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West Noble School Corporation School Board Minutes …westnoble.k12.in.us/PDFs/corp/board...

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the Board Conference Room of the Corporation Office. Board members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas, Kathy Hagen and Travis Stohlman. 1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register. 2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Mast lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented. 4. Election of Board Officers Mr. Moore asked for nominations for President. Donna Schwartz nominated Todd Moore for President and Travis Stohlman seconded the nomination. Mr. Moore closed the nominations. Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Mr. Moore asked for nominations for Vice-President. Donna Schwartz nominated Joe Hutsell for Vice President and Mr. Moore closed the nominations . Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Mr. Moore asked for nominations for Secretary. Kathy Hagen nominated Dave Peterson as Secretary and Travis Stohlman seconded the nomination. Mr. Moore closed the nominations. Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 5. 2018 Appointments - Mr. Mast recommended a list of appointments for 2018 (see attached). Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the appointments as presented. Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 6. Conflict of Interest Forms - Mr. Mast presented a list of individuals needing a Conflict of Interest form filed. Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the forms. Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 7. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Mr. Moore asked for a motion. Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 8. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted. Mr. Moore asked for a motion. Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 7-0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 9. Other Business/Reports a. Discussion on Parent and Community Liaison will happen at a later date. 10. Board Member & Administrator Comments - None commented. 11. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn at 7:13 pm. Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 7 - 0 T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Approved: January 22, 2018 School Board Minutes West Noble School Corporation Monday, January 8, 2018
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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the Board Conference Room of the Corporation Office. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas, Kathy Hagen

and Travis Stohlman.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Mast lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Election of Board Officers

Mr. Moore asked for nominations for President. Donna Schwartz nominated Todd Moore for President

and Travis Stohlman seconded the nomination. Mr. Moore closed the nominations.

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Mr. Moore asked for nominations for Vice-President. Donna Schwartz nominated Joe Hutsell for Vice President

and Mr. Moore closed the nominations .

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Mr. Moore asked for nominations for Secretary. Kathy Hagen nominated Dave Peterson as Secretary and

Travis Stohlman seconded the nomination. Mr. Moore closed the nominations.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. 2018 Appointments - Mr. Mast recommended a list of appointments for 2018 (see attached). Mr. Moore asked

for a motion approving the appointments as presented.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6. Conflict of Interest Forms - Mr. Mast presented a list of individuals needing a Conflict of Interest form filed.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the forms.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

8. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

9. Other Business/Reports

a. Discussion on Parent and Community Liaison will happen at a later date.

10. Board Member & Administrator Comments - None commented.

11. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn at 7:13 pm.

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 7 - 0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: January 22, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, January 8, 2018

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Personnel Agenda January 8, 2018


A. Cheryl Mangus – effective January 1, 2018


A. Nancy Naylor – Payroll Specialist - effective 02/05/2018


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2018 Appointments


First Board Meeting of New Calendar:

Corporation Treasurer – Barbara Fought

Corporation Deputy Treasurer –

Recording Secretary – Barbara Fought

West Noble High School Athletic Council Liaison – Dave Peterson

ISBA Legislative Liaison – Travis Stohlman

Ligonier Redevelopment Commission – Joe Hutsell

Cromwell Redevelopment Commission – Joe Hutsell

Wellness Committee – Christine Mershman

School Attorney – Jack Birch

Board of Finance – All Board Members (must have annual meeting by January 31)

Conflict of Interest

Brian Shepherd Mark Yoder Joshua Vargas

David Peterson Joe Hutsell Kathy Hagen

Donna S. Culp

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the Board Conference Room of the Corporation Office. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas, Kathy Hagen

and Travis Stohlman.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Mast lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Board of Finance Meeting

Mr. Moore called to order the meeting of the Board of Finance. Barbara Fought, Treasurer, reported on interest earned

by the School Corporation in 2017 (see attached). Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the Finance Report.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Mr. Moore asked for a motion to close the Board of Finance meeting.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked that B, C, and D under Other be tabled and asked for a motion on remainder.

Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Dr. Baker announced that Draven Rasler won his wrestling weight class in NECC competition.

b. Candice Holbrook, Curriculum Director, updated board members on the Dual Language program.

8. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn at 7:10 pm.

