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Welsh Apps Showcase 2013 Full Programme (Engligh version)

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  • 8/13/2019 Welsh Apps Showcase 2013 Full Programme (Engligh version)


    Welsh AppShowcase 2013Marriott Hotel, Cardiff 18th September

  • 8/13/2019 Welsh Apps Showcase 2013 Full Programme (Engligh version)



    Page 1/Foreword


    Welsh AppShowcaseIt is my great pleasure to

    welcome you to the third

    CEMAS Welsh App Showcase.

    The event was set up three years ago as a vehicle

    to promote new and innovative apps being

    developed by companies in Wales. Since the

    events inception it has proved extremely popular

    with over 250 attendees at last years event alongwith the high numbers of companies exhibiting.

    The event demonstrates the huge talent pool within

    the mobile and digital economy in Wales who

    will showcase some fantastic apps and systems.

    The event will also play host to a number of support

    agencies from Wales who offer awareness of funding

    available to companies and individuals looking

    for Mobile app and business support advice.

    We host informative seminars to support small

    and medium Enterprises and those wishes to

    start up a company or develop a new app.

    I welcome you to the Welsh App Showcase 2013

    and hope it inspires you to get involved with the

    exciting mobile and digital economy in Wales.

    Professor Khalid Al-BegainDirector of CEMAS

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    Page 2/About CEMAS


    CEMASThe Centre of Excellence in

    Mobile Applications and Services(CEMAS) is part funded by the

    European Regional Development

    Fund (ERDF) and is established

    at the University of South Wales.

    We make apps, in fact, we make great apps withsome great companies and were all really proudof this. As part of our offering, we have a businesssupport programme that can work with SMEs inthe convergence area of Wales by helping themdevelop, test and find a route to market for theirmobile application product. CEMAS is unique in thatwe are able to minimise the initial risks to businessesthat are associated with developing a mobileapplication through a fully funded app developmentprogramme available to eligible SMEs in Wales.

    The CEMAS team can help Welsh SMEs andstart-up companies develop their app idea on

    a number of platforms including iOS, Android,Blackberry and Windows Phone.

    CEMAS have set up the Mobile InnovationNetwork (MINe) which gives like-mindedcompanies across the UK as well as internationalplayers within the mobile and telecommunicationssector opportunities to network, to foster newideas and find commercial opportunitiesthrough mutual collaboration.

    Supporting Welsh business to reduce theinitial risk associated with developing newmobile applications and services.

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    Page 3/Programme

    10.00 10.30AMRegistration & Refreshments

    10.45 11.00AMWelcome Address:Helen Marshall, Deputy Vice-Chancellorfor Academic and Business Development

    11.00 11.30AMFrom Author to AppsEiry Rees Thomas, Author

    11.30 12.00PMTaxiRoute: From Web toWindows Phone ApplicationMike Hole, Edge Data Systems

    12.00 1.00PMLunch & Networking

    1.00 1.30PMTranscending Design Disciplines:How Animation Became Truly MobileEilian Roderick, CEMAS

    1.30 2.00PMLocation Based Content & Mid WalesPaul Sandham, Geosho

    2.00 2.30PMSoftware Patents: The Good, the Bad and the UglyCeirian Jones, Urquhart-Dykes and Lord (UDL) LLP

    2.30 3.00PMHow Mobile Banking is Transforming ConsumerEngagement with their BankWill Jones, President EMEA, Monitise Group

    3.00 3.30PMMonetising a Global AudienceStephen Milburn, Tradebox Media

    3.30PMEvent Close


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    Page 4/Speakers

    Eiry Rees Thomas isauthor/creator of bilingualcontent for schools with abackground in Public Health,

    peripatetic teaching andmedical translation.

    Currently Eiry is creating a comprehensive projectfor junior schools that includes apps, books andclassroom resources. A junior digital version ofthe project, titled The Flitwits/Y Sbridiau, is featuredon Hwb, the new Welsh Learning Platform.The follow-on project titled The Flitlits/YSbridion,is for slightly older pupils and will be releasedlater this year. The apps, which are being createdby Chaos Trend Ltd, Swansea, have been made

    possible with the support of the Creative IndustriesSector of the Welsh Government.

    From Author to App

    Eiry will highlight her experience of treading a path,starting with a creative idea that led to writing aseries of stories for young readers. This led to acomprehensive bilingual initiative for schools thatincludes apps, books and classroom resources.

    Eiry was able to draw on her experiences within

    the fields of Public Health, peripatetic teachingand translation to enhance the concept and tocommence pilot work at schools in Wales andbeyond in 2011. The latter came about as the resultof the stories being short-listed in an internationalliteracy competition, followed by an invitation tojoin a mentoring programme for 15 new authors.

