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Western Culture 4

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    Western culture

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article may containoriginal research. Pleaseimprove itbyverifyingthe claims made and

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    For this article's equivalent regarding the East, seeEastern culture. For the Henry Cow album of the

    same name, seeWestern Culture (album).

    Leonardo da Vinci'sVitruvian Man. A symbol of the importance ofhumanismandempiricismin Western

    culture since theRenaissance

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    Platoalong withSocratesandAristotlewere founding members ofWestern philosophy.

    Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization or European civilization, refers to

    culturesofEuropeanorigin and is used very broadly to refer to aheritageofsocial norms,ethical values,

    traditional customs,religiousbeliefs,political systems, and specificartifactsandtechnologies.

    Western culture stems from two sources: theClassical Periodof the theGraeco-Roman eraand the

    influence ofChristianity. The artistic, philosophic, literary, andlegalthemes and traditions; the heritages

    of especiallyLatin,Celtic,Germanic, andHellenicethnic or linguistic groups; as well as a tradition of

    rationalismin various spheres of life, developed byHellenistic philosophy,Scholasticism,Humanisms,theScientific RevolutionandEnlightenment; and including, inpolitical thought, widespreadrational

    argumentsin favour offreethought,human rights,equalityanddemocracy.[citation needed]

    The term has come to apply to countries whosehistoryis strongly marked by European immigration or

    settlement, such asthe Americas, andAustralasia, and is not restricted to Western Europe.

    Historical records of western culture in its European geographical range begin withAncient Greece, and

    thenAncient Rome, Christianization during the EuropeanMiddle Ages, and reform and modernization

    starting byRenaissance, and globalized by successiveEuropean empiresthat spread the European ways

    of life and education between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. European Culture developed with

    a complex range of philosophy, medieval scholasticism and mysticism, Christian and secular humanism.

    Rational thinking developed through a long age of change and formation with the experiments of

    enlightenment, naturalism, romanticism, science, democracy, and socialism. With its global connection,

    European culture grew with an all-inclusive urge to adopt, adapt, and ultimately influence other trends

    of culture.

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    Some tendencies that have come to define modern Westernsocietiesare the existence ofpolitical

    pluralism, prominentsubculturesorcountercultures(such asNew Agemovements), and increasing

    culturalsyncretismresulting fromglobalizationandhuman migration.



    1 Terminology 2 History

    o 2.1 The Classical Westo 2.2 The Medieval Westo 2.3 The Modern Erao 2.4 Religion In Modern Western Culture

    3 Widespread influence 4 Music, art, story-telling and architecture 5 Sport 6 Scientific and technological inventions and discoveries 7 Themes and traditions 8 See also 9 Maps 10 Notes 11 References

    [edit] Terminology

    Further information:Western world

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    Isaac Newtondiscovereduniversal gravitationandthe laws of motion.

    The Greeks contrasted themselves to theirEastern neighbors, such as theTrojansinIliad, setting an

    example for later contrasts between east and west. In theMiddle Ages,Islamin theNear Eastprovided

    a contrast to the West though it had beenHellenizedsince the time ofAlexander the Great, and had

    been ruled by Rome and Constantinople and part of"Christendom".

    In the later 20th to early 21st century, with the advent of increasingglobalism, it has become more

    difficult to determine which individuals fit into which category, and the EastWest contrast is sometimescriticized asrelativisticand arbitrary.


    Globalismhas, especially since the end of thecold war, spread western ideas so widely that almost all

    modern countries or cultures are to some extent influenced by aspects of western culture which they

    have absorbed. Recent stereotyped Western views of "the West" have been labelledOccidentalism,

    parallelingOrientalism, the term for the 19th century stereotyped views of "the East".

    Geographically, "The West" today would normally be said to includeWestern Europeas well as certain

    territories belonging to theAnglosphere, theHispanidad, theLusofoniaor theFrancophonie.

