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West Coast Feb 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    February 2011 Issue 17

    Specialists in bespoke Extensions, Conservatories, Windows, Doors and Roofline

    l Installations carried out by our own very skilled Craftsmen

    l 75% of our installations come from satised customers

    l 10 Year Insurance backed guarantee

    Tel: 0151 343 9876Registered No 13712

    Open 7 Days: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 5pm Sun 11am - 4pm

    Inside this month: St Bridgets Appeal, Junior Football, Book launch, MP petition,

    local news, whats on, car club and gardening

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country Texas Guinan

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    DID you know that over 800,000 has been raised

    for the redevelopment of St Bridgets Community

    Centre. Now, the fund-raisers are hoping to

    gather the last 150,000. Weve got a big feature

    on the plans in this issue and details of how to

    make a contribution.

    Weve got more on this, as well as stories from

    MP Esther McVey, Hoylake AC junior football, Ally

    McDermotts interior design column, books by

    Linghams of West Kirby and the Wirral Classic

    Car Club.

    We hope you enjoy the magazine and please

    remember to use your local shops and trades



    The page footers this monthare love quotes for

    Valentines Day



    We are an independently owned company producing seven

    magazines, Keep it Local, Neston Local, Heswall Local, West Coast,

    Tarporley Talk, Overleigh Roundabout and Hoole Roundabout.For details visit www.talkaboutpublishing.co.uk




    For advertisement inquiries

    please call Hayley

    on 01244 350398 / 07801506538

    or e-mail [email protected] www.westkirbylocal.com

    24 Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 1AE

    Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache Mae West

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011



    4 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage Ambrose Bierce

    Community Orchard

    GranGe Pk ow hs lmost 100 xt ts pltd by Tsitio Tow Wst Kibyd Th Fids of Gg (FOG), icldig ppl, plm, dmso, chy, cobt,

    walt, qic, g, mlb, mla a sl. It is hp that i a fw as th

    ochd will b gt soc fo commity ctivitis - ppl dys, cid mkig

    sssis tc.

    l Tasiti Tw Wst Kib hav jst stat a Fitsha schm. This ivlvs

    14 volts who hv offd to com d joi i sssios pickig d distibtig

    wat fit fm lcal gas. TTWK wat t ha fm gps that ca s th

    fit! Visit www.tasititwwstkib.g.k f m if

    Hoylake and District Gardening SocietyOur xt mothly Mtig is o Wdsdy, 9th Fby, wh Wil Coty Pk

    ag Jams Lck will talk abt Attactig Willif t Ga. Mtigs a

    hld o th scod Wdsdy of th moth t Wst Kiby Cocos sttig t

    7.30pm. Th a f t mmbs bt visits a wlcm at a chag f 1.50. Call

    Pat 625 7036.

    MPs campaign for justice

    WeST Kiby MP esth McVy pstd ptitio o bhlf of Fmilis Fightig fo

    Jstic a ths i Wial, Chshi a Mssi.

    Th ptitio clls o th Miisty of Jstic d th Govmt to cosid withsv cati a chags t Schl 21 f th Cimial Jstic Act 2003 t s

    tht th lgth of miimm stcs fo md ot ltd so s to dc th

    tm svd

    Miss McV sai: I am v k t sppt victims f cim, sm f whm I

    hv got to kow lly wll, i od to ty to potct y shotig i th miimm

    stc f m.

    Youth given ASBO

    MerSeySIde Polic d Wil Cocil hv obtid ati-Socil Bhvio Od

    cvicti agaist a Wst Kib th.Acti was tak agaist th 18-a-l, fml f Pat Cls, Wst Kib. H ha

    b iti as gagig i pat icits f ati-scial bhavi i th Gag

    Pak a Gil ra aa f Wst Kib. H was pat f gp f g ppl wh

    hd itimidtd locl sidts, csd cimil dmg d b sposibl fo

    sigicat istbac.

    Th asbo ms tht h is bd fom tig th s i Wst Kiby icldig

    Gg Pk (plygod d cmty) d sodig th shops o Giloy

    ra f a pi f th as.

    Chif Ispct Bb Gittis f Mssi Plic, sai: Hpfll this acti will s

    a cla ambigs mssag t a tblmaks.

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 5

    LIFE DRAWING SESSIONSTWO-hour drop-in drawing sessions in

    Hoylake on Tuesdays at 1pm & 7pm

    Suitable for beginners or more

    experienced artists.Tuition given as necessary.

    7.50 per session.

