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WESTERLY R I I The I · not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5-Havmg p edestmated...

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a conse entIOus h\IJIl,Lpl'(lfeElsol' of I stlan pIety yet degrade hImself to such buslDess and ID hIS: peart ::Ind hiS tongue condemns who do See says he these so called qihnsHans They pI etend to be ! ghteous With the llghteousness of hrlSt and yet they ale helplDg to pf(ldu,c-II ebase and accOIdmg to the BIble to damn those for whose holmess (u.,ot.lu\IIJesus hved and dled Jesus would t.h'.r .... 11 not own them I have mOl e of hiS 0;,,,."'-1 righteousness tban tbey: I want none of theIr religIOn Sur ely 'k buslDess that thus dishonors Chllstl IS most unchrIstIan SQstalDed Try It and see" Tile true gemua of ChrIstIanity says Let ours also learn to mam tam goOr1uorks for necessary uses Thus far we doubtle8s all agr.ee Indeed thIs hllll beel;! so long settled :aolong almost all good men 10 thIs WESTERLY R I 4rg:umlent may seem been already provIded by the last I You say The unr)e<ed!id.j b t It has General Conference It ordalDed genen.ted at converSlOn a Hebrew word slgnifymg knowl edge seraphIm IS another word of the same language and Blgmfies flaine Whence It is supposed that the chm ublm are angels who .excel m knowledge and that the seraphim are angels lIkeWise wllo excel In lov their plans fOi the ensumg year We hope thIS subJect may have a fair heanng among them all and some measures be taken to ascerta n the or faIlure of Impart ng our Chnstlamty to the poor at our own doors it least as cheaply as we give sake of com I that the baptIZed ch ldlen of the bodv!lot the lesurrectlOn a log cal de church shall be orgamzed mto classes I stand you to use the legenm folIo All wltb sn table leaders (male or female) ate as mterchangeable w th the hab t of and m due tIme be enrolled on the word <Iborn agam and yon speak hst of plobat oners and admitted of the- mmd as a part of the man mto full membersblp and the body as another part Then when the mmd IS regenerated or born agrun the man IS one half re and one half nOrone half fforn agam and one half not mg God I hope then 1 saId the 1 ttle boy when I die r shall be a to tne MICroneSIans the Burmese the people of Ahmednuggar s seraph for I would Jathe1110ve God than kuow all thmgs I I SINGING BY 8 aONGRE agam Such are the absurd Itles of matenal sm The figure records Its testImony agamst It UUl versar expenence rejects It common A m tM nfestern It IS very sad to hear men swear an thus descnbes the s ngmg as he It IS sadder Still to bear lIttle boys heard It recently, of Spurgeon s con sense repud ates It But'" you say that you admIt my view as to the subject of the second bIrth whICh IS that the sp r t of an f8 the subject You say the 18 given' V am glad that you ac cept my VIews on the first qUestlOn But brother that questlOn half set- tles the 21!eond one Whe I are God Jl d ldre I Born when they he come chlldren But are the dlSCI mples chUdlen IIas the Lord any ch Idren Gal 4 31- Weare not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5- Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5- WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1 Peter 1 14- AB obedIent chi! dren" 1 John 3 10- In thlS ale the !lnildren of God manifested See Rom 8 16 7 8 2G Now b other are they eh Idlen Without be ng born' BQt what do the ScnptUies say' John 3 3- Except a man be born of water and of the 6p r t he can not enter mto the kmgdom of God There IS nothmg Isald of hl,S bemg borll' of the grave as matenal sm won!d bave It 1 Peter 1 23- Be 109 born agam not of cor uptlble seed but of mCOrI uptlble 1 John 3 '9- Eve y one that loveth IS boJin of God 4 7- He that doett righteousness s born of h m 1 Pater:2 2- AS new born babes desIte the s ncere m lk of the Word Thll/l I lead out lof the Scr ptures There was once a man m a coach gregatlOn :tondon who swore very mnch Some one of The hymn was read entIrely the men m the coach said at last through and verse was read My good S I you will much please before It was sung The smgmg the company if you wIll only swear was started-not led-by a m Hebrew The man fJ1t at once who stood beSIde Jllr that he was domg wrong ceased welcomed the famIlIar to sweln' altogether I Hillttlrfd the But I Wish now to tell you of an several __ other case A young man was WO""K I smgmg It very bad words A kmd good man silence by the manner m came up to him and said audIence took possesslOn of the A -What wages does Satan allow 'the most powerful 0 gan If you for sweanng young Dlan' had been any tbIDg of theokmd B-What do you mean' not have led them sec A -I mean what I hymn was annonnced to be have h gh or low wages Lov r Qj my Soul The B -I don t get any wages er said Let us s ng thIS preCIOUS A -From the mannel1 lD which hymn softly to the tune of Pleyel8 you pour out oaths your wages must Hymn When the first verse had be very hIgh been sung and after he had read the B -Well they a e not second he sa d S ng It softly A So I see and allow me to ten With a countenance uplifted and you that you work cheap very cheap beammg With fervor hIS book lD cheaper than anl' person 11 ever liearfl both hands keepmg time lDvoluntan of I never knew any bne haVIng ly to the mUSIC lie sang With the such mise able wages for so much congregatIOn When he had read work the th rd verse he saId You do B -Thew IS somethmg m what not s ng It softly enough you say and I wll1- smg It !Wftly It was as A -Yes-yes-thele IS somethmg some m ghty hand had dalffioied -cbeap work cheap work 1 tell you tbe waters of the Falls of Just look-you lay aSide the lea\ ng a thm sheet to creep ter of a '" ell bred man and between two fingers and make man you lDJure the feel ngs sweet mUSIC In Its great lap best fuends and m fact mto the g Elat bas n to all CIVil people who when lie had read the <"_ .. ,, ... , swear you d shonor the verse, he sa d Now f we feel your Jl'Iaker and run the nSH: of we Will SlDg It With all om souls h applied Ing your pr celess soul and all Let us SlDg It w th all our mrght Fo c S bbutl Rcco 1 the condemnatIOn hf )iour doctr ne ETERNAL LIFE WHEN GIVEN 7 NoJ one half of the man no V and Ew R F CorT half b}1 and by but the 10t" 9 -y oung man I tell you you and tIie great congregatIOn burst work for a hard master-and you f\lrth Into song It was as though work cheap-very cheap ndeed the G eat Hadd had been suddenly The young man was rebuked uphfted and the gathered waters a ThIS beIng born one halt at a Dc B t1. -10 s of Feb 14tl t 1 18 an of materIal _m hope he ceased to swe!!" after that were rushmg on the umted way m ICoUlut.!(;all\crin, a wful grandeur deSiooIllt. 15 before ne D t es f om lome to uve the adm sSlOn of the doc e p even ted an ea I e, relly t ne of man s lual ty It IS st a ge Tbe moot d IT c Ilty I filld n e 1 QSSl'19 sir 4 gc that cand d n en can \ e vmg yo ar ses from J om confu be led to sUQh Ild extreffips Bnt S on ot tl ougbt At one t ne you a must be made out at all haz say tl e p r t s the B \ of e !lIds. gene at on at anotl e the mInd Now If God s chIld en are born In and affect ons aud at 5t 11 auothel b t l e m nd at co e. on and the tl s tiDle of then they e mn to I \e at tlie same t me In body at the leSUj;filct ou Thus you II'; yOll hold I behove that eternal seem to be \IlCIllat ng e\erywbere life commences when the second and u e I en1ly now I ere But what b rth s complete Your only dIfIJ. adds confu on to confus on s you now sav that the reaSOn you dId not culty I, n rclat on to when the se cond b tl s effected The Bible IS meet tl e passages offe ed bv me to pIa on th S I 0 nt The B ble de I rove n to be tl e " lGect of egen clmos the same th ng He that e at on wa o you d d not I tend to hath the SOll hath lIfe Venly controvc t tl at po nt but ad t It er Iy I say UlltO yo I lie that hear But vhy d d yo tl en sa) that you eth my a i alld bel e eth on h n I ad lived as m:J.ny vea S as the e tl nt sent me hath everlnst ng 1 fe are weeks In [I yem 3\ d never belo e and shall not come Into condemna 1 ea d It d 81 ute I tbat the change t on but IS passed f om death unto that takes place at con e Sion per 1 te We know that we have ta ns vholl) to the n nd t8 affec tIOns and d spos tons and then passed out of death mt'l I fe we 10\ e the b ethren L Such b 0 ::y a t1 er s tl e test mony aoaInst h cb VIe vs I am qu Ie glad to lea n JOu are h I ng yo r helpless n ISS les I want agm to call the attentIOn th s and the JUI) e so becau e ) 0 of tl e cade s of the Rjo:coRDER to sar: tl at )0 del.tand n e In the yo I vews and hope they Will bear use of tl e term man to rete n n nd what you have sa d They the I matel al man the so II v 1\ h we a bette kno \ ledge of ma could not underotand me othel v se te alism than befOie I been fur I efer ed you to Ch Bt s correc Recused of be Ilg p e'ld ced because t 0 1 of N codem IS mate [II st c J I e vs N code s tlo ght w tl I I ave charged upon mate Ia sm the OUI 'mate al 8t c f trlds tbat the very doctrIne you ad ocate They have t now f om headq arter" and body ",as to be n the second will be obi ged to accept t1 e ten t me Th s Chr 8t says I, not the leI mall I e IS speakIng of but he tell. Yo r effort to sa e your Clluse f om h m t 8 tl:e 'p t that be calls the fOice of the passage wheleChr st man 'Ih s 1\e a e told that the d Immate al man the soul s tl e says My sheep 1 eal my voce an they follow me and I glH nto them sub'cct T us by your adnllss on h '-' 1 fi t J d eternal lIle IS anot e ,aI nre s I have heard the General Assembly of the 1:'r,eso,vtEll'l- .]< F 0 the X g nse t "eel J FREE l'EWS an chu cb WIth a great 0£1;1)f,oeeedEld TI e e 31 pears to be a growmg d s thetr wive- and pos t on on the pa t of many Chlls fiends s ng Olrl a tan commun t es to do away With fervor that thrIlled me Ihave heard the pew ent system ID Older that oratonos rendered m Exeter Hall by the house of God may as It should a thousand selected OICes five hun be f ee to all and not made mer dred IDstrnments and a great ehandlze of, as to some extent as gan I hiwe heard th ngs now stand The seats In tbe n the Irnpel1al Opera House of the Temple oshould not be sold for Emperor by a great number that case In v Id ous dlst nct OilS at e of best vocahsts and made hetween nch and poor WbICh that could be fo md In Europe but I connot fall to exerc ·e a bl ghtlDg In have never mUSIC so pathetIC 'fiuence upon sp r t lal p OgIeS8 and gland and soul st rung as that made pur ty In many of our v Ilages by those who worshiped With me there are h Indred- m our Cities thou In the Metropol tan Tabernacle I sands of people that cannot atfo I to was too much car led away to take go to cbu ch It costs too much It pa t m t myself Mr Spurgeon al IS a heavy Item added to the house ways uses those hymns rent The prIce of a place to Sit m s and the old loved t mils too deal and the pnvilege of public . ____ , ---=. ___ , worsh p therefore IS surrendered as I all other luxuues ale sUrlendered A OIGAB HOUSE for want of the meaus to pUlCU e A few veeks s nce W!\ we e spend and eDJoy and be blessed by It mg a day at one of the many bea Itt But we must have a revenue of fll homes that stud the shores of the Bome SOlt and from some source m East R ve and after admIT ng Its o der to support the ch rch Of locatton-commandmg a magmficent COUI e there must be Churches a e v ew of tbe waters of the Dong lsI not bmlt £01 noth ng GIant It But and Sound- ts ImmedIate surround cannot sOme ar angement be made mgs and tbe a r of neatness and eorn whereby the means nece a y to a as well as beauty that pervaded proper admlDIstratlOn of tempO! a I the hbuse and grounds our host ties may be rendered ava lable With made some remark whICh led us to out taxmg the pews Is thele on ask hiDl for the hIstory of the place way of jwcumulatmg II ch I ch fund The house s a three story double save In a contInuat on of that bad manSIOn IDg a WIde lawn m system? We th nk there IS and well shaded With trees some of them so we shall bel eve until at least rare m thiS countrv WIth four or five SODle vigorous and umted exertlOll IS acres of gooa laud m tbe I eal well made among all denomInatIons to ad stocked flUlt trees of va IOUS you have swept by the boar your because the facts to wh ch you refel mater al st c not ons ent e a e tl e excel t on and not the ule YoU! effo t on the regenclatlOn and ale olily to be adopted of the m nd at convel slon and the the natu e of the case co pel t Se body at the esurlectlOn IR allirrel cond there are passages tl at speak evant and desel v ng of no notlCe- of God S chlldre.n as hav ng etel nal an efi'OIt to c eate a I ttle Ille to" ae life no v wh!c1 are speCIal and tbe e If the mattel was relevant you fo e cannot be affected by yo Ir au vanpe some practICal proof to the klUds It would brmg m the mar cont ary 'Ve bavE1' said some dIS ket t.o day about tblee times the pOSItIOn to that end IS alleady mam amount named In the followmg fest We ale glad to se<e It We count of Its purchase WliICh t ust It wIll be cont nued to the end hf\nded to us by the Wrltel 1\1 L These suggestIOns are not new P Hubba d FmanCIal Agent of the They have been made before often Amer can Seaman s FrIend Soc ety But In our opmlon and n the and tbe bappy possessor of the normn opmlOn of many who th nk that leferred to It wail first pubh;shcd m I ave not pro ed wi at you have un tho Ity Your a thonty when ap dertaken to put out To p ove that pI ed to the passage under conslde the rn nd IS regenel ated at convel at on does not affect or help your S on your fir st text IS TItus 3 5 cause It s a general truth that Let me quote the passage and see ChrIst s sheep hear hIS VOIce what t does say Notby orks of 'They have done so m times past gj;lteousnes8 W hlCh we have done they do so now and they Will con but accordIng to hiS me cy he hath tlOua to m time to come They saved us by the vash ng of egener follow h m tblS IS a customary ac atlOn and renewmg ot the Holy t on They have done so they do Ghost Who or wbat IS the sub so now and they w 11 m tIme to Jeet of egelleratlOn It IS most come And Chr st gives unto them ce ta u that he I efers to Chrt.t an ete nal life Th 8 IS a customary e To what but pe sons or men act on He has n times past he loe8 the pi anoun sand e refer does 80 no v and WIll do 80 m the Th s IS another text p OHng [AN to. future You add We are espe be the subject of the second bi th Clally told that ChlIst gives them Thus I rend the condemnat on of eternal bfe III the wo ld to come ) our dootr ne out of the WOld of You are llght th 8 tl ne and we God and th s by the very passages me espec ally told that they lave on wI eh you hOI ed to ease yom.elf 1 a sed 0 t ot deall nto l[le All th s doW1l and save a fall YOUI second III thiS wo fa and last plOOf. text on th s pomt 18 lYhat have ou made by all yo 1f Romans 12 2- And be not con Bothe flOm £ ed t th ld b t b t specIous aJ orm 0 IS wor u eye ans the de ths of my heart I request formed by the I enewmg of your Pdt ace your steps d h 1 Y o to review an Ie 1 DlIn stat ye may prove v at s d Rnderings and h ] ., t bl d 1D your eamy w t at goo anu acce l1 / a e an per come back to the old landmarks and fect Will of God Only a s ngle take ou stand agam on glOunds thought IS necessary here ThiS ad made Y sacred b God s applovmg d eSB was made to pel sons who had I d Yt fi d by the salva b b B sml es, an sane 1 e long smce een. OlD agum ro f I and Illummed by the It 18 only necessity that haa In tlhon 0 many sou s Ids of our com d fl i.' h t h d t Il evel glaClous wo Chr stlllDlty IS no lespecter of per the SmlO! 8 Uaga 1 sons no w0l8hIper of golden calves S [OKING AGAIN no handmaiden of luxurIOns exclu I noticed, yo Ir problem on Segar B eness they cannot be lenewed and Smok ng m the Life Boat for June re enforced too often as I am an old boy will not Our speCIal attent on on occa undertake to solve It b It give I'C()Dqluelrable SIOn has been called to the you a lIttle of my expellcnce I be \'Ii by the announc€ment we saw gan to chew at the age of twelve It In the WEEKLY that the pews In made me very s ck bllt I was detel MethodIst Hall were to be free We mIned to figl t It out on that hope thIS example Will be followed and soon got so that I enJoyed ndivldual plOpCl ty m the seats of A few later I God s house IS deeply lDJunous to smokmg The habIt grew religIOn The sanctuary should be me till I was smokmg a large por fIee as the wmds of heaven No t on of the tIme except when asleep dlstmctlOn ought to be made between At length I umted WIth t1le Ghureh the rICh and poo None WIll ba under the mlmstry of Rev Samuel made m the Church T mmphant and H Cox D D Very soon the ques none should be made m the 01 u ch t on arose whether It wns right for a J\l htant professor of rchg on tp Indulge 1D The Convent on of the (Protest- 'Such a filthy and dIsgbst ng habIt as ant Episcopal) DIOcese of MISSISSIppI chewmg tobacco andlI was not long It w 11 be recollected some years ago m deCIdmg that It was not and recommended the general adopt on abandoned It though It cost me a se of the fl ee pew ;system Several vere struggle for weelts after I BIshops have smce then earnestly wonld 1m oluntarIl} feel m the corn I ecommened the aame thIng and the ers of my vest pocket any little probabihty IS tllat In some parts of crumbs that might havelodged there the countlY at least the time IS not hut I at last conquered I stIli how far oil' whell every City alld VIllage ever enJoyed tile segar !Will have one or more churches witb Just at thiS tune I met a fnend the1l seats fl ee to be OCCUPIed by all was studymg for the mInistry CUURClI ClllLDREN -Rev" DI Stevens says that dur ng the last eIghteen yeal a the MethodIst Sun day school com erslons have surpass ed the entIre galDs of the ChUiCh membersh p by nearly 5 000 fi am WhICh he urges that m an alallDing deglee the "hlldren of the ChUiCh eIther fall to enter or are lost from Its commUnlon FQr thIs state of thIngs, he tells us,. one remedy bas vente jOur msy la 1 cOl e mon Father I am glad that you behmd She has been mdeed a pro havc obtamed a httle hght and hOI e 1 fic mother but she has blOught h t th whole truth forth n any a defOimed child and t ;'Y\lu m:: e God and the fe v are better spec mens of that th UIB \e V Hr:rr Without money alld Without prIce I was puffing away at the segar as If Northern Bishops were to follow usual when he looked up With s the recommendatIOn of the Southern countenance that I shall never for brother-if all New'England were get and saId Brother H It don t to do lIkeWise or make some effort looK: well to see a member of the to do ltkewlse--thelr clergy e sus church smokmg You arc rIght, class than the notIOn that you are tru trymg to put out That the readClB of the SABBATll RECORDER may have before thern the doctrIne of materIalism as put fortb by one of Its ablest advocates I want ro call the r attention to tbe doctnne 8S we are bavlDg It from CHERunmAND SERAIllID Papa Bald the Bon of Bishop Berkeley what IS the meanmg of the words Oherub m and m WhICh we meet In the Holy ,scriptures' Cherubim repl ed hIS father, 18 pect would not be called upon Sab said I and takmg the from bath afi1lr f?abbath llIl many of them my mputh threw It1nto are now to preach to a beggarly A of a century bas away account of empty benches but that was the last segal'I ever AnDlverslty season 18 at hand smoked I was emanCIpated from a Profe8smg Chnstlllns of almost all 81avery worse tban EgyptIan bon denommatlonll then asaembla to # dage
Page 1: WESTERLY R I I The I · not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5-Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5-WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1

