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October 2021 25 Tishrei 5782 — 25 Cheshvan 5782 Table of Contents Adult Education and Programs ............. 4 Advertising Supporters ....................... 15 Article: How Not to Get Scammed . 10-11 Birthdays and Anniversaries............... 14 Brotherhood Beat................................... 7 Cantorial Corner ..................................... 5 Presidents Message ............................. 3 Rabbi Youngs Message ........................ 2 Religious School News .......................... 8 Sister to Sister ........................................ 6 Tzedakah .......................................... 12-13 Volume 45 Number 10 WE’RE PRAYING FOR YOU We offer a Mi Shebeirach prayer for all who are ill at every Shabbat service. Call the synagogue office at 714-963-4611 to have a prayer offered for yourself, a member of your family, or a friend. Names will be placed on the list for a period of two months. In Sympathy The Congregation extends its condolences to: Michael (Myrna) Capsuto, on the death of his brother, Leo Capsuto. Keith (Renah) Wolzinger, on the death of his father, Irwin Wolzinger. Carol Colodny, Richard (Alyssa) Colodny, and Ed (Avi) Colodny, on the death of their husband/father, Ben Colodny. May the source of peace grant consolation to all who are bereaved. Shabbat Services Live-streamed on our website (CLICK HERE) Services are in-person unless otherwise noted. Oct 1 Family Shabbat Service With Consecraon 6:00 PM Oct 8 Tot Shabbat 6:00 PM online only Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 15 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 22 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM online only Musical Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 29 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Congregaonal Meeng Sunday, November 22, 2021 Save the Date!

October 2021 25 Tishrei 5782 — 25 Cheshvan 5782

Table of Contents

Adult Education and Programs ............. 4

Advertising Supporters ....................... 15

Article: How Not to Get Scammed . 10-11

Birthdays and Anniversaries ............... 14

Brotherhood Beat ................................... 7

Cantorial Corner ..................................... 5

President’s Message ............................. 3

Rabbi Young’s Message ........................ 2

Religious School News .......................... 8

Sister to Sister ........................................ 6

Tzedakah .......................................... 12-13

Volume 45 Number 10


We offer a Mi Shebeirach prayer for all who are ill at every Shabbat service. Call the synagogue office at 714-963-4611 to have a prayer offered for yourself, a member of your family, or a friend. Names will be

placed on the list for a period of two months.

Sunday, November 1

In Sympathy

The Congregation extends its condolences to:

Michael (Myrna) Capsuto, on the death of his brother, Leo Capsuto.

Keith (Renah) Wolzinger, on the death of his father,

Irwin Wolzinger.

Carol Colodny, Richard (Alyssa) Colodny, and Ed (Avi) Colodny, on the death of their husband/father, Ben Colodny.

May the source of peace grant consolation

to all who are bereaved.

Havdallah is conducted each Satur- day night at 8:00 pm on Rabbi

Shabbat Services Live-streamed on our website (CLICK HERE)

Services are in-person unless otherwise noted.

Oct 1 Family Shabbat Service With Consecration 6:00 PM Oct 8 Tot Shabbat 6:00 PM online only Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 15 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 22 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM online only Musical Shabbat Service 7:00 PM Oct 29 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:00 PM

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 22, 2021

Save the



On Erev Rosh Hashanah I spoke about our study theme: Change Through Middot, which will take us through Michal Oshman’s What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid? just about once a month. The concept of change typically happens two ways. The first is through a lot of planning, discussing, surveying, convincing, and finally starting to move (usually painstakingly slowly) to pre-planned processes and new systems of operating. When we change through planning and preparation we have to treat it like a marathon. The other way we change is through crisis. President Kennedy once said, “In the Chinese language, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.” Though he was etymologically incorrect, the point he was making was spot on. When we face danger, we can seize an opportunity to make great changes. Of course it does not happen on its own. We have to make it happen. I am not teaching you any great Torah when I write that we have been in crisis for a year and a half. Ever since we started to quarantine, believing it would be a month or two of staycation before a return to normal, change was happening around us. Opportunities were seized as we immediately shifted our worship from Talbert Ave. to TV screens. Our Religious School and adult classes went from in person to Zoom. Our bedrooms, living rooms, and garages became our offices, meeting rooms, and sound studios. We were in crisis and we started to pivot brilliantly. But we are not done. There are many more changes we are going to need to make to keep our Jewish community thriving, growing, and recognizing our opportunities amid the difficulties we face. We can start to ready ourselves through study, and that is part of why we will be studying change through middot together this year. Our ten study sessions will usually be on the first Tuesday of the month, but there are a few exceptions, so please use the schedule below. We will meet virtually at 7:00 pm, before our weekly Talmud class. Of course, everyone is welcome to stay on the same Zoom for Talmud study. Here is our schedule of sessions, along with the topics from Oshman’s book:

