/30/2014 13:59 6899.1 51.228 ‐0.803 26.559

11/30/2014 14:04 6904.1 51.229 ‐0.811 26.562

11/30/2014 14:09 6909.1 51.225 ‐0.798 26.556

11/30/2014 14:14 6914.1 51.228 ‐0.79 26.553

11/30/2014 14:19 6919.1 51.226 ‐0.779 26.548

11/30/2014 14:24 6924.1 51.227 ‐0.778 26.548

11/30/2014 14:29 6929.1 51.228 ‐0.769 26.544

11/30/2014 14:34 6934.1 51.227 ‐0.762 26.541

11/30/2014 14:39 6939.1 51.224 ‐0.753 26.537

11/30/2014 14:44 6944.1 51.229 ‐0.743 26.532

11/30/2014 14:49 6949.1 51.227 ‐0.735 26.529

11/30/2014 14:54 6954.1 51.228 ‐0.721 26.523

11/30/2014 14:59 6959.1 51.223 ‐0.714 26.52

11/30/2014 15:04 6964.1 51.222 ‐0.708 26.517

11/30/2014 15:09 6969.1 51.225 ‐0.697 26.512

11/30/2014 15:14 6974.1 51.228 ‐0.693 26.511

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/30/2014 15:19 6979.1 51.226 ‐0.684 26.507

11/30/2014 15:24 6984.1 51.228 ‐0.683 26.506

11/30/2014 15:29 6989.1 51.228 ‐0.675 26.503

11/30/2014 15:34 6994.1 51.228 ‐0.674 26.503

11/30/2014 15:39 6999.1 51.227 ‐0.671 26.502

11/30/2014 15:44 7004.1 51.225 ‐0.682 26.506

11/30/2014 15:49 7009.1 51.228 ‐0.669 26.5

11/30/2014 15:54 7014.1 51.22 ‐0.667 26.5

11/30/2014 15:59 7019.1 51.228 ‐0.662 26.497

11/30/2014 16:04 7024.1 51.228 ‐0.665 26.499

11/30/2014 16:09 7029.1 51.221 ‐0.665 26.499

11/30/2014 16:14 7034.1 51.225 ‐0.68 26.505

11/30/2014 16:19 7039.1 51.227 ‐0.68 26.505

11/30/2014 16:24 7044.1 51.222 ‐0.667 26.5

11/30/2014 16:29 7049.1 51.229 ‐0.684 26.507

11/30/2014 16:34 7054.1 51.228 ‐0.674 26.503

11/30/2014 16:39 7059.1 51.228 ‐0.676 26.503

11/30/2014 16:44 7064.1 51.226 ‐0.681 26.505

11/30/2014 16:49 7069.1 51.225 ‐0.682 26.506

11/30/2014 16:54 7074.1 51.224 ‐0.687 26.508

11/30/2014 16:59 7079.1 51.222 ‐0.694 26.511

11/30/2014 17:04 7084.1 51.23 ‐0.7 26.514

11/30/2014 17:09 7089.1 51.23 ‐0.706 26.516

11/30/2014 17:14 7094.1 51.22 ‐0.706 26.516

11/30/2014 17:19 7099.1 51.224 ‐0.715 26.52

11/30/2014 17:24 7104.1 51.221 ‐0.721 26.523

11/30/2014 17:29 7109.1 51.232 ‐0.725 26.525

11/30/2014 17:34 7114.1 51.223 ‐0.73 26.527

11/30/2014 17:39 7119.1 51.227 ‐0.733 26.528

11/30/2014 17:44 7124.1 51.222 ‐0.743 26.533

11/30/2014 17:49 7129.1 51.224 ‐0.76 26.54

11/30/2014 17:54 7134.1 51.227 ‐0.753 26.537

11/30/2014 17:59 7139.1 51.226 ‐0.756 26.538

11/30/2014 18:04 7144.1 51.228 ‐0.764 26.542

11/30/2014 18:09 7149.1 51.224 ‐0.77 26.544

11/30/2014 18:14 7154.1 51.226 ‐0.774 26.546

11/30/2014 18:19 7159.1 51.223 ‐0.779 26.548

11/30/2014 18:24 7164.1 51.226 ‐0.783 26.55

11/30/2014 18:29 7169.1 51.224 ‐0.792 26.554

11/30/2014 18:34 7174.1 51.228 ‐0.8 26.557

11/30/2014 18:39 7179.1 51.225 ‐0.807 26.56

11/30/2014 18:44 7184.1 51.22 ‐0.809 26.561

11/30/2014 18:49 7189.1 51.22 ‐0.815 26.564

11/30/2014 18:54 7194.1 51.228 ‐0.82 26.566

11/30/2014 18:59 7199.1 51.225 ‐0.828 26.569

11/30/2014 19:04 7204.1 51.224 ‐0.831 26.571

11/30/2014 19:09 7209.1 51.224 ‐0.834 26.572

11/30/2014 19:14 7214.1 51.225 ‐0.841 26.575

11/30/2014 19:19 7219.1 51.228 ‐0.852 26.58

11/30/2014 19:24 7224.1 51.225 ‐0.859 26.583

11/30/2014 19:29 7229.1 51.225 ‐0.86 26.583

11/30/2014 19:34 7234.1 51.225 ‐0.869 26.587

11/30/2014 19:39 7239.1 51.224 ‐0.874 26.589

11/30/2014 19:44 7244.1 51.228 ‐0.891 26.597

11/30/2014 19:49 7249.1 51.222 ‐0.885 26.594

11/30/2014 19:54 7254.1 51.223 ‐0.888 26.596

11/30/2014 19:59 7259.1 51.227 ‐0.911 26.605

11/30/2014 20:04 7264.1 51.224 ‐0.9 26.601

11/30/2014 20:09 7269.1 51.222 ‐0.906 26.603

11/30/2014 20:14 7274.1 51.224 ‐0.906 26.603

11/30/2014 20:19 7279.1 51.222 ‐0.93 26.613

11/30/2014 20:24 7284.1 51.222 ‐0.922 26.61

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

11/30/2014 20:29 7289.1 51.224 ‐0.931 26.614

11/30/2014 20:34 7294.1 51.232 ‐0.936 26.616

11/30/2014 20:39 7299.1 51.232 ‐0.945 26.62

11/30/2014 20:44 7304.1 51.228 ‐0.945 26.62

11/30/2014 20:49 7309.1 51.222 ‐0.949 26.622

11/30/2014 20:54 7314.1 51.222 ‐0.96 26.626

11/30/2014 20:59 7319.1 51.226 ‐0.968 26.63

11/30/2014 21:04 7324.1 51.224 ‐0.968 26.63

11/30/2014 21:09 7329.1 51.222 ‐0.978 26.634

11/30/2014 21:14 7334.1 51.224 ‐0.984 26.637

11/30/2014 21:19 7339.1 51.223 ‐0.983 26.637

11/30/2014 21:24 7344.1 51.222 ‐0.996 26.642

11/30/2014 21:29 7349.1 51.224 ‐0.997 26.643

11/30/2014 21:34 7354.1 51.229 ‐1.004 26.646

11/30/2014 21:39 7359.1 51.225 ‐1.015 26.65

11/30/2014 21:44 7364.1 51.224 ‐1.017 26.651

11/30/2014 21:49 7369.1 51.226 ‐1.028 26.656

11/30/2014 21:54 7374.1 51.223 ‐1.032 26.658

11/30/2014 21:59 7379.1 51.227 ‐1.037 26.66

11/30/2014 22:04 7384.1 51.224 ‐1.041 26.662

11/30/2014 22:09 7389.1 51.228 ‐1.046 26.664

11/30/2014 22:14 7394.1 51.222 ‐1.05 26.665

11/30/2014 22:19 7399.1 51.225 ‐1.072 26.675

11/30/2014 22:24 7404.1 51.227 ‐1.065 26.672

11/30/2014 22:29 7409.1 51.228 ‐1.068 26.673

11/30/2014 22:34 7414.1 51.227 ‐1.074 26.676

11/30/2014 22:39 7419.1 51.224 ‐1.082 26.679

11/30/2014 22:44 7424.1 51.223 ‐1.086 26.681

11/30/2014 22:49 7429.1 51.224 ‐1.091 26.683

11/30/2014 22:54 7434.1 51.222 ‐1.099 26.687

11/30/2014 22:59 7439.1 51.224 ‐1.103 26.688

11/30/2014 23:04 7444.1 51.219 ‐1.109 26.691

11/30/2014 23:09 7449.1 51.222 ‐1.116 26.694

11/30/2014 23:14 7454.1 51.226 ‐1.117 26.695

11/30/2014 23:19 7459.1 51.228 ‐1.127 26.699

11/30/2014 23:24 7464.1 51.224 ‐1.131 26.701

11/30/2014 23:29 7469.1 51.227 ‐1.153 26.71

11/30/2014 23:34 7474.1 51.225 ‐1.144 26.706

11/30/2014 23:39 7479.1 51.226 ‐1.161 26.713

11/30/2014 23:44 7484.1 51.224 ‐1.165 26.715

11/30/2014 23:49 7489.1 51.226 ‐1.156 26.712

11/30/2014 23:54 7494.1 51.227 ‐1.163 26.714

11/30/2014 23:59 7499.1 51.226 ‐1.165 26.715

12/1/2014 0:04 7504.1 51.227 ‐1.173 26.719

12/1/2014 0:09 7509.1 51.224 ‐1.177 26.721

12/1/2014 0:14 7514.1 51.226 ‐1.188 26.725

12/1/2014 0:19 7519.1 51.227 ‐1.203 26.732

12/1/2014 0:24 7524.1 51.228 ‐1.195 26.728

12/1/2014 0:29 7529.1 51.229 ‐1.199 26.73

12/1/2014 0:34 7534.1 51.228 ‐1.207 26.734

12/1/2014 0:39 7539.1 51.226 ‐1.211 26.735

12/1/2014 0:44 7544.1 51.225 ‐1.219 26.739

12/1/2014 0:49 7549.1 51.223 ‐1.222 26.74

12/1/2014 0:54 7554.1 51.226 ‐1.229 26.743

12/1/2014 0:59 7559.1 51.224 ‐1.234 26.745

12/1/2014 1:04 7564.1 51.228 ‐1.242 26.749

12/1/2014 1:09 7569.1 51.225 ‐1.247 26.751

12/1/2014 1:14 7574.1 51.228 ‐1.253 26.754

12/1/2014 1:19 7579.1 51.225 ‐1.255 26.754

12/1/2014 1:24 7584.1 51.222 ‐1.265 26.759

12/1/2014 1:29 7589.1 51.226 ‐1.268 26.76

12/1/2014 1:34 7594.1 51.222 ‐1.275 26.763

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/1/2014 1:39 7599.1 51.224 ‐1.279 26.765

12/1/2014 1:44 7604.1 51.22 ‐1.284 26.767

12/1/2014 1:49 7609.1 51.227 ‐1.285 26.767

12/1/2014 1:54 7614.1 51.228 ‐1.291 26.77

12/1/2014 1:59 7619.1 51.228 ‐1.299 26.773

12/1/2014 2:04 7624.1 51.226 ‐1.321 26.783

12/1/2014 2:09 7629.1 51.23 ‐1.305 26.776

12/1/2014 2:14 7634.1 51.227 ‐1.307 26.777

12/1/2014 2:19 7639.1 51.224 ‐1.319 26.782

12/1/2014 2:24 7644.1 51.226 ‐1.323 26.784

12/1/2014 2:29 7649.1 51.224 ‐1.339 26.791

12/1/2014 2:34 7654.1 51.226 ‐1.333 26.788

12/1/2014 2:39 7659.1 51.224 ‐1.336 26.789

12/1/2014 2:44 7664.1 51.228 ‐1.359 26.799

12/1/2014 2:49 7669.1 51.223 ‐1.349 26.795

12/1/2014 2:54 7674.1 51.222 ‐1.352 26.796

12/1/2014 2:59 7679.1 51.225 ‐1.356 26.798

12/1/2014 3:04 7684.1 51.222 ‐1.361 26.8

12/1/2014 3:09 7689.1 51.222 ‐1.367 26.803

12/1/2014 3:14 7694.1 51.225 ‐1.384 26.81

12/1/2014 3:19 7699.1 51.226 ‐1.377 26.807

12/1/2014 3:24 7704.1 51.227 ‐1.377 26.807

12/1/2014 3:29 7709.1 51.228 ‐1.383 26.81

12/1/2014 3:34 7714.1 51.223 ‐1.402 26.818

12/1/2014 3:39 7719.1 51.226 ‐1.391 26.813

12/1/2014 3:44 7724.1 51.222 ‐1.396 26.816

12/1/2014 3:49 7729.1 51.221 ‐1.402 26.818

12/1/2014 3:54 7734.1 51.222 ‐1.409 26.821

12/1/2014 3:59 7739.1 51.228 ‐1.424 26.827

12/1/2014 4:04 7744.1 51.225 ‐1.414 26.823

12/1/2014 4:09 7749.1 51.223 ‐1.434 26.832

12/1/2014 4:14 7754.1 51.222 ‐1.426 26.828

12/1/2014 4:19 7759.1 51.223 ‐1.426 26.828

12/1/2014 4:24 7764.1 51.223 ‐1.431 26.83

12/1/2014 4:29 7769.1 51.223 ‐1.437 26.833

12/1/2014 4:34 7774.1 51.222 ‐1.44 26.834

12/1/2014 4:39 7779.1 51.225 ‐1.447 26.837

12/1/2014 4:44 7784.1 51.224 ‐1.45 26.839

12/1/2014 4:49 7789.1 51.225 ‐1.46 26.843

12/1/2014 4:54 7794.1 51.228 ‐1.459 26.842

12/1/2014 4:59 7799.1 51.225 ‐1.463 26.844

12/1/2014 5:04 7804.1 51.226 ‐1.47 26.848

12/1/2014 5:09 7809.1 51.221 ‐1.473 26.849

12/1/2014 5:14 7814.1 51.228 ‐1.474 26.849

12/1/2014 5:19 7819.1 51.233 ‐1.48 26.852

12/1/2014 5:24 7824.1 51.228 ‐1.487 26.855

12/1/2014 5:29 7829.1 51.227 ‐1.491 26.857

12/1/2014 5:34 7834.1 51.225 ‐1.493 26.857

12/1/2014 5:39 7839.1 51.227 ‐1.509 26.864

12/1/2014 5:44 7844.1 51.217 ‐1.5 26.86

12/1/2014 5:49 7849.1 51.224 ‐1.518 26.868

12/1/2014 5:54 7854.1 51.221 ‐1.506 26.863

12/1/2014 5:59 7859.1 51.223 ‐1.51 26.865

12/1/2014 6:04 7864.1 51.225 ‐1.518 26.868

12/1/2014 6:09 7869.1 51.224 ‐1.518 26.868

12/1/2014 6:14 7874.1 51.226 ‐1.526 26.872

12/1/2014 6:19 7879.1 51.227 ‐1.525 26.871

12/1/2014 6:24 7884.1 51.226 ‐1.532 26.874

12/1/2014 6:29 7889.1 51.223 ‐1.538 26.877

12/1/2014 6:34 7894.1 51.226 ‐1.539 26.877

12/1/2014 6:39 7899.1 51.228 ‐1.545 26.88

12/1/2014 6:44 7904.1 51.224 ‐1.544 26.88

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/1/2014 6:49 7909.1 51.22 ‐1.547 26.881

12/1/2014 6:54 7914.1 51.224 ‐1.551 26.882

12/1/2014 6:59 7919.1 51.223 ‐1.55 26.882

12/1/2014 7:04 7924.1 51.227 ‐1.55 26.882

12/1/2014 7:09 7929.1 51.224 ‐1.548 26.881

12/1/2014 7:14 7934.1 51.231 ‐1.549 26.882

12/1/2014 7:19 7939.1 51.224 ‐1.542 26.879

12/1/2014 7:24 7944.1 51.224 ‐1.544 26.88

12/1/2014 7:29 7949.1 51.225 ‐1.557 26.885

12/1/2014 7:34 7954.1 51.225 ‐1.535 26.876

12/1/2014 7:39 7959.1 51.228 ‐1.531 26.874

12/1/2014 7:44 7964.1 51.227 ‐1.519 26.869

12/1/2014 7:49 7969.1 51.226 ‐1.505 26.863

12/1/2014 7:54 7974.1 51.227 ‐1.499 26.86

12/1/2014 7:59 7979.1 51.229 ‐1.49 26.856

12/1/2014 8:04 7984.1 51.223 ‐1.478 26.851

12/1/2014 8:09 7989.1 51.225 ‐1.461 26.843

12/1/2014 8:14 7994.1 51.229 ‐1.446 26.837

12/1/2014 8:19 7999.1 51.229 ‐1.449 26.838

12/1/2014 8:24 8004.1 51.227 ‐1.415 26.824

12/1/2014 8:29 8009.1 51.23 ‐1.399 26.817

12/1/2014 8:34 8014.1 51.228 ‐1.383 26.81

12/1/2014 8:39 8019.1 51.22 ‐1.365 26.802

12/1/2014 8:44 8024.1 51.222 ‐1.36 26.8

12/1/2014 8:49 8029.1 51.223 ‐1.345 26.793

12/1/2014 8:54 8034.1 51.226 ‐1.311 26.779

12/1/2014 8:59 8039.1 51.222 ‐1.294 26.771

12/1/2014 9:04 8044.1 51.223 ‐1.274 26.763

12/1/2014 9:09 8049.1 51.225 ‐1.252 26.753

12/1/2014 9:14 8054.1 51.228 ‐1.229 26.743

12/1/2014 9:19 8059.1 51.228 ‐1.228 26.743

12/1/2014 9:24 8064.1 51.23 ‐1.191 26.727

12/1/2014 9:29 8069.1 51.228 ‐1.175 26.72

12/1/2014 9:34 8074.1 51.225 ‐1.152 26.71

12/1/2014 9:39 8079.1 51.225 ‐1.145 26.707

12/1/2014 9:44 8084.1 51.222 ‐1.111 26.692

12/1/2014 9:49 8089.1 51.226 ‐1.093 26.684

12/1/2014 9:54 8094.1 51.226 ‐1.067 26.673

12/1/2014 9:59 8099.1 51.222 ‐1.049 26.665

12/1/2014 10:04 8104.1 51.224 ‐1.031 26.657

12/1/2014 10:09 8109.1 51.221 ‐1.011 26.649

12/1/2014 10:14 8114.1 51.226 ‐0.987 26.638

12/1/2014 10:19 8119.1 51.228 ‐0.984 26.637

12/1/2014 10:24 8124.1 51.221 ‐0.946 26.621

12/1/2014 10:29 8129.1 51.218 ‐0.925 26.611

12/1/2014 10:34 8134.1 51.224 ‐0.909 26.604

12/1/2014 10:39 8139.1 51.222 ‐0.89 26.596

12/1/2014 10:44 8144.1 51.228 ‐0.866 26.586

12/1/2014 10:49 8149.1 51.224 ‐0.866 26.586

12/1/2014 10:54 8154.1 51.224 ‐0.831 26.571

12/1/2014 10:59 8159.1 51.226 ‐0.807 26.56

12/1/2014 11:04 8164.1 51.221 ‐0.79 26.553

12/1/2014 11:09 8169.1 51.22 ‐0.765 26.542

12/1/2014 11:14 8174.1 51.22 ‐0.75 26.536

12/1/2014 11:19 8179.1 51.22 ‐0.732 26.528

12/1/2014 11:24 8184.1 51.225 ‐0.722 26.523

12/1/2014 11:29 8189.1 51.228 ‐0.691 26.51

12/1/2014 11:34 8194.1 51.228 ‐0.671 26.502

12/1/2014 11:39 8199.1 51.225 ‐0.665 26.499

12/1/2014 11:44 8204.1 51.227 ‐0.634 26.486

12/1/2014 11:49 8209.1 51.226 ‐0.613 26.476

12/1/2014 11:54 8214.1 51.218 ‐0.598 26.47

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/1/2014 11:59 8219.1 51.227 ‐0.579 26.462

12/1/2014 12:04 8224.1 51.223 ‐0.556 26.452

12/1/2014 12:09 8229.1 51.227 ‐0.541 26.445

12/1/2014 12:14 8234.1 51.226 ‐0.523 26.437

12/1/2014 12:19 8239.1 51.228 ‐0.507 26.431

12/1/2014 12:24 8244.1 51.224 ‐0.489 26.422

12/1/2014 12:29 8249.1 51.226 ‐0.473 26.416

12/1/2014 12:34 8254.1 51.229 ‐0.461 26.411

12/1/2014 12:39 8259.1 51.226 ‐0.447 26.404

12/1/2014 12:44 8264.1 51.225 ‐0.449 26.405

12/1/2014 12:49 8269.1 51.227 ‐0.42 26.393

12/1/2014 12:54 8274.1 51.222 ‐0.414 26.39

12/1/2014 12:59 8279.1 51.229 ‐0.404 26.386

12/1/2014 13:04 8284.1 51.223 ‐0.396 26.382

12/1/2014 13:09 8289.1 51.22 ‐0.392 26.381

12/1/2014 13:14 8294.1 51.222 ‐0.389 26.379

12/1/2014 13:19 8299.1 51.224 ‐0.384 26.377

12/1/2014 13:24 8304.1 51.224 ‐0.381 26.376

12/1/2014 13:29 8309.1 51.228 ‐0.376 26.374

12/1/2014 13:34 8314.1 51.228 ‐0.38 26.375

12/1/2014 13:39 8319.1 51.228 ‐0.382 26.376

12/1/2014 13:44 8324.1 51.227 ‐0.381 26.376

12/1/2014 13:49 8329.1 51.223 ‐0.382 26.376

12/1/2014 13:54 8334.1 51.223 ‐0.387 26.378

12/1/2014 13:59 8339.1 51.226 ‐0.392 26.38

12/1/2014 14:04 8344.1 51.224 ‐0.397 26.383

12/1/2014 14:09 8349.1 51.227 ‐0.403 26.385

12/1/2014 14:14 8354.1 51.227 ‐0.406 26.386

12/1/2014 14:19 8359.1 51.224 ‐0.41 26.388

12/1/2014 14:24 8364.1 51.228 ‐0.418 26.392

12/1/2014 14:29 8369.1 51.222 ‐0.435 26.399

12/1/2014 14:34 8374.1 51.225 ‐0.435 26.399

12/1/2014 14:39 8379.1 51.228 ‐0.44 26.401

12/1/2014 14:44 8384.1 51.228 ‐0.46 26.41

12/1/2014 14:49 8389.1 51.226 ‐0.454 26.408

12/1/2014 14:54 8394.1 51.23 ‐0.461 26.411

12/1/2014 14:59 8399.1 51.22 ‐0.463 26.411

12/1/2014 15:04 8404.1 51.222 ‐0.47 26.414

12/1/2014 15:09 8409.1 51.224 ‐0.486 26.421

12/1/2014 15:14 8414.1 51.227 ‐0.48 26.419

12/1/2014 15:19 8419.1 51.229 ‐0.482 26.419

12/1/2014 15:24 8424.1 51.224 ‐0.485 26.421

12/1/2014 15:29 8429.1 51.222 ‐0.484 26.421

12/1/2014 15:34 8434.1 51.225 ‐0.48 26.419

12/1/2014 15:39 8439.1 51.227 ‐0.48 26.419

12/1/2014 15:44 8444.1 51.219 ‐0.477 26.417

12/1/2014 15:49 8449.1 51.227 ‐0.473 26.415

12/1/2014 15:54 8454.1 51.224 ‐0.465 26.412

12/1/2014 15:59 8459.1 51.225 ‐0.474 26.416

12/1/2014 16:04 8464.1 51.226 ‐0.453 26.407

12/1/2014 16:09 8469.1 51.225 ‐0.441 26.402

12/1/2014 16:14 8474.1 51.224 ‐0.431 26.397

12/1/2014 16:19 8479.1 51.222 ‐0.423 26.394

12/1/2014 16:24 8484.1 51.223 ‐0.425 26.395

12/1/2014 16:29 8489.1 51.225 ‐0.401 26.384

12/1/2014 16:34 8494.1 51.226 ‐0.389 26.379

12/1/2014 16:39 8499.1 51.224 ‐0.38 26.375

12/1/2014 16:44 8504.1 51.225 ‐0.375 26.373

12/1/2014 16:49 8509.1 51.227 ‐0.368 26.37

12/1/2014 16:54 8514.1 51.225 ‐0.361 26.367

12/1/2014 16:59 8519.1 51.228 ‐0.352 26.363

12/1/2014 17:04 8524.1 51.222 ‐0.348 26.361

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/1/2014 17:09 8529.1 51.223 ‐0.362 26.368

12/1/2014 17:14 8534.1 51.227 ‐0.343 26.359

12/1/2014 17:19 8539.1 51.228 ‐0.339 26.358

12/1/2014 17:24 8544.1 51.224 ‐0.341 26.358

12/1/2014 17:29 8549.1 51.226 ‐0.342 26.359

12/1/2014 17:34 8554.1 51.217 ‐0.343 26.359

12/1/2014 17:39 8559.1 51.224 ‐0.343 26.359

12/1/2014 17:44 8564.1 51.226 ‐0.349 26.362

12/1/2014 17:49 8569.1 51.227 ‐0.348 26.361

12/1/2014 17:54 8574.1 51.233 ‐0.353 26.364

12/1/2014 17:59 8579.1 51.228 ‐0.356 26.365

12/1/2014 18:04 8584.1 51.227 ‐0.361 26.367

12/1/2014 18:09 8589.1 51.227 ‐0.382 26.376

12/1/2014 18:14 8594.1 51.225 ‐0.373 26.372

12/1/2014 18:19 8599.1 51.224 ‐0.377 26.374

12/1/2014 18:24 8604.1 51.225 ‐0.382 26.376

12/1/2014 18:29 8609.1 51.221 ‐0.387 26.378

12/1/2014 18:34 8614.1 51.223 ‐0.396 26.382

12/1/2014 18:39 8619.1 51.223 ‐0.403 26.385

12/1/2014 18:44 8624.1 51.226 ‐0.424 26.394

12/1/2014 18:49 8629.1 51.224 ‐0.416 26.391

12/1/2014 18:54 8634.1 51.224 ‐0.42 26.393

12/1/2014 18:59 8639.1 51.222 ‐0.428 26.396

12/1/2014 19:04 8644.1 51.222 ‐0.451 26.406

12/1/2014 19:09 8649.1 51.225 ‐0.454 26.407

12/1/2014 19:14 8654.1 51.225 ‐0.447 26.405

12/1/2014 19:19 8659.1 51.228 ‐0.453 26.407

12/1/2014 19:24 8664.1 51.222 ‐0.459 26.41

12/1/2014 19:29 8669.1 51.225 ‐0.471 26.415

12/1/2014 19:34 8674.1 51.225 ‐0.478 26.418

12/1/2014 19:39 8679.1 51.228 ‐0.484 26.42

12/1/2014 19:44 8684.1 51.223 ‐0.491 26.424

12/1/2014 19:49 8689.1 51.227 ‐0.497 26.426

12/1/2014 19:54 8694.1 51.223 ‐0.505 26.429

12/1/2014 19:59 8699.1 51.227 ‐0.516 26.434

12/1/2014 20:04 8704.1 51.222 ‐0.522 26.437

12/1/2014 20:09 8709.1 51.223 ‐0.526 26.438

12/1/2014 20:14 8714.1 51.227 ‐0.547 26.447

12/1/2014 20:19 8719.1 51.225 ‐0.555 26.451

12/1/2014 20:24 8724.1 51.224 ‐0.545 26.447

12/1/2014 20:29 8729.1 51.225 ‐0.555 26.451

12/1/2014 20:34 8734.1 51.228 ‐0.577 26.46

12/1/2014 20:39 8739.1 51.225 ‐0.567 26.456

12/1/2014 20:44 8744.1 51.219 ‐0.575 26.46

12/1/2014 20:49 8749.1 51.225 ‐0.581 26.462

12/1/2014 20:54 8754.1 51.224 ‐0.585 26.464

12/1/2014 20:59 8759.1 51.224 ‐0.599 26.47

12/1/2014 21:04 8764.1 51.226 ‐0.607 26.474

12/1/2014 21:09 8769.1 51.222 ‐0.627 26.482

12/1/2014 21:14 8774.1 51.222 ‐0.617 26.478

12/1/2014 21:19 8779.1 51.227 ‐0.625 26.481

12/1/2014 21:24 8784.1 51.228 ‐0.647 26.491

12/1/2014 21:29 8789.1 51.226 ‐0.639 26.487

12/1/2014 21:34 8794.1 51.224 ‐0.65 26.492

12/1/2014 21:39 8799.1 51.227 ‐0.654 26.494

12/1/2014 21:44 8804.1 51.222 ‐0.666 26.499

12/1/2014 21:49 8809.1 51.223 ‐0.666 26.499

12/1/2014 21:54 8814.1 51.225 ‐0.685 26.507

12/1/2014 21:59 8819.1 51.222 ‐0.683 26.506

12/1/2014 22:04 8824.1 51.228 ‐0.691 26.51

12/1/2014 22:09 8829.1 51.222 ‐0.695 26.512

12/1/2014 22:14 8834.1 51.223 ‐0.705 26.516

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/1/2014 22:19 8839.1 51.228 ‐0.712 26.519

12/1/2014 22:24 8844.1 51.222 ‐0.72 26.523

12/1/2014 22:29 8849.1 51.223 ‐0.727 26.526

12/1/2014 22:34 8854.1 51.222 ‐0.732 26.528

12/1/2014 22:39 8859.1 51.227 ‐0.737 26.53

12/1/2014 22:44 8864.1 51.223 ‐0.747 26.534

12/1/2014 22:49 8869.1 51.223 ‐0.753 26.537

12/1/2014 22:54 8874.1 51.227 ‐0.759 26.54

12/1/2014 22:59 8879.1 51.225 ‐0.77 26.544

12/1/2014 23:04 8884.1 51.221 ‐0.773 26.546

12/1/2014 23:09 8889.1 51.223 ‐0.781 26.549

12/1/2014 23:14 8894.1 51.226 ‐0.791 26.553

12/1/2014 23:19 8899.1 51.225 ‐0.796 26.556

12/1/2014 23:24 8904.1 51.222 ‐0.808 26.561

12/1/2014 23:29 8909.1 51.219 ‐0.829 26.57

12/1/2014 23:34 8914.1 51.22 ‐0.822 26.567

12/1/2014 23:39 8919.1 51.231 ‐0.828 26.569

12/1/2014 23:44 8924.1 51.226 ‐0.853 26.58

12/1/2014 23:49 8929.1 51.224 ‐0.843 26.576

12/1/2014 23:54 8934.1 51.217 ‐0.854 26.58

12/1/2014 23:59 8939.1 51.228 ‐0.86 26.583

12/2/2014 0:04 8944.1 51.224 ‐0.864 26.585

12/2/2014 0:09 8949.1 51.222 ‐0.876 26.59

12/2/2014 0:14 8954.1 51.219 ‐0.882 26.593

12/2/2014 0:19 8959.1 51.222 ‐0.903 26.602

12/2/2014 0:24 8964.1 51.227 ‐0.899 26.6

12/2/2014 0:29 8969.1 51.226 ‐0.907 26.603

12/2/2014 0:34 8974.1 51.223 ‐0.912 26.606

12/2/2014 0:39 8979.1 51.225 ‐0.918 26.608

12/2/2014 0:44 8984.1 51.226 ‐0.93 26.613

12/2/2014 0:49 8989.1 51.222 ‐0.931 26.614

12/2/2014 0:54 8994.1 51.22 ‐0.941 26.618

12/2/2014 0:59 8999.1 51.228 ‐0.95 26.622

12/2/2014 1:04 9004.1 51.223 ‐0.973 26.632

12/2/2014 1:09 9009.1 51.222 ‐0.977 26.634

12/2/2014 1:14 9014.1 51.223 ‐0.969 26.63

12/2/2014 1:19 9019.1 51.225 ‐0.978 26.634

12/2/2014 1:24 9024.1 51.224 ‐0.998 26.643

12/2/2014 1:29 9029.1 51.223 ‐0.991 26.64

12/2/2014 1:34 9034.1 51.226 ‐1.012 26.649

12/2/2014 1:39 9039.1 51.225 ‐1.006 26.647

12/2/2014 1:44 9044.1 51.224 ‐1.014 26.65

12/2/2014 1:49 9049.1 51.224 ‐1.019 26.652

12/2/2014 1:54 9054.1 51.228 ‐1.041 26.662

12/2/2014 1:59 9059.1 51.226 ‐1.033 26.658

12/2/2014 2:04 9064.1 51.227 ‐1.038 26.66

12/2/2014 2:09 9069.1 51.228 ‐1.048 26.665

12/2/2014 2:14 9074.1 51.226 ‐1.068 26.673

12/2/2014 2:19 9079.1 51.23 ‐1.058 26.669

12/2/2014 2:24 9084.1 51.224 ‐1.068 26.673

12/2/2014 2:29 9089.1 51.223 ‐1.074 26.676

12/2/2014 2:34 9094.1 51.226 ‐1.083 26.68

12/2/2014 2:39 9099.1 51.224 ‐1.084 26.68

12/2/2014 2:44 9104.1 51.228 ‐1.093 26.684

12/2/2014 2:49 9109.1 51.226 ‐1.115 26.693

12/2/2014 2:54 9114.1 51.228 ‐1.106 26.69

12/2/2014 2:59 9119.1 51.228 ‐1.112 26.692

12/2/2014 3:04 9124.1 51.222 ‐1.123 26.697

12/2/2014 3:09 9129.1 51.222 ‐1.124 26.698

12/2/2014 3:14 9134.1 51.225 ‐1.132 26.701

12/2/2014 3:19 9139.1 51.226 ‐1.135 26.702

12/2/2014 3:24 9144.1 51.223 ‐1.145 26.707

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/2/2014 3:29 9149.1 51.221 ‐1.149 26.708

12/2/2014 3:34 9154.1 51.225 ‐1.153 26.71

12/2/2014 3:39 9159.1 51.22 ‐1.162 26.714

12/2/2014 3:44 9164.1 51.227 ‐1.169 26.717

12/2/2014 3:49 9169.1 51.226 ‐1.174 26.719

12/2/2014 3:54 9174.1 51.225 ‐1.184 26.723

12/2/2014 3:59 9179.1 51.226 ‐1.188 26.725

12/2/2014 4:04 9184.1 51.229 ‐1.194 26.728

12/2/2014 4:09 9189.1 51.223 ‐1.2 26.731

12/2/2014 4:14 9194.1 51.222 ‐1.206 26.733

12/2/2014 4:19 9199.1 51.228 ‐1.214 26.737

12/2/2014 4:24 9204.1 51.228 ‐1.235 26.746

12/2/2014 4:29 9209.1 51.227 ‐1.225 26.741

12/2/2014 4:34 9214.1 51.225 ‐1.228 26.742

12/2/2014 4:39 9219.1 51.224 ‐1.237 26.746

12/2/2014 4:44 9224.1 51.222 ‐1.243 26.749

12/2/2014 4:49 9229.1 51.218 ‐1.248 26.751

12/2/2014 4:54 9234.1 51.225 ‐1.257 26.755

12/2/2014 4:59 9239.1 51.217 ‐1.263 26.758

12/2/2014 5:04 9244.1 51.223 ‐1.265 26.759

12/2/2014 5:09 9249.1 51.231 ‐1.276 26.763

12/2/2014 5:14 9254.1 51.227 ‐1.278 26.764

12/2/2014 5:19 9259.1 51.226 ‐1.299 26.773

12/2/2014 5:24 9264.1 51.226 ‐1.292 26.77

12/2/2014 5:29 9269.1 51.225 ‐1.295 26.772

12/2/2014 5:34 9274.1 51.224 ‐1.299 26.773

12/2/2014 5:39 9279.1 51.224 ‐1.309 26.778

12/2/2014 5:44 9284.1 51.225 ‐1.314 26.78

12/2/2014 5:49 9289.1 51.223 ‐1.322 26.783

12/2/2014 5:54 9294.1 51.222 ‐1.343 26.792

12/2/2014 5:59 9299.1 51.221 ‐1.332 26.788

12/2/2014 6:04 9304.1 51.227 ‐1.339 26.791

12/2/2014 6:09 9309.1 51.223 ‐1.345 26.793

12/2/2014 6:14 9314.1 51.227 ‐1.357 26.798

12/2/2014 6:19 9319.1 51.226 ‐1.351 26.796

12/2/2014 6:24 9324.1 51.221 ‐1.357 26.799

12/2/2014 6:29 9329.1 51.223 ‐1.365 26.802

12/2/2014 6:34 9334.1 51.222 ‐1.369 26.804

12/2/2014 6:39 9339.1 51.226 ‐1.372 26.805

12/2/2014 6:44 9344.1 51.22 ‐1.379 26.808

12/2/2014 6:49 9349.1 51.222 ‐1.382 26.809

12/2/2014 6:54 9354.1 51.222 ‐1.384 26.81

12/2/2014 6:59 9359.1 51.223 ‐1.387 26.812

12/2/2014 7:04 9364.1 51.223 ‐1.386 26.811

12/2/2014 7:09 9369.1 51.229 ‐1.402 26.818

12/2/2014 7:14 9374.1 51.222 ‐1.39 26.813

12/2/2014 7:19 9379.1 51.224 ‐1.386 26.811

12/2/2014 7:24 9384.1 51.218 ‐1.384 26.81

12/2/2014 7:29 9389.1 51.224 ‐1.38 26.809

12/2/2014 7:34 9394.1 51.227 ‐1.371 26.804

12/2/2014 7:39 9399.1 51.224 ‐1.366 26.802

12/2/2014 7:44 9404.1 51.223 ‐1.359 26.799

12/2/2014 7:49 9409.1 51.222 ‐1.35 26.795

12/2/2014 7:54 9414.1 51.227 ‐1.338 26.79

12/2/2014 7:59 9419.1 51.222 ‐1.322 26.783

12/2/2014 8:04 9424.1 51.223 ‐1.307 26.777

12/2/2014 8:09 9429.1 51.222 ‐1.294 26.771

12/2/2014 8:14 9434.1 51.225 ‐1.284 26.767

12/2/2014 8:19 9439.1 51.224 ‐1.268 26.76

12/2/2014 8:24 9444.1 51.227 ‐1.25 26.752

12/2/2014 8:29 9449.1 51.228 ‐1.235 26.746

12/2/2014 8:34 9454.1 51.221 ‐1.215 26.737

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/2/2014 8:39 9459.1 51.226 ‐1.205 26.732

12/2/2014 8:44 9464.1 51.225 ‐1.186 26.725

12/2/2014 8:49 9469.1 51.227 ‐1.169 26.717

12/2/2014 8:54 9474.1 51.222 ‐1.165 26.715

12/2/2014 8:59 9479.1 51.227 ‐1.136 26.703

12/2/2014 9:04 9484.1 51.225 ‐1.115 26.694

12/2/2014 9:09 9489.1 51.225 ‐1.096 26.685

12/2/2014 9:14 9494.1 51.225 ‐1.094 26.685

12/2/2014 9:19 9499.1 51.228 ‐1.063 26.671

12/2/2014 9:24 9504.1 51.228 ‐1.058 26.669

12/2/2014 9:29 9509.1 51.228 ‐1.023 26.654

12/2/2014 9:34 9514.1 51.223 ‐1.02 26.652

12/2/2014 9:39 9519.1 51.231 ‐0.994 26.641

12/2/2014 9:44 9524.1 51.228 ‐0.978 26.634

12/2/2014 9:49 9529.1 51.222 ‐0.956 26.625

12/2/2014 9:54 9534.1 51.228 ‐0.951 26.623

12/2/2014 9:59 9539.1 51.222 ‐0.921 26.61

12/2/2014 10:04 9544.1 51.223 ‐0.901 26.601

12/2/2014 10:09 9549.1 51.228 ‐0.885 26.594

12/2/2014 10:14 9554.1 51.222 ‐0.869 26.587

12/2/2014 10:19 9559.1 51.225 ‐0.85 26.579

12/2/2014 10:24 9564.1 51.226 ‐0.843 26.576

12/2/2014 10:29 9569.1 51.228 ‐0.815 26.564

12/2/2014 10:34 9574.1 51.224 ‐0.794 26.555

12/2/2014 10:39 9579.1 51.226 ‐0.779 26.548

12/2/2014 10:44 9584.1 51.226 ‐0.761 26.54

12/2/2014 10:49 9589.1 51.228 ‐0.742 26.532

12/2/2014 10:54 9594.1 51.223 ‐0.725 26.525

12/2/2014 10:59 9599.1 51.222 ‐0.709 26.518

12/2/2014 11:04 9604.1 51.228 ‐0.707 26.517

12/2/2014 11:09 9609.1 51.225 ‐0.676 26.503

12/2/2014 11:14 9614.1 51.222 ‐0.659 26.496

12/2/2014 11:19 9619.1 51.226 ‐0.639 26.488

12/2/2014 11:24 9624.1 51.225 ‐0.624 26.481

12/2/2014 11:29 9629.1 51.226 ‐0.606 26.473

12/2/2014 11:34 9634.1 51.229 ‐0.59 26.466

12/2/2014 11:39 9639.1 51.225 ‐0.594 26.468

12/2/2014 11:44 9644.1 51.228 ‐0.551 26.45

12/2/2014 11:49 9649.1 51.223 ‐0.543 26.446

12/2/2014 11:54 9654.1 51.225 ‐0.512 26.433

12/2/2014 11:59 9659.1 51.225 ‐0.513 26.433

12/2/2014 12:04 9664.1 51.223 ‐0.508 26.431

12/2/2014 12:09 9669.1 51.226 ‐0.507 26.43

12/2/2014 12:14 9674.1 51.227 ‐0.509 26.431

12/2/2014 12:19 9679.1 51.223 ‐0.496 26.426

12/2/2014 12:24 9684.1 51.226 ‐0.502 26.428

12/2/2014 12:29 9689.1 51.225 ‐0.486 26.421

12/2/2014 12:34 9694.1 51.227 ‐0.482 26.42

12/2/2014 12:39 9699.1 51.226 ‐0.481 26.419

12/2/2014 12:44 9704.1 51.224 ‐0.477 26.417

12/2/2014 12:49 9709.1 51.224 ‐0.473 26.415

12/2/2014 12:54 9714.1 51.222 ‐0.472 26.415

12/2/2014 12:59 9719.1 51.226 ‐0.469 26.414

12/2/2014 13:04 9724.1 51.222 ‐0.47 26.415

12/2/2014 13:09 9729.1 51.225 ‐0.469 26.414

12/2/2014 13:14 9734.1 51.222 ‐0.473 26.416

12/2/2014 13:19 9739.1 51.219 ‐0.474 26.416

12/2/2014 13:24 9744.1 51.224 ‐0.477 26.417

12/2/2014 13:29 9749.1 51.226 ‐0.478 26.418

12/2/2014 13:34 9754.1 51.225 ‐0.48 26.418

12/2/2014 13:39 9759.1 51.225 ‐0.483 26.42

12/2/2014 13:44 9764.1 51.226 ‐0.486 26.421

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/2/2014 13:49 9769.1 51.225 ‐0.505 26.43

12/2/2014 13:54 9774.1 51.228 ‐0.494 26.425

12/2/2014 13:59 9779.1 51.227 ‐0.499 26.427

12/2/2014 14:04 9784.1 51.227 ‐0.505 26.43

12/2/2014 14:09 9789.1 51.22 ‐0.51 26.432

12/2/2014 14:14 9794.1 51.223 ‐0.532 26.441

12/2/2014 14:19 9799.1 51.225 ‐0.524 26.438

12/2/2014 14:24 9804.1 51.222 ‐0.543 26.446

12/2/2014 14:29 9809.1 51.222 ‐0.366 26.369

12/2/2014 14:34 9814.1 51.222 ‐0.434 26.399

12/2/2014 14:39 9819.1 51.23 ‐0.519 26.435

12/2/2014 14:44 9824.1 51.254 2.367 25.186

12/2/2014 14:49 9829.1 51.197 0.402 26.037

12/2/2014 14:54 9834.1 51.27 17.988 18.42

12/2/2014 14:59 9839.1 51.205 0.411 26.033

12/2/2014 15:04 9844.1 51.222 0.09 26.172

12/2/2014 15:09 9849.1 51.295 7.635 22.904

12/2/2014 15:14 9854.1 51.215 0.274 26.092

12/2/2014 15:19 9859.1 51.225 0.019 26.202

12/2/2014 15:24 9864.1 51.233 ‐0.092 26.251

12/2/2014 15:29 9869.1 51.233 ‐0.179 26.288

12/2/2014 15:34 9874.1 51.229 3.961 24.495

12/2/2014 15:39 9879.1 51.212 0.784 25.871

12/2/2014 15:44 9884.1 51.22 0.263 26.097

12/2/2014 15:49 9889.1 51.23 0.077 26.177

12/2/2014 15:54 9894.1 51.233 ‐0.018 26.219

12/2/2014 15:59 9899.1 51.236 ‐0.089 26.249

12/2/2014 16:04 9904.1 51.233 ‐0.146 26.274

12/2/2014 16:09 9909.1 51.239 ‐0.165 26.282

12/2/2014 16:14 9914.1 51.241 ‐0.188 26.292

12/2/2014 16:19 9919.1 51.244 ‐0.22 26.306

12/2/2014 16:24 9924.1 51.249 ‐0.218 26.305

12/2/2014 16:29 9929.1 51.244 ‐0.246 26.317

12/2/2014 16:34 9934.1 51.248 ‐0.239 26.314

12/2/2014 16:39 9939.1 51.246 ‐0.247 26.318

12/2/2014 16:44 9944.1 51.244 ‐0.256 26.322

12/2/2014 16:49 9949.1 51.245 ‐0.266 26.326

12/2/2014 16:54 9954.1 51.236 ‐0.287 26.335

12/2/2014 16:59 9959.1 51.244 ‐0.293 26.338

12/2/2014 17:04 9964.1 51.238 ‐0.286 26.334

12/2/2014 17:09 9969.1 51.243 ‐0.309 26.345

12/2/2014 17:14 9974.1 51.238 ‐0.32 26.35

12/2/2014 17:19 9979.1 51.244 ‐0.314 26.347

12/2/2014 17:24 9984.1 51.244 ‐0.325 26.352

12/2/2014 17:29 9989.1 51.236 ‐0.346 26.361

12/2/2014 17:34 9994.1 51.244 ‐0.343 26.359

12/2/2014 17:39 9999.1 51.238 ‐0.35 26.362

12/2/2014 17:44 10004.1 51.238 ‐0.374 26.373

12/2/2014 17:49 10009.1 51.238 ‐0.371 26.372

12/2/2014 17:54 10014.1 51.24 ‐0.395 26.382

12/2/2014 17:59 10019.1 51.237 ‐0.395 26.382

12/2/2014 18:04 10024.1 51.292 12.083 20.978

12/2/2014 18:09 10029.1 51.297 13.233 20.48

12/2/2014 18:14 10034.1 51.297 13.883 20.198

12/2/2014 18:19 10039.1 51.286 14.34 20

12/2/2014 18:24 10044.1 51.281 14.704 19.842

12/2/2014 18:29 10049.1 51.28 14.998 19.715

12/2/2014 18:34 10054.1 51.273 15.249 19.607

12/2/2014 18:39 10059.1 51.27 15.465 19.513

12/2/2014 18:44 10064.1 51.268 15.656 19.43

12/2/2014 18:49 10069.1 51.27 15.823 19.358

12/2/2014 18:54 10074.1 51.261 15.982 19.289

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/2/2014 18:59 10079.1 51.264 16.114 19.232

12/2/2014 19:04 10084.1 51.261 16.218 19.187

12/2/2014 19:09 10089.1 51.259 16.328 19.139

12/2/2014 19:14 10094.1 51.26 16.426 19.097

12/2/2014 19:19 10099.1 51.261 16.52 19.056

12/2/2014 19:24 10104.1 51.265 16.559 19.039

12/2/2014 19:29 10109.1 51.264 16.65 19

12/2/2014 19:34 10114.1 51.26 16.862 18.908

12/2/2014 19:39 10119.1 51.258 16.896 18.893

12/2/2014 19:44 10124.1 51.257 16.97 18.861

12/2/2014 19:49 10129.1 51.251 17.042 18.83

12/2/2014 19:54 10134.1 51.255 17.083 18.812

12/2/2014 19:59 10139.1 51.254 17.167 18.776

12/2/2014 20:04 10144.1 51.276 22.547 16.446

12/2/2014 20:09 10149.1 51.283 23.124 16.196

12/2/2014 20:14 10154.1 51.277 23.433 16.062

12/2/2014 20:19 10159.1 51.276 23.662 15.963

12/2/2014 20:24 10164.1 51.275 23.885 15.866

12/2/2014 20:29 10169.1 51.268 24.092 15.777

12/2/2014 20:34 10174.1 51.265 24.255 15.706

12/2/2014 20:39 10179.1 51.264 24.352 15.664

12/2/2014 20:44 10184.1 51.26 24.513 15.594

12/2/2014 20:49 10189.1 51.26 24.711 15.509

12/2/2014 20:54 10194.1 51.258 24.825 15.459

12/2/2014 20:59 10199.1 51.26 24.886 15.433

12/2/2014 21:04 10204.1 51.249 24.94 15.409

12/2/2014 21:09 10209.1 51.254 24.983 15.391

12/2/2014 21:14 10214.1 51.25 25.045 15.364

12/2/2014 21:19 10219.1 51.254 25.061 15.357

12/2/2014 21:24 10224.1 51.254 24.998 15.384

12/2/2014 21:29 10229.1 51.252 25.012 15.378

12/2/2014 21:34 10234.1 51.244 25.283 15.261

12/2/2014 21:39 10239.1 51.249 25.353 15.23

12/2/2014 21:44 10244.1 51.256 25.471 15.18

12/2/2014 21:49 10249.1 51.249 25.578 15.133

12/2/2014 21:54 10254.1 51.245 25.63 15.111

12/2/2014 21:59 10259.1 51.245 25.613 15.118

12/2/2014 22:04 10264.1 51.259 28.746 13.761

12/2/2014 22:09 10269.1 51.278 32.828 11.993

12/2/2014 22:14 10274.1 51.275 33.397 11.747

12/2/2014 22:19 10279.1 51.27 33.706 11.613

12/2/2014 22:24 10284.1 51.264 33.975 11.496

12/2/2014 22:29 10289.1 51.268 34.203 11.398

12/2/2014 22:34 10294.1 51.257 34.399 11.313

12/2/2014 22:39 10299.1 51.256 34.57 11.239

12/2/2014 22:44 10304.1 51.256 34.687 11.188

12/2/2014 22:49 10309.1 51.25 34.815 11.133

12/2/2014 22:54 10314.1 51.25 34.945 11.076

12/2/2014 22:59 10319.1 51.249 35.056 11.028

12/2/2014 23:04 10324.1 51.249 35.185 10.972

12/2/2014 23:09 10329.1 51.245 35.266 10.937

12/2/2014 23:14 10334.1 51.245 35.303 10.921

12/2/2014 23:19 10339.1 51.244 35.21 10.962

12/2/2014 23:24 10344.1 51.249 35.46 10.853

12/2/2014 23:29 10349.1 51.249 35.608 10.789

12/2/2014 23:34 10354.1 51.255 35.696 10.751

12/2/2014 23:39 10359.1 51.255 35.757 10.725

12/2/2014 23:44 10364.1 51.252 35.865 10.678

12/2/2014 23:49 10369.1 51.252 35.897 10.664

12/2/2014 23:54 10374.1 51.245 35.959 10.637

12/2/2014 23:59 10379.1 51.254 35.972 10.631

12/3/2014 0:04 10384.1 51.218 31.954 12.372

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 0:09 10389.1 51.153 31.584 12.532

12/3/2014 0:14 10394.1 51.063 12.774 20.678

12/3/2014 0:19 10399.1 51.066 9.919 21.915

12/3/2014 0:24 10404.1 51.126 8.604 22.484

12/3/2014 0:29 10409.1 51.137 7.696 22.878

12/3/2014 0:34 10414.1 51.153 7 23.179

12/3/2014 0:39 10419.1 51.164 6.435 23.424

12/3/2014 0:44 10424.1 51.179 5.962 23.629

12/3/2014 0:49 10429.1 51.187 5.54 23.812

12/3/2014 0:54 10434.1 51.196 5.2 23.959

12/3/2014 0:59 10439.1 51.193 4.88 24.097

12/3/2014 1:04 10444.1 51.198 4.597 24.22

12/3/2014 1:09 10449.1 51.201 4.342 24.33

12/3/2014 1:14 10454.1 51.208 4.107 24.432

12/3/2014 1:19 10459.1 51.206 3.892 24.525

12/3/2014 1:24 10464.1 51.206 3.693 24.611

12/3/2014 1:29 10469.1 51.214 3.507 24.692

12/3/2014 1:34 10474.1 51.219 3.343 24.763

12/3/2014 1:39 10479.1 51.214 3.185 24.831

12/3/2014 1:44 10484.1 51.217 3.035 24.896

12/3/2014 1:49 10489.1 51.218 2.883 24.962

12/3/2014 1:54 10494.1 51.222 2.766 25.013

12/3/2014 1:59 10499.1 51.218 2.642 25.066

12/3/2014 2:04 10504.1 51.217 2.524 25.118

12/3/2014 2:09 10509.1 51.215 2.414 25.165

12/3/2014 2:14 10514.1 51.216 2.306 25.212

12/3/2014 2:19 10519.1 51.221 2.211 25.253

12/3/2014 2:24 10524.1 51.22 2.098 25.302

12/3/2014 2:29 10529.1 51.219 2.008 25.341

12/3/2014 2:34 10534.1 51.222 1.937 25.372

12/3/2014 2:39 10539.1 51.218 1.838 25.415

12/3/2014 2:44 10544.1 51.225 1.775 25.442

12/3/2014 2:49 10549.1 51.22 1.685 25.481

12/3/2014 2:54 10554.1 51.22 1.623 25.508

12/3/2014 2:59 10559.1 51.222 1.552 25.539

12/3/2014 3:04 10564.1 51.222 1.483 25.569

12/3/2014 3:09 10569.1 51.222 1.425 25.594

12/3/2014 3:14 10574.1 51.218 1.36 25.622

12/3/2014 3:19 10579.1 51.219 1.299 25.648

12/3/2014 3:24 10584.1 51.22 1.238 25.674

12/3/2014 3:29 10589.1 51.22 1.184 25.698

12/3/2014 3:34 10594.1 51.22 1.131 25.721

12/3/2014 3:39 10599.1 51.222 1.079 25.744

12/3/2014 3:44 10604.1 51.222 1.027 25.766

12/3/2014 3:49 10609.1 51.222 0.966 25.792

12/3/2014 3:54 10614.1 51.221 0.932 25.807

12/3/2014 3:59 10619.1 51.222 0.889 25.826

12/3/2014 4:04 10624.1 51.221 0.842 25.846

12/3/2014 4:09 10629.1 51.224 0.792 25.868

12/3/2014 4:14 10634.1 51.225 0.749 25.886

12/3/2014 4:19 10639.1 51.218 0.715 25.901

12/3/2014 4:24 10644.1 51.22 0.673 25.919

12/3/2014 4:29 10649.1 51.225 0.636 25.935

12/3/2014 4:34 10654.1 51.221 0.601 25.951

12/3/2014 4:39 10659.1 51.22 0.555 25.97

12/3/2014 4:44 10664.1 51.222 0.519 25.986

12/3/2014 4:49 10669.1 51.224 0.49 25.998

12/3/2014 4:54 10674.1 51.224 0.464 26.01

12/3/2014 4:59 10679.1 51.217 0.437 26.021

12/3/2014 5:04 10684.1 51.219 0.398 26.038

12/3/2014 5:09 10689.1 51.22 0.369 26.051

12/3/2014 5:14 10694.1 51.222 0.341 26.063

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 5:19 10699.1 51.221 0.303 26.08

12/3/2014 5:24 10704.1 51.223 0.284 26.088

12/3/2014 5:29 10709.1 51.222 0.248 26.103

12/3/2014 5:34 10714.1 51.223 0.229 26.112

12/3/2014 5:39 10719.1 51.224 0.202 26.123

12/3/2014 5:44 10724.1 51.221 0.176 26.134

12/3/2014 5:49 10729.1 51.222 0.142 26.149

12/3/2014 5:54 10734.1 51.223 0.113 26.162

12/3/2014 5:59 10739.1 51.222 0.085 26.174

12/3/2014 6:04 10744.1 51.225 0.076 26.178

12/3/2014 6:09 10749.1 51.221 0.049 26.19

12/3/2014 6:14 10754.1 51.225 0.021 26.201

12/3/2014 6:19 10759.1 51.22 ‐0.001 26.211

12/3/2014 6:24 10764.1 51.221 ‐0.018 26.218

12/3/2014 6:29 10769.1 51.224 ‐0.058 26.236

12/3/2014 6:34 10774.1 51.218 ‐0.064 26.239

12/3/2014 6:39 10779.1 51.22 ‐0.078 26.245

12/3/2014 6:44 10784.1 51.221 ‐0.1 26.254

12/3/2014 6:49 10789.1 51.222 ‐0.131 26.267

12/3/2014 6:54 10794.1 51.223 ‐0.15 26.276

12/3/2014 6:59 10799.1 51.222 ‐0.162 26.281

12/3/2014 7:04 10804.1 51.221 ‐0.162 26.281

12/3/2014 7:09 10809.1 51.222 ‐0.174 26.286

12/3/2014 7:14 10814.1 51.224 ‐0.183 26.29

12/3/2014 7:19 10819.1 51.222 ‐0.19 26.293

12/3/2014 7:24 10824.1 51.222 ‐0.21 26.302

12/3/2014 7:29 10829.1 51.222 ‐0.202 26.298

12/3/2014 7:34 10834.1 51.225 ‐0.203 26.299

12/3/2014 7:39 10839.1 51.225 ‐0.202 26.298

12/3/2014 7:44 10844.1 51.226 ‐0.204 26.299

12/3/2014 7:49 10849.1 51.218 ‐0.205 26.299

12/3/2014 7:54 10854.1 51.222 ‐0.201 26.298

12/3/2014 7:59 10859.1 51.222 ‐0.2 26.298

12/3/2014 8:04 10864.1 51.227 ‐0.192 26.294

12/3/2014 8:09 10869.1 51.222 ‐0.191 26.293

12/3/2014 8:14 10874.1 51.222 ‐0.184 26.29

12/3/2014 8:19 10879.1 51.227 ‐0.177 26.287

12/3/2014 8:24 10884.1 51.22 ‐0.172 26.285

12/3/2014 8:29 10889.1 51.222 ‐0.165 26.282

12/3/2014 8:34 10894.1 51.221 ‐0.158 26.279

12/3/2014 8:39 10899.1 51.224 ‐0.165 26.282

12/3/2014 8:44 10904.1 51.222 ‐0.138 26.27

12/3/2014 8:49 10909.1 51.221 ‐0.145 26.274

12/3/2014 8:54 10914.1 51.226 ‐0.136 26.27

12/3/2014 8:59 10919.1 51.226 ‐0.115 26.261

12/3/2014 9:04 10924.1 51.226 ‐0.102 26.255

12/3/2014 9:09 10929.1 51.223 ‐0.093 26.251

12/3/2014 9:14 10934.1 51.224 ‐0.084 26.247

12/3/2014 9:19 10939.1 51.222 ‐0.076 26.244

12/3/2014 9:24 10944.1 51.227 ‐0.067 26.24

12/3/2014 9:29 10949.1 51.229 ‐0.069 26.241

12/3/2014 9:34 10954.1 51.227 ‐0.059 26.236

12/3/2014 9:39 10959.1 51.224 ‐0.036 26.226

12/3/2014 9:44 10964.1 51.224 ‐0.024 26.221

12/3/2014 9:49 10969.1 51.222 ‐0.014 26.217

12/3/2014 9:54 10974.1 51.222 ‐0.005 26.213

12/3/2014 9:59 10979.1 51.227 0.01 26.206

12/3/2014 10:04 10984.1 51.225 0.027 26.199

12/3/2014 10:09 10989.1 51.224 0.026 26.199

12/3/2014 10:14 10994.1 51.225 0.03 26.198

12/3/2014 10:19 10999.1 51.228 0.068 26.181

12/3/2014 10:24 11004.1 51.222 0.066 26.182

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 10:29 11009.1 51.225 0.081 26.176

12/3/2014 10:34 11014.1 51.226 0.08 26.176

12/3/2014 10:39 11019.1 51.223 0.087 26.173

12/3/2014 10:44 11024.1 51.222 0.091 26.171

12/3/2014 10:49 11029.1 51.224 0.125 26.156

12/3/2014 10:54 11034.1 51.229 0.136 26.152

12/3/2014 10:59 11039.1 51.222 0.126 26.156

12/3/2014 11:04 11044.1 51.225 0.152 26.145

12/3/2014 11:09 11049.1 51.22 0.154 26.144

12/3/2014 11:14 11054.1 51.229 0.175 26.135

12/3/2014 11:19 11059.1 51.222 0.193 26.127

12/3/2014 11:24 11064.1 51.228 0.182 26.132

12/3/2014 11:29 11069.1 51.228 0.211 26.119

12/3/2014 11:34 11074.1 51.221 0.212 26.119

12/3/2014 11:39 11079.1 51.227 0.224 26.114

12/3/2014 11:44 11084.1 51.226 0.229 26.112

12/3/2014 11:49 11089.1 51.228 0.251 26.102

12/3/2014 11:54 11094.1 51.227 0.255 26.1

12/3/2014 11:59 11099.1 51.227 0.265 26.096

12/3/2014 12:04 11104.1 51.225 0.276 26.091

12/3/2014 12:09 11109.1 51.223 0.289 26.086

12/3/2014 12:14 11114.1 51.228 0.295 26.083

12/3/2014 12:19 11119.1 51.225 0.297 26.082

12/3/2014 12:24 11124.1 51.227 0.28 26.09

12/3/2014 12:29 11129.1 51.227 0.295 26.083

12/3/2014 12:34 11134.1 51.229 0.274 26.092

12/3/2014 12:39 11139.1 51.225 0.242 26.106

12/3/2014 12:44 11144.1 51.227 0.266 26.096

12/3/2014 12:49 11149.1 51.223 0.269 26.094

12/3/2014 12:54 11154.1 51.227 0.271 26.093

12/3/2014 12:59 11159.1 51.223 0.256 26.1

12/3/2014 13:04 11164.1 51.224 0.252 26.102

12/3/2014 13:09 11169.1 51.227 0.223 26.114

12/3/2014 13:14 11174.1 51.226 0.245 26.104

12/3/2014 13:19 11179.1 51.225 0.223 26.114

12/3/2014 13:24 11184.1 51.227 0.193 26.127

12/3/2014 13:29 11189.1 51.228 0.179 26.133

12/3/2014 13:34 11194.1 51.219 0.197 26.125

12/3/2014 13:39 11199.1 51.219 0.179 26.133

12/3/2014 13:44 11204.1 51.226 0.185 26.131

12/3/2014 13:49 11209.1 51.221 0.139 26.15

12/3/2014 13:54 11214.1 51.221 0.156 26.143

12/3/2014 13:59 11219.1 51.219 0.139 26.15

12/3/2014 14:04 11224.1 51.221 0.132 26.154

12/3/2014 14:09 11229.1 51.228 0.105 26.165

12/3/2014 14:14 11234.1 51.224 0.105 26.165

12/3/2014 14:19 11239.1 51.22 0.076 26.178

12/3/2014 14:24 11244.1 51.227 0.092 26.171

12/3/2014 14:29 11249.1 51.222 0.064 26.183

12/3/2014 14:34 11254.1 51.228 0.05 26.189

12/3/2014 14:39 11259.1 51.222 0.047 26.19

12/3/2014 14:44 11264.1 51.222 0.029 26.198

12/3/2014 14:49 11269.1 51.229 0.034 26.196

12/3/2014 14:54 11274.1 51.228 0.019 26.202

12/3/2014 14:59 11279.1 51.219 0.028 26.199

12/3/2014 15:04 11284.1 51.222 0.013 26.205

12/3/2014 15:09 11289.1 51.224 ‐0.01 26.215

12/3/2014 15:14 11294.1 51.222 0.001 26.21

12/3/2014 15:19 11299.1 51.222 ‐0.017 26.218

12/3/2014 15:24 11304.1 51.224 0 26.211

12/3/2014 15:29 11309.1 51.226 0 26.211

12/3/2014 15:34 11314.1 51.219 0.019 26.202

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 15:39 11319.1 51.225 0.009 26.207

12/3/2014 15:44 11324.1 51.224 0.014 26.205

12/3/2014 15:49 11329.1 51.222 0.023 26.201

12/3/2014 15:54 11334.1 51.221 0.027 26.199

12/3/2014 15:59 11339.1 51.221 0.032 26.197

12/3/2014 16:04 11344.1 51.224 0.051 26.189

12/3/2014 16:09 11349.1 51.223 0.052 26.188

12/3/2014 16:14 11354.1 51.223 0.07 26.18

12/3/2014 16:19 11359.1 51.227 0.073 26.179

12/3/2014 16:24 11364.1 51.221 0.065 26.183

12/3/2014 16:29 11369.1 51.224 0.093 26.171

12/3/2014 16:34 11374.1 51.225 0.096 26.169

12/3/2014 16:39 11379.1 51.224 0.096 26.169

12/3/2014 16:44 11384.1 51.227 0.089 26.172

12/3/2014 16:49 11389.1 51.225 0.082 26.175

12/3/2014 16:54 11394.1 51.223 0.105 26.165

12/3/2014 16:59 11399.1 51.227 0.104 26.166

12/3/2014 17:04 11404.1 51.225 0.102 26.167

12/3/2014 17:09 11409.1 51.227 0.1 26.167

12/3/2014 17:14 11414.1 51.222 0.101 26.167

12/3/2014 17:19 11419.1 51.23 0.091 26.171

12/3/2014 17:24 11424.1 51.223 0.082 26.175

12/3/2014 17:29 11429.1 51.221 0.075 26.178

12/3/2014 17:34 11434.1 51.227 0.067 26.182

12/3/2014 17:39 11439.1 51.224 0.065 26.182

12/3/2014 17:44 11444.1 51.222 0.057 26.186

12/3/2014 17:49 11449.1 51.226 0.056 26.186

12/3/2014 17:54 11454.1 51.227 0.052 26.188

12/3/2014 17:59 11459.1 51.232 0.04 26.193

12/3/2014 18:04 11464.1 51.228 0.03 26.198

12/3/2014 18:09 11469.1 51.223 0.024 26.2

12/3/2014 18:14 11474.1 51.23 0.02 26.202

12/3/2014 18:19 11479.1 51.231 ‐0.005 26.213

12/3/2014 18:24 11484.1 51.236 0.005 26.209

12/3/2014 18:29 11489.1 51.228 ‐0.005 26.213

12/3/2014 18:34 11494.1 51.233 ‐0.019 26.219

12/3/2014 18:39 11499.1 51.227 ‐0.022 26.22

12/3/2014 18:44 11504.1 51.225 ‐0.032 26.225

12/3/2014 18:49 11509.1 51.225 ‐0.043 26.229

12/3/2014 18:54 11514.1 51.227 ‐0.054 26.234

12/3/2014 18:59 11519.1 51.23 ‐0.055 26.234

12/3/2014 19:00 11520 51.229 ‐0.062 26.238

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.004 51.265 ‐0.062 26.238

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.008 51.281 ‐0.074 26.243

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.013 51.3 ‐0.076 26.244

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.017 51.315 ‐0.073 26.243

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.021 51.322 ‐0.068 26.24

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.025 51.328 ‐0.071 26.241

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.029 51.335 ‐0.072 26.242

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.033 51.343 ‐0.067 26.24

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.038 51.347 ‐0.067 26.24

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.042 51.351 ‐0.069 26.241

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.046 51.356 ‐0.069 26.241

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.05 51.354 ‐0.066 26.239

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.054 51.363 ‐0.066 26.239

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.058 51.366 ‐0.064 26.239

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.063 51.363 ‐0.065 26.239

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.067 51.371 ‐0.063 26.238

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.071 51.37 ‐0.06 26.237

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.075 51.371 ‐0.041 26.229

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.079 51.375 ‐0.031 26.224

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.083 51.377 ‐0.017 26.218

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.088 51.374 0.015 26.204

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.092 51.386 0.039 26.194

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.096 51.378 0.078 26.177

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.1 51.382 0.072 26.18

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.106 51.365 0.081 26.175

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.112 51.36 0.097 26.169

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.119 51.35 0.15 26.146

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.126 51.345 0.185 26.131

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.133 51.339 0.253 26.101

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.141 51.333 0.316 26.074

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.15 51.324 0.411 26.033

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.158 51.324 0.526 25.983

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.168 51.32 0.672 25.92

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.178 51.309 0.816 25.857

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.188 51.31 0.967 25.792

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.199 51.308 1.158 25.709

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.211 51.304 1.393 25.607

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.224 51.302 1.668 25.488

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.237 51.297 1.958 25.363

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.251 51.3 2.294 25.217

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.266 51.292 2.673 25.053

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.282 51.289 3.09 24.872

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.298 51.289 3.522 24.685

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.316 51.286 4.017 24.471

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.335 51.282 4.54 24.245

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.355 51.285 5.091 24.006

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.376 51.28 5.647 23.765

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.398 51.277 6.199 23.526

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.422 51.276 6.763 23.282

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.447 51.28 7.306 23.046

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.473 51.278 7.823 22.823

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.501 51.276 8.337 22.6

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.531 51.272 8.836 22.384

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.562 51.277 9.323 22.173

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.597 51.278 9.799 21.967

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.631 51.276 10.268 21.764

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.668 51.277 10.701 21.576

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.708 51.363 11.153 21.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.75 51.283 11.591 21.191

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.794 51.283 12.017 21.006

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.841 51.281 12.449 20.819

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.891 51.281 12.885 20.631

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.944 51.282 13.316 20.444

12/3/2014 19:01 11521 51.286 13.751 20.255

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.06 51.286 14.18 20.07

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.12 51.287 14.59 19.892

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.19 51.295 15.027 19.702

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.26 51.299 15.429 19.528

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.33 51.297 15.794 19.37

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.41 51.297 16.184 19.202

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.5 51.301 16.571 19.034

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.58 51.302 16.874 18.903

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.68 51.307 17.223 18.752

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.78 51.313 17.53 18.619

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.88 51.318 17.799 18.502

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.99 51.315 18.053 18.392

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.11 51.318 18.298 18.286

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.24 51.325 18.498 18.199

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.37 51.323 18.672 18.124

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.51 51.33 18.831 18.055

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.66 51.333 18.976 17.993

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.82 51.34 19.135 17.924

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Page 197: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.98 51.335 19.292 17.856

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.16 51.34 19.486 17.772

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.35 51.342 19.668 17.693

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.55 51.343 19.836 17.62

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.76 51.345 19.98 17.558

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.98 51.341 20.115 17.499

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.22 51.345 20.248 17.441

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.47 51.35 20.368 17.39

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.73 51.346 20.485 17.339

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.01 51.346 20.604 17.287

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.31 51.356 20.736 17.23

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.62 51.346 20.836 17.187

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.96 51.346 20.948 17.138

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.31 51.35 21.049 17.095

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.68 51.346 21.151 17.051

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.08 51.345 21.264 17.001

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.5 51.34 21.381 16.951

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.94 51.34 21.489 16.904

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.41 51.347 21.611 16.851

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.91 51.344 21.748 16.792

12/3/2014 19:09 11529.44 51.339 21.866 16.741

12/3/2014 19:10 11530 51.34 21.991 16.687

12/3/2014 19:10 11530.6 51.34 22.124 16.629

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.2 51.338 22.257 16.571

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.9 51.34 22.392 16.513

12/3/2014 19:12 11532.6 51.338 22.512 16.461

12/3/2014 19:13 11533.3 51.33 22.632 16.409

12/3/2014 19:14 11534.1 51.337 22.773 16.348

12/3/2014 19:15 11535 51.335 22.907 16.29

12/3/2014 19:15 11535.8 51.333 23.028 16.237

12/3/2014 19:16 11536.8 51.334 23.178 16.173

12/3/2014 19:17 11537.8 51.332 23.322 16.11

12/3/2014 19:18 11538.8 51.335 23.448 16.056

12/3/2014 19:19 11539.9 51.333 23.596 15.991

12/3/2014 19:21 11541.1 51.329 23.746 15.927

12/3/2014 19:22 11542.4 51.332 23.871 15.872

12/3/2014 19:23 11543.7 51.329 23.804 15.901

12/3/2014 19:25 11545.1 51.324 23.916 15.853

12/3/2014 19:26 11546.6 51.33 24.069 15.787

12/3/2014 19:28 11548.2 51.324 24.189 15.735

12/3/2014 19:29 11549.8 51.334 24.322 15.677

12/3/2014 19:31 11551.6 51.331 24.464 15.615

12/3/2014 19:33 11553.5 51.325 24.611 15.552

12/3/2014 19:35 11555.5 51.319 24.755 15.49

12/3/2014 19:37 11557.6 51.324 24.893 15.43

12/3/2014 19:39 11559.8 51.32 25.029 15.371

12/3/2014 19:42 11562.2 51.316 25.173 15.308

12/3/2014 19:44 11564.7 51.312 25.307 15.25

12/3/2014 19:47 11567.3 51.311 25.449 15.189

12/3/2014 19:50 11570.1 51.309 25.599 15.124

12/3/2014 19:53 11573.1 51.303 25.749 15.059

12/3/2014 19:56 11576.2 51.303 25.883 15.001

12/3/2014 19:59 11579.6 51.305 26.171 14.876

12/3/2014 20:03 11583.1 51.306 26.333 14.806

12/3/2014 20:06 11586.8 51.298 26.478 14.743

12/3/2014 20:10 11590.8 51.293 26.631 14.677

12/3/2014 20:15 11595 51.29 26.777 14.614

12/3/2014 20:19 11599.4 51.287 26.926 14.549

12/3/2014 20:24 11604.1 51.283 27.076 14.484

12/3/2014 20:29 11609.1 51.283 27.216 14.423

12/3/2014 20:34 11614.1 51.284 27.35 14.366

12/3/2014 20:39 11619.1 51.278 27.48 14.31

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/3/2014 20:44 11624.1 51.276 27.6 14.257

12/3/2014 20:49 11629.1 51.277 27.715 14.208

12/3/2014 20:54 11634.1 51.274 27.82 14.162

12/3/2014 20:59 11639.1 51.267 27.924 14.117

12/3/2014 21:04 11644.1 51.265 28.023 14.074

12/3/2014 21:09 11649.1 51.268 28.112 14.036

12/3/2014 21:14 11654.1 51.266 28.202 13.997

12/3/2014 21:19 11659.1 51.265 28.29 13.959

12/3/2014 21:24 11664.1 51.259 28.368 13.925

12/3/2014 21:29 11669.1 51.258 28.449 13.89

12/3/2014 21:34 11674.1 51.258 28.523 13.858

12/3/2014 21:39 11679.1 51.26 28.598 13.825

12/3/2014 21:44 11684.1 51.256 28.667 13.795

12/3/2014 21:49 11689.1 51.254 28.73 13.768

12/3/2014 21:54 11694.1 51.255 28.797 13.739

12/3/2014 21:59 11699.1 51.254 28.861 13.711

12/3/2014 22:04 11704.1 51.251 28.919 13.686

12/3/2014 22:09 11709.1 51.251 28.976 13.661

12/3/2014 22:14 11714.1 51.249 29.033 13.637

12/3/2014 22:19 11719.1 51.249 29.084 13.615

12/3/2014 22:24 11724.1 51.249 29.139 13.591

12/3/2014 22:29 11729.1 51.246 29.191 13.568

12/3/2014 22:34 11734.1 51.247 29.239 13.547

12/3/2014 22:39 11739.1 51.248 29.286 13.527

12/3/2014 22:44 11744.1 51.248 29.334 13.506

12/3/2014 22:49 11749.1 51.246 29.378 13.487

12/3/2014 22:54 11754.1 51.246 29.418 13.47

12/3/2014 22:59 11759.1 51.245 29.455 13.454

12/3/2014 23:04 11764.1 51.25 29.504 13.433

12/3/2014 23:09 11769.1 51.244 29.551 13.412

12/3/2014 23:14 11774.1 51.244 29.597 13.393

12/3/2014 23:19 11779.1 51.244 29.63 13.378

12/3/2014 23:24 11784.1 51.24 29.67 13.361

12/3/2014 23:29 11789.1 51.245 29.704 13.346

12/3/2014 23:34 11794.1 51.247 29.742 13.33

12/3/2014 23:39 11799.1 51.244 29.776 13.315

12/3/2014 23:44 11804.1 51.241 29.811 13.3

12/3/2014 23:49 11809.1 51.243 29.85 13.283

12/3/2014 23:54 11814.1 51.242 29.879 13.27

12/3/2014 23:59 11819.1 51.238 29.909 13.257

12/4/2014 0:04 11824.1 51.241 29.936 13.245

12/4/2014 0:09 11829.1 51.244 29.966 13.233

12/4/2014 0:14 11834.1 51.238 30 13.218

12/4/2014 0:19 11839.1 51.242 30.024 13.207

12/4/2014 0:24 11844.1 51.237 30.053 13.195

12/4/2014 0:29 11849.1 51.238 30.083 13.182

12/4/2014 0:34 11854.1 51.24 30.108 13.171

12/4/2014 0:39 11859.1 51.239 30.131 13.161

12/4/2014 0:44 11864.1 51.237 30.148 13.154

12/4/2014 0:49 11869.1 51.239 30.18 13.14

12/4/2014 0:54 11874.1 51.233 30.201 13.131

12/4/2014 0:59 11879.1 51.238 30.23 13.118

12/4/2014 1:04 11884.1 51.237 30.254 13.108

12/4/2014 1:09 11889.1 51.233 30.274 13.099

12/4/2014 1:14 11894.1 51.231 30.296 13.09

12/4/2014 1:19 11899.1 51.237 30.321 13.079

12/4/2014 1:24 11904.1 51.237 30.347 13.067

12/4/2014 1:29 11909.1 51.238 30.363 13.061

12/4/2014 1:34 11914.1 51.235 30.385 13.051

12/4/2014 1:39 11919.1 51.235 30.4 13.045

12/4/2014 1:44 11924.1 51.235 30.423 13.035

12/4/2014 1:49 11929.1 51.232 30.44 13.027

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 1:54 11934.1 51.236 30.456 13.021

12/4/2014 1:59 11939.1 51.233 30.481 13.01

12/4/2014 2:04 11944.1 51.235 30.513 12.996

12/4/2014 2:09 11949.1 51.234 30.525 12.991

12/4/2014 2:14 11954.1 51.235 30.539 12.985

12/4/2014 2:19 11959.1 51.233 30.552 12.979

12/4/2014 2:24 11964.1 51.234 30.579 12.967

12/4/2014 2:29 11969.1 51.229 30.593 12.961

12/4/2014 2:34 11974.1 51.229 30.612 12.953

12/4/2014 2:39 11979.1 51.233 30.625 12.947

12/4/2014 2:44 11984.1 51.231 30.642 12.94

12/4/2014 2:49 11989.1 51.23 30.661 12.932

12/4/2014 2:54 11994.1 51.231 30.688 12.92

12/4/2014 2:59 11999.1 51.228 30.7 12.915

12/4/2014 3:04 12004.1 51.228 30.711 12.91

12/4/2014 3:09 12009.1 51.23 30.723 12.905

12/4/2014 3:14 12014.1 51.234 30.739 12.898

12/4/2014 3:19 12019.1 51.231 30.755 12.891

12/4/2014 3:24 12024.1 51.233 30.775 12.882

12/4/2014 3:29 12029.1 51.231 30.787 12.877

12/4/2014 3:34 12034.1 51.233 30.8 12.872

12/4/2014 3:39 12039.1 51.231 30.811 12.867

12/4/2014 3:44 12044.1 51.232 30.828 12.859

12/4/2014 3:49 12049.1 51.228 30.846 12.852

12/4/2014 3:54 12054.1 51.233 30.856 12.847

12/4/2014 3:59 12059.1 51.23 30.863 12.844

12/4/2014 4:04 12064.1 51.229 30.871 12.841

12/4/2014 4:09 12069.1 51.232 30.883 12.835

12/4/2014 4:14 12074.1 51.231 31.086 12.747

12/4/2014 4:19 12079.1 51.23 31.117 12.734

12/4/2014 4:24 12084.1 51.235 31.146 12.722

12/4/2014 4:29 12089.1 51.229 31.165 12.713

12/4/2014 4:34 12094.1 51.228 31.181 12.707

12/4/2014 4:39 12099.1 51.228 31.195 12.7

12/4/2014 4:44 12104.1 51.228 31.215 12.692

12/4/2014 4:49 12109.1 51.23 31.229 12.686

12/4/2014 4:54 12114.1 51.229 31.236 12.683

12/4/2014 4:59 12119.1 51.223 31.251 12.676

12/4/2014 5:04 12124.1 51.228 31.265 12.67

12/4/2014 5:09 12129.1 51.228 31.274 12.666

12/4/2014 5:14 12134.1 51.223 31.199 12.699

12/4/2014 5:19 12139.1 51.227 31.205 12.696

12/4/2014 5:24 12144.1 51.227 31.286 12.661

12/4/2014 5:29 12149.1 51.225 31.303 12.654

12/4/2014 5:34 12154.1 51.225 31.315 12.649

12/4/2014 5:39 12159.1 51.228 31.325 12.644

12/4/2014 5:44 12164.1 51.228 31.343 12.636

12/4/2014 5:49 12169.1 51.222 31.356 12.631

12/4/2014 5:54 12174.1 51.228 31.367 12.626

12/4/2014 5:59 12179.1 51.228 31.382 12.619

12/4/2014 6:04 12184.1 51.227 31.396 12.613

12/4/2014 6:09 12189.1 51.224 31.409 12.608

12/4/2014 6:14 12194.1 51.228 31.424 12.601

12/4/2014 6:19 12199.1 51.224 31.436 12.596

12/4/2014 6:24 12204.1 51.223 31.444 12.593

12/4/2014 6:29 12209.1 51.222 31.458 12.586

12/4/2014 6:34 12214.1 51.226 31.472 12.58

12/4/2014 6:39 12219.1 51.229 31.487 12.574

12/4/2014 6:44 12224.1 51.221 31.501 12.568

12/4/2014 6:49 12229.1 51.228 31.51 12.564

12/4/2014 6:54 12234.1 51.225 31.523 12.558

12/4/2014 6:59 12239.1 51.229 31.541 12.551

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 7:04 12244.1 51.225 31.553 12.545

12/4/2014 7:09 12249.1 51.23 31.574 12.536

12/4/2014 7:14 12254.1 51.227 31.596 12.527

12/4/2014 7:19 12259.1 51.224 31.618 12.517

12/4/2014 7:24 12264.1 51.229 31.637 12.509

12/4/2014 7:29 12269.1 51.227 31.667 12.496

12/4/2014 7:34 12274.1 51.222 31.689 12.487

12/4/2014 7:39 12279.1 51.228 31.713 12.476

12/4/2014 7:44 12284.1 51.228 31.739 12.465

12/4/2014 7:49 12289.1 51.223 31.771 12.451

12/4/2014 7:54 12294.1 51.228 31.798 12.439

12/4/2014 7:59 12299.1 51.225 31.829 12.426

12/4/2014 8:04 12304.1 51.223 31.862 12.412

12/4/2014 8:09 12309.1 51.222 31.892 12.399

12/4/2014 8:14 12314.1 51.224 31.93 12.382

12/4/2014 8:19 12319.1 51.223 31.955 12.371

12/4/2014 8:24 12324.1 51.225 31.985 12.358

12/4/2014 8:29 12329.1 51.221 32.027 12.34

12/4/2014 8:34 12334.1 51.225 32.054 12.328

12/4/2014 8:39 12339.1 51.229 32.086 12.315

12/4/2014 8:44 12344.1 51.228 32.112 12.303

12/4/2014 8:49 12349.1 51.228 32.142 12.29

12/4/2014 8:54 12354.1 51.224 32.181 12.274

12/4/2014 8:59 12359.1 51.228 32.208 12.261

12/4/2014 9:04 12364.1 51.224 32.236 12.25

12/4/2014 9:09 12369.1 51.222 32.26 12.239

12/4/2014 9:14 12374.1 51.221 32.293 12.225

12/4/2014 9:19 12379.1 51.225 32.324 12.211

12/4/2014 9:24 12384.1 51.225 32.357 12.197

12/4/2014 9:29 12389.1 51.228 32.385 12.185

12/4/2014 9:34 12394.1 51.224 32.41 12.174

12/4/2014 9:39 12399.1 51.223 32.442 12.16

12/4/2014 9:44 12404.1 51.228 32.476 12.145

12/4/2014 9:49 12409.1 51.222 32.509 12.131

12/4/2014 9:54 12414.1 51.22 32.536 12.12

12/4/2014 9:59 12419.1 51.225 32.571 12.105

12/4/2014 10:04 12424.1 51.224 32.602 12.091

12/4/2014 10:09 12429.1 51.222 32.631 12.079

12/4/2014 10:14 12434.1 51.223 32.659 12.066

12/4/2014 10:19 12439.1 51.22 32.692 12.052

12/4/2014 10:24 12444.1 51.222 32.714 12.043

12/4/2014 10:29 12449.1 51.224 32.745 12.029

12/4/2014 10:34 12454.1 51.22 32.769 12.019

12/4/2014 10:39 12459.1 51.227 32.797 12.007

12/4/2014 10:44 12464.1 51.217 32.827 11.993

12/4/2014 10:49 12469.1 51.225 32.85 11.984

12/4/2014 10:54 12474.1 51.225 32.877 11.972

12/4/2014 10:59 12479.1 51.217 32.909 11.958

12/4/2014 11:04 12484.1 51.224 32.928 11.95

12/4/2014 11:09 12489.1 51.222 32.952 11.939

12/4/2014 11:14 12494.1 51.223 32.965 11.934

12/4/2014 11:19 12499.1 51.222 32.989 11.923

12/4/2014 11:24 12504.1 51.224 33.004 11.917

12/4/2014 11:29 12509.1 51.225 33.019 11.91

12/4/2014 11:34 12514.1 51.222 33.028 11.907

12/4/2014 11:39 12519.1 51.224 33.043 11.9

12/4/2014 11:44 12524.1 51.224 33.054 11.895

12/4/2014 11:49 12529.1 51.224 33.061 11.892

12/4/2014 11:54 12534.1 51.219 33.07 11.889

12/4/2014 11:59 12539.1 51.224 33.085 11.882

12/4/2014 12:04 12544.1 51.217 33.101 11.875

12/4/2014 12:09 12549.1 51.218 33.105 11.873

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 12:14 12554.1 51.219 33.107 11.872

12/4/2014 12:19 12559.1 51.217 33.12 11.867

12/4/2014 12:24 12564.1 51.222 33.128 11.863

12/4/2014 12:29 12569.1 51.216 33.137 11.859

12/4/2014 12:34 12574.1 51.22 33.141 11.858

12/4/2014 12:39 12579.1 51.221 33.153 11.852

12/4/2014 12:44 12584.1 51.219 33.151 11.853

12/4/2014 12:49 12589.1 51.218 33.16 11.849

12/4/2014 12:54 12594.1 51.222 33.161 11.849

12/4/2014 12:59 12599.1 51.218 33.164 11.848

12/4/2014 13:04 12604.1 51.222 33.171 11.845

12/4/2014 13:09 12609.1 51.225 33.173 11.844

12/4/2014 13:14 12614.1 51.217 33.179 11.841

12/4/2014 13:19 12619.1 51.217 33.179 11.841

12/4/2014 13:24 12624.1 51.223 33.184 11.839

12/4/2014 13:29 12629.1 51.219 33.185 11.839

12/4/2014 13:34 12634.1 51.221 33.186 11.838

12/4/2014 13:39 12639.1 51.218 33.189 11.837

12/4/2014 13:44 12644.1 51.222 33.191 11.836

12/4/2014 13:49 12649.1 51.219 33.194 11.835

12/4/2014 13:54 12654.1 51.222 33.193 11.835

12/4/2014 13:59 12659.1 51.221 33.195 11.834

12/4/2014 14:04 12664.1 51.219 33.196 11.834

12/4/2014 14:09 12669.1 51.221 33.198 11.833

12/4/2014 14:14 12674.1 51.217 33.193 11.835

12/4/2014 14:19 12679.1 51.222 33.196 11.834

12/4/2014 14:24 12684.1 51.218 33.197 11.833

12/4/2014 14:29 12689.1 51.216 33.201 11.831

12/4/2014 14:34 12694.1 51.222 33.202 11.831

12/4/2014 14:39 12699.1 51.222 33.207 11.829

12/4/2014 14:44 12704.1 51.218 33.22 11.823

12/4/2014 14:49 12709.1 51.218 33.231 11.819

12/4/2014 14:54 12714.1 51.222 33.235 11.817

12/4/2014 14:59 12719.1 51.218 33.248 11.811

12/4/2014 15:04 12724.1 51.22 33.264 11.804

12/4/2014 15:09 12729.1 51.222 33.282 11.796

12/4/2014 15:14 12734.1 51.218 33.292 11.792

12/4/2014 15:19 12739.1 51.225 33.305 11.787

12/4/2014 15:24 12744.1 51.219 33.318 11.781

12/4/2014 15:29 12749.1 51.221 33.33 11.776

12/4/2014 15:34 12754.1 51.225 33.342 11.771

12/4/2014 15:39 12759.1 51.224 33.357 11.764

12/4/2014 15:44 12764.1 51.222 33.379 11.755

12/4/2014 15:49 12769.1 51.219 33.401 11.745

12/4/2014 15:54 12774.1 51.222 33.415 11.739

12/4/2014 15:59 12779.1 51.22 33.444 11.726

12/4/2014 16:04 12784.1 51.225 33.465 11.717

12/4/2014 16:09 12789.1 51.223 33.492 11.706

12/4/2014 16:14 12794.1 51.222 33.508 11.698

12/4/2014 16:19 12799.1 51.222 33.528 11.69

12/4/2014 16:24 12804.1 51.23 33.547 11.682

12/4/2014 16:29 12809.1 51.226 33.563 11.675

12/4/2014 16:34 12814.1 51.231 33.586 11.665

12/4/2014 16:39 12819.1 51.231 33.604 11.657

12/4/2014 16:44 12824.1 51.233 33.614 11.653

12/4/2014 16:49 12829.1 51.231 33.621 11.65

12/4/2014 16:54 12834.1 51.23 33.63 11.646

12/4/2014 16:59 12839.1 51.236 33.639 11.642

12/4/2014 17:04 12844.1 51.231 33.642 11.641

12/4/2014 17:09 12849.1 51.233 33.647 11.638

12/4/2014 17:14 12854.1 51.224 33.651 11.637

12/4/2014 17:19 12859.1 51.227 33.658 11.634

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 17:24 12864.1 51.229 33.661 11.633

12/4/2014 17:29 12869.1 51.227 33.661 11.633

12/4/2014 17:34 12874.1 51.231 33.663 11.632

12/4/2014 17:39 12879.1 51.23 33.662 11.632

12/4/2014 17:44 12884.1 51.227 33.67 11.629

12/4/2014 17:49 12889.1 51.231 33.672 11.627

12/4/2014 17:54 12894.1 51.228 33.676 11.626

12/4/2014 17:59 12899.1 51.229 33.678 11.625

12/4/2014 18:04 12904.1 51.224 33.686 11.622

12/4/2014 18:09 12909.1 51.228 33.687 11.621

12/4/2014 18:14 12914.1 51.227 33.689 11.62

12/4/2014 18:19 12919.1 51.228 33.682 11.623

12/4/2014 18:24 12924.1 51.227 33.692 11.619

12/4/2014 18:29 12929.1 51.231 33.688 11.621

12/4/2014 18:34 12934.1 51.23 33.69 11.62

12/4/2014 18:39 12939.1 51.223 33.695 11.618

12/4/2014 18:44 12944.1 51.228 33.704 11.614

12/4/2014 18:49 12949.1 51.222 33.694 11.618

12/4/2014 18:54 12954.1 51.218 33.693 11.618

12/4/2014 18:59 12959.1 51.227 33.697 11.617

12/4/2014 19:00 12960 51.224 33.704 11.614

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.004 51.265 33.694 11.618

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.008 51.285 33.694 11.618

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.013 51.299 33.701 11.615

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.017 51.312 33.7 11.616

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.021 51.322 33.698 11.616

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.025 51.329 33.702 11.615

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.029 51.338 33.693 11.619

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.033 51.341 33.692 11.619

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.038 51.35 33.693 11.619

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.042 51.35 33.69 11.62

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.046 51.357 33.684 11.622

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.05 51.361 33.679 11.625

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.054 51.363 33.673 11.627

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.058 51.36 33.669 11.629

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.063 51.369 33.667 11.63

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.067 51.367 33.652 11.636

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.071 51.368 33.64 11.641

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.075 51.372 33.629 11.646

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.079 51.375 33.612 11.654

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.083 51.374 33.598 11.66

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.088 51.374 33.574 11.67

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.092 51.373 33.557 11.678

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.096 51.381 33.541 11.684

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.1 51.383 33.511 11.697

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.106 51.363 33.476 11.713

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.112 51.356 33.423 11.735

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.119 51.348 33.36 11.763

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.126 51.338 33.289 11.793

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.133 51.34 33.208 11.828

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.141 51.334 33.104 11.874

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.15 51.322 32.975 11.93

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.158 51.326 32.843 11.987

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.168 51.315 32.666 12.063

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.178 51.313 32.471 12.148

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.188 51.311 32.262 12.238

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.199 51.306 32.013 12.346

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.211 51.305 31.712 12.477

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.224 51.297 31.374 12.623

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.237 51.292 31.03 12.772

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.251 51.294 30.642 12.94

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.266 51.285 30.237 13.115

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.282 51.294 29.763 13.32

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.298 51.289 29.342 13.503

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.316 51.281 28.826 13.726

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.335 51.279 28.306 13.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.355 51.276 27.794 14.173

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.376 51.274 27.263 14.403

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.398 51.271 26.741 14.63

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.422 51.267 26.172 14.876

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.447 51.264 25.623 15.114

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.473 51.256 25.072 15.352

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.501 51.254 24.5 15.6

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.531 51.249 23.922 15.85

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.562 51.244 23.367 16.091

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.596 51.237 22.793 16.339

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.631 51.237 22.248 16.575

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.668 51.23 21.714 16.807

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.708 51.225 21.178 17.039

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.75 51.219 20.682 17.253

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.794 51.213 20.193 17.466

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.841 51.201 19.728 17.667

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.891 51.196 19.283 17.859

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.944 51.19 18.855 18.045

12/4/2014 19:01 12961 51.179 18.463 18.214

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.06 51.174 18.083 18.379

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.12 51.164 17.747 18.525

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.19 51.151 17.405 18.673

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.26 51.148 17.109 18.801

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.33 51.144 16.846 18.915

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.41 51.133 16.583 19.029

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.5 51.129 16.332 19.138

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.58 51.121 16.132 19.224

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.68 51.112 15.917 19.317

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.78 51.106 15.729 19.399

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.88 51.101 15.568 19.468

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.99 51.096 15.412 19.536

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.11 51.088 15.25 19.606

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.24 51.084 15.091 19.675

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.37 51.081 14.963 19.73

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.51 51.076 14.832 19.787

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.66 51.075 14.7 19.844

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.82 51.073 14.573 19.899

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.98 51.07 14.458 19.949

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.16 51.068 14.333 20.003

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.35 51.066 14.203 20.059

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.55 51.065 14.095 20.106

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.76 51.066 13.978 20.157

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.98 51.063 13.866 20.205

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.22 51.06 13.742 20.259

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.47 51.069 13.62 20.312

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.73 51.07 13.506 20.361

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.01 51.066 13.386 20.414

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.31 51.065 13.265 20.466

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.62 51.068 13.142 20.519

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.96 51.068 13.023 20.571

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.31 51.068 12.894 20.626

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.68 51.074 12.774 20.678

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.08 51.073 12.643 20.735

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.5 51.073 12.518 20.789

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.94 51.083 12.38 20.849

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.41 51.081 12.253 20.904

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.91 51.078 12.131 20.957

12/4/2014 19:09 12969.44 51.086 11.997 21.015

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 19:10 12970 51.095 11.855 21.076

12/4/2014 19:10 12970.6 51.096 11.726 21.132

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.2 51.105 11.59 21.191

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.9 51.117 11.448 21.253

12/4/2014 19:12 12972.6 51.118 11.312 21.312

12/4/2014 19:13 12973.3 51.123 11.18 21.369

12/4/2014 19:14 12974.1 51.13 11.039 21.43

12/4/2014 19:15 12975 51.128 10.885 21.496

12/4/2014 19:15 12975.8 51.136 10.761 21.55

12/4/2014 19:16 12976.8 51.139 10.607 21.617

12/4/2014 19:17 12977.8 51.143 10.468 21.677

12/4/2014 19:18 12978.8 51.147 10.33 21.737

12/4/2014 19:19 12979.9 51.148 10.186 21.799

12/4/2014 19:21 12981.1 51.148 10.037 21.864

12/4/2014 19:22 12982.4 51.153 9.886 21.929

12/4/2014 19:23 12983.7 51.159 9.737 21.994

12/4/2014 19:25 12985.1 51.16 9.586 22.059

12/4/2014 19:26 12986.6 51.163 9.436 22.124

12/4/2014 19:28 12988.2 51.165 9.283 22.19

12/4/2014 19:29 12989.8 51.169 9.137 22.254

12/4/2014 19:31 12991.6 51.169 8.989 22.318

12/4/2014 19:33 12993.5 51.17 8.828 22.387

12/4/2014 19:35 12995.5 51.173 8.674 22.454

12/4/2014 19:37 12997.6 51.176 8.517 22.522

12/4/2014 19:39 12999.8 51.176 8.367 22.587

12/4/2014 19:42 13002.2 51.182 8.214 22.653

12/4/2014 19:44 13004.7 51.186 8.054 22.723

12/4/2014 19:47 13007.3 51.18 7.896 22.791

12/4/2014 19:50 13010.1 51.185 7.741 22.858

12/4/2014 19:53 13013.1 51.176 7.584 22.926

12/4/2014 19:56 13016.2 51.179 7.426 22.995

12/4/2014 19:59 13019.6 51.185 7.269 23.063

12/4/2014 20:03 13023.1 51.187 7.111 23.131

12/4/2014 20:06 13026.8 51.186 6.951 23.2

12/4/2014 20:10 13030.8 51.185 6.793 23.269

12/4/2014 20:15 13035 51.19 6.639 23.335

12/4/2014 20:19 13039.4 51.19 6.481 23.404

12/4/2014 20:24 13044.1 51.188 6.323 23.472

12/4/2014 20:29 13049.1 51.196 6.16 23.543

12/4/2014 20:34 13054.1 51.191 6.015 23.606

12/4/2014 20:39 13059.1 51.197 5.877 23.666

12/4/2014 20:44 13064.1 51.199 5.741 23.724

12/4/2014 20:49 13069.1 51.197 5.612 23.78

12/4/2014 20:54 13074.1 51.196 5.491 23.833

12/4/2014 20:59 13079.1 51.202 5.375 23.883

12/4/2014 21:04 13084.1 51.201 5.264 23.931

12/4/2014 21:09 13089.1 51.199 5.141 23.984

12/4/2014 21:14 13094.1 51.2 5.056 24.021

12/4/2014 21:19 13099.1 51.201 4.942 24.07

12/4/2014 21:24 13104.1 51.202 4.863 24.105

12/4/2014 21:29 13109.1 51.206 4.759 24.15

12/4/2014 21:34 13114.1 51.203 4.683 24.182

12/4/2014 21:39 13119.1 51.206 4.602 24.218

12/4/2014 21:44 13124.1 51.209 4.519 24.253

12/4/2014 21:49 13129.1 51.211 4.427 24.293

12/4/2014 21:54 13134.1 51.212 4.365 24.32

12/4/2014 21:59 13139.1 51.206 4.288 24.354

12/4/2014 22:04 13144.1 51.203 4.22 24.383

12/4/2014 22:09 13149.1 51.207 4.146 24.415

12/4/2014 22:14 13154.1 51.212 4.083 24.442

12/4/2014 22:19 13159.1 51.211 4.017 24.471

12/4/2014 22:24 13164.1 51.211 3.953 24.499

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/4/2014 22:29 13169.1 51.208 3.894 24.524

