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Wesley United Methodist Church - Clover Sites

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Wesley United Methodist Church Grand Forks, ND May 24, 2015 Our purpose is to provide a nurturing Christian home in which all may grow in faith and service.

Wesley United Methodist Church Grand Forks, ND

May 24, 2015

Our purpose is to provide a nurturing Christian home

in which all may grow in faith and service.

Welcome to Worship at Wesley

May 24, 2015 Memorial Sunday Day of Pentecost

Gathering in Fellowship and Praise to God

Gathering Music When I can Read My Title Clear Marge Myrold Arr. by Marilyn Thompson

* Morning Praise Lord, I Lift Your Name on High projected

How Great is Our God projected

Welcome and Announcements

(Please sign the ritual of friendship attendance pad and pass to others in the pew.)

* Greetings of Christian Fellowship

* Call to Worship

Come, sing a new song of worship.

Come, sing a new song of praise.

Today is a day of a promise fulfilled.

With joy we celebrate Pentecost.

Pentecost – a day when power and comfort flowed.

Pentecost – a day of hope and inspiration.

A day when the Holy Spirit was revealed in flaming glory

And the glory was given to the people.

The fire of the Holy Spirit lives on in us. Sing praises!

We sing praises, indeed!

* If able, please stand where asterisks appear. CCLI Lic. 906361

Welcome to Wesley! If you have questions or special needs, please speak to an usher.

Worship activity bags for children are hanging on a rack at the back of the church.

Our ushers have large-print hymnals.

Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers in Room 202.

Coming Before God in Prayer

Song of Meditation Breath on me Breath of God Red Hymnal 420

Prayers of the People

Memorial Day Petitions

Almighty God, before whom stand the living and the dead, we your children, whose

mortal life is but a hand’s breadth, give thanks to you:

For all those through whom you have blessed our pilgrimage, whose lives that have

empowered us, whose influence is a healing grace,

We lift up thankful hearts.

For the dear friends and family members whose faces we see no more, but whose love is

with us forever,

We lift up thankful hearts.

For the teachers and companions of our childhood and youth, and for the members of our

household of faith who worship you now in heaven,

We lift up thankful hearts.

For those who sacrificed themselves, our brothers and sisters who lost their lives for the

sake of others,

We lift up thankful hearts.

That we may hold them all in continual remembrance, and ever think of them as with you

in that city whose gates are not shut by day and where there is no night,

We lift up thankful hearts.

That we may now be dedicated to working for a world where labor is rewarded, fear

dispelled, and the nations made one,

O Lord, save your people and bless your heritage. Day by day we magnify you, and

worship your name, for ever and ever. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

Prayer Response James Kerzman

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings

Receiving of Tithes and Offerings

Offering Music Heaven Marge Myrold By Jim Brickman

* Doxology

* Prayer of Dedication

God of wind and flame: Set us on fire this morning as celebrate the explosion

of your Holy Spirit coming into the world on the Day of Pentecost! Remind

us that the gift you gave that day was not just the gift to speak in different

tongues, but also the gift of hearing and comprehension. May your Holy

Spirit keep us attuned to the voices all around us, to those who need us to be

bearers of your love and compassion. May these gifts we give help us,

through your church, meet those needs. In the holy name of Jesus, we pray.


Hearing God’s Word

Children’s Time

First Scripture Lesson Acts 2:1-8, 12-13 New Testament, page 110

Hymn There’s a Spirit in the Air (vs. 1-2) Red Hymnal 192

Second Scripture Lesson Acts 2:14-21 New Testament, page 110

Hymn There’s a Spirit in the Air (vs. 3-4) Red Hymnal 192

Third Scripture Lesson Acts 2:36-47 New Testament, page 112

Hymn There’s a Spirit in the Air (vs. 5-6) Red Hymnal 192

Message “Our Spirit Fueled Mission” Rev. Howie Baird

Going Forth to Serve

* Closing Hymn O Spirit of the Living God Red Hymnal 539

* Benediction

* Musical response Go Now In Peace (x2) Red Hymnal 665

* Closing Song A Mighty Fortress is Our God Marge Myrold

By Mark Hayes

Thanks to all who have helped with today’s worship service!

Welcome Team: Neil & Cleo Rowe, Dave & Judy Christy

Lay Reader: Bill Kerzman

Nursery: Tanya Murphy

Acolytes: Spencer Ness, Jackson Polries

Sound Board: Dave Kiefel

Please feel free to communicate with us: Website: www.gfwesley.org

e-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 701.772.1869

Address: 1600 4th Ave. N. Grand Forks, ND 58203

We are very excited to share with all of you the sermon series that we will be doing

this summer. We are going to be looking at scripture to discover together some of

the foundational truths of our faith, and at the same time we will be exploring the

books of Dr. Seuss to see what he might be able to add to the conversation. We can

hardly wait to share with you “The Summer of Seuss!”

