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What Are Administrative Assistant Duties

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  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    What are administrative assistant duties?

    In: Job Interviews, Labor and Employment Law, Adult Singles[Edit categories]


    Administrative Assistant- er!orms administrative and o!!ice support activities !or multiple

    supervisors" #uties may include !ielding telep$one calls, receiving and directing visitors, wordprocessing, !iling, and !a%ing" E%tensive so!tware s&ills are re'uired, as well as Internet researc$

    abilities and strong communication s&ills" Sta!! in t$is category also may $ave t$e title o!

    department assistant, coordinator, or associate"riorities

    (elieve management o! administrative detail, all pro)ects

    *oordinate wor& !low

    +pdate and c$ase delegated tas&s to ensure progress to deadlines

    a&e initiative in managers absence

    .eep pro)ects on sc$edule

    /aintain procedures manual to ensure consistent per!ormance o! routines


    *ompose correspondence0reports !or own or managers signature

    Arrange essential mail in priority action order !or boss

    *$ec& deadlines on incoming re'uests and put preliminary wor& in play

    rocess replies on own initiative or !rom bosses dictation or notes

    (esearc$, dra!t or abstract reports


    1andle all in'uiries wit$in my capacity

    Arrange 2callbac&s2 to protect bosss time

    rovide bac&-up materials !or callbac&s

    (oute calls elsew$ere as needed

    #o p$one surveys0in'uiries as needed

    Appointments0/eetings /aintain calendar3 ascertain w$ic$ events re'uire bosss presence

    4i% commitments to ma%imi5e bosss time e!!iciency3 Allow decision0des& time

    6$en boss c$airs meetings:

    -repare agenda in advance

    -Arrange meeting !acilities-Act as recording secretary3 prepare action minutes


    er!orm to earn bosss !ull con!idence

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    Assure discreet $andling o! all business


    Screen to control interruptions

    rovide bac&-up data as needed

    Arrange amenities as needed

    As arranged, 2rescue2 boss !rom laggards

    Sc$edule visits away !rom bosss area to protect priority0private tas&s


    Arrange travel t$roug$ internal or outside agents

    Arrange travel cas$ in advance

    repare itinerary, trip !ile and supplies

    repare e%pense report tools !or boss

    *omplete e%pense reports a!ter trip

    #ata /anagement

    Improve0tig$ten storage0retrieval systems

    +pdate and manage inde%


    +pdate secretarial0clerical des& manual

    Set up 2tic&ler2 system

    Set up 2e%ception reporting2 system to $andle routines wit$out supervision

    (outinely re-order department supplies

    +pdate mail0p$one directories

    /a&e t$ese available to trainees


    1andle administrative detail, all pro)ects See& greater role in pro)ects wit$in administrative and ot$er areas o! competence

    See& training on pro)ects outside my range


    As re'uired, recruit, $ire, train and supervise part-time or !ull-time, paid, or

    unpaid0volunteer secretarial or clerical sta!!

    At t$e advanced levels, o!!ice administration is about /E18#S !or $andling wor&3 it re'uires

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    a constant audit o! t$e way a company does t$ings, and willingness to roc& t$e boat !or greater

    economy and e!!iciency in getting wor& done" 1ere are some typical tas&s:

    Study and review company or department procedures

    (ecommend management action to improve standard operating procedures" resent

    comparisons on costs, ris&s, and bene!its

    #evelop and test new procedures

    a&e part in any administrative meetings to assure secretarial !ollow-t$roug$

    a&e initiative on re'uests and in'uiries o! administrative nature, especially w$en bosses

    specialty is not administrative

    repare and control administrative budgets

    Some Administrative Assistants per!orm only t$e duties listed above" 8t$ers per!orm t$em along

    wit$ t$eir secretarial duties" Still ot$ers speciali5e in 4inance, /ar&eting, ersonnel, or

    Engineering, !or e%ample, and t$eir title s$ould clearly e%press t$eir special area o!

    concentration"$e more clearly your title in!orms callers and correspondents about w$at you actually #8 and

    *A9 #8 !or your team, t$e better"

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    I am an ambitious, dynamic person, emphatic, communicative, result oriented and

    above all I love to work in teams. I have a proven record of fulfilling or even

    exceeding objectives and of coming up with creative ideas on the various projects I

    worked on.

    I have experience in executive search, head hunting, mass recruitment,international

    recruitment, training, team building, HR consultancy in various fields like IT, !"#,Real $state, Retail, Investments, $lectronics and %ecurity. &lso, I have gained

    knowledge from working both on national and international projects from the

    "onstruction'(uilding !aterials, )il'#as and *harma'+ife %ciences Industries.