12/4/2014 22:34 13174.1 51.209 3.834 24.55

12/4/2014 22:39 13179.1 51.213 3.772 24.577

12/4/2014 22:44 13184.1 51.216 3.717 24.601

12/4/2014 22:49 13189.1 51.212 3.663 24.624

12/4/2014 22:54 13194.1 51.213 3.608 24.648

12/4/2014 22:59 13199.1 51.21 3.554 24.672

12/4/2014 23:04 13204.1 51.211 3.502 24.694

12/4/2014 23:09 13209.1 51.214 3.449 24.717

12/4/2014 23:14 13214.1 51.215 3.403 24.737

12/4/2014 23:19 13219.1 51.211 3.341 24.764

12/4/2014 23:24 13224.1 51.213 3.304 24.78

12/4/2014 23:29 13229.1 51.212 3.26 24.799

12/4/2014 23:34 13234.1 51.209 3.212 24.82

12/4/2014 23:39 13239.1 51.212 3.171 24.838

12/4/2014 23:44 13244.1 51.216 3.129 24.856

12/4/2014 23:49 13249.1 51.213 3.082 24.876

12/4/2014 23:54 13254.1 51.212 3.042 24.893

12/4/2014 23:59 13259.1 51.215 3 24.912

12/5/2014 0:04 13264.1 51.217 2.96 24.929

12/5/2014 0:09 13269.1 51.217 2.919 24.946

12/5/2014 0:14 13274.1 51.212 2.88 24.963

12/5/2014 0:19 13279.1 51.211 2.829 24.986

12/5/2014 0:24 13284.1 51.212 2.806 24.996

12/5/2014 0:29 13289.1 51.218 2.771 25.011

12/5/2014 0:34 13294.1 51.216 2.721 25.032

12/5/2014 0:39 13299.1 51.213 2.696 25.043

12/5/2014 0:44 13304.1 51.216 2.66 25.059

12/5/2014 0:49 13309.1 51.212 2.625 25.074

12/5/2014 0:54 13314.1 51.217 2.592 25.088

12/5/2014 0:59 13319.1 51.219 2.562 25.101

12/5/2014 1:04 13324.1 51.217 2.529 25.116

12/5/2014 1:09 13329.1 51.211 2.496 25.13

12/5/2014 1:14 13334.1 51.217 2.463 25.144

12/5/2014 1:19 13339.1 51.214 2.434 25.157

12/5/2014 1:24 13344.1 51.217 2.401 25.171

12/5/2014 1:29 13349.1 51.217 2.369 25.185

12/5/2014 1:34 13354.1 51.22 2.337 25.199

12/5/2014 1:39 13359.1 51.218 2.31 25.21

12/5/2014 1:44 13364.1 51.218 2.279 25.224

12/5/2014 1:49 13369.1 51.219 2.252 25.235

12/5/2014 1:54 13374.1 51.217 2.22 25.249

12/5/2014 1:59 13379.1 51.222 2.198 25.259

12/5/2014 2:04 13384.1 51.216 2.168 25.272

12/5/2014 2:09 13389.1 51.211 2.14 25.284

12/5/2014 2:14 13394.1 51.217 2.098 25.302

12/5/2014 2:19 13399.1 51.216 2.087 25.307

12/5/2014 2:24 13404.1 51.222 2.061 25.318

12/5/2014 2:29 13409.1 51.219 2.023 25.335

12/5/2014 2:34 13414.1 51.219 2.009 25.341

12/5/2014 2:39 13419.1 51.218 1.983 25.352

12/5/2014 2:44 13424.1 51.218 1.947 25.368

12/5/2014 2:49 13429.1 51.217 1.934 25.373

12/5/2014 2:54 13434.1 51.22 1.911 25.383

12/5/2014 2:59 13439.1 51.217 1.888 25.393

12/5/2014 3:04 13444.1 51.217 1.86 25.405

12/5/2014 3:09 13449.1 51.22 1.839 25.414

12/5/2014 3:14 13454.1 51.221 1.801 25.431

12/5/2014 3:19 13459.1 51.218 1.79 25.435

12/5/2014 3:24 13464.1 51.222 1.773 25.443

12/5/2014 3:29 13469.1 51.216 1.744 25.455

12/5/2014 3:34 13474.1 51.218 1.709 25.471

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Page 52 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/5/2014 3:39 13479.1 51.218 1.696 25.476

12/5/2014 3:44 13484.1 51.22 1.676 25.485

12/5/2014 3:49 13489.1 51.218 1.655 25.494

12/5/2014 3:54 13494.1 51.218 1.63 25.505

12/5/2014 3:59 13499.1 51.216 1.606 25.515

12/5/2014 4:04 13504.1 51.217 1.587 25.524

12/5/2014 4:09 13509.1 51.218 1.564 25.533

12/5/2014 4:14 13514.1 51.22 1.543 25.543

12/5/2014 4:19 13519.1 51.218 1.509 25.557

12/5/2014 4:24 13524.1 51.217 1.502 25.56

12/5/2014 4:29 13529.1 51.221 1.481 25.569

12/5/2014 4:34 13534.1 51.221 1.459 25.579

12/5/2014 4:39 13539.1 51.219 1.43 25.592

12/5/2014 4:44 13544.1 51.222 1.408 25.601

12/5/2014 4:49 13549.1 51.222 1.387 25.61

12/5/2014 4:54 13554.1 51.221 1.383 25.612

12/5/2014 4:59 13559.1 51.218 1.345 25.628

12/5/2014 5:04 13564.1 51.218 1.34 25.63

12/5/2014 5:09 13569.1 51.224 1.324 25.638

12/5/2014 5:14 13574.1 51.218 1.288 25.653

12/5/2014 5:19 13579.1 51.222 1.274 25.659

12/5/2014 5:24 13584.1 51.221 1.267 25.662

12/5/2014 5:29 13589.1 51.218 1.249 25.67

12/5/2014 5:34 13594.1 51.225 1.228 25.679

12/5/2014 5:39 13599.1 51.222 1.217 25.684

12/5/2014 5:44 13604.1 51.224 1.197 25.692

12/5/2014 5:49 13609.1 51.22 1.18 25.7

12/5/2014 5:54 13614.1 51.22 1.151 25.712

12/5/2014 5:59 13619.1 51.219 1.145 25.715

12/5/2014 6:04 13624.1 51.221 1.126 25.723

12/5/2014 6:09 13629.1 51.221 1.097 25.736

12/5/2014 6:14 13634.1 51.217 1.095 25.737

12/5/2014 6:19 13639.1 51.225 1.083 25.742

12/5/2014 6:24 13644.1 51.222 1.064 25.75

12/5/2014 6:29 13649.1 51.217 1.05 25.756

12/5/2014 6:34 13654.1 51.215 1.034 25.763

12/5/2014 6:39 13659.1 51.217 1.015 25.771

12/5/2014 6:44 13664.1 51.217 1.003 25.777

12/5/2014 6:49 13669.1 51.218 0.972 25.79

12/5/2014 6:54 13674.1 51.217 0.971 25.79

12/5/2014 6:59 13679.1 51.217 0.943 25.803

12/5/2014 7:04 13684.1 51.22 0.947 25.801

12/5/2014 7:09 13689.1 51.217 0.934 25.806

12/5/2014 7:14 13694.1 51.22 0.923 25.811

12/5/2014 7:19 13699.1 51.223 0.915 25.814

12/5/2014 7:24 13704.1 51.214 0.907 25.818

12/5/2014 7:29 13709.1 51.219 0.903 25.82

12/5/2014 7:34 13714.1 51.211 0.894 25.824

12/5/2014 7:39 13719.1 51.217 0.89 25.825

12/5/2014 7:44 13724.1 51.222 0.892 25.824

12/5/2014 7:49 13729.1 51.22 0.879 25.83

12/5/2014 7:54 13734.1 51.216 0.892 25.825

12/5/2014 7:59 13739.1 51.226 0.881 25.829

12/5/2014 8:04 13744.1 51.218 0.902 25.82

12/5/2014 8:09 13749.1 51.222 0.901 25.82

12/5/2014 8:14 13754.1 51.214 0.897 25.822

12/5/2014 8:19 13759.1 51.223 0.915 25.815

12/5/2014 8:24 13764.1 51.221 0.919 25.813

12/5/2014 8:29 13769.1 51.219 0.931 25.808

12/5/2014 8:34 13774.1 51.221 0.935 25.806

12/5/2014 8:39 13779.1 51.218 0.931 25.808

12/5/2014 8:44 13784.1 51.224 0.955 25.797

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Page 53 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer NamREMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐22‐24‐889.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:22

12/5/2014 8:49 13789.1 51.222 0.963 25.794

12/5/2014 8:54 13794.1 51.22 0.973 25.789

12/5/2014 8:59 13799.1 51.222 0.981 25.786

12/5/2014 9:04 13804.1 51.22 0.989 25.782

12/5/2014 9:09 13809.1 51.225 1.002 25.777

12/5/2014 9:14 13814.1 51.217 0.999 25.778

12/5/2014 9:19 13819.1 51.222 1.022 25.768

12/5/2014 9:24 13824.1 51.222 1.015 25.771

12/5/2014 9:29 13829.1 51.219 1.027 25.766

12/5/2014 9:34 13834.1 51.219 1.052 25.755

12/5/2014 9:39 13839.1 51.222 1.058 25.752

12/5/2014 9:44 13844.1 51.213 1.068 25.748

12/5/2014 9:49 13849.1 51.217 1.085 25.741

12/5/2014 9:54 13854.1 51.217 1.083 25.742

12/5/2014 9:59 13859.1 51.227 1.086 25.74

12/5/2014 10:04 13864.1 51.222 0.987 25.783

12/5/2014 10:09 13869.1 51.221 1.127 25.723

12/5/2014 10:14 13874.1 51.225 1.121 25.725

12/5/2014 10:19 13879.1 51.217 1.063 25.751

12/5/2014 10:24 13884.1 51.219 1.182 25.699

12/5/2014 10:29 13889.1 51.219 1.106 25.732

12/5/2014 10:34 13894.1 51.219 1.077 25.744

12/5/2014 10:39 13899.1 51.222 1.161 25.708

12/5/2014 10:44 13904.1 51.222 1.174 25.702

12/5/2014 10:49 13909.1 51.215 1.197 25.692

12/5/2014 10:54 13914.1 51.214 1.155 25.71

12/5/2014 10:59 13919.1 51.22 1.211 25.686

12/5/2014 11:04 13924.1 51.222 1.282 25.656

12/5/2014 11:09 13929.1 51.217 1.268 25.661

12/5/2014 11:14 13934.1 51.215 1.123 25.725

12/5/2014 11:19 13939.1 51.214 1.247 25.671

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

Device Properties

Device Level TROLL 700

Site GAWA Frederickson North

Device Name  

Serial Number 353009

Firmware Version 2.09

Hardware Version 3

Device Address 1

Device Comm Cfg 19200 8 Even 1 (Modbus‐RTU)

Used Memory 1

Used Battery 5

Log Configuration

Log Name FN‐2

Created By ntg

Computer Name REMELAP‐6353

Application WinSitu.exe

Application Version

Create Date 11/25/2014 5:07:26 PM Eastern Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes) 4096

Overwrite when full Disabled

Scheduled Start Time 11/25/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Scheduled Stop Time 12/5/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Type Step Test

 Steps 3 (True Logarithmic)

  Step 1

  Duration Days: 8 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 2

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 3

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

Level Reference Settings At Log Creation

        Level Measurement Mode Level Depth To Water

              Specific Gravity 0.999

          Level Reference Mode: Set first logged value to offset

        Level Reference Offset: 0 (ft)

Other Log Settings

Depth of Probe: 47.0442 (ft)

Head Pressure: 20.3745 (PSI)

Temperature: 50.9449 (F)

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Page 2 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

Log Notes:

Date and Time Note

11/25/2014 17:07 Sensor SN: 353009  Factory calibration has expired.: 10/7/2014 9:12:53 AM

11/25/2014 17:07 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/2/2014 17:08 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 17:51 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 19:37 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 5:49:06 PM

12/4/2014 16:19 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 7:35:30 PM

12/5/2014 11:08 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 11:08 Manual Stop Command

Log Data:

Record Count 3160

Sensors 1

  1 353009 Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft    Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft           Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft          

Elapsed Time SN#: 353009                 SN#: 353009                    SN#: 353009                   

Date and Time Minutes      Temperature (F)           Level Depth To Water (ft)      Pressure (PSI)                

11/25/2014 19:00 0 50.728 0 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.004 50.759 0 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.008 50.784 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.013 50.807 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.017 50.82 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.021 50.831 0.01 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.025 50.837 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.029 50.851 0.008 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.033 50.85 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.037 50.858 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.042 50.863 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.046 50.864 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.05 50.867 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.054 50.879 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.058 50.879 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.063 50.883 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.067 50.887 0.003 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.071 50.889 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.075 50.887 0.003 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.079 50.892 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.083 50.89 0.008 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.087 50.897 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.092 50.895 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.096 50.897 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.1 50.899 0.01 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.106 50.886 0.009 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.112 50.875 0.012 20.402

11/25/2014 19:00 0.119 50.867 0.009 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.126 50.857 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.133 50.857 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.141 50.846 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.15 50.839 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.158 50.836 0.003 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.168 50.828 0.008 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.178 50.829 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.188 50.823 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.199 50.819 0.016 20.401

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Page 3 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/25/2014 19:00 0.211 50.823 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.224 50.813 0.005 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.237 50.807 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.251 50.805 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.266 50.806 0.003 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.282 50.803 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:00 0.298 50.803 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:00 0.316 50.803 0.01 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.335 50.797 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.355 50.794 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.376 50.796 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.398 50.79 0.01 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.422 50.793 0.009 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.447 50.79 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.473 50.791 0.008 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.501 50.795 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.531 50.787 0.01 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.562 50.787 0.01 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.596 50.783 0.011 20.403

11/25/2014 19:00 0.631 50.785 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.668 50.783 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.708 50.779 0.008 20.404

11/25/2014 19:00 0.75 50.779 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:00 0.794 50.783 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.841 50.777 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.891 50.769 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:00 0.944 50.775 0.009 20.404

11/25/2014 19:01 1 50.772 0.005 20.406

11/25/2014 19:01 1.06 50.77 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:01 1.12 50.776 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:01 1.19 50.765 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:01 1.26 50.763 0.009 20.404

11/25/2014 19:01 1.33 50.761 0.006 20.405

11/25/2014 19:01 1.41 50.771 0.003 20.407

11/25/2014 19:01 1.5 50.761 0.003 20.407

11/25/2014 19:01 1.58 50.763 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:01 1.68 50.758 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:01 1.78 50.752 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:01 1.88 50.754 0.007 20.405

11/25/2014 19:01 1.99 50.754 0.003 20.406

11/25/2014 19:02 2.11 50.754 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:02 2.24 50.748 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:02 2.37 50.749 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:02 2.51 50.753 0.003 20.406

11/25/2014 19:02 2.66 50.745 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:02 2.82 50.74 0.004 20.406

11/25/2014 19:02 2.98 50.741 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:03 3.16 50.743 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:03 3.35 50.743 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:03 3.55 50.738 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:03 3.76 50.745 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:03 3.98 50.739 0.013 20.402

11/25/2014 19:04 4.22 50.74 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:04 4.47 50.737 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:04 4.73 50.736 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:05 5.01 50.738 0.001 20.407

11/25/2014 19:05 5.31 50.738 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:05 5.62 50.734 0.002 20.407

11/25/2014 19:05 5.96 50.733 ‐0.001 20.408

11/25/2014 19:06 6.31 50.737 ‐0.005 20.41

11/25/2014 19:06 6.68 50.735 0 20.408

11/25/2014 19:07 7.08 50.73 ‐0.003 20.409

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/25/2014 19:07 7.5 50.734 ‐0.003 20.409

11/25/2014 19:07 7.94 50.729 0 20.408

11/25/2014 19:08 8.41 50.733 ‐0.003 20.409

11/25/2014 19:08 8.91 50.724 ‐0.002 20.409

11/25/2014 19:09 9.44 50.733 ‐0.003 20.409

11/25/2014 19:10 10 50.726 ‐0.003 20.409

11/25/2014 19:10 10.6 50.729 ‐0.005 20.41

11/25/2014 19:11 11.2 50.723 ‐0.008 20.411

11/25/2014 19:11 11.9 50.732 ‐0.006 20.411

11/25/2014 19:12 12.6 50.731 ‐0.004 20.409

11/25/2014 19:13 13.3 50.73 ‐0.007 20.411

11/25/2014 19:14 14.1 50.729 ‐0.011 20.412

11/25/2014 19:15 15 50.728 ‐0.011 20.413

11/25/2014 19:15 15.8 50.725 ‐0.014 20.414

11/25/2014 19:16 16.8 50.724 ‐0.011 20.413

11/25/2014 19:17 17.8 50.729 ‐0.014 20.414

11/25/2014 19:18 18.8 50.729 ‐0.015 20.414

11/25/2014 19:19 19.9 50.724 ‐0.014 20.414

11/25/2014 19:21 21.1 50.726 ‐0.018 20.415

11/25/2014 19:22 22.4 50.725 ‐0.017 20.415

11/25/2014 19:23 23.7 50.726 ‐0.02 20.416

11/25/2014 19:25 25.1 50.726 ‐0.022 20.417

11/25/2014 19:26 26.6 50.729 ‐0.022 20.417

11/25/2014 19:28 28.2 50.73 ‐0.023 20.418

11/25/2014 19:29 29.8 50.725 ‐0.024 20.418

11/25/2014 19:31 31.6 50.731 ‐0.027 20.42

11/25/2014 19:33 33.5 50.73 ‐0.03 20.421

11/25/2014 19:35 35.5 50.726 ‐0.03 20.421

11/25/2014 19:37 37.6 50.728 ‐0.033 20.422

11/25/2014 19:39 39.8 50.727 ‐0.038 20.424

11/25/2014 19:42 42.2 50.73 ‐0.039 20.425

11/25/2014 19:44 44.7 50.727 ‐0.042 20.426

11/25/2014 19:47 47.3 50.728 ‐0.048 20.428

11/25/2014 19:50 50.1 50.729 ‐0.051 20.43

11/25/2014 19:53 53.1 50.729 ‐0.051 20.43

11/25/2014 19:56 56.2 50.728 ‐0.055 20.432

11/25/2014 19:59 59.6 50.731 ‐0.059 20.433

11/25/2014 20:03 63.1 50.73 ‐0.061 20.434

11/25/2014 20:06 66.8 50.725 ‐0.07 20.438

11/25/2014 20:10 70.8 50.729 ‐0.071 20.438

11/25/2014 20:15 75 50.725 ‐0.079 20.442

11/25/2014 20:19 79.4 50.73 ‐0.083 20.444

11/25/2014 20:24 84.1 50.732 ‐0.093 20.448

11/25/2014 20:29 89.1 50.73 ‐0.096 20.449

11/25/2014 20:34 94.1 50.724 ‐0.102 20.452

11/25/2014 20:39 99.1 50.729 ‐0.112 20.456

11/25/2014 20:44 104.1 50.726 ‐0.115 20.457

11/25/2014 20:49 109.1 50.731 ‐0.12 20.46

11/25/2014 20:54 114.1 50.731 ‐0.127 20.463

11/25/2014 20:59 119.1 50.729 ‐0.134 20.466

11/25/2014 21:04 124.1 50.726 ‐0.142 20.469

11/25/2014 21:09 129.1 50.73 ‐0.146 20.471

11/25/2014 21:14 134.1 50.729 ‐0.153 20.474

11/25/2014 21:19 139.1 50.729 ‐0.158 20.476

11/25/2014 21:24 144.1 50.732 ‐0.161 20.478

11/25/2014 21:29 149.1 50.731 ‐0.166 20.48

11/25/2014 21:34 154.1 50.73 ‐0.175 20.483

11/25/2014 21:39 159.1 50.736 ‐0.182 20.487

11/25/2014 21:44 164.1 50.733 ‐0.19 20.49

11/25/2014 21:49 169.1 50.733 ‐0.195 20.492

11/25/2014 21:54 174.1 50.735 ‐0.2 20.495

11/25/2014 21:59 179.1 50.735 ‐0.206 20.497

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/25/2014 22:04 184.1 50.728 ‐0.207 20.498

11/25/2014 22:09 189.1 50.735 ‐0.214 20.5

11/25/2014 22:14 194.1 50.732 ‐0.222 20.504

11/25/2014 22:19 199.1 50.733 ‐0.227 20.506

11/25/2014 22:24 204.1 50.729 ‐0.233 20.509

11/25/2014 22:29 209.1 50.736 ‐0.239 20.511

11/25/2014 22:34 214.1 50.733 ‐0.244 20.513

11/25/2014 22:39 219.1 50.735 ‐0.246 20.514

11/25/2014 22:44 224.1 50.739 ‐0.255 20.518

11/25/2014 22:49 229.1 50.732 ‐0.261 20.521

11/25/2014 22:54 234.1 50.735 ‐0.268 20.524

11/25/2014 22:59 239.1 50.735 ‐0.273 20.526

11/25/2014 23:04 244.1 50.735 ‐0.28 20.529

11/25/2014 23:09 249.1 50.734 ‐0.285 20.531

11/25/2014 23:14 254.1 50.735 ‐0.291 20.534

11/25/2014 23:19 259.1 50.735 ‐0.295 20.536

11/25/2014 23:24 264.1 50.73 ‐0.303 20.539

11/25/2014 23:29 269.1 50.734 ‐0.31 20.542

11/25/2014 23:34 274.1 50.733 ‐0.316 20.544

11/25/2014 23:39 279.1 50.736 ‐0.319 20.546

11/25/2014 23:44 284.1 50.735 ‐0.327 20.55

11/25/2014 23:49 289.1 50.731 ‐0.331 20.551

11/25/2014 23:54 294.1 50.734 ‐0.341 20.556

11/25/2014 23:59 299.1 50.735 ‐0.345 20.557

11/26/2014 0:04 304.1 50.737 ‐0.353 20.561

11/26/2014 0:09 309.1 50.736 ‐0.362 20.565

11/26/2014 0:14 314.1 50.74 ‐0.365 20.566

11/26/2014 0:19 319.1 50.739 ‐0.371 20.568

11/26/2014 0:24 324.1 50.736 ‐0.38 20.572

11/26/2014 0:29 329.1 50.733 ‐0.387 20.576

11/26/2014 0:34 334.1 50.732 ‐0.391 20.577

11/26/2014 0:39 339.1 50.736 ‐0.394 20.579

11/26/2014 0:44 344.1 50.733 ‐0.4 20.581

11/26/2014 0:49 349.1 50.732 ‐0.41 20.585

11/26/2014 0:54 354.1 50.734 ‐0.414 20.587

11/26/2014 0:59 359.1 50.732 ‐0.418 20.589

11/26/2014 1:04 364.1 50.737 ‐0.425 20.592

11/26/2014 1:09 369.1 50.733 ‐0.431 20.595

11/26/2014 1:14 374.1 50.737 ‐0.439 20.598

11/26/2014 1:19 379.1 50.732 ‐0.442 20.599

11/26/2014 1:24 384.1 50.736 ‐0.452 20.603

11/26/2014 1:29 389.1 50.74 ‐0.459 20.606

11/26/2014 1:34 394.1 50.735 ‐0.461 20.608

11/26/2014 1:39 399.1 50.736 ‐0.468 20.61

11/26/2014 1:44 404.1 50.736 ‐0.472 20.612

11/26/2014 1:49 409.1 50.738 ‐0.481 20.616

11/26/2014 1:54 414.1 50.734 ‐0.486 20.618

11/26/2014 1:59 419.1 50.733 ‐0.49 20.62

11/26/2014 2:04 424.1 50.736 ‐0.492 20.621

11/26/2014 2:09 429.1 50.734 ‐0.503 20.626

11/26/2014 2:14 434.1 50.733 ‐0.505 20.627

11/26/2014 2:19 439.1 50.738 ‐0.515 20.631

11/26/2014 2:24 444.1 50.737 ‐0.519 20.633

11/26/2014 2:29 449.1 50.735 ‐0.524 20.635

11/26/2014 2:34 454.1 50.738 ‐0.531 20.638

11/26/2014 2:39 459.1 50.737 ‐0.537 20.64

11/26/2014 2:44 464.1 50.733 ‐0.543 20.643

11/26/2014 2:49 469.1 50.735 ‐0.551 20.646

11/26/2014 2:54 474.1 50.739 ‐0.557 20.649

11/26/2014 2:59 479.1 50.735 ‐0.561 20.651

11/26/2014 3:04 484.1 50.738 ‐0.566 20.653

11/26/2014 3:09 489.1 50.74 ‐0.577 20.658

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/26/2014 3:14 494.1 50.734 ‐0.58 20.659

11/26/2014 3:19 499.1 50.736 ‐0.582 20.66

11/26/2014 3:24 504.1 50.735 ‐0.591 20.664

11/26/2014 3:29 509.1 50.735 ‐0.596 20.666

11/26/2014 3:34 514.1 50.735 ‐0.603 20.669

11/26/2014 3:39 519.1 50.735 ‐0.61 20.672

11/26/2014 3:44 524.1 50.737 ‐0.614 20.674

11/26/2014 3:49 529.1 50.735 ‐0.623 20.678

11/26/2014 3:54 534.1 50.736 ‐0.627 20.679

11/26/2014 3:59 539.1 50.741 ‐0.636 20.683

11/26/2014 4:04 544.1 50.736 ‐0.634 20.682

11/26/2014 4:09 549.1 50.738 ‐0.647 20.688

11/26/2014 4:14 554.1 50.74 ‐0.654 20.691

11/26/2014 4:19 559.1 50.733 ‐0.657 20.692

11/26/2014 4:24 564.1 50.735 ‐0.663 20.695

11/26/2014 4:29 569.1 50.742 ‐0.669 20.698

11/26/2014 4:34 574.1 50.734 ‐0.673 20.699

11/26/2014 4:39 579.1 50.738 ‐0.679 20.702

11/26/2014 4:44 584.1 50.735 ‐0.687 20.705

11/26/2014 4:49 589.1 50.734 ‐0.694 20.708

11/26/2014 4:54 594.1 50.736 ‐0.697 20.71

11/26/2014 4:59 599.1 50.735 ‐0.707 20.714

11/26/2014 5:04 604.1 50.732 ‐0.711 20.716

11/26/2014 5:09 609.1 50.734 ‐0.715 20.718

11/26/2014 5:14 614.1 50.737 ‐0.722 20.72

11/26/2014 5:19 619.1 50.734 ‐0.728 20.723

11/26/2014 5:24 624.1 50.735 ‐0.731 20.724

11/26/2014 5:29 629.1 50.742 ‐0.741 20.729

11/26/2014 5:34 634.1 50.737 ‐0.749 20.732

11/26/2014 5:39 639.1 50.737 ‐0.755 20.735

11/26/2014 5:44 644.1 50.735 ‐0.758 20.736

11/26/2014 5:49 649.1 50.735 ‐0.762 20.738

11/26/2014 5:54 654.1 50.738 ‐0.756 20.735

11/26/2014 5:59 659.1 50.738 ‐0.773 20.742

11/26/2014 6:04 664.1 50.734 ‐0.774 20.743

11/26/2014 6:09 669.1 50.732 ‐0.783 20.747

11/26/2014 6:14 674.1 50.733 ‐0.785 20.748

11/26/2014 6:19 679.1 50.739 ‐0.792 20.751

11/26/2014 6:24 684.1 50.74 ‐0.798 20.753

11/26/2014 6:29 689.1 50.742 ‐0.8 20.754

11/26/2014 6:34 694.1 50.742 ‐0.802 20.755

11/26/2014 6:39 699.1 50.743 ‐0.803 20.756

11/26/2014 6:44 704.1 50.739 ‐0.804 20.756

11/26/2014 6:49 709.1 50.745 ‐0.806 20.757

11/26/2014 6:54 714.1 50.742 ‐0.807 20.757

11/26/2014 6:59 719.1 50.737 ‐0.792 20.751

11/26/2014 7:04 724.1 50.739 ‐0.804 20.756

11/26/2014 7:09 729.1 50.734 ‐0.798 20.753

11/26/2014 7:14 734.1 50.736 ‐0.794 20.752

11/26/2014 7:19 739.1 50.736 ‐0.789 20.749

11/26/2014 7:24 744.1 50.735 ‐0.782 20.746

11/26/2014 7:29 749.1 50.738 ‐0.775 20.744

11/26/2014 7:34 754.1 50.738 ‐0.767 20.74

11/26/2014 7:39 759.1 50.74 ‐0.757 20.736

11/26/2014 7:44 764.1 50.735 ‐0.746 20.731

11/26/2014 7:49 769.1 50.736 ‐0.738 20.727

11/26/2014 7:54 774.1 50.741 ‐0.724 20.721

11/26/2014 7:59 779.1 50.738 ‐0.715 20.718

11/26/2014 8:04 784.1 50.735 ‐0.702 20.712

11/26/2014 8:09 789.1 50.735 ‐0.69 20.706

11/26/2014 8:14 794.1 50.741 ‐0.676 20.701

11/26/2014 8:19 799.1 50.736 ‐0.664 20.695

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/26/2014 8:24 804.1 50.739 ‐0.647 20.688

11/26/2014 8:29 809.1 50.743 ‐0.634 20.682

11/26/2014 8:34 814.1 50.735 ‐0.624 20.678

11/26/2014 8:39 819.1 50.74 ‐0.611 20.672

11/26/2014 8:44 824.1 50.736 ‐0.594 20.665

11/26/2014 8:49 829.1 50.741 ‐0.583 20.66

11/26/2014 8:54 834.1 50.742 ‐0.565 20.652

11/26/2014 8:59 839.1 50.74 ‐0.552 20.647

11/26/2014 9:04 844.1 50.736 ‐0.536 20.64

11/26/2014 9:09 849.1 50.736 ‐0.522 20.634

11/26/2014 9:14 854.1 50.737 ‐0.505 20.626

11/26/2014 9:19 859.1 50.738 ‐0.491 20.62

11/26/2014 9:24 864.1 50.737 ‐0.474 20.613

11/26/2014 9:29 869.1 50.74 ‐0.463 20.608

11/26/2014 9:34 874.1 50.745 ‐0.445 20.6

11/26/2014 9:39 879.1 50.739 ‐0.435 20.596

11/26/2014 9:44 884.1 50.74 ‐0.417 20.589

11/26/2014 9:49 889.1 50.738 ‐0.407 20.584

11/26/2014 9:54 894.1 50.742 ‐0.394 20.578

11/26/2014 9:59 899.1 50.74 ‐0.38 20.572

11/26/2014 10:04 904.1 50.74 ‐0.37 20.568

11/26/2014 10:09 909.1 50.74 ‐0.359 20.563

11/26/2014 10:14 914.1 50.736 ‐0.346 20.558

11/26/2014 10:19 919.1 50.74 ‐0.336 20.553

11/26/2014 10:24 924.1 50.74 ‐0.328 20.55

11/26/2014 10:29 929.1 50.742 ‐0.318 20.545

11/26/2014 10:34 934.1 50.739 ‐0.31 20.542

11/26/2014 10:39 939.1 50.74 ‐0.297 20.536

11/26/2014 10:44 944.1 50.741 ‐0.294 20.535

11/26/2014 10:49 949.1 50.735 ‐0.284 20.531

11/26/2014 10:54 954.1 50.74 ‐0.272 20.525

11/26/2014 10:59 959.1 50.739 ‐0.264 20.522

11/26/2014 11:04 964.1 50.739 ‐0.249 20.516

11/26/2014 11:09 969.1 50.74 ‐0.24 20.512

11/26/2014 11:14 974.1 50.735 ‐0.23 20.507

11/26/2014 11:19 979.1 50.737 ‐0.212 20.5

11/26/2014 11:24 984.1 50.74 ‐0.204 20.496

11/26/2014 11:29 989.1 50.74 ‐0.193 20.491

11/26/2014 11:34 994.1 50.736 ‐0.18 20.486

11/26/2014 11:39 999.1 50.735 ‐0.167 20.48

11/26/2014 11:44 1004.1 50.739 ‐0.154 20.474

11/26/2014 11:49 1009.1 50.738 ‐0.139 20.468

11/26/2014 11:54 1014.1 50.734 ‐0.129 20.464

11/26/2014 11:59 1019.1 50.74 ‐0.115 20.458

11/26/2014 12:04 1024.1 50.736 ‐0.097 20.45

11/26/2014 12:09 1029.1 50.736 ‐0.087 20.446

11/26/2014 12:14 1034.1 50.745 ‐0.068 20.437

11/26/2014 12:19 1039.1 50.74 ‐0.058 20.433

11/26/2014 12:24 1044.1 50.736 ‐0.041 20.426

11/26/2014 12:29 1049.1 50.739 ‐0.024 20.418

11/26/2014 12:34 1054.1 50.741 ‐0.009 20.412

11/26/2014 12:39 1059.1 50.744 0.004 20.406

11/26/2014 12:44 1064.1 50.742 0.021 20.398

11/26/2014 12:49 1069.1 50.739 0.033 20.394

11/26/2014 12:54 1074.1 50.737 0.049 20.387

11/26/2014 12:59 1079.1 50.736 0.079 20.374

11/26/2014 13:04 1084.1 50.746 0.081 20.373

11/26/2014 13:09 1089.1 50.735 0.091 20.369

11/26/2014 13:14 1094.1 50.736 0.106 20.362

11/26/2014 13:19 1099.1 50.742 0.12 20.356

11/26/2014 13:24 1104.1 50.74 0.129 20.352

11/26/2014 13:29 1109.1 50.743 0.141 20.347

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/26/2014 13:34 1114.1 50.742 0.149 20.343

11/26/2014 13:39 1119.1 50.738 0.158 20.339

11/26/2014 13:44 1124.1 50.738 0.165 20.336

11/26/2014 13:49 1129.1 50.737 0.173 20.333

11/26/2014 13:54 1134.1 50.737 0.175 20.332

11/26/2014 13:59 1139.1 50.74 0.18 20.33

11/26/2014 14:04 1144.1 50.74 0.186 20.327

11/26/2014 14:09 1149.1 50.743 0.189 20.326

11/26/2014 14:14 1154.1 50.745 0.196 20.323

11/26/2014 14:19 1159.1 50.736 0.192 20.325

11/26/2014 14:24 1164.1 50.742 0.194 20.324

11/26/2014 14:29 1169.1 50.74 0.196 20.323

11/26/2014 14:34 1174.1 50.736 0.195 20.323

11/26/2014 14:39 1179.1 50.741 0.192 20.324

11/26/2014 14:44 1184.1 50.743 0.193 20.324

11/26/2014 14:49 1189.1 50.743 0.194 20.324

11/26/2014 14:54 1194.1 50.741 0.193 20.324

11/26/2014 14:59 1199.1 50.737 0.19 20.325

11/26/2014 15:04 1204.1 50.742 0.192 20.325

11/26/2014 15:09 1209.1 50.741 0.196 20.323

11/26/2014 15:14 1214.1 50.74 0.193 20.324

11/26/2014 15:19 1219.1 50.743 0.192 20.324

11/26/2014 15:24 1224.1 50.741 0.199 20.322

11/26/2014 15:29 1229.1 50.738 0.201 20.321

11/26/2014 15:34 1234.1 50.74 0.2 20.321

11/26/2014 15:39 1239.1 50.741 0.209 20.317

11/26/2014 15:44 1244.1 50.739 0.212 20.316

11/26/2014 15:49 1249.1 50.743 0.217 20.314

11/26/2014 15:54 1254.1 50.742 0.222 20.312

11/26/2014 15:59 1259.1 50.742 0.233 20.307

11/26/2014 16:04 1264.1 50.742 0.237 20.305

11/26/2014 16:09 1269.1 50.737 0.251 20.299

11/26/2014 16:14 1274.1 50.74 0.258 20.296

11/26/2014 16:19 1279.1 50.739 0.265 20.293

11/26/2014 16:24 1284.1 50.735 0.276 20.288

11/26/2014 16:29 1289.1 50.74 0.282 20.286

11/26/2014 16:34 1294.1 50.735 0.292 20.281

11/26/2014 16:39 1299.1 50.74 0.299 20.278

11/26/2014 16:44 1304.1 50.742 0.307 20.275

11/26/2014 16:49 1309.1 50.741 0.314 20.272

11/26/2014 16:54 1314.1 50.742 0.319 20.269

11/26/2014 16:59 1319.1 50.74 0.327 20.266

11/26/2014 17:04 1324.1 50.745 0.33 20.265

11/26/2014 17:09 1329.1 50.74 0.336 20.262

11/26/2014 17:14 1334.1 50.74 0.341 20.26

11/26/2014 17:19 1339.1 50.741 0.352 20.255

11/26/2014 17:24 1344.1 50.742 0.344 20.259

11/26/2014 17:29 1349.1 50.743 0.347 20.257

11/26/2014 17:34 1354.1 50.738 0.354 20.254

11/26/2014 17:39 1359.1 50.74 0.351 20.256

11/26/2014 17:44 1364.1 50.74 0.347 20.257

11/26/2014 17:49 1369.1 50.744 0.345 20.258

11/26/2014 17:54 1374.1 50.741 0.346 20.258

11/26/2014 17:59 1379.1 50.743 0.341 20.26

11/26/2014 18:04 1384.1 50.74 0.339 20.261

11/26/2014 18:09 1389.1 50.734 0.339 20.261

11/26/2014 18:14 1394.1 50.743 0.333 20.264

11/26/2014 18:19 1399.1 50.74 0.33 20.265

11/26/2014 18:24 1404.1 50.745 0.328 20.266

11/26/2014 18:29 1409.1 50.743 0.324 20.267

11/26/2014 18:34 1414.1 50.742 0.317 20.27

11/26/2014 18:39 1419.1 50.742 0.312 20.273

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/26/2014 18:44 1424.1 50.743 0.305 20.276

11/26/2014 18:49 1429.1 50.745 0.299 20.278

11/26/2014 18:54 1434.1 50.742 0.294 20.28

11/26/2014 18:59 1439.1 50.742 0.29 20.282

11/26/2014 19:04 1444.1 50.742 0.284 20.285

11/26/2014 19:09 1449.1 50.742 0.276 20.288

11/26/2014 19:14 1454.1 50.742 0.268 20.292

11/26/2014 19:19 1459.1 50.744 0.264 20.293

11/26/2014 19:24 1464.1 50.745 0.258 20.296

11/26/2014 19:29 1469.1 50.74 0.25 20.299

11/26/2014 19:34 1474.1 50.745 0.244 20.302

11/26/2014 19:39 1479.1 50.744 0.24 20.304

11/26/2014 19:44 1484.1 50.74 0.229 20.309

11/26/2014 19:49 1489.1 50.745 0.225 20.31

11/26/2014 19:54 1494.1 50.745 0.216 20.314

11/26/2014 19:59 1499.1 50.743 0.21 20.317

11/26/2014 20:04 1504.1 50.745 0.199 20.322

11/26/2014 20:09 1509.1 50.744 0.198 20.322

11/26/2014 20:14 1514.1 50.745 0.191 20.325

11/26/2014 20:19 1519.1 50.748 0.186 20.327

11/26/2014 20:24 1524.1 50.748 0.181 20.33

11/26/2014 20:29 1529.1 50.745 0.169 20.334

11/26/2014 20:34 1534.1 50.741 0.163 20.337

11/26/2014 20:39 1539.1 50.748 0.158 20.339

11/26/2014 20:44 1544.1 50.745 0.149 20.343

11/26/2014 20:49 1549.1 50.74 0.143 20.346

11/26/2014 20:54 1554.1 50.744 0.133 20.35

11/26/2014 20:59 1559.1 50.748 0.126 20.353

11/26/2014 21:04 1564.1 50.747 0.12 20.356

11/26/2014 21:09 1569.1 50.743 0.116 20.358

11/26/2014 21:14 1574.1 50.745 0.106 20.362

11/26/2014 21:19 1579.1 50.742 0.098 20.365

11/26/2014 21:24 1584.1 50.739 0.093 20.368

11/26/2014 21:29 1589.1 50.746 0.088 20.37

11/26/2014 21:34 1594.1 50.745 0.079 20.374

11/26/2014 21:39 1599.1 50.748 0.072 20.376

11/26/2014 21:44 1604.1 50.744 0.065 20.38

11/26/2014 21:49 1609.1 50.743 0.06 20.382

11/26/2014 21:54 1614.1 50.746 0.05 20.386

11/26/2014 21:59 1619.1 50.744 0.049 20.386

11/26/2014 22:04 1624.1 50.745 0.038 20.391

11/26/2014 22:09 1629.1 50.747 0.029 20.395

11/26/2014 22:14 1634.1 50.744 0.021 20.399

11/26/2014 22:19 1639.1 50.745 0.014 20.402

11/26/2014 22:24 1644.1 50.74 0.01 20.403

11/26/2014 22:29 1649.1 50.743 ‐0.002 20.409

11/26/2014 22:34 1654.1 50.744 ‐0.008 20.411

11/26/2014 22:39 1659.1 50.747 ‐0.014 20.414

11/26/2014 22:44 1664.1 50.743 ‐0.018 20.416

11/26/2014 22:49 1669.1 50.742 ‐0.024 20.418

11/26/2014 22:54 1674.1 50.745 ‐0.036 20.423

11/26/2014 22:59 1679.1 50.745 ‐0.044 20.427

11/26/2014 23:04 1684.1 50.745 ‐0.048 20.428

11/26/2014 23:09 1689.1 50.744 ‐0.055 20.432

11/26/2014 23:14 1694.1 50.74 ‐0.062 20.435

11/26/2014 23:19 1699.1 50.743 ‐0.068 20.437

11/26/2014 23:24 1704.1 50.745 ‐0.077 20.441

11/26/2014 23:29 1709.1 50.741 ‐0.081 20.443

11/26/2014 23:34 1714.1 50.746 ‐0.089 20.446

11/26/2014 23:39 1719.1 50.75 ‐0.096 20.449

11/26/2014 23:44 1724.1 50.744 ‐0.101 20.451

11/26/2014 23:49 1729.1 50.742 ‐0.11 20.455

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/26/2014 23:54 1734.1 50.743 ‐0.117 20.458

11/26/2014 23:59 1739.1 50.746 ‐0.126 20.462

11/27/2014 0:04 1744.1 50.745 ‐0.127 20.463

11/27/2014 0:09 1749.1 50.744 ‐0.136 20.467

11/27/2014 0:14 1754.1 50.741 ‐0.143 20.47

11/27/2014 0:19 1759.1 50.742 ‐0.15 20.473

11/27/2014 0:24 1764.1 50.745 ‐0.157 20.476

11/27/2014 0:29 1769.1 50.742 ‐0.164 20.479

11/27/2014 0:34 1774.1 50.745 ‐0.17 20.481

11/27/2014 0:39 1779.1 50.747 ‐0.178 20.485

11/27/2014 0:44 1784.1 50.742 ‐0.185 20.488

11/27/2014 0:49 1789.1 50.745 ‐0.19 20.49

11/27/2014 0:54 1794.1 50.745 ‐0.199 20.494

11/27/2014 0:59 1799.1 50.745 ‐0.203 20.496

11/27/2014 1:04 1804.1 50.746 ‐0.211 20.499

11/27/2014 1:09 1809.1 50.747 ‐0.219 20.502

11/27/2014 1:14 1814.1 50.745 ‐0.228 20.507

11/27/2014 1:19 1819.1 50.746 ‐0.231 20.508

11/27/2014 1:24 1824.1 50.744 ‐0.24 20.512

11/27/2014 1:29 1829.1 50.744 ‐0.247 20.515

11/27/2014 1:34 1834.1 50.74 ‐0.253 20.517

11/27/2014 1:39 1839.1 50.743 ‐0.259 20.52

11/27/2014 1:44 1844.1 50.746 ‐0.267 20.524

11/27/2014 1:49 1849.1 50.743 ‐0.273 20.526

11/27/2014 1:54 1854.1 50.743 ‐0.281 20.529

11/27/2014 1:59 1859.1 50.74 ‐0.285 20.531

11/27/2014 2:04 1864.1 50.74 ‐0.295 20.535

11/27/2014 2:09 1869.1 50.745 ‐0.301 20.538

11/27/2014 2:14 1874.1 50.747 ‐0.305 20.54

11/27/2014 2:19 1879.1 50.747 ‐0.312 20.543

11/27/2014 2:24 1884.1 50.744 ‐0.316 20.545

11/27/2014 2:29 1889.1 50.745 ‐0.322 20.547

11/27/2014 2:34 1894.1 50.741 ‐0.329 20.55

11/27/2014 2:39 1899.1 50.741 ‐0.337 20.554

11/27/2014 2:44 1904.1 50.742 ‐0.345 20.557

11/27/2014 2:49 1909.1 50.744 ‐0.352 20.56

11/27/2014 2:54 1914.1 50.745 ‐0.355 20.562

11/27/2014 2:59 1919.1 50.743 ‐0.362 20.565

11/27/2014 3:04 1924.1 50.745 ‐0.365 20.566

11/27/2014 3:09 1929.1 50.746 ‐0.367 20.567

11/27/2014 3:14 1934.1 50.745 ‐0.378 20.571

11/27/2014 3:19 1939.1 50.745 ‐0.386 20.575

11/27/2014 3:24 1944.1 50.749 ‐0.39 20.577

11/27/2014 3:29 1949.1 50.741 ‐0.399 20.58

11/27/2014 3:34 1954.1 50.744 ‐0.404 20.583

11/27/2014 3:39 1959.1 50.744 ‐0.41 20.585

11/27/2014 3:44 1964.1 50.744 ‐0.419 20.589

11/27/2014 3:49 1969.1 50.747 ‐0.425 20.592

11/27/2014 3:54 1974.1 50.742 ‐0.428 20.593

11/27/2014 3:59 1979.1 50.745 ‐0.435 20.596

11/27/2014 4:04 1984.1 50.744 ‐0.444 20.6

11/27/2014 4:09 1989.1 50.746 ‐0.449 20.602

11/27/2014 4:14 1994.1 50.747 ‐0.454 20.605

11/27/2014 4:19 1999.1 50.745 ‐0.46 20.607

11/27/2014 4:24 2004.1 50.746 ‐0.465 20.609

11/27/2014 4:29 2009.1 50.745 ‐0.469 20.611

11/27/2014 4:34 2014.1 50.747 ‐0.481 20.616

11/27/2014 4:39 2019.1 50.743 ‐0.472 20.612

11/27/2014 4:44 2024.1 50.745 ‐0.492 20.621

11/27/2014 4:49 2029.1 50.741 ‐0.499 20.624

11/27/2014 4:54 2034.1 50.747 ‐0.504 20.626

11/27/2014 4:59 2039.1 50.743 ‐0.511 20.629

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/27/2014 5:04 2044.1 50.749 ‐0.518 20.632

11/27/2014 5:09 2049.1 50.74 ‐0.522 20.634

11/27/2014 5:14 2054.1 50.741 ‐0.528 20.636

11/27/2014 5:19 2059.1 50.749 ‐0.526 20.636

11/27/2014 5:24 2064.1 50.745 ‐0.544 20.643

11/27/2014 5:29 2069.1 50.746 ‐0.548 20.645

11/27/2014 5:34 2074.1 50.743 ‐0.558 20.649

11/27/2014 5:39 2079.1 50.741 ‐0.565 20.653

11/27/2014 5:44 2084.1 50.745 ‐0.568 20.654

11/27/2014 5:49 2089.1 50.741 ‐0.577 20.658

11/27/2014 5:54 2094.1 50.748 ‐0.584 20.661

11/27/2014 5:59 2099.1 50.746 ‐0.589 20.663

11/27/2014 6:04 2104.1 50.742 ‐0.596 20.666

11/27/2014 6:09 2109.1 50.746 ‐0.6 20.668

11/27/2014 6:14 2114.1 50.744 ‐0.609 20.671

11/27/2014 6:19 2119.1 50.745 ‐0.615 20.674

11/27/2014 6:24 2124.1 50.748 ‐0.618 20.675

11/27/2014 6:29 2129.1 50.741 ‐0.628 20.68

11/27/2014 6:34 2134.1 50.742 ‐0.632 20.681

11/27/2014 6:39 2139.1 50.747 ‐0.639 20.685

11/27/2014 6:44 2144.1 50.742 ‐0.646 20.688

11/27/2014 6:49 2149.1 50.746 ‐0.648 20.688

11/27/2014 6:54 2154.1 50.747 ‐0.66 20.694

11/27/2014 6:59 2159.1 50.747 ‐0.666 20.696

11/27/2014 7:04 2164.1 50.741 ‐0.666 20.696

11/27/2014 7:09 2169.1 50.745 ‐0.668 20.697

11/27/2014 7:14 2174.1 50.747 ‐0.678 20.702

11/27/2014 7:19 2179.1 50.751 ‐0.682 20.703

11/27/2014 7:24 2184.1 50.745 ‐0.688 20.706

11/27/2014 7:29 2189.1 50.746 ‐0.689 20.706

11/27/2014 7:34 2194.1 50.743 ‐0.691 20.707

11/27/2014 7:39 2199.1 50.747 ‐0.693 20.708

11/27/2014 7:44 2204.1 50.746 ‐0.695 20.709

11/27/2014 7:49 2209.1 50.749 ‐0.689 20.706

11/27/2014 7:54 2214.1 50.747 ‐0.694 20.708

11/27/2014 7:59 2219.1 50.744 ‐0.688 20.706

11/27/2014 8:04 2224.1 50.74 ‐0.687 20.705

11/27/2014 8:09 2229.1 50.75 ‐0.682 20.703

11/27/2014 8:14 2234.1 50.745 ‐0.677 20.701

11/27/2014 8:19 2239.1 50.746 ‐0.672 20.699

11/27/2014 8:24 2244.1 50.747 ‐0.664 20.695

11/27/2014 8:29 2249.1 50.745 ‐0.655 20.691

11/27/2014 8:34 2254.1 50.741 ‐0.649 20.689

11/27/2014 8:39 2259.1 50.745 ‐0.64 20.685

11/27/2014 8:44 2264.1 50.742 ‐0.625 20.678

11/27/2014 8:49 2269.1 50.744 ‐0.612 20.673

11/27/2014 8:54 2274.1 50.742 ‐0.601 20.668

11/27/2014 8:59 2279.1 50.745 ‐0.592 20.664

11/27/2014 9:04 2284.1 50.745 ‐0.578 20.658

11/27/2014 9:09 2289.1 50.745 ‐0.566 20.653

11/27/2014 9:14 2294.1 50.748 ‐0.554 20.648

11/27/2014 9:19 2299.1 50.746 ‐0.541 20.642

11/27/2014 9:24 2304.1 50.745 ‐0.529 20.637

11/27/2014 9:29 2309.1 50.743 ‐0.514 20.63

11/27/2014 9:34 2314.1 50.743 ‐0.5 20.624

11/27/2014 9:39 2319.1 50.748 ‐0.486 20.618

11/27/2014 9:44 2324.1 50.745 ‐0.472 20.612

11/27/2014 9:49 2329.1 50.74 ‐0.455 20.605

11/27/2014 9:54 2334.1 50.746 ‐0.442 20.599

11/27/2014 9:59 2339.1 50.744 ‐0.425 20.592

11/27/2014 10:04 2344.1 50.746 ‐0.412 20.586

11/27/2014 10:09 2349.1 50.742 ‐0.397 20.58

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/27/2014 10:14 2354.1 50.741 ‐0.38 20.572

11/27/2014 10:19 2359.1 50.75 ‐0.364 20.565

11/27/2014 10:24 2364.1 50.744 ‐0.348 20.558

11/27/2014 10:29 2369.1 50.75 ‐0.332 20.551

11/27/2014 10:34 2374.1 50.746 ‐0.318 20.546

11/27/2014 10:39 2379.1 50.747 ‐0.303 20.539

11/27/2014 10:44 2384.1 50.747 ‐0.287 20.532

11/27/2014 10:49 2389.1 50.745 ‐0.269 20.524

11/27/2014 10:54 2394.1 50.741 ‐0.252 20.517

11/27/2014 10:59 2399.1 50.745 ‐0.237 20.51

11/27/2014 11:04 2404.1 50.746 ‐0.222 20.504

11/27/2014 11:09 2409.1 50.742 ‐0.206 20.497

11/27/2014 11:14 2414.1 50.745 ‐0.189 20.489

11/27/2014 11:19 2419.1 50.75 ‐0.167 20.48

11/27/2014 11:24 2424.1 50.744 ‐0.157 20.476

11/27/2014 11:29 2429.1 50.745 ‐0.143 20.47

11/27/2014 11:34 2434.1 50.742 ‐0.13 20.464

11/27/2014 11:39 2439.1 50.745 ‐0.118 20.459

11/27/2014 11:44 2444.1 50.742 ‐0.108 20.454

11/27/2014 11:49 2449.1 50.746 ‐0.095 20.449

11/27/2014 11:54 2454.1 50.745 ‐0.086 20.445

11/27/2014 11:59 2459.1 50.743 ‐0.076 20.441

11/27/2014 12:04 2464.1 50.742 ‐0.071 20.438

11/27/2014 12:09 2469.1 50.745 ‐0.062 20.435

11/27/2014 12:14 2474.1 50.744 ‐0.057 20.432

11/27/2014 12:19 2479.1 50.745 ‐0.051 20.43

11/27/2014 12:24 2484.1 50.746 ‐0.048 20.429

11/27/2014 12:29 2489.1 50.741 ‐0.043 20.426

11/27/2014 12:34 2494.1 50.744 ‐0.041 20.425

11/27/2014 12:39 2499.1 50.745 ‐0.041 20.426

11/27/2014 12:44 2504.1 50.745 ‐0.037 20.424

11/27/2014 12:49 2509.1 50.741 ‐0.035 20.423

11/27/2014 12:54 2514.1 50.748 ‐0.034 20.422

11/27/2014 12:59 2519.1 50.745 ‐0.036 20.423

11/27/2014 13:04 2524.1 50.743 ‐0.03 20.421

11/27/2014 13:09 2529.1 50.744 ‐0.032 20.422

11/27/2014 13:14 2534.1 50.744 ‐0.037 20.424

11/27/2014 13:19 2539.1 50.745 ‐0.039 20.425

11/27/2014 13:24 2544.1 50.747 ‐0.038 20.424

11/27/2014 13:29 2549.1 50.746 ‐0.04 20.425

11/27/2014 13:34 2554.1 50.746 ‐0.042 20.426

11/27/2014 13:39 2559.1 50.752 ‐0.044 20.427

11/27/2014 13:44 2564.1 50.749 ‐0.043 20.427

11/27/2014 13:49 2569.1 50.746 ‐0.045 20.427

11/27/2014 13:54 2574.1 50.747 ‐0.043 20.427

11/27/2014 13:59 2579.1 50.747 ‐0.04 20.425

11/27/2014 14:04 2584.1 50.747 ‐0.036 20.423

11/27/2014 14:09 2589.1 50.744 ‐0.038 20.424

11/27/2014 14:14 2594.1 50.745 ‐0.033 20.422

11/27/2014 14:19 2599.1 50.741 ‐0.02 20.416

11/27/2014 14:24 2604.1 50.745 ‐0.024 20.418

11/27/2014 14:29 2609.1 50.739 ‐0.018 20.415

11/27/2014 14:34 2614.1 50.743 ‐0.01 20.412

11/27/2014 14:39 2619.1 50.743 ‐0.001 20.408

11/27/2014 14:44 2624.1 50.746 0.004 20.406

11/27/2014 14:49 2629.1 50.744 0.014 20.402

11/27/2014 14:54 2634.1 50.748 0.021 20.398

11/27/2014 14:59 2639.1 50.745 0.033 20.394

11/27/2014 15:04 2644.1 50.745 0.039 20.391

11/27/2014 15:09 2649.1 50.747 0.047 20.388

11/27/2014 15:14 2654.1 50.745 0.054 20.384

11/27/2014 15:19 2659.1 50.743 0.062 20.381

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/27/2014 15:24 2664.1 50.748 0.069 20.378

11/27/2014 15:29 2669.1 50.744 0.074 20.376

11/27/2014 15:34 2674.1 50.745 0.08 20.373

11/27/2014 15:39 2679.1 50.746 0.082 20.372

11/27/2014 15:44 2684.1 50.748 0.089 20.369

11/27/2014 15:49 2689.1 50.751 0.092 20.368

11/27/2014 15:54 2694.1 50.745 0.091 20.368

11/27/2014 15:59 2699.1 50.747 0.093 20.367

11/27/2014 16:04 2704.1 50.746 0.094 20.367

11/27/2014 16:09 2709.1 50.745 0.093 20.367

11/27/2014 16:14 2714.1 50.743 0.096 20.366

11/27/2014 16:19 2719.1 50.745 0.094 20.367

11/27/2014 16:24 2724.1 50.749 0.098 20.366

11/27/2014 16:29 2729.1 50.745 0.094 20.367

11/27/2014 16:34 2734.1 50.745 0.091 20.368

11/27/2014 16:39 2739.1 50.754 0.089 20.369

11/27/2014 16:44 2744.1 50.748 0.084 20.371

11/27/2014 16:49 2749.1 50.749 0.084 20.371

11/27/2014 16:54 2754.1 50.741 0.079 20.374

11/27/2014 16:59 2759.1 50.75 0.078 20.374

11/27/2014 17:04 2764.1 50.749 0.077 20.375

11/27/2014 17:09 2769.1 50.745 0.074 20.376

11/27/2014 17:14 2774.1 50.744 0.072 20.376

11/27/2014 17:19 2779.1 50.746 0.066 20.379

11/27/2014 17:24 2784.1 50.746 0.062 20.381

11/27/2014 17:29 2789.1 50.744 0.057 20.383

11/27/2014 17:34 2794.1 50.744 0.052 20.385

11/27/2014 17:39 2799.1 50.749 0.048 20.387

11/27/2014 17:44 2804.1 50.745 0.039 20.391

11/27/2014 17:49 2809.1 50.746 0.037 20.392

11/27/2014 17:54 2814.1 50.749 0.029 20.395

11/27/2014 17:59 2819.1 50.746 0.029 20.395

11/27/2014 18:04 2824.1 50.742 0.022 20.398

11/27/2014 18:09 2829.1 50.742 0.018 20.4

11/27/2014 18:14 2834.1 50.748 0.01 20.404

11/27/2014 18:19 2839.1 50.748 0.006 20.405

11/27/2014 18:24 2844.1 50.751 ‐0.001 20.408

11/27/2014 18:29 2849.1 50.747 ‐0.006 20.41

11/27/2014 18:34 2854.1 50.749 ‐0.012 20.413

11/27/2014 18:39 2859.1 50.746 ‐0.02 20.416

11/27/2014 18:44 2864.1 50.747 ‐0.025 20.419

11/27/2014 18:49 2869.1 50.748 ‐0.031 20.421

11/27/2014 18:54 2874.1 50.742 ‐0.035 20.423

11/27/2014 18:59 2879.1 50.745 ‐0.043 20.426

11/27/2014 19:04 2884.1 50.742 ‐0.05 20.429

11/27/2014 19:09 2889.1 50.747 ‐0.054 20.431

11/27/2014 19:14 2894.1 50.745 ‐0.061 20.434

11/27/2014 19:19 2899.1 50.749 ‐0.068 20.437

11/27/2014 19:24 2904.1 50.745 ‐0.074 20.44

11/27/2014 19:29 2909.1 50.745 ‐0.081 20.443

11/27/2014 19:34 2914.1 50.745 ‐0.087 20.445

11/27/2014 19:39 2919.1 50.751 ‐0.094 20.448

11/27/2014 19:44 2924.1 50.748 ‐0.097 20.45

11/27/2014 19:49 2929.1 50.745 ‐0.108 20.454

11/27/2014 19:54 2934.1 50.749 ‐0.113 20.457

11/27/2014 19:59 2939.1 50.745 ‐0.12 20.46

11/27/2014 20:04 2944.1 50.745 ‐0.125 20.462

11/27/2014 20:09 2949.1 50.745 ‐0.131 20.465

11/27/2014 20:14 2954.1 50.75 ‐0.136 20.466

11/27/2014 20:19 2959.1 50.75 ‐0.141 20.469

11/27/2014 20:24 2964.1 50.749 ‐0.149 20.472

11/27/2014 20:29 2969.1 50.745 ‐0.154 20.474

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/27/2014 20:34 2974.1 50.747 ‐0.156 20.475

11/27/2014 20:39 2979.1 50.744 ‐0.167 20.48

11/27/2014 20:44 2984.1 50.744 ‐0.173 20.483

11/27/2014 20:49 2989.1 50.751 ‐0.18 20.486

11/27/2014 20:54 2994.1 50.751 ‐0.189 20.49

11/27/2014 20:59 2999.1 50.751 ‐0.191 20.491

11/27/2014 21:04 3004.1 50.75 ‐0.192 20.491

11/27/2014 21:09 3009.1 50.746 ‐0.199 20.494

11/27/2014 21:14 3014.1 50.74 ‐0.208 20.498

11/27/2014 21:19 3019.1 50.749 ‐0.212 20.5

11/27/2014 21:24 3024.1 50.751 ‐0.222 20.504

11/27/2014 21:29 3029.1 50.751 ‐0.226 20.506

11/27/2014 21:34 3034.1 50.745 ‐0.231 20.508

11/27/2014 21:39 3039.1 50.746 ‐0.241 20.512

11/27/2014 21:44 3044.1 50.744 ‐0.247 20.515

11/27/2014 21:49 3049.1 50.75 ‐0.249 20.516

11/27/2014 21:54 3054.1 50.749 ‐0.259 20.52

11/27/2014 21:59 3059.1 50.745 ‐0.263 20.521

11/27/2014 22:04 3064.1 50.742 ‐0.271 20.525

11/27/2014 22:09 3069.1 50.75 ‐0.276 20.527

11/27/2014 22:14 3074.1 50.743 ‐0.284 20.531

11/27/2014 22:19 3079.1 50.746 ‐0.289 20.533

11/27/2014 22:24 3084.1 50.75 ‐0.295 20.535

11/27/2014 22:29 3089.1 50.75 ‐0.303 20.539

11/27/2014 22:34 3094.1 50.747 ‐0.309 20.541

11/27/2014 22:39 3099.1 50.752 ‐0.317 20.545

11/27/2014 22:44 3104.1 50.746 ‐0.319 20.546

11/27/2014 22:49 3109.1 50.75 ‐0.329 20.55

11/27/2014 22:54 3114.1 50.747 ‐0.333 20.552

11/27/2014 22:59 3119.1 50.748 ‐0.339 20.554

11/27/2014 23:04 3124.1 50.745 ‐0.345 20.557

11/27/2014 23:09 3129.1 50.746 ‐0.354 20.561

11/27/2014 23:14 3134.1 50.747 ‐0.356 20.562

11/27/2014 23:19 3139.1 50.749 ‐0.363 20.565

11/27/2014 23:24 3144.1 50.745 ‐0.371 20.568

11/27/2014 23:29 3149.1 50.745 ‐0.375 20.57

11/27/2014 23:34 3154.1 50.748 ‐0.385 20.575

11/27/2014 23:39 3159.1 50.75 ‐0.389 20.576

11/27/2014 23:44 3164.1 50.745 ‐0.398 20.58

11/27/2014 23:49 3169.1 50.749 ‐0.402 20.582

11/27/2014 23:54 3174.1 50.743 ‐0.411 20.586

11/27/2014 23:59 3179.1 50.748 ‐0.415 20.587

11/28/2014 0:04 3184.1 50.745 ‐0.425 20.592

11/28/2014 0:09 3189.1 50.75 ‐0.429 20.594

11/28/2014 0:14 3194.1 50.75 ‐0.437 20.597

11/28/2014 0:19 3199.1 50.751 ‐0.438 20.598

11/28/2014 0:24 3204.1 50.749 ‐0.449 20.602

11/28/2014 0:29 3209.1 50.748 ‐0.455 20.605

11/28/2014 0:34 3214.1 50.745 ‐0.462 20.608

11/28/2014 0:39 3219.1 50.748 ‐0.466 20.61

11/28/2014 0:44 3224.1 50.746 ‐0.473 20.613

11/28/2014 0:49 3229.1 50.75 ‐0.481 20.616

11/28/2014 0:54 3234.1 50.746 ‐0.487 20.619

11/28/2014 0:59 3239.1 50.751 ‐0.49 20.62

11/28/2014 1:04 3244.1 50.748 ‐0.497 20.623

11/28/2014 1:09 3249.1 50.749 ‐0.504 20.626

11/28/2014 1:14 3254.1 50.748 ‐0.506 20.627

11/28/2014 1:19 3259.1 50.75 ‐0.515 20.631

11/28/2014 1:24 3264.1 50.748 ‐0.519 20.633

11/28/2014 1:29 3269.1 50.747 ‐0.526 20.636

11/28/2014 1:34 3274.1 50.75 ‐0.53 20.637

11/28/2014 1:39 3279.1 50.747 ‐0.537 20.64

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/28/2014 1:44 3284.1 50.745 ‐0.542 20.643

11/28/2014 1:49 3289.1 50.749 ‐0.551 20.646

11/28/2014 1:54 3294.1 50.751 ‐0.555 20.648

11/28/2014 1:59 3299.1 50.752 ‐0.56 20.65

11/28/2014 2:04 3304.1 50.744 ‐0.565 20.652

11/28/2014 2:09 3309.1 50.748 ‐0.572 20.656

11/28/2014 2:14 3314.1 50.754 ‐0.573 20.656

11/28/2014 2:19 3319.1 50.749 ‐0.584 20.661

11/28/2014 2:24 3324.1 50.746 ‐0.586 20.662

11/28/2014 2:29 3329.1 50.746 ‐0.594 20.665

11/28/2014 2:34 3334.1 50.745 ‐0.596 20.666

11/28/2014 2:39 3339.1 50.742 ‐0.603 20.669

11/28/2014 2:44 3344.1 50.745 ‐0.607 20.671

11/28/2014 2:49 3349.1 50.75 ‐0.616 20.675

11/28/2014 2:54 3354.1 50.752 ‐0.618 20.675

11/28/2014 2:59 3359.1 50.747 ‐0.625 20.679

11/28/2014 3:04 3364.1 50.747 ‐0.62 20.676

11/28/2014 3:09 3369.1 50.747 ‐0.637 20.683

11/28/2014 3:14 3374.1 50.745 ‐0.639 20.685

11/28/2014 3:19 3379.1 50.75 ‐0.65 20.689

11/28/2014 3:24 3384.1 50.747 ‐0.653 20.691

11/28/2014 3:29 3389.1 50.745 ‐0.66 20.694

11/28/2014 3:34 3394.1 50.75 ‐0.664 20.695

11/28/2014 3:39 3399.1 50.75 ‐0.672 20.699

11/28/2014 3:44 3404.1 50.748 ‐0.677 20.701

11/28/2014 3:49 3409.1 50.749 ‐0.681 20.703

11/28/2014 3:54 3414.1 50.751 ‐0.688 20.706

11/28/2014 3:59 3419.1 50.751 ‐0.695 20.709

11/28/2014 4:04 3424.1 50.75 ‐0.7 20.711

11/28/2014 4:09 3429.1 50.748 ‐0.707 20.714

11/28/2014 4:14 3434.1 50.747 ‐0.715 20.718

11/28/2014 4:19 3439.1 50.746 ‐0.72 20.719

11/28/2014 4:24 3444.1 50.751 ‐0.726 20.722

11/28/2014 4:29 3449.1 50.747 ‐0.731 20.724

11/28/2014 4:34 3454.1 50.751 ‐0.734 20.725

11/28/2014 4:39 3459.1 50.748 ‐0.738 20.728

11/28/2014 4:44 3464.1 50.746 ‐0.745 20.73

11/28/2014 4:49 3469.1 50.748 ‐0.75 20.732

11/28/2014 4:54 3474.1 50.751 ‐0.755 20.735

11/28/2014 4:59 3479.1 50.748 ‐0.759 20.736

11/28/2014 5:04 3484.1 50.748 ‐0.766 20.74

11/28/2014 5:09 3489.1 50.752 ‐0.772 20.742

11/28/2014 5:14 3494.1 50.747 ‐0.778 20.745

11/28/2014 5:19 3499.1 50.75 ‐0.783 20.747

11/28/2014 5:24 3504.1 50.752 ‐0.789 20.749

11/28/2014 5:29 3509.1 50.751 ‐0.792 20.751

11/28/2014 5:34 3514.1 50.746 ‐0.8 20.754

11/28/2014 5:39 3519.1 50.746 ‐0.803 20.756

11/28/2014 5:44 3524.1 50.743 ‐0.808 20.758

11/28/2014 5:49 3529.1 50.751 ‐0.814 20.76

11/28/2014 5:54 3534.1 50.745 ‐0.819 20.763

11/28/2014 5:59 3539.1 50.752 ‐0.827 20.766

11/28/2014 6:04 3544.1 50.75 ‐0.829 20.767

11/28/2014 6:09 3549.1 50.748 ‐0.838 20.771

11/28/2014 6:14 3554.1 50.747 ‐0.843 20.773

11/28/2014 6:19 3559.1 50.747 ‐0.848 20.775

11/28/2014 6:24 3564.1 50.747 ‐0.855 20.778

11/28/2014 6:29 3569.1 50.746 ‐0.861 20.781

11/28/2014 6:34 3574.1 50.75 ‐0.865 20.782

11/28/2014 6:39 3579.1 50.749 ‐0.872 20.785

11/28/2014 6:44 3584.1 50.75 ‐0.877 20.788

11/28/2014 6:49 3589.1 50.747 ‐0.881 20.789

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/28/2014 6:54 3594.1 50.744 ‐0.887 20.792

11/28/2014 6:59 3599.1 50.747 ‐0.892 20.794

11/28/2014 7:04 3604.1 50.746 ‐0.895 20.795

11/28/2014 7:09 3609.1 50.75 ‐0.903 20.799

11/28/2014 7:14 3614.1 50.746 ‐0.907 20.8

11/28/2014 7:19 3619.1 50.748 ‐0.91 20.802

11/28/2014 7:24 3624.1 50.745 ‐0.914 20.803

11/28/2014 7:29 3629.1 50.747 ‐0.919 20.806

11/28/2014 7:34 3634.1 50.747 ‐0.924 20.808

11/28/2014 7:39 3639.1 50.75 ‐0.921 20.807

11/28/2014 7:44 3644.1 50.746 ‐0.927 20.809

11/28/2014 7:49 3649.1 50.75 ‐0.929 20.81

11/28/2014 7:54 3654.1 50.756 ‐0.929 20.81

11/28/2014 7:59 3659.1 50.75 ‐0.929 20.81

11/28/2014 8:04 3664.1 50.75 ‐0.927 20.809

11/28/2014 8:09 3669.1 50.751 ‐0.923 20.807

11/28/2014 8:14 3674.1 50.746 ‐0.925 20.808

11/28/2014 8:19 3679.1 50.743 ‐0.914 20.804

11/28/2014 8:24 3684.1 50.746 ‐0.911 20.802

11/28/2014 8:29 3689.1 50.745 ‐0.897 20.796

11/28/2014 8:34 3694.1 50.746 ‐0.897 20.796

11/28/2014 8:39 3699.1 50.744 ‐0.888 20.793

11/28/2014 8:44 3704.1 50.752 ‐0.876 20.787

11/28/2014 8:49 3709.1 50.744 ‐0.865 20.782

11/28/2014 8:54 3714.1 50.742 ‐0.855 20.778

11/28/2014 8:59 3719.1 50.747 ‐0.85 20.776

11/28/2014 9:04 3724.1 50.745 ‐0.839 20.771

11/28/2014 9:09 3729.1 50.746 ‐0.827 20.766

11/28/2014 9:14 3734.1 50.749 ‐0.814 20.76

11/28/2014 9:19 3739.1 50.744 ‐0.8 20.754

11/28/2014 9:24 3744.1 50.751 ‐0.785 20.748

11/28/2014 9:29 3749.1 50.748 ‐0.775 20.743

11/28/2014 9:34 3754.1 50.75 ‐0.765 20.739

11/28/2014 9:39 3759.1 50.745 ‐0.749 20.732

11/28/2014 9:44 3764.1 50.748 ‐0.739 20.728

11/28/2014 9:49 3769.1 50.75 ‐0.72 20.72

11/28/2014 9:54 3774.1 50.75 ‐0.708 20.714

11/28/2014 9:59 3779.1 50.751 ‐0.694 20.708

11/28/2014 10:04 3784.1 50.745 ‐0.677 20.701

11/28/2014 10:09 3789.1 50.745 ‐0.664 20.695

11/28/2014 10:14 3794.1 50.75 ‐0.648 20.688

11/28/2014 10:19 3799.1 50.751 ‐0.633 20.682

11/28/2014 10:24 3804.1 50.746 ‐0.616 20.674

11/28/2014 10:29 3809.1 50.751 ‐0.602 20.669

11/28/2014 10:34 3814.1 50.748 ‐0.587 20.662

11/28/2014 10:39 3819.1 50.749 ‐0.573 20.656

11/28/2014 10:44 3824.1 50.751 ‐0.555 20.648

11/28/2014 10:49 3829.1 50.749 ‐0.543 20.643

11/28/2014 10:54 3834.1 50.75 ‐0.525 20.635

11/28/2014 10:59 3839.1 50.752 ‐0.51 20.629

11/28/2014 11:04 3844.1 50.748 ‐0.493 20.621

11/28/2014 11:09 3849.1 50.746 ‐0.478 20.615

11/28/2014 11:14 3854.1 50.743 ‐0.464 20.609

11/28/2014 11:19 3859.1 50.75 ‐0.448 20.602

11/28/2014 11:24 3864.1 50.749 ‐0.436 20.597

11/28/2014 11:29 3869.1 50.745 ‐0.42 20.59

11/28/2014 11:34 3874.1 50.746 ‐0.408 20.584

11/28/2014 11:39 3879.1 50.75 ‐0.395 20.579

11/28/2014 11:44 3884.1 50.749 ‐0.385 20.574

11/28/2014 11:49 3889.1 50.749 ‐0.374 20.57

11/28/2014 11:54 3894.1 50.751 ‐0.362 20.565

11/28/2014 11:59 3899.1 50.751 ‐0.355 20.561

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/28/2014 12:04 3904.1 50.745 ‐0.348 20.558

11/28/2014 12:09 3909.1 50.747 ‐0.344 20.557

11/28/2014 12:14 3914.1 50.746 ‐0.337 20.554

11/28/2014 12:19 3919.1 50.751 ‐0.327 20.55

11/28/2014 12:24 3924.1 50.746 ‐0.326 20.549

11/28/2014 12:29 3929.1 50.746 ‐0.317 20.545

11/28/2014 12:34 3934.1 50.75 ‐0.323 20.547

11/28/2014 12:39 3939.1 50.744 ‐0.316 20.545

11/28/2014 12:44 3944.1 50.747 ‐0.314 20.544

11/28/2014 12:49 3949.1 50.753 ‐0.314 20.544

11/28/2014 12:54 3954.1 50.745 ‐0.315 20.544

11/28/2014 12:59 3959.1 50.746 ‐0.315 20.544

11/28/2014 13:04 3964.1 50.752 ‐0.315 20.544

11/28/2014 13:09 3969.1 50.743 ‐0.316 20.544

11/28/2014 13:14 3974.1 50.754 ‐0.32 20.546

11/28/2014 13:19 3979.1 50.749 ‐0.321 20.547

11/28/2014 13:24 3984.1 50.745 ‐0.32 20.546

11/28/2014 13:29 3989.1 50.747 ‐0.324 20.548

11/28/2014 13:34 3994.1 50.751 ‐0.329 20.55

11/28/2014 13:39 3999.1 50.746 ‐0.33 20.55

11/28/2014 13:44 4004.1 50.748 ‐0.331 20.551

11/28/2014 13:49 4009.1 50.75 ‐0.337 20.554

11/28/2014 13:54 4014.1 50.748 ‐0.341 20.555

11/28/2014 13:59 4019.1 50.746 ‐0.342 20.556

11/28/2014 14:04 4024.1 50.747 ‐0.344 20.557

11/28/2014 14:09 4029.1 50.744 ‐0.354 20.561

11/28/2014 14:14 4034.1 50.747 ‐0.358 20.563

11/28/2014 14:19 4039.1 50.747 ‐0.364 20.565

11/28/2014 14:24 4044.1 50.75 ‐0.366 20.566

11/28/2014 14:29 4049.1 50.749 ‐0.369 20.568

11/28/2014 14:34 4054.1 50.752 ‐0.369 20.568

11/28/2014 14:39 4059.1 50.751 ‐0.371 20.568

11/28/2014 14:44 4064.1 50.749 ‐0.374 20.57

11/28/2014 14:49 4069.1 50.752 ‐0.375 20.57

11/28/2014 14:54 4074.1 50.755 ‐0.372 20.569

11/28/2014 14:59 4079.1 50.751 ‐0.374 20.57

11/28/2014 15:04 4084.1 50.746 ‐0.37 20.568

11/28/2014 15:09 4089.1 50.749 ‐0.368 20.567

11/28/2014 15:14 4094.1 50.749 ‐0.364 20.565

11/28/2014 15:19 4099.1 50.75 ‐0.36 20.564

11/28/2014 15:24 4104.1 50.751 ‐0.34 20.555

11/28/2014 15:29 4109.1 50.747 ‐0.348 20.558

11/28/2014 15:34 4114.1 50.747 ‐0.337 20.554

11/28/2014 15:39 4119.1 50.745 ‐0.33 20.551

11/28/2014 15:44 4124.1 50.751 ‐0.322 20.547

11/28/2014 15:49 4129.1 50.745 ‐0.309 20.541

11/28/2014 15:54 4134.1 50.752 ‐0.301 20.538

11/28/2014 15:59 4139.1 50.75 ‐0.289 20.533

11/28/2014 16:04 4144.1 50.752 ‐0.28 20.529

11/28/2014 16:09 4149.1 50.751 ‐0.268 20.524

11/28/2014 16:14 4154.1 50.75 ‐0.258 20.52

11/28/2014 16:19 4159.1 50.751 ‐0.248 20.515

11/28/2014 16:24 4164.1 50.75 ‐0.24 20.512

11/28/2014 16:29 4169.1 50.753 ‐0.231 20.508

11/28/2014 16:34 4174.1 50.748 ‐0.22 20.503

11/28/2014 16:39 4179.1 50.747 ‐0.207 20.498

11/28/2014 16:44 4184.1 50.745 ‐0.202 20.495

11/28/2014 16:49 4189.1 50.75 ‐0.196 20.493

11/28/2014 16:54 4194.1 50.748 ‐0.192 20.491

11/28/2014 16:59 4199.1 50.747 ‐0.185 20.488

11/28/2014 17:04 4204.1 50.748 ‐0.176 20.484

11/28/2014 17:09 4209.1 50.751 ‐0.169 20.481

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/28/2014 17:14 4214.1 50.755 ‐0.17 20.481

11/28/2014 17:19 4219.1 50.751 ‐0.168 20.481

11/28/2014 17:24 4224.1 50.754 ‐0.165 20.479

11/28/2014 17:29 4229.1 50.753 ‐0.153 20.474

11/28/2014 17:34 4234.1 50.748 ‐0.165 20.479

11/28/2014 17:39 4239.1 50.745 ‐0.165 20.479

11/28/2014 17:44 4244.1 50.75 ‐0.167 20.48

11/28/2014 17:49 4249.1 50.751 ‐0.163 20.478

11/28/2014 17:54 4254.1 50.751 ‐0.167 20.48

11/28/2014 17:59 4259.1 50.751 ‐0.169 20.481

11/28/2014 18:04 4264.1 50.749 ‐0.171 20.482

11/28/2014 18:09 4269.1 50.749 ‐0.174 20.483

11/28/2014 18:14 4274.1 50.745 ‐0.178 20.485

11/28/2014 18:19 4279.1 50.748 ‐0.181 20.486

11/28/2014 18:24 4284.1 50.75 ‐0.185 20.488

11/28/2014 18:29 4289.1 50.75 ‐0.191 20.491

11/28/2014 18:34 4294.1 50.746 ‐0.192 20.491

11/28/2014 18:39 4299.1 50.748 ‐0.201 20.495

11/28/2014 18:44 4304.1 50.747 ‐0.203 20.496

11/28/2014 18:49 4309.1 50.744 ‐0.207 20.498

11/28/2014 18:54 4314.1 50.749 ‐0.214 20.5

11/28/2014 18:59 4319.1 50.749 ‐0.212 20.499

11/28/2014 19:04 4324.1 50.748 ‐0.222 20.504

11/28/2014 19:09 4329.1 50.749 ‐0.225 20.505

11/28/2014 19:14 4334.1 50.743 ‐0.232 20.508

11/28/2014 19:19 4339.1 50.749 ‐0.235 20.51

11/28/2014 19:24 4344.1 50.75 ‐0.241 20.512

11/28/2014 19:29 4349.1 50.747 ‐0.246 20.514

11/28/2014 19:34 4354.1 50.751 ‐0.238 20.511

11/28/2014 19:39 4359.1 50.756 ‐0.257 20.519

11/28/2014 19:44 4364.1 50.753 ‐0.261 20.521

11/28/2014 19:49 4369.1 50.755 ‐0.267 20.523

11/28/2014 19:54 4374.1 50.754 ‐0.273 20.526

11/28/2014 19:59 4379.1 50.751 ‐0.284 20.531

11/28/2014 20:04 4384.1 50.751 ‐0.288 20.532

11/28/2014 20:09 4389.1 50.748 ‐0.292 20.534

11/28/2014 20:14 4394.1 50.749 ‐0.295 20.536

11/28/2014 20:19 4399.1 50.75 ‐0.303 20.539

11/28/2014 20:24 4404.1 50.751 ‐0.308 20.541

11/28/2014 20:29 4409.1 50.75 ‐0.313 20.543

11/28/2014 20:34 4414.1 50.755 ‐0.32 20.546

11/28/2014 20:39 4419.1 50.751 ‐0.329 20.55

11/28/2014 20:44 4424.1 50.75 ‐0.327 20.55

11/28/2014 20:49 4429.1 50.751 ‐0.34 20.555

11/28/2014 20:54 4434.1 50.756 ‐0.343 20.556

11/28/2014 20:59 4439.1 50.751 ‐0.352 20.56

11/28/2014 21:04 4444.1 50.754 ‐0.36 20.564

11/28/2014 21:09 4449.1 50.751 ‐0.367 20.567

11/28/2014 21:14 4454.1 50.751 ‐0.371 20.568

11/28/2014 21:19 4459.1 50.75 ‐0.37 20.568

11/28/2014 21:24 4464.1 50.753 ‐0.384 20.574

11/28/2014 21:29 4469.1 50.748 ‐0.39 20.577

11/28/2014 21:34 4474.1 50.751 ‐0.395 20.579

11/28/2014 21:39 4479.1 50.746 ‐0.406 20.583

11/28/2014 21:44 4484.1 50.751 ‐0.41 20.585

11/28/2014 21:49 4489.1 50.75 ‐0.417 20.588

11/28/2014 21:54 4494.1 50.747 ‐0.425 20.592

11/28/2014 21:59 4499.1 50.752 ‐0.431 20.594

11/28/2014 22:04 4504.1 50.755 ‐0.436 20.597

11/28/2014 22:09 4509.1 50.746 ‐0.442 20.599

11/28/2014 22:14 4514.1 50.752 ‐0.452 20.603

11/28/2014 22:19 4519.1 50.751 ‐0.457 20.606

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/28/2014 22:24 4524.1 50.747 ‐0.464 20.609

11/28/2014 22:29 4529.1 50.751 ‐0.47 20.611

11/28/2014 22:34 4534.1 50.749 ‐0.475 20.613

11/28/2014 22:39 4539.1 50.754 ‐0.483 20.617

11/28/2014 22:44 4544.1 50.751 ‐0.487 20.619

11/28/2014 22:49 4549.1 50.752 ‐0.494 20.622

11/28/2014 22:54 4554.1 50.748 ‐0.504 20.626

11/28/2014 22:59 4559.1 50.748 ‐0.509 20.628

11/28/2014 23:04 4564.1 50.751 ‐0.515 20.631

11/28/2014 23:09 4569.1 50.748 ‐0.522 20.634

11/28/2014 23:14 4574.1 50.749 ‐0.529 20.637

11/28/2014 23:19 4579.1 50.744 ‐0.537 20.64

11/28/2014 23:24 4584.1 50.747 ‐0.54 20.642

11/28/2014 23:29 4589.1 50.751 ‐0.55 20.646

11/28/2014 23:34 4594.1 50.756 ‐0.557 20.649

11/28/2014 23:39 4599.1 50.75 ‐0.557 20.649

11/28/2014 23:44 4604.1 50.751 ‐0.565 20.653

11/28/2014 23:49 4609.1 50.753 ‐0.574 20.656

11/28/2014 23:54 4614.1 50.748 ‐0.58 20.659

11/28/2014 23:59 4619.1 50.75 ‐0.587 20.662

11/29/2014 0:04 4624.1 50.751 ‐0.595 20.665

11/29/2014 0:09 4629.1 50.756 ‐0.599 20.667

11/29/2014 0:14 4634.1 50.75 ‐0.607 20.671

11/29/2014 0:19 4639.1 50.748 ‐0.614 20.674

11/29/2014 0:24 4644.1 50.75 ‐0.622 20.677

11/29/2014 0:29 4649.1 50.75 ‐0.626 20.679

11/29/2014 0:34 4654.1 50.756 ‐0.634 20.682

11/29/2014 0:39 4659.1 50.749 ‐0.64 20.685

11/29/2014 0:44 4664.1 50.757 ‐0.648 20.688

11/29/2014 0:49 4669.1 50.754 ‐0.652 20.69

11/29/2014 0:54 4674.1 50.751 ‐0.662 20.694

11/29/2014 0:59 4679.1 50.752 ‐0.669 20.698

11/29/2014 1:04 4684.1 50.75 ‐0.674 20.7

11/29/2014 1:09 4689.1 50.751 ‐0.681 20.703

11/29/2014 1:14 4694.1 50.745 ‐0.685 20.705

11/29/2014 1:19 4699.1 50.748 ‐0.691 20.707

11/29/2014 1:24 4704.1 50.754 ‐0.698 20.71

11/29/2014 1:29 4709.1 50.752 ‐0.702 20.712

11/29/2014 1:34 4714.1 50.748 ‐0.711 20.716

11/29/2014 1:39 4719.1 50.752 ‐0.719 20.719

11/29/2014 1:44 4724.1 50.751 ‐0.724 20.721

11/29/2014 1:49 4729.1 50.749 ‐0.727 20.723

11/29/2014 1:54 4734.1 50.749 ‐0.736 20.726

11/29/2014 1:59 4739.1 50.752 ‐0.746 20.731

11/29/2014 2:04 4744.1 50.752 ‐0.75 20.733

11/29/2014 2:09 4749.1 50.752 ‐0.758 20.736

11/29/2014 2:14 4754.1 50.749 ‐0.763 20.738

11/29/2014 2:19 4759.1 50.754 ‐0.765 20.739

11/29/2014 2:24 4764.1 50.751 ‐0.774 20.743

11/29/2014 2:29 4769.1 50.751 ‐0.781 20.746

11/29/2014 2:34 4774.1 50.751 ‐0.788 20.749

11/29/2014 2:39 4779.1 50.745 ‐0.79 20.75

11/29/2014 2:44 4784.1 50.753 ‐0.796 20.753

11/29/2014 2:49 4789.1 50.747 ‐0.801 20.755

11/29/2014 2:54 4794.1 50.755 ‐0.808 20.758

11/29/2014 2:59 4799.1 50.747 ‐0.812 20.759

11/29/2014 3:04 4804.1 50.75 ‐0.82 20.763

11/29/2014 3:09 4809.1 50.748 ‐0.825 20.765

11/29/2014 3:14 4814.1 50.755 ‐0.822 20.764

11/29/2014 3:19 4819.1 50.752 ‐0.835 20.769

11/29/2014 3:24 4824.1 50.748 ‐0.844 20.773

11/29/2014 3:29 4829.1 50.748 ‐0.852 20.777

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/29/2014 3:34 4834.1 50.75 ‐0.856 20.778

11/29/2014 3:39 4839.1 50.751 ‐0.863 20.782

11/29/2014 3:44 4844.1 50.75 ‐0.87 20.785

11/29/2014 3:49 4849.1 50.746 ‐0.876 20.787

11/29/2014 3:54 4854.1 50.751 ‐0.88 20.789

11/29/2014 3:59 4859.1 50.745 ‐0.886 20.791

11/29/2014 4:04 4864.1 50.751 ‐0.888 20.792

11/29/2014 4:09 4869.1 50.75 ‐0.897 20.796

11/29/2014 4:14 4874.1 50.752 ‐0.906 20.8

11/29/2014 4:19 4879.1 50.753 ‐0.913 20.803

11/29/2014 4:24 4884.1 50.752 ‐0.916 20.804

11/29/2014 4:29 4889.1 50.749 ‐0.923 20.808

11/29/2014 4:34 4894.1 50.754 ‐0.925 20.808

11/29/2014 4:39 4899.1 50.751 ‐0.93 20.811

11/29/2014 4:44 4904.1 50.751 ‐0.938 20.814

11/29/2014 4:49 4909.1 50.751 ‐0.942 20.816

11/29/2014 4:54 4914.1 50.753 ‐0.95 20.819

11/29/2014 4:59 4919.1 50.752 ‐0.954 20.821

11/29/2014 5:04 4924.1 50.754 ‐0.963 20.825

11/29/2014 5:09 4929.1 50.751 ‐0.967 20.826

11/29/2014 5:14 4934.1 50.751 ‐0.971 20.828

11/29/2014 5:19 4939.1 50.745 ‐0.977 20.831

11/29/2014 5:24 4944.1 50.748 ‐0.982 20.833

11/29/2014 5:29 4949.1 50.751 ‐0.987 20.835

11/29/2014 5:34 4954.1 50.753 ‐0.99 20.837

11/29/2014 5:39 4959.1 50.749 ‐1.002 20.842

11/29/2014 5:44 4964.1 50.751 ‐1.006 20.844

11/29/2014 5:49 4969.1 50.753 ‐1.01 20.845

11/29/2014 5:54 4974.1 50.751 ‐1.017 20.848

11/29/2014 5:59 4979.1 50.753 ‐1.024 20.851

11/29/2014 6:04 4984.1 50.751 ‐1.024 20.851

11/29/2014 6:09 4989.1 50.748 ‐1.033 20.855

11/29/2014 6:14 4994.1 50.749 ‐1.04 20.858

11/29/2014 6:19 4999.1 50.747 ‐1.046 20.861

11/29/2014 6:24 5004.1 50.75 ‐1.052 20.863

11/29/2014 6:29 5009.1 50.753 ‐1.061 20.867

11/29/2014 6:34 5014.1 50.752 ‐1.063 20.868

11/29/2014 6:39 5019.1 50.75 ‐1.07 20.871

11/29/2014 6:44 5024.1 50.746 ‐1.076 20.874

11/29/2014 6:49 5029.1 50.751 ‐1.08 20.875

11/29/2014 6:54 5034.1 50.747 ‐1.086 20.878

11/29/2014 6:59 5039.1 50.751 ‐1.094 20.881

11/29/2014 7:04 5044.1 50.752 ‐1.093 20.881

11/29/2014 7:09 5049.1 50.75 ‐1.104 20.886

11/29/2014 7:14 5054.1 50.744 ‐1.107 20.887

11/29/2014 7:19 5059.1 50.751 ‐1.111 20.889

11/29/2014 7:24 5064.1 50.747 ‐1.114 20.89

11/29/2014 7:29 5069.1 50.753 ‐1.12 20.893

11/29/2014 7:34 5074.1 50.754 ‐1.127 20.896

11/29/2014 7:39 5079.1 50.75 ‐1.13 20.897

11/29/2014 7:44 5084.1 50.75 ‐1.139 20.901

11/29/2014 7:49 5089.1 50.752 ‐1.14 20.901

11/29/2014 7:54 5094.1 50.752 ‐1.142 20.902

11/29/2014 7:59 5099.1 50.75 ‐1.149 20.906

11/29/2014 8:04 5104.1 50.749 ‐1.155 20.908

11/29/2014 8:09 5109.1 50.751 ‐1.155 20.908

11/29/2014 8:14 5114.1 50.75 ‐1.158 20.909

11/29/2014 8:19 5119.1 50.751 ‐1.161 20.911

11/29/2014 8:24 5124.1 50.752 ‐1.164 20.912

11/29/2014 8:29 5129.1 50.746 ‐1.16 20.91

11/29/2014 8:34 5134.1 50.751 ‐1.159 20.91

11/29/2014 8:39 5139.1 50.757 ‐1.16 20.91

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/29/2014 8:44 5144.1 50.752 ‐1.155 20.908

11/29/2014 8:49 5149.1 50.752 ‐1.153 20.907

11/29/2014 8:54 5154.1 50.753 ‐1.144 20.903

11/29/2014 8:59 5159.1 50.745 ‐1.139 20.901

11/29/2014 9:04 5164.1 50.751 ‐1.13 20.897

11/29/2014 9:09 5169.1 50.746 ‐1.126 20.895

11/29/2014 9:14 5174.1 50.751 ‐1.118 20.892

11/29/2014 9:19 5179.1 50.745 ‐1.111 20.889

11/29/2014 9:24 5184.1 50.748 ‐1.1 20.884

11/29/2014 9:29 5189.1 50.749 ‐1.093 20.881

11/29/2014 9:34 5194.1 50.751 ‐1.08 20.875

11/29/2014 9:39 5199.1 50.754 ‐1.072 20.872

11/29/2014 9:44 5204.1 50.756 ‐1.058 20.866

11/29/2014 9:49 5209.1 50.746 ‐1.046 20.861

11/29/2014 9:54 5214.1 50.751 ‐1.036 20.857

11/29/2014 9:59 5219.1 50.749 ‐1.023 20.851

11/29/2014 10:04 5224.1 50.751 ‐1.008 20.844

11/29/2014 10:09 5229.1 50.751 ‐0.995 20.839

11/29/2014 10:14 5234.1 50.746 ‐0.984 20.834

11/29/2014 10:19 5239.1 50.75 ‐0.97 20.828

11/29/2014 10:24 5244.1 50.754 ‐0.948 20.818

11/29/2014 10:29 5249.1 50.75 ‐0.936 20.813

11/29/2014 10:34 5254.1 50.751 ‐0.922 20.807

11/29/2014 10:39 5259.1 50.751 ‐0.909 20.801

11/29/2014 10:44 5264.1 50.748 ‐0.894 20.795

11/29/2014 10:49 5269.1 50.744 ‐0.884 20.791

11/29/2014 10:54 5274.1 50.748 ‐0.868 20.783

11/29/2014 10:59 5279.1 50.748 ‐0.851 20.776

11/29/2014 11:04 5284.1 50.744 ‐0.832 20.768

11/29/2014 11:09 5289.1 50.748 ‐0.818 20.762

11/29/2014 11:14 5294.1 50.751 ‐0.808 20.758

11/29/2014 11:19 5299.1 50.751 ‐0.789 20.75

11/29/2014 11:24 5304.1 50.749 ‐0.772 20.742

11/29/2014 11:29 5309.1 50.749 ‐0.756 20.735

11/29/2014 11:34 5314.1 50.751 ‐0.745 20.731

11/29/2014 11:39 5319.1 50.746 ‐0.726 20.722

11/29/2014 11:44 5324.1 50.746 ‐0.712 20.716

11/29/2014 11:49 5329.1 50.75 ‐0.7 20.711

11/29/2014 11:54 5334.1 50.748 ‐0.686 20.705

11/29/2014 11:59 5339.1 50.754 ‐0.671 20.699

11/29/2014 12:04 5344.1 50.748 ‐0.656 20.692

11/29/2014 12:09 5349.1 50.749 ‐0.646 20.688

11/29/2014 12:14 5354.1 50.751 ‐0.629 20.68

11/29/2014 12:19 5359.1 50.748 ‐0.621 20.677

11/29/2014 12:24 5364.1 50.75 ‐0.609 20.672

11/29/2014 12:29 5369.1 50.745 ‐0.597 20.666

11/29/2014 12:34 5374.1 50.747 ‐0.588 20.662

11/29/2014 12:39 5379.1 50.755 ‐0.579 20.659

11/29/2014 12:44 5384.1 50.749 ‐0.569 20.654

11/29/2014 12:49 5389.1 50.747 ‐0.567 20.653

11/29/2014 12:54 5394.1 50.75 ‐0.563 20.652

11/29/2014 12:59 5399.1 50.75 ‐0.555 20.648

11/29/2014 13:04 5404.1 50.747 ‐0.554 20.648

11/29/2014 13:09 5409.1 50.755 ‐0.551 20.646

11/29/2014 13:14 5414.1 50.749 ‐0.548 20.645

11/29/2014 13:19 5419.1 50.755 ‐0.547 20.645

11/29/2014 13:24 5424.1 50.756 ‐0.536 20.64

11/29/2014 13:29 5429.1 50.751 ‐0.547 20.645

11/29/2014 13:34 5434.1 50.755 ‐0.548 20.645

11/29/2014 13:39 5439.1 50.756 ‐0.547 20.645

11/29/2014 13:44 5444.1 50.75 ‐0.549 20.646

11/29/2014 13:49 5449.1 50.749 ‐0.547 20.645

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/29/2014 13:54 5454.1 50.753 ‐0.554 20.648

11/29/2014 13:59 5459.1 50.751 ‐0.552 20.647

11/29/2014 14:04 5464.1 50.752 ‐0.554 20.648

11/29/2014 14:09 5469.1 50.751 ‐0.558 20.65

11/29/2014 14:14 5474.1 50.752 ‐0.56 20.65

11/29/2014 14:19 5479.1 50.752 ‐0.564 20.652

11/29/2014 14:24 5484.1 50.756 ‐0.561 20.651

11/29/2014 14:29 5489.1 50.751 ‐0.571 20.655

11/29/2014 14:34 5494.1 50.748 ‐0.575 20.657

11/29/2014 14:39 5499.1 50.751 ‐0.576 20.657

11/29/2014 14:44 5504.1 50.749 ‐0.578 20.658

11/29/2014 14:49 5509.1 50.748 ‐0.575 20.657

11/29/2014 14:54 5514.1 50.752 ‐0.581 20.659

11/29/2014 14:59 5519.1 50.751 ‐0.579 20.658

11/29/2014 15:04 5524.1 50.751 ‐0.58 20.659

11/29/2014 15:09 5529.1 50.745 ‐0.581 20.659

11/29/2014 15:14 5534.1 50.753 ‐0.578 20.658

11/29/2014 15:19 5539.1 50.749 ‐0.577 20.658

11/29/2014 15:24 5544.1 50.753 ‐0.574 20.656

11/29/2014 15:29 5549.1 50.751 ‐0.565 20.653

11/29/2014 15:34 5554.1 50.751 ‐0.56 20.65

11/29/2014 15:39 5559.1 50.752 ‐0.561 20.651

11/29/2014 15:44 5564.1 50.749 ‐0.547 20.645

11/29/2014 15:49 5569.1 50.746 ‐0.542 20.643

11/29/2014 15:54 5574.1 50.755 ‐0.533 20.638

11/29/2014 15:59 5579.1 50.748 ‐0.523 20.634

11/29/2014 16:04 5584.1 50.747 ‐0.515 20.631

11/29/2014 16:09 5589.1 50.751 ‐0.51 20.629

11/29/2014 16:14 5594.1 50.751 ‐0.501 20.625

11/29/2014 16:19 5599.1 50.747 ‐0.49 20.62

11/29/2014 16:24 5604.1 50.748 ‐0.48 20.615

11/29/2014 16:29 5609.1 50.756 ‐0.473 20.613

11/29/2014 16:34 5614.1 50.754 ‐0.466 20.61

11/29/2014 16:39 5619.1 50.75 ‐0.454 20.604

11/29/2014 16:44 5624.1 50.748 ‐0.451 20.603

11/29/2014 16:49 5629.1 50.749 ‐0.448 20.602

11/29/2014 16:54 5634.1 50.751 ‐0.436 20.597

11/29/2014 16:59 5639.1 50.752 ‐0.437 20.597

11/29/2014 17:04 5644.1 50.751 ‐0.432 20.595

11/29/2014 17:09 5649.1 50.753 ‐0.429 20.594

11/29/2014 17:14 5654.1 50.745 ‐0.427 20.592

11/29/2014 17:19 5659.1 50.751 ‐0.423 20.591

11/29/2014 17:24 5664.1 50.751 ‐0.426 20.592

11/29/2014 17:29 5669.1 50.748 ‐0.424 20.592

11/29/2014 17:34 5674.1 50.749 ‐0.424 20.592

11/29/2014 17:39 5679.1 50.75 ‐0.423 20.591

11/29/2014 17:44 5684.1 50.751 ‐0.422 20.59

11/29/2014 17:49 5689.1 50.751 ‐0.428 20.593

11/29/2014 17:54 5694.1 50.752 ‐0.429 20.593

11/29/2014 17:59 5699.1 50.749 ‐0.433 20.595

11/29/2014 18:04 5704.1 50.753 ‐0.431 20.594

11/29/2014 18:09 5709.1 50.755 ‐0.434 20.596

11/29/2014 18:14 5714.1 50.752 ‐0.436 20.597

11/29/2014 18:19 5719.1 50.75 ‐0.44 20.598

11/29/2014 18:24 5724.1 50.754 ‐0.446 20.601

11/29/2014 18:29 5729.1 50.751 ‐0.45 20.603

11/29/2014 18:34 5734.1 50.749 ‐0.45 20.603

11/29/2014 18:39 5739.1 50.753 ‐0.455 20.605

11/29/2014 18:44 5744.1 50.752 ‐0.46 20.607

11/29/2014 18:49 5749.1 50.756 ‐0.465 20.609

11/29/2014 18:54 5754.1 50.75 ‐0.47 20.611

11/29/2014 18:59 5759.1 50.75 ‐0.474 20.613

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/29/2014 19:04 5764.1 50.752 ‐0.48 20.616