October 5 Neshama (Soul) November 2 Bittul (Replacing Negative Qualities) November 30 Gesher Tzar Me’od (The World is a Narrow Bridge) January 4 Shvira (Healing from Brokenness) February 8 Tzimtzum (Making Space) March 1 Tikkun (Repairing) April 12 Tzedakah (Charity) May 3 Chinuch (Teaching the Youth) May 31 Teshuvah (Repentance)

All classes will be offered on rdyzoom.com until further notice. You never know what might change!

I look forward to studying with you all and finding opportunities to change ourselves for the best.


25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782

October 2021

The CBT Sukkah was the site of our annual fundraiser and merry get-together of congregants who tasted wines paired with delicious

delicacies selected by our own sommelier, Fred Weihmuller.

A special shout out to Havurah Metukah for all their help, from cooking the food to pouring the wine. Thanks to Richard and Alyssa Colodny, David and Patty Duner, Stu and Wendy Greenberg, Keith and Doreen Kushner, Brian Ofner, Mike Tucker and Karlee Hughes, and Fred and

Marlyn Weihmuller.

The evening would not have been

possible without our generous sponsors:

Bob and Carole Collen

Al and Mikki Davidson

Shellie Halprin

Judy Lerner Steve and Rose Lesser

Sam and Diane

Salzman Paul and Josette Schwartz


Change Through Middot, Usually First Tuesday of Month, 7:00 PM, Check schedule in Rabbi Young’s article on page 2 of this bulletin. Talmud 101 Study, Tuesdays, 8:00 PM, Taught by Rabbi Young RDYZoom.com

Torah Study, Saturdays, 9:15 AM, Taught by Rabbi Young RDYZoom.com

Class Schedule Update

The Chesed Caring Committee is available to aid those who may need assistance following a family death or illness

by arranging for meals.

Please contact Heather Miller at [email protected] or

Cindy Hirsch at [email protected].


25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782 October 2021

Cantorial Soloist Jenna Sagan

Cantorial Corner

COMMUNITY-WIDE CONCERT OCTOBER 10TH! I am thrilled this month to share with you a special opportunity for collaborative celebration! On October 10 at 4:30 PM, the Orange County Jewish community will host Cantor Azi Schwartz from Park Avenue Synagogue and his ensemble for a free concert open to all. This will be one of the first opportunities we have had in a very long time to come together as a wider community, from throughout the county and across demographics, denominations and affiliations, and we expect the environment to be electric! In the spirit of a truly long-awaited community convening, I am delighted to share that, in addition to the stunning music of Cantor Schwartz, an incredible group of clergy in Orange County will come together to perform a special, celebratory ensemble song during the concert. I am honored to be one of the Orange County cantorial professionals participating in this one-of-a-kind event! I hope you can join us for this uplifting afternoon of song and spirit on Sunday, October 10, beginning at 4:30 PM at Congregation Shir Ha’Ma-alot. Indoor and outdoor seating is available. Masks are required regardless of vaccination status. Admission is free, but RSVPs are required. For more information, and to RSVP, please follow the link found here: https://www.shmtemple.org/form/SchwartzConcert

I look forward to seeing many of you there! B’Shirah, Jenna

ROCKIN’ SHABBAT SERVICES: WE’RE BACK! Sponsorships for CBT ‘Rockin’ Shabbat’ services are available! The beauty and energy of our CBT Rockin’ Shabbatot is made possible through generous donations from our congregants. Each CBT Rockin’ Shabbat costs $225, and we need your help to continue to bring these dynamic Shabbat services to our community. We need YOU to sponsor these moving musical evenings! If you, your family, your friends, chavurah, or businesses are interested in sponsoring a CBT Rockin’ Shabbat, please contact Sarah in the office, and indicate the CBT Music Fund on your donation. Together, we will continue to make this community “ROCK”! The next Rockin’ Shabbat Service Sponsorship is available on November 26.