    Contact Dennis Spicer at

    [email protected] or0151 625 3107

    Theres a ne line between true love and a conviction for stalking Buzz Nutley

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    6 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants - Geraldo Rivera

    ConGrATuLATIonS t L rbis a his AC Hlak Cmts f cappig ff

    a tstaig a b wiig th u10s Scc dm Chistmas Tamt. Aft

    gig bat i th gp stags , wiig th Smi al a batig Wst Kib

    Wasps Black 2 - 1 i th al.

    Wll als t G Haiss u10s Mts wh ma it t th

    Smi al f th sam tamt.

    d t th pplait f 6s taiig Tsa ights, i

    which y child fom rcptio o Y 1 wlcom, w hv

    ci t a st v icat 5s taiig sssis.

    O Wdsdy w will b dlivig tiig sssio btw6pm - 7pm f 5s (cpti chil) i th spts hall at

    Wst Kib Ccs.

    Ths o d to book plc, jst com log d joy th f!

    Ji ftball tam Athltic Clb Hlak (AC Hlak) was stablish i 2001.

    rcgisig th f a lcal ji ftball clb, t sv th cmmit f Hlak

    d Wst Kiby, sccssiv jio tms hv b itodcd vy sso lvig

    th clb with a ct mmbship f v 200 plas at u 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,

    13, 14 a 15 ag gps.

    W a alwas lkig spsship f tams. F fth ifmati visit

    clb wbsit w ca viw clb ws ,match pts a th clb ctacts pag.Ctact Pal Williams 0781 7684682 click th ctacts tab at www.


    Comets soar to tournament success

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 7

    A career is wonderful, but you cant curl up with it on a cold night - Marilyn Monroe

    KEEP DRY THIS WINTERDiD you know that falure to mantan your gutters can resultn water penetratng the cracks and jonts of the gutter and

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  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    8 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question Lily Tomlin

    a WeST Kiby m hs jst pblishd book cllig

    som of th chcts who ihbitd th locl pbs

    a bas i a a f plitical icctss.

    Joh Fg hs witt Wst Kiby Bt to is

    m f Clai Hs Chils Hspic a St

    Jhs Hspic, i Clattbig

    Joh ws bo i Bikhd bt hs livd i Wst

    Kib f th last 45 as aft maig a lcal gil.

    Th 72-y-old tid lctici hs spt mch

    of his lif wokig off sho o th igs thoghotth wl. Bt ig that tim h has v giv

    p his lv f witig. This is his fth bk t b pblish, fllwig fm

    Tw p Tw dw, Th oth Flla a Spts Pimpls a Bm Flff.

    Wst Kiby Bt is sis of shot stois, witt i light vs d is bot th

    chaacts wh tawl th lcal pbs fm th 1950s a was.

    Sid Joh: Th mphsis is o bildig

    sit woks, d thi idividl liks d

    disliks i compiso with todys stict


    I bga witig th bk last Agst, btfottly, by th d of novmb

    I lft it t lat t b csi f

    pblictio, so, with th hlp of my

    ighb, K Hatt, ci t tackl

    th vibl tsk of pitig d

    pblishig slvs.

    Somhow o oth, d with totl

    commitmt,w mgd to pblish

    h cpis f Chistmas. Ths

    w sl withi as. Witht a

    pss w hv ow obtid th

    svics of locl pblishs Cotyvis

    wh will pit a bi fth cpis.

    Th book is o hdd pgs, ll with

    clfl sktchs a phts.

    Th bk ca b pchas f 6 at

    Lighms book sto d th Cosvill

    Scial clb, Wst Kib. Als at elis

    Ba Gasb.

    John recalls bar stool wit

    rom a dierent era

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine January 2011 9

    It was Mies van der Rohe who adoped hephrase Less is More when used in designand archiecure. Along wih Le Corbusierand Waler Gropius hey waned o sripback archiecure and design o he basics,Concree, seel, and glass were he skin andbones exposed. Many people will recogniseMies van der Rohes Barcelona chair or heWassily chair by Marcel Breuer.

    Minimalism and he Bauhaus Movemenwere he way or 20h cenury archiecs anddesigners o make heir saemen. I meanaking good qualiy maerials and creaing

    somehing which did no have o be overlydressed, bu really an inerior and buildingand landscape ha worked in harmony.

    Te ruly sriking poin o Minimalism isha you appreciae he orm and maerial. Isno abou he quaniy o wha you have in aroom, more he qualiy. In more recen yearsMinimalism has been hijacked as a erm omean devoid o colour, shape and design.

    I is worh spending ou on 1 or 2 key pieces

    which will really sand he es o ime. Ialways sugges good qualiy lighfings asessenial. A saemen piece o urniure,wheher i is by shape or abric can also addineres. Balancing a room isn always easyi you don wan o have oo much in i : buwhen you do ge i righ here is a eeling oharmony and no empiness.

