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Wellness & Stress

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  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress



    Presented by:

    Jb!r M"#$ed A%! (P&'&856')

    Jb!n J"#n J*"b (P&'&'6+'+)

    Prs""n M,- (P&'&85..)

    R$ndee/ -r (P&'05'.8)




  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Tb%e "1 C"ntents


    2#t !s 3tress 4

    Ty/es "1 3tress,

    M!n *ses "1 3tress,

    Pr"s C"ns "1 3tress,

    I$/*t "n t#e Orn!7t!"n nd Ind!!d%,

    3tress Mne$ent te*#n!9es,

    Pers"n% 2e%%ness,

    Ty/es "1 2e%%ness Pr"r$s,

    2e%%ness /r"r$s d"/ted by d!erent Orn!7t!"ns,


  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress



    Stress is an individuals physiological and emotional response to external splaces physical or psychological demands on the individual and creates unand lack of personal control when important outcomes are at stake. (Daft and "ershinina #$%$&

    'rganiational stress can )e defined as an emotional cognitive )ehaviouphysiological response to the aggressive and harmful aspects of work wor

    environment and organiational climate. (*irela and *+d+lina,-driana n.d Stress is often termed as a twentieth century syndrome )orn out of mans

    towards modern progress and its ensuring complexities. (en/amin 0rankl

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    2#t !s 3tress 4

    Stress1 2t is the unconscious preparation that a person experiences when faced w

    familiar situation.

    - state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or


    2t occurs when an external source upsets an individuals natural and stea


    Stressor1 3he person or event that triggers a stress response.

    3he source may )e positive or negative.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Ty/es "1 3tress

    4ustress1 2t is indicated )y hope and active engagement.

    5elps people to prepare themselves for future situations.

    2t is the positive stress.

    Short, termed.

    Distress1 3he adverse conse6uences that may arise due to stressful events.

    2t is a negative stress.

    *ay )e short or long, termed.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Ty/es "1 3tress

    5ow eustress and distress tend to affect the motivation and )ehavioural efficiency of an indiv

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Ty/es "1 3tress


    2t is the most common7 o)served when change transforms the normal functioning of 2t is short, termed physical condition and passes 6uickly7 easily managea)le.

    Symptoms1 emotional distress muscular tension elevated )lood pressure levels.

    4pisodic acute1

    3hose who suffer from acute stress fre6uently7 caused due to extensive worrying.

    Symptoms1 persistent muscular tension7 extreme cases )eing aggressive impatient

    to change.


    9rinding stress which wears a person away7

    2t is long,termed destroying )oth ones mental and physical state.

    Symptoms1 since the resources tend to deplete via continuous attrition they are diff

    out and may re6uire extended medical treatment and stress management.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    M!n *ses "1 3tress


    -nxiety7 tolerance for am)iguity.

    Stress at home7 personal pro)lems e.g. family pro)lems.


    'ccupational stress, stemming from unexpected responsi)ilities that dont aan individuals knowledge or skill set there)y inhi)iting their a)ility to cope.

    :o) insecurity and workplace culture7 may arise due to little control over wor

    5igh performance demand and expectation from /unior employees.

    ;ork overload7 time pressure7 poor physical working conditions.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Adntes "1 3tress

    4na)les concentration thus leading to increases performance.

    4nergies one into motion for instance pushing employers to perform more fassessments.

    *otivates the staff to express themselves.

    -cts as a motivation to complete assigned task or reach target goals.

    8hallenges employees which helps in personal and skill development. etter workflow in the future is ensured.

    8apa)le of adapting to changes and working under pressure.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Adntes "1 3tress

    4conomic )enefits educed costs of sick pay sickness cover overtime and recruitment.

    *anagement )enefits

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    ;!sdntes "1 3tress

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    I$/*t "n t#e Orn!st!"n Ind!!d%

    Stress is not an illness )ut a state. 5owever if stress level )ecomes too higlong,lived the individual may develop some kind of mental and or physical

    2t has legal and financial implications for organisations causing distress to i

    4mployees tend to make poor decisions and causal errors.

    ;orkplace relations and customer service may deteriorate.

    estrictions on )ehaviour7 office politics7 organiational conflicts.


  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    3tress Mne$ent Te*#n!9

    Stress management can )e complicated and confusing.

    3hree approaches that may )e considered1

    4liminate the stress,producing source.

    -d/ust as per the stress or change the situation altogether.

    Strengthen an individuals resilience to stress.

    3hese techni6ues help a person to overcome or cope with the stress they face

    Stress related disease prevention and health promotion of one and all is a necorganiations.