25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782 October 2021

The Jewish New Year, 5782, which began September 6, is a time to review the past year, look forward toward new accomplishments and to seek improvement. That was the gist of a Brotherhood Board discussion September 9, led by our treasurer, Jay Seiden. Let’s begin with a huge thank you to the dozen volunteers, including a young woman, who worked several hours in 80 to 90 degree heat on September 12 to erect the CBT Sukkah. Thank you also to Brian Ofner who made sure there was water and a snack for our congregants following Yom Kippur services. We also had a large crew of ushers during the High Holy Days, as usual, and we are grateful for their participation. As we look ahead to the rest of the 5782 program calendar, we are planning to offer our annual dinner/dance February 12, conduct a Brotherhood Sabbath with Rabbi Young, sponsor an oneg, conduct our Yom Hashoah candle distribution to CBT congregants as our big fundraiser for Yom HaShoah April 27-28, and sponsor a trip to an Angels baseball game in August. Of course, we will to continue providing ushers for Sabbath and holiday services, purchase Kiddish cups for B’nai Mitzvah youths and barbecue for CBT events like Mitzvah Day and the religious school picnic in June. Possible events, depending on the COVID-19 situation, include a Jewish-themed movie night on December 24 and a program, probably a movie on Israel to note Israeli Independence Day in May. We are open to suggestions for additional programs. We plan to begin keeping an electronic roster of current members and contact information along with an electronic list of past members. It’s never too late to join the Brotherhood. Please contact Martin Heimlich at 714-390-0778 if you have questions about becoming a member.

Masks are required for all events at CBT. Please direct any questions about Brotherhood to Brian Ofner at

[email protected].

Todah Rabbah!

CBT thanks our dedicated and helpful ushers for

September: Richard Schnur, Jay Seiden, and John Tice

Thanks also go to our High Holy Day Ushers:

Arnold Adler, Sam Baker, Brian Ofner, Richard Schnur,

Jay Seiden, Bruce Steiner, and Mike Tucker


A Special Opening Day of Religious School! After 18 months mostly apart and outside of the building, we opened our doors for all students on September 19th. Overall, It was a memorable day and everyone just seemed overjoyed to be together at CBT. Rabbi Young started us off right by sponsoring a specialty coffee bar where people enjoyed frappuccinos, espressos, and more. In addition to getting to know one another and establishing a classroom routine, all of the Religious School students created Sukkah decorations, which now adorn the beautiful Sukkah built by the brotherhood. There are so many more fun-filled activities coming to the Religious School. Hebrew School Opening Sukkot dinner will be held on Wednesday, September 22nd and our newest students will be welcomed under the chuppah on October 1st for Consecration Shabbat. Our fun continues on October 3rd, with a dozen adorable puppies visiting the school in honor of Parashat Noach! I can’t wait to see how this year unfolds and I am so hopeful!

By April Akiva, M.A.J.E., R.J.E. Religious School Director

25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782

October 2021


Hi! I’m Jesse Artz. I am the new BTZY Senior Youth Director. I grew up in New Jersey. I received my undergraduate degree in film and media studies and got a masters degree in Elementary education from Cal State Fullerton. I have been working with children and teens for over 10 years and love their enthusiasm and ruach. I am looking forward to being a part of the CBT family, working together to guide the Jewish future. I have always valued working with children and teens and look forward to being a voice for them to trust in. I am extremely excited about the BTZY programming this year including our Halloween Party at the end of October. We will also be partnering with several other congregations in Orange County to provide some amazing county wide programs. I can’t wait to get to know all the kids!