    Te Ochre chandelier may be a bi expensive

    rom around 5000, bu similar syles areavailable rom Endon Lighing . Te Miesvan der Rohe Daybed is available rom under600 and he Wassily Chair rom around350.00. Prices do vary, bu look or goodsolid rames and good qualiy leaher. Bewarecheap imiaions! Aer all i you aren goingo have a lo in your room is worh paying abi more.

    Ally InteriorsInterior design thoughts with Ally MacDermot,from Your Choice Interiors

    Your Choice Ineriors91 Banks Road, West Kirby CH48 0RB Tel 07813761571

    Minimalism Less is More

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? - Percy Bysshe Shelley



    Financial column with Simon utton, rom the Hadlow Edwards Partnership

    GOVERNMENs over the lat50 year have encouraged u toave toward our own retirementand be le dependant on thetate by way o incentive inthe way o penion tax relie

    Tere are retriction on theamount you can beneft andthi ha changed on numer-ou occaion over theyear and i due to changeagain next April.

    Te way relie is granteddepends on how you payyour pension. I you are a

    member o an employerscheme at work any pensioncontribution is usually takenrom your salary beore youpay tax and National Insur-ance which means that theamount o your taxable pay isreduced by the level o contribu-tion you have paid.

    I you have no company pensionscheme or are sel employed youwill usually have a personal pension plan and tax re-lie is provided by a top up to your contributions. Forexample i you are personally paying 100 per monthby direct debit the amount that would be credited toyour pension scheme would be 125.

    I you are a higher rate tax payer then you couldclaim another 25 o tax relie by way o a reundrom Her Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

    which works out as an equivalentincrease in your contributions o

    67%. Higher rate tax payers need tobe especially careul to make surethey reclaim the overpayment asHMRC will not automatically payit back.

    Some large companies runschemes known as Salary Sacri-ce where employees can giveup some o their wages to makeadditional payments to theirpension scheme. Tis is a very taxecient way o increasing yourpension savings as in addition tothe tax relie you can also save

    on National Insurance pay-ments. Small companies can runsimilar schemes or employees orDirectors and i you have an op-portunity to consider this optionor would wish to set a pensionscheme up or your own busi-ness you would be well advised

    to look at a Salary Sacrice scheme.

    ax relie is one o the ew ways we can get reemoney rom the state and it is well worth takingull advantage o this benet. For example saving300 per month to a pension with 20% tax reliewould mean that over 25 years you would have saved112,500 at a cost o 90,000.

    Interest or growth on this additional sum over 25years can boost the saving even urther and make thediference between a comortable retirement and astruggle.

    o receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance ax Planning,produced by St. Jamess Place Wealth Management, contact Michael Edwards, Senior Partner o the St. Jamess PlacePartnership on 01285 123 456, by email [email protected] or visit www.michaeledwards.co.uk

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 11

    In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy - William Blake

    lMrtggel Invetmentl Inurncel Retirement pn


    Hadlow EdwaRds

    t:0800 652 8175e:[email protected]

    Now could be the right time to nd

    a nancial advisor who completely

    understands your nancial afairs and

    provides a highly tailored service

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    12 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    Only one kind of love lasts: unrequited Somerset Maugham

    Trace your ancestors

    THe lcal bach f th Famil Hist Scit f Chshi hl a mthl Hlp dsk

    at Wst Kib Liba a th mthl mtigs a hl i Wst Kib.

    Th Hlp dsks a hl th sc Ma f ach mth 10am 1pm. F

    th xt fw mths, th Wst Kib Liba Hlp dsks will b hl : Ma 14th

    Fba, 14th Mach, 11th Apil, 9th Ma a 6th J.Th mtigs a hl i Wstb Hall Cmmit Ct, Wstb ra,

    Wst Kiby, 2pm, o th scod Wdsdy of th moth d vid tlks o

    tpics latig t famil, lcal scial hist. Th a mtigs i Agst

    dcmb. o Wsa 9th Fba, histia Gavi Ht will talk abt

    Tht Ma a its ihabitats. o Wsa 9th Mach, Jh Bs, fm

    th Chst rc ofc, will talk abt nwspaps f Famil Histias.

    Ctact ca b ma t th Gp b mail: [email protected] Th wbsit

    is th aspics f th Famil Hist Scit f Chshi a thi wbsit is:


    MP joins a different party!

    WIrrAL Wst MP esth McVy joid with my oths t th

    Alphi Htl t shw h sppt f th Qis Chait


    esth sai: Qis Chait is a wfl chait st p b

    Haiss, Hbt Hw, i mm f his mm.