    [edit] History

    Further information:History of Western civilization

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    History of

    Western philosophy

    Western philosophy



    Contemporary16th17th18th19th20th Century

    Religious philosophy

    ChristianJewish Islamic Hindu Buddhist

    See also

    Eastern philosophy



    Western culture Western world

    v d e

    Western culture is neitherhomogeneousnor unchanging. As with all other cultures it has evolved and

    gradually changed over time. All generalities about it have their exceptions at some time and place. The

    organisation and tactics of the GreekHoplitesdiffered in many ways from theRoman legions. Thepolis

    of the Greeks is not the same as the Americansuperpowerof the 21st century. Thegladiatorial gamesof

    theRoman Empireare not identical to present-dayfootball. The art ofPompeiiis not the art of

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    Hollywood. Nevertheless, it is possible to follow the evolution and history of the West, and appreciate

    its similarities and differences, its borrowings from, and contributions to, other cultures ofhumanity.

    Concepts of what is the Westarose out of legacies of theWestern Roman Empireand theEastern

    Roman Empire. Later, ideas of the west were formed by the concepts ofChristendomand theHoly

    Roman Empire. What we think of as Western thought today is generally defined asGreco-RomanandJudeo-Christianculture, and includes the ideals ofthe Renaissanceand theEnlightenment.

    [edit] The Classical West

    Alexander the Great


    The Classical West was Greco-Roman/Celtic/Germanic Europe.

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    InHomeric literature, and right up until the time ofAlexander the Great, for example in the accounts of

    thePersian WarsofGreeksagainstPersiansbyHerodotus, we see theparadigmof a contrast between

    the West and East.

    Nevertheless the Greeks felt they were the most civilized and saw themselves (in the formulation of

    Aristotle) as something between the wildbarbariansof most of Europe and the soft, slavish Easterners.Ancient Greekscience,philosophy,democracy,architecture,literature, andartprovided a foundation

    embraced and built upon by theRoman Empireas it swept up Europe, including theHellenic Worldin its

    conquests in the 1st century BC. In the meantime however, Greece, under Alexander, had become a

    capital of the East, and part of anempire. The idea that the laterOrthodoxorEastern Christiancultural

    descendants of the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman empire, are a happy mean between Eastern

    slavishness and Western barbarism is promoted to this day, for example in Russia, creating a zone which

    is both Eastern and Western depending upon the context of discussion.

    For about five hundred years, the Roman Empire maintained theGreek Eastand consolidated a Latin

    West, but an East-West division remained, reflected in many cultural norms of the two areas, including

    language. Although Rome, like Greece, was no longer democratic, the idea of democracy remained a

    part of the education of citizens, as if the emperors were a temporary emergency measure.

    Eventually the empire came to be increasingly officially split into a Western and Eastern part, reviving

    old ideas of a contrast between an advanced East, and a rugged West. In the Roman world one could

    speak of three main directions; North (Celtic tribes and Parthians), the East (lux ex oriente), and finally

    South which implied danger, historically via the Punic wars (Quid novi ex Africa?) The West was peaceful

    it contained only the Mediterranean.

    With the rise of Christianity in the midst of the Roman world, much of Rome's tradition and culture were

    absorbed by the new religion, and transformed into something new, which would serve as the basis forthe development of Western civilization after the fall of Rome. Also, Romanculturemixed with the pre-

    existingCeltic,GermanicandSlaviccultures, which slowly became integrated into Western culture

    starting, mainly, with their acceptance of Christianity.

    [edit] The Medieval West

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    Christendomand theCrusades

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    Thediscovery of the New WorldbyChristoper Columbus

    The Medieval West was at its broadest the same asChristendom, including both the "Latin" or

    "Frankish" West, and the Orthodox Eastern part, where Greek remained the language of empire. After

    the crowning ofCharlemagne, Charlemagne's part of Europe was referred to by its neighbors in

    Byzantium and the Muslim world as "Frankish".