11/29/2014 19:09 5769.1 50.751 ‐0.484 20.617

11/29/2014 19:14 5774.1 50.751 ‐0.491 20.62

11/29/2014 19:19 5779.1 50.752 ‐0.496 20.622

11/29/2014 19:24 5784.1 50.752 ‐0.499 20.624

11/29/2014 19:29 5789.1 50.754 ‐0.507 20.627

11/29/2014 19:34 5794.1 50.752 ‐0.51 20.629

11/29/2014 19:39 5799.1 50.756 ‐0.517 20.632

11/29/2014 19:44 5804.1 50.752 ‐0.524 20.635

11/29/2014 19:49 5809.1 50.75 ‐0.529 20.637

11/29/2014 19:54 5814.1 50.752 ‐0.535 20.64

11/29/2014 19:59 5819.1 50.751 ‐0.535 20.639

11/29/2014 20:04 5824.1 50.753 ‐0.54 20.642

11/29/2014 20:09 5829.1 50.752 ‐0.551 20.646

11/29/2014 20:14 5834.1 50.753 ‐0.554 20.648

11/29/2014 20:19 5839.1 50.751 ‐0.558 20.649

11/29/2014 20:24 5844.1 50.754 ‐0.564 20.652

11/29/2014 20:29 5849.1 50.75 ‐0.571 20.655

11/29/2014 20:34 5854.1 50.751 ‐0.577 20.657

11/29/2014 20:39 5859.1 50.749 ‐0.57 20.655

11/29/2014 20:44 5864.1 50.754 ‐0.585 20.661

11/29/2014 20:49 5869.1 50.753 ‐0.593 20.664

11/29/2014 20:54 5874.1 50.751 ‐0.602 20.668

11/29/2014 20:59 5879.1 50.747 ‐0.607 20.671

11/29/2014 21:04 5884.1 50.749 ‐0.612 20.673

11/29/2014 21:09 5889.1 50.752 ‐0.622 20.677

11/29/2014 21:14 5894.1 50.755 ‐0.626 20.679

11/29/2014 21:19 5899.1 50.756 ‐0.631 20.681

11/29/2014 21:24 5904.1 50.751 ‐0.637 20.684

11/29/2014 21:29 5909.1 50.752 ‐0.643 20.686

11/29/2014 21:34 5914.1 50.754 ‐0.65 20.689

11/29/2014 21:39 5919.1 50.751 ‐0.654 20.691

11/29/2014 21:44 5924.1 50.755 ‐0.661 20.694

11/29/2014 21:49 5929.1 50.753 ‐0.667 20.697

11/29/2014 21:54 5934.1 50.751 ‐0.674 20.7

11/29/2014 21:59 5939.1 50.751 ‐0.679 20.702

11/29/2014 22:04 5944.1 50.753 ‐0.687 20.705

11/29/2014 22:09 5949.1 50.755 ‐0.691 20.707

11/29/2014 22:14 5954.1 50.755 ‐0.701 20.711

11/29/2014 22:19 5959.1 50.752 ‐0.705 20.713

11/29/2014 22:24 5964.1 50.752 ‐0.709 20.715

11/29/2014 22:29 5969.1 50.751 ‐0.717 20.718

11/29/2014 22:34 5974.1 50.753 ‐0.726 20.722

11/29/2014 22:39 5979.1 50.751 ‐0.728 20.723

11/29/2014 22:44 5984.1 50.752 ‐0.738 20.727

11/29/2014 22:49 5989.1 50.756 ‐0.742 20.729

11/29/2014 22:54 5994.1 50.753 ‐0.748 20.732

11/29/2014 22:59 5999.1 50.752 ‐0.756 20.735

11/29/2014 23:04 6004.1 50.752 ‐0.767 20.74

11/29/2014 23:09 6009.1 50.751 ‐0.773 20.742

11/29/2014 23:14 6014.1 50.753 ‐0.78 20.746

11/29/2014 23:19 6019.1 50.75 ‐0.785 20.748

11/29/2014 23:24 6024.1 50.754 ‐0.793 20.751

11/29/2014 23:29 6029.1 50.752 ‐0.798 20.754

11/29/2014 23:34 6034.1 50.752 ‐0.799 20.754

11/29/2014 23:39 6039.1 50.754 ‐0.809 20.758

11/29/2014 23:44 6044.1 50.753 ‐0.815 20.761

11/29/2014 23:49 6049.1 50.754 ‐0.822 20.764

11/29/2014 23:54 6054.1 50.752 ‐0.83 20.767

11/29/2014 23:59 6059.1 50.751 ‐0.831 20.768

11/30/2014 0:04 6064.1 50.752 ‐0.841 20.772

11/30/2014 0:09 6069.1 50.752 ‐0.848 20.775

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/30/2014 0:14 6074.1 50.752 ‐0.851 20.776

11/30/2014 0:19 6079.1 50.752 ‐0.857 20.779

11/30/2014 0:24 6084.1 50.751 ‐0.866 20.783

11/30/2014 0:29 6089.1 50.755 ‐0.873 20.786

11/30/2014 0:34 6094.1 50.755 ‐0.877 20.787

11/30/2014 0:39 6099.1 50.759 ‐0.885 20.791

11/30/2014 0:44 6104.1 50.756 ‐0.89 20.793

11/30/2014 0:49 6109.1 50.75 ‐0.894 20.795

11/30/2014 0:54 6114.1 50.754 ‐0.898 20.797

11/30/2014 0:59 6119.1 50.754 ‐0.909 20.802

11/30/2014 1:04 6124.1 50.756 ‐0.911 20.802

11/30/2014 1:09 6129.1 50.751 ‐0.918 20.805

11/30/2014 1:14 6134.1 50.753 ‐0.923 20.808

11/30/2014 1:19 6139.1 50.753 ‐0.928 20.81

11/30/2014 1:24 6144.1 50.756 ‐0.937 20.813

11/30/2014 1:29 6149.1 50.751 ‐0.942 20.816

11/30/2014 1:34 6154.1 50.75 ‐0.949 20.819

11/30/2014 1:39 6159.1 50.748 ‐0.957 20.822

11/30/2014 1:44 6164.1 50.753 ‐0.965 20.826

11/30/2014 1:49 6169.1 50.75 ‐0.969 20.828

11/30/2014 1:54 6174.1 50.75 ‐0.972 20.829

11/30/2014 1:59 6179.1 50.75 ‐0.982 20.833

11/30/2014 2:04 6184.1 50.749 ‐0.986 20.835

11/30/2014 2:09 6189.1 50.75 ‐0.993 20.838

11/30/2014 2:14 6194.1 50.753 ‐0.999 20.841

11/30/2014 2:19 6199.1 50.756 ‐1.008 20.844

11/30/2014 2:24 6204.1 50.756 ‐1.012 20.846

11/30/2014 2:29 6209.1 50.754 ‐1.016 20.848

11/30/2014 2:34 6214.1 50.75 ‐1.023 20.851

11/30/2014 2:39 6219.1 50.755 ‐1.027 20.853

11/30/2014 2:44 6224.1 50.75 ‐1.034 20.855

11/30/2014 2:49 6229.1 50.754 ‐1.038 20.857

11/30/2014 2:54 6234.1 50.753 ‐1.044 20.86

11/30/2014 2:59 6239.1 50.752 ‐1.051 20.863

11/30/2014 3:04 6244.1 50.749 ‐1.055 20.865

11/30/2014 3:09 6249.1 50.746 ‐1.059 20.866

11/30/2014 3:14 6254.1 50.756 ‐1.067 20.87

11/30/2014 3:19 6259.1 50.751 ‐1.074 20.873

11/30/2014 3:24 6264.1 50.748 ‐1.077 20.874

11/30/2014 3:29 6269.1 50.751 ‐1.083 20.877

11/30/2014 3:34 6274.1 50.754 ‐1.09 20.88

11/30/2014 3:39 6279.1 50.753 ‐1.092 20.881

11/30/2014 3:44 6284.1 50.756 ‐1.1 20.884

11/30/2014 3:49 6289.1 50.751 ‐1.105 20.886

11/30/2014 3:54 6294.1 50.751 ‐1.115 20.89

11/30/2014 3:59 6299.1 50.754 ‐1.116 20.891

11/30/2014 4:04 6304.1 50.751 ‐1.125 20.895

11/30/2014 4:09 6309.1 50.752 ‐1.13 20.897

11/30/2014 4:14 6314.1 50.748 ‐1.137 20.9

11/30/2014 4:19 6319.1 50.756 ‐1.14 20.902

11/30/2014 4:24 6324.1 50.753 ‐1.145 20.904

11/30/2014 4:29 6329.1 50.753 ‐1.152 20.907

11/30/2014 4:34 6334.1 50.751 ‐1.159 20.91

11/30/2014 4:39 6339.1 50.747 ‐1.161 20.911

11/30/2014 4:44 6344.1 50.751 ‐1.166 20.913

11/30/2014 4:49 6349.1 50.749 ‐1.174 20.916

11/30/2014 4:54 6354.1 50.753 ‐1.172 20.915

11/30/2014 4:59 6359.1 50.751 ‐1.186 20.922

11/30/2014 5:04 6364.1 50.756 ‐1.189 20.923

11/30/2014 5:09 6369.1 50.751 ‐1.193 20.924

11/30/2014 5:14 6374.1 50.749 ‐1.199 20.927

11/30/2014 5:19 6379.1 50.751 ‐1.203 20.929

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/30/2014 5:24 6384.1 50.754 ‐1.209 20.931

11/30/2014 5:29 6389.1 50.756 ‐1.213 20.933

11/30/2014 5:34 6394.1 50.748 ‐1.218 20.935

11/30/2014 5:39 6399.1 50.753 ‐1.213 20.933

11/30/2014 5:44 6404.1 50.752 ‐1.228 20.939

11/30/2014 5:49 6409.1 50.752 ‐1.232 20.941

11/30/2014 5:54 6414.1 50.755 ‐1.242 20.946

11/30/2014 5:59 6419.1 50.753 ‐1.243 20.946

11/30/2014 6:04 6424.1 50.749 ‐1.252 20.95

11/30/2014 6:09 6429.1 50.752 ‐1.256 20.952

11/30/2014 6:14 6434.1 50.752 ‐1.259 20.953

11/30/2014 6:19 6439.1 50.75 ‐1.254 20.951

11/30/2014 6:24 6444.1 50.753 ‐1.27 20.958

11/30/2014 6:29 6449.1 50.752 ‐1.273 20.959

11/30/2014 6:34 6454.1 50.751 ‐1.28 20.962

11/30/2014 6:39 6459.1 50.751 ‐1.284 20.964

11/30/2014 6:44 6464.1 50.755 ‐1.29 20.966

11/30/2014 6:49 6469.1 50.749 ‐1.295 20.968

11/30/2014 6:54 6474.1 50.755 ‐1.296 20.969

11/30/2014 6:59 6479.1 50.751 ‐1.303 20.972

11/30/2014 7:04 6484.1 50.756 ‐1.305 20.973

11/30/2014 7:09 6489.1 50.753 ‐1.312 20.976

11/30/2014 7:14 6494.1 50.757 ‐1.318 20.979

11/30/2014 7:19 6499.1 50.754 ‐1.319 20.979

11/30/2014 7:24 6504.1 50.755 ‐1.324 20.981

11/30/2014 7:29 6509.1 50.754 ‐1.33 20.984

11/30/2014 7:34 6514.1 50.759 ‐1.333 20.985

11/30/2014 7:39 6519.1 50.747 ‐1.342 20.989

11/30/2014 7:44 6524.1 50.755 ‐1.343 20.989

11/30/2014 7:49 6529.1 50.753 ‐1.351 20.993

11/30/2014 7:54 6534.1 50.75 ‐1.352 20.993

11/30/2014 7:59 6539.1 50.754 ‐1.356 20.995

11/30/2014 8:04 6544.1 50.751 ‐1.36 20.997

11/30/2014 8:09 6549.1 50.754 ‐1.359 20.996

11/30/2014 8:14 6554.1 50.751 ‐1.361 20.997

11/30/2014 8:19 6559.1 50.752 ‐1.365 20.999

11/30/2014 8:24 6564.1 50.755 ‐1.364 20.998

11/30/2014 8:29 6569.1 50.748 ‐1.365 20.999

11/30/2014 8:34 6574.1 50.751 ‐1.362 20.998

11/30/2014 8:39 6579.1 50.747 ‐1.36 20.997

11/30/2014 8:44 6584.1 50.751 ‐1.352 20.993

11/30/2014 8:49 6589.1 50.751 ‐1.349 20.992

11/30/2014 8:54 6594.1 50.751 ‐1.347 20.991

11/30/2014 8:59 6599.1 50.752 ‐1.339 20.988

11/30/2014 9:04 6604.1 50.751 ‐1.332 20.985

11/30/2014 9:09 6609.1 50.748 ‐1.325 20.982

11/30/2014 9:14 6614.1 50.746 ‐1.319 20.979

11/30/2014 9:19 6619.1 50.754 ‐1.308 20.974

11/30/2014 9:24 6624.1 50.752 ‐1.298 20.97

11/30/2014 9:29 6629.1 50.752 ‐1.291 20.967

11/30/2014 9:34 6634.1 50.755 ‐1.275 20.96

11/30/2014 9:39 6639.1 50.757 ‐1.269 20.957

11/30/2014 9:44 6644.1 50.754 ‐1.256 20.952

11/30/2014 9:49 6649.1 50.754 ‐1.244 20.947

11/30/2014 9:54 6654.1 50.755 ‐1.231 20.941

11/30/2014 9:59 6659.1 50.748 ‐1.217 20.935

11/30/2014 10:04 6664.1 50.751 ‐1.205 20.93

11/30/2014 10:09 6669.1 50.754 ‐1.191 20.924

11/30/2014 10:14 6674.1 50.753 ‐1.174 20.916

11/30/2014 10:19 6679.1 50.758 ‐1.16 20.91

11/30/2014 10:24 6684.1 50.755 ‐1.146 20.904

11/30/2014 10:29 6689.1 50.754 ‐1.134 20.899

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/30/2014 10:34 6694.1 50.751 ‐1.117 20.892

11/30/2014 10:39 6699.1 50.752 ‐1.103 20.885

11/30/2014 10:44 6704.1 50.751 ‐1.088 20.879

11/30/2014 10:49 6709.1 50.756 ‐1.071 20.872

11/30/2014 10:54 6714.1 50.758 ‐1.055 20.865

11/30/2014 10:59 6719.1 50.757 ‐1.037 20.857

11/30/2014 11:04 6724.1 50.751 ‐1.025 20.852

11/30/2014 11:09 6729.1 50.753 ‐1.01 20.845

11/30/2014 11:14 6734.1 50.751 ‐0.992 20.837

11/30/2014 11:19 6739.1 50.751 ‐0.978 20.831

11/30/2014 11:24 6744.1 50.746 ‐0.958 20.823

11/30/2014 11:29 6749.1 50.754 ‐0.944 20.817

11/30/2014 11:34 6754.1 50.751 ‐0.93 20.81

11/30/2014 11:39 6759.1 50.75 ‐0.909 20.802

11/30/2014 11:44 6764.1 50.752 ‐0.898 20.797

11/30/2014 11:49 6769.1 50.754 ‐0.879 20.788

11/30/2014 11:54 6774.1 50.751 ‐0.862 20.781

11/30/2014 11:59 6779.1 50.751 ‐0.848 20.775

11/30/2014 12:04 6784.1 50.75 ‐0.838 20.771

11/30/2014 12:09 6789.1 50.756 ‐0.823 20.764

11/30/2014 12:14 6794.1 50.754 ‐0.809 20.758

11/30/2014 12:19 6799.1 50.755 ‐0.797 20.753

11/30/2014 12:24 6804.1 50.751 ‐0.785 20.748

11/30/2014 12:29 6809.1 50.756 ‐0.775 20.743

11/30/2014 12:34 6814.1 50.752 ‐0.762 20.738

11/30/2014 12:39 6819.1 50.75 ‐0.754 20.734

11/30/2014 12:44 6824.1 50.753 ‐0.746 20.731

11/30/2014 12:49 6829.1 50.748 ‐0.739 20.728

11/30/2014 12:54 6834.1 50.752 ‐0.735 20.726

11/30/2014 12:59 6839.1 50.753 ‐0.714 20.717

11/30/2014 13:04 6844.1 50.753 ‐0.72 20.719

11/30/2014 13:09 6849.1 50.753 ‐0.722 20.72

11/30/2014 13:14 6854.1 50.755 ‐0.715 20.717

11/30/2014 13:19 6859.1 50.753 ‐0.715 20.717

11/30/2014 13:24 6864.1 50.752 ‐0.708 20.715

11/30/2014 13:29 6869.1 50.754 ‐0.707 20.714

11/30/2014 13:34 6874.1 50.759 ‐0.709 20.715

11/30/2014 13:39 6879.1 50.757 ‐0.705 20.713

11/30/2014 13:44 6884.1 50.755 ‐0.704 20.713

11/30/2014 13:49 6889.1 50.754 ‐0.694 20.708

11/30/2014 13:54 6894.1 50.755 ‐0.693 20.708

11/30/2014 13:59 6899.1 50.756 ‐0.691 20.707

11/30/2014 14:04 6904.1 50.752 ‐0.679 20.702

11/30/2014 14:09 6909.1 50.749 ‐0.676 20.7

11/30/2014 14:14 6914.1 50.751 ‐0.67 20.698

11/30/2014 14:19 6919.1 50.751 ‐0.66 20.694

11/30/2014 14:24 6924.1 50.756 ‐0.653 20.69

11/30/2014 14:29 6929.1 50.754 ‐0.647 20.688

11/30/2014 14:34 6934.1 50.751 ‐0.636 20.683

11/30/2014 14:39 6939.1 50.756 ‐0.632 20.681

11/30/2014 14:44 6944.1 50.75 ‐0.623 20.677

11/30/2014 14:49 6949.1 50.751 ‐0.615 20.674

11/30/2014 14:54 6954.1 50.756 ‐0.607 20.671

11/30/2014 14:59 6959.1 50.758 ‐0.598 20.667

11/30/2014 15:04 6964.1 50.752 ‐0.596 20.666

11/30/2014 15:09 6969.1 50.752 ‐0.586 20.661

11/30/2014 15:14 6974.1 50.756 ‐0.582 20.66

11/30/2014 15:19 6979.1 50.754 ‐0.576 20.657

11/30/2014 15:24 6984.1 50.749 ‐0.572 20.656

11/30/2014 15:29 6989.1 50.756 ‐0.568 20.654

11/30/2014 15:34 6994.1 50.751 ‐0.566 20.653

11/30/2014 15:39 6999.1 50.752 ‐0.562 20.651

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/30/2014 15:44 7004.1 50.753 ‐0.559 20.65

11/30/2014 15:49 7009.1 50.751 ‐0.562 20.651

11/30/2014 15:54 7014.1 50.749 ‐0.555 20.648

11/30/2014 15:59 7019.1 50.746 ‐0.553 20.647

11/30/2014 16:04 7024.1 50.751 ‐0.549 20.645

11/30/2014 16:09 7029.1 50.757 ‐0.55 20.646

11/30/2014 16:14 7034.1 50.754 ‐0.553 20.647

11/30/2014 16:19 7039.1 50.756 ‐0.558 20.649

11/30/2014 16:24 7044.1 50.748 ‐0.557 20.649

11/30/2014 16:29 7049.1 50.756 ‐0.557 20.649

11/30/2014 16:34 7054.1 50.754 ‐0.556 20.649

11/30/2014 16:39 7059.1 50.751 ‐0.557 20.649

11/30/2014 16:44 7064.1 50.75 ‐0.564 20.652

11/30/2014 16:49 7069.1 50.75 ‐0.567 20.653

11/30/2014 16:54 7074.1 50.756 ‐0.571 20.655

11/30/2014 16:59 7079.1 50.751 ‐0.571 20.655

11/30/2014 17:04 7084.1 50.751 ‐0.576 20.657

11/30/2014 17:09 7089.1 50.757 ‐0.581 20.659

11/30/2014 17:14 7094.1 50.756 ‐0.587 20.662

11/30/2014 17:19 7099.1 50.756 ‐0.592 20.664

11/30/2014 17:24 7104.1 50.755 ‐0.592 20.664

11/30/2014 17:29 7109.1 50.749 ‐0.599 20.667

11/30/2014 17:34 7114.1 50.756 ‐0.602 20.669

11/30/2014 17:39 7119.1 50.757 ‐0.604 20.669

11/30/2014 17:44 7124.1 50.75 ‐0.608 20.671

11/30/2014 17:49 7129.1 50.755 ‐0.613 20.673

11/30/2014 17:54 7134.1 50.755 ‐0.617 20.675

11/30/2014 17:59 7139.1 50.753 ‐0.623 20.678

11/30/2014 18:04 7144.1 50.752 ‐0.623 20.678

11/30/2014 18:09 7149.1 50.751 ‐0.627 20.679

11/30/2014 18:14 7154.1 50.754 ‐0.631 20.681

11/30/2014 18:19 7159.1 50.753 ‐0.634 20.682

11/30/2014 18:24 7164.1 50.756 ‐0.638 20.684

11/30/2014 18:29 7169.1 50.75 ‐0.645 20.687

11/30/2014 18:34 7174.1 50.755 ‐0.647 20.688

11/30/2014 18:39 7179.1 50.756 ‐0.655 20.692

11/30/2014 18:44 7184.1 50.752 ‐0.658 20.693

11/30/2014 18:49 7189.1 50.756 ‐0.659 20.693

11/30/2014 18:54 7194.1 50.751 ‐0.662 20.695

11/30/2014 18:59 7199.1 50.756 ‐0.671 20.698

11/30/2014 19:04 7204.1 50.754 ‐0.678 20.701

11/30/2014 19:09 7209.1 50.751 ‐0.679 20.702

11/30/2014 19:14 7214.1 50.754 ‐0.682 20.703

11/30/2014 19:19 7219.1 50.748 ‐0.692 20.708

11/30/2014 19:24 7224.1 50.756 ‐0.692 20.708

11/30/2014 19:29 7229.1 50.75 ‐0.699 20.71

11/30/2014 19:34 7234.1 50.752 ‐0.693 20.708

11/30/2014 19:39 7239.1 50.754 ‐0.706 20.714

11/30/2014 19:44 7244.1 50.751 ‐0.709 20.715

11/30/2014 19:49 7249.1 50.753 ‐0.713 20.717

11/30/2014 19:54 7254.1 50.756 ‐0.717 20.718

11/30/2014 19:59 7259.1 50.745 ‐0.723 20.721

11/30/2014 20:04 7264.1 50.751 ‐0.728 20.723

11/30/2014 20:09 7269.1 50.751 ‐0.732 20.725

11/30/2014 20:14 7274.1 50.755 ‐0.731 20.724

11/30/2014 20:19 7279.1 50.751 ‐0.742 20.729

11/30/2014 20:24 7284.1 50.752 ‐0.747 20.731

11/30/2014 20:29 7289.1 50.748 ‐0.754 20.734

11/30/2014 20:34 7294.1 50.752 ‐0.756 20.735

11/30/2014 20:39 7299.1 50.751 ‐0.764 20.739

11/30/2014 20:44 7304.1 50.753 ‐0.768 20.74

11/30/2014 20:49 7309.1 50.752 ‐0.768 20.74

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

11/30/2014 20:54 7314.1 50.754 ‐0.776 20.744

11/30/2014 20:59 7319.1 50.752 ‐0.78 20.746

11/30/2014 21:04 7324.1 50.752 ‐0.788 20.749

11/30/2014 21:09 7329.1 50.751 ‐0.792 20.751

11/30/2014 21:14 7334.1 50.752 ‐0.797 20.753

11/30/2014 21:19 7339.1 50.754 ‐0.801 20.755

11/30/2014 21:24 7344.1 50.751 ‐0.807 20.757

11/30/2014 21:29 7349.1 50.753 ‐0.81 20.759

11/30/2014 21:34 7354.1 50.757 ‐0.82 20.763

11/30/2014 21:39 7359.1 50.756 ‐0.825 20.765

11/30/2014 21:44 7364.1 50.757 ‐0.827 20.766

11/30/2014 21:49 7369.1 50.751 ‐0.833 20.768

11/30/2014 21:54 7374.1 50.756 ‐0.84 20.772

11/30/2014 21:59 7379.1 50.755 ‐0.845 20.774

11/30/2014 22:04 7384.1 50.753 ‐0.85 20.776

11/30/2014 22:09 7389.1 50.756 ‐0.844 20.773

11/30/2014 22:14 7394.1 50.752 ‐0.857 20.779

11/30/2014 22:19 7399.1 50.755 ‐0.86 20.78

11/30/2014 22:24 7404.1 50.756 ‐0.869 20.784

11/30/2014 22:29 7409.1 50.752 ‐0.873 20.786

11/30/2014 22:34 7414.1 50.756 ‐0.875 20.787

11/30/2014 22:39 7419.1 50.756 ‐0.883 20.79

11/30/2014 22:44 7424.1 50.753 ‐0.874 20.786

11/30/2014 22:49 7429.1 50.751 ‐0.893 20.794

11/30/2014 22:54 7434.1 50.752 ‐0.895 20.795

11/30/2014 22:59 7439.1 50.754 ‐0.904 20.799

11/30/2014 23:04 7444.1 50.756 ‐0.909 20.802

11/30/2014 23:09 7449.1 50.751 ‐0.913 20.803

11/30/2014 23:14 7454.1 50.751 ‐0.92 20.806

11/30/2014 23:19 7459.1 50.753 ‐0.922 20.807

11/30/2014 23:24 7464.1 50.756 ‐0.927 20.809

11/30/2014 23:29 7469.1 50.751 ‐0.93 20.811

11/30/2014 23:34 7474.1 50.75 ‐0.937 20.814

11/30/2014 23:39 7479.1 50.756 ‐0.939 20.814

11/30/2014 23:44 7484.1 50.751 ‐0.945 20.817

11/30/2014 23:49 7489.1 50.752 ‐0.949 20.819

11/30/2014 23:54 7494.1 50.754 ‐0.956 20.822

11/30/2014 23:59 7499.1 50.756 ‐0.958 20.823

12/1/2014 0:04 7504.1 50.753 ‐0.966 20.826

12/1/2014 0:09 7509.1 50.751 ‐0.968 20.827

12/1/2014 0:14 7514.1 50.756 ‐0.972 20.829

12/1/2014 0:19 7519.1 50.758 ‐0.979 20.832

12/1/2014 0:24 7524.1 50.75 ‐0.984 20.834

12/1/2014 0:29 7529.1 50.752 ‐0.987 20.835

12/1/2014 0:34 7534.1 50.757 ‐0.995 20.839

12/1/2014 0:39 7539.1 50.754 ‐0.999 20.841

12/1/2014 0:44 7544.1 50.753 ‐1.004 20.843

12/1/2014 0:49 7549.1 50.751 ‐1.009 20.845

12/1/2014 0:54 7554.1 50.75 ‐1.012 20.846

12/1/2014 0:59 7559.1 50.755 ‐1.021 20.85

12/1/2014 1:04 7564.1 50.753 ‐1.025 20.852

12/1/2014 1:09 7569.1 50.753 ‐1.031 20.854

12/1/2014 1:14 7574.1 50.751 ‐1.035 20.856

12/1/2014 1:19 7579.1 50.752 ‐1.042 20.859

12/1/2014 1:24 7584.1 50.753 ‐1.046 20.861

12/1/2014 1:29 7589.1 50.752 ‐1.051 20.863

12/1/2014 1:34 7594.1 50.752 ‐1.053 20.864

12/1/2014 1:39 7599.1 50.753 ‐1.061 20.867

12/1/2014 1:44 7604.1 50.749 ‐1.062 20.867

12/1/2014 1:49 7609.1 50.754 ‐1.069 20.871

12/1/2014 1:54 7614.1 50.756 ‐1.071 20.872

12/1/2014 1:59 7619.1 50.754 ‐1.077 20.874

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/1/2014 2:04 7624.1 50.754 ‐1.079 20.875

12/1/2014 2:09 7629.1 50.755 ‐1.085 20.878

12/1/2014 2:14 7634.1 50.75 ‐1.092 20.881

12/1/2014 2:19 7639.1 50.751 ‐1.093 20.881

12/1/2014 2:24 7644.1 50.752 ‐1.101 20.884

12/1/2014 2:29 7649.1 50.758 ‐1.105 20.887

12/1/2014 2:34 7654.1 50.751 ‐1.111 20.889

12/1/2014 2:39 7659.1 50.754 ‐1.11 20.889

12/1/2014 2:44 7664.1 50.758 ‐1.116 20.891

12/1/2014 2:49 7669.1 50.752 ‐1.122 20.893

12/1/2014 2:54 7674.1 50.755 ‐1.125 20.895

12/1/2014 2:59 7679.1 50.755 ‐1.127 20.896

12/1/2014 3:04 7684.1 50.754 ‐1.134 20.899

12/1/2014 3:09 7689.1 50.754 ‐1.134 20.899

12/1/2014 3:14 7694.1 50.757 ‐1.138 20.901

12/1/2014 3:19 7699.1 50.754 ‐1.14 20.902

12/1/2014 3:24 7704.1 50.751 ‐1.148 20.905

12/1/2014 3:29 7709.1 50.755 ‐1.154 20.908

12/1/2014 3:34 7714.1 50.753 ‐1.161 20.91

12/1/2014 3:39 7719.1 50.751 ‐1.161 20.911

12/1/2014 3:44 7724.1 50.758 ‐1.165 20.912

12/1/2014 3:49 7729.1 50.752 ‐1.169 20.914

12/1/2014 3:54 7734.1 50.752 ‐1.173 20.916

12/1/2014 3:59 7739.1 50.752 ‐1.183 20.92

12/1/2014 4:04 7744.1 50.755 ‐1.183 20.92

12/1/2014 4:09 7749.1 50.756 ‐1.187 20.922

12/1/2014 4:14 7754.1 50.751 ‐1.19 20.923

12/1/2014 4:19 7759.1 50.753 ‐1.19 20.923

12/1/2014 4:24 7764.1 50.754 ‐1.188 20.922

12/1/2014 4:29 7769.1 50.751 ‐1.202 20.928

12/1/2014 4:34 7774.1 50.751 ‐1.204 20.929

12/1/2014 4:39 7779.1 50.754 ‐1.213 20.933

12/1/2014 4:44 7784.1 50.749 ‐1.217 20.935

12/1/2014 4:49 7789.1 50.755 ‐1.221 20.936

12/1/2014 4:54 7794.1 50.752 ‐1.224 20.938

12/1/2014 4:59 7799.1 50.752 ‐1.226 20.939

12/1/2014 5:04 7804.1 50.752 ‐1.232 20.941

12/1/2014 5:09 7809.1 50.756 ‐1.234 20.942

12/1/2014 5:14 7814.1 50.752 ‐1.24 20.945

12/1/2014 5:19 7819.1 50.759 ‐1.242 20.946

12/1/2014 5:24 7824.1 50.756 ‐1.244 20.947

12/1/2014 5:29 7829.1 50.754 ‐1.237 20.943

12/1/2014 5:34 7834.1 50.756 ‐1.254 20.951

12/1/2014 5:39 7839.1 50.756 ‐1.255 20.951

12/1/2014 5:44 7844.1 50.756 ‐1.261 20.954

12/1/2014 5:49 7849.1 50.753 ‐1.263 20.955

12/1/2014 5:54 7854.1 50.755 ‐1.264 20.955

12/1/2014 5:59 7859.1 50.756 ‐1.266 20.956

12/1/2014 6:04 7864.1 50.754 ‐1.275 20.96

12/1/2014 6:09 7869.1 50.753 ‐1.274 20.959

12/1/2014 6:14 7874.1 50.756 ‐1.283 20.964

12/1/2014 6:19 7879.1 50.747 ‐1.289 20.966

12/1/2014 6:24 7884.1 50.751 ‐1.29 20.966

12/1/2014 6:29 7889.1 50.751 ‐1.291 20.967

12/1/2014 6:34 7894.1 50.753 ‐1.294 20.968

12/1/2014 6:39 7899.1 50.756 ‐1.291 20.967

12/1/2014 6:44 7904.1 50.749 ‐1.292 20.967

12/1/2014 6:49 7909.1 50.751 ‐1.291 20.967

12/1/2014 6:54 7914.1 50.755 ‐1.292 20.967

12/1/2014 6:59 7919.1 50.751 ‐1.296 20.969

12/1/2014 7:04 7924.1 50.751 ‐1.293 20.968

12/1/2014 7:09 7929.1 50.751 ‐1.297 20.969

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/1/2014 7:14 7934.1 50.756 ‐1.292 20.967

12/1/2014 7:19 7939.1 50.753 ‐1.296 20.969

12/1/2014 7:24 7944.1 50.752 ‐1.293 20.968

12/1/2014 7:29 7949.1 50.753 ‐1.287 20.965

12/1/2014 7:34 7954.1 50.751 ‐1.281 20.962

12/1/2014 7:39 7959.1 50.756 ‐1.275 20.96

12/1/2014 7:44 7964.1 50.749 ‐1.263 20.955

12/1/2014 7:49 7969.1 50.752 ‐1.26 20.953

12/1/2014 7:54 7974.1 50.757 ‐1.254 20.951

12/1/2014 7:59 7979.1 50.755 ‐1.243 20.946

12/1/2014 8:04 7984.1 50.753 ‐1.234 20.942

12/1/2014 8:09 7989.1 50.751 ‐1.223 20.938

12/1/2014 8:14 7994.1 50.758 ‐1.211 20.932

12/1/2014 8:19 7999.1 50.756 ‐1.201 20.928

12/1/2014 8:24 8004.1 50.752 ‐1.186 20.921

12/1/2014 8:29 8009.1 50.753 ‐1.174 20.916

12/1/2014 8:34 8014.1 50.751 ‐1.163 20.912

12/1/2014 8:39 8019.1 50.748 ‐1.148 20.905

12/1/2014 8:44 8024.1 50.754 ‐1.132 20.898

12/1/2014 8:49 8029.1 50.753 ‐1.12 20.893

12/1/2014 8:54 8034.1 50.751 ‐1.106 20.887

12/1/2014 8:59 8039.1 50.752 ‐1.096 20.882

12/1/2014 9:04 8044.1 50.753 ‐1.075 20.873

12/1/2014 9:09 8049.1 50.75 ‐1.067 20.87

12/1/2014 9:14 8054.1 50.754 ‐1.051 20.863

12/1/2014 9:19 8059.1 50.75 ‐1.034 20.855

12/1/2014 9:24 8064.1 50.751 ‐1.021 20.85

12/1/2014 9:29 8069.1 50.752 ‐1.004 20.843

12/1/2014 9:34 8074.1 50.753 ‐0.988 20.835

12/1/2014 9:39 8079.1 50.752 ‐0.972 20.829

12/1/2014 9:44 8084.1 50.753 ‐0.957 20.822

12/1/2014 9:49 8089.1 50.747 ‐0.946 20.817

12/1/2014 9:54 8094.1 50.754 ‐0.928 20.809

12/1/2014 9:59 8099.1 50.751 ‐0.909 20.802

12/1/2014 10:04 8104.1 50.753 ‐0.895 20.795

12/1/2014 10:09 8109.1 50.749 ‐0.88 20.789

12/1/2014 10:14 8114.1 50.749 ‐0.865 20.782

12/1/2014 10:19 8119.1 50.752 ‐0.85 20.776

12/1/2014 10:24 8124.1 50.756 ‐0.831 20.768

12/1/2014 10:29 8129.1 50.752 ‐0.813 20.76

12/1/2014 10:34 8134.1 50.752 ‐0.798 20.753

12/1/2014 10:39 8139.1 50.755 ‐0.782 20.746

12/1/2014 10:44 8144.1 50.748 ‐0.767 20.74

12/1/2014 10:49 8149.1 50.755 ‐0.753 20.734

12/1/2014 10:54 8154.1 50.747 ‐0.731 20.724

12/1/2014 10:59 8159.1 50.753 ‐0.72 20.719

12/1/2014 11:04 8164.1 50.752 ‐0.701 20.711

12/1/2014 11:09 8169.1 50.754 ‐0.685 20.704

12/1/2014 11:14 8174.1 50.75 ‐0.665 20.696

12/1/2014 11:19 8179.1 50.76 ‐0.653 20.691

12/1/2014 11:24 8184.1 50.756 ‐0.636 20.683

12/1/2014 11:29 8189.1 50.755 ‐0.623 20.677

12/1/2014 11:34 8194.1 50.75 ‐0.609 20.672

12/1/2014 11:39 8199.1 50.748 ‐0.592 20.664

12/1/2014 11:44 8204.1 50.75 ‐0.576 20.657

12/1/2014 11:49 8209.1 50.748 ‐0.561 20.651

12/1/2014 11:54 8214.1 50.752 ‐0.544 20.643

12/1/2014 11:59 8219.1 50.756 ‐0.528 20.636

12/1/2014 12:04 8224.1 50.754 ‐0.516 20.631

12/1/2014 12:09 8229.1 50.759 ‐0.503 20.625

12/1/2014 12:14 8234.1 50.756 ‐0.486 20.618

12/1/2014 12:19 8239.1 50.753 ‐0.477 20.614

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/1/2014 12:24 8244.1 50.751 ‐0.457 20.606

12/1/2014 12:29 8249.1 50.751 ‐0.447 20.601

12/1/2014 12:34 8254.1 50.751 ‐0.431 20.594

12/1/2014 12:39 8259.1 50.748 ‐0.423 20.591

12/1/2014 12:44 8264.1 50.749 ‐0.414 20.587

12/1/2014 12:49 8269.1 50.751 ‐0.402 20.582

12/1/2014 12:54 8274.1 50.755 ‐0.397 20.58

12/1/2014 12:59 8279.1 50.749 ‐0.39 20.576

12/1/2014 13:04 8284.1 50.752 ‐0.384 20.574

12/1/2014 13:09 8289.1 50.751 ‐0.382 20.573

12/1/2014 13:14 8294.1 50.755 ‐0.38 20.572

12/1/2014 13:19 8299.1 50.754 ‐0.373 20.569

12/1/2014 13:24 8304.1 50.749 ‐0.368 20.567

12/1/2014 13:29 8309.1 50.755 ‐0.369 20.567

12/1/2014 13:34 8314.1 50.756 ‐0.371 20.569

12/1/2014 13:39 8319.1 50.75 ‐0.365 20.566

12/1/2014 13:44 8324.1 50.75 ‐0.372 20.569

12/1/2014 13:49 8329.1 50.752 ‐0.371 20.568

12/1/2014 13:54 8334.1 50.754 ‐0.372 20.569

12/1/2014 13:59 8339.1 50.749 ‐0.375 20.57

12/1/2014 14:04 8344.1 50.754 ‐0.377 20.571

12/1/2014 14:09 8349.1 50.747 ‐0.369 20.567

12/1/2014 14:14 8354.1 50.754 ‐0.381 20.573

12/1/2014 14:19 8359.1 50.751 ‐0.387 20.575

12/1/2014 14:24 8364.1 50.753 ‐0.39 20.577

12/1/2014 14:29 8369.1 50.755 ‐0.393 20.578

12/1/2014 14:34 8374.1 50.75 ‐0.394 20.578

12/1/2014 14:39 8379.1 50.751 ‐0.394 20.578

12/1/2014 14:44 8384.1 50.751 ‐0.4 20.581

12/1/2014 14:49 8389.1 50.748 ‐0.401 20.581

12/1/2014 14:54 8394.1 50.756 ‐0.407 20.584

12/1/2014 14:59 8399.1 50.756 ‐0.41 20.585

12/1/2014 15:04 8404.1 50.751 ‐0.412 20.586

12/1/2014 15:09 8409.1 50.751 ‐0.416 20.588

12/1/2014 15:14 8414.1 50.754 ‐0.412 20.586

12/1/2014 15:19 8419.1 50.757 ‐0.413 20.586

12/1/2014 15:24 8424.1 50.753 ‐0.413 20.586

12/1/2014 15:29 8429.1 50.75 ‐0.401 20.581

12/1/2014 15:34 8434.1 50.756 ‐0.405 20.583

12/1/2014 15:39 8439.1 50.756 ‐0.404 20.583

12/1/2014 15:44 8444.1 50.756 ‐0.397 20.58

12/1/2014 15:49 8449.1 50.754 ‐0.391 20.577

12/1/2014 15:54 8454.1 50.749 ‐0.385 20.575

12/1/2014 15:59 8459.1 50.757 ‐0.375 20.57

12/1/2014 16:04 8464.1 50.749 ‐0.37 20.568

12/1/2014 16:09 8469.1 50.754 ‐0.364 20.565

12/1/2014 16:14 8474.1 50.749 ‐0.355 20.561

12/1/2014 16:19 8479.1 50.754 ‐0.344 20.557

12/1/2014 16:24 8484.1 50.752 ‐0.335 20.553

12/1/2014 16:29 8489.1 50.754 ‐0.33 20.551

12/1/2014 16:34 8494.1 50.751 ‐0.322 20.547

12/1/2014 16:39 8499.1 50.755 ‐0.318 20.546

12/1/2014 16:44 8504.1 50.751 ‐0.308 20.541

12/1/2014 16:49 8509.1 50.752 ‐0.304 20.539

12/1/2014 16:54 8514.1 50.756 ‐0.3 20.538

12/1/2014 16:59 8519.1 50.752 ‐0.299 20.537

12/1/2014 17:04 8524.1 50.749 ‐0.29 20.533

12/1/2014 17:09 8529.1 50.753 ‐0.291 20.534

12/1/2014 17:14 8534.1 50.754 ‐0.286 20.532

12/1/2014 17:19 8539.1 50.75 ‐0.29 20.533

12/1/2014 17:24 8544.1 50.752 ‐0.278 20.528

12/1/2014 17:29 8549.1 50.752 ‐0.285 20.531

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/1/2014 17:34 8554.1 50.756 ‐0.284 20.531

12/1/2014 17:39 8559.1 50.753 ‐0.29 20.533

12/1/2014 17:44 8564.1 50.748 ‐0.294 20.535

12/1/2014 17:49 8569.1 50.756 ‐0.295 20.536

12/1/2014 17:54 8574.1 50.756 ‐0.298 20.537

12/1/2014 17:59 8579.1 50.752 ‐0.299 20.537

12/1/2014 18:04 8584.1 50.751 ‐0.301 20.538

12/1/2014 18:09 8589.1 50.751 ‐0.304 20.54

12/1/2014 18:14 8594.1 50.751 ‐0.307 20.541

12/1/2014 18:19 8599.1 50.749 ‐0.314 20.544

12/1/2014 18:24 8604.1 50.755 ‐0.317 20.545

12/1/2014 18:29 8609.1 50.76 ‐0.32 20.546

12/1/2014 18:34 8614.1 50.759 ‐0.321 20.547

12/1/2014 18:39 8619.1 50.75 ‐0.326 20.549

12/1/2014 18:44 8624.1 50.752 ‐0.333 20.552

12/1/2014 18:49 8629.1 50.752 ‐0.33 20.551

12/1/2014 18:54 8634.1 50.751 ‐0.34 20.555

12/1/2014 18:59 8639.1 50.756 ‐0.335 20.553

12/1/2014 19:04 8644.1 50.751 ‐0.345 20.557

12/1/2014 19:09 8649.1 50.752 ‐0.352 20.56

12/1/2014 19:14 8654.1 50.755 ‐0.361 20.564

12/1/2014 19:19 8659.1 50.751 ‐0.363 20.565

12/1/2014 19:24 8664.1 50.75 ‐0.37 20.568

12/1/2014 19:29 8669.1 50.753 ‐0.372 20.569

12/1/2014 19:34 8674.1 50.745 ‐0.376 20.571

12/1/2014 19:39 8679.1 50.753 ‐0.38 20.572

12/1/2014 19:44 8684.1 50.752 ‐0.386 20.575

12/1/2014 19:49 8689.1 50.754 ‐0.39 20.577

12/1/2014 19:54 8694.1 50.752 ‐0.396 20.579

12/1/2014 19:59 8699.1 50.753 ‐0.399 20.581

12/1/2014 20:04 8704.1 50.754 ‐0.405 20.583

12/1/2014 20:09 8709.1 50.753 ‐0.412 20.586

12/1/2014 20:14 8714.1 50.753 ‐0.414 20.587

12/1/2014 20:19 8719.1 50.759 ‐0.42 20.59

12/1/2014 20:24 8724.1 50.755 ‐0.429 20.594

12/1/2014 20:29 8729.1 50.751 ‐0.422 20.59

12/1/2014 20:34 8734.1 50.751 ‐0.439 20.598

12/1/2014 20:39 8739.1 50.754 ‐0.442 20.599

12/1/2014 20:44 8744.1 50.756 ‐0.448 20.602

12/1/2014 20:49 8749.1 50.752 ‐0.446 20.601

12/1/2014 20:54 8754.1 50.75 ‐0.458 20.606

12/1/2014 20:59 8759.1 50.748 ‐0.464 20.609

12/1/2014 21:04 8764.1 50.751 ‐0.472 20.612

12/1/2014 21:09 8769.1 50.757 ‐0.473 20.612

12/1/2014 21:14 8774.1 50.754 ‐0.48 20.616

12/1/2014 21:19 8779.1 50.75 ‐0.49 20.62

12/1/2014 21:24 8784.1 50.751 ‐0.493 20.621

12/1/2014 21:29 8789.1 50.751 ‐0.501 20.625

12/1/2014 21:34 8794.1 50.752 ‐0.508 20.628

12/1/2014 21:39 8799.1 50.751 ‐0.513 20.63

12/1/2014 21:44 8804.1 50.748 ‐0.516 20.631

12/1/2014 21:49 8809.1 50.755 ‐0.524 20.635

12/1/2014 21:54 8814.1 50.751 ‐0.52 20.633

12/1/2014 21:59 8819.1 50.753 ‐0.535 20.639

12/1/2014 22:04 8824.1 50.749 ‐0.541 20.642

12/1/2014 22:09 8829.1 50.751 ‐0.549 20.645

12/1/2014 22:14 8834.1 50.751 ‐0.552 20.647

12/1/2014 22:19 8839.1 50.757 ‐0.558 20.649

12/1/2014 22:24 8844.1 50.751 ‐0.562 20.651

12/1/2014 22:29 8849.1 50.756 ‐0.57 20.655

12/1/2014 22:34 8854.1 50.758 ‐0.577 20.657

12/1/2014 22:39 8859.1 50.754 ‐0.581 20.659

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/1/2014 22:44 8864.1 50.75 ‐0.588 20.662

12/1/2014 22:49 8869.1 50.751 ‐0.596 20.666

12/1/2014 22:54 8874.1 50.749 ‐0.601 20.668

12/1/2014 22:59 8879.1 50.756 ‐0.606 20.67

12/1/2014 23:04 8884.1 50.751 ‐0.617 20.675

12/1/2014 23:09 8889.1 50.751 ‐0.623 20.678

12/1/2014 23:14 8894.1 50.755 ‐0.63 20.681

12/1/2014 23:19 8899.1 50.753 ‐0.631 20.681

12/1/2014 23:24 8904.1 50.752 ‐0.642 20.686

12/1/2014 23:29 8909.1 50.752 ‐0.648 20.689

12/1/2014 23:34 8914.1 50.751 ‐0.657 20.692

12/1/2014 23:39 8919.1 50.752 ‐0.664 20.695

12/1/2014 23:44 8924.1 50.751 ‐0.67 20.698

12/1/2014 23:49 8929.1 50.751 ‐0.678 20.702

12/1/2014 23:54 8934.1 50.751 ‐0.68 20.702

12/1/2014 23:59 8939.1 50.753 ‐0.689 20.706

12/2/2014 0:04 8944.1 50.751 ‐0.695 20.709

12/2/2014 0:09 8949.1 50.752 ‐0.702 20.712

12/2/2014 0:14 8954.1 50.756 ‐0.706 20.714

12/2/2014 0:19 8959.1 50.751 ‐0.712 20.716

12/2/2014 0:24 8964.1 50.755 ‐0.723 20.721

12/2/2014 0:29 8969.1 50.751 ‐0.73 20.724

12/2/2014 0:34 8974.1 50.75 ‐0.735 20.726

12/2/2014 0:39 8979.1 50.754 ‐0.74 20.728

12/2/2014 0:44 8984.1 50.751 ‐0.749 20.732

12/2/2014 0:49 8989.1 50.755 ‐0.755 20.735

12/2/2014 0:54 8994.1 50.752 ‐0.761 20.738

12/2/2014 0:59 8999.1 50.756 ‐0.771 20.742

12/2/2014 1:04 9004.1 50.756 ‐0.774 20.743

12/2/2014 1:09 9009.1 50.75 ‐0.782 20.746

12/2/2014 1:14 9014.1 50.752 ‐0.784 20.747

12/2/2014 1:19 9019.1 50.756 ‐0.79 20.75

12/2/2014 1:24 9024.1 50.757 ‐0.8 20.754

12/2/2014 1:29 9029.1 50.751 ‐0.808 20.758

12/2/2014 1:34 9034.1 50.754 ‐0.812 20.76

12/2/2014 1:39 9039.1 50.756 ‐0.816 20.761

12/2/2014 1:44 9044.1 50.751 ‐0.821 20.763

12/2/2014 1:49 9049.1 50.76 ‐0.831 20.768

12/2/2014 1:54 9054.1 50.753 ‐0.838 20.771

12/2/2014 1:59 9059.1 50.758 ‐0.845 20.774

12/2/2014 2:04 9064.1 50.755 ‐0.852 20.777

12/2/2014 2:09 9069.1 50.759 ‐0.844 20.773

12/2/2014 2:14 9074.1 50.757 ‐0.861 20.781

12/2/2014 2:19 9079.1 50.751 ‐0.868 20.784

12/2/2014 2:24 9084.1 50.756 ‐0.871 20.785

12/2/2014 2:29 9089.1 50.752 ‐0.878 20.788

12/2/2014 2:34 9094.1 50.753 ‐0.882 20.79

12/2/2014 2:39 9099.1 50.755 ‐0.887 20.792

12/2/2014 2:44 9104.1 50.756 ‐0.892 20.794

12/2/2014 2:49 9109.1 50.756 ‐0.902 20.799

12/2/2014 2:54 9114.1 50.757 ‐0.908 20.801

12/2/2014 2:59 9119.1 50.756 ‐0.911 20.802

12/2/2014 3:04 9124.1 50.759 ‐0.917 20.805

12/2/2014 3:09 9129.1 50.755 ‐0.927 20.809

12/2/2014 3:14 9134.1 50.753 ‐0.932 20.811

12/2/2014 3:19 9139.1 50.751 ‐0.935 20.813

12/2/2014 3:24 9144.1 50.756 ‐0.941 20.815

12/2/2014 3:29 9149.1 50.756 ‐0.948 20.818

12/2/2014 3:34 9154.1 50.755 ‐0.954 20.821

12/2/2014 3:39 9159.1 50.758 ‐0.959 20.823

12/2/2014 3:44 9164.1 50.756 ‐0.967 20.826

12/2/2014 3:49 9169.1 50.757 ‐0.97 20.828

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/2/2014 3:54 9174.1 50.757 ‐0.977 20.831

12/2/2014 3:59 9179.1 50.756 ‐0.98 20.832

12/2/2014 4:04 9184.1 50.753 ‐0.986 20.835

12/2/2014 4:09 9189.1 50.758 ‐0.993 20.838

12/2/2014 4:14 9194.1 50.753 ‐0.996 20.839

12/2/2014 4:19 9199.1 50.756 ‐1.004 20.843

12/2/2014 4:24 9204.1 50.752 ‐1.011 20.846

12/2/2014 4:29 9209.1 50.755 ‐1.015 20.847

12/2/2014 4:34 9214.1 50.752 ‐1.009 20.845

12/2/2014 4:39 9219.1 50.756 ‐1.025 20.852

12/2/2014 4:44 9224.1 50.754 ‐1.033 20.855

12/2/2014 4:49 9229.1 50.756 ‐1.041 20.859

12/2/2014 4:54 9234.1 50.752 ‐1.034 20.856

12/2/2014 4:59 9239.1 50.753 ‐1.047 20.861

12/2/2014 5:04 9244.1 50.752 ‐1.057 20.865

12/2/2014 5:09 9249.1 50.753 ‐1.059 20.866

12/2/2014 5:14 9254.1 50.753 ‐1.067 20.87

12/2/2014 5:19 9259.1 50.756 ‐1.069 20.871

12/2/2014 5:24 9264.1 50.751 ‐1.076 20.874

12/2/2014 5:29 9269.1 50.752 ‐1.084 20.877

12/2/2014 5:34 9274.1 50.751 ‐1.088 20.879

12/2/2014 5:39 9279.1 50.749 ‐1.094 20.882

12/2/2014 5:44 9284.1 50.75 ‐1.095 20.882

12/2/2014 5:49 9289.1 50.75 ‐1.104 20.886

12/2/2014 5:54 9294.1 50.753 ‐1.105 20.886

12/2/2014 5:59 9299.1 50.757 ‐1.115 20.891

12/2/2014 6:04 9304.1 50.752 ‐1.118 20.892

12/2/2014 6:09 9309.1 50.757 ‐1.12 20.893

12/2/2014 6:14 9314.1 50.753 ‐1.123 20.894

12/2/2014 6:19 9319.1 50.755 ‐1.128 20.896

12/2/2014 6:24 9324.1 50.755 ‐1.134 20.899

12/2/2014 6:29 9329.1 50.75 ‐1.138 20.901

12/2/2014 6:34 9334.1 50.752 ‐1.144 20.903

12/2/2014 6:39 9339.1 50.758 ‐1.145 20.904

12/2/2014 6:44 9344.1 50.751 ‐1.148 20.905

12/2/2014 6:49 9349.1 50.751 ‐1.149 20.905

12/2/2014 6:54 9354.1 50.755 ‐1.151 20.906

12/2/2014 6:59 9359.1 50.752 ‐1.152 20.907

12/2/2014 7:04 9364.1 50.753 ‐1.159 20.91

12/2/2014 7:09 9369.1 50.756 ‐1.156 20.908

12/2/2014 7:14 9374.1 50.756 ‐1.157 20.909

12/2/2014 7:19 9379.1 50.755 ‐1.155 20.908

12/2/2014 7:24 9384.1 50.752 ‐1.147 20.905

12/2/2014 7:29 9389.1 50.751 ‐1.146 20.904

12/2/2014 7:34 9394.1 50.755 ‐1.139 20.901

12/2/2014 7:39 9399.1 50.75 ‐1.135 20.899

12/2/2014 7:44 9404.1 50.754 ‐1.123 20.894

12/2/2014 7:49 9409.1 50.754 ‐1.114 20.89

12/2/2014 7:54 9414.1 50.755 ‐1.108 20.888

12/2/2014 7:59 9419.1 50.754 ‐1.095 20.882

12/2/2014 8:04 9424.1 50.754 ‐1.086 20.878

12/2/2014 8:09 9429.1 50.755 ‐1.078 20.875

12/2/2014 8:14 9434.1 50.751 ‐1.068 20.87

12/2/2014 8:19 9439.1 50.758 ‐1.054 20.864

12/2/2014 8:24 9444.1 50.751 ‐1.043 20.859

12/2/2014 8:29 9449.1 50.751 ‐1.035 20.856

12/2/2014 8:34 9454.1 50.754 ‐1.02 20.849

12/2/2014 8:39 9459.1 50.75 ‐1.012 20.846

12/2/2014 8:44 9464.1 50.754 ‐0.999 20.84

12/2/2014 8:49 9469.1 50.753 ‐0.981 20.833

12/2/2014 8:54 9474.1 50.753 ‐0.974 20.83

12/2/2014 8:59 9479.1 50.756 ‐0.961 20.824

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/2/2014 9:04 9484.1 50.753 ‐0.949 20.819

12/2/2014 9:09 9489.1 50.751 ‐0.936 20.813

12/2/2014 9:14 9494.1 50.752 ‐0.925 20.808

12/2/2014 9:19 9499.1 50.754 ‐0.908 20.801

12/2/2014 9:24 9504.1 50.756 ‐0.894 20.795

12/2/2014 9:29 9509.1 50.752 ‐0.883 20.79

12/2/2014 9:34 9514.1 50.753 ‐0.871 20.785

12/2/2014 9:39 9519.1 50.751 ‐0.857 20.779

12/2/2014 9:44 9524.1 50.748 ‐0.845 20.774

12/2/2014 9:49 9529.1 50.754 ‐0.832 20.768

12/2/2014 9:54 9534.1 50.758 ‐0.816 20.761

12/2/2014 9:59 9539.1 50.751 ‐0.795 20.752

12/2/2014 10:04 9544.1 50.755 ‐0.791 20.75

12/2/2014 10:09 9549.1 50.751 ‐0.778 20.745

12/2/2014 10:14 9554.1 50.755 ‐0.767 20.74

12/2/2014 10:19 9559.1 50.751 ‐0.749 20.732

12/2/2014 10:24 9564.1 50.751 ‐0.736 20.727

12/2/2014 10:29 9569.1 50.749 ‐0.725 20.722

12/2/2014 10:34 9574.1 50.751 ‐0.706 20.714

12/2/2014 10:39 9579.1 50.752 ‐0.694 20.708

12/2/2014 10:44 9584.1 50.751 ‐0.681 20.703

12/2/2014 10:49 9589.1 50.753 ‐0.669 20.698

12/2/2014 10:54 9594.1 50.749 ‐0.654 20.691

12/2/2014 10:59 9599.1 50.75 ‐0.642 20.686

12/2/2014 11:04 9604.1 50.752 ‐0.626 20.679

12/2/2014 11:09 9609.1 50.752 ‐0.613 20.673

12/2/2014 11:14 9614.1 50.751 ‐0.599 20.667

12/2/2014 11:19 9619.1 50.753 ‐0.587 20.662

12/2/2014 11:24 9624.1 50.749 ‐0.561 20.651

12/2/2014 11:29 9629.1 50.748 ‐0.562 20.651

12/2/2014 11:34 9634.1 50.75 ‐0.548 20.645

12/2/2014 11:39 9639.1 50.756 ‐0.535 20.639

12/2/2014 11:44 9644.1 50.754 ‐0.526 20.636

12/2/2014 11:49 9649.1 50.756 ‐0.515 20.631

12/2/2014 11:54 9654.1 50.756 ‐0.5 20.624

12/2/2014 11:59 9659.1 50.755 ‐0.495 20.622

12/2/2014 12:04 9664.1 50.752 ‐0.484 20.617

12/2/2014 12:09 9669.1 50.749 ‐0.478 20.615

12/2/2014 12:14 9674.1 50.749 ‐0.469 20.611

12/2/2014 12:19 9679.1 50.751 ‐0.464 20.609

12/2/2014 12:24 9684.1 50.748 ‐0.453 20.604

12/2/2014 12:29 9689.1 50.755 ‐0.452 20.603

12/2/2014 12:34 9694.1 50.755 ‐0.45 20.602

12/2/2014 12:39 9699.1 50.754 ‐0.444 20.6

12/2/2014 12:44 9704.1 50.756 ‐0.444 20.6

12/2/2014 12:49 9709.1 50.749 ‐0.443 20.6

12/2/2014 12:54 9714.1 50.757 ‐0.444 20.6

12/2/2014 12:59 9719.1 50.752 ‐0.444 20.6

12/2/2014 13:04 9724.1 50.75 ‐0.445 20.6

12/2/2014 13:09 9729.1 50.748 ‐0.445 20.6

12/2/2014 13:14 9734.1 50.755 ‐0.447 20.601

12/2/2014 13:19 9739.1 50.754 ‐0.45 20.603

12/2/2014 13:24 9744.1 50.75 ‐0.448 20.602

12/2/2014 13:29 9749.1 50.756 ‐0.454 20.604

12/2/2014 13:34 9754.1 50.756 ‐0.458 20.606

12/2/2014 13:39 9759.1 50.756 ‐0.462 20.608

12/2/2014 13:44 9764.1 50.751 ‐0.461 20.608

12/2/2014 13:49 9769.1 50.756 ‐0.468 20.61

12/2/2014 13:54 9774.1 50.755 ‐0.469 20.611

12/2/2014 13:59 9779.1 50.755 ‐0.478 20.615

12/2/2014 14:04 9784.1 50.751 ‐0.481 20.616

12/2/2014 14:09 9789.1 50.751 ‐0.488 20.619

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/2/2014 14:14 9794.1 50.753 ‐0.493 20.621

12/2/2014 14:19 9799.1 50.751 ‐0.496 20.622

12/2/2014 14:24 9804.1 50.752 ‐0.503 20.625

12/2/2014 14:29 9809.1 50.75 ‐0.404 20.583

12/2/2014 14:34 9814.1 50.754 ‐0.41 20.585

12/2/2014 14:39 9819.1 50.751 ‐0.446 20.601

12/2/2014 14:44 9824.1 50.745 0.428 20.222

12/2/2014 14:49 9829.1 50.752 0.092 20.368

12/2/2014 14:54 9834.1 50.752 0.598 20.149

12/2/2014 14:59 9839.1 50.751 0.18 20.33

12/2/2014 15:04 9844.1 50.755 0.015 20.401

12/2/2014 15:09 9849.1 50.751 0.597 20.149

12/2/2014 15:14 9854.1 50.752 0.135 20.349

12/2/2014 15:19 9859.1 50.755 0.005 20.406

12/2/2014 15:24 9864.1 50.759 ‐0.071 20.438

12/2/2014 15:29 9869.1 50.756 ‐0.126 20.462

12/2/2014 15:34 9874.1 50.751 ‐0.09 20.447

12/2/2014 15:39 9879.1 50.745 0.386 20.24

12/2/2014 15:44 9884.1 50.751 0.168 20.335

12/2/2014 15:49 9889.1 50.752 0.059 20.382

12/2/2014 15:54 9894.1 50.754 ‐0.01 20.412

12/2/2014 15:59 9899.1 50.751 ‐0.056 20.432

12/2/2014 16:04 9904.1 50.755 ‐0.094 20.448

12/2/2014 16:09 9909.1 50.753 ‐0.119 20.459

12/2/2014 16:14 9914.1 50.752 ‐0.144 20.47

12/2/2014 16:19 9919.1 50.754 ‐0.162 20.478

12/2/2014 16:24 9924.1 50.752 ‐0.171 20.482

12/2/2014 16:29 9929.1 50.756 ‐0.184 20.487

12/2/2014 16:34 9934.1 50.755 ‐0.187 20.489

12/2/2014 16:39 9939.1 50.756 ‐0.198 20.494

12/2/2014 16:44 9944.1 50.755 ‐0.204 20.496

12/2/2014 16:49 9949.1 50.754 ‐0.212 20.499

12/2/2014 16:54 9954.1 50.746 ‐0.22 20.503

12/2/2014 16:59 9959.1 50.754 ‐0.225 20.505

12/2/2014 17:04 9964.1 50.747 ‐0.233 20.509

12/2/2014 17:09 9969.1 50.749 ‐0.243 20.513

12/2/2014 17:14 9974.1 50.751 ‐0.243 20.513

12/2/2014 17:19 9979.1 50.749 ‐0.253 20.517

12/2/2014 17:24 9984.1 50.749 ‐0.262 20.521

12/2/2014 17:29 9989.1 50.742 ‐0.266 20.523

12/2/2014 17:34 9994.1 50.742 ‐0.27 20.525

12/2/2014 17:39 9999.1 50.742 ‐0.275 20.527

12/2/2014 17:44 10004.1 50.745 ‐0.282 20.53

12/2/2014 17:49 10009.1 50.745 ‐0.286 20.532

12/2/2014 17:54 10014.1 50.738 ‐0.297 20.536

12/2/2014 17:59 10019.1 50.743 ‐0.307 20.541

12/2/2014 18:04 10024.1 50.743 0.534 20.177

12/2/2014 18:09 10029.1 50.729 1.272 19.857

12/2/2014 18:14 10034.1 50.729 1.782 19.636

12/2/2014 18:19 10039.1 50.727 2.19 19.459

12/2/2014 18:24 10044.1 50.729 2.512 19.32

12/2/2014 18:29 10049.1 50.724 2.792 19.198

12/2/2014 18:34 10054.1 50.727 3.035 19.094

12/2/2014 18:39 10059.1 50.723 3.248 19.001

12/2/2014 18:44 10064.1 50.729 3.439 18.918

12/2/2014 18:49 10069.1 50.729 3.606 18.846

12/2/2014 18:54 10074.1 50.733 3.766 18.777

12/2/2014 18:59 10079.1 50.735 3.907 18.716

12/2/2014 19:04 10084.1 50.735 4.039 18.658

12/2/2014 19:09 10089.1 50.738 4.154 18.609

12/2/2014 19:14 10094.1 50.729 4.267 18.56

12/2/2014 19:19 10099.1 50.734 4.372 18.514

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/2/2014 19:24 10104.1 50.728 4.462 18.475

12/2/2014 19:29 10109.1 50.732 4.552 18.436

12/2/2014 19:34 10114.1 50.731 4.644 18.397

12/2/2014 19:39 10119.1 50.733 4.729 18.359

12/2/2014 19:44 10124.1 50.738 4.814 18.323

12/2/2014 19:49 10129.1 50.734 4.89 18.29

12/2/2014 19:54 10134.1 50.74 4.959 18.26

12/2/2014 19:59 10139.1 50.735 5.025 18.232

12/2/2014 20:04 10144.1 50.728 5.427 18.057

12/2/2014 20:09 10149.1 50.726 5.818 17.888

12/2/2014 20:14 10154.1 50.722 6.098 17.767

12/2/2014 20:19 10159.1 50.723 6.326 17.668

12/2/2014 20:24 10164.1 50.72 6.523 17.583

12/2/2014 20:29 10169.1 50.723 6.696 17.508

12/2/2014 20:34 10174.1 50.724 6.85 17.441

12/2/2014 20:39 10179.1 50.721 6.99 17.38

12/2/2014 20:44 10184.1 50.724 7.116 17.326

12/2/2014 20:49 10189.1 50.722 7.246 17.27

12/2/2014 20:54 10194.1 50.725 7.361 17.22

12/2/2014 20:59 10199.1 50.726 7.462 17.176

12/2/2014 21:04 10204.1 50.729 7.56 17.134

12/2/2014 21:09 10209.1 50.726 7.645 17.097

12/2/2014 21:14 10214.1 50.732 7.722 17.064

12/2/2014 21:19 10219.1 50.734 7.804 17.028

12/2/2014 21:24 10224.1 50.735 7.871 16.999

12/2/2014 21:29 10229.1 50.723 7.926 16.975

12/2/2014 21:34 10234.1 50.734 8.004 16.941

12/2/2014 21:39 10239.1 50.729 8.075 16.91

12/2/2014 21:44 10244.1 50.732 8.146 16.88

12/2/2014 21:49 10249.1 50.729 8.215 16.85

12/2/2014 21:54 10254.1 50.727 8.273 16.825

12/2/2014 21:59 10259.1 50.735 8.336 16.798

12/2/2014 22:04 10264.1 50.726 8.586 16.689

12/2/2014 22:09 10269.1 50.722 9.047 16.489

12/2/2014 22:14 10274.1 50.721 9.458 16.312

12/2/2014 22:19 10279.1 50.715 9.761 16.18

12/2/2014 22:24 10284.1 50.718 10.005 16.075

12/2/2014 22:29 10289.1 50.724 10.224 15.98

12/2/2014 22:34 10294.1 50.729 10.415 15.897

12/2/2014 22:39 10299.1 50.724 10.583 15.824

12/2/2014 22:44 10304.1 50.728 10.733 15.759

12/2/2014 22:49 10309.1 50.725 10.867 15.702

12/2/2014 22:54 10314.1 50.729 10.997 15.645

12/2/2014 22:59 10319.1 50.724 11.116 15.594

12/2/2014 23:04 10324.1 50.729 11.23 15.544

12/2/2014 23:09 10329.1 50.725 11.329 15.501

12/2/2014 23:14 10334.1 50.726 11.429 15.458

12/2/2014 23:19 10339.1 50.727 11.515 15.421

12/2/2014 23:24 10344.1 50.727 11.608 15.38

12/2/2014 23:29 10349.1 50.724 11.687 15.346

12/2/2014 23:34 10354.1 50.724 11.775 15.308

12/2/2014 23:39 10359.1 50.731 11.855 15.273

12/2/2014 23:44 10364.1 50.729 11.93 15.241

12/2/2014 23:49 10369.1 50.728 12.004 15.209

12/2/2014 23:54 10374.1 50.734 12.068 15.181

12/2/2014 23:59 10379.1 50.727 12.134 15.152

12/3/2014 0:04 10384.1 50.731 12.031 15.197

12/3/2014 0:09 10389.1 50.735 11.585 15.39

12/3/2014 0:14 10394.1 50.742 10.723 15.764

12/3/2014 0:19 10399.1 50.785 9.232 16.409

12/3/2014 0:24 10404.1 50.79 8.278 16.823

12/3/2014 0:29 10409.1 50.787 7.554 17.136

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 0:34 10414.1 50.776 6.965 17.391

12/3/2014 0:39 10419.1 50.779 6.471 17.605

12/3/2014 0:44 10424.1 50.777 6.045 17.79

12/3/2014 0:49 10429.1 50.772 5.676 17.95

12/3/2014 0:54 10434.1 50.772 5.345 18.093

12/3/2014 0:59 10439.1 50.766 5.048 18.221

12/3/2014 1:04 10444.1 50.766 4.781 18.337

12/3/2014 1:09 10449.1 50.765 4.537 18.443

12/3/2014 1:14 10454.1 50.765 4.317 18.538

12/3/2014 1:19 10459.1 50.761 4.109 18.628

12/3/2014 1:24 10464.1 50.761 3.919 18.71

12/3/2014 1:29 10469.1 50.761 3.743 18.786

12/3/2014 1:34 10474.1 50.76 3.579 18.858

12/3/2014 1:39 10479.1 50.763 3.424 18.925

12/3/2014 1:44 10484.1 50.757 3.282 18.986

12/3/2014 1:49 10489.1 50.76 3.143 19.047

12/3/2014 1:54 10494.1 50.762 3.015 19.102

12/3/2014 1:59 10499.1 50.758 2.893 19.155

12/3/2014 2:04 10504.1 50.755 2.776 19.205

12/3/2014 2:09 10509.1 50.754 2.668 19.252

12/3/2014 2:14 10514.1 50.763 2.562 19.298

12/3/2014 2:19 10519.1 50.751 2.464 19.341

12/3/2014 2:24 10524.1 50.758 2.369 19.382

12/3/2014 2:29 10529.1 50.754 2.278 19.421

12/3/2014 2:34 10534.1 50.753 2.192 19.458

12/3/2014 2:39 10539.1 50.757 2.111 19.494

12/3/2014 2:44 10544.1 50.756 2.027 19.53

12/3/2014 2:49 10549.1 50.756 1.957 19.56

12/3/2014 2:54 10554.1 50.752 1.881 19.593

12/3/2014 2:59 10559.1 50.756 1.811 19.623

12/3/2014 3:04 10564.1 50.755 1.746 19.652

12/3/2014 3:09 10569.1 50.756 1.678 19.681

12/3/2014 3:14 10574.1 50.751 1.619 19.707

12/3/2014 3:19 10579.1 50.754 1.56 19.732

12/3/2014 3:24 10584.1 50.757 1.5 19.758

12/3/2014 3:29 10589.1 50.758 1.445 19.782

12/3/2014 3:34 10594.1 50.753 1.395 19.804

12/3/2014 3:39 10599.1 50.754 1.337 19.828

12/3/2014 3:44 10604.1 50.757 1.288 19.85

12/3/2014 3:49 10609.1 50.752 1.239 19.871

12/3/2014 3:54 10614.1 50.76 1.193 19.891

12/3/2014 3:59 10619.1 50.751 1.146 19.912

12/3/2014 4:04 10624.1 50.755 1.103 19.93

12/3/2014 4:09 10629.1 50.755 1.058 19.949

12/3/2014 4:14 10634.1 50.751 1.016 19.968

12/3/2014 4:19 10639.1 50.756 0.983 19.982

12/3/2014 4:24 10644.1 50.753 0.935 20.003

12/3/2014 4:29 10649.1 50.755 0.901 20.017

12/3/2014 4:34 10654.1 50.75 0.862 20.035

12/3/2014 4:39 10659.1 50.756 0.821 20.052

12/3/2014 4:44 10664.1 50.749 0.795 20.063

12/3/2014 4:49 10669.1 50.753 0.756 20.081

12/3/2014 4:54 10674.1 50.753 0.726 20.094

12/3/2014 4:59 10679.1 50.751 0.691 20.109

12/3/2014 5:04 10684.1 50.753 0.66 20.122

12/3/2014 5:09 10689.1 50.756 0.626 20.137

12/3/2014 5:14 10694.1 50.751 0.599 20.148

12/3/2014 5:19 10699.1 50.752 0.569 20.162

12/3/2014 5:24 10704.1 50.754 0.541 20.173

12/3/2014 5:29 10709.1 50.753 0.517 20.184

12/3/2014 5:34 10714.1 50.749 0.488 20.197

12/3/2014 5:39 10719.1 50.751 0.462 20.208

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 5:44 10724.1 50.755 0.424 20.224

12/3/2014 5:49 10729.1 50.751 0.407 20.232

12/3/2014 5:54 10734.1 50.754 0.384 20.242

12/3/2014 5:59 10739.1 50.75 0.359 20.252

12/3/2014 6:04 10744.1 50.756 0.335 20.263

12/3/2014 6:09 10749.1 50.753 0.312 20.273

12/3/2014 6:14 10754.1 50.75 0.288 20.283

12/3/2014 6:19 10759.1 50.751 0.265 20.293

12/3/2014 6:24 10764.1 50.75 0.246 20.301

12/3/2014 6:29 10769.1 50.751 0.226 20.31

12/3/2014 6:34 10774.1 50.746 0.206 20.318

12/3/2014 6:39 10779.1 50.753 0.182 20.329

12/3/2014 6:44 10784.1 50.753 0.163 20.337

12/3/2014 6:49 10789.1 50.755 0.144 20.346

12/3/2014 6:54 10794.1 50.752 0.123 20.354

12/3/2014 6:59 10799.1 50.749 0.111 20.36

12/3/2014 7:04 10804.1 50.747 0.091 20.368

12/3/2014 7:09 10809.1 50.757 0.079 20.374

12/3/2014 7:14 10814.1 50.755 0.071 20.377

12/3/2014 7:19 10819.1 50.756 0.054 20.384

12/3/2014 7:24 10824.1 50.753 0.042 20.389

12/3/2014 7:29 10829.1 50.751 0.037 20.392

12/3/2014 7:34 10834.1 50.75 0.025 20.397

12/3/2014 7:39 10839.1 50.755 0.02 20.399

12/3/2014 7:44 10844.1 50.751 0.017 20.4

12/3/2014 7:49 10849.1 50.752 0.011 20.403

12/3/2014 7:54 10854.1 50.75 0.008 20.404

12/3/2014 7:59 10859.1 50.751 0.001 20.407

12/3/2014 8:04 10864.1 50.753 0.003 20.406

12/3/2014 8:09 10869.1 50.749 ‐0.003 20.409

12/3/2014 8:14 10874.1 50.745 0.001 20.407

12/3/2014 8:19 10879.1 50.751 ‐0.005 20.41

12/3/2014 8:24 10884.1 50.751 0.008 20.404

12/3/2014 8:29 10889.1 50.756 0.001 20.407

12/3/2014 8:34 10894.1 50.747 0.002 20.407

12/3/2014 8:39 10899.1 50.745 0.004 20.406

12/3/2014 8:44 10904.1 50.748 0.01 20.403

12/3/2014 8:49 10909.1 50.753 0.009 20.404

12/3/2014 8:54 10914.1 50.753 0.015 20.401

12/3/2014 8:59 10919.1 50.75 0.017 20.401

12/3/2014 9:04 10924.1 50.747 0.022 20.398

12/3/2014 9:09 10929.1 50.748 0.027 20.396

12/3/2014 9:14 10934.1 50.754 0.028 20.396

12/3/2014 9:19 10939.1 50.751 0.036 20.392

12/3/2014 9:24 10944.1 50.75 0.039 20.391

12/3/2014 9:29 10949.1 50.75 0.043 20.389

12/3/2014 9:34 10954.1 50.751 0.048 20.387

12/3/2014 9:39 10959.1 50.751 0.056 20.384

12/3/2014 9:44 10964.1 50.752 0.062 20.381

12/3/2014 9:49 10969.1 50.747 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 9:54 10974.1 50.748 0.075 20.375

12/3/2014 9:59 10979.1 50.748 0.08 20.373

12/3/2014 10:04 10984.1 50.749 0.088 20.37

12/3/2014 10:09 10989.1 50.75 0.096 20.366

12/3/2014 10:14 10994.1 50.752 0.104 20.363

12/3/2014 10:19 10999.1 50.749 0.108 20.361

12/3/2014 10:24 11004.1 50.745 0.114 20.358

12/3/2014 10:29 11009.1 50.746 0.122 20.355

12/3/2014 10:34 11014.1 50.747 0.127 20.353

12/3/2014 10:39 11019.1 50.75 0.139 20.348

12/3/2014 10:44 11024.1 50.749 0.147 20.344

12/3/2014 10:49 11029.1 50.753 0.153 20.342

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 10:54 11034.1 50.751 0.156 20.34

12/3/2014 10:59 11039.1 50.755 0.171 20.334

12/3/2014 11:04 11044.1 50.753 0.178 20.33

12/3/2014 11:09 11049.1 50.751 0.188 20.326

12/3/2014 11:14 11054.1 50.752 0.195 20.323

12/3/2014 11:19 11059.1 50.752 0.199 20.321

12/3/2014 11:24 11064.1 50.749 0.214 20.315

12/3/2014 11:29 11069.1 50.75 0.223 20.311

12/3/2014 11:34 11074.1 50.751 0.226 20.31

12/3/2014 11:39 11079.1 50.753 0.236 20.305

12/3/2014 11:44 11084.1 50.748 0.245 20.302

12/3/2014 11:49 11089.1 50.752 0.257 20.297

12/3/2014 11:54 11094.1 50.749 0.254 20.298

12/3/2014 11:59 11099.1 50.748 0.262 20.294

12/3/2014 12:04 11104.1 50.752 0.271 20.29

12/3/2014 12:09 11109.1 50.75 0.283 20.285

12/3/2014 12:14 11114.1 50.749 0.291 20.282

12/3/2014 12:19 11119.1 50.752 0.292 20.281

12/3/2014 12:24 11124.1 50.751 0.292 20.281

12/3/2014 12:29 11129.1 50.751 0.291 20.282

12/3/2014 12:34 11134.1 50.749 0.295 20.28

12/3/2014 12:39 11139.1 50.753 0.291 20.282

12/3/2014 12:44 11144.1 50.754 0.29 20.282

12/3/2014 12:49 11149.1 50.751 0.296 20.28

12/3/2014 12:54 11154.1 50.752 0.288 20.283

12/3/2014 12:59 11159.1 50.75 0.288 20.283

12/3/2014 13:04 11164.1 50.751 0.284 20.285

12/3/2014 13:09 11169.1 50.747 0.276 20.288

12/3/2014 13:14 11174.1 50.754 0.272 20.29

12/3/2014 13:19 11179.1 50.751 0.267 20.292

12/3/2014 13:24 11184.1 50.752 0.265 20.293

12/3/2014 13:29 11189.1 50.751 0.254 20.298

12/3/2014 13:34 11194.1 50.748 0.261 20.294

12/3/2014 13:39 11199.1 50.749 0.241 20.304

12/3/2014 13:44 11204.1 50.756 0.241 20.304

12/3/2014 13:49 11209.1 50.756 0.23 20.308

12/3/2014 13:54 11214.1 50.756 0.219 20.313

12/3/2014 13:59 11219.1 50.749 0.213 20.316

12/3/2014 14:04 11224.1 50.755 0.206 20.318

12/3/2014 14:09 11229.1 50.751 0.187 20.327

12/3/2014 14:14 11234.1 50.749 0.211 20.316

12/3/2014 14:19 11239.1 50.754 0.184 20.328

12/3/2014 14:24 11244.1 50.754 0.171 20.334

12/3/2014 14:29 11249.1 50.751 0.164 20.337

12/3/2014 14:34 11254.1 50.75 0.155 20.34

12/3/2014 14:39 11259.1 50.75 0.15 20.343

12/3/2014 14:44 11264.1 50.754 0.14 20.347

12/3/2014 14:49 11269.1 50.753 0.136 20.349

12/3/2014 14:54 11274.1 50.748 0.129 20.352

12/3/2014 14:59 11279.1 50.749 0.125 20.354

12/3/2014 15:04 11284.1 50.753 0.112 20.359

12/3/2014 15:09 11289.1 50.749 0.107 20.362

12/3/2014 15:14 11294.1 50.75 0.107 20.362

12/3/2014 15:19 11299.1 50.756 0.1 20.365

12/3/2014 15:24 11304.1 50.751 0.101 20.364

12/3/2014 15:29 11309.1 50.752 0.1 20.364

12/3/2014 15:34 11314.1 50.749 0.095 20.366

12/3/2014 15:39 11319.1 50.745 0.103 20.363

12/3/2014 15:44 11324.1 50.749 0.105 20.362

12/3/2014 15:49 11329.1 50.75 0.104 20.363

12/3/2014 15:54 11334.1 50.749 0.109 20.36

12/3/2014 15:59 11339.1 50.751 0.111 20.36

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 16:04 11344.1 50.749 0.119 20.356

12/3/2014 16:09 11349.1 50.745 0.121 20.355

12/3/2014 16:14 11354.1 50.752 0.126 20.353

12/3/2014 16:19 11359.1 50.75 0.135 20.349

12/3/2014 16:24 11364.1 50.751 0.143 20.346

12/3/2014 16:29 11369.1 50.753 0.149 20.343

12/3/2014 16:34 11374.1 50.746 0.144 20.346

12/3/2014 16:39 11379.1 50.749 0.154 20.341

12/3/2014 16:44 11384.1 50.748 0.155 20.341

12/3/2014 16:49 11389.1 50.745 0.158 20.339

12/3/2014 16:54 11394.1 50.749 0.156 20.34

12/3/2014 16:59 11399.1 50.753 0.162 20.338

12/3/2014 17:04 11404.1 50.749 0.159 20.339

12/3/2014 17:09 11409.1 50.755 0.159 20.339

12/3/2014 17:14 11414.1 50.753 0.157 20.34

12/3/2014 17:19 11419.1 50.745 0.158 20.339

12/3/2014 17:24 11424.1 50.749 0.158 20.34

12/3/2014 17:29 11429.1 50.751 0.15 20.343

12/3/2014 17:34 11434.1 50.753 0.154 20.341

12/3/2014 17:39 11439.1 50.755 0.148 20.343

12/3/2014 17:44 11444.1 50.75 0.145 20.345

12/3/2014 17:49 11449.1 50.756 0.145 20.345

12/3/2014 17:54 11454.1 50.758 0.135 20.349

12/3/2014 17:59 11459.1 50.753 0.133 20.35

12/3/2014 18:04 11464.1 50.754 0.126 20.353

12/3/2014 18:09 11469.1 50.752 0.119 20.356

12/3/2014 18:14 11474.1 50.752 0.121 20.355

12/3/2014 18:19 11479.1 50.757 0.113 20.359

12/3/2014 18:24 11484.1 50.751 0.107 20.361

12/3/2014 18:29 11489.1 50.751 0.099 20.365

12/3/2014 18:34 11494.1 50.754 0.091 20.368

12/3/2014 18:39 11499.1 50.752 0.09 20.369

12/3/2014 18:44 11504.1 50.752 0.087 20.37

12/3/2014 18:49 11509.1 50.752 0.077 20.374

12/3/2014 18:54 11514.1 50.752 0.073 20.376

12/3/2014 18:59 11519.1 50.753 0.064 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520 50.752 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.004 50.787 0.061 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.008 50.807 0.062 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.013 50.822 0.067 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.017 50.83 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.021 50.843 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.025 50.85 0.059 20.382

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.029 50.853 0.067 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.033 50.862 0.056 20.384

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.038 50.865 0.071 20.377

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.042 50.872 0.073 20.376

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.046 50.867 0.061 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.05 50.88 0.06 20.382

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.054 50.876 0.061 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.058 50.883 0.064 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.063 50.886 0.062 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.067 50.887 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.071 50.886 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.075 50.893 0.062 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.079 50.892 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.083 50.894 0.063 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.088 50.893 0.067 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.092 50.898 0.063 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.096 50.897 0.069 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.1 50.896 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.106 50.884 0.067 20.379

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.112 50.878 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.119 50.867 0.069 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.126 50.858 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.133 50.857 0.069 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.141 50.85 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.15 50.846 0.066 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.158 50.846 0.065 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.168 50.834 0.064 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.178 50.836 0.063 20.38

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.188 50.835 0.062 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.199 50.83 0.065 20.379

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.211 50.827 0.061 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.224 50.824 0.063 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.237 50.819 0.061 20.381

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.251 50.816 0.059 20.382

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.266 50.812 0.057 20.383

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.282 50.813 0.069 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.298 50.809 0.069 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.316 50.81 0.068 20.378

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.335 50.809 0.072 20.376

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.355 50.804 0.071 20.377

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.376 50.807 0.073 20.376

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.398 50.794 0.075 20.375

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.422 50.798 0.082 20.372

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.447 50.799 0.088 20.37

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.473 50.794 0.093 20.367

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.501 50.795 0.102 20.364

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.531 50.792 0.115 20.358

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.562 50.793 0.13 20.351

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.596 50.791 0.146 20.345

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.631 50.785 0.161 20.338

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.668 50.787 0.184 20.328

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.708 50.786 0.208 20.317

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.75 50.781 0.229 20.309

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.794 50.783 0.256 20.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.841 50.781 0.283 20.285

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.891 50.784 0.316 20.271

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.944 50.779 0.346 20.258

12/3/2014 19:01 11521 50.777 0.379 20.244

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.06 50.777 0.411 20.23

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.12 50.772 0.45 20.213

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.19 50.772 0.489 20.196

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.26 50.769 0.527 20.179

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.33 50.772 0.565 20.163

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.41 50.766 0.604 20.146

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.5 50.763 0.653 20.125

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.58 50.768 0.695 20.107

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.68 50.762 0.739 20.088

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.78 50.758 0.784 20.068

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.88 50.757 0.834 20.047

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.99 50.758 0.877 20.028

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.11 50.756 0.929 20.005

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.24 50.76 0.979 19.984

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.37 50.755 1.029 19.962

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.51 50.751 1.079 19.94

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.66 50.75 1.136 19.916

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.82 50.743 1.193 19.891

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.98 50.744 1.241 19.87

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.16 50.743 1.302 19.844

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.35 50.745 1.364 19.817

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.55 50.742 1.423 19.791

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.76 50.745 1.485 19.765

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.98 50.74 1.556 19.734

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.22 50.741 1.623 19.705

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.47 50.733 1.688 19.677

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.73 50.737 1.758 19.646

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.01 50.733 1.834 19.613

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.31 50.729 1.904 19.583

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.62 50.73 1.979 19.551

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.96 50.73 2.058 19.516

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.31 50.73 2.147 19.478

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.68 50.728 2.219 19.447

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.08 50.723 2.303 19.41

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.5 50.724 2.391 19.372

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.94 50.717 2.478 19.335

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.41 50.724 2.564 19.297

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.91 50.723 2.657 19.257

12/3/2014 19:09 11529.44 50.713 2.749 19.217

12/3/2014 19:10 11530 50.723 2.858 19.17

12/3/2014 19:10 11530.6 50.719 2.959 19.126

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.2 50.715 3.048 19.088

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.9 50.713 3.155 19.041

12/3/2014 19:12 11532.6 50.714 3.264 18.994

12/3/2014 19:13 11533.3 50.712 3.365 18.951

12/3/2014 19:14 11534.1 50.71 3.49 18.896

12/3/2014 19:15 11535 50.714 3.61 18.844

12/3/2014 19:15 11535.8 50.716 3.701 18.805

12/3/2014 19:16 11536.8 50.713 3.831 18.748

12/3/2014 19:17 11537.8 50.711 3.945 18.699

12/3/2014 19:18 11538.8 50.715 4.06 18.649

12/3/2014 19:19 11539.9 50.711 4.188 18.594

12/3/2014 19:21 11541.1 50.716 4.313 18.54

12/3/2014 19:22 11542.4 50.713 4.445 18.483

12/3/2014 19:23 11543.7 50.711 4.565 18.431

12/3/2014 19:25 11545.1 50.723 4.698 18.373

12/3/2014 19:26 11546.6 50.713 4.815 18.322

12/3/2014 19:28 11548.2 50.713 4.946 18.266

12/3/2014 19:29 11549.8 50.72 5.074 18.21

12/3/2014 19:31 11551.6 50.716 5.209 18.152

12/3/2014 19:33 11553.5 50.718 5.346 18.092

12/3/2014 19:35 11555.5 50.719 5.508 18.022

12/3/2014 19:37 11557.6 50.717 5.619 17.974

12/3/2014 19:39 11559.8 50.716 5.759 17.914

12/3/2014 19:42 11562.2 50.715 5.902 17.852

12/3/2014 19:44 11564.7 50.715 6.042 17.791

12/3/2014 19:47 11567.3 50.717 6.184 17.729

12/3/2014 19:50 11570.1 50.719 6.327 17.668

12/3/2014 19:53 11573.1 50.717 6.473 17.605

12/3/2014 19:56 11576.2 50.719 6.615 17.543

12/3/2014 19:59 11579.6 50.724 6.769 17.476

12/3/2014 20:03 11583.1 50.725 6.921 17.41

12/3/2014 20:06 11586.8 50.722 7.073 17.344

12/3/2014 20:10 11590.8 50.719 7.229 17.277

12/3/2014 20:15 11595 50.719 7.381 17.211

12/3/2014 20:19 11599.4 50.722 7.532 17.146

12/3/2014 20:24 11604.1 50.722 7.688 17.078

12/3/2014 20:29 11609.1 50.723 7.836 17.014

12/3/2014 20:34 11614.1 50.719 7.978 16.953

12/3/2014 20:39 11619.1 50.723 8.11 16.896

12/3/2014 20:44 11624.1 50.722 8.235 16.841

12/3/2014 20:49 11629.1 50.721 8.355 16.789

12/3/2014 20:54 11634.1 50.726 8.474 16.738

12/3/2014 20:59 11639.1 50.724 8.581 16.691

12/3/2014 21:04 11644.1 50.724 8.683 16.647

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/3/2014 21:09 11649.1 50.726 8.784 16.603

12/3/2014 21:14 11654.1 50.725 8.882 16.561

12/3/2014 21:19 11659.1 50.731 8.972 16.522

12/3/2014 21:24 11664.1 50.725 9.058 16.485

12/3/2014 21:29 11669.1 50.724 9.144 16.447

12/3/2014 21:34 11674.1 50.722 9.221 16.414

12/3/2014 21:39 11679.1 50.731 9.298 16.381

12/3/2014 21:44 11684.1 50.731 9.375 16.347

12/3/2014 21:49 11689.1 50.728 9.448 16.316

12/3/2014 21:54 11694.1 50.727 9.517 16.286

12/3/2014 21:59 11699.1 50.724 9.582 16.258

12/3/2014 22:04 11704.1 50.728 9.647 16.23

12/3/2014 22:09 11709.1 50.73 9.708 16.203

12/3/2014 22:14 11714.1 50.729 9.766 16.178

12/3/2014 22:19 11719.1 50.73 9.828 16.151

12/3/2014 22:24 11724.1 50.731 9.88 16.129

12/3/2014 22:29 11729.1 50.735 9.936 16.105

12/3/2014 22:34 11734.1 50.726 9.987 16.082

12/3/2014 22:39 11739.1 50.729 10.036 16.061

12/3/2014 22:44 11744.1 50.727 10.084 16.04

12/3/2014 22:49 11749.1 50.732 10.13 16.02

12/3/2014 22:54 11754.1 50.729 10.18 15.999

12/3/2014 22:59 11759.1 50.735 10.224 15.98

12/3/2014 23:04 11764.1 50.729 10.273 15.959

12/3/2014 23:09 11769.1 50.726 10.315 15.94

12/3/2014 23:14 11774.1 50.732 10.355 15.923

12/3/2014 23:19 11779.1 50.735 10.398 15.905

12/3/2014 23:24 11784.1 50.731 10.433 15.889

12/3/2014 23:29 11789.1 50.735 10.473 15.872

12/3/2014 23:34 11794.1 50.735 10.51 15.856

12/3/2014 23:39 11799.1 50.729 10.548 15.84

12/3/2014 23:44 11804.1 50.735 10.581 15.825

12/3/2014 23:49 11809.1 50.733 10.617 15.809

12/3/2014 23:54 11814.1 50.731 10.653 15.794

12/3/2014 23:59 11819.1 50.736 10.683 15.781

12/4/2014 0:04 11824.1 50.737 10.716 15.767

12/4/2014 0:09 11829.1 50.736 10.745 15.754

12/4/2014 0:14 11834.1 50.735 10.778 15.74

12/4/2014 0:19 11839.1 50.736 10.804 15.729

12/4/2014 0:24 11844.1 50.737 10.835 15.715

12/4/2014 0:29 11849.1 50.74 10.867 15.701

12/4/2014 0:34 11854.1 50.738 10.892 15.69

12/4/2014 0:39 11859.1 50.739 10.92 15.678

12/4/2014 0:44 11864.1 50.736 10.948 15.666

12/4/2014 0:49 11869.1 50.733 10.97 15.657

12/4/2014 0:54 11874.1 50.735 10.996 15.645

12/4/2014 0:59 11879.1 50.74 11.02 15.635

12/4/2014 1:04 11884.1 50.74 11.046 15.624

12/4/2014 1:09 11889.1 50.738 11.072 15.613

12/4/2014 1:14 11894.1 50.739 11.094 15.603

12/4/2014 1:19 11899.1 50.74 11.118 15.593

12/4/2014 1:24 11904.1 50.735 11.141 15.582

12/4/2014 1:29 11909.1 50.737 11.165 15.572

12/4/2014 1:34 11914.1 50.738 11.184 15.564

12/4/2014 1:39 11919.1 50.741 11.208 15.554

12/4/2014 1:44 11924.1 50.743 11.223 15.547

12/4/2014 1:49 11929.1 50.74 11.247 15.537

12/4/2014 1:54 11934.1 50.74 11.268 15.528

12/4/2014 1:59 11939.1 50.736 11.284 15.521

12/4/2014 2:04 11944.1 50.737 11.305 15.512

12/4/2014 2:09 11949.1 50.736 11.324 15.503

12/4/2014 2:14 11954.1 50.74 11.343 15.495

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 2:19 11959.1 50.739 11.358 15.489

12/4/2014 2:24 11964.1 50.74 11.38 15.479

12/4/2014 2:29 11969.1 50.737 11.4 15.47

12/4/2014 2:34 11974.1 50.744 11.418 15.463

12/4/2014 2:39 11979.1 50.737 11.431 15.457

12/4/2014 2:44 11984.1 50.742 11.45 15.449

12/4/2014 2:49 11989.1 50.744 11.469 15.441

12/4/2014 2:54 11994.1 50.737 11.483 15.435

12/4/2014 2:59 11999.1 50.743 11.496 15.429

12/4/2014 3:04 12004.1 50.736 11.517 15.42

12/4/2014 3:09 12009.1 50.739 11.533 15.413

12/4/2014 3:14 12014.1 50.739 11.548 15.407

12/4/2014 3:19 12019.1 50.74 11.563 15.4

12/4/2014 3:24 12024.1 50.734 11.577 15.394

12/4/2014 3:29 12029.1 50.74 11.594 15.386

12/4/2014 3:34 12034.1 50.745 11.609 15.38

12/4/2014 3:39 12039.1 50.743 11.625 15.373

12/4/2014 3:44 12044.1 50.742 11.64 15.366

12/4/2014 3:49 12049.1 50.738 11.653 15.361

12/4/2014 3:54 12054.1 50.738 11.668 15.354

12/4/2014 3:59 12059.1 50.741 11.678 15.35

12/4/2014 4:04 12064.1 50.745 11.692 15.344

12/4/2014 4:09 12069.1 50.737 11.702 15.34

12/4/2014 4:14 12074.1 50.741 11.732 15.327

12/4/2014 4:19 12079.1 50.742 11.755 15.317

12/4/2014 4:24 12084.1 50.739 11.775 15.308

12/4/2014 4:29 12089.1 50.736 11.794 15.3

12/4/2014 4:34 12094.1 50.742 11.814 15.291

12/4/2014 4:39 12099.1 50.743 11.829 15.285

12/4/2014 4:44 12104.1 50.741 11.849 15.276

12/4/2014 4:49 12109.1 50.741 11.859 15.272

12/4/2014 4:54 12114.1 50.738 11.877 15.264

12/4/2014 4:59 12119.1 50.742 11.887 15.26

12/4/2014 5:04 12124.1 50.741 11.904 15.252

12/4/2014 5:09 12129.1 50.74 11.914 15.248

12/4/2014 5:14 12134.1 50.741 11.922 15.244

12/4/2014 5:19 12139.1 50.745 11.94 15.236

12/4/2014 5:24 12144.1 50.741 11.941 15.236

12/4/2014 5:29 12149.1 50.738 11.958 15.229

12/4/2014 5:34 12154.1 50.741 11.972 15.223

12/4/2014 5:39 12159.1 50.746 11.987 15.216

12/4/2014 5:44 12164.1 50.743 11.999 15.211

12/4/2014 5:49 12169.1 50.74 12.012 15.206

12/4/2014 5:54 12174.1 50.746 12.024 15.2

12/4/2014 5:59 12179.1 50.745 12.035 15.195

12/4/2014 6:04 12184.1 50.745 12.048 15.19

12/4/2014 6:09 12189.1 50.747 12.06 15.185

12/4/2014 6:14 12194.1 50.741 12.069 15.181

12/4/2014 6:19 12199.1 50.744 12.081 15.176

12/4/2014 6:24 12204.1 50.741 12.098 15.168

12/4/2014 6:29 12209.1 50.742 12.11 15.163

12/4/2014 6:34 12214.1 50.743 12.118 15.159

12/4/2014 6:39 12219.1 50.744 12.129 15.155

12/4/2014 6:44 12224.1 50.74 12.139 15.15

12/4/2014 6:49 12229.1 50.741 12.15 15.146

12/4/2014 6:54 12234.1 50.748 12.17 15.137

12/4/2014 6:59 12239.1 50.748 12.173 15.136

12/4/2014 7:04 12244.1 50.743 12.189 15.129

12/4/2014 7:09 12249.1 50.745 12.205 15.122

12/4/2014 7:14 12254.1 50.746 12.222 15.115

12/4/2014 7:19 12259.1 50.745 12.235 15.109

12/4/2014 7:24 12264.1 50.741 12.253 15.101

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 7:29 12269.1 50.746 12.271 15.093

12/4/2014 7:34 12274.1 50.745 12.291 15.085

12/4/2014 7:39 12279.1 50.743 12.309 15.077

12/4/2014 7:44 12284.1 50.744 12.328 15.069

12/4/2014 7:49 12289.1 50.74 12.349 15.059

12/4/2014 7:54 12294.1 50.746 12.372 15.049

12/4/2014 7:59 12299.1 50.744 12.392 15.041

12/4/2014 8:04 12304.1 50.745 12.415 15.031

12/4/2014 8:09 12309.1 50.744 12.437 15.021

12/4/2014 8:14 12314.1 50.745 12.464 15.01

12/4/2014 8:19 12319.1 50.741 12.487 15

12/4/2014 8:24 12324.1 50.746 12.511 14.989

12/4/2014 8:29 12329.1 50.745 12.535 14.979

12/4/2014 8:34 12334.1 50.743 12.564 14.967

12/4/2014 8:39 12339.1 50.745 12.586 14.957

12/4/2014 8:44 12344.1 50.745 12.612 14.945

12/4/2014 8:49 12349.1 50.747 12.641 14.933

12/4/2014 8:54 12354.1 50.739 12.664 14.923

12/4/2014 8:59 12359.1 50.746 12.69 14.912

12/4/2014 9:04 12364.1 50.745 12.713 14.902

12/4/2014 9:09 12369.1 50.745 12.74 14.89

12/4/2014 9:14 12374.1 50.74 12.766 14.879

12/4/2014 9:19 12379.1 50.743 12.79 14.868

12/4/2014 9:24 12384.1 50.746 12.818 14.856

12/4/2014 9:29 12389.1 50.749 12.842 14.846

12/4/2014 9:34 12394.1 50.742 12.864 14.836

12/4/2014 9:39 12399.1 50.748 12.892 14.824

12/4/2014 9:44 12404.1 50.742 12.917 14.813

12/4/2014 9:49 12409.1 50.739 12.944 14.802

12/4/2014 9:54 12414.1 50.746 12.968 14.791

12/4/2014 9:59 12419.1 50.741 12.994 14.78

12/4/2014 10:04 12424.1 50.741 13.02 14.769

12/4/2014 10:09 12429.1 50.739 13.043 14.759

12/4/2014 10:14 12434.1 50.745 13.071 14.747

12/4/2014 10:19 12439.1 50.745 13.091 14.738

12/4/2014 10:24 12444.1 50.74 13.12 14.726

12/4/2014 10:29 12449.1 50.743 13.143 14.716

12/4/2014 10:34 12454.1 50.745 13.169 14.705

12/4/2014 10:39 12459.1 50.749 13.193 14.694

12/4/2014 10:44 12464.1 50.744 13.217 14.684

12/4/2014 10:49 12469.1 50.749 13.24 14.674

12/4/2014 10:54 12474.1 50.745 13.264 14.663

12/4/2014 10:59 12479.1 50.745 13.288 14.653

12/4/2014 11:04 12484.1 50.747 13.315 14.641

12/4/2014 11:09 12489.1 50.748 13.333 14.633

12/4/2014 11:14 12494.1 50.745 13.358 14.623

12/4/2014 11:19 12499.1 50.745 13.384 14.611

12/4/2014 11:24 12504.1 50.748 13.405 14.602

12/4/2014 11:29 12509.1 50.74 13.423 14.594

12/4/2014 11:34 12514.1 50.745 13.446 14.584

12/4/2014 11:39 12519.1 50.742 13.464 14.577

12/4/2014 11:44 12524.1 50.749 13.483 14.568

12/4/2014 11:49 12529.1 50.745 13.5 14.561

12/4/2014 11:54 12534.1 50.744 13.513 14.555

12/4/2014 11:59 12539.1 50.742 13.526 14.55

12/4/2014 12:04 12544.1 50.747 13.542 14.543

12/4/2014 12:09 12549.1 50.752 13.555 14.537

12/4/2014 12:14 12554.1 50.746 13.567 14.532

12/4/2014 12:19 12559.1 50.745 13.576 14.528

12/4/2014 12:24 12564.1 50.744 13.584 14.525

12/4/2014 12:29 12569.1 50.742 13.595 14.52

12/4/2014 12:34 12574.1 50.749 13.601 14.517

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 12:39 12579.1 50.742 13.609 14.514

