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Wellfleet Oysterman

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The Poetry of Howard Snow
1 The Poetry of Howard Snow Welleet Oysterman
Page 1: Wellfleet Oysterman


The Poetry of Howard Snow Welleet Oysterman

Page 2: Wellfleet Oysterman

The Poetry of Howard Snow

About the Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-

scing elit. Mauris ut nisi pulvinar quam feugiat

facilisis. Nulla sodales venenatis magna, ac luctus

est cursus at. Proin eu ipsum libero, non tincid-

unt tortor. Nam dapibus sapien a urna semper

semper porta arcu viverra. Pellentesque habitant

morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Sed nec nibh non augue

viverra dignissim. Vivamus imperdiet molestie

nunc, ac aliquet arcu ornare at.

Nullam lectus enim, aliquam eget ornare id, dig-

nissim sagittis leo. Morbi a justo non nisi aliquet

interdum. Nunc non cursus lorem. Nulla facilisi.

Donec condimentum mollis neque, at pharetra

nunc scelerisque et. In nunc sem, gravida vitae

eleifend ut, tempor quis arcu. Class aptent taciti

sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,

per inceptos himenaeos.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et

netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce

quis diam et elit faucibus laoreet. Cras fermentum

tincidunt ipsum ut suscipit. Curabitur nisl odio,

tempus et malesuada ac, vulputate vitae purus.

Morbi sit amet fringilla tortor. Nam eget eros id

velit euismod venenatis ac nec ipsum. Ut ultrices

feugiat dictum. Proin vehicula sem nunc. Sed

quis consequat dolor. Suspendisse eget ligula

eget diam lacinia iaculis. Suspendisse potenti.

Phasellus tincidunt ante aliquet arcu malesuada

faucibus. Nam vel nunc id augue dictum vehicula

vitae ut libero. Suspendisse lacinia odio massa, ut

volutpat diam. Donec sem turpis, congue sit amet

rhoncus a, dictum commodo lorem.

Cras gravida scelerisque ligula non egestas. Do-

nec sed mi nulla. Fusce tempor suscipit sapien

non tempor. Ut sit amet eros magna. Nulla

lacinia, tortor nec laoreet scelerisque, lectus ligula

sodales sem, ac tempor purus libero a sapien.

Suspendisse posuere, nibh vitae feugiat aliquam,

orci odio blandit leo, at consectetur tortor risus

dictum ligula. Pellentesque egestas vestibulum

neque, eu eleifend magna tempor vitae. Donec

adipiscing ornare suscipit. Etiam tellus sapien,

lobortis et facilisis ac, ultrices sit amet dui. Nulla

in odio risus. Nullam nec dui erat. Nulla a sapien

eu quam volutpat posuere in eu ipsum. Aliquam

id ante tristique tellus auctor imperdiet ac vitae

turpis. Fusce ac posuere dui.

Donec est dolor, fermentum in pretium nec,

tincidunt vitae dolor. Nunc tristique, ligula id

scelerisque sollicitudin, ante nisi volutpat enim,

quis convallis dolor lacus in turpis. Ut interdum

sollicitudin lorem, non mollis orci vulputate quis.

Phasellus suscipit pretium laoreet.

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

Looking East

In the clear lone silence of sorrow

I sit as the sun is low,

And I wonder the way of the morrow,

And wonder the way of ago;

For my way is ever ashiftin’

To the will of a weak whimsey

And the soul of me manlessly driftin’;

Cold hands hold the destiny.

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

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The Outermost Land

The sea wind whines in the low sea pines,

In the gnarled sea pines that grow

In the shifting sand of a wind-swept strand

Where only the winds of the seas are borne.

The sea is law to the worn sea shore,

The sea wind law to the sand,

And the sea sand drifts as the sea wind shifts

The dunes in the lone sea land;

Where ever wrangle the stunted trees

With the wrath of the wind-swept seas

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

The Beach

Oh golden moon:

Are you trying to console

My lonely spirit as I stroll

On the moonlit beach alone,

Where silvery waves ceaselessly flow,

And sob in smpathetic woe.

As though my griefs were known?

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

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The Poetry of Howard Snow

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Summer Love

Summer time is nearly over,

Just tonight alone remains,

Parting time for summer lovers,

Lovers’ time shall tear in twain,

Time the soother of all woe.

Tis two lives last night together,

Lives that know a love sublime,

As they hold their dear one closer,

As doom clings to the straws of time,

Time the healer of all wounds.

Vowing love shall never die,

As their parting night is over,

Vainly trying to defy,

Time the soother, time the healer,

Time the killer of all love.

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The Poetry of Howard Snow