a conse entIOus h\IJIl,Lpl'(lfeElsol' of I stlan pIety yet

degrade hImself to such '--_~c,_, buslDess and ID hIS: peart ::Ind

hiS tongue condemns ~hose who do See says he these so called qihnsHans They pI etend to be

!ghteous With the llghteousness of hrlSt and yet they ale helplDg to

pf(ldu,c-II ebase and accOIdmg to the BIble to damn those for whose holmess

(u.,ot.lu\IIJesus hved and dled Jesus would t.h'.r .... 11 not own them I have mOl e of hiS 0;,,,."'-1 righteousness tban tbey: I want

'reljgi.on'.o~ none of theIr religIOn Sur ely 'k uSI~fnlness,1 buslDess that thus dishonors Chllstl

IS most unchrIstIan

SQstalDed Try It and see" Tile true gemua of ChrIstIanity

says Let ours also learn to mam tam goOr1uorks for necessary uses

Thus far we doubtle8s all agr.ee Indeed thIs hllll beel;! so long settled

:aolong almost all good men 10 thIs


4rg:umlent may seem been already provIded by the last I You say The unr)e<ed!id.j b t It has General Conference It ordalDed genen.ted at converSlOn

a Hebrew word slgnifymg knowl edge seraphIm IS another word of the same language and Blgmfies flaine Whence It is supposed that the chm ublm are angels who .excel m knowledge and that the seraphim are angels lIkeWise wllo excel In lov

their plans fOi the ensumg year We hope thIS subJect may have a fair heanng among them all and some measures be taken to ascerta n the succes~ or faIlure of Impart ng our Chnstlamty to the poor at our own doors it least as cheaply as we give

sake of com I that the baptIZed ch ldlen of the bodv!lot the lesurrectlOn a log cal de church shall be orgamzed mto classes I stand you to use the ~erm legenm

folIo ~s All wltb sn table leaders (male or female) ate as mterchangeable w th the nllllV.l'~ hab t of and m due tIme be enrolled on the word <Iborn agam and yon speak

mt~oxlC~t.Ing hst of plobat oners and admitted of the- mmd as a part of the man mto full membersblp and the body as another part Then

when the mmd IS regenerated or born agrun the man IS one half re gene~t.ed and one half nOrone half fforn agam and one half not

mg God I hope then 1 saId the 1 ttle boy when I die r shall be a

to tne MICroneSIans the Burmese the people of Ahmednuggar s

seraph for I would Jathe1110ve God than kuow all thmgs


bo~ agam Such are the absurd GA:TI~

Itles of matenal sm The figure records Its testImony agamst It UUl

versar expenence rejects It common

A ~Ilter m tM nfestern Pre8~!Jten It IS very sad to hear men swear an thus descnbes the s ngmg as he

It IS sadder Still to bear lIttle boys heard It recently, of Spurgeon s con

sense repud ates It But'" you say that you admIt my

view as to the subject of the second bIrth whICh IS that the sp r t of

an f8 the subject You say the Issu~!.IDen 18 et~roallife given' V e~'1P'eIr.1: am glad that you ac cept my VIews on the first qUestlOn But brother that questlOn half set­tles the 21!eond one Whe I are God Jl

d ldre I ~rn' Born when they he come chlldren But are the dlSCI mples chUdlen ~ IIas the Lord any ch Idren ~ Gal 4 31- Weare not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5- Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5- WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1 Peter 1 14- AB obedIent chi! dren" 1 John 3 10- In thlS ale the !lnildren of God manifested See Rom 8 16 7 8 2G Now b other are they eh Idlen Without be ng born'

BQt what do the ScnptUies say' John 3 3- Except a man be born of water and of the 6p r t he can not enter mto the kmgdom of God There IS nothmg Isald of hl,S bemg borll' of the grave as matenal sm won!d bave It 1 Peter 1 23- Be 109 born agam not of cor uptlble seed but of mCOrI uptlble 1 John 3 '9- Eve y one that loveth IS boJin of God 4 7- He that doett righteousness s born of h m 1 Pater:2 2- AS new born babes desIte the s ncere m lk of the Word Thll/l I lead out lof the Scr ptures