    After thefall of Romemuch of Greco-Roman art, literature, science and even technology were all but

    lost in the western part of the old empire, centered aroundItaly, andGaul(France). However, this would

    become the centre of a new West. Europe fell into political anarchy, with many warring kingdoms and

    principalities. Under the Frankish kings, it eventually reunified and evolved intofeudalism.Charlemagnewas crownedEmperor of the Romansby the Pope in 800. His reign is associated with theCarolingian

    Renaissance, a revival of art, religion, and culture through the medium of theCatholic Church. Through

    his foreign conquests and internal reforms, Charlemagne helped define both Western Europe and the

    Middle Ages. He is numbered as Charles I in the regnal lists of France, Germany (where he is known as

    Karl der Groe), and theHoly Roman Empire. The re-establishment of a Western "Roman" imperium

    challenged the status of theEastern Roman EmperorinConstantinopleand strained relations between

    Eastern and Western Europe.

    Much of the basis of the post-Roman cultural world had been set before the fall of the Empire, mainly

    through the integrating and reshaping of Roman ideas through Christian thought. The Greek and Romanpaganismhad been completely replaced byChristianityaround the 4th and 5th centuries, since it

    became the official State religion following the baptism of emperorConstantine I.Roman Catholic

    Christianity and theNicene Creedserved as a unifying force inWestern Europe, and in some respects

    replaced or competed with the secular authorities. Art and literature, law, education, and politics were

    preserved in the teachings of the Church, in an environment that, otherwise, would have probably seen

    their loss. TheChurchfounded manycathedrals,universities,monasteriesandseminaries, some of

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    which continue to exist today. In theMedievalperiod, the route to power for many men was in the


    In a broader sense, theMiddle Ages, with its fertile encounter between GreekreasoningandLevantine

    monotheismwas not confined to the West but also stretched into the old East, in what was to become

    theIslamic world. The philosophy and science of Classical Greece was largely forgotten in Western andNorthern Europe after the collapse of theWestern Roman Empire, other than in isolated monastic

    enclaves (notably in Ireland, which had become Christian but which was never conquered by Rome).[4]

    Although the EasternEmperor Justinian(the last Emperor to speak Latin as a first tongue) closedthe

    Academyin AD 529 (a date that is often cited as the end of Antiquity), the learning ofClassical Antiquity

    was better preserved in theByzantineEastern Roman Empire, whose capital atConstantinoplestood for

    another millennium, before being captured by theOttoman Turks. Justinian'sCorpus Juris CivilisRoman

    civil law code was preserved in the East and Constantinople maintained trade and intermittent political

    control over outposts such asVenicein the West for centuries. Classical Greek learning was also

    subsumed, preserved and elaborated in the rising Islamic world, which gradually supplanted Roman-

    Byzantine control over the Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, Iberia and even Greece itself -becoming a dominant cultural-political force in those regions. Thus, from the margins of the Roman

    world much of the learning of classical antiquity was slowly reintroduced to Western Europe in the

    centuries following the collapse of theWestern Roman Empire. Irish missionaries such asSt Columba

    propagated Christianity and Latin learning in Western Europe during theEarly Medieval Periodand

    Byzantine Greeks and Islamic Arabs reintroduced texts from Antiquity to Western Europe during the

    Late Middle AgesandRenaissance of the 12th century.

    The rediscovery of theJustinian Codein Western Europe early in the 10th century rekindled a passion

    for the discipline of law, which crossed many of the re-forming boundaries between East and West.

    Eventually, it was only in theCatholicorFrankishwest, thatRoman lawbecame the foundation onwhich all legal concepts and systems were based. Its influence can be traced to this day in all Western

    legal systems (although in different manners and to different extents in thecommon(England) and the

    civil(continental European) legal traditions). The study ofcanon law, the legal system of the Catholic

    Church, fused with that of Roman law to form the basis of the refounding of Western legal scholarship.

    The ideas ofcivil rights,equalitybefore thelaw,equality of women,procedural justice, anddemocracy

    as the ideal form ofsocietywere principles which formed the basis of modern Western culture.