    Th chait has b gig f v as w a it simpl

    gts bigg v a.

    esth cti: Wh Hbt ask m if I wl b

    f th pats f th chait, sm v as ag, I ha hsitati i saig s immiatl. Hbt is sch a

    wodfl m, doig so mch fo so my, d tht kidss

    is ppcitd by th mb of popl who sppot him d

    his chait all a .

    Speeding nes in West Kirby

    PoLICe hv b dishig ot mo spdig tickts i Wst Kiby followig

    cmplaits fm lcals abt mtists ivig t fast thgh th tw.

    At ach Hav Sa Piit Sttig Mtig b sits a lcal cmmit

    gop mtigs d thogh mos tlpho clls d mils th mssg tht

    plic hav civ is that spig is a cc bth mai a si as i

    sitial aas.

    Hlak ighbh plicig tam gav t sv spig tickts i th spac

    f a h.

    Advice for road users

    nt kwig th sp limit f th a that a sig is t a xcs

    (Clm ra i Wst Kib is w 30mph f mst f it)

    Sp limits st th maximm sp if a i a sitial aa th

    shold cosid slowig to llow fo th xpctd, sch s child ig ito th

    a. Wstb ra a osal ra i Wst Kib a tw xampls w

    mtists iv t qickl f th sitati.

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 13

    New Years Resolution Spa Day

    Rowton Hall Country House Hotel Health Club and Spa, Whitchurch Road, Rowton, Chester CH3 6ADt- 01244335262 f 01244335464 e- [email protected] www.rowtonhall.co.uk

    To simply feel pampered in 2011

    You may choose one treatment out of each section below

    Aromatherapy Body ScrubBabor Khanya Body ScrubAnti-Aging Hand Treatment

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    Sensational Eye TreatmentBabor Introductory Facial

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    Included in this spa day is a relaxing spa light lunchand full use of health club facilities

    Also enjoy a detoxifying tea in our relaxation area

    Special New Years Price

    75.00 mon-thurs85.00fri-sun

    For all enquires please cal 01244 335262 or [email protected]


    by Jessica Nails

    Long lasting ManicureDiscover the strength of Jessica with the beauty

    of a gel polish

    File and gel polish from 20.00

    Manicure with gel polish from 35.00

    Treat someone special this valentineswith our luxury valentines offer

    Glass of Champagne and Chocolates on arrivalHot Stones Back Massage

    Babor Intorductory Facial

    60.00Gift Vouchers Availible

    If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? ~Author Unknown

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    14 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    Love is just a chocolate substitute Miranda Ingram


    We have a wide choice o

    classic and contemporarydesigns with wood, metaland glass options available.

    We ofer a convenient andafordable alternative to thedrama o having your wholestaircase demolished andreplaced. Disruption andmess are kept to a minimum.Our proessional teams cancomplete most projects in lessthan a day.

    Transorm your existing staircase withsolid oak in just 24 hoursCall James Grace today for a freeconsultation on 0161 8220030








    *Ofer valid between 1/2/2011 & 28/2/2011. Min. order 1500+ VAT.Not to be used in conjunction with any other ofer.

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2010 15

    Love is a great glue, but theres no cement like mutual hate Loise Wyse

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    Forget love - Id rather fall in chocolate! ~Sandra J. Dykes

    IAn Boumphrey has

    published his latest

    book with hudreds ofold pictures from West

    Kirby ad Hoylake.

    Yesterdays West

    Wirral Part Two is

    a pictorial history

    from 1860 -1960 of

    buildigs ad people

    i the area.

    Th bk ca b bght fm a mb f lcal shps b witig t Ia at Th

    nk, 7 Acl ra, Pt CH42 8Ld, b ph 608 7611 b mail [email protected]. y ca als visit his wbsit at www.yesterdayswirral.co.uk

    Above: The old

    Post Ofce, in Caldy,

    which had previously

    bee a pub The Hop

    Inn, a post ofce, tea

    gardens, village shop

    ad atiques shop

    ad is ow a private


    Left:The Tudor

    cinema, on Grange

    Road West Kirby,

    which closed i 1965

    Right: the car o

    the left is eterig

    Grange Road fromDee Lae i the early

    1960s. Shops icluded

    Phillips fashion store,

    Vaughan Brothers, SF

    Emmerson, EF Beddard

    ad Maiso Altorfer

    ladies hairdresser.