Hello! My name is Matthew McGorrin and I will be the BTZY678 Youth Director this year. This will also be my 6th year as the 2nd & 3rd grade Judaica teacher, so I am very excited to be running events for the students I taught towards the beginning of my career. Each month will feature an exciting event that I know BTZY678 will love, the first of which was held on September 19th. This event, our Iron Chef cooking competition, had Rabbi Young and BTZY678 use mystery ingredients to present the judges with the best dish they could come up with in the allotted time. It was a huge success with the youth claiming victory over Rabbi Young! Our next event will be Havdalahween on October 30th at 6:30 PM. Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Introducing Matthew McGorrin

Introducing Jesse Artz


25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782



IRIS & MEL KAPLAN ADULT EDUCATION FUND Byron and Donna Rubin ........................................................ In memory of Linda Mason

MILDRED KESSLER CHESED FUND Tammy Klein .......................................................................... In memory of Ruth Rotkin David and Sadie Sacks ........................................................... In memory of Henrietta Berlin

GENERAL FUND Sylvia Wagner ........................................................................ In memory of Elayne MacGregor Marcia McReynolds .............................................................. To support streaming services Paulette and Bernard Fainsztein ........................................... In memory of Cecile Reims Paulette and Bernard Fainszttein .......................................... In memory of Sadie Espar

MUSIC FUND Joyce Fruchter ....................................................................... In memory of Leonard Fruchter Cindy and Jeffrey Kolsin ........................................................ In memory of Abraham Saltsburg Phyllis and Steve Ostrin ........................................................ In honor our Torah honors Mira and Arnold Adler .......................................................... In memory of Robert J. Adler and Aaron Dresser Kathleen Haimov ................................................................... In honor of Phyllis Ostrin’s beautiful Torah reading Mira and Arnold Adler .......................................................... In memory of Ethel Steiner Mira and Arnold Adler .......................................................... In memory of Abraham Adler

RABBI STEPHEN J. EINSTEIN YOUTH EDUCATION FUND D. Hiti .................................................................................... In memory of Renee Margetich Jo Ann Burdi .......................................................................... In memory of Renee Margetich Danica Margetich .................................................................. In memory of Renee Margetich Judith Harper ........................................................................ In memory of Renee Margetich Alan and Linda Hiti ................................................................ In memory of Renee Margetich Robert Wagner ...................................................................... In memory of cousin Renee Margetich Kathleen, Brent and Chad Emerson ...................................... In memory of Renee Margetich Marileen Zankich ................................................................... In memory of Renee Margetich Barbara, Michele and Steve Horowitz Family ....................... In memory of Mike Silverman Merrill Magner ...................................................................... In memory of Renee Margetich Rabbi Stephen and Robin Einstein ........................................ In memory of Augusta Fendell and Bobbie Zommick Albert and Michelle Davidson ............................................... In memory of Linda Mason Paulette and Bernard Fainsztein ........................................... In memory of Arnold Boksenbaum Paulette and Bernard Fainsztein ........................................... In memory of Petrona Fainsztein Robert Stawicki ..................................................................... In memory of Renee Manger Margetich Frances Wagner .................................................................... In memory of Renee Margetich

25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782 October 2021


ONEG FUND Larry Fleischman ................................................................... In memory of Lynda Fleischman

RABBI YOUNG’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Harris and Eileen Stutman .................................................... In memory of Sydney Stutman Steve and Cathy Gilbert ........................................................ In honor of our 51st anniversary Burton Willis .......................................................................... In memory of Norman Burton Willis .......................................................................... In memory of David Burton Willis .......................................................................... In memory of Jim Rabbi Stephen Einstein ......................................................... In honor of my Aliyah on the occasion of the Yahrzeit of my father, Syd C. Einstein Barry Horowitz ...................................................................... In memory of Martin and Edith Horowitz Biebelberg Family ................................................................. In memory of Mal Biebelberg Morton and Patricia Markewitz ............................................ In memory of Benton Markewitz James Cooperman ................................................................. In memory of Carol Cooperman Barbara, Michele and Steve Horowitz Family ....................... In memory of Mike Silverman Linda Fenner ......................................................................... In memory of Ruth Mitnick Doris and Burt Willis ............................................................. In memory of Irving Willis, Leonard Halperin

TEMPLE BEAUTIFICATION FUND Sue Rosen .............................................................................. In memory of Steve Manko


Zippora Gilman ...................................................................... In memory of Betty Gilman Zippora Gilman ...................................................................... In memory of Irving Gilman Ian Leveton ............................................................................ In memory of Zena Leveton Laura Powell In memory of Bernard Stickler, Ruth Strickler, Abraham I. Weber, and Lillian Weber Paul Sandler .......................................................................... In memory of Henry Brooks Sylvia Wagner ....................................................................... In memory of Frederick Wagner Zippora Gilman ...................................................................... In appreciation Robyn Garcia ......................................................................... In memory of Eleanor and Stanley Bender Sylvia Wagner ....................................................................... In memory of Elayne MacGregor Ilene Skipper ......................................................................... In memory of Stan Bender