12/4/2014 12:44 12584.1 50.743 13.617 14.51

12/4/2014 12:49 12589.1 50.747 13.624 14.507

12/4/2014 12:54 12594.1 50.744 13.632 14.504

12/4/2014 12:59 12599.1 50.74 13.636 14.502

12/4/2014 13:04 12604.1 50.745 13.644 14.498

12/4/2014 13:09 12609.1 50.742 13.648 14.497

12/4/2014 13:14 12614.1 50.741 13.653 14.495

12/4/2014 13:19 12619.1 50.744 13.654 14.494

12/4/2014 13:24 12624.1 50.745 13.659 14.492

12/4/2014 13:29 12629.1 50.743 13.663 14.491

12/4/2014 13:34 12634.1 50.743 13.669 14.488

12/4/2014 13:39 12639.1 50.747 13.674 14.485

12/4/2014 13:44 12644.1 50.745 13.68 14.483

12/4/2014 13:49 12649.1 50.747 13.678 14.484

12/4/2014 13:54 12654.1 50.749 13.684 14.481

12/4/2014 13:59 12659.1 50.744 13.685 14.481

12/4/2014 14:04 12664.1 50.74 13.689 14.479

12/4/2014 14:09 12669.1 50.745 13.692 14.478

12/4/2014 14:14 12674.1 50.748 13.694 14.477

12/4/2014 14:19 12679.1 50.751 13.7 14.475

12/4/2014 14:24 12684.1 50.745 13.703 14.473

12/4/2014 14:29 12689.1 50.741 13.707 14.471

12/4/2014 14:34 12694.1 50.749 13.709 14.471

12/4/2014 14:39 12699.1 50.744 13.715 14.468

12/4/2014 14:44 12704.1 50.745 13.722 14.465

12/4/2014 14:49 12709.1 50.746 13.729 14.462

12/4/2014 14:54 12714.1 50.741 13.737 14.458

12/4/2014 14:59 12719.1 50.751 13.745 14.455

12/4/2014 15:04 12724.1 50.751 13.756 14.45

12/4/2014 15:09 12729.1 50.745 13.767 14.445

12/4/2014 15:14 12734.1 50.747 13.778 14.441

12/4/2014 15:19 12739.1 50.742 13.792 14.434

12/4/2014 15:24 12744.1 50.745 13.805 14.429

12/4/2014 15:29 12749.1 50.745 13.821 14.422

12/4/2014 15:34 12754.1 50.742 13.839 14.414

12/4/2014 15:39 12759.1 50.745 13.851 14.409

12/4/2014 15:44 12764.1 50.747 13.866 14.403

12/4/2014 15:49 12769.1 50.749 13.882 14.395

12/4/2014 15:54 12774.1 50.746 13.902 14.387

12/4/2014 15:59 12779.1 50.75 13.918 14.38

12/4/2014 16:04 12784.1 50.748 13.932 14.374

12/4/2014 16:09 12789.1 50.747 13.95 14.366

12/4/2014 16:14 12794.1 50.743 13.97 14.358

12/4/2014 16:19 12799.102 50.745 13.968 14.358

12/4/2014 16:24 12804.1 50.745 13.997 14.346

12/4/2014 16:29 12809.1 50.745 14.014 14.338

12/4/2014 16:34 12814.1 50.737 14.03 14.331

12/4/2014 16:39 12819.1 50.747 14.044 14.325

12/4/2014 16:44 12824.1 50.745 14.058 14.319

12/4/2014 16:49 12829.1 50.745 14.07 14.314

12/4/2014 16:54 12834.1 50.739 14.081 14.309

12/4/2014 16:59 12839.1 50.744 14.095 14.303

12/4/2014 17:04 12844.1 50.747 14.105 14.299

12/4/2014 17:09 12849.1 50.744 14.11 14.297

12/4/2014 17:14 12854.1 50.745 14.125 14.29

12/4/2014 17:19 12859.1 50.74 14.131 14.288

12/4/2014 17:24 12864.1 50.742 14.137 14.285

12/4/2014 17:29 12869.1 50.748 14.143 14.283

12/4/2014 17:34 12874.1 50.749 14.151 14.279

12/4/2014 17:39 12879.1 50.743 14.152 14.279

12/4/2014 17:44 12884.1 50.746 14.158 14.276

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 17:49 12889.1 50.745 14.155 14.277

12/4/2014 17:54 12894.1 50.747 14.17 14.271

12/4/2014 17:59 12899.1 50.744 14.177 14.268

12/4/2014 18:04 12904.1 50.749 14.177 14.268

12/4/2014 18:09 12909.1 50.746 14.181 14.266

12/4/2014 18:14 12914.1 50.742 14.185 14.264

12/4/2014 18:19 12919.1 50.744 14.184 14.265

12/4/2014 18:24 12924.1 50.744 14.19 14.262

12/4/2014 18:29 12929.1 50.745 14.191 14.262

12/4/2014 18:34 12934.1 50.741 14.193 14.261

12/4/2014 18:39 12939.1 50.751 14.196 14.26

12/4/2014 18:44 12944.1 50.745 14.195 14.26

12/4/2014 18:49 12949.1 50.741 14.197 14.259

12/4/2014 18:54 12954.1 50.744 14.199 14.258

12/4/2014 18:59 12959.1 50.75 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960 50.745 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.004 50.786 14.203 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.008 50.804 14.202 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.013 50.815 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.017 50.83 14.207 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.021 50.841 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.025 50.846 14.195 14.26

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.029 50.85 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.033 50.862 14.196 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.038 50.863 14.2 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.042 50.865 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.046 50.868 14.199 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.05 50.873 14.199 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.054 50.873 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.058 50.878 14.2 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.063 50.879 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.067 50.879 14.197 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.071 50.884 14.203 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.075 50.885 14.202 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.079 50.89 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.083 50.887 14.201 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.088 50.887 14.202 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.092 50.894 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.096 50.895 14.201 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.1 50.894 14.207 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.106 50.879 14.206 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.112 50.87 14.203 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.119 50.862 14.206 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.126 50.852 14.207 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.133 50.852 14.206 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.141 50.845 14.207 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.15 50.841 14.205 14.255

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.158 50.842 14.203 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.168 50.83 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.178 50.827 14.205 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.188 50.827 14.201 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.199 50.82 14.202 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.211 50.821 14.203 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.224 50.818 14.202 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.237 50.811 14.204 14.256

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.251 50.809 14.203 14.257

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.266 50.815 14.208 14.254

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.282 50.808 14.199 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.298 50.806 14.2 14.258

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.316 50.8 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.335 50.803 14.193 14.261

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.355 50.799 14.2 14.258

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.376 50.794 14.198 14.259

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.398 50.797 14.192 14.261

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.422 50.793 14.184 14.265

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.447 50.794 14.173 14.27

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.473 50.788 14.172 14.27

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.501 50.795 14.161 14.275

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.531 50.783 14.148 14.28

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.562 50.783 14.137 14.285

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.596 50.783 14.12 14.293

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.631 50.783 14.102 14.3

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.668 50.775 14.085 14.308

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.708 50.776 14.067 14.316

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.75 50.781 14.043 14.326

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.794 50.775 14.02 14.336

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.841 50.782 13.991 14.348

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.891 50.774 13.963 14.36

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.944 50.772 13.931 14.374

12/4/2014 19:01 12961 50.771 13.896 14.389

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.06 50.772 13.862 14.404

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.12 50.763 13.828 14.419

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.19 50.762 13.793 14.434

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.26 50.764 13.749 14.453

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.33 50.77 13.713 14.469

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.41 50.762 13.673 14.486

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.5 50.765 13.627 14.506

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.58 50.763 13.582 14.525

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.68 50.761 13.531 14.548

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.78 50.761 13.487 14.567

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.88 50.761 13.441 14.587

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.99 50.765 13.392 14.608

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.11 50.762 13.342 14.629

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.24 50.761 13.286 14.654

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.37 50.76 13.234 14.676

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.51 50.761 13.184 14.698

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.66 50.763 13.127 14.723

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.82 50.76 13.071 14.747

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.98 50.765 13.016 14.771

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.16 50.763 12.957 14.796

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.35 50.764 12.896 14.823

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.55 50.767 12.833 14.85

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.76 50.768 12.772 14.876

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.98 50.766 12.706 14.905

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.22 50.77 12.643 14.932

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.47 50.771 12.572 14.963

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.73 50.768 12.502 14.993

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.01 50.77 12.432 15.023

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.31 50.777 12.351 15.059

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.62 50.774 12.284 15.087

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.96 50.772 12.206 15.121

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.31 50.776 12.115 15.161

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.68 50.771 12.042 15.193

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.08 50.774 11.958 15.229

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.5 50.772 11.871 15.266

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.94 50.778 11.782 15.305

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.41 50.777 11.692 15.344

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.91 50.78 11.601 15.383

12/4/2014 19:09 12969.44 50.781 11.499 15.428

12/4/2014 19:10 12970 50.779 11.408 15.467

12/4/2014 19:10 12970.6 50.782 11.307 15.511

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.2 50.78 11.199 15.558

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.9 50.781 11.101 15.6

12/4/2014 19:12 12972.6 50.783 10.993 15.647

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 19:13 12973.3 50.78 10.89 15.692

12/4/2014 19:14 12974.1 50.781 10.775 15.741

12/4/2014 19:15 12975 50.781 10.656 15.793

12/4/2014 19:15 12975.8 50.783 10.55 15.838

12/4/2014 19:16 12976.8 50.782 10.417 15.896

12/4/2014 19:17 12977.8 50.775 10.305 15.945

12/4/2014 19:18 12978.8 50.781 10.19 15.994

12/4/2014 19:19 12979.9 50.777 10.07 16.046

12/4/2014 19:21 12981.1 50.774 9.939 16.103

12/4/2014 19:22 12982.4 50.777 9.81 16.159

12/4/2014 19:23 12983.7 50.772 9.683 16.214

12/4/2014 19:25 12985.1 50.777 9.549 16.272

12/4/2014 19:26 12986.6 50.774 9.417 16.33

12/4/2014 19:28 12988.2 50.774 9.28 16.389

12/4/2014 19:29 12989.8 50.776 9.148 16.446

12/4/2014 19:31 12991.6 50.771 9.01 16.506

12/4/2014 19:33 12993.5 50.772 8.868 16.567

12/4/2014 19:35 12995.5 50.772 8.728 16.628

12/4/2014 19:37 12997.6 50.773 8.587 16.689

12/4/2014 19:39 12999.8 50.776 8.445 16.75

12/4/2014 19:42 13002.2 50.772 8.298 16.814

12/4/2014 19:44 13004.7 50.772 8.153 16.877

12/4/2014 19:47 13007.3 50.767 8.005 16.941

12/4/2014 19:50 13010.1 50.768 7.858 17.005

12/4/2014 19:53 13013.1 50.772 7.709 17.069

12/4/2014 19:56 13016.2 50.772 7.562 17.133

12/4/2014 19:59 13019.6 50.769 7.409 17.199

12/4/2014 20:03 13023.1 50.765 7.258 17.264

12/4/2014 20:06 13026.8 50.766 7.108 17.329

12/4/2014 20:10 13030.8 50.764 6.957 17.395

12/4/2014 20:15 13035 50.766 6.804 17.461

12/4/2014 20:19 13039.4 50.762 6.654 17.526

12/4/2014 20:24 13044.1 50.763 6.499 17.593

12/4/2014 20:29 13049.1 50.76 6.346 17.659

12/4/2014 20:34 13054.1 50.761 6.197 17.724

12/4/2014 20:39 13059.1 50.758 6.061 17.783

12/4/2014 20:44 13064.1 50.763 5.926 17.841

12/4/2014 20:49 13069.1 50.761 5.802 17.895

12/4/2014 20:54 13074.1 50.761 5.685 17.946

12/4/2014 20:59 13079.1 50.761 5.569 17.996

12/4/2014 21:04 13084.1 50.765 5.457 18.044

12/4/2014 21:09 13089.1 50.764 5.352 18.09

12/4/2014 21:14 13094.1 50.763 5.25 18.134

12/4/2014 21:19 13099.1 50.761 5.154 18.175

12/4/2014 21:24 13104.1 50.76 5.061 18.216

12/4/2014 21:29 13109.1 50.767 4.973 18.254

12/4/2014 21:34 13114.1 50.761 4.89 18.29

12/4/2014 21:39 13119.1 50.762 4.805 18.327

12/4/2014 21:44 13124.1 50.765 4.724 18.362

12/4/2014 21:49 13129.1 50.761 4.645 18.396

12/4/2014 21:54 13134.1 50.764 4.573 18.427

12/4/2014 21:59 13139.1 50.759 4.496 18.461

12/4/2014 22:04 13144.1 50.762 4.425 18.491

12/4/2014 22:09 13149.1 50.761 4.358 18.52

12/4/2014 22:14 13154.1 50.762 4.29 18.55

12/4/2014 22:19 13159.1 50.761 4.229 18.576

12/4/2014 22:24 13164.1 50.766 4.162 18.605

12/4/2014 22:29 13169.1 50.761 4.102 18.631

12/4/2014 22:34 13174.1 50.763 4.043 18.657

12/4/2014 22:39 13179.1 50.757 3.986 18.681

12/4/2014 22:44 13184.1 50.755 3.929 18.706

12/4/2014 22:49 13189.1 50.761 3.872 18.731

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Page 51 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/4/2014 22:54 13194.1 50.763 3.822 18.752

12/4/2014 22:59 13199.1 50.756 3.768 18.776

12/4/2014 23:04 13204.1 50.76 3.715 18.799

12/4/2014 23:09 13209.1 50.761 3.666 18.82

12/4/2014 23:14 13214.1 50.761 3.619 18.84

12/4/2014 23:19 13219.1 50.764 3.569 18.862

12/4/2014 23:24 13224.1 50.761 3.522 18.882

12/4/2014 23:29 13229.1 50.757 3.48 18.9

12/4/2014 23:34 13234.1 50.759 3.434 18.921

12/4/2014 23:39 13239.1 50.761 3.389 18.94

12/4/2014 23:44 13244.1 50.759 3.346 18.959

12/4/2014 23:49 13249.1 50.763 3.302 18.978

12/4/2014 23:54 13254.1 50.763 3.262 18.995

12/4/2014 23:59 13259.1 50.76 3.22 19.013

12/5/2014 0:04 13264.1 50.761 3.178 19.031

12/5/2014 0:09 13269.1 50.761 3.144 19.046

12/5/2014 0:14 13274.1 50.759 3.103 19.064

12/5/2014 0:19 13279.1 50.758 3.068 19.079

12/5/2014 0:24 13284.1 50.758 3.029 19.096

12/5/2014 0:29 13289.1 50.762 2.992 19.112

12/5/2014 0:34 13294.1 50.761 2.958 19.126

12/5/2014 0:39 13299.1 50.759 2.922 19.142

12/5/2014 0:44 13304.1 50.761 2.888 19.157

12/5/2014 0:49 13309.1 50.76 2.856 19.171

12/5/2014 0:54 13314.1 50.761 2.821 19.186

12/5/2014 0:59 13319.1 50.756 2.789 19.2

12/5/2014 1:04 13324.1 50.759 2.756 19.214

12/5/2014 1:09 13329.1 50.752 2.726 19.227

12/5/2014 1:14 13334.1 50.756 2.693 19.241

12/5/2014 1:19 13339.1 50.755 2.66 19.256

12/5/2014 1:24 13344.1 50.756 2.627 19.27

12/5/2014 1:29 13349.1 50.759 2.601 19.281

12/5/2014 1:34 13354.1 50.759 2.57 19.295

12/5/2014 1:39 13359.1 50.756 2.539 19.308

12/5/2014 1:44 13364.1 50.761 2.515 19.318

12/5/2014 1:49 13369.1 50.753 2.484 19.332

12/5/2014 1:54 13374.1 50.757 2.457 19.344

12/5/2014 1:59 13379.1 50.756 2.43 19.355

12/5/2014 2:04 13384.1 50.75 2.402 19.367

12/5/2014 2:09 13389.1 50.756 2.376 19.379

12/5/2014 2:14 13394.1 50.752 2.35 19.39

12/5/2014 2:19 13399.1 50.754 2.324 19.401

12/5/2014 2:24 13404.1 50.759 2.298 19.412

12/5/2014 2:29 13409.1 50.762 2.27 19.425

12/5/2014 2:34 13414.1 50.76 2.251 19.433

12/5/2014 2:39 13419.1 50.756 2.223 19.445

12/5/2014 2:44 13424.1 50.759 2.198 19.456

12/5/2014 2:49 13429.1 50.756 2.174 19.466

12/5/2014 2:54 13434.1 50.754 2.15 19.477

12/5/2014 2:59 13439.1 50.752 2.126 19.487

12/5/2014 3:04 13444.1 50.756 2.102 19.497

12/5/2014 3:09 13449.1 50.756 2.083 19.506

12/5/2014 3:14 13454.1 50.751 2.06 19.516

12/5/2014 3:19 13459.1 50.756 2.036 19.526

12/5/2014 3:24 13464.1 50.758 2.011 19.537

12/5/2014 3:29 13469.1 50.756 1.989 19.546

12/5/2014 3:34 13474.1 50.756 1.965 19.557

12/5/2014 3:39 13479.1 50.751 1.945 19.565

12/5/2014 3:44 13484.1 50.758 1.921 19.576

12/5/2014 3:49 13489.1 50.753 1.899 19.585

12/5/2014 3:54 13494.1 50.756 1.878 19.594

12/5/2014 3:59 13499.1 50.754 1.856 19.604

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Page 52 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/5/2014 4:04 13504.1 50.752 1.834 19.614

12/5/2014 4:09 13509.1 50.757 1.814 19.622

12/5/2014 4:14 13514.1 50.759 1.791 19.632

12/5/2014 4:19 13519.1 50.76 1.771 19.641

12/5/2014 4:24 13524.1 50.754 1.751 19.65

12/5/2014 4:29 13529.1 50.754 1.731 19.658

12/5/2014 4:34 13534.1 50.758 1.71 19.667

12/5/2014 4:39 13539.1 50.761 1.688 19.677

12/5/2014 4:44 13544.1 50.756 1.672 19.684

12/5/2014 4:49 13549.1 50.754 1.649 19.694

12/5/2014 4:54 13554.1 50.753 1.631 19.702

12/5/2014 4:59 13559.1 50.755 1.61 19.71

12/5/2014 5:04 13564.1 50.756 1.595 19.717

12/5/2014 5:09 13569.1 50.757 1.577 19.725

12/5/2014 5:14 13574.1 50.756 1.555 19.734

12/5/2014 5:19 13579.1 50.754 1.541 19.74

12/5/2014 5:24 13584.1 50.752 1.523 19.748

12/5/2014 5:29 13589.1 50.755 1.506 19.755

12/5/2014 5:34 13594.1 50.75 1.488 19.763

12/5/2014 5:39 13599.1 50.754 1.468 19.772

12/5/2014 5:44 13604.1 50.752 1.451 19.779

12/5/2014 5:49 13609.1 50.755 1.436 19.786

12/5/2014 5:54 13614.1 50.754 1.42 19.793

12/5/2014 5:59 13619.1 50.754 1.402 19.801

12/5/2014 6:04 13624.1 50.749 1.384 19.808

12/5/2014 6:09 13629.1 50.752 1.37 19.814

12/5/2014 6:14 13634.1 50.754 1.356 19.82

12/5/2014 6:19 13639.1 50.755 1.339 19.828

12/5/2014 6:24 13644.1 50.753 1.323 19.835

12/5/2014 6:29 13649.1 50.755 1.306 19.842

12/5/2014 6:34 13654.1 50.761 1.29 19.849

12/5/2014 6:39 13659.1 50.756 1.276 19.855

12/5/2014 6:44 13664.1 50.754 1.265 19.86

12/5/2014 6:49 13669.1 50.755 1.248 19.867

12/5/2014 6:54 13674.1 50.751 1.235 19.873

12/5/2014 6:59 13679.1 50.754 1.218 19.88

12/5/2014 7:04 13684.1 50.751 1.205 19.886

12/5/2014 7:09 13689.1 50.752 1.195 19.89

12/5/2014 7:14 13694.1 50.758 1.18 19.897

12/5/2014 7:19 13699.1 50.751 1.17 19.901

12/5/2014 7:24 13704.1 50.751 1.154 19.908

12/5/2014 7:29 13709.1 50.755 1.15 19.91

12/5/2014 7:34 13714.1 50.753 1.138 19.915

12/5/2014 7:39 13719.1 50.756 1.135 19.916

12/5/2014 7:44 13724.1 50.751 1.126 19.92

12/5/2014 7:49 13729.1 50.749 1.119 19.923

12/5/2014 7:54 13734.1 50.748 1.118 19.924

12/5/2014 7:59 13739.1 50.753 1.116 19.924

12/5/2014 8:04 13744.1 50.748 1.113 19.926

12/5/2014 8:09 13749.1 50.751 1.11 19.927

12/5/2014 8:14 13754.1 50.756 1.107 19.928

12/5/2014 8:19 13759.1 50.755 1.112 19.926

12/5/2014 8:24 13764.1 50.753 1.109 19.927

12/5/2014 8:29 13769.1 50.754 1.115 19.925

12/5/2014 8:34 13774.1 50.753 1.113 19.926

12/5/2014 8:39 13779.1 50.755 1.12 19.923

12/5/2014 8:44 13784.1 50.753 1.117 19.924

12/5/2014 8:49 13789.1 50.755 1.118 19.923

12/5/2014 8:54 13794.1 50.755 1.12 19.923

12/5/2014 8:59 13799.1 50.754 1.126 19.92

12/5/2014 9:04 13804.1 50.753 1.131 19.918

12/5/2014 9:09 13809.1 50.749 1.139 19.915

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Page 53 of 53

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FN‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐09‐24‐699.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:09

12/5/2014 9:14 13814.1 50.755 1.142 19.913

12/5/2014 9:19 13819.1 50.756 1.148 19.911

12/5/2014 9:24 13824.1 50.756 1.152 19.909

12/5/2014 9:29 13829.1 50.749 1.158 19.906

12/5/2014 9:34 13834.1 50.757 1.165 19.903

12/5/2014 9:39 13839.1 50.751 1.168 19.902

12/5/2014 9:44 13844.1 50.753 1.183 19.895

12/5/2014 9:49 13849.1 50.75 1.179 19.897

12/5/2014 9:54 13854.1 50.752 1.187 19.893

12/5/2014 9:59 13859.1 50.753 1.19 19.892

12/5/2014 10:04 13864.1 50.753 1.188 19.893

12/5/2014 10:09 13869.1 50.749 1.198 19.889

12/5/2014 10:14 13874.1 50.752 1.21 19.884

12/5/2014 10:19 13879.1 50.759 1.212 19.883

12/5/2014 10:24 13884.1 50.751 1.226 19.877

12/5/2014 10:29 13889.1 50.753 1.22 19.879

12/5/2014 10:34 13894.1 50.75 1.24 19.871

12/5/2014 10:39 13899.1 50.749 1.24 19.871

12/5/2014 10:44 13904.1 50.752 1.272 19.857

12/5/2014 10:49 13909.1 50.754 1.266 19.86

12/5/2014 10:54 13914.1 50.751 1.259 19.863

12/5/2014 10:59 13919.1 50.749 1.269 19.858

12/5/2014 11:04 13924.1 50.756 1.287 19.85

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

Device Properties

Device Level TROLL 700

Site GAWA Frederickson North

Device Name  

Serial Number 133651

Firmware Version 2.09

Hardware Version 2

Device Address 1

Device Comm Cfg 19200 8 Even 1 (Modbus‐RTU)

Used Memory 1

Used Battery 38

Log Configuration

Log Name FS‐1

Created By ntg

Computer Name REMELAP‐6353

Application WinSitu.exe

Application Version

Create Date 11/25/2014 4:43:57 PM Eastern Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes) 4096

Overwrite when full Disabled

Scheduled Start Time 11/25/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Scheduled Stop Time 12/5/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Type Step Test

 Steps 3 (True Logarithmic)

  Step 1

  Duration Days: 8 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 2

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 3

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

Level Reference Settings At Log Creation

        Level Measurement MLevel Depth To Water

              Specific Gravity 0.999

          Level Reference ModSet new reference

         Level Reference Value0 (ft)

 Level Reference Head Pres11.0011 (PSI)

Other Log Settings

Depth of Probe: 25.4014 (ft)

Head Pressure: 11.0012 (PSI)

Temperature: 48.44 (F)

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Page 2 of 57

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

Log Notes:

Date and Time Note

11/25/2014 16:44 Used Battery: 38% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 16:35 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 38% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 19:49 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 38% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 4:34:06 PM

12/4/2014 16:07 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 38% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 7:47:18 PM

12/5/2014 10:44 Used Battery: 38% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 10:44 Manual Stop Command

Log Data:

Record Count 3156

Sensors 1

  1 133651 Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft     Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft          Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft          

Elapsed Time SN#: 133651                   SN#: 133651                    SN#: 133651                   

Date and Time Minutes      Pressure (PSI)                 Temperature (F)                Level Depth To Water (ft)     

11/25/2014 19:00 0 11.004 50.169 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.004 11.006 50.204 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.008 11.004 50.232 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.013 11.005 50.251 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.017 11.004 50.263 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.021 11.005 50.276 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.025 11.001 50.28 ‐0.001

11/25/2014 19:00 0.029 11.006 50.291 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.033 11.005 50.299 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.038 11.002 50.31 ‐0.002

11/25/2014 19:00 0.042 11.004 50.312 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.046 11.005 50.319 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.05 11.004 50.324 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.054 11.004 50.324 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.058 11.004 50.325 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.063 11.004 50.329 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.067 11.003 50.333 ‐0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.071 11.001 50.337 0

11/25/2014 19:00 0.075 11.002 50.34 ‐0.002

11/25/2014 19:00 0.079 11.001 50.345 ‐0.001

11/25/2014 19:00 0.083 11.006 50.347 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.088 11.001 50.351 0

11/25/2014 19:00 0.092 11.004 50.348 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.096 11.005 50.351 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.1 11.004 50.357 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.106 11.005 50.333 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.112 11.002 50.327 ‐0.002

11/25/2014 19:00 0.119 11.003 50.316 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:00 0.126 11.006 50.312 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.133 11.002 50.308 ‐0.003

11/25/2014 19:00 0.141 11.003 50.298 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:00 0.15 11.003 50.296 ‐0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.158 11.004 50.293 ‐0.006

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/25/2014 19:00 0.168 11.004 50.279 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.178 11.003 50.28 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.188 11.003 50.274 ‐0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.199 11.003 50.275 ‐0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.211 11.005 50.264 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.224 11.006 50.268 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.237 11.006 50.262 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.251 11.006 50.255 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.266 11.005 50.257 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.282 11.004 50.245 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.298 11.008 50.246 ‐0.016

11/25/2014 19:00 0.316 11.006 50.251 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.335 11.008 50.245 ‐0.016

11/25/2014 19:00 0.355 11.005 50.239 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.376 11.005 50.236 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.398 11.006 50.241 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.422 11.005 50.235 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.447 11.006 50.232 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.473 11.004 50.232 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.501 11.005 50.229 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.531 11.007 50.232 ‐0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.562 11.006 50.223 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.596 11.004 50.224 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.631 11.006 50.226 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.668 11.004 50.225 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.708 11.005 50.223 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.75 11.005 50.223 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.794 11.007 50.217 ‐0.014

11/25/2014 19:00 0.841 11.004 50.216 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.891 11.008 50.216 ‐0.015

11/25/2014 19:00 0.944 11.004 50.213 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:01 1 11.005 50.213 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:01 1.06 11.004 50.213 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:01 1.12 11.007 50.212 ‐0.013

11/25/2014 19:01 1.19 11.004 50.205 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:01 1.26 11.003 50.208 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:01 1.33 11.005 50.208 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:01 1.41 11.005 50.203 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:01 1.5 11.004 50.201 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:01 1.58 11.006 50.201 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:01 1.68 11.006 50.197 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:01 1.78 11.006 50.198 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:01 1.88 11.003 50.199 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:01 1.99 11.005 50.193 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:02 2.11 11.005 50.197 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:02 2.24 11.008 50.189 ‐0.017

11/25/2014 19:02 2.37 11.005 50.193 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:02 2.51 11.004 50.188 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:02 2.66 11.004 50.189 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:02 2.82 11.003 50.189 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:02 2.98 11.005 50.182 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:03 3.16 11.006 50.185 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:03 3.35 11.006 50.184 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:03 3.55 11.006 50.18 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:03 3.76 11.006 50.184 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:03 3.98 11.006 50.179 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:04 4.22 11.006 50.177 ‐0.011

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/25/2014 19:04 4.47 11.006 50.178 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:04 4.73 11.007 50.178 ‐0.013

11/25/2014 19:05 5.01 11.005 50.181 ‐0.01

11/25/2014 19:05 5.31 11.004 50.175 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:05 5.62 11.006 50.177 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:05 5.96 11.006 50.181 ‐0.011

11/25/2014 19:06 6.31 11.008 50.176 ‐0.016

11/25/2014 19:06 6.68 11.007 50.176 ‐0.015

11/25/2014 19:07 7.08 11.006 50.178 ‐0.013

11/25/2014 19:07 7.5 11.006 50.177 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:07 7.94 11.007 50.169 ‐0.014

11/25/2014 19:08 8.41 11.008 50.174 ‐0.015

11/25/2014 19:08 8.91 11.01 50.171 ‐0.021

11/25/2014 19:09 9.44 11.008 50.17 ‐0.015

11/25/2014 19:10 10 11.006 50.173 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:10 10.6 11.009 50.176 ‐0.018

11/25/2014 19:11 11.2 11.011 50.171 ‐0.023

11/25/2014 19:11 11.9 11.008 50.169 ‐0.016

11/25/2014 19:12 12.6 11.009 50.172 ‐0.018

11/25/2014 19:13 13.3 11.009 50.172 ‐0.019

11/25/2014 19:14 14.1 11.01 50.167 ‐0.021

11/25/2014 19:15 15 11.009 50.17 ‐0.018

11/25/2014 19:15 15.8 11.01 50.172 ‐0.02

11/25/2014 19:16 16.8 11.01 50.168 ‐0.021

11/25/2014 19:17 17.8 11.011 50.164 ‐0.024

11/25/2014 19:18 18.8 11.011 50.168 ‐0.024

11/25/2014 19:19 19.9 11.012 50.169 ‐0.025

11/25/2014 19:21 21.1 11.012 50.168 ‐0.025

11/25/2014 19:22 22.4 11.01 50.164 ‐0.021

11/25/2014 19:23 23.7 11.012 50.171 ‐0.025

11/25/2014 19:25 25.1 11.013 50.167 ‐0.028

11/25/2014 19:26 26.6 11.014 50.168 ‐0.03

11/25/2014 19:28 28.2 11.014 50.167 ‐0.03

11/25/2014 19:29 29.8 11.015 50.173 ‐0.031

11/25/2014 19:31 31.6 11.017 50.169 ‐0.037

11/25/2014 19:33 33.5 11.015 50.162 ‐0.032

11/25/2014 19:35 35.5 11.015 50.164 ‐0.033

11/25/2014 19:37 37.6 11.016 50.165 ‐0.034

11/25/2014 19:39 39.8 11.017 50.167 ‐0.036

11/25/2014 19:42 42.2 11.019 50.17 ‐0.041

11/25/2014 19:44 44.7 11.02 50.167 ‐0.044

11/25/2014 19:47 47.3 11.02 50.171 ‐0.043

11/25/2014 19:50 50.1 11.023 50.166 ‐0.051

11/25/2014 19:53 53.1 11.023 50.169 ‐0.051

11/25/2014 19:56 56.2 11.025 50.163 ‐0.055

11/25/2014 19:59 59.6 11.027 50.167 ‐0.06

11/25/2014 20:03 63.1 11.025 50.169 ‐0.055

11/25/2014 20:06 66.8 11.028 50.161 ‐0.063

11/25/2014 20:10 70.8 11.029 50.16 ‐0.065

11/25/2014 20:15 75 11.032 50.163 ‐0.071

11/25/2014 20:19 79.4 11.034 50.167 ‐0.076

11/25/2014 20:24 84.1 11.036 50.165 ‐0.08

11/25/2014 20:29 89.1 11.037 50.166 ‐0.084

11/25/2014 20:34 94.1 11.041 50.161 ‐0.093

11/25/2014 20:39 99.1 11.043 50.164 ‐0.096

11/25/2014 20:44 104.1 11.045 50.158 ‐0.102

11/25/2014 20:49 109.1 11.047 50.157 ‐0.105

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/25/2014 20:54 114.1 11.048 50.162 ‐0.109

11/25/2014 20:59 119.1 11.051 50.162 ‐0.115

11/25/2014 21:04 124.1 11.053 50.153 ‐0.12

11/25/2014 21:09 129.1 11.054 50.155 ‐0.122

11/25/2014 21:14 134.1 11.058 50.159 ‐0.132

11/25/2014 21:19 139.1 11.059 50.161 ‐0.133

11/25/2014 21:24 144.1 11.063 50.159 ‐0.143

11/25/2014 21:29 149.1 11.065 50.159 ‐0.149

11/25/2014 21:34 154.1 11.068 50.16 ‐0.155

11/25/2014 21:39 159.1 11.069 50.159 ‐0.157

11/25/2014 21:44 164.1 11.071 50.156 ‐0.161

11/25/2014 21:49 169.1 11.073 50.16 ‐0.166

11/25/2014 21:54 174.1 11.076 50.16 ‐0.172

11/25/2014 21:59 179.1 11.077 50.156 ‐0.176

11/25/2014 22:04 184.1 11.08 50.156 ‐0.181

11/25/2014 22:09 189.1 11.082 50.16 ‐0.188

11/25/2014 22:14 194.1 11.085 50.156 ‐0.193

11/25/2014 22:19 199.1 11.086 50.158 ‐0.195

11/25/2014 22:24 204.1 11.088 50.157 ‐0.201

11/25/2014 22:29 209.1 11.091 50.158 ‐0.207

11/25/2014 22:34 214.1 11.089 50.159 ‐0.204

11/25/2014 22:39 219.1 11.093 50.158 ‐0.213

11/25/2014 22:44 224.1 11.098 50.155 ‐0.223

11/25/2014 22:49 229.1 11.099 50.154 ‐0.225

11/25/2014 22:54 234.1 11.103 50.16 ‐0.235

11/25/2014 22:59 239.1 11.104 50.172 ‐0.237

11/25/2014 23:04 244.1 11.105 50.182 ‐0.241

11/25/2014 23:09 249.1 11.109 50.161 ‐0.248

11/25/2014 23:14 254.1 11.111 50.16 ‐0.253

11/25/2014 23:19 259.1 11.113 50.159 ‐0.259

11/25/2014 23:24 264.1 11.115 50.159 ‐0.264

11/25/2014 23:29 269.1 11.12 50.156 ‐0.274

11/25/2014 23:34 274.1 11.12 50.16 ‐0.275

11/25/2014 23:39 279.1 11.122 50.153 ‐0.28

11/25/2014 23:44 284.1 11.125 50.159 ‐0.286

11/25/2014 23:49 289.1 11.125 50.157 ‐0.286

11/25/2014 23:54 294.1 11.127 50.154 ‐0.29

11/25/2014 23:59 299.1 11.132 50.156 ‐0.303

11/26/2014 0:04 304.1 11.134 50.156 ‐0.308

11/26/2014 0:09 309.1 11.138 50.15 ‐0.316

11/26/2014 0:14 314.1 11.138 50.156 ‐0.317

11/26/2014 0:19 319.1 11.142 50.155 ‐0.325

11/26/2014 0:24 324.1 11.144 50.155 ‐0.331

11/26/2014 0:29 329.1 11.146 50.156 ‐0.335

11/26/2014 0:34 334.1 11.148 50.156 ‐0.339

11/26/2014 0:39 339.1 11.151 50.159 ‐0.346

11/26/2014 0:44 344.1 11.153 50.16 ‐0.351

11/26/2014 0:49 349.1 11.156 50.154 ‐0.358

11/26/2014 0:54 354.1 11.159 50.164 ‐0.365

11/26/2014 0:59 359.1 11.16 50.164 ‐0.367

11/26/2014 1:04 364.1 11.162 50.156 ‐0.372

11/26/2014 1:09 369.1 11.166 50.155 ‐0.381

11/26/2014 1:14 374.1 11.168 50.157 ‐0.386

11/26/2014 1:19 379.1 11.171 50.158 ‐0.393

11/26/2014 1:24 384.1 11.173 50.16 ‐0.396

11/26/2014 1:29 389.1 11.176 50.15 ‐0.404

11/26/2014 1:34 394.1 11.179 50.157 ‐0.41

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/26/2014 1:39 399.1 11.181 50.156 ‐0.415

11/26/2014 1:44 404.1 11.183 50.154 ‐0.419

11/26/2014 1:49 409.1 11.185 50.151 ‐0.425

11/26/2014 1:54 414.1 11.188 50.157 ‐0.431

11/26/2014 1:59 419.1 11.19 50.154 ‐0.437

11/26/2014 2:04 424.1 11.192 50.155 ‐0.44

11/26/2014 2:09 429.1 11.194 50.156 ‐0.446

11/26/2014 2:14 434.1 11.196 50.159 ‐0.45

11/26/2014 2:19 439.1 11.197 50.158 ‐0.453

11/26/2014 2:24 444.1 11.2 50.158 ‐0.46

11/26/2014 2:29 449.1 11.203 50.159 ‐0.466

11/26/2014 2:34 454.1 11.206 50.158 ‐0.473

11/26/2014 2:39 459.1 11.208 50.157 ‐0.478

11/26/2014 2:44 464.1 11.212 50.16 ‐0.486

11/26/2014 2:49 469.1 11.214 50.157 ‐0.492

11/26/2014 2:54 474.1 11.217 50.155 ‐0.498

11/26/2014 2:59 479.1 11.221 50.154 ‐0.507

11/26/2014 3:04 484.1 11.222 50.157 ‐0.51

11/26/2014 3:09 489.1 11.223 50.16 ‐0.513

11/26/2014 3:14 494.1 11.229 50.154 ‐0.526

11/26/2014 3:19 499.1 11.232 50.166 ‐0.533

11/26/2014 3:24 504.1 11.235 50.157 ‐0.539

11/26/2014 3:29 509.1 11.234 50.157 ‐0.538

11/26/2014 3:34 514.1 11.234 50.154 ‐0.539

11/26/2014 3:39 519.1 11.238 50.158 ‐0.548

11/26/2014 3:44 524.1 11.24 50.157 ‐0.553

11/26/2014 3:49 529.1 11.244 50.155 ‐0.56

11/26/2014 3:54 534.1 11.246 50.155 ‐0.566

11/26/2014 3:59 539.1 11.249 50.158 ‐0.571

11/26/2014 4:04 544.1 11.251 50.155 ‐0.576

11/26/2014 4:09 549.1 11.252 50.161 ‐0.58

11/26/2014 4:14 554.1 11.259 50.16 ‐0.596

11/26/2014 4:19 559.1 11.259 50.156 ‐0.594

11/26/2014 4:24 564.1 11.261 50.154 ‐0.601

11/26/2014 4:29 569.1 11.264 50.154 ‐0.607

11/26/2014 4:34 574.1 11.267 50.156 ‐0.614

11/26/2014 4:39 579.1 11.271 50.154 ‐0.624

11/26/2014 4:44 584.1 11.272 50.155 ‐0.625

11/26/2014 4:49 589.1 11.275 50.156 ‐0.634

11/26/2014 4:54 594.1 11.275 50.159 ‐0.633

11/26/2014 4:59 599.1 11.282 50.159 ‐0.649

11/26/2014 5:04 604.1 11.282 50.157 ‐0.648

11/26/2014 5:09 609.1 11.284 50.159 ‐0.653

11/26/2014 5:14 614.1 11.287 50.156 ‐0.659

11/26/2014 5:19 619.1 11.289 50.158 ‐0.664

11/26/2014 5:24 624.1 11.292 50.163 ‐0.672

11/26/2014 5:29 629.1 11.294 50.156 ‐0.677

11/26/2014 5:34 634.1 11.296 50.156 ‐0.682

11/26/2014 5:39 639.1 11.298 50.162 ‐0.686

11/26/2014 5:44 644.1 11.301 50.159 ‐0.692

11/26/2014 5:49 649.1 11.304 50.158 ‐0.7

11/26/2014 5:54 654.1 11.306 50.158 ‐0.705

11/26/2014 5:59 659.1 11.312 50.159 ‐0.718

11/26/2014 6:04 664.1 11.311 50.161 ‐0.716

11/26/2014 6:09 669.1 11.313 50.16 ‐0.721

11/26/2014 6:14 674.1 11.315 50.157 ‐0.724

11/26/2014 6:19 679.1 11.319 50.157 ‐0.735

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/26/2014 6:24 684.1 11.319 50.159 ‐0.733

11/26/2014 6:29 689.1 11.32 50.155 ‐0.737

11/26/2014 6:34 694.1 11.325 50.157 ‐0.747

11/26/2014 6:39 699.1 11.326 50.159 ‐0.75

11/26/2014 6:44 704.1 11.327 50.159 ‐0.752

11/26/2014 6:49 709.1 11.326 50.162 ‐0.749

11/26/2014 6:54 714.1 11.323 50.159 ‐0.743

11/26/2014 6:59 719.1 11.322 50.163 ‐0.741

11/26/2014 7:04 724.1 11.321 50.16 ‐0.738

11/26/2014 7:09 729.1 11.326 50.158 ‐0.75

11/26/2014 7:14 734.1 11.319 50.161 ‐0.735

11/26/2014 7:19 739.1 11.32 50.161 ‐0.736

11/26/2014 7:24 744.1 11.317 50.161 ‐0.73

11/26/2014 7:29 749.1 11.314 50.157 ‐0.722

11/26/2014 7:34 754.1 11.311 50.161 ‐0.716

11/26/2014 7:39 759.1 11.309 50.163 ‐0.711

11/26/2014 7:44 764.1 11.306 50.16 ‐0.703

11/26/2014 7:49 769.1 11.303 50.16 ‐0.696

11/26/2014 7:54 774.1 11.299 50.161 ‐0.687

11/26/2014 7:59 779.1 11.295 50.162 ‐0.679

11/26/2014 8:04 784.1 11.291 50.161 ‐0.669

11/26/2014 8:09 789.1 11.288 50.167 ‐0.663

11/26/2014 8:14 794.1 11.283 50.159 ‐0.652

11/26/2014 8:19 799.1 11.28 50.16 ‐0.644

11/26/2014 8:24 804.1 11.275 50.166 ‐0.633

11/26/2014 8:29 809.1 11.274 50.167 ‐0.63

11/26/2014 8:34 814.1 11.264 50.162 ‐0.608

11/26/2014 8:39 819.1 11.265 50.16 ‐0.608

11/26/2014 8:44 824.1 11.256 50.168 ‐0.589

11/26/2014 8:49 829.1 11.254 50.161 ‐0.585

11/26/2014 8:54 834.1 11.248 50.159 ‐0.571

11/26/2014 8:59 839.1 11.244 50.16 ‐0.561

11/26/2014 9:04 844.1 11.238 50.162 ‐0.548

11/26/2014 9:09 849.1 11.233 50.163 ‐0.536

11/26/2014 9:14 854.1 11.228 50.166 ‐0.524

11/26/2014 9:19 859.1 11.22 50.17 ‐0.505

11/26/2014 9:24 864.1 11.217 50.164 ‐0.498

11/26/2014 9:29 869.1 11.211 50.168 ‐0.486

11/26/2014 9:34 874.1 11.205 50.165 ‐0.471

11/26/2014 9:39 879.1 11.198 50.166 ‐0.454

11/26/2014 9:44 884.1 11.193 50.163 ‐0.444

11/26/2014 9:49 889.1 11.188 50.162 ‐0.431

11/26/2014 9:54 894.1 11.186 50.164 ‐0.426

11/26/2014 9:59 899.1 11.181 50.165 ‐0.415

11/26/2014 10:04 904.1 11.176 50.167 ‐0.403

11/26/2014 10:09 909.1 11.171 50.166 ‐0.392

11/26/2014 10:14 914.1 11.17 50.162 ‐0.39

11/26/2014 10:19 919.1 11.163 50.166 ‐0.375

11/26/2014 10:24 924.1 11.157 50.164 ‐0.361

11/26/2014 10:29 929.1 11.158 50.163 ‐0.362

11/26/2014 10:34 934.1 11.155 50.167 ‐0.356

11/26/2014 10:39 939.1 11.151 50.158 ‐0.347

11/26/2014 10:44 944.1 11.144 50.157 ‐0.329

11/26/2014 10:49 949.1 11.142 50.161 ‐0.326

11/26/2014 10:54 954.1 11.14 50.158 ‐0.321

11/26/2014 10:59 959.1 11.133 50.162 ‐0.306

11/26/2014 11:04 964.1 11.128 50.163 ‐0.293

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/26/2014 11:09 969.1 11.127 50.164 ‐0.292

11/26/2014 11:14 974.1 11.119 50.162 ‐0.273

11/26/2014 11:19 979.1 11.118 50.163 ‐0.271

11/26/2014 11:24 984.1 11.114 50.161 ‐0.26

11/26/2014 11:29 989.1 11.109 50.166 ‐0.25

11/26/2014 11:34 994.1 11.102 50.167 ‐0.232

11/26/2014 11:39 999.1 11.099 50.164 ‐0.227

11/26/2014 11:44 1004.1 11.09 50.167 ‐0.205

11/26/2014 11:49 1009.1 11.086 50.167 ‐0.195

11/26/2014 11:54 1014.1 11.083 50.161 ‐0.188

11/26/2014 11:59 1019.1 11.077 50.168 ‐0.176

11/26/2014 12:04 1024.1 11.07 50.167 ‐0.158

11/26/2014 12:09 1029.1 11.068 50.166 ‐0.154

11/26/2014 12:14 1034.1 11.061 50.166 ‐0.139

11/26/2014 12:19 1039.1 11.054 50.168 ‐0.121

11/26/2014 12:24 1044.1 11.046 50.164 ‐0.104

11/26/2014 12:29 1049.1 11.04 50.167 ‐0.089

11/26/2014 12:34 1054.1 11.037 50.167 ‐0.083

11/26/2014 12:39 1059.1 11.03 50.165 ‐0.067

11/26/2014 12:44 1064.1 11.025 50.164 ‐0.056

11/26/2014 12:49 1069.1 11.017 50.165 ‐0.037

11/26/2014 12:54 1074.1 11.01 50.167 ‐0.021

11/26/2014 12:59 1079.1 11.004 50.165 ‐0.007

11/26/2014 13:04 1084.1 11.001 50.163 0

11/26/2014 13:09 1089.1 10.997 50.173 0.009

11/26/2014 13:14 1094.1 10.992 50.166 0.02

11/26/2014 13:19 1099.1 10.986 50.167 0.035

11/26/2014 13:24 1104.1 10.983 50.172 0.043

11/26/2014 13:29 1109.1 10.978 50.166 0.053

11/26/2014 13:34 1114.1 10.975 50.167 0.061

11/26/2014 13:39 1119.1 10.968 50.166 0.076

11/26/2014 13:44 1124.1 10.966 50.167 0.081

11/26/2014 13:49 1129.1 10.964 50.167 0.085

11/26/2014 13:54 1134.1 10.962 50.167 0.09

11/26/2014 13:59 1139.1 10.961 50.167 0.093

11/26/2014 14:04 1144.1 10.956 50.165 0.104

11/26/2014 14:09 1149.1 10.954 50.162 0.108

11/26/2014 14:14 1154.1 10.953 50.161 0.112

11/26/2014 14:19 1159.1 10.951 50.165 0.115

11/26/2014 14:24 1164.1 10.952 50.163 0.114

11/26/2014 14:29 1169.1 10.952 50.164 0.114

11/26/2014 14:34 1174.1 10.949 50.165 0.121

11/26/2014 14:39 1179.1 10.952 50.167 0.114

11/26/2014 14:44 1184.1 10.949 50.166 0.121

11/26/2014 14:49 1189.1 10.947 50.168 0.125

11/26/2014 14:54 1194.1 10.949 50.166 0.121

11/26/2014 14:59 1199.1 10.949 50.165 0.12

11/26/2014 15:04 1204.1 10.947 50.163 0.125

11/26/2014 15:09 1209.1 10.947 50.165 0.124

11/26/2014 15:14 1214.1 10.946 50.164 0.128

11/26/2014 15:19 1219.1 10.942 50.161 0.136

11/26/2014 15:24 1224.1 10.943 50.163 0.133

11/26/2014 15:29 1229.1 10.939 50.168 0.144

11/26/2014 15:34 1234.1 10.936 50.167 0.149

11/26/2014 15:39 1239.1 10.935 50.164 0.153

11/26/2014 15:44 1244.1 10.934 50.162 0.155

11/26/2014 15:49 1249.1 10.93 50.164 0.163

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/26/2014 15:54 1254.1 10.93 50.165 0.164

11/26/2014 15:59 1259.1 10.924 50.171 0.179

11/26/2014 16:04 1264.1 10.92 50.167 0.187

11/26/2014 16:09 1269.1 10.916 50.169 0.197

11/26/2014 16:14 1274.1 10.915 50.171 0.198

11/26/2014 16:19 1279.1 10.913 50.165 0.204

11/26/2014 16:24 1284.1 10.906 50.167 0.219

11/26/2014 16:29 1289.1 10.904 50.167 0.225

11/26/2014 16:34 1294.1 10.899 50.167 0.235

11/26/2014 16:39 1299.1 10.896 50.164 0.242

11/26/2014 16:44 1304.1 10.892 50.168 0.251

11/26/2014 16:49 1309.1 10.893 50.169 0.25

11/26/2014 16:54 1314.1 10.89 50.167 0.257

11/26/2014 16:59 1319.1 10.889 50.159 0.259

11/26/2014 17:04 1324.1 10.886 50.169 0.266

11/26/2014 17:09 1329.1 10.884 50.164 0.271

11/26/2014 17:14 1334.1 10.879 50.163 0.282

11/26/2014 17:19 1339.1 10.879 50.166 0.283

11/26/2014 17:24 1344.1 10.88 50.172 0.281

11/26/2014 17:29 1349.1 10.878 50.171 0.284

11/26/2014 17:34 1354.1 10.876 50.163 0.288

11/26/2014 17:39 1359.1 10.879 50.161 0.283

11/26/2014 17:44 1364.1 10.876 50.16 0.29

11/26/2014 17:49 1369.1 10.878 50.164 0.283

11/26/2014 17:54 1374.1 10.878 50.164 0.284

11/26/2014 17:59 1379.1 10.88 50.163 0.28

11/26/2014 18:04 1384.1 10.877 50.168 0.286

11/26/2014 18:09 1389.1 10.879 50.165 0.281

11/26/2014 18:14 1394.1 10.882 50.168 0.276

11/26/2014 18:19 1399.1 10.88 50.164 0.28

11/26/2014 18:24 1404.1 10.883 50.163 0.273

11/26/2014 18:29 1409.1 10.884 50.166 0.27

11/26/2014 18:34 1414.1 10.884 50.161 0.271

11/26/2014 18:39 1419.1 10.886 50.164 0.266

11/26/2014 18:44 1424.1 10.89 50.162 0.258

11/26/2014 18:49 1429.1 10.886 50.161 0.265

11/26/2014 18:54 1434.1 10.892 50.164 0.251

11/26/2014 18:59 1439.1 10.894 50.167 0.246

11/26/2014 19:04 1444.1 10.893 50.163 0.25

11/26/2014 19:09 1449.1 10.898 50.164 0.237

11/26/2014 19:14 1454.1 10.901 50.162 0.231

11/26/2014 19:19 1459.1 10.899 50.161 0.237

11/26/2014 19:24 1464.1 10.904 50.162 0.224

11/26/2014 19:29 1469.1 10.906 50.161 0.218

11/26/2014 19:34 1474.1 10.905 50.161 0.221

11/26/2014 19:39 1479.1 10.908 50.161 0.215

11/26/2014 19:44 1484.1 10.91 50.161 0.211

11/26/2014 19:49 1489.1 10.911 50.162 0.208

11/26/2014 19:54 1494.1 10.914 50.164 0.201

11/26/2014 19:59 1499.1 10.919 50.161 0.19

11/26/2014 20:04 1504.1 10.918 50.166 0.191

11/26/2014 20:09 1509.1 10.921 50.163 0.185

11/26/2014 20:14 1514.1 10.925 50.161 0.175

11/26/2014 20:19 1519.1 10.928 50.161 0.169

11/26/2014 20:24 1524.1 10.932 50.161 0.16

11/26/2014 20:29 1529.1 10.93 50.167 0.164

11/26/2014 20:34 1534.1 10.936 50.164 0.15

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/26/2014 20:39 1539.1 10.937 50.163 0.148

11/26/2014 20:44 1544.1 10.941 50.165 0.138

11/26/2014 20:49 1549.1 10.942 50.163 0.137

11/26/2014 20:54 1554.1 10.945 50.162 0.129

11/26/2014 20:59 1559.1 10.947 50.162 0.125

11/26/2014 21:04 1564.1 10.95 50.163 0.118

11/26/2014 21:09 1569.1 10.952 50.167 0.113

11/26/2014 21:14 1574.1 10.955 50.161 0.107

11/26/2014 21:19 1579.1 10.957 50.162 0.101

11/26/2014 21:24 1584.1 10.96 50.157 0.096

11/26/2014 21:29 1589.1 10.959 50.161 0.098

11/26/2014 21:34 1594.1 10.963 50.162 0.087

11/26/2014 21:39 1599.1 10.966 50.164 0.081

11/26/2014 21:44 1604.1 10.968 50.177 0.076

11/26/2014 21:49 1609.1 10.971 50.164 0.069

11/26/2014 21:54 1614.1 10.97 50.161 0.072

11/26/2014 21:59 1619.1 10.975 50.166 0.06

11/26/2014 22:04 1624.1 10.977 50.162 0.055

11/26/2014 22:09 1629.1 10.981 50.161 0.046

11/26/2014 22:14 1634.1 10.984 50.166 0.04

11/26/2014 22:19 1639.1 10.987 50.159 0.032

11/26/2014 22:24 1644.1 10.988 50.158 0.031

11/26/2014 22:29 1649.1 10.992 50.163 0.021

11/26/2014 22:34 1654.1 10.995 50.16 0.014

11/26/2014 22:39 1659.1 10.996 50.161 0.013

11/26/2014 22:44 1664.1 11 50.161 0.002

11/26/2014 22:49 1669.1 10.999 50.158 0.004

11/26/2014 22:54 1674.1 11.006 50.162 ‐0.01

11/26/2014 22:59 1679.1 11.008 50.158 ‐0.017

11/26/2014 23:04 1684.1 11.012 50.162 ‐0.026

11/26/2014 23:09 1689.1 11.014 50.161 ‐0.03

11/26/2014 23:14 1694.1 11.014 50.163 ‐0.03

11/26/2014 23:19 1699.1 11.017 50.16 ‐0.036

11/26/2014 23:24 1704.1 11.022 50.163 ‐0.049

11/26/2014 23:29 1709.1 11.024 50.158 ‐0.052

11/26/2014 23:34 1714.1 11.023 50.162 ‐0.05

11/26/2014 23:39 1719.1 11.029 50.159 ‐0.064

11/26/2014 23:44 1724.1 11.033 50.16 ‐0.074

11/26/2014 23:49 1729.1 11.032 50.161 ‐0.073

11/26/2014 23:54 1734.1 11.035 50.162 ‐0.078

11/26/2014 23:59 1739.1 11.04 50.161 ‐0.091

11/27/2014 0:04 1744.1 11.039 50.163 ‐0.087

11/27/2014 0:09 1749.1 11.042 50.164 ‐0.095

11/27/2014 0:14 1754.1 11.047 50.161 ‐0.106

11/27/2014 0:19 1759.1 11.046 50.165 ‐0.104

11/27/2014 0:24 1764.1 11.051 50.163 ‐0.115

11/27/2014 0:29 1769.1 11.053 50.163 ‐0.119

11/27/2014 0:34 1774.1 11.055 50.165 ‐0.124

11/27/2014 0:39 1779.1 11.062 50.165 ‐0.141

11/27/2014 0:44 1784.1 11.063 50.162 ‐0.143

11/27/2014 0:49 1789.1 11.067 50.162 ‐0.151

11/27/2014 0:54 1794.1 11.07 50.161 ‐0.159

11/27/2014 0:59 1799.1 11.072 50.165 ‐0.163

11/27/2014 1:04 1804.1 11.074 50.161 ‐0.169

11/27/2014 1:09 1809.1 11.077 50.17 ‐0.175

11/27/2014 1:14 1814.1 11.077 50.161 ‐0.176

11/27/2014 1:19 1819.1 11.083 50.167 ‐0.189

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/27/2014 1:24 1824.1 11.084 50.164 ‐0.192

11/27/2014 1:29 1829.1 11.085 50.161 ‐0.194

11/27/2014 1:34 1834.1 11.09 50.162 ‐0.206

11/27/2014 1:39 1839.1 11.093 50.164 ‐0.212

11/27/2014 1:44 1844.1 11.096 50.164 ‐0.219

11/27/2014 1:49 1849.1 11.098 50.17 ‐0.223

11/27/2014 1:54 1854.1 11.101 50.162 ‐0.231

11/27/2014 1:59 1859.1 11.1 50.167 ‐0.227

11/27/2014 2:04 1864.1 11.105 50.165 ‐0.241

11/27/2014 2:09 1869.1 11.106 50.164 ‐0.242

11/27/2014 2:14 1874.1 11.109 50.161 ‐0.249

11/27/2014 2:19 1879.1 11.115 50.163 ‐0.263

11/27/2014 2:24 1884.1 11.117 50.162 ‐0.268

11/27/2014 2:29 1889.1 11.119 50.164 ‐0.273

11/27/2014 2:34 1894.1 11.118 50.163 ‐0.271

11/27/2014 2:39 1899.1 11.121 50.164 ‐0.277

11/27/2014 2:44 1904.1 11.126 50.166 ‐0.289

11/27/2014 2:49 1909.1 11.13 50.168 ‐0.297

11/27/2014 2:54 1914.1 11.132 50.161 ‐0.302

11/27/2014 2:59 1919.1 11.132 50.16 ‐0.301

11/27/2014 3:04 1924.1 11.135 50.165 ‐0.309

11/27/2014 3:09 1929.1 11.141 50.162 ‐0.323

11/27/2014 3:14 1934.1 11.143 50.16 ‐0.328

11/27/2014 3:19 1939.1 11.144 50.163 ‐0.331

11/27/2014 3:24 1944.1 11.147 50.16 ‐0.338

11/27/2014 3:29 1949.1 11.15 50.165 ‐0.345

11/27/2014 3:34 1954.1 11.149 50.163 ‐0.342

11/27/2014 3:39 1959.1 11.155 50.159 ‐0.356

11/27/2014 3:44 1964.1 11.154 50.162 ‐0.353

11/27/2014 3:49 1969.1 11.158 50.162 ‐0.363

11/27/2014 3:54 1974.1 11.163 50.163 ‐0.373

11/27/2014 3:59 1979.1 11.164 50.165 ‐0.377

11/27/2014 4:04 1984.1 11.168 50.16 ‐0.384

11/27/2014 4:09 1989.1 11.168 50.163 ‐0.386

11/27/2014 4:14 1994.1 11.172 50.162 ‐0.394

11/27/2014 4:19 1999.1 11.175 50.166 ‐0.401

11/27/2014 4:24 2004.1 11.178 50.161 ‐0.409

11/27/2014 4:29 2009.1 11.18 50.161 ‐0.412

11/27/2014 4:34 2014.1 11.184 50.162 ‐0.422

11/27/2014 4:39 2019.1 11.188 50.164 ‐0.433

11/27/2014 4:44 2024.1 11.19 50.166 ‐0.436

11/27/2014 4:49 2029.1 11.191 50.161 ‐0.438

11/27/2014 4:54 2034.1 11.194 50.159 ‐0.446

11/27/2014 4:59 2039.1 11.197 50.164 ‐0.452

11/27/2014 5:04 2044.1 11.2 50.167 ‐0.459

11/27/2014 5:09 2049.1 11.202 50.167 ‐0.463

11/27/2014 5:14 2054.1 11.205 50.165 ‐0.47

11/27/2014 5:19 2059.1 11.208 50.161 ‐0.478

11/27/2014 5:24 2064.1 11.211 50.164 ‐0.485

11/27/2014 5:29 2069.1 11.213 50.161 ‐0.489

11/27/2014 5:34 2074.1 11.216 50.164 ‐0.497

11/27/2014 5:39 2079.1 11.218 50.166 ‐0.501

11/27/2014 5:44 2084.1 11.221 50.166 ‐0.509

11/27/2014 5:49 2089.1 11.224 50.164 ‐0.515

11/27/2014 5:54 2094.1 11.224 50.167 ‐0.516

11/27/2014 5:59 2099.1 11.228 50.164 ‐0.525

11/27/2014 6:04 2104.1 11.23 50.161 ‐0.529

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/27/2014 6:09 2109.1 11.231 50.159 ‐0.531

11/27/2014 6:14 2114.1 11.234 50.165 ‐0.538

11/27/2014 6:19 2119.1 11.238 50.165 ‐0.547

11/27/2014 6:24 2124.1 11.241 50.165 ‐0.553

11/27/2014 6:29 2129.1 11.243 50.164 ‐0.559

11/27/2014 6:34 2134.1 11.244 50.167 ‐0.562

11/27/2014 6:39 2139.1 11.248 50.169 ‐0.57

11/27/2014 6:44 2144.1 11.249 50.167 ‐0.573

11/27/2014 6:49 2149.1 11.253 50.164 ‐0.581

11/27/2014 6:54 2154.1 11.256 50.162 ‐0.588

11/27/2014 6:59 2159.1 11.261 50.162 ‐0.6

11/27/2014 7:04 2164.1 11.262 50.164 ‐0.603

11/27/2014 7:09 2169.1 11.264 50.161 ‐0.607

11/27/2014 7:14 2174.1 11.263 50.162 ‐0.605

11/27/2014 7:19 2179.1 11.268 50.167 ‐0.617

11/27/2014 7:24 2184.1 11.268 50.162 ‐0.616

11/27/2014 7:29 2189.1 11.268 50.162 ‐0.616

11/27/2014 7:34 2194.1 11.27 50.158 ‐0.62

11/27/2014 7:39 2199.1 11.27 50.164 ‐0.621

11/27/2014 7:44 2204.1 11.271 50.163 ‐0.624

11/27/2014 7:49 2209.1 11.275 50.164 ‐0.632

11/27/2014 7:54 2214.1 11.272 50.159 ‐0.626

11/27/2014 7:59 2219.1 11.274 50.167 ‐0.629

11/27/2014 8:04 2224.1 11.273 50.163 ‐0.628

11/27/2014 8:09 2229.1 11.268 50.165 ‐0.617

11/27/2014 8:14 2234.1 11.267 50.162 ‐0.613

11/27/2014 8:19 2239.1 11.263 50.167 ‐0.604

11/27/2014 8:24 2244.1 11.262 50.168 ‐0.602

11/27/2014 8:29 2249.1 11.263 50.169 ‐0.604

11/27/2014 8:34 2254.1 11.26 50.17 ‐0.598

11/27/2014 8:39 2259.1 11.254 50.171 ‐0.583

11/27/2014 8:44 2264.1 11.254 50.167 ‐0.583

11/27/2014 8:49 2269.1 11.25 50.167 ‐0.574

11/27/2014 8:54 2274.1 11.243 50.169 ‐0.558

11/27/2014 8:59 2279.1 11.241 50.17 ‐0.553

11/27/2014 9:04 2284.1 11.234 50.172 ‐0.538

11/27/2014 9:09 2289.1 11.231 50.167 ‐0.531

11/27/2014 9:14 2294.1 11.227 50.168 ‐0.522

11/27/2014 9:19 2299.1 11.226 50.17 ‐0.518

11/27/2014 9:24 2304.1 11.217 50.167 ‐0.499

11/27/2014 9:29 2309.1 11.215 50.172 ‐0.494

11/27/2014 9:34 2314.1 11.207 50.173 ‐0.476

11/27/2014 9:39 2319.1 11.206 50.173 ‐0.472

11/27/2014 9:44 2324.1 11.198 50.17 ‐0.455

11/27/2014 9:49 2329.1 11.195 50.175 ‐0.449

11/27/2014 9:54 2334.1 11.191 50.176 ‐0.439

11/27/2014 9:59 2339.1 11.186 50.172 ‐0.426

11/27/2014 10:04 2344.1 11.181 50.17 ‐0.415

11/27/2014 10:09 2349.1 11.174 50.171 ‐0.4

11/27/2014 10:14 2354.1 11.166 50.171 ‐0.381

11/27/2014 10:19 2359.1 11.163 50.172 ‐0.374

11/27/2014 10:24 2364.1 11.157 50.172 ‐0.361

11/27/2014 10:29 2369.1 11.151 50.17 ‐0.347

11/27/2014 10:34 2374.1 11.146 50.176 ‐0.335

11/27/2014 10:39 2379.1 11.14 50.168 ‐0.321

11/27/2014 10:44 2384.1 11.132 50.175 ‐0.303

11/27/2014 10:49 2389.1 11.128 50.174 ‐0.293

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/27/2014 10:54 2394.1 11.123 50.172 ‐0.281

11/27/2014 10:59 2399.1 11.114 50.173 ‐0.26

11/27/2014 11:04 2404.1 11.112 50.175 ‐0.255

11/27/2014 11:09 2409.1 11.103 50.171 ‐0.235

11/27/2014 11:14 2414.1 11.097 50.17 ‐0.222

11/27/2014 11:19 2419.1 11.095 50.172 ‐0.218

11/27/2014 11:24 2424.1 11.089 50.17 ‐0.204

11/27/2014 11:29 2429.1 11.083 50.172 ‐0.19

11/27/2014 11:34 2434.1 11.078 50.176 ‐0.178

11/27/2014 11:39 2439.1 11.074 50.172 ‐0.168

11/27/2014 11:44 2444.1 11.066 50.174 ‐0.151

11/27/2014 11:49 2449.1 11.065 50.175 ‐0.147

11/27/2014 11:54 2454.1 11.062 50.177 ‐0.141

11/27/2014 11:59 2459.1 11.058 50.171 ‐0.131

11/27/2014 12:04 2464.1 11.055 50.169 ‐0.124

11/27/2014 12:09 2469.1 11.052 50.17 ‐0.117

11/27/2014 12:14 2474.1 11.047 50.169 ‐0.106

11/27/2014 12:19 2479.1 11.049 50.167 ‐0.11

11/27/2014 12:24 2484.1 11.047 50.172 ‐0.105

11/27/2014 12:29 2489.1 11.044 50.17 ‐0.1

11/27/2014 12:34 2494.1 11.043 50.17 ‐0.096

11/27/2014 12:39 2499.1 11.042 50.176 ‐0.094

11/27/2014 12:44 2504.1 11.037 50.176 ‐0.083

11/27/2014 12:49 2509.1 11.04 50.172 ‐0.089

11/27/2014 12:54 2514.1 11.04 50.167 ‐0.089

11/27/2014 12:59 2519.1 11.035 50.172 ‐0.079

11/27/2014 13:04 2524.1 11.037 50.172 ‐0.084

11/27/2014 13:09 2529.1 11.037 50.178 ‐0.083

11/27/2014 13:14 2534.1 11.037 50.174 ‐0.084

11/27/2014 13:19 2539.1 11.034 50.172 ‐0.076

11/27/2014 13:24 2544.1 11.035 50.171 ‐0.079

11/27/2014 13:29 2549.1 11.037 50.166 ‐0.082

11/27/2014 13:34 2554.1 11.038 50.172 ‐0.085

11/27/2014 13:39 2559.1 11.037 50.172 ‐0.082

11/27/2014 13:44 2564.1 11.036 50.178 ‐0.08

11/27/2014 13:49 2569.1 11.033 50.168 ‐0.074

11/27/2014 13:54 2574.1 11.036 50.175 ‐0.08

11/27/2014 13:59 2579.1 11.031 50.172 ‐0.069

11/27/2014 14:04 2584.1 11.034 50.169 ‐0.076

11/27/2014 14:09 2589.1 11.032 50.17 ‐0.07

11/27/2014 14:14 2594.1 11.029 50.172 ‐0.064

11/27/2014 14:19 2599.1 11.026 50.168 ‐0.058

11/27/2014 14:24 2604.1 11.022 50.172 ‐0.049

11/27/2014 14:29 2609.1 11.022 50.173 ‐0.048

11/27/2014 14:34 2614.1 11.018 50.167 ‐0.038

11/27/2014 14:39 2619.1 11.016 50.167 ‐0.035

11/27/2014 14:44 2624.1 11.012 50.173 ‐0.025

11/27/2014 14:49 2629.1 11.01 50.168 ‐0.021

11/27/2014 14:54 2634.1 11.006 50.17 ‐0.011

11/27/2014 14:59 2639.1 11.002 50.172 ‐0.002

11/27/2014 15:04 2644.1 10.999 50.174 0.004

11/27/2014 15:09 2649.1 10.996 50.176 0.012

11/27/2014 15:14 2654.1 10.994 50.169 0.016

11/27/2014 15:19 2659.1 10.991 50.172 0.022

11/27/2014 15:24 2664.1 10.989 50.17 0.027

11/27/2014 15:29 2669.1 10.985 50.172 0.037

11/27/2014 15:34 2674.1 10.982 50.174 0.044

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/27/2014 15:39 2679.1 10.982 50.172 0.043

11/27/2014 15:44 2684.1 10.98 50.173 0.049

11/27/2014 15:49 2689.1 10.978 50.176 0.054

11/27/2014 15:54 2694.1 10.98 50.169 0.049

11/27/2014 15:59 2699.1 10.976 50.172 0.058

11/27/2014 16:04 2704.1 10.977 50.174 0.055

11/27/2014 16:09 2709.1 10.974 50.166 0.062

11/27/2014 16:14 2714.1 10.973 50.174 0.065

11/27/2014 16:19 2719.1 10.976 50.169 0.059

11/27/2014 16:24 2724.1 10.974 50.171 0.062

11/27/2014 16:29 2729.1 10.977 50.171 0.056

11/27/2014 16:34 2734.1 10.975 50.176 0.059

11/27/2014 16:39 2739.1 10.978 50.168 0.053

11/27/2014 16:44 2744.1 10.977 50.169 0.055

11/27/2014 16:49 2749.1 10.978 50.173 0.053

11/27/2014 16:54 2754.1 10.98 50.17 0.048

11/27/2014 16:59 2759.1 10.977 50.171 0.054

11/27/2014 17:04 2764.1 10.979 50.17 0.051

11/27/2014 17:09 2769.1 10.983 50.169 0.042

11/27/2014 17:14 2774.1 10.984 50.177 0.04

11/27/2014 17:19 2779.1 10.979 50.172 0.05

11/27/2014 17:24 2784.1 10.985 50.174 0.036

11/27/2014 17:29 2789.1 10.985 50.173 0.037

11/27/2014 17:34 2794.1 10.988 50.172 0.03

11/27/2014 17:39 2799.1 10.99 50.173 0.026

11/27/2014 17:44 2804.1 10.99 50.174 0.025

11/27/2014 17:49 2809.1 10.992 50.172 0.02

11/27/2014 17:54 2814.1 10.991 50.175 0.022

11/27/2014 17:59 2819.1 10.995 50.172 0.015

11/27/2014 18:04 2824.1 10.995 50.173 0.014

11/27/2014 18:09 2829.1 10.998 50.169 0.007

11/27/2014 18:14 2834.1 11 50.174 0.002

11/27/2014 18:19 2839.1 10.999 50.169 0.004

11/27/2014 18:24 2844.1 11.004 50.17 ‐0.008

11/27/2014 18:29 2849.1 11.006 50.176 ‐0.01

11/27/2014 18:34 2854.1 11.005 50.17 ‐0.01

11/27/2014 18:39 2859.1 11.008 50.172 ‐0.015

11/27/2014 18:44 2864.1 11.014 50.174 ‐0.029

11/27/2014 18:49 2869.1 11.013 50.172 ‐0.027

11/27/2014 18:54 2874.1 11.016 50.177 ‐0.035

11/27/2014 18:59 2879.1 11.019 50.167 ‐0.041

11/27/2014 19:04 2884.1 11.021 50.172 ‐0.047

11/27/2014 19:09 2889.1 11.023 50.171 ‐0.051

11/27/2014 19:14 2894.1 11.024 50.17 ‐0.053

11/27/2014 19:19 2899.1 11.028 50.168 ‐0.062

11/27/2014 19:24 2904.1 11.03 50.172 ‐0.067

11/27/2014 19:29 2909.1 11.033 50.167 ‐0.073

11/27/2014 19:34 2914.1 11.034 50.166 ‐0.077

11/27/2014 19:39 2919.1 11.034 50.174 ‐0.077

11/27/2014 19:44 2924.1 11.039 50.168 ‐0.088

11/27/2014 19:49 2929.1 11.042 50.171 ‐0.094

11/27/2014 19:54 2934.1 11.041 50.167 ‐0.093

11/27/2014 19:59 2939.1 11.048 50.172 ‐0.11

11/27/2014 20:04 2944.1 11.046 50.171 ‐0.103

11/27/2014 20:09 2949.1 11.048 50.172 ‐0.107

11/27/2014 20:14 2954.1 11.053 50.17 ‐0.121

11/27/2014 20:19 2959.1 11.053 50.173 ‐0.12

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/27/2014 20:24 2964.1 11.055 50.167 ‐0.125

11/27/2014 20:29 2969.1 11.055 50.169 ‐0.125

11/27/2014 20:34 2974.1 11.061 50.167 ‐0.138

11/27/2014 20:39 2979.1 11.064 50.171 ‐0.146

11/27/2014 20:44 2984.1 11.067 50.176 ‐0.152

11/27/2014 20:49 2989.1 11.068 50.169 ‐0.154

11/27/2014 20:54 2994.1 11.07 50.17 ‐0.159

11/27/2014 20:59 2999.1 11.072 50.172 ‐0.163

11/27/2014 21:04 3004.1 11.075 50.167 ‐0.17

11/27/2014 21:09 3009.1 11.076 50.169 ‐0.172

11/27/2014 21:14 3014.1 11.077 50.172 ‐0.174

11/27/2014 21:19 3019.1 11.076 50.17 ‐0.173

11/27/2014 21:24 3024.1 11.084 50.174 ‐0.192

11/27/2014 21:29 3029.1 11.083 50.171 ‐0.189

11/27/2014 21:34 3034.1 11.087 50.171 ‐0.197

11/27/2014 21:39 3039.1 11.093 50.175 ‐0.213

11/27/2014 21:44 3044.1 11.091 50.169 ‐0.208

11/27/2014 21:49 3049.1 11.097 50.171 ‐0.221

11/27/2014 21:54 3054.1 11.099 50.169 ‐0.226

11/27/2014 21:59 3059.1 11.102 50.172 ‐0.232

11/27/2014 22:04 3064.1 11.103 50.172 ‐0.235

11/27/2014 22:09 3069.1 11.102 50.171 ‐0.233

11/27/2014 22:14 3074.1 11.109 50.169 ‐0.249

11/27/2014 22:19 3079.1 11.112 50.167 ‐0.255

11/27/2014 22:24 3084.1 11.114 50.171 ‐0.26

11/27/2014 22:29 3089.1 11.116 50.172 ‐0.265

11/27/2014 22:34 3094.1 11.118 50.168 ‐0.27

11/27/2014 22:39 3099.1 11.121 50.169 ‐0.277

11/27/2014 22:44 3104.1 11.124 50.168 ‐0.285

11/27/2014 22:49 3109.1 11.128 50.167 ‐0.294

11/27/2014 22:54 3114.1 11.131 50.167 ‐0.3

11/27/2014 22:59 3119.1 11.132 50.174 ‐0.302

11/27/2014 23:04 3124.1 11.134 50.169 ‐0.308

11/27/2014 23:09 3129.1 11.137 50.174 ‐0.313

11/27/2014 23:14 3134.1 11.139 50.168 ‐0.319

11/27/2014 23:19 3139.1 11.14 50.17 ‐0.321

11/27/2014 23:24 3144.1 11.142 50.17 ‐0.326

11/27/2014 23:29 3149.1 11.147 50.169 ‐0.337

11/27/2014 23:34 3154.1 11.149 50.167 ‐0.341

11/27/2014 23:39 3159.1 11.15 50.163 ‐0.343

11/27/2014 23:44 3164.1 11.153 50.174 ‐0.351

11/27/2014 23:49 3169.1 11.153 50.167 ‐0.351

11/27/2014 23:54 3174.1 11.158 50.173 ‐0.362

11/27/2014 23:59 3179.1 11.161 50.171 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 0:04 3184.1 11.166 50.173 ‐0.38

11/28/2014 0:09 3189.1 11.166 50.17 ‐0.38

11/28/2014 0:14 3194.1 11.17 50.175 ‐0.391

11/28/2014 0:19 3199.1 11.17 50.171 ‐0.391

11/28/2014 0:24 3204.1 11.176 50.171 ‐0.404

11/28/2014 0:29 3209.1 11.177 50.171 ‐0.405

11/28/2014 0:34 3214.1 11.18 50.174 ‐0.413

11/28/2014 0:39 3219.1 11.181 50.172 ‐0.414

11/28/2014 0:44 3224.1 11.186 50.17 ‐0.428

11/28/2014 0:49 3229.1 11.189 50.169 ‐0.434

11/28/2014 0:54 3234.1 11.191 50.172 ‐0.439

11/28/2014 0:59 3239.1 11.19 50.17 ‐0.436

11/28/2014 1:04 3244.1 11.192 50.172 ‐0.441

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/28/2014 1:09 3249.1 11.196 50.169 ‐0.449

11/28/2014 1:14 3254.1 11.2 50.171 ‐0.459

11/28/2014 1:19 3259.1 11.2 50.17 ‐0.459

11/28/2014 1:24 3264.1 11.203 50.173 ‐0.465

11/28/2014 1:29 3269.1 11.203 50.167 ‐0.466

11/28/2014 1:34 3274.1 11.208 50.169 ‐0.477

11/28/2014 1:39 3279.1 11.211 50.169 ‐0.485

11/28/2014 1:44 3284.1 11.213 50.173 ‐0.49

11/28/2014 1:49 3289.1 11.214 50.173 ‐0.491

11/28/2014 1:54 3294.1 11.218 50.172 ‐0.5

11/28/2014 1:59 3299.1 11.221 50.172 ‐0.508

11/28/2014 2:04 3304.1 11.22 50.176 ‐0.505

11/28/2014 2:09 3309.1 11.225 50.173 ‐0.516

11/28/2014 2:14 3314.1 11.227 50.17 ‐0.521

11/28/2014 2:19 3319.1 11.229 50.171 ‐0.526

11/28/2014 2:24 3324.1 11.228 50.171 ‐0.524

11/28/2014 2:29 3329.1 11.234 50.174 ‐0.537

11/28/2014 2:34 3334.1 11.235 50.176 ‐0.54

11/28/2014 2:39 3339.1 11.239 50.17 ‐0.549

11/28/2014 2:44 3344.1 11.24 50.169 ‐0.553

11/28/2014 2:49 3349.1 11.244 50.173 ‐0.561

11/28/2014 2:54 3354.1 11.245 50.172 ‐0.562

11/28/2014 2:59 3359.1 11.245 50.167 ‐0.563

11/28/2014 3:04 3364.1 11.247 50.167 ‐0.568

11/28/2014 3:09 3369.1 11.252 50.17 ‐0.579

11/28/2014 3:14 3374.1 11.255 50.169 ‐0.586

11/28/2014 3:19 3379.1 11.255 50.169 ‐0.585

11/28/2014 3:24 3384.1 11.259 50.176 ‐0.595

11/28/2014 3:29 3389.1 11.26 50.169 ‐0.598

11/28/2014 3:34 3394.1 11.263 50.173 ‐0.606

11/28/2014 3:39 3399.1 11.264 50.176 ‐0.608

11/28/2014 3:44 3404.1 11.268 50.168 ‐0.617

11/28/2014 3:49 3409.1 11.268 50.169 ‐0.617

11/28/2014 3:54 3414.1 11.27 50.172 ‐0.621

11/28/2014 3:59 3419.1 11.274 50.172 ‐0.629

11/28/2014 4:04 3424.1 11.279 50.174 ‐0.641

11/28/2014 4:09 3429.1 11.281 50.167 ‐0.646

11/28/2014 4:14 3434.1 11.284 50.175 ‐0.654

11/28/2014 4:19 3439.1 11.283 50.17 ‐0.65

11/28/2014 4:24 3444.1 11.285 50.173 ‐0.656

11/28/2014 4:29 3449.1 11.29 50.17 ‐0.666

11/28/2014 4:34 3454.1 11.294 50.172 ‐0.676

11/28/2014 4:39 3459.1 11.295 50.169 ‐0.679

11/28/2014 4:44 3464.1 11.297 50.172 ‐0.684

11/28/2014 4:49 3469.1 11.299 50.173 ‐0.687

11/28/2014 4:54 3474.1 11.301 50.172 ‐0.693

11/28/2014 4:59 3479.1 11.302 50.172 ‐0.694

11/28/2014 5:04 3484.1 11.305 50.171 ‐0.702

11/28/2014 5:09 3489.1 11.308 50.172 ‐0.708

11/28/2014 5:14 3494.1 11.31 50.171 ‐0.714

11/28/2014 5:19 3499.1 11.313 50.168 ‐0.721

11/28/2014 5:24 3504.1 11.314 50.173 ‐0.722

11/28/2014 5:29 3509.1 11.316 50.176 ‐0.728

11/28/2014 5:34 3514.1 11.317 50.172 ‐0.73

11/28/2014 5:39 3519.1 11.322 50.174 ‐0.741

11/28/2014 5:44 3524.1 11.322 50.175 ‐0.74

11/28/2014 5:49 3529.1 11.325 50.176 ‐0.747

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/28/2014 5:54 3534.1 11.327 50.172 ‐0.752

11/28/2014 5:59 3539.1 11.331 50.172 ‐0.763

11/28/2014 6:04 3544.1 11.333 50.174 ‐0.766

11/28/2014 6:09 3549.1 11.334 50.173 ‐0.769

11/28/2014 6:14 3554.1 11.338 50.173 ‐0.778

11/28/2014 6:19 3559.1 11.341 50.172 ‐0.784

11/28/2014 6:24 3564.1 11.34 50.175 ‐0.783

11/28/2014 6:29 3569.1 11.346 50.179 ‐0.796

11/28/2014 6:34 3574.1 11.347 50.172 ‐0.799

11/28/2014 6:39 3579.1 11.349 50.171 ‐0.803

11/28/2014 6:44 3584.1 11.352 50.178 ‐0.81

11/28/2014 6:49 3589.1 11.353 50.174 ‐0.813

11/28/2014 6:54 3594.1 11.357 50.172 ‐0.823

11/28/2014 6:59 3599.1 11.36 50.175 ‐0.828

11/28/2014 7:04 3604.1 11.358 50.174 ‐0.824

11/28/2014 7:09 3609.1 11.359 50.172 ‐0.827

11/28/2014 7:14 3614.1 11.365 50.177 ‐0.841

11/28/2014 7:19 3619.1 11.365 50.182 ‐0.841

11/28/2014 7:24 3624.1 11.37 50.176 ‐0.852

11/28/2014 7:29 3629.1 11.373 50.173 ‐0.858

11/28/2014 7:34 3634.1 11.371 50.174 ‐0.855

11/28/2014 7:39 3639.1 11.372 50.172 ‐0.857

11/28/2014 7:44 3644.1 11.375 50.177 ‐0.863

11/28/2014 7:49 3649.1 11.374 50.174 ‐0.862

11/28/2014 7:54 3654.1 11.377 50.171 ‐0.867

11/28/2014 7:59 3659.1 11.377 50.172 ‐0.868

11/28/2014 8:04 3664.1 11.375 50.173 ‐0.864

11/28/2014 8:09 3669.1 11.374 50.165 ‐0.861

11/28/2014 8:14 3674.1 11.374 50.176 ‐0.86

11/28/2014 8:19 3679.1 11.375 50.172 ‐0.864

11/28/2014 8:24 3684.1 11.373 50.172 ‐0.859

11/28/2014 8:29 3689.1 11.367 50.175 ‐0.845

11/28/2014 8:34 3694.1 11.365 50.176 ‐0.841

11/28/2014 8:39 3699.1 11.364 50.178 ‐0.838

11/28/2014 8:44 3704.1 11.363 50.177 ‐0.836

11/28/2014 8:49 3709.1 11.36 50.179 ‐0.828

11/28/2014 8:54 3714.1 11.354 50.178 ‐0.815

11/28/2014 8:59 3719.1 11.352 50.177 ‐0.81

11/28/2014 9:04 3724.1 11.35 50.173 ‐0.805

11/28/2014 9:09 3729.1 11.345 50.174 ‐0.793

11/28/2014 9:14 3734.1 11.34 50.177 ‐0.783

11/28/2014 9:19 3739.1 11.337 50.178 ‐0.775

11/28/2014 9:24 3744.1 11.332 50.172 ‐0.765

11/28/2014 9:29 3749.1 11.329 50.179 ‐0.757

11/28/2014 9:34 3754.1 11.323 50.179 ‐0.743

11/28/2014 9:39 3759.1 11.318 50.181 ‐0.732

11/28/2014 9:44 3764.1 11.314 50.177 ‐0.723

11/28/2014 9:49 3769.1 11.305 50.181 ‐0.701

11/28/2014 9:54 3774.1 11.304 50.181 ‐0.701

11/28/2014 9:59 3779.1 11.295 50.178 ‐0.679

11/28/2014 10:04 3784.1 11.293 50.179 ‐0.674

11/28/2014 10:09 3789.1 11.289 50.181 ‐0.664

11/28/2014 10:14 3794.1 11.285 50.18 ‐0.655

11/28/2014 10:19 3799.1 11.276 50.179 ‐0.636

11/28/2014 10:24 3804.1 11.273 50.175 ‐0.628

11/28/2014 10:29 3809.1 11.266 50.18 ‐0.611

11/28/2014 10:34 3814.1 11.262 50.176 ‐0.602

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/28/2014 10:39 3819.1 11.255 50.18 ‐0.587

11/28/2014 10:44 3824.1 11.25 50.178 ‐0.576

11/28/2014 10:49 3829.1 11.241 50.18 ‐0.554

11/28/2014 10:54 3834.1 11.24 50.179 ‐0.551

11/28/2014 10:59 3839.1 11.235 50.179 ‐0.539

11/28/2014 11:04 3844.1 11.226 50.181 ‐0.518

11/28/2014 11:09 3849.1 11.221 50.175 ‐0.508

11/28/2014 11:14 3854.1 11.217 50.177 ‐0.497

11/28/2014 11:19 3859.1 11.212 50.182 ‐0.487

11/28/2014 11:24 3864.1 11.206 50.189 ‐0.472

11/28/2014 11:29 3869.1 11.201 50.174 ‐0.461

11/28/2014 11:34 3874.1 11.195 50.181 ‐0.448

11/28/2014 11:39 3879.1 11.187 50.184 ‐0.43

11/28/2014 11:44 3884.1 11.186 50.184 ‐0.428

11/28/2014 11:49 3889.1 11.182 50.176 ‐0.418

11/28/2014 11:54 3894.1 11.18 50.182 ‐0.413

11/28/2014 11:59 3899.1 11.177 50.178 ‐0.407

11/28/2014 12:04 3904.1 11.171 50.179 ‐0.392

11/28/2014 12:09 3909.1 11.168 50.181 ‐0.386

11/28/2014 12:14 3914.1 11.166 50.173 ‐0.381

11/28/2014 12:19 3919.1 11.164 50.186 ‐0.375

11/28/2014 12:24 3924.1 11.165 50.178 ‐0.377

11/28/2014 12:29 3929.1 11.164 50.181 ‐0.376

11/28/2014 12:34 3934.1 11.165 50.176 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 12:39 3939.1 11.16 50.184 ‐0.368

11/28/2014 12:44 3944.1 11.161 50.177 ‐0.37

11/28/2014 12:49 3949.1 11.161 50.177 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 12:54 3954.1 11.157 50.177 ‐0.361

11/28/2014 12:59 3959.1 11.161 50.181 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 13:04 3964.1 11.159 50.175 ‐0.365

11/28/2014 13:09 3969.1 11.16 50.181 ‐0.367

11/28/2014 13:14 3974.1 11.162 50.175 ‐0.371

11/28/2014 13:19 3979.1 11.161 50.179 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 13:24 3984.1 11.161 50.177 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 13:29 3989.1 11.16 50.175 ‐0.366

11/28/2014 13:34 3994.1 11.158 50.179 ‐0.362

11/28/2014 13:39 3999.1 11.159 50.175 ‐0.364

11/28/2014 13:44 4004.1 11.162 50.178 ‐0.372

11/28/2014 13:49 4009.1 11.16 50.173 ‐0.367

11/28/2014 13:54 4014.1 11.163 50.173 ‐0.373

11/28/2014 13:59 4019.1 11.16 50.178 ‐0.367

11/28/2014 14:04 4024.1 11.167 50.178 ‐0.383

11/28/2014 14:09 4029.1 11.168 50.178 ‐0.386

11/28/2014 14:14 4034.1 11.168 50.186 ‐0.385

11/28/2014 14:19 4039.1 11.171 50.206 ‐0.393

11/28/2014 14:24 4044.1 11.171 50.201 ‐0.392

11/28/2014 14:29 4049.1 11.173 50.194 ‐0.397

11/28/2014 14:34 4054.1 11.174 50.194 ‐0.398

11/28/2014 14:39 4059.1 11.173 50.187 ‐0.396

11/28/2014 14:44 4064.1 11.173 50.184 ‐0.398

11/28/2014 14:49 4069.1 11.174 50.178 ‐0.4

11/28/2014 14:54 4074.1 11.172 50.181 ‐0.396

11/28/2014 14:59 4079.1 11.171 50.182 ‐0.392

11/28/2014 15:04 4084.1 11.168 50.183 ‐0.385

11/28/2014 15:09 4089.1 11.169 50.181 ‐0.387

11/28/2014 15:14 4094.1 11.166 50.182 ‐0.38

11/28/2014 15:19 4099.1 11.165 50.18 ‐0.378

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/28/2014 15:24 4104.1 11.159 50.181 ‐0.366

11/28/2014 15:29 4109.1 11.159 50.18 ‐0.364

11/28/2014 15:34 4114.1 11.154 50.18 ‐0.353

11/28/2014 15:39 4119.1 11.15 50.181 ‐0.343

11/28/2014 15:44 4124.1 11.15 50.178 ‐0.344

11/28/2014 15:49 4129.1 11.145 50.183 ‐0.333

11/28/2014 15:54 4134.1 11.14 50.175 ‐0.322

11/28/2014 15:59 4139.1 11.14 50.183 ‐0.32

11/28/2014 16:04 4144.1 11.135 50.185 ‐0.31

11/28/2014 16:09 4149.1 11.128 50.178 ‐0.293

11/28/2014 16:14 4154.1 11.127 50.183 ‐0.291

11/28/2014 16:19 4159.1 11.121 50.183 ‐0.277

11/28/2014 16:24 4164.1 11.116 50.184 ‐0.266

11/28/2014 16:29 4169.1 11.116 50.183 ‐0.265

11/28/2014 16:34 4174.1 11.111 50.18 ‐0.254

11/28/2014 16:39 4179.1 11.109 50.181 ‐0.248

11/28/2014 16:44 4184.1 11.105 50.185 ‐0.239

11/28/2014 16:49 4189.1 11.103 50.187 ‐0.235

11/28/2014 16:54 4194.1 11.099 50.185 ‐0.226

11/28/2014 16:59 4199.1 11.095 50.184 ‐0.218

11/28/2014 17:04 4204.1 11.096 50.186 ‐0.219

11/28/2014 17:09 4209.1 11.093 50.182 ‐0.211

11/28/2014 17:14 4214.1 11.093 50.182 ‐0.213

11/28/2014 17:19 4219.1 11.089 50.182 ‐0.204

11/28/2014 17:24 4224.1 11.091 50.179 ‐0.208

11/28/2014 17:29 4229.1 11.09 50.177 ‐0.204

11/28/2014 17:34 4234.1 11.089 50.184 ‐0.204

11/28/2014 17:39 4239.1 11.087 50.186 ‐0.197

11/28/2014 17:44 4244.1 11.088 50.184 ‐0.202

11/28/2014 17:49 4249.1 11.089 50.181 ‐0.203

11/28/2014 17:54 4254.1 11.09 50.179 ‐0.205

11/28/2014 17:59 4259.1 11.089 50.177 ‐0.202

11/28/2014 18:04 4264.1 11.09 50.179 ‐0.206

11/28/2014 18:09 4269.1 11.089 50.183 ‐0.203

11/28/2014 18:14 4274.1 11.091 50.184 ‐0.208

11/28/2014 18:19 4279.1 11.092 50.179 ‐0.211

11/28/2014 18:24 4284.1 11.09 50.178 ‐0.206

11/28/2014 18:29 4289.1 11.094 50.184 ‐0.215

11/28/2014 18:34 4294.1 11.096 50.181 ‐0.22

11/28/2014 18:39 4299.1 11.097 50.178 ‐0.221

11/28/2014 18:44 4304.1 11.098 50.18 ‐0.223

11/28/2014 18:49 4309.1 11.099 50.177 ‐0.225

11/28/2014 18:54 4314.1 11.101 50.183 ‐0.23

11/28/2014 18:59 4319.1 11.099 50.181 ‐0.225

11/28/2014 19:04 4324.1 11.1 50.182 ‐0.229

11/28/2014 19:09 4329.1 11.105 50.185 ‐0.24

11/28/2014 19:14 4334.1 11.105 50.182 ‐0.241

11/28/2014 19:19 4339.1 11.107 50.178 ‐0.244

11/28/2014 19:24 4344.1 11.107 50.179 ‐0.245

11/28/2014 19:29 4349.1 11.112 50.182 ‐0.256

11/28/2014 19:34 4354.1 11.112 50.174 ‐0.256

11/28/2014 19:39 4359.1 11.113 50.181 ‐0.259

11/28/2014 19:44 4364.1 11.113 50.178 ‐0.259

11/28/2014 19:49 4369.1 11.115 50.178 ‐0.263

11/28/2014 19:54 4374.1 11.118 50.177 ‐0.27

11/28/2014 19:59 4379.1 11.121 50.177 ‐0.277

11/28/2014 20:04 4384.1 11.122 50.179 ‐0.28

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/28/2014 20:09 4389.1 11.125 50.182 ‐0.287

11/28/2014 20:14 4394.1 11.127 50.183 ‐0.29

11/28/2014 20:19 4399.1 11.125 50.178 ‐0.286

11/28/2014 20:24 4404.1 11.129 50.178 ‐0.295

11/28/2014 20:29 4409.1 11.132 50.178 ‐0.303

11/28/2014 20:34 4414.1 11.134 50.179 ‐0.308

11/28/2014 20:39 4419.1 11.137 50.177 ‐0.314

11/28/2014 20:44 4424.1 11.138 50.183 ‐0.315

11/28/2014 20:49 4429.1 11.142 50.184 ‐0.326

11/28/2014 20:54 4434.1 11.144 50.178 ‐0.331

11/28/2014 20:59 4439.1 11.146 50.18 ‐0.335

11/28/2014 21:04 4444.1 11.148 50.177 ‐0.339

11/28/2014 21:09 4449.1 11.151 50.172 ‐0.346

11/28/2014 21:14 4454.1 11.154 50.183 ‐0.352

11/28/2014 21:19 4459.1 11.157 50.178 ‐0.36

11/28/2014 21:24 4464.1 11.156 50.179 ‐0.357

11/28/2014 21:29 4469.1 11.158 50.181 ‐0.363

11/28/2014 21:34 4474.1 11.16 50.178 ‐0.366

11/28/2014 21:39 4479.1 11.164 50.18 ‐0.376

11/28/2014 21:44 4484.1 11.168 50.178 ‐0.385

11/28/2014 21:49 4489.1 11.167 50.18 ‐0.382

11/28/2014 21:54 4494.1 11.173 50.18 ‐0.396

11/28/2014 21:59 4499.1 11.175 50.175 ‐0.401

11/28/2014 22:04 4504.1 11.174 50.183 ‐0.4

11/28/2014 22:09 4509.1 11.181 50.174 ‐0.415

11/28/2014 22:14 4514.1 11.182 50.181 ‐0.417

11/28/2014 22:19 4519.1 11.186 50.176 ‐0.426

11/28/2014 22:24 4524.1 11.188 50.173 ‐0.432

11/28/2014 22:29 4529.1 11.189 50.178 ‐0.434

11/28/2014 22:34 4534.1 11.192 50.178 ‐0.442

11/28/2014 22:39 4539.1 11.196 50.176 ‐0.449

11/28/2014 22:44 4544.1 11.196 50.176 ‐0.45

11/28/2014 22:49 4549.1 11.198 50.178 ‐0.455

11/28/2014 22:54 4554.1 11.202 50.179 ‐0.464

11/28/2014 22:59 4559.1 11.205 50.179 ‐0.472

11/28/2014 23:04 4564.1 11.208 50.178 ‐0.477

11/28/2014 23:09 4569.1 11.21 50.177 ‐0.483

11/28/2014 23:14 4574.1 11.213 50.18 ‐0.488

11/28/2014 23:19 4579.1 11.215 50.177 ‐0.495

11/28/2014 23:24 4584.1 11.217 50.179 ‐0.499

11/28/2014 23:29 4589.1 11.217 50.175 ‐0.498

11/28/2014 23:34 4594.1 11.22 50.172 ‐0.505

11/28/2014 23:39 4599.1 11.223 50.175 ‐0.513

11/28/2014 23:44 4604.1 11.224 50.178 ‐0.515

11/28/2014 23:49 4609.1 11.227 50.178 ‐0.523

11/28/2014 23:54 4614.1 11.229 50.175 ‐0.526

11/28/2014 23:59 4619.1 11.235 50.181 ‐0.541

11/29/2014 0:04 4624.1 11.237 50.177 ‐0.544

11/29/2014 0:09 4629.1 11.237 50.176 ‐0.545

11/29/2014 0:14 4634.1 11.24 50.177 ‐0.552

11/29/2014 0:19 4639.1 11.243 50.178 ‐0.559

11/29/2014 0:24 4644.1 11.246 50.182 ‐0.565

11/29/2014 0:29 4649.1 11.25 50.178 ‐0.575

11/29/2014 0:34 4654.1 11.251 50.18 ‐0.576

11/29/2014 0:39 4659.1 11.255 50.184 ‐0.587

11/29/2014 0:44 4664.1 11.258 50.181 ‐0.594

11/29/2014 0:49 4669.1 11.26 50.178 ‐0.599

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/29/2014 0:54 4674.1 11.262 50.179 ‐0.601

11/29/2014 0:59 4679.1 11.264 50.183 ‐0.606

11/29/2014 1:04 4684.1 11.268 50.176 ‐0.616

11/29/2014 1:09 4689.1 11.272 50.178 ‐0.626

11/29/2014 1:14 4694.1 11.274 50.179 ‐0.631

11/29/2014 1:19 4699.1 11.277 50.178 ‐0.637

11/29/2014 1:24 4704.1 11.279 50.181 ‐0.643

11/29/2014 1:29 4709.1 11.281 50.178 ‐0.645

11/29/2014 1:34 4714.1 11.283 50.181 ‐0.652

11/29/2014 1:39 4719.1 11.284 50.179 ‐0.654

11/29/2014 1:44 4724.1 11.287 50.179 ‐0.661

11/29/2014 1:49 4729.1 11.291 50.181 ‐0.669

11/29/2014 1:54 4734.1 11.292 50.178 ‐0.672

11/29/2014 1:59 4739.1 11.295 50.184 ‐0.68

11/29/2014 2:04 4744.1 11.298 50.175 ‐0.685

11/29/2014 2:09 4749.1 11.297 50.18 ‐0.682

11/29/2014 2:14 4754.1 11.3 50.175 ‐0.69

11/29/2014 2:19 4759.1 11.306 50.182 ‐0.704

11/29/2014 2:24 4764.1 11.307 50.178 ‐0.707

11/29/2014 2:29 4769.1 11.31 50.182 ‐0.713

11/29/2014 2:34 4774.1 11.313 50.178 ‐0.72

11/29/2014 2:39 4779.1 11.315 50.179 ‐0.726

11/29/2014 2:44 4784.1 11.316 50.182 ‐0.728

11/29/2014 2:49 4789.1 11.319 50.179 ‐0.735

11/29/2014 2:54 4794.1 11.322 50.182 ‐0.741

11/29/2014 2:59 4799.1 11.324 50.177 ‐0.746

11/29/2014 3:04 4804.1 11.326 50.179 ‐0.75

11/29/2014 3:09 4809.1 11.329 50.175 ‐0.758

11/29/2014 3:14 4814.1 11.333 50.18 ‐0.765

11/29/2014 3:19 4819.1 11.334 50.178 ‐0.769

11/29/2014 3:24 4824.1 11.336 50.181 ‐0.774

11/29/2014 3:29 4829.1 11.338 50.175 ‐0.777

11/29/2014 3:34 4834.1 11.341 50.178 ‐0.786

11/29/2014 3:39 4839.1 11.344 50.178 ‐0.792

11/29/2014 3:44 4844.1 11.344 50.182 ‐0.792

11/29/2014 3:49 4849.1 11.349 50.177 ‐0.803

11/29/2014 3:54 4854.1 11.351 50.178 ‐0.809

11/29/2014 3:59 4859.1 11.355 50.181 ‐0.817

11/29/2014 4:04 4864.1 11.352 50.18 ‐0.81

11/29/2014 4:09 4869.1 11.356 50.18 ‐0.82

11/29/2014 4:14 4874.1 11.357 50.178 ‐0.821

11/29/2014 4:19 4879.1 11.363 50.182 ‐0.836

11/29/2014 4:24 4884.1 11.363 50.186 ‐0.835

11/29/2014 4:29 4889.1 11.368 50.184 ‐0.847

11/29/2014 4:34 4894.1 11.368 50.179 ‐0.847

11/29/2014 4:39 4899.1 11.374 50.181 ‐0.861

11/29/2014 4:44 4904.1 11.372 50.177 ‐0.857

11/29/2014 4:49 4909.1 11.378 50.182 ‐0.869

11/29/2014 4:54 4914.1 11.379 50.182 ‐0.873

11/29/2014 4:59 4919.1 11.381 50.183 ‐0.877

11/29/2014 5:04 4924.1 11.385 50.179 ‐0.886

11/29/2014 5:09 4929.1 11.387 50.178 ‐0.89

11/29/2014 5:14 4934.1 11.389 50.178 ‐0.896

11/29/2014 5:19 4939.1 11.392 50.183 ‐0.903

11/29/2014 5:24 4944.1 11.394 50.182 ‐0.908

11/29/2014 5:29 4949.1 11.396 50.178 ‐0.913

11/29/2014 5:34 4954.1 11.395 50.182 ‐0.91

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/29/2014 5:39 4959.1 11.398 50.178 ‐0.916