There was once a man m a coach gregatlOn :tondon who swore very mnch Some one of The hymn was read entIrely the men m the coach said at last through and ~ch verse was read

My good S I you will much please before It was sung The smgmg the company if you wIll only swear was started-not led-by a m Hebrew The man fJ1t at once who stood beSIde Jllr "'n'"rO'A()n~" that he was domg wrong ~nd ceased welcomed the famIlIar to sweln' altogether I Hillttlrfd the

But I Wish now to tell you of an several __ "··~·"'·;(';"':;n·.I"""U:."'""'· other case A young man was WO""K I smgmg It surllris~d very bad words A kmd good man silence by the manner m came up to him and said audIence took possesslOn of the

A -What wages does Satan allow 'the most powerful 0 gan If you for sweanng young Dlan' had been any tbIDg of theokmd

B-What do you mean' not have led them sec A -I mean what I sa~ hymn was annonnced to be

have h gh or low wages ~ Lov r Qj my Soul The p~each B -I don t get any wages er said Let us s ng thIS preCIOUS A -From the mannel1 lD which hymn softly to the tune of Pleyel8

you pour out oaths your wages must Hymn When the first verse had be very hIgh been sung and after he had read the

B -Well they a e not second he sa d S ng It softly A So I see and allow me to ten With a countenance uplifted and

you that you work cheap very cheap beammg With fervor hIS book lD cheaper than anl' person 11 ever liearfl both hands keepmg time lDvoluntan of I never knew any bne haVIng ly to the mUSIC lie sang With the such mise able wages for so much congregatIOn When he had read work the th rd verse he saId You do palliillliit~y

B -Thew IS somethmg m what not s ng It softly enough you say and I wll1- smg It !Wftly It was as

A -Yes-yes-thele IS somethmg some m ghty hand had dalffioied -cbeap work cheap work 1 tell you tbe waters of the Falls of Just look-you lay aSide the lea\ ng a thm sheet to creep i.br,D1ig~h ter of a '" ell bred man and between two fingers and make man you lDJure the feel ngs sweet mUSIC In Its great lap best fuends and m fact mto the g Elat bas n to all CIVil people who when lie had read the <"_ .. ,, ... , swear you d shonor the verse, he sa d Now f we feel b~;~.aBs~~!~\i'::~s~~~~~ your Jl'Iaker and run the nSH: of we Will SlDg It With all om souls h -iiE,rii~ applied Ing your pr celess soul and all Let us SlDg It w th all our mrght

Fo c S bbutl Rcco 1 the condemnatIOn hf )iour doctr ne ETERNAL LIFE WHEN GIVEN 7 NoJ one half of the man no V and

Ew R F CorT thei",o~her half b}1 and by but the

10t" 9 -y oung man I tell you you and tIie great congregatIOn burst work for a hard master-and you f\lrth Into song It was as though work cheap-very cheap ndeed the G eat Hadd had been suddenly

The young man was rebuked uphfted and the gathered waters a ThIS beIng born one halt at a

Dc B t1. -10 s of Feb 14tl t 1 18 an IDvent~on of materIal _m hope he ceased to swe!!" after that were rushmg on the umted way m ICoUlut.!(;all\crin,

a wful grandeur deSiooIllt. 15 before ne D t es f om lome to uve the adm sSlOn of the doc ha~ e p even ted an ea I e, relly t ne of man s lual ty It IS st a ge

Tbe moot d IT c Ilty I filld n e 1 QSSl'19 sir 4 gc that cand d n en can \ e vmg yo ar ses from J om confu be led to sUQh ~ Ild extreffips Bnt S on ot tl ougbt At one t ne you a ca~ must be made out at all haz say tl e p r t s the B \ ~ect of e !lIds. gene at on at anotl e the mInd Now If God s chIld en are born In and affect ons aud at 5t 11 auothel b

tl e m nd at co e. on and the tl s tiDle of prob~tlOn then they e mn to I \e at tlie same t me In

body at the leSUj;filct ou Thus you II'; yOll hold I behove that eternal seem to be \IlCIllat ng e\erywbere life commences when the second and u e I en1ly now I ere But what b rth s complete Your only dIfIJ. adds confu on to confus on s you now sav that the reaSOn you dId not culty I, n rclat on to when the se

cond b tl s effected The Bible IS meet tl e passages offe ed bv me to pIa on th S I 0 nt The B ble de I rove n to be tl e " lGect of egen clmos the same th ng He that e at on wao you d d not I tend to hath the SOll hath lIfe Venly controvc t tl at po nt but ad t It er Iy I say UlltO yo I lie that hear But vhy d d yo tl en sa) that you eth my a i alld bel e eth on h n I ad lived as m:J.ny vea S as the e tl nt sent me hath everlnst ng 1 fe are weeks In [I yem 3\ d never belo e and shall not come Into condemna 1 ea d It d 81 ute I tbat the change t on but IS passed f om death unto that takes place at con e Sion per 1 te ~ We know that we have ta ns vholl) to the n nd t8 affec tIOns and d spos tons and then passed out of death mt'l I fe becau~e

we 10\ e the b ethren L Such b 0

~~ev ::y a J~: n:n~~~~: t~~ ~d:ltY~; t1 er s tl e test mony aoaInst h cb VIe vs I am qu Ie glad to lea n JOu are h I ng yo r helpless n ISS les

I want agm to call the attentIOn th s and the JUI) e so becau e ) 0 of tl e cade s of the Rjo:coRDER to sar: tl at )0 del.tand n e In the yo I vews and hope they Will bear use of tl e term man to rete n n nd what you have sa d They the I matel al man the so II v 1\ h we a bette kno \ ledge of ma could not underotand me othel v se te alism than befOie I ha~e been fur I efer ed you to Ch Bt s correc Recused of be Ilg p e'ld ced because t 0 1 of N codem IS mate [II st c J I

e vs N code s tlo ght w tl I I ave charged upon mate Ia sm the OUI 'mate al 8t c f trlds tbat the very doctrIne you ad ocate They

have t now f om headq arter" and body ",as to be b~ n the second will be obi ged to accept t1 e ten

t me Th s Chr 8t says I, not the leI mall I e IS speakIng of but he tell. Yo r effort to sa e your Clluse f om h m t 8 tl:e 'p t that be calls the fOice of the passage wheleChr st

man 'Ih s 1\e a e told that the d Immate al man the soul s tl e says My sheep 1 eal my voce an

they follow me and I glH nto them sub'cct T us by your adnllss on ~ h '-' 1 fi t

J d eternal lIle IS anot e ,aI nre s

I have heard the C?~~'::~:~~~~~~{~~!t ~tel\~~iP.I[IIIUj"j General Assembly of the 1:'r,eso,vtEll'l- .]<

F 0 the X g nse t "eel J

FREE l'EWS an chu cb WIth a great 0£1;1)f,oeeedEld TI e e 31 pears to be a growmg d s thetr wive- and

pos t on on the pa t of many Chlls fiends s ng Olrl a tan commun t es to do away With fervor that thrIlled me Ihave heard the pew ent system ID Older that oratonos rendered m Exeter Hall by the house of God may as It should a thousand selected ~ OICes five hun

be f ee to all and not made mer dred IDstrnments and a great ~~~::~:~;t~~1 ehandlze of, as to some extent ~t.j.l! as gan I hiwe heard ~8 reIl~~'\~~;~ .Fr~lh th ngs now stand The seats In tbe n the Irnpel1al Opera House of the Temple oshould not be sold for Emperor by a great number that case In v Id ous dlst nct OilS at e of best vocahsts and made hetween nch and poor WbICh that could be fo md In Europe but I connot fall to exerc ·e a bl ghtlDg In have never hea~d mUSIC so pathetIC 'fiuence upon sp r t lal p OgIeS8 and gland and soul st rung as that made pur ty In many of our v Ilages by those who worshiped With me there are h Indred- m our Cities thou In the Metropol tan Tabernacle I sands of people that cannot atfo I to was too much car led away to take go to cbu ch It costs too much It pa t m t myself Mr Spurgeon al IS a heavy Item added to the house ways uses those p~eClous hymns rent The prIce of a place to Sit m s and the old loved t mils too deal and the pnvilege of public . ____ , ---=. ___ , worsh p therefore IS surrendered as I all other luxuues ale sUrlendered A OIGAB HOUSE for want of the meaus to pUlCU e A few veeks s nce W!\ we e spend and eDJoy and be blessed by It mg a day at one of the many bea Itt

But we must have a revenue of fll homes that stud the shores of the Bome SOlt and from some source m East R ve and after admIT ng Its o der to support the ch rch Of locatton-commandmg a magmficent COUI e there must be Churches a e v ew of tbe waters of the Dong lsI not bmlt £01 noth ng GIant It But and Sound- ts ImmedIate surround cannot sOme ar angement be made mgs and tbe a r of neatness and eorn whereby the means nece a y to a as well as beauty that pervaded proper admlDIstratlOn of tempO! a I the hbuse and grounds our host ties may be rendered ava lable With made some remark whICh led us to out taxmg the pews ~ Is thele on ask hiDl for the hIstory of the place way of jwcumulatmg II ch I ch fund The house s a three story double save In a contInuat on of that bad manSIOn ha~\ IDg a WIde lawn m system? We th nk there IS and well shaded With trees some of them so we shall bel eve until at least rare m thiS countrv WIth four or five SODle vigorous and umted exertlOll IS acres of gooa laud m tbe I eal well made among all denomInatIons to ad stocked WI~'b flUlt trees of va IOUS

you have swept by the boar your because the facts to wh ch you refel mater al st c not ons ent e a e tl e excel t on and not the ule

YoU! effo t on the regenclatlOn and ale olily to be adopted wb~re of the m nd at convel slon and the the natu e of the case co pel t Se body at the esurlectlOn IR allirrel cond there are passages tl at speak evant and desel v ng of no notlCe- of God S chlldre.n as hav ng etel nal an efi'OIt to c eate a I ttle Ille to" ae life no v wh!c1 are speCIal and tbe e

If the mattel was relevant you fo e cannot be affected by yo Ir au

vanpe some practICal proof to the klUds It would brmg m the mar cont ary 'Ve bavE1' said some dIS ket t.o day about tblee times the pOSItIOn to that end IS alleady mam amount named In the followmg fest We ale glad to se<e It We count of Its purchase WliICh t ust It wIll be cont nued to the end hf\nded to us by the Wrltel 1\1 L

These suggestIOns are not new P Hubba d FmanCIal Agent of the They have been made before often Amer can Seaman s FrIend Soc ety But In our opmlon and n the and tbe bappy possessor of the normn opmlOn of many who th nk that leferred to It wail first pubh;shcd m

I ave not pro ed wi at you have un tho Ity Your a thonty when ap dertaken to put out To p ove that pI ed to the passage under conslde the rn nd IS regenel ated at convel at on does not affect or help your S on your fir st text IS TItus 3 5 cause It s a general truth that Let me quote the passage and see ChrIst s sheep hear hIS VOIce what t does say Notby orks of 'They have done so m times past

gj;lteousnes8 W hlCh we have done they do so now and they Will con but accordIng to hiS me cy he hath tlOua to m time to come They saved us by the vash ng of egener follow h m tblS IS a customary ac atlOn and renewmg ot the Holy t on They have done so they do Ghost Who or wbat IS the sub so now and they w 11 m tIme to Jeet of egelleratlOn ~ It IS most come And Chr st gives unto them ce ta u that he I efers to Chrt.t an ete nal life Th 8 IS a customary

e To what but pe sons or men act on He has n times past he loe8 the pi anoun sand e refer ~ does 80 no v and WIll do 80 m the Th s IS another text p OHng [AN to. future You add We are espe be the subject of the second bi th Clally told that ChlIst gives them