    The West actively encouraged the spreading ofChristianity, which was inexorably linked to the spread of

    Western culture. Owing to the influence ofIslamic cultureandIslamic civilization a culture that had

    preserved some of the knowledge of ancientMesopotamia,Egypt,India,Persia,Greece, andRome in

    Islamic Spainandsouthern Italy, and in theLevantduring theCrusades, Western Europeans translated

    manyArabic texts into Latinduring the Middle Ages. Later, with thefall of Constantinopleand the

    Ottoman conquest of the Byzantine Empire, followed by a massive exodus of Greek Christian priests and

    scholarsto Italian towns likeVenice, bringing with them as many scripts from the Byzantine archives as

    they could, scholars' interest for theGreek languageand classic works, topics and lost files was revived.

    Both the Greek and Arabic influences eventually led to the beginnings of theRenaissance. From the late

    15th century to the 17th century, Western culture began to spread to other parts of the world by

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    intrepid explorers and missionaries during theAge of Discovery, followed byimperialistsfrom the 17th

    century to the early 20th century.

    [edit] The Modern Era

    TheU.S. Constitution

    TheIndustrial Revolution

    Western empires in 1910

    Coming into themodern era, the historical understanding of the East-West contrast - as the opposition

    ofChristendomto its geographical neighbors - began to weaken. As religion became less important, and

    Europeans came into increasing contact with far away peoples, the old concept of Western Culture

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    began a slow evolution towards what it is today. TheEarly Modern"Age of Discovery" in the 15th, 16th

    and 17th centuries faded into the "Age of Enlightenment" continuing into the 18th, both characterized

    by the military advantages coming toEuropeansfrom their development offirearmsand othermilitary

    technologies. The "Great Divergence" became more pronounced, making the West the bearer ofscience

    and the accompanying revolutions oftechnologyandindustrialisation. Western political thinking also,

    eventually spread in many forms around the world. With the early 19th century "Age of Revolution" the

    West entered a period ofWorld empires, massive economic and technological advance, and bloody

    international conflicts continuing into the 20th century.

    As Europe discovered the wider world, old concepts adapted. The Islamic world which had formerly

    been considered "theOrient" ("the East") more specifically became the "Near East" as the interests of

    the European powers for the first time interfered withQing ChinaandMeiji Japanin the 19th century.[5]

    Thus, theSino-Japanese Warin 18941895 occurred in the "Far East", while the troubles surrounding

    thedecline of the Ottoman Empiresimultaneously occurred in the "Near East".[6]

    The "Middle East" in

    the mid-19th century included the territory east of the Ottoman empire but West of China, i.e.Greater

    PersiaandGreater India, but is now used synonymously with "Near East" in most languages.

    [edit] Religion In Modern Western Culture

    Religion in the meantime has waned considerably in Western Europe, where many areagnosticor

    atheist. Nearly half of the populations of theUnited Kingdom(44-54%),Germany(41-49%),France(43-

    54%) and theNetherlands(39-44%) are non-theist. However, religious belief in the United States is very

    strong, about 75-85% of the population,[7]as also happens in most of Latin America.

    [edit] Widespread influence

    The architecture of theWhite Housedeliberately recalls ancient Greek temples.

    Elements of Western culture have had a very influential effect on other cultures worldwide. People of

    many cultures, both Western and non-Western, equate modernization (adoption of technological

    progress) withwesternization(adoption of Western culture). Some members[who?] of the non-Western

    world, such as M. K. Gandhi, have suggested that the link between technological progress and certain

    harmful Western values provides a reason why much of "modernity" should be rejected as being

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    incompatible with their vision and the values of their societies. These types of argument referring to

    imperialismand stressing the importance offreedomfrom it and therelativistargument that different

    cultural norms should be treated equally, are also present in Western philosophy.

    [edit] Music, art, story-telling and architecture

    Saint Peter's Basilica

    Western literature.William Shakespeare'sFirst Foliopictured

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    Western Art. TheMona Lisapictured

    Classical music,operaandballet.Swan lakepictured