    $xtremely dedicate in finding the right person for the position and also the best fit

    position and company for the candidate, respecting every step in managing with

    success each project.

    +ive and love recruitment, making it a hobby lived with passion.

    participation in projects in the public procurement procedures. &ctions in this field

    identify key data procurement procedures existing at local. and the possibilities of

    participation- formalities reuired to participate in public procurement procedures-

    permanent monitoring of regulations and conditions to ualify for participation

    procurement procedures- representation firm in dealing with subcontractors and

    associated partners to participate at auction

    / acuisition of technical areas for installation of antennas and base stations.

    keeping and tracking the performance of contractual relationship with the owners of

    rented space

    Reuesting of the necessary documents in the employment process and personnel


    HR Specialist

    Manpower Romania

    ublic *ompany3 ;,;;< employees3 /A93 Sta!!ing and (ecruiting industry

    #ecember =; > resent ? year mont$s@ ucure0ti, (omBnia

    !anagement of the employees that are work/based within our client companies by

    Reuesting of the necessary documents in the employment process and personnel


    !anaging various formalities related to the hiring process / updating our database

    1program used TrueHR2 with the information of the new employees, making

    appointments for the medical visit and the occupational health and security

    briefing, preparing addendums, termination decisions-

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    "entrali3ation of the monthly timesheets and issuing of the meal tickets order

    !anaging business trips costs 1payment reuests, account balance analysis2

    !aking monthly visits in order to handover the meal tickets and the documents

    reuested by the employees

    Transmission of the payslips

    "ontacting the partner bank in order to open and close business accounts

    %ending invoices to customers

    !anaged staff approximately 455 employees coming from Romanian and

    international companies.

    Junior HR Generalist

    BCR Procesare/arc$ =;; > 9ovember =; ? year C mont$s@ ucure0ti, (omBnia

    !anagement of the various formalities regarding to the hiring process / salary

    offers, labor contracts, job descriptions, addendums and money loss guarantee


    Transmission of the new employee information to HR service providers1occupational health and safety2 and to other collaborators-

    *rocessing of monthly employee attendance and management of the internal

    employee attendance aplication-

    Initiatives of activity improvement 1simplifying the internal flows, creating internal

    documents, developing working flows for the employee attendance aplications2-

    "ontact point between the leasing personnel providers and the payroll provider

    "entrali3ation and preparation of various staffing reports, databases needed in

    various ongoing projects, various presentations-

    !onitoring of the HR (udget 1training, travel, leasing personnel providers,

    occupational health and labour, insurances for employees2-

    *roviding support for the smooth taking over of 675 employees originating from a

    company transfer 1july 85652

    *roviding support for the creation and implementation of internal procedures and

    regulations for the companys9 HR area

    )rgani3ing the selection and the reacruitment processes for the vacancies within

    the company 1online annoucements, ": screening, holding interviews2-

    !anagement of the training organi3ation activities 1distribution of participants in

    groups, feed/back centrali3ations, preparation of the necessary documents2-

    $nsuring internal communication of various events;processes;projects-

    !onitoring and centrali3ing of forms and information regarding the employee

    annual performance evaluation-"reation of $xcel reports and *ower *oint presentations regarding the company

    staff, according to the received reuests-

    !anaging the relation with the client, a multinational company who activate in

    automotive field

    Recruiting and selecting personnel-

    *ayroll and administration of

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties



    / elaboration of employees contracts and documents, addendums to contracts and

    decisions according to internal changes

    / preparing employees separation notices and related documentation, and conduct

    exit interviews to determine reasons behind separation.

    / member of the disciplinary committee and responsible for convening these

    committees, as well as

    preparing the necessary documents for disciplinary actions application according toRomanian labor law

    / keeping the personnel files, managing internal data base with the employees,

    archiving personnel documents

    / managing the employees files- creating and maintaining various documents

    reuested by employees and authorities

    / reporting various reports regarding the absenteeism, holidays, sick leaves, unpaid

    holidays, salaries evolution etc

    / registering the labor contracts and the other changes in Revisal, keeping all the

    legal and internal deadlines

    / collaborate with HR department staff in ensuring the effective high uality delivery

    of the human resources service/ keeping records of personnel transactions such as hires , promotions , transfer ,

    performance reviews, terminations

    / responding to inuiries regarding policies, procedures and programs

    / maintaining up to date and accurate employee>s database in &%I% system

    / centrali3ing and analy3ing monthly time sheets

    / checking the time sheets data accuracy

    / salaries calculation in &%I% system

    / maintaining the relation with the bank - verifying bank accounts

    / ordering meal tickets for the employees, centrali3ing information

    / salary payment tables ? final, send to the financial department for payment

    Human Resources Specialist

    CRH Romania/ay =;; > resent ?D years mont$s@ Jimbolia

    *reparing all employment forms-In charge of preparing and maintaining accurate personnel files-