Thus I rend the condemnat on of eternal bfe III the wo ld to come ) our dootr ne out of the WOld of You are llght th 8 tl ne and we God and th s by the very passages me espec ally told that they lave on wI eh you hOI ed to ease yom.elf 1 a sed 0 t ot deall nto l[le All th s doW1l and save a fall YOUI second III thiS wo fa and last plOOf. text on th s pomt 18 lYhat have ou made by all yo 1f Romans 12 2- And be not con lY~ Bothe flOm £ ed t th ld b t b t specIous tra~ aJ orm 0 IS wor u eye ans the de ths of my heart I request

formed by the I enewmg of your Pdt ace your steps d h 1 Yo to review an Ie 1

DlIn stat ye may prove v at s d Rnderings and h ] ., t bl d 1D your eamy w

t at goo anu acce l1/ a e an per come back to the old landmarks and fect Will of God Only a s ngle take ou stand agam on glOunds thought IS necessary here ThiS ad made Y sacred b God s applovmg d eSB was made to pel sons who had I d Yt fi d by the salva

b b B sml es, an sane 1 e long smce een. OlD agum ro f I and Illummed by the It 18 only necessity that haa In tlhon 0 many sou s Ids of our com

d fl i.' h t h d t Il evel glaClous wo

Chr stlllDlty IS no lespecter of per the SmlO! 8 Uaga 1 sons no w0l8hIper of golden calves S [OKING AGAIN no handmaiden of luxurIOns exclu I noticed, yo Ir problem on Segar B eness they cannot be lenewed and Smok ng m the Life Boat for June re enforced too often as I am an old boy will not

Our speCIal attent on on ~hls occa undertake to solve It b It w~1l give I'C()Dqluelrable ~eDl.us,.·ttl~; ··~:~!(,tt,~t~:i,j SIOn has been called to the you a lIttle of my expellcnce I be \'Ii by the announc€ment we saw gan to chew at the age of twelve It In the WEEKLY that the pews In made me very s ck bllt I was detel MethodIst Hall were to be free We mIned to figl t It out on that hope thIS example Will be followed and soon got so that I enJoyed ndivldual plOpCl ty m the seats of A few ye~s later I co[nmeni~-

God s house IS deeply lDJunous to smokmg The habIt grew religIOn The sanctuary should be me till I was smokmg a large por fIee as the wmds of heaven No t on of the tIme except when asleep dlstmctlOn ought to be made between At length I umted WIth t1le Ghureh the rICh and poo None WIll ba under the mlmstry of Rev Samuel made m the Church T mmphant and H Cox D D Very soon the ques none should be made m the 01 u ch t on arose whether It wns right for a J\l htant professor of rchg on tp Indulge 1D

The Convent on of the (Protest- 'Such a filthy and dIsgbst ng habIt as ant Episcopal) DIOcese of MISSISSIppI chewmg tobacco andlI was not long It w 11 be recollected some years ago m deCIdmg that It was not and recommended the general adopt on abandoned It though It cost me a se of the fl ee pew ;system Several vere struggle for weelts after I BIshops have smce then earnestly wonld 1m oluntarIl} feel m the corn I ecommened the aame thIng and the ers of my vest pocket fo~ any little probabihty IS tllat In some parts of crumbs that might havelodged there the countlY at least the time IS not hut I at last conquered I stIli how far oil' whell every City alld VIllage ever enJoyed tile segar !Will have one or more churches witb Just at thiS tune I met a fnend the1l seats fl ee to be OCCUPIed by all was studymg for the mInistry I~pea.,.

CUURClI ClllLDREN -Rev" DI Stevens says that dur ng the last eIghteen yeal a the MethodIst Sun day school com erslons have surpass ed the entIre galDs of the ChUiCh membersh p by nearly 5 000 fi am WhICh he urges that m an alallDing deglee the "hlldren of the ChUiCh eIther fall to enter or are lost from Its commUnlon FQr thIs state of thIngs, he tells us,. one remedy bas

vente jOur msy la 1 cOl e mon Father I am glad that you behmd She has been mdeed a pro havc obtamed a httle hght and hOI e 1 fic mother but she has blOught h t th whole truth forth n any a defOimed child and t ;'Y\lu m:: ~ec~lvfor eGod and the fe v are better spec mens of that thUIB \e V Hr:rr

Without money alld Without prIce I was puffing away at the segar as If Northern Bishops were to follow usual when he looked up With s the recommendatIOn of the Southern countenance that I shall never for brother-if all New'England were get and saId Brother H It don t to do lIkeWise or make some effort looK: well to see a member of the to do ltkewlse--thelr clergy ~ e sus church smokmg You arc rIght,

class than the notIOn that you are tru trymg to put out

That the readClB of the SABBATll RECORDER may have before thern the doctrIne of materIalism as put fortb by one of Its ablest advocates I want ro call the r attention to tbe doctnne 8S we are bavlDg It from

CHERunmAND SERAIllID Papa Bald the Bon of Bishop Berkeley

what IS the meanmg of the words Oherub m and Serap~ m WhICh we meet In the Holy ,scriptures'

Cherubim repl ed hIS father, 18

pect would not be called upon Sab said I and takmg the from

bath afi1lr f?abbath llIl many of them my mputh threw It1nto tbE"gtlttEir"'~~~tl~~~~~~~i~~ are now to preach to a beggarly A thl~d of a century bas away account of empty benches but that was the last segal'I ever

AnDlverslty season 18 at hand smoked I was emanCIpated from a Profe8smg Chnstlllns of almost all 81avery worse tban EgyptIan bon denommatlonll then asaembla to # dage

Page 2: WESTERLY R I I The I · not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5-Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5-WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1

amount, Ibn opportumty were glVen, and plObably they woulU Bay teo mstead of five But call the amonnt f~r each one five cents per month, or sixty cents per year AccordlDg to the last publtshed statlstlCs of our churches, that would amonnt to $4, 24080 for one year Or, at ten

a cents each montb, upwards of $8, 480 Thus a conSiderable sum would be reahzed lD a way that would never be regarded as a sacnnce by the con tnbutors Then the larger sums by those able and willmg, lD addItIOn to thIS, would swell the fu"ds vastly beyond what we now realIZe If each church 10 our denommatIOn would resolve to take such a collec tlOn the fil8t Sabbath In each month fOl the benefit of these three objects at the end of the year each SOCIety would receIve upwards ofS1 400 flom thIS five cent collectIOn alone i'l'he first Sabbath m JenualY a collectIOn fOI the ~IISslOnary fund the first lD FeblUary for the Tract fund and the fhst m March for the EducatIOn fund and so on each quarter ThIS IS only to dlu<trate the ease '\lth which we mIght contllbute v.astly mvre than we are now domg, If we would all adopt snch a system

In thIS oalculatlOn, the money con tnbuted bas been limIted to the church membership But many of our congregatlOus are ,made up ID some degree of those w~o are not membel. yet would f1eely contn bute It would be a \ery ea.y mat­ter to Iealize tHO 000 per year m thIS way, bv calling It ten cents mstead of fi ve and reokonlD g a small part of It f'om out.lder.


thEidrlds, some of whose foundatiOns I Crystal Palace at Sydenham It IS I travelers there' Come to thesepral were laid a thousand years ago 1 a pamtmg of the death bed scene of

J nes, aud see what God has made lD

archItectural proportIons de 10urownmartyred;Presldent Mr LIn I the w:ealth of Its beauty, With I; .. ht.f"l chImes of bells, dehcate coIn IS Just breathlDg hiS last WIt1I a I callcature of man s gemus to mar It sculptllre, aud rich palntmgs, outVle face pale, but as calm as a sleepmg While taklDg lD the beauty of thiS

r~J1lg1UID there dIspensed 'We mfaut HIS mediCal attendants, and landscape WIth my eyes, and filhng mean no dIsrespect But theIr re a few admlDistratlve officers and hIS my soul With grand conceptIOns, a hgIous services Impressed us With the spIrItual adViser, stand near the head VOlCe at my Side arrested myattbn conVictIOn, that the religIOn of priests of hIS bed With countenances m tIOn, With, I got lost last ntght over and people IS a system of forms mournful sympathy WIth thell' hon there, and was out all Dlght I al rather than a life IDsplratIOn of the ored Chief MagIstrate Ahttleremov most enVied him the events and emo soul Whether It be the bluntness ed from the foot of the bed stands a tlOns of that mght To spend a of our perceptIOn~, or the obdUl acy tall, athletlC AfrICan, glancmg npon mght wandellug by starhght over of our hearts, loug lines of robed a group of hiS kneelmg countrymen, such scenery, WIth the Ideas of pIlests, pI eceded by lIghted torches and pOlntm'g his :finger to ·hell' be ness and grandeur pressing upon the and passmg under gorgeous cano loved benefactor Some of thennm soul at every change, would more pies failed to convince us of thell' ber are wrmgmg theIr hands m an than compensate for the httle fact of ApostolIc succeSSIon DevotIOns of agony of deapal , others, With clasp bemg lost for a mght on tbe prame fered up w:th lDtonatIOns resembhng cd hands and npturned faces, are The body, or the way, mIght be lost, some backwoods exhortels we some praymg With a subhme faith It IS but the mmd could not be lost hme, tImes heald lD our youth, excIte our the only pamtmg that evet fillea onr save In the grandem of the scene contempt rather than OUI venera eyes With tealS unless that mmd had the weakness tiOn Such mummenes belong to We are off for Holland of cowmdlCe plessmg It d&wn ages of Ignorance, and not to the se W C KENYON The followmg mght I spent m II

venth decade of the mneteenth cen freIght cal WIth a taw profane, ob tUly We J Idge not the motnes, EYES WEST- no 14 scene compamons, :who IDtereated /Jut the methods Men of sense fail THAT RIDE each other With stonea of robbelY not to wItness the effect It IS not On the twelfih of b'ebrualY ID murder, and low debauchery till strange that lDfidehtyso prevaIls over compauy With Bro J Smalley Bab sleep locked up their profane lips Europe cock, of Long Brancb, I starte!lJ\om The next day promiseddelnelY trom

.AlNTWEIIP delIghts us 1t wall Long Branch Nebraska for Manhat uncertalD wandenngs After:i few finished mOle than three hundled tan, Kansas The dIstance IS near mlles walk we met the long expect yems ago A railroad depot or two, one hundred miles III a southwest ed cllrs and were taken aboard andthemoderDlzmgofafewoldresl duectIOn We were fitted lDregu They had been delayed th,ee dence- are about the onlJ exceptIOns lar emIgrant style for travelmg and from commg up, on account of It was then-so runs the record- camplDg out D1ghts Four miles hIgh water At a statIOn a few

save to occaslOnall" grve us a moder I panure of Mr Trowbndge and ate cold snap, to aId the ,:ugar trees family, and other mlSsIOnarle8. for lD makmg sap NUE the East After prayer by Rev Dr

-- Monfort, of CmcmnatI addresses UNIVERSITY-ENDOWMENT were made by.Rev DI Spear, pastor

As the Agent of the Trustees for of the church, Rev MI TrowbrIdge, armngmg the SUbSCriptIOnS to the Rev Drs Wood, Clark, andRobm

ston After 8IDgIng and prayer, the New Eudowment Fund -of Alfred audience assembled 10 the 80Clai par UDiveIslty, I beg lea,e to report lor to bId a formal farewell to ~he pro~less, through the REconDFn departmg mlSSI{)Qalles--Rev Mr