2015 Miracle Offering for Imagine No Malaria

An invitation from Bishop Ough:

I am calling, again this year, for a Miracle Offering to be

received at the 2015 Conference Session in Fargo (June 3-6).

I invite each of our 250 congregations to participate in

another miraculous expression of God’s love in action.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because the Lord has anointed me.

He has sent me to peach good news to the poor,

to proclaim release to the prisoners,

and recovery of sight to the blind,

to liberate the oppressed,

and to proclaim the year of the Lords’ favor.

Luke 4:18-19

The 2015 Miracle Offering will go to support The United Methodist Church’s

remarkable Imagine No Malaria Campaign. United Methodists are committed to

bring an end to death and suffering from malaria.

I am asking that we set a goal of $100,000 for our 2015 Miracle Offering. This

amount will insure the Dakotas Conference is a key partner in achieving our goal.

If each of our 250 congregations raises $500 we

will exceed our goal. Last year the average cash

gift to our Bakken Oil Rush Miracle Offering to

launch a new faith community in the Kenmare

region was $800.

Imagine the miracle we will experience if the Holy

Spirit prompts a similar response in 2015!

Here at Wesley UMC, an offering for Imagine No Malaria

will be taken on Sunday, May 31.

You may also make your donation at any time by simply

indicating on your check that it is for Imagine No Malaria.

When someone you love dies, it can be hard to understand your thoughts and

feelings. Understanding Your Grief is a small group study that will describe ten

touchstones that are essential actions for you to take to help yourself heal.

Beginning on Monday, June 1 and running for 12 weeks, this study will meet at

Wesley United Methodist Church, from 10:00 – 11:30 am. To register or to

request more information, please contact Penny Millspaugh at

[email protected] or call 701-780-5257. Space is limited so please register


Donation for Spirit Lake Ministry Center --

Each summer as part of their ministry with the families and

children at the Spirit Lake Reservation, Mike and Libby

Flowers (Dakotas Conference Missionaries) organize a

Sidewalk Sunday School program. This year they are doing

things a little different. Instead of taking the SWSS trailer to

the children, they are bringing the children to the Ministry

Center. They will be feeding them a hot lunch and then

hosting a day camp. They are hiring three individuals to be

facilitators for the summer at a cost of $2,700 each.

This covers their salaries and workman's Comp., etc.

They have asked for our help to cover the

sponsorship of one of the program facilitators. We

will have a “noisy bucket” offering during worship

today. Please give generously to support this

ministry with the families at Spirit Lake.

So far, $363.23 has been donated from the noisy

bucket offering last Sunday and donations at the

salad potluck on Wednesday. Thank you!

Sunday, May 24 Memorial Sunday 9:00 a.m. Coffee fellowship 9:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, May 25 Church Office Closed for Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 26 3:00 p.m. Coffee Club, Dakota Harvest

Wednesday, May 27 1:30 p.m. Quilters – 3rd floor 7:00 p.m. Youth Group

Thursday, May 28 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Club, Denny’s

Sunday, May 31 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m. Worship

Last week’s attendance: 153 Last weeks’ giving: $7,647.56

Offering to date: $129,125.30 Annual Expense Budget Goal: $312,267.00

Contributions needed per week to reach our goal: $5,723.18

We’re glad you are here today! Thank you for your support!

Wesley UMC Calendar for

May 24 – May 31

A special message for summer travelers: Would you find it helpful to have your offerings debited directly from your bank account as you probably do with other obligations? Wesley UMC offers electronic giving for those of you who wish to have contributions transferred electronically to the church’s account. If you have plans to travel this summer, electronic giving gives you a convenient way to keep up with your intended offerings. Simply complete and return an electronic giving authorization form to get started. Forms are available in the lobby or from the church office.

Weekly summer video greeting from Pastor Howie In trying to figure out how to keep in better contact with the number of folks who enjoy their lake homes and cabins during the summer months, I decided that this summer, starting the week of June 8th, I will be doing a weekly video message for all of our “lakers.” I will be recording the videos and then posting them to our website throughout the summer. All we ask is that you let us know if you’d like to receive an e-mail when these are posted. You can do this either by signing up after church, or by calling or e-mailing the church. My hope and prayer is that these videos will be a fun way to stay in contact this summer!