    2n order to manage stress in the workplace employers can provide stress man

    programs such as therapy communication programs and a more flexi)le work

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    3*nd!n!n Cse 3tdy

    -dopted to employees mental and physical a)ility.

    4mployees have the chance to create their own workplace.

    3he /o) and working hours are assigned in a way that the staff is not expos

    or mental strains.

    8losely controlled or restricted work is avoided. 4mployees have an opportunity to develop personally and professionally.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Pers"n% 2e%%ness

    3he dangers of stress loopeople on a daily )asis wsymptoms could strike wwarning.

    *anaging stress is a powovercome health risks animprove an individuals athe organisations overall

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Ty/es "1 2e%%ness Pr"r$$

    >ecently programs are )eing designed toassist employees to choose healthier

    )ehaviours like )eing more physically

    active or 6uitting smoking. 2t constitutes, campaigns to raise

    awareness educational sessions to

    increase knowledge opportunities to learn

    new skills and changes to policies. -ll these happen to different forms of

    wellness programs that are )eing carried

    out in order to make it easier for employees

    to make healthy choices.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    Ty/es "1 2e%%ness Pr"r$$

    Bhysical = 0itness classes stretch )reaks promoting use of stairs allotting time foactivities.

    Spiritual = 8ommunity activities *editation workshops >andom acts of kindness

    2ntellectual = 3raining of personal development *ental fitness activates )ook or asessions.

    Social = 3eam )uilding activates *entor programmes ;ork and families day.

    4motional = Stress management program employee assistance program suppor

    'ccupational , >eward and recognition program career development seminar Dawellness tips.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress


    ;ellness programs adopted )y famous organia

    9oogle = 4nergy Bods *assages 0ree Snacks 0ree technology

    products to try. *icrosoft = 8ommuter shuttle 0lexi)le work hours Baid leaves


    3witter = >estaurant @o track of B3' (paid time off& or vacationsdays.

    ?@ 2nternational

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress



    Stress is our natural way of reacting to the challenging situations that we enc

    'ur research has lead us to )elieve that stress in small doses is )eneficial fas it has multiple advantages associated.

    2n recent years though organiations have seen cases of increased stress aemployees which is why stress and wellness programs are the need of the h

    4very person has a different way of dealing and coping with stress. 0irms muthis and tailor programs as per the need of varying individuals.

    ;e hope that companies would )e a)le to create a stress,free work environm)etterment of the individual and organiation further contri)uting to the sociewhole.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress



    oguslawska !. (#$%C&. ;hat employers need to know a)out stress at work.Management Se

    %$. 8ompany 9. (#$%&. Google Employees Reveal Their Favorite Perks Abot !orking For The

    EonlineF usiness 2nsider. -vaila)le at1 http1GGwww.)usinessinsider.comGgoogle,employees,favoHI2>J3Kthe,techstop,helps,googlers,stay,plugged,in,with,#C,H,tech,support,C E-ccessed #H D

    Daft >. !endrick *. and "ershinina @. (#$%$&. Management. -ndover1 South,;esternG8eng

    5argrove *. @elson D. and 8ooper 8. (#$%L&. 9enerating eustress )y challenging employe#rgani$ational %ynamics C#(%& pp.%,M.

    2lo.org (#$%A&. Stress Prevention at !ork "heckpoints app. EonlineF -vaila)le at1

    http1GGwww.ilo.orgGsafeworkGinfoGpu)licationsG;8*SNCLO$O%Glang,,enGindex.htm E-ccessed C :

    :ack 9. and rewis :. (#$$A& 2ntroduction to ;ellness. "ltre an& #rgani$ation %%(#&1 A=

    :stor.org (%MO$&. !ork Environment Research an& Social "hange' "rrent %evelopments in S(ST#R. EonlineF -vaila)le at1 http1GGwww./stor.orgGsta)leGL$$C$$ E-ccessed L :an. #$%F.

  • 7/25/2019 Wellness & Stress



    *c*ahon 9. (#$$O&. Stress at work.Training (ornal #. *ichie S. (#$$#& 8auses and management of stress at work. #ccpational + Environmental Me

    H, H#.

    *irela . and *+d+lina,-driana 8. (n.d.&. #RGA-.AT-#A/ STRESS A% -TS -MPA"T # PERF#RMA"E. EonlineF core.ac.uk. -vaila)le at1 http1GGcore.ac.ukGdownloadGfilesG%ALG#MCCC% :an. #$%F.

    Barks !. and Steelman othfeld