Smce the report made dIrectly after Trowbridge and hiS Wife for Con the AnniversarIes, the followmg ad stantmople, MISS HattIe Seymour,

of Rochester, and M,ss Mary E dltlOnal SUbsClIptIOns have been ob Warfield, of Franklin Mass, for tamed Kharpoot MISS Rosetta A Nor Nelson R Crnndnll Independence cross of BaldwlDsvIlle, Mass, for Mrs Nelson R CI.lld.,lI the Bulganan fields Luthe G,een Stephen Clarke Decutur 11 Clark .A. Fr end Jmrus Crandnll LIttle Gene co Thos H Green DaVId 0 Bl ss John Crandnll ndditlO wI SUbSCllption A K Crandall_ Ala lZO Coon ILmount not et named Ezra P Cruud.1I Alfred omItted II reI ort 300 Mrs E1 shu. Potter '"" 2D Henry SheldoD .00 Ezra Potter 100 Fleebom IInmilton ]00 ~Irs Geo l\I xson 133 Damel Burd ck 100 Jol n :\Uen/ 100 H P Burd ck H.rtgville 100 Geo Hood 100 Hannni Cummiosrs Clarence 30 Wm M<JDou"'oL llnndle\"1lle P 100 J o<eph Pot er Potte! HlIl R I 00 Mrs Lucy Lnngwortl y Brookfield 100 Edmuud Darron "fit ford Coon 200 Geo {}. ~t llmnu 50 )'[rs :!I.fnrv Rogers 53 Geo Potter DO Da, I PRager' 500

Total $4 241

Countmg the prevIOUS conditIOnal SUbsCilptlOns ~o the ' ]Ia~on Fund' the total amount subocrlbed smce the fi16t of July last IS thll ty three thou sa~d fOllr hundred and twenty eight dolla! s Of thIS sum (ilghte~n thou

j sand two hundred and nmety five

REVIV At AT SHILOH To the EdItor of the S.bbath Recorder

WIthout method there Can \\e not agree upon some plan lind then In e up to IP A spasmodIC effOl t at ralsmg funds called forth under the mfluence of some tempor ary enthUSiasm IS fUr from bemg subseIj'Vlent to our best mterests F reqaent showers, however light, are much better for thIrsty vegetatIOn than a heavy deluge, followed b1' a

the commerCial capItal of Europe flOm home we found the great Ne from where we started we took had a populatIOn of 200 000 an ex maha RIver two feet higher than the body of a man drowned two davs change VISited daIly by 5,000 mer we expected the water commg about beforc Another one lay III hIS coffin chants and a fleet of several thon two !Dchcs from the top of the wagon to be taken anothel way With an sand merchant vessels Its present box, and nearly fillIng the front part other man they had attempted to crowd of commerCial palaces, httle of It Befole reachlDg Pawnee City ClOSS a stream when two of the used, ale endences of -its anCient we learned that the Turkey RIver tbree wele drowned Mv kmd con plOspenty was not fordable, and therefOl e took ductor set me off at the road oppo

We confess a \ eneratIOn for age, a route higher up the stream, ou a sIte Pardee A walk of some tbree where allIS sound and pure The mam trail and clossed It and Ball s miles, through deep mud, brought me sere leaf of autumn IS beautiful Tbe Branch on blldges At mght, we to the end of my five days rough chan that MIlton sat In, IS a IelIc were eIghteen mIles out Ram and mg It out on the pi ame amid that evelY poet would glory lD po- mght set III together IVe found storms and floods by day and by sessmg White locks upon the head shelter for OUI horses but our wag.on mght On approaclIlng the house of of him, who has acted well hIS part \\ as out In the storm All nIght a fuend I was taken for a red faced , In manhood s pride are a glory long the lam poured beatmg througb old codger and agam for a table There IS a I of' eshlng grand em ID an the canvass coverlDg of OUI wagon, cloth peddler but was finally greet old reSidence that has well sen ed thoroughly" ettmg the covering III ed With warm Cbllstlan feliowshlR

dollars are new subscnptIon~ and fifteen thousand one hundrEld and thIrty tlllee doJluis are III dhnated scholalshlps r

When I wrote you last, we bad closed a series of ml"etmgs that had been contmued IVIth os abont thlee "eeks, and been blessed wltb the sanctlfvmg mtiuence of the Holy Ghost the qUlckemng of the church the lecIalmmg of SOme who had backslIdden, as was seen at ollr last busmess meetmg, when anum ber made confesSIOn to the church, and wme forgnen, and some who had been excommuDicated were reo stored to the fellolVship of thl! church BID Rogers bemg called home, and the weather bemg very !amy we suspended the meetmgs durmg last week Last Sabbalih afternoon ele, en candIdates, w bo had been waltmg for an OPPOrtUDlty, receIved the saCled ute of baptism, m addItion to thl! forty threo that had been preVIOusly baptized Sure­ly It was a pleasmg scene, when a mother and tw 0 daughtels confessed elmst at die same time m the Hea

VIC There haa heen P.11d on n~w sub

scnptlOns three thousand twr hun dred and eIghty three dolla~s It has been IUvested as follows ! In bond .nd morlga!!;e j. e~OO In Jefferson Co Bonds th E:elll IlllI!U 1

ntcrest conpons 1900 In t S "OOS 1 00

ven approved and apostolIc mstltu tlOn of b 1pt sm

That e, emng we commenced meet­mgs a. Marlboro, and bave contmue:l them uutII now A nurEer ~ave been brol1ght.to rejoice 10 the pardonmg 10' e of God to them and Some fif.

long dlonth L :E L

LETTERSFROMPROFESaORKENYON twenty orthllty generatIOns of men whICh we had wrapped ourselves Afterthoroughablutlons alahygmo x and pos~essesdurabllitytoscrvetwen In the mormng, a north wester blew theraputlC hyJ.ropa~by, With comb

Fo sr NIEDER L. 'ITZ PnrSSL\ t tygenelatIOnsmO e SuchlsAnt"erp off the rllm and brought on the ICe mg shavmg and brushing I was Feb 3d 186 j Its, ery ugllDess IS beautiful Its The swollen stleams forbid our fur pronounced by tbe good lady Mrs


'Vlth tho txceptI09 of a f~w sub scrlbers whom I have not yet been able to VISit, notes have been: taken for thc balance of the new subscnp tIOns payable III fi HI yenroS from Sept 1 18GG, or sooner, at option

teen 01 twenty me professeil seekel s, 'mOll! ners m ZIOn Some are

) oung and others are m mIddle life, heads of famIlies I am expecting that our g.t'od and faltbful hrother, L C Rogels, wIll come agam to our help next weck A large field IS open hefore u. and the l"lpenmg han est bids us to \\ ork llfany of the com erts have e~tered heartily mto the work nnd ald~ver:y much, and the olde~ members and the dea cons of the ehUlch are faIthful III tbelr

grotesque architecture, WIth old reSI thel progress, and we turned back Iza as an some as ever res OSl'ENDE, the pllnCIpal seaboard Ii 1:' 1:' d I dencesex endmgthelrsharptoo ,SIX hoplDg to reach Pawnee City On 101 a lew a~8, seeping In wlIIm

town of BelgIUm 15180 miles, by steam or sel en stones mto the hea,ens and reachmg Ball s Brancb "e fouud clean beds I\lth genClOns latIOns of

orgaDizatlOns, known as Baptist MISSion

"The Ame~lCan Sab

el B track due east of DQI er It has a Id d I fi h ha, 109 flOnts adolned WIth a crowd that the stream had lisen twelve feet WI geese, an ot ler xtngs, as

Those who have donated spbolar ships ha~e elthel gnen np theIr cel tlficate< or gIven a release, their note· If not ptud stIll holdmg m favor of the EducatIOn Soclety: populatwn of Ii) 000, and furmshes a of luxunant tracery I s s.reets so smce we crossed It and five feet been by n(} means an ullwelcome

summel alrmg and bathmg place for 1 d "" f h "" t t t 1\1 h t nallow, megu al an wlDumg as to above the brIdge lYe wele water part 0 t e ellor to ge 0 an a

the ehte of the neIghborlDg states VIC III mtncacy \\Ith the famous bound Water m torrents behmd tan When the watms subSIde QUA~TERLY MEETmG 'V ~l A ROGlllb

The ElghtymileseastofOstendebyraIl GreCian Labyrlllth, and ItS 1!lemlsh and before us A flood of waters budges are lepanedl and the smIling The churches of Scott Cuyler De

IS dev otmg Its mostly to the

':"!'!~'!'l.~'~ 1(]>\Ir.~1~·me- MISSIOIlS Here

passlDg thlOugh Ghent, IS Bm;ssEI S market women, whose heads Flench on the face of the earth around us suu coaxes ihe mud to ! dry up I Ruytel Lmcklaen, 0 selIc anq PIes the polItICal capItal of BelgIUm and fashIOns never muddled and whose as m t1ie day that Noah entllred the hope to make another effort to :reach ton as.embled for Quarterly Meet a City that travel61s dehght to \1SIt eostumes Imply an antIquIty as ark We saw no alk to hide 10 th14t place Jl B \II ~y 10" WIth the church 10 Scott, SIXth It 1. Hly unlIke New York or Lon old as the foundatlOn of the city from the maddened waterB,butsouwht PA<DBF Knnsns hbrnary 18G " Feb 15th 186~ at 2 O'clock dOD, where there IS such a perpetual walls, all these are chromclers of refuge III a small log cablD sbmgled P M and contlDued each day and

the 1m estment of hurry of busmess aud eager scramble ages long past They set Ol¥l back WIth sod bUIlt by a buffalo squatter ALLEGANY evemug through Sabbath and FIrst-

The call IS hke f(}r posItion In Brussels, on the to see men, cltle- aud commerce We were klOdly entertalOed tIll the Sprlllg bas agam dawned upon us, day Aud although on acco\lnt of

\ Bailey, as travelmg mISSlOD:uy, much good has already been accomphsbed , but the wor!;: IS grOWlDg on hiS bands, and more help IS greatly needed Other locai mlSSlonanes aJ e m pal t snppprted by the MISSIOnary Society but for the want of means, such a~slstance IS qUite too hUll ted

The second obJect wllich demands I) inore tborough and systematro sup portJ IS the Sabbath TIact Canse This has come now to lIlciude not only the publIcatIon and dIstributIOn of Tracts. but also mamtallllng earn est, able men, as lectnrers and wllters In this depaItment ofonl1 work The services of two experienced defenders of God 8 Sabbath have been secured for a part of the present year, With

\ the expectation of soon bemg able to keep the ~eld constantly occupied 'Ve need more Tracts and more men, to meet the mcreaslDg efforts of our oppo~ents In seekmg to wrest

truth from the conrClences of

contral) allIS calm and qUIet Peo of three hundled or fil e hundred next day, by th"e occupants aud then and now It IS lh~ 1 ~th day of March the state of the roads, therll was pIe move as Im.UI ely, and do busl years ago Though shorn of Its an learned that all the brIdges east of The people are busy tappmg and ar not a very general attendauce yet ness, as delIberately, as If all were Cient emmence, Antwerp I. stIll the us were swept away by the flood rangmg theIr sap bushes for mak the meetlDg throu,ghont lIke the last men offortnne who had no further commerCIal capItal of Belgmm It Our return home was cut off Agalll mg sugar We at-e hopmg fO! a plenous one, was of conSiderable ambItIous a"piratlOns The CIty IS 10 IS located on the nver ScheIdt 9G we set ont for lIIanhattan bopmg by good EugtU season fOl a good sugar liltcrest The preachmg of the cated upon the Senue, ",0 mIles flOm mIles nolth of Brussels In lS0G 'headmg the streams to reach that sea.on not only adds a pleasmg flav or WOld by Elds Amos \V Coon the ItS mouth The West end whele Napoleon constructed hele docks to place All day long we pressed on to buckwheat cakes, but adds green pastol of the Lmcklaen churcb,Thos most of Its lDdustnal pursUIts are accommodate 2,000 war shIps But fordmg streams cr088mg dl\ldes backs to the pockets of many of the FIsher, of DeRuytel, lind Wm' 1\1 conducted, IS ou a plam, the East the result was as the "best laId With roads WIthout roads on the farmels, WIth wbom sugat makmg IS Jones pastor of the Scott church, end wheJli! dwell the fashIOn and ar schemes of mICe lind men often ale trackless prame thlough deep ra a busmess was attended by the Spmt 8 power, Istocracy IS on an elevated plateau Thll present populatIOn IS about 80 vme- o>er bluffs, stilI on With no My last notes, nnder the head of and the truth was set forth by the reached by an easy grade Here, too, 00,0 LIke the CItIzens of the other landmarks or skymarks to gUide us Allegany gave some account of several speakeis ,vlth earnestnes-IS the Royal Park, a finely shaded Ialge towns they are liberal patrons reJolcmg thlij we were mnkmg pro the weather upto the 23d of DecelP clealness and>folCe, arlestlDg the at­and omamental paralleloglam, flank of good dmners tavern gardens, con gress Dllrmg thiS nde, my fnend ber whlCh had been qlllte change tentlOn mstIuctmg the Judgment ed by four gland streets, upon wjuch ~erts operas, and theatres They raIsed the mqull'Y, ' Are we lost~ able, the mercury hanng run below stnrmg the affectIOns 60 th!1t the ale the Royal Palaces HOllse~ of hold annually a mUSical festIval, of and then saId :No, ICe are not lost zero several times and ofteu lUnUlug conference meetmgS1VhlCh foItowed Parliament, AdmlDlstrate Offices fellng large premIUms for the best It IS the road that IS lost If any to 30 or 40 degrees above With but tbe sermons on Suth,. Sev entli and

d d f b I t "'k" 11 httle snow A few days, about 1! 1Ist day evemngs were soasons m an resl ences 0 no 11 y =" a perfOimeis ThiS gathers the am thmg So It seemed, fOI men b h th b th and sister .poke Id h h fi Chflstma' we!e qUIte mIld, but on w \C e Ie ren s" o Cities, t e street-, WIt ew ex ateurs and connOIsseurs of musIC horoes wagon and all tbe fixmgs H eely to lIlutual edIficatIOn, aad to ceptIOns are nregular and nalIO" from all parts ofthe country were thme together, as when we the 28th of December It commenoed the mcrease of ChlistIan umon and Bllt the .i.'ortlficatlons, whIch DOl mer H fi d b f "r IrrOWlDlr cold and on the evemng of the 1:'ellowslllp of kmdl ed m CDhrIst 11 ere, too, "e n, as 0 ~eits 0 started IVe WeI e not lost 11 y ~ ~ 11

Iyextende(l entnely aronnd the CIty attractIOn, many old GothlCh ohurch pocket compass verIfied OUI reckon the 30th the mercury ron down to Jesus ThSebLordhsdSuPPfjer was cele h b d h d d eIQ:ht degrees below zero, and on brated on a bat ay, a ter sermon avec eenraze tot e graun ,an a es or cathedrals Themostcelebrated I TI'e W re all rI<tbt It wasthe ~ D h 1:'

ng fY e" the 31st It stood t\\O below January UIlUg t e conlelence meetlOg on magmficent boulevard constructed IS 500 feet long by 2()O feet Wide The road that was lost Agam mght and came 10 qUite cold and dUrIng the Seventh day evemug ono or the upon theu foundations ThiS has splle IS 400 feet high, tapermg With ram set IU upon us, and we sought whole month It did not thal\ suffi Scott brethren saId hIS mmq had a bload central promenade, planted true lmathematlCal preCiSIOn to Its sheltel for OUI horses At length we Clent to furm a Clust on tue snow been conSIderably exerCIsed of late on each SIde by Lmden tlees, two summit Its belflY holds a chime of found a Jay hawker"s cabm but no the mercUIY Innnmg do" n to 1 de on the subject of cheese factorIes, as

d d h grees below zero on the 3d on the to" hether It w:onld be right fOl hun gran carnage waysoutsl et etrees, bells, that take note of time as It accommodatIOns for ns By fordmg 18th to onp below, 19th at zero 20th to be engaged 10 one, to be/worked and then nliusually WIde SIdewalks, flIes, by plaYIng a melody every t" 0 streams., we found shelter for our 8 below, 30th 16 below and conSIder on the Sabbath, or to carry or send handsomely flagged ThiS makes a fifte~n mmutes The magmficent horses, and then leaIDed that we able of the tIme the melCury was but hIS mIlk to It on that day and ~ked noble str!let, nearly five miles lD Cll' PIOPOrtlOnS of ItS prmCipal audience could ploceed no further \Ve were a few deglees above zelO A few tlle adVICe of hIs blethren comp~smg

fi h J I th fi t t Inches of snOlW "'ell on the Gth and tile Quarterly Meetmg The mIDIS CUIt, 10m w Icll 0 er ne s ree s room Its lofty GOthIC arches and pil water bound agam We were on ., 1< d I tli b tb

Th L half 1 contlOned to mClease durmg the tell=! present an severa 0 er re dlveige e Ilrper IS med lars the hIstOrIcal pamtmgs of ItS the head waters of the Black Ver montb nntillt reached the depth of len spoke qUIte fleely on the sub

on each Side wltll noble reSidences ceIlings and wmdows, the sculptured mililon, an eastern tnbutary of the tw 0 to two and one half feet It be Ject but no one JustIfied the practlCe These wllnt only the blOad gramte stalls of ItS nllmelOUS chOIrs, the ex BIg Blue RIver, and about se\enty 109 so cold the snow remamed dly After the sermon FIrst day morllmg, steps, WIth heavy Iron lallmgs, to f I d h miles west of Atchison The Atchl which gave the sportsmen, or fox a collectIOn was taken for kener.al

qmslte cal vmgs 0 ItS pu pIt, an t e h t eat ad antage over their mISSIons, amountmg to $4 30 after complete theIr fine prop 01 tIOns, for a h t f th t t t son and Pike s Peak Railroad was un ers; gr \ I ~ J rIC pam lOgs 0 ose mas er IIr IS s, plev, the snow bemg so loose am whIch by request prayer was offered

magDificent ma SlOp, WIth out a Rubens and Van Eycke, lender the wormmg Its way towards us In mellow that a fox 10 attemptmg to by several blethren lD behalf of De~ f!lIIgl

e step from t~ street IOtO Its cathe(hal the admiratIOn of all lovers our counCil called that mgbt lD OUI I un, would nearly burr himself m the H C Hubbard, and SIster J ()ne~,

ffont hall, IS as dofecllve lD beauty offinellrts The other chnrches are wagon bed room, It was deCided to snow, hI. busby tall and fm soon be Wife ofEld Wm M Jones, for theIr * a peacock deppved of Its tall fea scarcely less grllnd m theIr prop or find that road the next day, and there commg loaded and hiS progress so recovery flom SIckness, whICh It was thers It Has nltmlOus publIc squareR, tlons -nd works of art St Paul s de f d t h Impeded tbat m some cases a man feared mIght be unto death

; I " separate, my nen re U1D1ng orne on foot could run them down WIth The busmess meetmg took lilace adorned, as IUS ,'i~th fouutams, serves mentIOn for the representatIOn by a north enstern route, and I tak out tbe aSSIstance of a dog ThIS on Flrs~day mornmg, commel\cmg mOIjuments, stat aryl and ~culptU!e of Mount Calvary and the CrUCIfix mg the railroad to Pardee Bynoon was fim fOl the hunters h II deal!. to at half past 9 0 clock, at whICh tbe Its botaDical and zoologIcal gardens IOn and the Ordeal of Purgatory the next day, we found the road, the foxes PJObably the county never followmg resolutIOn was presented a gallery, of palDtings, and a museum Tbese are outSIde the body of the Slxtv miles flom Atchison Here my was more thOlOughly cleared of these by Dea John Maxson, and seconded of natural hIstory, are all examples church, and contrast weH lD theIr friend left me to seek hIS home by a cunDing and mischievous aDimals by Bro< :Raymond P Babcock, NIZ of excellent taste The populatIOn d d I h d d W d On the last day of January the Rno/red That UD) busmess on WhICh <liseu.

I rugge an suggestIve out mes Wit thl ee or four ays 11 e e parte weather became qUite moderate aud .tou IS desITe I 01 will probably be dlawu out IS about li5,000, dlstmgUlshed fOI the mternal de COl atlOns WIth regrets and mutual benedlC before mght It began to thaw, and sboll be mtroduecd m the busmcss meetIng <lr

b 1 I h d I f a meetmg ")!pomt"d for that purpose anil not sOCIa Ilty, po IS e manners, ove 0 A gallery of pamtmgs contams fine tlOns Shou.ld any of my readers the next tnornmg nearly everyone lU OUI mcctmgs appointed for worshIp good dmners, aud fondness for musiO, productIOns of the old FlemIsh and ever want a gemaloowpamon and was astonIShed, on lookmg at the ThiS was spoken to liy blethren A. dancmg, theatricals, and fine arts .Dutch masters At thIS gallery we safe gUIde over the tracklessp!alrles, fields, to see them nearly bare from W Coon, Wm M Jones, A D C Their dmners ar, protracted through wei e lDterested In an artIst born II let them engage J Smalley Babcock, tbe effects of one mght s thaw The Barber, John Maxson !rhos Fisher,

h kl d month of February hae been qUite Edwlll B BurdICk, G W Green, ten conrsesl Wit spar mg wille an Without arms ISlttmg m hIS chaIr, of Long Brauch 'Vlth hIm yon mode!ate and we had but two days J B TIT 11 conversatH)n Bdt the latter IS never d h Id h II I h j\dison Talmer, and ",e s,

offiCIal POSltlODS Brethl en the Lord IS dOlrig a

great WOlle for us for whICh I trust we are thankful But yet 'We me not leady to Iet thefwork cease, for there are those wltb us who stand unmoved and apparently unconcelJl ed whose SIlver locks tell that theIr days ale few Tbey bave been,laud are now the subJ<lcts of many pray ers W III you uUlte With us, that they may not let thIS 'lsitatlOn pass uUlmproved by themi I

W B Gn LE'I~JE P S -A letter flOm Bro ~r D

Da\ls gIves an acoount of a very graCIOUS renJal of relIgIOn fil

J tbe

l\CIV Salem Obar~h WestYlrgjt'l\a

1 RECORD OF BENEVOLENCE I The spmt of benevolence appears

to be largely on the mcrease, and we take pleasure m recO! dmg ItS nml'1er­ous mamfestatlODo, m the relief of the slllfermg and ID promotmg the Cause of educatIOn and relIgIOn The noble example of l\Il Peabody IS takmg eflect lYe gl,e belowse,er al Items culled from the public Journals

The Northampton (Mass) Sa elle says that a gentleman III that town has offeICd.the magmficellt sum of fifty thousand dollars to the State, m behalf of an IDdependent movement for the deaf and dumb and an asylum fOl these unfortunates wIll probably be located m Northampton as tbat IS understood to ~e the WIsh of the donor

The Chnsl an W,tne..", says IVe are pelmI~ed to make publIc the 1m portant fact that a layman of our Church (Episcopal) of Emmanuel pansh, Boston, w h(} prefers that hiS name should not be known, has gr\ en one hundred thousand dollars to found a TheologlCal School at Cam brId~e E SHand, Esq, the Hon R () W lDthrop, and Judge J P Putnam, are appomted trustees of the Fund The trustees have entered promptly upon their work, and have matured their plan for draftIDg the

necessary pape~s as every person out of Oberhn College, OhIO, has Just re- gards 3 Vl8lt to thl!~ noble IDliLitPI~lI

celved $25,000 from the executor~ of as one of the thIDgS not to be the estate of the Rev Charles Avery, ted of Pittsburg, who left $150000 lD trust, to be devoted, accordlDg to the best Judgment of the execntors, to In(lependeJit the eQucatIOn and elevatIOn of the Iisbelr8}~l'n~enll';

d S Beecber on ' colored Plople ID the U mte tates and Canadas The conditIons are, he says ~ b th'lt the college shall neveli make any 'To want to preach, B d to e dlscnmlDatlOn on account of color, able to do It succe8llfully, 8 a ma;; agalDst colored students to be a preacher, and if ten tho0fr:Dl

an 0 mg IS pa et With one foot can never get Qst, if every thmg of good sle!ghlDg T e mercury did when the resolutIOn was.adopted1 and