    The way we were

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 17

    Love and murder will out William Congreve

    With a wide variety of classes to choose from such as Nursery Class, Ballet, Tap,

    Modern Jazz, Theatre Craft, Classical Greek, Musical Theatre and Examinations


    Tuesday4.00pm Nursery Class

    4.30pm Classical Greek

    5.15pm Preparatory Ballet

    5.45pm Preparatory Tap

    Saturday10.00am Nursery Class

    10.30am Baby Ballet Class

    11.00am Preparatory Ballet

    11.30am ClassicalGreek

    12.15pm Preparatory Tap

    12.45pm Musical Theatre

    1.15pm Primary Ballet

    Only 3 a class

    Classes are held every Tuesday 4pm-6.15pm and every Saturday 10am-2pm

    We are located at The Scout Hut, Sandy Lane, Heswall CH60 5SX Member of the IDTA and CRB checked

    To book your place call Miss Francesca 0151 208 1323 or 07811 064574

    Amici School of DanceTurning

    Little Stars into

    Big Stars!

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    18 To advertise call 01244 350398 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    What the world really needs is more love and less paper work. ~Pearl Bailey

    Fund-rAISerS t big i a fth

    152,000 t s a mch-

    fbishmt is cid ot t St Bidgts

    Cmmit Ct.

    Th im is to stt wok by Jly which will

    llow th ct to b sd by so my

    m ppl i th cmmit.

    St Bidgts Commity Ct dts bck

    to 1847 wh w school ws bilt o StBigts La cls b St Bigts Chch.

    a itstig pymidl oofd bildig ws

    lt ddd which hs, sic 1892, hosd

    th Chals daws Bw Msm (with

    its collctio of histoicl stos ssocitd

    with St Bigts Chch). Ths attactiv

    sdsto bildigs w xtdd i

    1969 t th a. Th ct has pla a

    imptat l i Wst Kib f v 150

    ys d it is ow tim to look to gt

    its s f ft gatis. This is

    cssy bcs:-

    Th bilig fabic is tiatig, i

    paticla th 1969 xtsi.

    Th attactiv l sast schlms

    a msm fbishmt.

    Th ct accmmati iscomfotbl fo ss

    Th bilig s t mt m

    stdds fo ccss d sstibility

    Btt facilitis a qi f th ct

    t bt th cmmit ta a i th


    Th ct is iall plac f

    dctiol, commity d Chch s i

    Long-awaited communit

    work could start this su

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 19

    Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest Helen Rowland




    EVENTSWednesday, 2nd February

    Celts, Romans and Vikings: The

    Archaeology of Irby by Rob Philpott.

    rb Philptt, Ha f Fil Achalg at

    th ntiol Msms Livpool d joit

    tho of Mols: Th achology of th

    nth Wial Cast. A chac f rma

    ptt i a ga at Ib i th 1940s l

    to th discovy of impott d log-

    livd sttlmt sit by chologists of th

    natial Msms Livpl. o xcavatig

    i sbb gds, thy fod vidc of

    Bz Ag, I Ag a rma-Bitish,

    al Mival a Mival ccpati. rb

    will xmi th t of th sttlmts d

    th s cv b th xcavatis. St

    Bigts Chch at 7.30pm

    5th February

    Concert Junior Royal Northern College

    of Music

    Th Jio rnCM povids spcilist tiig

    fo msiclly giftd child btw th gs

    of 8 d 18 ys tvllig fom f d wid

    acss nth egla. Th rnCM hsts

    gt tlt d mmbs c lso b fod

    pfomig i th ntiol Yoth Ochst,

    th ntiol Childs Ochst, th ntiol

    Yoth Bss Bd d ntiol Yoth Choi s

    wll s tiol d locl msic comptitios

    sch s th BBC Yog Msici d Yog

    Cmps Awas.

    St Bigts Chch at 7.30. Tickts 10

    alts, 8 ccssis a chil 4

    iclig fshmts. Tickts fm

    Pipdms, Bks rod, Wst Kiby o

    ewa ewas 632 -2346.

    th ttctiv old villg of Wst Kiby

    Th is pttial f gat s f

    dctiol ctivitis, commity gops,

    msicl vts, ptis, wddigs d

    fmily occsios d dvlopmt of

    Wst Kibs littl sct th Chals

    daws Bw msm

    Th msm s hacmt t

    sv s vlbl locl histoy dcatial ct.

    Th dvlopmt ims to bild th

    1969 xtsio d fbish th old

    sdsto bildigs to high stdd

    d with mtils tht complmt its

    ttctiv sttig i th Wst Kiby Old

    Villag Csvati Aa. This will

    icld lg mi hll, impovd

    ccss fo th disbld, ccssibl

    toilts, btt stog, ctl htig,sstibl gy svig fts,

    hcd kitch d xpdd

    msm. A 3 d pla f th w ct

    showig ll th ooms d thi ss is

    shw blw.