    $nsuring proper record entries in the #eneral Register of $mployees 1R$:I%&+2-

    *reparing the papers for lay/off activity-

    "onceiving employment certificates-

    )rgani3ing and conducting disciplary comitees-

    &dministrating the clocking system -

    "ompleting time sheets showing employees9 arrival and departure times1only for

    administrative departments2-

    Record employee information, such as exemptions, new hirings, and resignations,

    in order to maintain and update payroll records-

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    !aintaining the relationship with an external provider concerning final salary


    $laborating reports on employee turnover, absenteeism and overtime.

    Human Resources Specialist

    Real HypermarketApril =;;F > /ay =;; ?= years = mont$s@ imisoara

    Responsible for advertising job openings, recruiting aplicants, perusing resumes

    and conducting interviews-

    *roviding training to new employees to ensure that they become familiar with HR


    *reparing all employment forms-

    In charge of preparing and maintaining accurate personnel files-

    $nsuring proper record entries in the #eneral Register of $mployees 1R$:I%&+2-

    *reparing the papers for lay/off activity-

    "onceiving employment certificates-

    )rgani3ing and conducting disciplary comitees-&dministrating the clocking system -

    "ompleting time sheets showing employees9 arrival and departure times1only for

    administrative departments2-

    Record employee information, such as exemptions, new hirings, and resignations,

    in order to maintain and update payroll records-

    !aintaining the relationship with an external provider concerning final salary


    $laborating reports on employee turnover, absenteeism and overtime.

    Human Resources Consultant


    rivately 1eld3 G;;-;,;;; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    August =;;H > January =;;F ?D years mont$s@ imisoara

    $stablishing the proper methodology for recruitment 1through networking, data

    base search, direct search or advertising2-

    !aintaining the relation with clients and candidates during final interviews and

    decision period-

    *reparing the papers for hiring and lay/off activity-Recording and sending the documents and data to the headuarter for processing

    the payrolls-

    @elivering an induction training to new employees-

    *ermanent communication with the (ucharest office-

    $laborating job descriptions-

    *roject !anagement.

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    HR Administrator

    Arabian Construction Co.

    rivately 1eld3 ;,;;< employees3 *onstruction industry

    8ctober =;;C > resent ?H years mont$@ #ubai

    Handles full spectrum of HR administration

    @irect staff payroll reuirements and ensure they are met on a regular andconsistent basis.

    "ompletes a wide range of documents related to recruitment and termination and

    prepares salary comparison reports.

    @eal with the insurance agency for !edical insurance and travel insurance related


    *repares all needed documents for work permits, visit and residency visas as well

    as cancellations

    &rrange the documents reuired for visa renewal for the employees.

    "oordinate with *R) for all visa related issues

    &dminister HR/related documentation*articipates in the group meetings, inspection visits, investigations and clients visits

    :erifies Invoice *ayment and checks cost allocation

    *repares HR reports to the HR !anager

    "ompensation, pensions and benefits administration and recordkeeping

    @eal with labor relations matters and "oordinates for disciplinary actions when


    &ssist in the recruitment process

    !onitor attendance of staff

    Investigates and understand causes for staff absences

    !onitor scheduled absences such as holidays or travel and coordinate actions to

    ensure the staff absence has been adeuately covered off to ensure continuity ofservice

    !aintaining employee files and the HR filing system

    $mployee services and counseling

    $xplain employment standards and legislation such as workers compensation,

    labour standards and air *ractice, etc.

    HR Executive

    Pino Meroni Yacts !nteriors "#epa Unite$ Group%June =;; > #ecember =;;F ? year mont$s@ #ubai, +AE

    Handles full spectrum of HR administration

    ormulating, developing and implementing of HR policies, procedures and


    &dvise management and employees on uestions or problems relating to human

    resource matters

    *repare the staff leave record up/to/date

    *ropose Auality )bjective for HR @epartment

    !onitor and update employees personal file as well as records on increment,

    overtime, allowance and incentive

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    *rovide HR necessary information to the management when needed

    "oordinate with #eneral !anager for manpower planning, forecasting and analysis

    "onducting interviews for new candidates

    !onitor &nnual *erformance &ppraisal exercises

    &ssist in training plan

    "oordinate for disciplinary actions when needed

    !onitor attendance of staff.

    ollowing up the hotel reservations for the guests.

    Issue service certificate, clearance forms and salary transfer certificates*repare HR reports to the #roup HR @irector

    Recruiting, searching for candidates for our vacancies.

    &ny other related jobs

    Sales and leasing Consultant

    Bonyan Al &alee' Real Estate !n(estments ) #e(.LLcJuly =;;G > June =;; ?= years@ S$ar)a$, +AE

    *resent purchase offers to sellers for consideration.Interview clients to determine what kinds of properties they are seeking.

    *repare documents such as representation contracts, purchase agreements, closing

    statements, deeds and leases.

    "oordinate property closings, overseeing signing of documents and disbursement of


    &ct as an intermediary in negotiations between buyers and sellers, generally

    representing one or the other.

    *romote sales of properties through advertisements, open houses, and participation

    in multiple listing services.

    "ompare a property with similar properties that have recently sold in order to

    determine its competitive market price."oordinate appointments to show homes to prospective buyers.

    #enerate lists of properties that are compatible with buyers9 needs and financial



    *roperties !anagement.

    Dennawi Firas' Languages

    Specialist analst process Flow


    rivately 1eld3 ;;-G;;; employees3 an&ing industry

    April =;;F > resent ?G years mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    %pecialist analyst process flowB "ollection strategy, procedures ' outsourcing dept.

    Help in developing strategies, procedures and flux for various types of loan- *rovide

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    reports and update databases- @ealing with various ad hoc reuest ? internal

    reports for checking the strategies evolution and also regarding customer

    complaints towards collection matters- @ealing with customer complaints uickly

    and efficiently- !aintaining good relations between sales and collection

    departments- *rocessing documentations and accurate data- "hecking and

    importing risk customers in provider systems- !aintaining good relationship with

    the provider that we collaborate with- Implemented new analytics and metrics

    based forecasting tool and making allowing real time fact case decision making-

    @eveloped evaluations forms- good contributions in guidance materials for thecollectors- *reparing materials1test; evaluation2 for different customers risk grade

    -*articipating in test programs that collectors were periodically challenged-

    "hecking system issues or fraud systems- Corking with two products

    simultaneously 1 both materials, collectors and targets2-Ceekly meeting with the

    agents and with superiors- *rovide daily, weekly, monthly reports for superior in

    order to discover the way we can help the collection activity and apply strategies

    towards agents and also in our activity- @eveloping benchmarks in order to be

    implemented in collection- @eveloped high the performance of the collectors, to

    drive discipline growth in collection market- *reparing new procedures and flows for

    %(( sector- *reparing the D*+ files in order for the clients to be executed-

    @eveloping the %(( sector in network and collection- ind strategies to implementin order for department to be on profit- $valuate and report the stage where the

    objectives are and inform the management about the situations appeared-

    *resented financial statements and provided reporting interpretations

    !ro"ect #anager

    Linea #irecta Communications

    rivately 1eld3 ;;-G;;; employees3 /ar&eting and Advertising industry

    /arc$ =;;F > July =;;F ?G mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    *reparing the reports /internal 1useful for the company2 and external 1for the


    E )pen in creating, developing and execution/ short or long term, financial

    strategies customi3ed to meet clients need in profit driven- customer/ oriented


    E ace all reuest in timeline critical environment-

    E Initiated regular clients> mailings to ask feedback and maintain high customer


    Recommendation &lina !axi/colleague

    !ro"ect #anager


    ublic *ompany3 ;,;;< employees3 4( ;;;;GF;3 8utsourcing08!!s$oring industry

    July =;;G > /arc$ =;;F ?= years C mont$s@ uc$arest

    E *roject "oordinator on )range *roject/ from 56.65.855F/56.54.855G/ customer

    service/ inbound lines for prepay-

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    E 56.65.855 8ctober =;;H ?H mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    E To hand over the voucher dependent upon the faculty of every pensioner which

    has been finished the Jniversity

    E (ucharest and to serve for the old/age pension;retiring pension

    Customer care

    ,#E2,PA9ovember =;;D > 4ebruary =;;H ?H mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    E &ssurance daily reports and sending them to the companies that made the order

    for meal tickets-

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    E %end the invoice to the bank and have the confirmation by phone-

    E %end the meal tickets to the post and make sure that were delivered to all the


    Recommendation !IRJD& ()+$&.

    Denisa #i$aela Simiciuc's S+ills , Expertise6. "ommunicative- &ttention to details8. airness- &daptable

    4. &mbitious- *roblem/solving

    . Training

    =. Team !anagement

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    E @iploma B!% )I"$, 855

    E Italian/ advanced level

    E $nglish/ advanced level

    E rench/ medium level

    Contact Denisa #i$aela 2or3 consulting offers job inuiries

    expertise reuests

    business deals

    reference reuests

    getting back in touch

    (iew Denisa #i$aela Simiciuc4s 2ull pro2ile to555

    %ee who you and Denisa #i$aela Simiciucknow in common #et introduced to Denisa #i$aela Simiciuc

    "ontact Denisa #i$aela Simiciucdirectly

    *ersonnel &dministration Responsibilities

    / !anaging the relation with a total of 855 temporary employees-

    / *reparing the employment papers 1individual labor contracts ; temporary work

    contracts, job

    descriptions, addenda, decisions, work certificates2-

    / *reparing client certificates for employees of the department, at the reuest of

    customers and

    temporary employees-

    / *reparing and validating the monthly timesheets received from customers and

    sending them to

    the payroll department-

    / "ontinuous updating the database regarding the information about the


    / (eing responsible with the meal tickets orders-

    / !aintaining effective communication within different projects "inema "ity,


    Tiriac (ank / "all "enter, Imas, erroli, Interbrands, Jrsus, "oca "ola-

    / )ffering support to temporary employees and customers-

    / *roviding reports and statistics about employees when customers reuest them-

    / !anaging all invoicing procedures for the personnel leasing services delivered

    monthly to all

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties



    / !anaging the relation with health clinics and health ' safety providers-

    Recruitment activities

    / !anaging entry and intermediate level positions in different recruitment projects


    finance, banking2-

    / (eing responsible in maintaining the relationship with the clients and offeringthem support and

    status for an ongoing recruitment project-

    / @eveloping;Improving assessment and recruitment tools;tests-

    / %uccessfully managed recruitment projects from screening and selecting the

    candidates till job

    offer and signing the contract with the new employee-

    )ther responsibilities

    / "oordinating the administrative activity of the branch-

    / "oordinating the internship programs in the branch-

    / %upervising the activities of the trainees offering support, creating a friendlyenvironment,

    assigning daily tasks and giving feedback on their performance.


    M*)* PR,PER*Y MA-AGEME-*

    rivately 1eld3 G-=;; employees3 (eal Estate industry

    April =;= > resent ? year mont$s@

    Real Estate Coordinator 2or mini#A6 7 #ACR8 )etwor+

    .C. Minima4 #iscount .R.L.

    rivately 1eld3 G;-;;; employees3 (etail industry

    #ecember =;; > /arc$ =;= ? year H mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    +ease and service charge contracts management-ollowing rent and service charge payments for +andlords

    Degotiating terms of new lease contracts for future mini!&K; !&"R) stores

    *repare expense reports, approval forms, statistics and other reports -

    Run special projects and initiatives for the $xpansion and Real $state !anager

    !aintain the connection between $xpansion and Real $state @epartment and other


    *roviding support in order to select new convenient locations needed to build;

    arrange future mini!&K; !&"R) stores purchase all data and permits, reuest for

    juridical, technical, logistical evaluation -

    !arketing research-

    $nsuring support for it/ )ut departments for store openings, establishment of

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    store workstations, contracting suppliers, etc.-

    @atabase management 1offers, lease contracts, locations evaluations2-

    (usiness mail management-

    Typing documents 1statements, letters, lease agreement commercial observations


    Leeping evidence of department staff attendance at work -

    Ceekly financial reports regarding department>s expenses-

    )rgani3e meetings, prepare agenda, presentation and minutes for department

    !anager)ther activities necessary for a good ongoing of $xpansion and Real $state


    !ropert #anagement Assistant

    1acilitec Romania

    ublic *ompany3 -G; employees3 *ommercial (eal Estate industry

    /ay =;;C > September =;; ? year G mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    $nsuring the interface between services;utilities providers and owners.

    !anaging services;utilities contracts 1 duration of contracts,communication between

    owners and suppliers 2.

    !anaging services;utilities invoices.

    @rawing up monthly payments tables of maintenance costs.

    !onitoring the maintenance costs cash/in.

    $laborate the correspondence documents with owners.

    $laborate reports, minutes resulted from )wners &ssociation meetings.

    Issueing monthly order for meal ticket.

    Leeping evidence of staff attendance at work.

    $dit and submit monthly 1between 6/= of the month for previous month2 to #eneral!anager and external accounting service the payroll list.

    *repare and submit monthly 1between 6/= of the month for previous month2 to

    #eneral !anager and external accounting service the staff movement.


    .C. 1lamin3o !nternational .A.July =;;F > January =;;C ? mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    "hecking and supervision of the financial accounting of the activity points worklanco-

    Registration of documents in accounting accounts 1clients, suppliers, deductions2-

    Recording operation in economic and financial centers on detailed accounts of


    :erification of the balances of all managed accounts.

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties



    .C. 1lamin3o !nternational .A.9ovember =;; > July =;;F ?C mont$s@ uc$arest, (omania

    &nswer telephones and give information to callers, take messages, or transfer calls

    to appropriate individuals.