    The overwhelming responses by pupils,parents and teachers helped Eiry to securefunding by the Creative Industries Sector of theWelsh Government to digitise the material. A juniorversion of the project is featured on the Hwb, DigitalWelsh Learning Platform and the follow-on projectwill be released later this year. The first 3 apps of

    the series are being developed at Chaos Trend Ltd,Swansea, whose hard work and insight are resultingin superb products that will be unique in the fieldof exciting apps within an educational framework.They will include Welsh, English and U.S. Englishversions of the text and narration. Eiry will talk aboutthe LIFE 1881 initiative that will take the apps intoclassrooms across Wales.

    Eiry Rees Thomas

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    Page 5/Speakers

    Mike currently works asa solutions architect forEdge Data Systems in Penarth

    where he is responsible fordesigning bespoke solutionsthat range from ecommerceand fulfilment to large scaleenterprise applications.

    These applications also include mobileapplications that target all platforms. In hisspare time Mike also runs a user group forpeople interested in developing applications

    for the Windows store and Windows Phone.

    Taxi Route: From the Web to the

    Windows Phone Application

    This talk will cover the Taxi Route from the website to the Windows Phone application. Startingat where the idea of the TaxiRoute website camefrom and the challenges faced in getting the servicetogether. The talk will then cover the windowsphone application itself and how certain designdecisions were made. Finally giving a summary

    of how the application has fared in the WindowsPhone marketplace.

    Mike HoleEdge Data Systems

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    Page 6/Speakers

    Eilian Roderick is a ResearchAssociate and Designer forCEMAS working through all

    areas of Graphical, UX, and UIdesign Eilian is responsible forresearching and working withclients in all areas of visualdevelopment relating tomobile technology.

    Eilian specialises in visual wireframes, graphicalaesthetical elements, and UX workshops that

    aid the client in realising the full potential anddirection of their product early on in the stages ofdevelopment. Eilian is also a trained animator andillustrator, and holds a Masters in Animation forinteractive technologies. He enjoys transferringhis varied skills in design and his understanding ofmobile development to flexibly complement therequirements of the project at hand. With over6 years experience in the media and IT industriesEilian has worked on a variety of projects thatinclude websites, animation, concept work,visual effects, mobile technologies and illustration.Outside of work Eilian enjoys his Xbox, rugby,films & animation, drawing & designing,exercise and walking his border collie.

    Transcending Design Disciplines:

    How Animation Became Truly Mobile

    Working successfully in the design industry isrelated to being able to accurately transfer skillsfrom one design discipline to another. I beganmy design journey as an animation student,which gave me a multitude of skillsets to takeforward in to my professional career. Discoveringhow to make skills transcend and rework the sameskills over and over in different fields has been halfthe fun of being a designer.

    But can any disciplinary skill be transported backand forth between career paths? And if so how isthis done? This is what I intend to discover in thistalk. Join me as we jump through the wonderfully

    varied world of design, and I show you howI came to being a mobile platform designer.

    Eilian RoderickCEMAS

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    Page 7/Speakers

    Paul founded GEOSHO in

    the Spring of 2010. His role

    is centred on business strategy,

    product development,application/UI design, looking

    after the companies key accounts

    and strategic partnerships.

    Paul has 20 years of application and productdevelopment behind him. Working across a rangeof industries and sectors in the UK, EU, US & Asia/Pacific he has been instrumental in transformingbusiness efficiencies through the implementation

    of web, mobile and mapping applications. Based inCaernarfon and Shoreditch Geosho is a companythat create practical maps. Maps that informaction and deliver insight for organisations,their clients and their communities.

    The Geosho mapping and mobile platform enablesthe rapid development and delivery of smart,innovative services and products. Technologies thatconnect place, data and content to browsers orsmartphones. Geosho have customers across UK,EU, North & South America and Asia/Pacific.Their range of products are used for Tourism,

    Culture & Heritage, Business Intelligence, Payments,Public Transport and Property sales & lettings.

    Location Based Content & Mid Wales

    Getting Powys County Councils sustainabletourism units ambitious e-trail project Trails MidWales up and running will be the focus of the talk.Paul will attempt to describe how using the Rougeolocation based CMS and integrated mobile apps theprocess of creating, managing and publishing thedigital content evolved. He will also cover how thelocals, visitors and businesses in Powys use theApps and iBook content and how these channelsare typically accessed.

    An outcome of this talk will be highlighting some ofthe advantages & disadvantages inherent in buildinglocation and mapping into the core of your mobileproduct as an alternative to bringing in external

    location services and adding them to your Apps.

    Paul SandhamGeosho

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    Page 8/Speakers

    After leaving university witha Ph.D in Computer Science(Artificial Intelligence), Cerian

    spent 11 years as a FacultyLecturer in the Departmentof Computer Science at theUniversity of Alberta in Canada.