Birthdays 1 Marlene Peroutka 1 David Rosen 2 Max Eckelman 2 Bianca Maldando 3 Renee Barger 4 Nancy Danger 4 Diane Eisenberg 4 Steve Lesser 4 Jacqueline Pierce 5 Michelle Matusoff 5 Alina Scane 6 Rebecca Wolzinger 7 Briana Kutinsky 7 Danielle Kutinsky 7 Bianca Singer 8 Hayden Barton 8 Gail Wickenberg 9 Taizo Schwartz 11 Aaron Raseknia 12 Wendy Sack 13 Marlene L. Churgel Smith 13 Maury Shulman 13 Maya Williams 13 Jasmine Zadeh 16 Melinda Asbury 17 Izabelle Castillo 17 Martin Heimlich 18 Linda Ecker 18 Marni Orsbern 18 Pamela S. Zinner 19 Paul Schwartz 19 Nancy Steiner 21 Jeremy Azoulay 21 Sydney Backer 21 Joshua Braverman 21 Shahin Firouzbakhsh 21 Todd Graubard 21 Ellamae Osborn 23 Barry Allswang 23 Simon Farrow 24 Carole Collen

25 Joe Rotcher 25 Susan Slonim 26 Orna Lang 27 Zachary Sinclair 28 Teya Kotler 28 M. Edward Mishow 28 Alexis Wahl 29 Courtney Hirsch 29 Patty Mandel 30 Barbara Horowitz 30 Judy Lerner 31 Marcia Kass 31 Ashley Serota 31 Hilary Serota 31 Silvia Vidor

Anniversaries 7 Daryl & Gina Posner 11 Steven & Sheri Lyn Hamrell 11 Gary & Heather Miller 11 Jack & Lynne Shupper 13 Peter & Sharon Rosen 14 Larry & Sherri Coons 14 Bruce & Nancy Steiner 17 Gideon & Ann Penny Ariel 20 Randy & Michelle Matusoff 23 Yaniv & Holly Kotler 30 Morton & Patricia Markowitz

October Birthdays and Anniversaries

[email protected]

25 Tishrei — 25 Cheshvan 5782 October 2021


Pacific View Memorial Park

Two side-by-side spaces in the Jewish section of Pacific View

Memorial Park, Corona Del Mar (Cedar Lawn section, Lot 398, C

& D). These spaces sell for $40,000. Asking price is just


Please leave a message for Barrie Rokeach at (510) 918-0809

or email [email protected].


Follow us on Facebook

and Twitter!

The Bulletin is published monthly by:

Congregation B’nai Tzedek 9669 Talbert Avenue

Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Rabbi ..................................................David N. Young Cantorial Soloist ...................................... Jenna Sagan Director of Education .............................. April Akiva

Founding Rabbi Emeritus ............ Stephen J. Einstein Cantor Emerita ....................................... Linda Ecker Bookkeeper ............................................. Lisa Alvarez Bookkeeper [email protected] Office Coordinator...................................Sarah DuVal General inquiries.............................. [email protected] Rabbi David N. Young .......................833-RABBS-01 Office ..................................................... 714-963-4611

Office Hours:

Bulletin Advertising Rate

Ad Size Per Issue Annual Business card .................. $ 25............................. $ 270 1/4 page ........................... $ 50............................. $ 540 1/2 page .......................... $ 100 .......................... $ 1080 Full page ........................ $ 200 .......................... $ 2160 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR A LIST OF ALL EVENTS: CBTFV.ORG

The deadline for Bulletin articles and advertisements is the first of the month prior to the month of publication. The deadline for flyers is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. E-mail articles and flyers to [email protected].

Beginning Sunday, September 19: MONDAY ................................................... 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM TUESDAY .................................................. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM WEDNESDAY ............................................ 9:00 AM to 7:15 PM THURSDAY ............................................... 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM FRIDAY ...................................................... 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM SATURDAY ............................................... CLOSED SUNDAY .................................................... 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM

