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WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Do Justice • Love Kindness • Walk Humbly August 16, 2017 Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). In this Issue Concerns & Celebraons 2 Back-to-School Clothing Sale 2 Hai Medicine Collecon 2 Families Moving Forward 2 Created for Good 3 Join Us, Singers! 3 Rally Day: September 10 4 Navigang the Long Unknown 4 In the Library 4 Commiee Budget Report 5 Glimpses of Our Time with... 5 Youth Ministry News 6 Rally Day Carnival 6 Westminster School for Children 7 Thank You, Fellowship Commiee 7 Church Finance Overview 7 Community Opportunies 7 Preaching Schedule 8 Worship Volunteers 8 Friends and fellow disciples, What a joyful two weeks of worship we have had here at Westminster! Pages five and six of this newsleer tell the story: A morning with La Nueva Jerusalén on August 6: La Nueva has been worshipping on our campus for the beer part of seven years. They’re here on Friday and Saturday evenings, and Wednesdays and Sunday mornings somemes, too! We had a great leadership team for August 6, supplemented by so many of you who hosted families and brought food. It was a giſt to watch members get to know each other, with God at work as we fumbled through liturgy and song in Spanish and English, trusng the Holy Spirit to help us truly understand each other. The Rev. Alfredo Miranda and our own Rev. Bey Berghaus led us in gathering around the communion table together. So many of you came out of worship and said to me, “Let’s do this again!” And we will! A morning led by our youth on August 13: Our youth, and the remarkable crew of adults that journey with them, have been all over the place this summer – to Atlanta, Massanea, and Montreat. They have worshipped and served and played together. And a few of them took me in worship to tell us a lile about those trips, but even more about the God that journeyed with them. This is a God, as preachers Daniel Falkovic and Betsy Kelly told us, who gave Joseph some remarkable dreams, and plants those same dreams within us. This God is also at work in our lives, in good mes and when it feels like you are in the pit. We are not alone. We sang and prayed and bapzed Ruthie Cade Hartman. It was a special, special day. We are a community, a covenant people. God has drawn us into this place, that we might sing to God’s glory, and that we might be equipped for service throughout all the world. We are surrounded with too much violence and hatred and bigotry, as we saw in Charloesville, Virginia, over this past weekend. So much hurt surrounds. We are called, as summer transions into fall, to gather together, over and over again, to offer praise to the God who breaks down barriers of race and ethnicity and class and, dare I say, of polics as well. So that we all might be caught up in God’s vision for a world in which people worship together and truly care for each other. May God bless us and guide us as we reach toward this vision together. Chris Child & Youth Protection Policy Trainings All who volunteer with children and youth at Westminster must complete a Child & Youth Protection Policy Training, which will be offered in Room 105 on: Wednesday, August 23, at 6pm Sunday, August 27, at 11:15am Visit www.bit.ly/myWPCevent to register for the training. Save the Date: Fall Women's Retreat Saturday, October 7 Chapel in the Pines, Chapel Hill Led by Rev. Carrie Tuttle Details and registration info coming in the September 6 newsletter.
Page 1: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH · Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). In this Issue ... The Haiti Medical Mission Team is collecting

WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHDo Justice • Love Kindness • Walk Humbly

August 16, 2017

Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

In this IssueConcerns & Celebrations 2

Back-to-School Clothing Sale 2Haiti Medicine Collection 2

Families Moving Forward 2Created for Good 3Join Us, Singers! 3

Rally Day: September 10 4Navigating the Long Unknown 4

In the Library 4Committee Budget Report 5

Glimpses of Our Time with... 5Youth Ministry News 6

Rally Day Carnival 6Westminster School for Children 7

Thank You, Fellowship Committee 7Church Finance Overview 7

Community Opportunities 7Preaching Schedule 8 Worship Volunteers 8

Friends and fellow disciples,

What a joyful two weeks of worship we have had here at Westminster! Pages five and six of this newsletter tell the story:

A morning with La Nueva Jerusalén on August 6: La Nueva has been worshipping on our campus for the better part of seven years. They’re here on Friday and Saturday evenings, and Wednesdays and Sunday mornings sometimes, too! We had a great leadership team for August 6, supplemented by so many of you who hosted families and brought food. It was a gift to watch members get to know each other, with God at work as we fumbled through liturgy and song in Spanish and English, trusting the Holy Spirit to help us

truly understand each other. The Rev. Alfredo Miranda and our own Rev. Betty Berghaus led us in gathering around the communion table together. So many of you came out of worship and said to me, “Let’s do this again!” And we will!

A morning led by our youth on August 13: Our youth, and the remarkable crew of adults that journey with them, have been all over the place this summer – to Atlanta, Massanetta, and Montreat. They have worshipped and served and played together. And a few of them took time in worship to tell us a little about those trips, but even more about the God that journeyed with them. This is a God, as preachers Daniel Falkovic and Betsy Kelly told us, who gave Joseph some remarkable dreams, and plants those same dreams within us. This God is also at work in our lives, in good times and when it feels like you are in the pit. We are not alone. We sang and prayed and baptized Ruthie Cade Hartman. It was a special, special day.

We are a community, a covenant people. God has drawn us into this place, that we might sing to God’s glory, and that we might be equipped for service throughout all the world. We are surrounded with too much violence and hatred and bigotry, as we saw in Charlottesville, Virginia, over this past weekend. So much hurt surrounds.

We are called, as summer transitions into fall, to gather together, over and over again, to offer praise to the God who breaks down barriers of race and ethnicity and class and, dare I say, of politics as well. So that we all might be caught up in God’s vision for a world in which people worship together and truly care for each other. May God bless us and guide us as we reach toward this vision together.


Child & Youth Protection Policy Trainings

All who volunteer with children and youth at Westminster must complete a Child & Youth Protection Policy Training, which will be offered in Room 105 on:

• Wednesday, August 23, at 6pm • Sunday, August 27, at 11:15am

Visit www.bit.ly/myWPCevent to register for the training.

Save the Date:

Fall Women's RetreatSaturday, October 7

Chapel in the Pines, Chapel Hill

Led by Rev. Carrie Tuttle

Details and registration info coming in the September 6


Page 2: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH · Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). In this Issue ... The Haiti Medical Mission Team is collecting

Barb & Bill Burig's fathersThe birth of Stephanie & Chris Casale's daughter

Sherry Fonvielle’s daughterAmy Humphreys

Judy Lamon's friend

The death of Kirk Mangum's motherHal Safrit

Barb Vanden BroekTim Vann's mother

Martha Wily

August 16, 2017

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Volunteer Opportunities and more

Concerns & Celebrations Please remember the following in your prayers this week.

Haiti Medicine CollectionContact: Kay Wellemeyer ([email protected])

The Haiti Medical Mission Team is collecting over-the-counter medications and supplies for our friends in Haiti again. Team members will be in the Courtyard after worship each Sunday with sign-up sheets, and we ask you to return donations to the green collection bin in the Mission Center by Sunday, September 10. Some of the items needed are:

2nd Back-to-School Community Clothing SaleSaturday, September 16, from 8:30am-12pm

The Neighborhood Mission Team is excited to hold the second Back-to-School Community Clothing Sale and welcome our neighbors to campus. We will have fun activities for the children along with donuts and coffee that day. All proceeds from the sale will go to a fund enabling the Neighborhood Mission Team to host more community events and offer support to nearby schools.

We need your help! Please gather the following items for ages birth-to-teen and bring them to the yellow collection bin in the Mission Center starting Sunday, August 20:

• clothing• books• backpacks• athletic clothing, equipment, or shoes

If you have several items that can be pre-sorted and labeled, please help us with this step (e.g. Plastic bag labeled "girls size 6-12 months").

Nothing to donate? Take a shift to sort items or help the day of, and spread the word to your neighbors! Sign up to volunteer at the sale at www.bit.ly/wpcServe.

Serve with Families Moving ForwardContact: Louise Holland ([email protected])

Westminster provides dinner, dinner hosts, and childcare during our volunteer week with Families Moving Forward. Parents attend house meetings and receive life skills training, while volunteers watch the children after dinner.

Monday, August 28: • 5 volunteers to provide dinner for up to 70 people

(Recipes for main dish will be provided if requested) • 1 volunteer to pick up food, drive to Families Moving

Forward and set up dinner (300 North Queen Street, Durham; 4:30-5:30pm)

• 2 dinner hosts to eat with the families and help clean up (5:30-6:30pm)

• 2 childcare volunteers for after dinner (6:30- 8pm)

Tuesday, August 29: • 1 volunteer to cook dinner for up to 20 people and bring

to FMF (300 N. Queen Street, Durham) • 1 dinner host to eat with the families and help clean up

(5:45-6:30pm)• 1 childcare volunteer for after dinner (6:30-7:30pm)

Childcare volunteers (18+) need to complete child protection training and background checks. If you have completed Westminster’s Child & Youth Protection Policy Training in person, that qualifies. Learn more and sign up at www.bit.ly/wpcServe.

• Antifungal cream 1 oz tubes

• Hydrocortisone cream• TUMS• Children’s chewable

Tylenol (acetaminophen)• Infant Tylenol drops

• Children’s chewable (not gummy) vitamins with iron

• Adult multivitamins with iron

• Prenatal vitamins with DHA

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Westminster Presbyterian Church

Created for Goodby Jim Walker

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

– Ephesians 2:10

Now is the time for pledging our God-given gifts to the good work of the church. The work of the church is ubiquitous and multifaceted:

• It offers chances to serve in the local community through Families Moving Forward or Urban Ministries’ shelter meals; as well as the global community through disaster relief and sewing projects for Haiti.

• It offers the chance to serve each other, perhaps by sending a birthday card or driving a member to worship.

• It is also the work, and joy, of the church to worship together each Sunday. For this we need musicians, lectors, ushers, acolytes, and more.

We hope the purple pledge forms are also ubiquitous. You may have noticed them in the Sunday bulletin, in your mailbox this week (if the newsletter is mailed to you), on the bulletin board outside the church office, or you may have even noticed one in your email inbox. Please take a brief moment to pray, thank God for your gifts, and consider how to share them.

Each year we ask you to complete a new pledge, even if your intentions and interests remain the same.

Pledge online at www.bit.ly/wpcTimeTalent by Sunday, August 27.

Paper forms are available in the church office and can be returned to the basket on the front desk or placed in the offering plate during worship.

Join Us, Singers! Westminster’s Chancel Choir welcomes you! All voice parts are needed. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:30-9:15pm and Sundays at 10am in the Music Room.

Our season begins with a dessert party and rehearsal at the home of Carol & Jack Walker on Thursday, September 7, at 7pm. We’ll sing for Rally Day on September 10 and continue with our regular rehearsal schedule on September 14.

One of many highlights this season is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation; music during the month of October will focus on this special event. Preparations for our Advent/Christmas season also begin in the fall.

We welcome new singers at any time, but the start of a new season is a great time to join. There are many excellent reasons to sing in the Chancel Choir:

• As a choir member, you offer a valuable service to the church, enhancing worship with beautiful choral music.• By sharing your musical gifts, you’ll enjoy wonderful music and rich fellowship on a regular basis.• Choir members are hard-working, fun-loving, and caring people. Your life will be enriched by joining this spiritually and

musically rich group of friends.

We look forward to welcoming you as we make a joyful noise to the Lord! Contact: Monica Rossman, Minister of Music ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 113).

Birthday Cards

Disaster Relief

Chancel C



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March 16, 2016August 16, 2017

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In the Library The Secret Game: A Wartime Story of Courage, Change, and Basketball's Lost Triumph

by Scott Ellsworth

Winner of the 2016 PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing

In the fall of 1943, at the little-known North Carolina College for Negroes, Coach John McLendon was on the verge of changing basketball forever. A protégé of James Naismith, the game's inventor, McLendon taught his team to play the full-court press and run a fast break that no one could catch. His Eagles would become the highest-scoring college team in America – a basketball juggernaut that shattered its opponents by as many as sixty points per game. Yet his players faced danger whenever they traveled backcountry roads.

Across town, at Duke University, the best basketball squad on campus wasn't the Blue Devils, but an all-white military team from the Duke medical school. Composed of former college stars from across the country, the team dismantled everyone they faced, including the Duke varsity. They were prepared to take on anyone – until an audacious invitation arrived, one that was years ahead of anything the South had ever seen before. What happened next wasn't on anyone's schedule.

Based on years of research, "The Secret Game" is a story of courage and determination, and of an incredible, long-buried moment in the nation's sporting past. The riveting, true account of a remarkable season, it is the story of how a group of forgotten college basketball players, aided by a pair of refugees from Nazi Germany and a group of daring student activists, not only blazed a trail for a new kind of America, but helped create one of the most meaningful moments in basketball history.

Thoughts on "The Secret Game" from Chris Tuttle:

"I read this book last summer and was blown away by this story. It is of a very special basketball game – the idea was hatched at a campus ministry gathering, no less – that should not have happened. But the players on both sides were committed to moving past the boundaries and categories that divided them. This book gave me a chance to reflect upon the history of race in this country and in Durham in particular, and the role two important schools played for a few hours one Sunday morning in 1943. This moving story also provokes the imagination: what might we do in our age to use our gifts to break down the boundaries that divide us? I strongly recommend it!"

Christian Education news

Dementia: Navigating the Long UnknownSundays, September 17 – October 15

6:30-8pm in the Music Room

The prevalence of dementia-related illnesses is on a marked upswing, affecting ever more family members and friends. Please plan to join us for this important and informative series hosted by Westminster's Mental Health Task Force.

The following local professionals will lead us:

• September 17 The ABCs of DementiaBonnie Thommarson, Home Instead Senior Care

• September 24 I Am Still With You: A Theological Approach to DementiaDr. Warren Kinghorn

• October 1Update on Dementia ManagementDr. Mitchell T. Heflin

• October 8 Dementia Family Care: What Happens? What Helps?Lisa P. Gwyther, MSW, LCSW

• October 15 Presentation by Dementia Inclusive Durham

A movie night is planned for October 6 (Still Alice). No registration is required for the series, but please sign up to attend the movie night at www.bit.ly/myWPCevent.

Contacts: Nancye Bryan (919-942-4033), Heather Ferguson ([email protected], 919-489- 4974).

Sunday, September 10 9:45am, Fellowship Hall

Children and youth are invited to come meet their Church School teachers while parents confirm their kids’ info on the class rosters. Breakfast snacks and beverages will be provided.

At about 10:10am, children and youth will go to their classrooms with teachers. Adults will stay to hear about the upcoming adult Christian Education opportunities. If you have never been part of a Church School class or short-term elective, come learn more about these wonderful offerings and meet the people who will be leading them.

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Westminster Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Committee Budget Report: Assimilation Committee by Katie DonowayIn a continuing effort to share a better understanding of the church’s financial strengths and needs, the Session is undertaking a series of newsletter articles about how committees work to define the mission and program of the church, and how the program is funded and managed through the operating budget. The fifth installment explains the Assimilation Committee's work.

The Assimilation Committee works annually with a budget of $400. On a regular basis we work well within this allotment. Our current year-to-date expenditures total $101.85. Our primary expenditures revolve around hosting two new member dinners. The committee organizes and serves dinner after the fall and spring Inquirers' class to our new members. This dinner among committee members, staff, and new members is an intimate way to get to know members and help share all of Westminster’s ministries and opportunities for involvement. We also use our budget to cover the mailing cost of Time &Talent pledge forms.

During years when the Assimilation Committee is organizing a new photo directory (2015) or printing permanent congregational name tags (2016) we have used almost the entirety of our budget. Westminster continues to grow and we hope that projects such as the directory and name tags aid members in getting to know one another. For the next 2-3 years we do not foresee any large expenses. We have enough supplies to provide name tags to new members and the children graduating from Godly Play.

We appreciate your continued support as we work to get people involved in the rich life of WPC.

Assimilation Committee members working on name tags in 2016.

- — GLIMPSES OF OUR TIME WITH LA NUEVA — -Sunday, August 6 | Photos by Kevin Rosemond and Ellen Vogel

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March 16, 2016August 16, 2017

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youth ministry news

Many thanks to the youth – and to the staff, advisors, and parents who support them – for a wonderful Youth Sunday on August 13!

RALLy Day carnivalSunday, September 10 | 12pm in the Courtyard

Join us for a fun afternoon to raise money for the Youth Fund, which supports summer youth trips and conferences! The youth will serve lunch ($5/person, $20/family) and we'll have:

Bring cash and join the festivities!

Bounce house

Face painting

TattoosCorn hole

Pie-a-Pastor! ($20/adults,

$5/kids) Wall o' Money

(Pick a numbered envelope from the wall and donate that

amount; checks/cash accepted.)

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Westminster Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Another exciting and busy summer is quickly coming to an end. Now we happily look forward to the 2017-2018 school year. Westminster School for Young Children's staff of 24 teachers will return on Tuesday, August 29, and will spend the rest of the week preparing their classrooms for students, who will arrive on Tuesday, September 5.

This year we welcome three new staff members. Katie Darst and Katherine Alvarez will be leading our brand new class of eight toddlers: the Caterpillars! Katie Hickey will be joining us as the assistant to Katie Donoway in our three-day class of two-year-olds: the Fish! Welcome Katie, Katie, and Katherine to the Westminster School team!

Summer is the time that we freshen up our playground by adding new mulch, sand, and toys. Thanks to Drew and Luke Alderman for hauling that sand into our two sandboxes! Come and enjoy this space with your children. It will soon be in great shape!

Next week, we will make our final delivery of donations to LEAP (Latino Education Achievement Partnership). This summer, our students have donated sand buckets, shovels, art canvases, colored paper, and playground balls. I'm sure the LEAP preschoolers will benefit greatly from these donations. Thanks Westminster campers and families! We will continue to collect new or gently used books for Book Harvest throughout the year.

We appreciate all you continue to do to support our families, students, and staff. Happy new school year!

Kathy StickleyDirector

Church Finance OverviewWestminster shares an overview of its finances in the newsletter each month.

July Financials

YTD Actual YTD Budget Annual BudgetIncome: $682,605 $671,169 $1,150,575Expense: $679,412 $718,708 $1,232,045Net: $3,193 $-47,539 $-81,470

As we make our way through the summer, there is generally a slow-down in giving. Please help WPC by continuing to make your pledge payments so we can meet our monthly expenses.

If you are interested in having your pledge contribution automatically drafted, please contact Elizabeth Takla ([email protected]).

Community Opportunities

As It Is In Heaven

Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts: Open Enrollment

Cub Scout Pack 451 (chartered by Westminster since 1967) is currently accepting new boys as part of their fall Join Scouting initiative. Pack 451 will host Cub Scout info/enrollment events on Saturday, September 9, at 2pm in the Calhoun Cabin and Monday, September 11, at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Children, parents, and siblings are invited to attend. The event lasts about an hour, and there will be activities for the children while the adults meet with pack leaders. Learn more by contacting Cubmaster Jeff Harris (919-797-6399, [email protected]) or visiting www.pack451nc.org.