    &rrange conferences, meetings, for office personnel.

    "ompose, type, and distribute meeting notes, routine correspondence, and reports.#reet visitors and callers, handle their inuiries, and direct them to the appropriate

    persons according to their needs.

    !aintain scheduling and event calendars.

    !ake copies of correspondence and other printed material.

    %et up and maintain paper and electronic filing systems for records,

    correspondence, and other material.

    "onduct searches to find needed information, using such sources as the Internet.

    *repare and mail checks.

    )perate office euipment such as fax machines, copiers, and phone systems.

    Human Resources Assistant

    BluePoeni4 olutions

    ublic *ompany3 G;-;;; employees3 13 *omputer So!tware industry

    =;;F > resent ?G years@ uc$arest, (omania

    /&s a certified Human Resources )fficer I processed, verified, updated personnel

    related documents-

    /@rafted labor contracts and addenda-/"hecked and archived of medical certificates. @eclaration of the sick leave

    employees to "&%!(-

    /ill and manage the documents issued by the organi3ation-

    /Leep the track of employees worked hours-

    /Leep track of annual leave for each department, check time sheets with reuests

    for vacation, medical certificates during each month-

    /"ooperate with the accounting department to order and distribute the ticket meals

    for employees-

    /"alculate per diem for employees9 displacement and other transportation costs-

    /*reparation of reimbursement forms for the employees that had traveled abroad

    for business purposes-

    /*articipation in recruitment and selection process of the organi3ation-

    /"arrying out administrative activities-

    /!aintain relations with various suppliers; partners-

    /&ssisting the HR !anager with the daily tasks-

    /Cork with the Health provider in order to set consultation for occupational health

    and get medical service plans for new employees-

    /!anage the correspondence and telephone messages-

    /!anage organi3ational activities related to meetings with the foreign partners

    1accommodation, transportation2.

    / &s a certified %pecialist in safety and health at work/ I developed own health and

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    safety instructions, taking account of the specific work unit and Mob and

    communicate these instructions to all employees-

    /"heck if all workers have understand and apply the measures stipulated in the

    prevention and protection plan, and their respective duties and responsibilities

    established by )%H job.


    Hi3 cool 5aint Pantelimon56 BucarestSeptember =;;G > August =;;F ?D years@ uc$arest, (omania

    @evelop the teaching plans, for the classes assigned to me-

    @evelop lesson plans for the high school classes-

    @evelop and executed evaluation system to verify students9 comprehension-

    !anaged the various personalities of students to maintain a disciplinary code as

    well as a positive learning environment-

    *articipate in the general teachers meetings to discuss student evolution and

    develop strategies in order to meet students9 needs.

    Increased the number of young people receiving information about Romanianliterature and culture-

    &s *rofessor "lass !aster

    &naly3ed the evolution of the teenagers and establishing criteria of evaluation-

    $stablished and maintained relationships with parents in order to inform them about

    their children9 evolution; behavior-

    #uide teenagers to write articles for the highschool maga3ine.

    Cristina &ulacu's Certi2ications

    HR !rocess Analst German

    Bombar$ier *ransportation

    ublic *ompany3 ;,;;< employees3 #3 ransportation0ruc&ing0(ailroad industry

    4ebruary =; > resent ?= years C mont$s@ Kermany 0 (omania

    !ain responsibilities

    N $valuating existing HR processes and developing revised;new processes to align

    with all stakeholders reuirements 1as is ; to be2

    N!odelling all new processes in !% :isio and developing adeuate procedure for

    each process.N @ocumenting new processes, covering process maps, document;letter templates

    ' work instructions.

    N +ead process analysis ensuring that statements are reflecting reality, complete,

    consistent, concise, comprehensible, traceable, unambiguous, verifiable and that

    they conform to standards

    N @eveloping process controls and measures to ensure continual improvements are

    identified and performance is evaluated.

    N @eveloping document controls and storage approach to enable continuous

    updates to processes.

    N @eveloping process implementation approach;plan and communications. &ssist

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    with process roll/out.

    N *art of the team that is implementing a new #lobal %hared %ervices )rgani3ation

    for (ombardier.

    N@eliver trainings to the newly created HR %hared %ervices Team.