80 profound as1tomterfere w!lthgood aud hIs brush oetweeu the toes of around you IS lost It WIll all.come not &.ucceed m gettmgdo"n to zero ordered to be published the fn,/uLrr(Illm •. iestieally 10 digestlon Ain hour Wlt)i (lIgars the other, he l1amted With elegant 11 out rIght although, on the lOth, It came to otheI' proceed1Ogs of the me;eting.

after dmnel qllietli the nerves of the £: IbId d fi d IT "'h h d d b wlthm 6 degrees, and on the 11th to Eld Alv!D A LeWIS unportance 1,\"1 am Ity, 0 ness an ee om 18 ,.1. e muc, eSlre tralll to rmg Wlth!D 4 degrees, when It gave away, int;roliU<liolry oUI(b,enE~Volel!t_opera gentlemen Upon the ontskms of perceptIOns of o)ltlInes and propor- fixmgs for the workmen on the road and did not make any further demon- ~~u~~ ~~e~h! !~!t Quarterly

The famlly of the late John P apostles, III rows as long.~ te Crozer, of Upland Pa, lD accordance here to the eelestial gate, eboul~ to WIth a purpose chenshed by him m fuse to give a mao perml8810 aDd life have bestowed a property of: preach, yet If lie has the deSire forty acres of land, and a large Bud abIlity, he IS called, anil- he IStlOrd8lf handsome buildmg, whlcb IS estlmat ed, to be a preacber 'I ed to be worth $8i),000, for the •

'syllOp:i\tllle~ of tlie City, balls, liberally patIoDized by tlOns, colormgs and shades, are qUICk dId not arnve I was elected for an strations m that dlIectlOn nntil the mg, /lud Eld Wm ~f Joncs and cause every t~e"'lower and mlt-i:lIe classes, are and exact, aud bls powers of execu other mght, "far out upon the praI- 25th, when It dashed down to wlthm pOlDted alternate The mEie~l.ug

they have so~etlang held UpOIl every fin summer even tlOn equal to the correctness of hiS rIe All around 8S far as eye could 5 degrees agam Not succeedmg, It Journed to meet With . t,.'·.t •• l "~hijJcia,llbe 08t ad iIJg, at the numerou tavern gardens W 'passed up to amodemtetemperature, DeRuyter, on Sixth day beJror1s! ", WI' perceptlODS e mentIOn tIllS con see, was naked prame, Iymg out m .and Temamoo until the 8th of March, last Sabbath ID June next 8Ylltelaiati~ method of tdl

ltbm the compact .,aI ts of the quest of seemm~ly lDsuperable dlffi ItS wIld grandeur No scene on when another attempt was made, but B G STlLUIAN, Se<l1"etal1t.

j'::f q,,#t!~jl~~gi 18 prOba~IY not t wn, concerts and operas, and thea- cultles, to encourage to perseverance earth IS, to my ey.e, so grand, as the failel1 after gettmg down to wlthlD 8 DERuuEn N Y M.reh 8th 1867 ;' .. '~aD,lrOml1'D or child, III our entire 'tres, are frequented nearly every those lab rmg nndJr emban;assments rollmg prames west of the Mlssonrl degrees of z~ro Smce that time, It

wonld notl e able e"enmg of any Ind Choose dehberatelYi Wh G d d th th th t has seemedl qUiet, and remains In a OF MIStmON!lRIlgS_.il~n t L -I B en 0 cnrse e ear, a moderate clime And now, as It IS meeting was held recjllnt-eachu month ell!:lUm il' capl~'l d d " fi llli htl if t II h F I H.'ld l(IIth.red tIierc her bCftnty nn I her an WISe, an never gIve up curse e g y, a a, ere Ie the 12th of March, a damp P

obJec~. All ehivalrv Speakmg bf pamtlDgs, remlDds ns of on the tour of Eurolle, and all the snow faIlmgl :we hope Mercury the South resbyterlao wil.1iDIII'I to pledie The CIty abolInds 10 magmficent ell one we D lIDd III a gallery of the works of art mId SCience, that mVlte WIll remam I)met the sprmg! on ~he oooaSIO!! of




fOllndmg of a Baptist TheologIcal HARTSVILLE -A letter fr11D SemlDary ThIS IS gm~n by the feur H P BurdICk, dated Marcn sons of M.r Crozer, to whom he be a 8 "A week last SIIIIJjal,DI queathed It They, In connection 8 y '~.DtiJted' ,,~ •. i~.IlII'.:1 With their mother and Sisters, have Eld B F Rogers • also subsp.l'Ibed the 8um of $170,000 dldates, who made ID money for the endowment of the chureh before I lwas Semmary and the ereotIOn of the ere IntendIDg ~o gOI~forWlll'd, professors houses, and Mr WilllSm d not know of the dpIPortuDI~) BtlCknell has added to thIS $25,000 for the begmnlDg of a hbrary ThiS ntillt vr~as-,-t_o_o+--+-:-;T"" makes ID all the handsome snm of I W $280 000 ELLSVILLEj

The will of the late Paschal P d by another porr of Boston, makes the follOWIng buUdmgs were aeIItto:fe~,

Page 3: WESTERLY R I I The I · not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5-Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5-WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1

At L verpool England on Thura Hri.geiis-'I day the ;t4th of March the AmerIcan

Chamber of Commerce gaNe a g and banquet, In honor of the heroes of :the Atlant c cable at wh ch tfine gold medals were p esent~d to Cy us W FIeld Capt Ande son Mr Canl!; ng and!l W lIoughby Sm th The en terta nment was a Bplendld affa The Amer can M n ster Mr Adams an? all the leading Arne !Can Ille ch,nts of Liverpool we e present Mr. "V m Rathbone p eBIded The \is al toasts were g ven and the

ehUl~ch,,1 health Of the President of the Umted States drank

Mr Adams 10 -eply to a h ghly complImenta y toast discia med all personal cred t for the rna ntenance of peace between England and Arner loa Bay ng that h s course had been d ctated by the' .Ai/le can govern ment He thought that the magm tude of the relat ons between the

count es was the best gua antee of peace The telegrapl he hoped would strengtheu that gua antee aud m ght ult mately supe sede d! 10 macy and lnerge the w.Olld Into one nat on and one langujlge

Mr F eld m a speech S!l d that the ex sting cables were pe fect m construct on and could do twelve t mes the amount of work wh ch was now offered He the ef'ore hoped the tariff on messages wo 111 be soon reduced so that hoth hnes m ght be

constantly n operat on He was lU favor of allow ng the trans m ss on of pol t cal mtelhgence to the press on both s des of the o<;ean at a rate wh ch :vould enable tl em to nn"bli"h the fUll ne:vs of the orId

day He proml~ed that the wc!rkilill tac 1 t es (If the cables wo Id

:inlDl"Oved and extended m Amer eloquently expat ated on the

benefit to be de e 1 hen mprovements had been com

pleted He concluded by hop ng that the 'l.tlant c cab e ;vo Id be the means of cementmg the fr enilsh p of the two natIOns that wo ds of enm ty m ght never p:i$ between mother and child and thatl:therr only va&y would be n extend' ng the bleg nO's of! berty n eIther hem sphe e '"

UNITED ST TEa TAXF." -The e duct on n taxeB under the amend ments to the nte nal revenue law tal;;e effect on and after March 2 1867 All exemptIOns dnte fi om the morDlrlg of thnt dlly The IUcome tax now to be et rned upon the n come of last ) ea w II be paId ac co d ng to the new law One thous and dollars thus eturned IS exempt and all abo\e that pays a un fOTm rate of " pe c nt The retu DS

must now be made m J}1a ch m~tead Mayas under thf' old law

','';''e;,. flood III the West was In many places between

Albany and Evansville the Oh 0

was thlrly miles WIde Thous of cattle sheep and hogs were

i<lrr ..... "'eil and hundreds oftbousands bUl!hefs of gram were lost The

was covered WIth floatmg 1"""onl).Q of hay wheat and oats Near

the steamboa~ landmgs were water and the boats cannot

land ngs Shawneetown was completely mundated m the lower part of Cmcmnatl and Cov1Ogton hnndreds of honses vere under

The 26th of Apnl next WhiCh IS the annlverslty of the establIshment of the Order.of Odd Fellows tn thiS conntry has been set apart by the Most Worthy Grand SITe of the Or der as a day of thank~glvmg for tlie retum of peace and the preservation of the Order dunng the war


SUMMARY OF n;WS The iV ckBburg 1:: 11 es says Warren

county was never so Overrun by ho se th eves TheIr piau IS to enter nto a rangements WIth the planta

t on negroes who meet them m the n ght at some deSignated spot With ~he an mal that they then Immed ately mount and a e off. t avel ng only 10 the n ght unt I thev a e fa fi om tbe ne ghborhood

Mrs John C Fremont s \ ery ::tc tI ve m hel effo ts for secur ng contr butlOns for the reI ef of the deat tute Southerners She IS acc\,ed ted WIth hav ng been the meanB of obta n ng a vessel from the GovernmenJ; to carry Buppl es flOm New YOlk and also v th lia v ng msp red the act on of the Un ted States Senate 10 v ot ng an appropr atlOn of $1 000000

A d spatch to the Boston Jou al says that jene al B Itle has eCe! e<1 from P!l a magn ficent bonze medal wh h s a fac Sl>il:nle of the gold medall presented to Mrs L ncoln by 40000l'rench c tlZE'ns n honor of the ma~tyr Preslilent ~nd as a test momall of sympathy w th the An e lean people m the r berea e ment I

A 1 ttle boy about s x years of age son of M Ph 11 P Ryan a farme res d ng near K ng.toD Canada acc dentally hung h mself wh Ie play ng w th a rope attached to a beam "Vh Ie he was endeavor ng to get a POB t on on the rope t sl pI\ed a pa t of It t ghten ng round h s neck suffo cat ng I n

A d spatch dated W. saJs tl at the 12th of March was the cQ,ldest day of the season At St Paul M nn the thermo neteJ was t ve t) fi e deg ees below zero At Mad son La C oose and 111 I wau kee \V s t as twelve degrees be 10 v ze 0

Ion A woman n Hudson C ty N J

whose ch Id had been flogged u school went to the school house the othe day and cowhided both the male and female teacher n the most severe manne~

The w II of Col 0 Fallon of St Lon s involvmg property wOlth SIX to eight m 11 ons I as been set as de He gave h 8 chIldren only a I fe es tate and left h s p operty to a grand child

An army of rats made a raId on the hog pen of a farme at Summer Hill N Y a few weeks ago and k lled and nearly devou ed a hog wClgli ng 200 po nds

Jesje Halb rd a promment ron merchant of C nc nnat! Jumped f om a steamboat a few days s nce w h Ie Buffermg fj om del r III tremens and was drowned

Montreal s cia med to be the gny est c ty $f Its B ze ln the world It IS estImated that $100 000 has been expended there for balls LI e present season

Caslimer~ goats tile rapIdly m creaslDg n lIhuo s They can be rnoed a8 edsily as the common goat

Hiram Wood fi' the celebrated horse tra ner d ed at h B ICS dence on Long I.land on Thursday March 14th

The women IU St Lou s are CI cu lat ng pet t on. ask ng the LegIslature to str ke out the" ord male from the State Const tutlOn

A woman vho s repolted to be one hundred and two years old was a:rested n New "YOlk the other day on a charge of vagrancy

There are several colored st dents IU the g ad 1St ng class of the medICal depa tment of Harvard Un verslty

Ove four hundred I quor selle s IU Massachusetts have gn en up therr bus ness w th n a week

Alabama has fi e tl ousana three h ndred and th rty squa e miles of coal fields

Theatr cal performanccs on Sun day even ugs a e g en n C nc n nat!

The Expre 8 says that there one hundred and fiftJ' thousand cats IUNewYokcty

Nea Iy t vo thousand dogs have been slaughtered IU eli cago w th n afe ~ da)B

An aSSoCIatlOn s fOlillmg nNe vada for the nanufactu e of s lk

John H Su ratt s s nea ly eve} d~


and are found to be very profitable e c.