Daisy/Brownie/Junior Girl Scout Troop 1806 will hold its annual enrollment for new rising 1st-5th grade girls, and renewal registration for current or transfer girls, on Saturday, August 26,from 11am-2pm at St. Paul's Lutheran Church (1200 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham). GS Troop 1806 will only temporarily enroll eligible girls at the August 26 event. Before making an enrollment permanent, GS Troop 1806 has to make sure there is a patrol in the right grade level with room to take new girls, or enough new girls and adults at that grade level to form a new patrol (new Troop 1806 patrols need a minimum of four girls and two adult co-leaders). For more about Troop 1806 and how to join, visit www.gstroop1806.org. Contact Chip Reinhardt with questions ([email protected]).

For Rising 1st Grade Girls: Families of rising first grade girls who want to be Daisy Girl Scouts in Troop 1806 should email Chip prior to August 26 to be placed on an interest list. Girls on the interest list receive special information about the joining process. Troop 1806 currently has nine rising 1st grade girls on its Daisy interest list.

Thank you, Fellowship Committee!Many thanks to the Fellowship Committee for organizing our

outing to the Durham Bulls game on August 2. It was a wonderful way for our church family to be together.

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WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH3639 Old Chapel Hill RdDurham, NC 27707Phone: 919-489-4974Fax: 919-493-4553westminster@wpcdurham.orgwww.wpcdurham.orgwww.facebook.com/wpcdurham

The next WPC newsletter will be published on September 6. The deadline to submit material is August 30.

To submit material for publication, contact Communication Coordinator Kara Pearce ([email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 101).

The newsletter is emailed. If you would like to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.

ACOLYTES 8/20 Ava Nichols8/27 Volunteer Needed9/3 Volunteer Needed9/10 Grace Ferguson, Kaitlyn Simonson

LECTORS8/20 Collin Day8/27 Mark Hill9/3 Lynn Leubuscher9/10 8:30 Andy Collins 11:00 Mary Beck Sutton

OFFERING COUNTERS8/20 Barb & Bill Burig8/27 Laura & Millicent Loehr9/3 Bill & Jeff Young9/10 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 Anne Wolf, Will Yancy

Worship Volunteers for August 20, 27, September 3, and 10Summer worship services take place at 10am through September 3. The 8:30 and 11am worship services resume September 10.

Worship volunteers who are scheduled for 11am services will serve at the 2017 10am summer services;Worship volunteers who are scheduled for 8:30am services will serve at the 2018 10am summer services.

To sign up for an open spot on a worship volunteer team, please visit www.bit.ly/wpcServe.

USHERS8/20 Mary Beck Sutton; Jennifer, Mike, Ben, Elizabeth & Andy Feiler8/27 Rachel & Jamie Chang; Monica, Neal, Lauren, Ella & Ava Nichols9/3 Chris, Molly & Henry McLaughlin; Christopher, Katherine, Charles & Liza Stanley9/10 8:30 Becky & Ron Sale, Volunteers Needed 11:00 Susan Landis, Izzie Hasse, Volunteers Needed

NURSERY Every Sunday: Infants, Toddlers, 8:30 2-5 yr olds - WPC Nursery Staff8/20 2-3: Katie Donoway, Volunteer Needed; 4-5: Volunteers Needed8/27 2-3: Kenzie Brannon, Joanne Finkle; 4-5: Volunteers Needed9/3 2-3: Volunteers Needed; 4-5: Volunteers Needed9/10 2-3: Meredith & Jason Butler; 4-5: Mike & Rachel Meyen

SOUND TECHNICIANSAugust Mark HillSeptember 8:30 Gideon Segbefia 10/11:00 Blair Chesnut

Preaching Schedule

August 20Preaching: Chris Tuttle

August 27 - Birthday Sunday, Officer Ordination & InstallationPreaching: Betty Berghaus

September 3 - Communion SundayPreaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman

September 10 - Rally Day; 8:30 & 11am Services ResumePreaching: Chris Tuttle

August 16, 2017

Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