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 7 - 0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: February 13, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, January 22, 2018

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Personnel Agenda January 22, 2018

Service Agreement

A. John Marano – Home Bound Tutor - $32.50 B. Charles Grady – Home Bound Tutoring - $32.50 C. Haley Richardson – 8th Grade Girls Basketball - $1,813.00 D. Ashley Shepherd – 7th Grade Girls Basketball - $1,813.00 E. Brad Lantz – 6th Grade Girls Basketball - $1,050.00 F. Julie Replogle – M.S. Gymnastics Head Coach - $1,211.00* G. Kennedy Weimer – M.S. Gymnastics Asst. Coach - $826.00* H. Tom Marsh – M.S. Wrestling Head Coach - $1,292.00* I. Wes Weimer – M.S. Wrestling Asst. Coach - $826.00*


A. Nancy Naylor - $15.25 per hour as Payroll Specialist B. Karen Sensibaugh - $100 stipend for each payroll processed Tabled C. Ben Shaw - $401.00 Performance stipend to be paid from General Fund Tabled D. Michelle Eichorst - $401.00 Performance stipend to be paid from General Fund Tabled E. Tracy Pelfrey – H.S. Custodian – $11.00 per hour - Transfer from StaffMark F. Veronica Ibarra – M.S Food Service - $9.00 per hour – Transfer from StaffMark


A. Amanda Herrera – M.S. Cheerleading B. Eric Tierney – M.S. Wrestling* C. Victor Guerrero - M.S. Wrestling* D. Oscar Reyes – M.S. Wrestling


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West Noble School Corporation

Report to Board of Finance

2017 Investments

January 22, 2018

General Fund

Lake City Bank (Checking) 3,290.09

Health Insurance Fund

Campbell & Fetter Bank (Checking) 3,225.84

Total Interest Earned 6,515.93

Interest Earned

H:\Financial Records\2018 Financial Records\Board of Finance Report.xlsx

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the Board Conference Room of the Corporation Office. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Kathy Hagen, and Travis Stohlman.

Absent was Joshua Vargas.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Mast lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked that E under Other be removed and for a motion approving the remainder.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Item E under Other was discussed. Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving Item E.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Kathy Hagen Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6. Other Business/Reports

a. Lilly Grant Report - Candice Holbrook, Curriculum Director, shared with board members the plans

for the use of the Lilly Grant awarded to West Noble School Corporation.

7. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Mr. Yoder announced that 9 students are advancing to the Regional Science Fair.

b. Superintendent Mast shared the membership certificate issued by the Indiana School Boards Association.

c. Dave Peterson stated that he would like to see the extra-curricular schedule to be reviewed and

adjusted if needed.

8. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn at 7:44 pm.

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved February 26, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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Personnel Agenda February 13, 2018


A. Cheryl Watts – Instructional Assistant – 25 years of Service – effective 5/31/2018


A. Darcy Fish – West Noble Primary LLI Assistant


A. Sonya Quezada Landeros – Secretary/Extra-Curricular Treasurer - WNP B. Timothy Howard – Maintenance - $16.25 per hour

Service Agreement

A. Brian Macias – Additional Assistant Boys Soccer Coach17/18 Season - $1,211 B. Tom Schermerhorn – Junior Class Concession Sponsor - $1,529 C. JoNel Kurtz – HS Musical Accompanist - $350 D. Shonda Pfenning – Home Bound Tutor - $32.50/hr E. Tammi Hicks – Home Bound Tutoring - $35.00/hr


A. Karen Sensibaugh – Stipend of $100 for each payroll processed (approx 7-8) B. Ben Shaw - Performance stipend to be paid from General Fund C. Michelle Eichorst - Performance stipend to be paid from General Fund D. Bev Huntsman – Appointment to Noble County Library Board effective 4/15/2018 E. Pep Band Extra-Curricular Assignment – $1,754 effective 17/18 school year F. Sherise DeLong – H.S. Food Service – 5.5 hrs/day - StaffMark


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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the library at West Noble Elementary. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Donna Schwartz, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas,

and Travis Stohlman. Absent was Kathy Hagen.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Mast lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Greg Baker shared the wrestling accomplishments of Draven Rasler and Isaac Weimer. Mr. Mark Yoder

introduced the students who will be competing at the Regional Science Fair.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. James Miller asked the procedure on being placed on the

agenda for a board meeting. Mr. Mast responded that he should receive the request.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 5-0-1

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Abstained Yea Yea Yea

6. Other Business/Reports

a. Mr. Mast presented calendars for the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 school years for discussion.

7. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Mr. Yoder shared that the ISTEP testing is going well.

8. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved March 12, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, February 26, 2018

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Personnel Agenda February 26, 2018


A. Marc Daniel – H.S. Head Girls Golf Coach – 18/19 School Year

Service Agreement

A. Michael Engler – H.S. Counselor - 40 Extended Hours - $1,591 B. Charles Grady – H.S. Asst. Girls Track Coach - $1,773 C. Richard Click* – H.S. Head Softball Coach - $3,382 D. Molly Marsh* – H.S. Asst. Softball Coach - $2,015 E. David Shields* – H.S. Asst. Baseball Coach - $2,015


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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the library at West Noble Middle School. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Donna Schwartz, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas,

Kathy Hagen, and Travis Stohlman.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Donat, Social Studies and Math Teacher at

WNMS, lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Melanie Tijerina, Principal of WNMS, introduced

teachers Ashley Libben and Danielle Long, who shared information on their students displayed projects.

Mrs. Tijerina also shared the proposed new class offerings for the 18/19 school year.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast asked that the February 26, 2018, minutes be tabled and recommended

the approval of the remainder of the Consent Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6.Calendars for 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 School Years - Mr. Mast recommended the

approval of the school calendars as submitted.

Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 5-2

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Nay Yea

7. Other Business/Reports

a. Board members reviewed the General Fund Cash Flow for February.

b. Board members were given the proposed 2019 budget calendar for their review.

8. Mr. Mast asked if there was a need for the April 9, 2018, board meeting. After discussion, Mr. Moore asked for a

motion canceling the April 9, 2018 board meeting.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Nay Yea

9. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Questions were asked about the Sunday basketball league.

10. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved March 26, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, March 12, 2018

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Personnel Agenda March 12, 2018


A. Miranda Clouse – WNE Title I Instructional Asst. B. Kaija Kauffman – HS – Extra-Curricular Treasurer - End of 17/18 Contract

Leave of Absence

A. Rosealina Ruvalcaba – HS Program Assistant – through 4/9/18 (approx)


A. Esmeralda Ibarra – WNP Instructional Assistant - $9.00 per hour

Service Agreement

A. Michael Engler – HS Spring Season Asst. Athletic Director - $1,561.00 B. John Marano – HS Girls Asst. Track Coach - $1,773.00

Volunteers A. Kyley Marano – HS Girls Track B. James R. Franklin – HS Softball


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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the library at West Noble Primary School. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Donna Schwartz, Joe Hutsell, Joshua Vargas,

Kathy Hagen, and Travis Stohlman.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Mr. Elias Rojas, Dual Language Immersion teacher at

West Noble Primary, lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Presentation on Dual Language Program - Candice Holbrook, Curriculum Director, introduced Elias Rojas, DLI teacher.

Mr. Rojas shared with board members the what his students experience in a day. Several parents also shared

their experience with the DLI program.

5 Rainy Day Expenditures - Barbara Fought, Treasurer, asked that $40, 245 dollars be expended from the Rainy Fund to cover

the expense of the new water softener ($19,245) at West Noble High School and legal expense of approximately $21,000

from a Title VII case. Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast made the recommendation that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Josh Vargas Vote: 6-1

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

8. Other Business/Reports

a. Jim Best, Transportation Director, shared with board members that he is considering having seat belts installed in

the buses to be purchased in 2018.

b. Board members reviewed the Club One basketball program. Jim Best, Boys Basketball Athletic Director,

head coach, Tom Schermerhorn, High School Athletic Director and Gene Teel, Middle School Athletic Director,

answered Board members questions.

9. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Joe Hutsell commended the Guidance departments on their hard work in scheduling the 18/19 school year classes.

10. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 7-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: April 23, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, March 26, 2018

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the main gym at West Noble High School. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Donna Schwartz, Joe Hutsell, Kathy Hagen,

and Travis Stohlman. Joshua Vargas was absent.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Dr. Baker, Principal at West Noble High School,

and Theatre 33 students, lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast made the recommendation that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 5-1

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea

6. School Bus Purchase - Barbara Fought, Treasurer, recommended the approval of purchasing 3 84 passenger buses

for $91,001.00 each and 1 activity bus for $59,384 in accordance with the 2018 Bus Replacement Plan. Mr. Moore

asked for a motion.

Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Travis Stohlman Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. Other Business/Reports

a. First Reading of Board Policy #41190 Supplemental Payment for Masters Degree was tabled.

b. Board members reviewed the General Fund Cash Flow report and the First Quarter Appropriation Report.

c. A discussion was held on the need of an additional activity bus, as well as the process

to amend the Bus Replacement Plan.

8. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Dr. Baker shared that West Noble High School will administer the SAT in late April.

b. Candice Holbrook, Curriculum Director, reported to board members on the Dual Language Trip to Utah.

9. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: May 14, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, April 23, 2018

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the board conference room of the Central Office. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Kathy Hagen, Joshua Vargas,

and Travis Stohlman. Donna Schwartz was absent.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - Superintendent Mast led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast made the recommendation to approve the Consent Agenda with a correction. Barbara

Fought, Treasurer, requested that claims from April 19, 2018, claims be removed from the claim list due to duplication.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation, with the removal of the April 19th claims.

Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea

6. Bus Replacement Plan Amendment - Mr. Mast shared with board members the need to

amend the 2018 Bus Replacement Plan to replace a bus early due to high repair costs. The replacement bus will be

an activity bus. After discussion, Mr. Moore asked for a motion to amend the 2018 Bus Replacement Plan.

Motion By: Dave Peterson Seconded By: Kathy Hagen Vote: 5-1

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. School Lunch Management Program - Mr. Mast shared that the school lunch management program, Horizon, is

unable to meet the reporting needs for the State of Indiana and USDA. Mr. Mast recommended that for the 18/19

school year, the school lunch year, the school lunch management program be changed to Meals Plus. Meals Plus will

meet the reporting requirements and integrate with the student information system used by West Noble

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 5-1

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea

8. Other Business/Reports

a. Candice Holbrook, Curriculum Director, updated board members on how Achieve 3000 is being

used by students.

b. Board members reviewed the dates, times and staffing needs for Summer School.

c. Mr. Mast informed board members that the pay for bus drivers is being re-structured and that the flow of the

bussing is being reviewed.

d. Mrs. Holbrook presented textbooks to be adopted for the 18/19 school year. Mr. Moore asked for a motion

adopting the textbooks.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Kathy Hagen Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

e. Board members reviewed the General Fund Cash Flow worksheet for April.

f. Mr. Moore appointed Joe Hutsell to be the voting representative for West Noble School Corporation at the REMC

annual meeting.

g. Tom Schermerhorn, WNHS Athletic Director, shared with board members the condition of the lights at the football

field. The lights are over 50 years old and need replacing.

h. First reading was held on new courses for middle school students.


School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, May 14, 2018

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Page 2May 14, 2018

8. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Mr. Mast informed board members that the reviewing of policies for NEOLA is close to being completed.

9. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Kathy Hagen Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: May 29, 2018

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The West Noble School Board of Education met in the board conference room of the Central Office. Board

members in attendance were Todd Moore, Dave Peterson, Joe Hutsell, Donna Schwartz, Joshua Vargas,

and Travis Stohlman. Kathy Hagen was absent.

1. Call to Order - Mr. Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked all visitors to register.

2. Pledge of Allegiance & Spotlight on Success - The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by the high school students

who went to Washington, D.C. on the Close Up trip. The students also shared their experience with board members.

3. Public Comments & Invitation to Members of the Audience to Speak to Items on the Agenda - Mr. Moore

asked if any individual wanted to address the Board. None commented.

4. Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast made the recommendation to approve the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation as presented.

Motion By: Joshua Vargas Seconded By: Joe Hutsell Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

5. Personnel Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Personnel Agenda as submitted.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion.

Motion By: Travis Stohlman Seconded By: Joshua Vargas Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

6. School Lunch 18/19 SY Consent Agenda - Mr. Mast recommended the approval of the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Moore asked for a motion approving the recommendation as presented.

Motion By: Joe Hutsell Seconded By: Donna Schwartz Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

7. Other Business/Reports

a. Jan Lehman, Technology Director, updated board members on summer 2018 projects, as well as completed

projects. Mrs. Lehman also shared that grade 1 will be 1:1 for the 18/19 school year and how many devices are used


b. First reading was held on student handbooks for the 2018/2019 school year.

c. First Reading was held on the textbook rental for digital devices.

d. Superintendent Mast shared with board members that the review of the board policies prepared by Neola

is complete.

8. Board Member & Administrator Comments

a. Dr. Baker asked which board members were attending graduation and all will be in attendance.

9. Adjournment - Mr. Moore asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion By: Donna Schwartz Seconded By: Dave Peterson Vote: 6-0

T. Moore J. Hutsell D. Peterson K. Hagen D. Schwartz T. Stohlman J. Vargas

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Approved: June 11, 2018

School Board Minutes

West Noble School Corporation

Monday, May 29, 2018

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