11/29/2014 5:44 4964.1 11.401 50.18 ‐0.923

11/29/2014 5:49 4969.1 11.406 50.178 ‐0.936

11/29/2014 5:54 4974.1 11.408 50.182 ‐0.939

11/29/2014 5:59 4979.1 11.408 50.177 ‐0.94

11/29/2014 6:04 4984.1 11.412 50.183 ‐0.948

11/29/2014 6:09 4989.1 11.413 50.182 ‐0.951

11/29/2014 6:14 4994.1 11.416 50.176 ‐0.959

11/29/2014 6:19 4999.1 11.42 50.184 ‐0.967

11/29/2014 6:24 5004.1 11.422 50.181 ‐0.972

11/29/2014 6:29 5009.1 11.424 50.181 ‐0.976

11/29/2014 6:34 5014.1 11.426 50.181 ‐0.98

11/29/2014 6:39 5019.1 11.429 50.178 ‐0.987

11/29/2014 6:44 5024.1 11.431 50.184 ‐0.993

11/29/2014 6:49 5029.1 11.433 50.176 ‐0.997

11/29/2014 6:54 5034.1 11.435 50.182 ‐1.003

11/29/2014 6:59 5039.1 11.439 50.181 ‐1.012

11/29/2014 7:04 5044.1 11.44 50.18 ‐1.014

11/29/2014 7:09 5049.1 11.443 50.184 ‐1.02

11/29/2014 7:14 5054.1 11.445 50.178 ‐1.024

11/29/2014 7:19 5059.1 11.446 50.185 ‐1.028

11/29/2014 7:24 5064.1 11.45 50.181 ‐1.036

11/29/2014 7:29 5069.1 11.452 50.187 ‐1.041

11/29/2014 7:34 5074.1 11.45 50.178 ‐1.038

11/29/2014 7:39 5079.1 11.454 50.179 ‐1.045

11/29/2014 7:44 5084.1 11.458 50.179 ‐1.055

11/29/2014 7:49 5089.1 11.459 50.176 ‐1.058

11/29/2014 7:54 5094.1 11.462 50.181 ‐1.064

11/29/2014 7:59 5099.1 11.46 50.178 ‐1.061

11/29/2014 8:04 5104.1 11.463 50.182 ‐1.066

11/29/2014 8:09 5109.1 11.467 50.178 ‐1.076

11/29/2014 8:14 5114.1 11.465 50.184 ‐1.07

11/29/2014 8:19 5119.1 11.465 50.18 ‐1.072

11/29/2014 8:24 5124.1 11.467 50.182 ‐1.076

11/29/2014 8:29 5129.1 11.466 50.18 ‐1.074

11/29/2014 8:34 5134.1 11.469 50.18 ‐1.08

11/29/2014 8:39 5139.1 11.468 50.179 ‐1.077

11/29/2014 8:44 5144.1 11.467 50.187 ‐1.075

11/29/2014 8:49 5149.1 11.467 50.188 ‐1.075

11/29/2014 8:54 5154.1 11.463 50.184 ‐1.067

11/29/2014 8:59 5159.1 11.463 50.184 ‐1.067

11/29/2014 9:04 5164.1 11.458 50.186 ‐1.054

11/29/2014 9:09 5169.1 11.457 50.186 ‐1.054

11/29/2014 9:14 5174.1 11.456 50.182 ‐1.049

11/29/2014 9:19 5179.1 11.454 50.19 ‐1.046

11/29/2014 9:24 5184.1 11.45 50.181 ‐1.036

11/29/2014 9:29 5189.1 11.445 50.189 ‐1.025

11/29/2014 9:34 5194.1 11.442 50.184 ‐1.018

11/29/2014 9:39 5199.1 11.439 50.184 ‐1.011

11/29/2014 9:44 5204.1 11.437 50.187 ‐1.007

11/29/2014 9:49 5209.1 11.432 50.187 ‐0.995

11/29/2014 9:54 5214.1 11.427 50.184 ‐0.984

11/29/2014 9:59 5219.1 11.423 50.194 ‐0.975

11/29/2014 10:04 5224.1 11.418 50.189 ‐0.963

11/29/2014 10:09 5229.1 11.415 50.19 ‐0.956

11/29/2014 10:14 5234.1 11.406 50.191 ‐0.935

11/29/2014 10:19 5239.1 11.405 50.186 ‐0.933

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/29/2014 10:24 5244.1 11.397 50.189 ‐0.915

11/29/2014 10:29 5249.1 11.396 50.187 ‐0.912

11/29/2014 10:34 5254.1 11.392 50.189 ‐0.903

11/29/2014 10:39 5259.1 11.387 50.186 ‐0.891

11/29/2014 10:44 5264.1 11.38 50.192 ‐0.875

11/29/2014 10:49 5269.1 11.376 50.185 ‐0.866

11/29/2014 10:54 5274.1 11.369 50.188 ‐0.85

11/29/2014 10:59 5279.1 11.364 50.189 ‐0.838

11/29/2014 11:04 5284.1 11.359 50.189 ‐0.827

11/29/2014 11:09 5289.1 11.353 50.191 ‐0.812

11/29/2014 11:14 5294.1 11.347 50.189 ‐0.799

11/29/2014 11:19 5299.1 11.341 50.192 ‐0.785

11/29/2014 11:24 5304.1 11.338 50.185 ‐0.778

11/29/2014 11:29 5309.1 11.327 50.189 ‐0.754

11/29/2014 11:34 5314.1 11.325 50.184 ‐0.748

11/29/2014 11:39 5319.1 11.315 50.191 ‐0.726

11/29/2014 11:44 5324.1 11.313 50.189 ‐0.72

11/29/2014 11:49 5329.1 11.309 50.188 ‐0.71

11/29/2014 11:54 5334.1 11.3 50.189 ‐0.69

11/29/2014 11:59 5339.1 11.298 50.191 ‐0.685

11/29/2014 12:04 5344.1 11.292 50.189 ‐0.671

11/29/2014 12:09 5349.1 11.284 50.19 ‐0.653

11/29/2014 12:14 5354.1 11.281 50.189 ‐0.647

11/29/2014 12:19 5359.1 11.277 50.189 ‐0.636

11/29/2014 12:24 5364.1 11.273 50.189 ‐0.627

11/29/2014 12:29 5369.1 11.269 50.189 ‐0.618

11/29/2014 12:34 5374.1 11.265 50.186 ‐0.61

11/29/2014 12:39 5379.1 11.262 50.187 ‐0.602

11/29/2014 12:44 5384.1 11.258 50.188 ‐0.594

11/29/2014 12:49 5389.1 11.256 50.192 ‐0.588

11/29/2014 12:54 5394.1 11.255 50.188 ‐0.587

11/29/2014 12:59 5399.1 11.253 50.184 ‐0.582

11/29/2014 13:04 5404.1 11.249 50.187 ‐0.572

11/29/2014 13:09 5409.1 11.25 50.189 ‐0.574

11/29/2014 13:14 5414.1 11.248 50.184 ‐0.569

11/29/2014 13:19 5419.1 11.248 50.182 ‐0.571

11/29/2014 13:24 5424.1 11.244 50.187 ‐0.561

11/29/2014 13:29 5429.1 11.247 50.188 ‐0.567

11/29/2014 13:34 5434.1 11.244 50.185 ‐0.562

11/29/2014 13:39 5439.1 11.243 50.185 ‐0.559

11/29/2014 13:44 5444.1 11.244 50.184 ‐0.561

11/29/2014 13:49 5449.1 11.244 50.189 ‐0.562

11/29/2014 13:54 5454.1 11.241 50.189 ‐0.555

11/29/2014 13:59 5459.1 11.243 50.189 ‐0.558

11/29/2014 14:04 5464.1 11.245 50.186 ‐0.563

11/29/2014 14:09 5469.1 11.245 50.189 ‐0.562

11/29/2014 14:14 5474.1 11.244 50.192 ‐0.56

11/29/2014 14:19 5479.1 11.244 50.193 ‐0.56

11/29/2014 14:24 5484.1 11.246 50.187 ‐0.566

11/29/2014 14:29 5489.1 11.248 50.191 ‐0.57

11/29/2014 14:34 5494.1 11.248 50.184 ‐0.571

11/29/2014 14:39 5499.1 11.249 50.188 ‐0.573

11/29/2014 14:44 5504.1 11.249 50.193 ‐0.572

11/29/2014 14:49 5509.1 11.247 50.189 ‐0.569

11/29/2014 14:54 5514.1 11.248 50.185 ‐0.571

11/29/2014 14:59 5519.1 11.248 50.189 ‐0.571

11/29/2014 15:04 5524.1 11.247 50.188 ‐0.569

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/29/2014 15:09 5529.1 11.247 50.187 ‐0.568

11/29/2014 15:14 5534.1 11.246 50.189 ‐0.565

11/29/2014 15:19 5539.1 11.244 50.184 ‐0.561

11/29/2014 15:24 5544.1 11.242 50.188 ‐0.556

11/29/2014 15:29 5549.1 11.241 50.189 ‐0.554

11/29/2014 15:34 5554.1 11.237 50.188 ‐0.546

11/29/2014 15:39 5559.1 11.236 50.19 ‐0.543

11/29/2014 15:44 5564.1 11.232 50.184 ‐0.534

11/29/2014 15:49 5569.1 11.227 50.185 ‐0.522

11/29/2014 15:54 5574.1 11.223 50.189 ‐0.512

11/29/2014 15:59 5579.1 11.222 50.189 ‐0.51

11/29/2014 16:04 5584.1 11.219 50.184 ‐0.503

11/29/2014 16:09 5589.1 11.212 50.186 ‐0.488

11/29/2014 16:14 5594.1 11.211 50.185 ‐0.486

11/29/2014 16:19 5599.1 11.205 50.189 ‐0.472

11/29/2014 16:24 5604.1 11.205 50.19 ‐0.47

11/29/2014 16:29 5609.1 11.203 50.189 ‐0.466

11/29/2014 16:34 5614.1 11.198 50.186 ‐0.454

11/29/2014 16:39 5619.1 11.196 50.189 ‐0.449

11/29/2014 16:44 5624.1 11.193 50.189 ‐0.442

11/29/2014 16:49 5629.1 11.19 50.184 ‐0.436

11/29/2014 16:54 5634.1 11.189 50.189 ‐0.435

11/29/2014 16:59 5639.1 11.187 50.19 ‐0.428

11/29/2014 17:04 5644.1 11.186 50.188 ‐0.428

11/29/2014 17:09 5649.1 11.185 50.189 ‐0.425

11/29/2014 17:14 5654.1 11.182 50.192 ‐0.418

11/29/2014 17:19 5659.1 11.182 50.185 ‐0.417

11/29/2014 17:24 5664.1 11.183 50.191 ‐0.42

11/29/2014 17:29 5669.1 11.183 50.188 ‐0.42

11/29/2014 17:34 5674.1 11.182 50.192 ‐0.418

11/29/2014 17:39 5679.1 11.182 50.189 ‐0.417

11/29/2014 17:44 5684.1 11.183 50.189 ‐0.42

11/29/2014 17:49 5689.1 11.182 50.188 ‐0.417

11/29/2014 17:54 5694.1 11.184 50.189 ‐0.423

11/29/2014 17:59 5699.1 11.183 50.189 ‐0.42

11/29/2014 18:04 5704.1 11.184 50.188 ‐0.422

11/29/2014 18:09 5709.1 11.182 50.189 ‐0.418

11/29/2014 18:14 5714.1 11.185 50.192 ‐0.425

11/29/2014 18:19 5719.1 11.184 50.186 ‐0.423

11/29/2014 18:24 5724.1 11.186 50.186 ‐0.427

11/29/2014 18:29 5729.1 11.186 50.185 ‐0.427

11/29/2014 18:34 5734.1 11.186 50.189 ‐0.426

11/29/2014 18:39 5739.1 11.186 50.182 ‐0.427

11/29/2014 18:44 5744.1 11.187 50.193 ‐0.429

11/29/2014 18:49 5749.1 11.192 50.189 ‐0.441

11/29/2014 18:54 5754.1 11.193 50.196 ‐0.443

11/29/2014 18:59 5759.1 11.195 50.187 ‐0.448

11/29/2014 19:04 5764.1 11.196 50.186 ‐0.45

11/29/2014 19:09 5769.1 11.198 50.189 ‐0.455

11/29/2014 19:14 5774.1 11.199 50.185 ‐0.456

11/29/2014 19:19 5779.1 11.201 50.193 ‐0.461

11/29/2014 19:24 5784.1 11.201 50.188 ‐0.461

11/29/2014 19:29 5789.1 11.202 50.187 ‐0.465

11/29/2014 19:34 5794.1 11.201 50.185 ‐0.463

11/29/2014 19:39 5799.1 11.205 50.193 ‐0.472

11/29/2014 19:44 5804.1 11.21 50.189 ‐0.482

11/29/2014 19:49 5809.1 11.211 50.19 ‐0.484

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/29/2014 19:54 5814.1 11.213 50.186 ‐0.489

11/29/2014 19:59 5819.1 11.213 50.184 ‐0.489

11/29/2014 20:04 5824.1 11.217 50.188 ‐0.499

11/29/2014 20:09 5829.1 11.219 50.189 ‐0.503

11/29/2014 20:14 5834.1 11.219 50.188 ‐0.502

11/29/2014 20:19 5839.1 11.22 50.187 ‐0.505

11/29/2014 20:24 5844.1 11.224 50.187 ‐0.514

11/29/2014 20:29 5849.1 11.223 50.19 ‐0.513

11/29/2014 20:34 5854.1 11.227 50.189 ‐0.521

11/29/2014 20:39 5859.1 11.23 50.19 ‐0.529

11/29/2014 20:44 5864.1 11.231 50.191 ‐0.532

11/29/2014 20:49 5869.1 11.234 50.194 ‐0.538

11/29/2014 20:54 5874.1 11.237 50.192 ‐0.545

11/29/2014 20:59 5879.1 11.239 50.187 ‐0.549

11/29/2014 21:04 5884.1 11.241 50.191 ‐0.554

11/29/2014 21:09 5889.1 11.242 50.194 ‐0.557

11/29/2014 21:14 5894.1 11.245 50.189 ‐0.563

11/29/2014 21:19 5899.1 11.247 50.186 ‐0.567

11/29/2014 21:24 5904.1 11.248 50.186 ‐0.57

11/29/2014 21:29 5909.1 11.253 50.19 ‐0.583

11/29/2014 21:34 5914.1 11.253 50.19 ‐0.582

11/29/2014 21:39 5919.1 11.252 50.188 ‐0.58

11/29/2014 21:44 5924.1 11.259 50.191 ‐0.596

11/29/2014 21:49 5929.1 11.264 50.192 ‐0.607

11/29/2014 21:54 5934.1 11.264 50.19 ‐0.607

11/29/2014 21:59 5939.1 11.264 50.188 ‐0.608

11/29/2014 22:04 5944.1 11.268 50.188 ‐0.617

11/29/2014 22:09 5949.1 11.27 50.186 ‐0.622

11/29/2014 22:14 5954.1 11.272 50.186 ‐0.626

11/29/2014 22:19 5959.1 11.276 50.193 ‐0.636

11/29/2014 22:24 5964.1 11.275 50.187 ‐0.634

11/29/2014 22:29 5969.1 11.278 50.188 ‐0.639

11/29/2014 22:34 5974.1 11.279 50.187 ‐0.641

11/29/2014 22:39 5979.1 11.281 50.189 ‐0.647

11/29/2014 22:44 5984.1 11.286 50.187 ‐0.658

11/29/2014 22:49 5989.1 11.29 50.191 ‐0.666

11/29/2014 22:54 5994.1 11.291 50.192 ‐0.669

11/29/2014 22:59 5999.1 11.297 50.185 ‐0.684

11/29/2014 23:04 6004.1 11.297 50.185 ‐0.684

11/29/2014 23:09 6009.1 11.3 50.188 ‐0.69

11/29/2014 23:14 6014.1 11.3 50.187 ‐0.691

11/29/2014 23:19 6019.1 11.304 50.191 ‐0.698

11/29/2014 23:24 6024.1 11.303 50.189 ‐0.698

11/29/2014 23:29 6029.1 11.309 50.19 ‐0.712

11/29/2014 23:34 6034.1 11.311 50.188 ‐0.716

11/29/2014 23:39 6039.1 11.313 50.189 ‐0.72

11/29/2014 23:44 6044.1 11.316 50.187 ‐0.728

11/29/2014 23:49 6049.1 11.317 50.189 ‐0.729

11/29/2014 23:54 6054.1 11.319 50.184 ‐0.734

11/29/2014 23:59 6059.1 11.322 50.184 ‐0.742

11/30/2014 0:04 6064.1 11.325 50.189 ‐0.749

11/30/2014 0:09 6069.1 11.329 50.189 ‐0.756

11/30/2014 0:14 6074.1 11.332 50.191 ‐0.764

11/30/2014 0:19 6079.1 11.332 50.189 ‐0.764

11/30/2014 0:24 6084.1 11.336 50.189 ‐0.774

11/30/2014 0:29 6089.1 11.337 50.187 ‐0.777

11/30/2014 0:34 6094.1 11.337 50.187 ‐0.775

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/30/2014 0:39 6099.1 11.34 50.189 ‐0.783

11/30/2014 0:44 6104.1 11.343 50.188 ‐0.79

11/30/2014 0:49 6109.1 11.346 50.189 ‐0.796

11/30/2014 0:54 6114.1 11.347 50.188 ‐0.799

11/30/2014 0:59 6119.1 11.348 50.186 ‐0.801

11/30/2014 1:04 6124.1 11.351 50.186 ‐0.807

11/30/2014 1:09 6129.1 11.356 50.191 ‐0.819

11/30/2014 1:14 6134.1 11.358 50.19 ‐0.824

11/30/2014 1:19 6139.1 11.36 50.195 ‐0.829

11/30/2014 1:24 6144.1 11.363 50.192 ‐0.835

11/30/2014 1:29 6149.1 11.365 50.188 ‐0.841

11/30/2014 1:34 6154.1 11.368 50.191 ‐0.847

11/30/2014 1:39 6159.1 11.366 50.185 ‐0.842

11/30/2014 1:44 6164.1 11.374 50.189 ‐0.861

11/30/2014 1:49 6169.1 11.372 50.189 ‐0.857

11/30/2014 1:54 6174.1 11.378 50.188 ‐0.871

11/30/2014 1:59 6179.1 11.376 50.187 ‐0.865

11/30/2014 2:04 6184.1 11.381 50.188 ‐0.878

11/30/2014 2:09 6189.1 11.381 50.19 ‐0.877

11/30/2014 2:14 6194.1 11.387 50.186 ‐0.891

11/30/2014 2:19 6199.1 11.388 50.187 ‐0.894

11/30/2014 2:24 6204.1 11.393 50.187 ‐0.905

11/30/2014 2:29 6209.1 11.392 50.19 ‐0.902

11/30/2014 2:34 6214.1 11.396 50.185 ‐0.911

11/30/2014 2:39 6219.1 11.4 50.189 ‐0.92

11/30/2014 2:44 6224.1 11.4 50.184 ‐0.92

11/30/2014 2:49 6229.1 11.404 50.189 ‐0.93

11/30/2014 2:54 6234.1 11.406 50.186 ‐0.934

11/30/2014 2:59 6239.1 11.407 50.184 ‐0.937

11/30/2014 3:04 6244.1 11.41 50.189 ‐0.945

11/30/2014 3:09 6249.1 11.412 50.19 ‐0.948

11/30/2014 3:14 6254.1 11.415 50.188 ‐0.956

11/30/2014 3:19 6259.1 11.416 50.188 ‐0.958

11/30/2014 3:24 6264.1 11.419 50.182 ‐0.965

11/30/2014 3:29 6269.1 11.42 50.189 ‐0.967

11/30/2014 3:34 6274.1 11.422 50.188 ‐0.972

11/30/2014 3:39 6279.1 11.424 50.189 ‐0.976

11/30/2014 3:44 6284.1 11.429 50.185 ‐0.987

11/30/2014 3:49 6289.1 11.431 50.185 ‐0.992

11/30/2014 3:54 6294.1 11.431 50.185 ‐0.994

11/30/2014 3:59 6299.1 11.435 50.188 ‐1.002

11/30/2014 4:04 6304.1 11.434 50.184 ‐0.999

11/30/2014 4:09 6309.1 11.441 50.189 ‐1.016

11/30/2014 4:14 6314.1 11.44 50.186 ‐1.013

11/30/2014 4:19 6319.1 11.445 50.188 ‐1.024

11/30/2014 4:24 6324.1 11.443 50.19 ‐1.021

11/30/2014 4:29 6329.1 11.445 50.194 ‐1.024

11/30/2014 4:34 6334.1 11.446 50.184 ‐1.027

11/30/2014 4:39 6339.1 11.449 50.185 ‐1.035

11/30/2014 4:44 6344.1 11.455 50.193 ‐1.047

11/30/2014 4:49 6349.1 11.457 50.189 ‐1.053

11/30/2014 4:54 6354.1 11.459 50.195 ‐1.056

11/30/2014 4:59 6359.1 11.461 50.19 ‐1.062

11/30/2014 5:04 6364.1 11.464 50.192 ‐1.068

11/30/2014 5:09 6369.1 11.466 50.189 ‐1.073

11/30/2014 5:14 6374.1 11.468 50.19 ‐1.079

11/30/2014 5:19 6379.1 11.47 50.192 ‐1.082

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/30/2014 5:24 6384.1 11.472 50.189 ‐1.088

11/30/2014 5:29 6389.1 11.474 50.189 ‐1.092

11/30/2014 5:34 6394.1 11.475 50.189 ‐1.094

11/30/2014 5:39 6399.1 11.478 50.192 ‐1.101

11/30/2014 5:44 6404.1 11.481 50.189 ‐1.108

11/30/2014 5:49 6409.1 11.481 50.184 ‐1.107

11/30/2014 5:54 6414.1 11.48 50.185 ‐1.105

11/30/2014 5:59 6419.1 11.486 50.189 ‐1.119

11/30/2014 6:04 6424.1 11.488 50.189 ‐1.125

11/30/2014 6:09 6429.1 11.489 50.193 ‐1.127

11/30/2014 6:14 6434.1 11.492 50.188 ‐1.133

11/30/2014 6:19 6439.1 11.494 50.191 ‐1.137

11/30/2014 6:24 6444.1 11.497 50.188 ‐1.145

11/30/2014 6:29 6449.1 11.496 50.183 ‐1.142

11/30/2014 6:34 6454.1 11.499 50.187 ‐1.15

11/30/2014 6:39 6459.1 11.502 50.186 ‐1.156

11/30/2014 6:44 6464.1 11.503 50.184 ‐1.158

11/30/2014 6:49 6469.1 11.507 50.189 ‐1.168

11/30/2014 6:54 6474.1 11.508 50.185 ‐1.171

11/30/2014 6:59 6479.1 11.509 50.188 ‐1.174

11/30/2014 7:04 6484.1 11.511 50.192 ‐1.177

11/30/2014 7:09 6489.1 11.514 50.189 ‐1.184

11/30/2014 7:14 6494.1 11.517 50.19 ‐1.192

11/30/2014 7:19 6499.1 11.518 50.193 ‐1.194

11/30/2014 7:24 6504.1 11.52 50.188 ‐1.198

11/30/2014 7:29 6509.1 11.521 50.187 ‐1.201

11/30/2014 7:34 6514.1 11.524 50.189 ‐1.208

11/30/2014 7:39 6519.1 11.527 50.189 ‐1.214

11/30/2014 7:44 6524.1 11.528 50.187 ‐1.216

11/30/2014 7:49 6529.1 11.525 50.188 ‐1.209

11/30/2014 7:54 6534.1 11.532 50.187 ‐1.227

11/30/2014 7:59 6539.1 11.529 50.184 ‐1.219

11/30/2014 8:04 6544.1 11.533 50.187 ‐1.228

11/30/2014 8:09 6549.1 11.532 50.186 ‐1.227

11/30/2014 8:14 6554.1 11.534 50.189 ‐1.23

11/30/2014 8:19 6559.1 11.537 50.192 ‐1.238

11/30/2014 8:24 6564.1 11.537 50.188 ‐1.238

11/30/2014 8:29 6569.1 11.539 50.192 ‐1.241

11/30/2014 8:34 6574.1 11.536 50.184 ‐1.234

11/30/2014 8:39 6579.1 11.536 50.19 ‐1.235

11/30/2014 8:44 6584.1 11.534 50.194 ‐1.231

11/30/2014 8:49 6589.1 11.534 50.189 ‐1.23

11/30/2014 8:54 6594.1 11.532 50.187 ‐1.225

11/30/2014 8:59 6599.1 11.531 50.191 ‐1.223

11/30/2014 9:04 6604.1 11.526 50.189 ‐1.213

11/30/2014 9:09 6609.1 11.524 50.193 ‐1.207

11/30/2014 9:14 6614.1 11.523 50.193 ‐1.206

11/30/2014 9:19 6619.1 11.522 50.189 ‐1.203

11/30/2014 9:24 6624.1 11.518 50.194 ‐1.193

11/30/2014 9:29 6629.1 11.512 50.195 ‐1.181

11/30/2014 9:34 6634.1 11.509 50.195 ‐1.174

11/30/2014 9:39 6639.1 11.505 50.194 ‐1.165

11/30/2014 9:44 6644.1 11.502 50.194 ‐1.157

11/30/2014 9:49 6649.1 11.494 50.195 ‐1.137

11/30/2014 9:54 6654.1 11.493 50.195 ‐1.137

11/30/2014 9:59 6659.1 11.491 50.192 ‐1.132

11/30/2014 10:04 6664.1 11.484 50.193 ‐1.115

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/30/2014 10:09 6669.1 11.479 50.193 ‐1.103

11/30/2014 10:14 6674.1 11.476 50.193 ‐1.096

11/30/2014 10:19 6679.1 11.471 50.2 ‐1.085

11/30/2014 10:24 6684.1 11.464 50.195 ‐1.07

11/30/2014 10:29 6689.1 11.46 50.195 ‐1.06

11/30/2014 10:34 6694.1 11.454 50.188 ‐1.045

11/30/2014 10:39 6699.1 11.448 50.193 ‐1.032

11/30/2014 10:44 6704.1 11.444 50.192 ‐1.023

11/30/2014 10:49 6709.1 11.437 50.191 ‐1.006

11/30/2014 10:54 6714.1 11.432 50.193 ‐0.994

11/30/2014 10:59 6719.1 11.425 50.197 ‐0.98

11/30/2014 11:04 6724.1 11.42 50.197 ‐0.968

11/30/2014 11:09 6729.1 11.415 50.198 ‐0.957

11/30/2014 11:14 6734.1 11.409 50.198 ‐0.942

11/30/2014 11:19 6739.1 11.403 50.195 ‐0.929

11/30/2014 11:24 6744.1 11.397 50.195 ‐0.913

11/30/2014 11:29 6749.1 11.391 50.193 ‐0.9

11/30/2014 11:34 6754.1 11.384 50.197 ‐0.885

11/30/2014 11:39 6759.1 11.377 50.198 ‐0.869

11/30/2014 11:44 6764.1 11.374 50.195 ‐0.862

11/30/2014 11:49 6769.1 11.368 50.195 ‐0.847

11/30/2014 11:54 6774.1 11.362 50.195 ‐0.833

11/30/2014 11:59 6779.1 11.355 50.193 ‐0.818

11/30/2014 12:04 6784.1 11.349 50.191 ‐0.804

11/30/2014 12:09 6789.1 11.346 50.198 ‐0.797

11/30/2014 12:14 6794.1 11.341 50.194 ‐0.784

11/30/2014 12:19 6799.1 11.332 50.194 ‐0.765

11/30/2014 12:24 6804.1 11.332 50.202 ‐0.763

11/30/2014 12:29 6809.1 11.325 50.195 ‐0.748

11/30/2014 12:34 6814.1 11.322 50.196 ‐0.742

11/30/2014 12:39 6819.1 11.321 50.197 ‐0.738

11/30/2014 12:44 6824.1 11.316 50.197 ‐0.728

11/30/2014 12:49 6829.1 11.314 50.199 ‐0.722

11/30/2014 12:54 6834.1 11.311 50.197 ‐0.716

11/30/2014 12:59 6839.1 11.309 50.199 ‐0.711

11/30/2014 13:04 6844.1 11.31 50.194 ‐0.713

11/30/2014 13:09 6849.1 11.306 50.198 ‐0.705

11/30/2014 13:14 6854.1 11.304 50.197 ‐0.699

11/30/2014 13:19 6859.1 11.302 50.202 ‐0.695

11/30/2014 13:24 6864.1 11.302 50.198 ‐0.694

11/30/2014 13:29 6869.1 11.299 50.197 ‐0.689

11/30/2014 13:34 6874.1 11.294 50.195 ‐0.676

11/30/2014 13:39 6879.1 11.297 50.195 ‐0.684

11/30/2014 13:44 6884.1 11.297 50.192 ‐0.682

11/30/2014 13:49 6889.1 11.293 50.196 ‐0.673

11/30/2014 13:54 6894.1 11.292 50.199 ‐0.672

11/30/2014 13:59 6899.1 11.289 50.192 ‐0.664

11/30/2014 14:04 6904.1 11.287 50.194 ‐0.659

11/30/2014 14:09 6909.1 11.284 50.196 ‐0.653

11/30/2014 14:14 6914.1 11.278 50.195 ‐0.64

11/30/2014 14:19 6919.1 11.277 50.198 ‐0.638

11/30/2014 14:24 6924.1 11.271 50.194 ‐0.623

11/30/2014 14:29 6929.1 11.271 50.194 ‐0.622

11/30/2014 14:34 6934.1 11.265 50.199 ‐0.609

11/30/2014 14:39 6939.1 11.262 50.201 ‐0.602

11/30/2014 14:44 6944.1 11.26 50.197 ‐0.598

11/30/2014 14:49 6949.1 11.255 50.196 ‐0.587

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/30/2014 14:54 6954.1 11.251 50.195 ‐0.577

11/30/2014 14:59 6959.1 11.25 50.199 ‐0.576

11/30/2014 15:04 6964.1 11.249 50.201 ‐0.572

11/30/2014 15:09 6969.1 11.247 50.197 ‐0.567

11/30/2014 15:14 6974.1 11.241 50.195 ‐0.555

11/30/2014 15:19 6979.1 11.238 50.196 ‐0.546

11/30/2014 15:24 6984.1 11.239 50.194 ‐0.548

11/30/2014 15:29 6989.1 11.238 50.193 ‐0.547

11/30/2014 15:34 6994.1 11.232 50.196 ‐0.533

11/30/2014 15:39 6999.1 11.235 50.195 ‐0.541

11/30/2014 15:44 7004.1 11.231 50.197 ‐0.532

11/30/2014 15:49 7009.1 11.23 50.194 ‐0.527

11/30/2014 15:54 7014.1 11.232 50.194 ‐0.534

11/30/2014 15:59 7019.1 11.23 50.193 ‐0.529

11/30/2014 16:04 7024.1 11.231 50.193 ‐0.531

11/30/2014 16:09 7029.1 11.231 50.199 ‐0.531

11/30/2014 16:14 7034.1 11.231 50.198 ‐0.532

11/30/2014 16:19 7039.1 11.23 50.196 ‐0.528

11/30/2014 16:24 7044.1 11.23 50.196 ‐0.529

11/30/2014 16:29 7049.1 11.231 50.196 ‐0.531

11/30/2014 16:34 7054.1 11.23 50.197 ‐0.529

11/30/2014 16:39 7059.1 11.232 50.195 ‐0.533

11/30/2014 16:44 7064.1 11.231 50.192 ‐0.532

11/30/2014 16:49 7069.1 11.232 50.195 ‐0.534

11/30/2014 16:54 7074.1 11.234 50.195 ‐0.537

11/30/2014 16:59 7079.1 11.234 50.189 ‐0.537

11/30/2014 17:04 7084.1 11.235 50.199 ‐0.539

11/30/2014 17:09 7089.1 11.236 50.194 ‐0.542

11/30/2014 17:14 7094.1 11.236 50.196 ‐0.543

11/30/2014 17:19 7099.1 11.238 50.195 ‐0.546

11/30/2014 17:24 7104.1 11.239 50.195 ‐0.549

11/30/2014 17:29 7109.1 11.239 50.193 ‐0.55

11/30/2014 17:34 7114.1 11.24 50.196 ‐0.551

11/30/2014 17:39 7119.1 11.241 50.195 ‐0.554

11/30/2014 17:44 7124.1 11.242 50.192 ‐0.557

11/30/2014 17:49 7129.1 11.243 50.196 ‐0.558

11/30/2014 17:54 7134.1 11.243 50.196 ‐0.559

11/30/2014 17:59 7139.1 11.245 50.194 ‐0.564

11/30/2014 18:04 7144.1 11.247 50.201 ‐0.567

11/30/2014 18:09 7149.1 11.247 50.195 ‐0.568

11/30/2014 18:14 7154.1 11.248 50.198 ‐0.569

11/30/2014 18:19 7159.1 11.25 50.2 ‐0.574

11/30/2014 18:24 7164.1 11.251 50.193 ‐0.576

11/30/2014 18:29 7169.1 11.252 50.195 ‐0.58

11/30/2014 18:34 7174.1 11.255 50.197 ‐0.587

11/30/2014 18:39 7179.1 11.257 50.196 ‐0.591

11/30/2014 18:44 7184.1 11.258 50.192 ‐0.594

11/30/2014 18:49 7189.1 11.26 50.199 ‐0.597

11/30/2014 18:54 7194.1 11.26 50.195 ‐0.597

11/30/2014 18:59 7199.1 11.261 50.199 ‐0.599

11/30/2014 19:04 7204.1 11.26 50.195 ‐0.598

11/30/2014 19:09 7209.1 11.266 50.196 ‐0.611

11/30/2014 19:14 7214.1 11.268 50.195 ‐0.615

11/30/2014 19:19 7219.1 11.267 50.201 ‐0.615

11/30/2014 19:24 7224.1 11.269 50.195 ‐0.618

11/30/2014 19:29 7229.1 11.271 50.197 ‐0.623

11/30/2014 19:34 7234.1 11.274 50.192 ‐0.629

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

11/30/2014 19:39 7239.1 11.274 50.193 ‐0.631

11/30/2014 19:44 7244.1 11.275 50.194 ‐0.633

11/30/2014 19:49 7249.1 11.277 50.194 ‐0.638

11/30/2014 19:54 7254.1 11.279 50.194 ‐0.642

11/30/2014 19:59 7259.1 11.28 50.195 ‐0.644

11/30/2014 20:04 7264.1 11.283 50.195 ‐0.651

11/30/2014 20:09 7269.1 11.283 50.193 ‐0.651

11/30/2014 20:14 7274.1 11.286 50.192 ‐0.658

11/30/2014 20:19 7279.1 11.289 50.192 ‐0.664

11/30/2014 20:24 7284.1 11.289 50.196 ‐0.665

11/30/2014 20:29 7289.1 11.292 50.195 ‐0.671

11/30/2014 20:34 7294.1 11.293 50.196 ‐0.673

11/30/2014 20:39 7299.1 11.295 50.195 ‐0.679

11/30/2014 20:44 7304.1 11.296 50.194 ‐0.68

11/30/2014 20:49 7309.1 11.299 50.198 ‐0.687

11/30/2014 20:54 7314.1 11.3 50.194 ‐0.691

11/30/2014 20:59 7319.1 11.303 50.196 ‐0.697

11/30/2014 21:04 7324.1 11.304 50.192 ‐0.699

11/30/2014 21:09 7329.1 11.306 50.194 ‐0.705

11/30/2014 21:14 7334.1 11.308 50.197 ‐0.708

11/30/2014 21:19 7339.1 11.311 50.195 ‐0.715

11/30/2014 21:24 7344.1 11.313 50.195 ‐0.72

11/30/2014 21:29 7349.1 11.315 50.197 ‐0.724

11/30/2014 21:34 7354.1 11.318 50.2 ‐0.732

11/30/2014 21:39 7359.1 11.318 50.2 ‐0.731

11/30/2014 21:44 7364.1 11.321 50.2 ‐0.739

11/30/2014 21:49 7369.1 11.32 50.201 ‐0.736

11/30/2014 21:54 7374.1 11.324 50.198 ‐0.747

11/30/2014 21:59 7379.1 11.327 50.198 ‐0.751

11/30/2014 22:04 7384.1 11.329 50.196 ‐0.756

11/30/2014 22:09 7389.1 11.331 50.196 ‐0.761

11/30/2014 22:14 7394.1 11.332 50.2 ‐0.764

11/30/2014 22:19 7399.1 11.332 50.202 ‐0.765

11/30/2014 22:24 7404.1 11.335 50.199 ‐0.772

11/30/2014 22:29 7409.1 11.338 50.197 ‐0.778

11/30/2014 22:34 7414.1 11.341 50.195 ‐0.786

11/30/2014 22:39 7419.1 11.342 50.199 ‐0.787

11/30/2014 22:44 7424.1 11.342 50.199 ‐0.787

11/30/2014 22:49 7429.1 11.346 50.198 ‐0.797

11/30/2014 22:54 7434.1 11.347 50.195 ‐0.8

11/30/2014 22:59 7439.1 11.349 50.197 ‐0.804

11/30/2014 23:04 7444.1 11.352 50.201 ‐0.811

11/30/2014 23:09 7449.1 11.355 50.196 ‐0.817

11/30/2014 23:14 7454.1 11.355 50.196 ‐0.818

11/30/2014 23:19 7459.1 11.358 50.197 ‐0.823

11/30/2014 23:24 7464.1 11.36 50.195 ‐0.829

11/30/2014 23:29 7469.1 11.362 50.195 ‐0.834

11/30/2014 23:34 7474.1 11.366 50.196 ‐0.843

11/30/2014 23:39 7479.1 11.367 50.19 ‐0.845

11/30/2014 23:44 7484.1 11.368 50.195 ‐0.847

11/30/2014 23:49 7489.1 11.368 50.199 ‐0.846

11/30/2014 23:54 7494.1 11.369 50.196 ‐0.849

11/30/2014 23:59 7499.1 11.375 50.201 ‐0.863

12/1/2014 0:04 7504.1 11.372 50.193 ‐0.857

12/1/2014 0:09 7509.1 11.377 50.199 ‐0.869

12/1/2014 0:14 7514.1 11.379 50.196 ‐0.872

12/1/2014 0:19 7519.1 11.382 50.193 ‐0.881

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/1/2014 0:24 7524.1 11.386 50.195 ‐0.888

12/1/2014 0:29 7529.1 11.383 50.192 ‐0.882

12/1/2014 0:34 7534.1 11.388 50.196 ‐0.894

12/1/2014 0:39 7539.1 11.39 50.197 ‐0.899

12/1/2014 0:44 7544.1 11.395 50.196 ‐0.909

12/1/2014 0:49 7549.1 11.396 50.199 ‐0.911

12/1/2014 0:54 7554.1 11.398 50.195 ‐0.916

12/1/2014 0:59 7559.1 11.399 50.195 ‐0.919

12/1/2014 1:04 7564.1 11.403 50.195 ‐0.928

12/1/2014 1:09 7569.1 11.403 50.189 ‐0.928

12/1/2014 1:14 7574.1 11.406 50.201 ‐0.934

12/1/2014 1:19 7579.1 11.408 50.195 ‐0.94

12/1/2014 1:24 7584.1 11.41 50.2 ‐0.945

12/1/2014 1:29 7589.1 11.412 50.195 ‐0.95

12/1/2014 1:34 7594.1 11.415 50.197 ‐0.956

12/1/2014 1:39 7599.1 11.417 50.201 ‐0.96

12/1/2014 1:44 7604.1 11.418 50.195 ‐0.962

12/1/2014 1:49 7609.1 11.42 50.195 ‐0.967

12/1/2014 1:54 7614.1 11.42 50.2 ‐0.966

12/1/2014 1:59 7619.1 11.422 50.194 ‐0.972

12/1/2014 2:04 7624.1 11.424 50.198 ‐0.976

12/1/2014 2:09 7629.1 11.425 50.195 ‐0.979

12/1/2014 2:14 7634.1 11.425 50.195 ‐0.979

12/1/2014 2:19 7639.1 11.431 50.198 ‐0.992

12/1/2014 2:24 7644.1 11.432 50.199 ‐0.995

12/1/2014 2:29 7649.1 11.432 50.198 ‐0.995

12/1/2014 2:34 7654.1 11.436 50.195 ‐1.004

12/1/2014 2:39 7659.1 11.437 50.198 ‐1.006

12/1/2014 2:44 7664.1 11.441 50.195 ‐1.015

12/1/2014 2:49 7669.1 11.442 50.2 ‐1.017

12/1/2014 2:54 7674.1 11.444 50.199 ‐1.023

12/1/2014 2:59 7679.1 11.446 50.195 ‐1.027

12/1/2014 3:04 7684.1 11.448 50.198 ‐1.033

12/1/2014 3:09 7689.1 11.449 50.195 ‐1.034

12/1/2014 3:14 7694.1 11.451 50.198 ‐1.039

12/1/2014 3:19 7699.1 11.452 50.199 ‐1.041

12/1/2014 3:24 7704.1 11.455 50.197 ‐1.049

12/1/2014 3:29 7709.1 11.458 50.191 ‐1.054

12/1/2014 3:34 7714.1 11.459 50.195 ‐1.057

12/1/2014 3:39 7719.1 11.459 50.198 ‐1.058

12/1/2014 3:44 7724.1 11.462 50.196 ‐1.065

12/1/2014 3:49 7729.1 11.464 50.195 ‐1.068

12/1/2014 3:54 7734.1 11.466 50.2 ‐1.075

12/1/2014 3:59 7739.1 11.469 50.194 ‐1.081

12/1/2014 4:04 7744.1 11.471 50.195 ‐1.084

12/1/2014 4:09 7749.1 11.471 50.196 ‐1.084

12/1/2014 4:14 7754.1 11.473 50.196 ‐1.089

12/1/2014 4:19 7759.1 11.475 50.189 ‐1.094

12/1/2014 4:24 7764.1 11.475 50.194 ‐1.094

12/1/2014 4:29 7769.1 11.478 50.195 ‐1.102

12/1/2014 4:34 7774.1 11.48 50.192 ‐1.107

12/1/2014 4:39 7779.1 11.483 50.198 ‐1.114

12/1/2014 4:44 7784.1 11.484 50.195 ‐1.116

12/1/2014 4:49 7789.1 11.486 50.2 ‐1.12

12/1/2014 4:54 7794.1 11.486 50.189 ‐1.12

12/1/2014 4:59 7799.1 11.49 50.198 ‐1.13

12/1/2014 5:04 7804.1 11.49 50.196 ‐1.129

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/1/2014 5:09 7809.1 11.492 50.199 ‐1.134

12/1/2014 5:14 7814.1 11.496 50.201 ‐1.142

12/1/2014 5:19 7819.1 11.496 50.2 ‐1.144

12/1/2014 5:24 7824.1 11.498 50.199 ‐1.147

12/1/2014 5:29 7829.1 11.499 50.199 ‐1.149

12/1/2014 5:34 7834.1 11.499 50.206 ‐1.151

12/1/2014 5:39 7839.1 11.501 50.2 ‐1.154

12/1/2014 5:44 7844.1 11.503 50.201 ‐1.159

12/1/2014 5:49 7849.1 11.505 50.198 ‐1.165

12/1/2014 5:54 7854.1 11.503 50.198 ‐1.158

12/1/2014 5:59 7859.1 11.51 50.198 ‐1.176

12/1/2014 6:04 7864.1 11.509 50.197 ‐1.172

12/1/2014 6:09 7869.1 11.51 50.201 ‐1.174

12/1/2014 6:14 7874.1 11.512 50.203 ‐1.181

12/1/2014 6:19 7879.1 11.514 50.201 ‐1.184

12/1/2014 6:24 7884.1 11.514 50.2 ‐1.185

12/1/2014 6:29 7889.1 11.517 50.197 ‐1.19

12/1/2014 6:34 7894.1 11.52 50.197 ‐1.197

12/1/2014 6:39 7899.1 11.518 50.202 ‐1.194

12/1/2014 6:44 7904.1 11.52 50.201 ‐1.199

12/1/2014 6:49 7909.1 11.52 50.199 ‐1.199

12/1/2014 6:54 7914.1 11.52 50.197 ‐1.198

12/1/2014 6:59 7919.1 11.522 50.203 ‐1.203

12/1/2014 7:04 7924.1 11.522 50.201 ‐1.202

12/1/2014 7:09 7929.1 11.522 50.201 ‐1.203

12/1/2014 7:14 7934.1 11.521 50.199 ‐1.2

12/1/2014 7:19 7939.1 11.52 50.195 ‐1.199

12/1/2014 7:24 7944.1 11.52 50.198 ‐1.199

12/1/2014 7:29 7949.1 11.519 50.197 ‐1.196

12/1/2014 7:34 7954.1 11.517 50.2 ‐1.192

12/1/2014 7:39 7959.1 11.518 50.199 ‐1.194

12/1/2014 7:44 7964.1 11.517 50.203 ‐1.192

12/1/2014 7:49 7969.1 11.519 50.196 ‐1.195

12/1/2014 7:54 7974.1 11.514 50.195 ‐1.184

12/1/2014 7:59 7979.1 11.515 50.199 ‐1.186

12/1/2014 8:04 7984.1 11.516 50.201 ‐1.189

12/1/2014 8:09 7989.1 11.513 50.2 ‐1.182

12/1/2014 8:14 7994.1 11.513 50.197 ‐1.181

12/1/2014 8:19 7999.1 11.512 50.202 ‐1.18

12/1/2014 8:24 8004.1 11.512 50.201 ‐1.18

12/1/2014 8:29 8009.1 11.508 50.201 ‐1.171

12/1/2014 8:34 8014.1 11.508 50.201 ‐1.17

12/1/2014 8:39 8019.1 11.506 50.202 ‐1.166

12/1/2014 8:44 8024.1 11.505 50.201 ‐1.165

12/1/2014 8:49 8029.1 11.503 50.206 ‐1.159

12/1/2014 8:54 8034.1 11.501 50.199 ‐1.154

12/1/2014 8:59 8039.1 11.498 50.205 ‐1.147

12/1/2014 9:04 8044.1 11.498 50.204 ‐1.148

12/1/2014 9:09 8049.1 11.495 50.2 ‐1.14

12/1/2014 9:14 8054.1 11.496 50.204 ‐1.142

12/1/2014 9:19 8059.1 11.491 50.206 ‐1.131

12/1/2014 9:24 8064.1 11.49 50.205 ‐1.129

12/1/2014 9:29 8069.1 11.489 50.2 ‐1.126

12/1/2014 9:34 8074.1 11.485 50.202 ‐1.116

12/1/2014 9:39 8079.1 11.483 50.201 ‐1.112

12/1/2014 9:44 8084.1 11.48 50.202 ‐1.105

12/1/2014 9:49 8089.1 11.477 50.202 ‐1.098

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/1/2014 9:54 8094.1 11.472 50.201 ‐1.087

12/1/2014 9:59 8099.1 11.474 50.205 ‐1.091

12/1/2014 10:04 8104.1 11.468 50.205 ‐1.077

12/1/2014 10:09 8109.1 11.466 50.202 ‐1.074

12/1/2014 10:14 8114.1 11.463 50.204 ‐1.067

12/1/2014 10:19 8119.1 11.461 50.197 ‐1.063

12/1/2014 10:24 8124.1 11.458 50.205 ‐1.054

12/1/2014 10:29 8129.1 11.453 50.199 ‐1.044

12/1/2014 10:34 8134.1 11.451 50.208 ‐1.04

12/1/2014 10:39 8139.1 11.447 50.202 ‐1.029

12/1/2014 10:44 8144.1 11.445 50.203 ‐1.026

12/1/2014 10:49 8149.1 11.443 50.207 ‐1.021

12/1/2014 10:54 8154.1 11.439 50.201 ‐1.011

12/1/2014 10:59 8159.1 11.434 50.203 ‐0.999

12/1/2014 11:04 8164.1 11.431 50.204 ‐0.993

12/1/2014 11:09 8169.1 11.426 50.207 ‐0.98

12/1/2014 11:14 8174.1 11.426 50.206 ‐0.981

12/1/2014 11:19 8179.1 11.421 50.206 ‐0.971

12/1/2014 11:24 8184.1 11.417 50.205 ‐0.961

12/1/2014 11:29 8189.1 11.413 50.206 ‐0.951

12/1/2014 11:34 8194.1 11.411 50.204 ‐0.946

12/1/2014 11:39 8199.1 11.405 50.205 ‐0.934

12/1/2014 11:44 8204.1 11.403 50.204 ‐0.929

12/1/2014 11:49 8209.1 11.4 50.204 ‐0.921

12/1/2014 11:54 8214.1 11.397 50.205 ‐0.915

12/1/2014 11:59 8219.1 11.394 50.201 ‐0.908

12/1/2014 12:04 8224.1 11.389 50.201 ‐0.895

12/1/2014 12:09 8229.1 11.385 50.203 ‐0.888

12/1/2014 12:14 8234.1 11.383 50.208 ‐0.881

12/1/2014 12:19 8239.1 11.375 50.206 ‐0.863

12/1/2014 12:24 8244.1 11.375 50.207 ‐0.864

12/1/2014 12:29 8249.1 11.373 50.206 ‐0.858

12/1/2014 12:34 8254.1 11.367 50.212 ‐0.845

12/1/2014 12:39 8259.1 11.365 50.208 ‐0.84

12/1/2014 12:44 8264.1 11.359 50.203 ‐0.827

12/1/2014 12:49 8269.1 11.359 50.208 ‐0.825

12/1/2014 12:54 8274.1 11.353 50.209 ‐0.812

12/1/2014 12:59 8279.1 11.348 50.206 ‐0.801

12/1/2014 13:04 8284.1 11.347 50.209 ‐0.8

12/1/2014 13:09 8289.1 11.344 50.208 ‐0.791

12/1/2014 13:14 8294.1 11.338 50.208 ‐0.778

12/1/2014 13:19 8299.1 11.338 50.208 ‐0.779

12/1/2014 13:24 8304.1 11.336 50.205 ‐0.774

12/1/2014 13:29 8309.1 11.336 50.206 ‐0.774

12/1/2014 13:34 8314.1 11.331 50.209 ‐0.761

12/1/2014 13:39 8319.1 11.327 50.206 ‐0.752

12/1/2014 13:44 8324.1 11.325 50.208 ‐0.749

12/1/2014 13:49 8329.1 11.325 50.208 ‐0.747

12/1/2014 13:54 8334.1 11.323 50.208 ‐0.742

12/1/2014 13:59 8339.1 11.32 50.208 ‐0.737

12/1/2014 14:04 8344.1 11.318 50.206 ‐0.733

12/1/2014 14:09 8349.1 11.317 50.204 ‐0.729

12/1/2014 14:14 8354.1 11.316 50.201 ‐0.727

12/1/2014 14:19 8359.1 11.314 50.203 ‐0.724

12/1/2014 14:24 8364.1 11.314 50.209 ‐0.723

12/1/2014 14:29 8369.1 11.309 50.206 ‐0.71

12/1/2014 14:34 8374.1 11.311 50.204 ‐0.715

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/1/2014 14:39 8379.1 11.31 50.204 ‐0.714

12/1/2014 14:44 8384.1 11.308 50.203 ‐0.708

12/1/2014 14:49 8389.1 11.309 50.201 ‐0.711

12/1/2014 14:54 8394.1 11.308 50.205 ‐0.708

12/1/2014 14:59 8399.1 11.305 50.206 ‐0.702

12/1/2014 15:04 8404.1 11.305 50.202 ‐0.702

12/1/2014 15:09 8409.1 11.306 50.206 ‐0.703

12/1/2014 15:14 8414.1 11.304 50.206 ‐0.699

12/1/2014 15:19 8419.1 11.303 50.202 ‐0.698

12/1/2014 15:24 8424.1 11.301 50.207 ‐0.693

12/1/2014 15:29 8429.1 11.3 50.208 ‐0.691

12/1/2014 15:34 8434.1 11.299 50.204 ‐0.688

12/1/2014 15:39 8439.1 11.298 50.203 ‐0.687

12/1/2014 15:44 8444.1 11.297 50.203 ‐0.683

12/1/2014 15:49 8449.1 11.295 50.205 ‐0.679

12/1/2014 15:54 8454.1 11.293 50.199 ‐0.675

12/1/2014 15:59 8459.1 11.292 50.201 ‐0.671

12/1/2014 16:04 8464.1 11.289 50.201 ‐0.666

12/1/2014 16:09 8469.1 11.287 50.203 ‐0.659

12/1/2014 16:14 8474.1 11.286 50.202 ‐0.657

12/1/2014 16:19 8479.1 11.285 50.202 ‐0.655

12/1/2014 16:24 8484.1 11.283 50.205 ‐0.651

12/1/2014 16:29 8489.1 11.281 50.202 ‐0.646

12/1/2014 16:34 8494.1 11.279 50.206 ‐0.642

12/1/2014 16:39 8499.1 11.277 50.202 ‐0.637

12/1/2014 16:44 8504.1 11.275 50.206 ‐0.632

12/1/2014 16:49 8509.1 11.272 50.206 ‐0.626

12/1/2014 16:54 8514.1 11.27 50.202 ‐0.622

12/1/2014 16:59 8519.1 11.268 50.204 ‐0.616

12/1/2014 17:04 8524.1 11.268 50.206 ‐0.617

12/1/2014 17:09 8529.1 11.266 50.204 ‐0.611

12/1/2014 17:14 8534.1 11.263 50.201 ‐0.605

12/1/2014 17:19 8539.1 11.263 50.206 ‐0.605

12/1/2014 17:24 8544.1 11.262 50.202 ‐0.602

12/1/2014 17:29 8549.1 11.259 50.203 ‐0.595

12/1/2014 17:34 8554.1 11.257 50.205 ‐0.59

12/1/2014 17:39 8559.1 11.256 50.206 ‐0.589

12/1/2014 17:44 8564.1 11.256 50.209 ‐0.589

12/1/2014 17:49 8569.1 11.255 50.205 ‐0.585

12/1/2014 17:54 8574.1 11.254 50.203 ‐0.584

12/1/2014 17:59 8579.1 11.252 50.202 ‐0.58

12/1/2014 18:04 8584.1 11.252 50.203 ‐0.579

12/1/2014 18:09 8589.1 11.251 50.206 ‐0.577

12/1/2014 18:14 8594.1 11.25 50.205 ‐0.576

12/1/2014 18:19 8599.1 11.249 50.203 ‐0.572

12/1/2014 18:24 8604.1 11.249 50.203 ‐0.572

12/1/2014 18:29 8609.1 11.249 50.203 ‐0.573

12/1/2014 18:34 8614.1 11.246 50.201 ‐0.565

12/1/2014 18:39 8619.1 11.249 50.203 ‐0.572

12/1/2014 18:44 8624.1 11.248 50.201 ‐0.57

12/1/2014 18:49 8629.1 11.248 50.204 ‐0.569

12/1/2014 18:54 8634.1 11.248 50.205 ‐0.571

12/1/2014 18:59 8639.1 11.247 50.204 ‐0.569

12/1/2014 19:04 8644.1 11.248 50.205 ‐0.57

12/1/2014 19:09 8649.1 11.248 50.205 ‐0.57

12/1/2014 19:14 8654.1 11.248 50.203 ‐0.57

12/1/2014 19:19 8659.1 11.246 50.201 ‐0.565

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/1/2014 19:24 8664.1 11.248 50.204 ‐0.571

12/1/2014 19:29 8669.1 11.249 50.207 ‐0.571

12/1/2014 19:34 8674.1 11.249 50.204 ‐0.573

12/1/2014 19:39 8679.1 11.249 50.202 ‐0.572

12/1/2014 19:44 8684.1 11.25 50.203 ‐0.575

12/1/2014 19:49 8689.1 11.25 50.202 ‐0.575

12/1/2014 19:54 8694.1 11.248 50.207 ‐0.57

12/1/2014 19:59 8699.1 11.252 50.203 ‐0.579

12/1/2014 20:04 8704.1 11.252 50.204 ‐0.579

12/1/2014 20:09 8709.1 11.252 50.201 ‐0.581

12/1/2014 20:14 8714.1 11.254 50.205 ‐0.583

12/1/2014 20:19 8719.1 11.252 50.206 ‐0.581

12/1/2014 20:24 8724.1 11.254 50.202 ‐0.584

12/1/2014 20:29 8729.1 11.253 50.201 ‐0.583

12/1/2014 20:34 8734.1 11.256 50.206 ‐0.588

12/1/2014 20:39 8739.1 11.257 50.205 ‐0.59

12/1/2014 20:44 8744.1 11.256 50.199 ‐0.589

12/1/2014 20:49 8749.1 11.258 50.202 ‐0.594

12/1/2014 20:54 8754.1 11.261 50.204 ‐0.6

12/1/2014 20:59 8759.1 11.261 50.198 ‐0.6

12/1/2014 21:04 8764.1 11.263 50.2 ‐0.606

12/1/2014 21:09 8769.1 11.264 50.206 ‐0.607

12/1/2014 21:14 8774.1 11.266 50.204 ‐0.611

12/1/2014 21:19 8779.1 11.266 50.207 ‐0.612

12/1/2014 21:24 8784.1 11.267 50.198 ‐0.614

12/1/2014 21:29 8789.1 11.268 50.201 ‐0.616

12/1/2014 21:34 8794.1 11.27 50.201 ‐0.622

12/1/2014 21:39 8799.1 11.271 50.207 ‐0.624

12/1/2014 21:44 8804.1 11.272 50.204 ‐0.625

12/1/2014 21:49 8809.1 11.273 50.202 ‐0.627

12/1/2014 21:54 8814.1 11.276 50.203 ‐0.634

12/1/2014 21:59 8819.1 11.274 50.202 ‐0.63

12/1/2014 22:04 8824.1 11.278 50.204 ‐0.641

12/1/2014 22:09 8829.1 11.28 50.206 ‐0.645

12/1/2014 22:14 8834.1 11.28 50.205 ‐0.645

12/1/2014 22:19 8839.1 11.282 50.205 ‐0.648

12/1/2014 22:24 8844.1 11.284 50.208 ‐0.654

12/1/2014 22:29 8849.1 11.286 50.207 ‐0.657

12/1/2014 22:34 8854.1 11.287 50.204 ‐0.66

12/1/2014 22:39 8859.1 11.289 50.206 ‐0.666

12/1/2014 22:44 8864.1 11.29 50.204 ‐0.668

12/1/2014 22:49 8869.1 11.292 50.204 ‐0.671

12/1/2014 22:54 8874.1 11.295 50.206 ‐0.678

12/1/2014 22:59 8879.1 11.297 50.204 ‐0.684

12/1/2014 23:04 8884.1 11.298 50.206 ‐0.686

12/1/2014 23:09 8889.1 11.3 50.206 ‐0.691

12/1/2014 23:14 8894.1 11.302 50.205 ‐0.694

12/1/2014 23:19 8899.1 11.304 50.204 ‐0.699

12/1/2014 23:24 8904.1 11.307 50.203 ‐0.706

12/1/2014 23:29 8909.1 11.309 50.21 ‐0.711

12/1/2014 23:34 8914.1 11.311 50.203 ‐0.716

12/1/2014 23:39 8919.1 11.312 50.202 ‐0.718

12/1/2014 23:44 8924.1 11.315 50.209 ‐0.725

12/1/2014 23:49 8929.1 11.317 50.204 ‐0.729

12/1/2014 23:54 8934.1 11.315 50.206 ‐0.726

12/1/2014 23:59 8939.1 11.322 50.207 ‐0.741

12/2/2014 0:04 8944.1 11.322 50.202 ‐0.741

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 0:09 8949.1 11.324 50.206 ‐0.746

12/2/2014 0:14 8954.1 11.326 50.207 ‐0.751

12/2/2014 0:19 8959.1 11.329 50.206 ‐0.757

12/2/2014 0:24 8964.1 11.33 50.207 ‐0.76

12/2/2014 0:29 8969.1 11.333 50.206 ‐0.766

12/2/2014 0:34 8974.1 11.334 50.205 ‐0.769

12/2/2014 0:39 8979.1 11.339 50.201 ‐0.781

12/2/2014 0:44 8984.1 11.34 50.205 ‐0.782

12/2/2014 0:49 8989.1 11.341 50.204 ‐0.785

12/2/2014 0:54 8994.1 11.344 50.208 ‐0.791

12/2/2014 0:59 8999.1 11.346 50.207 ‐0.796

12/2/2014 1:04 9004.1 11.349 50.2 ‐0.803

12/2/2014 1:09 9009.1 11.35 50.208 ‐0.805

12/2/2014 1:14 9014.1 11.351 50.204 ‐0.808

12/2/2014 1:19 9019.1 11.353 50.209 ‐0.812

12/2/2014 1:24 9024.1 11.356 50.204 ‐0.82

12/2/2014 1:29 9029.1 11.358 50.209 ‐0.823

12/2/2014 1:34 9034.1 11.36 50.206 ‐0.829

12/2/2014 1:39 9039.1 11.362 50.206 ‐0.834

12/2/2014 1:44 9044.1 11.363 50.206 ‐0.837

12/2/2014 1:49 9049.1 11.365 50.206 ‐0.84

12/2/2014 1:54 9054.1 11.369 50.204 ‐0.849

12/2/2014 1:59 9059.1 11.37 50.208 ‐0.852

12/2/2014 2:04 9064.1 11.373 50.208 ‐0.859

12/2/2014 2:09 9069.1 11.375 50.204 ‐0.863

12/2/2014 2:14 9074.1 11.378 50.205 ‐0.87

12/2/2014 2:19 9079.1 11.379 50.206 ‐0.874

12/2/2014 2:24 9084.1 11.381 50.203 ‐0.877

12/2/2014 2:29 9089.1 11.383 50.205 ‐0.883

12/2/2014 2:34 9094.1 11.385 50.201 ‐0.886

12/2/2014 2:39 9099.1 11.389 50.208 ‐0.895

12/2/2014 2:44 9104.1 11.39 50.203 ‐0.899

12/2/2014 2:49 9109.1 11.392 50.203 ‐0.903

12/2/2014 2:54 9114.1 11.395 50.204 ‐0.91

12/2/2014 2:59 9119.1 11.396 50.204 ‐0.911

12/2/2014 3:04 9124.1 11.397 50.206 ‐0.913

12/2/2014 3:09 9129.1 11.401 50.204 ‐0.922

12/2/2014 3:14 9134.1 11.401 50.208 ‐0.924

12/2/2014 3:19 9139.1 11.403 50.206 ‐0.928

12/2/2014 3:24 9144.1 11.406 50.205 ‐0.935

12/2/2014 3:29 9149.1 11.407 50.207 ‐0.938

12/2/2014 3:34 9154.1 11.41 50.205 ‐0.944

12/2/2014 3:39 9159.1 11.413 50.206 ‐0.95

12/2/2014 3:44 9164.1 11.416 50.203 ‐0.958

12/2/2014 3:49 9169.1 11.414 50.207 ‐0.954

12/2/2014 3:54 9174.1 11.418 50.208 ‐0.962

12/2/2014 3:59 9179.1 11.42 50.203 ‐0.967

12/2/2014 4:04 9184.1 11.423 50.209 ‐0.974

12/2/2014 4:09 9189.1 11.425 50.207 ‐0.979

12/2/2014 4:14 9194.1 11.426 50.205 ‐0.981

12/2/2014 4:19 9199.1 11.43 50.206 ‐0.991

12/2/2014 4:24 9204.1 11.432 50.204 ‐0.994

12/2/2014 4:29 9209.1 11.434 50.206 ‐1

12/2/2014 4:34 9214.1 11.436 50.2 ‐1.005

12/2/2014 4:39 9219.1 11.437 50.201 ‐1.007

12/2/2014 4:44 9224.1 11.439 50.206 ‐1.011

12/2/2014 4:49 9229.1 11.44 50.203 ‐1.014

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 4:54 9234.1 11.442 50.208 ‐1.017

12/2/2014 4:59 9239.1 11.446 50.206 ‐1.027

12/2/2014 5:04 9244.1 11.447 50.203 ‐1.03

12/2/2014 5:09 9249.1 11.45 50.201 ‐1.037

12/2/2014 5:14 9254.1 11.452 50.206 ‐1.041

12/2/2014 5:19 9259.1 11.454 50.211 ‐1.045

12/2/2014 5:24 9264.1 11.454 50.211 ‐1.047

12/2/2014 5:29 9269.1 11.458 50.207 ‐1.055

12/2/2014 5:34 9274.1 11.461 50.209 ‐1.063

12/2/2014 5:39 9279.1 11.461 50.206 ‐1.061

12/2/2014 5:44 9284.1 11.464 50.202 ‐1.069

12/2/2014 5:49 9289.1 11.467 50.201 ‐1.076

12/2/2014 5:54 9294.1 11.469 50.205 ‐1.08

12/2/2014 5:59 9299.1 11.47 50.204 ‐1.083

12/2/2014 6:04 9304.1 11.471 50.204 ‐1.086

12/2/2014 6:09 9309.1 11.473 50.203 ‐1.09

12/2/2014 6:14 9314.1 11.475 50.202 ‐1.093

12/2/2014 6:19 9319.1 11.477 50.204 ‐1.099

12/2/2014 6:24 9324.1 11.478 50.206 ‐1.101

12/2/2014 6:29 9329.1 11.481 50.204 ‐1.107

12/2/2014 6:34 9334.1 11.482 50.206 ‐1.111

12/2/2014 6:39 9339.1 11.484 50.204 ‐1.116

12/2/2014 6:44 9344.1 11.485 50.208 ‐1.117

12/2/2014 6:49 9349.1 11.489 50.205 ‐1.126

12/2/2014 6:54 9354.1 11.49 50.206 ‐1.128

12/2/2014 6:59 9359.1 11.491 50.205 ‐1.132

12/2/2014 7:04 9364.1 11.491 50.201 ‐1.131

12/2/2014 7:09 9369.1 11.494 50.206 ‐1.137

12/2/2014 7:14 9374.1 11.493 50.201 ‐1.135

12/2/2014 7:19 9379.1 11.495 50.204 ‐1.14

12/2/2014 7:24 9384.1 11.496 50.206 ‐1.144

12/2/2014 7:29 9389.1 11.497 50.208 ‐1.145

12/2/2014 7:34 9394.1 11.496 50.206 ‐1.142

12/2/2014 7:39 9399.1 11.497 50.206 ‐1.145

12/2/2014 7:44 9404.1 11.497 50.21 ‐1.144

12/2/2014 7:49 9409.1 11.497 50.204 ‐1.146

12/2/2014 7:54 9414.1 11.498 50.206 ‐1.147

12/2/2014 7:59 9419.1 11.497 50.206 ‐1.146

12/2/2014 8:04 9424.1 11.498 50.205 ‐1.147

12/2/2014 8:09 9429.1 11.497 50.208 ‐1.145

12/2/2014 8:14 9434.1 11.497 50.201 ‐1.146

12/2/2014 8:19 9439.1 11.496 50.207 ‐1.142

12/2/2014 8:24 9444.1 11.494 50.206 ‐1.139

12/2/2014 8:29 9449.1 11.493 50.208 ‐1.135

12/2/2014 8:34 9454.1 11.491 50.21 ‐1.13

12/2/2014 8:39 9459.1 11.492 50.209 ‐1.133

12/2/2014 8:44 9464.1 11.491 50.206 ‐1.132

12/2/2014 8:49 9469.1 11.491 50.208 ‐1.132

12/2/2014 8:54 9474.1 11.49 50.212 ‐1.129

12/2/2014 8:59 9479.1 11.488 50.208 ‐1.124

12/2/2014 9:04 9484.1 11.487 50.208 ‐1.122

12/2/2014 9:09 9489.1 11.486 50.206 ‐1.119

12/2/2014 9:14 9494.1 11.485 50.207 ‐1.117

12/2/2014 9:19 9499.1 11.482 50.209 ‐1.111

12/2/2014 9:24 9504.1 11.48 50.211 ‐1.106

12/2/2014 9:29 9509.1 11.48 50.208 ‐1.105

12/2/2014 9:34 9514.1 11.476 50.207 ‐1.098

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 9:39 9519.1 11.475 50.206 ‐1.095

12/2/2014 9:44 9524.1 11.471 50.212 ‐1.085

12/2/2014 9:49 9529.1 11.471 50.209 ‐1.085

12/2/2014 9:54 9534.1 11.468 50.206 ‐1.079

12/2/2014 9:59 9539.1 11.466 50.205 ‐1.074

12/2/2014 10:04 9544.1 11.464 50.207 ‐1.068

12/2/2014 10:09 9549.1 11.462 50.206 ‐1.064

12/2/2014 10:14 9554.1 11.46 50.207 ‐1.06

12/2/2014 10:19 9559.1 11.456 50.209 ‐1.05

12/2/2014 10:24 9564.1 11.456 50.217 ‐1.05

12/2/2014 10:29 9569.1 11.453 50.227 ‐1.043

12/2/2014 10:34 9574.1 11.45 50.221 ‐1.036

12/2/2014 10:39 9579.1 11.444 50.217 ‐1.023

12/2/2014 10:44 9584.1 11.444 50.212 ‐1.023

12/2/2014 10:49 9589.1 11.44 50.212 ‐1.014

12/2/2014 10:54 9594.1 11.439 50.211 ‐1.011

12/2/2014 10:59 9599.1 11.436 50.217 ‐1.003

12/2/2014 11:04 9604.1 11.433 50.216 ‐0.997

12/2/2014 11:09 9609.1 11.429 50.212 ‐0.989

12/2/2014 11:14 9614.1 11.427 50.212 ‐0.984

12/2/2014 11:19 9619.1 11.424 50.206 ‐0.976

12/2/2014 11:24 9624.1 11.42 50.21 ‐0.968

12/2/2014 11:29 9629.1 11.417 50.21 ‐0.96

12/2/2014 11:34 9634.1 11.413 50.207 ‐0.952

12/2/2014 11:39 9639.1 11.411 50.218 ‐0.947

12/2/2014 11:44 9644.1 11.404 50.209 ‐0.931

12/2/2014 11:49 9649.1 11.403 50.211 ‐0.929

12/2/2014 11:54 9654.1 11.4 50.21 ‐0.921

12/2/2014 11:59 9659.1 11.397 50.213 ‐0.913

12/2/2014 12:04 9664.1 11.394 50.211 ‐0.907

12/2/2014 12:09 9669.1 11.392 50.216 ‐0.902

12/2/2014 12:14 9674.1 11.39 50.212 ‐0.898

12/2/2014 12:19 9679.1 11.385 50.212 ‐0.886

12/2/2014 12:24 9684.1 11.384 50.21 ‐0.885

12/2/2014 12:29 9689.1 11.381 50.217 ‐0.877

12/2/2014 12:34 9694.1 11.378 50.218 ‐0.87

12/2/2014 12:39 9699.1 11.376 50.21 ‐0.865

12/2/2014 12:44 9704.1 11.373 50.213 ‐0.859

12/2/2014 12:49 9709.1 11.373 50.212 ‐0.858

12/2/2014 12:54 9714.1 11.369 50.213 ‐0.85

12/2/2014 12:59 9719.1 11.368 50.21 ‐0.847

12/2/2014 13:04 9724.1 11.367 50.212 ‐0.845

12/2/2014 13:09 9729.1 11.365 50.213 ‐0.841

12/2/2014 13:14 9734.1 11.364 50.208 ‐0.838

12/2/2014 13:19 9739.1 11.362 50.21 ‐0.834

12/2/2014 13:24 9744.1 11.361 50.217 ‐0.832

12/2/2014 13:29 9749.1 11.36 50.223 ‐0.829

12/2/2014 13:34 9754.1 11.359 50.213 ‐0.826

12/2/2014 13:39 9759.1 11.358 50.215 ‐0.825

12/2/2014 13:44 9764.1 11.357 50.212 ‐0.821

12/2/2014 13:49 9769.1 11.356 50.208 ‐0.819

12/2/2014 13:54 9774.1 11.355 50.212 ‐0.817

12/2/2014 13:59 9779.1 11.354 50.212 ‐0.814

12/2/2014 14:04 9784.1 11.353 50.213 ‐0.812

12/2/2014 14:09 9789.1 11.355 50.207 ‐0.818

12/2/2014 14:14 9794.1 11.354 50.211 ‐0.815

12/2/2014 14:19 9799.1 11.353 50.212 ‐0.812

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 14:24 9804.1 11.352 50.212 ‐0.81

12/2/2014 14:29 9809.1 11.352 50.211 ‐0.811

12/2/2014 14:34 9814.1 11.353 50.209 ‐0.813

12/2/2014 14:39 9819.1 11.353 50.213 ‐0.812

12/2/2014 14:44 9824.1 11.35 50.206 ‐0.806

12/2/2014 14:49 9829.1 11.35 50.21 ‐0.806

12/2/2014 14:54 9834.1 11.348 50.209 ‐0.801

12/2/2014 14:59 9839.1 11.343 50.21 ‐0.79

12/2/2014 15:04 9844.1 11.34 50.212 ‐0.782

12/2/2014 15:09 9849.1 11.336 50.213 ‐0.774

12/2/2014 15:14 9854.1 11.333 50.212 ‐0.766

12/2/2014 15:19 9859.1 11.33 50.212 ‐0.759

12/2/2014 15:24 9864.1 11.327 50.212 ‐0.752

12/2/2014 15:29 9869.1 11.324 50.214 ‐0.746

12/2/2014 15:34 9874.1 11.323 50.214 ‐0.743

12/2/2014 15:39 9879.1 11.32 50.212 ‐0.737

12/2/2014 15:44 9884.1 11.317 50.215 ‐0.729

12/2/2014 15:49 9889.1 11.315 50.216 ‐0.724

12/2/2014 15:54 9894.1 11.312 50.215 ‐0.717

12/2/2014 15:59 9899.1 11.309 50.212 ‐0.71

12/2/2014 16:04 9904.1 11.308 50.212 ‐0.708

12/2/2014 16:09 9909.1 11.304 50.216 ‐0.7

12/2/2014 16:14 9914.1 11.303 50.217 ‐0.697

12/2/2014 16:19 9919.1 11.303 50.211 ‐0.697

12/2/2014 16:24 9924.1 11.302 50.215 ‐0.695

12/2/2014 16:29 9929.1 11.3 50.215 ‐0.689

12/2/2014 16:34 9934.1 11.296 50.216 ‐0.682

12/2/2014 16:39 9939.1 11.298 50.214 ‐0.685

12/2/2014 16:44 9944.1 11.295 50.219 ‐0.679

12/2/2014 16:49 9949.1 11.296 50.215 ‐0.68

12/2/2014 16:54 9954.1 11.294 50.217 ‐0.677

12/2/2014 16:59 9959.1 11.293 50.217 ‐0.675

12/2/2014 17:04 9964.1 11.293 50.215 ‐0.674

12/2/2014 17:09 9969.1 11.292 50.237 ‐0.671

12/2/2014 17:14 9974.1 11.291 50.224 ‐0.669

12/2/2014 17:19 9979.1 11.291 50.218 ‐0.669

12/2/2014 17:24 9984.1 11.289 50.216 ‐0.666

12/2/2014 17:29 9989.1 11.289 50.214 ‐0.664

12/2/2014 17:34 9994.1 11.288 50.214 ‐0.664

12/2/2014 17:39 9999.1 11.286 50.216 ‐0.658

12/2/2014 17:44 10004.1 11.288 50.219 ‐0.662

12/2/2014 17:49 10009.1 11.286 50.216 ‐0.658

12/2/2014 17:54 10014.1 11.285 50.21 ‐0.655

12/2/2014 17:59 10019.1 11.285 50.214 ‐0.657

12/2/2014 18:04 10024.1 11.285 50.216 ‐0.655

12/2/2014 18:09 10029.1 11.283 50.216 ‐0.651

12/2/2014 18:14 10034.1 11.279 50.217 ‐0.643

12/2/2014 18:19 10039.1 11.271 50.213 ‐0.623

12/2/2014 18:24 10044.1 11.262 50.217 ‐0.602

12/2/2014 18:29 10049.1 11.253 50.217 ‐0.581

12/2/2014 18:34 10054.1 11.238 50.223 ‐0.548

12/2/2014 18:39 10059.1 11.221 50.223 ‐0.508

12/2/2014 18:44 10064.1 11.208 50.223 ‐0.478

12/2/2014 18:49 10069.1 11.192 50.224 ‐0.442

12/2/2014 18:54 10074.1 11.176 50.223 ‐0.403

12/2/2014 18:59 10079.1 11.16 50.227 ‐0.367

12/2/2014 19:04 10084.1 11.143 50.223 ‐0.328

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 19:09 10089.1 11.128 50.23 ‐0.292

12/2/2014 19:14 10094.1 11.111 50.227 ‐0.254

12/2/2014 19:19 10099.1 11.095 50.226 ‐0.218

12/2/2014 19:24 10104.1 11.08 50.225 ‐0.182

12/2/2014 19:29 10109.1 11.066 50.219 ‐0.149

12/2/2014 19:34 10114.1 11.052 50.217 ‐0.117

12/2/2014 19:39 10119.1 11.035 50.22 ‐0.079

12/2/2014 19:44 10124.1 11.019 50.22 ‐0.042

12/2/2014 19:49 10129.1 11.008 50.221 ‐0.016

12/2/2014 19:54 10134.1 10.995 50.221 0.015

12/2/2014 19:59 10139.1 10.981 50.22 0.047

12/2/2014 20:04 10144.1 10.967 50.225 0.079

12/2/2014 20:09 10149.1 10.953 50.223 0.11

12/2/2014 20:14 10154.1 10.939 50.219 0.142

12/2/2014 20:19 10159.1 10.925 50.223 0.177

12/2/2014 20:24 10164.1 10.907 50.218 0.216

12/2/2014 20:29 10169.1 10.892 50.22 0.251

12/2/2014 20:34 10174.1 10.875 50.223 0.291

12/2/2014 20:39 10179.1 10.856 50.224 0.334

12/2/2014 20:44 10184.1 10.842 50.224 0.368

12/2/2014 20:49 10189.1 10.822 50.224 0.412

12/2/2014 20:54 10194.1 10.806 50.223 0.45

12/2/2014 20:59 10199.1 10.789 50.241 0.49

12/2/2014 21:04 10204.1 10.772 50.265 0.53

12/2/2014 21:09 10209.1 10.755 50.246 0.567

12/2/2014 21:14 10214.1 10.739 50.238 0.605

12/2/2014 21:19 10219.1 10.723 50.236 0.642

12/2/2014 21:24 10224.1 10.709 50.234 0.675

12/2/2014 21:29 10229.1 10.69 50.229 0.718

12/2/2014 21:34 10234.1 10.678 50.23 0.746

12/2/2014 21:39 10239.1 10.663 50.228 0.78

12/2/2014 21:44 10244.1 10.647 50.23 0.819

12/2/2014 21:49 10249.1 10.635 50.223 0.845

12/2/2014 21:54 10254.1 10.619 50.228 0.881

12/2/2014 21:59 10259.1 10.607 50.227 0.91

12/2/2014 22:04 10264.1 10.593 50.228 0.941

12/2/2014 22:09 10269.1 10.58 50.222 0.971

12/2/2014 22:14 10274.1 10.565 50.229 1.007

12/2/2014 22:19 10279.1 10.55 50.237 1.041

12/2/2014 22:24 10284.1 10.535 50.24 1.075

12/2/2014 22:29 10289.1 10.518 50.235 1.116

12/2/2014 22:34 10294.1 10.498 50.23 1.161

12/2/2014 22:39 10299.1 10.48 50.231 1.203

12/2/2014 22:44 10304.1 10.459 50.235 1.252

12/2/2014 22:49 10309.1 10.441 50.263 1.293

12/2/2014 22:54 10314.1 10.42 50.268 1.341

12/2/2014 22:59 10319.1 10.401 50.264 1.385

12/2/2014 23:04 10324.1 10.382 50.248 1.429

12/2/2014 23:09 10329.1 10.363 50.239 1.473

12/2/2014 23:14 10334.1 10.345 50.233 1.516

12/2/2014 23:19 10339.1 10.327 50.229 1.557

12/2/2014 23:24 10344.1 10.307 50.237 1.602

12/2/2014 23:29 10349.1 10.29 50.234 1.642

12/2/2014 23:34 10354.1 10.273 50.241 1.68

12/2/2014 23:39 10359.1 10.257 50.234 1.719

12/2/2014 23:44 10364.1 10.239 50.231 1.76

12/2/2014 23:49 10369.1 10.222 50.231 1.798

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/2/2014 23:54 10374.1 10.206 50.265 1.835

12/2/2014 23:59 10379.1 10.189 50.256 1.875

12/3/2014 0:04 10384.1 10.174 50.245 1.909

12/3/2014 0:09 10389.1 10.161 50.233 1.94

12/3/2014 0:14 10394.1 10.148 50.237 1.97

12/3/2014 0:19 10399.1 10.138 50.233 1.994

12/3/2014 0:24 10404.1 10.134 50.235 2.003

12/3/2014 0:29 10409.1 10.134 50.229 2.002

12/3/2014 0:34 10414.1 10.14 50.228 1.989

12/3/2014 0:39 10419.1 10.151 50.227 1.963

12/3/2014 0:44 10424.1 10.165 50.223 1.931

12/3/2014 0:49 10429.1 10.182 50.219 1.89

12/3/2014 0:54 10434.1 10.2 50.218 1.849

12/3/2014 0:59 10439.1 10.218 50.219 1.809

12/3/2014 1:04 10444.1 10.238 50.217 1.761

12/3/2014 1:09 10449.1 10.257 50.213 1.719

12/3/2014 1:14 10454.1 10.279 50.212 1.668

12/3/2014 1:19 10459.1 10.299 50.212 1.621

12/3/2014 1:24 10464.1 10.318 50.214 1.576

12/3/2014 1:29 10469.1 10.339 50.214 1.53

12/3/2014 1:34 10474.1 10.357 50.212 1.486

12/3/2014 1:39 10479.1 10.376 50.213 1.442

12/3/2014 1:44 10484.1 10.396 50.212 1.398

12/3/2014 1:49 10489.1 10.413 50.213 1.358

12/3/2014 1:54 10494.1 10.432 50.214 1.313

12/3/2014 1:59 10499.1 10.449 50.215 1.276

12/3/2014 2:04 10504.1 10.465 50.216 1.238

12/3/2014 2:09 10509.1 10.481 50.208 1.201

12/3/2014 2:14 10514.1 10.497 50.212 1.164

12/3/2014 2:19 10519.1 10.514 50.212 1.126

12/3/2014 2:24 10524.1 10.53 50.212 1.089

12/3/2014 2:29 10529.1 10.545 50.212 1.052

12/3/2014 2:34 10534.1 10.56 50.21 1.019

12/3/2014 2:39 10539.1 10.572 50.21 0.99

12/3/2014 2:44 10544.1 10.588 50.208 0.954

12/3/2014 2:49 10549.1 10.602 50.211 0.921

12/3/2014 2:54 10554.1 10.614 50.208 0.893

12/3/2014 2:59 10559.1 10.628 50.203 0.86

12/3/2014 3:04 10564.1 10.642 50.211 0.828

12/3/2014 3:09 10569.1 10.655 50.204 0.799

12/3/2014 3:14 10574.1 10.666 50.204 0.774

12/3/2014 3:19 10579.1 10.678 50.207 0.747

12/3/2014 3:24 10584.1 10.69 50.21 0.719

12/3/2014 3:29 10589.1 10.702 50.21 0.691

12/3/2014 3:34 10594.1 10.712 50.205 0.667

12/3/2014 3:39 10599.1 10.725 50.206 0.639

12/3/2014 3:44 10604.1 10.734 50.201 0.617

12/3/2014 3:49 10609.1 10.745 50.208 0.591

12/3/2014 3:54 10614.1 10.757 50.206 0.565

12/3/2014 3:59 10619.1 10.763 50.208 0.55

12/3/2014 4:04 10624.1 10.774 50.212 0.524

12/3/2014 4:09 10629.1 10.787 50.206 0.495

12/3/2014 4:14 10634.1 10.796 50.204 0.473

12/3/2014 4:19 10639.1 10.806 50.207 0.451

12/3/2014 4:24 10644.1 10.814 50.204 0.431

12/3/2014 4:29 10649.1 10.823 50.208 0.411

12/3/2014 4:34 10654.1 10.833 50.208 0.389

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 4:39 10659.1 10.841 50.206 0.369

12/3/2014 4:44 10664.1 10.849 50.209 0.351

12/3/2014 4:49 10669.1 10.858 50.206 0.33

12/3/2014 4:54 10674.1 10.865 50.21 0.313

12/3/2014 4:59 10679.1 10.874 50.207 0.294

12/3/2014 5:04 10684.1 10.881 50.213 0.277

12/3/2014 5:09 10689.1 10.891 50.204 0.254

12/3/2014 5:14 10694.1 10.898 50.211 0.239

12/3/2014 5:19 10699.1 10.906 50.206 0.22

12/3/2014 5:24 10704.1 10.912 50.209 0.207

12/3/2014 5:29 10709.1 10.92 50.212 0.188

12/3/2014 5:34 10714.1 10.927 50.208 0.171

12/3/2014 5:39 10719.1 10.933 50.214 0.156

12/3/2014 5:44 10724.1 10.941 50.208 0.138

12/3/2014 5:49 10729.1 10.948 50.212 0.123

12/3/2014 5:54 10734.1 10.954 50.211 0.11

12/3/2014 5:59 10739.1 10.961 50.21 0.093

12/3/2014 6:04 10744.1 10.967 50.211 0.079

12/3/2014 6:09 10749.1 10.975 50.211 0.06

12/3/2014 6:14 10754.1 10.981 50.209 0.046

12/3/2014 6:19 10759.1 10.987 50.209 0.033

12/3/2014 6:24 10764.1 10.993 50.207 0.018

12/3/2014 6:29 10769.1 10.999 50.209 0.006

12/3/2014 6:34 10774.1 11.005 50.208 ‐0.01

12/3/2014 6:39 10779.1 11.013 50.211 ‐0.027

12/3/2014 6:44 10784.1 11.019 50.207 ‐0.041

12/3/2014 6:49 10789.1 11.023 50.21 ‐0.05

12/3/2014 6:54 10794.1 11.03 50.212 ‐0.068

12/3/2014 6:59 10799.1 11.035 50.209 ‐0.079

12/3/2014 7:04 10804.1 11.038 50.213 ‐0.085

12/3/2014 7:09 10809.1 11.044 50.207 ‐0.1

12/3/2014 7:14 10814.1 11.05 50.21 ‐0.113

12/3/2014 7:19 10819.1 11.054 50.208 ‐0.121

12/3/2014 7:24 10824.1 11.058 50.215 ‐0.132

12/3/2014 7:29 10829.1 11.064 50.209 ‐0.146

12/3/2014 7:34 10834.1 11.067 50.215 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 7:39 10839.1 11.071 50.213 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 7:44 10844.1 11.074 50.213 ‐0.168

12/3/2014 7:49 10849.1 11.076 50.207 ‐0.174

12/3/2014 7:54 10854.1 11.083 50.214 ‐0.189

12/3/2014 7:59 10859.1 11.086 50.207 ‐0.196

12/3/2014 8:04 10864.1 11.087 50.211 ‐0.2

12/3/2014 8:09 10869.1 11.091 50.217 ‐0.208

12/3/2014 8:14 10874.1 11.095 50.208 ‐0.217

12/3/2014 8:19 10879.1 11.098 50.216 ‐0.223

12/3/2014 8:24 10884.1 11.099 50.213 ‐0.227

12/3/2014 8:29 10889.1 11.101 50.208 ‐0.23

12/3/2014 8:34 10894.1 11.103 50.213 ‐0.235

12/3/2014 8:39 10899.1 11.104 50.214 ‐0.239

12/3/2014 8:44 10904.1 11.106 50.215 ‐0.242

12/3/2014 8:49 10909.1 11.108 50.214 ‐0.248

12/3/2014 8:54 10914.1 11.109 50.217 ‐0.25

12/3/2014 8:59 10919.1 11.111 50.22 ‐0.255

12/3/2014 9:04 10924.1 11.11 50.213 ‐0.252

12/3/2014 9:09 10929.1 11.112 50.217 ‐0.257

12/3/2014 9:14 10934.1 11.113 50.217 ‐0.258

12/3/2014 9:19 10939.1 11.111 50.218 ‐0.254

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 9:24 10944.1 11.114 50.214 ‐0.261

12/3/2014 9:29 10949.1 11.115 50.212 ‐0.262

12/3/2014 9:34 10954.1 11.113 50.216 ‐0.258

12/3/2014 9:39 10959.1 11.117 50.213 ‐0.268

12/3/2014 9:44 10964.1 11.115 50.217 ‐0.264

12/3/2014 9:49 10969.1 11.113 50.214 ‐0.259

12/3/2014 9:54 10974.1 11.115 50.215 ‐0.263

12/3/2014 9:59 10979.1 11.114 50.215 ‐0.262

12/3/2014 10:04 10984.1 11.113 50.217 ‐0.26

12/3/2014 10:09 10989.1 11.114 50.213 ‐0.261

12/3/2014 10:14 10994.1 11.112 50.215 ‐0.256

12/3/2014 10:19 10999.1 11.113 50.218 ‐0.258

12/3/2014 10:24 11004.1 11.111 50.213 ‐0.253

12/3/2014 10:29 11009.1 11.111 50.214 ‐0.254

12/3/2014 10:34 11014.1 11.112 50.219 ‐0.256

12/3/2014 10:39 11019.1 11.108 50.212 ‐0.247

12/3/2014 10:44 11024.1 11.108 50.217 ‐0.248

12/3/2014 10:49 11029.1 11.109 50.215 ‐0.249

12/3/2014 10:54 11034.1 11.106 50.217 ‐0.243

12/3/2014 10:59 11039.1 11.117 50.215 ‐0.268

12/3/2014 11:04 11044.1 11.106 50.214 ‐0.242

12/3/2014 11:09 11049.1 11.102 50.219 ‐0.233

12/3/2014 11:14 11054.1 11.101 50.218 ‐0.231

12/3/2014 11:19 11059.1 11.099 50.217 ‐0.226

12/3/2014 11:24 11064.1 11.098 50.216 ‐0.224

12/3/2014 11:29 11069.1 11.097 50.217 ‐0.221

12/3/2014 11:34 11074.1 11.094 50.215 ‐0.215

12/3/2014 11:39 11079.1 11.092 50.216 ‐0.209

12/3/2014 11:44 11084.1 11.09 50.221 ‐0.205

12/3/2014 11:49 11089.1 11.09 50.217 ‐0.205

12/3/2014 11:54 11094.1 11.085 50.214 ‐0.194

12/3/2014 11:59 11099.1 11.085 50.218 ‐0.194

12/3/2014 12:04 11104.1 11.084 50.221 ‐0.192

12/3/2014 12:09 11109.1 11.082 50.217 ‐0.186

12/3/2014 12:14 11114.1 11.079 50.212 ‐0.18

12/3/2014 12:19 11119.1 11.074 50.217 ‐0.168

12/3/2014 12:24 11124.1 11.067 50.215 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 12:29 11129.1 11.074 50.217 ‐0.169

12/3/2014 12:34 11134.1 11.073 50.215 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 12:39 11139.1 11.073 50.214 ‐0.167

12/3/2014 12:44 11144.1 11.074 50.219 ‐0.169

12/3/2014 12:49 11149.1 11.072 50.216 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 12:54 11154.1 11.072 50.217 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 12:59 11159.1 11.076 50.216 ‐0.174

12/3/2014 13:04 11164.1 11.071 50.22 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 13:09 11169.1 11.071 50.214 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 13:14 11174.1 11.07 50.212 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 13:19 11179.1 11.067 50.215 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 13:24 11184.1 11.069 50.217 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 13:29 11189.1 11.069 50.216 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 13:34 11194.1 11.066 50.217 ‐0.151

12/3/2014 13:39 11199.1 11.066 50.219 ‐0.15

12/3/2014 13:44 11204.1 11.067 50.217 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 13:49 11209.1 11.067 50.219 ‐0.151

12/3/2014 13:54 11214.1 11.071 50.217 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 13:59 11219.1 11.066 50.213 ‐0.151

12/3/2014 14:04 11224.1 11.063 50.214 ‐0.143

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 14:09 11229.1 11.068 50.218 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 14:14 11234.1 11.067 50.217 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 14:19 11239.1 11.067 50.215 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 14:24 11244.1 11.069 50.22 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 14:29 11249.1 11.071 50.22 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 14:34 11254.1 11.073 50.222 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 14:39 11259.1 11.07 50.217 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 14:44 11264.1 11.072 50.218 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 14:49 11269.1 11.076 50.222 ‐0.172

12/3/2014 14:54 11274.1 11.076 50.219 ‐0.172

12/3/2014 14:59 11279.1 11.077 50.217 ‐0.174

12/3/2014 15:04 11284.1 11.072 50.217 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 15:09 11289.1 11.075 50.219 ‐0.171

12/3/2014 15:14 11294.1 11.079 50.223 ‐0.18

12/3/2014 15:19 11299.1 11.077 50.216 ‐0.176

12/3/2014 15:24 11304.1 11.078 50.217 ‐0.179

12/3/2014 15:29 11309.1 11.077 50.223 ‐0.175

12/3/2014 15:34 11314.1 11.078 50.219 ‐0.179

12/3/2014 15:39 11319.1 11.079 50.217 ‐0.181

12/3/2014 15:44 11324.1 11.077 50.216 ‐0.176

12/3/2014 15:49 11329.1 11.079 50.218 ‐0.18

12/3/2014 15:54 11334.1 11.077 50.218 ‐0.176

12/3/2014 15:59 11339.1 11.08 50.22 ‐0.181

12/3/2014 16:04 11344.1 11.077 50.214 ‐0.175

12/3/2014 16:09 11349.1 11.077 50.217 ‐0.175

12/3/2014 16:14 11354.1 11.076 50.223 ‐0.173

12/3/2014 16:19 11359.1 11.076 50.218 ‐0.173

12/3/2014 16:24 11364.1 11.076 50.224 ‐0.172

12/3/2014 16:29 11369.1 11.075 50.213 ‐0.171

12/3/2014 16:34 11374.1 11.075 50.224 ‐0.17

12/3/2014 16:39 11379.1 11.066 50.207 ‐0.15

12/3/2014 16:44 11384.1 11.071 50.204 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 16:49 11389.1 11.073 50.207 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 16:54 11394.1 11.073 50.21 ‐0.166

12/3/2014 16:59 11399.1 11.072 50.214 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 17:04 11404.1 11.071 50.212 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 17:09 11409.1 11.07 50.213 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 17:14 11414.1 11.072 50.213 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 17:19 11419.1 11.07 50.217 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 17:24 11424.1 11.068 50.22 ‐0.155

12/3/2014 17:29 11429.1 11.067 50.212 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 17:34 11434.1 11.068 50.214 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 17:39 11439.1 11.067 50.213 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 17:44 11444.1 11.069 50.218 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 17:49 11449.1 11.068 50.216 ‐0.155

12/3/2014 17:54 11454.1 11.069 50.217 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 17:59 11459.1 11.066 50.217 ‐0.151

12/3/2014 18:04 11464.1 11.067 50.217 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 18:09 11469.1 11.068 50.223 ‐0.155

12/3/2014 18:14 11474.1 11.067 50.217 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 18:19 11479.1 11.067 50.219 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 18:24 11484.1 11.067 50.217 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 18:29 11489.1 11.069 50.218 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 18:34 11494.1 11.068 50.217 ‐0.155

12/3/2014 18:39 11499.1 11.069 50.221 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 18:44 11504.1 11.07 50.222 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 18:49 11509.1 11.071 50.217 ‐0.161

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 18:54 11514.1 11.071 50.221 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 18:59 11519.1 11.073 50.217 ‐0.166

12/3/2014 19:00 11520 11.071 50.217 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.004 11.072 50.253 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.008 11.07 50.274 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.013 11.072 50.287 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.017 11.071 50.294 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.021 11.07 50.308 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.025 11.069 50.313 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.029 11.071 50.318 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.033 11.07 50.32 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.038 11.072 50.327 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.042 11.07 50.328 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.046 11.068 50.33 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.05 11.069 50.336 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.054 11.07 50.34 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.058 11.069 50.341 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.063 11.07 50.346 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.067 11.069 50.347 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.071 11.073 50.344 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.075 11.069 50.349 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.079 11.069 50.352 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.083 11.07 50.352 ‐0.158

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.088 11.072 50.352 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.092 11.069 50.356 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.096 11.069 50.358 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.1 11.069 50.357 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.106 11.069 50.343 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.112 11.071 50.341 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.119 11.069 50.326 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.126 11.069 50.325 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.133 11.069 50.319 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.141 11.07 50.319 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.15 11.071 50.303 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.158 11.071 50.302 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.168 11.07 50.299 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.178 11.071 50.291 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.188 11.071 50.295 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.199 11.073 50.285 ‐0.166

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.211 11.07 50.28 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.224 11.072 50.283 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.237 11.072 50.279 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.251 11.07 50.274 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.266 11.07 50.274 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.282 11.071 50.269 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.298 11.071 50.267 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.316 11.069 50.264 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.335 11.071 50.263 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.355 11.071 50.258 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.376 11.073 50.267 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.398 11.072 50.257 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.422 11.072 50.254 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.447 11.072 50.257 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.473 11.07 50.249 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.501 11.07 50.251 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.531 11.07 50.247 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.562 11.069 50.249 ‐0.158

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.596 11.068 50.249 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.631 11.071 50.245 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.668 11.074 50.24 ‐0.169

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.708 11.071 50.245 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.75 11.07 50.243 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.794 11.072 50.244 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.841 11.071 50.241 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.891 11.072 50.237 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.944 11.071 50.234 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:01 11521 11.07 50.24 ‐0.158

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.06 11.071 50.229 ‐0.162

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.12 11.072 50.237 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.19 11.07 50.235 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.26 11.071 50.235 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.33 11.071 50.233 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.41 11.071 50.232 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.5 11.072 50.232 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.58 11.073 50.228 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.68 11.072 50.233 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.78 11.072 50.232 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.88 11.073 50.227 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.99 11.071 50.228 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.11 11.072 50.227 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.24 11.071 50.225 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.37 11.072 50.226 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.51 11.072 50.223 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.66 11.073 50.226 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.82 11.071 50.226 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.98 11.071 50.23 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.16 11.072 50.228 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.35 11.072 50.229 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.55 11.072 50.228 ‐0.165

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.76 11.072 50.222 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.98 11.072 50.223 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.22 11.072 50.221 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.47 11.071 50.224 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.73 11.07 50.221 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.01 11.072 50.216 ‐0.163

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.31 11.071 50.225 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.62 11.07 50.222 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.96 11.07 50.219 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.31 11.07 50.224 ‐0.159

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.68 11.071 50.223 ‐0.16

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.08 11.069 50.218 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.5 11.069 50.219 ‐0.157

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.94 11.071 50.218 ‐0.161

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.41 11.07 50.218 ‐0.158

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.91 11.069 50.224 ‐0.156

12/3/2014 19:09 11529.44 11.067 50.217 ‐0.152

12/3/2014 19:10 11530 11.067 50.226 ‐0.153

12/3/2014 19:10 11530.6 11.067 50.223 ‐0.151

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.2 11.066 50.22 ‐0.15

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.9 11.066 50.218 ‐0.149

12/3/2014 19:12 11532.6 11.065 50.222 ‐0.148

12/3/2014 19:13 11533.3 11.06 50.217 ‐0.135

12/3/2014 19:14 11534.1 11.062 50.217 ‐0.14

12/3/2014 19:15 11535 11.06 50.219 ‐0.136

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 19:15 11535.8 11.059 50.222 ‐0.135