    Fd-isig sttd i Octob 2006

    a t at a wfl 818,000 has

    b ais lavig a fth 152,000

    to b isd to bl th dvlopmt

    t g aha i Jl 2011. dtails ffothcomig vts icldd i this


    If ca hlp with atis pt s

    i toch with tsts d gt gcis

    tht my b bl to hlp s, pls

    ctact Phil Pic 625-7959 wit t

    him at Th Paish ofc, rct ra,

    Wst Kib, Wial. CH48 7HL. F m

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    ty centre


  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    20 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com

    Fiction: Trespass- Rose Tremain

    I a silt vall i sth Fac stas a islat

    st famhs. Its w, Aam Ll, is a

    alchlic hat b his vilt past. His sist, A,

    lo i h bglow withi sight of th fmhos

    , dms of xtctig tibtio fo th spok

    btaals which hav blight h lif. It this wl

    coms athoy Vy, wlthy bt disillsiod

    tiqs dl fom Lodo, skig to mk his lif

    i Fac. Fm th mmt h aivs a fightiga stppabl sis f vts is st i mti. I

    wt tll m as I t wat t spil it f !

    Btiflly witt with som vy htig momts

    this is wodfl pict of spcil plc d som

    f th ppl wh liv th. Lglist f last as

    Bk piz, a fatastic vl b a gatl lv wit.

    Stgl cmm f Bk Clbs.

    Travel Biography: The Great Explorers - Robin Hanbury-Tenison

    It has alwas b makis gift ( cs) t b iqisitiv, a thght thgs cti popl hv b ispid to xplo th limits of th wold kow to

    thm- a b. Ths ppl chag pcpti f sigs thgh

    thi cags avts. Bt what v sch gat xpls t vt it

    kow d fogivig lds, fcig lmost imgibl chllgs d iskig

    ath? I this sis f bigaphis th stis f 40 xpls a scib, thi

    livs val a thi mtivs a passis xami. each chapt is witt b

    distigishd tvl wit, bodcst o histoi who hs spcil itst i

    th chaact th a itcig. Th bk is stigl illstat with batifl

    pitigs, photogphs, gvigs d mps so w c xpic th dvts

    thgh thi w s a i thi w ws. A billiat pst f a wh

    lvs t tavl.

    Teen Fiction: Revolution- Jennifer Donnelly

    This is Jif dlls sc vl f g alts: h st, Th Gathig

    Light, wo th Cgi mdl d ws o of th oigil richd d Jdy TV

    Bk Clb slct bks. Patl st i pst a nw yk a patl i Pais at

    th tim of th Fch voltio, this is th omtic, ttly gossig stoy of

    two gils, two boys d th ht-wchig thd tht bids thm togth coss

    th ctis. What maks th bk s aabl is th fact that i spit f big 200

    as aapat th tw his hav th sam fligs a stggls. Btt witt

    tha ma ctmpa tag vls, t with a thghl absbig plt.

    BooK reVIeWS:


    Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another. ~Henry Louis Mencken

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    West Coast magazine February 2011 21

    Marriage is just the rst step towards divorce Zsa Zsa Gabor

    SkinFirstThe gentlerway to hold back time


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    We can offer the latest and safest, state-of-

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  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011


    22 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E [email protected] W www.westkirbylocal.com



    One dark misty ight i 1966, I wasdrivig to th south of eglad wh aglac i th rar viw mirror rvalda tiy slk sports car catchig m up,quickly. nxt momt it was passd adgo. That xpric lft m witha strag combiatio of

    fligs Iv vrquit forgott.

    Half of m wascovtig thlittl car,th othrhalf wasthikig,Thatlooksscary,

    such wasmy rstcoutrwith th 2 litrTriumph GT6.

    Ubkow to m th,latr i lif I was goig to hava lot mor to do with ths littl cars. 22yars latr i fact, wh my so bought ablack o ad shortly aftr that I mt Bob

    Barto, who startd Triumph Apprciatiowith m, Bob had a yllow o. This mothw ar lookig at Ady Todds magtaGT6...which is prhaps v mor scarythan the one I rst encountered. Why isthat? Bcaus Ady has swappd th 2 litrsix for a 2.5 litr six ad w all kow whatbig gis do i small cars.

    Ady bought his car i 1994 shortly aftritd had a comprhsiv rstoratio toits bodywork by David evas of nsto.Ovr th followig yars Ady mticulously

    rbuilt th 2 litr gi ad th frot adrar suspsio, Ady always liks it whthigs both look good ad work wll.