    During that time, she also served as a director of anSME providing java-based solutions for corporationsof varying sizes. Upon returning to the UK andcompleting law school, she entered the patentprofession and qualified as a patent attorney.

    This hands-on experience enables Cerian toprotect her clients software-related technologywith a depth of understanding which can onlycome from having written code for oneself.

    Her clients range from individual inventors, to SMEs,through to multinational telecomms corporationsand universities. Urquhart-Dykes & Lord (UDL) LLPis a prominent and long-established firm of UKand European Patent & Trademark attorneys.Having offices in Cardiff and around the UK,they are ranked in the top tier for both patentand trademark practices.

    Software Patents: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Software patents arent everyones cup of tea.Some people believe that they are bad; others,downright ugly. Yet there are many others forwhom software patents are vital. Without them,they would not be able to survive in the marketplaceand there would be little or no commercial rewardfor their innovation.

    However, the aim of this presentation is to lookbeyond the rare but headline-grabbing casessuch as Apple v Samsung and focus instead onthe practical issues relating to these rights and thevarious ways that they can impact your commercialactivities as a developer. This will include a veryhigh-level overview of the types of software that

    can/cant be patented under current law;how patents might be used for and against you;how you can use software patents to significantlyreduce your corporation tax; and how a patentcan generate income for you even if it never getsgranted. The bottom line is that theres a lot moreto software patents than just an enforcement toolto be used against other people. Its certainlynot all bad or ugly.

    Cerian JonesUrquhart-Dykes & Lord (UDL) LLP

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    Page 9/Speakers

    Monitise is a world leader inMobile Money banking, payingand buying with a mobile device.

    Leading banks, payments companies, retailersand mobile networks utilise Monitises technologyplatforms and services to securely connect peoplewith their money. Will oversees Monitises activityin Europe, including strategic accounts suchas RBS Group and Visa Europe. He has morethan 20 years experience in Financial Servicesroles including executive positions within Retail,Private and Wealth management. He was onthe executive team that launched Egg, the UKsfirst Internet Bank, and followed that up withProgramme Director and COO roles atEgg Invest and Funds Direct respectively.

    Following two years external consulting withM&S Money and Santander, Will was accountablefor setting up and running an innovation functionwithin RBS Retail, followed by a spell implementingthe Banks Retail Transformation Programme.More than 20 million consumers benefit fromMonitises patented technology to bank anywhere,pay anyone and buy anything accounting for over$30 billion of payments, purchases and transfersannually. Monitise has offices in Cardiff, London,

    California and Hong Kong.

    How Mobile Banking is Transforming

    Consumer Engagement with their Bank

    1) The background to the mobile money landscape

    What do we mean by mobile money, and what isthe scope of the industry at large. Who are the mainplayers and what types of services are we seeingnow. What type of services will we see in the future.

    2) How mobile is creating customer engagement

    What do we mean by customer engagement,What are the factors involved in creating customerengagement, why do consumers engage,brief overview of the mobile banking service.

    3) What behavioural difference is this now causing

    How the relationship between the customerand the bank has shifted as a result of mobile,what they customers doing differently and why.

    4) What impact is this having on the business

    models of our customers

    As a result of the mobile service what are thebank seeing in terms of effect on business modeland how they are viewing mobile as a result.

    Will JonesMonitise

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    Page 10/Speakers

    Stephen Milburn is the Founder(and chief tea-maker) at TradeboxMedia. Tradebox Media are app

    developers based in Cardiff Baylovingly crafting apps abouteverything from solar panelsto modern dance.

    Their core product (coded, written and designedentirely in-house) are their Trippa series of travelapps. Trippa creates smart city guides for iOS andAndroid for the Worlds greatest places. The guidesfocus on only the most important parts of your trip.

    From independent shops to the most popular touristdestinations to the coolest new bar to check out.

    Constantly (and consistently) updated with newand relevant information, Trippa guides arebeautifully easy to use. It might look like the corepurpose of Trippa is to get Stephen on as many freeholidays as possible, but theres another reason,too Trippa uses a multitude of techniques tomonetise its international audience. Find at moreat GoTrippa.comand Tradeboxmedia.com

    Monetising a Global Audience

    Apps provide a massive opportunity for internationalsales and exporting a product. The obvious appealis that of any software product cheap andinstantaneous product delivery. There is no lengthyshipping period and no costs associated withhandling a bulky product.

    But when your product ships to a global audienceits not a simple matter of scaling the business androlling out the same product further afield it must be tailored.

    Stephen Milburn will discuss:

    The export opportunity

    The integration and successful use of varying

    mobile ad networks across the globe

    Targeting your content Munich is not Mumbai

    When is a push not a push?

    Bypassing native push for profit

    Why up-front app charges dont work,and what does

    Out-of-app brand building and why its protable

    Stephen MilburnTradebox Media & Trippa Travel Guides

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    Page 11/Keep In Touch

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