12/3/2014 19:16 11536.8 11.057 50.221 ‐0.129

12/3/2014 19:17 11537.8 11.056 50.224 ‐0.127

12/3/2014 19:18 11538.8 11.053 50.225 ‐0.119

12/3/2014 19:19 11539.9 11.049 50.218 ‐0.11

12/3/2014 19:21 11541.1 11.046 50.226 ‐0.103

12/3/2014 19:22 11542.4 11.041 50.216 ‐0.093

12/3/2014 19:23 11543.7 11.038 50.221 ‐0.085

12/3/2014 19:25 11545.1 11.033 50.224 ‐0.074

12/3/2014 19:26 11546.6 11.028 50.223 ‐0.061

12/3/2014 19:28 11548.2 11.02 50.224 ‐0.043

12/3/2014 19:29 11549.8 11.014 50.225 ‐0.029

12/3/2014 19:31 11551.6 11.008 50.226 ‐0.016

12/3/2014 19:33 11553.5 10.997 50.23 0.008

12/3/2014 19:35 11555.5 10.99 50.228 0.027

12/3/2014 19:37 11557.6 10.98 50.229 0.048

12/3/2014 19:39 11559.8 10.97 50.225 0.071

12/3/2014 19:42 11562.2 10.957 50.23 0.102

12/3/2014 19:44 11564.7 10.944 50.23 0.131

12/3/2014 19:47 11567.3 10.935 50.234 0.152

12/3/2014 19:50 11570.1 10.92 50.226 0.186

12/3/2014 19:53 11573.1 10.905 50.216 0.223

12/3/2014 19:56 11576.2 10.888 50.212 0.26

12/3/2014 19:59 11579.6 10.873 50.213 0.296

12/3/2014 20:03 11583.1 10.853 50.215 0.341

12/3/2014 20:06 11586.8 10.836 50.219 0.38

12/3/2014 20:10 11590.8 10.818 50.22 0.422

12/3/2014 20:15 11595 10.797 50.225 0.471

12/3/2014 20:19 11599.4 10.775 50.227 0.522

12/3/2014 20:24 11604.1 10.753 50.226 0.572

12/3/2014 20:29 11609.1 10.727 50.223 0.632

12/3/2014 20:34 11614.1 10.705 50.229 0.684

12/3/2014 20:39 11619.1 10.683 50.232 0.735

12/3/2014 20:44 11624.1 10.663 50.231 0.781

12/3/2014 20:49 11629.1 10.641 50.236 0.832

12/3/2014 20:54 11634.1 10.62 50.234 0.88

12/3/2014 20:59 11639.1 10.6 50.234 0.927

12/3/2014 21:04 11644.1 10.58 50.231 0.972

12/3/2014 21:09 11649.1 10.56 50.234 1.019

12/3/2014 21:14 11654.1 10.54 50.232 1.064

12/3/2014 21:19 11659.1 10.522 50.234 1.107

12/3/2014 21:24 11664.1 10.503 50.234 1.151

12/3/2014 21:29 11669.1 10.485 50.233 1.191

12/3/2014 21:34 11674.1 10.467 50.235 1.234

12/3/2014 21:39 11679.1 10.45 50.233 1.271

12/3/2014 21:44 11684.1 10.433 50.233 1.311

12/3/2014 21:49 11689.1 10.416 50.237 1.352

12/3/2014 21:54 11694.1 10.401 50.235 1.385

12/3/2014 21:59 11699.1 10.385 50.235 1.421

12/3/2014 22:04 11704.1 10.37 50.236 1.457

12/3/2014 22:09 11709.1 10.355 50.235 1.491

12/3/2014 22:14 11714.1 10.34 50.231 1.527

12/3/2014 22:19 11719.1 10.326 50.234 1.558

12/3/2014 22:24 11724.1 10.312 50.233 1.592

12/3/2014 22:29 11729.1 10.298 50.229 1.623

12/3/2014 22:34 11734.1 10.285 50.24 1.653

12/3/2014 22:39 11739.1 10.272 50.235 1.683

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/3/2014 22:44 11744.1 10.258 50.235 1.715

12/3/2014 22:49 11749.1 10.245 50.233 1.746

12/3/2014 22:54 11754.1 10.234 50.234 1.772

12/3/2014 22:59 11759.1 10.221 50.238 1.801

12/3/2014 23:04 11764.1 10.208 50.234 1.832

12/3/2014 23:09 11769.1 10.197 50.235 1.856

12/3/2014 23:14 11774.1 10.187 50.249 1.881

12/3/2014 23:19 11779.1 10.175 50.238 1.907

12/3/2014 23:24 11784.1 10.164 50.235 1.934

12/3/2014 23:29 11789.1 10.153 50.235 1.959

12/3/2014 23:34 11794.1 10.141 50.231 1.985

12/3/2014 23:39 11799.1 10.131 50.23 2.009

12/3/2014 23:44 11804.1 10.119 50.229 2.037

12/3/2014 23:49 11809.1 10.112 50.231 2.053

12/3/2014 23:54 11814.1 10.1 50.231 2.081

12/3/2014 23:59 11819.1 10.092 50.225 2.1

12/4/2014 0:04 11824.1 10.081 50.23 2.123

12/4/2014 0:09 11829.1 10.072 50.226 2.145

12/4/2014 0:14 11834.1 10.063 50.217 2.166

12/4/2014 0:19 11839.1 10.054 50.227 2.188

12/4/2014 0:24 11844.1 10.045 50.229 2.207

12/4/2014 0:29 11849.1 10.037 50.229 2.227

12/4/2014 0:34 11854.1 10.027 50.226 2.25

12/4/2014 0:39 11859.1 10.018 50.232 2.271

12/4/2014 0:44 11864.1 10.009 50.223 2.29

12/4/2014 0:49 11869.1 10.001 50.223 2.308

12/4/2014 0:54 11874.1 9.99 50.223 2.334

12/4/2014 0:59 11879.1 9.985 50.224 2.347

12/4/2014 1:04 11884.1 9.978 50.23 2.362

12/4/2014 1:09 11889.1 9.97 50.23 2.381

12/4/2014 1:14 11894.1 9.961 50.223 2.402

12/4/2014 1:19 11899.1 9.954 50.226 2.419

12/4/2014 1:24 11904.1 9.947 50.228 2.434

12/4/2014 1:29 11909.1 9.938 50.228 2.454

12/4/2014 1:34 11914.1 9.932 50.224 2.468

12/4/2014 1:39 11919.1 9.925 50.228 2.485

12/4/2014 1:44 11924.1 9.918 50.235 2.501

12/4/2014 1:49 11929.1 9.913 50.23 2.513

12/4/2014 1:54 11934.1 9.903 50.227 2.536

12/4/2014 1:59 11939.1 9.897 50.225 2.55

12/4/2014 2:04 11944.1 9.892 50.227 2.561

12/4/2014 2:09 11949.1 9.885 50.231 2.577

12/4/2014 2:14 11954.1 9.879 50.223 2.59

12/4/2014 2:19 11959.1 9.872 50.233 2.608

12/4/2014 2:24 11964.1 9.867 50.233 2.618

12/4/2014 2:29 11969.1 9.86 50.232 2.635

12/4/2014 2:34 11974.1 9.854 50.229 2.649

12/4/2014 2:39 11979.1 9.848 50.226 2.663

12/4/2014 2:44 11984.1 9.842 50.23 2.676

12/4/2014 2:49 11989.1 9.835 50.23 2.692

12/4/2014 2:54 11994.1 9.83 50.232 2.704

12/4/2014 2:59 11999.1 9.824 50.227 2.718

12/4/2014 3:04 12004.1 9.818 50.233 2.732

12/4/2014 3:09 12009.1 9.812 50.228 2.745

12/4/2014 3:14 12014.1 9.806 50.228 2.759

12/4/2014 3:19 12019.1 9.801 50.226 2.77

12/4/2014 3:24 12024.1 9.795 50.23 2.785

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 3:29 12029.1 9.789 50.232 2.799

12/4/2014 3:34 12034.1 9.785 50.228 2.809

12/4/2014 3:39 12039.1 9.781 50.229 2.818

12/4/2014 3:44 12044.1 9.774 50.23 2.833

12/4/2014 3:49 12049.1 9.769 50.229 2.845

12/4/2014 3:54 12054.1 9.764 50.235 2.855

12/4/2014 3:59 12059.1 9.759 50.237 2.869

12/4/2014 4:04 12064.1 9.752 50.237 2.883

12/4/2014 4:09 12069.1 9.75 50.24 2.889

12/4/2014 4:14 12074.1 9.745 50.239 2.9

12/4/2014 4:19 12079.1 9.738 50.235 2.916

12/4/2014 4:24 12084.1 9.735 50.237 2.923

12/4/2014 4:29 12089.1 9.731 50.231 2.933

12/4/2014 4:34 12094.1 9.723 50.231 2.95

12/4/2014 4:39 12099.1 9.72 50.231 2.959

12/4/2014 4:44 12104.1 9.715 50.235 2.97

12/4/2014 4:49 12109.1 9.711 50.259 2.979

12/4/2014 4:54 12114.1 9.704 50.243 2.994

12/4/2014 4:59 12119.1 9.7 50.239 3.004

12/4/2014 5:04 12124.1 9.697 50.236 3.011

12/4/2014 5:09 12129.1 9.69 50.235 3.026

12/4/2014 5:14 12134.1 9.687 50.234 3.033

12/4/2014 5:19 12139.1 9.682 50.235 3.046

12/4/2014 5:24 12144.1 9.676 50.235 3.059

12/4/2014 5:29 12149.1 9.672 50.234 3.068

12/4/2014 5:34 12154.1 9.669 50.233 3.075

12/4/2014 5:39 12159.1 9.666 50.255 3.084

12/4/2014 5:44 12164.1 9.661 50.26 3.095

12/4/2014 5:49 12169.1 9.656 50.246 3.106

12/4/2014 5:54 12174.1 9.652 50.239 3.116

12/4/2014 5:59 12179.1 9.647 50.238 3.126

12/4/2014 6:04 12184.1 9.643 50.234 3.136

12/4/2014 6:09 12189.1 9.639 50.233 3.144

12/4/2014 6:14 12194.1 9.633 50.229 3.158

12/4/2014 6:19 12199.1 9.629 50.238 3.169

12/4/2014 6:24 12204.1 9.624 50.229 3.179

12/4/2014 6:29 12209.1 9.622 50.231 3.184

12/4/2014 6:34 12214.1 9.618 50.231 3.194

12/4/2014 6:39 12219.1 9.615 50.227 3.199

12/4/2014 6:44 12224.1 9.61 50.227 3.211

12/4/2014 6:49 12229.1 9.607 50.233 3.218

12/4/2014 6:54 12234.1 9.601 50.231 3.232

12/4/2014 6:59 12239.1 9.599 50.229 3.238

12/4/2014 7:04 12244.1 9.594 50.227 3.25

12/4/2014 7:09 12249.1 9.59 50.234 3.259

12/4/2014 7:14 12254.1 9.584 50.232 3.272

12/4/2014 7:19 12259.1 9.581 50.229 3.279

12/4/2014 7:24 12264.1 9.576 50.231 3.29

12/4/2014 7:29 12269.1 9.572 50.229 3.3

12/4/2014 7:34 12274.1 9.567 50.229 3.31

12/4/2014 7:39 12279.1 9.562 50.231 3.324

12/4/2014 7:44 12284.1 9.557 50.234 3.334

12/4/2014 7:49 12289.1 9.553 50.228 3.344

12/4/2014 7:54 12294.1 9.547 50.229 3.358

12/4/2014 7:59 12299.1 9.542 50.231 3.369

12/4/2014 8:04 12304.1 9.537 50.235 3.381

12/4/2014 8:09 12309.1 9.532 50.231 3.393

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 8:14 12314.1 9.526 50.236 3.405

12/4/2014 8:19 12319.1 9.52 50.237 3.419

12/4/2014 8:24 12324.1 9.516 50.231 3.43

12/4/2014 8:29 12329.1 9.509 50.235 3.444

12/4/2014 8:34 12334.1 9.504 50.235 3.456

12/4/2014 8:39 12339.1 9.496 50.233 3.476

12/4/2014 8:44 12344.1 9.489 50.238 3.492

12/4/2014 8:49 12349.1 9.484 50.233 3.503

12/4/2014 8:54 12354.1 9.477 50.233 3.519

12/4/2014 8:59 12359.1 9.47 50.236 3.535

12/4/2014 9:04 12364.1 9.465 50.24 3.548

12/4/2014 9:09 12369.1 9.457 50.24 3.565

12/4/2014 9:14 12374.1 9.45 50.235 3.582

12/4/2014 9:19 12379.1 9.442 50.235 3.6

12/4/2014 9:24 12384.1 9.438 50.238 3.61

12/4/2014 9:29 12389.1 9.431 50.238 3.626

12/4/2014 9:34 12394.1 9.423 50.235 3.644

12/4/2014 9:39 12399.1 9.414 50.237 3.664

12/4/2014 9:44 12404.1 9.409 50.235 3.676

12/4/2014 9:49 12409.1 9.404 50.235 3.688

12/4/2014 9:54 12414.1 9.395 50.257 3.708

12/4/2014 9:59 12419.1 9.388 50.241 3.724

12/4/2014 10:04 12424.1 9.382 50.233 3.739

12/4/2014 10:09 12429.1 9.374 50.234 3.758

12/4/2014 10:14 12434.1 9.366 50.235 3.775

12/4/2014 10:19 12439.1 9.36 50.236 3.789

12/4/2014 10:24 12444.1 9.351 50.232 3.809

12/4/2014 10:29 12449.1 9.346 50.235 3.823

12/4/2014 10:34 12454.1 9.339 50.235 3.838

12/4/2014 10:39 12459.1 9.33 50.234 3.859

12/4/2014 10:44 12464.1 9.322 50.235 3.876

12/4/2014 10:49 12469.1 9.316 50.237 3.892

12/4/2014 10:54 12474.1 9.308 50.235 3.909

12/4/2014 10:59 12479.1 9.301 50.234 3.926

12/4/2014 11:04 12484.1 9.294 50.235 3.942

12/4/2014 11:09 12489.1 9.286 50.235 3.959

12/4/2014 11:14 12494.1 9.278 50.229 3.978

12/4/2014 11:19 12499.1 9.27 50.239 3.997

12/4/2014 11:24 12504.1 9.264 50.232 4.01

12/4/2014 11:29 12509.1 9.257 50.235 4.028

12/4/2014 11:34 12514.1 9.25 50.23 4.044

12/4/2014 11:39 12519.1 9.243 50.231 4.059

12/4/2014 11:44 12524.1 9.234 50.236 4.079

12/4/2014 11:49 12529.1 9.229 50.243 4.091

12/4/2014 11:54 12534.1 9.223 50.236 4.106

12/4/2014 11:59 12539.1 9.217 50.232 4.12

12/4/2014 12:04 12544.1 9.21 50.232 4.136

12/4/2014 12:09 12549.1 9.205 50.236 4.147

12/4/2014 12:14 12554.1 9.199 50.234 4.161

12/4/2014 12:19 12559.1 9.193 50.241 4.175

12/4/2014 12:24 12564.1 9.185 50.251 4.193

12/4/2014 12:29 12569.1 9.179 50.243 4.207

12/4/2014 12:34 12574.1 9.174 50.24 4.218

12/4/2014 12:39 12579.1 9.17 50.24 4.228

12/4/2014 12:44 12584.1 9.164 50.237 4.242

12/4/2014 12:49 12589.1 9.158 50.238 4.255

12/4/2014 12:54 12594.1 9.154 50.234 4.266

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 12:59 12599.1 9.148 50.235 4.279

12/4/2014 13:04 12604.1 9.142 50.233 4.292

12/4/2014 13:09 12609.1 9.14 50.239 4.298

12/4/2014 13:14 12614.1 9.134 50.235 4.311

12/4/2014 13:19 12619.1 9.13 50.228 4.321

12/4/2014 13:24 12624.1 9.126 50.235 4.33

12/4/2014 13:29 12629.1 9.12 50.229 4.344

12/4/2014 13:34 12634.1 9.117 50.23 4.351

12/4/2014 13:39 12639.1 9.111 50.229 4.365

12/4/2014 13:44 12644.1 9.108 50.233 4.371

12/4/2014 13:49 12649.1 9.104 50.235 4.38

12/4/2014 13:54 12654.1 9.1 50.239 4.39

12/4/2014 13:59 12659.1 9.096 50.231 4.398

12/4/2014 14:04 12664.1 9.092 50.24 4.408

12/4/2014 14:09 12669.1 9.089 50.237 4.414

12/4/2014 14:14 12674.1 9.086 50.236 4.422

12/4/2014 14:19 12679.1 9.082 50.236 4.43

12/4/2014 14:24 12684.1 9.079 50.229 4.438

12/4/2014 14:29 12689.1 9.076 50.236 4.446

12/4/2014 14:34 12694.1 9.072 50.259 4.454

12/4/2014 14:39 12699.1 9.069 50.256 4.461

12/4/2014 14:44 12704.1 9.066 50.245 4.469

12/4/2014 14:49 12709.1 9.062 50.24 4.477

12/4/2014 14:54 12714.1 9.059 50.238 4.485

12/4/2014 14:59 12719.1 9.055 50.234 4.493

12/4/2014 15:04 12724.1 9.049 50.235 4.507

12/4/2014 15:09 12729.1 9.048 50.231 4.511

12/4/2014 15:14 12734.1 9.043 50.235 4.52

12/4/2014 15:19 12739.1 9.04 50.227 4.529

12/4/2014 15:24 12744.1 9.036 50.233 4.537

12/4/2014 15:29 12749.1 9.031 50.23 4.549

12/4/2014 15:34 12754.1 9.025 50.235 4.562

12/4/2014 15:39 12759.1 9.021 50.229 4.571

12/4/2014 15:44 12764.1 9.019 50.233 4.578

12/4/2014 15:49 12769.1 9.014 50.235 4.588

12/4/2014 15:54 12774.1 9.009 50.23 4.599

12/4/2014 15:59 12779.1 9.003 50.236 4.612

12/4/2014 16:04 12784.1 8.999 50.234 4.623

12/4/2014 16:09 12789.1 8.995 50.229 4.632

12/4/2014 16:14 12794.1 8.992 50.221 4.639

12/4/2014 16:19 12799.1 8.985 50.219 4.656

12/4/2014 16:24 12804.1 8.982 50.219 4.663

12/4/2014 16:29 12809.1 8.977 50.227 4.672

12/4/2014 16:34 12814.1 8.971 50.225 4.686

12/4/2014 16:39 12819.1 8.966 50.229 4.7

12/4/2014 16:44 12824.1 8.96 50.223 4.713

12/4/2014 16:49 12829.1 8.955 50.275 4.725

12/4/2014 16:54 12834.1 8.951 50.245 4.734

12/4/2014 16:59 12839.1 8.947 50.235 4.744

12/4/2014 17:04 12844.1 8.942 50.237 4.755

12/4/2014 17:09 12849.1 8.936 50.235 4.769

12/4/2014 17:14 12854.1 8.931 50.236 4.779

12/4/2014 17:19 12859.1 8.926 50.233 4.79

12/4/2014 17:24 12864.1 8.923 50.24 4.798

12/4/2014 17:29 12869.1 8.919 50.234 4.808

12/4/2014 17:34 12874.1 8.915 50.234 4.817

12/4/2014 17:39 12879.1 8.91 50.237 4.827

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 17:44 12884.1 8.908 50.232 4.833

12/4/2014 17:49 12889.1 8.903 50.235 4.845

12/4/2014 17:54 12894.1 8.898 50.234 4.856

12/4/2014 17:59 12899.1 8.897 50.235 4.858

12/4/2014 18:04 12904.1 8.892 50.235 4.87

12/4/2014 18:09 12909.1 8.888 50.235 4.878

12/4/2014 18:14 12914.1 8.884 50.238 4.888

12/4/2014 18:19 12919.1 8.881 50.237 4.896

12/4/2014 18:24 12924.1 8.878 50.234 4.903

12/4/2014 18:29 12929.1 8.876 50.237 4.908

12/4/2014 18:34 12934.1 8.872 50.239 4.916

12/4/2014 18:39 12939.1 8.87 50.238 4.92

12/4/2014 18:44 12944.1 8.864 50.235 4.934

12/4/2014 18:49 12949.1 8.864 50.232 4.933

12/4/2014 18:54 12954.1 8.859 50.235 4.947

12/4/2014 18:59 12959.1 8.856 50.238 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960 8.857 50.235 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.004 8.857 50.271 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.008 8.857 50.294 4.95

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.013 8.857 50.303 4.95

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.017 8.856 50.316 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.021 8.856 50.324 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.025 8.855 50.328 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.029 8.855 50.33 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.033 8.855 50.339 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.038 8.856 50.344 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.042 8.857 50.349 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.046 8.854 50.356 4.957

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.05 8.857 50.352 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.054 8.855 50.359 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.058 8.855 50.358 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.063 8.856 50.359 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.067 8.855 50.368 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.071 8.855 50.362 4.956

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.075 8.855 50.37 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.079 8.854 50.375 4.957

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.083 8.855 50.367 4.956

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.088 8.856 50.374 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.092 8.857 50.375 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.096 8.853 50.379 4.959

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.1 8.856 50.373 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.106 8.855 50.362 4.956

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.112 8.856 50.353 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.119 8.855 50.349 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.126 8.853 50.339 4.959

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.133 8.856 50.339 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.141 8.854 50.332 4.958

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.15 8.855 50.325 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.158 8.854 50.319 4.958

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.168 8.855 50.32 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.178 8.856 50.313 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.188 8.856 50.313 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.199 8.857 50.309 4.95

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.211 8.856 50.305 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.224 8.856 50.293 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.237 8.857 50.296 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.251 8.856 50.293 4.953

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.266 8.856 50.289 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.282 8.856 50.286 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.298 8.859 50.288 4.946

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.316 8.857 50.287 4.95

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.335 8.854 50.283 4.957

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.355 8.855 50.287 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.376 8.854 50.278 4.957

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.398 8.854 50.279 4.958

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.422 8.858 50.275 4.948

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.447 8.856 50.271 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.473 8.856 50.27 4.952

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.501 8.856 50.268 4.953

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.531 8.854 50.272 4.958

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.562 8.854 50.267 4.957

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.596 8.857 50.271 4.951

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.631 8.856 50.262 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.668 8.857 50.266 4.95

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.708 8.856 50.264 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.75 8.856 50.259 4.954

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.794 8.855 50.263 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.841 8.854 50.258 4.956

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.891 8.855 50.252 4.955

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.944 8.853 50.259 4.959

12/4/2014 19:01 12961 8.855 50.255 4.956

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.06 8.855 50.255 4.955

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.12 8.857 50.256 4.951

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.19 8.855 50.253 4.954

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.26 8.854 50.257 4.957

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.33 8.856 50.254 4.952

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.41 8.855 50.248 4.955

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.5 8.855 50.25 4.955

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.58 8.856 50.253 4.952

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.68 8.856 50.245 4.954

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.78 8.855 50.251 4.954

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.88 8.856 50.25 4.953

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.99 8.857 50.246 4.951

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.11 8.854 50.242 4.956

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.24 8.856 50.243 4.954

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.37 8.856 50.245 4.953

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.51 8.856 50.242 4.954

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.66 8.855 50.246 4.954

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.82 8.855 50.25 4.954

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.98 8.855 50.245 4.956

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.16 8.854 50.245 4.957

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.35 8.856 50.247 4.954

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.55 8.857 50.245 4.951

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.76 8.856 50.24 4.953

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.98 8.855 50.248 4.954

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.22 8.856 50.24 4.953

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.47 8.857 50.248 4.951

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.73 8.856 50.242 4.952

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.01 8.856 50.246 4.952

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.31 8.855 50.243 4.955

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.62 8.857 50.24 4.952

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.96 8.857 50.241 4.95

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.31 8.856 50.243 4.952

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.68 8.855 50.242 4.955

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Page 54 of 57

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.08 8.855 50.237 4.954

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.5 8.854 50.243 4.958

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.94 8.857 50.238 4.95

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.41 8.855 50.237 4.954

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.91 8.857 50.238 4.95

12/4/2014 19:09 12969.44 8.857 50.236 4.95

12/4/2014 19:10 12970 8.857 50.238 4.95

12/4/2014 19:10 12970.6 8.858 50.235 4.948

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.2 8.859 50.235 4.946

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.9 8.859 50.238 4.946

12/4/2014 19:12 12972.6 8.862 50.235 4.94

12/4/2014 19:13 12973.3 8.861 50.237 4.942

12/4/2014 19:14 12974.1 8.863 50.239 4.936

12/4/2014 19:15 12975 8.864 50.238 4.935

12/4/2014 19:15 12975.8 8.864 50.24 4.933

12/4/2014 19:16 12976.8 8.867 50.24 4.927

12/4/2014 19:17 12977.8 8.868 50.235 4.925

12/4/2014 19:18 12978.8 8.872 50.231 4.917

12/4/2014 19:19 12979.9 8.874 50.231 4.911

12/4/2014 19:21 12981.1 8.877 50.232 4.904

12/4/2014 19:22 12982.4 8.881 50.229 4.895

12/4/2014 19:23 12983.7 8.886 50.232 4.884

12/4/2014 19:25 12985.1 8.888 50.226 4.878

12/4/2014 19:26 12986.6 8.896 50.231 4.861

12/4/2014 19:28 12988.2 8.901 50.223 4.848

12/4/2014 19:29 12989.8 8.907 50.225 4.835

12/4/2014 19:31 12991.6 8.915 50.222 4.817

12/4/2014 19:33 12993.5 8.923 50.225 4.797

12/4/2014 19:35 12995.5 8.932 50.224 4.777

12/4/2014 19:37 12997.6 8.94 50.224 4.758

12/4/2014 19:39 12999.8 8.95 50.216 4.735

12/4/2014 19:42 13002.2 8.962 50.218 4.708

12/4/2014 19:44 13004.7 8.974 50.226 4.681

12/4/2014 19:47 13007.3 8.986 50.217 4.652

12/4/2014 19:50 13010.1 9 50.218 4.619

12/4/2014 19:53 13013.1 9.014 50.212 4.589

12/4/2014 19:56 13016.2 9.03 50.217 4.551

12/4/2014 19:59 13019.6 9.047 50.216 4.512

12/4/2014 20:03 13023.1 9.064 50.213 4.473

12/4/2014 20:06 13026.8 9.082 50.213 4.431

12/4/2014 20:10 13030.8 9.099 50.212 4.391

12/4/2014 20:15 13035 9.12 50.21 4.344

12/4/2014 20:19 13039.4 9.14 50.21 4.297

12/4/2014 20:24 13044.1 9.162 50.212 4.245

12/4/2014 20:29 13049.1 9.186 50.209 4.192

12/4/2014 20:34 13054.1 9.208 50.212 4.141

12/4/2014 20:39 13059.1 9.23 50.207 4.088

12/4/2014 20:44 13064.1 9.25 50.215 4.044

12/4/2014 20:49 13069.1 9.272 50.214 3.992

12/4/2014 20:54 13074.1 9.293 50.205 3.943

12/4/2014 20:59 13079.1 9.313 50.211 3.898

12/4/2014 21:04 13084.1 9.334 50.211 3.848

12/4/2014 21:09 13089.1 9.353 50.212 3.804

12/4/2014 21:14 13094.1 9.371 50.213 3.764

12/4/2014 21:19 13099.1 9.391 50.212 3.717

12/4/2014 21:24 13104.1 9.409 50.218 3.677

12/4/2014 21:29 13109.1 9.427 50.217 3.633

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/4/2014 21:34 13114.1 9.444 50.214 3.596

12/4/2014 21:39 13119.1 9.462 50.213 3.554

12/4/2014 21:44 13124.1 9.478 50.209 3.516

12/4/2014 21:49 13129.1 9.495 50.216 3.477

12/4/2014 21:54 13134.1 9.513 50.213 3.437

12/4/2014 21:59 13139.1 9.528 50.215 3.401

12/4/2014 22:04 13144.1 9.544 50.211 3.365

12/4/2014 22:09 13149.1 9.56 50.213 3.328

12/4/2014 22:14 13154.1 9.574 50.209 3.295

12/4/2014 22:19 13159.1 9.59 50.207 3.258

12/4/2014 22:24 13164.1 9.603 50.212 3.227

12/4/2014 22:29 13169.1 9.62 50.217 3.188

12/4/2014 22:34 13174.1 9.634 50.215 3.156

12/4/2014 22:39 13179.1 9.647 50.215 3.126

12/4/2014 22:44 13184.1 9.662 50.219 3.092

12/4/2014 22:49 13189.1 9.675 50.216 3.063

12/4/2014 22:54 13194.1 9.689 50.215 3.03

12/4/2014 22:59 13199.1 9.702 50.215 3

12/4/2014 23:04 13204.1 9.715 50.213 2.969

12/4/2014 23:09 13209.1 9.727 50.21 2.941

12/4/2014 23:14 13214.1 9.742 50.212 2.908

12/4/2014 23:19 13219.1 9.754 50.215 2.88

12/4/2014 23:24 13224.1 9.767 50.214 2.851

12/4/2014 23:29 13229.1 9.779 50.213 2.822

12/4/2014 23:34 13234.1 9.79 50.211 2.796

12/4/2014 23:39 13239.1 9.803 50.212 2.766

12/4/2014 23:44 13244.1 9.814 50.21 2.741

12/4/2014 23:49 13249.1 9.828 50.21 2.709

12/4/2014 23:54 13254.1 9.837 50.215 2.687

12/4/2014 23:59 13259.1 9.849 50.216 2.66

12/5/2014 0:04 13264.1 9.861 50.215 2.632

12/5/2014 0:09 13269.1 9.872 50.212 2.607

12/5/2014 0:14 13274.1 9.884 50.212 2.58

12/5/2014 0:19 13279.1 9.894 50.215 2.556

12/5/2014 0:24 13284.1 9.906 50.216 2.528

12/5/2014 0:29 13289.1 9.916 50.218 2.506

12/5/2014 0:34 13294.1 9.926 50.217 2.481

12/5/2014 0:39 13299.1 9.937 50.213 2.458

12/5/2014 0:44 13304.1 9.946 50.215 2.435

12/5/2014 0:49 13309.1 9.957 50.212 2.411

12/5/2014 0:54 13314.1 9.967 50.217 2.387

12/5/2014 0:59 13319.1 9.977 50.214 2.365

12/5/2014 1:04 13324.1 9.986 50.217 2.344

12/5/2014 1:09 13329.1 9.995 50.212 2.324

12/5/2014 1:14 13334.1 10.007 50.215 2.295

12/5/2014 1:19 13339.1 10.016 50.217 2.274

12/5/2014 1:24 13344.1 10.026 50.215 2.252

12/5/2014 1:29 13349.1 10.035 50.211 2.23

12/5/2014 1:34 13354.1 10.043 50.212 2.213

12/5/2014 1:39 13359.1 10.054 50.212 2.187

12/5/2014 1:44 13364.1 10.063 50.218 2.165

12/5/2014 1:49 13369.1 10.073 50.213 2.144

12/5/2014 1:54 13374.1 10.08 50.217 2.127

12/5/2014 1:59 13379.1 10.091 50.218 2.102

12/5/2014 2:04 13384.1 10.096 50.217 2.091

12/5/2014 2:09 13389.1 10.107 50.217 2.064

12/5/2014 2:14 13394.1 10.115 50.219 2.047

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/5/2014 2:19 13399.1 10.123 50.221 2.027

12/5/2014 2:24 13404.1 10.132 50.217 2.006

12/5/2014 2:29 13409.1 10.139 50.22 1.99

12/5/2014 2:34 13414.1 10.15 50.222 1.965

12/5/2014 2:39 13419.1 10.158 50.217 1.946

12/5/2014 2:44 13424.1 10.167 50.217 1.927

12/5/2014 2:49 13429.1 10.173 50.217 1.912

12/5/2014 2:54 13434.1 10.181 50.217 1.893

12/5/2014 2:59 13439.1 10.188 50.222 1.877

12/5/2014 3:04 13444.1 10.197 50.216 1.857

12/5/2014 3:09 13449.1 10.204 50.219 1.839

12/5/2014 3:14 13454.1 10.211 50.22 1.824

12/5/2014 3:19 13459.1 10.221 50.22 1.802

12/5/2014 3:24 13464.1 10.229 50.214 1.783

12/5/2014 3:29 13469.1 10.237 50.22 1.765

12/5/2014 3:34 13474.1 10.244 50.217 1.747

12/5/2014 3:39 13479.1 10.251 50.219 1.732

12/5/2014 3:44 13484.1 10.259 50.218 1.713

12/5/2014 3:49 13489.1 10.267 50.217 1.695

12/5/2014 3:54 13494.1 10.274 50.217 1.678

12/5/2014 3:59 13499.1 10.282 50.217 1.66

12/5/2014 4:04 13504.1 10.291 50.212 1.639

12/5/2014 4:09 13509.1 10.298 50.215 1.623

12/5/2014 4:14 13514.1 10.304 50.22 1.609

12/5/2014 4:19 13519.1 10.314 50.219 1.587

12/5/2014 4:24 13524.1 10.32 50.222 1.572

12/5/2014 4:29 13529.1 10.329 50.217 1.553

12/5/2014 4:34 13534.1 10.334 50.215 1.54

12/5/2014 4:39 13539.1 10.342 50.22 1.522

12/5/2014 4:44 13544.1 10.35 50.217 1.504

12/5/2014 4:49 13549.1 10.354 50.224 1.493

12/5/2014 4:54 13554.1 10.361 50.224 1.477

12/5/2014 4:59 13559.1 10.37 50.223 1.458

12/5/2014 5:04 13564.1 10.375 50.222 1.447

12/5/2014 5:09 13569.1 10.383 50.225 1.427

12/5/2014 5:14 13574.1 10.388 50.223 1.417

12/5/2014 5:19 13579.1 10.395 50.217 1.398

12/5/2014 5:24 13584.1 10.402 50.222 1.384

12/5/2014 5:29 13589.1 10.408 50.219 1.37

12/5/2014 5:34 13594.1 10.415 50.221 1.353

12/5/2014 5:39 13599.1 10.42 50.222 1.341

12/5/2014 5:44 13604.1 10.427 50.217 1.325

12/5/2014 5:49 13609.1 10.434 50.223 1.309

12/5/2014 5:54 13614.1 10.439 50.219 1.299

12/5/2014 5:59 13619.1 10.446 50.223 1.281

12/5/2014 6:04 13624.1 10.45 50.221 1.272

12/5/2014 6:09 13629.1 10.456 50.219 1.258

12/5/2014 6:14 13634.1 10.463 50.219 1.243

12/5/2014 6:19 13639.1 10.47 50.22 1.227

12/5/2014 6:24 13644.1 10.475 50.218 1.215

12/5/2014 6:29 13649.1 10.48 50.218 1.202

12/5/2014 6:34 13654.1 10.485 50.223 1.19

12/5/2014 6:39 13659.1 10.491 50.225 1.177

12/5/2014 6:44 13664.1 10.498 50.221 1.161

12/5/2014 6:49 13669.1 10.502 50.22 1.152

12/5/2014 6:54 13674.1 10.509 50.222 1.137

12/5/2014 6:59 13679.1 10.514 50.222 1.124

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Page 57 of 57

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:00

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐1_Append_2014‐12‐05_16‐53‐29‐601.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 16:53

12/5/2014 7:04 13684.1 10.518 50.221 1.116

12/5/2014 7:09 13689.1 10.524 50.222 1.101

12/5/2014 7:14 13694.1 10.53 50.226 1.088

12/5/2014 7:19 13699.1 10.535 50.229 1.077

12/5/2014 7:24 13704.1 10.54 50.221 1.065

12/5/2014 7:29 13709.1 10.545 50.223 1.052

12/5/2014 7:34 13714.1 10.551 50.222 1.04

12/5/2014 7:39 13719.1 10.556 50.223 1.028

12/5/2014 7:44 13724.1 10.559 50.218 1.021

12/5/2014 7:49 13729.1 10.565 50.225 1.007

12/5/2014 7:54 13734.1 10.567 50.228 1.002

12/5/2014 7:59 13739.1 10.572 50.225 0.991

12/5/2014 8:04 13744.1 10.575 50.225 0.983

12/5/2014 8:09 13749.1 10.578 50.221 0.976

12/5/2014 8:14 13754.1 10.583 50.226 0.965

12/5/2014 8:19 13759.1 10.586 50.223 0.958

12/5/2014 8:24 13764.1 10.59 50.223 0.95

12/5/2014 8:29 13769.1 10.592 50.224 0.945

12/5/2014 8:34 13774.1 10.595 50.225 0.937

12/5/2014 8:39 13779.1 10.597 50.228 0.934

12/5/2014 8:44 13784.1 10.6 50.223 0.925

12/5/2014 8:49 13789.1 10.602 50.224 0.923

12/5/2014 8:54 13794.1 10.605 50.227 0.914

12/5/2014 8:59 13799.1 10.605 50.226 0.914

12/5/2014 9:04 13804.1 10.609 50.227 0.906

12/5/2014 9:09 13809.1 10.609 50.226 0.906

12/5/2014 9:14 13814.1 10.61 50.229 0.902

12/5/2014 9:19 13819.1 10.613 50.229 0.895

12/5/2014 9:24 13824.1 10.615 50.229 0.891

12/5/2014 9:29 13829.1 10.617 50.222 0.888

12/5/2014 9:34 13834.1 10.617 50.217 0.887

12/5/2014 9:39 13839.1 10.619 50.223 0.882

12/5/2014 9:44 13844.1 10.62 50.221 0.88

12/5/2014 9:49 13849.1 10.619 50.227 0.882

12/5/2014 9:54 13854.1 10.621 50.225 0.877

12/5/2014 9:59 13859.1 10.622 50.225 0.876

12/5/2014 10:04 13864.1 10.624 50.228 0.872

12/5/2014 10:09 13869.1 10.621 50.222 0.877

12/5/2014 10:14 13874.1 10.622 50.225 0.875

12/5/2014 10:19 13879.1 10.625 50.226 0.869

12/5/2014 10:24 13884.1 10.624 50.228 0.87

12/5/2014 10:29 13889.1 10.623 50.223 0.872

12/5/2014 10:34 13894.1 10.624 50.223 0.871

12/5/2014 10:39 13899.1 10.626 50.227 0.867

12/5/2014 10:44 13904.1 10.626 50.226 0.867

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Page 1 of 52

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

Device Properties

Device Level TROLL 700

Site GAWA Frederickson North

Device Name  

Serial Number 353008

Firmware Version 2.09

Hardware Version 3

Device Address 1

Device Comm Cfg 19200 8 Even 1 (Modbus‐RTU)

Used Memory 0

Used Battery 5

Log Configuration

Log Name FS‐2

Created By ntg

Computer Name REMELAP‐6353

Application WinSitu.exe

Application Version

Create Date 11/25/2014 4:32:28 PM Eastern Standard Time

Log Setup Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

Notes Size(bytes) 4096

Overwrite when full Disabled

Scheduled Start Time 11/25/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Scheduled Stop Time 12/5/2014 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Type Step Test

 Steps 3 (True Logarithmic)

  Step 1

  Duration Days: 8 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 2

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

  Step 3

  Duration Days: 1 hrs: 00 mins: 00 secs: 00 

  Interval Days: 0 hrs: 00 mins: 05 secs: 00

Level Reference Settings At Log Creation

        Level Measurement Mode Level Depth To Water

              Specific Gravity 0.999

          Level Reference Mode: Set first logged value to offset

        Level Reference Offset: 0 (ft)

Other Log Settings

Depth of Probe: 23.183 (ft)

Head Pressure: 10.0404 (PSI)

Temperature: 47.7456 (F)

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

Log Notes:

Date and Time Note

11/25/2014 16:32 Sensor SN: 353008  Factory calibration has expired.: 10/7/2014 8:59:08 AM

11/25/2014 16:32 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 16:44 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg

12/3/2014 19:57 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 1%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 4:44:06 PM

12/4/2014 15:59 Log Download ‐ Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg Interval ‐  Start Time: 12/3/2014 7:56:12 PM

12/5/2014 10:59 Used Battery: 5% Used Memory: 3%   User Name: ntg

12/5/2014 10:59 Manual Stop Command

Log Data:

Record Count 3159

Sensors 1

  1 353008 Pressure/Temp 30 PSIG (21m/69ft)

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft    Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft   Sensor: Pres(G) 69ft          

Elapsed Time SN#: 353008                 SN#: 353008                SN#: 353008                   

Date and Time Minutes      Temperature (F)           Pressure (PSI)              Level Depth To Water (ft)     

11/25/2014 19:00 0 50.169 10.075 0

11/25/2014 19:00 0.004 50.207 10.075 ‐0.001

11/25/2014 19:00 0.008 50.233 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:00 0.013 50.251 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:00 0.017 50.263 10.073 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.021 50.277 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:00 0.025 50.288 10.072 0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.029 50.286 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.033 50.301 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.038 50.305 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.042 50.31 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.046 50.32 10.072 0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.05 50.321 10.069 0.014

11/25/2014 19:00 0.054 50.323 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.058 50.323 10.07 0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.063 50.328 10.071 0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.067 50.329 10.073 0.004

11/25/2014 19:00 0.071 50.332 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.075 50.335 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.079 50.342 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.083 50.338 10.075 0

11/25/2014 19:00 0.088 50.339 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:00 0.092 50.342 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.096 50.345 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.1 50.347 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:00 0.106 50.328 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.112 50.324 10.069 0.014

11/25/2014 19:00 0.119 50.313 10.07 0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.126 50.307 10.069 0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.133 50.304 10.069 0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.141 50.293 10.068 0.015

11/25/2014 19:00 0.15 50.283 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.158 50.279 10.068 0.015

11/25/2014 19:00 0.168 50.28 10.07 0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.178 50.271 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.188 50.264 10.07 0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.216 50.239 10.07 0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.219 50.271 10.074 0.003

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Page 320: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Page 3 of 52

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/25/2014 19:00 0.224 50.291 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.237 50.26 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.251 50.264 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.266 50.251 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.282 50.247 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.298 50.245 10.072 0.008

11/25/2014 19:00 0.316 50.242 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.335 50.242 10.07 0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.355 50.241 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.376 50.238 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.398 50.234 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.422 50.232 10.07 0.013

11/25/2014 19:00 0.447 50.231 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.473 50.232 10.07 0.012

11/25/2014 19:00 0.501 50.234 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.531 50.229 10.067 0.018

11/25/2014 19:00 0.562 50.232 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:00 0.596 50.233 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.631 50.231 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:00 0.668 50.227 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:00 0.708 50.225 10.07 0.011

11/25/2014 19:00 0.75 50.222 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:00 0.794 50.22 10.069 0.014

11/25/2014 19:00 0.841 50.221 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:00 0.891 50.221 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:00 0.944 50.216 10.073 0.006

11/25/2014 19:01 1 50.216 10.072 0.006

11/25/2014 19:01 1.06 50.214 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:01 1.12 50.214 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:01 1.19 50.21 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:01 1.26 50.21 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:01 1.33 50.209 10.073 0.004

11/25/2014 19:01 1.41 50.206 10.073 0.004

11/25/2014 19:01 1.5 50.208 10.071 0.009

11/25/2014 19:01 1.58 50.205 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:01 1.68 50.203 10.073 0.006

11/25/2014 19:01 1.78 50.196 10.072 0.008

11/25/2014 19:01 1.88 50.2 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:01 1.99 50.196 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:02 2.11 50.195 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:02 2.24 50.194 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:02 2.37 50.195 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:02 2.51 50.196 10.075 0.001

11/25/2014 19:02 2.66 50.189 10.074 0.002

11/25/2014 19:02 2.82 50.195 10.073 0.004

11/25/2014 19:02 2.98 50.185 10.075 0

11/25/2014 19:03 3.16 50.188 10.073 0.004

11/25/2014 19:03 3.35 50.187 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:03 3.55 50.184 10.073 0.005

11/25/2014 19:03 3.76 50.182 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:03 3.98 50.183 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:04 4.22 50.182 10.075 0.001

11/25/2014 19:04 4.47 50.177 10.075 0.001

11/25/2014 19:04 4.73 50.179 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:05 5.01 50.183 10.076 ‐0.002

11/25/2014 19:05 5.31 50.176 10.072 0.008

11/25/2014 19:05 5.62 50.178 10.072 0.007

11/25/2014 19:05 5.96 50.177 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:06 6.31 50.176 10.074 0.003

11/25/2014 19:06 6.68 50.179 10.071 0.01

11/25/2014 19:07 7.08 50.178 10.074 0.001

11/25/2014 19:07 7.5 50.177 10.076 ‐0.002

11/25/2014 19:07 7.94 50.177 10.076 ‐0.001

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Page 4 of 52

Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/25/2014 19:08 8.41 50.176 10.076 ‐0.003

11/25/2014 19:08 8.91 50.175 10.075 0.001

11/25/2014 19:09 9.44 50.179 10.077 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:10 10 50.178 10.078 ‐0.006

11/25/2014 19:10 10.6 50.175 10.075 0

11/25/2014 19:11 11.2 50.175 10.075 0

11/25/2014 19:11 11.9 50.172 10.077 ‐0.005

11/25/2014 19:12 12.6 50.173 10.078 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:13 13.3 50.175 10.078 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:14 14.1 50.17 10.078 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:15 15 50.172 10.078 ‐0.008

11/25/2014 19:15 15.8 50.172 10.077 ‐0.004

11/25/2014 19:16 16.8 50.17 10.08 ‐0.012

11/25/2014 19:17 17.8 50.172 10.078 ‐0.007

11/25/2014 19:18 18.8 50.171 10.079 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:19 19.9 50.171 10.079 ‐0.009

11/25/2014 19:21 21.1 50.168 10.08 ‐0.013

11/25/2014 19:22 22.4 50.169 10.081 ‐0.014

11/25/2014 19:23 23.7 50.167 10.085 ‐0.023

11/25/2014 19:25 25.1 50.175 10.082 ‐0.015

11/25/2014 19:26 26.6 50.163 10.085 ‐0.022

11/25/2014 19:28 28.2 50.172 10.084 ‐0.02

11/25/2014 19:29 29.8 50.167 10.087 ‐0.027

11/25/2014 19:31 31.6 50.17 10.085 ‐0.023

11/25/2014 19:33 33.5 50.172 10.087 ‐0.028

11/25/2014 19:35 35.5 50.167 10.087 ‐0.027

11/25/2014 19:37 37.6 50.165 10.092 ‐0.038

11/25/2014 19:39 39.8 50.168 10.088 ‐0.03

11/25/2014 19:42 42.2 50.165 10.092 ‐0.039

11/25/2014 19:44 44.7 50.165 10.092 ‐0.04

11/25/2014 19:47 47.3 50.168 10.094 ‐0.044

11/25/2014 19:50 50.1 50.169 10.097 ‐0.05

11/25/2014 19:53 53.1 50.171 10.098 ‐0.053

11/25/2014 19:56 56.2 50.171 10.099 ‐0.055

11/25/2014 19:59 59.6 50.163 10.101 ‐0.061

11/25/2014 20:03 63.1 50.165 10.102 ‐0.061

11/25/2014 20:06 66.8 50.167 10.105 ‐0.068

11/25/2014 20:10 70.8 50.165 10.106 ‐0.072

11/25/2014 20:15 75 50.161 10.106 ‐0.073

11/25/2014 20:19 79.4 50.167 10.11 ‐0.082

11/25/2014 20:24 84.1 50.167 10.111 ‐0.084

11/25/2014 20:29 89.1 50.163 10.116 ‐0.094

11/25/2014 20:34 94.1 50.164 10.118 ‐0.1

11/25/2014 20:39 99.1 50.168 10.121 ‐0.105

11/25/2014 20:44 104.1 50.159 10.125 ‐0.116

11/25/2014 20:49 109.1 50.167 10.125 ‐0.114

11/25/2014 20:54 114.1 50.161 10.129 ‐0.125

11/25/2014 20:59 119.1 50.161 10.131 ‐0.129

11/25/2014 21:04 124.1 50.165 10.135 ‐0.138

11/25/2014 21:09 129.1 50.161 10.135 ‐0.139

11/25/2014 21:14 134.1 50.168 10.14 ‐0.15

11/25/2014 21:19 139.1 50.163 10.141 ‐0.152

11/25/2014 21:24 144.1 50.164 10.142 ‐0.155

11/25/2014 21:29 149.1 50.166 10.147 ‐0.166

11/25/2014 21:34 154.1 50.163 10.15 ‐0.173

11/25/2014 21:39 159.1 50.167 10.152 ‐0.177

11/25/2014 21:44 164.1 50.165 10.157 ‐0.19

11/25/2014 21:49 169.1 50.167 10.158 ‐0.192

11/25/2014 21:54 174.1 50.168 10.16 ‐0.196

11/25/2014 21:59 179.1 50.162 10.164 ‐0.206

11/25/2014 22:04 184.1 50.162 10.165 ‐0.209

11/25/2014 22:09 189.1 50.168 10.169 ‐0.217

11/25/2014 22:14 194.1 50.167 10.171 ‐0.221

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/25/2014 22:19 199.1 50.167 10.173 ‐0.227

11/25/2014 22:24 204.1 50.166 10.177 ‐0.236

11/25/2014 22:29 209.1 50.164 10.179 ‐0.241

11/25/2014 22:34 214.1 50.167 10.178 ‐0.238

11/25/2014 22:39 219.1 50.161 10.18 ‐0.243

11/25/2014 22:44 224.1 50.167 10.183 ‐0.248

11/25/2014 22:49 229.1 50.165 10.188 ‐0.261

11/25/2014 22:54 234.1 50.165 10.191 ‐0.267

11/25/2014 22:59 239.1 50.165 10.19 ‐0.266

11/25/2014 23:04 244.1 50.167 10.192 ‐0.269

11/25/2014 23:09 249.1 50.162 10.196 ‐0.279

11/25/2014 23:14 254.1 50.165 10.2 ‐0.289

11/25/2014 23:19 259.1 50.164 10.207 ‐0.304

11/25/2014 23:24 264.1 50.167 10.208 ‐0.307

11/25/2014 23:29 269.1 50.166 10.208 ‐0.308

11/25/2014 23:34 274.1 50.167 10.213 ‐0.318

11/25/2014 23:39 279.1 50.156 10.214 ‐0.322

11/25/2014 23:44 284.1 50.164 10.216 ‐0.325

11/25/2014 23:49 289.1 50.164 10.217 ‐0.327

11/25/2014 23:54 294.1 50.164 10.223 ‐0.342

11/25/2014 23:59 299.1 50.162 10.225 ‐0.347

11/26/2014 0:04 304.1 50.17 10.229 ‐0.355

11/26/2014 0:09 309.1 50.165 10.229 ‐0.356

11/26/2014 0:14 314.1 50.166 10.232 ‐0.362

11/26/2014 0:19 319.1 50.167 10.237 ‐0.375

11/26/2014 0:24 324.1 50.167 10.24 ‐0.38

11/26/2014 0:29 329.1 50.168 10.241 ‐0.383

11/26/2014 0:34 334.1 50.163 10.243 ‐0.388

11/26/2014 0:39 339.1 50.163 10.247 ‐0.397

11/26/2014 0:44 344.1 50.163 10.253 ‐0.411

11/26/2014 0:49 349.1 50.161 10.255 ‐0.415

11/26/2014 0:54 354.1 50.161 10.255 ‐0.416

11/26/2014 0:59 359.1 50.165 10.256 ‐0.418

11/26/2014 1:04 364.1 50.165 10.26 ‐0.427

11/26/2014 1:09 369.1 50.169 10.265 ‐0.44

11/26/2014 1:14 374.1 50.167 10.267 ‐0.444

11/26/2014 1:19 379.1 50.166 10.27 ‐0.451

11/26/2014 1:24 384.1 50.165 10.274 ‐0.459

11/26/2014 1:29 389.1 50.171 10.276 ‐0.463

11/26/2014 1:34 394.1 50.164 10.277 ‐0.467

11/26/2014 1:39 399.1 50.159 10.282 ‐0.478

11/26/2014 1:44 404.1 50.161 10.283 ‐0.481

11/26/2014 1:49 409.1 50.167 10.285 ‐0.484

11/26/2014 1:54 414.1 50.164 10.287 ‐0.489

11/26/2014 1:59 419.1 50.169 10.291 ‐0.5

11/26/2014 2:04 424.1 50.165 10.292 ‐0.502

11/26/2014 2:09 429.1 50.161 10.296 ‐0.511

11/26/2014 2:14 434.1 50.165 10.297 ‐0.513

11/26/2014 2:19 439.1 50.16 10.302 ‐0.523

11/26/2014 2:24 444.1 50.165 10.302 ‐0.524

11/26/2014 2:29 449.1 50.167 10.303 ‐0.526

11/26/2014 2:34 454.1 50.161 10.307 ‐0.535

11/26/2014 2:39 459.1 50.164 10.312 ‐0.548

11/26/2014 2:44 464.1 50.168 10.314 ‐0.552

11/26/2014 2:49 469.1 50.167 10.318 ‐0.56

11/26/2014 2:54 474.1 50.162 10.318 ‐0.561

11/26/2014 2:59 479.1 50.162 10.319 ‐0.564

11/26/2014 3:04 484.1 50.164 10.324 ‐0.575

11/26/2014 3:09 489.1 50.162 10.327 ‐0.583

11/26/2014 3:14 494.1 50.166 10.328 ‐0.584

11/26/2014 3:19 499.1 50.161 10.329 ‐0.586

11/26/2014 3:24 504.1 50.167 10.336 ‐0.601

11/26/2014 3:29 509.1 50.164 10.339 ‐0.609

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/26/2014 3:34 514.1 50.163 10.342 ‐0.616

11/26/2014 3:39 519.1 50.165 10.341 ‐0.614

11/26/2014 3:44 524.1 50.164 10.347 ‐0.628

11/26/2014 3:49 529.1 50.163 10.346 ‐0.625

11/26/2014 3:54 534.1 50.164 10.352 ‐0.639

11/26/2014 3:59 539.1 50.163 10.352 ‐0.641

11/26/2014 4:04 544.1 50.165 10.357 ‐0.651

11/26/2014 4:09 549.1 50.17 10.363 ‐0.666

11/26/2014 4:14 554.1 50.164 10.367 ‐0.674

11/26/2014 4:19 559.1 50.163 10.366 ‐0.673

11/26/2014 4:24 564.1 50.161 10.369 ‐0.679

11/26/2014 4:29 569.1 50.163 10.373 ‐0.688

11/26/2014 4:34 574.1 50.162 10.374 ‐0.689

11/26/2014 4:39 579.1 50.161 10.378 ‐0.701

11/26/2014 4:44 584.1 50.163 10.38 ‐0.705

11/26/2014 4:49 589.1 50.164 10.381 ‐0.706

11/26/2014 4:54 594.1 50.166 10.384 ‐0.714

11/26/2014 4:59 599.1 50.165 10.389 ‐0.724

11/26/2014 5:04 604.1 50.163 10.393 ‐0.734

11/26/2014 5:09 609.1 50.161 10.392 ‐0.732

11/26/2014 5:14 614.1 50.156 10.397 ‐0.744

11/26/2014 5:19 619.1 50.167 10.398 ‐0.745

11/26/2014 5:24 624.1 50.166 10.401 ‐0.752

11/26/2014 5:29 629.1 50.167 10.406 ‐0.763

11/26/2014 5:34 634.1 50.162 10.406 ‐0.764

11/26/2014 5:39 639.1 50.166 10.41 ‐0.772

11/26/2014 5:44 644.1 50.162 10.413 ‐0.781

11/26/2014 5:49 649.1 50.164 10.413 ‐0.779

11/26/2014 5:54 654.1 50.163 10.418 ‐0.793

11/26/2014 5:59 659.1 50.163 10.419 ‐0.794

11/26/2014 6:04 664.1 50.163 10.425 ‐0.809

11/26/2014 6:09 669.1 50.166 10.426 ‐0.812

11/26/2014 6:14 674.1 50.164 10.427 ‐0.812

11/26/2014 6:19 679.1 50.16 10.431 ‐0.821

11/26/2014 6:24 684.1 50.166 10.431 ‐0.823

11/26/2014 6:29 689.1 50.163 10.434 ‐0.828

11/26/2014 6:34 694.1 50.156 10.435 ‐0.832

11/26/2014 6:39 699.1 50.161 10.432 ‐0.824

11/26/2014 6:44 704.1 50.164 10.435 ‐0.83

11/26/2014 6:49 709.1 50.163 10.434 ‐0.829

11/26/2014 6:54 714.1 50.164 10.432 ‐0.824

11/26/2014 6:59 719.1 50.162 10.431 ‐0.822

11/26/2014 7:04 724.1 50.157 10.429 ‐0.817

11/26/2014 7:09 729.1 50.168 10.429 ‐0.818

11/26/2014 7:14 734.1 50.158 10.425 ‐0.807

11/26/2014 7:19 739.1 50.167 10.423 ‐0.804

11/26/2014 7:24 744.1 50.161 10.419 ‐0.793

11/26/2014 7:29 749.1 50.166 10.418 ‐0.792

11/26/2014 7:34 754.1 50.162 10.414 ‐0.782

11/26/2014 7:39 759.1 50.164 10.41 ‐0.773

11/26/2014 7:44 764.1 50.164 10.404 ‐0.761

11/26/2014 7:49 769.1 50.164 10.402 ‐0.755

11/26/2014 7:54 774.1 50.159 10.396 ‐0.74

11/26/2014 7:59 779.1 50.164 10.394 ‐0.736

11/26/2014 8:04 784.1 50.162 10.385 ‐0.716

11/26/2014 8:09 789.1 50.167 10.383 ‐0.712

11/26/2014 8:14 794.1 50.166 10.378 ‐0.699

11/26/2014 8:19 799.1 50.159 10.373 ‐0.689

11/26/2014 8:24 804.1 50.159 10.365 ‐0.67

11/26/2014 8:29 809.1 50.161 10.359 ‐0.656

11/26/2014 8:34 814.1 50.163 10.355 ‐0.646

11/26/2014 8:39 819.1 50.166 10.348 ‐0.63

11/26/2014 8:44 824.1 50.162 10.345 ‐0.623

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/26/2014 8:49 829.1 50.162 10.337 ‐0.605

11/26/2014 8:54 834.1 50.163 10.329 ‐0.586

11/26/2014 8:59 839.1 50.166 10.324 ‐0.575

11/26/2014 9:04 844.1 50.164 10.318 ‐0.562

11/26/2014 9:09 849.1 50.159 10.311 ‐0.545

11/26/2014 9:14 854.1 50.163 10.306 ‐0.534

11/26/2014 9:19 859.1 50.164 10.299 ‐0.516

11/26/2014 9:24 864.1 50.16 10.293 ‐0.504

11/26/2014 9:29 869.1 50.161 10.287 ‐0.489

11/26/2014 9:34 874.1 50.164 10.281 ‐0.475

11/26/2014 9:39 879.1 50.167 10.272 ‐0.456

11/26/2014 9:44 884.1 50.162 10.267 ‐0.443

11/26/2014 9:49 889.1 50.163 10.259 ‐0.425

11/26/2014 9:54 894.1 50.157 10.258 ‐0.421

11/26/2014 9:59 899.1 50.161 10.252 ‐0.409

11/26/2014 10:04 904.1 50.167 10.248 ‐0.399

11/26/2014 10:09 909.1 50.161 10.244 ‐0.391

11/26/2014 10:14 914.1 50.164 10.242 ‐0.386

11/26/2014 10:19 919.1 50.167 10.238 ‐0.377

11/26/2014 10:24 924.1 50.161 10.234 ‐0.367

11/26/2014 10:29 929.1 50.161 10.228 ‐0.352

11/26/2014 10:34 934.1 50.161 10.225 ‐0.346

11/26/2014 10:39 939.1 50.163 10.222 ‐0.339

11/26/2014 10:44 944.1 50.166 10.215 ‐0.323

11/26/2014 10:49 949.1 50.163 10.211 ‐0.313

11/26/2014 10:54 954.1 50.167 10.208 ‐0.306

11/26/2014 10:59 959.1 50.159 10.204 ‐0.298

11/26/2014 11:04 964.1 50.162 10.195 ‐0.277

11/26/2014 11:09 969.1 50.161 10.193 ‐0.273

11/26/2014 11:14 974.1 50.161 10.186 ‐0.257

11/26/2014 11:19 979.1 50.163 10.184 ‐0.253

11/26/2014 11:24 984.1 50.162 10.175 ‐0.231

11/26/2014 11:29 989.1 50.161 10.171 ‐0.222

11/26/2014 11:34 994.1 50.158 10.165 ‐0.209

11/26/2014 11:39 999.1 50.161 10.162 ‐0.2

11/26/2014 11:44 1004.1 50.156 10.155 ‐0.184

11/26/2014 11:49 1009.1 50.161 10.147 ‐0.167

11/26/2014 11:54 1014.1 50.163 10.14 ‐0.151

11/26/2014 11:59 1019.1 50.161 10.136 ‐0.14

11/26/2014 12:04 1024.1 50.158 10.131 ‐0.129

11/26/2014 12:09 1029.1 50.161 10.125 ‐0.116

11/26/2014 12:14 1034.1 50.159 10.118 ‐0.099

11/26/2014 12:19 1039.1 50.164 10.111 ‐0.084

11/26/2014 12:24 1044.1 50.162 10.102 ‐0.063

11/26/2014 12:29 1049.1 50.161 10.096 ‐0.048

11/26/2014 12:34 1054.1 50.163 10.091 ‐0.038

11/26/2014 12:39 1059.1 50.161 10.082 ‐0.016

11/26/2014 12:44 1064.1 50.165 10.078 ‐0.006

11/26/2014 12:49 1069.1 50.163 10.07 0.011

11/26/2014 12:54 1074.1 50.16 10.063 0.028

11/26/2014 12:59 1079.1 50.161 10.058 0.04

11/26/2014 13:04 1084.1 50.16 10.051 0.057

11/26/2014 13:09 1089.1 50.163 10.044 0.071

11/26/2014 13:14 1094.1 50.157 10.042 0.077

11/26/2014 13:19 1099.1 50.162 10.036 0.09

11/26/2014 13:24 1104.1 50.166 10.031 0.102

11/26/2014 13:29 1109.1 50.168 10.026 0.114

11/26/2014 13:34 1114.1 50.16 10.023 0.119

11/26/2014 13:39 1119.1 50.162 10.021 0.125

11/26/2014 13:44 1124.1 50.16 10.018 0.132

11/26/2014 13:49 1129.1 50.163 10.017 0.134

11/26/2014 13:54 1134.1 50.165 10.013 0.143

11/26/2014 13:59 1139.1 50.166 10.009 0.152

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/26/2014 14:04 1144.1 50.161 10.007 0.157

11/26/2014 14:09 1149.1 50.161 10.006 0.16

11/26/2014 14:14 1154.1 50.162 10.009 0.153

11/26/2014 14:19 1159.1 50.163 10.007 0.158

11/26/2014 14:24 1164.1 50.162 10.005 0.163

11/26/2014 14:29 1169.1 50.157 10.005 0.161

11/26/2014 14:34 1174.1 50.166 10.003 0.167

11/26/2014 14:39 1179.1 50.162 10.005 0.161

11/26/2014 14:44 1184.1 50.161 10.004 0.164

11/26/2014 14:49 1189.1 50.164 10.008 0.156

11/26/2014 14:54 1194.1 50.165 10.005 0.162

11/26/2014 14:59 1199.1 50.165 10.007 0.156

11/26/2014 15:04 1204.1 50.166 10.007 0.156

11/26/2014 15:09 1209.1 50.164 10.005 0.162

11/26/2014 15:14 1214.1 50.164 10.005 0.161

11/26/2014 15:19 1219.1 50.16 10.003 0.167

11/26/2014 15:24 1224.1 50.165 9.999 0.175

11/26/2014 15:29 1229.1 50.163 9.997 0.179

11/26/2014 15:34 1234.1 50.165 9.998 0.177

11/26/2014 15:39 1239.1 50.163 9.994 0.187

11/26/2014 15:44 1244.1 50.164 9.991 0.194

11/26/2014 15:49 1249.1 50.158 9.988 0.201

11/26/2014 15:54 1254.1 50.167 9.984 0.211

11/26/2014 15:59 1259.1 50.166 9.978 0.225

11/26/2014 16:04 1264.1 50.162 9.973 0.236

11/26/2014 16:09 1269.1 50.161 9.97 0.243

11/26/2014 16:14 1274.1 50.162 9.968 0.247

11/26/2014 16:19 1279.1 50.162 9.963 0.26

11/26/2014 16:24 1284.1 50.167 9.958 0.271

11/26/2014 16:29 1289.1 50.163 9.956 0.276

11/26/2014 16:34 1294.1 50.164 9.95 0.289

11/26/2014 16:39 1299.1 50.167 9.943 0.305

11/26/2014 16:44 1304.1 50.163 9.946 0.299

11/26/2014 16:49 1309.1 50.165 9.943 0.304

11/26/2014 16:54 1314.1 50.161 9.94 0.312

11/26/2014 16:59 1319.1 50.164 9.935 0.323

11/26/2014 17:04 1324.1 50.161 9.936 0.321

11/26/2014 17:09 1329.1 50.167 9.933 0.327

11/26/2014 17:14 1334.1 50.162 9.931 0.333

11/26/2014 17:19 1339.1 50.161 9.932 0.331

11/26/2014 17:24 1344.1 50.164 9.933 0.327

11/26/2014 17:29 1349.1 50.169 9.932 0.329

11/26/2014 17:34 1354.1 50.166 9.928 0.338

11/26/2014 17:39 1359.1 50.161 9.93 0.335

11/26/2014 17:44 1364.1 50.166 9.931 0.332

11/26/2014 17:49 1369.1 50.161 9.931 0.333

11/26/2014 17:54 1374.1 50.155 9.933 0.327

11/26/2014 17:59 1379.1 50.162 9.935 0.324

11/26/2014 18:04 1384.1 50.165 9.936 0.321

11/26/2014 18:09 1389.1 50.163 9.936 0.322

11/26/2014 18:14 1394.1 50.167 9.936 0.322

11/26/2014 18:19 1399.1 50.167 9.939 0.313

11/26/2014 18:24 1404.1 50.162 9.942 0.307

11/26/2014 18:29 1409.1 50.163 9.941 0.309

11/26/2014 18:34 1414.1 50.161 9.946 0.299

11/26/2014 18:39 1419.1 50.165 9.948 0.294

11/26/2014 18:44 1424.1 50.165 9.95 0.289

11/26/2014 18:49 1429.1 50.159 9.951 0.287

11/26/2014 18:54 1434.1 50.167 9.953 0.281

11/26/2014 18:59 1439.1 50.167 9.954 0.279

11/26/2014 19:04 1444.1 50.167 9.956 0.276

11/26/2014 19:09 1449.1 50.161 9.961 0.262

11/26/2014 19:14 1454.1 50.166 9.964 0.256

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/26/2014 19:19 1459.1 50.166 9.963 0.259

11/26/2014 19:24 1464.1 50.163 9.97 0.243

11/26/2014 19:29 1469.1 50.162 9.968 0.247

11/26/2014 19:34 1474.1 50.17 9.974 0.234

11/26/2014 19:39 1479.1 50.166 9.976 0.229

11/26/2014 19:44 1484.1 50.161 9.977 0.227

11/26/2014 19:49 1489.1 50.167 9.98 0.219

11/26/2014 19:54 1494.1 50.165 9.984 0.21

11/26/2014 19:59 1499.1 50.166 9.985 0.208

11/26/2014 20:04 1504.1 50.167 9.988 0.201

11/26/2014 20:09 1509.1 50.163 9.99 0.197

11/26/2014 20:14 1514.1 50.169 9.993 0.189

11/26/2014 20:19 1519.1 50.162 9.999 0.176

11/26/2014 20:24 1524.1 50.163 10 0.174

11/26/2014 20:29 1529.1 50.166 10.004 0.165

11/26/2014 20:34 1534.1 50.17 10.005 0.163

11/26/2014 20:39 1539.1 50.167 10.011 0.149

11/26/2014 20:44 1544.1 50.167 10.01 0.151

11/26/2014 20:49 1549.1 50.162 10.016 0.137

11/26/2014 20:54 1554.1 50.158 10.017 0.134

11/26/2014 20:59 1559.1 50.161 10.019 0.129

11/26/2014 21:04 1564.1 50.167 10.022 0.122

11/26/2014 21:09 1569.1 50.164 10.025 0.117

11/26/2014 21:14 1574.1 50.167 10.027 0.11

11/26/2014 21:19 1579.1 50.162 10.03 0.104

11/26/2014 21:24 1584.1 50.161 10.034 0.095

11/26/2014 21:29 1589.1 50.167 10.036 0.09

11/26/2014 21:34 1594.1 50.164 10.039 0.082

11/26/2014 21:39 1599.1 50.164 10.043 0.075

11/26/2014 21:44 1604.1 50.163 10.044 0.071

11/26/2014 21:49 1609.1 50.162 10.047 0.065

11/26/2014 21:54 1614.1 50.167 10.051 0.055

11/26/2014 21:59 1619.1 50.167 10.053 0.05

11/26/2014 22:04 1624.1 50.164 10.058 0.039

11/26/2014 22:09 1629.1 50.165 10.058 0.039

11/26/2014 22:14 1634.1 50.163 10.064 0.026

11/26/2014 22:19 1639.1 50.161 10.066 0.021

11/26/2014 22:24 1644.1 50.162 10.069 0.015

11/26/2014 22:29 1649.1 50.167 10.073 0.005

11/26/2014 22:34 1654.1 50.163 10.073 0.005

11/26/2014 22:39 1659.1 50.166 10.079 ‐0.01

11/26/2014 22:44 1664.1 50.162 10.084 ‐0.02

11/26/2014 22:49 1669.1 50.171 10.086 ‐0.026

11/26/2014 22:54 1674.1 50.167 10.087 ‐0.027

11/26/2014 22:59 1679.1 50.162 10.09 ‐0.035

11/26/2014 23:04 1684.1 50.167 10.096 ‐0.048

11/26/2014 23:09 1689.1 50.165 10.099 ‐0.056

11/26/2014 23:14 1694.1 50.169 10.102 ‐0.061

11/26/2014 23:19 1699.1 50.166 10.102 ‐0.061

11/26/2014 23:24 1704.1 50.167 10.105 ‐0.069

11/26/2014 23:29 1709.1 50.168 10.109 ‐0.078

11/26/2014 23:34 1714.1 50.168 10.114 ‐0.091

11/26/2014 23:39 1719.1 50.167 10.116 ‐0.094

11/26/2014 23:44 1724.1 50.163 10.118 ‐0.099

11/26/2014 23:49 1729.1 50.164 10.121 ‐0.106

11/26/2014 23:54 1734.1 50.167 10.122 ‐0.109

11/26/2014 23:59 1739.1 50.166 10.128 ‐0.123

11/27/2014 0:04 1744.1 50.167 10.13 ‐0.126

11/27/2014 0:09 1749.1 50.167 10.133 ‐0.134

11/27/2014 0:14 1754.1 50.167 10.133 ‐0.135

11/27/2014 0:19 1759.1 50.165 10.137 ‐0.143

11/27/2014 0:24 1764.1 50.166 10.142 ‐0.155

11/27/2014 0:29 1769.1 50.163 10.142 ‐0.155

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/27/2014 0:34 1774.1 50.16 10.149 ‐0.172

11/27/2014 0:39 1779.1 50.165 10.152 ‐0.177

11/27/2014 0:44 1784.1 50.163 10.153 ‐0.179

11/27/2014 0:49 1789.1 50.162 10.154 ‐0.182

11/27/2014 0:54 1794.1 50.167 10.158 ‐0.191

11/27/2014 0:59 1799.1 50.166 10.161 ‐0.198

11/27/2014 1:04 1804.1 50.163 10.166 ‐0.21

11/27/2014 1:09 1809.1 50.163 10.17 ‐0.219

11/27/2014 1:14 1814.1 50.165 10.171 ‐0.222

11/27/2014 1:19 1819.1 50.167 10.173 ‐0.226

11/27/2014 1:24 1824.1 50.171 10.175 ‐0.232

11/27/2014 1:29 1829.1 50.162 10.181 ‐0.244

11/27/2014 1:34 1834.1 50.167 10.184 ‐0.252

11/27/2014 1:39 1839.1 50.162 10.185 ‐0.253

11/27/2014 1:44 1844.1 50.165 10.187 ‐0.258

11/27/2014 1:49 1849.1 50.168 10.194 ‐0.275

11/27/2014 1:54 1854.1 50.167 10.194 ‐0.275

11/27/2014 1:59 1859.1 50.167 10.198 ‐0.285

11/27/2014 2:04 1864.1 50.162 10.201 ‐0.292

11/27/2014 2:09 1869.1 50.165 10.201 ‐0.291

11/27/2014 2:14 1874.1 50.16 10.208 ‐0.307

11/27/2014 2:19 1879.1 50.167 10.211 ‐0.314

11/27/2014 2:24 1884.1 50.166 10.213 ‐0.319

11/27/2014 2:29 1889.1 50.165 10.214 ‐0.322

11/27/2014 2:34 1894.1 50.166 10.216 ‐0.325

11/27/2014 2:39 1899.1 50.165 10.22 ‐0.334

11/27/2014 2:44 1904.1 50.167 10.224 ‐0.344

11/27/2014 2:49 1909.1 50.162 10.228 ‐0.352

11/27/2014 2:54 1914.1 50.167 10.227 ‐0.351

11/27/2014 2:59 1919.1 50.164 10.233 ‐0.365

11/27/2014 3:04 1924.1 50.164 10.234 ‐0.366

11/27/2014 3:09 1929.1 50.164 10.236 ‐0.371

11/27/2014 3:14 1934.1 50.167 10.243 ‐0.387

11/27/2014 3:19 1939.1 50.168 10.243 ‐0.387

11/27/2014 3:24 1944.1 50.166 10.245 ‐0.393

11/27/2014 3:29 1949.1 50.167 10.249 ‐0.401

11/27/2014 3:34 1954.1 50.163 10.251 ‐0.407

11/27/2014 3:39 1959.1 50.162 10.253 ‐0.411

11/27/2014 3:44 1964.1 50.167 10.257 ‐0.42

11/27/2014 3:49 1969.1 50.169 10.261 ‐0.43

11/27/2014 3:54 1974.1 50.168 10.262 ‐0.432

11/27/2014 3:59 1979.1 50.166 10.266 ‐0.441

11/27/2014 4:04 1984.1 50.17 10.268 ‐0.445

11/27/2014 4:09 1989.1 50.164 10.275 ‐0.462

11/27/2014 4:14 1994.1 50.167 10.275 ‐0.462

11/27/2014 4:19 1999.1 50.171 10.278 ‐0.468

11/27/2014 4:24 2004.1 50.164 10.279 ‐0.472

11/27/2014 4:29 2009.1 50.167 10.283 ‐0.48

11/27/2014 4:34 2014.1 50.167 10.284 ‐0.482

11/27/2014 4:39 2019.1 50.161 10.288 ‐0.492

11/27/2014 4:44 2024.1 50.163 10.293 ‐0.503

11/27/2014 4:49 2029.1 50.163 10.293 ‐0.503

11/27/2014 4:54 2034.1 50.171 10.296 ‐0.51

11/27/2014 4:59 2039.1 50.168 10.299 ‐0.517

11/27/2014 5:04 2044.1 50.172 10.303 ‐0.526

11/27/2014 5:09 2049.1 50.166 10.306 ‐0.534

11/27/2014 5:14 2054.1 50.166 10.308 ‐0.538

11/27/2014 5:19 2059.1 50.169 10.31 ‐0.542

11/27/2014 5:24 2064.1 50.168 10.316 ‐0.556

11/27/2014 5:29 2069.1 50.164 10.318 ‐0.561

11/27/2014 5:34 2074.1 50.172 10.318 ‐0.561

11/27/2014 5:39 2079.1 50.167 10.32 ‐0.565

11/27/2014 5:44 2084.1 50.162 10.327 ‐0.581

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/27/2014 5:49 2089.1 50.167 10.326 ‐0.579

11/27/2014 5:54 2094.1 50.168 10.329 ‐0.588

11/27/2014 5:59 2099.1 50.168 10.331 ‐0.592

11/27/2014 6:04 2104.1 50.166 10.335 ‐0.6

11/27/2014 6:09 2109.1 50.165 10.339 ‐0.608

11/27/2014 6:14 2114.1 50.166 10.343 ‐0.619

11/27/2014 6:19 2119.1 50.167 10.344 ‐0.621

11/27/2014 6:24 2124.1 50.167 10.349 ‐0.633

11/27/2014 6:29 2129.1 50.166 10.351 ‐0.637

11/27/2014 6:34 2134.1 50.169 10.351 ‐0.637

11/27/2014 6:39 2139.1 50.163 10.352 ‐0.64

11/27/2014 6:44 2144.1 50.166 10.357 ‐0.651

11/27/2014 6:49 2149.1 50.165 10.359 ‐0.655

11/27/2014 6:54 2154.1 50.166 10.363 ‐0.665

11/27/2014 6:59 2159.1 50.161 10.368 ‐0.678

11/27/2014 7:04 2164.1 50.164 10.368 ‐0.677

11/27/2014 7:09 2169.1 50.167 10.371 ‐0.682

11/27/2014 7:14 2174.1 50.165 10.369 ‐0.678

11/27/2014 7:19 2179.1 50.165 10.377 ‐0.696

11/27/2014 7:24 2184.1 50.165 10.376 ‐0.696

11/27/2014 7:29 2189.1 50.17 10.381 ‐0.706

11/27/2014 7:34 2194.1 50.171 10.377 ‐0.698

11/27/2014 7:39 2199.1 50.169 10.381 ‐0.707

11/27/2014 7:44 2204.1 50.167 10.378 ‐0.699

11/27/2014 7:49 2209.1 50.169 10.375 ‐0.692

11/27/2014 7:54 2214.1 50.164 10.378 ‐0.7

11/27/2014 7:59 2219.1 50.165 10.377 ‐0.697

11/27/2014 8:04 2224.1 50.167 10.372 ‐0.685

11/27/2014 8:09 2229.1 50.162 10.369 ‐0.678

11/27/2014 8:14 2234.1 50.167 10.367 ‐0.675

11/27/2014 8:19 2239.1 50.171 10.367 ‐0.673

11/27/2014 8:24 2244.1 50.161 10.364 ‐0.666

11/27/2014 8:29 2249.1 50.167 10.359 ‐0.657

11/27/2014 8:34 2254.1 50.167 10.352 ‐0.641

11/27/2014 8:39 2259.1 50.163 10.349 ‐0.632

11/27/2014 8:44 2264.1 50.164 10.345 ‐0.623

11/27/2014 8:49 2269.1 50.165 10.34 ‐0.612

11/27/2014 8:54 2274.1 50.167 10.336 ‐0.603

11/27/2014 8:59 2279.1 50.161 10.332 ‐0.594

11/27/2014 9:04 2284.1 50.164 10.326 ‐0.58

11/27/2014 9:09 2289.1 50.169 10.321 ‐0.568

11/27/2014 9:14 2294.1 50.166 10.315 ‐0.553

11/27/2014 9:19 2299.1 50.165 10.31 ‐0.542

11/27/2014 9:24 2304.1 50.167 10.304 ‐0.529

11/27/2014 9:29 2309.1 50.168 10.301 ‐0.521

11/27/2014 9:34 2314.1 50.168 10.292 ‐0.501

11/27/2014 9:39 2319.1 50.168 10.286 ‐0.486

11/27/2014 9:44 2324.1 50.166 10.279 ‐0.471

11/27/2014 9:49 2329.1 50.166 10.276 ‐0.464

11/27/2014 9:54 2334.1 50.164 10.27 ‐0.451

11/27/2014 9:59 2339.1 50.166 10.264 ‐0.437

11/27/2014 10:04 2344.1 50.164 10.258 ‐0.422

11/27/2014 10:09 2349.1 50.167 10.252 ‐0.409

11/27/2014 10:14 2354.1 50.171 10.245 ‐0.393

11/27/2014 10:19 2359.1 50.165 10.235 ‐0.369

11/27/2014 10:24 2364.1 50.168 10.231 ‐0.361

11/27/2014 10:29 2369.1 50.166 10.222 ‐0.339

11/27/2014 10:34 2374.1 50.161 10.216 ‐0.326

11/27/2014 10:39 2379.1 50.167 10.207 ‐0.306

11/27/2014 10:44 2384.1 50.167 10.203 ‐0.296

11/27/2014 10:49 2389.1 50.165 10.197 ‐0.281

11/27/2014 10:54 2394.1 50.167 10.188 ‐0.262

11/27/2014 10:59 2399.1 50.164 10.181 ‐0.245

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/27/2014 11:04 2404.1 50.164 10.175 ‐0.232

11/27/2014 11:09 2409.1 50.167 10.17 ‐0.22

11/27/2014 11:14 2414.1 50.169 10.163 ‐0.203

11/27/2014 11:19 2419.1 50.166 10.154 ‐0.183

11/27/2014 11:24 2424.1 50.167 10.152 ‐0.178

11/27/2014 11:29 2429.1 50.166 10.143 ‐0.157

11/27/2014 11:34 2434.1 50.165 10.138 ‐0.145

11/27/2014 11:39 2439.1 50.168 10.134 ‐0.136

11/27/2014 11:44 2444.1 50.164 10.129 ‐0.126

11/27/2014 11:49 2449.1 50.167 10.124 ‐0.113

11/27/2014 11:54 2454.1 50.167 10.123 ‐0.112

11/27/2014 11:59 2459.1 50.167 10.118 ‐0.099

11/27/2014 12:04 2464.1 50.167 10.119 ‐0.101

11/27/2014 12:09 2469.1 50.167 10.115 ‐0.093

11/27/2014 12:14 2474.1 50.171 10.115 ‐0.092

11/27/2014 12:19 2479.1 50.161 10.114 ‐0.089

11/27/2014 12:24 2484.1 50.172 10.11 ‐0.08

11/27/2014 12:29 2489.1 50.169 10.111 ‐0.083

11/27/2014 12:34 2494.1 50.167 10.107 ‐0.074

11/27/2014 12:39 2499.1 50.161 10.109 ‐0.079

11/27/2014 12:44 2504.1 50.163 10.109 ‐0.077

11/27/2014 12:49 2509.1 50.161 10.109 ‐0.078

11/27/2014 12:54 2514.1 50.163 10.109 ‐0.079

11/27/2014 12:59 2519.1 50.162 10.108 ‐0.075

11/27/2014 13:04 2524.1 50.168 10.108 ‐0.077

11/27/2014 13:09 2529.1 50.166 10.106 ‐0.072

11/27/2014 13:14 2534.1 50.165 10.109 ‐0.077

11/27/2014 13:19 2539.1 50.167 10.108 ‐0.075

11/27/2014 13:24 2544.1 50.165 10.111 ‐0.084

11/27/2014 13:29 2549.1 50.166 10.111 ‐0.082

11/27/2014 13:34 2554.1 50.162 10.112 ‐0.086

11/27/2014 13:39 2559.1 50.169 10.11 ‐0.08

11/27/2014 13:44 2564.1 50.164 10.112 ‐0.085

11/27/2014 13:49 2569.1 50.171 10.11 ‐0.08

11/27/2014 13:54 2574.1 50.166 10.111 ‐0.083

11/27/2014 13:59 2579.1 50.167 10.106 ‐0.071

11/27/2014 14:04 2584.1 50.169 10.103 ‐0.064

11/27/2014 14:09 2589.1 50.169 10.101 ‐0.061

11/27/2014 14:14 2594.1 50.163 10.102 ‐0.062

11/27/2014 14:19 2599.1 50.164 10.097 ‐0.051

11/27/2014 14:24 2604.1 50.172 10.095 ‐0.045

11/27/2014 14:29 2609.1 50.171 10.089 ‐0.033

11/27/2014 14:34 2614.1 50.167 10.087 ‐0.027

11/27/2014 14:39 2619.1 50.165 10.082 ‐0.016

11/27/2014 14:44 2624.1 50.169 10.079 ‐0.01

11/27/2014 14:49 2629.1 50.164 10.074 0.002

11/27/2014 14:54 2634.1 50.167 10.07 0.011

11/27/2014 14:59 2639.1 50.169 10.067 0.019

11/27/2014 15:04 2644.1 50.167 10.062 0.031

11/27/2014 15:09 2649.1 50.164 10.058 0.04

11/27/2014 15:14 2654.1 50.167 10.054 0.049

11/27/2014 15:19 2659.1 50.169 10.051 0.055

11/27/2014 15:24 2664.1 50.168 10.05 0.058

11/27/2014 15:29 2669.1 50.165 10.047 0.064

11/27/2014 15:34 2674.1 50.164 10.048 0.062

11/27/2014 15:39 2679.1 50.171 10.047 0.066

11/27/2014 15:44 2684.1 50.165 10.045 0.069

11/27/2014 15:49 2689.1 50.167 10.044 0.072

11/27/2014 15:54 2694.1 50.164 10.041 0.078

11/27/2014 15:59 2699.1 50.169 10.043 0.073

11/27/2014 16:04 2704.1 50.167 10.044 0.072

11/27/2014 16:09 2709.1 50.165 10.041 0.078

11/27/2014 16:14 2714.1 50.167 10.04 0.081

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/27/2014 16:19 2719.1 50.163 10.043 0.074

11/27/2014 16:24 2724.1 50.168 10.044 0.071

11/27/2014 16:29 2729.1 50.171 10.044 0.073

11/27/2014 16:34 2734.1 50.166 10.047 0.065

11/27/2014 16:39 2739.1 50.166 10.047 0.065

11/27/2014 16:44 2744.1 50.167 10.048 0.062

11/27/2014 16:49 2749.1 50.167 10.049 0.06

11/27/2014 16:54 2754.1 50.165 10.048 0.063

11/27/2014 16:59 2759.1 50.167 10.05 0.057

11/27/2014 17:04 2764.1 50.169 10.051 0.055

11/27/2014 17:09 2769.1 50.167 10.054 0.048

11/27/2014 17:14 2774.1 50.165 10.054 0.048

11/27/2014 17:19 2779.1 50.167 10.059 0.037

11/27/2014 17:24 2784.1 50.173 10.06 0.035

11/27/2014 17:29 2789.1 50.172 10.059 0.037

11/27/2014 17:34 2794.1 50.166 10.063 0.028

11/27/2014 17:39 2799.1 50.166 10.065 0.024

11/27/2014 17:44 2804.1 50.165 10.067 0.019

11/27/2014 17:49 2809.1 50.17 10.067 0.02

11/27/2014 17:54 2814.1 50.169 10.069 0.013

11/27/2014 17:59 2819.1 50.172 10.074 0.002

11/27/2014 18:04 2824.1 50.168 10.075 0

11/27/2014 18:09 2829.1 50.167 10.079 ‐0.009

11/27/2014 18:14 2834.1 50.167 10.081 ‐0.013

11/27/2014 18:19 2839.1 50.17 10.079 ‐0.01

11/27/2014 18:24 2844.1 50.169 10.082 ‐0.016

11/27/2014 18:29 2849.1 50.168 10.084 ‐0.021

11/27/2014 18:34 2854.1 50.164 10.087 ‐0.028

11/27/2014 18:39 2859.1 50.167 10.09 ‐0.033

11/27/2014 18:44 2864.1 50.169 10.094 ‐0.044

11/27/2014 18:49 2869.1 50.168 10.097 ‐0.051

11/27/2014 18:54 2874.1 50.165 10.097 ‐0.05

11/27/2014 18:59 2879.1 50.171 10.099 ‐0.056

11/27/2014 19:04 2884.1 50.171 10.101 ‐0.061

11/27/2014 19:09 2889.1 50.165 10.104 ‐0.067

11/27/2014 19:14 2894.1 50.167 10.105 ‐0.069

11/27/2014 19:19 2899.1 50.167 10.111 ‐0.084

11/27/2014 19:24 2904.1 50.17 10.112 ‐0.085

11/27/2014 19:29 2909.1 50.168 10.115 ‐0.092

11/27/2014 19:34 2914.1 50.166 10.12 ‐0.104

11/27/2014 19:39 2919.1 50.167 10.121 ‐0.105

11/27/2014 19:44 2924.1 50.166 10.122 ‐0.107

11/27/2014 19:49 2929.1 50.169 10.128 ‐0.123

11/27/2014 19:54 2934.1 50.167 10.128 ‐0.123

11/27/2014 19:59 2939.1 50.169 10.13 ‐0.126

11/27/2014 20:04 2944.1 50.166 10.133 ‐0.135

11/27/2014 20:09 2949.1 50.17 10.134 ‐0.136

11/27/2014 20:14 2954.1 50.169 10.139 ‐0.149

11/27/2014 20:19 2959.1 50.168 10.144 ‐0.159

11/27/2014 20:24 2964.1 50.168 10.148 ‐0.169

11/27/2014 20:29 2969.1 50.168 10.149 ‐0.172

11/27/2014 20:34 2974.1 50.17 10.151 ‐0.175

11/27/2014 20:39 2979.1 50.163 10.15 ‐0.173

11/27/2014 20:44 2984.1 50.169 10.15 ‐0.174

11/27/2014 20:49 2989.1 50.168 10.16 ‐0.197

11/27/2014 20:54 2994.1 50.171 10.162 ‐0.202

11/27/2014 20:59 2999.1 50.167 10.165 ‐0.208

11/27/2014 21:04 3004.1 50.172 10.164 ‐0.205

11/27/2014 21:09 3009.1 50.167 10.168 ‐0.214

11/27/2014 21:14 3014.1 50.168 10.173 ‐0.227

11/27/2014 21:19 3019.1 50.168 10.176 ‐0.233

11/27/2014 21:24 3024.1 50.167 10.178 ‐0.238

11/27/2014 21:29 3029.1 50.163 10.177 ‐0.236

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/27/2014 21:34 3034.1 50.165 10.18 ‐0.243

11/27/2014 21:39 3039.1 50.163 10.185 ‐0.255

11/27/2014 21:44 3044.1 50.166 10.189 ‐0.263

11/27/2014 21:49 3049.1 50.163 10.189 ‐0.264

11/27/2014 21:54 3054.1 50.169 10.192 ‐0.271

11/27/2014 21:59 3059.1 50.165 10.198 ‐0.285

11/27/2014 22:04 3064.1 50.167 10.198 ‐0.283

11/27/2014 22:09 3069.1 50.168 10.202 ‐0.293

11/27/2014 22:14 3074.1 50.165 10.201 ‐0.292

11/27/2014 22:19 3079.1 50.167 10.205 ‐0.3

11/27/2014 22:24 3084.1 50.17 10.208 ‐0.308

11/27/2014 22:29 3089.1 50.163 10.212 ‐0.316

11/27/2014 22:34 3094.1 50.166 10.215 ‐0.322

11/27/2014 22:39 3099.1 50.17 10.218 ‐0.329

11/27/2014 22:44 3104.1 50.171 10.223 ‐0.341

11/27/2014 22:49 3109.1 50.171 10.221 ‐0.338

11/27/2014 22:54 3114.1 50.166 10.223 ‐0.341

11/27/2014 22:59 3119.1 50.166 10.231 ‐0.359

11/27/2014 23:04 3124.1 50.168 10.232 ‐0.362

11/27/2014 23:09 3129.1 50.164 10.233 ‐0.365

11/27/2014 23:14 3134.1 50.164 10.236 ‐0.373

11/27/2014 23:19 3139.1 50.167 10.24 ‐0.381

11/27/2014 23:24 3144.1 50.167 10.244 ‐0.39

11/27/2014 23:29 3149.1 50.167 10.245 ‐0.392

11/27/2014 23:34 3154.1 50.168 10.248 ‐0.4

11/27/2014 23:39 3159.1 50.167 10.25 ‐0.404

11/27/2014 23:44 3164.1 50.169 10.256 ‐0.417

11/27/2014 23:49 3169.1 50.166 10.256 ‐0.419

11/27/2014 23:54 3174.1 50.169 10.259 ‐0.425

11/27/2014 23:59 3179.1 50.169 10.265 ‐0.438

11/28/2014 0:04 3184.1 50.174 10.265 ‐0.439

11/28/2014 0:09 3189.1 50.169 10.268 ‐0.447

11/28/2014 0:14 3194.1 50.173 10.272 ‐0.455

11/28/2014 0:19 3199.1 50.17 10.276 ‐0.464

11/28/2014 0:24 3204.1 50.168 10.278 ‐0.469

11/28/2014 0:29 3209.1 50.169 10.279 ‐0.472

11/28/2014 0:34 3214.1 50.167 10.285 ‐0.485

11/28/2014 0:39 3219.1 50.168 10.284 ‐0.482

11/28/2014 0:44 3224.1 50.168 10.29 ‐0.496

11/28/2014 0:49 3229.1 50.17 10.292 ‐0.501

11/28/2014 0:54 3234.1 50.169 10.295 ‐0.507

11/28/2014 0:59 3239.1 50.17 10.297 ‐0.512

11/28/2014 1:04 3244.1 50.167 10.298 ‐0.514

11/28/2014 1:09 3249.1 50.169 10.302 ‐0.525

11/28/2014 1:14 3254.1 50.17 10.305 ‐0.532

11/28/2014 1:19 3259.1 50.167 10.308 ‐0.537

11/28/2014 1:24 3264.1 50.17 10.307 ‐0.536

11/28/2014 1:29 3269.1 50.168 10.312 ‐0.548

11/28/2014 1:34 3274.1 50.171 10.312 ‐0.547

11/28/2014 1:39 3279.1 50.162 10.317 ‐0.559

11/28/2014 1:44 3284.1 50.169 10.317 ‐0.558

11/28/2014 1:49 3289.1 50.171 10.32 ‐0.566

11/28/2014 1:54 3294.1 50.173 10.325 ‐0.578

11/28/2014 1:59 3299.1 50.171 10.325 ‐0.576

11/28/2014 2:04 3304.1 50.172 10.33 ‐0.589

11/28/2014 2:09 3309.1 50.172 10.332 ‐0.594

11/28/2014 2:14 3314.1 50.169 10.332 ‐0.593

11/28/2014 2:19 3319.1 50.174 10.336 ‐0.603

11/28/2014 2:24 3324.1 50.168 10.342 ‐0.616

11/28/2014 2:29 3329.1 50.172 10.341 ‐0.614

11/28/2014 2:34 3334.1 50.17 10.347 ‐0.628

11/28/2014 2:39 3339.1 50.172 10.346 ‐0.626

11/28/2014 2:44 3344.1 50.167 10.351 ‐0.638

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/28/2014 2:49 3349.1 50.167 10.352 ‐0.639

11/28/2014 2:54 3354.1 50.169 10.353 ‐0.642

11/28/2014 2:59 3359.1 50.165 10.358 ‐0.654

11/28/2014 3:04 3364.1 50.168 10.358 ‐0.654

11/28/2014 3:09 3369.1 50.169 10.363 ‐0.666

11/28/2014 3:14 3374.1 50.171 10.366 ‐0.671

11/28/2014 3:19 3379.1 50.169 10.367 ‐0.674

11/28/2014 3:24 3384.1 50.169 10.371 ‐0.684

11/28/2014 3:29 3389.1 50.171 10.373 ‐0.689

11/28/2014 3:34 3394.1 50.168 10.373 ‐0.688

11/28/2014 3:39 3399.1 50.167 10.38 ‐0.703

11/28/2014 3:44 3404.1 50.169 10.381 ‐0.707

11/28/2014 3:49 3409.1 50.17 10.379 ‐0.702

11/28/2014 3:54 3414.1 50.173 10.386 ‐0.718

11/28/2014 3:59 3419.1 50.168 10.387 ‐0.721

11/28/2014 4:04 3424.1 50.169 10.39 ‐0.726

11/28/2014 4:09 3429.1 50.167 10.394 ‐0.737

11/28/2014 4:14 3434.1 50.169 10.398 ‐0.745

11/28/2014 4:19 3439.1 50.167 10.397 ‐0.743

11/28/2014 4:24 3444.1 50.168 10.402 ‐0.755

11/28/2014 4:29 3449.1 50.172 10.403 ‐0.756

11/28/2014 4:34 3454.1 50.173 10.405 ‐0.762

11/28/2014 4:39 3459.1 50.17 10.409 ‐0.771

11/28/2014 4:44 3464.1 50.172 10.412 ‐0.777

11/28/2014 4:49 3469.1 50.167 10.412 ‐0.778

11/28/2014 4:54 3474.1 50.172 10.416 ‐0.788

11/28/2014 4:59 3479.1 50.168 10.418 ‐0.793

11/28/2014 5:04 3484.1 50.169 10.42 ‐0.797

11/28/2014 5:09 3489.1 50.168 10.424 ‐0.806

11/28/2014 5:14 3494.1 50.172 10.423 ‐0.804

11/28/2014 5:19 3499.1 50.168 10.427 ‐0.813

11/28/2014 5:24 3504.1 50.167 10.432 ‐0.824

11/28/2014 5:29 3509.1 50.169 10.433 ‐0.826

11/28/2014 5:34 3514.1 50.174 10.435 ‐0.83

11/28/2014 5:39 3519.1 50.173 10.439 ‐0.84

11/28/2014 5:44 3524.1 50.17 10.442 ‐0.847

11/28/2014 5:49 3529.1 50.169 10.443 ‐0.85

11/28/2014 5:54 3534.1 50.174 10.448 ‐0.861

11/28/2014 5:59 3539.1 50.171 10.446 ‐0.856

11/28/2014 6:04 3544.1 50.163 10.451 ‐0.868

11/28/2014 6:09 3549.1 50.173 10.454 ‐0.875

11/28/2014 6:14 3554.1 50.17 10.456 ‐0.88

11/28/2014 6:19 3559.1 50.17 10.459 ‐0.887

11/28/2014 6:24 3564.1 50.167 10.462 ‐0.893

11/28/2014 6:29 3569.1 50.167 10.46 ‐0.889

11/28/2014 6:34 3574.1 50.171 10.463 ‐0.897

11/28/2014 6:39 3579.1 50.17 10.465 ‐0.901

11/28/2014 6:44 3584.1 50.167 10.471 ‐0.913

11/28/2014 6:49 3589.1 50.165 10.474 ‐0.921

11/28/2014 6:54 3594.1 50.176 10.477 ‐0.928

11/28/2014 6:59 3599.1 50.169 10.476 ‐0.927

11/28/2014 7:04 3604.1 50.165 10.478 ‐0.931

11/28/2014 7:09 3609.1 50.171 10.483 ‐0.942

11/28/2014 7:14 3614.1 50.169 10.483 ‐0.943

11/28/2014 7:19 3619.1 50.172 10.487 ‐0.951

11/28/2014 7:24 3624.1 50.168 10.488 ‐0.954

11/28/2014 7:29 3629.1 50.168 10.492 ‐0.963

11/28/2014 7:34 3634.1 50.172 10.493 ‐0.966

11/28/2014 7:39 3639.1 50.17 10.495 ‐0.969

11/28/2014 7:44 3644.1 50.167 10.493 ‐0.964

11/28/2014 7:49 3649.1 50.165 10.496 ‐0.971

11/28/2014 7:54 3654.1 50.172 10.492 ‐0.963

11/28/2014 7:59 3659.1 50.172 10.494 ‐0.967

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/28/2014 8:04 3664.1 50.173 10.493 ‐0.964

11/28/2014 8:09 3669.1 50.172 10.49 ‐0.958

11/28/2014 8:14 3674.1 50.167 10.491 ‐0.961

11/28/2014 8:19 3679.1 50.171 10.488 ‐0.954

11/28/2014 8:24 3684.1 50.17 10.485 ‐0.947

11/28/2014 8:29 3689.1 50.171 10.483 ‐0.941

11/28/2014 8:34 3694.1 50.167 10.478 ‐0.931

11/28/2014 8:39 3699.1 50.169 10.474 ‐0.92

11/28/2014 8:44 3704.1 50.171 10.469 ‐0.911

11/28/2014 8:49 3709.1 50.167 10.465 ‐0.901

11/28/2014 8:54 3714.1 50.171 10.462 ‐0.893

11/28/2014 8:59 3719.1 50.169 10.455 ‐0.878

11/28/2014 9:04 3724.1 50.168 10.451 ‐0.869

11/28/2014 9:09 3729.1 50.167 10.444 ‐0.851

11/28/2014 9:14 3734.1 50.172 10.441 ‐0.845

11/28/2014 9:19 3739.1 50.168 10.433 ‐0.827

11/28/2014 9:24 3744.1 50.17 10.431 ‐0.822

11/28/2014 9:29 3749.1 50.164 10.424 ‐0.805

11/28/2014 9:34 3754.1 50.172 10.422 ‐0.8

11/28/2014 9:39 3759.1 50.168 10.415 ‐0.784

11/28/2014 9:44 3764.1 50.175 10.407 ‐0.766

11/28/2014 9:49 3769.1 50.169 10.4 ‐0.751

11/28/2014 9:54 3774.1 50.17 10.392 ‐0.732

11/28/2014 9:59 3779.1 50.17 10.384 ‐0.713

11/28/2014 10:04 3784.1 50.167 10.38 ‐0.704

11/28/2014 10:09 3789.1 50.169 10.377 ‐0.697

11/28/2014 10:14 3794.1 50.168 10.372 ‐0.686

11/28/2014 10:19 3799.1 50.165 10.365 ‐0.669

11/28/2014 10:24 3804.1 50.168 10.359 ‐0.655

11/28/2014 10:29 3809.1 50.171 10.353 ‐0.641

11/28/2014 10:34 3814.1 50.165 10.345 ‐0.623

11/28/2014 10:39 3819.1 50.171 10.339 ‐0.609

11/28/2014 10:44 3824.1 50.164 10.331 ‐0.591

11/28/2014 10:49 3829.1 50.171 10.321 ‐0.569

11/28/2014 10:54 3834.1 50.166 10.318 ‐0.562

11/28/2014 10:59 3839.1 50.172 10.31 ‐0.543

11/28/2014 11:04 3844.1 50.167 10.303 ‐0.526

11/28/2014 11:09 3849.1 50.168 10.299 ‐0.518

11/28/2014 11:14 3854.1 50.168 10.288 ‐0.493

11/28/2014 11:19 3859.1 50.171 10.286 ‐0.488

11/28/2014 11:24 3864.1 50.165 10.276 ‐0.465

11/28/2014 11:29 3869.1 50.17 10.275 ‐0.461

11/28/2014 11:34 3874.1 50.169 10.269 ‐0.447

11/28/2014 11:39 3879.1 50.169 10.263 ‐0.435

11/28/2014 11:44 3884.1 50.172 10.257 ‐0.42

11/28/2014 11:49 3889.1 50.171 10.253 ‐0.412

11/28/2014 11:54 3894.1 50.172 10.249 ‐0.402

11/28/2014 11:59 3899.1 50.172 10.248 ‐0.399

11/28/2014 12:04 3904.1 50.171 10.247 ‐0.398

11/28/2014 12:09 3909.1 50.169 10.246 ‐0.395

11/28/2014 12:14 3914.1 50.167 10.242 ‐0.386

11/28/2014 12:19 3919.1 50.165 10.243 ‐0.388

11/28/2014 12:24 3924.1 50.17 10.241 ‐0.383

11/28/2014 12:29 3929.1 50.169 10.24 ‐0.38

11/28/2014 12:34 3934.1 50.17 10.238 ‐0.377

11/28/2014 12:39 3939.1 50.169 10.239 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 12:44 3944.1 50.173 10.239 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 12:49 3949.1 50.169 10.236 ‐0.371