    I 2004 Ady dcidd to larg thgi to 2,500cc. This ca actually b

    do i th sam gi blockby istallig a logr

    strok crakshaft ada diffrt st ofpistos. To gt

    th most out ofth w st upAdy carfullychos thcamshaft,carburttorsad dlsfor bst

    ruig. Stilli sarch of

    improvmt,thr yars latr,

    he tted an electronicigitio systm which

    can ne-tune itself to thegi momt by momt. This, h says,brigs a tirly w lvl of smoothssto a alrady swt gi ad is th bst

    modication he has made.Rgular maitac has surd th car

    is vry rliabl for both log rus ad dayto day us wh ds must. Ady sumsit up by sayig th car is Vry joyabl,diffrt ad gts lots of atttio. Thrar thr GT6 i our club at th momtad o glac at th pictur says it all!

    Dave Evenett, Chairman Triumph

    [email protected]


    Small Car + Big EnginE

    = loadSafun

    Never marry for money. Divorce for money Wendy Liebman

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011





    West Coast magazine February 2011 23

    Friday 4th February

    Aft th lg at thi smm cct Lik a Hica hav ag t appa fFis f Asht Pak at Wstb Hall, Wstb Hall, Wst Kib. Tickts a

    availabl fm Th Wavl, Baks ra a fm 0151 625 6184. ds p 7 pm.

    Lics ba.

    Sunday 6th February

    Hlp this Hathla Thstast Cmm, 1pm 3.30pm,. Cm a hlp cla

    ivaig scb this imptat hathla sit. Mt: Thstast Hill ca pak ff

    Tlgaph ra. Glvs a tls pvi. Sitabl clthig a ftwa. Big a

    pack lch. n t bk. Tl: 0151 677 7594.

    Saturday 12th February

    A evig f Swig & Big Ba Msic i ai f th rlw Pjct, i Sth Afica,

    fatig Wial Schls Big Ba stag at Hswall Hall, Tlgaph r, Hswall,

    7.30pm. F tails a tickts ctact: Gill Campbll (0151 632 2463) Cia

    Thmps (0151 632 0024).

    Wednesday 16th February

    nth Wial Castal Pak Task da, 10am 3pm. Hlp th rag a th Fis f

    noth Wil Costl Pk dtk som pcticl viomtl cosvtio wok

    withi this 200 ac awa wiig Pak. Bkig sstial. Tl: 0151 678 5488 mail [email protected]

    Wednesday 23rd February

    Cmmit t platig, 11- 4pm, Gag Pak. Platig w ts a pig

    2-a l fit ts. Icls lch with hm ma ba.

    Wednesday 23rd February

    Cmmit ba-makig sssi - 10.30am, Sct Ht, Gag Pak. Cm a

    hv go t bd mkig, tk som hom, d bk som to sh fo lch with

    th t plats.

    Thursday 24th February

    Whats that Bi? 10.30am 12.30pm. discv what bi is wh this wit

    bi watch at r Pak. S gs. Sitabl clthig & ftwa. n t

    bk. Mt rags ofc, r Pak. Tl: 0151 677 7594.

    Sunday 27th February

    Hlp this Hathla Thstast Cmm, 1pm 3.30pm. Cm a hlp cla

    ivaig scb this imptat hathla sit. Mt: Thstast Hill ca pak ff

    Tlgaph ra. Glvs a tls pvi. Sitabl clthig a ftwa. Big apack lch. n t bk. Tl: 0151 677 7594.

    Before I met my husband, Id never fallen in love. Id stepped in it a few times. ~Rita Rudner

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011





    Church o the Resurrection and All

    Saints, Caldy; St Bridgets Church

    Tel 0151 625 5229.


    Riverway Christian Fellowship

    86 Grange Rd.West Kirby.Tel. 0151 605

    1872. www.riverway.org.uk

    St Agnes RC Church

    16 Darmons Green, WK, 0151 625 6367

    St Andrews Church

    Graham Road, West Kirby 632 4728.www.achurchnearyou.com

    St. Michael & All Angels Parish Church,

    Frankby Road, Newton, West Kirby. Tel. 625

    8517. www.stmichaelsnewton.org.uk

    West Kirby Methodist Church

    Westbourne Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 2776

    West Kirby United Reormed Church

    Meols Drive, West Kirby. Tel 632 6921

    Community CentresHoylake Community Centre, 2 Hoyle

    Road, Hoylake, CH47 3AG. Tel 632 2889

    Email: [email protected]

    W: www.hoylakecommunitycentre.org


    Banks House Dental Practice

    143 Banks Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 6829.


    West Kirby Health CentreThe Concourse, Grange Road, West Kirby.