    Human Resources Administrator 7 Jr5 Comp,&en Specialist


    ublic *ompany3 ;,;;< employees3 *3 4inancial Services industry

    8ctober =;; > 4ebruary =; ?H years G mont$s@ *itiban& Europe L*, #ublin - (omania


    !ain responsibilities

    N Jndertake and deliver administrative, payroll and "'( related duties without

    supervision within general guidelines

    N &ccountable for accuracy and consistency of employees> information, along

    different application systems, including reconciliations and updates as needed

    *ayroll and (enefits

    N !anage all the flow related to payroll process according to law reuirements and

    internal procedures

    N "entrali3e information and prepare all needed documents for processing the

    payroll, in accordance with company>s specific procedures 1bonuses, private use of

    cars, medical leaves, vacations, overtime reports etc2

    N +iaising with vendor company for external services on all aspects of employees>

    administration and payroll

    N !onthly upload of the employees> wages in their bank accounts

    N *repare all payroll bimonthly situations

    N *rovide on/demand employee assistanceN "ontact person for benefits suppliers 1medical, life insurance, meal tickets2-

    ensure appropriate communications for the employees in regard of benefits> usage ;

    modifications ; processes- coordinate employees> enrolment to different benefits


    N )rder monthly meal tickets considering employees> presence at work

    N )perate personal and housing loans for employees- responsible for gathering and

    keeping afferent documentations ; files


    N !onitor all employment changes affecting headcountN Reflect accordingly the headcount modifications in company9s internal

    applications 1)racle2- keep up/to/date all changes and generate periodic statements


    N @raw up specific human resources reports for internal purposes 1ie headcount,

    mortgages, vacations etc2 and also for external purposes 1employment and salary

    reports for Dational (ank of Romania2

    N %can cv>s and offer support in the recruitment process

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    N !aintain personnel records updated

    N Induction for vendors or 4rd parties> subcontractors

    N *rocess and keep evidence of bills- monitor payments.

    nterns$ip in Human Resources

    *orna$o istems

    rivately 1eld3 G-=;; employees3 In!ormation ec$nology and Services industry

    July =;;G > September =;;G ?D mont$s@

    N "ontact the candidates

    N Jpdate and organi3e candidates> database

    N %can ":s, search for elligible profiles on recruitment sites

    N &ssistance to the Human Resources @irector

    N *articipation in interviews

    HR Coordinator

    E$itura E(enimentul si Capital

    ublic *ompany3 G-=;; employees3 9ewspapers industry

    January =; > resent ?= years ; mont$s@ uc$arest

    a2 %alaries calculation monthly salaries calculation using "harisma software-

    monthly time/keeping- meal tickets track keeping

    b2 $mployee administration employment contracts, additional acts, termination of

    the employment contract decisions, different kind of employees certificates 1bank,

    health, state2, completion of the $mployees $vidence Register

    c2 Recruitment and selection process handling the recruitment and selection

    process for the support departments 1%ales, )nline IT, !arketing, %ubscriptions2

    d2 !onthly reports for the company !anagement

    e2 !aintaining the relations with the +abour !edicine *olyclinic

    1maintaining the data regarding the medical analyses, verifying the invoices2

    f2 @ifferent events organi3ing 1"hristmas party2

    ndependent Human Resources !ro2essional

    .July =;;F > #ecember =;; ?= years mont$s@

    HR nspector


    rivately 1eld3 G;;-;,;;; employees3 /edia roduction industry

    July =;; > July =;;F ? year mont$@

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    / $mployee administration 1employment contracts, additional acts, termination of

    the employment contract decisions, labour book operating, completion of the

    $mployees $vidence Register, bank certificates, monthly time/keeping, job

    descriptions preparing, monthly salaries data inputting into the salary soft in order

    to prepare the calculation of the salaries, meal tickets track keeping

    / !aintaining the liaisons with the (ucharest Territorial +abour Inspectorate

    / @ifferent reports regarding the employee9s evolution

    HR nspector

    B!A 7 Business !ntelli3ence Alliance

    rivately 1eld3 -G; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    July =;; > July =;; ? year mont$@

    / $mployees administration 1employment contracts, additional acts, termination of

    the employment contract decisions, labour book operating, completion of the

    $mployees $vidence Register2 for various clients 1total no of employees around


    / !aintaining the liaisons with the clients

    / !aintaining the liaisons with the (ucharest Territorial +abour Inspectorate

    HR nspector

    martree Romania

    rivately 1eld3 G-=;; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    September =;;H > July =;; ? year mont$s@

    / $mployees administration 1employment contracts, additional acts, termination of

    the employment contract decisions, labour book operating, completion of the

    $mployees $vidence Register2 for various clients 1total no of employees 6.6552

    / !aintaining the liaisons with the (ucharest Territorial +abour Inspectorate

    / &dministration of the relation between the client and the &!)! regarding the

    agreement for graduate9s employment


    Mi(an &ier

    artners$ip3 G-=;; employees3 *onstruction industry

    August =;;D > September =;;H ? year = mont$s@

    Recruitment process interview planning, preliminary interview by phone, primary

    ":9s selection, maintaining the ":9s, handling the activity on the (estMobs site,

    conceiving and elaborating the posts for the vacancies, publishing the posts

    thorough an advertising company, ensuring the reali3ation of the interviews,

    supervision of the candidates during the tests, interviewing the candidates with the

    department9s manager

    / participation in the personal performance review of the employees

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    / participation to Mobairs