11/28/2014 12:54 3954.1 50.172 10.237 ‐0.375

11/28/2014 12:59 3959.1 50.171 10.239 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 13:04 3964.1 50.168 10.238 ‐0.376

11/28/2014 13:09 3969.1 50.168 10.239 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 13:14 3974.1 50.164 10.243 ‐0.387

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/28/2014 13:19 3979.1 50.168 10.239 ‐0.378

11/28/2014 13:24 3984.1 50.17 10.241 ‐0.383

11/28/2014 13:29 3989.1 50.167 10.242 ‐0.386

11/28/2014 13:34 3994.1 50.167 10.245 ‐0.393

11/28/2014 13:39 3999.1 50.168 10.243 ‐0.388

11/28/2014 13:44 4004.1 50.172 10.246 ‐0.395

11/28/2014 13:49 4009.1 50.167 10.248 ‐0.4

11/28/2014 13:54 4014.1 50.169 10.248 ‐0.4

11/28/2014 13:59 4019.1 50.172 10.25 ‐0.404

11/28/2014 14:04 4024.1 50.168 10.25 ‐0.404

11/28/2014 14:09 4029.1 50.166 10.252 ‐0.409

11/28/2014 14:14 4034.1 50.167 10.255 ‐0.415

11/28/2014 14:19 4039.1 50.174 10.254 ‐0.413

11/28/2014 14:24 4044.1 50.172 10.257 ‐0.421

11/28/2014 14:29 4049.1 50.173 10.26 ‐0.426

11/28/2014 14:34 4054.1 50.17 10.259 ‐0.425

11/28/2014 14:39 4059.1 50.17 10.259 ‐0.426

11/28/2014 14:44 4064.1 50.169 10.261 ‐0.429

11/28/2014 14:49 4069.1 50.173 10.259 ‐0.424

11/28/2014 14:54 4074.1 50.168 10.256 ‐0.419

11/28/2014 14:59 4079.1 50.169 10.255 ‐0.416

11/28/2014 15:04 4084.1 50.17 10.252 ‐0.409

11/28/2014 15:09 4089.1 50.165 10.252 ‐0.408

11/28/2014 15:14 4094.1 50.169 10.246 ‐0.394

11/28/2014 15:19 4099.1 50.167 10.243 ‐0.387

11/28/2014 15:24 4104.1 50.172 10.244 ‐0.391

11/28/2014 15:29 4109.1 50.168 10.24 ‐0.38

11/28/2014 15:34 4114.1 50.171 10.234 ‐0.367

11/28/2014 15:39 4119.1 50.168 10.231 ‐0.36

11/28/2014 15:44 4124.1 50.171 10.226 ‐0.349

11/28/2014 15:49 4129.1 50.168 10.22 ‐0.334

11/28/2014 15:54 4134.1 50.171 10.214 ‐0.321

11/28/2014 15:59 4139.1 50.167 10.209 ‐0.309

11/28/2014 16:04 4144.1 50.175 10.205 ‐0.301

11/28/2014 16:09 4149.1 50.167 10.203 ‐0.294

11/28/2014 16:14 4154.1 50.171 10.196 ‐0.279

11/28/2014 16:19 4159.1 50.171 10.193 ‐0.272

11/28/2014 16:24 4164.1 50.171 10.189 ‐0.264

11/28/2014 16:29 4169.1 50.166 10.185 ‐0.253

11/28/2014 16:34 4174.1 50.171 10.182 ‐0.246

11/28/2014 16:39 4179.1 50.166 10.175 ‐0.23

11/28/2014 16:44 4184.1 50.17 10.173 ‐0.226

11/28/2014 16:49 4189.1 50.175 10.168 ‐0.215

11/28/2014 16:54 4194.1 50.172 10.166 ‐0.21

11/28/2014 16:59 4199.1 50.168 10.167 ‐0.212

11/28/2014 17:04 4204.1 50.172 10.164 ‐0.206

11/28/2014 17:09 4209.1 50.167 10.163 ‐0.204

11/28/2014 17:14 4214.1 50.17 10.162 ‐0.201

11/28/2014 17:19 4219.1 50.166 10.162 ‐0.201

11/28/2014 17:24 4224.1 50.175 10.16 ‐0.195

11/28/2014 17:29 4229.1 50.176 10.158 ‐0.191

11/28/2014 17:34 4234.1 50.169 10.159 ‐0.193

11/28/2014 17:39 4239.1 50.172 10.162 ‐0.202

11/28/2014 17:44 4244.1 50.168 10.16 ‐0.196

11/28/2014 17:49 4249.1 50.169 10.161 ‐0.199

11/28/2014 17:54 4254.1 50.169 10.159 ‐0.194

11/28/2014 17:59 4259.1 50.167 10.163 ‐0.202

11/28/2014 18:04 4264.1 50.167 10.165 ‐0.208

11/28/2014 18:09 4269.1 50.178 10.164 ‐0.204

11/28/2014 18:14 4274.1 50.171 10.167 ‐0.213

11/28/2014 18:19 4279.1 50.175 10.164 ‐0.206

11/28/2014 18:24 4284.1 50.169 10.168 ‐0.215

11/28/2014 18:29 4289.1 50.169 10.172 ‐0.223

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/28/2014 18:34 4294.1 50.172 10.17 ‐0.219

11/28/2014 18:39 4299.1 50.172 10.171 ‐0.222

11/28/2014 18:44 4304.1 50.171 10.174 ‐0.228

11/28/2014 18:49 4309.1 50.167 10.177 ‐0.236

11/28/2014 18:54 4314.1 50.166 10.175 ‐0.231

11/28/2014 18:59 4319.1 50.169 10.179 ‐0.24

11/28/2014 19:04 4324.1 50.169 10.183 ‐0.25

11/28/2014 19:09 4329.1 50.172 10.184 ‐0.253

11/28/2014 19:14 4334.1 50.171 10.186 ‐0.256

11/28/2014 19:19 4339.1 50.173 10.187 ‐0.258

11/28/2014 19:24 4344.1 50.172 10.189 ‐0.264

11/28/2014 19:29 4349.1 50.171 10.191 ‐0.268

11/28/2014 19:34 4354.1 50.171 10.191 ‐0.267

11/28/2014 19:39 4359.1 50.172 10.197 ‐0.282

11/28/2014 19:44 4364.1 50.168 10.199 ‐0.285

11/28/2014 19:49 4369.1 50.17 10.201 ‐0.291

11/28/2014 19:54 4374.1 50.172 10.202 ‐0.293

11/28/2014 19:59 4379.1 50.171 10.206 ‐0.302

11/28/2014 20:04 4384.1 50.171 10.208 ‐0.307

11/28/2014 20:09 4389.1 50.172 10.21 ‐0.312

11/28/2014 20:14 4394.1 50.17 10.213 ‐0.319

11/28/2014 20:19 4399.1 50.171 10.215 ‐0.323

11/28/2014 20:24 4404.1 50.174 10.214 ‐0.32

11/28/2014 20:29 4409.1 50.17 10.219 ‐0.333

11/28/2014 20:34 4414.1 50.164 10.223 ‐0.342

11/28/2014 20:39 4419.1 50.167 10.225 ‐0.346

11/28/2014 20:44 4424.1 50.174 10.225 ‐0.346

11/28/2014 20:49 4429.1 50.168 10.231 ‐0.36

11/28/2014 20:54 4434.1 50.167 10.231 ‐0.361

11/28/2014 20:59 4439.1 50.171 10.235 ‐0.369

11/28/2014 21:04 4444.1 50.174 10.238 ‐0.377

11/28/2014 21:09 4449.1 50.168 10.242 ‐0.385

11/28/2014 21:14 4454.1 50.171 10.243 ‐0.388

11/28/2014 21:19 4459.1 50.167 10.245 ‐0.392

11/28/2014 21:24 4464.1 50.167 10.249 ‐0.402

11/28/2014 21:29 4469.1 50.168 10.251 ‐0.407

11/28/2014 21:34 4474.1 50.172 10.254 ‐0.413

11/28/2014 21:39 4479.1 50.171 10.257 ‐0.421

11/28/2014 21:44 4484.1 50.17 10.262 ‐0.431

11/28/2014 21:49 4489.1 50.17 10.262 ‐0.433

11/28/2014 21:54 4494.1 50.171 10.267 ‐0.443

11/28/2014 21:59 4499.1 50.17 10.266 ‐0.441

11/28/2014 22:04 4504.1 50.174 10.271 ‐0.452

11/28/2014 22:09 4509.1 50.173 10.275 ‐0.461

11/28/2014 22:14 4514.1 50.177 10.275 ‐0.462

11/28/2014 22:19 4519.1 50.175 10.279 ‐0.471

11/28/2014 22:24 4524.1 50.171 10.283 ‐0.479

11/28/2014 22:29 4529.1 50.174 10.287 ‐0.489

11/28/2014 22:34 4534.1 50.173 10.289 ‐0.493

11/28/2014 22:39 4539.1 50.172 10.288 ‐0.492

11/28/2014 22:44 4544.1 50.173 10.29 ‐0.496

11/28/2014 22:49 4549.1 50.173 10.294 ‐0.506

11/28/2014 22:54 4554.1 50.173 10.299 ‐0.517

11/28/2014 22:59 4559.1 50.169 10.299 ‐0.517

11/28/2014 23:04 4564.1 50.167 10.301 ‐0.522

11/28/2014 23:09 4569.1 50.172 10.306 ‐0.534

11/28/2014 23:14 4574.1 50.17 10.309 ‐0.54

11/28/2014 23:19 4579.1 50.171 10.312 ‐0.548

11/28/2014 23:24 4584.1 50.17 10.315 ‐0.555

11/28/2014 23:29 4589.1 50.171 10.319 ‐0.563

11/28/2014 23:34 4594.1 50.173 10.319 ‐0.564

11/28/2014 23:39 4599.1 50.168 10.324 ‐0.574

11/28/2014 23:44 4604.1 50.169 10.323 ‐0.572

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/28/2014 23:49 4609.1 50.172 10.329 ‐0.587

11/28/2014 23:54 4614.1 50.173 10.331 ‐0.592

11/28/2014 23:59 4619.1 50.174 10.336 ‐0.602

11/29/2014 0:04 4624.1 50.174 10.337 ‐0.606

11/29/2014 0:09 4629.1 50.169 10.34 ‐0.613

11/29/2014 0:14 4634.1 50.173 10.343 ‐0.619

11/29/2014 0:19 4639.1 50.17 10.347 ‐0.628

11/29/2014 0:24 4644.1 50.169 10.348 ‐0.63

11/29/2014 0:29 4649.1 50.172 10.35 ‐0.635

11/29/2014 0:34 4654.1 50.169 10.354 ‐0.644

11/29/2014 0:39 4659.1 50.171 10.356 ‐0.648

11/29/2014 0:44 4664.1 50.172 10.36 ‐0.657

11/29/2014 0:49 4669.1 50.169 10.363 ‐0.665

11/29/2014 0:54 4674.1 50.174 10.367 ‐0.674

11/29/2014 0:59 4679.1 50.172 10.368 ‐0.677

11/29/2014 1:04 4684.1 50.169 10.37 ‐0.682

11/29/2014 1:09 4689.1 50.173 10.375 ‐0.693

11/29/2014 1:14 4694.1 50.171 10.377 ‐0.697

11/29/2014 1:19 4699.1 50.172 10.378 ‐0.7

11/29/2014 1:24 4704.1 50.172 10.383 ‐0.71

11/29/2014 1:29 4709.1 50.171 10.385 ‐0.716

11/29/2014 1:34 4714.1 50.172 10.388 ‐0.722

11/29/2014 1:39 4719.1 50.17 10.39 ‐0.727

11/29/2014 1:44 4724.1 50.17 10.393 ‐0.733

11/29/2014 1:49 4729.1 50.172 10.397 ‐0.743

11/29/2014 1:54 4734.1 50.172 10.398 ‐0.746

11/29/2014 1:59 4739.1 50.177 10.401 ‐0.753

11/29/2014 2:04 4744.1 50.169 10.405 ‐0.761

11/29/2014 2:09 4749.1 50.171 10.404 ‐0.76

11/29/2014 2:14 4754.1 50.172 10.406 ‐0.764

11/29/2014 2:19 4759.1 50.168 10.41 ‐0.774

11/29/2014 2:24 4764.1 50.172 10.414 ‐0.782

11/29/2014 2:29 4769.1 50.171 10.415 ‐0.784

11/29/2014 2:34 4774.1 50.174 10.42 ‐0.796

11/29/2014 2:39 4779.1 50.17 10.422 ‐0.802

11/29/2014 2:44 4784.1 50.172 10.422 ‐0.802

11/29/2014 2:49 4789.1 50.172 10.423 ‐0.804

11/29/2014 2:54 4794.1 50.169 10.429 ‐0.817

11/29/2014 2:59 4799.1 50.178 10.431 ‐0.821

11/29/2014 3:04 4804.1 50.176 10.434 ‐0.83

11/29/2014 3:09 4809.1 50.174 10.437 ‐0.835

11/29/2014 3:14 4814.1 50.173 10.438 ‐0.838

11/29/2014 3:19 4819.1 50.172 10.443 ‐0.849

11/29/2014 3:24 4824.1 50.177 10.442 ‐0.847

11/29/2014 3:29 4829.1 50.176 10.448 ‐0.862

11/29/2014 3:34 4834.1 50.172 10.449 ‐0.865

11/29/2014 3:39 4839.1 50.169 10.454 ‐0.874

11/29/2014 3:44 4844.1 50.169 10.455 ‐0.878

11/29/2014 3:49 4849.1 50.172 10.46 ‐0.888

11/29/2014 3:54 4854.1 50.174 10.462 ‐0.893

11/29/2014 3:59 4859.1 50.172 10.464 ‐0.897

11/29/2014 4:04 4864.1 50.171 10.466 ‐0.903

11/29/2014 4:09 4869.1 50.17 10.468 ‐0.908

11/29/2014 4:14 4874.1 50.17 10.471 ‐0.914

11/29/2014 4:19 4879.1 50.172 10.474 ‐0.922

11/29/2014 4:24 4884.1 50.171 10.477 ‐0.927

11/29/2014 4:29 4889.1 50.173 10.48 ‐0.935

11/29/2014 4:34 4894.1 50.173 10.482 ‐0.939

11/29/2014 4:39 4899.1 50.17 10.481 ‐0.937

11/29/2014 4:44 4904.1 50.178 10.488 ‐0.953

11/29/2014 4:49 4909.1 50.174 10.485 ‐0.947

11/29/2014 4:54 4914.1 50.17 10.492 ‐0.963

11/29/2014 4:59 4919.1 50.171 10.493 ‐0.965

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/29/2014 5:04 4924.1 50.172 10.494 ‐0.968

11/29/2014 5:09 4929.1 50.173 10.5 ‐0.981

11/29/2014 5:14 4934.1 50.175 10.502 ‐0.986

11/29/2014 5:19 4939.1 50.172 10.504 ‐0.991

11/29/2014 5:24 4944.1 50.168 10.508 ‐1

11/29/2014 5:29 4949.1 50.173 10.508 ‐0.999

11/29/2014 5:34 4954.1 50.174 10.512 ‐1.01

11/29/2014 5:39 4959.1 50.173 10.512 ‐1.009

11/29/2014 5:44 4964.1 50.172 10.515 ‐1.015

11/29/2014 5:49 4969.1 50.167 10.515 ‐1.015

11/29/2014 5:54 4974.1 50.17 10.52 ‐1.028

11/29/2014 5:59 4979.1 50.175 10.525 ‐1.038

11/29/2014 6:04 4984.1 50.172 10.526 ‐1.041

11/29/2014 6:09 4989.1 50.168 10.529 ‐1.049

11/29/2014 6:14 4994.1 50.172 10.533 ‐1.058

11/29/2014 6:19 4999.1 50.166 10.533 ‐1.058

11/29/2014 6:24 5004.1 50.175 10.538 ‐1.068

11/29/2014 6:29 5009.1 50.176 10.539 ‐1.071

11/29/2014 6:34 5014.1 50.167 10.542 ‐1.078

11/29/2014 6:39 5019.1 50.174 10.543 ‐1.08

11/29/2014 6:44 5024.1 50.168 10.544 ‐1.084

11/29/2014 6:49 5029.1 50.172 10.546 ‐1.089

11/29/2014 6:54 5034.1 50.171 10.552 ‐1.102

11/29/2014 6:59 5039.1 50.178 10.555 ‐1.108

11/29/2014 7:04 5044.1 50.175 10.554 ‐1.107

11/29/2014 7:09 5049.1 50.166 10.559 ‐1.117

11/29/2014 7:14 5054.1 50.172 10.561 ‐1.123

11/29/2014 7:19 5059.1 50.168 10.565 ‐1.13

11/29/2014 7:24 5064.1 50.167 10.565 ‐1.131

11/29/2014 7:29 5069.1 50.172 10.569 ‐1.141

11/29/2014 7:34 5074.1 50.168 10.57 ‐1.143

11/29/2014 7:39 5079.1 50.172 10.572 ‐1.146

11/29/2014 7:44 5084.1 50.172 10.575 ‐1.155

11/29/2014 7:49 5089.1 50.174 10.577 ‐1.16

11/29/2014 7:54 5094.1 50.173 10.579 ‐1.165

11/29/2014 7:59 5099.1 50.169 10.578 ‐1.161

11/29/2014 8:04 5104.1 50.176 10.583 ‐1.173

11/29/2014 8:09 5109.1 50.171 10.584 ‐1.175

11/29/2014 8:14 5114.1 50.17 10.585 ‐1.178

11/29/2014 8:19 5119.1 50.173 10.586 ‐1.18

11/29/2014 8:24 5124.1 50.171 10.586 ‐1.18

11/29/2014 8:29 5129.1 50.171 10.584 ‐1.176

11/29/2014 8:34 5134.1 50.167 10.584 ‐1.175

11/29/2014 8:39 5139.1 50.172 10.584 ‐1.174

11/29/2014 8:44 5144.1 50.17 10.579 ‐1.165

11/29/2014 8:49 5149.1 50.172 10.577 ‐1.159

11/29/2014 8:54 5154.1 50.17 10.575 ‐1.154

11/29/2014 8:59 5159.1 50.166 10.57 ‐1.143

11/29/2014 9:04 5164.1 50.176 10.569 ‐1.141

11/29/2014 9:09 5169.1 50.169 10.565 ‐1.132

11/29/2014 9:14 5174.1 50.17 10.562 ‐1.124

11/29/2014 9:19 5179.1 50.169 10.558 ‐1.115

11/29/2014 9:24 5184.1 50.173 10.554 ‐1.105

11/29/2014 9:29 5189.1 50.172 10.549 ‐1.094

11/29/2014 9:34 5194.1 50.172 10.544 ‐1.082

11/29/2014 9:39 5199.1 50.167 10.538 ‐1.068

11/29/2014 9:44 5204.1 50.168 10.535 ‐1.062

11/29/2014 9:49 5209.1 50.172 10.529 ‐1.048

11/29/2014 9:54 5214.1 50.172 10.526 ‐1.042

11/29/2014 9:59 5219.1 50.174 10.519 ‐1.025

11/29/2014 10:04 5224.1 50.17 10.514 ‐1.013

11/29/2014 10:09 5229.1 50.172 10.507 ‐0.997

11/29/2014 10:14 5234.1 50.168 10.502 ‐0.985

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/29/2014 10:19 5239.1 50.17 10.497 ‐0.974

11/29/2014 10:24 5244.1 50.167 10.49 ‐0.958

11/29/2014 10:29 5249.1 50.172 10.483 ‐0.941

11/29/2014 10:34 5254.1 50.172 10.48 ‐0.935

11/29/2014 10:39 5259.1 50.169 10.473 ‐0.919

11/29/2014 10:44 5264.1 50.171 10.465 ‐0.899

11/29/2014 10:49 5269.1 50.166 10.461 ‐0.89

11/29/2014 10:54 5274.1 50.172 10.452 ‐0.871

11/29/2014 10:59 5279.1 50.173 10.448 ‐0.86

11/29/2014 11:04 5284.1 50.175 10.438 ‐0.837

11/29/2014 11:09 5289.1 50.167 10.43 ‐0.819

11/29/2014 11:14 5294.1 50.172 10.427 ‐0.813

11/29/2014 11:19 5299.1 50.172 10.42 ‐0.796

11/29/2014 11:24 5304.1 50.171 10.411 ‐0.777

11/29/2014 11:29 5309.1 50.167 10.408 ‐0.768

11/29/2014 11:34 5314.1 50.168 10.401 ‐0.753

11/29/2014 11:39 5319.1 50.168 10.395 ‐0.738

11/29/2014 11:44 5324.1 50.17 10.388 ‐0.721

11/29/2014 11:49 5329.1 50.168 10.382 ‐0.708

11/29/2014 11:54 5334.1 50.167 10.375 ‐0.694

11/29/2014 11:59 5339.1 50.171 10.368 ‐0.676

11/29/2014 12:04 5344.1 50.171 10.363 ‐0.665

11/29/2014 12:09 5349.1 50.169 10.359 ‐0.655

11/29/2014 12:14 5354.1 50.172 10.354 ‐0.643

11/29/2014 12:19 5359.1 50.168 10.35 ‐0.634

11/29/2014 12:24 5364.1 50.172 10.343 ‐0.618

11/29/2014 12:29 5369.1 50.167 10.338 ‐0.608

11/29/2014 12:34 5374.1 50.166 10.334 ‐0.598

11/29/2014 12:39 5379.1 50.169 10.333 ‐0.595

11/29/2014 12:44 5384.1 50.17 10.327 ‐0.582

11/29/2014 12:49 5389.1 50.171 10.329 ‐0.586

11/29/2014 12:54 5394.1 50.173 10.325 ‐0.577

11/29/2014 12:59 5399.1 50.174 10.327 ‐0.582

11/29/2014 13:04 5404.1 50.17 10.324 ‐0.575

11/29/2014 13:09 5409.1 50.17 10.323 ‐0.572

11/29/2014 13:14 5414.1 50.172 10.32 ‐0.566

11/29/2014 13:19 5419.1 50.169 10.321 ‐0.569

11/29/2014 13:24 5424.1 50.172 10.32 ‐0.565

11/29/2014 13:29 5429.1 50.17 10.323 ‐0.572

11/29/2014 13:34 5434.1 50.167 10.321 ‐0.569

11/29/2014 13:39 5439.1 50.172 10.32 ‐0.566

11/29/2014 13:44 5444.1 50.172 10.321 ‐0.569

11/29/2014 13:49 5449.1 50.169 10.323 ‐0.572

11/29/2014 13:54 5454.1 50.167 10.324 ‐0.575

11/29/2014 13:59 5459.1 50.173 10.321 ‐0.568

11/29/2014 14:04 5464.1 50.172 10.326 ‐0.58

11/29/2014 14:09 5469.1 50.17 10.325 ‐0.577

11/29/2014 14:14 5474.1 50.169 10.326 ‐0.578

11/29/2014 14:19 5479.1 50.174 10.329 ‐0.586

11/29/2014 14:24 5484.1 50.171 10.328 ‐0.585

11/29/2014 14:29 5489.1 50.17 10.327 ‐0.583

11/29/2014 14:34 5494.1 50.17 10.327 ‐0.581

11/29/2014 14:39 5499.1 50.171 10.333 ‐0.596

11/29/2014 14:44 5504.1 50.171 10.332 ‐0.592

11/29/2014 14:49 5509.1 50.177 10.332 ‐0.593

11/29/2014 14:54 5514.1 50.17 10.332 ‐0.592

11/29/2014 14:59 5519.1 50.173 10.333 ‐0.597

11/29/2014 15:04 5524.1 50.168 10.33 ‐0.59

11/29/2014 15:09 5529.1 50.172 10.331 ‐0.591

11/29/2014 15:14 5534.1 50.17 10.323 ‐0.573

11/29/2014 15:19 5539.1 50.173 10.324 ‐0.575

11/29/2014 15:24 5544.1 50.173 10.321 ‐0.567

11/29/2014 15:29 5549.1 50.169 10.32 ‐0.565

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/29/2014 15:34 5554.1 50.172 10.316 ‐0.556

11/29/2014 15:39 5559.1 50.175 10.312 ‐0.547

11/29/2014 15:44 5564.1 50.174 10.31 ‐0.543

11/29/2014 15:49 5569.1 50.167 10.305 ‐0.53

11/29/2014 15:54 5574.1 50.169 10.297 ‐0.512

11/29/2014 15:59 5579.1 50.17 10.295 ‐0.508

11/29/2014 16:04 5584.1 50.173 10.293 ‐0.502

11/29/2014 16:09 5589.1 50.173 10.288 ‐0.491

11/29/2014 16:14 5594.1 50.178 10.284 ‐0.482

11/29/2014 16:19 5599.1 50.175 10.279 ‐0.472

11/29/2014 16:24 5604.1 50.172 10.275 ‐0.463

11/29/2014 16:29 5609.1 50.172 10.273 ‐0.457

11/29/2014 16:34 5614.1 50.169 10.269 ‐0.448

11/29/2014 16:39 5619.1 50.173 10.267 ‐0.444

11/29/2014 16:44 5624.1 50.172 10.266 ‐0.44

11/29/2014 16:49 5629.1 50.172 10.262 ‐0.432

11/29/2014 16:54 5634.1 50.173 10.259 ‐0.424

11/29/2014 16:59 5639.1 50.173 10.255 ‐0.415

11/29/2014 17:04 5644.1 50.174 10.258 ‐0.423

11/29/2014 17:09 5649.1 50.172 10.256 ‐0.417

11/29/2014 17:14 5654.1 50.172 10.258 ‐0.422

11/29/2014 17:19 5659.1 50.167 10.256 ‐0.417

11/29/2014 17:24 5664.1 50.172 10.256 ‐0.419

11/29/2014 17:29 5669.1 50.174 10.258 ‐0.421

11/29/2014 17:34 5674.1 50.173 10.257 ‐0.421

11/29/2014 17:39 5679.1 50.168 10.257 ‐0.421

11/29/2014 17:44 5684.1 50.172 10.257 ‐0.42

11/29/2014 17:49 5689.1 50.172 10.258 ‐0.422

11/29/2014 17:54 5694.1 50.17 10.259 ‐0.426

11/29/2014 17:59 5699.1 50.172 10.26 ‐0.426

11/29/2014 18:04 5704.1 50.171 10.262 ‐0.432

11/29/2014 18:09 5709.1 50.177 10.262 ‐0.432

11/29/2014 18:14 5714.1 50.168 10.263 ‐0.434

11/29/2014 18:19 5719.1 50.171 10.263 ‐0.435

11/29/2014 18:24 5724.1 50.173 10.265 ‐0.438

11/29/2014 18:29 5729.1 50.173 10.266 ‐0.44

11/29/2014 18:34 5734.1 50.169 10.27 ‐0.449

11/29/2014 18:39 5739.1 50.172 10.267 ‐0.443

11/29/2014 18:44 5744.1 50.172 10.272 ‐0.455

11/29/2014 18:49 5749.1 50.172 10.273 ‐0.457

11/29/2014 18:54 5754.1 50.176 10.275 ‐0.461

11/29/2014 18:59 5759.1 50.17 10.276 ‐0.464

11/29/2014 19:04 5764.1 50.17 10.278 ‐0.469

11/29/2014 19:09 5769.1 50.172 10.279 ‐0.471

11/29/2014 19:14 5774.1 50.171 10.28 ‐0.473

11/29/2014 19:19 5779.1 50.174 10.285 ‐0.484

11/29/2014 19:24 5784.1 50.172 10.287 ‐0.49

11/29/2014 19:29 5789.1 50.176 10.289 ‐0.494

11/29/2014 19:34 5794.1 50.172 10.291 ‐0.498

11/29/2014 19:39 5799.1 50.168 10.294 ‐0.506

11/29/2014 19:44 5804.1 50.175 10.295 ‐0.507

11/29/2014 19:49 5809.1 50.171 10.293 ‐0.504

11/29/2014 19:54 5814.1 50.172 10.3 ‐0.52

11/29/2014 19:59 5819.1 50.176 10.302 ‐0.524

11/29/2014 20:04 5824.1 50.169 10.305 ‐0.532

11/29/2014 20:09 5829.1 50.172 10.306 ‐0.533

11/29/2014 20:14 5834.1 50.173 10.31 ‐0.544

11/29/2014 20:19 5839.1 50.174 10.311 ‐0.545

11/29/2014 20:24 5844.1 50.178 10.315 ‐0.553

11/29/2014 20:29 5849.1 50.172 10.314 ‐0.552

11/29/2014 20:34 5854.1 50.173 10.319 ‐0.563

11/29/2014 20:39 5859.1 50.169 10.32 ‐0.566

11/29/2014 20:44 5864.1 50.172 10.323 ‐0.573

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/29/2014 20:49 5869.1 50.173 10.326 ‐0.579

11/29/2014 20:54 5874.1 50.175 10.328 ‐0.585

11/29/2014 20:59 5879.1 50.178 10.331 ‐0.59

11/29/2014 21:04 5884.1 50.171 10.334 ‐0.597

11/29/2014 21:09 5889.1 50.175 10.335 ‐0.6

11/29/2014 21:14 5894.1 50.17 10.338 ‐0.607

11/29/2014 21:19 5899.1 50.167 10.341 ‐0.614

11/29/2014 21:24 5904.1 50.174 10.342 ‐0.616

11/29/2014 21:29 5909.1 50.176 10.345 ‐0.622

11/29/2014 21:34 5914.1 50.167 10.349 ‐0.632

11/29/2014 21:39 5919.1 50.174 10.351 ‐0.638

11/29/2014 21:44 5924.1 50.172 10.353 ‐0.642

11/29/2014 21:49 5929.1 50.175 10.356 ‐0.648

11/29/2014 21:54 5934.1 50.175 10.358 ‐0.652

11/29/2014 21:59 5939.1 50.176 10.362 ‐0.663

11/29/2014 22:04 5944.1 50.173 10.364 ‐0.668

11/29/2014 22:09 5949.1 50.176 10.367 ‐0.674

11/29/2014 22:14 5954.1 50.178 10.368 ‐0.677

11/29/2014 22:19 5959.1 50.172 10.37 ‐0.682

11/29/2014 22:24 5964.1 50.168 10.374 ‐0.69

11/29/2014 22:29 5969.1 50.17 10.374 ‐0.691

11/29/2014 22:34 5974.1 50.172 10.381 ‐0.705

11/29/2014 22:39 5979.1 50.172 10.381 ‐0.705

11/29/2014 22:44 5984.1 50.171 10.385 ‐0.715

11/29/2014 22:49 5989.1 50.174 10.387 ‐0.721

11/29/2014 22:54 5994.1 50.172 10.39 ‐0.728

11/29/2014 22:59 5999.1 50.174 10.392 ‐0.731

11/29/2014 23:04 6004.1 50.177 10.395 ‐0.739

11/29/2014 23:09 6009.1 50.173 10.395 ‐0.739

11/29/2014 23:14 6014.1 50.175 10.399 ‐0.749

11/29/2014 23:19 6019.1 50.171 10.399 ‐0.748

11/29/2014 23:24 6024.1 50.175 10.406 ‐0.764

11/29/2014 23:29 6029.1 50.175 10.41 ‐0.774

11/29/2014 23:34 6034.1 50.174 10.412 ‐0.778

11/29/2014 23:39 6039.1 50.171 10.414 ‐0.783

11/29/2014 23:44 6044.1 50.176 10.418 ‐0.792

11/29/2014 23:49 6049.1 50.173 10.419 ‐0.794

11/29/2014 23:54 6054.1 50.167 10.421 ‐0.8

11/29/2014 23:59 6059.1 50.176 10.427 ‐0.812

11/30/2014 0:04 6064.1 50.177 10.427 ‐0.812

11/30/2014 0:09 6069.1 50.173 10.431 ‐0.821

11/30/2014 0:14 6074.1 50.174 10.43 ‐0.821

11/30/2014 0:19 6079.1 50.18 10.436 ‐0.833

11/30/2014 0:24 6084.1 50.172 10.438 ‐0.838

11/30/2014 0:29 6089.1 50.175 10.439 ‐0.84

11/30/2014 0:34 6094.1 50.174 10.443 ‐0.851

11/30/2014 0:39 6099.1 50.178 10.445 ‐0.855

11/30/2014 0:44 6104.1 50.173 10.449 ‐0.864

11/30/2014 0:49 6109.1 50.175 10.452 ‐0.869

11/30/2014 0:54 6114.1 50.17 10.453 ‐0.872

11/30/2014 0:59 6119.1 50.172 10.456 ‐0.88

11/30/2014 1:04 6124.1 50.174 10.458 ‐0.885

11/30/2014 1:09 6129.1 50.177 10.462 ‐0.894

11/30/2014 1:14 6134.1 50.173 10.463 ‐0.897

11/30/2014 1:19 6139.1 50.173 10.468 ‐0.907

11/30/2014 1:24 6144.1 50.177 10.47 ‐0.911

11/30/2014 1:29 6149.1 50.171 10.472 ‐0.916

11/30/2014 1:34 6154.1 50.176 10.472 ‐0.917

11/30/2014 1:39 6159.1 50.172 10.477 ‐0.929

11/30/2014 1:44 6164.1 50.171 10.479 ‐0.933

11/30/2014 1:49 6169.1 50.172 10.482 ‐0.939

11/30/2014 1:54 6174.1 50.175 10.484 ‐0.945

11/30/2014 1:59 6179.1 50.176 10.487 ‐0.951

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/30/2014 2:04 6184.1 50.176 10.49 ‐0.959

11/30/2014 2:09 6189.1 50.172 10.492 ‐0.964

11/30/2014 2:14 6194.1 50.178 10.494 ‐0.968

11/30/2014 2:19 6199.1 50.171 10.498 ‐0.977

11/30/2014 2:24 6204.1 50.169 10.5 ‐0.982

11/30/2014 2:29 6209.1 50.172 10.503 ‐0.988

11/30/2014 2:34 6214.1 50.174 10.506 ‐0.995

11/30/2014 2:39 6219.1 50.173 10.506 ‐0.996

11/30/2014 2:44 6224.1 50.173 10.511 ‐1.006

11/30/2014 2:49 6229.1 50.176 10.514 ‐1.013

11/30/2014 2:54 6234.1 50.177 10.514 ‐1.014

11/30/2014 2:59 6239.1 50.178 10.516 ‐1.018

11/30/2014 3:04 6244.1 50.174 10.518 ‐1.022

11/30/2014 3:09 6249.1 50.172 10.525 ‐1.038

11/30/2014 3:14 6254.1 50.173 10.522 ‐1.032

11/30/2014 3:19 6259.1 50.168 10.528 ‐1.047

11/30/2014 3:24 6264.1 50.17 10.53 ‐1.05

11/30/2014 3:29 6269.1 50.172 10.533 ‐1.057

11/30/2014 3:34 6274.1 50.171 10.535 ‐1.063

11/30/2014 3:39 6279.1 50.172 10.537 ‐1.066

11/30/2014 3:44 6284.1 50.173 10.54 ‐1.073

11/30/2014 3:49 6289.1 50.172 10.542 ‐1.079

11/30/2014 3:54 6294.1 50.173 10.545 ‐1.085

11/30/2014 3:59 6299.1 50.172 10.546 ‐1.087

11/30/2014 4:04 6304.1 50.175 10.55 ‐1.097

11/30/2014 4:09 6309.1 50.172 10.552 ‐1.102

11/30/2014 4:14 6314.1 50.174 10.553 ‐1.103

11/30/2014 4:19 6319.1 50.174 10.557 ‐1.113

11/30/2014 4:24 6324.1 50.176 10.559 ‐1.118

11/30/2014 4:29 6329.1 50.172 10.563 ‐1.126

11/30/2014 4:34 6334.1 50.172 10.564 ‐1.129

11/30/2014 4:39 6339.1 50.181 10.566 ‐1.134

11/30/2014 4:44 6344.1 50.173 10.568 ‐1.138

11/30/2014 4:49 6349.1 50.178 10.571 ‐1.145

11/30/2014 4:54 6354.1 50.176 10.573 ‐1.149

11/30/2014 4:59 6359.1 50.179 10.576 ‐1.157

11/30/2014 5:04 6364.1 50.173 10.578 ‐1.161

11/30/2014 5:09 6369.1 50.171 10.581 ‐1.168

11/30/2014 5:14 6374.1 50.174 10.582 ‐1.17

11/30/2014 5:19 6379.1 50.176 10.586 ‐1.179

11/30/2014 5:24 6384.1 50.175 10.587 ‐1.183

11/30/2014 5:29 6389.1 50.177 10.59 ‐1.188

11/30/2014 5:34 6394.1 50.178 10.592 ‐1.194

11/30/2014 5:39 6399.1 50.175 10.594 ‐1.199

11/30/2014 5:44 6404.1 50.172 10.594 ‐1.198

11/30/2014 5:49 6409.1 50.178 10.598 ‐1.207

11/30/2014 5:54 6414.1 50.175 10.6 ‐1.212

11/30/2014 5:59 6419.1 50.173 10.601 ‐1.215

11/30/2014 6:04 6424.1 50.172 10.603 ‐1.22

11/30/2014 6:09 6429.1 50.176 10.606 ‐1.225

11/30/2014 6:14 6434.1 50.173 10.61 ‐1.235

11/30/2014 6:19 6439.1 50.176 10.612 ‐1.24

11/30/2014 6:24 6444.1 50.174 10.613 ‐1.243

11/30/2014 6:29 6449.1 50.176 10.616 ‐1.249

11/30/2014 6:34 6454.1 50.175 10.618 ‐1.253

11/30/2014 6:39 6459.1 50.175 10.619 ‐1.257

11/30/2014 6:44 6464.1 50.176 10.621 ‐1.26

11/30/2014 6:49 6469.1 50.175 10.625 ‐1.27

11/30/2014 6:54 6474.1 50.174 10.627 ‐1.274

11/30/2014 6:59 6479.1 50.171 10.628 ‐1.277

11/30/2014 7:04 6484.1 50.173 10.631 ‐1.284

11/30/2014 7:09 6489.1 50.181 10.631 ‐1.285

11/30/2014 7:14 6494.1 50.174 10.636 ‐1.295

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/30/2014 7:19 6499.1 50.175 10.638 ‐1.3

11/30/2014 7:24 6504.1 50.176 10.64 ‐1.304

11/30/2014 7:29 6509.1 50.178 10.642 ‐1.309

11/30/2014 7:34 6514.1 50.172 10.644 ‐1.313

11/30/2014 7:39 6519.1 50.177 10.647 ‐1.32

11/30/2014 7:44 6524.1 50.172 10.651 ‐1.329

11/30/2014 7:49 6529.1 50.172 10.65 ‐1.328

11/30/2014 7:54 6534.1 50.176 10.653 ‐1.333

11/30/2014 7:59 6539.1 50.172 10.654 ‐1.338

11/30/2014 8:04 6544.1 50.173 10.655 ‐1.339

11/30/2014 8:09 6549.1 50.175 10.655 ‐1.34

11/30/2014 8:14 6554.1 50.175 10.659 ‐1.347

11/30/2014 8:19 6559.1 50.176 10.657 ‐1.344

11/30/2014 8:24 6564.1 50.177 10.658 ‐1.347

11/30/2014 8:29 6569.1 50.174 10.658 ‐1.347

11/30/2014 8:34 6574.1 50.172 10.655 ‐1.34

11/30/2014 8:39 6579.1 50.176 10.653 ‐1.335

11/30/2014 8:44 6584.1 50.177 10.652 ‐1.332

11/30/2014 8:49 6589.1 50.172 10.651 ‐1.33

11/30/2014 8:54 6594.1 50.174 10.647 ‐1.321

11/30/2014 8:59 6599.1 50.172 10.642 ‐1.31

11/30/2014 9:04 6604.1 50.172 10.639 ‐1.302

11/30/2014 9:09 6609.1 50.174 10.638 ‐1.299

11/30/2014 9:14 6614.1 50.172 10.635 ‐1.293

11/30/2014 9:19 6619.1 50.174 10.63 ‐1.282

11/30/2014 9:24 6624.1 50.174 10.626 ‐1.272

11/30/2014 9:29 6629.1 50.18 10.624 ‐1.266

11/30/2014 9:34 6634.1 50.177 10.616 ‐1.249

11/30/2014 9:39 6639.1 50.175 10.611 ‐1.238

11/30/2014 9:44 6644.1 50.177 10.604 ‐1.222

11/30/2014 9:49 6649.1 50.173 10.601 ‐1.214

11/30/2014 9:54 6654.1 50.175 10.593 ‐1.197

11/30/2014 9:59 6659.1 50.171 10.589 ‐1.186

11/30/2014 10:04 6664.1 50.169 10.585 ‐1.178

11/30/2014 10:09 6669.1 50.172 10.579 ‐1.164

11/30/2014 10:14 6674.1 50.172 10.574 ‐1.151

11/30/2014 10:19 6679.1 50.175 10.563 ‐1.127

11/30/2014 10:24 6684.1 50.172 10.559 ‐1.118

11/30/2014 10:29 6689.1 50.171 10.554 ‐1.107

11/30/2014 10:34 6694.1 50.178 10.547 ‐1.089

11/30/2014 10:39 6699.1 50.176 10.544 ‐1.082

11/30/2014 10:44 6704.1 50.173 10.534 ‐1.059

11/30/2014 10:49 6709.1 50.172 10.53 ‐1.051

11/30/2014 10:54 6714.1 50.169 10.522 ‐1.032

11/30/2014 10:59 6719.1 50.173 10.516 ‐1.018

11/30/2014 11:04 6724.1 50.178 10.509 ‐1.002

11/30/2014 11:09 6729.1 50.171 10.502 ‐0.986

11/30/2014 11:14 6734.1 50.172 10.495 ‐0.97

11/30/2014 11:19 6739.1 50.171 10.487 ‐0.95

11/30/2014 11:24 6744.1 50.17 10.481 ‐0.936

11/30/2014 11:29 6749.1 50.17 10.472 ‐0.917

11/30/2014 11:34 6754.1 50.176 10.468 ‐0.907

11/30/2014 11:39 6759.1 50.172 10.461 ‐0.892

11/30/2014 11:44 6764.1 50.175 10.456 ‐0.879

11/30/2014 11:49 6769.1 50.171 10.448 ‐0.862

11/30/2014 11:54 6774.1 50.167 10.441 ‐0.846

11/30/2014 11:59 6779.1 50.173 10.434 ‐0.83

11/30/2014 12:04 6784.1 50.173 10.428 ‐0.816

11/30/2014 12:09 6789.1 50.17 10.423 ‐0.803

11/30/2014 12:14 6794.1 50.176 10.413 ‐0.781

11/30/2014 12:19 6799.1 50.178 10.414 ‐0.783

11/30/2014 12:24 6804.1 50.172 10.409 ‐0.77

11/30/2014 12:29 6809.1 50.168 10.404 ‐0.76

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/30/2014 12:34 6814.1 50.172 10.404 ‐0.76

11/30/2014 12:39 6819.1 50.173 10.398 ‐0.746

11/30/2014 12:44 6824.1 50.172 10.397 ‐0.744

11/30/2014 12:49 6829.1 50.172 10.393 ‐0.734

11/30/2014 12:54 6834.1 50.173 10.393 ‐0.734

11/30/2014 12:59 6839.1 50.174 10.392 ‐0.732

11/30/2014 13:04 6844.1 50.17 10.39 ‐0.726

11/30/2014 13:09 6849.1 50.177 10.39 ‐0.727

11/30/2014 13:14 6854.1 50.178 10.388 ‐0.723

11/30/2014 13:19 6859.1 50.176 10.387 ‐0.721

11/30/2014 13:24 6864.1 50.177 10.386 ‐0.717

11/30/2014 13:29 6869.1 50.176 10.385 ‐0.717

11/30/2014 13:34 6874.1 50.172 10.383 ‐0.711

11/30/2014 13:39 6879.1 50.173 10.381 ‐0.707

11/30/2014 13:44 6884.1 50.176 10.38 ‐0.704

11/30/2014 13:49 6889.1 50.178 10.378 ‐0.7

11/30/2014 13:54 6894.1 50.175 10.374 ‐0.69

11/30/2014 13:59 6899.1 50.178 10.372 ‐0.685

11/30/2014 14:04 6904.1 50.174 10.371 ‐0.684

11/30/2014 14:09 6909.1 50.174 10.368 ‐0.677

11/30/2014 14:14 6914.1 50.174 10.362 ‐0.662

11/30/2014 14:19 6919.1 50.173 10.36 ‐0.657

11/30/2014 14:24 6924.1 50.171 10.356 ‐0.649

11/30/2014 14:29 6929.1 50.172 10.35 ‐0.635

11/30/2014 14:34 6934.1 50.173 10.347 ‐0.629

11/30/2014 14:39 6939.1 50.177 10.342 ‐0.617

11/30/2014 14:44 6944.1 50.174 10.339 ‐0.61

11/30/2014 14:49 6949.1 50.172 10.333 ‐0.596

11/30/2014 14:54 6954.1 50.174 10.331 ‐0.591

11/30/2014 14:59 6959.1 50.178 10.328 ‐0.585

11/30/2014 15:04 6964.1 50.178 10.326 ‐0.58

11/30/2014 15:09 6969.1 50.171 10.323 ‐0.571

11/30/2014 15:14 6974.1 50.173 10.323 ‐0.572

11/30/2014 15:19 6979.1 50.174 10.321 ‐0.568

11/30/2014 15:24 6984.1 50.171 10.318 ‐0.562

11/30/2014 15:29 6989.1 50.172 10.316 ‐0.558

11/30/2014 15:34 6994.1 50.178 10.315 ‐0.553

11/30/2014 15:39 6999.1 50.169 10.316 ‐0.555

11/30/2014 15:44 7004.1 50.175 10.315 ‐0.553

11/30/2014 15:49 7009.1 50.176 10.315 ‐0.553

11/30/2014 15:54 7014.1 50.178 10.315 ‐0.554

11/30/2014 15:59 7019.1 50.175 10.314 ‐0.551

11/30/2014 16:04 7024.1 50.176 10.314 ‐0.551

11/30/2014 16:09 7029.1 50.171 10.315 ‐0.554

11/30/2014 16:14 7034.1 50.175 10.313 ‐0.55

11/30/2014 16:19 7039.1 50.175 10.315 ‐0.555

11/30/2014 16:24 7044.1 50.179 10.315 ‐0.555

11/30/2014 16:29 7049.1 50.175 10.316 ‐0.556

11/30/2014 16:34 7054.1 50.177 10.317 ‐0.558

11/30/2014 16:39 7059.1 50.169 10.317 ‐0.558

11/30/2014 16:44 7064.1 50.177 10.318 ‐0.56

11/30/2014 16:49 7069.1 50.177 10.32 ‐0.565

11/30/2014 16:54 7074.1 50.173 10.319 ‐0.563

11/30/2014 16:59 7079.1 50.176 10.321 ‐0.567

11/30/2014 17:04 7084.1 50.176 10.322 ‐0.57

11/30/2014 17:09 7089.1 50.178 10.324 ‐0.575

11/30/2014 17:14 7094.1 50.17 10.324 ‐0.575

11/30/2014 17:19 7099.1 50.175 10.325 ‐0.578

11/30/2014 17:24 7104.1 50.175 10.328 ‐0.584

11/30/2014 17:29 7109.1 50.175 10.329 ‐0.586

11/30/2014 17:34 7114.1 50.175 10.331 ‐0.591

11/30/2014 17:39 7119.1 50.17 10.332 ‐0.594

11/30/2014 17:44 7124.1 50.177 10.335 ‐0.599

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/30/2014 17:49 7129.1 50.173 10.335 ‐0.601

11/30/2014 17:54 7134.1 50.178 10.337 ‐0.605

11/30/2014 17:59 7139.1 50.171 10.338 ‐0.607

11/30/2014 18:04 7144.1 50.169 10.341 ‐0.614

11/30/2014 18:09 7149.1 50.178 10.341 ‐0.613

11/30/2014 18:14 7154.1 50.176 10.343 ‐0.619

11/30/2014 18:19 7159.1 50.174 10.343 ‐0.619

11/30/2014 18:24 7164.1 50.174 10.347 ‐0.627

11/30/2014 18:29 7169.1 50.176 10.348 ‐0.63

11/30/2014 18:34 7174.1 50.175 10.349 ‐0.633

11/30/2014 18:39 7179.1 50.175 10.351 ‐0.638

11/30/2014 18:44 7184.1 50.175 10.352 ‐0.639

11/30/2014 18:49 7189.1 50.173 10.355 ‐0.646

11/30/2014 18:54 7194.1 50.178 10.356 ‐0.648

11/30/2014 18:59 7199.1 50.179 10.358 ‐0.654

11/30/2014 19:04 7204.1 50.177 10.358 ‐0.653

11/30/2014 19:09 7209.1 50.173 10.361 ‐0.661

11/30/2014 19:14 7214.1 50.172 10.363 ‐0.666

11/30/2014 19:19 7219.1 50.176 10.367 ‐0.674

11/30/2014 19:24 7224.1 50.174 10.367 ‐0.675

11/30/2014 19:29 7229.1 50.178 10.37 ‐0.681

11/30/2014 19:34 7234.1 50.179 10.372 ‐0.686

11/30/2014 19:39 7239.1 50.18 10.375 ‐0.692

11/30/2014 19:44 7244.1 50.174 10.377 ‐0.698

11/30/2014 19:49 7249.1 50.176 10.376 ‐0.695

11/30/2014 19:54 7254.1 50.172 10.38 ‐0.704

11/30/2014 19:59 7259.1 50.176 10.38 ‐0.704

11/30/2014 20:04 7264.1 50.179 10.382 ‐0.709

11/30/2014 20:09 7269.1 50.172 10.386 ‐0.718

11/30/2014 20:14 7274.1 50.181 10.386 ‐0.719

11/30/2014 20:19 7279.1 50.173 10.39 ‐0.727

11/30/2014 20:24 7284.1 50.177 10.394 ‐0.737

11/30/2014 20:29 7289.1 50.176 10.395 ‐0.739

11/30/2014 20:34 7294.1 50.178 10.396 ‐0.742

11/30/2014 20:39 7299.1 50.177 10.398 ‐0.745

11/30/2014 20:44 7304.1 50.172 10.401 ‐0.753

11/30/2014 20:49 7309.1 50.172 10.401 ‐0.754

11/30/2014 20:54 7314.1 50.176 10.404 ‐0.759

11/30/2014 20:59 7319.1 50.177 10.408 ‐0.768

11/30/2014 21:04 7324.1 50.178 10.409 ‐0.771

11/30/2014 21:09 7329.1 50.174 10.411 ‐0.775

11/30/2014 21:14 7334.1 50.174 10.413 ‐0.781

11/30/2014 21:19 7339.1 50.178 10.417 ‐0.79

11/30/2014 21:24 7344.1 50.18 10.418 ‐0.793

11/30/2014 21:29 7349.1 50.179 10.42 ‐0.796

11/30/2014 21:34 7354.1 50.177 10.424 ‐0.805

11/30/2014 21:39 7359.1 50.177 10.426 ‐0.81

11/30/2014 21:44 7364.1 50.174 10.429 ‐0.816

11/30/2014 21:49 7369.1 50.175 10.431 ‐0.821

11/30/2014 21:54 7374.1 50.175 10.432 ‐0.825

11/30/2014 21:59 7379.1 50.178 10.433 ‐0.827

11/30/2014 22:04 7384.1 50.178 10.438 ‐0.837

11/30/2014 22:09 7389.1 50.177 10.438 ‐0.838

11/30/2014 22:14 7394.1 50.174 10.44 ‐0.843

11/30/2014 22:19 7399.1 50.173 10.443 ‐0.85

11/30/2014 22:24 7404.1 50.172 10.446 ‐0.856

11/30/2014 22:29 7409.1 50.175 10.447 ‐0.86

11/30/2014 22:34 7414.1 50.171 10.449 ‐0.864

11/30/2014 22:39 7419.1 50.175 10.452 ‐0.871

11/30/2014 22:44 7424.1 50.175 10.454 ‐0.874

11/30/2014 22:49 7429.1 50.174 10.457 ‐0.881

11/30/2014 22:54 7434.1 50.178 10.457 ‐0.882

11/30/2014 22:59 7439.1 50.174 10.46 ‐0.89

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

11/30/2014 23:04 7444.1 50.175 10.462 ‐0.894

11/30/2014 23:09 7449.1 50.175 10.464 ‐0.899

11/30/2014 23:14 7454.1 50.179 10.468 ‐0.908

11/30/2014 23:19 7459.1 50.178 10.47 ‐0.911

11/30/2014 23:24 7464.1 50.178 10.474 ‐0.92

11/30/2014 23:29 7469.1 50.178 10.476 ‐0.926

11/30/2014 23:34 7474.1 50.177 10.478 ‐0.931

11/30/2014 23:39 7479.1 50.178 10.479 ‐0.932

11/30/2014 23:44 7484.1 50.18 10.483 ‐0.941

11/30/2014 23:49 7489.1 50.178 10.484 ‐0.945

11/30/2014 23:54 7494.1 50.175 10.487 ‐0.952

11/30/2014 23:59 7499.1 50.17 10.488 ‐0.954

12/1/2014 0:04 7504.1 50.171 10.491 ‐0.961

12/1/2014 0:09 7509.1 50.172 10.492 ‐0.963

12/1/2014 0:14 7514.1 50.174 10.494 ‐0.968

12/1/2014 0:19 7519.1 50.176 10.498 ‐0.976

12/1/2014 0:24 7524.1 50.178 10.5 ‐0.982

12/1/2014 0:29 7529.1 50.176 10.501 ‐0.985

12/1/2014 0:34 7534.1 50.181 10.503 ‐0.987

12/1/2014 0:39 7539.1 50.176 10.507 ‐0.997

12/1/2014 0:44 7544.1 50.178 10.508 ‐1.001

12/1/2014 0:49 7549.1 50.18 10.511 ‐1.007

12/1/2014 0:54 7554.1 50.178 10.513 ‐1.012

12/1/2014 0:59 7559.1 50.175 10.516 ‐1.019

12/1/2014 1:04 7564.1 50.18 10.519 ‐1.025

12/1/2014 1:09 7569.1 50.174 10.52 ‐1.028

12/1/2014 1:14 7574.1 50.177 10.523 ‐1.034

12/1/2014 1:19 7579.1 50.178 10.526 ‐1.04

12/1/2014 1:24 7584.1 50.178 10.527 ‐1.044

12/1/2014 1:29 7589.1 50.179 10.53 ‐1.051

12/1/2014 1:34 7594.1 50.173 10.532 ‐1.056

12/1/2014 1:39 7599.1 50.173 10.535 ‐1.061

12/1/2014 1:44 7604.1 50.177 10.535 ‐1.062

12/1/2014 1:49 7609.1 50.173 10.536 ‐1.065

12/1/2014 1:54 7614.1 50.178 10.539 ‐1.072

12/1/2014 1:59 7619.1 50.176 10.542 ‐1.079

12/1/2014 2:04 7624.1 50.179 10.543 ‐1.08

12/1/2014 2:09 7629.1 50.174 10.547 ‐1.089

12/1/2014 2:14 7634.1 50.179 10.548 ‐1.092

12/1/2014 2:19 7639.1 50.174 10.549 ‐1.094

12/1/2014 2:24 7644.1 50.176 10.552 ‐1.102

12/1/2014 2:29 7649.1 50.175 10.556 ‐1.109

12/1/2014 2:34 7654.1 50.173 10.557 ‐1.114

12/1/2014 2:39 7659.1 50.173 10.559 ‐1.118

12/1/2014 2:44 7664.1 50.176 10.56 ‐1.121

12/1/2014 2:49 7669.1 50.176 10.563 ‐1.127

12/1/2014 2:54 7674.1 50.176 10.565 ‐1.131

12/1/2014 2:59 7679.1 50.181 10.567 ‐1.135

12/1/2014 3:04 7684.1 50.172 10.568 ‐1.137

12/1/2014 3:09 7689.1 50.175 10.57 ‐1.144

12/1/2014 3:14 7694.1 50.177 10.573 ‐1.149

12/1/2014 3:19 7699.1 50.176 10.576 ‐1.156

12/1/2014 3:24 7704.1 50.176 10.577 ‐1.159

12/1/2014 3:29 7709.1 50.179 10.579 ‐1.165

12/1/2014 3:34 7714.1 50.181 10.581 ‐1.169

12/1/2014 3:39 7719.1 50.176 10.582 ‐1.17

12/1/2014 3:44 7724.1 50.175 10.585 ‐1.179

12/1/2014 3:49 7729.1 50.18 10.588 ‐1.184

12/1/2014 3:54 7734.1 50.176 10.59 ‐1.19

12/1/2014 3:59 7739.1 50.178 10.592 ‐1.194

12/1/2014 4:04 7744.1 50.181 10.594 ‐1.198

12/1/2014 4:09 7749.1 50.172 10.596 ‐1.203

12/1/2014 4:14 7754.1 50.176 10.596 ‐1.204

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/1/2014 4:19 7759.1 50.179 10.599 ‐1.211

12/1/2014 4:24 7764.1 50.178 10.6 ‐1.213

12/1/2014 4:29 7769.1 50.178 10.604 ‐1.222

12/1/2014 4:34 7774.1 50.173 10.605 ‐1.224

12/1/2014 4:39 7779.1 50.181 10.607 ‐1.228

12/1/2014 4:44 7784.1 50.175 10.609 ‐1.233

12/1/2014 4:49 7789.1 50.177 10.611 ‐1.237

12/1/2014 4:54 7794.1 50.178 10.613 ‐1.243

12/1/2014 4:59 7799.1 50.177 10.614 ‐1.244

12/1/2014 5:04 7804.1 50.174 10.617 ‐1.252

12/1/2014 5:09 7809.1 50.182 10.618 ‐1.254

12/1/2014 5:14 7814.1 50.18 10.621 ‐1.26

12/1/2014 5:19 7819.1 50.172 10.623 ‐1.265

12/1/2014 5:24 7824.1 50.178 10.624 ‐1.268

12/1/2014 5:29 7829.1 50.178 10.626 ‐1.271

12/1/2014 5:34 7834.1 50.178 10.628 ‐1.277

12/1/2014 5:39 7839.1 50.175 10.627 ‐1.275

12/1/2014 5:44 7844.1 50.17 10.632 ‐1.287

12/1/2014 5:49 7849.1 50.175 10.634 ‐1.29

12/1/2014 5:54 7854.1 50.183 10.633 ‐1.289

12/1/2014 5:59 7859.1 50.175 10.636 ‐1.296

12/1/2014 6:04 7864.1 50.175 10.639 ‐1.301

12/1/2014 6:09 7869.1 50.178 10.638 ‐1.301

12/1/2014 6:14 7874.1 50.176 10.642 ‐1.308

12/1/2014 6:19 7879.1 50.177 10.642 ‐1.309

12/1/2014 6:24 7884.1 50.177 10.644 ‐1.314

12/1/2014 6:29 7889.1 50.179 10.646 ‐1.318

12/1/2014 6:34 7894.1 50.172 10.647 ‐1.321

12/1/2014 6:39 7899.1 50.176 10.648 ‐1.324

12/1/2014 6:44 7904.1 50.173 10.649 ‐1.326

12/1/2014 6:49 7909.1 50.178 10.648 ‐1.323

12/1/2014 6:54 7914.1 50.177 10.65 ‐1.328

12/1/2014 6:59 7919.1 50.179 10.651 ‐1.33

12/1/2014 7:04 7924.1 50.178 10.65 ‐1.328

12/1/2014 7:09 7929.1 50.18 10.652 ‐1.331

12/1/2014 7:14 7934.1 50.178 10.651 ‐1.33

12/1/2014 7:19 7939.1 50.181 10.646 ‐1.319

12/1/2014 7:24 7944.1 50.174 10.648 ‐1.322

12/1/2014 7:29 7949.1 50.175 10.646 ‐1.319

12/1/2014 7:34 7954.1 50.177 10.642 ‐1.31

12/1/2014 7:39 7959.1 50.18 10.646 ‐1.319

12/1/2014 7:44 7964.1 50.178 10.643 ‐1.311

12/1/2014 7:49 7969.1 50.174 10.644 ‐1.314

12/1/2014 7:54 7974.1 50.178 10.643 ‐1.311

12/1/2014 7:59 7979.1 50.179 10.642 ‐1.31

12/1/2014 8:04 7984.1 50.178 10.641 ‐1.306

12/1/2014 8:09 7989.1 50.178 10.641 ‐1.307

12/1/2014 8:14 7994.1 50.178 10.638 ‐1.3

12/1/2014 8:19 7999.1 50.175 10.637 ‐1.297

12/1/2014 8:24 8004.1 50.174 10.637 ‐1.299

12/1/2014 8:29 8009.1 50.176 10.637 ‐1.298

12/1/2014 8:34 8014.1 50.178 10.635 ‐1.293

12/1/2014 8:39 8019.1 50.175 10.637 ‐1.297

12/1/2014 8:44 8024.1 50.181 10.636 ‐1.295

12/1/2014 8:49 8029.1 50.174 10.632 ‐1.287

12/1/2014 8:54 8034.1 50.176 10.632 ‐1.286

12/1/2014 8:59 8039.1 50.176 10.629 ‐1.28

12/1/2014 9:04 8044.1 50.177 10.63 ‐1.282

12/1/2014 9:09 8049.1 50.175 10.63 ‐1.281

12/1/2014 9:14 8054.1 50.167 10.627 ‐1.275

12/1/2014 9:19 8059.1 50.181 10.625 ‐1.269

12/1/2014 9:24 8064.1 50.179 10.622 ‐1.263

12/1/2014 9:29 8069.1 50.178 10.623 ‐1.265

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/1/2014 9:34 8074.1 50.175 10.619 ‐1.257

12/1/2014 9:39 8079.1 50.175 10.618 ‐1.254

12/1/2014 9:44 8084.1 50.176 10.616 ‐1.249

12/1/2014 9:49 8089.1 50.179 10.614 ‐1.244

12/1/2014 9:54 8094.1 50.178 10.612 ‐1.241

12/1/2014 9:59 8099.1 50.176 10.608 ‐1.231

12/1/2014 10:04 8104.1 50.174 10.606 ‐1.226

12/1/2014 10:09 8109.1 50.175 10.606 ‐1.225

12/1/2014 10:14 8114.1 50.178 10.603 ‐1.218

12/1/2014 10:19 8119.1 50.174 10.6 ‐1.212

12/1/2014 10:24 8124.1 50.177 10.596 ‐1.202

12/1/2014 10:29 8129.1 50.172 10.593 ‐1.197

12/1/2014 10:34 8134.1 50.18 10.593 ‐1.195

12/1/2014 10:39 8139.1 50.178 10.587 ‐1.183

12/1/2014 10:44 8144.1 50.178 10.585 ‐1.178

12/1/2014 10:49 8149.1 50.176 10.583 ‐1.172

12/1/2014 10:54 8154.1 50.175 10.581 ‐1.169

12/1/2014 10:59 8159.1 50.176 10.578 ‐1.161

12/1/2014 11:04 8164.1 50.179 10.575 ‐1.154

12/1/2014 11:09 8169.1 50.177 10.571 ‐1.145

12/1/2014 11:14 8174.1 50.177 10.568 ‐1.137

12/1/2014 11:19 8179.1 50.173 10.566 ‐1.133

12/1/2014 11:24 8184.1 50.177 10.56 ‐1.12

12/1/2014 11:29 8189.1 50.175 10.559 ‐1.119

12/1/2014 11:34 8194.1 50.174 10.554 ‐1.107

12/1/2014 11:39 8199.1 50.178 10.553 ‐1.104

12/1/2014 11:44 8204.1 50.174 10.548 ‐1.092

12/1/2014 11:49 8209.1 50.177 10.544 ‐1.082

12/1/2014 11:54 8214.1 50.178 10.539 ‐1.071

12/1/2014 11:59 8219.1 50.175 10.538 ‐1.069

12/1/2014 12:04 8224.1 50.176 10.535 ‐1.061

12/1/2014 12:09 8229.1 50.179 10.531 ‐1.053

12/1/2014 12:14 8234.1 50.173 10.528 ‐1.047

12/1/2014 12:19 8239.1 50.173 10.525 ‐1.04

12/1/2014 12:24 8244.1 50.178 10.52 ‐1.027

12/1/2014 12:29 8249.1 50.173 10.517 ‐1.021

12/1/2014 12:34 8254.1 50.178 10.515 ‐1.016

12/1/2014 12:39 8259.1 50.176 10.509 ‐1.001

12/1/2014 12:44 8264.1 50.175 10.506 ‐0.996

12/1/2014 12:49 8269.1 50.176 10.504 ‐0.99

12/1/2014 12:54 8274.1 50.178 10.499 ‐0.979

12/1/2014 12:59 8279.1 50.175 10.496 ‐0.973

12/1/2014 13:04 8284.1 50.177 10.491 ‐0.96

12/1/2014 13:09 8289.1 50.178 10.489 ‐0.956

12/1/2014 13:14 8294.1 50.175 10.486 ‐0.948

12/1/2014 13:19 8299.1 50.178 10.484 ‐0.945

12/1/2014 13:24 8304.1 50.178 10.48 ‐0.935

12/1/2014 13:29 8309.1 50.178 10.477 ‐0.927

12/1/2014 13:34 8314.1 50.176 10.473 ‐0.918

12/1/2014 13:39 8319.1 50.175 10.472 ‐0.917

12/1/2014 13:44 8324.1 50.181 10.47 ‐0.912

12/1/2014 13:49 8329.1 50.179 10.467 ‐0.905

12/1/2014 13:54 8334.1 50.175 10.463 ‐0.895

12/1/2014 13:59 8339.1 50.173 10.463 ‐0.896

12/1/2014 14:04 8344.1 50.176 10.46 ‐0.89

12/1/2014 14:09 8349.1 50.178 10.455 ‐0.877

12/1/2014 14:14 8354.1 50.178 10.456 ‐0.879

12/1/2014 14:19 8359.1 50.178 10.455 ‐0.878

12/1/2014 14:24 8364.1 50.178 10.452 ‐0.87

12/1/2014 14:29 8369.1 50.172 10.452 ‐0.87

12/1/2014 14:34 8374.1 50.176 10.449 ‐0.864

12/1/2014 14:39 8379.1 50.176 10.448 ‐0.862

12/1/2014 14:44 8384.1 50.175 10.445 ‐0.855

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/1/2014 14:49 8389.1 50.174 10.445 ‐0.854

12/1/2014 14:54 8394.1 50.178 10.444 ‐0.852

12/1/2014 14:59 8399.1 50.177 10.443 ‐0.849

12/1/2014 15:04 8404.1 50.176 10.439 ‐0.84

12/1/2014 15:09 8409.1 50.18 10.441 ‐0.845

12/1/2014 15:14 8414.1 50.177 10.438 ‐0.839

12/1/2014 15:19 8419.1 50.177 10.436 ‐0.833

12/1/2014 15:24 8424.1 50.173 10.434 ‐0.828

12/1/2014 15:29 8429.1 50.177 10.434 ‐0.828

12/1/2014 15:34 8434.1 50.178 10.433 ‐0.826

12/1/2014 15:39 8439.1 50.178 10.428 ‐0.816

12/1/2014 15:44 8444.1 50.173 10.428 ‐0.816

12/1/2014 15:49 8449.1 50.178 10.427 ‐0.813

12/1/2014 15:54 8454.1 50.182 10.425 ‐0.809

12/1/2014 15:59 8459.1 50.181 10.424 ‐0.806

12/1/2014 16:04 8464.1 50.18 10.423 ‐0.804

12/1/2014 16:09 8469.1 50.178 10.42 ‐0.796

12/1/2014 16:14 8474.1 50.178 10.421 ‐0.798

12/1/2014 16:19 8479.1 50.175 10.417 ‐0.79

12/1/2014 16:24 8484.1 50.179 10.417 ‐0.789

12/1/2014 16:29 8489.1 50.175 10.415 ‐0.784

12/1/2014 16:34 8494.1 50.175 10.412 ‐0.778

12/1/2014 16:39 8499.1 50.178 10.411 ‐0.775

12/1/2014 16:44 8504.1 50.175 10.408 ‐0.768

12/1/2014 16:49 8509.1 50.174 10.407 ‐0.767

12/1/2014 16:54 8514.1 50.174 10.405 ‐0.762

12/1/2014 16:59 8519.1 50.183 10.403 ‐0.757

12/1/2014 17:04 8524.1 50.177 10.402 ‐0.754

12/1/2014 17:09 8529.1 50.177 10.399 ‐0.748

12/1/2014 17:14 8534.1 50.178 10.396 ‐0.74

12/1/2014 17:19 8539.1 50.18 10.395 ‐0.74

12/1/2014 17:24 8544.1 50.174 10.394 ‐0.736

12/1/2014 17:29 8549.1 50.173 10.391 ‐0.731

12/1/2014 17:34 8554.1 50.179 10.39 ‐0.728

12/1/2014 17:39 8559.1 50.182 10.389 ‐0.725

12/1/2014 17:44 8564.1 50.178 10.387 ‐0.721

12/1/2014 17:49 8569.1 50.177 10.387 ‐0.719

12/1/2014 17:54 8574.1 50.177 10.386 ‐0.718

12/1/2014 17:59 8579.1 50.173 10.385 ‐0.716

12/1/2014 18:04 8584.1 50.175 10.382 ‐0.708

12/1/2014 18:09 8589.1 50.176 10.381 ‐0.707

12/1/2014 18:14 8594.1 50.181 10.38 ‐0.705

12/1/2014 18:19 8599.1 50.178 10.379 ‐0.701

12/1/2014 18:24 8604.1 50.175 10.379 ‐0.701

12/1/2014 18:29 8609.1 50.177 10.378 ‐0.699

12/1/2014 18:34 8614.1 50.178 10.377 ‐0.697

12/1/2014 18:39 8619.1 50.178 10.378 ‐0.698

12/1/2014 18:44 8624.1 50.174 10.378 ‐0.699

12/1/2014 18:49 8629.1 50.177 10.376 ‐0.694

12/1/2014 18:54 8634.1 50.178 10.376 ‐0.696

12/1/2014 18:59 8639.1 50.179 10.375 ‐0.693

12/1/2014 19:04 8644.1 50.178 10.374 ‐0.69

12/1/2014 19:09 8649.1 50.172 10.375 ‐0.693

12/1/2014 19:14 8654.1 50.176 10.374 ‐0.689

12/1/2014 19:19 8659.1 50.175 10.375 ‐0.694

12/1/2014 19:24 8664.1 50.175 10.377 ‐0.698

12/1/2014 19:29 8669.1 50.178 10.378 ‐0.699

12/1/2014 19:34 8674.1 50.177 10.376 ‐0.696

12/1/2014 19:39 8679.1 50.178 10.377 ‐0.698

12/1/2014 19:44 8684.1 50.176 10.377 ‐0.698

12/1/2014 19:49 8689.1 50.174 10.377 ‐0.696

12/1/2014 19:54 8694.1 50.177 10.378 ‐0.701

12/1/2014 19:59 8699.1 50.182 10.379 ‐0.701

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/1/2014 20:04 8704.1 50.176 10.378 ‐0.7

12/1/2014 20:09 8709.1 50.185 10.38 ‐0.703

12/1/2014 20:14 8714.1 50.175 10.38 ‐0.704

12/1/2014 20:19 8719.1 50.172 10.381 ‐0.707

12/1/2014 20:24 8724.1 50.176 10.381 ‐0.706

12/1/2014 20:29 8729.1 50.176 10.382 ‐0.709

12/1/2014 20:34 8734.1 50.172 10.383 ‐0.711

12/1/2014 20:39 8739.1 50.178 10.384 ‐0.714

12/1/2014 20:44 8744.1 50.178 10.385 ‐0.716

12/1/2014 20:49 8749.1 50.179 10.384 ‐0.714

12/1/2014 20:54 8754.1 50.175 10.387 ‐0.72

12/1/2014 20:59 8759.1 50.173 10.389 ‐0.724

12/1/2014 21:04 8764.1 50.179 10.389 ‐0.725

12/1/2014 21:09 8769.1 50.181 10.389 ‐0.725

12/1/2014 21:14 8774.1 50.175 10.393 ‐0.733

12/1/2014 21:19 8779.1 50.178 10.393 ‐0.734

12/1/2014 21:24 8784.1 50.178 10.394 ‐0.737

12/1/2014 21:29 8789.1 50.18 10.393 ‐0.734

12/1/2014 21:34 8794.1 50.176 10.398 ‐0.745

12/1/2014 21:39 8799.1 50.178 10.398 ‐0.745

12/1/2014 21:44 8804.1 50.178 10.399 ‐0.748

12/1/2014 21:49 8809.1 50.183 10.4 ‐0.751

12/1/2014 21:54 8814.1 50.18 10.402 ‐0.754

12/1/2014 21:59 8819.1 50.178 10.403 ‐0.757

12/1/2014 22:04 8824.1 50.178 10.404 ‐0.758

12/1/2014 22:09 8829.1 50.178 10.404 ‐0.76

12/1/2014 22:14 8834.1 50.178 10.408 ‐0.769

12/1/2014 22:19 8839.1 50.18 10.408 ‐0.769

12/1/2014 22:24 8844.1 50.175 10.41 ‐0.774

12/1/2014 22:29 8849.1 50.179 10.411 ‐0.777

12/1/2014 22:34 8854.1 50.176 10.413 ‐0.78

12/1/2014 22:39 8859.1 50.178 10.414 ‐0.784

12/1/2014 22:44 8864.1 50.178 10.417 ‐0.789

12/1/2014 22:49 8869.1 50.179 10.419 ‐0.794

12/1/2014 22:54 8874.1 50.182 10.42 ‐0.796

12/1/2014 22:59 8879.1 50.18 10.421 ‐0.798

12/1/2014 23:04 8884.1 50.176 10.424 ‐0.806

12/1/2014 23:09 8889.1 50.179 10.425 ‐0.809

12/1/2014 23:14 8894.1 50.176 10.424 ‐0.806

12/1/2014 23:19 8899.1 50.178 10.429 ‐0.817

12/1/2014 23:24 8904.1 50.179 10.431 ‐0.822

12/1/2014 23:29 8909.1 50.179 10.433 ‐0.826

12/1/2014 23:34 8914.1 50.179 10.436 ‐0.833

12/1/2014 23:39 8919.1 50.181 10.433 ‐0.828

12/1/2014 23:44 8924.1 50.178 10.44 ‐0.842

12/1/2014 23:49 8929.1 50.181 10.442 ‐0.847

12/1/2014 23:54 8934.1 50.181 10.443 ‐0.849

12/1/2014 23:59 8939.1 50.173 10.445 ‐0.853

12/2/2014 0:04 8944.1 50.181 10.448 ‐0.86

12/2/2014 0:09 8949.1 50.18 10.45 ‐0.865

12/2/2014 0:14 8954.1 50.178 10.451 ‐0.867

12/2/2014 0:19 8959.1 50.181 10.453 ‐0.872

12/2/2014 0:24 8964.1 50.178 10.456 ‐0.881

12/2/2014 0:29 8969.1 50.18 10.458 ‐0.885

12/2/2014 0:34 8974.1 50.184 10.46 ‐0.888

12/2/2014 0:39 8979.1 50.176 10.461 ‐0.892

12/2/2014 0:44 8984.1 50.179 10.464 ‐0.898

12/2/2014 0:49 8989.1 50.179 10.467 ‐0.905

12/2/2014 0:54 8994.1 50.176 10.468 ‐0.908

12/2/2014 0:59 8999.1 50.173 10.468 ‐0.908

12/2/2014 1:04 9004.1 50.177 10.473 ‐0.919

12/2/2014 1:09 9009.1 50.175 10.475 ‐0.923

12/2/2014 1:14 9014.1 50.174 10.477 ‐0.928

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/2/2014 1:19 9019.1 50.18 10.48 ‐0.936

12/2/2014 1:24 9024.1 50.179 10.481 ‐0.938

12/2/2014 1:29 9029.1 50.18 10.483 ‐0.943

12/2/2014 1:34 9034.1 50.178 10.486 ‐0.948

12/2/2014 1:39 9039.1 50.18 10.487 ‐0.951

12/2/2014 1:44 9044.1 50.179 10.489 ‐0.957

12/2/2014 1:49 9049.1 50.175 10.491 ‐0.96

12/2/2014 1:54 9054.1 50.177 10.494 ‐0.968

12/2/2014 1:59 9059.1 50.181 10.496 ‐0.973

12/2/2014 2:04 9064.1 50.178 10.499 ‐0.978

12/2/2014 2:09 9069.1 50.183 10.501 ‐0.983

12/2/2014 2:14 9074.1 50.178 10.503 ‐0.988

12/2/2014 2:19 9079.1 50.181 10.504 ‐0.991

12/2/2014 2:24 9084.1 50.172 10.507 ‐0.998

12/2/2014 2:29 9089.1 50.18 10.51 ‐1.004

12/2/2014 2:34 9094.1 50.179 10.511 ‐1.007

12/2/2014 2:39 9099.1 50.177 10.514 ‐1.013

12/2/2014 2:44 9104.1 50.174 10.515 ‐1.015

12/2/2014 2:49 9109.1 50.181 10.518 ‐1.023

12/2/2014 2:54 9114.1 50.176 10.519 ‐1.026

12/2/2014 2:59 9119.1 50.181 10.521 ‐1.031

12/2/2014 3:04 9124.1 50.181 10.525 ‐1.038

12/2/2014 3:09 9129.1 50.179 10.526 ‐1.041

12/2/2014 3:14 9134.1 50.178 10.529 ‐1.048

12/2/2014 3:19 9139.1 50.177 10.53 ‐1.052

12/2/2014 3:24 9144.1 50.177 10.532 ‐1.055

12/2/2014 3:29 9149.1 50.175 10.534 ‐1.059

12/2/2014 3:34 9154.1 50.179 10.537 ‐1.066

12/2/2014 3:39 9159.1 50.181 10.538 ‐1.069

12/2/2014 3:44 9164.1 50.175 10.541 ‐1.076

12/2/2014 3:49 9169.1 50.177 10.543 ‐1.081

12/2/2014 3:54 9174.1 50.173 10.545 ‐1.084

12/2/2014 3:59 9179.1 50.18 10.548 ‐1.092

12/2/2014 4:04 9184.1 50.183 10.55 ‐1.097

12/2/2014 4:09 9189.1 50.178 10.552 ‐1.102

12/2/2014 4:14 9194.1 50.177 10.554 ‐1.106

12/2/2014 4:19 9199.1 50.18 10.557 ‐1.112

12/2/2014 4:24 9204.1 50.178 10.559 ‐1.117

12/2/2014 4:29 9209.1 50.173 10.56 ‐1.12

12/2/2014 4:34 9214.1 50.177 10.564 ‐1.128

12/2/2014 4:39 9219.1 50.178 10.566 ‐1.134

12/2/2014 4:44 9224.1 50.177 10.566 ‐1.134

12/2/2014 4:49 9229.1 50.178 10.569 ‐1.141

12/2/2014 4:54 9234.1 50.179 10.571 ‐1.146

12/2/2014 4:59 9239.1 50.174 10.576 ‐1.157

12/2/2014 5:04 9244.1 50.175 10.575 ‐1.155

12/2/2014 5:09 9249.1 50.174 10.579 ‐1.164

12/2/2014 5:14 9254.1 50.182 10.581 ‐1.168

12/2/2014 5:19 9259.1 50.178 10.583 ‐1.173

12/2/2014 5:24 9264.1 50.178 10.585 ‐1.176

12/2/2014 5:29 9269.1 50.18 10.587 ‐1.183

12/2/2014 5:34 9274.1 50.182 10.59 ‐1.19

12/2/2014 5:39 9279.1 50.179 10.59 ‐1.19

12/2/2014 5:44 9284.1 50.179 10.593 ‐1.197

12/2/2014 5:49 9289.1 50.184 10.595 ‐1.201

12/2/2014 5:54 9294.1 50.175 10.597 ‐1.206

12/2/2014 5:59 9299.1 50.178 10.6 ‐1.212

12/2/2014 6:04 9304.1 50.178 10.6 ‐1.212

12/2/2014 6:09 9309.1 50.176 10.604 ‐1.22

12/2/2014 6:14 9314.1 50.179 10.605 ‐1.224

12/2/2014 6:19 9319.1 50.184 10.606 ‐1.227

12/2/2014 6:24 9324.1 50.172 10.61 ‐1.236

12/2/2014 6:29 9329.1 50.179 10.612 ‐1.241

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/2/2014 6:34 9334.1 50.172 10.613 ‐1.242

12/2/2014 6:39 9339.1 50.175 10.615 ‐1.246

12/2/2014 6:44 9344.1 50.178 10.614 ‐1.245

12/2/2014 6:49 9349.1 50.179 10.619 ‐1.255

12/2/2014 6:54 9354.1 50.182 10.62 ‐1.259

12/2/2014 6:59 9359.1 50.178 10.622 ‐1.264

12/2/2014 7:04 9364.1 50.179 10.622 ‐1.264

12/2/2014 7:09 9369.1 50.179 10.626 ‐1.273

12/2/2014 7:14 9374.1 50.179 10.628 ‐1.276

12/2/2014 7:19 9379.1 50.182 10.627 ‐1.275

12/2/2014 7:24 9384.1 50.177 10.629 ‐1.28

12/2/2014 7:29 9389.1 50.178 10.63 ‐1.281

12/2/2014 7:34 9394.1 50.18 10.63 ‐1.282

12/2/2014 7:39 9399.1 50.183 10.632 ‐1.286

12/2/2014 7:44 9404.1 50.179 10.632 ‐1.287

12/2/2014 7:49 9409.1 50.18 10.634 ‐1.29

12/2/2014 7:54 9414.1 50.178 10.634 ‐1.291

12/2/2014 7:59 9419.1 50.176 10.636 ‐1.295

12/2/2014 8:04 9424.1 50.182 10.634 ‐1.292

12/2/2014 8:09 9429.1 50.178 10.635 ‐1.294

12/2/2014 8:14 9434.1 50.182 10.635 ‐1.293

12/2/2014 8:19 9439.1 50.182 10.635 ‐1.292

12/2/2014 8:24 9444.1 50.18 10.635 ‐1.293

12/2/2014 8:29 9449.1 50.178 10.635 ‐1.293

12/2/2014 8:34 9454.1 50.177 10.634 ‐1.291

12/2/2014 8:39 9459.1 50.178 10.633 ‐1.289

12/2/2014 8:44 9464.1 50.179 10.632 ‐1.287

12/2/2014 8:49 9469.1 50.177 10.631 ‐1.283

12/2/2014 8:54 9474.1 50.178 10.631 ‐1.284

12/2/2014 8:59 9479.1 50.176 10.631 ‐1.283

12/2/2014 9:04 9484.1 50.18 10.629 ‐1.279

12/2/2014 9:09 9489.1 50.176 10.629 ‐1.278

12/2/2014 9:14 9494.1 50.176 10.628 ‐1.276

12/2/2014 9:19 9499.1 50.181 10.627 ‐1.274

12/2/2014 9:24 9504.1 50.18 10.623 ‐1.266

12/2/2014 9:29 9509.1 50.183 10.623 ‐1.265

12/2/2014 9:34 9514.1 50.178 10.621 ‐1.26

12/2/2014 9:39 9519.1 50.179 10.62 ‐1.259

12/2/2014 9:44 9524.1 50.181 10.619 ‐1.255

12/2/2014 9:49 9529.1 50.175 10.618 ‐1.254

12/2/2014 9:54 9534.1 50.176 10.615 ‐1.247

12/2/2014 9:59 9539.1 50.179 10.612 ‐1.24

12/2/2014 10:04 9544.1 50.178 10.609 ‐1.234

12/2/2014 10:09 9549.1 50.183 10.608 ‐1.231

12/2/2014 10:14 9554.1 50.179 10.607 ‐1.228

12/2/2014 10:19 9559.1 50.178 10.602 ‐1.216

12/2/2014 10:24 9564.1 50.178 10.601 ‐1.215

12/2/2014 10:29 9569.1 50.175 10.599 ‐1.209

12/2/2014 10:34 9574.1 50.179 10.596 ‐1.204

12/2/2014 10:39 9579.1 50.181 10.594 ‐1.198

12/2/2014 10:44 9584.1 50.177 10.59 ‐1.189

12/2/2014 10:49 9589.1 50.182 10.587 ‐1.183

12/2/2014 10:54 9594.1 50.178 10.586 ‐1.179

12/2/2014 10:59 9599.1 50.18 10.582 ‐1.171

12/2/2014 11:04 9604.1 50.178 10.581 ‐1.169

12/2/2014 11:09 9609.1 50.181 10.577 ‐1.159

12/2/2014 11:14 9614.1 50.18 10.574 ‐1.151

12/2/2014 11:19 9619.1 50.181 10.57 ‐1.143

12/2/2014 11:24 9624.1 50.18 10.568 ‐1.139

12/2/2014 11:29 9629.1 50.174 10.565 ‐1.131

12/2/2014 11:34 9634.1 50.185 10.563 ‐1.126

12/2/2014 11:39 9639.1 50.18 10.56 ‐1.119

12/2/2014 11:44 9644.1 50.18 10.556 ‐1.111

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/2/2014 11:49 9649.1 50.18 10.552 ‐1.101

12/2/2014 11:54 9654.1 50.174 10.549 ‐1.095

12/2/2014 11:59 9659.1 50.178 10.546 ‐1.087

12/2/2014 12:04 9664.1 50.179 10.544 ‐1.082

12/2/2014 12:09 9669.1 50.182 10.543 ‐1.08

12/2/2014 12:14 9674.1 50.176 10.537 ‐1.067

12/2/2014 12:19 9679.1 50.18 10.535 ‐1.063

12/2/2014 12:24 9684.1 50.174 10.532 ‐1.054

12/2/2014 12:29 9689.1 50.179 10.529 ‐1.048

12/2/2014 12:34 9694.1 50.179 10.527 ‐1.043

12/2/2014 12:39 9699.1 50.179 10.522 ‐1.032

12/2/2014 12:44 9704.1 50.177 10.521 ‐1.029

12/2/2014 12:49 9709.1 50.178 10.517 ‐1.021

12/2/2014 12:54 9714.1 50.183 10.518 ‐1.022

12/2/2014 12:59 9719.1 50.178 10.515 ‐1.015

12/2/2014 13:04 9724.1 50.18 10.511 ‐1.007

12/2/2014 13:09 9729.1 50.177 10.51 ‐1.005

12/2/2014 13:14 9734.1 50.175 10.509 ‐1.002

12/2/2014 13:19 9739.1 50.175 10.506 ‐0.996

12/2/2014 13:24 9744.1 50.178 10.504 ‐0.991

12/2/2014 13:29 9749.1 50.178 10.503 ‐0.988

12/2/2014 13:34 9754.1 50.18 10.5 ‐0.98

12/2/2014 13:39 9759.1 50.183 10.5 ‐0.982

12/2/2014 13:44 9764.1 50.182 10.499 ‐0.978

12/2/2014 13:49 9769.1 50.174 10.495 ‐0.969

12/2/2014 13:54 9774.1 50.18 10.496 ‐0.972

12/2/2014 13:59 9779.1 50.183 10.498 ‐0.976

12/2/2014 14:04 9784.1 50.183 10.496 ‐0.972

12/2/2014 14:09 9789.1 50.178 10.496 ‐0.972

12/2/2014 14:14 9794.1 50.181 10.494 ‐0.968

12/2/2014 14:19 9799.1 50.177 10.494 ‐0.968

12/2/2014 14:24 9804.1 50.178 10.492 ‐0.964

12/2/2014 14:29 9809.1 50.179 10.491 ‐0.96

12/2/2014 14:34 9814.1 50.179 10.491 ‐0.961

12/2/2014 14:39 9819.1 50.177 10.49 ‐0.959

12/2/2014 14:44 9824.1 50.177 10.491 ‐0.961

12/2/2014 14:49 9829.1 50.178 10.49 ‐0.958

12/2/2014 14:54 9834.1 50.179 10.488 ‐0.953

12/2/2014 14:59 9839.1 50.178 10.486 ‐0.95

12/2/2014 15:04 9844.1 50.179 10.485 ‐0.946

12/2/2014 15:09 9849.1 50.18 10.483 ‐0.942

12/2/2014 15:14 9854.1 50.179 10.482 ‐0.94

12/2/2014 15:19 9859.1 50.183 10.48 ‐0.936

12/2/2014 15:24 9864.1 50.176 10.478 ‐0.929

12/2/2014 15:29 9869.1 50.183 10.477 ‐0.927

12/2/2014 15:34 9874.1 50.174 10.473 ‐0.919

12/2/2014 15:39 9879.1 50.185 10.472 ‐0.916

12/2/2014 15:44 9884.1 50.182 10.469 ‐0.911

12/2/2014 15:49 9889.1 50.178 10.469 ‐0.909

12/2/2014 15:54 9894.1 50.181 10.466 ‐0.903

12/2/2014 15:59 9899.1 50.178 10.463 ‐0.896

12/2/2014 16:04 9904.1 50.18 10.462 ‐0.893

12/2/2014 16:09 9909.1 50.176 10.46 ‐0.889

12/2/2014 16:14 9914.1 50.178 10.457 ‐0.882

12/2/2014 16:19 9919.1 50.18 10.455 ‐0.878

12/2/2014 16:24 9924.1 50.175 10.453 ‐0.872

12/2/2014 16:29 9929.1 50.18 10.452 ‐0.871

12/2/2014 16:34 9934.1 50.178 10.45 ‐0.866

12/2/2014 16:39 9939.1 50.181 10.449 ‐0.863

12/2/2014 16:44 9944.1 50.179 10.446 ‐0.856

12/2/2014 16:49 9949.1 50.177 10.445 ‐0.853

12/2/2014 16:54 9954.1 50.178 10.443 ‐0.849

12/2/2014 16:59 9959.1 50.18 10.443 ‐0.848

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/2/2014 17:04 9964.1 50.179 10.438 ‐0.838

12/2/2014 17:09 9969.1 50.179 10.439 ‐0.84

12/2/2014 17:14 9974.1 50.177 10.436 ‐0.834

12/2/2014 17:19 9979.1 50.177 10.435 ‐0.832

12/2/2014 17:24 9984.1 50.174 10.436 ‐0.833

12/2/2014 17:29 9989.1 50.176 10.433 ‐0.827

12/2/2014 17:34 9994.1 50.179 10.432 ‐0.824

12/2/2014 17:39 9999.1 50.177 10.431 ‐0.822

12/2/2014 17:44 10004.1 50.18 10.43 ‐0.82

12/2/2014 17:49 10009.1 50.177 10.427 ‐0.813

12/2/2014 17:54 10014.1 50.178 10.427 ‐0.812

12/2/2014 17:59 10019.1 50.18 10.428 ‐0.816

12/2/2014 18:04 10024.1 50.177 10.427 ‐0.812

12/2/2014 18:09 10029.1 50.182 10.425 ‐0.807

12/2/2014 18:14 10034.1 50.178 10.422 ‐0.801

12/2/2014 18:19 10039.1 50.178 10.42 ‐0.796

12/2/2014 18:24 10044.1 50.176 10.417 ‐0.79

12/2/2014 18:29 10049.1 50.182 10.414 ‐0.782

12/2/2014 18:34 10054.1 50.179 10.409 ‐0.772

12/2/2014 18:39 10059.1 50.178 10.403 ‐0.758

12/2/2014 18:44 10064.1 50.178 10.399 ‐0.748

12/2/2014 18:49 10069.1 50.183 10.392 ‐0.731

12/2/2014 18:54 10074.1 50.18 10.385 ‐0.715

12/2/2014 18:59 10079.1 50.18 10.378 ‐0.7

12/2/2014 19:04 10084.1 50.181 10.368 ‐0.677

12/2/2014 19:09 10089.1 50.177 10.361 ‐0.66

12/2/2014 19:14 10094.1 50.178 10.351 ‐0.636

12/2/2014 19:19 10099.1 50.175 10.342 ‐0.617

12/2/2014 19:24 10104.1 50.183 10.335 ‐0.6

12/2/2014 19:29 10109.1 50.182 10.327 ‐0.582

12/2/2014 19:34 10114.1 50.179 10.318 ‐0.562

12/2/2014 19:39 10119.1 50.175 10.308 ‐0.539

12/2/2014 19:44 10124.1 50.177 10.298 ‐0.515

12/2/2014 19:49 10129.1 50.176 10.29 ‐0.496

12/2/2014 19:54 10134.1 50.176 10.28 ‐0.473

12/2/2014 19:59 10139.1 50.175 10.273 ‐0.457

12/2/2014 20:04 10144.1 50.178 10.263 ‐0.434

12/2/2014 20:09 10149.1 50.179 10.254 ‐0.413

12/2/2014 20:14 10154.1 50.178 10.245 ‐0.392

12/2/2014 20:19 10159.1 50.178 10.236 ‐0.372

12/2/2014 20:24 10164.1 50.178 10.227 ‐0.35

12/2/2014 20:29 10169.1 50.18 10.218 ‐0.33

12/2/2014 20:34 10174.1 50.176 10.209 ‐0.309

12/2/2014 20:39 10179.1 50.179 10.198 ‐0.283

12/2/2014 20:44 10184.1 50.179 10.186 ‐0.256

12/2/2014 20:49 10189.1 50.179 10.178 ‐0.238

12/2/2014 20:54 10194.1 50.181 10.166 ‐0.21

12/2/2014 20:59 10199.1 50.179 10.156 ‐0.186

12/2/2014 21:04 10204.1 50.18 10.145 ‐0.162

12/2/2014 21:09 10209.1 50.174 10.134 ‐0.137

12/2/2014 21:14 10214.1 50.175 10.126 ‐0.117

12/2/2014 21:19 10219.1 50.176 10.113 ‐0.087

12/2/2014 21:24 10224.1 50.177 10.103 ‐0.065

12/2/2014 21:29 10229.1 50.176 10.093 ‐0.041

12/2/2014 21:34 10234.1 50.178 10.082 ‐0.016

12/2/2014 21:39 10239.1 50.177 10.071 0.01

12/2/2014 21:44 10244.1 50.177 10.063 0.028

12/2/2014 21:49 10249.1 50.182 10.051 0.055

12/2/2014 21:54 10254.1 50.18 10.041 0.079

12/2/2014 21:59 10259.1 50.176 10.032 0.099

12/2/2014 22:04 10264.1 50.183 10.022 0.121

12/2/2014 22:09 10269.1 50.173 10.013 0.144

12/2/2014 22:14 10274.1 50.178 10.002 0.17

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/2/2014 22:19 10279.1 50.179 9.994 0.188

12/2/2014 22:24 10284.1 50.177 9.984 0.21

12/2/2014 22:29 10289.1 50.178 9.971 0.24

12/2/2014 22:34 10294.1 50.178 9.962 0.262

12/2/2014 22:39 10299.1 50.178 9.95 0.288

12/2/2014 22:44 10304.1 50.176 9.938 0.316

12/2/2014 22:49 10309.1 50.176 9.925 0.347

12/2/2014 22:54 10314.1 50.178 9.914 0.371

12/2/2014 22:59 10319.1 50.177 9.902 0.399

12/2/2014 23:04 10324.1 50.18 9.889 0.429

12/2/2014 23:09 10329.1 50.179 9.877 0.457

12/2/2014 23:14 10334.1 50.177 9.866 0.482

12/2/2014 23:19 10339.1 50.177 9.849 0.521

12/2/2014 23:24 10344.1 50.177 9.838 0.548

12/2/2014 23:29 10349.1 50.178 9.827 0.573

12/2/2014 23:34 10354.1 50.179 9.815 0.601

12/2/2014 23:39 10359.1 50.181 9.802 0.629

12/2/2014 23:44 10364.1 50.18 9.792 0.654

12/2/2014 23:49 10369.1 50.179 9.778 0.686

12/2/2014 23:54 10374.1 50.181 9.766 0.714

12/2/2014 23:59 10379.1 50.178 9.755 0.739

12/3/2014 0:04 10384.1 50.174 9.745 0.763

12/3/2014 0:09 10389.1 50.176 9.732 0.792

12/3/2014 0:14 10394.1 50.183 9.722 0.815

12/3/2014 0:19 10399.1 50.178 9.713 0.837

12/3/2014 0:24 10404.1 50.18 9.702 0.862

12/3/2014 0:29 10409.1 50.178 9.695 0.877

12/3/2014 0:34 10414.1 50.182 9.691 0.886

12/3/2014 0:39 10419.1 50.177 9.69 0.89

12/3/2014 0:44 10424.1 50.179 9.687 0.896

12/3/2014 0:49 10429.1 50.178 9.687 0.896

12/3/2014 0:54 10434.1 50.178 9.687 0.895

12/3/2014 0:59 10439.1 50.179 9.693 0.882

12/3/2014 1:04 10444.1 50.178 9.696 0.875

12/3/2014 1:09 10449.1 50.174 9.702 0.861

12/3/2014 1:14 10454.1 50.183 9.709 0.846

12/3/2014 1:19 10459.1 50.179 9.716 0.828

12/3/2014 1:24 10464.1 50.179 9.724 0.81

12/3/2014 1:29 10469.1 50.178 9.731 0.795

12/3/2014 1:34 10474.1 50.18 9.741 0.772

12/3/2014 1:39 10479.1 50.177 9.745 0.761

12/3/2014 1:44 10484.1 50.177 9.756 0.737

12/3/2014 1:49 10489.1 50.181 9.764 0.719

12/3/2014 1:54 10494.1 50.181 9.774 0.696

12/3/2014 1:59 10499.1 50.18 9.781 0.678

12/3/2014 2:04 10504.1 50.181 9.792 0.654

12/3/2014 2:09 10509.1 50.182 9.799 0.637

12/3/2014 2:14 10514.1 50.18 9.809 0.614

12/3/2014 2:19 10519.1 50.182 9.818 0.594

12/3/2014 2:24 10524.1 50.175 9.827 0.574

12/3/2014 2:29 10529.1 50.18 9.834 0.556

12/3/2014 2:34 10534.1 50.178 9.844 0.534

12/3/2014 2:39 10539.1 50.175 9.854 0.511

12/3/2014 2:44 10544.1 50.178 9.862 0.492

12/3/2014 2:49 10549.1 50.179 9.87 0.473

12/3/2014 2:54 10554.1 50.183 9.879 0.454

12/3/2014 2:59 10559.1 50.178 9.887 0.434

12/3/2014 3:04 10564.1 50.182 9.897 0.411

12/3/2014 3:09 10569.1 50.182 9.906 0.391

12/3/2014 3:14 10574.1 50.18 9.914 0.372

12/3/2014 3:19 10579.1 50.179 9.922 0.354

12/3/2014 3:24 10584.1 50.179 9.928 0.339

12/3/2014 3:29 10589.1 50.181 9.937 0.32

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 3:34 10594.1 50.182 9.945 0.3

12/3/2014 3:39 10599.1 50.181 9.953 0.281

12/3/2014 3:44 10604.1 50.183 9.961 0.264

12/3/2014 3:49 10609.1 50.178 9.97 0.244

12/3/2014 3:54 10614.1 50.184 9.976 0.228

12/3/2014 3:59 10619.1 50.184 9.982 0.215

12/3/2014 4:04 10624.1 50.179 9.99 0.196

12/3/2014 4:09 10629.1 50.175 9.999 0.176

12/3/2014 4:14 10634.1 50.182 10.007 0.157

12/3/2014 4:19 10639.1 50.18 10.01 0.15

12/3/2014 4:24 10644.1 50.179 10.022 0.123

12/3/2014 4:29 10649.1 50.183 10.026 0.114

12/3/2014 4:34 10654.1 50.179 10.033 0.096

12/3/2014 4:39 10659.1 50.175 10.042 0.076

12/3/2014 4:44 10664.1 50.18 10.045 0.07

12/3/2014 4:49 10669.1 50.179 10.055 0.046

12/3/2014 4:54 10674.1 50.182 10.062 0.031

12/3/2014 4:59 10679.1 50.182 10.069 0.014

12/3/2014 5:04 10684.1 50.174 10.073 0.006

12/3/2014 5:09 10689.1 50.181 10.078 ‐0.007

12/3/2014 5:14 10694.1 50.173 10.086 ‐0.024

12/3/2014 5:19 10699.1 50.177 10.093 ‐0.04

12/3/2014 5:24 10704.1 50.183 10.098 ‐0.053

12/3/2014 5:29 10709.1 50.182 10.103 ‐0.066

12/3/2014 5:34 10714.1 50.182 10.107 ‐0.075

12/3/2014 5:39 10719.1 50.178 10.117 ‐0.096

12/3/2014 5:44 10724.1 50.178 10.12 ‐0.105

12/3/2014 5:49 10729.1 50.18 10.124 ‐0.112

12/3/2014 5:54 10734.1 50.184 10.13 ‐0.128

12/3/2014 5:59 10739.1 50.183 10.138 ‐0.145

12/3/2014 6:04 10744.1 50.179 10.146 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 6:09 10749.1 50.186 10.149 ‐0.17