    Tel: 625 9171 www.wkhcwirral.nhs.uk

    Sandstone Medical Centre

    161 Banks Road, West Kirby.

    Tel : 625 6128


    Arrowe Park Hospital

    Arrowe Park Road, Upton. Tel 678 5111

    Hoylake Cottage Residential Home

    Birkenhead Road, Hoylake. Tel 632 3381

    Leisure Centre

    West Kirby Concourse, includes 25m pool,

    sports hall, tness suite, aerobics studio,

    unction rooms and crche. Tel 929 7801


    Wilsons Chemist, 17 The Crescent, West

    Kirby. Tel: 625 6115


    999 Emergency. I you wish to contact

    Merseyside Police regarding any other non

    emergency issue please Telephone - 709

    6010 or visit www.merseyside.police.ukTourist

    West Kirby Marine Lake

    Tel 625 2510

    Wirral Country Park

    Thurstaston. Tel 648 4371


    Acorn Veterinary Centre

    15-17-Acacia Grove, West Kirby.

    Tel 625 9916Wirral Council

    General Enquiries (Switchboard): 0151 606

    2000 or visit www.wirral.gov.uk



    Esther McVey (Conservative)

    The Parade, Hoylake Community Centre

    Hoyle Road, Hoylake. Tel 632 4348

    Local Councillors

    Cllr David M Elderton

    (Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston)

    Tel: 632 3195. Email: davidelderton@wirral.


    Cllr Jef Green

    (Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston)

    Tel: 648 5913 / Mobile: 07766 725 125.

    Email: [email protected]

    Cllr Geofrey Watt

    (Con, West Kirby and Thurstaston)Tel: 625 3941. E: [email protected]

    Useul numbers and ino

    Better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall David Chambless

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011





    Black Horse Hill Inant School

    Saughall Massie Road West Kirby, 625 5238,E-mail: [email protected]

    Black Horse Hill Junior School

    Saughall Massie Road. West Kirby, 625 8446

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Calday Grange Grammar School, Grammar

    School Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 2727

    Email: [email protected]

    Hilbre High School Humanities College

    Frankby Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5996West Kirby Primary School & Nursery

    Anglesey Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5561 or

    visit www.westkirby-primary.wirral.sch.uk

    West Kirby Grammar School

    Graham Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3449. Visit


    St. Bridgets School

    St. Bridgets Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 7652.

    E-mail - [email protected] and Societies

    AC Hoylake Junior Football Club

    Over 200 players aged 6-15. Call Paul

    Williams on 0781 7684682. www.achoylake.com

    Caldy Cricket Club

    Paton Field, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston. Tel

    6258043. E-mail: [email protected]

    Calday Grange Swimming Pool Trust

    Tel Jean Robb / Hillary 625 2619Caldy Rugby Club

    Tel: 0151 625 8043 www.caldyrugby.co.uk

    Girlguiding Newton District

    Rainbows (5+), Brownies (7+), Guides (10+),

    Young Leaders (14+) and Adult volunteers

    (18+). Meetings on various nights in term

    time. e-mail: [email protected], or

    phone 625 5602

    Gymnastics Club(West Kirby). Tel 670 0694 or visit


    Hoylake Flower Club

    Meet at Melrose Hall, Hoylake on the 3rd

    Tuesday o the month. Doors open 7.15pm.Demonstrations by NAFAS demonstrators.

    Hoylake Lawn Tennis Club

    Eddisbury Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3491

    Lions Club o West Kirby


    Grange Probus Club (West Wirral)

    We meet monthly, on the rst Wednesday o

    each month, or Lunch at Heatherlands and

    run day and short break trips. New Memberswelcome. Contact Peter Bale on 334-3965.

    Probus Club o West Kirby

    The club or ormer proessional and

    business people. Call 648 6141.

    Rotary Club o Hoylake & West Kirby

    Tel 625 3484

    Senior Swimmers

    Open to anyone over 50, or serious or

    light exercise, at Calday Grange SwimmingPool every Friday morning Tel. 342 3703

    Soroptimist International o Hoylake and

    West Kirby Tel 632 4602

    West Kirby Football Club

    Greenbank Road, West Kirby.

    Visit www.westkirbyc.org

    West Kirby Sailing Club

    Sandy Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 5579 or visit


    West Kirby Wasps Junior FC


    West Kirby Panthers Junior FC

    Calday Grange Grammar School,

    www.westkirbypanthers.com Tel 625 0116

    Wirral Embroiderers Guild

    The guild meet in the Birkenhead Art

    Gallery, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, on the third

    Thursday in the Month at 7.15pm. Everyone

    welcome www.embroiderersguild.com

    I wouldnt want any woman whod have me as a husband Mark Lamarr

  • 8/7/2019 West Coast Feb 2011





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    When a man is in love or in debt, someone else has the advantage - Bill Balance

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    Tel 342 6299The Depot,

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    Hadyma Service

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    Glaze-rite: Mistd its

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    If I gave my heart to you... Id have none and youd have two Paul Hogan

    DirectoryTo advertise in this section

    for as little as 16 a month

    call 01244 512251

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