The philosopher th nks he would I S ru • .nch ns G ace. eery one should bu" rather play than work if. lIke HiS All to.l s wond ous merits Ie fy torI he could make "'200 000 lD a L e~ those who doubl a 8 ngle box but Irv

'I' V ori then III! true deserts twould have season Even unbellevers would ilIud GRACI< S SAL E


EVER OFFERED IN A !ERICA Fnll.nd expl c ill eet ons fa n tint



THE BEST PIANOFORTE BOOK Is R ba d on 6 Ne" }Ie hod

THE BEST ORGAN BOOK Is Znndels Modern Schoo



THE BEST GmTAR BOOI( Is Cnrtl.s Me hod

THE BEST VIOLIN BOOK Is Fessenden 8 Modern Shoo

THE BEST FLUTE BOOK Is Be b~e 8 Me hod

THE ,~B~ES~!T~~'-v'i~lro~LJO~N~C~E~L~LOii~Bi~O:~OK Is

THEr. ~"lifijine;:', 'Perr.ect

.n Execu on sswng from the Honorable SHERIFF SALE -Bl: "\ IRTUE OF T'H1~~'~~~~~i!~~{!},~~r.~~, Suprep1e Court, Pro Idence County Octoher I Session 1866 to me d rected and byrne levied, In III or of George 8 T Newell e\ a1, oC







Page 4: WESTERLY R I I The I · not ch ldren of the bond woman but of the lreJl Eph 1 5-Havmg p edestmated us to the alloptlon of eh Idren Heb 12 5-WhICh speake\h to you ss to chltaren 1


of these httle r~reBentatlve tracts and that the Stat~and CltiZenS~hall be. muted to cont Ibute to the ca bmE'ts spec men s 0 the natura and art fimal product on of the States re presented I

medy whICh he has never known to fall Take water heated to a tem perature of about one hundred and t venty degrees and after filling a syrmge With It shower the plants coplOnsl} and the death of the m

An enormous depOSit of rock salt has been discovered on Petit Anse Inlet Loumana so large that the product of It IS expected to revolu t on ze the salt trade of the ent e country

A MOOAITRE IDIEmC~ - Our country IB wdly de lie ent n parks museums -and gardens zoolog cal botan oal and the like whICh abo lOd III the Old World "Weare glad therefore to find III an exchange mentIOn of a gradd project III \VaBh

nnr ••• ·' mgton llelrSOl~s A great natIOnal park IS to be esta

sects will certamly follow An ex a cellent way to preserve bouquets IS

to oocaslOnally chp the ends of the stems that rest m the water which w 11 furmsh more nour ahment to the Howe 8

Maryland has voted to erect a monument m honor to Ch ef JustICe Taney and a bill has been mtroduced to erect another II. memory of Fran~ CIS S Key author of the Star Span gled Bann.:>r

cor es lIe 111


AN UNINTENTIONAL JOKE -A. Ro chester urchm unconsc ously perpe ttated a great Joke at the expense of hIS teapher the other day rhe lady was aqnounClng to hel pupils the holIday of] eb 22d and askmg tbem some qUfstlOns conceTIl'lng Its observ ance among others why the b rth day of Washington should be cele brated more than that of anyone else Why she added more than m no you may tell me she sa d to a 1 ttle fellow eager to e;x: pIa. n Because he exclaimed WIth great vlvaCIty because he

Four young men who were attend mg a party at Hudson N l' a few even ngs smcJ acc dentally drank carras ve subhmate and It IS fear ed that all of them w 11 d e 10 conse qU"lnce

Two car loaal! of till ty n ne hor ses were confiBcat~d at St Albans Vt lecently by the revenue officers and a few days before 28 000 pa rs of prunella shppe s val led at $0000 81 ared a 8 mUm: fate

nevet told a he


The large plantat ons n Lou sana a c planted 1D sugar the smaller ones n cotton More r ce will be I alsed

thiS year than for merly The freed men command h gher wages-fifteen dollars a m onlh and rations

Johnme smd a man wmkmg slyly to b. dry goods cle k of h s ~c qUlllntance you must give me extra measnre Your master IS not m

J ohome looked solemnly mto the

The temperance soc ety at Wash ugton D C has purchased a build ng for $20000 and mtend to BohClt

temperance men and women through out the Un on to take shines at $~

man s facll and eplIcd ~fy aster each sal ys

Johnme s master was the all seemg God Let every onc when he s tempted adopt Johnn e s motto

My master IS al\\ ays m It wIll Save hIm f am fall ng IOtO many BIDS

I would not be a woman for then I co Id not love her said Mon tague Lady Montague s~s The only obJect on II ave to belUg a man s that I sbould then have to malry

a woman

ODDB AND ENDS TI e camel has been mt oduced

mto A lstral a and has proved well adapted to the dry eg ons of that country In a recent exped t on 0 loses 14 camels and 10 men were employed The spnngs upon wh ch they depended for wate ha ng dr ed up the horses d ed the men resort­ed to the r stores of sp r tuous 1 quors vh Ie the carr els tJa\ eled on w thout d nk The. cam lin was thus en abled to cont n e ItS Journey unt I I ey reached the Thompson Rver

Horace Greeley getl! oft' a good th ng now and then In a lect Ire del vcred on ad, crt s ng he Said

Some men \\ ho know eno Igh to ndve t se a e yet so nil lOW n nded as to confine thmr advert sements to Journals of the I own creed and I arty If they do not choose to trade nth any but men of I ke fa tb th s s v se but f they des re the vi ole I bhc for c 8tomers t IS othe 1\ se

A good story IS told of n Glasgow me chant 1fho on I s death bed sent f'or a I ee ChUlch clergyman IIa ng some fea s regard ng h s fu ture prospects he asked the rever end gentleman Do you thmk f I

ere to leave £10000 to the Free K rk my soul vonld be .aved ~

'Vell answered the cautIO B m n ster I co Id not JU t. pron se you that but I th nk t s an exper ment well worth tty ng

A look of the ha of Jol n lIn t one of the signers of the Decla at on of Independence and first Speaker of the House of Assembly of Ne\\ Jer e~ has been presented by J aoob

Weart Esq of Je ~e) C ty to Go Ward fo depos t n the State L b a y It I ad Ill. n u the ea th for a

I e od of e ght) s x yea s an 1 \\ as t 11 P esc ed app"" antly as natu al

as eve except It as tl e colo of the 60 I n "h ch t vas mbedded

The Rev Geo ge T W II [lm. who was ace lsed of p ck llg a lady 8 pocket lU • BlOadl'l:UY New York stage IS no V adm tted to be hope lessly nsane It s bel eved never theless tl at the accusatIOn was false

What quad upeds iI e a 1m tted to balls ope a and d nncr pa t es ~ Wh te k Is

A compauy has been orgamzed for br dgmg the 7\1 ss ss pp at St Lou.

A story IS told of a motl er who sent he own daguClreotope to a

Po TE SS AT HO)lE -The laws of pol te ess should be observed not only bet een mt mate fr ends but be t veen me nbers of the same fam Iy and those ho feholds are most peaceful and bapp where the cou tesles of good so ety a e observed Tl e e need not (md ought not to be fOlm al ty b t httle attent on between brothers nd s ste s mak ng mutua~ esteem Ievcnt tl at carelessness and ha dness wh eh IS most apt to c eep nto the fam ly aud vhlOh grow ant

of mt m~Jcy It IS good manners and cons Ie t on for eacb othe s fee~ mgs tl at prevent famllmr ty engej de ng c nteml t

W 0 Ek .. c-IN-n-;A-,-·A-R-r-A--A--'n Amen

can t a el ng m Bava a w tes home md gnantly that he saw wo men ha nessed to a plo v and that he saw no less than a h md ed times poor weif y women ready to drop unde thel enormous loads of ma ketmg or wood t lUg ng I atlently along n the dusty road towa d Mu n ch 01 from t whlle the swm sh beasts-he wonld not call them men -rna ched selencly beSide them eany ng no pound of anyth ng save theu 0 vn bloated and beer soaked bod es and neve oft'e ed to tonch the bu dens With so much as one of tllli fingers

mldn ght meet ng m Lond"on hop ng that her abandoned dn gl tel m ght see t and lepent Tbe pc tu e was passed a ound m seve al meet ngs until at last It met the eye fo wb ch twas mtended and the gu Ity g rl b oke mto tea s and set out at once for the home of he ch Id hood

When Q een VICtor a made her VISIt to Wolverhampton Eugland, to ded oate the statue of Pr nee Al bert the cortege passed mde SIX t umphant a ches one of wh ch was bu It of on and coal some of the latter be ng m blocks welghmg two tons apIece Another arcb was com posed of hard wa c and Japaned goods among v hlOh coal scuttles were qu te conap cuous

A quamt Method st preacher of Tex3s years ago Ised to announce h s text thus l' ou Will find my text m the 8th chapter of lsa ah 9th verse And If you don t find t tha you wIll find t somewhm ef you hunt the book thro gh fi om G nnes s to Revelat on and ef you don t find t then you w 11 find a


great many th ngs wh eh w 11 do a power of good

A man m Podland Me attend cd a masquerade ball dlsgu sed as an ape After d!essmg m the character he was passmg throngh an entry when ala ge Newfoundland dog at tacked him and he was obI ged to fiy to avoll bemg torn to pleces

bhshed III \Vash ngton A corres pondent says that It 18 proposed to Ho, TO r,ET RID ° R TS -It has make the park a workmg model been d 8covered that lats can be got ofthe Un ted States- to delmeate nd of by covermg the floo near the If not to reproduce III mlOlature the rat hole w th 11 thm layer of mo st I~;~~~::!~~:r of the contment-to set caust c potash I when t/Ie rats walk I·; Ontanollla reduced scale on thiS It makes the rfe~tsore these

As an IllustratIOn of the nnmber of Idle men n ChICago III no s It IS stated that a load of hay upset the other day m the street and wlthm fifteen mlOutes tl ere were seven thousand grown persons m the vlCm Ity of the acmdent beSIdes I/, large

a livlllg map some two miles they 1 ck with thel tong les It not 1D water colors but III the makes the I months sore and the re

element It~elf-to lead a toy M ss s suIt IS that they shun th s locahty SIppi from ItS baby nursery III the not alone but appear to tell all the Rocky MQunta us of real rock ne ghbollng rats about It, and event through a httla contlllent to a small 1 ually the house s entuely abandoned Gulf of MeXICO The St Lawrence I by them notwlthstandmg the neigh

the Colo~ado and all otheq:p eat I bo hood may be teemmg With rats nvers Ille to be represented by mlm c streams an~ Without lIltendmg 3¥y I HINTS TO FI ORIST~ -A gentleman allUSIOn ~o th~ exclUSIOn ofthe States who had many years expelrence as

a lately: 1D rebe4 on all the States and a fior st states that those who ale AmluloVl3r Terrltorles are to be I epresented troubled With Illsects on plants III

hlllrlfel!,:,I,prElsel'viIilrthelr r~latIve posItion and theIr dwellmg and who do not pre It 18 proposed that fer the smokIng out process would

mlllSeUlli1 shall be erected npon each do well to try the followmg re

number of boys and gl Is The tallow tree of Chma has been

mtroduced mto IndIa The tallow produ~ed from It IS said to be excel lent 111 quahty and to burn With a clear bight modorous fiame Without smoke The leaves are valuable as a dye

An Irish attorney has deCided that no pnnter should publish a death un less apprised of the fact by the party deceased

Artemus Ward says the only Bub stltute for a newspaper 1~ a ladles sewIDg ctrole



.c~ a~~~~;~~~~iT~~~d. popular c is teu cents per line No papers ed nless prcpul(L



TIIE FINKLE &; LYON SEWING }'~,cE~,~I1fa;;~~~~;~



SOUTHWEST Also 0 the