12/3/2014 6:14 10754.1 50.178 10.153 ‐0.179

12/3/2014 6:19 10759.1 50.181 10.16 ‐0.197

12/3/2014 6:24 10764.1 50.183 10.165 ‐0.209

12/3/2014 6:29 10769.1 50.183 10.169 ‐0.218

12/3/2014 6:34 10774.1 50.184 10.178 ‐0.237

12/3/2014 6:39 10779.1 50.18 10.181 ‐0.244

12/3/2014 6:44 10784.1 50.178 10.186 ‐0.257

12/3/2014 6:49 10789.1 50.177 10.191 ‐0.267

12/3/2014 6:54 10794.1 50.181 10.196 ‐0.28

12/3/2014 6:59 10799.1 50.18 10.201 ‐0.29

12/3/2014 7:04 10804.1 50.181 10.206 ‐0.303

12/3/2014 7:09 10809.1 50.182 10.21 ‐0.312

12/3/2014 7:14 10814.1 50.183 10.213 ‐0.318

12/3/2014 7:19 10819.1 50.178 10.218 ‐0.331

12/3/2014 7:24 10824.1 50.178 10.221 ‐0.336

12/3/2014 7:29 10829.1 50.18 10.226 ‐0.348

12/3/2014 7:34 10834.1 50.182 10.231 ‐0.361

12/3/2014 7:39 10839.1 50.181 10.234 ‐0.368

12/3/2014 7:44 10844.1 50.185 10.239 ‐0.378

12/3/2014 7:49 10849.1 50.179 10.242 ‐0.386

12/3/2014 7:54 10854.1 50.18 10.243 ‐0.389

12/3/2014 7:59 10859.1 50.183 10.248 ‐0.398

12/3/2014 8:04 10864.1 50.181 10.25 ‐0.403

12/3/2014 8:09 10869.1 50.178 10.254 ‐0.414

12/3/2014 8:14 10874.1 50.179 10.257 ‐0.421

12/3/2014 8:19 10879.1 50.181 10.259 ‐0.426

12/3/2014 8:24 10884.1 50.18 10.26 ‐0.428

12/3/2014 8:29 10889.1 50.179 10.264 ‐0.436

12/3/2014 8:34 10894.1 50.181 10.264 ‐0.436

12/3/2014 8:39 10899.1 50.181 10.266 ‐0.441

12/3/2014 8:44 10904.1 50.182 10.267 ‐0.443

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 8:49 10909.1 50.182 10.269 ‐0.447

12/3/2014 8:54 10914.1 50.183 10.271 ‐0.453

12/3/2014 8:59 10919.1 50.177 10.272 ‐0.455

12/3/2014 9:04 10924.1 50.183 10.273 ‐0.457

12/3/2014 9:09 10929.1 50.183 10.273 ‐0.457

12/3/2014 9:14 10934.1 50.179 10.274 ‐0.459

12/3/2014 9:19 10939.1 50.183 10.275 ‐0.461

12/3/2014 9:24 10944.1 50.179 10.276 ‐0.463

12/3/2014 9:29 10949.1 50.181 10.276 ‐0.463

12/3/2014 9:34 10954.1 50.183 10.275 ‐0.462

12/3/2014 9:39 10959.1 50.177 10.277 ‐0.466

12/3/2014 9:44 10964.1 50.178 10.279 ‐0.47

12/3/2014 9:49 10969.1 50.179 10.277 ‐0.467

12/3/2014 9:54 10974.1 50.182 10.277 ‐0.467

12/3/2014 9:59 10979.1 50.179 10.275 ‐0.463

12/3/2014 10:04 10984.1 50.178 10.276 ‐0.463

12/3/2014 10:09 10989.1 50.175 10.277 ‐0.466

12/3/2014 10:14 10994.1 50.183 10.274 ‐0.459

12/3/2014 10:19 10999.1 50.178 10.276 ‐0.465

12/3/2014 10:24 11004.1 50.177 10.268 ‐0.446

12/3/2014 10:29 11009.1 50.186 10.272 ‐0.456

12/3/2014 10:34 11014.1 50.182 10.268 ‐0.446

12/3/2014 10:39 11019.1 50.179 10.266 ‐0.44

12/3/2014 10:44 11024.1 50.179 10.268 ‐0.445

12/3/2014 10:49 11029.1 50.181 10.268 ‐0.445

12/3/2014 10:54 11034.1 50.185 10.266 ‐0.442

12/3/2014 10:59 11039.1 50.18 10.265 ‐0.44

12/3/2014 11:04 11044.1 50.179 10.266 ‐0.44

12/3/2014 11:09 11049.1 50.178 10.26 ‐0.427

12/3/2014 11:14 11054.1 50.176 10.259 ‐0.425

12/3/2014 11:19 11059.1 50.181 10.262 ‐0.431

12/3/2014 11:24 11064.1 50.179 10.256 ‐0.417

12/3/2014 11:29 11069.1 50.177 10.253 ‐0.41

12/3/2014 11:34 11074.1 50.183 10.255 ‐0.416

12/3/2014 11:39 11079.1 50.181 10.248 ‐0.4

12/3/2014 11:44 11084.1 50.183 10.247 ‐0.397

12/3/2014 11:49 11089.1 50.183 10.251 ‐0.407

12/3/2014 11:54 11094.1 50.183 10.259 ‐0.425

12/3/2014 11:59 11099.1 50.179 10.245 ‐0.392

12/3/2014 12:04 11104.1 50.178 10.238 ‐0.376

12/3/2014 12:09 11109.1 50.181 10.241 ‐0.383

12/3/2014 12:14 11114.1 50.182 10.24 ‐0.381

12/3/2014 12:19 11119.1 50.178 10.235 ‐0.369

12/3/2014 12:24 11124.1 50.181 10.239 ‐0.379

12/3/2014 12:29 11129.1 50.181 10.234 ‐0.368

12/3/2014 12:34 11134.1 50.189 10.234 ‐0.366

12/3/2014 12:39 11139.1 50.182 10.237 ‐0.374

12/3/2014 12:44 11144.1 50.183 10.229 ‐0.355

12/3/2014 12:49 11149.1 50.181 10.227 ‐0.352

12/3/2014 12:54 11154.1 50.178 10.225 ‐0.346

12/3/2014 12:59 11159.1 50.179 10.23 ‐0.357

12/3/2014 13:04 11164.1 50.181 10.22 ‐0.336

12/3/2014 13:09 11169.1 50.179 10.22 ‐0.335

12/3/2014 13:14 11174.1 50.183 10.221 ‐0.336

12/3/2014 13:19 11179.1 50.183 10.213 ‐0.318

12/3/2014 13:24 11184.1 50.183 10.217 ‐0.327

12/3/2014 13:29 11189.1 50.183 10.216 ‐0.326

12/3/2014 13:34 11194.1 50.181 10.214 ‐0.322

12/3/2014 13:39 11199.1 50.184 10.216 ‐0.326

12/3/2014 13:44 11204.1 50.181 10.221 ‐0.338

12/3/2014 13:49 11209.1 50.183 10.216 ‐0.325

12/3/2014 13:54 11214.1 50.184 10.215 ‐0.323

12/3/2014 13:59 11219.1 50.178 10.211 ‐0.313

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 14:04 11224.1 50.18 10.214 ‐0.32

12/3/2014 14:09 11229.1 50.177 10.219 ‐0.331

12/3/2014 14:14 11234.1 50.181 10.212 ‐0.317

12/3/2014 14:19 11239.1 50.181 10.212 ‐0.317

12/3/2014 14:24 11244.1 50.181 10.214 ‐0.321

12/3/2014 14:29 11249.1 50.178 10.21 ‐0.313

12/3/2014 14:34 11254.1 50.178 10.212 ‐0.317

12/3/2014 14:39 11259.1 50.183 10.214 ‐0.322

12/3/2014 14:44 11264.1 50.182 10.218 ‐0.33

12/3/2014 14:49 11269.1 50.177 10.214 ‐0.32

12/3/2014 14:54 11274.1 50.18 10.213 ‐0.319

12/3/2014 14:59 11279.1 50.182 10.216 ‐0.325

12/3/2014 15:04 11284.1 50.182 10.214 ‐0.321

12/3/2014 15:09 11289.1 50.178 10.214 ‐0.321

12/3/2014 15:14 11294.1 50.179 10.216 ‐0.325

12/3/2014 15:19 11299.1 50.177 10.212 ‐0.316

12/3/2014 15:24 11304.1 50.18 10.216 ‐0.325

12/3/2014 15:29 11309.1 50.188 10.214 ‐0.321

12/3/2014 15:34 11314.1 50.182 10.214 ‐0.321

12/3/2014 15:39 11319.1 50.18 10.213 ‐0.319

12/3/2014 15:44 11324.1 50.179 10.218 ‐0.331

12/3/2014 15:49 11329.1 50.183 10.216 ‐0.325

12/3/2014 15:54 11334.1 50.18 10.21 ‐0.312

12/3/2014 15:59 11339.1 50.18 10.215 ‐0.324

12/3/2014 16:04 11344.1 50.182 10.216 ‐0.326

12/3/2014 16:09 11349.1 50.186 10.212 ‐0.316

12/3/2014 16:14 11354.1 50.187 10.211 ‐0.313

12/3/2014 16:19 11359.1 50.181 10.214 ‐0.32

12/3/2014 16:24 11364.1 50.183 10.212 ‐0.317

12/3/2014 16:29 11369.1 50.173 10.211 ‐0.313

12/3/2014 16:34 11374.1 50.182 10.216 ‐0.326

12/3/2014 16:39 11379.1 50.178 10.211 ‐0.315

12/3/2014 16:44 11384.105 50.221 10.212 ‐0.315

12/3/2014 16:49 11389.1 50.181 10.211 ‐0.314

12/3/2014 16:54 11394.1 50.183 10.209 ‐0.309

12/3/2014 16:59 11399.1 50.182 10.209 ‐0.308

12/3/2014 17:04 11404.1 50.188 10.209 ‐0.309

12/3/2014 17:09 11409.1 50.184 10.21 ‐0.311

12/3/2014 17:14 11414.1 50.183 10.207 ‐0.305

12/3/2014 17:19 11419.1 50.181 10.207 ‐0.305

12/3/2014 17:24 11424.1 50.181 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 17:29 11429.1 50.182 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 17:34 11434.1 50.179 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 17:39 11439.1 50.178 10.205 ‐0.3

12/3/2014 17:44 11444.1 50.182 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 17:49 11449.1 50.182 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 17:54 11454.1 50.183 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 17:59 11459.1 50.18 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 18:04 11464.1 50.178 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 18:09 11469.1 50.179 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 18:14 11474.1 50.181 10.201 ‐0.29

12/3/2014 18:19 11479.1 50.18 10.2 ‐0.287

12/3/2014 18:24 11484.1 50.183 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 18:29 11489.1 50.18 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 18:34 11494.1 50.181 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 18:39 11499.1 50.184 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 18:44 11504.1 50.185 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 18:49 11509.1 50.179 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 18:54 11514.1 50.182 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 18:59 11519.1 50.179 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520 50.183 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.004 50.217 10.206 ‐0.302

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.008 50.244 10.204 ‐0.298

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.013 50.259 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.017 50.268 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.021 50.282 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.025 50.29 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.029 50.297 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.033 50.302 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.038 50.304 10.206 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.042 50.311 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.046 50.318 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.05 50.318 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.054 50.326 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.058 50.326 10.206 ‐0.302

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.063 50.331 10.206 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.067 50.333 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.071 50.334 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.075 50.331 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.079 50.34 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.083 50.337 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.088 50.348 10.206 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.092 50.343 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.096 50.348 10.205 ‐0.301

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.1 50.345 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.106 50.328 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.112 50.323 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.119 50.313 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.126 50.305 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.133 50.301 10.201 ‐0.292

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.141 50.296 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.15 50.293 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.158 50.287 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.168 50.28 10.201 ‐0.292

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.178 50.271 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.188 50.271 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.199 50.267 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.211 50.265 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.224 50.263 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.237 50.257 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.251 50.258 10.202 ‐0.292

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.266 50.256 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.282 50.243 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.298 50.249 10.201 ‐0.292

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.316 50.249 10.203 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.335 50.241 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.355 50.244 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.376 50.238 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.398 50.247 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.422 50.239 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.447 50.239 10.203 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.473 50.238 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.501 50.24 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.531 50.234 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.562 50.232 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.596 50.232 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.631 50.231 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.668 50.227 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.708 50.223 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.75 50.224 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.794 50.22 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.841 50.222 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.891 50.222 10.203 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:00 11520.944 50.22 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:01 11521 50.214 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.06 50.216 10.205 ‐0.3

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.12 50.213 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.19 50.212 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.26 50.212 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.33 50.213 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.41 50.211 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.5 50.205 10.203 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.58 50.208 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.68 50.205 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.78 50.199 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.88 50.2 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:01 11521.99 50.204 10.205 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.11 50.201 10.206 ‐0.302

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.24 50.202 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.37 50.196 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.51 50.198 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.66 50.2 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.82 50.199 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:02 11522.98 50.198 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.16 50.187 10.203 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.35 50.194 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.55 50.195 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.76 50.195 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:03 11523.98 50.193 10.205 ‐0.3

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.22 50.191 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.47 50.19 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:04 11524.73 50.183 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.01 50.189 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.31 50.189 10.204 ‐0.299

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.62 50.184 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:05 11525.96 50.189 10.203 ‐0.296

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.31 50.189 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:06 11526.68 50.182 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.08 50.189 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.5 50.18 10.204 ‐0.298

12/3/2014 19:07 11527.94 50.186 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.41 50.186 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 19:08 11528.91 50.184 10.202 ‐0.294

12/3/2014 19:09 11529.44 50.189 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:10 11530 50.182 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 19:10 11530.6 50.186 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.2 50.188 10.202 ‐0.292

12/3/2014 19:11 11531.9 50.189 10.204 ‐0.297

12/3/2014 19:12 11532.6 50.184 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 19:13 11533.3 50.179 10.2 ‐0.29

12/3/2014 19:14 11534.1 50.189 10.202 ‐0.293

12/3/2014 19:15 11535 50.184 10.203 ‐0.295

12/3/2014 19:15 11535.8 50.183 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 19:16 11536.8 50.184 10.2 ‐0.289

12/3/2014 19:17 11537.8 50.182 10.201 ‐0.291

12/3/2014 19:18 11538.8 50.178 10.2 ‐0.289

12/3/2014 19:19 11539.9 50.181 10.199 ‐0.287

12/3/2014 19:21 11541.1 50.186 10.197 ‐0.282

12/3/2014 19:22 11542.4 50.183 10.195 ‐0.277

12/3/2014 19:23 11543.7 50.182 10.196 ‐0.28

12/3/2014 19:25 11545.1 50.182 10.194 ‐0.275

12/3/2014 19:26 11546.6 50.184 10.193 ‐0.272

12/3/2014 19:28 11548.2 50.174 10.191 ‐0.269

12/3/2014 19:29 11549.8 50.18 10.189 ‐0.263

12/3/2014 19:31 11551.6 50.183 10.189 ‐0.262

12/3/2014 19:33 11553.5 50.178 10.185 ‐0.254

12/3/2014 19:35 11555.5 50.178 10.182 ‐0.246

12/3/2014 19:37 11557.6 50.185 10.179 ‐0.24

12/3/2014 19:39 11559.8 50.181 10.176 ‐0.232

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/3/2014 19:42 11562.2 50.179 10.168 ‐0.215

12/3/2014 19:44 11564.7 50.186 10.165 ‐0.207

12/3/2014 19:47 11567.3 50.178 10.158 ‐0.192

12/3/2014 19:50 11570.1 50.181 10.153 ‐0.181

12/3/2014 19:53 11573.1 50.181 10.146 ‐0.164

12/3/2014 19:56 11576.2 50.185 10.142 ‐0.154

12/3/2014 19:59 11579.6 50.181 10.134 ‐0.137

12/3/2014 20:03 11583.1 50.186 10.128 ‐0.121

12/3/2014 20:06 11586.8 50.185 10.118 ‐0.098

12/3/2014 20:10 11590.8 50.179 10.108 ‐0.076

12/3/2014 20:15 11595 50.178 10.097 ‐0.05

12/3/2014 20:19 11599.4 50.183 10.086 ‐0.026

12/3/2014 20:24 11604.1 50.181 10.073 0.004

12/3/2014 20:29 11609.1 50.177 10.061 0.033

12/3/2014 20:34 11614.1 50.187 10.049 0.06

12/3/2014 20:39 11619.1 50.18 10.034 0.096

12/3/2014 20:44 11624.1 50.178 10.022 0.122

12/3/2014 20:49 11629.1 50.181 10.007 0.157

12/3/2014 20:54 11634.1 50.183 9.995 0.186

12/3/2014 20:59 11639.1 50.177 9.983 0.212

12/3/2014 21:04 11644.1 50.183 9.969 0.245

12/3/2014 21:09 11649.1 50.183 9.958 0.271

12/3/2014 21:14 11654.1 50.182 9.943 0.304

12/3/2014 21:19 11659.1 50.181 9.931 0.332

12/3/2014 21:24 11664.1 50.178 9.918 0.362

12/3/2014 21:29 11669.1 50.184 9.906 0.389

12/3/2014 21:34 11674.1 50.177 9.895 0.417

12/3/2014 21:39 11679.1 50.179 9.882 0.445

12/3/2014 21:44 11684.1 50.178 9.87 0.473

12/3/2014 21:49 11689.1 50.172 9.859 0.498

12/3/2014 21:54 11694.1 50.183 9.846 0.53

12/3/2014 21:59 11699.1 50.183 9.836 0.553

12/3/2014 22:04 11704.1 50.179 9.824 0.579

12/3/2014 22:09 11709.1 50.178 9.814 0.602

12/3/2014 22:14 11714.1 50.172 9.802 0.629

12/3/2014 22:19 11719.1 50.182 9.79 0.659

12/3/2014 22:24 11724.1 50.184 9.781 0.679

12/3/2014 22:29 11729.1 50.176 9.772 0.7

12/3/2014 22:34 11734.1 50.179 9.761 0.725

12/3/2014 22:39 11739.1 50.183 9.752 0.746

12/3/2014 22:44 11744.1 50.178 9.741 0.771

12/3/2014 22:49 11749.1 50.182 9.73 0.796

12/3/2014 22:54 11754.1 50.178 9.721 0.818

12/3/2014 22:59 11759.1 50.179 9.711 0.84

12/3/2014 23:04 11764.1 50.178 9.7 0.866

12/3/2014 23:09 11769.1 50.181 9.693 0.882

12/3/2014 23:14 11774.1 50.182 9.683 0.904

12/3/2014 23:19 11779.1 50.18 9.676 0.922

12/3/2014 23:24 11784.1 50.183 9.666 0.945

12/3/2014 23:29 11789.1 50.184 9.657 0.966

12/3/2014 23:34 11794.1 50.182 9.65 0.98

12/3/2014 23:39 11799.1 50.181 9.64 1.004

12/3/2014 23:44 11804.1 50.18 9.632 1.023

12/3/2014 23:49 11809.1 50.178 9.624 1.042

12/3/2014 23:54 11814.1 50.182 9.616 1.061

12/3/2014 23:59 11819.1 50.176 9.609 1.077

12/4/2014 0:04 11824.1 50.179 9.601 1.095

12/4/2014 0:09 11829.1 50.174 9.591 1.117

12/4/2014 0:14 11834.1 50.178 9.584 1.133

12/4/2014 0:19 11839.1 50.178 9.578 1.149

12/4/2014 0:24 11844.1 50.179 9.569 1.167

12/4/2014 0:29 11849.1 50.183 9.562 1.184

12/4/2014 0:34 11854.1 50.179 9.554 1.203

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 0:39 11859.1 50.18 9.548 1.217

12/4/2014 0:44 11864.1 50.184 9.539 1.237

12/4/2014 0:49 11869.1 50.18 9.534 1.248

12/4/2014 0:54 11874.1 50.176 9.526 1.267

12/4/2014 0:59 11879.1 50.18 9.518 1.287

12/4/2014 1:04 11884.1 50.179 9.513 1.297

12/4/2014 1:09 11889.1 50.183 9.507 1.312

12/4/2014 1:14 11894.1 50.183 9.5 1.327

12/4/2014 1:19 11899.1 50.181 9.494 1.341

12/4/2014 1:24 11904.1 50.181 9.488 1.356

12/4/2014 1:29 11909.1 50.175 9.481 1.372

12/4/2014 1:34 11914.1 50.178 9.474 1.387

12/4/2014 1:39 11919.1 50.178 9.469 1.4

12/4/2014 1:44 11924.1 50.177 9.464 1.411

12/4/2014 1:49 11929.1 50.178 9.457 1.426

12/4/2014 1:54 11934.1 50.183 9.453 1.436

12/4/2014 1:59 11939.1 50.181 9.447 1.449

12/4/2014 2:04 11944.1 50.178 9.442 1.463

12/4/2014 2:09 11949.1 50.185 9.434 1.48

12/4/2014 2:14 11954.1 50.185 9.428 1.493

12/4/2014 2:19 11959.1 50.182 9.423 1.506

12/4/2014 2:24 11964.1 50.18 9.419 1.514

12/4/2014 2:29 11969.1 50.182 9.412 1.531

12/4/2014 2:34 11974.1 50.18 9.407 1.543

12/4/2014 2:39 11979.1 50.179 9.402 1.553

12/4/2014 2:44 11984.1 50.185 9.397 1.565

12/4/2014 2:49 11989.1 50.177 9.393 1.576

12/4/2014 2:54 11994.1 50.189 9.387 1.589

12/4/2014 2:59 11999.1 50.179 9.38 1.606

12/4/2014 3:04 12004.1 50.178 9.376 1.615

12/4/2014 3:09 12009.1 50.182 9.371 1.626

12/4/2014 3:14 12014.1 50.178 9.366 1.636

12/4/2014 3:19 12019.1 50.179 9.36 1.652

12/4/2014 3:24 12024.1 50.178 9.357 1.659

12/4/2014 3:29 12029.1 50.177 9.351 1.671

12/4/2014 3:34 12034.1 50.183 9.347 1.681

12/4/2014 3:39 12039.1 50.181 9.342 1.692

12/4/2014 3:44 12044.1 50.181 9.337 1.704

12/4/2014 3:49 12049.1 50.177 9.332 1.716

12/4/2014 3:54 12054.1 50.179 9.328 1.725

12/4/2014 3:59 12059.1 50.177 9.323 1.736

12/4/2014 4:04 12064.1 50.183 9.32 1.744

12/4/2014 4:09 12069.1 50.178 9.315 1.754

12/4/2014 4:14 12074.1 50.178 9.312 1.761

12/4/2014 4:19 12079.1 50.178 9.307 1.773

12/4/2014 4:24 12084.1 50.184 9.302 1.785

12/4/2014 4:29 12089.1 50.183 9.299 1.792

12/4/2014 4:34 12094.1 50.178 9.294 1.803

12/4/2014 4:39 12099.1 50.181 9.287 1.819

12/4/2014 4:44 12104.1 50.183 9.285 1.825

12/4/2014 4:49 12109.1 50.183 9.281 1.834

12/4/2014 4:54 12114.1 50.178 9.275 1.847

12/4/2014 4:59 12119.1 50.18 9.272 1.854

12/4/2014 5:04 12124.1 50.183 9.267 1.866

12/4/2014 5:09 12129.1 50.183 9.263 1.874

12/4/2014 5:14 12134.1 50.183 9.261 1.88

12/4/2014 5:19 12139.1 50.186 9.256 1.89

12/4/2014 5:24 12144.1 50.18 9.252 1.901

12/4/2014 5:29 12149.1 50.177 9.248 1.909

12/4/2014 5:34 12154.1 50.18 9.244 1.918

12/4/2014 5:39 12159.1 50.186 9.24 1.927

12/4/2014 5:44 12164.1 50.179 9.236 1.937

12/4/2014 5:49 12169.1 50.181 9.232 1.946

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 5:54 12174.1 50.182 9.229 1.954

12/4/2014 5:59 12179.1 50.182 9.225 1.962

12/4/2014 6:04 12184.1 50.182 9.221 1.972

12/4/2014 6:09 12189.1 50.182 9.216 1.984

12/4/2014 6:14 12194.1 50.18 9.214 1.988

12/4/2014 6:19 12199.1 50.187 9.21 1.998

12/4/2014 6:24 12204.1 50.178 9.205 2.008

12/4/2014 6:29 12209.1 50.181 9.201 2.018

12/4/2014 6:34 12214.1 50.181 9.199 2.023

12/4/2014 6:39 12219.1 50.183 9.196 2.03

12/4/2014 6:44 12224.1 50.179 9.192 2.04

12/4/2014 6:49 12229.1 50.187 9.189 2.047

12/4/2014 6:54 12234.1 50.186 9.184 2.056

12/4/2014 6:59 12239.1 50.186 9.181 2.064

12/4/2014 7:04 12244.1 50.18 9.174 2.08

12/4/2014 7:09 12249.1 50.184 9.173 2.083

12/4/2014 7:14 12254.1 50.183 9.169 2.092

12/4/2014 7:19 12259.1 50.185 9.164 2.105

12/4/2014 7:24 12264.1 50.183 9.161 2.111

12/4/2014 7:29 12269.1 50.183 9.157 2.12

12/4/2014 7:34 12274.1 50.182 9.153 2.129

12/4/2014 7:39 12279.1 50.18 9.148 2.14

12/4/2014 7:44 12284.1 50.183 9.145 2.148

12/4/2014 7:49 12289.1 50.179 9.139 2.161

12/4/2014 7:54 12294.1 50.18 9.133 2.174

12/4/2014 7:59 12299.1 50.183 9.131 2.18

12/4/2014 8:04 12304.1 50.178 9.126 2.19

12/4/2014 8:09 12309.1 50.183 9.121 2.203

12/4/2014 8:14 12314.1 50.183 9.116 2.214

12/4/2014 8:19 12319.1 50.18 9.112 2.223

12/4/2014 8:24 12324.1 50.185 9.106 2.236

12/4/2014 8:29 12329.1 50.184 9.102 2.248

12/4/2014 8:34 12334.1 50.178 9.095 2.263

12/4/2014 8:39 12339.1 50.183 9.091 2.273

12/4/2014 8:44 12344.1 50.182 9.085 2.287

12/4/2014 8:49 12349.1 50.182 9.078 2.302

12/4/2014 8:54 12354.1 50.184 9.074 2.311

12/4/2014 8:59 12359.1 50.184 9.067 2.328

12/4/2014 9:04 12364.1 50.178 9.06 2.343

12/4/2014 9:09 12369.1 50.183 9.054 2.357

12/4/2014 9:14 12374.1 50.186 9.049 2.37

12/4/2014 9:19 12379.1 50.178 9.043 2.384

12/4/2014 9:24 12384.1 50.181 9.034 2.404

12/4/2014 9:29 12389.1 50.183 9.029 2.415

12/4/2014 9:34 12394.1 50.179 9.023 2.429

12/4/2014 9:39 12399.1 50.18 9.017 2.443

12/4/2014 9:44 12404.1 50.186 9.011 2.456

12/4/2014 9:49 12409.1 50.184 9.004 2.473

12/4/2014 9:54 12414.1 50.18 8.997 2.49

12/4/2014 9:59 12419.1 50.183 8.99 2.504

12/4/2014 10:04 12424.1 50.182 8.984 2.518

12/4/2014 10:09 12429.1 50.18 8.976 2.537

12/4/2014 10:14 12434.1 50.185 8.97 2.552

12/4/2014 10:19 12439.1 50.18 8.963 2.567

12/4/2014 10:24 12444.1 50.183 8.956 2.583

12/4/2014 10:29 12449.1 50.177 8.949 2.6

12/4/2014 10:34 12454.1 50.18 8.943 2.614

12/4/2014 10:39 12459.1 50.18 8.936 2.631

12/4/2014 10:44 12464.1 50.177 8.928 2.649

12/4/2014 10:49 12469.1 50.18 8.921 2.665

12/4/2014 10:54 12474.1 50.179 8.914 2.681

12/4/2014 10:59 12479.1 50.183 8.906 2.699

12/4/2014 11:04 12484.1 50.181 8.9 2.713

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 11:09 12489.1 50.183 8.893 2.729

12/4/2014 11:14 12494.1 50.183 8.886 2.746

12/4/2014 11:19 12499.1 50.183 8.878 2.765

12/4/2014 11:24 12504.1 50.179 8.869 2.784

12/4/2014 11:29 12509.1 50.179 8.864 2.797

12/4/2014 11:34 12514.1 50.178 8.855 2.817

12/4/2014 11:39 12519.1 50.184 8.851 2.827

12/4/2014 11:44 12524.1 50.184 8.844 2.842

12/4/2014 11:49 12529.1 50.178 8.836 2.861

12/4/2014 11:54 12534.1 50.179 8.829 2.876

12/4/2014 11:59 12539.1 50.183 8.822 2.893

12/4/2014 12:04 12544.1 50.18 8.817 2.906

12/4/2014 12:09 12549.1 50.181 8.809 2.923

12/4/2014 12:14 12554.1 50.182 8.803 2.938

12/4/2014 12:19 12559.1 50.183 8.798 2.949

12/4/2014 12:24 12564.1 50.183 8.791 2.965

12/4/2014 12:29 12569.1 50.182 8.786 2.976

12/4/2014 12:34 12574.1 50.184 8.781 2.987

12/4/2014 12:39 12579.1 50.183 8.774 3.004

12/4/2014 12:44 12584.1 50.18 8.768 3.018

12/4/2014 12:49 12589.1 50.181 8.763 3.029

12/4/2014 12:54 12594.1 50.182 8.758 3.042

12/4/2014 12:59 12599.1 50.179 8.751 3.057

12/4/2014 13:04 12604.1 50.179 8.745 3.072

12/4/2014 13:09 12609.1 50.181 8.74 3.083

12/4/2014 13:14 12614.1 50.18 8.735 3.094

12/4/2014 13:19 12619.1 50.18 8.73 3.106

12/4/2014 13:24 12624.1 50.18 8.727 3.113

12/4/2014 13:29 12629.1 50.183 8.722 3.124

12/4/2014 13:34 12634.1 50.183 8.715 3.141

12/4/2014 13:39 12639.1 50.179 8.712 3.147

12/4/2014 13:44 12644.1 50.184 8.706 3.162

12/4/2014 13:49 12649.1 50.18 8.702 3.171

12/4/2014 13:54 12654.1 50.181 8.7 3.175

12/4/2014 13:59 12659.1 50.18 8.696 3.185

12/4/2014 14:04 12664.1 50.182 8.688 3.203

12/4/2014 14:09 12669.1 50.183 8.687 3.205

12/4/2014 14:14 12674.1 50.179 8.683 3.215

12/4/2014 14:19 12679.1 50.18 8.681 3.219

12/4/2014 14:24 12684.1 50.183 8.675 3.232

12/4/2014 14:29 12689.1 50.182 8.671 3.241

12/4/2014 14:34 12694.1 50.181 8.666 3.253

12/4/2014 14:39 12699.1 50.182 8.663 3.26

12/4/2014 14:44 12704.1 50.18 8.659 3.27

12/4/2014 14:49 12709.1 50.179 8.656 3.276

12/4/2014 14:54 12714.1 50.184 8.653 3.284

12/4/2014 14:59 12719.1 50.183 8.65 3.289

12/4/2014 15:04 12724.1 50.183 8.645 3.301

12/4/2014 15:09 12729.1 50.178 8.643 3.306

12/4/2014 15:14 12734.1 50.183 8.638 3.318

12/4/2014 15:19 12739.1 50.18 8.634 3.326

12/4/2014 15:24 12744.1 50.178 8.63 3.336

12/4/2014 15:29 12749.1 50.179 8.625 3.349

12/4/2014 15:34 12754.1 50.185 8.62 3.36

12/4/2014 15:39 12759.1 50.181 8.616 3.37

12/4/2014 15:44 12764.1 50.18 8.613 3.377

12/4/2014 15:49 12769.1 50.178 8.609 3.386

12/4/2014 15:54 12774.1 50.181 8.604 3.398

12/4/2014 15:59 12779.1 50.183 8.602 3.401

12/4/2014 16:04 12784.1 50.183 8.596 3.415

12/4/2014 16:09 12789.1 50.185 8.593 3.422

12/4/2014 16:14 12794.1 50.183 8.587 3.435

12/4/2014 16:19 12799.1 50.183 8.582 3.448

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 16:24 12804.1 50.181 8.579 3.455

12/4/2014 16:29 12809.1 50.182 8.571 3.472

12/4/2014 16:34 12814.1 50.178 8.566 3.485

12/4/2014 16:39 12819.1 50.18 8.563 3.491

12/4/2014 16:44 12824.1 50.183 8.558 3.504

12/4/2014 16:49 12829.1 50.183 8.554 3.513

12/4/2014 16:54 12834.1 50.183 8.547 3.529

12/4/2014 16:59 12839.1 50.183 8.542 3.541

12/4/2014 17:04 12844.1 50.175 8.538 3.548

12/4/2014 17:09 12849.1 50.183 8.533 3.561

12/4/2014 17:14 12854.1 50.178 8.528 3.572

12/4/2014 17:19 12859.1 50.184 8.525 3.58

12/4/2014 17:24 12864.1 50.183 8.52 3.592

12/4/2014 17:29 12869.1 50.185 8.515 3.602

12/4/2014 17:34 12874.1 50.177 8.512 3.608

12/4/2014 17:39 12879.1 50.185 8.508 3.619

12/4/2014 17:44 12884.1 50.18 8.503 3.629

12/4/2014 17:49 12889.1 50.186 8.497 3.643

12/4/2014 17:54 12894.1 50.183 8.495 3.648

12/4/2014 17:59 12899.1 50.18 8.49 3.66

12/4/2014 18:04 12904.1 50.186 8.487 3.667

12/4/2014 18:09 12909.1 50.182 8.484 3.673

12/4/2014 18:14 12914.1 50.18 8.48 3.683

12/4/2014 18:19 12919.1 50.176 8.476 3.692

12/4/2014 18:24 12924.1 50.18 8.473 3.7

12/4/2014 18:29 12929.1 50.181 8.469 3.708

12/4/2014 18:34 12934.1 50.184 8.467 3.712

12/4/2014 18:39 12939.1 50.181 8.462 3.723

12/4/2014 18:44 12944.1 50.182 8.461 3.726

12/4/2014 18:49 12949.1 50.182 8.456 3.737

12/4/2014 18:54 12954.1 50.178 8.453 3.746

12/4/2014 18:59 12959.1 50.181 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960 50.182 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.004 50.22 8.452 3.747

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.008 50.243 8.451 3.75

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.013 50.255 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.017 50.267 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.021 50.285 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.025 50.297 8.452 3.747

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.029 50.294 8.451 3.749

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.033 50.306 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.038 50.307 8.452 3.747

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.042 50.313 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.046 50.315 8.451 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.05 50.326 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.054 50.324 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.058 50.328 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.063 50.331 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.067 50.335 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.071 50.335 8.45 3.751

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.075 50.337 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.079 50.341 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.083 50.337 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.088 50.343 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.092 50.345 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.096 50.341 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.1 50.349 8.449 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.106 50.33 8.448 3.758

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.112 50.322 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.119 50.314 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.126 50.306 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.133 50.3 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.141 50.291 8.448 3.757

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.15 50.287 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.158 50.287 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.168 50.277 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.178 50.272 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.188 50.273 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.199 50.269 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.211 50.265 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.224 50.259 8.451 3.75

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.237 50.259 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.251 50.26 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.266 50.254 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.282 50.25 8.448 3.758

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.298 50.25 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.316 50.247 8.446 3.761

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.335 50.245 8.45 3.752

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.355 50.244 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.376 50.242 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.398 50.241 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.422 50.241 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.447 50.235 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.473 50.241 8.446 3.76

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.501 50.234 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.531 50.232 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.562 50.224 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.596 50.23 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.631 50.23 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.668 50.227 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.708 50.228 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.75 50.227 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.794 50.226 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.841 50.221 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.891 50.219 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:00 12960.944 50.216 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:01 12961 50.214 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.06 50.211 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.12 50.216 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.19 50.213 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.26 50.205 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.33 50.207 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.41 50.207 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.5 50.212 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.58 50.205 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.68 50.202 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.78 50.201 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.88 50.207 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:01 12961.99 50.195 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.11 50.203 8.446 3.761

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.24 50.2 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.37 50.197 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.51 50.194 8.449 3.754

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.66 50.195 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.82 50.196 8.449 3.756

12/4/2014 19:02 12962.98 50.194 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.16 50.189 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.35 50.189 8.449 3.755

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.55 50.193 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.76 50.194 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:03 12963.98 50.191 8.448 3.756

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.22 50.191 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.47 50.188 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:04 12964.73 50.186 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.01 50.187 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.31 50.182 8.446 3.763

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.62 50.189 8.445 3.764

12/4/2014 19:05 12965.96 50.189 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.31 50.189 8.446 3.762

12/4/2014 19:06 12966.68 50.185 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.08 50.185 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.5 50.189 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:07 12967.94 50.193 8.447 3.76

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.41 50.183 8.446 3.762

12/4/2014 19:08 12968.91 50.185 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:09 12969.44 50.188 8.445 3.763

12/4/2014 19:10 12970 50.184 8.446 3.761

12/4/2014 19:10 12970.6 50.185 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.2 50.183 8.445 3.764

12/4/2014 19:11 12971.9 50.182 8.447 3.76

12/4/2014 19:12 12972.6 50.187 8.445 3.764

12/4/2014 19:13 12973.3 50.181 8.445 3.763

12/4/2014 19:14 12974.1 50.179 8.445 3.763

12/4/2014 19:15 12975 50.183 8.444 3.765

12/4/2014 19:15 12975.8 50.183 8.445 3.764

12/4/2014 19:16 12976.8 50.183 8.444 3.765

12/4/2014 19:17 12977.8 50.182 8.446 3.763

12/4/2014 19:18 12978.8 50.181 8.445 3.764

12/4/2014 19:19 12979.9 50.186 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:21 12981.1 50.18 8.445 3.763

12/4/2014 19:22 12982.4 50.182 8.447 3.759

12/4/2014 19:23 12983.7 50.183 8.447 3.758

12/4/2014 19:25 12985.1 50.181 8.448 3.757

12/4/2014 19:26 12986.6 50.178 8.45 3.753

12/4/2014 19:28 12988.2 50.179 8.451 3.75

12/4/2014 19:29 12989.8 50.184 8.451 3.749

12/4/2014 19:31 12991.6 50.183 8.452 3.747

12/4/2014 19:33 12993.5 50.179 8.456 3.739

12/4/2014 19:35 12995.5 50.185 8.459 3.732

12/4/2014 19:37 12997.6 50.181 8.462 3.725

12/4/2014 19:39 12999.8 50.186 8.464 3.719

12/4/2014 19:42 13002.2 50.183 8.468 3.71

12/4/2014 19:44 13004.7 50.183 8.472 3.702

12/4/2014 19:47 13007.3 50.182 8.475 3.694

12/4/2014 19:50 13010.1 50.184 8.482 3.679

12/4/2014 19:53 13013.1 50.183 8.486 3.668

12/4/2014 19:56 13016.2 50.178 8.495 3.648

12/4/2014 19:59 13019.6 50.175 8.501 3.635

12/4/2014 20:03 13023.1 50.183 8.51 3.614

12/4/2014 20:06 13026.8 50.183 8.518 3.595

12/4/2014 20:10 13030.8 50.183 8.53 3.567

12/4/2014 20:15 13035 50.182 8.537 3.552

12/4/2014 20:19 13039.4 50.188 8.547 3.529

12/4/2014 20:24 13044.1 50.184 8.559 3.5

12/4/2014 20:29 13049.1 50.186 8.571 3.472

12/4/2014 20:34 13054.1 50.178 8.583 3.444

12/4/2014 20:39 13059.1 50.182 8.596 3.415

12/4/2014 20:44 13064.1 50.179 8.61 3.383

12/4/2014 20:49 13069.1 50.183 8.621 3.357

12/4/2014 20:54 13074.1 50.18 8.635 3.326

12/4/2014 20:59 13079.1 50.187 8.648 3.296

12/4/2014 21:04 13084.1 50.182 8.661 3.265

12/4/2014 21:09 13089.1 50.183 8.675 3.233

12/4/2014 21:14 13094.1 50.183 8.685 3.209

12/4/2014 21:19 13099.1 50.183 8.698 3.179

12/4/2014 21:24 13104.1 50.183 8.711 3.149

12/4/2014 21:29 13109.1 50.181 8.722 3.123

12/4/2014 21:34 13114.1 50.183 8.734 3.097

12/4/2014 21:39 13119.1 50.179 8.749 3.063

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/4/2014 21:44 13124.1 50.181 8.761 3.034

12/4/2014 21:49 13129.1 50.189 8.771 3.01

12/4/2014 21:54 13134.1 50.181 8.785 2.979

12/4/2014 21:59 13139.1 50.179 8.797 2.952

12/4/2014 22:04 13144.1 50.186 8.808 2.924

12/4/2014 22:09 13149.1 50.187 8.821 2.897

12/4/2014 22:14 13154.1 50.185 8.831 2.872

12/4/2014 22:19 13159.1 50.185 8.844 2.843

12/4/2014 22:24 13164.1 50.185 8.854 2.82

12/4/2014 22:29 13169.1 50.187 8.866 2.792

12/4/2014 22:34 13174.1 50.18 8.876 2.769

12/4/2014 22:39 13179.1 50.183 8.886 2.745

12/4/2014 22:44 13184.1 50.181 8.897 2.719

12/4/2014 22:49 13189.1 50.187 8.908 2.696

12/4/2014 22:54 13194.1 50.188 8.919 2.67

12/4/2014 22:59 13199.1 50.186 8.93 2.644

12/4/2014 23:04 13204.1 50.188 8.941 2.62

12/4/2014 23:09 13209.1 50.187 8.95 2.597

12/4/2014 23:14 13214.1 50.184 8.961 2.572

12/4/2014 23:19 13219.1 50.183 8.971 2.549

12/4/2014 23:24 13224.1 50.185 8.982 2.523

12/4/2014 23:29 13229.1 50.19 8.992 2.502

12/4/2014 23:34 13234.1 50.185 9.003 2.476

12/4/2014 23:39 13239.1 50.188 9.012 2.454

12/4/2014 23:44 13244.1 50.184 9.024 2.428

12/4/2014 23:49 13249.1 50.187 9.032 2.408

12/4/2014 23:54 13254.1 50.184 9.043 2.383

12/4/2014 23:59 13259.1 50.184 9.054 2.359

12/5/2014 0:04 13264.1 50.184 9.062 2.338

12/5/2014 0:09 13269.1 50.18 9.071 2.319

12/5/2014 0:14 13274.1 50.187 9.081 2.296

12/5/2014 0:19 13279.1 50.19 9.091 2.273

12/5/2014 0:24 13284.1 50.187 9.101 2.249

12/5/2014 0:29 13289.1 50.185 9.11 2.227

12/5/2014 0:34 13294.1 50.187 9.119 2.208

12/5/2014 0:39 13299.1 50.192 9.128 2.187

12/5/2014 0:44 13304.1 50.187 9.137 2.165

12/5/2014 0:49 13309.1 50.183 9.146 2.146

12/5/2014 0:54 13314.1 50.187 9.156 2.121

12/5/2014 0:59 13319.1 50.185 9.163 2.106

12/5/2014 1:04 13324.1 50.186 9.173 2.082

12/5/2014 1:09 13329.1 50.183 9.181 2.065

12/5/2014 1:14 13334.1 50.187 9.188 2.047

12/5/2014 1:19 13339.1 50.183 9.199 2.023

12/5/2014 1:24 13344.1 50.189 9.207 2.005

12/5/2014 1:29 13349.1 50.186 9.215 1.985

12/5/2014 1:34 13354.1 50.186 9.225 1.964

12/5/2014 1:39 13359.1 50.186 9.233 1.944

12/5/2014 1:44 13364.1 50.189 9.24 1.927

12/5/2014 1:49 13369.1 50.183 9.249 1.907

12/5/2014 1:54 13374.1 50.188 9.257 1.888

12/5/2014 1:59 13379.1 50.178 9.266 1.869

12/5/2014 2:04 13384.1 50.184 9.274 1.849

12/5/2014 2:09 13389.1 50.183 9.281 1.834

12/5/2014 2:14 13394.1 50.188 9.289 1.815

12/5/2014 2:19 13399.1 50.186 9.297 1.797

12/5/2014 2:24 13404.1 50.184 9.306 1.775

12/5/2014 2:29 13409.1 50.182 9.312 1.762

12/5/2014 2:34 13414.1 50.185 9.319 1.746

12/5/2014 2:39 13419.1 50.19 9.329 1.722

12/5/2014 2:44 13424.1 50.188 9.336 1.707

12/5/2014 2:49 13429.1 50.183 9.344 1.688

12/5/2014 2:54 13434.1 50.181 9.35 1.675

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/5/2014 2:59 13439.1 50.184 9.358 1.655

12/5/2014 3:04 13444.1 50.184 9.366 1.638

12/5/2014 3:09 13449.1 50.184 9.373 1.622

12/5/2014 3:14 13454.1 50.183 9.379 1.606

12/5/2014 3:19 13459.1 50.183 9.387 1.59

12/5/2014 3:24 13464.1 50.184 9.394 1.573

12/5/2014 3:29 13469.1 50.187 9.402 1.554

12/5/2014 3:34 13474.1 50.183 9.409 1.537

12/5/2014 3:39 13479.1 50.188 9.415 1.523

12/5/2014 3:44 13484.1 50.187 9.423 1.505

12/5/2014 3:49 13489.1 50.189 9.431 1.486

12/5/2014 3:54 13494.1 50.187 9.436 1.475

12/5/2014 3:59 13499.1 50.19 9.445 1.454

12/5/2014 4:04 13504.1 50.184 9.453 1.437

12/5/2014 4:09 13509.1 50.178 9.46 1.42

12/5/2014 4:14 13514.1 50.184 9.466 1.405

12/5/2014 4:19 13519.1 50.185 9.472 1.391

12/5/2014 4:24 13524.1 50.184 9.479 1.377

12/5/2014 4:29 13529.1 50.184 9.485 1.363

12/5/2014 4:34 13534.1 50.179 9.494 1.341

12/5/2014 4:39 13539.1 50.182 9.499 1.329

12/5/2014 4:44 13544.1 50.186 9.507 1.31

12/5/2014 4:49 13549.1 50.181 9.514 1.296

12/5/2014 4:54 13554.1 50.181 9.519 1.284

12/5/2014 4:59 13559.1 50.189 9.527 1.266

12/5/2014 5:04 13564.1 50.182 9.534 1.248

12/5/2014 5:09 13569.1 50.185 9.54 1.235

12/5/2014 5:14 13574.1 50.181 9.547 1.218

12/5/2014 5:19 13579.1 50.187 9.553 1.204

12/5/2014 5:24 13584.1 50.184 9.558 1.195

12/5/2014 5:29 13589.1 50.187 9.566 1.175

12/5/2014 5:34 13594.1 50.184 9.571 1.163

12/5/2014 5:39 13599.1 50.185 9.578 1.148

12/5/2014 5:44 13604.1 50.182 9.583 1.136

12/5/2014 5:49 13609.1 50.185 9.591 1.118

12/5/2014 5:54 13614.1 50.184 9.595 1.109

12/5/2014 5:59 13619.1 50.189 9.603 1.09

12/5/2014 6:04 13624.1 50.184 9.608 1.079

12/5/2014 6:09 13629.1 50.187 9.614 1.064

12/5/2014 6:14 13634.1 50.183 9.618 1.054

12/5/2014 6:19 13639.1 50.186 9.625 1.04

12/5/2014 6:24 13644.1 50.186 9.63 1.027

12/5/2014 6:29 13649.1 50.187 9.635 1.017

12/5/2014 6:34 13654.1 50.183 9.641 1.003

12/5/2014 6:39 13659.1 50.183 9.647 0.987

12/5/2014 6:44 13664.1 50.192 9.653 0.974

12/5/2014 6:49 13669.1 50.184 9.659 0.96

12/5/2014 6:54 13674.1 50.18 9.664 0.948

12/5/2014 6:59 13679.1 50.183 9.669 0.937

12/5/2014 7:04 13684.1 50.187 9.674 0.926

12/5/2014 7:09 13689.1 50.183 9.678 0.916

12/5/2014 7:14 13694.1 50.186 9.685 0.9

12/5/2014 7:19 13699.1 50.186 9.69 0.89

12/5/2014 7:24 13704.1 50.185 9.695 0.877

12/5/2014 7:29 13709.1 50.184 9.7 0.867

12/5/2014 7:34 13714.1 50.182 9.705 0.853

12/5/2014 7:39 13719.1 50.179 9.711 0.841

12/5/2014 7:44 13724.1 50.183 9.715 0.832

12/5/2014 7:49 13729.1 50.183 9.72 0.82

12/5/2014 7:54 13734.1 50.189 9.723 0.812

12/5/2014 7:59 13739.1 50.184 9.729 0.799

12/5/2014 8:04 13744.1 50.188 9.731 0.794

12/5/2014 8:09 13749.1 50.184 9.736 0.783

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Report Date: 12/5/2014 17:05

Report User Name: ntg

Report Computer Name: REMELAP‐6353

Application: WinSitu.exe

Application Version:

Log File Properties

File Name FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.wsl

Create Date 12/5/2014 11:00

12/5/2014 8:14 13754.1 50.181 9.739 0.775

12/5/2014 8:19 13759.1 50.187 9.742 0.77

12/5/2014 8:24 13764.1 50.189 9.745 0.761

12/5/2014 8:29 13769.1 50.187 9.749 0.753

12/5/2014 8:34 13774.1 50.188 9.752 0.746

12/5/2014 8:39 13779.1 50.186 9.755 0.74

12/5/2014 8:44 13784.1 50.185 9.756 0.736

12/5/2014 8:49 13789.1 50.184 9.758 0.731

12/5/2014 8:54 13794.1 50.189 9.762 0.722

12/5/2014 8:59 13799.1 50.186 9.765 0.716

12/5/2014 9:04 13804.1 50.186 9.767 0.712

12/5/2014 9:09 13809.1 50.182 9.77 0.704

12/5/2014 9:14 13814.1 50.185 9.771 0.701

12/5/2014 9:19 13819.1 50.185 9.772 0.699

12/5/2014 9:24 13824.1 50.182 9.775 0.694

12/5/2014 9:29 13829.1 50.187 9.776 0.69

12/5/2014 9:34 13834.1 50.186 9.778 0.685

12/5/2014 9:39 13839.1 50.188 9.779 0.683

12/5/2014 9:44 13844.1 50.187 9.777 0.687

12/5/2014 9:49 13849.1 50.183 9.78 0.681

12/5/2014 9:54 13854.1 50.183 9.782 0.676

12/5/2014 9:59 13859.1 50.184 9.782 0.676

12/5/2014 10:04 13864.1 50.186 9.786 0.668

12/5/2014 10:09 13869.1 50.186 9.784 0.671

12/5/2014 10:14 13874.1 50.187 9.785 0.669

12/5/2014 10:19 13879.1 50.184 9.784 0.672

12/5/2014 10:24 13884.1 50.181 9.787 0.664

12/5/2014 10:29 13889.1 50.188 9.787 0.666

12/5/2014 10:34 13894.1 50.182 9.789 0.661

12/5/2014 10:39 13899.1 50.184 9.786 0.667

12/5/2014 10:44 13904.1 50.191 9.788 0.662

12/5/2014 10:49 13909.1 50.185 9.787 0.665

12/5/2014 10:54 13914.1 50.187 9.787 0.665

12/5/2014 10:59 13919.1 50.188 9.784 0.673

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\Rept\Fredrickson Hydrogeo\App6_4_FS‐2_Append_2014‐12‐05_11‐00‐12‐312.xlsx 2/2/2015

Page 370: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 7

Page 371: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

-... Cl.l





~ 20 -c ~ 0

"C ~ 15 I"CC ... 0









Hydrograph of Water Level Data During Well 9 Aquifer Test

December 2014

~ I

I /~ I ( I

I r I I

l ~ J




l l~ ~~\ I ""!

~~ ~-~ - ~ ~~ -

• 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Elapsed Time from Start of Pretest Data Collection (Minutes)

Z:\2012\120617HG\WORK\SuppData\Fredrickson North Pump Test Data\FN Combined Data Fwellsonly.xlsx

-- FN-1




- Baro


Page 372: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 8

Page 373: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 -~ c Q)

E Q) (.) ro 0.. en 0





0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-1 TheisHantush Partial Penatration .agt Date: 01/20/15 Time: 12:30:03


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name I X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I Frederickson North I 0 I 0 I ° FN-1 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis --T = 6185.9 ft2/day s = 0.01171 Kz/Kr = 1. b = 198.8 ft - --

I y (ft}

I 22

Page 374: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-¢::: 1. -..... c Q)

E Q) 0 co a. en 0.1 0


0. 00 1 ..______.__._._ ............ .1-JI-J...J..LL.I.J.U....____'-'-'..w..J.lJLL-'-L..I-U..I.LLL--'--'-L.l..LllJ..l.__-'-'-L.&..J...U.u.--'-'-l..l..LI.W

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-1 Hantush leaky no storage.agt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 13:17:23


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well : Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


PumpinQ Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I y (ft}

I I Frederickson North 0 I 0 I D FN-1 0 22


Aquifer Model: Leaky Solution Method: Hantush-Jacob

T = 6185.9 tt2/day s = 0.01171 r/B = 1.0E-5 Kz/Kr = 1. -b = 198.8 ft --

Page 375: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-¢:::: 24. -....... c Q)

E Q) (.) ro a. en 16. i5


-0. 02 L...l----LJ..l.J.J.W..o=b~,.,..,....~.LllJWlL___j__JUlllliL...L.l..Lill.llL._..L.LllilllL__LLl...llilll

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Adjusted Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-1 Cooper Jacob late.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 13:28:15


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 230.7 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 3.145 --


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft)

I y (ft}

I I Frederickson North 0 I 0 22 0 I ° FN-1


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Cooper-Jacob

T = 587 4.5 tt2/day S = 8.1E-6

Page 376: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-¢::: -c 9. 3:

0 "0 3: ~ 0 co :::J

6. :'2 (/) Q)



0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 1.0E+5 1.0E+6

Time, t/t'


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-1 Residual Drawdown.aqt Date: 01/02/15

Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G 120617 H G Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014

Saturated Thickness: 199. ft

Time: 15:12:46



Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1.


Pumping Wells Observation Wells 1~---'W'----'---=--'el-'--'1 N...:.:a:.C:..m'-'-'e=----,----...,--,=----+--X_,_( f..:.Lt)_+-I_Y_,(._.:.ft)'----il I Well Name I X (ft) lL..:F....;...r-=-ed=e=r..:...:ic=ks::....:o:..:..n:.....:N....:..;o=..:.rt..:.:..h:.....:R_;_e::....:c:....::o....:..;v~=~r_y.._____;;_O _ __,_1 _ ___;;_0 _ __,1 . o FN-1 Recovery . 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis (Recovery)

T = 4437.2 tt2/day S/S' = 2.144

Page 377: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 -...... c Q)

E ~ ro a. (/)



0 0

0.001 0.001 0.01





0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-2 Drawdown Theis.agt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 12:36:33


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well : Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I Fredrickson North 0 I 0 I : o FN-2 Drawdown 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis --T = 5992.3 ft2/day s = 0.0002634 Kz/Kr = 1. b = 199. ft - -

I y (ft}

I 295

Page 378: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 ._ ...... c Q)

E Q) (.) ro a. (/)



12 .



-0.009 L.....l--LL.l.l.J.W...a.c>l: ....... IJJ,I,I,I.....O. ........ ~:...._l_.J...Ul..LWL_L..LLLilllL_L.LLL.WlL___l_LllJJlli

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Adjusted Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-2 Drawdown Cooper Jacob.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 13:51 :53


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 199. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1: --


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft)

I Fredrickson North 0 I 0 I : o FN-2 Drawdown 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Cooper-Jacob

T = 507 4.9 tt2/day s = 0.0003946

I y (ft)

I 295

Page 379: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-~ -c 9. 3:

0 "'C 3: Ctl ..... 0 Ctl :::J

6. "'C "Ci) Q)



0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 1.0E+5 1.0E+6

Time, Ut'


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FN-2 Residual Drawdown.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 14:50:08


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 199. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1..: - . WELL DATA

Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I y {ft}

I I Frederickson North Recov~ ~ry 0 I 0 295 0 I o FN-2 Recovery


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis (Recovery)

T = 4421.2 tt2/day SIS'= 1.992 --

Page 380: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 -...... c (I)


E (I) 0.1 u ro a. (/)



o liD rn o o ClllliiiiJIJ 0 Gll

0 0 0 0

0 0 DO 0 0 [[]) 0 0 DO

0 . 00 1 L..-J'-'--l...l..l..l.l.JL...__L..Ll-'=l..l.LlL___ob._l_j.doU:LI.L.o::w"'-L.J......Uli-J......I...L.J..J.J.Ili-J......I...L.J..lli.JJ._..I-J..J...J..I.WJ

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-1 Drawdown Theis.agt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 12:01 :44


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I Fredrickson North 0 I 0 I : o FS-1 Drawdown 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis --T = 8557. tt2/day s = 0.000464 Kz/Kr = 1. b =199.ft - -

I y (ft}

I 1572

Page 381: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-¢:: 3.6 --c Q)

E Q) (.) Ctl a. C/) 2.4 0


-0.008 L........l--LL.llldi.IL...=l::wmbitilii.......,....,......,.....,......,.......,~:J....l..!llll.L-L.L.LLLWL__j_Lli.JillJ

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Adjusted Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-1 Cooper Jacob late.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 13:45:09


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 230.7 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1.: --


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) l I Well Name

I X (ft)

I y (ft)

I I Frederickson North 0 I 0 1572 0 I D FS-1


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Coo~er-Jacob

T = 1.016E+4 ft2/day s = 0.0003271

Page 382: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-;t:: -c 9.

== 0 ""0

== ~ 0 C\1 ::J

6 . :"2 (/) Q)



0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 1.0E+5 1.0E+6

Time, t/t'


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-1 Residual Drawdown.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 15:24:48


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 199. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): .1: -


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft} I Y (ft} I I Well Name

I X (ft)

I y (ft}

I I Frederickson North Recov~ ~ry 0 I 0 1572 0 I o FS-1 Recovery


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis (Recovery}

T = 5860.5 tt2tday SIS'= 1.642 --

Page 383: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 -_. c Q)

E ~ ro a. II)






0 0 0 0

0 0 =DO 0 0 0

[J []0 [] = [] [JtJ

0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-2 Drawdown Theis.agt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 12:11 :55


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft}

I Fredrickson North 0 I 0 I : o FS-2 Drawdown 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis --T = 9793.8 tt2/day s = 0.0006382 Kz/Kr = 1. b =199.ft - -

I y (ft}

I 1853

Page 384: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

2 -...... c (].)

E (].) () ro a. (/)


4 .




-0.005 L_!__j_,J..l..J..Idii.J~~Id.lololl...,., ....... a,I,Wolo_. ..................... .o..L.L.JdL_j_.LI...LlJ.llL_LJJ_UJlll

0.001 0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Adjusted Time (min)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-2 Cooper Jacob late.aqt Date: 01/02/15 Time: 13:48:36


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 230.7 ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): .1. --WELL DATA

Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I Y (ft) I I Well Name

I X (ft)

I Frederickson North 0 I 0 0 I D FS-2


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method : Cooper-Jacob

T = 1.209E+4 n2/day s = 0.000454

I y (ft)

I 1853

Page 385: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


-¢: -c:::: 9. :1:

0 ""C :1: co .... 0 co :::J

6. ""C "(i) CD 0::

lliiiiil:IDIJ 0 lJ 0 0


0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4 1.0E+5 1.0E+6

Time, t/t'


Data Set: Z:\ ... \FS-2 Residual Drawdown.aqt Date: 01/02/15

Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014

Saturated Thickness: 199. ft

Time: 16:06:40



Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1.


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I1-W.........;...el_l N_a;_m_e ______ ---+ __ X_._(f-'Lt)_i-I _Y__,(~Ift)'------~1 I Well Name I X (ft) IL..:F'--'-r...::.e=de=r.:..:ic.:..:k.::..cso::..:.n.:....;Nc..:..o::..:.rt=h.;_;Rc..:..e.::..cc:..::oc..:..v.L~~ry...____::_O _ __._I _ ___;;_O _ __,I . o FS-2 Recovery . 0


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Theis (Recovery)

T = 5812.9 tt2/day SIS'= 1.738

v (ft) I 1853 .

Page 386: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


2 - 24. _. c Q)

E Q) (.) ro c. en 0 16.


0. ~--~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~~ 10. 100. 1000. 1.0E+4

Radial Distance (ft)


Data Set: Z:\ ... \Distance Drawdown600min.agt Date: 01/05/15 Time: 14:51:24


Company: FTCH Client: GAWA Project: G120617HG Location: Alma, Ml Test Well: Frederickson North Test Date: 12/3/2014


Saturated Thickness: 199. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 1. ---


Pumping Wells Observation Wells I Well Name X (ft) I y (ft) I Well Name X (ft) y (ft) I Fredrickson North 0 I 0 I o FN-2 0 295

o FN-1 0 22 o FS-1 0 1572 o FS-2 0 1853


Aquifer Model: Confined Solution Method: Coo~er-Jacob

T = 507 4.9 tt2/day s = 0.0003946

Page 387: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 9

Page 388: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Confined Aquifers

Theis (1935)/Hantush (1961) Solution for a Pumping Test in a Confined Aquifer (Match> Solution)

Theis (1935) derived a solution for unsteady flow to a fully penetrating well in a confined aquifer. The solution assumes a line source for the pumped well and therefore neglects wellbore storage.

Hantush (1961a, b) extended the Theis method to correct for partially penetrating wells. When you choose the Theis solution in AQTESOLV, you may analyze data for fully or partially penetrating wells.

AQTESOLV uses the principle of superposition in time to simulate variable-rate tests including recovery with the Theis solution . Use this solution to analyze both pumping and recovery data from constant- or variable-rate pumping tests.

You can use the Theis (1935) solution for residual drawdown to analyze a recovery test using a straight-line matching procedure. For a well performance test, you may choose the Theis (1935) solution for a step-drawdown test.

o Illustration

- t .- ,-· ho

..... ... , •• =._!• . . .. .... .. .................................................. ... -- - ---


-is- ,. tJ rl : S I i"'s K, ' s ' -[i:: . ,. l ( K, .. ~ '

I o Equations

Q oo e-r S=-f-dy

47fT li y

.. Q ---



- j b !---S i s I

T ·•t I


>a - -................... . .. ................. ...... ............... . ....__..., .


... ··""'·· /



r d'

aquifer I' T, s. K./Kr



Page 389: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


• Q is pumping rate [L3/T]

• r is radial distance [L]

• s is drawdown [L]

• S is storativity [dimensionless]

• t is time [T]

• Tis transmissivity [L2/T]

Hydrogeologists commonly refer to the exponential integral in the drawdown equation as the Theis well function, abbreviated as w(u). Therefore, we can write the Theis drawdown equation in compact notation as follows:

Q S= -W(U)


Hantush (1961a, b) derived equations for the effects of partial penetration in a confined aquifer. For a piezometer, the partial penetration correction is as follows:

Q ( 2b ., 1 . nnf . nm n;e ttz nnr J s = - W (u) + L -[ stn(-)- stn(-)] · cos(-)· w (u, - --) 47fT n(l- d) rr-1 n b b b Kr b

For an observation well, the following partial penetration correction applies :

S =- W(U)+ ~-[sin(-)- sin(-)]·[sin(-)- sin(--)]· W Q ( 2b2

., 1 nn nm nnf' n:nd' 47fT ~ (1- d) (I'-d') ;::_ n 2 b b b b


• b is aquifer thickness [L]

• d is depth to top of pumping well screen [L]

• d' is depth to top of observation well screen [L]


Page 390: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

• I is depth to bottom of pumping well screen [L]

• I' is depth to bottom of observation well screen [L]

• Kz/Kr is vertical to horizontal hydraulic conductivity anisotropy [dimensionless]

• w(u,(3) is the Hantush-Jacob well function for leaky confined aquifers

• z is depth to piezometer opening [L]

At large distances, the effect of partial penetration becomes negligible when

o Assumptions

• aquifer has infinite areal extent

• aquifer is homogeneous and of uniform thickness

• pumping well is fully or partially penetrating

• flow to pumping well is horizontal when pumping well is fully penetrating

• aquifer is confined

• flow is unsteady

• water is released instantaneously from storage with decline of hydraulic head

• diameter of pumping well is very small so that storage in the well can be neglected

o Data Requirements

• pumping and observation well locations

• pumping rate(s)

• observation well measurements (time and displacement)

• partial penetration depths (optional)

• saturated thickness (for partially penetrating wells)

• hydraulic conductivity anisotropy ratio (for partially penetrating wells)

o Solution Options

• constant or variable pumping rate including recovery

• multiple pumping wells

• multiple observation wells


Page 391: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

• partially penetrating wells

• boundaries

o Estimated Parameters

• T (transmissivity)

• S (storativity)

• Kz/Kr (hydraulic conductivity anisotropy ratio)

• b (saturated thickness)

Partially penetrating wells are required to estimate Kz/Kr and b.

o Curve Matching Tips

• Use the Cooper-Jacob (1946) solution to obtain preliminary estimates of aquifer properties.

• Choose Match>Visual to perform visual curve matching using the procedure for type curve solutions.

• Use active type curves for more effective visual matching with variable­rate pumping tests.

• For partially penetrating wells, select values of Kz/Kr from the Family and Curve drop-down lists on the toolbar.

• Use parameter tweaking to perform visual curve matching and sensitivity analysis.

• Perform visual curve matching prior to automatic estimation to obtain reasonable starting values for the aquifer properties.

o References

• Hantush, M.S., 1961a. Drawdown around a partially penetrating well, Jour. of the Hyd. Div., Proc. of the Am. Soc. of Civil Eng., val. 87, no. HY4, pp. 83-98.

• Hantush, M.S., 1961b. Aquifer tests on partially penetrating wells, Jour. of the Hyd. Div., Proc. of the Am. Soc. of Civil Eng., val. 87, no. HY5, pp. 171-194.

• Theis, C.V., 1935. The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., val. 16, pp. 519-524.

Related Topics I


Page 392: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Theis (1935) Solution for a Recovery Test in a Confined Aquifer (Match >Solution)

Applying the principle of superposition in time, Theis (1935) proposed a straight-line solution for determining transmissivity and storativity from residual drawdown (i.e., the drawdown in a well after pumping stops) data collected during the recovery phase of a pumping test. The solution assumes a line source for the pumped well and therefore neglects wellbore storage.

If your observation data contain both pumping and recovery measurements, you may use the Theis recovery method to analyze only the recovery data recorded after the cessation of pumping.

o Illustration

.· Q .~ -

ho ... --·-------------- ~ """""''""'::" :.::::.: " 'A- 00 · ··--=-=~- - -:._·· -··· · ····· · · ··-· · · · · ·· .. ········-.. ······· - h . --- -- .,..,... ..... h(r,t) ·-.... -. /

/ •,

I ---- --aquiclud~j I

s = h : -- h r u ~ .s I Ds s ·· ] aquifer

+ a r' r or T lH T, s

I aquiclude!

o Equations

Theis ( 1935) proposed the following equation for analyzing recovery data :

s'= ~~ [ln(t If') -ln(S IS')] 47rl


• Q is pumping rate [L3/T]

• s' is residual drawdown [L]


Page 393: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

• S is storativity during pumping [dimensionless]

• 5' is storativity during recovery [dimensionless]

• t is time since pumping began [T]

• t' is time since pumping stopped [T]

• Tis transmissivity[L2/T]

By plotting s' as a function of log(t/t') on semi-logarithmic axes, one can determine values ofT and S/5' by drawing a straight line through the data. Without the influence of boundary effects, the value of S/5' determined from the intercept of the straight line with the log(t/t') axis should be close to unity. A value of S/5' > 1.0 indicates the influence of recharge during the test. Conversely, a value of S/5' < 1.0 suggests the presence of a barrier or no-flow boundary.

o Assumptions

• aquifer has infinite areal extent

• aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and of uniform thickness

• pumping well is fully penetrating

• flow to pumping well is horizontal

• aquifer is confined

• flow is unsteady

• water is released instantaneously from storage with decline of hydraulic head

• diameter of pumping well is very small so that storage in the well can be neglected

• values of u are small (i.e., r is small and tis large)

o Data Requirements

• pumping and observation well locations

• pumping rate(s)

• observation well measurements (time and displacement)

o Solution Options

• constant or variable pumping rates

o Estimated Parameters

• T (transmissivity)

• S/5' (ratio of storativity during pumping to storativity during recovery)


Page 394: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

o Curve Matching Tips

• Choose Match>Visual to perform visual curve matching using the procedure for straight-line solutions.

• Use parameter tweaking to perform visual curve matching and sensitivity analysis.

• Perform visual curve matching prior to automatic estimation to obtain reasonable starting values for the aquifer properties.

o References

• Theis, C.V., 1935. The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., val. 16, pp. 519-524.

Cooper-Jacob (1946) Solution for a Pumping Test in a Confined Aquifer (Match > Solution)

Cooper and Jacob {1946) developed a method of analyzing pumping tests based on a straight-line approximation of the Theis {1935) equation for unsteady flow to a fully penetrating well in a confined aquifer. The solution assumes a line source for the pumped well and therefore neglects wellbore storage.

Using the principle of superposition in time, the Cooper-Jacob solution can simulate variable-rate tests. The Cooper-Jacob solution as implemented in AQTESOLV encompasses the method of Birsoy and Summers (1980) for variable pumping.

If your observation data contain recovery measurements, you may use the Cooper-Jacob method to analyze drawdown data up to the first recovery period. You also may use this solution to analyze data from the first recovery period on an Agarwal plot. For intermittent pumping (i.e., where the pump cycles on and off), choose the Theis (1935) solution (or any other pumping test solution in AQTESOLV) to analyze the entire set of observations (i.e., all drawdown and recovery data).

The Cooper-Jacob solution is not applicable to more than one pumping well; therefore, if your data set contains multiple pumping wells, the Cooper-Jacob soiLJtion uses only the first pumping well in the analysis of observation data.


Page 395: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

o Illustration


ho ··---::;:.:·· · · ·~·-· · · · -··· · ··-·· ...... ·-······--·····...... ....... .. -~---···· · ······· . ·· ····· · ··· · ··- - - - - --··· · ··· -~·

--h h(r,t)


s h .. h r a!s I /) s s t! $ aquifer

+ ar' r Ar T i3 t T, S


o Equations

For large values of time, Cooper and Jacob (1946) proposed the following equation for displacement in a confined aquifer in response to pumping :

2. 3030 1 ( 2. 25Tt) s = og 4n-T r 2S

4HT so=as

Tt to =­r2S


• Q is pumping rate [L3/T]

• r is radial distance [L]

• t is time [T]

• s is drawdown [L]

• 5 is storativity [dimensionless]

• Tis transmissivity [L2/T]


Page 396: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

The Cooper-Jacob solution derives from the truncation of an infinite series expression for the Theis well function. The following expression computes the value of the Theis well function, abbreviated as w(u):

u2 u3 u4 w (u) =-0.5772-lnu +U --+---+ .. .

2 . 2! 3. 3! 4 . 4!

For small values of u (e.g., u 0.01), the Cooper-Jacob solution approximates the Theis well function using only the first two terms of the expression for w(u):

W (U) = -0.5772 -ln U

Therefore, the Cooper-Jacob equation for displacement becomes as follows:

s = _Q_(- 0.5772 -ln(r2

SJJ 4JrT 4Tt

After rearranging and rewriting as decimal logarithms, the drawdown equation reduces to the following relationship:

2. 3030 1 ( 2. 25Tt J s = og 47fT r2S

By drawing a straight line through the data on a plot of s versus log t, we can determine T and 5 from the following equations:

T = 2.3030 4ms

S= 2 . 2~Tt 0 r

where Ll5 is change in drawdown per log cycle time and t0 is the intercept of the fitted line on the time axis.

o Assumptions

• aquifer has infinite areal extent

• aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and of uniform thickness

• pumping well is fully penetrating

• flow to pumping well is horizontal

• aquifer is confined

• flow is unsteady


Page 397: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

• water is released instantaneously from storage with decline of hydraulic head

• diameter of pumping well is very small so that storage in the well can be neglected

• values of u are small (i.e., r is small and t is large)

o Data Requirements

• pumping and observation well locations

• pumping rate(s)

• observation well measurements (time and displacement)

o Solution Options

• constant or variable pumping rates

• multiple observation wells

o Estimated Parameters

• T (transmissivity)

• 5 (storativity)

o Curve Matching Tips

• Choose Match>Visual to perform visual curve matching using the procedure for straight-line solutions.

• Use parameter tweaking to perform visual curve matching and sensitivity analysis.

• Choose View>Options to display the critical value of u on the plot. Change the critical u value in the Valid Time tab.

• Perform visual curve matching prior to automatic estimation to obtain reasonable starting values for the aquifer properties.

• Use Agarwal plots to analyze recovery data.

• You may use the Cooper-Jacob solution to analyze drawdown data from the start of the test up to the first recovery period (a recovery period is any period with a rate equals zero).

• If your data set contains more than one recovery period, you may use the Cooper-Jacob solution to analyze recovery data in the first recovery period on an Agarwal plot.

• If your data set contains more than one pumping well, the Cooper-Jacob solution uses the first pumping well in the well data to analyze test data.


Page 398: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 10

Page 399: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


Mr. Phillip Moore




July 31, 2014

Gratiot Area Water Authority 525 East Superior Street Alma, Michigan 48801

Dear Mr. Moore:

SUBJECT: Water Withdrawal Permit No. 2014-002



Enclosed is the water withdrawal permit for the Gratiot Area Water Authority issued under the

provisions of Part 327, Great Lakes Preservation, of the Natural Resources and Environmental

Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. This permit authorizes 3.56 million gallons per day

in withdrawal capacity.

Please note that as a condition of this authorization, the Gratiot Area Water Authority has

certified their intended compliance with the environmentally sound and economically feasible

water conservation measures applicable to the public water supply sector under Section

32708a of Part 327 and posted on the Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) Web site.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence or permit, please contact Mr. Andrew

LeBaron, Surface Water Assessment Section, Water Resources Division, at 517-284-5563;

[email protected]; or DEQ, P.O. Box 30458, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7958; or you may

contact me.

Enclosure cc: Mr. William Creal, DEQ

Ms. Mary Vanderlaan, DEQ Mr. James Milne, DEQ Mr. Andrew LeBaron, DEQ

s~~ Diana Klemans, hief Surface Water Assessment Section Water Resources Division 517-284-5510


www.michigan.gov/deq • (800) 662-8278

Page 400: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

DIG. Department of Environmental Quality, Water Bureau


Great Lakes Preservation, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act 1994 PA 451, as amended

In accordance with Part 327, Great Lakes Preservation, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA), authority is hereby given to withdraw water from the waters of the State of Michigan as described herein. This permit is issued in reliance on information supplied in the corresponding application and other information as may have been supplied by the permit

applicant in support of that application.

PERMIT NUMBER: 2014-002 DATE ISSUED: July 31, 2014

Permittee Name and Address: Phillip Moore

Location Information

Gratiot Area Water Authority 252 East Superior Street Alma, Michigan 48801

County where Water Withdrawal is Located: Gratiot County Township Name, Town. Range and Section: Arcada Township, T11N R03W, Sections 4, 8

The activity authorized by this permit is subject to the following limitations and conditions:

Section A. Authorizations and Coverage Provisions

1. Water Withdrawal is restricted to the following sources, locations and rates above the baseline capacity established with the DEQ:

Source Latitude and Longitude Withdrawal Rate Purpose of Use

Well PN: 43.36169535°, -84.69709765°;

Well PS: 43.358947652°, Cumulative Total Groundwater

-84.697112057°; Withdrawal: 3.56 million Public water supply Well FN: 43.370241925°,

-84.6828281 02°; gallons per day

Well FS: 43.365937783°, -84.682286902 °

2. Approval Conditions

This permit requires the permittee to provide timely rectification for any interference with the normal operation of other wells caused by the permitted withdrawal, should any occur.

Final Water Use Ordinances for the Cities of Alma and St. Louis must be submitted to the DEQ prior to placing these municipal wells into operation in order to demonstrate compliance with the water conservation measures required by Part 327.

Page 1 of 3 EQP5954 (2108)

Page 401: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

SandStone Creek Farms 2014-001

Section B. Reporting and Record Keeping

1. Environmental Impacts

The permittee is required to immediately report to the DEQ, Water Resources Division, Great Lakes

Shorelands Unit (GLSU) at 517-284-5563 if an Adverse Resource Impact (ARI), as defined in Subsection

32701 (1 )(a) of Part 327 of the NREPA occurs as a result of the water withdrawal authorized by this


2. Public and Private Rights Impacts

The permittee is required to immediately report to the DEQ, Water Resources Division, GLSU at 517-284-

5563 if any interference with the normal operation of other wells, or violation of other public or private

rights occurs as a result of the water withdrawal authorized by this permit.

3. Water Use Report

The permittee is required to submit annual water use reports to the State of Michigan by April 1 of each

calendar year. Water Use Reports filed with the DEQ Community Water Supply Program per the

requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Act 399 PA 1976, as amended and the Administrative

Rules, Supplying Water to the Public satisfy the requirements of this condition.

Section C. Liability

1. Noncompliance

Commencing the water withdrawal authorized herein confirms the permittee's acceptance and agreement

to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. Noncompliance with these terms and conditions,

and/or the initiation of other regulated activities not specifically authorized by this permit, shall be cause

for the modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part. Further, the DEQ may

initiate civil proceedings to correct deficiencies, protect natural resource values, and secure compliance

with law.

2. Limitations

This permit does not authorize causing an ARI as defined in Subsection 32701 ( 1 )(a) of Part 327 of the

NREPA as a result of the withdrawal.

This permit does not convey property rights in water, or other real or personal property, authorize any

injury to private property or invasion of public or private rights, or waive the necessity of obtaining any

other applicable federal, state or local permit or approval.

Page 2 of 3 EQP5954 (2/08)

Page 402: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

SandStone Creek Farms 2014-001

3. Indemnification

The permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless the State of Michigan and its departments, agencies, officials, employees, agents and representatives for any and all claims or causes of action arising from acts or omissions of the permittee, or employees, agents, or representatives of the permittee, undertaken in connection with this permit. This permit shall not be construed as an indemnity by the State of Michigan for the benefit of the permittee or any other person.

Dan Wyant, Director

DepartmlEnvironment I Quality ..)

By: Diana Klemans, Chief Surface Water Assessment Section Water Resources Division

Page 3 of 3 EQP5954 (2/08)

Page 403: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Appendix 11

Page 404: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

=::: eurofins 1

Eaton Analytical


5 This report contains pages.

(including the cover page)

If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call us at (800) 332-4345 or (574) 233-4777.

This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval from Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc.

Page 405: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

:;~ eurofins 1

Eaton Analytical

110 South Hill Street South Bend, IN 46617

Tel: (574) 233-4777 Fax: (574) 233-8207

I 800 332 4345

Client: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber

Attn: Mary Crosby-Davies


1555 Arboretum Drive South East

Grand Rapids, Ml 49546

to: None





Client ID




Project: G120617HG3/ Alma, Ml

Laboratory Report

Sample Information

ll Method

7500-Ra B

7500-Ra D


Report Summary


Priority :



Collected Date/Time

12/04/14 12:00

12/04/14 12:00

12/04/14 12:00



Standard Written


Not Supplied

Collected By:





Detailed quantitative results are presented on the following pages. The results presented relate only to the samples provided for analysis.

We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this analysis. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call James Van Fleit at (574) 233-4777.

Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval from EEA.

Received Date/Time

12/05/14 11 :40

12/05/14 11:40

12/05/14 11 :40


Authorized Signature Title Date

Client Name: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber

Report #: 330327 Page 1 of 3

Page 406: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Client Name: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber Report #: 330327

Sampling Point: GAWA-14-12-Fredrickson PWSID: Not Supplied



II Analyte

II Method

II Reg



II Result I Units

II Preparation II Analyzed

ID# Limit 95** Date

Gross Alpha 7110C 15. 0.82 3.0 -0.23 ± 0.49 pCi/L 12/30/1418:20 12/31/14 17:07

13982-63-3 Radium-226 7500-Ra B 0.3 1.0 1.0 ± 0.5 pCi/L 12/12/1415:51 12/17/14 12:37

15262-20-1 Radium-228 7500-Ra D 0.31 1.0 0.14 ± 0.30 pCi/L 12/12/14 14:45 12/30/1413:02

Combined Radium calc. 5" 0.31 1.14±0.56 pCi/L 12112/14 15:51 12/30/14 13:02

•• Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA95) shall be that concentration which can be counted with a precision of plus or minus 100% at the 95% confidence level.

t EEA has demonstrated it can achieve these report limits in reagent water, but can not document them in all sample matrices.

Reg Limit Type: MCL SMCL AL Symbol:

Page 2 of3







Page 407: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Client Name: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber Report #: 330327

Lab Definitions

Continuing Calibration Check Standard (CCC) I Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) /Initial Calibration

Verification Standard (ICV) /Initial Performance Check (IPC) ·is a standard containing one or more of the target analytes that is prepared from the same standards used to calibrate the instrument. This standard is used to verify the calibration curve at the beginning of each analytical sequence, and may also be analyzed throughout and at the end of the sequence. The concentration of continuing standards may be varied, when prescribed by the reference method, so that the range of the calibration curve is verified on a regular basis.

Internal Standards (IS) - are pure compounds with properties similar to the analytes of interest, which are added to field samples or extracts, calibration standards, and quality control standards at a known concentration . They are used to measure the relative responses of the analytes of interest and surrogates in the sample, calibration standard or quality control standard .

Laboratory Duplicate (LD) - is a field sample aliquot taken from the same sample container in the laboratory and analyzed separately using identical procedures. Analysis of laboratory duplicates provides a measure of the precision of the laboratory procedures.

Laboratory Fortified Blank (LFB) I Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)- is an aliquot of reagent water to which known concentrations of the analytes of interest are added. The LFB is analyzed exactly the same as the field samples. LFBs are used to determine whether the method is in control.

Laboratory Method Blank (LMB) I Laboratory Reagent Blank (LRB)- is a sample of reagent water included in the sample batch analyzed in the same way as the associated field samples. The LMB is used to determine if method analytes or other background contamination have been introduced during the preparation or analytical procedure. The LMB is analyzed exactly the same as the field samples.

Laboratory Trip Blank (L TB) I Field Reagent Blank (FRB) ·is a sample of laboratory reagent water placed in a

sample container in the laboratory and treated as a field sample, including storage, preservation, and all analytical procedures. The FRB/L TB container follows the collection bottles to and from the collection site, but the FRB/L TB is not opened at any time during the trip. The FRBIL TB is primarily a travel blank used to verify that the samples were not contaminated during shipment.

Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample (MSD) I Laboratory Fortified Sample Matrix Duplicate (LFSMD)- is a sample aliquot taken from the same field sample source as the Matrix Spike Sample to which known quantities of the analytes of interest are added in the laboratory. The MSD is analyzed exactly the same as the field samples. Analysis of the MSD provides a measure of the precision of the laboratory procedures in a specific matrix.

Matrix Spike Sample (MS) I Laboratory Fortified Sample Matrix (LFSM)- is a sample aliquot taken from field sample source to which known quantities of the analytes of interest are added in the laboratory, The MS is analyzed exactly the same as the field samples. The purpose is to demonstrate recovery of the analytes from a sample matrix to determine if the specific matrix contributes bias to the analytical results .

Quality Control Standard (QCS) I Second Source Calibration Verification (SSCV)- is a solution containing known concentrations of the analytes of interest prepared from a source different from the source of the calibration standards. The solution is obtained from a second manufacturer or lot if the lot can be demonstrated by the manufacturer as prepared independently from other lots . The QCS sample is analyzed using the same procedures as field samples. The QCS is used as a check on the calibration standards used in the method on a routine basis.

Reporting Limit Check (RLC) /Initial Calibration Check Standard (ICCS) - is a procedural standard that is analyzed each day to evaluate instrument performance at or below the minimum reporting limit (MRL).

Surrogate Standard (SS) I Surrogate Analyte (SUR)- is a pure compound with properties similar to the analytes of interest, which is highly unlikely to be found in any field sample, that is added to the field samples, calibration standards, blanks and quality control standards before sample preparation. The SS is used to evaluate the efficiency of the sample preparation process.

Page 3 of 3

Page 408: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study

Fishbeck. Thompson. Carr & Huber. Inc. ~LJ6t.l1 ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD

1515 Arboretum Drive, SE I 5913 Executive Or., Ste. 100 Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Lansing, Ml489ll (616) 575-3824 (517) 882-0383

4775'"campus Drive Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 (269) 375-3824

39500 MacKenzie Drive, Suite 100 Novi, Ml 48377 (248) 324-2090

11353 Reed Hartman Hwy., Ste. 500 Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 469-2370

~~~~; ~E 6<- · ~ - PROJECT NO.

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G 038079

Page 409: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


US EPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003 P.O. Box 30270 DEt\ Lansing, Ml 48909

TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number


Official Laboratory Report


System Name/Owner: GAWA Collection Address: FREDRICKSON NORTH,ALMA Collected By: TODD CAMPBELL Township/Weii#/Section: /FN/ County: Gratiot Sample Point: SAMPLE PORT Water System: Other


Analyte Name I Result

I (mg/L)

WSSN/PooiiD: Source: Other Site Code: Collector: Other Date Collected: 12/04/2014 12:00 Date Received: 12/04/2014 14:09 Purpose: Other


Tested (mg/L) (mg/L) Method

Coliform Organisms per 100 ml Not Detected 12/04/2014 SM 9223 B TC-00-B

Explanation of Coliform Results:

Not Detected = Colifonn and E. coli bacteria were not found

Positive= Total Colifonn was found and E. coli bacteria was not found

EC Positive= Colifonn and E. Coli bacteria were found

The analyses performed by the MDEQ Drinking Water Laboratory were conducted using methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in

accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR parts 141-143, and other regulatory agencies as appropriate.

Your local health department has detailed information about the quality of drinking water in your area. If you have

concerns about the health risks related to the test results of your sample, please contact the Environmental Health

Section through the address and telephone number listed below:

Mid-Michigan District Health Dept. 151 Commerce Ithaca, Ml 48847 989 875-3681

Laboratory Contacts CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level

AL : Action Level

mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) ppm : parts per million MPN : Most Probable Number CFU : Colony Forming Unit

Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian

RL : Reporting Limit

By authonty of PA 368 of 1978 as amended Work Order 41200697_03 Report Created on: 12/8/2014 12:11 :OOPM Page 1 of 1

Page 410: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


US EPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003 P.O. Box 30270

Lansing, Ml 48909 TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number


Official Laboratory Report


System Name/Owner: GAWA Collection Address: FREDRICKSON NORTH,ALMA


Township/Weii#/Section: IFNI County: Gratiot Sample Point: SAMPLE PORT Water System: Other

WSSN/Pool I D: Source: Site Code: Collector: Date Collected: Date Received: Purpose:


Other 12/04/2014 12:00 12/04/2014 14:09 Other


I Result


1 leAS# Analyte Name (mg/L) Tested (mg/L) (mg/L) Method

Calcium 140 12/10/2014 6.0 200.7 7440-70-2

Magnesium 38 12/10/2014 0.1 200.7 7439-95-4

pH Determination 7.63 12/04/2014 2.0 EPA 150.1 PH-00-C

Sodium 36 12/10/2014 0.5 200.7 7440-23-5

Specific Conductance (umhos) 1056 12/04/2014 EPA120.1 COND-00-C

Total Alkalinity as CaC03 210 12/04/2014 20 EPA 310.2 TALK-00-C

The analyses performed by the MDEQ Drinking Water Laboratory were conducted using methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in

accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR parts 141-143, and other regulatory agencies as appropriate.

Your local health department has detailed information about the quality of drinking water in your area. If you have

concerns about the health risks related to the test results of your sample, please contact the Environmental Health

Section through the address and telephone number listed below:

Mid-Michigan District Health Dept. 151 Commerce Ithaca, Ml 48847 989 875-3681

Laboratory Contacts CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level

AL : Action Level

mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) ppm : parts per million MPN : Most Probable Number CFU : Colony Forming Unit

Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian

RL : Reporting Limit

By authonty of PA 368 of 1978 as amended Work Order 41200697_02 Report Created on: 12/10/2014 4:35:42PM Page 1 of 1

Page 411: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


US EPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003 P.O. Box 30270 DEt\ Lansing, Ml 48909

TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number


Official Laboratory Report


System Name/Owner: GAWA WSSN/PooiiD: Collection Address: FREDRICKSON NORTH,ALMA Source: Other Collected By: TODD CAMPBELL Site Code: Township/Weii#/Section: /FN/ Collector: Other County: Gratiot Date Collected: 12/04/2014 12:00 Sample Point: SAMPLE PORT Date Received: 12/04/2014 14:08 Water System: Other Purpose: Other


I Result I Date RL I MCL/AL I leAS# Analyte Name (mg/L) Tested (mg/L) _(mg/L) Method

Antimony Not detected 12/05/2014 0.0006 0.006 EPA 200.8 7440-36-0

Arsenic 0.004 12/05/2014 0.002 0.010 EPA 200.8 7440-38-2

Barium 0.02 12/05/2014 0.01 2 EPA 200.8 7440-39-3

Beryllium Not detected 12/05/2014 0.0004 0.004 EPA 200.8 7440-41-7

Cadmium Not detected 12/05/2014 0.0003 0.005 EPA200.8 7440-43-9

Chloride 12 12/04/2014 4 SM 4500-CI E 7647-14-5

Chromium Not detected 12/05/2014 0.01 0.1 EPA 200.8 7440-47-3

Copper Not detected 12/05/2014 0.05 1.3 EPA 200.8 7440-50-8

Cyanide-Available Not Detected 12/11/2014 0.02 0.2 OIA-1677 57-12-5

Fluoride 0.25 12/04/2014 0.1 4.0 SM 4500 FC 16984-48-8

Hardness as CaC03 522 12/04/2014 20 SM 2340 C HARD-00-C

Iron 2.41 12/05/2014 0.02 EPA 200.8 7439-89-6

Iron (automated) 2.2 12/04/2014 0.1 SM 3500 FeB 7439-89-6

Lead Not detected 12/05/2014 0.001 0.015 EPA200.8 7439-92-1

Manganese 0.05 12/05/2014 0.01 EPA 200.8 7439-96-5

Mercury Not detected 12/05/2014 0.0001 0.002 EPA 200.8 7439-97-6

Nickel Not detected 12/05/2014 0.01 0.1 EPA 200.8 7440-02-0

Nitrate as N Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.4 10 1 0-107 -04-2-B 14797-55-8

Nitrite as N Not detected 12/04/2014 0.05 10-1 07-04-2-B 14797-65-0

Selenium Not detected 12/05/2014 0.001 0.05 EPA 200.8 7782-49-2

Sodium (automated) 34 12/04/2014 5 SM 3500 NaB 7440-23-5

CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) Laboratory Contacts MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level ppm : parts per million Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper

AL : Action Level MPN : Most Probable Number Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian RL : Reporting Limit CFU :Colony Forming Unit

By authority of PA 36!1 of 1978 as ar(lended Work Order 41200697 _01 Report Created on: 12/12/2014 12:41:23PM Page 1 of 5

Page 412: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


Dlt\ US EPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. M100003

P.O. Box 30270


Analyte Name




Carbamates by HPLC 3 Hydroxycarbofuran


Aldicarb sulfone

Aldicarb sulfoxide







Chlorinated Acid Herbicides 2,4,5-T

2,4,5-TP (silvex)








Total DCPA degradates, mono- and di-acid

Pesticides Analysis by GC/MS 4,4'-DDD









I Result (mg/L)


Not detected


Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level

AL : Action Level RL : Reporting Limit

Lansing, Ml 48909 TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number




Tested (mg/L) (mg/L) Method

12/04/2014 10 SM 4500 S04E 14808-79-8

12/05/2014 0.0002 0.002 EPA200.8 7440-28-0

12/05/2014 0.01 EPA 200.8 7440-66-6

12/11/2014 0.001 EPA 531.2 16655-82-6

12/11/2014 0.0005 EPA 531.2 116-06-3

12/11/2014 0.0005 EPA 531.2 1646-88-4

12/11/2014 0.0005 EPA 531.2 1646-87-3

12/11/2014 0.001 EPA 531.2 63-25-2

12/11/2014 0.0005 0.04 EPA 531 .2 1563-66-2

12/11/2014 0.001 EPA 531.2 2032-65-7

12/11/2014 0.001 EPA 531.2 16752-77-5

12/11/2014 0.001 0.2 EPA 531.2 23135-22-0

12/11/2014 0.001 EPA 531.2 114-26-1

12/08/2014 0.002 EPA 515.4 93-76-5

12/08/2014 0.0003 0.05 EPA 515.4 93-72-1

12/08/2014 0.002 0.07 EPA 515.4 94-75-7

12/08/2014 0.004 EPA 515.4 50594-66-6

12/08/2014 0.002 EPA 515.4 25057-89-0

12/08/2014 0.002 EPA 515.4 1918-00-9

12/08/2014 0.0003 0.007 EPA 515.4 88-85-7

12/08/2014 0.00006 0.001 EPA 515.4 87-86-5

12/08/2014 0.001 0.5 EPA 515.4 1918-02-1

12/08/2014 0.001 EPA 515.4 1861-32-1

12/05/2014 0.001 EPA 525.2 72-54-8

12/05/2014 0.001 EPA 525.2 72-55-9

12/05/2014 0.0005 EPA 525.2 50-29-3

12/05/2014 0.001 EPA 525.2 34256-82-1

12/05/2014 0.0002 0.002 EPA 525.2 15972-60-8

12/05/2014 0.0004 EPA 525.2 309-00-2

12/05/2014 0.0002 0.002 EPA 525.2 5103-71-9

12/05/2014 0.0002 0.003 EPA 525.2 1912-24-9

12/05/2014 0.0005 EPA 525.2 60-57-1

mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) Laboratory Contacts ppm : parts per million Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper MPN : Most Probable Number Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian CFU : Colony Forming Unit

By authonty of PA 366 of 1976 as amended Work Order 41200697 _01 Report Created on. 12/12/2014 12:41.23PM Page 2 of 5

Page 413: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


USEPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003


Analyte Name I Result (mg/L)

Pesticides Analysis by GC/MS Endrin Not Detected

Endrin aldehyde Not Detected

gamma-Chlordane Not Detected

Heptachlor Not Detected

Heptachlor epoxide Not Detected

Hexachlorobenzene Not Detected

Hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-BHC) Not Detected

Hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-BHC) Not Detected

Hexachlorocyclohexane (delta-BHC) Not Detected

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Not Detected

Lindane (gamma-BHC) Not Detected

Methoxychlor Not Detected

Metolachlor Not Detected

Metribuzin Not Detected

Molinate Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1 016) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1221) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1232) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1242) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1248) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1254) Not Detected

PCB (aroclor 1260) Not Detected

Polybrominated biphenyls Not Detected

Simazine Not Detected

Toxaphene Not Detected

Volatile Organic Compounds 1,1 Dichloroethane Not Detected

1,1 Dichloroethylene Not Detected

1,1 Dichloropropene Not Detected

1,1 , 1 Trichloroethane Not Detected

1,1 , 1 ,2 Tetrachloroethane Not Detected

1,1 ,2 Trichloroethane Not Detected

1,1 ,2,2 Tetrachloroethane Not Detected

1 ,2 Dichlorobenzene Not Detected

1 ,2 Dichloroethane Not Detected

1 ,2 Dichloropropane Not Detected

1 ,2,3 Trichlorobenzene Not Detected

1 ,2,3 Trichloropropane Not Detected

CAS# · Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level

AL : Action Level R L : Reporting Limit

P.O. Box 30270 Lansing, Ml 48909

TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

I Date RL

Tested (mg/L)

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.0002

12/05/2014 0.0002

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.0005

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.001

12/05/2014 0.0005

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0001

12/05/2014 0.0002

12/05/2014 0.001

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

12/04/2014 0.0005

mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) ppm : parts per million MPN : Most Probable Number CFU : Colony Forming Unit

Sample Number



I MCLIAL II (mg/L) Method leAS#

0.002 EPA 525.2 72-20-8

EPA 525.2 7421-93-4

0.002 EPA 525.2 5103-74-2

0.0004 EPA 525.2 76-44-8

0.0002 EPA 525.2 1024-57-3

0.001 EPA 525.2 118-74-1

EPA 525.2 319-84-6

EPA 525.2 319-85-7

EPA 525.2 319-86-8

0.05 EPA 525.2 77-47-4

0.0002 EPA 525.2 58-89-9

0.04 EPA 525.2 72-43-5

EPA 525.2 51218-45-2

EPA 525.2 21087-64-9

EPA 525.2 2212-67-1

0.0005 EPA 525.2 12674-11-2

0.0005 EPA 525.2 11104-28-2

0.0005 EPA 525.2 11141-16-5

0.0005 EPA 525.2 53469-21-9

0.0005 EPA525.2 12672-29-6

0.0005 EPA 525.2 11097-69-1

0.0005 EPA 525.2 11096-82-5

EPA 525.2 59536-65-1

0.004 EPA 525.2 122-34-9

0.003 EPA 525.2 8001-35-2

EPA 524.2 75-34-3

0.007 EPA 524.2 75-35-4

EPA 524.2 563-58-6

0.2 EPA 524.2 71-55-6

EPA 524.2 630-20-6

0.005 EPA 524.2 79-00-5

EPA 524.2 79-34-5

0.6 EPA 524.2 95-50-1

0.005 EPA 524.2 107-06-2

0.005 EPA 524.2 78-87-5

EPA 524.2 87-61-6

EPA 524.2 96-18-4

Laboratory Contacts Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian

By authority of PA ~68 of 1978 as amended Work Order 41200697_01 Report Created on: 12/12/2014 12:41:23PM Page 3 of 5

Page 414: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


US EPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003 P.O. Box 30270

Lansing, Ml 48909 TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number



Analyte Name I Result I Date RL l MCLIAL l leAS# (mg/L) Tested (mg/L) (mg/L) Method

Volatile Organic Compounds

1 ,2,4 Trichlorobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.07 EPA 524.2 120-82-1

1 ,2,4 Trimethylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 95-63-6

1 ,3 Dichlorobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 541-73-1

1 ,3 Dichloropropane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 142-28-9

1 ,3,5 Trimethylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 108-67-8

1 ,4 Dichlorobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.075 EPA 524.2 106-46-7

2,2 Dichloropropane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 594-20-7

Benzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.005 EPA 524.2 71-43-2

Bromobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 108-86-1

Bromochloromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 74-97-5

Bromodichloromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.080 EPA 524.2 75-27-4

Bromoform Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.080 EPA 524.2 75-25-2

Bromomethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.001 EPA 524.2 74-83-9

Carbon tetrachloride Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.005 EPA 524.2 56-23-5

Chlorobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.1 EPA 524.2 108-90-7

Chlorodibromomethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.080 EPA 524.2 124-48-1

Chloroethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 75-00-3

Chloroform Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.080 EPA 524.2 67-66-3

Chloromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 74-87-3

cis-1 ,2 Dichloroethylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.07 EPA 524.2 156-59-2

cis-1 ,3 Dichloropropene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 10061-01-5

Dibromomethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 74-95-3

Dichlorodifluoromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.001 EPA 524.2 75-71-8

Dichloromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0006 0.005 EPA 524.2 75-09-2

Eth}dbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.7 EPA 524.2 100-41-4

Fluorotrichloromethane Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.001 EPA 524.2 75-69-4

Hexachlorobutadiene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 87-68-3

lsopropylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 98-82-8

m & p-Xylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 10 EPA 524.2 XYLMP-00-C

Methyl ethyl ketone Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.005 EPA 524.2 78-93-3

Methyl isobutyl ketone Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.005 EPA 524.2 108-10-1

Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.001 EPA 524.2 1634-04-4

Naphthalene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 91-20-3

n-Butylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 104-51-8

Nitrobenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.01 EPA 524.2 98-95-3

n-Propylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 103-65-1

o-Chlorotoluene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 95-49-8

o-Xylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 10 EPA 524.2 95-47-6

p-Chlorotoluene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 106-43-4

CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) Laboratory Contacts MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level ppm : parts per million Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper

AL : Action Level MPN : Most Probable Number Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian RL : Reporting Limit CFU : Colony Forming Unit

By authority of PA 368 of 1978 as amended Work Order 41200697 _01 Report Created on: 12/12/2014 12:41:23PM Page 4 of 5

Page 415: Well #9 Hydrogeological Study


USEPA Region V Drinking Water Cert. No. MI00003 P.O. Box 30270

Lansing , Ml 48909 TEL: (517) 335-8184 FAX: (517) 335-8562

Sample Number






Date RL I MCUAL I ICAS# Analyte Name (mg/L) Tested (mg/L) (mg/L) Method

Volatile Organic Compounds

p-lsopropyltoluene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA524.2 99-87-6

sec-Butylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 135-98-8

Styrene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.1 EPA 524.2 100-42-5

tert-Butylbenzene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 98-06-6

Tetrachloroethylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.005 EPA 524.2 127-18-4

Tetrahydrofuran Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.005 EPA 524.2 109-99-9

Toluene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 1 EPA 524.2 108-88-3

Total Trihalomethanes Not Detected 12/04/2014 NA 0.080 EPA 524.2 TTHM-00-C

Total Xylenes Not Detected 12/04/2014 NA 10 EPA 524.2 1330-20-7

trans-1 ,2 Dichloroethylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.1 EPA 524.2 156-60-5

trans-1 ,3 Dichloropropene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 EPA 524.2 10061-02-6

Trichloroethylene Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0005 0.005 EPA 524.2 79-01-6

Vinyl chloride Not Detected 12/04/2014 0.0004 0.002 EPA 524.2 75-01-4

The analyses performed by the MDEQ Drinking Water Laboratory were conducted using methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in

accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR parts 141-143, and other regulatory agencies as appropriate,

Your local health department has detailed information about the quality of drinking water in your area. If you have concerns about the health risks related to the test results of your sample, please contact the Environmental Health

Section through the address and telephone number listed below:

Mid-Michigan District Health Dept. 151 Commerce Ithaca, Ml 48847 989 875-3681

Laboratory Contacts CAS# : Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number MCL : Maximum Contaminant Level

AL : Action Level

mg/L : milligrams I Liter (ppm) ppm : parts per million MPN : Most Probable Number CFU : Colony Forming Unit

Drinking Water Unit Mgr: Julia Pieper Systems Mgmt. Unit Mgr: George Krisztian

RL : Reporting Limit

By authority of PA 368 of 1978 as amended Work Order 41200697 _01 Report Created on. 12/12/2014 12:41:23PM Page 5 of 5