    / maintaining the relations with the +abour !edicine *olyclinic 1maintaining the data

    regarding the medical analyses, verifying the invoices2

    Lucian Calarasu's Languages

    *alent Ac9uisition Specialist

    8Pillar Global

    rivately 1eld3 G;-;;; employees3 *omputer So!tware industry

    July =;= > September =;D ? year D mont$s@ *lu) *ounty, (omania

    E responsible with the recruitment process on different positions such as %oftware

    $ngineers 1Mava, .D$T, *ython, *erl, *H*, !obile, Ruby, JI2, A& $ngineers, (usiness

    &nalyst, @atabase @evelopers, %ystem &dministrators, $ngineering !anagers

    E elaborate the recruitment strategy 1identify hidden talents, expend networkingand company>s pool candidates2

    E elaborate different recruitment reports, keep candidates track and update our

    internal database

    E interact with hiring managers regarding all openings and candidate statuses

    E improve the internal database using different $xcel formulas

    E offer support in signing the financial offer and labour contract with the new


    E inform the auxiliary departments 1!anagement (oard, HR department, inancial

    @epartment2 regarding the new employee

    E sustain a part of the induction training of the new employees, presenting facilities,welcoming email, general *ower*oint presentation, introduction to colleagues

    E improve the induction training by developing a *ower *oint presentation

    E sustain stay interviews with the colleagues

    HR Consultant

    ales Consultin3

    rivately 1eld3 -G; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    /arc$ =; > July =;= ? year G mont$s@ *lu) *ounty, (omania

    E follow and implement the steps of the recruitment process

    / posting job announcements

    / job presentation to the candidates

    / screening the ":/s

    / sustaining interviews

    / selection of the candidates

    / presentation of the short list to the client

    / evaluation of the candidates 1"*I interpretations, etc2

  • 8/14/2019 What Are Administrative Assistant Duties


    E conduct Head Hunting campaigns

    E elaborate the recruitment strategy

    E permanently inform the client about the status of the process

    E analy3e the market and offer consultancy about the market to the client

    HR Assistant

    Lu3era ) Makler

    rivately 1eld3 G;;-;,;;; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    8ctober =;; > /arc$ =; ? mont$s@ *lu) *ounty, (omania

    TR&IDID# R$%*)D%I(I+ITI$%

    E sustain induction trainings with several groups, composed of 8=/5 pre/employees

    1present company procedures and Internal "ode regulations, general payroll

    information, theoretical training about the job responsibilities, present the

    organi3ational culture and values, =% system2 for one of the company>s client 1a

    global finish company speciali3ed in phone assembly2

    E prepare the necessary material for the trainings sessions

    E assess the new employees

    E sign work contracts and explain the hiring process for the new employees

    E prepare different kind of reports regarding the hiring process

    E participate to the internship training process

    +$&%ID# R$%*)D%I(I+ITI$%

    E participate to the mass/recruiting process 1": screening, phone calls, present job

    opportunities2E schedule the pre/employment medical checks and trainings

    E personnel folder administration

    E solve and execute administrative tasks

    E archive the documents

    E draw up contracts of employment and personnel file when hiring, addenda

    E issue personnel documents such as work contract copies, work certificates, or

    medical absences etc.

    E constantly update the HR date base system

    E Mob @escription updates

    E prepare Health ' %afety notebooksE Headcount 1replace my colleague when needed2

    E prepare the reports for Revisal

    E collect and send information for the monthly payroll run

    E follow/up the employee absenteeism and corrective actions

    E keep the timesheet for more than 6F55 employees in !% $xcel

    E calculate and order the meal tickets for more than 6F55 employees

    E meal tickets management based on company rules

    E calculate wages 1calculation of sick leave, absence2

    E report to the management regarding the absenteeism rate

    E check and introduce the medical certifications in the timesheet

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    E check the bank accounts from the timesheet

    E report to the payroll department

    E solve employees> problems regarding the payroll process

    *rainee :nterns$ip;

    Lu3era ) Makler

    rivately 1eld3 G;;-;,;;; employees3 1uman (esources industry

    July =;; > September =;; ?D mont$s@ *lu) *ounty, (omania

    E front desk activities 1manage the phone calls, manage the employees problems,

    Kerox the employees documents2

    E participate to the mass/recruiting process 1more than =5 people per day, short

    interviews, test evaluation2

